#ah wellz
th3-0bjectivist · 1 year
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“Sunspot City” - Animated painting
Original acrylic painting currently on sale at Poshmark at https://poshmark.com/closet/galleryofluke
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suguru-getos · 7 months
my brother left for his uni today :(( can’t believe your younger siblings grow up so fast wtf 🤬 he was a baby now he’s living??? alone??? eighteen??? woa woa woa woa woa 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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Is doc actually a doctor or did he just decide to start going by doctor and no one said anything otherwise.
there a 3 options:
1. He is Dr M77 and actually has a doctorate in god knows what
2. He legally changed his name to Doctor and no one questioned him because he wears a lab coat and carriers a trident and is a creeper cyborg
3. It is short for Dorothy
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beclynn-herondale · 3 years
jace + taking care of baby son alone for the first time please!!
Thank you, I love writing dad Jace
This is long but worth it
"well buddy it's just me and you, mommy took your sisters to the store," Jace said to his 6 month old son. And he smiled at Jace, that sweet innocent smile that babies and kids have, the smile of them not yet knowing the hardships of life, Jace and Clary swore they would give their kids the best life they could and they would make it easier for them.
And one of Jace's favorite thing about being a dad is his kids smile at him with the smile of knowing exactly who he is, He's dada
Jace read many books about pregnancy when Clary was pregnant with their first baby and he knew Clary would get super emotional but so did he.
He let his son grap his finger and swing it around like babies do, it's funny how at one point in your life all you want is constant fighting and being a hero and then after all that all you wanted was a family and once you have that family there really isn't anything more important.
Clary and the kids were Jace's world now and they are a world he would protect and love until dies.
"you know I love you right bud," Jace said. Stephen squealed and blew raspberries at Jace "I'll take that as a yes," Jace said with the loving and gentle smile he had for the ones he loved, he kissed his son on the cheek
Jace stuck his tongue out at him, and Stephen giggled, Jace started laughing as well, this is why being a parent made him feel so fulfilled, those laughs your kids gave you when you were being silly
The way they trusted you and loved you without a second thought and in return you give them love and take care of them and make sure they know their trust is safe with you, Jace wouldn't be anything less to his kids, he would always make sure they knew he loved and supported them no matter what, and that they can always trust him.
"listen chickpea, you need to stop being so cute and getting bigger, I want to snuggle you forever," Jace told his son while tearing up cause Stephen was already six months and he doesn't know how it's already been six months since he came into the world and they added another precious light to their life.
When Jace and Clary found out they were having another kid they were both overjoyed, Jace got Clary to agree to a big family, after they had their first kid and Celine started getting bigger, Clary came to Jace with tears saying 'she's getting so big it's not fair' at first Jace thought Clary was hurting and his instincts were to take her into his arms but then he found why and he started crying 'i know it seems like yesterday she was a newborn'
And then they met Eleanora who's parents had been killed on a mission and they took her in, Jace and Clary made sure she knew that she was just as much their daughter as Celine was, Jace having an adopted family himself didn't hesitate taking her in, and then a year later Clary found out she was pregnant with their son
And now Jace was here married with the most amazing and beautiful wife he could ever ask for, who is also the best mom ever in his opinion, and with 3 amazing kids who he will give all the love he can to, he had to admit he was nervous, he knew how to be a dad to girls but not a son yet, sure Max and Rafe are boys but that's different, their his nephews, Jace now had a son and he knew he will teach him to be a good man, he will teach his children to be better then he has been and make sure that they know how proud he is of them no matter what.
Jace decided to take Stephen to the greenhouse, "see chickpea, all these plants are beautiful, they all have a purpose and they all are different," Jace was telling his son as he bent down by a Basil plant "see this you use to cook with to give good flavor, one day dada will make you something with it," Jace said beamingly.
"one day I will teach you how to do all kinds of things, but for now you need to stay little," Jace said as he tickled his son, and was given that adorable baby laugh in return.
"you know, you really are precious, and I swear I will be the best dada I can be to you and your sisters, mommy will too, she's great you know, she also loves to the moon and would do anything for you, and she is the strongest person I know," Jace told his son
"oh, and then there's your uncle Alec, he is amazing and he's making the world a better place for the babies like you, he is the truest person I know and he loves you very much, Alec is a very important person to me and he doesn't get enough recognition, but I know you will look up to him just like I do," he said with a fond smile "also if anyone ever hurts you, your aunt Izzy will fight them, she loves you so much as well and she is one of the most amazing women you will ever meet, tho I suppose I am biased, but most of all Izzy will protect you no matter what," Jace said as sat down with his son in his arms and looked him in the eyes, they were Clary's green eyes.
