#ah my fave trio
shittysmscreencaps · 2 years
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theloganator101 · 8 months
hi! i saw you make bnha critical posts and i hope this doesnt sound rude and you arent obligated to answer this but whats your opinion on the big 3?? when i was super fixated on bnha they were my faves lmao and iwanna hear more opinions about them, still mad about how they did nejire sooo dirty
Ah these characters... I remember seeing them so much on my tiktok that it only serves to make the canon versions of them more pathetic. So let's go over each of them shall we?
Amajiki: Let's start with the shy boi first. Honestly, he's a big fat mood for us introverts... but that doesn't mean I can't talk about THAT scene!
I don't really have a lot to say about him compared to the other two since I think his character is fine enough, but what I WILL say is that he's done so dirty when it came to Bakugou blowing him up.
Yeah. That fucking happens.
That is something Hori wrote and drew because he probably thought it would be funny.
Amajiki was rightfully scared to death of him and tried to get away, but Bakugou caught him and literally blows him up because he refused to fight him.
And again, this is all played for laughs and no one gets on to Bakugou for going overboard... not even Kirishima who should've been angry at him for hurting someone he's been getting close to!
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Wow! Glad to see people have their priorities straight here! And other than the occasional comment that gets what's wrong here, This once again shows how desensitized the fandom has become to Bakugou's behavior to where they think this is funny and nothing to be concerned about.
Because if Bakugou was THIS harsh during practice, imagine how it would go against an actual villain wanting to surrender.
Nejire: Oh Nejire, my sweet girl... Out of the trio here, Hori has done you the dirtiest.
Much like his other female characters in his story, you're only made to be fanservice and to just stand around and look pretty for boys to fawn over. To where your only shining moment was in a fucking beauty pageant, and not to mention Hori not even giving you a hero name while the other two get them.
You deserve so much better and to be just as well written as them.
Mirio: Honestly I don't have a lot of strong feelings for him since he's pretty simple.
He's meant to be who All Might could've chosen as a successor, but shows he doesn't need OFA to be a better hero as he strives to do it on his own.
But what gets me about him the most is that he never found out about Nighteye trying to groom him into being All Might 2.0 and his plan to get Izuku to give up OFA... and is now left to think of him fondly.
These three deserve so much more than what canon has given them, and with how much Hori screwed them over... it's better to just read fanfiction that expands on their characters.
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tarisilmarwen · 9 months
Ahsoka "Dreams and Madness" Liveblog
My week has sucked, let's get into this already, this is some of the only true joy I'm deriving from life right now.
(I'm okay but legitimately, my week has sucked, lemme have this.)
Ho daaaaayum, Hera bringing the fire to this meeting.
I am... annoyed by the emphasis on Hera as a maverick though, she was the Rebels character MOST beholden to the protocol and procedure of the hierarchy, the time she saved Kanan was the only time she ever really defied orders and dammit I have just patchworked myself my own answer okay so obviously she's normally very rule-abiding EXCEPT for times when her family and the people she cares about most need her help and no one else will give aid to her.
Curses upon my ability to iron out plot wrinkles I don't like.
Filoni must REALLY not like Xiono, he's giving him all the skeptic lines.
Course this is also one of the times the writing has to be hampered by trying to patchwork and salvage the Sequel Trilogy by explaining why the New Republic ignored the problem of the First Order until it was too late.
Man I am gonna cry ugly tears when we lose Antony Daniels, he loves playing Threepio so much, he's always up for it, never once complained that no one knows him from anything else.
Right so I get why they had Threepio deliver a message instead of trying to CGI frankenstein Leia into this but also Disney are cowards JUST RECAST THE MAIN TRIO I PROMISE NO ONE ACTUALLY HOLDS IT AGAINST ALDEN, TLJ JUST SUCKED AND SOLO WAS THE NEXT PRODUCT WE HAD TO TAKE THINGS OUT ON.
Seriously, the de-aging and CGI puppetry is starting to get uncomfortable and weird.
Chopper bout to throw hands in this courthouse lol.
I'm sorry, the emphasis on just how LONG this hyperspace trip is is absolutely making me reel with adoration for Ezra, he held the air inside the bridge of the Chimaera and the door closed and Thrawn in place ALL THE WAY TO PERIDEA IN ANOTHER FREAKING GALAXY.
Loosen up a bit Rosario, you're stiff.
Oof that little bow between Ahsoka and Holo!Anakin.
Huyang begrudgingly having to remember to trust the Force lol.
Ohhhhh bastard, he put explosives in orbit to stop the purrgil!
.....Making the ring against the planet like that was supposed to be a visual reminder of the Death Star right?
The look of subtle but dawning horror in Thrawn's face when he realizes Ahsoka was Anakin's padawan lololol.
Like, "Ffffffffffffff--"
"Jedi are very good at hiding. They've been practicing that for years." Ah yes, excellent, another moment/quote I can add to my collection of "Thrawn barely containing his seething loathing of Ezra" bits lol.
*perks* Oh? Are we at the interesting parts now?
Ahhhh yes the minivan convoy with mom and dad Sabezra at the front.
There should have been waaaaaay more infodumping in this conversation, I need Ezra to boggle over everything.
