youssefguedira · 2 years
I've finally seen that you answered the tag game. ❤️❤️❤️
What is 'any other day about'? Colour me intrigued... Also I wish you a wonderful day and hopefully you manage to find out what's going on with the whole notification thing! *Big hug*
in any other world is my beloved unhinged ramble of a diabolik / eva multiverse fic! it is currently not actually a wip because i havent started writing yet BUT it does regularly give me immense brain worms. essentially it involves eva multiverse hopping for the obnoxious romanticism value of it all and some of these multiverses include:
rival thieves au (BRAIN WORMS CENTRAL this one haunts me)
diabolik never leaves the island and eva's father doesnt die, mumble mumble crime, they meet on king's island etc
after this point my notes become less detailed and the last one is just "blue horse?????" but you know how it is
i dont have much else because its still in early planning stages and also theres a problem where i cant name diabolik in aus where he never became diabolik. but i'll figure it out. thank you for asking!!!!
wip ask game
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agrippaspoleto · 2 years
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Finn and Poe share a stolen moment in the ludus of the Ordo primis. Silk sheets and fine food came with obligations and duties, so called favours and unwanted attention, but for one night they enjoyed the sweet warmth of an unhurried embrace.
Takes place in between the two chapters of "Names are but Sounds".
Yeah, so I've written this slice of life snippet for quite some time but it kinda felt weird to post it for some reason. I wanted to write another part to it, but I never managed. And when @waywaychuck asked about the ancient Rome AU in a WIP game, I thought why not. At some point I'll write the rebellion, but for now have this angst and comfort snippet.
Please read the tags first. The fic deals with the non-con slaves and gladiators were confronted with even if there's nothing graphic about it. But I hope, the story manages to convey the hope and the stolen moment I intended it to be. And someday I'll write the uprising of the ludus, because stolen moments are not enough.
Under the cut you find the whole drawing.
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Fun fact: The mural in the background is a fotograph I took in Pompeji earlier this year and was basically the reason I wanted to draw Roman Stormpilot again. Thankfully for me, John Boyega also did a new photoshoot around the same time, which provided me with wonderful reference.
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Thanks for tagging me, @beansterpie 😘😘 I love these games!!
Tagging: @shortandbittersweet @mme-m @that-angry-devilbat @eyeshield21trash @ajayers-art @antifarichietozier @upbeatvampiria @foughfaugh @alphacygni @agrippaspoleto @guiltybystanders @notoyax17 @irisseireth @rosereggie @arancar-no-6
Were you named after anyone?
Yes, a friend of my cousin, and I shall hate her forever for coming to visit while my mom was pregnant and on the hunt for names
When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday, reading a fic
Do you have kids?
lol nope
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Quite often
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
Huh, that's a tough one. I'm not sure if it's the first thing, but I usually notice hands a lot. Otherwise, I guess height or hair or something like that? Also, their voice!
What’s your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings. I can't stand scary movies, but no matter how angst-filled the film/book/series is, if it ends well I can enjoy it
Any special talents?
Lol I'm not sure if this is meant for serious talents or party tricks, but either way the only thing I can think of is popping any of my joints? Maybe?
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Reading and writing and mostly fandom stuff. I'm also trying to get back to petit point
Have any pets?
No... We had a dog growing up but she died some years back... I'd like to get a cat once I get settled, though
What sports do you play/have you played?
It's been a very long while, but throughout school I've done swimming, handball and dancing
How tall are you?
170 cm
Favorite subject in school?
English and Biology, though I wasn't particularly interested in school tbh
In uni, I'd say Gender Through History, Ethics and Persuasion Strategies.
Dream job?
The dream job is no job. But aside from that... Something quiet that doesn't require much interaction with people, I guess
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the-last-dillpickle · 3 years
I love all the crazy ideas you have. So I would love to see snippets from the tain dating sim and plots murder. Thank you so much!
[ WIP ask meme ]
Glad you’re enjoying them and thanks for the ask! ;D I’ve already answered asks about both of these, but to rehash:
In Plots murder (excerpt available in the original ask), Garak gives his boyfriend, Julian, a fabulous massage...all while plotting the death of a Romulan he thinks has been sent to kill him. Inspired by this fanart.
The Tain Dating Sim is a choose your own adventure story where you, a lowly intern at the Federation Embassy on Cardassia, try to wine and dine Tain. Only in one ending do you survive your attempts ;)
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New Friends
The Alpha Quadrant is strange and Starfleet complicated. But Naomi Wildman is not as alone as she thought.