"and your uncle Magnus will teach you how to put eyeliner on some day, and I want you to know that no one else can show you how to do it better, he'll also give you glitter and you will probably make a mess but you'll have a lot of fun doing that, you get that from me, I like to cause trouble," he said teasingly "and your uncle Simon will get you into all kinds of Mundane movies and comic books and I have no idea what they are about, but I'll listen when you come to tell me about them," he said with a smile
"and then there's grandma Maryse, she is another amazing woman, your surrounded by amazing women, she'll sing to you and play with you and spoil you, she'll read to you and make sure you feel safe, she is my mom and she tried her best to make me feel safe, so I know she will for you too," he said as he was starting to tear up.
"and now we talk about Max and Rafe, your cousins, Max is gonna get you into trouble and Rafe will get you both out of it, and you all will have many stories to tell and you'll be close and always have each other's backs, and they love you so much as well."
"and there's Tessa and Jem they are beautiful people who are so kind and loving you wonder if they are real, you know if you ever need them they'll come with hesitation, and they love you, then we have Kit and Mina, Kit will always make sure you have cookies and Mina will play with you and give you bandages if you need one," he said and saw that Stephen was staring at him like he was listening "and there's aunt Emma, she's gonna spoil you along with your sisters, she calls you and your sisters super angel babies, and she will smoother you in kisses so you better watch out, but she is kind and badass and you'll love her."
"and aunt Lily will say she'll eat you cause your so cute but she won't really I promise, aunt Lily is another amazing woman, and she is a savage, trust me she'll teach you things, and there's aunt Maia, I was not so nice to her when we first met but I grew on her and I apologised, and she loves you, she says she doesn't know how I made such cute babies, but i have to admit your mama had a big part in that," he said with a laugh.
"oh and there's Aline and Helen, they'll love you as well, Aline is another badass and amazing woman and Helen is fierce and kind, Aline will also show you how to throw a good lunch but don't tell mama I told you that, and Helen will make your oatmeal with love," Jace said with fondness.
"and there's Mark and Cristina, they are in charge of the Downworlder-Shadowhunter alliance,and Mark will make you weird sandwiches but he makes them with love, and he'll give you strawberries, and Cristina will sing you to sleep with spanish lullabies, your surrounded by so many people who love you, and you'll grow up to know these amazing people," he said emotionally.
"ah, there's my boys," Clary said as she walked up to them. "What's dada telling you chickpea?" She said as she picked their son up and kissed his temple
"I was telling him he is surrounded by good people who will love him," he said
"yes, so many, sometimes I wonder if you'll even know what to do with it all," Clary said with a grateful and loving smile.
"dada! dada!," Called Cece and Nora, Jace saw them running up to him and they tackle hugged him.
"hey my girls," he said as he took them both in his arms and they told him about their visit to the store and Clary took Stephen to go feed him, cause he was now hungry.
Fatherhood was an adventure and it's a adventure he hoped to be on forever, "alright girls let's go get dinner ready while mama takes care of baby chickpea," he said to them.
And they went and made dinner and Jace would never know what he did to deserve this love he now had but he knew he would forever be grateful and make sure he gives as much love back.
Tagging @khaleesiofalicante cause I know you'll be emotions with me
This got long but I couldn't help myself and I wanted to write about them as a family nas wellz hopefully you enjoy anon and hopefully this isn't too bad 🧡💛🧡💛
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smutaboutyou · 3 years
When will SwB come back from the war? Lol, this isn't a pls update! ask, just I miss those two idiots ask. Are there any possible changes to the original storyline/characters?
Hope all is good with you (or as good as it can it can be during ~covid~)!
Your guess is as good as mine :/ 
Okay, but honestly, I think the reason why the update is taking so long is ‘cause I can’t stand to read the previous chapters of SWB right now, lmao. Because I just see things I need to fix! Lol. 
Even more honestly, at this rate, it’s much more likely that the SRC threesome oneshot will come out first. Like, very, very likely. Like, I’m 100% sure that it will be posted first; ah wellz. 
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thelightgreenpapaya · 5 years
Ah it’s been so long since I last wrote! Think this semester past by just as fast as the last one did... Kinda promised myself that I would treat myself better by taking it chill this sem but I guess once I got a taste of the grind I can’t really stop myself anymore huh. 😅 It’s okay though. Think life is more interesting this way anyways :)
An update about my life. Hmmm, I think I’m too busy most of the time to think about life and all, but I am learning fast, so that’s probably a good sign (I think!). Hope to be the best version of myself when next year comes!
I do feel that I’m neglecting my friends a little tho. But then again part of that problem comes from the fact that I made too many friends in my first two years of uni anyways, and now I find it especially hard to maintain them, given the increasing amount of activities I commit myself to. Oh well, if they wanna stay, they’ll stay anyways :))
Oh and I can’t help but feel a little lonely these days, especially since most of my close friends are attached. (and one of them even decided to alienate me for her boyfriend, prolly coz he’s an insecure bastard who knows no love... oh wellz 🙃) Anyways, thinking of going back to dating soon! But knowing myself, I probably won’t find someone I really really like some time soon... Maybe I should try to be more proactive?? But I kinda still believe in date to marry though, even though the last one didn’t work out so well. 😅
It’s study period again, and I can’t help but feel that exams are doing nothing but boosting my ego, and I’ve experienced it first hand this semester that my ego will be the downfall of me... ( or IS the downfall of me) Think I really need to do something to keep my ego in check, in order to move forward and continue to excel. I feel it’s quite an important issue to deal with..