Sabine still avoiding the question, but lol at Ezra's "The usual level [of complicated] or worse?" that's so cute.
Ugh and he doesn't push her to talk about it, he's still so considerate of her armor and walls.
Someone, maybe multiple someones commented that they could see serious Two Towers aesthetics in this and... yeah no this is super LOTR-esque.
Lars Mikkelson continuing to kill it with his performance, as basic as it is.
I'm ignoring this, I'm pretending she reached out to Ezra instead.
"Took me in when I really needed help." Ohhhhh do not do that, do not plant hurt/comfort ideas in my head ghgkasuhfkauhf.
He is so softly concerned about her aaaaahhhhhh.
I saw a few people confused by Baylan basically abandoning Shin to things here when he was acting so fond of her last episode so let me maybe shed some light on that situation. Ahem:
So yes, Baylan chucking Shin out to find her destiny or whatever because whatever it is that he's trying to seize power from is making him completely overlook her feelings.
Ezra can't leave the one crashed one, awwwwww.
Frick, him being the Noti's protector is just so frigging cute. I need fluff fics.
Battle Couple Sabezra now? Y/Y?
Baylan's whole demeanor is changing, it's like he's soaking up the Dark Side energy of this place. Once again, awed by Ray Stevenson's sheer presence. The man feels massive and he's just standing there.
I'm grinning.
But also I wanna see Ezra hold his lightsaber again, pretty please?
Ahsoka doing much better now that she has both her blades this time.
*pillows hands* Can I watch Ezra forever please. I missed you son. Never leave me again.
Oh man, how much dread and chagrin do you think Ezra had when he saw the stormtroopers?
Ho ho Thrawn looks eager for this.
(They are this close to holding hands you guys.)
This is probably giving Ezra flashblacks.
Oh sue me I want some angst and whump and pain to have happened in the interim.
Ahsoooooookkaaaaaaaaaaa! :D
Oh for, please stop using the beskar as literal plot armor. It sucks a lot of danger out of the fight.
Thrawn being all Xanatos Gambit like the pro he is.
Shin looking like she might cry, oh wow actual emotions.
Oh gosh, don't jinx it don't jinx it don't jinx it...
Wheeeeeeeeee that was... fun, actually!
The Sabezra bits were adorable. I have quibbles here and there but I'm just so happy being Sabine being happy and content and seeing Ezra being... Ezra.
Nervous for the last ep though. Hhhgnghhhhh I am very much stressed and I do not wish to be.
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jovenshires · 8 months
Here's a Halloween ask because you seem hyped and my country doesn't celebrate it: what do you think would be good couple/group costumes for some of your fave Smosh ships/dynamics? Also I love your edits so so so much they really scratch the brain good -dot hell anon
AH i am honored to receive this ask bc i have been thinking about it ofc. also tysm im glad you enjoy <33333
spencer and tommy - obv i've thought about this a TON and i think they would have multiple costumes. one kinda basic that they can just throw on and wear to parties - like cowboys. just super simple. but what they would take pictures in? some insane movie reference. like the brother and mom from hereditary.
shayne, courtney, and damien - they have The opportunity to go as ken, barbie, and allan. why would they not.
keith and noah - miles morales and peter parker. end of discussion.
angela and amanda - oh they have so many cute options. sun and moon, glinda and elphaba, mario and luigi. any of these would be fun!!
bonus: you can add chanse and/or arasha into any of these combos and make it a group costume. sun/moon/stars/clouds. glinda/elphaba/fiyero/boq. mario/luigi/bowser/peach. the golden four know no bounds.
kimmy and courtney - pspsps please y'all wanna do a daphne and velma moment so bad.... bonus shayne and damien can be fred and shaggy if you want but idc im thinking about Women
shayne and damien - finn and jake adventure time. its the perfect time to do it if you really think ab it.
jackie and shayne - yzma and kronk and im taking no questions, comments, or concerns at this time
jackie and damien - i would pay. I WOULD PAY. for baz luhrman's romeo & juliet. you know the scene. with the angel wings. i would die.
spencer and courtney - sharkboy and lavagirl. once again i am taking no questions.
noah and chanse - mermaid man and barnacle boy. im so serious. you can decide who is who.
tommy, spencer, and courtney - team rocket is meowth. either spencer or courtney is meowth and tommy in every iteration is in drag as jessie. thank you for your time.
olivia and courtney - olivia rodrigo and sabrina carpenter. she's topical!
arasha, chanse, angela - i feel like these three have real opportunities to rock trio costumes. alvin and the chipmunks, the sanderson sisters, mean girls, powerpuff girls. so many options. chanse is in drag for most of these too absolute added bonus
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m0on-shro0m · 7 months
Tango and Martyn.
Or flower ranchers.
I think you already know who I am.
- 🧇
Ah yes, Grian’s lovely iconic waffle!
Well flower ranchers isn’t a trio that I look for, and Martyn and Tango is like my special interest of a duo— so either I spread PROPAGANDA for a underrated duo or a trio that’s very popular (not as Desertduo but still fairly popular)
I’ll go with Martyn and Tango for the sake of spreading my fave duo that I put together in mind.
Martyn and Tango. Tango and Martyn. Firewood. Angerduo.
