#ah staged duo my beloveds
bleue-flora · 5 months
at least cpunz has cdream to comfort him if they feel bad about the ctommy and ctubbo stuff /j
[context] & [other context]
You joke but like…
When clingy duo hurts them, they got eachothers’ backs. When clingy duo fails to see how cpunz could even be hurt, cdream is there with sandwiches to confront him…
‘I just don’t want to ever be excluded.'
(Side note, anyone ever notice how cdream says they are going to go listen to some music in that clip?… now that’s wholesome. What song do you think they go listen to? Cat? Mellohi? Pigstep? Maybe one of the discs he got from cTommy?………. ya know it’s crazy that the villain also just likes to vibe with his best friend and listen to some discs… almost like he’s just some guy or something…)
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karamell-sweetz · 1 year
its time for your irregularly scheduled tsukasa lovemail from the point of view of a terminally whipped purple guy (aka i wrote a ruikasa oneshot out of sleep deprivation in just under three hours)
starlight, star bright (won’t you be my wish tonight?)
tsukasa was a boy made of pure starlight. that was the conclusion rui had arrived at, lost in thought in the dead hours of the morning, when the moon had just begun its return journey to the other side of the horizon.
it wasn’t like he’d intended to come to that conclusion. he hadn’t meant to conclude anything at all. but somehow, his train of thought had wandered far from what he was going to do for his latest creative venture, instead drifting away to pondering the life and times of one of his dearest friends.
friends… friends… something about the term ‘friends’ didn’t sound right. rui pulled his thin blanket further over his body, staring blankly at his workshop ceiling. ah, whatever. he could worry about that much later, despite it already being late enough.
tsukasa tenma. tsukasa-kun. ‘tsukasa’ in reference to a king, ‘tenma’ in reference to the pegasus of legend. class representative of class 2-A at kamiyama high school. troupe leader and chairman of wonderlands x showtime; a dedicated actor and showman through and through, able to play a plethora of roles and pull just as many stunts. a boy who proudly claimed to be a future star of the world, and was certainly making moves to reach his destiny. egotistical yet hospitable, haughty yet kind, confident yet insecure all the same.
rui rolled onto his side with a gentle, fatigue-laced huff, smiling softly to an audience of none. tsukasa tenma. a boy with eyes that shimmered like the stars he so often compared himself to. the personification of warm, shining, brilliant sunshine — technically starlight, if one was willing to be scientifically accurate. a boy with a smile so bright it could probably glow in the dark if he smiled hard enough — not that rui would force him to test that theory. a boy made of sunset hues and midnight skies, of burning spotlights and overwhelming pride, of ivory keys and dazzling symphonies. a boy who had taken rui by the hand, maybe even by the heart, and brought him to a place filled with the most joy either of them could have ever experienced. the boy who had let him change for the better.
his dearly beloved tsukasa-kun. his most important friend.
…no. not just a friend.
rui rolled onto his other side.
the two of them together were the weird wombo combo, the infamous troublemaking duo of their school. well, of course they were friends. of course they liked each other enough to be at each other’s sides almost every second of the day.
but there had to be something else there. there had to be a reason why rui’s heart started spinning at a hundred miles per hour whenever tsukasa said so much as a ‘good morning’ to him. there had to be a reason why tsukasa had suddenly taken to holding rui’s hand on the way to the wonder stage. there had to be a reason, any reason at all, for why rui kept thinking about how pretty tsukasa was whenever he had free time to himself — much like he was doing right now.
rui’s thoughts were briefly halted by a loud snore from beside him. ah. that’s right, tsukasa was sleeping over at his house tonight. they had to work slightly overtime compared to their usual show process, so rui had offered his room as a temporary home-office for the two.
now, had rui known he would have another grand pining session, he probably wouldn’t have offered to share a futon with tsukasa.
rui took a glance at the sleeping boy beside him, a star temporarily dimmed by a spell of drowsiness. ironic, since stars would usually shine brightest at night, but tsukasa was a man of tight scheduling, and a good amount of sleep was vital to his functioning. even so, tsukasa seemed so peaceful, blissfully unaware of rui’s nighttime plight as he slumbered away.
truly, he was very pretty, rui mused to himself beneath the dim light of the moon outside. even with his eyes shut and expression blank, tsukasa was so, so beautiful, so much so that rui felt he might start to cry right there and then.
…what was this feeling? what was this newfound ache in rui’s chest that had suddenly made itself known to him? why did the thought of one day never being able to see tsukasa like this again abruptly cross his mind?
before he had even realised, rui had shuffled closer to the other boy, gently pressing against his sleeping form and holding him in a loose embrace, sharing in the warmth of their futon. rui wished, somewhat greedily, that he could stay together with tsukasa like this forever, beneath the twinkle of the moonlight.
…there were a lot of other things rui wished for, too. he wanted to keep doing shows with him — with all of wondershow — forever and ever, well into their adulthood. he wanted to grow old and grey with him — a sappy and pathetic desire, but an innocent wish nonetheless. he wanted to be able to hold him in the morning, much like he was doing now, and wake up by his with the sunlight filtering through the windows, catching in tsukasa’s golden hair and making him sparkle just as much as he already does. he wanted to kiss him everywhere, plant a sign of his love in every crevice of his face, maybe even his arms and legs and belly too, just to see him blush and hear him squawk with embarrassment. he wanted for the two of them to smile and laugh and cry and argue together and so, so much more, as long as tsukasa could remain in his life for as long as the universe would allow.
maybe he wanted to be more than friends. partners. lovers. legally married husbands, even. whatever. rui didn’t even care about how to describe their relationship anymore. all he wanted was to be tsukasa and rui, rui and tsukasa, a pair so closely bonded it almost seemed like fate.
and above all, right now, he wanted to say—
rui pressed a gentle kiss to tsukasa’s nape, laughing softly to himself as he nestled his head into his hair.
“i love you, tsukasa-kun.”
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just-a-space-rabbit · 2 years
Spooky day at the job >:)
(Hero x Right Hand)
CW: none that I’m aware of, but do tell me if there are any!
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Hero hated their job! Well, that’s not entirely true, they loved to be working as a Hero, battling villains, fighting crime, and saving people. But today, as Hero looked up at the old haunted house, they hated it.
It was the third night in a row that people have reported hearing strange sounds coming from the old place. And in all three days Hero had been sent out by the agency to do a full investigation of the house. There was only one problem…
Hero jumped as a small gust of wind kicked up some leaves, only their iron grip over their own mouth stopped them from screaming. “Why me, why me, why me…” they repeated to themselves, they were terrified of this place.
Hero had not even been able to make themselves go thru the front door in any of the other days. Instead, they had circled the front of the building for hours hoping to see something in the window, or… hoping they did not see something? Hero was not sure what they wanted, apart from not being here!
They stopped at the front gate and looked up at the house. Hero tried to imagine what the house would have looked like in its prime hoping it would soften their view on its current stage. But, even with the image of a none decayed house on a warm summer day in their mind there was just something not right about this place.
“Maybe if I just get my feet past the gate” they whispered. “If you want, I can help by pushing you” said a cool voice into Hero’s ear. Hero screamed, and practically flew forward before turning around ready to fight. “Right hand?!” they yelled, as the tall person behind them when into a mad cackle “wow, if only Villain was here to see your cute face!”
“That’s not funny!” Hero yelled as their cheeks redden. “Well, at least it was efficient” Right hand said pointing to the gate that Hero was now standing on the opposite end of. Hero gulped “So, this is where you have been hanging out recently?” they continued in a smirk, as they walked past the gate, studying the house.
“I’m just fulfilling my duty as a hero!” Hero answered trying to sound brave and moving further away from Right hand who just chuckled moving even closer. “Ah, yes! Sorry I forgot all about that duty, where you walk around like a scared little mouse all night jumping at the sound of leaves in the wind”
“Well, I - I…” oh god, how long had they been watching? Hero thought as a blush spread over their face, as they tried to come up with something that did not make them look like a scared fool.
“Now, now, don’t worry!” Right hand said smugly, as Hero’s foot hit the first steps of the mansion. “I won’t tell anyone that the city’s most beloved Hero is terrified of an old house”
“How kind of you” Hero answered in a mock tone but regretted it when Right hand grinned. “So let me guess… you are here to investigate the strange noises?” Right hand did not need an answer, they knew it by the way Hero’s face change. “How about a deal? I’ll help you with your investigation”
Hero studied them for a while, they had never been able to tell Right hand’s playful and genuine sides from each other. “what’s the catch?”
“You will have to let me steal one item” Right hand answered.
Hero had an inkling that what ever that one item was going to be, they would live to regret it, but if it meant to get away from this place faster “fine…”
“Great!” Right hand said almost too enthusiastically, as they grabbed Hero’s hand, before kicking open the large front door and dragged them into the giant house. They both got a good few feet in before the echo of the door finally faded.
“Well, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” Right hand said turning back to Hero whose face that only a minute ago was deep red, was now completely pale. “Hero? Are you ok?”
“I- I… just need a min-” was all Hero could say, before the front door slammed shut, leaving the strange duo in the dark. Hero was too afraid to scream and simply stood planted shut on the soggy old carpet. “Well, that’s surprising…” said Right hand all casual. “let’s just get a move on, we don’t got all night” they began dragging Hero along, while Hero internally was cursing every part of their body that had agreed to this idea.
It’s took the duo an hour to clear the first and second floor. Both of which came out almost too empty for Hero’s liking. As most rooms have long stood without someone living in them, now there was only fallen debris, and an odd selection of broken unwanted furniture left, the placement of which seemed just wrong and illogical for its intended use.
Some of them even seem to have been moved recently, it made a shiver crawl up Hero’s spine all while Right hand was for some reason giggling. “Can’t see what you find so funny about this place!” Hero said with a huff. “Your right, there is nothing funny about this place. Which gets me to wonder, what are you even afraid of? This place has laid silent for years”
“Exactly!” Hero said louder than they meant too, startling themselves, “why have this place been silent for years, then suddenly things start to happen when there is nothing here! And there has never been anything here!” Hero started walking away from Right hand but stopped when the distance got too big and was just looking back at them.
Right hand just shrugged before they walked onward, a silence fell over the two as they worked through the last bit of the top floor and made their way down toward the cold basement.
“You know there is a rumour about this place” Right hand said breaking the heavy silence that had fallen on the two. “s-shut! I don’t want to hear any of that until I’m at least 5 miles away and the sun has risen!” Hero snapped back at them.
“Oh, come on Hero!” Right hand said in a mock insulted voice, “who knows… might be useful to your case” Hero just gave them a death stare, but Right hand continued “some people believe that Civilian, the person who build this place, was Old Supervillain!”
“Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!” Hero had it! They had it with Right hand! They had it with this cursed house! And they had it with the giant robot monster!
giant robot monster?
“H-Hero?” Right hand said in a quiver as their feet froze in place, as neon green eyes lit up the room, seeming to be scanning the two uninvited guest. “Holy shit! What is that thing?”  
“Uh…” was all Hero said trying to remain calm. Suddenly, the multi limbed machine began to move, making horrible screak as the old parts tried to hold them self together.
Right hand tried to make a run for the stairs, but the path was already blocked, by the machines long arms. They let out a scream as the robot charge at them.
Then, there was a loud bang! as Hero lunged for the machine, several more mechanical arms busted out of it, but Hero kept fighting until the main part of the robot fell on the floor with no more limbs to support it.
There was a silent “wow…” coming from behind Hero. Turning around they saw Right hand who had just unglued themselves from the wall. “I thought to you where scared of monsters and stuff!”
“No, I was afraid I’ll find nothing here! Honestly, I was hoping there was a monster here since, well… you can punch a monster, but you can't punch a nothing!”
Right hand was not sure if they understood Hero’s logic but nodded in agreement none the less. “and what about you? All brave and giggling until suddenly there is a robot monster” it was now Hero’s turn to smirk “don’t think I didn’t hear that scream of yours”
“I- I… well, you see! Um…” Right hand stuttered, “BECAUSE there was never meant to be a monster here!” they yelled.
“What…?” Hero’s mind suddenly faltered,
“I… I lied about this place belonging to supervillain…” Right hand said, as a blush spread over their cheeks as they backed away from Hero, who just got closer to them, they felt really embarrassed now. “Why did you lie about that?! And if this is not supervillain’s base, then who’s robot is this!?”
There two suddenly jumped at the mad cackle coming from the other side of the robot. “Villain!” they both yelled as the person came into view “Oh, come on. What is with the accusatory tone” Villain smirked.
“So, you planned all this!” Hero yelled
“Yes, yes, dear Hero I did, this was all my idea!” they said as they looked down at the two. “Granted, I should maybe have told Right hand about the robot that I build to scare you so much you would jump into their arms, judging by their scream. But why spoil the fun!” Villain smirked. “I mean, it’s not easy to get you two love birds to meet at the same place!”
“eh?” was the only thing Hero was able to say, before Right hand bolted toward Villain, who quickly leaped over them before jolting up the stairs “you crazy old man! I should have known the moment I saw Hero this was another one of your ridiculous set ups!” they yelled up the stair, answered only by a faded mad cackle.
Only after the room fell completely silent did Right hand slowly turn around to face Hero, neither of them said anything for some time.
“Let’s just get out of here” Right hand said in a defeated sigh.
Back outside they were met with a light trickle of rain, as the silent night continued over the city. “I should probably get going” Right hand said as they started to walk down towards the gate.
“Hey!” Hero suddenly yelled after them “weren’t you supposed to steal something? or did you lie about that as well?”
“Oh, that…” Right hand felt they cheeks redden a bit. “Well, I… I was supposed to ask if I might be allowed to, um… well steal your number”
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first time writing a one off in months! :O
was afraid I was not going to get it done in time for Halloween, buy hey here we are :)
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twilightmalachite · 1 year
Love Letter - Mirror mirror 4
Author: Umeda Chitose
Characters: Yuuta, Niki, Rinne
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"Ah well, I hope y’all will be able to make up soon! It’d be bad news if the fight gets so bad a kitchen knife gets pulled! ♪"
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Yuuta: Sigh~…
(What am I doing…! All I did was take my anger out on him!)
(If I wanted to hear Aniki’s opinion, I should’ve just asked him to be more honest!)
(But I couldn’t do that because Aniki started acting strange and kept surrendering… Why does this keep happening?!)
(Even though I wanted us to put the days of infighting amongst ourselves behind us and move forward with Hinata-kun someday…)
(We’re just not meshing at all. Us being incompatible isn’t anything new, but…)
(Even then, we were at least able to be “two-in-one”… Until recently that is. As I thought, the reason we’re like this now really is my—…)
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Niki: Sorry to have kept ya waiting, dear customer~… Oh, hm?
I was wonderin’ who on god’s green earth was it that ordered all these spicy dishes! So it was Yuuta-kun!
Yuuta: Shiina-senpai.
Niki: Alright, here’s your dandan noodles with green pepper salad, and meat-stuffed habanero peppers~! Feel free to use our cayenne pepper and tabasco.
Yuuta: Thank you, I appreciate it. ♪
Niki: Oh! I should prolly refill your water while I’m at it, just a sec…
Yuuta: Ah, I’m sorry for the trouble.
Niki: Dontcha worry. It’s my job! ♪
…Though, I know ya like spicy food and all, Yuuta-kun…
I expect eatin’ this much to definitely affect your body, so I’m a tad worried. Is somethin’ going on, or…?
Yuuta: Ummm… Just some stuff with Aniki, over our unit plans…
Niki: Woah, so even the 2wink duo has those kinds of disagreements, huh?
Yuuta: Is it really that unexpected of us to get into arguments?
Niki: Nah, I mean, I remember y’all had a fight last summer. It’s just surprising that you guys fight as a unit too, as opposed to as individuals.
Whenever I chat with Hinata-kun back in our room, he’s always goin’ on about the jobs he’s gettin’~ and all that stuff. So I’d gotten the idea that everythin’ goes relatively well in your unit.
Yuuta: …Well, thankfully we are receiving quite a bit of work.
Niki: Ain’t that right? That’s why it’s so surprising to hear ‘bout a unit dispute! Though, I think it’s good that you can exchange opinions to the point you have disagreements. ♪
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Yuuta: ……
Niki: We gotta suffer underneath Rinne-kun’s dictatorship, y’know! I know nothin’ when it comes to our plans, or if they exist at all!
Yuuta: Ahaha…
Niki: Ah well, I hope y’all will be able to make up soon! It’d be bad news if the fight gets so bad a kitchen knife gets pulled! ♪
Yuuta: A-A kitchen knife…?
Niki: Nahaha, Rinne-kun’s to blame for that okay, okay~?
Yuuta: That’s terrifying…!
Niki: Oops, I can’t go around scarin’ my customers! I’mma head back to the kitchen, do take your time~!
Yuuta: Thanks a bunch, I’m sure it’ll be delicious!
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Yuuta: (…Hmm. I dunno what Aniki’s conversations with Shiina-senpai are like, but…)
(Does that mean that everything seems fine and dandy from the outside about our current selves…?)
(It’s true that in plain terms, work is going well, thankfully. There’s no future out there for idols who can’t ensure they complete their jobs.)
(And when we stand on stage, those experiences that are ingrained in our very bones are what makes us shine.)
(Those who know us well are familiar with our troubles. But how do we look to everyone else?)
(As CosPro’s beloved honor students, with no misfortunes, no troubles? Fairly alright, popular idols who are fun to watch?)
(If the 2wink everyone sees has no problems at all…)
(Then the problem really does lie between “Aoi Hinata” and “Aoi Yuuta”.)
(…At least, that’s the case if it’s just us on stage, not when we are facing other units.)
…I wish this was spicier. Should I add cayenne pepper or tabasco…
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Rinne: Wassup~, it’s ya boi, Rinne-kun! ☆ I’ve come to extort you for food, Niki-kyun! ♪
Yuuta: I wonder if death sauce would be better…
Rinne: Ohoho? Whose this little cutie here? If it ain’t Yuta-kun! ♪
I sure am runnin’ into ya a bunch today, Yuta. Let’s toast to our first reunion after a couple hours, with this free-of-charge water…♪
Yuuta: ……
This is the worst. Is today just my unlucky day…?