Read on AO3.
For @doodlingleluke, who wished for an interaction between Data and a kid, maybe Naomi Wildman. I hope you like it. Happy and relaxing Holidays to you, dear!
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humandisastersquad · 5 years
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Part 1 of my @startreksecretsanta gift for @agrippaspoleto who requested fluff with Garak, Bashir and Kukalaka. I have a fic in the works for more context but Garak has just finished repairing Kukalaka while a tired Julian finally gets some well deserved sleep. Happy holidays!!
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jacensolodjo · 6 years
Characters: Garak, Bashir
Warning: None
Rating: PG
Genre: General
Summary:  Happy Gratitude Festival from Garak and Bashir
Notes: I haven’t written for Trek in a while but hey. I think I did okay. Happy holidays.
Word Count: 360
Tagging: @agrippaspoleto @startreksecretsanta for the ST gift exchange~
Despite having experienced the Festival for half a decade, Bashir was always learning something new about it. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s part of the Festival itself to come up with new lore for it,” Garak said, in a conspiratorial tone of voice he often adopted when he actually wasn’t being serious. Or at least, that is what Bashir tended to believe. It was easier that way. 
In all honesty, Julian had stopped trying to figure out where Serious Garak began and where Joking Garak ended. 
The words “Peldor joi“ at least were a constant through the years, and a constant in the background. 
“And yet I’ve never heard that part of it,” Julian said as he pushed aside his drink and tried to ignore the scent of the burning Pateret leaves that permeated the station despite the station’s systems that were meant to scrub the air of such contaminants. 
“You finish writing down whatever problems a Federation doctor can have?” Garak asked, and Julian was jealous he didn’t seem affected by the smell in Quark’s. 
“Just the same problems I had last year, some reason they weren’t fixed in the interim.” 
“Ah yes, the supply issues again. Well, if I recall you did enjoy the prospect of being a frontier doctor. Frontier doctors don’t get proper supplies.” 
“It’s been over five years, Garak! And I’m pretty sure we’re no longer in the frontier.” 
“Maybe you just need to burn your problems a bit harder?” 
“I wasn’t aware tailors owned incinerators.” 
The smile that formed on Garak’s face probably could have scared someone else. As it was, Julian couldn’t help but smile back. 
“I am a man who can get his hand on quite a few things, you know that better than most, doctor.”
“Maybe you could use that skill to get me some non-stained saws.” 
Garak leaned back at that then smiled.
“Peldor joi, doctor.”
The scent of the leaves seemed to intensify as Garak got to his feet and walked away. Julian was pretty sure that was just a trick of the air currents. 
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outlawsontherun · 7 years
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Allan & Djaq being friends <3
Merry Christmas to the Robin Hood fandom, especially @agrippaspoleto! :)
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madame-yus-wife · 6 years
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Requested by: Make an educated guess 
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zombified-queer · 6 years
For the coffee asks: Mocha, jasmine tea and early grey tea. Thanks!
Mocha: Dream job?I wanted to be like, a famous poet but now I'm considering linguistic anthropology for the Job Security. Either that or the Star Trek team hires me as a xenobiology consultant for their episodes.
Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?God, um. I'm not into traveling, actually? Traveling stresses me out too much.
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?I'm going back to the Mojave and going full Fallout New Vegas. No rules, just leather bikinis and flamethrowers and Desert Drugs.
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gmariam19 · 2 years
For @agrippaspoleto, who sent me a great prompt yesterday! It doesn't hit all the points, but I think it captures the general idea? And there's finally a surprise kiss without any angst! Yay! Thank you so much! Enjoy!
The Feeling's Mutual
Finn ducks the baton of the first trooper and sends them flying backward with a flick of his left hand, then bashes the next one in the face mask before throwing them against a tree. He ignites his lightsaber and deflects several blaster bolts, giving Poe time to start taking down the troopers firing at them with his own blaster from where he is fighting at Finn’s side.
They don’t have far to go, but there are still a dozen troopers between them and their ship. So much for this being a friendly planet that wanted to join the New Republic: it was clearly a trap for the Resistance generals. One that Finn had sensed just in time—they weren’t far from the ship when they had turned around and weren’t completely surrounded by troopers. Still, it’s not looking good.
Then again, Poe has a burgeoning Jedi fighting at his side, so he has more hope than usual when facing such odds. In the few months since Finn began working with Rey, he’s made fast progress. The Force lends him strength and skills that often leave Poe in awe. They continue forward, Finn blocking blaster bolts while Poe takes offense, moving as fast as he can and ducking the shots aimed for him and not Finn.