The two blondes that are against each other in almost every season of the life series. In total, Martyn has killed Tango at least 3 or 4 times, of my knowledge, without fail. Tango has at least killed Martyn back once or twice.
In the beginning of 3rd Life, Tango had already shared his feeling on Martyn and that he’s suspicious of the blonde after the silly trolling guy had played fake creeper sounds and was basically bringing death to others (phantoms wise). That’s where the start of the turmoil begin between the two characters!
Throughly they have always challenged each other and Martyn happens to just make things harder for Tango, especially like the time Martyn had make Tango reconsider the rules of the game (with others as well pushing the rules) that he made I think in Last Life or 3rd Life.
If you also notice, they both get frustrated easily, not in the same circumstances but they both do throw fits— especially when something doesn’t go their way. Take an example when Martyn had lost against Monoply mountain, his traps not going to plan (although anyone would be frustrated by that) and more that I can’t remember through out the series. While Tango is very much known for his bitter rage when he gets robbed of something that obviously marks precious to him (if that’s the right word). They both just angry fits but show it differently as Tango is more sporadic or more wild to word better, while Martyn is more cold and calculated or something like that.
And I will say by recent events of Secret Life, Tango and Skizz have mentioned Martyn multiple times as a potential member of the Heart Foundation as “The Muscle” and for his great observations.
Sorry if this is all over the place because my brain around these two are just over the walls and I haven’t taken my meds- but anyways-
Martyn and Tango have been literal rivals from the very beginning and they have grown into more of friendly type of rivalry with more consideration of each other’s helpful traits. These two would literally be unstoppable in way of calculating traps.
Martyn is great for his strategies and charisma, while Tango is great with his redstone and building skills! Not to mention how bloodthirsty they could get, especially Martyn. He would enable Tango’s anger so much but by letting him manage the anger and put it into his contraptions.
These two would just be rivalry unhinged together and this is why I love these two.
Live Laugh Love Firewood/Angerduo!
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20 questions for fic writers!
thank you for the tag lovely kay @xjustakay <3
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
Six so far!
2. What’s your total ao3 word count?
57,991 —which might not seem much but still, very proud of it, specially because a year ago, I wouldn’t have dreamed writing that many words.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
So far only marauders, but I have some drarry/golden trio era in the making, as well as some PJO and GO so, we’ll see!
4. What are you top 5 fics by kudos?
Since I don’t have that many I’ll only put my top three:
Archenemies (or so he thought) -> Sirius hunts down his bestie James for ditching him on a prank and finds him cuddling with the enemy (a black cat) who turns out to be more of a pain in the ass than he expected, especially because for some reason, the little shit acts a lot like his brother.
Don’t threaten me with a good time -> Ah, Black cats, mischievous little things, aren’t they? Known for being a pain in the ass for older brothers, a good companion for best friends and devil incarnated for lovers and love ones alike.
When it rains -> It all comes down to a certain bus stop on a rainy week. Between interesting chats, pastries and being almost ran over by a purple car, there’s something about the person they share the bus stop with that seems familiar. (Basically a bunch of meet-cutes and pinning idiots being, well, idiots)
5. Do you respond comments? Why or why not?
I do, yes! I love responding to comments but sometimes I tell myself I’m going to answer later in the day and I forget :( but I do love comments, they make my day every time. 💘
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hands down it will be slow dancing in the dark, the whole fic is quite angsty, at least for me, but I wouldn’t say it has a angsty ending, maybe a little— nvm I just re-read it. Yeah, it’s sad.
7. What is a fic your wrote with the happiest ending?
My babygirl some sunny day, that fic is my go-to when I remember this fandom is based in death, angst and misery hahaha. Some sunny day is like a, well, a ray of sunshine lmao. It has my favorite setting, my fave pairs and some Spanish here and there. Love it dearly.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Thankfully no, maybe some weird ones but nothing that I would count as hateful. Really grateful for that, dunno what I would do if I were to receive those on a daily basis, never post again most likely lmao.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Haven’t post smut yet but I wrote some, still in the doc and everything but is there, waiting to be posted 😈
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest you’ve written?
Not really my thing, no. but maybe! who knows
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, haven’t looked Wattpad yet tho.
12. Have you ever has a fic translated?
No, but if anyone would want to, it would be lovely!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
It’s in the making, actually! @sequinhaze and I are doing a drarry fic, so there’s that 😌
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
All-time favorite is a not easy to answer, i mean currently it’s drarry and jeggy but my first was Percabeth and Solangelo, I was a sucker for them and still am. So maybe them.
15. What’s a wip you what to finish but doubt you ever will?
The empire of the sun trilogy jsjsjs maybe I’ll finish the first one but the other two seem pretty far away for me right now, but one never knows so.
Also copying Kay’s answer here because my google docs also looks like a graveyard of unfinished works lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I believe I give a solid characterization and maybe storytelling (?? Inner monologue maybe? love to see the chaos i created in my little puppets.