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This translation is currently in progress, however you may continue my livetweet here. Please keep in mind my livetweet is not JP proofed.
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Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel Shine Again in Harrumph v. Poppycock Greetings, fellow aficionados of classic comedy and connoisseurs of the absurd! It is I, Rufus T. Flywheel, pleased as punch to make my humble return to the digital stage in this rollicking recount of the latest misadventures of the illustrious Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel comedic duo. Today, we find ourselves embroiled in a most peculiar case - the uproarious legal skirmish of Harrumph v. Poppycock! Now, sit back, relax, and let me regale you with the fantastical tale of wit and woe that unfolded in the bustling streets of New York City, where anything can happen and often does! The day began like any other at the esteemed law firm of Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. My dear friend and partner-in-crime, Wacky Hackshaw Shyster, was busy at his desk, concocting brilliant schemes to outwit our adversaries and secure a fortune for our beloved clients. Meanwhile, yours truly, Rufus T. Flywheel, was engrossed in polishing my prized marble collection when our receptionist, the lovely Miss Dimple, burst into the room in a flurry of excitement. Mr. Flywheel, Mr. Shyster, you won't believe the news! We've just been served with a lawsuit by none other than the infamous oil tycoon, Algernon Harrumph! she exclaimed, her eyes wide with alarm. Harrumph, you say? Well, this promises to be a jolly good romp, doesn't it, Shyster? I quipped, a mischievous twinkle in my eye. Shyster, never one to back down from a challenge, leapt to his feet. Indeed, Flywheel! Let us show this Harrumph fellow that he's met his match in the formidable legal prowess of Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel! And so, the stage was set for a legal battle of epic proportions, as our intrepid heroes prepared to take on the dastardly Algernon Harrumph and his conniving legal team in the courtroom showdown of the century. As the trial unfolded, it became abundantly clear that Harrumph's claims were as flimsy as a house of cards in a hurricane. With Shyster at the helm, deftly dismantling each of Harrumph's arguments with his razor-sharp wit and cunning legal maneuvers, it was only a matter of time before the tide turned in our favor. But just when victory seemed within our grasp, a new adversary emerged from the shadows - the enigmatic and devious lawyer, Reginald Poppycock. With his slicked-back hair and oily demeanor, Poppycock exuded an air of menace that sent shivers down our spines. Ah, Flywheel and Shyster, we meet at last, Poppycock sneered, his voice dripping with contempt. I must say, I admire your tenacity, but you are no match for the likes of me. Prepare to be outsmarted, outmaneuvered, and outclassed in every conceivable way! But little did Poppycock know that he was dealing with the indomitable duo of Flywheel & Shyster, whose cunning and quick thinking were matched only by their impeccable sense of style and impeccable taste in haberdashery. In a series of dizzying twists and turns, Flywheel and Shyster unleashed a barrage of legal arguments, counterarguments, and downright tomfoolery that left Poppycock reeling and Harrumph speechless. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that victory was within our grasp. And so, as the sun set on the final day of the trial, a hush fell over the courtroom as the judge prepared to deliver his verdict. Tension hung in the air like a thick fog, as all present awaited the moment of truth. In the case of Harrumph v. Poppycock, I find in favor of the plaintiffs, Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel! the judge declared, his gavel crashing down with finality. A thunderous cheer erupted from the gallery as Flywheel, Shyster, and their loyal supporters celebrated their hard-fought victory. Poppycock slunk away in defeat, his plans foiled and his pride shattered. And so, dear readers, I leave you with this tale of triumph and hilarity, a testament to the enduring legacy of Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel. In a world filled with pompous windbags and conniving charlatans, it is up to heroes like us to stand tall, fight for justice, and never back down in the face of adversity. Until next time, my friends, keep your wits sharp, your spirits high, and your laughter unbridled. Flywheel, Shyster & Flywheel shall shine again, brighter than ever before! With a flourish of my hat and a twinkle in my eye, I bid you adieu. Yours in mirth and mayhem, Rufus T. Flywheel
0 notes
peachyysugaa · 3 years
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― dancer youtubers!lee heeseung x gn!dance major!reader
sparks fly when the top two dancers on youtube collab!
genre: slow-burn fluff, s2l
wc: 3.9k (omg i'm sorry) + 2 twitter pics
warnings: probably some wrong dance terminology, slightly suggestive (the dance is just 😳), short timeskip, it's cheesy please bear with me
part of my youtuber enhypen series, the fifth upload! feel free to read on its own~ ♞──────────────────────────♞
you finish off your last move with your arms wide open, your chest heaving up and down from lack of breath. smiling nevertheless, you know you absolutely love the feeling of getting your breath taken away after dancing because you know it meant you did your best. you walk towards the camera lens and peek at the comments through your open laptop.
"did you all enjoy that?" you ask breathlessly grinning. the flooding comments are filled with compliments from your cover of nct u's boss. however, one comment, in particular, caught your eye as others seemed to reply to it.
heeseung ✔ 2s ago wow that was amazing do you wanna do a collab sometime? 😊
line break insurance you've failed me 5x already
your eyes widen as you let out a gasp. "is that the lee heeseung?" you accidentally say out loud. you wince at the realization of your mistake. the comments are both praising you for your success in getting noticed by the other top dancer on youtuber and relating to your remark.
heeseung ✔ 3s ago haha yes it's me dm me if you want to hear more about it 🤍
"oh wow... this is really cool..." you state before blinking to get you out of your stupor. "well everyone, that's going to be all for y/n's motion of dance today! thank you so much for tuning in, love you!"
you wave goodbye for a few more moments and then shut off the broadcast, closing your laptop as soon as you do. you blink twice and suddenly let out a scream.
you stop with a gasp and cover your mouth with your hands because you cannot believe you forgot that your dance studio isn't the most soundproof of places. "sorry, other dance students..." you whisper to them but more for yourself.
taking a look around your escape, your passion, you can't believe you've made it to where you are, being praised as one of the top dancers on such a vast social media platform like youtube. if anything, you guess it runs in your family, after all, you are related to choi yeonjun, who is considered 4th gen's it boy.
though people were skeptical of you at first when you came on the youtube scene as a dancer after your older brother started taking more to modeling and acting, you quickly proved them wrong by showing them your talent and bloomed from then on. of course, you can't forget to mention the person who skyrocketed just around the same time as you.
and that was the aforementioned lee heeseung. you sigh as you finish packing up your clothes and things to head back to your dorm, glancing out the window to see the sun beginning to set. it seems today was a rare early finish for you.
"i could go for a coffee... i need to finish my classics essay anyway," you mumble to yourself, throwing your bag over your shoulder before hitting the showers and changing into a more casual set of clothes. the finishing touch is a baseball cap that sits snug on your head. tightening the strap on the back and grabbing your backpack and dance bag, you finally take your leave of your beloved dance studio and return the key on the way out. fresh air meets your face, allowing you to take a whiff of the cherry blossoms that have been blooming for a month or so as you make your way to the campus café.
ding ding, the coffee shop's calm doorbell welcomes you as your nose is hit by the sweet smells of freshly ground coffee beans. "welcome!" one of the servers calls at the counter, smiling at your figure that walks closer to order. "what can i get you?"
"hi, may i have..." you scan the menu quickly for a familiar drink. "a honey cinnamon iced latte please?"
"of course, name please?"
"choi y/n," you reply.
if they recognize you, they don't make any notion of it, simply scribbling your name on the plastic cup as you make your payment. you're grateful for the normal interaction and the peacefulness of the café, especially after a surprising stream. "i'll call you when your order's ready, choi y/n-ssi," they inform you with a warm grin.
"thank you," you smile back before going to find a seat. spotting a relatively private area close by with only a pair of boys sitting at the booth, you decide to take the booth two spaces away from them. one boy, you notice, sits taller than the other, but his face is covered by a baseball cap. the other looks like a freshman, his cheeks accentuated by a pair of deep dimples.
as you take your seat, you can't help but think the boy with dimples looks rather familiar but can't seem to place your finger on it. shrugging, you simply begin preparing to write your essay by taking out your laptop and notes from your classics ge. the moment you finish is when you hear your name being called.
"choi y/n-ssi, your honey cinnamon iced latte," the server's voice calls. on your way to receive your awaiting drink, you can finally hear the voices of the two boys sitting two booths down from you.
"did your crush just say choi y/n?" the one with the hat says.
'yes, that's me,' you think to yourself nonchalantly.
"weren't you just watching their stream, heeseung hyung?" another voice says as you pick up your latte and thank the server.
wait, heeseung? as in lee heeseung? it's when you turn around with your drink in hand that you notice the two males looking straight at you. now you're able to make out the features of the boy with the cap, and there's no mistaking it.
"lee heeseung?" you mutter out loud at the same time he speaks out yours.
well, maybe that wasn't what you were expecting today, but hey, life is full of surprises, even if they are one after the other for you. after that unexpected encounter, you and heeseung acquainted yourselves, he invited you to sit with them, and now you're sitting at their table, awkwardly sipping on your latte.
"right, so should i leave?" the other boy, who you found out is studytuber and vlogger yang jungwon (which is why he looked familiar to you), blurts out. you chuckle as heeseung shakes his shoulder lightly. "what? you two clearly have to talk about something, i need to study."
"yea, yea, lover boy. make sure you say bye to your crush on the way out," the male dancer teases, causing the younger one to turn bright red.
"don't call me that, hyung," he mutters before picking up his bag and leaving the booth. sure enough, you watch as jungwon passes by the counter and erupts into a nervous mess the moment the server beams at him.
"ah... so he likes them?" you think out loud.
"yup, it's been almost four months now. i'm the reason he even knows this cafe and that server exists," heeseung mentions, making you nod courteously. he turns his attention back to you with his hand placed under his chin. "but their relationship is besides the point. let's talk about us."
"d-did you have to put it that way?" the forwardness catches you off-guard, and you suddenly have a harder time swallowing a sip of your coffee.
"sorry," he says with a teasing smile. "i just think the collab i mentioned would be good for both of us, and it'll be really fun too."
"i agree, people who like you will come to me and vice versa," you nod. "but do you know what we would be dancing to?"
"so does that mean you're in?" he asks, smile starting to grow on his face. wordlessly, you roll your eyes and hold out your hand for him to shake. that's when his full smile comes out, causing your cheeks to heat up as you think about how much more handsome it makes him look. taking your hand, heeseung shakes it with his vigorously. "alright, dance partner, we have a deal."
after much deliberation and research, the two of you finally agree on troublemaker by the duo hyuna and hyunseung. heeseung suggested this song, stating that he always wanted to do the choreo with somebody and that it's destiny that both males have a name that starts with h and ends with seung. quite frankly, it's not like you could find much anyway, besides some cool music bank mc stages, it is cool that troublemaker was originally an opposite-gender duo in the korean entertainment industry.
the choreography however is an entirely different story. at many points, hyuna's body is touched by hyunseung and vice versa, but if they can do it and stay professional, then you believe you can too. besides, dancing will always be just dancing. heeseung also assures you that if you want, the two of you can just have your hands hovering, which makes you feel relieved to have an understanding partner.
hours pass by, and you and heeseung decide to meet at your usual dance studio daily after all your classes, which wasn't hard because he also frequented the same one.
"i still can't believe we attend the same university," you say aloud as the both of you pack up your laptops and supplies.
"i know right, you would think one of us would recognize the dance studio we go to 24/7, right?" he laughs. "although, i've seen you use a different one sometimes."
"do you really watch my covers and streams often?" you ask baffled. he and you wave the workers goodbye and make your way to the brisk evening air waiting outside as the staff sends you off.
"i do, is that so hard to believe?"
"a little," you reply sheepishly.
"well, let me walk you to your dorm and prove to you how much of a choi y/n stan i am," he boasts, and you let yourself laugh freely as you walk beside him to your destination.
it's strange, knowing a famous youtuber you watched also knew and followed you, but then again, you're not exactly nobody either. when heeseung drops you off, he admits that he actually lives a few floors above you and that you two can walk home together after each rehearsal. it's even stranger, knowing a famous youtuber literally has been on your campus, in the same dorm building as you, and this whole time, the two of you have both been clueless as to the other's existence as an ordinary college student.
speaking of which, he can't be a dance major, right? otherwise, you would've already seen him! these thoughts keep you tossing and turning to the point you don't register when you fell asleep. when you wake up, you feel as if you didn't get any sleep at all, but get up and ready nevertheless, going through another regular day as a dance major.
by the time your classes are over, you walk out of the studio yawning about to stop by your dorm to freshen up and maybe fit in a nap. you're holding a hand over your mouth mid-yawn when a voice starts talking to you.
"good thing i stopped by to get coffee." you open your eyes and close your mouth to see lee heeseung holding two cups of coffee. he's dressed in an oversized white shirt and grey sweatpants, a common dance practice outfit, so why is your heart skipping so many beats. "yo, choi y/n."
"heeseung," you say, still shocked. he hands you the coffee, which is actually the same flavor you got yesterday. "thanks."
"no problem," he replies coolly. "maybe we should take a break before we get to it?"
"i'll be fine, how about we can start watching the choreo?"
"they're always ready to dance," he nods with an impressed smile. "as expected of a dance major."
the two of you walk inside and book a studio for a few hours as you raise an eyebrow at him. "wait, what major are you?"
"music production."
"that makes so much sense!" you say relieved, stepping into the studio room for the umpteenth time. "i was racking my brains wondering what major you were."
"so the famous choi y/n is curious about me?" he smirks. you groan and facepalm in response. "i'm kidding, i'm kidding. let's watch the video on my tablet?"
nodding, the two of you watch carefully, eyes glued to the screen at your respective roles. you hold your breath at some touchy parts but also notice that both idols were able to shine in their solos.
"a few tweaks here and there, and it'll be perfect," heeseung comments once the video is over. "but let's go over some boundaries, yeah? let me know what you're comfortable with and what you're not."
"right," you agree, once again relieved to have such a safe and understanding partner like him. "well, i think i'm okay with you touching my arms, shoulders, and hips like hyunseung did to hyuna. i just need some time to get used to it."
"alright, that sounds good," he says nodding with a hand under his chin. "then for today, i'll just hover my hands over the places they need to be."
"what a gentleman," you tease.
he rolls his eyes playfully at you. "let's start marking."
and so that's what the two of you start on. with the video on the tablet, you go through the motions with the speed lowered, eventually picking up more moves until you're able to follow at the normal speed. as expected of the top two dancers on youtube, the two of you are quick on observing and learning the dance and get done with basic marking within 20 minutes or so.
after marking, you take a quick water break to watch the video again in full detail, officially beginning your first real practice. as promised, throughout the entirety of marking, heeseung has kept his hands to himself, but you've become comfortable enough to have him do a little more.
before you start practicing for real, you decide to speak with him. "hee," you call him as he puts down his water bottle.
"hm?" he confirms that you have his attention, looking up with his large doe-like eyes while wiping his mouth off from some excess water.
"uhm.." you fidget with your top a little before mustering up some courage. "you can do light touches now for the choreo."
"really? are you sure?" you nod at his question, causing him to come up to you and ruffle your hair lightly. you bat his hands away with a pout, smoothing out the mess he made as he laughs at you. "that's great, y/n," he says with a bright smile, unknowingly making your heart beat a little faster as you nod again. in your head, you rush to cover up the physical reaction with an excuse that it's just from the amount of exercise you've done.
the two of you stand in front of the mirror, ready to go. before the music starts, heeseung turns to you and says, "just let me know if i make you uncomfortable at all."
"i'll be fine," you reassure him with a small smile. that's when the song begins, and the sparks start to fly. every move flowed like water, yet every touch between the two of you was like electricity as if the two elements were working together instead of fighting. even though the touches are light, they still put chills up your spine, in a way that you can only describe with the phrase "meant to happen."
was fate moving its course to put this match together, or were you imagining it? you're not sure, but you grin while catching your breath once the first practice is over. falling to the floor softly, you sit with your hands splayed behind you and let out a relieved sigh. "ahh... dancing is so... great!"
heeseung chuckles at your reaction and offers a hand to get you up. "i'm glad you think that because we got a lot more practice ahead of us, partner."
"yup!" you say with a widening smile. the moment you took his hand, you felt an electric jolt that almost made you let go. getting up, you shake it off and barely catch the expression on your dance partner's face. "is something the matter?"
he blinks a bit before he's shaking his head with that charming smirk of his. "nope! let's practice!"
practice, practice, practice. that's how the next few hours go. and just like the day before, heeseung walks you to your dorm building, this time the conversation about how excited the two of you are for the recording.
that's basically how the next four or so days go, now that heeseung came into your life. your daily routine of wake up, eat, class, dance, repeat was shaken by him, because now he was a part of it. it's an indescribable feeling, hanging out with him. the best word, or phrase actually, is the same one you used while dancing with him: meant to be.
so when you finally get to the day of recording, you almost don't want it to end. at least, that's what you're telling your best friend and makeup artist, kim sunoo.
"friend, you're telling me that you and this guy have been following along to..." he tells you to look up as he curls your eyelashes. "a dance like that for four days and you've been getting shocks this whole time?"
"i mean, yeah?"
"y/n, i love you, but you're missing a little something, aren't you?"
"pucker up, sweetie, we're making your lips look kissable," sunoo commands. you do an eye-roll but do as he says. "if you don't ask him out or do something by the end of this, you can at least kiss your best shot at a boyfriend goodbye with luscious lips."
he finishes applying the color and asks you to rub your lips together and make that pop sound. "perfect," your best friend compliments. "go out there and get your mans."
"thank you, sunoo!" you say, gazing at your reflection in the mirror and loving the way he accentuated your features. "by the way, you're all talk. you should ask your celebrity crush out when they appear on your channel."
"i'll get there when i get there!" he whines and starts pushing you out of his dorm room. "just go get 'em, tiger."
with that, you make your way to the dance studio where heeseung is waiting for you, dressed in hyunseung's iconic suit with the leopard-patterned blazer. your heart quickens, seeing how much more handsome he looks dressed up, hair slicked back and some makeup done. he looks up upon hearing the door open and his mouth slightly hangs open as well.
the both of you are silent as you approach him, in your equally bedazzling outfit, sheer to mimic hyuna's stage dress. "you look amazing," the two of you say at the same time. stunned at the simultaneous sentence, you two immediately start guffawing at how this was unlike your usual interactions.
