#ahh thank you! 💖
eupheme · 2 years
I have fallen so in love with Penny For Your Thoughts, it’s been such a ride! Congrats on completing such a great series and getting me hooked on ✨Dilfred✨! I went back to find a little excerpt in one of the chapters that I’d love to maybe see a drabble of someday if you ever feel inspired and it’s this one:
“Moving until he’s cupping your ass again, tilting you against his mouth, his lips closing around and sucking as his fingers slip between the curve of your cheeks until they’re teasing you again.” “Because of course he noticed how you reacted-the touch not one that was completely new. But it had been with him.”
Something about Alfred and anal is so dirty but so hot to me and I just know you’d end me with your smut if you ever turned it into something for In For a Penny In For a Pound! Much love to you, J!!! 💖
Oh my god I was so excited to see this - thank you so much for your kind comments (so happy you loved the series!), and thank you for this request! 💖 I had actually been secretly hoping to write a little more about this at some point. It felt like you were reading my mind! Thank you again, and so much love to you, too!
I wanted to note - I was lucky enough to read (and be inspired by) this amazing HC by @stargirlfics and this kintober fic by @squidlywiddly87 for Alfred while I have been working on this. Please check these out, they are incredible!
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Something New
Alfred Pennyworth x F!Reader
Rated E - 3k
Tags: soft smut, oral (sixty-nine), rimming, sex toys (plug), PiV, anal fingering, mention of tears (nice ones)
(and thank you to @thaddeuscranes for letting me squeak about this in their dms)
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Admittedly, this was perhaps not your best idea. It wasn’t a bad per se one, not at all - you just hadn’t anticipated the few… complications that had arisen.
Like how the dinner would drag on. How every shift in your seat would send the heavy, silver plug bumping inside you.
How good it would make you feel.
Your jaw clenches as you sip your coffee, distractedly listening to the conversation around you, managing a weak smile when your attention is expected.
Fingers running over the embroidered tablecloth to keep them from wandering - which they had done plenty of tonight.
It’s not your fault that his hand felt so nice, so heavy, resting on your knee under the table - in a perfectly polite location.
But maybe the warning look he had given you soon after was - when your own hand had started at the same place on his leg, slowly moving up and up. Until the tips were brushing against his inner thigh, until the muscles beneath were clenching and he was capturing it with his own.
Improper, he would have told you - if he could do so. Fingers curling around your own as his eyes dart sideways at you, with a lowered brow, a pointed, stern expression.
The look had made you clench, bite back another soft sound. But you had tried to behave.
And then, you mind had drifted. Another bad idea, because it had also made you squirm - your thighs pressing together to quell some of the ache that pulses between them.
Remembering the weekend before - what had lead you to your decisions tonight.
How you had hovered, just above his wanting, waiting mouth. Palms flat against the broad plane of his chest - facing his hips, the heavy curve of his cock where it rested against his thigh. The hair there sticky, from the bead of precum that had leaked from the head, dropping down.
Carefully lowering yourself - first your stomach, then your breasts pillowing against his abdomen. Putting yourself on display as you relaxed onto him.
Alfred’s mouth meeting your soaked folds, your head dropping as you groaned. Rocking the tiniest bit into the flick of his tongue, as your own hand reached out and wrapped around him.
His cock flexed in your loose grip, his own groan rumbling in his chest when you lowered your lips to the tip, slowly enveloping him. Taking him into the heat of your mouth, bobbing your head as you tasted the salt of his velvety skin.
You had shifted forward to take even more of him, a soft whine in your throat when you lost contact with his mouth, feeling the exhale of his breath against you.
“Christ, just look at how you’re clenching for me.” He had murmured, into the curve of your inner thigh.
Lips pressed against the soft skin, leaving a wet mark behind. The slightest brush of teeth, the scrape of his beard that made you twitch, moan. Then, a question that had been breathed out against your skin.
“Can I eat you, darling?”
You had swallowed down the saliva that had flooded your mouth, a wet ‘pop’ as your lips had lifted off his cock, “You are.”
There had been a low hum, the softest laugh.
“I don’t mean your pretty cunt, love.”
Your fingers had flexed around his base, brain lagging just a second as you had caught up. Thinking about what he’s asking, the edge to his voice when he had.
He rarely asked you for anything. Letting you lead, never disappointing.
It made you want to give him anything he wanted.
He groaned with your answer, fingers sinking into soft flesh, angling you as his kissed up to your clit, then higher. Past puffy, slick folds, until he was at a place that only the tips of his fingers had explored.