17. What are you writing weaknesses?
Run on sentences, I’ve been told I tend to do that a lot hehe and comas —also it costs me greatly to just write, if I’m not in the mood it’s hard for me to just go for it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
1000% I’m favor. Some of my fics have French/Spanish in them, I like the idea of leaving non-spanish speakers to go to the end notes or to google translate or straight-up wonder what the hell I’m talking about jsjsj
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Some 1D and JB back in the day, so you bet your asses y/n and I were besties
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
About time, scars and the brightest stars is my absolute favorite. That fic is the love of my life, it has everything I love and more and rn I can put the link bc I took it down so I can finish it all and post it in one go but yeah, that one.
no pressure tags: @sequinhaze @a-fiery-fox @residentrookie @magswrite @fruityindividual @nevvaraven @inevitablestars @arakhnee
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bcbdrums · 10 months
I've noticed you got into soul eater somewhat. What are your favorite characters and why? You don't have to answer this I was just curious I've only heard of soul eater through your blog.
Ah yes, I'll tell you exactly how that happened.
So back in June....
Me: You're into Soul Eater now, what's that? Friend: It's MINE you can't have any. Me: Ohh-kay lol.
Jump to August, when I drove about 14 hours to my friend's house...
Me: We're gonna go fishing, and shopping, and go to the fair, and go to the caves, and eat nacos, and we're gonna— Friend: LET'S BINGE SOUL EATER ALL WEEK Me: Ohh-kay lol.
And that's the long and short of that LOL @midnightcaptions ain't even sorry. Neither am I.
I was surprised I liked it actually, I hadn't expected to. The characters especially are very creative and have a depth that intrigues me. Also, the universe is so complex I feel like....you can't actually understand the whole thing on your first watch? Gotta watch the show many times to fully comprehend how that universe's magic works... And even then maybe not get it. I know it's confusing the heck out of me.
Fave chars... I'll start by saying I love all of them. Like I said, each one is creative and has a lot of depth. But I do have faves.
I'm addressing the beginning of this answer as if to people who are familiar with the show, and after that, I'll answer it as if to those who are not familiar like yourself. You can skip to that if you want. So for those who KNOW what Soul Eater is all about....
I'm pretty obsessed with Stein and Spirit. Not as a ship, but... I wanna know their story. I wanna know about their academy days, about these "experiments" Stein did... I wanna know about Spirit's ex-wife and how she actually managed to get him away from Stein. And where is Maka's mother, really. I just know there's a LOT more going on there than what's said onscreen. Because of what we know about the academy in the present day, we can make assumptions about the past....and too many things just don't add up. Like...none of it. None of it adds up. So yeah, those two are my current faves and I'm slowly developing headcanons to fill in all those gaps that have me so desperately curious. As of right now, my fave ep is the ep where Stein and Spirit team up again for the first time against Crona. They're both just so awesome in that ep and I love it. A little glimpse of what things should be like... What a meister and weapon partner at ultimate synchronicity should be... Idk. I just really like them. As to the main three and their weapons, I think I like them all equally? They're all unique and each pair's story is unique (or trio in Kid's case). I don't think there's been any episode I've been disappointed in... Like, if it's a Maka and Soul ep, I'm excited. Black Star and Tsubaki, I'm excited. Kid and the twins, I'm excited. I'm excited for all of it. And especially for anything that gets more into the academy's history and all that, like I kinda said before. I even like Excalibur, lol.
OKAY. Now for you, Anon, and anyone who doesn't know what Soul Eater is....
It's set on earth, but it is still its own universe. Like how Marvel for example is set on earth, but you just accept superheroes and magic stuff. So Soul Eater is the same, it's earth but you accept some magic stuff. The story mostly takes place in Death City, which is in Nevada. The main characters are meisters and weapons. A weapon is a human with the ability to transform into a literal weapon, such as a scythe, sword, pistols, and more. Each weapon has a meister. There is a school, the academy, which trains weapons and meister pairs to go out and hunt for evil spirits and destroy them, to protect the earth from evil, and later on more specifically, from madness. This school is run by the Grim Reaper. So the meisters and weapons are all in service to him. The main characters are like, pre-teens/teens. Maka (meister) and Soul Eater (her weapon), Black Star (meister) and Tsubaki (his weapon), and Death the Kid (meister and son of the Grim Reaper) and Liz & Patty Thompson (his twin weapons). There are other main characters but any further mentions would give spoilers... There's spoilers enough already been said in my prior rambling. So that's...the setting. And then of course, stuff goes down. Serious villains show up, gotta save the world from madness... That's all I'm gonna say, no spoilers.
This show is not for kids, lol. And I highly recommend NOT looking up anything that will spoil, it's too confusing and will ruin it. Just watch it. It's only like 52 episodes or something so it's easy to get through. Oh and the manga goes off in a diff direction so again, don't look stuff up cuz even worse spoilers if you get into manga stuff.
So....yeah. It's interesting. Thanks for the ask.