"that was so awkward!" you blurt out, unable to contain your laughter.
"yea, not like us at all," he admits while he wipes a stray tear from laughing too hard away. smiling at each other, you admire the way his eyes reflect your image and sparkle. "you ready to get this show on the road."
"ready as i'll ever be." the two of you get into your positions on the opposite ends of the room, and heeseung starts the camera and the music soon after. you take each step slowly to meet him in the middle as he takes your hand and brings it up to his lips to give it a kiss while smirking. you keep your face professional as the two of you take a few steps forward, the back of his fingers curled over the front of yours.
starting back-to-back, you walk forward a bit before the beat drops and heeseung's part begins. you're on autopilot as you dance your fingers from his chest to his shoulders, and then the chorus comes. hips swaying, you're able to feel his hands' light taps on your body as the two of you lose yourself to the music you've danced to hundreds of times this week.
then, it's your killing part as you lipsync hyuna's rap and take bold steps around heeseung's body, ending up behind him to bring your hands over his shoulders and make a scratching movement across his chest. you step towards his side, do your thing, and walk away as if playing hard to get.
you wait for his part during the bridge and make a side glance towards him before moving towards him and performing the hip-heavy part of the chorus together. your partner moves his face up along your arm, taking it in like you're a statue. you then act like you brush him away when heeseung gets close enough. after this second chorus, you're leaving him to do his big solo, watching carefully as he makes his every move precise and crisp yet flow well.
it's the last chorus now, and this time, you can't take your eyes off each other as you finally face one another. you stay drowning in his shades of brown without a single misstep until you have to walk away from him. you wait for him to come towards you, back slightly turned away as he jaunts forward, making his way to be captured by your hand behind his neck.
the last breath of the song is the one where you're supposed to turn your head away as his own chases yours, but this time, you brave forward and lean in close. the music fades away, but all you hear is his breathing, feeling it against your own.
you stay like this, ensnared in each other's arms, forgetting about everything except the person wrapped close to you as you feel his every breath against your lips and every inhale and exhale under your hand. he searches your eyes, looking for some kind of sign. "do you mind if i—"
that was all you needed before you're pressing your lips against his. it only takes seconds for him to kiss you back, moving his hands from their previous position on your hips to hold your face. becoming breathless from dancing was one thing, becoming breathless from kissing heeseung was another thing entirely, it was in a league of its own you note as you pull away and rest your forehead on his.
"we'll have to edit that out," you say after what seemed like ages of taking each other in while chuckling.
"i have a better idea than editing."
"oh, and what's that, handsome?"
"look at you getting all bold, troublemaker," heeseung replies with that smile of his. he shakes his head, moving away from you and taking your hand in his. "how about we go on our first official date as youtube's top dancer couple?"
"that does sound like a better idea," you agree, your own smile widening.
"then let's make it happen, sweetheart."
bonus! - click for full images
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taglist: @cha-raena @imjustme-things @misoiishi @rikitaiyaki send an ask to join the taglist! :3c permanent taglist: @fiantomartell
a/n: wow this was a long one!! i'm not sure if i detailed all the movements well, but i hope you all enjoyed it nevertheless <3
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Carry On Kansas
Chapter One: What Riley Saw
Summary: After the party to celebrate Sam's success, Dean shows up late on Halloween night to ask for his help; Riley sneaks out to join them.
Warnings: General supernatural warnings apply. Read at your own discretion.
A/N: Restarting this baby. Welcome. Enjoy the ride.
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“Hey, Riles. You made it!” Sam exclaims, pulling the young woman in for a hug.
Riley chuckles, returning Sam’s warm embrace. Jessica forced him to attend the Halloween party that evening, and he wasn’t too thrilled with the idea. She tried convincing Riley to go, but the twenty-year-old politely declined the invitation. But in exchange for crashing on their couch, Riley agreed to meet them for drinks afterward to celebrate Sam passing his LSAT.
He tried telling her the sentiment was appreciated, though unnecessary, but she told him she would be there after running home to change. And much to Jessica’s approval, Riley dressed up for the occasion. Sam, on the other hand, blatantly refused.
“I told you I’d be here,” Riley says, laughing as she takes the open seat to Sam’s right.
“Zombie Tinkerbell. You, uh―you weren’t kidding,” he observes.
She wears a strapless light green dress that stops above her knees, matching heels that she glued small white bows onto, and stage makeup done to resemble a decaying corpse. To complete her horrifying take on one of Disney’s beloved fairies, Riley fashioned Tinkerbell’s wings with a large bite taken out of the left one.
She smiles proudly at her handiwork as Sam shakes his head. He, of course, can’t wrap his mind around Jessica and Riley’s excitement for the spooky autumn holiday; he really didn’t want to come out tonight but whatever made his girlfriend happy, he is more than willing to do. And it isn’t as if he’s alone in his misery―no, Riley Thomas hates parties as much as Sam Winchester hates Halloween.
“Ah. But you see, I never kid about dressing up for Halloween, Chewie,” she says. She reaches over to lightly pat him on the cheek, then adds, “I just hate parties.”
Sam snorts. “When are you going to quit calling me Chewbacca?”
She hums. “When you quit being so friggen’ giant.”
A moment of serene bliss passes between the duo, accented by the sparkling of Riley’s eyes and the dimpling of Sam’s cheeks. A scene that to anyone else would appear rather intimate, but to them is simply an ordinary day in the life of two of Stanford’s finest. Caught somewhere between wanting to escape the madness around them and not wanting to incur Jessica’s wrath, they swallow down their discomfort and join the festivities as Luis approaches with two more rounds of shots.
Jessica picks up two of the eight shot glasses on the tray and hands one to Riley, then waits patiently while Sam and Luis grab their own. They raise their glasses in celebration and throw back their drinks.
The blonde gently nudges the younger woman’s shoulder. “Riley, tell Sam to quit being so modest when it comes to his achievements. He deserves to brag every now and then. He’ll listen to you.”
The statement, while true, causes Riley to bristle a bit. Though she never comes right out and says so to her face, Jessica isn’t shy about her feelings concerning her boyfriend’s friendship with Riley.
Riley casts her eyes to the table. She absently plays with the straw wrapper laying amid discarded napkins and paper boats from the group’s earlier appetizers. She looks up at Sam with a soft smile and a barely noticeable nod of her head. “It’s okay to be proud of yourself, Sam. Healthy, even. You’ve got a full ride to law school, it doesn’t get better than that.”
“I haven’t gotten it yet, Riles,” Sam says, shaking his head.
Riley shrugs. “No. But you will.”
“Yeah, yeah, sure. What are you drinking tonight? On me.”
“I’m a big girl, Winchester. You don’t have to buy my drinks. Besides, we’re celebrating you tonight. And you hate Halloween.”
“True. But you hate parties and this place is packed. Come on, at least let me buy you one drink.”
“Well, as long as you’re buying. . .scotch on the rocks?” Riley gives Sam her best beaming smile.
He chuckles. “I know that look. What else?”
“Side of garlic fries, please!” she adds with a giggle.
“You got it. Thanks for coming out tonight, Tink.” Sam stands from his stool and wraps an arm around Riley’s shoulders before heading back to the bar. Between Riley and Jessica, there is always something going on to keep him guessing, keep him on his toes. He has a great life at Stanford.
Riley startles awake. The unexpected cold sensation on her shoulder violently pulls her from what was turning into a fitful slumber. She blinks her eyes open and looks around, it takes a couple minutes before she recognizes where she is―the ugly plaid couch in Sam and Jessica’s apartment. Her memories of earlier that night filter back in slowly and she groans, her head hurts. Riley sits up and runs her hands through her dark hair; she notices the light across the room had and wonders what in God’s name she slept through. Jessica is walking back through the kitchen to the hallway as the fog finally clears from Riley’s mind.
“Hey, Jess. You good?”
“Riley, shit. Those idiots didn’t wake you, did they?” Jessica asks softly. She takes a seat on the couch next to her friend, nervously looking toward the door and back.
Riley shakes her head. “No, I just woke up. What idiots?”
Jessica sighs, relieved. “Oh, just, uh. . .S-Sam, and his brother.”
“Dean’s here?”
“Yeah, they were outside talking. Sam’s packing right now, said his dad’s been out too long on a hunting trip at the family cabin and Dean came by to ask for his help,” Jessica answers. She pushes her blonde curls over her shoulder and gestures vaguely toward their bedroom. “I wanted to stay up until Sam came back in, but he insists on going with his brother. So, I’m going back to bed. How’s your head?”
“Mm, pounding. Remind me never to drink that much with Sam and Luis ever again, please?”
Jessica snorts, and shakes her head with a soft laugh. She stands up and heads for the bathroom. “Oh, no. That’s all on you, Riles. I’ll grab an aspirin for you. Maybe see if you can talk Sam into staying?”
Riley hums. She’s used to being employed as a deterrent for whatever crazy thing Sam is intent on doing next, he listens to her. Sometimes. But the knowledge that his brother is in town and needs his help locating their father, well, that piques her interest. She knows, of course, what hunting at the cabin really means. Well, she knows enough.
Sam walks down the hallway with a bag packed and slung over his shoulder, he’s clearly ready to go and Riley knows she only has so much time to try and convince him not to run off with Dean. He crosses the living room and sits down next to her.
“I guess you heard I’m heading out with Dean for the weekend. Shouldn’t be gone long, I’ll be back before my interview on Monday.” Riley remains silent which prompts Sam to reassure her that he and Dean have everything under control. “Hey, don’t worry about it. I promise I’ll be back before Monday. But, uh, Jess is probably gonna ask questions. She knows I talk to you more than anyone else, including her. Just make sure she doesn’t freak out too much, alright? I’ll call you guys from the road when we’re on our way back.”
Riley looks up at Sam with pleading gunmetal eyes, a look that’s taken the younger Winchester two years to be able to withstand. She holds her hands in her lap, fidgeting with the blanket laid out over her legs. “Sammy, I. . .”
Riley never calls him by his nickname unless something is bothering her, and it’s been months since the last time she did. “Riles, what is it? What’s bothering you?”
“I just think it would be best if you sit this one out, you know? Especially with your interview coming up. You can’t risk not making it home in time for that,” she says slowly, hoping he won’t catch the uncertainty in her voice.
She isn’t sure how to tell him what she felt, what she saw without giving him more of a reason to worry about her. And if he really is going through with helping his brother, then he can’t afford to be splitting his focus between them and home.
“Sit this one out? You know I can’t do that, Riley,” Sam says sternly.
“But why not, Sam? You said it yourself before, they had so many opportunities to contact you and they never did. I get that you left and that pissed your dad off or whatever, but communication is a two-way street.”
“Look, I can’t have this conversation with you right now. I gotta go. I’ll see you on Monday, all right?”
Riley watches with bitter regret sinking in the pit of her stomach as Sam grabs his bag and leaves. Jessica asked her to do one thing and she couldn’t follow through. More than that, she lied to her best friend about why she was really fighting for him to stay home.
She can’t tell Jessica the truth, and she can’t tell Sam either. Instead, she grabs her overnight bag from its spot on the floor in front of the couch, quickly pens a note to Jessica saying she’ll make sure Sam gets home in time for Monday, then climbs out of the same window Dean had climbed in an hour ago. If she can’t convince Sam not to go, she’ll just convince him to let her go with them.
Taglist: @iwantthedean
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Yooo let me contribute my thoughts to Yan!Momgana
The gumm-gumms all revere you as her child, you're the only person in the world who could ask them to dress in a pink frilly dress and play house with you and they'd agree
Starts as begrudging compliance, but as time goes on you start to grow on them
"Ah, yes. Precious child, our child. The Pale Lady's offspring will be indulged in their games, and no, don't you dare say no to the tiny whelp, you might make the whelp sad!!1!1"
Morgana is happy with the outcome, but that doesn't mean she let's you play with the goblins any longer than she's gone doing evil war stuff. When mom arrives it's shoo shoo, give momma her precious baby they're gonna play peek-a-boo now.
Because you were an infant when Morgana left the castle and joined the gumm-gumms, you have little to no knowledge of human world nor have you interacted with any. All your manners come from your momma, who raises you pretty good and proper.
You probably will grow some of your childhood in the surface world, but only in fortresses and gumm-gumm territories they've captured.
You know nothing about the war, but you've probably been revealed the truth a few times when a random human has managed to sneak in and mistaken you for a prisoner and tried to take you with.
It would probably go pretty easy for the intruder, you won't have a normal sense of stranger danger when literally everyone around you have been real nice to you all your life, so you'd probably just go along with whatever, thinking it's a game or just being confused as to why the weird pale troll is so anxious.
These incidents end really quick, because when Morgana finds out her precious child is gone she absolutely decimates everything within a 5 mile radius.
The intruder always dies an agonizing and slow death.
Morgana is too enraged to think about what her child sees in those moments. And you probably will see everything.
It doesn't matter though, Morgana's got it.
"Oh no, sweetheart, don't cry. Here, let mom make it all go away..."
The memories of any violence or pesky humans are wiped and you go back to the carefree and happy life in some stolen palace.
You probably grow close with your mother and are very attached to her as a child. How could you not? She always plays with you when you ask, she almost never says no to you, she gives you all the treats and toys you ask and she never gets mad (or that's what you think).
You're spoiled and you don't even know it, and it's not like anyone would point that out to you or Morgana.
But then the Killahead fiasco happens...
I stand by that Morgana and the gumm-gumms had operated in the Darklands prior, since it's stated to be the trolls' original homeland.
The time you hadn't spent in the surfacelands, you had spent in the Darklands.
Morgana probably had a real nice castle built there just for your and hers sake, so you could have a place to be 100% safe from all those traitorous trolls and humans. They never came to the Darklands voluntarily.
You've spent a good portion of your childhood there, so you probably don't see the place as anything bad. It's just another nice home where you, your mother and her subjects live and play all day and night.
The big fight and the portal thing happens and suddenly big Gunmar is here.
(Gunmar and Bular are totally your self appointed godfathers, at least)
You go and run to meet him, asking him to play with you, but Gunmar seems really unwell. Is he okay?
Gunmar takes some time to fully process the turn of events, and what he has to do now.
You're told more than you ever before about any conflict in the world right then and there. That Gunmar and the other trolls are trapped in the Darklands now.
Of course Gunmar knows better than to tell you of the war, that'd be way too hard on your innocent, pure whelp mind! So you get something along the lines of this:
You're told that bad monsters trapped you here, but Bular and your mother are outside and coming to free you very, very soon. 
He paints your mother in a very heroic light, and you drink it up because as if a child like you would think of your mother as anything else than a hero.
Gunmar now has his trolls and court take care of you, keeping you entertained and trying to keep as many things as the same as they were before for you. You probably will have to deal with worse food though.
This means you living the majority of your unnaturally long life in the Darklands.
Now that your mom's gone, you'll enter a rebellious stage sooner or later. You don't really take what rules the gumm-gumms give you seriously since they're not your mom!
You'll live with uncharacteristically much freedom for a yan!parent's kid, or any kid for that matter.
Gunmar of course cares about you, but is by no means a yandere or good at raising human whelps, so he kinda leaves you to your own devices and let's you do whatever. He doesn't really give you any rules or whatever.
It's the servants who are responsible of your raising and if you get hurt.
You'll probably start to manifest magic in your time down there, making you even harder to contain.
In other words, you're living your best life, causing chaos, playing around with nobody to discipline you and even if you get caught messing around you'd be able to point a finger at any of your servants and Gunmar wouldn't doubt you for a second.
Now then, you've lived the majority of your life with the gumm-gumm's, you have like no experience of people being mean or other's taking advantage of you, and the little human mannerisms and morals you have came from your mother in a distant childhood.
= an innocent but very immoral teen, who probably doesn't  act their age and has very weird logic and mannerisms.
I'd imagine you'd think disemboweling some creature because you were curious of what was inside was totally fine because you've done that with the worm-monster-things in the Darklands and the gumm-gumms didn't bat an eye.
The little interaction you've had with the "Surfacelands" has probably been the little trinkets and weird trivia by the changelings or goblins who've been able to traverse through the small gates.
For the longest time you probably didn't even care about the surfacelands, since you've got everything you'd ever want here ('cept your beloved mom...), but kids tend to get more curious and adventurous when they grow up to their teens.
And then some additional things about the changelings! They're probably a bit concerned with how you've grown, being the only ones who understand what is "normal" for a human your (mental) age, but won't be able to bring themselves to tell you to stop or inform you about right and wrong, lest they want Gunmar to rip their heads off for making you upset.
On top of that, being nearly direct creations of Morgana, I think they'd hold you on an even higher pedestal than the other gumm-gumms. We've seen the Janus order treat Morgana like a goddess at times, perhaps their view of you would be something akin to a messiah or something similar.
In conclusion, once again, like with everything else in your life, you're being kept in the dark about it.
Then bam-bam-Baam! The trollhunter has entered the arena!
You start finding the most delicious brown sticks wrapped in silly crinkly paper around the Darklands and collecting them.
Then one day you're running around the castle from your servants and notice a weird changeling in the dungeon!
He's acting all weird and panicky and doesn't seem to recognize you, and on top of that all he's still in a human form. You introduce yourself merrily and scurry off in search of something else to do, maybe to find more funny crinkly paper with super tasty sticks inside!
Meanwhile Jim is had a slight heart attack, because first of all, he saw a human in the Darklands and his first thought was that they had fell into the Darklands and were in great danger. They seem fine though, even pretty cheery for someone in such a place, introduced themselves and ran off before Jim has any time to tell them to help him out.
Then Nomura goes and casually tells him that's MORGANA'S FREAKING CHILD.
Meanwhile you go to ask uncle Gunmar why there's a funny changeling who's looking like a human
Gunmar almost does a spit-take and tells you not to go there anymore. He's an monstrous criminal and your mom wouldn't want you associating with such trash
Hah, referencing your mom, works every time. One more point for Gunmar and his masterful parenting skills... 'CEPT NOT THIS TIME.