Finn’s lightsaber cuts a wide arch through the air, unexpectedly making contact with a trooper who comes too close; clearly, they did not have much experience with laser swords. The trooper goes down screaming with one less arm. Finn looks both upset and angry about it; it may be the first time he’s injured a human being with his weapon.
“Keep moving!” Poe shouts, because he knows Finn wants to stop, to make sure the trooper is okay even if they are his enemy. Finn looks at him with anguished eyes, which is when Poe feels the shot hit his left arm—always his left arm. He swears as he falls to his knees. Finn is there immediately. He looks worried and scared,  like the last time this happened. And just like last time, more troopers appear and surround them, blocking the path to their ship.
But Poe still has his blaster in his right hand, and this time he’s not going to be captured and sentenced to execution. He looks Finn in the eye and nods, his finger on the trigger, ready to fight back. Finn shakes his head in disbelief. “I love you,” he says, and Poe’s heart almost stops.
“What?” he stutters, but Finn doesn’t answer, only smiles as he stands with his hands in the air to surrender. And then he casts both arms out wide, sending every trooper flying twenty feet backward. It’s like a lightning strike in the forest, only the downed trees are Stormtroopers littering the ground, some unmoving, others moaning in pain. Poe stands up and looks around, completely stunned. He didn’t even need his blaster.
“Are you okay?” Finn asks, and Poe’s mouth works silently a few times before he pulls Finn toward him by the front of his vest and kisses him, hard and fast. It’s definitely not how he imagined their first kiss would go, in the middle of a frantic getaway with his arm throbbing in pain. It is wet and sloppy, almost desperate as there could be more troopers arriving any moment, but Poe needs to do this now. Finn responds more than Poe ever imagined—and he’s imagined quite a bit—and it is perfect in every way.
Even over the pounding in his ears, Poe hears the scrape of armor and the distinctive inhale of a pained breath. He brings his right hand up behind Finn and shoots the trooper trying to rise with his blaster. It’s a clean shot to the head, and the man goes down immediately. Finn whirls, his lightsaber raised, but there are no more threats. They are all unconscious—or dead.
“Let’s get out of here,” Poe huffs, breathless from both the kiss and the chase, not to mention the pain in his arm. He walks toward their ship, the path now clear, but Finn is still standing in the middle of his small circle of destruction.
“What the hell just happened?” he asks in a stunned voice.
“You’re a Jedi,” Poe tells him, filled with pride. “That’s what happened.”
Finn rolls his eyes. “That’s not what I meant,” he replies.
Poe smirks. “Oh, that. Well, you slipped—so I made my move.” He turns and starts up the ramp, throws a wink over his shoulder. “You gonna follow, Jedi, or stand there with your mouth hanging open?”
“You’re such a nerfherder,” Finn grumbles, shaking his head as he jogs toward the ship and catches up.
“And you love me!” Poe replies with laugh. They hurry up the ramp of their small transport and shut the door. Finn faces him with a grin of his own.
“It was the heat of the moment and all that.”
Poe takes Finn’s hand and pulls him close. “Well, in case you couldn’t tell,” he leans in, teases his lips against Finn’s ear. “The feeling’s mutual.”
He pulls back to let Finn see the sincerity in his eyes. And then Finn is kissing him, and he forgets all about his injured arm and the ambush but knows only Finn’s lips. They are safe and alive and finally together.
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youssefguedira · 2 years
tagged by @agrippaspoleto, thank you!
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP file folder regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet of it or tell them something about it.
this isn't file names, due to how i organise my wips (poorly), but:
hades au
joe and nile post apocalypse fic, or the only hope for me is you
as usual princess bride au and star wars au (han joelo)
in any other world
house of stone 2
nicolegolas (outline rather than fic)
angels in my time
motoe au (it's been posted now even if it's still technically a wip, so i figure i can talk about it now)
cielo di cobalto
i'll tag (no pressure) @laviejaguardia, @ongreenergrasses, @non-un-topo, @nicolodigenovas, and anyone else who wants to play!
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agrippaspoleto · 2 years
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I wrote a Stormpilot A knight‘s Tale AU… Why do you ask? Because I needed enemies to lovers with my dears combined with puns about being found wanted. That line made me write over 5k in one weekend. Bonkers. Well, I hope you enjoy this mess as much as I do.