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jedinightsister · 4 months
2 qs :) 1) what’s your favourite slow horses duo/team up? shirley/anyone is always prime entertainment but in the later books lech and louisa have been surprisingly competent together. Also shirley/river/jk coe “huddling” (“it’s not touching its survival!!!”) was hilarious
2) what do you think of the casting for the new characters? Obvs will reserve judgment for when I’ve seen their take on the characters but the actor they chose for whelan for example I think is maybe…. Too conventionally attractive lol. Like I remember him being described as balding. Ofc a good actor can serve us pathetic realness regardless of their looks! I mean we already we have Jack lowden as river
Tysm for the q's anon! My answers under the cut<3
That is so hard... I think I love that they always mix it up, so we can see all kinds of dynamics between the characters y'know. Like, they have a go-to pairing (ex. Min and Louisa, Shirley and Marcus), but they also switch things up to bring out a different kind of interaction. Whether it's supportive, deprecating, etc. it's just awesome.
For my personal faves tho, there's a lot and I will name them all from what I can remember.
1. Shirley and Marcus. Even after Marcus is gone, the ripple of this friendship in Shirley's life is just so strong, it is both amusing and heartbreaking. That despite how much antagonistic Shirley is toward him, she grew to genuinely care about him in her own way, to reciprocate how he cared about her. I'm scared af for season 4 because this is coming. Part of me doesn't want them to push through with it, but again, I love the effect of his loss on Shirley, for better or worse.
2. Louisa and Min. Bit of a similar sentiment here. Min's loss really takes its toll on Louisa and how she interacts with everyone else. But when they were still together, I also enjoy how they balance each other out. Min really wears his heart on his sleeve and tries to get Louisa out of her shell. And we see Louisa's struggles with that.
3. Louisa and River. The "competent" ones of Slough House hahaha. A duo I'm glad because we will see more of. I love the parallel of both of them dealing with loss (Min and Sid) and again, being the "competent" ones compared to everyone else. River being his hero complex, loser self, and Louisa not letting him off the hook so easily. Ah, there's the word I'm looking for-- accountable. They hold each other accountable, especially for this next pairing.
4. Shirley and JK. I don't even know what to say for these two 😆😆 They are the outsider crazies, Shirley being the super noisy cuz she high on drugs, and JK being absolutely silent but having the darkest intrusive thoughts. Both however seem to really share this dark, violent streak, and the fact that their team up resolved the conflict in London Rules instead of River and Louisa, it always cracks me up 😆
5. That said, River-JK and Louisa-Shirley team ups also one of my faves. Gotta put them together in one because the dynamic is somewhat similar. River and Louisa trying to "babysit" JK and Shirley while they do the "adult" work of investigating. JK's paint accident and Shirley's stint with a bat...oh dear. 😆
6. Louisa and Emma. I know Emma doesn't technically count as a Slow Horse, but she might as well be in Joe Country. Their friendship was so precious to me and I wish we got more. 🤧
7. Agree with you anon, Shirley/JK/River is also top of my list. The comedic trio we never knew we needed, so of course Mick Herron said " can't let my readers have nice things" and k-worded JK 🥲 his final moments with Shirley are so devastating like... Grrr.
8. Unfortunately I dont remember Louisa and Lech's dynamic specifically, but I am pretty sure I loved it as well??? I know I liked that a bit of an unhinged fella took JK's place a lil bit lol. I just love the more chaotic Slough House is with their different personalities.
I quite like the new castings!
Emma Flyte looks great. And her brief interactions with Lamb were already iconic haha.
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We haven't seen JK Coe in the trailers or pics yet, but based on the actor himself, I can totally see him pulling off JK's isolative silence and eventual killer instinct madness lol.
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I'm not sure how I feel about Frank Harkness. I know the actor from his other roles, but I'd like to see more of how his interactions with River go.
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I have to agree that Claude Whelan casting feels off from the surface, but because of having seen him on Blood And Treasure, I actually think he's perfect given Claude's slimy personality haha.
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seijorhi · 1 year
rhi, my love!!!
i know. its been too too TOO long 🥲 how have you been?? i hope life is treating you beautifully because you deserve nothing less. i am at the icky part of life where all i know are job apps and job interviews yuck.
i have to chime in on this one because..?
now. you’ve heard me wail about this many many times, but i will never get over your characterization. i loved how you separated the trio’s interactions with the reader’s cousin and how distinct their reactions were? kuroo maintaining his superiority in the office. akaashi being his overly cool self and inviting the biggest threat to them to dinner for a casual bowl of ramen (the way he was just redirecting everything and reminiscing too was *perfection*). and ah. bokuto. i can’t help but think kuroo and akaashi sent him to take care of sato because they /know/ he’s the one who can get too excited. too passionate. too physical.
makes for a more painful experience for the one threatening to ruin the perfect world they’ve built.
also, everytime i think your writing can’t be more painful, more complex than the last, you outdo yourself. the reader herself coming out to tell her cousin to back off? lie to the cops? excruciating. exquisite and excruciating, miss rhi.
lastly, as someone planning to study law, it was an absolute delight to see the justice system get bashed lmao
thank you a million times my love 🥹 you know kuroo’s my fave so it’s always treat to see my fave character written by my fave author <3
i love you!!! - 🐦
Oof, bby you have my condolences, the whole process of searching for a job is just the worst. Fingers crossed for you tho!!
And thank you!! Initially in the early stages of planning this fic I wanted to write from one of the boys’ pov’s to switch it up but I genuinely couldn’t pick who I wanted to choose because all three are so vastly different! It was fun jumping from kuroo’s smug antagonism to akaashi being super unnerving behind all that polite nonchalance, and then, of course, to my favourite ball of crazy, Bokuto.