Your no longer a kid who would just accept that as an answer and forget about it. No, you're an old kid, you're a teen and you know what Gunmar actually meant...
Clearly, this was one of the traitors against your valiant awesome hero mom and Gunmar just wanted to keep you safe.
But no fear! You're old now, and with your magic you can hold your own against some puny traitor weirdo! And so you go and sneak immediately after that to the weird changeling's cage
Jim is confused by you more than anything. You think your mom is the good guy? And he's evil??? Jim takes time to talk and explain things to you the best he can, and from what he can gather he's succeeding in lowering your defenses, even if by a little
You don't have much experience with lies, but you're sure he's tricking you. All your life is built up on idolizing your mother and she has never done anything bad to you or anyone before you.
But on the other hand, he doesn't seem mean at all. He seems really nice, even if he is weird. Maybe he's been tricked.
Eventually you come to the conclusion that this changeling is alright, only brainwashed. But then he says something about being able to go to the Surfacelands and your interest is immediately peaked. Your mom is there! If you manage to play your cards right you'll be able to free him from his tyrant overlords, meet your mom again and be a totally awesome mom-kid duo with supercool magic powers and save the world!
When Jim escapes you end up coming with on accident, teleporting into the gyre because you thought it looked fun right before they go through the portal.
I have a feeling that the surface trolls don't recognize you, you're existence was probably kept secret by Morgana, and are panicked when an additional "halfling" crashes outside.
Jim calms them down and you're immediately enraptured by what you see. The ceiling is suuuper high and has like, a million diamonds in it, and there are so many trees and colours and the floor is super soft. You can even hear singing from the grass.
Jim says you're Morgana's kid and if you hadn't been so invested in ripping grass off the roots you would've seen a total of five trollhunters nearly leaping to maul your ass
Jim and Nomura manage to stop them. Jim says that you clearly have no idea about what's going on, you don't know about any war and think your mother is well and alive and fighting to free the trollkind and vanquish evil. Nomura in turn says that if you get hurt all hell will break loose, the Janus order will definitely drop all subtlety and end the humans' families and friends before your body hits the ground, and the act of killing you will generally do no good.
You seem innocent enough, you're not doing anything bad, really. You're just looking at the trees.
"Hey, what's this?"
"That's a stag beetle- wait WHAT NO DON'T PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH WHAT!?"
The group is uncertain of what to do with you. They could bring you to troll market but you'd probably either blurt out your mother's name and get killed, or try to attack the market because you think they're all evil.
They decide you need to be let in on the events slowly.
When Strickler sees you he has a near aneurism.
"WhY IS ThE chILD oF MOrgANa hERE?!?!"
They decide to let Nomura, Strickler and the humans to keep you with them and hidden from both Angor and the Janus order.
Turns out to be easier said than done, mostly because you keep teleporting around like it's nobody's business and are so blatantly clueless about how the human world works. Most of their stress is caused by having to keep an eye on you and stop you from casually stealing things or ripping some poor lady's hand off because you liked her rings.
You are mostly confused by it all, and why you can't do certain things, but don't mind it too much. The world feels really alien to you, even if it's pretty, and a part of you is happy that there's someone to guide you through it. But you're getting more and more frustrated with the lack of your mom, nobody believing that your mother is the righteous heroine in the story and that you're constantly told not to do this and that.
Despite all the effort, it doesn't take much time before the Janus order finds out about you.
We all know that Otto is a major bootlicker of Gunmar, but just you wait until he finds about you.
The second you're found out about all their resources are on bringing you to base.
Happens pretty smoothly after he explains that he's working for your mother. You join voluntarily and enthusiastically.
Otto practically worships the ground you walk on, and you bet your ass he has a huge room filled with anything he thinks you could possibly want made for you in 1 day sharp.
Gunmar is shocked to see you on the Surfaceworld, and makes it clear to Otto that if any harm comes to you or you get sad/mad he will bite Otto's head off.
Also, Morgana.
Morgana is absolutely panicking now that her baby's in the surfaceworld without her around. She's extremely happy to see you once more, to see you've grown up happy, but oh god she has to be there with you! She has to hold you, keep you safe!!!
She tries her damnest to contact you, to make you see she's here for you, but to no avail. Although you are cruel and selfish at times, it's not because of any darkness inside you, it's because you don't know any better. So she settles for the next best thing, she tells her changelings to keep you safe, inside and entertained and orders them to hurry with bringing her back. Everyone's working overtime now.
Meanwhile you're having fun again. Everything's like it's been before, you've got toys and playmates and everyone's doing their best to keep you happy, but...
You kind of miss the trollhunters... Your... Friends...
You haven't had a mutual and equal relationship for a long time, not to mention they taught and showed you so many incredible things... You kinda want to see them.
Morgana's ripping at her ghost-hair when you sneak out to meet with the trollhunters.
You're still adamant that they have no idea what they're talking about, but you're having so much fun with them.
You don't play in any team to say, you just kind of pester and get into shenanigans with the trollhunters when they're not fighting your own allies. If they are, you just shrug, say "Then stop being evil" and teleport away.
When the Heartstone saga happens you're watching mostly from the sidelines until someone says something along the lines "something something free Morgana."
The first time you actually fight is in that battle. You're a difficult opponent, teleporting around and being able to cast minor dark magic at your foes. 
It's not like you contributed much to the fight, your side won in the end either way.
This is the first time you actually see the trollmarket and its trolls. If it would've been you from before, you would've shown no mercy, partly because you didn't really grasp the concept of death and partly because they were traitors, but now... You know better about death and empathy, and you have at least a tiny bit of understanding that these trolls are just misled, not completely at fault or evil.
I think this also the first time Angor sees you. He's shocked for many reasons, 1. you've grown so much, look at you! Just like your mother! 2. You're in the surfacelands? He thought you were in the castle in the Darklands. 3. You're fighting so valiantly for your mother, he's so proud of you!
This all ends when Morgana breaks free.
It takes about 0.00001 seconds before she has you in her tight embrace. It's a really emotional moment for the both of you.
Uuuntil all the eternal night and all you shall die stuff.
You're standing beside your mother with the brightest smile on your face when she gives the speech. All the troops are here and now you can free the Darklands and go to the surface world and when all the bad trolls are defeated you can live in Arcadia with all the people you love and-
That smile falls like stone when Morgana attacks her own troops
You cling to her and ask her to stop. You don't understand, this isn't right!
Morgana in turn just smushes your face and coddles you, telling that it's fine.
You ask if she's gonna hurt the humans and she says she'll kill every single one of them.
You're very against this, but keep quiet and feel silently torn. You don't know what to think.
I feel like Angor seeing you so troubled played a tiny part in his betrayal too.
You notice very quickly how tight Morgana is holding your wrist and she doesn't let go. You ask her to let go of your hand and she refuses, looking at you with frantic eyes. For the first time, you feel like something is very wrong. She starts dragging you around with her, acting all cheery and gleeful with you here.
No, this isn't right... You don't want this...! This is all wrong!
You start struggling, you want your freedom back, you want to go be with your friends and everyone else!
Morgana recognizes this as a sign that she should probably wipe your mind again and takes away all memories of time she was gone.
Now you're back to normal, back to the bright-eyed little child who clung to her hand like always and Morgana's happy.
When Merlin and the others come to stop her, you're still with her and she tosses you to the side, away from the harm, and you dutifully stay in place like your mother asked.
Merlin, more out of spite than anything else, nullifies all of  the memory wipes Morgana had performed during your life and you're back to normal, now with the realization that your mother isn't all what she was cracked up to be.
(Now Angor has seen Morgana kill his comrades, had his soul stolen, witnessed Morgana traumatize, memory-wipe and employ some very dubious parenting tactics on you, so he really is at his wits end here)
Now they have one more mage against Morgana in the final battle, even if you're heartbroken and reluctant to face off against your own mother.
(Yes, this is my cheap excuse for saving Angor)
Morgana stares right at you as she is sealed to the shadow realm with such heartbreak.
Morgana's child, ripped away from her once more!
She's way too attached to you and waaay too far gone to think it's your fault for betraying her. No, it's Merlin's, it's the trollhunter's, ANGOR ROT'S!!
She's furious, she will have you back, she will SLAUGHTER everyone on that damned land to save you! You two will rule together like you were meant to, you would be happy in her wonderful world without traitors or humans, just the two of you! She'll save you from all those monsters, those delusions they put in your precious little head! If only you hadn't known, you shouldn't have known, you're still a child, too young to have to know the cruel world of grown-ups, if only they would've let her keep you in the dark and safe!!! She's in hysterics.
Meanwhile, you are too. You are absolutely heartbroken, soul-shattered. To you, you've just killed your own mother. No matter how cruel she was to others around you or how restricting she was to you, you loved her so much. Your gumm-gumm family's all gone, killed by the friends you sided with.
You have no idea what to do anymore.
Angor and you probably move together, him being the only one understanding how close you were with your mother and the fact that you feel truly alone now.
There is a minor outrage with the trolls when they hear about you and your heritage, but you are ultimately left alone due to the fact that you assisted in bringing Morgana to justice.
You're enrolled in Arcadia High, and although it starts rocky with your now estranged friends, you start to move on with everyone's help and support.
You're now an honorary trollhunter and in the process of getting to understand humankind and it's culture with just slightly less insane friends and family, and living the closest approximation to a normal human life possible.
Happy end! Jesus, this got long. Okay, I dub thee "Momgana's teen AU"
This could be an entire fic. Honestly I love this. Morgana is so well written and the Orders absolutely hilarious. I also love dad Gunmar and Gum Gums trying to reign in a magical teen lmao
Honestly remind me a lot of Dawn. Thankyou so much for this gift!!!!! 🎃 🎃 🎃
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yukiwrites · 3 years
Meeting Again, Now and Forever
Thank you for the support and patience as always, @breeachuu! I hope you like it! >v<)
Summary: After getting acquainted with the Traveler, Venti approached her for help with something as important, or even more so, than with the issue with Dvalin: He wanted to find his long-lost love, Auria, who was undoubtedly also looking for him...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
It hadn’t been long since the Stormterror Crisis had been dealt with (not to mention how the party had to bolt out of the temple before the illusion on the Holy Lyre wore off), so Lumine -- and, by extension, Paimon -- went to Angel’s Share to rest her weary bones for a bit.
The sight that welcomed her the moment she stepped in, however, shouldn’t have been surprising, but given the state of their goodbyes just a day ago, Lumine hadn’t expected to meet Venti again so soon.
“Ah, Lumine!” The youthful bard smiled brightly once he saw the Traveler step into the tavern, cutting his performance short as though he had already been about to bring it to a close. “Good timing!”
“... What do you mean, ‘good timing’? You look like you’ve been waiting to ambush us!” Paimon crossed her tiny arms defiantly as she flew behind Lumine to snark at the Archon.
“Little old me? Why, I’d never!” Venti giggled adorably before stepping closer to the duo. “To be honest, I wanted to ask a last favor of you, but given how we got separated after our… elegant exit, I waited here!”
The way he smiled brightly could deceive many people (especially elderly), but Paimon only growled and narrowed her eyes. “What do you want NOW, Tone-Deaf Bard? We already went all over the place to help with that dragon business-”
“Paimon, it’s okay.” Lumine waved to shut the little fairy up. “If there’s anything I can help with, of course I’d want to. Is it anything serious?”
Venti smiled in a mature yet lonely way that didn’t go well with his youthful appearance -- it was perhaps the smile of an immortal being as it was confronted with its own endless life. Or perhaps it was a way to make himself seem more mysterious; there was no way for Lumine and Paimon to know.
“Actually, I’m looking for someone.” He bobbed his head to the side, walking towards the counter to sneak some alcohol into his system. “Her name’s Auria. We kind of missed each other during some time of turbulence.”
“...” Paimon sat on Lumine’s shoulder as the Traveler stood beside Venti by the counter. “That’s it? No more hints? What does the Tone-Deaf Lady Friend look like? Where did you meet last? You’re not gonna ask Paimon to look for someone without saying anything, right?”
Bluntly ignoring the talkative little fairy, Venti turned his unmatching mature smile to Lumine. “She’s my special someone; the muse I drink my inspiration from -- the one who’s been with me the longest. I keep sensing her in the wind, but it’s like we always barely miss each other.” He twirled his fingers around as a tiny current danced within his palm before he closed his fist. “Will you help me look for her, Traveler? I’m absolutely sure she’s here in Mondstadt, so the search shouldn’t take long.”
Lumine took a few seconds to nod, somehow appreciating the new side of this mysterious god as she felt the affection that dripped from his words when he spoke of Auria. Paimon shook her head once she saw the Traveler accepting yet another ridiculous request, but even she was unable to fully voice her complaint after sensing the weight of Venti’s words.
“Really?” Venti brightened up like the sun, jumping out of his seat with a spring in his step. “This calls for another song! Lo and behold, as the best bard of the land plays for all of you tonight!” He bowed extravagantly before hopping to the stage he had been earlier, a lyre ready at hand.
Lumine laughed and clapped along with the other patrons, happy that Venti’s mood seemed to have improved.
From the outside of the tavern, a young-looking girl looked up at the starry sky, wondering why the wind seemed so unstable that night…
Auria had been hiding amongst the humans for 500 years while she waited for Barbatos to wake up from his slumber, so she was well-versed in dealing with people; though she wasn’t one to stay in a place for long.
“Hmm, what I mean is that… why is it so hard to catch up to a single bard? I hear whispers here and there of his whereabouts, but by the time I arrive, it’s like he’s carried by the wind!” Auria grumbled under her robe which concealed her body, “of course, that wouldn’t be strange, considering Barbar’s personality…”
Sighing, the fairy-turned-sylph looked up to the endlessly blue sky. She had heard through the grapevine about those bard contests -- innumerable, considering the amount of stories to be sung by the many traveling bards in the land -- and had ignored them for two years until she had heard who had been the winner for the third year straight: A young boy named Venti.
Curse her lack of attention! What good was it to possess the power of an Anemo Vision and be clueless about the words the wind carried?
“Hahh…” Auria sighed again, kicking the dust just for the sake of it. She had heard about how Dvalin had left Mondstadt -- which was Venti’s handiwork, no doubt about it. If only she had been there…
Holding back another sigh, Auria took a deep breath and, instead, slapped both of her cheeks to spur herself into action.
“Get a hold of yourself, Auria! Those 500 years of wandering and hiding weren’t for nothing!” She looked up at the fluffy clouds with renewed resolve. “I’ll find him and we’ll finally be able to be together again, just like old times.” She nodded to herself, as though talking herself into action had become a habit she cultivated through the centuries. “Okay, now that’s dealt with…” she looked around the wide prairie before her to check if there was anyone looking before crossing both hands over her chest. “Annd, transform!”
After Auria’s whisper -- word that was actually not needed for her transformation from sylph to fairy to work, but that she had grown fond of using due to Venti’s influence -- she was covered in sparkling dust, seemingly poofing out of existence.
A tiny form, smaller than even Paimon, emerged from the dust, flying about freely to be able to cover the distance to the city. She had changed to her original form of a fairy, before Barbatos had bestowed upon her the very first ever Anemo Vision which allowed her to retain a human-like form to live out the rest of her life beside him.
It took her a while to arrive at the city, as the sky was now covered in a blanket of stars. She poofed back into her human form behind an alley, feeling a weird stir in the air after she felt it caress her face.
It felt as though it was welcoming her into an embrace -- like it was ready to give her what she wanted the most: the hug and comfort of her beloved Barbatos.
“Oh…” Auria covered her mouth with both hands in surprise, her eyes misting with tears. “He’s here! Ven is here!” Her voice shook with emotion for finally being able to grasp Venti’s presence like one catches a petal in the wind.
She closed her eyes and intertwined her fingers in almost prayer, focusing all of her being into the Anemo energy all around her. If she could pinpoint the source of the wind… If only she could, then she would most certainly find Barbatos at the end of it.
All wind and freedom are born from him, so it was no wonder that if one pulled the thread of the wind, they would find Venti at the end of it.
However, it was easier said than done -- there was a high amount of magic energy; differing levels of Anemo and other Visions spread throughout the land to be able to pull at one without finding it entangled in another. It felt like Auria was learning how to knit by untangling yarn instead of weaving it into clothing.
She spent the night at an inn not too far from the most famous one in town as she needed to concentrate on her task, though if only she had walked half a block further… her fate might’ve been different.
The next morning, Venti, Lumine and Paimon left Angel’s Share to look for the bard’s special someone, though not without Paimon’s easily-ignored teasing.
“She loves the natural sound of the wind, so I’m sure she’ll be in a place where she can be surrounded by nature!” Venti twirled around himself to make a small whirlwind follow his steps, making dust and leaves dance behind him. “The prairie right outside town should be a great place to look, methinks!”
“Alright, then you can go alone, Tone-Deaf Bard! It doesn’t make sense for all of us to go together, after all.” Paimon shook her tiny legs in annoyance for being ignored after asking questions about the Tone-Deaf Lady Friend.
Lumine nodded in accordance, “yeah, it’s best if we split up. I’ll ask people based on the description you told me, so you should look for places she’d most likely be at.”
“Mhm, mhm!” Venti nodded brightly, taking Lumine’s hand on his before shaking it vigorously. “Thanks again for this, Traveler! Let’s find her pronto! I miss her so much!”
“No one asked, though…” Paimon grumbled beside the duo, puffing her cheeks so they were fit to burst at any moment.
Blinking with sparkling eyes, Venti looked in Paimon’s direction and smiled before giving her a cheeky wink and turning to leave. “Then I leave this area to you! Let’s meet back at Angel’s Share if we return empty-handed.”
After saying that, a current of soft green wind covered Venti, dissipating into warm specs of light once he safely warped himself out.
“Good riddance!” Paimon grunted, wobbling around Lumine before taking a deep breath. “Alright then, let’s go, Traveler! I’m so curious to meet the lady crazy enough to live SO LONG with that Tone-Deaf Bard that I can’t stop scratching myself!” The flying little girl scratched the back of her hand excitedly, wearing an evil smile unfitting to her adorable face.
“Heh,” Lumine smiled before turning towards the market. “Let’s first ask some innkeepers; they’re the best when it comes to dealing with new people.”