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For Alys (@juniorstarcatcher), who wished for a Kira/Odo fic in another time period which could be Holodeck related. I hope you like my little ficlet. Very happy Holidays to you!
Under sail
“Sails on the horizon!”
The cry from the crow’s nest interrupted Captain Kira’s conversation with one of her Midshipmen.
“It’s the Siren’s Booty!”
Finally they had caught up to the dreaded Pirate Black Trill. Kira shook her head. Seriously, Jadzia, what kind of idiotic name was that? She focused her concentration back on the game and turned to Worf, who was her first Lieutenant in this scenario.
“Have them prepare the ship for the confrontation, Mr Worf.”
The Klingon grinned and addressed the seamen.
“The rogue’s boat has been spotted. All hands, clear for action!”
Together they observed the crew as they cleared the glass windows from the officer’s quarters and readied the canons. Worf breathed in the fresh sea air and grabbed the railing.
“We’re making good wind. It won’t take long and we’ll have caught up with them.”
He turned to Kira.
“It will be a good fight.”
The Bajoran raised an eyebrow.
“Aren’t you taking this a tad too serious, Commander? This is just one of Julian’s holoprogrammes.”
Worf glared at her.
“Every fight is serious. Even one from Doctor Bashir’s and Chief O’Brien’s collection of historical holonovels.”
The Klingon put on his cocked hat and walked away to the bow of the ship. Nerys sighed. Why did she always cave to Jadzia’s crazy ideas? Because that woman had a stubborn streak that rivaled her own. Still, no more double dates with Jadzia. That was for sure.
Meanwhile Odo stood besides Commander Dax – or better the Dread Pirate Black Trill – and observed the naval vessel coming closer. Solids and their ridiculous entertainment programmes. Or better, Dax and her idea of fun. He still wasn’t sure how he had ended up as the “damsel in distress” in this programme. Because Nerys as well as Worf had balked at the idea. What did he say? Ah yes. “A Klingon is never in distress.” And Dax – of course – had insisted on being the Pirate Captain herself.
“So Odo, what do you prefer? Being in a cell below deck or bound to the main mast?”
The Changeling eyed his surroundings.
“It seems to me neither place is safe in the upcoming battle.”
Jadzia rolled her eyes.
“You’re being a sourpuss, Odo. This is all a bit of fun. The safeties are on.”
Odo grunted unconvinced and folded his arms on his chest.
Jadzia shook her head and threw her arms in the air.
“You’re no fun!”
The Changeling grinned his smug grin knowing full well how to get on the Commander’s nerves. Dax glared at him and said:
“Bind him to the mast.”
Odo rolled his eyes but didn’t resist. After he was bound Dax stood before him, her finger waggling in his face.
“Don’t change yourself out of the ropes! That would be cheating.”
The HMS Hotspur took up speed and soon the two ships were trading canon balls. The cries of the officers commanding “Fire!” could be from all sides and the smell of gun powder lay thick in the air. Before long it was too dangerous to use the canons and the crew of the Hotspur prepared to board the Pirate vessel. Kira had to admit that writers of this programme knew how to portray a battle without it being too realistic but still fun. She grabbed one of the hooks and threw it over into the rigging of the “Siren’s Booty”. After making sure the rope was secure she jumped into the fray right behind Worf, whose battle cry boomed over the whole deck. They spotted Jadzia standing next to the bound Odo almost simultaneously. The Trill drew her sabre and laughed manically as she challenged Worf to a duel.
Kira ran to Odo, ducking strikes and kicking butts. The Changeling stood stoically at the mast. When Nerys reached him he spoke very dispassionately:
“Oh my dear Captain. Save me from these dreadful pirates. My honour – but mostly my dignity- are in grave danger.”
Kira laughed while she started to loosen his ropes.
“Well, my Lord, you’re free now.”
The both of them stood awkwardly in the middle of the battle before Kira raised her eyebrow with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Odo looked at her puzzled but then nodded grinning.
“You’re right.”
With that he sighed dramatically and let himself fall into Kira’s arms.
“This is all too much for my nerves. I feel faint.”
Nerys stared at him incredulously before laughter bubbled out of her.
“Would a kiss make it better?”
Odo opened one eye.
Kira gave him a peck and put the Changeling on his feet again.
“So what happens now?”
“I propose to vacate this vessel in the immediate future”, commented Nerys drily. Odo followed her line of sight and winced. Worf and Jadzia were locked in a vicious snog. The Changeling smiled conspiratorially at Kira.