And you’re absolutely right. Even if Bokuto had have calmed down after sex with the reader and decided to let it go, those two would’ve been in his ear reminding him of all he had to lose, how kisumi was gonna take her away. They were winding him up and setting him loose on kisumi. Problem, meet solution ehdhdhdjdkkdk
It’s very much a two birds one stone situation because it also serves to hammer home to the reader that while they’ll never hurt her like that, her family and loved ones are absolutely fair game.
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Oka, so... I've been meaning to write a Part 2 with other fics I like, so here we go!
Just as Part 1, it will be divided into ships. SFW and NSFW are again together - and again, I call upon reader's description. I ain't your Dad, curate your own experience.
We'll see what gets in here this time 'round.
Also, I should really learn to like. Bookmark my fave stuff because I have to search them all in the damn main Ship tags. This is Hell and I brought it upon myself.
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Alastair/Dean Winchester
(sidenote: I realized that, despite me loving the fics I listed here for this ship, I somehow never left kudos. I corrected that immediately)
Everything Good Eventually Hurts by ADeedWithoutaName
Rating: E
Dean enjoys his first night out in a long time.
Comment: This is very psychological and it was an interesting read.
Accentuating. by amorremanet
Rating: E
Dean and Alastair shop for curtains. In Hell.
Comment: Nice little fic about Dean's time with Alastair. Kinda... domestic if you let me use that term.
Images of Broken Light by amaresu
Rating: M
Dean may have been brought back from Hell, but Hell followed after him. Faced with losing Sam to Ruby and surrounded by lies, Dean finds the only one telling him the truth is the demon that destroyed him. Slowly Dean finds himself being sucked back into Alistair's embrace.
Comment: God I love this story. It's soooo uugh like literally Alastair never lied to Dean he was the only one who never lied and was true to himself and Dean and like. I know many people don't like him but he was the Best DemonTM IMHO and this fic captures him so well
Midnight Meetings by amaresu
Rating: M
Dean starts to disappear at night and Sam follows
Comment: This is supposed to be read as dub-con, but it reads really well as completely consensual and it leaves room for thought. Also it's generally really nice lol
Arthur Ketch/Mick Davies/Dean Winchester
Between the Three by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell (is this rec list gonna be a series of her fics again? we'll see)
Rating: E
From their first time to birth.
Comment: This was literally written for me, with me in mind and with me giving input. Omega Dean, Pregnant Dean, Arthur and Mick being... well. Arthur and Mick. Please give this some love. These three deserve it.
Catch on Three by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell (told ya...)
Rating: E (Underage!)
Dean and Mick are moving along in their relationship, and enjoying their sex life. And one Arthur Ketch keeps walking in on them. It's not entirely an accident, they found out. Sequel to "I Like Leather Jackets and Supply Closets"
Comment: This is part of ah... uh... series IG. The previous story has Mick/Dean only. It's really good <3 I honestly would love to see them when they're older :)
Mick Davies/Dean Winchester
I Like Leather Jackets and Supply Closets by @lucibae-is-dancing-in-hell (okay there listen. not my fault A. is such a good writer that writes stuff that caters to me okay?)
Rating: E (Underage)
The Ketches are the bane of Dean's existence. Except that they're hot. Especially Mick Davies. So Dean decided to take action.
Comment: This is the prequel to that one Arthur/Mick/Dean fic. Enough said.
Michael/Adam Milligan/Dean Winchester
In Times Of War by @nicolabarth
Rating: M
When Dean’s village gets caught in the middle of a war, he travels to the temple of war god Michael to get divine help in fighting to protect what’s his. He doesn’t expect to catch the god’s eye in more than one way. And he also doesn’t expect to start liking Michael’s sassy young priest Adam, who seems a bit jealous of the attention Dean gets from Michael but also kind of fascinated by Dean himself.
Comment: We going big with the rareship LMAO. I love this fic so much :) I plan to write for this trio and I think I stumbled upon this ages ago because I was curious if there was like, actually anything. And surprise. Go give it a read will ya
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Boo you called?
Honestly I was too nervous after that chapter to think of a coherent rant, I had this sort of sneaking anxiousness before it even came out like no joke, I was checking my phone every hour because I felt like you were gonna do something with this chapter.
And I was right
“Who knew blue and purple were such similar colors” YOU 🫵
I am sobbing, weeping even
all I have are the most questions to question to ever question in the history of questions.
Because the thought was always there where I was like “oh yeah Yu was probably an old ass man when Nardo was leading the resistance”, and it was staring at me from the corner of every room. But I usually just found it more interesting that he grew up in the 80s and 90s on a farm.
And now here you come w/ all these hints and teases.
What are you gonna do with my fave father son relationship huh? Is Casey with a chainsaw gonna do more than just shovel talk???? He gonna start trying to get Nardo’s head in the future??? How does Casey know Yu??? Ya see, I was thinking up a lot of angst with this duo, now I’m at the edge of my seat regretting ever thinking it. I SHOULD HAVE CHERISHED THE TIME WE HAD.