“Let’s gooo!” Paimon eagerly flew behind the Traveler.
At the same time, Auria gasped, feeling the thread of wind she had barely managed to catch, snap. “Oh, noo…” She grumbled. “Did he warp somewhere? He was just around here in the city, but now he’s flown far away…” Her voice sounded dispirited as her body lumped forwards, on the bed.
Well, technically, she didn’t know if he had flown ‘far away’, but since he wasn’t within her grasp anymore, she pouted adorably, digging her face into the pillow.
She had barely slept last night; she was also starving and tired of trying to untangle the mess of winds and magic around this big city… Pouting even more, Auria growled impatiently before taking a deep breath.
“I’m going… yeah, I’m going to buy something to eat. Bread! Sweets! Fuel for my weary body!” She psyched herself up by springing to her feet, raising both fists to the sky. “Let’s go!”
Soon she left the tavern without checking out -- she was playing on staying until she found Barbatos, after all -- taking only her money pouch and cloak with her as she headed to the marketplace.
No matter how many times she squeezed herself through the stalls, the sight was always marvelous. Humans were truly fascinating in their own pursuit of freedom: from house decorations to delicious food; there was nothing one couldn’t find in this place as long as they looked hard enough.
Auria gleefully bought a bag of baked sweets that looked much too large for someone her size to eat by herself, which warranted her some glances from the shopkeepers as she passed them. Nevertheless, Auria happily munched on a creamy donut as she started to make her way out of the marketplace.
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw a familiar sparkling dust, so she unconsciously followed it. Since it was just like what her wings in fairy form produced, she felt somehow akin to the flying little girl just a bit ahead of her.
The girl looked too big to be a fairy; not to mention her lack of wings, which cemented the fact that she was not one of Auria’s brethren. Still, Auria found her gaze following the little girl and the one she accompanied -- a young Knight of Favonius, from the looks of it.
Once the duo was out of sight, Auria realized she still had half a donut sticking out of her mouth, so she busied herself with eating it, making her way back to the inn. On the way there, however, she passed by the largest tavern, Angel’s Share, and shrugged before going in.
After all, it would be weird if one that held the title of Most Popular Bard of Mondstadt wasn’t known in such a big establishment. So, renewed with the power of sugar in her veins, Auria went inside with burning eyes.
“Excuse me, I want some information…” She walked to the counter, finding a beautiful flame-haired young man tending to the bar.
“Ask away.” Diluc said curtly, not raising his gaze from the cup he was drying.
“Do you perhchance know of a bard named Venti? He’s about this tall-”
“No need for a description; not only do I know of him, he performed here just last night.” Diluc looked at Auria, then to the piece of donut that fell from her mouth to the floor he had just moped in her surprise.
“He was WHAT? Here?! What?!” She almost let go of the bag of sweets, but managed to catch herself in time to prevent the tragedy. “But I’m just right- across the street? I can’t believe-” She widened her eyes the more she spoke, staring blankly into Diluc’s face.
After a few seconds of astonishment, she caught her breath with a gasp. “Do you know where is he right now? I must meet him!”
Diluc took a moment to reply as he circled the counter to get a broom. “He didn’t say where he was going, but he left this morning with the Traveler and that flying little girl that accompanies her.”
Auria knew who Diluc was talking about immediately. “That young knight of Favonius?” She mumbled more to herself than to Diluc, though he did nod in response.
Squeezing the bag of sweets, Auria’s heart beat so hard it felt it was about to burst out of her chest. Was that the reason she was so drawn to them back at the market? Were the winds telling her to seek them out so she could finally be reunited with her love?
Her mouth agape as she breathed heavily, Auria’s face brightened with each passing second. “Thank you so much, master! I’ll- I’ll be back!” She quite literally flew out of the door, leaving only the sweet scent of her treats in her wake.
Diluc wasn’t even surprised about such things anymore, so he just finished his sweeping in silence.
“Huff, huff!” Auria panted as she turned the bag over into her open mouth to eat everything at once while she ran, clearly unafraid of choking. She quickly arrived back at the marketplace, though due to the sheer amount of people, it was hard to pinpoint a single duo.
Of course, the little not-fairy would be easy to find since she was such an odd sight, but that did not mean that looking would be effortless. Auria put herself on her tiptoes to look above the crowd, but ultimately decided that it would be easier to look from above.
She hurried to an alley and poofed into her fairy form, taking an easy flight high above people’s heads. Looking left and right, Auria flew not too close so as not to be spotted, but not too far so she would still be able to see clearly.
“There!” She pointed to the blonde knight far off in the distance, at the entrance to the pier. “It seems she’s talking to some people, so I’ll just fly down here…” Auria found a quiet spot behind some crates to poof back into her human form, immediately storming towards the place where she last saw Lumine.
She was so eager, she rammed into the young knight with everything she had the moment she took a turn, rolling on the ground in her arms. “Ow, ow, ow…”
“Lumine, Lumine! Are you alright? Who’s this crazy lady?!” Paimon pulled Auria’s cloak to take her off of the Traveler, failing miserably in moving anything but the hood she held on to.
“I’m alright, but-” Lumine shook her head, helping Auria sit up beside her. “Are you okay? Who are- wait… you look familiar.”
“Familiar? Have you seen this crook before, Lumine?” Paimon flew to Lumine’s side, widening her eyes once she took a good look at Auria. “Wait, it’s true! Aren’t you the Tone-Deaf Bard Lady Friend? You are, arentcha?!”
“Tone-deaf-” still dizzy from the collision, Auria massaged her forehead with a groan. “Tone-deaf…?”
“Don’t mind her.” Lumine waved her hand in Paimon’s direction, ignoring the ‘hey, what do you mean by that?’ from the emergency food. “You’re the one Venti is looking for, aren’t you?”
Auria’s eyes sparkled immediately, forgetting the pain and frustration as she took Lumine’s hand. “You know Venti?! Oh, thank the heavens! Do you know where he is? I’ve been looking everywhere for him!”
Lumine and Paimon exchanged surprised and pleased glances. “He just asked us to help him look for you. He left the city for a bit, but we promised to meet back at the Angel’s Share later this afternoon to report our findings.” Lumine nodded to the eager girl holding her hand. “Should we wait there together? It’s best if we stick close lest you two miss each other again.”
“Oh, would you do that for us? Thank you so much, sir knight! Thank you, thank you!” Amidst her emotion, Auria hugged Lumine as she laughed brightly to the point of tears.
“There, there,” Lumine smiled, patting Auria’s back so they could look each other in the eyes. “I’m Lumine, by the way. The one over there is Paimon, so no need for formalities.”
“That’s right! You’re thankful, aren’t you? You gotta tell us more about the Tone-Deaf Bard and how you two met and stuff!” Paimon bounced excitedly all around the two girls. “I need something to kick him in the shin with, keheheh…” She mumbled the last part to herself, snickering evilly.
“I truly am thankful!” Auria sniffled, then got up with Lumine’s help. “I would also love to hear how you two met Venti and what he’s been up to!”
“Sure,” Lumine patted the dirt out of her dress. “Let’s head back to the Angel’s Share.”
With each step Auria gave in the direction of the tavern she had left just an hour ago, the stronger her heart pounded. They haven’t seen each other in five hundred years, so the longing she felt to be in his arms was unparalleled.
She tried hard to listen to Paimon’s retelling of how they managed to save Dvalin, but the sound of her heart beating inside her ears made it difficult for Auria to do anything else apart from breathing. And even that was difficult, to be honest.
The wind was restless. Was Venti back? If so, was he already waiting for her? If not, would he take long? It was already the early hours of the afternoon, so he probably should be on his way… oh, Auria could hardly wait!
She didn’t notice, but her steps became quicker the more she approached the Angel’s Share, as though spurred by the threads of wind woven into a breeze. By the time she noticed it was hard to breathe, she was already running.
Her steps fueled by the swirling wind, Auria forgot all decorum and opened the door to the tavern with a loud bang.
The air entered from behind her into the building as though being sucked by a primal being; as though being rolled back into its beginning and end; as though it was simply returning to its master and servant.
The wind swirled around the two adorable twin braids, ruffling the little red cape that covered the small back.
Short of breath, Auria could only gasp as her eyes met Barbatos’ for the first time in a half a millennium. “Ven-” she stuttered, faltering on her feet as she reached out to him.
His clear, aqua eyes widened in surprise as he saw the wind usher her to him, a wide smile covering his face. “Auria!” He opened both arms and ran into her embrace, tackling her with everything he had.
“Ven- oof!” Auria opened her arms to welcome his lightning fast jump, squeezing him into her embrace as they wobbled backwards, falling on top of the incoming Traveler once again.
Paimon grumbled something about the Traveler pursuing a career of safety cushion, but neither of the two lovers heard her.
Auria’s clear tears rolled down her cheeks as she dug her face into Venti’s hair, rubbing her face on it as though to imprint him into her. “Ven! I missed you so much! Where,” she sniffled, “where have you beeen!” She sobbed.
“Hehe,” Venti smiled cheekily, rubbing his face on Auria’s chest as his own eyes itched with unshed tears. “Haven’t you heard my tunes? I was looking high and low for my one and only muse!”
Auria sobbed more, squeezing his neck into her embrace with such force he almost turned blue with lack of air. “I looked everywhere for you…”
“I know, Fairy.” He whispered her nickname in a loving voice, making Auria’s tears flow more intensely. “Thanks for being so good at finding me! What would I do without you, really…” he kissed her neck, then loosened his embrace so he could kiss her wet cheeks before trailing his lips to hers.
Paimon gawked at the sight, covering her eyes with a red face as the two young lovers shared their kiss of reunion, not even bothering to stand after they fell.
“Don’t, sniff, don’t even think about going around on your own again!” Auria dipped more tiny kisses onto Venti’s rosy lips, drying her tears the best she could. “We’ll stay together from now on, Ven!”
“I would have it no other way, Fairy!” Venti giggled brightly, using his frilly sleeve to dry his beloved’s faze. “Now there’s nothing that can separate us.”
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inspired-writer07 · 4 years
Words: 1605
Summary: She knew, he didn’t.
[Inspired by: “Die From a Broken Heart” - Maddie and Tae; “Euphoria” - BTS; “Sober” - Taps]
“Hey momma how do you get a red wine stain out of your favorite dress? Black mascara off a pillowcase?” Y/N asked. She couldn’t help the tears that ran down her face. Her heart was shattering again and she couldn’t stop it. She’s been strong lately and she can now show her weakness in front of the only person she knows won’t judge her for it.
Y/N loved too much too soon, and she knows that now. It’s always been her downfall. Always leaving her heart on her sleeves. The brunette didn’t know how else to live. That’s how she saw her mom and her brother live their life. How she was raised. 
“How can he leave so easy? Am I going to be alright?” She chuckled through the tears. “Can you die from a broken heart? How can he leave me so easy?” He shouldn’t have been able to leave so easily. Although he didn’t leave, his heart did. She knew it before he did. Even then, how could he have left so easily? Not after what they’ve been through. 
Y/N watched him on the world stage, performing like nothing else mattered. Because nothing did at the moment. The brunette watched him live his dreams and took a trip down memory lane to see how far he and his group have come. She was there through it all. The “less-than-stellar”  debut, helping them get more audience at their concerts, giving away free tickets, the blood, sweat, and tears of it all. She saw them fight amongst themselves when things got tense, makeup when they couldn’t stand not practicing. She saw them devastated when they went home empty-handed after awards shows, and she saw them cry and yell in victory when they won their first award, and first major award. She saw their rise and downfall and she watched as they rose again to break worldwide records, go on to be the group to pave the way for those to come. Y/N saw it all. 
~Flashback End~
Y/N saw, and witnessed first-hand, her beloved SO rise from nothing, and she ultimately saw how he slowly became someone else’s. She denied it at first. She didn’t want to believe that the man who held her as she buried her older brother, and months later her mother, was the same man whose heart now belonged to someone else before he even realized it himself. Y/N knew he was denying it. He was too good of a person to cheat on Y/N. She hated those who cheat, she’s been cheated on before, and somehow this was worse. Being cheated on sucks, but knowing that the love of your life is in love with someone else while with you isn’t something she thought she’d ever experience. It hurts worse because she couldn’t be mad at him or her. They did nothing wrong. They didn’t kiss or sleep around. No, they just happened to be the most compatible people on earth. She gets him like no one else and it killed Y/N to admit it. 
Y/N sat in between her brother and mother’s grave staring into the stars. Time eluded her as she sat in peace. Her tears had dried up some time ago, even though her heart still ached at the situation she was in. She knew what she needed to do, and it may hurt, but it was for the best. She stood before blowing a kiss to her mother and brother before starting her trek back to her car.
“Just do it.” She chanted to herself as she sat in her car in the BigHit private parking lot. She took a deep breath and exited her car. Her new confidence was her sole motivation to make it to the elevator, and it all but evaporated when she arrived at his studio and saw the pair inside. 
“Hello.” Seunghee smiled and bowed.
“Hey,” Y/N replied. She couldn’t help but hate the other woman. She couldn’t help it. 
Y/N saw his smile as he saw her, and then she saw his smile widen as he heard whatever Seunghee replied under her breath.
“Hey, you.”  He hugged Y/N and planted a small kiss on her hairline. 
“Can I talk to you for a sec Jungkook?” Y/N asked. Jungkook smiled and nodded. “In private.” She continued through gritted teeth. The duo before her were confused before nodding and dispersing. The two hugged, and even though it happened within a second, she saw how his arms tightened around the blonde. They parted and said their goodbyes, Jungkook to the chair, and Seunghee to go and find her former classmates Taehyung and Jimin.
“So what’s up?” Jungkook said, turning around to the soundboard.
“Let’s break up.”
Jungkook froze, hand hovering over the play button. He couldn’t register what she had just spoken. 
Y/N stood there not knowing what else to say. She turned to leave when his words reached her ears.
“Wha-why?” the male finally responded, turning around. “Please tell me this is a joke.” Tears were on the verge of falling.
“I wish it was Kook.”
“We can work it out. We always do.”
“Trust me, we won’t be able to. It’s best to end things now while things are good.”
“You’re not making any sense, Y/N.” He was now standing, unable to be seated while his girlfriend was about to walk out of his life.
Y/N was slowly getting irritated. ‘Isn’t this what he wants?’ She thought.
“At least tell me why you’re leaving me Y/N.”
“Because I can’t sit by and watch you love someone else Jungkook. I can’t sit here and deny it anymore.”
“What are you talking about Y/N?”
The two were starting to raise their voices. The emotions were too much for either one to stay calm.
“I’m talking about Seunghee, Jungkook!”
The male scoffed. “Are you kidding me Y/N? You’re breaking up with me because I’m friends with her?!”
“No. I’m breaking up with you because you’re in love with her!”
“Don’t deny it, Kook. I can see it. I’ve known you my whole life, Jungkook. I can see it in your eyes. The way they light up when the slightest mention of her is said, or how you can’t stop smiling when she’s near. Jungkook, I know you love her because this is how you were when you found out you loved me.”
“Y/N, you don’t know shit about me then. I don’t love her, I love you!”
Tears fell as her lips curved into a sad smile. “Do you know that that’s the first time you said you loved me since meeting her?”
“That’s not true.” his voice breaking, because he knew she was right. But not because of meeting Seunghee. If he was being honest with himself, he didn’t know why. He didn’t know why he was irritated whenever Y/N called, or why he never picked up. He didn’t know why he stopped taking her out on dates or accepted her multiple offers for dinner. He didn’t know why he never told Y/N that he loved her, because he truly did. And if continued being honest with himself, he did know why. He knows why he was distancing himself from Y/N, and it’s because he was falling for Seunghee. The tears fell as he reached for her hand. His lips parted as he tried to form an apology good enough for the love of his life. 
Y/N smiled a bitter smile, before squeezing his hand. 
“I love you Jungkook. You were there for me through everything, and I couldn’t be more grateful to be able to say that you once loved me. I hope you find that infinite happiness you couldn’t have with me.” She pulled him in for a hug and kissed him one last time. 
Jungkook watched in slow motion as he witnessed her hands let his go. He didn’t know how long he stood there by himself. It may have well could have been thirty seconds, but it felt like a lifetime. He snapped out of it when he felt the hands of his leader on his shoulder. He looked up to see the hyung line standing before him with worried faces.
“What happened?” Namjoon questioned.
“Hyung.” His voice broke as his knees collapsed, forcing the older man to catch him. His cries could be heard by the staff and trainees. The activities stopped as they listened to the almighty Jungkook wail in heartbreak.
“Junkook-ah.” Jin whispered. His heart broke for the boy. He knew how much he loved Y/N, she was the first person he introduced them to. Not his family or close friends, but Y/N.
The older three looked up to see Hoseok standing there out of breath, shaking his head. He had run after Y/N after hearing the screams and witnessing her leave in tears. He had tried to catch up, but she was determined to leave. By the time he had reached the garage, her car left the building. 
The dancer stood at the door and watched as Jungkook wept in their leaders’ arms. Jimin and Taehyung had just returned from walking Seunghee to her car. They had seen Y/N run from the stairs to her cars in tears. They had called out her name in worry, only stopping in confusion upon seeing Hoseok run after her. They had rushed Seunghee to her car before rushing upstairs, only to witness the aftermath of a long, loving relationship.
*Disclaimer: constructive criticism please.
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bleue-flora · 8 months
Fun fact: I actually rewrite and change whole scenes a lot. And last week when I lost hot water during the winter storm, in my longing to take a shower, I actually came across this old alternate version of a scene in Dreamcatcher… so as I sit here now, about to take a shower but ironically dragging my feet and dreading the work involved, I figured I’d share this fun little snip bit/blooper.
CONTEXT: Punz tending to Dream after he returns from Las Nevadas, injured and covered in slime.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Implied/Referenced Torture, Injuries, Profanity.
Punz rests Dream to sit on the bed before turning his back to grab medical tools. Thinking threw his next steps he voices clinically calm, “Dream, you should probably go wash off before we do anything about your injuries. Don’t want whatever that fucking slime is to like—fester in the wounds.”