The first brush of his tongue was light, the barest flick against your tight rim. You had been holding your breath, a tension in your thighs as you kneel above him - cheek resting against his abdomen as your eyes fluttered shut.
Another press then, dragging with more pressure - his thumb denting the soft flesh of your cheek, tugging to open you wider against his eager mouth.
A soft, ragged soft had burst from your lips, your face pressing against his skin - his own rough moan as he does it again.
You wonder now, if that had been why you liked it so much. The way he had asked, how it had affected him, the sounds he had made.
Eyes darting now to the man sitting next to you, so perfectly put-together. You doubted anyone would suspect the things he’s done to you with his fingers. With his mouth.
What you’ll hope he’ll do with his cock, if you’re lucky.
Thinking again back to then - when said cock had flexed in your hand, achingly hard as you finally started to pump your spit-slicked fist, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the base. Then his forearm had reached, curling around your thigh - pinning you in place against his mouth.
Angling so his fingers could slip between your thighs - gathering your arousal on the tips, bringing them to circle your clit.
The sounds you had made then, a whimper, then - eyes still shut - the cries going lower, louder, the smallest rock of your hips to meet his tongue. To where it had met you, from flat and wet, to pointed and pressing just inside.
He had you close so quickly, the burning arousal fueled by the newness, the taboo, his eagerness. Your fingers slowing, the jerk of your fist growing sloppy as the pressure built - until the tight ball of pleasure reached it’s peak, and it was spilling over.
Coming hard against his mouth - moaning against his thigh, the coarse silver-peppered curls as you clenched around nothing.
Remembering now how he followed so soon after, spilling messily across your knuckles as he groaned against you.
Eyes wide with sense of self-discovery when you carefully eased off him, dropping down to lie panting next to him on the bed. His own expression a pleased, curling smile, and interestingly enough - seemingly unsurprised.
You hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it.
And so, you had done a little shopping.
Finding a store you could visit in person, paying in cash so they wouldn’t send you mail, a catalog - you could only imagine the depths of your own embarrassment and humiliation if something had shown up at the Tower.
Eying the aisles, curiosity welling in you at all the toys, all the possibilities. Making mental lists of things that looked interesting, though your eyes kept getting drawn to one item in particular.
A small, silver plug - the base crafted in the shape of a heart, topped with a shining, pink gem.
It was pretty.
You wanted to look that way - pretty - for him. You wanted him to want it, want you.
So you bought it, taking some time after a hot, steaming shower to carefully fit it into place. To get yourself used to the weight, the fullness, before you were whisked off to dinner.
Leading you to now - wishing desperately for dinner to be over. A look of relief when the chairs are pushed back, his eyes worriedly flickering your way when you sigh as it’s indicated that after-dinner drinks would continue in the lounge.
His voice low, fingers curling around your elbow as he leans close to your ear.
“Is everything alright, darling?”
Your lips press together to hide your smile, your laugh. Not wanting to explain here - but as he guides you towards the room, it’s hard to school your expression as it nudges inside you with each step.
So, you wait - a hand on his arm as the other couples pass you. His eyes bouncing between your face as the people filing into the room, trying to guess, as he often did.
“I’m fine,” You tell him, when it’s a little more private. Not wanting him to worry, so you try to explain, “I wore something for you, tonight. It has me… distracted.”
Alfred’s clever eyes drop on their own, to the low neckline of your dress, and then down further - assessing - before flicking back up.
A tilt of his head, the peek of his tongue between his teeth as he considers - before asking, “Would you like to leave? I can meet you in the car in a few minutes.”
God, you loved him.
His fingers work at his tie, and if you didn’t know any better - how the curiosity had ensnared him, you’d think he was uninterested. That he was simply undressing at the end of the day, the movements familiar and ritualistic.
But you caught the glitter of his eyes, the subtle shift in his torso whenever you moved, always facing you.
And in the car, he had pried.
“Are you going to let me in on your secret?” He asked, as soon as the doors were locked. The windows tinted, his elbow pressing into the leather of the center console as he leaned.
His dark look making you think that he was considering finding out for himself, right now - with wandering hands and mouth - public location be damned.
“Not yet.” You had smiled, and he had given you another of his infamous looks, before the car roared to life.
Making record time home.
Your fingers work at the hidden zipper as you walk over to him, as he shifts again. Shoes kicked off by the door as you as you had stepped in. The straps falling from your shoulders as you invaded his space - eager, now that you were home.
His fingers fumbling against the buttons of his vest as your arm snakes around his waist, your breasts crushed against his chest. Lips that touch down on the sliver of skin that appears at his throat, then his neck.
Fingers curling into the belt loops of his trousers, right where the crisp white shirt tucks in, tugging. Still undressing with careful steps as you guide him over to the shared bed.