Remember when I said I was more than happy to get Jr at the expense of Yu?… I never suspected it was gonna be that serious…
Jr for life tho, lets just hope qué no nos vaya dañar in the long run boo.
I’m hoping the best for all three of em tbh
Send you all of my cherished care and love <3
(Trio is assembling very intensely rn)
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*evil laughter soundtrack insert here*
Ah, the beauty of pain and it's causes (said the cause).
just so you know I am barely holding back that dramatic "muahahahaha" laugh rn.
I am happy to inform you that I do have answers, which is a rare occurrence because I have no idea what I'm doing 99% of the time which means that about 78.9% of all the plot twists and turns in the fic are born on the spot, but you shall only find them in the future 😌💅
for now I will leave you with the simple knowledge that I am a sucker for happy endings, so there is a light at the end of that tunnel! somewhere. I don't know where exactly. but we'll get to it. one day.
#weeping trio assembled once again
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4, 5 and 6 for the Hermitcraft ask game? Also just for fun what animal do you associate with your fave hermit?
4 - favorite hermit?
to watch, my favorite hermit's grian. idk what it is about his videos, they're just the perfect pacing and stuff for me to actually pay attention and consistently watch.
as, like,, non-content wise, probably scar because. just look at him. literally perfect. cleo is hilarious and generally the best, and also etho 👍🇨🇦
5 - favorite duo, trio or group?
oooo hard one! i find i enjoy hermits more when they can bounce off each other and stuff. i always forget that i dont really consistently watch anyone other than grian? in a perfect world, i'd have a few hours every day to watch every single hermit's episodes, but ah. thats not how it works. so, going purely off of fan art/fiction, i love scar & cub, etho and bdubs, team ZIT, and of course the hermitgals!
6 - favorite server event?
i honestly canNot remember any server events. like at all. uH,m the turf war was fun! it definitely sprouted some amazing fanart!
uh wAIT how could i forget the empires crossover!!?!! yeah empires x hermitcraft was 100% my favorite! *looks at westernduo with my autistic eyes*
bonus! what animals are associated with your fav hermits?
ehehe ive dug my grave with being indecisive, haha.... lets see.. 
grian is literally a bird, its actually canon his card has wings and all that..
scar, its. a cat its jellie thats. his whole brand lmao. Also, red pandas because they put their hands up when scared and tell me that isn't the most scar thing ever.
i cannot even describe etho, i think i failed kindergarten because my brain will Not think of any animals lmao. i think in fanon he's normally associated with arctic foxes and such, so that fits pretty well.
uHmHm cleo is hard to place? i always think of the hermits less of animals as hybrids, mmm.. i do like when she's drawn with orange snake hair like medusa, soooooo take that as you will :]
thanks for asking, this was really fun! <3
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threadbaresweater · 9 months
hi Linnnn i hope you have a good week <3
was wondering if you’d indulge me by telling me what you and your fave of choice like to do on Monday mornings to start off your week right !
Hi Gray! This week will be busy, as usual, but I have a lot of cool things to look forward to, so I'm pretty excited!
I'm so glad you asked! I want to take the opportunity to talk about one of my most favorite daydreams– Jumin and Natalie. Natalie is a kind of self-insert/oc that I created when I started playing Mystic Messenger. She was originally meant for V, but she, ah, fell in love with both of them, so I created the poly trio (and wrote a whole fic about it a long time ago).
When she and Jumin are together on a typical Monday morning, Jumin is always awake at least an hour before Natalie rolls out of bed. He gets a short, efficient workout in and brews some coffee, then heads for the shower. If Natalie isn't already awake by then, he gently wakes her and invites her to shower with him. There's nothing too naughty that happens- Jumin is very strict about his morning routine, but he likes the intimacy of washing each others hair and the quiet bond they share of being together during what's normally a private part of the day. They dress (Natalie picks out his tie and smooths out his collar) then have coffee and a light breakfast that Natalie makes while Jumin checks the business news for the day and Natalie double checks her own schedule (she's a piano teacher and also performs regularly with different groups in the city). If there's extra time (that is, if Natalie wakes up early enough), they like to take the elevator up to the rooftop garden and watch the birds. The peace and quiet of their morning helps center them both before the inevitable stress of the day takes over. And before they go their separate ways, they always share a kiss goodbye on the sidewalk.
Thanks for asking! I needed this distraction/daydream today more than you might know. I hope your week is good to you!