He whips back around expecting an answer, but to his befuddlement Dream doesn’t reply, he just sits there looking at the floor. His eyes unfocused and clouded over, as if he isn’t seeing anything at all.
“Dream? Dude, you with me?”
“Oh right. Umm… I—I… Does that really seem necessary? I mean—it’s really just some scratches you know. Not really a big deal…” Dream mutters out almost desperately, not lifting his head.
Completely caught off guard, Punz sounds back stunned and confused with hints of worry, “What? What the fuck did you just say? Dream, surely you can’t be stupid enough to say that? Dude, we don’t have any idea what the hell this shit is. It could be dangerous. And letting it into your open wounds is not something I want to fucking experiment with.”
Punz, assuming he has convinced the man, turns back around and continues to organize and scrimmage for what he needs, not noticing that Dream has neither responded nor moved an inch. It’s not untill he goes for the enderchest that he catches a glimpse of Dream in the corner of his eye. He’s startled a bit at the sight of Dream completely still not fulfilling his request. Punz immediately stops noisily clamoring around with the supplies and spins around.
“Dream? Don’t be fucking stubborn with me. I’m really not in the mood, I’m already pissed that I couldn’t be there. Please just let me help.”
Dream doesn’t stir.
He just sits there facing the floor, shaking almost imperceptibly. His breath coming out in an uneven worrying manner. It’s at this point Punz finally realizes he might of fucked up.
“Dream?… buddy? You with me? You ok?… I’m here dude.”
The caring tone seems to break whatever trance Dream was in as he surprisingly admits, hushed and almost inaudible, “I—I can’t, Punz. I just can’t. You are right… but I—I can’t do it. I’m—I’m so—“
Not wanting to hear another fucking apology leave his lips, Punz cuts him off and asks softly, “What—why can’t you do it, Dream?”
Then noticing Dream’s breathing getting hitched at the question he adds, “Is it… Dream, is it like something—something Quackity did?”
Dream wavers then slowly nods still not looking up.
Right. That makes sense. Fuck. He’s an idiot. Of coarse Dream would have a hard time being under water. That’s a given. Hell, he even avoided showers for a week or two after he drowned to death in one of their tests. Oh god. How could he be so fucking stupid?
The revelation and implication crack into his rib cage and crush his heart a little bit. He didn’t know he could feel more guilty and outraged by the whole thing. But damn Dream can’t even take a shower for fucks sake. Not that he can blame the man in the slightest.
“Fuck… Right. Ok. That’s fine. We can just like clean up the best we can without it.” Punz responds encouragingly.
(for the rest of the scene and the version I actually went with check out Dreamcatcher)
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Jaskier's Confession Doesn't Go Well
"I guess it's not too bad. A little itchy-"
"Geralt, there's only enough room for one whiner in here and that's me. Just come out already." Jaskier encouraged the witcher from his seat on their bed. The witcher struggling into the tailor's shirt given to them earlier behind the bath screen.
"I look like an idiot."
"I'm sure it's not that bad." Geralt paused before walking out. Jaskier looking over the doublet in shock. It was dark blue with puffed out shoulders and open sleeves at the elbows. The back tails were long, stopping around the white haired man's knees. "You look...."
"Like a jester?"
"I was going to say amazing but now that you mention it, I kind of see it." Despite his jest Jaskier had yet to look away. It had almost definitely been a dress at some point. Jaskier knew enough from his mother's sewing lessons to identify the stitch work. But it had been altered just enough to emphasize Geralt's frame in a flattering way. "Definitely an improvement from that old rag you called a shirt." It was more than an improvement but he dare not say anything further.
"You said you wanted me to wear it for something special," Geralt said as he pulled at the sleeves. "Got something else planned too?"
"Actually yes!" Jaskier excitedly pulled out two tickets from his purse, handing one to the Witcher. "A college friend of mine, Elizebetza, she's in a play this afternoon. I thought you'd might want to go."
"It's not like I have a choice, is it?"
"Not particularly no."
"Alright, but don't be surprised if I fall asleep halfway through it." Jaskier beamed as he took Geralt's good arm and led him down the inn's stairs. Outside Roach was waiting. Geralt looking between Jaskier and the horse. "I can't ride her."
"Alone! I'll help you."
"Jaskier, the last time you attempted to mount Roach you ended up with your voice an octave higher." Jaskier winced at the memory. He still thought back to it on the occasion he needed to hit a high note.
"I have faith she won't now that you're at my side."
"Hmmm." The bard helped lift the witcher on the mare. Geralt didn't notice Jaskier slipping Roach a sugar cube before following. Behind Geralt, feet in the stirrups, Jaskier reached for Roache's reins. The horse neighed, jolting forward and knocking Geralt further back in Jaskier's lap.
"Umm..." Jaskier's face flushed at their proximity.
"Don't worry about, she gets nervous with new people." Geralt adjusted and the bard nodded.
"Right...let's head off before we miss the show." Jaskier flipped the reigns. "Giddy up." Roach complied, running down the city street like a bat out of hell. Jaskier praying he'd survive the night.
"Whoa there!" Geralt watched Jaskier attempt to control Roach. The mare slowly coming to a stop in front of a large building. People were milling about, in and out of the building. Bright lights illuminated the front glass doors.
The crowd stared at the duo as Jaskier climbed down before helping Geralt off Roach. Whispers could be heard as they walked past. The Witcher trying to shrink away from the attention Jaskier seemed to be basking in.
"The viscount?"
"It's been years..."
"Who's that man with him?"
"Look at his eyes-"
"A witcher?"
"How scandalous."
"Fuck," Geralt breathed in as they finally entered the building. "Everyone's staring."
"Of course, the best way to make an entrance." Inside the theater people were milling about the lobby. The witcher was ready to retreat into a dark corner. Entering the seating area, Jaskier found their seats on pews near the front.
"Care to tell me what we're actually going to be seeing?"
"Oh it's a rendition of Sleeping Beauty."
"Ah, a tragedy."
"What no, it's a romance."
"What's romantic about a king breaking into a tower, raping the princess and her waking up to twins?"
"Are you sure we're talking about the same story Geralt?"
"I'm talking about the real story."
"You know, sometimes you can be really morbid."
"Hmmm." Geralt grinned slightly as he watched Jaskier turn to the stage. The pews around them were unsurprisingly empty. Geralt grabbing a stray playbill and fiddling with it. Minutes later the candle light went out and the stage lit up. The play was about to start.
"-and lo, I have found thee, my Briar Rose." The play had felt like ages to the tired witcher but in reality it couldn't have been more than two hours. By the time it finally ended and the crowd, Jaskier included, had stood up and started to clap he was snapped out of his haze.
"Is it over already?" Geralt asked, using the pew in front of him as a crutch to stand up.
"Yes, and I just say I'm surprised." Jaskier snorted as he began to lead Geralt out to the lobby. "When you started to snore sometime in the second act I was sure Lady Leorna was going to strike you dead."
"Oh ugh, sorry."
"Don't be. It was a dreadful performance. The man playing Prince Florimund was so intoxicated he almost fell off the stage multiple times."
"That bad?"
"Honestly the theater department here has gone down the drain. There's only one person worse who could've been cast."
"Let me guess, Valdo Marx?"
"How'd you know?"
"I have a sense for these kind of things." Both the witcher and Jaskier laughed as exited through the back of the building. Geralt looking at the other man confused.
"This way we can avoid everyone going out the front." Jaskier leading Geralt through a well groomed garden. Candle lights spaced out through the area. If Geralt didn't know better, he'd say this is romantic.
"You seem to know this place pretty well."
"Used to hide here from my professors. I'd come here to write poems for my beloved...s."
"How many girls you bring around here?" Geralt asked as they walked past the small pond.
"None. It might sound weird but it always seemed to personal to me." Geralt hit his foot, almost tripping on the ground when Jaskier caught him. "I wanted to bring someone special." There was a pause as the two stared at each other. Before Jaskier began to lean in. Only to be stopped by a hand.
"Jaskier, I...we shouldn't." The bard's face fell. Geralt struggling to get up as he refused to look the bard in the face. "I'm sorry..."
"No. It's okay....let's just go back."
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A Holiday Show!
Hey, this is my Dragonyule thing for @wormprint! I noticed that a bunch of Dragalia’s wyrmprints have stories that are told through very little dialogue, so I decided to experiment with a similar style! I hope you all enjoy it!
Ah, Dragonyule. A time of busy preparations, gift giving, and holiday cheer. On top of all that, there were also performance spectaculars, which takes us to the scene before us, in which two young couples were busily preparing for a major collaborative holiday performance.
A young woman in a fluffy skirt and a hat with bells was practicing a routine with a large dragon to the song of her love, the songstress of the century with a passion to match the strength of her vocal prowess.
The sylvan and dragon duo moved perfectly to the melody, with grand flips and flourishes at each separate beat.
The songstress continued her aria, with the emotion in each individual note further fueled by the awe she held for her partner. As she sang and stared, she thought back to the first moment that she had seen the ringleader.
Looking at the two of them, it was rather unbelievable that the two had even met, despite both being deeply entrenched in the world of performance. But, the divide was caused by the lack of a shared stage. Annelie, the ringleader of a traveling circus, and Lucretia, the famed songstress trained in the Harmonia Choir, would likely have never been able to share the same backstage area in any typical scenario. Luckily, when one enters a partnership and friendship with Prince Euden of New Alberia, normal circumstances often fade away and give those involved a chance to form bonds with people that they would have originally been unlikely to meet.
It all began when the circus came to the Halidom. After aiding the Prince in assisting the circus and ridding the area of fiends, the songstress had decided to go with her dear friend, the conductor, to take the children of the Harmonia Choir to watch the show. As the lights went up on the performers, the charismatic ringleader rode onto the stage with a bubbly attitude and a bright smile that the songstress could not tear her eyes away from. As the children stared in awe at the acrobats and jugglers, none of the performers could tear the songstress’ eyes away from the bright-eyed ringleader. During the grand finale, as the ringleader stepped up to take a bow, it was as if she was grinning straight at the enamored songstress. As the little group left the tent, the songstress could not tear her thoughts away from the ringleader’s smile. As she and the conductor led the children to bed, her thoughts drifted to the ringleader’s eyes. As she laid down to sleep herself, she dreamt of that final bow and the ringleader’s bright, cheerful gaze.
In the present moment, the thought of the ringleader’s smile had only brought further joy that fueled the songstress’ melody. As the song continued, each of the ringleader’s tricks became more and more energetic, with a final flip ending with an expert landing on the back of the dragon and the songstress held out her final note. The two performers gazed into each other’s eyes with a mixture of admiration and love that both of them adored.
On the other side of the tent, a separate routine was being rehearsed, with the brilliant baritone of the conductor being punctuated by the rhythm of a dagger hitting a wooden target. As the conductor kept his own tempo, he observed the skills of his beloved dagger thrower as each carefully polished and sharpened blade pierced the flat, painted surface of the target.
Similarly to the songstress and the ringleader, the conductor and the dagger thrower’s first encounter had been on the level of spectator and performer. On that first night at the circus, the conductor had not been enraptured by the ringleader on the same level as the songstress had been. On the other hand, he was more focused on the golden haired man who had accompanied her. As the dagger thrower began his act, the famed conductor could not help but be fascinated by the technical skill behind each carefully aimed volley the dagger thrower made at a variety of targets of differing shapes and sizes. As the bows commenced, the two men locked eyes, seering the vision of each other’s gazes into each of their respective minds.
The two men later found themselves interacting over a discovery of a similar past. Both having struggled with difficult former associations and rising into a new persona on stage, the duo took a small amount of comfort during the conversation, until they were suddenly overheard by passerby who took their conversation as threatening out of context. Immediately, the duo quickly came up with an excuse that became an impromptu demonstration. As the daggers were thrown to the beat of the music, the conductor and the dagger thrower felt a connection as performers. Who would have thought that the famed conductor Vixel and the sharp eyed Fritz would have been able to collaborate so quickly?
The one-off demonstration turned into further discussion of collaboration, which evolved into fully realized performances. As the conductor and the dagger thrower continued to perform together, they managed to properly introduce the songstress and the ringleader through involving them in their concepts. Soon, performances and rehearsals became more common between the four performers and their associates. Shortly after, rehearsals started to begin and end with “I love yous” between the songstress and the ringleader and the conductor and the dagger thrower respectively.
This brings us to the present. Lucretia and Annelie collaborate on dragon riding dances between quick kisses and soft words of affirmation, and Vixel and Fritz continue their daring game of accuracy and rhythm built on a foundation of trust and shared experiences.
Finally, the day of the performance arrives. The denizens of the Halidom gather in the stands, with the members of the Harmonia Choir invited as special guests. As the lights rise on the ring, the two couples exchange quick “I love yous” and kisses on cheeks for good luck before rushing out to greet the crowd.
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untilthenextencore · 5 years
Sensory Overload: aka X Marks the Spot
A/N: Had this tucked away for ages. Wasn't sure how it'd be received. Gonna need a lil suspension of disbelief here regarding how empty & secluded a post show stage is...
But otherwise I hope you enjoy...
Please be kind
And as always I am constantly editing this even after posting it.
Jaida tugged on the hem of the new minidress she was wearing. She had been leant a peekaboo crocheted dress to wear to that night's Yardbird's concert by her older sister Jenni.
Jenni was two years older than her. 18 to her 16. She was a huge Yardbirds fan and a little bit of what they call a groupie if one was to be completely honest. All she could talk about were her favorite groups & guys. She lived & breathed them. Beat group guys. Guys like Jeff. The last time the Yardbirds were in town Jaida saw very little of Jenni. She hardly saw hide nor hair of her older sister who told their parents she was staying with a friend for a few days. Their parents took for granted that it was a girl friend or gal pal of hers like the similarly boy group crazy Erica who she meant. When in fact Jaida knew and was sworn to secrecy that Jenni & Erica were off canoodling with a few Yardbird boys themselves. Jenni with her beloved Jeff. And Erica with Jim McCarty. Each girl's parents believing the same "staying with a friend" ruse to facilitate the days of disappearance. It was no big deal to Jaida. Jenni & Erica were just like that.
Jaida got the feel from time to time that her sister wanted her to be a little more like that too. Wanting to be more like the Three Musketeers of petite brunette beat group fans rather than just a Devilish Duo she supposed. Jaida loved the music as much as the next kid. Probably even as much as Jenni and Erica themselves! But she was just far too shy to make anything of it. Even if she might want to. There was always another older or bolder girl willing to go where she wasn't bold enough to or do what she daren't do. She was just too timid that way.
That's likely where Jenni got the idea to dress Jaida in the peekaboo crocheted dress. Jenni had chosen a wild psychedelic printed mini with matching headband that Jeff had bought & sent to her while on the road with a note asking her to wear it for him one time. Erica had on a simple blue trapeze dress. Jenni the peekaboo crocheted mini. Making the shy, timid girl the most bold & daringly dressed. Fake it till you make it, eh sis?
Ah, well...
Jenni & Erica were just like that...
Bold & Daring in their love for the lads...
Of course the same was likely true now. Jenni & Erica were likely off with their Yardbird beaus, having disappeared after Jenni told Jaida to wait here in the equipment and clothing crowded dressing room all 3 had been escorted to after the boys' set. Jaida had no idea what for or why.
She had one idea...
Jaida had noticed that when Jeff had asked Jenni back Jenni hesitated, asking. "Mind if my baby sis comes too? Erica's here for McCarty too..." Jeff had laughed & agreed, nodding & telling her. "Sure. I'm sure Jim'll love to see Erica again. S'been awhile for him too. And I don't reckon the lads'll be TOO put out with another bird around either." Grinning at Jaida & chuckling to himself at his own supposition.
And just like that Jaida found herself waiting in the small dressing room for God knows who or what.
That question was answered in double pronged fashion when Jim peeked in to rifle through his things for a bag of weed he had stashed in a coat of his. He and Jaida made small talk as Jim found his buried treasure before returning to his beloved treasured one Erica in the other room.
That was the first prong...
The second came as Jimmy walked in... He had been directed to the room by Jeff. Jeff noticed Jimmy had been staring at Jaida from where she stood at the foot of the stage with Erica & Jenni for pretty much the entire show & told him as he passed the dark corridor where Jeff was necking with Jenni that there was a present waiting for him talking to McCarty in the room. Jimmy took one look at the girl with the bright smile in the peekaboo dress he'd been looking at all night, laughing with Jim & decided then & there that Jaida is his that night. Chris & Keith had their ladies, Jim & Jeff had Erica & Jenni. It was only fair that Jimmy get a shot at his own chance at bliss.
He cut his eyes at his - as usual - laughing & jovial bandmate as he entered & cleared his throat softly, lifting an eyebrow almost imperceptibly. Jim got the hint from Jimmy & nodded, quickly excusing himself. More than just the hint. Jim got the vibe from the new young guitarist.
Not two seconds in the door and ALREADY Jimmy is sending out strong vibes to him.
Jimmy is radiating possessiveness...
There was nowhere else for Jim to be but gone!
Especially with Erica waiting on him!
So it was that the drummer disappeared out the door just as the new guitarist entered, greeting the petite brunette tag along with a sweet smile as he brushed a lock of hair from his face. "Isn't this a lovely surprise! When the show started I certainly wasn't expecting such a vision waiting for me in the dressing room when I came back! Hello there! My name's, Jimmy. May I ask what yours is, love?" He asked, extending a hand.
She took the hand in a polite shake that culminated in his placing a kiss to the back of hers, making her blush. "My name's Jaida. Nice to meet you, Jimmy. My sister Jenni brought me here to see the show. A kind if break from my studies I guess. High school exams and all. She's off with Jeff now I think. Jim must be off to find our friend Erica too."
Jaida couldn't believe he was real. That voice. Soft spoken, just short of clipped with a gentle lilt & the barest touch of a lisp. Those eyes. Jade green & hazy. Misty. Smoky. That face! Like it was carved out of porcelain. A dark haired, flushed cheeked cherub faced oil painting of a man. She could have been mistaken but she could have sworn she saw him glancing at her, looking at her while on stage. Though with all the lights and other screaming girls she couldn't be all too sure. She'd be lying if she said she weren't avidly watching him onstage herself. Her eyes hardly left him! Glued to him for practically the whole performance!