That’s all for this time round! Till the next time we meet 😘
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mustardios · 7 years
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Chara's speech bubble should've said "Greetings" but ah wellz
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kai-cadwell · 7 years
Ah yes. I just LOVE it when I get in a long depression of hating myself and my life. Heheh. Oh wellz. Guess I just gotta try get through this until mum gets me to doctors. Here's hoping I have bipolar or some shit and that I'm not just generally fucked up. XD
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mikecheckshow · 7 years
Mike Check: Ole Mike is saddened by the recent passing of the feller who played TV’s Batman, and the feller who also called me his “old Chum”, Adam West. I was almost going to play his popular hit “Miranda” but since I realized that I had already played it not too long ago, we here on KMCR will continue with our cosmic song mix provided by Rick Foley. So today’s song will be “I Will Survive”. Speaking of…
(*phone rings*)
Mike Check: Excuse me fellers. (*picks up phone*) Hello, KMCR? Mike Check here?
Gay Popeye: Aw gyuk gyuk gyuk! Well blow me……………….
Mike Check: No, not you again, Happy Hawkeye?!
Gay Popeye: …………DOWN! Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk! It’z Gay Popeye herez and I wantz to tell yer that I’mz so happy that yer show iz stillz on the air, Mike.
Mike Check: Well, I was happy too…until you called today there feller!
Gay Popeye: Whyz yer not happy Mike? Oh yez, yer sadz about Adam West. Wellz yer knowz I used to enjoy how “gay” it lookedz whenever he and Burt Ward wouldz slide down the “Bat Pole”. Oh, they lookedz so BIG…AND BURLY!
Mike Check: I’m not sure that I understand your particular reference there feller? Batman and Robin always seemed to be in a “serious” mood during the moments when they were in a hurry to fight crime?
Gay Popeye: Ah? Maybez yer misunderstoodz my meaning? Butz I do understand what willz make yer sad day “gay” again Mike: the song “I Willz Survive” by Gloria Gaynor. C’mon, singz it with me. “At Firstz I waz afraid, I waz petrified…”C’mon Mike, sing it with me…“”Keptz thinking I couldz”…
Mike Check (*reluctantly sings*): “…never live without you by my side…”
Gay Popeye: Oh yes, sing it, sing it slow. Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk!
Mike Check: Get outta here Happy Hawkeye! (*hangs up phone*)
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rinahanaaa · 8 years
I expected to cry for Lucy's scene but instead I almost cried when Wendy parted ways with Grandine ;;
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lollisheep · 9 years
"When you get this, reply with five things that make you happy, then send this to the last 10 people that reblogged/liked something from you ✿"
[thank you for sending this (*´・v・)/ ♡]  // the following is in no particular order..
1. Haikyuu!!
2. people: @jaiyi, @beautyindanger, @for-the-love-of-pasta
3. food--sushi, pasta, breakfast foods, pasteries 
4. cool weather 
5. fluffy sweaters
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resonating-kitty · 9 years
*suddenly remembers something I have to do for work that has to be done before a specific time*
*looks at clock*
*is an hour after the deadline for that something*
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keetani · 11 years
I wonder if when people follow me, they don't realize that this is a personal blog full of ALL of the things that I like......
Haha, why follow if you're just gonna unfollow me for one thing in like two hours anyway? 
No worries though. It's cool.
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rebelgoatalliance · 12 years
Did I seriously just reblog a heart? With a melodramatic caption?
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nadizzlefoshizzleee · 12 years
My bicycle is transport, not an accessory. I'm not the biggest fan of mustaches. I do not have some weird big beard fetish nor do I find them particularly impressive. I don't know much about Pokemon. I don't think I know how to turn on a Play Station or any of those game things. I don't know much about '90s TV series that everyone loves. I don't like much '80s music. I'm not obsessed with Star Wars. I don't really know how to use iPhones. I haven't watched all the cult movies. I don't know any film quotes. I don't really like tattoos that much. I do not know many bands that everyone seems to remember from "back in the day". I don't buy vinyls. I'm not sure what Instagram is. I don't play any video games. And I do not want a boyfriend so I can build forts with him, drink tea with him, cuddle with him, watch films in bed all day with him. Quite frankly that sounds incredibly boring.
I like cooking, eating, thinking about stuff, looking at things, hanging out with friends and getting drunk whilst doing it.
When did being a geek become cool?
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