It’s there that your mouths finally meet - a soft hum of relief from your own. It’s when his hands start to roam, over the skin of your exposed shoulders. Lingering there as you let go of him to pluck at the clasp of your bra, until it falls free.
The tips of his fingers skating over the flesh that was now bared as he invades your space, a knee rising to sink into the soft bed, where you sit on the edge. His shirt falling to the floor as his back curves over you as your head tilts up, the kisses turning messy - tongue and teeth - when you reach out to palm him.
The following flex of his hips into your hand, your back hitting the mattress as his mouth follows the path of his hands, kissing at the curves of your breasts, his tongue flicking over a nipple.
Curious fingers slipping beneath the waistband of your panties as you coax him to full hardness with your touch. A rough groan then, when they meet you soft, soaked flesh. Sliding almost, not expecting now ready you were - had been - for him.
“Oh, darling,” his head tilts up, and you can see the sharp flash of blue, hips jolting as the swipe of his fingers skate over your folds. “What has gotten you so worked up?”
All of it - his body pressing into yours, the steady press of his fingers, the plug filling you - it makes your brain fuzzy with desire, your words sliding out smooth as you smile up at him.
Coaxing him up to kiss you again as he circles your clit, mumbling against his mouth, “I need you.”
His own moan, as his other hand tugs at his belt, “You have me.”
Without thought you’re moving, as he lifts off you, standing at the edge of the bed. As you flip around onto your stomach, pushing up onto hands and knees - a position that you’ve done often.
Fingers that tug your underwear down your thighs, and then - freeze.
You know he sees it, the plug pressed deep. The blush gem glinting off the light, above where you’re swollen and soaked for him.
An sharp intake of breath, the ghost of fingertips tracing up your leg, the plush curve of your ass.
“Look at you.” He clicks his tongue, the pad of his thumb coming to rest on the base of the jeweled plug. Pressing down, nudging it just the tiniest bit deeper into you, making you groan.
“Have you been wearing this all night, dove?”
When you meet his eyes, nodding - telling him yes - his lips part with a rough moan. Ridding himself of his trousers, still somehow managing to step neatly out of them while his thumb still circles, pressing again.
Your head sags between your shoulders, against the mattress - hips high as you rock back into his hand. Clinging on as you feel the fat head of his cock nudge at your entrance, before the tip slips in.
A moan is pulled from you as he eases in - he feels big with the new addition, everything feeling tight and snug and he’s not even fully in you yet.
You can hear his own gasp behind you, a steadying hand on your hip when your ass sits flush with his front.
“Christ, you are gripping me so tightly,” He grits out with a shallow thrust of his hips, but it has your eyes fluttering closed, fingers curling.
Another sound as he does it again, until he’s setting a slow, steady pace. The drag of his cock against you, a rock of his hips as he presses deep again.
All the while a hand grips your hip - the other still running over the plug. Fingers carefully catching the edge, fitting the tip of his index underneath. Giving it the smallest tug, a replication of a thrust in time with the grind of his hips.
It has you breathless, fucking you with his cock and the plug - you’re not even aware that you’ve been chanting the word “please” over and over until his left hand smoothes down your back, his voice catching your attention.
“What do you want, darling?”
The ache is enough that you’re shameless now, ready and willing to beg.
“You. God - I want you so bad.” Your eyes crack open, head tilting again so you can look at him. The breadth of his shoulders curving above you, lips parted as he sucks in a breath.
“Want you to take it out and fuck me. Please.”
Because you do want him, want to know what it feels like to have him take you - trusting him to make it feel as good as his teasing had felt.
His expression changes, from careful concentration and devotion - to a low laugh, a bright flash of teeth as he smiles.
“Oh dove.” He sighs, voice turning rough and rueful, “You’re going to need a lot more practice before you take me.”
It makes you whimper, his tone and the denial, but he’s quick to make amends. His cock nudged deep as he carefully eases the plug from you, as he makes a promise.
“But I would never leave you wanting.”
There’s the rustle of the bedside drawer, a cap opening. Lube-slicked fingers circling where you’re soft and worked open, the tip of one pressing into you as you clench around him.
Easing it in, a knuckle at a time until he’s past the tight ring of muscle, as you get used to the feeling. Until you’re begging again, until the thrust of his cock matches the careful pump of his finger.
It’s a lot. For both of you, the sensation new and filthy and your fingers are snaking between your thighs, the first rub against your clit making you keen.
A second, slicked finger teases, pressing against the puckered skin - the deep thrust of his cock has you panting into the sheets, each breath coming out strangled and needy.