"Ah, yes! Jennifer... I do remember Jeff mentioning her name before... I think I saw her a moment ago too... She and Jeff were getting on quite well..." Jimmy nodded, leaving out the part where his friend was busy with his hand up the skirt of the dress he had bought his young love & busy making her have to muffle her squeals of delight into his shoulder. Instead he only offered an innocent follow up. "Pleasure's all mine... I do hope you enjoyed the show, love... I know how trying examinations can be & I only hope it helped take your mind off of them & was a worthy distraction..."
"Oh, it was! It was!" Jaida nodded enthusiastically. "I loved it! I loved it! I just loved it! You guys were magnificent! Amazing! Keith's soulful harp! Your guitar! Blistering solos! You and Jeff! Ah! Just amazing! Amazing! Incredible really! Almost sensory overload!" She enthused.
"Sensory overload?" Jimmy quite liked the sound of that.
"Sensory overload? Well! That is quite the compliment! Thank you very much, Miss Jaida! I'm glad you so approve! I'll be sure to pass that compliment on to the other lads as well... I'm glad you dig our music that much! Hopefully you see what we're trying to accomplish here too... With the two guitars and all..." Jimmy smiled before taking in their rather closed surroundings. "Say, is it a bit too close in here for you? Would you like to take a walk maybe? I think we're almost done clearing the stage..." He then offered. "Have you ever seen things from onstage?"
She shook her head. "Oh no... No... I thought she was too young to tag along with my sister before... I mean I've been to shows and all but not... Not... Not like this... I mean like I said... I've never even been backstage like this before! I mean I only just turned 16!" She didn't know how to put it. She didn't know how to relay her lack of if not outright inexperience compared to Jenni & Erica in a way that didn't sound as if she were making them seem a little too experienced or more experienced than even they likely were. Instead she just settled on adding. "I mean I love the music. But I'm not super familiar with the scene, you know?"
Jimmy nodded thoughtfully. "I see... I understand... Well then I..."
Any further conversation was stalled as Jim then came back with Erica in tow and explained. "Jeff stole the room I had my eye on. He locked the door. Do you mind?"
"Not at all!" Jimmy shook his head. "Even though usually the answer would likely be a resounding yes or some version of "Get lost!" Or "Get bent!" Jim caught him in a good mood.
Jimmy had other ideas for the night...
So Jimmy & Jaida promptly then made their exit. Taking her hand & guiding her to her feet, he smiled. "Shall we?" With that he lead her out & onto the dimly lit stage where he was pleased to find not a roadie or Yardbird in sight! As they walked, Jimmy couldn't help but get a good look at her rear in the minidress out of the corner of his eye. He walked her out and around on the stage, letting her get a look at the arena under the few stage lights left on. She was fascinated. Spellbound. Clearly even in the modest concert hall they were in, the magnitude & gravity of his "playing for the masses" was hitting her. Washing over her. Humbling the already humble teenager. He let her Have her moment, the silence only marked by a soft. "Wow..." And their steady breathing. When he saw she was now just looking around, inspecting her surroundings idly rather than drinking them in, he readied himself. He chose his moment. At a moment when she turned to look back in his direction to comment on one thing or another he snuck a kiss. A quick soft, but sudden peck on the lips. Nothing more. A small move. Modest. But effective.
"What did you do that for?" She blushed, gasping at the contact.
He just lifted her petite frame up onto his amp & smiled that same eye crinkling smile, cooing. "You know you're very pretty..."
She blushed harder & shook her head. "No... No... No... You're... You're... You're sweet... But... My... My... My sister's the pretty one... I'm too shy."
Jimmy smiled sweetly & pressed another few equally sweet kisses to her lips getting her to respond timidly. "Mmmm... That's what makes you special. You're gorgeous, love. Gorgeous... Mmmm..." He planted his hands on the amp on either side of her, beginning to deepen the kiss, making it more passionate, more intimate.
When his hands cupped her hips she flinched slightly but did not move. Same when he inched her skirt up... And pet her thighs... But when his right hand slipped under her skirt as it rode up slightly and petted her between her legs she mewled. "Jimmy..." "What is it, my girl?" She stammered. "I've... I've never... Ever..." He grinned and nodded shifting her to face another wall of amps which conveniently hid him as he crouched down, trusting that the curtains on either side of them hid them both as well. "I know... I know... Do you want to, love?" She made another whine, fidgeting nervously. "Mmmm... I don't know... I'm scared... I don't know if I'm ready to do everything... I mean I don't know if I'm ready to go all the way. I'm sorry." To her surprise he grinned. "It's okay, darling. It's okay. You know... There are other things we could do, love..." She looked at him shyly through her curtain of eyelashes, asking. "Like what?"
Cue his soft & disarming smile turning into a rakish Cheshire Cat grin & followed by more soft, disarming questions.
He lifted her skirt slightly, leaning in to return his lips to hers as his fingers ran across her nearly sheer panties, petting & then moving them aside as his middle finger thrusted inside. "Mmmm... Fuck..." He panted at the feel of her heat constricted around his searching digit. "Jaida... Mmmm... You are a sweet little thing aren't you..." She mewled & nodded. "Is this okay?" She mewled again, nodding again & whimpering as his index joined in, both fingers thrusting in & curling up, finding a little soft spot that made her gasp & grip his coat. He grinned, relishing the sight of the brunette lovely in her white crocheted minidress panting & grabbing onto him, her heels falling off & revealing curling little toes.
She took the initiative to press a kiss to his lips which he welcomed happily, moving his lips against hers masterfully. He let her muffle her sounds into the kiss before pulling back abruptly, making her whine in displeasure. He just grinned & pecked her cheek, advising. "Be a good girl, love. Stay quiet. Let me show you what fun we can have together." "Show?" She questioned, as her legs fell open a fraction wider to allow him better access. "Yes, dear. Like this..." He pecked her once more, cooing to the trembling miss. "You're so precious..."
Then he leant down & pulled his fingers out, pulled her panties off, pocketing them in the inner pocket of his coat & let his tongue explore her slit. She gasped & jerked slightly, hips tilting up, her wetness dripping down between her cheeks & onto an amp, giving Jimmy an idea. "Mmmm... So sweet..." His moans were muffled against her mound as her whimpers were against her hand. Meanwhile his slickened fingers ran between her cheeks and rubbed up against her tiny little puckered hole, prodding it. She gasped & shivered at the myriad of sensations hitting her at once. Was this sensory overload? "J... J... J... J-Jim... Jim... Jim-m-m-my?..." "Yes?" He asked before slurping her up & moving his tongue out & up her slit, giving her clit a few teasing licks, sucking it softly. Jaida's only response was a stutter. "M... My... My... My... My God..." As her fingers shifted to tangle in his wavy locks, holding him to his position between her legs, Jaida now laid flat against the amp. The only thing she could see when she lifted her head was the wall of amps behind a head of long, black hair between her thighs.
A voice that Jaida barely recognized as her own called out in a soft moan. "Jimmy... Jimmy... Jimmy, more... More... More... Ahhhh... Ah, close!" She cried out as his two fingers from his other hand come to replace his tongue, finding & hitting the same soft spot with thrusts that quicken with every second as his lips surrounded her clit, drawing on it as his tongue rolled & danced on the little button. Hearing muffled gasps & hiccupped cries, Jimmy looked up to see Jaida biting the collar of her dress which had moved towards her mouth as the dress had shifted to allow him access to her as of yet untouched sweetness. He grinned & tugged the waist of the dress, freeing the collar & giving him a better view of her decolettage as she sat up half-way, reclining back onto her elbows. "Jim... Jim... Jimmy... Ah-hahhh..." She gasped & winced trying to steel herself as his tongue fluttered over her clit, fingers curling and rubbing against her spot expertly.
Jimmy knew she was holding back. He could feel it in the clench of her walls & the contractions against his fingers.
"Jaida..." He panted in between more pinpointed attacks to all of her weak spots. Don't hold back... Cum... Cum... Cum for me, my girl..." She shook her head. "Can't..." He gazed at her curiously, pecking and tongueing her clit, still not giving up. "Why not, love? Why? Why? Yes you can!"
Again she shook her head before attempting to explain in a shy, quavering voice. "I... I can't... Jimmy, I... I... I think I'm going to scream..."
Jimmy reacted immediately. He wrenched off his tie & balled it up, bringing it to her lips, ordering her to. "Open." She parted her lips dutifully, willingly, allowing him to insert the wadded up silk inside. Jimmy then returned to zeroing in on her weaknesses, fingers curling to hit her g-spot & sucking as his tongue danced on her clit making those long legs of hers cross behind his back. X marks the spot. With that Jaida laid back down on the amp. Her fingers gripped at and sought purchase on his hair & the collar of his coat. A muffled sigh of his name left her lips as her hips lifted to meet his expert touch. And it was with hips lifting to meet him, wet slit grinding against his face, back arched, fingers gripping his coat and hair and toes curling that Jaida at last came hard into his mouth & around his fingers, emitting a small squeal that segued into a long low moan of his name, all muffled around his silk tie. "Jimmmmyyyyyy..."
Jimmy pulled back after slurping some of her release up, watching as the rest coursed down her thighs, cheeks and onto the amp & floor below. Never had his beloved Vox amp looked prettier. He removed his tie from her mouth allowing her to catch her breath & reform from the puddle she had become under his hands. He then guided one of her hands to cup his length over his trousers, rubbing it around before unzipping & letting his hardness fall free into her hand. "Mind helping me now, love?"
She could feel her face flushing as she allowed him to guide her to stroke him. Her hazy eyes locked on the sight of him with his wavy hair mussed and tousled, pink lips glistening with the fruits of his labor. "Jimmy..." She sighed as she saw him near her & rolled to her side. He bent down to kiss her, a kiss that made her head spin and her breath feel hot in her chest as his tongue flavored with her release flicked against hers. Then as he fell away she saw him rise & felt the head of his cock come to tap her lips, seeking entrance.
Permission granted.
Her lips instantly parted allowing the head to slide in along her tongue. Jimmy groaned lowly, petting & running his fingers through her hair as he cupped the back of her head & began to thrust carefully, guiding her in the rhythm he liked best. As her tongue lapped at his length & swirled around his head he groaned her name. "Jaida..." His right hand then drifted between her legs, swiping up some of her dripping release onto his index finger & sliding it between her cheeks to rim the tiny little entrance he found there.
Jaida whimpered around his thrusting length making him moan again. He soothed her, caressing & massaging her ass softly. "Shhh... Shhh... Shhh... Now now... Don't worry... Just roll onto your stomach, baby girl... Let me show you how... Let me know it's okay... Let me show you how.... Mmmm... Good I can make you feel..." To her surprise as soon as the words had passed his lips she had rolled onto her stomach as requested. "There we go! Now... Be a good girl, love..." He purred as he produced from his jacket a small bottle of oil he used to rub into his hands post show - among other post show activities - pausing & pulling out momentarily before oiling his fingers & dripping some on her, on his intended target & beginning to push carefully into her little puckered entrance between her full cheeks.
Jaida gasped at at the sudden chill of the oil. She half had a mind to let him fall from her mouth & question him as to where on earth the oil had come from. But the question was stolen from her along with another gasp of breath which was then released in a low mewl & a clench around his oiled finger as it inched inside. These mewls also hummed around his length, vibrating through it as she sucked, leading to Jimmy beginning to thrust faster into her mouth. "Shh... Shh... Shh... Be a good girl, love..." He repeated, clenching strands of her dark hair as he thrusted both into her mouth and her arse. "Be a good girl..." His voice then darkened considerably from its previous sweet & soothing tone as he growled. "Fuck! So fucking tight!"
His equally slick middle finger then joined the index in pushing inside the tight little hole. Jaida moaned and again clutched his jacket, her walls clenching on the exploring digits. She pulled away from his length, letting it fall from her lips to give out with tiny soft moans in between tiny soft pants. She - not wanting to upset him & also not wanting to stop herself - busied herself with fluttering kisses all along the length of his cock, her lips now glistening too with the fruits of her labor. Jimmy reacted with a smile & a soft coo. "We're almost there, dear. You're almost ready." Then tapping her lips with the head of his cock again, he repeated his earlier command. "Open..."
Again, on command her lips parted & allowed his cock to slide along her tongue into her mouth where she resumed her sucking & his hips resumed their thrusts, fingers now matching their pace. This caused her fingers to grip onto the frame of the amp as he then added a third oiled finger - his ring finger - inching all three inside carefully, before slowly building a rhythm, his hand clapping gently against her backside with each thrust. "Mmmm... Jaida... You're squeezing my fingers so tight. You must love this!"
Jaida's only response was to grip the frame tighter, walls clenching tighter around his fingers as she panted. Her lips also pursed tighter around his cock, sucking harder, making Jimmy jolt as a pang of heated pleasure radiated through his lower stomach, giving him a signal. Now was the time!
"Mmmm... I think you're ready now, love..." He groaned, reluctantly pulling away from her, his cock falling from her soft lips, twitching as the cool air hit it. He then slipped behind her, positioning her so her hips draped over the curve of his amp as his fingers too fell away from her heat, fingers quickly shuffling, stroking, slicking his cock in more of his oil before they were then quickly replaced by the head of his cock nudging against & then slowly pushing through her tight little hole.
Jaida grit her teeth as Jimmy inched forward. His large left hand cupped one round cheek, thumb pointing inwards towards his manhood that was slowly being engulfed into her almost impossible tightness and heat. He meanwhile was throwing his head back, eyes shut, mouth agape in nearly silent pleasure. His left hand shifted to pull her cheek open, giving him a better view of her taking him into her ass which he considered. "Bloody perfect..."
Finding his tie where he left it by her side, Jimmy once again scooped it up to bring it to her mouth. "Open." This time Jaida didn't automatically open her lips in silence. Instead, her lips parted in a shuddering gasp as Jimmy pressed more of his impossibly large & hard cock into her. Jimmy took this chance to push the silk wad into her mouth for her, stunning her & making her squeeze against him. Choking back a groan that he felt radiating from his toes, his voice came out in a hiss. "Quiet! You want them to hear you? You want them to find us? Me with me trousers undone and you with no panties on... Your skirt flipped up over your hips... Bent over my brand new Vox amplifier... With my cock in your tight... Mmmm... Tight... Tight... Tight... Little... Arse..." As his words dripped from his lips in a slow growling groan, his hips met hers at last before pulling back only to meet them again in a series of short, deep, thrusts that had her dripping still over his amp, toes lifting off the ground dangling in mid-air & curling.
Jaida shuddered & shook her head emphatically. "Good girl..." Jimmy grinned, continuing to feed her more of his cock, starting to pick up a slow, easy, chugging rhythm. He then stretched his body over hers, deepening his thrusts. His hands came over hers gently as she continued to clutch at the amplifier's frame, pinning her to the top. He grunted & groaned & growled low in her ear, pressing sweet hot kisses to her cheek, neck & shoulder.
Jimmy's legs pressed hers closed between them, making him groan at the now even tighter fit. He turned to regard the quietly mewling young girl with an amused grin. "Who's my cute little schoolgirl? Hmmm? Who's my sweet little schoolgirl? Huh? Who's Jimmy's cute, sweet, sexy little schoolgirl? Mmmm... With the hot, sweet, tight little arse? C'mon now... Who is it?" Listening closely as Jaida spit out the silk makeshift gag & heard her drawl out a low. "Meeeeeee~..." Jimmy just chuckled, pressing more kisses to the young girl's cheek. "Yes you are! Very good!" He then picked up a more rapid-fire rhythm, making Jaida gasp, the sensation making her lose her voice.
Partly due to the distinct height difference between them & partly just due to her being positioned so high up on the amp Jaida's feet were still in the air, her legs bending slightly, toes curling at his insistent thrusts. His hands were squeezing slightly over hers as she white-knuckled the amp frame still. All she could feel was him. Inside and out. His stomach pressed to her back, ruffled lacy silk shirt making the tiniest hissing sound as it slid against her bunched up crocheted dress. This hissing was only the background music to the sound of Jimmy himself. His mouth was right by her ear, pressing kisses to & nipping the shell as he panted, his breath hot against her already dewy skin.
He even let out with the odd low moan, growl or grunt right in her ear. The backbeat to all of this however was provided by the sound of their hips clapping softly as they met. "Fuck... Jaida... Baby... You're so perfect..." Jaida just whined lowly, glad the sounds of his bandmates with their girls - including Jeff with her sister Jenni - drowned it out for anyone but Jimmy. She moaned again tilting her head back onto his shoulder & whimpering, voicing a soft, trembling. "Jimmy.... Jim-my... Jim-m-m-my..." Again he soothed her, right hand coming down between her legs to pet her clit. "Shhh... Shh... Shh... Shh... Babygirl... Quiet... Hush... You're almost there, love... Almost... Mmmm... There..." With that his first two fingers slid inside her, curving to hit her spot & making her bite her lip & whimper quietly to imprison her moans, her breathing now coming as quickly as his.
He grunted as this caused her to clench around him even more, causing him to speak in a strangled voice. "Fuck... Jaida... Baby... I'm gonna... Gonna... Gonna... Cum... Fuck!... I have to see you!..." Pulling his fingers and cock out suddenly he turned her around until she was yet again on her back on the amp. Seeing him circle the base of his cock, she half expected him to stroke himself to completion. Instead, he guided his cock back between her cheeks & back inside of her as he called it. "Fucking hot, sweet, tight little arse..."
She hiccupped slightly, fighting back a cry. Her hand flew to her mouth to silence it, but was beat by his larger one cupping gently, yet firmly over her mouth as he again went about feeding her his entire sizeable length. Now she could see in the dim light who she had been taken captive by. His black hair was more than mussed, stray tendrils sticking to his face, all along his profile. His previously pale face had colored immensely, a swath of pink cutting across his cheeks & nose to match his almost unnaturally pink lips which were then curved in a serene if more than somewhat self-satisfied grin.
When his eyes which had been shut tight as he yet again slipped inside of her - inch by slick, hot, throbbing hard inch - opened they were glad to take in the sight of the younger, smaller brunette lovely panting & mewling low against his palm as she took him in willingly, just like a. "Good girl..."