“Now, why should we leave? Computer initiate emergency transport, authorisation Odo Alpha Four Seven Three. Beam Commander Worf and Commander Dax to their quarters. Energize!”
They heard only parts of Jadzia’s indignant protest before the transport sequence was completed. Kira turned to her partner and grinned.
“My hero. Now we’re finally alone!”
Odo smiled and offered her his arm.
“Well Captain, I believe I still owe you a reward for you daring rescue.”
“I would say you rescued me from seeing things I never wanted to see. That deserves at least as much appreciation. Computer delete characters and set time to night mode.”
Together they made their way to the bow of the ship and made themselves comfortable under the holographic projection of Earth’s starry sky. Nerys leaned onto Odo, perfectly content and happy to forget the world outside for a change.
“That is better. This programme is quite nice without the noise and the battles. The stars are aligned differently but otherwise the sky isn’t so different from a clear night on Bajor.”
Odo nodded but remained otherwise silent. Nerys turned her head to look at his face.
“Is everything alright?”
The Changeling smiled.
“Yes, right now it is. I’m really happy with you, Nerys. I wanted you to know that.”
Kira beamed at him and closed the distance to give him a kiss. It was a sweet and loving kiss and it warmed them both soul deep.
“So am I, Odo. So am I.”
They remained cuddled up and enjoyed the light swaying of the sea.
“Still, let’s never double date with Jadzia and Worf again.” Kira said after a while.
Odo raised his eye ridge.
“Did you not enjoy my performance?”
He threw himself into her arms again.
“Thank you, brave Captain, for rescuing me from these ruffians.”
He dipped his back dramatically while raising his hand to his forehead.
“It was terrible.”
Kira had to laugh so hard that Odo fell out of her lap. Clutching her side while trying to subdue her laughter she said: “You’ve read too many trashy Human romance novels.”
Odo looked at her – delighted at her joy – only saying “My Captain” which set them off again. After they both calmed down a bit they laid together on the deck basking in the moonlight, holding their hands.
The Changeling turned to Kira.
“You know I’ll always save you, right? It doesn’t matter if it is Jem’Hadar, Cardassians or Bajoran scientists, I’ll always protect you.”
“Thank you. So will I, Nerys. I love you.”
Kira kissed him again.
“I love you too.”
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thebluemeany · 3 years
Writer Tag Game
Thanks for @conceptadecency for tagging me. I’m going tag @damnhardwork @syaunei, @alphacygni-8 and @agrippaspoleto plus anyone else who’d like to do this.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1.      In Times Of War
2.      The Chameleon & The Magpie
3.      Bad Dreams (still a WIP though, sequel to In Times Of War)
4.      Garak’s Letter Back
5.      My Friend
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes. I tend to write back unless life and work has gotten super busy. It’s always nice to chat to people and talk about ideas.
What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
Garak’s Letter Back. More bittersweet than angsty though.
What's the fic you've written with the happiest ending?
Chameleon & The Magpie. DS9 but with His Dark Materials style animal daemons.  
Do you write crossovers? If so, what is the craziest one you’ve ever written?
A Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead/ DS9 crossover called Incredible Tales. Basic plot: Bashir and O’Brien realise they’re actually characters in one of Benny’s stories and try and fail to change the course of events from In The Pale Moonlight. It’s definitely a crazy trip…
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Depends on the definition of hate. 99% of people in the fandom are lovely, generous, and kind.  I’ve received a couple of comments from people who one aspect of my writing was problematic ( basically I described Bashir as ‘the Englishman’ and that was taken to somehow to be whitewashing? Apparently you can’t be English and not white or something… I dunno, it was baffling.)
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes. Someone asked ages ago if they could translated into Russian for a Russian fic website. I said yes, it’s all cool and stuff.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I’ve had a lot of help from other people though in terms of ideas and plot points for my fics, but nothing where we wrote it together.
What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Depends on what I’m writing to be honest. I don’t really focus on the ships.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
I have one WIP in progress at the moment which is Bad Dreams. It’s been a while but I’m sure I’ll finish it. I write slowly and usually only one fic at a time, but I do always eventually finish stuff I’ve started. 
What are your writing strengths?
Structure, ideas, jokes.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Writing speed. I write very, very slow. It takes me literal years to finish a multi-chapter fic. Also description of movements, people getting from one place to another in a scene, Really struggle with that. I have discovered from beta editors that I don’t know how to correctly use semi-colons (does anyone?) Also sometimes because I’m more used to writing or editing scripts for work, I forget to put in a character’s internal dialogue, emotions and thoughts when writing prose. Sort of figure ‘well it’s the actors job’ and then am like ‘oh no, wait – this is a story, there’s no actor’.