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morninkim · 10 months
What's your favorite example of an underdeveloped relationship/dynamic from the show that you put a lot of thought into for Rise? c:
Ooooooohhhhh good question good question
I think the relationships between the Rangers specifically were pretty well explored in the show, and I'll have to do a proper rewatch at some point to really get a feel for what could be missing from some interactions BUT I have a couple
Rise Tommy and Zack are so important to me. Like. They both love their mothers, Zack's a lot more open about it than Tommy since he's known his WAY longer. They encourage each other with their respective girlfriends - the S1 ep where they team up and Zack gets the dragon shield is so so good, that influenced a lot of my thoughts about them - and, especially when it comes to trans stuff, they feel like the other just gets it. They're T4T friendship goals fr
Kim and Trini, while I think is very cute and fun in the show, is another relationship I LOVE in Rise. I mentioned in the series outline post that Trini's there to let Kim cut loose when her parents get divorced, since hers did the same thing years ago, plus similar with Zack/Tommy, they both love their dads so much (idk if I'll design parents but I imagine that Trini's dad has obvious smile lines and Kim's dad's forehead is permanently wrinkled from Business Man Things) - Trini's also there to help Kim with queer stuff when she realises she likes Tommy, since she's never liked a girl before!! But she's excited about it!! But nervous!! And through Kim's excitement for discovering herself, Trini's able to get more and more comfortable with coming out to everyone
Skull and Billy's childhood friend thing from GGPR was something I wanted to carry over to Rise, difference being that they were friends in kindergarten until Billy's parents took him out of public school to teach him at home. Now in High School Billy sometimes lends Skull a hand with schoolwork (Autistic to ADHD Communication) and while Skull does get frustrated and they clash sometimes, they're good friends at the end of the day.
Similarly, Jason and Kim were friends in early Elementary School but went to different Middle Schools, so they're just kinda friendily floating around each other at first. But by the finale, Jason's like the older brother Kim never had but always wanted and acts like the biggest goober in the world around her to keep her smiling, while she's. Very Loud at football games to support him and Zack, and eventually Tommy as well she joins the team.
OH OH OH OKAY ACTUALLY REAL ANSWER Richie, Tommy and Curtis as a friend group are SO IMPORTANT. RISE SEASON 1 NEW KID TRIO. Richie and Curtis are lot more extroverted than Tommy and help her get a lil more comfortable around school, Curtis introduces her to Zack, which obvs leads to her meeting the rest of the Rangers and becoming friends with them. One of my fave things has been taking these two characters who really were just introduced to be White Ranger red herrings and making them MATTER. Richie sees Tommy getting close with Kim and is like "oh like, y'know, Kim's friends with Trini right? And you're also friends with her? Think you could,,, hook a butch up?" and Tommy just. Is terrible at being a wingwoman and is like "woahhh y'know Richie's preeeetty cool, she once saved a cat from a tree without using a ladder. Just fully flew up there. Ain't that neat, Trini? Don't you think that's sick?" and Trini's like. Ah. I know what's going on here. Curtis is sweet, but he does get insecure about being stuck as the "funny haha friend" no one really takes seriously but Richie and Tommy are like No dude. We love you. Let's go see a movie. Plus he's just so helpful and will drop anything to lend a hand, so Richie genuinely appreciates his un-asked-for-but-desperately-needed help at the Juice Bar
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covenofwives · 2 years
Hi Coven! For the questions, how about 3, 9 + 10 for “The Blame Game”? (I think this is the most read fic on tumblr for me tbh I always go back to it)
Ah the Blame Game. I consider this my best fic yet. My classic, as it were.
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
“Tell me who’s idea it was, or the Tickle Monster’s going to make a visit.” The Tickle Monster?! Dream almost wanted to laugh. Half over anticipation and half over how childish the threat was. A nervous giggle bubbled out his throat while George nearly screamed, falling into helpless cackles.
(this is also my bonus second fave) “Dream!” George screeched and suddenly Dream’s hoodie was yanked, near enough chocking him and pulling him back from the wall. He went to yell out, mad as he was about to break through, when he saw it. The ceiling of the room cracked and with the weak spot in the wall collapsed. Dream jumped back, pushing George with him to the back wall. The side of the room collapsed. Water rushed in for a moment before the walls caved in. It was like the room had folded in half. The opening was closed up, stopping the water rushing in, but trickles and a small stream was making it’s way in. The water had reached to their ankles, and slowly rising. “You nearly died!” George yelped. “That could have been you under that rubble!”
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Sort of, but also sort of not. The idea for this fic was locked in solid the only thing that would change of it was what exactly XD would save the two from. I had a few ideas for what adventures they could be going on before settling on an ocean monument. One idea I regret not using was Dream and George somehow sneaking through and making their way to the End Realm. They'd meet the Dragon totally unprepared but before she could kill them XD would save and get them out of there, then the fic would pretty much go on as usual. I think if I ever rewrote the fic I'd use that idea (or i'll save that idea for a future fic)
10. Why did you choose this pairing for this particular story?
Hehe. Well in full honesty it was Llama who chose the pairing for this fic. She sent me this wonderful concept in the first place and we both loved/love the XD/Dream/George pairing for fics. The simp trio hehe.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
I saw your ask saying R.Madhavan was the Alec in your culture. And i agree. Coz I'm an Indian. And I've definitely seen his movies. His movie which is my fave is 3 idiots. Idk if you've seen ot or not. It's a hindi movie. And it's so nice. If it was about any Tsc characters, it could be about the warlock trio(M&R&C), with Magnus being the MC. It could simultaneously also be about the lightwood siblings.
Also, what do you think about Fawad Khan as Alec? And Hania Amir as Clary. I know she's not a redhead but she has this bubbly and sassy personality which i associate with Clary.
Ah! Three idiots is one of my fave movies! I've read the book too :)
And yes Fawad Khan as Alec is perfection. I saw someone else say that and I was like YES. 10/10. APPROVED.
I have not seen Hania's movies but I'll take your word for it!
ps - desi tsc castings >>>
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