Despite his continually silencing & muffling her cries, he couldn't help but sigh as finally their hips met. He then moved both hands to take hold of her thighs near the curve of her hips and that wonderful arse of hers he now loved so much. Pushing her legs up slightly, he pulled back & began to thrust into her, each meeting of their hips culminating in a soft clap that seemed to echo in her mind. As did the purring of his voice as he sighed. "Jaida... Mmmm... My girl..."
With his hand having left her mouth to first cup & then clutch at her arse again, holding her in such a way as to change the angle yet again, Jaida was left with no recourse but to bring her right hand - loosely balled into a fist to her mouth & bite down on her index finger's knuckle. Her other hand reached down to hold onto his wrist as he began to speed up. She clutched it as if for stability, feeling as if she were falling apart. He was nearly lost in his own pleasure but still felt her thighs clench, they along with her hand around his wrist matching how her still almost impossible tightness clenched around his insistently thrusting cock. He grunted & opened his previously tightly shut eyes, his gaze being met with the sight of the lovely Jaida - HIS lovely Jaida - biting her finger momentarily before she let her hand fall away. Her eyes were closed, face flushed & she seemed adrift in a sensation he recognized as matching his own: Unimaginable, Indescribable Pleasure.
He dropped his hold on her hips, letting her legs go free. Free to wrap around him as they then did, ankles crossing behind him yet again. X marks the spot. At that point, Jimmy's right hand came between them again, first two fingers slipping back inside her, curving towards her spot once more, thumb strumming at her clit yet again. She felt the cry coming & bit her finger again trying to fight it or at the VERY least muffle it. Through her eyelids she could see a shadow come across, blocking what dim light she could previously make out. Peeking out from her tightly shut eyes, she peered straight ahead & was met by the sight of a heavy lidded, flushed Jimmy panting above her.
His hair flopped over his face, becoming a curtain for her as well. "Jaida... Fucking perfect arse... So fucking perfect..." He gasped as he pounded faster into her still. Her response was to once again let her hand fall from her mouth, heavy lidded gaze centered on him as she panted, back beginning to arch slightly.
Jimmy snapped. He seared a kiss onto her already kiss swollen pout, grunting & groaning into her mouth as she kissed back weakly, overcome by everything he'd been doing to her. Her senses now well and truly overridden. She quickly fell in line, her tongue rolling against his, mewls & whimpers being swallowed by his lips & covered by his own low growls. Her fingers came to nestle in his hair, tangling in his locks as she sighed his name. "Jimmy..."
Jimmy replied with a grunt as his hips took on a frenzied pace. The soft claps coming quicker now, thrusts more insistent. This made her legs tighten around him yet again, the "X" being pressed against his back, toes curling so hard her feet were arched.
It was like this that they came. Jaida first, mewling into his mouth before breaking the kiss to arch into his arms, her head tilting back as she panted, gasping once & shuddering as a wave of pleasure overtook her, that wave soaring throughout her body & making her release flood his curling, searching, prodding fingers, once again dripping down her cheeks, onto the amp & floor below.
Jimmy then followed suit, pressing kisses to her neck, muttering obscenities, repeatedly complimenting her on her "hot, sweet, tight fucking little arse...", repeatedly telling her how close he was and that he intended to finish in it, saying.
"Jaida... Gonna cum, love... Gonna cum... Gonna cum... Gonna cum... I'm gonna cum... Gonna cum right inside your perfect... Bloody amazing... Fantastic... Magnificent... Hot... Sweet... Tight fucking little arse..."
Indeed after a few more rapid-fire thrusts, Jimmy groaned as he came hard, shooting streams of hot cum deep inside her as her walls clenched around him, milking him dry.
He then carefully pulled out, letting her legs fall from around his waist. After which he dipped down to lick her dripping slit clean of her release, making her moan as her legs draped lazily over his shoulders. He also took a special pride & pleasure in watching as his cum dripped out from the tight little hole between her cheeks... The hole he had just taken & claimed as his own that night.
46 notes · View notes
satsumas-kunoichi · 7 years
{ Here’s another little prompt I did, this time for Kitsuchi and Aika, for @msbeastlyeevee! }
Truly, one of the biggest mistakes Aika had ever made in her life was interfering in the business of the two Feudal Lords of Japan’s Yakuza—only one of which she was related to. Her mother, Tokyo’s feared Yakuza Queen, had been ready to bathe in the blood of Kazama Chikage, Kyoto’s infamous Yakuza Lord. If she had to take down the whole Kazama family, she would; even Aika could at least tell that much.
It was a mutual agreement on Kazama’s part.
If only Aika hadn’t rushed forward, grabbing the hand of the nearest Kazama child, a clumsy excuse dribbling out before her brain could catch up. If only it hadn’t been the absolute worst of the Kazama children, Kitsuchi. If only he hadn’t cooperated and both families had been slaughtered in the worst yakuza battle in history. If only she wasn’t now his fake girlfriend. If only he wasn’t her fake boyfriend. If only she had been eaten in the womb by her twin! Anything!
This was one of those situations where it became Murphy’s Law very quickly. They had to become very familiar with each other very quickly, and it made her skin crawl just thinking about it. Sure, he was handsome, and had a nice voice, and was a fantastic kisser and—
None of that is true.
If she had anyone who was in on her secret, she would start a betting pool that he practiced black magic immediately. How else could he get her under his spell so quickly? It just didn’t make sense!
There she was, brooding over her cup of punch. Ever since her little “hey we’re dating!” stunt, she was required to go to so many business meetings and dinner parties in order to lessen the tensions between all the illustrious yakuza families. After all, once Shiranui (or, more accurately, Saigou) and Kazama were on good terms, no one else could really keep up their petty arguments, either.
And of course, that meant a lot of time with her, um, “beloved”. And, oh boy, did he love to press her buttons. It seemed like he would take every opportunity to ruin the reputation she had spent most of her adolescence building up.
Shiranui Aika, the cold, heartless heir to the Shiranui/Saigou family, matched only by her sister, Kiyomi. A duo of ruthless rulers, who would cut down anyone who got in the way of business.
He killed that image within a week.
“Oh, snuggle bunny~!”
“Here you are, cuddly bear~!”
“I missed you, shmoopsie poopsie~!”
Every. Damn. Day.
It was even worse in front of other people, since they had to sell it. He would constantly nuzzle her (ruining her hair), pepper her face with kisses (ruining her makeup), and gaze down at her so lovingly that she could swear he wasn’t faking it (ruining her confidence). He was too convincing, it was almost scary how easily he could do it. It was like some sort of light switch! He was a witch, she could swear!!
And… damn it all… she found herself not minding it as much. It was almost comforting having someone around—even if it was all fake. Biting her lip, she stared into her cup, the red liquid reflecting her features. He even got her this punch, which she could tell someone spiked—most likely her mother.
“Hey, princess.” A low voice mumbled before planting a kiss on her cheek. Kitsuchi’s presence was undeniable, and its effect on her was equally as undeniable. It was just another staged display of public affection, so why did it feel different than usual? Maybe she had contracted something. Tuberculosis was always a winner—could she have tuberculosis? It was the perfect cop-out for this situation.
Faking her death had been an option on the table since Day One.
Two sets of eyes—with two sets of death glares—settled on them as Kitsuchi wrapped his hand around Aika’s waist: Kazama’s and Izumi’s, respectively. Ah, yes, the Disapproving Parents and the Star-Crossed Lovers. The sooner the blood feud was over, the better, in Aika’s opinion.
As the death glares continued, the “lovers” had to amp up their performance. Begrudgingly (at least on Aika’s part), Aika turned towards her “beloved”, her “light of her life”, her “boyfriend”, and wrapped her arms around him, nuzzling her head into his shoulder before looking up at him with as much affection as she could muster.
“They’re watching us,” she whispered, pressing her nose against his, and smiling like she actually enjoyed it (which, for the record, she 100% did not). Kitsuchi chuckled, his breath hitting Aika’s lips. Her cheeks heated up slightly, as much as she would later deny it.
“Just keep it up,” he smiled at her, leaning back slightly and brushing her hair to the side.
“Of course I will,” she mumbled, playing with the collar of his suit, and play pouting at him. “What do I look like, some sort of idiot, or somethin’?”
“Yeah, you do.”
Oh, this boy is a dead man.
Smiling brightly at him, Aika took his hand into hers and gave it a tight squeeze.
“I’m liable to break your legs for that one, Kitsuchi, my darling,” she whispered, smiling up at him, and rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. “After I finish with your arms, that is.” Before she could continue with her string of threats, Kitsuchi used the arm wrapped around her waist to pull her closer, causing Aika’s breath to catch in her throat.
“You keep forgetting our difference in size, dear,” he grumbled, his voice lower than before—if that was even possible! Oh, lord, spare her! His voice and their proximity caused all of her courage to disappear in a matter of seconds.
As she stared into his eyes, her face began heating up. They were just… so close! Even though they had kissed before, and it was all just an act, and none of this meant anything, it still made her heart beat a little faster.
Judging by the look he was giving her, he had noticed.
He did it.
The glint in his eyes was undeniable, and that trademark Kazama grin spread across his features. Hastily looking away, Aika tried her best to ignore him in his entirety—how close he was, the smell of his cologne, the feeling of his breath on her ear as he inched ever closer.
“W-What?” she faltered, pressing her hands against his chest to keep them at least a few inches apart. Her face only continued to heat up, and she knew he could tell.
“What is it, sweetheart?” Oh no. He only broke out that nickname for when he was really trying to get under her skin. It didn’t help that he was just barely whispering it into her ear, either. Curse this man!! Aika wondered, momentarily, if she could even begin to fight back, or if all her efforts would be useless.
It was a chance she was willing to take.
Turning back towards him, she lifted her chin defiantly, staring him in the eye. He seemed to find this show of dominance amusing, but she refused to back down!! Even if she was a blushing mess, and he could obviously see that, she wouldn’t let him have the last laugh. He could win the battle, but she will win the war!!
Twisting her finger around a loose strand of his hair, she glanced up at him. “I’ll tell you, Kitsuchi…” she murmured, the edges of her lips turning up only slightly. “I’m incredibly attracted to you, and being here, in your arms, stirs up so many feelings inside that I can’t begin to describe…” Pressing herself against him slightly more, Aika glanced up at him, lips parting slightly. “I want to be ravished by you every night for the rest of my living days,” she confessed, her voice low, her breath warm on Kitsu’s lips.
Kitsuchi gulped, his face reddening. Aika leaned onto her tip-toes slightly, closing what little distance was left between them, before giving Kitsuchi a smirk that mirrored her father’s.
“Is that what you wanted to hear?”
It was his turn to curse her internally. She had that shit-eating grin of a Shiranui plastered on her face, and after everything she just said, it was driving him crazy.
“Now, then,” she huffed, giving him a look. “I have matters to attend to.”
Yeah, like he was going to let her go that easily. Not after what she just pulled. This meant war.
“Sure thing, honey bunny.” He was laying it on thick enough that she repressed a shudder as best as she could. Aika took one step away from him before he loudly caught her attention. “Ah, ah, ah! Wait just a second, bunbun!”
“Bun… bun”? Aika grimaced, not so internally.
Turning back towards him, she gave him an impatient look. His little call had attracted the attention of most of the people in a 20-foot radius. He smiled at her—with one look Aika could tell this meant trouble.
“You forgot our tradition!” Every alarm in Aika’s body was going off. What on earth was he planning?! She didn’t trust him! Not one bit!!
However, her morbid sense of curiosity won out in the end, and she remained within attack range. He approached her, and while she tensed, she stood tall, trying her best to smile at him. The distance between them was closed almost instantly. He still had that smile on his face—he was up to something.
“Until next time, cuddle bunny~,” he announced, rather loudly, before pressing his nose against hers and rubbing it. Aika recoiled, but recovered by playing the role of the embarrassed girlfriend.
“Kitsuchi!!” she whined, pouting at him. Amused stares came from around the room, along with whispers of the happy couple, and when they could be expecting a wedding. After the wedding, peace could be achieved by all the families.
“Don’t forget my goodbye kiss,” he smiled innocently. At least, it appeared innocent to those who didn’t know any better; to Aika, it was a smile from the Devil himself. He knew everyone had their eyes on them, and if she hesitated anymore, they would start asking questions.
Fine. One little peck. THAT’S IT THAT’S ALL HE’S GETTING.
Aika leaned up, gently pressing her lips against his. It was more polite than romantic; but apparently, Kitsuchi hadn’t finished with her yet. Arm hooking around her waist, he pulled her closer, cradling her head like any proper lover should. Aika let out a small squeak in protest, and she could swear she could feel him smiling against the kiss.
Her internal monologue was a slew of curses fit for a sailor, but before she knew it, the kiss was over. Kitsuchi smiled down at her, running his hands through her hair. It was an affectionate action, until he created two pigtails with his hands. Aika’s expression gave her thoughts away, and Kitsuchi reveled in it.
“I’ll miss my little bunny~!” he announced, loudly enough for even Kazama and Izumi to hear.
“I’ll miss you, too, my darling,” Aika said at a much-more-acceptable volume, faking a smile and caressing his cheek. Taking a step back, she took his hands into hers to separate them from her hair. “I’ll be back before you know it.”
Her original plan was to not return at all, but, of course, fate had other plans.
Taking a single step forward, Aika felt her heel wobble, and completely snap off her shoe. The sudden loss of balance sent Aika tumbling towards the floor; gasps from the other partygoers rang out as they watched her fall, but a single voice stood out amongst the others.
She braced for impact, but it never came. At least, not the impact she was expecting. Glancing around in an attempt to regain her bearings, she noticed that Kitsuchi had caught her mid-fall, his arms wrapped around her in a graceful dip.
“Are you all right?” he asked, concern written across the features of his face. Her heart was beating rather quickly, but she chalked that up to the adrenaline of falling (rather than the obvious answer with his arms wrapped around her). Kitsuchi guided her up, bringing her back to a standing position.
“Yeah, I’m fine. My heel just broke, that’s all.” What a pain. She loved these heels.
Before she could mourn the loss of her favorite pair of shoes for much longer, she was swept off her feet, literally. It took Aika a few moments to register that she was being carried, much like a princess.
“W-W-W-What are you doing?!” Aika shrieked, completely genuine.
“We need to get you taken care of before you twist one of those pretty ankles of yours.” The smirk he gave her was enough for Aika to lose her grip on her persona—the hardened mafia heir became a soft, blushing young woman. In a way, she was dazzling, with her hair loosely framing her face, her cheeks a deep red, and her eyes reflecting the light of the chandeliers in the room. She nodded only slightly, barely perceptible, her arms reaching around Kitsuchi’s neck to support herself.
Kitsuchi moved through the crowds as if it were nothing, carrying his “lover”. They were truly a sight: the lovers against all odds supporting each other in such a public manner. The crowds nearly parted for them, until they were able to make it to a secluded hallway.
In the dim corridor, Kitsuchi continued walking without putting Aika down.
“Okay… show’s over, Kazama. You can put me down now,” she half-joked, her arms loosening around his neck, although remaining on his shoulders to support herself.
“You fainted straight into my arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“I would hardly call that fainting!” Aika protested, rather loudly. Realizing how loud she was, she whispered harshly, “My heel broke and I fell. You just happened to catch me! And I don’t want your attention!”
“Really?” he mused, shooting her a glance, that same Kazama smirk pulling at his lips. “I recall you saying that you wanted me to—what was it again? ‘Ravish you every night for the rest of your living days?”
Aika’s eyes widened, her face turning a deep shade of red, noticeable even in the low lighting of the hallway. She tensed, taking a deep breath and holding it as she scanned his features for any sign of danger.
“T-That was…” she stammered, unable to really explain where her thought process had been in the moment. “I didn’t mean it!”
“If you ever change your mind,” he started with a smile, pulling her close enough that their lips were almost touching. “Just let me know.”
“I won’t!”
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crowdvscritic · 7 years
crowd // THE BROADWAY MELODY (1929)
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Photo credits: IMDb.com
Ah, the music in The Broadway Melody is music to my ears!
After a very silent duo of winners at the 1st Academy Awards, the first Best Picture-winning musical was sweet relief to my modern sensibilities, and not just for the sound. While Wings and Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans were steeped in sorrow (I did recommend tissues), The Broadway Melody is the last hurrah before the stock market crash in October that year.
Bessie Love and Anita Page are Hank and Queenie Mahoney, a sister act hoping to make it on Broadway. Hank is the brains of the operation; she’s sure in their decision to leave their small town and believes in their song and dance. Queenie is the beauty of the act; while Hank makes talks numbers with directors, Queenie gets their attention batting her eyelashes. Charles King is Eddie Kearns, Hank’s beau with an insider connection to a new review show. When he gets them in the show, the sisters don’t stay in sync for long, becoming each other’s rivals on stage and in romance. Will their act and their friendship survive to the end of the show?
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If Wings is when the Academy’s love affair began with war movies, The Broadway Melody is when they started a romance with characters dreaming of showbiz success. Melody also began many beloved musical motifs. A show-within-a-show setting? Unexpected breaks into song? Insanely impressive dance numbers? This movie has them in spades, including an insane tap dance performed in ballet pointe shoes during the title song.
While the dances last longer than they would in a musical today, Melody moves at a faster tempo than our two 1927 winners did with its straightforward plot. It’s Jane Austen’s Sense & Sensibility on 1920s Broadway, the precursor to loving but flawed female relationships like the Haynes sisters in White Christmas (1954). Who cares if the romantic resolution is unconvincing? Melody is here for a good time compared to Debbie Downer musicals like 42nd Street (Best Picture nominee for 1933), where characters work at any cost to get on stage and get a meal. Queenie’s “sacrifice” to spend time with a man who lavishes her with diamonds and a fancy birthday party feels like an excuse to indulge in more sets and costumes in the height of Art Deco. I may have even heard Kanye whisper a refrain of “Monay, monay, monay” underneath the Mahoney Sisters’ performance of “The Boy Friend.”
Bottom line: The Broadway Melody has aged surprisingly well as a snapshot of life in the ‘20s in a story accessible to audiences 90 years later.
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