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
I was going to say DS9, but I *did* write a story for a Big Finish Doctor Who submission when I was about eighteen that got rejected, so I turned it into a fic and put it on fanfiction.net. Then there was a 10 year gap before I got into fanfic proper with DS9.  
What’s your favourite fic you’ve written?
I’m pretty happy with In Times of War and it’s sequel Bad Dreams. There’s stuff I’d do differently now in terms of writing In Times of War if I did it again ( it’s all written in the present tense and I would change that now, but hey-ho) but I think the ideas, characters and plots of both those stories are really strong.
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finn-week · 3 years
Finn Week 2021 Round Up
Thank you so very much to everyone who participated! I’m not the best at promotion, so I know some people found out about the event only a bit before the week or even during the week, so I hope you’ll participate next year or in another event! I want to try to encourage Finn-centric content throughout the year and I have a few ideas, but if anyone has anything they’d like to see for that let me know!
As I’ve stated before, even though this round up has been posted it’s still fine to post something for the week and it will be reblogged and added to this roundup later. The AO3 collection is also still open for people to add their works!
Please also let me know if I’ve missed anything or if I’ve missed a Tumblr link, for example. I did my best but things may have slipped by me.
Format: Title by Creator | Rating, Pairings | Type of Work
※Fanart is general listed by the prompt unless there was some other title written.
※I haven’t included detailed tags or pairings beyond the the rating and the main pairing with Finn for this list, so do take a look through the tags for anything you decide to read.
Day 1
Elf Finn by nikaranikita | General, no pairings | Fanart
in ; out by mssrj_335 (Tumblr) | Teen, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Jitters by sluttysuperheroes (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
lights that guide you inward by commanderdameron (Tumblr) | Teen, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Not A Galaxy Far Far Away by politicalpadme | General, no pairings | Fanart
Release by Writtenonmybody (Tumblr) | Explicit, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Tattoo by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanart
Tattoo by issysunra | General, no pairings | Fanart
Tattoo/AU by justrunamok | Teen, no pairings, Fanfic
Vhekad Naast by svartalfheimr | General, no pairings | Fanfic
What's in a Name? by The_Young_Wolf | General, no pairings | Fanfic
Day 2
Compassion by issysunra | General, no pairings | Fanart
Force by agrippaspoleto | General, FinnPoe | Fanart
Force by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanart
Hands by politicalpadme | General, no pairings | Fanvideo
memorial by mssrj_335 | Teen, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Senses in Sleep by sluttysuperheroes (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Space Cadet by svartalfheimr | General, no pairings | Fanfic
You're Force Sensitive, Finn! by The_Young_Wolf | Teen, no pairings | Fanfic
Day 3
an idea, a home, a promise by The_geeky_fangirl (Tumblr) | General, mentioned FinnPoe | Fanfic
Erosion by svartalfheimr | General, no pairings | Fanfic
first flight by mssrj_335 (Tumblr) | Teen, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Jedi Finn by issysunra | General, no pairings | Fanart
Promises Cast in Silver by sluttysuperheroes (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Resistance by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanart
Day 4
Comets by svartalfheimr | General, no pairings | Fanfic
Family by issysunra | General, no pairings | Fanfic
found by mssrj_335 (Tumblr) | Teen, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Hope by asiminthering | Teen, no pairings | Fanart, Fanfic
Hope by RightHereInMyArms (Tumblr) | Not Rated (General?), FinnPoe | Fanfic
i’ll paint the kitchen neon, i’ll brighten up the sky by The_geeky_fangirl (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Refractions by sluttysuperheroes (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Day 5
Evil Finn by issysunra | General, no pairings | Fanart
Finn Comic Cover by butdoireallycare | General, no pairings | Fanart
Hearts and Minds by svartalfheimr | General, Finn/Kazuda Xiono | Fanfic
Home by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanart
Names by politicalpadme | Meta
space together by mssrj_335 (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
Day 6
Friendship by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanfic
The Dead Never Leave by svartalfheimr | General, side pairings | Fanfic
Day 7
Emojis by asiminthering | General, no pairings | Fanart
N7FAA52318 by svartalfheimr | General, no pairings | Fanfic
we'll count the stars and say their names by gmariam19 (Tumblr) | General, FinnPoe | Fanfic
The Shadow by cookie_rock | General, no pairings | Fanfic
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