“That’s it,” He coos, knowing you’re close, can feel it in the strung-tight tremble of your limbs, “Want to know how this feels when you come.”
How it feels with him buried in both your holes, and you want to know, too - never feeling so full and stretched and your fingers are pressing against soaked skin as your breath turns into a long cry.
His name on your lips as the need becomes overwhelming, before it engulfs you. A coil that twists so tightly and then snaps, the waves of relief and pleasure hot in your belly, coursing down your limbs as you come.
You can feel him, achingly hard inside you, the hand on your hip gripping almost painfully as he feels the way you clench around him, the tight, hot pulse around his cock and fingers. The way you soak him, your whimper when the press of his fingers within you become too much, overstimulating.
They ease out as he slows, waiting until there’s a small grin that forms on your lips as you peek back at him, the heel of your hand scrubbing the hollow under your eye, wiping away tears from how much you had felt.
“Thank you.” You tell him with a soft sigh, and that alone almost does him in.
Hands rest on your hips now, his thrusts shorter, rougher now. His own release building until it’s all but bursting from him - as he gazes down to where you’re wrapped so snugly around him, the slightest gape where his fingers had been.
“My gorgeous, filthy girl.” His voice lower and rougher than you’ve ever heard, “I won’t tonight, dove. But I promise you, one day I’m going to come in this tight, perfect ass.”
Selfishly, the pad of his thumb rubs against your rim one more time, just barely pressing down. And with your soft moan, the thought of how tightly and sweetly you had just come around him - he’s there.
A rough “fuck”, a long moan ripped from him as his hips snap against yours, grinding himself deep as he comes. Stomach and chest pressing into your back as he curls around you, messy kisses peppered against your shoulder as the rock of his hips slow.
As the throbbing pulse of his cock wanes, his release pushed deep into you as you sigh - content and weary after the excitement of the evening.
The kisses against your shoulder moving to your neck, under you ear, then your cheek as his cock withdraws from you. Leaving you needy and empty, though he’s there to clean you up, drawing a bath for you both.
It’s deep in the bubbles, lounging against him when you ask, “Did you like your surprise?”
You’re teasing, and he laughs - the sound a low, incredulous huff.
“Yes, my darling. I most certainly did.”
A smile still in his voice, as he adds, “In fact, consider this encouragement to surprise me… at any time you wish.”
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heldenherzchen · 10 months
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thursday, august 10 day 4: last minute confession (@benthan-week-forever)
Benji sat in front of his laptop, tears streaming down his face.
He had just heard Ethan confess his love for him over the coms - and then the line went dead. Dead. Like Ethan, he thought.
The blonde was beside himself with grief.
He tried and tried and tried to get a hold of the other one, but there was no response. Benji was consumed with worry and fear, not knowing what had happened to the man he loved.
As he sat there, lost in his thoughts, memories of Ethan flooded his mind. He remembered the way the brunette looked at him, the sound of his voice, the touch of his hand. He realized how much he loved Ethan, and how much he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him.
Benji sat there for what felt like hours, waiting for any news about his partner..
Finally, the coms line crackled to life, and Ethan's voice came through.
"Benji, are you there?" he said, his voice rough.
Benji was overjoyed to hear his voice, bursting into tears once again.
"Ethan, I thought you were dead," he said, his voice choked with emotion.
"I'm okay, Benji," Ethan replied, "I made it out alive, thanks to you."
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wildbasil · 2 months
Your art is so cool!!! I love your funny little Welsh guys. Just out of curiosity- does Edern ever take his helmet off??
i think the real question is should edern ever take his helmet off. when his hair looks like this
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themisterhip · 1 year
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Artist inspiration: J.C. Leyendecker
(His art work is INSANE, such an inspiration for this)
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duusheen · 9 months
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KEATON STRATTON for @rainymoodlet | Kiss Me in Komorebi 🌹
If Keaton were to think about his ideal man, he might be... tall, with black hair, with an unconditional love for his family, hot brown eyes... okay, yes, like Daniel Taylor. The first time Keaton saw the man was during his appearance on Jupiter York's bachelorette show, and when found out he would have his own show, Keaton tried to apply. Unfortunately, all the slots were filled and he was put on a provisional "just in case" list, whatever that means. Keaton returned to his ranch and forgot about it. Until now, at least, when the production made him an unexpected offer he couldn't refuse.
"Hello, Mr. Stratton, are you still interested in being on the show?"
More about Keaton 👇🏽
Keaton was born and raised in Chestnut Ridge. He met Margaret, or Maggie as everyone calls her, when he was in school and they had a huge friendship that turned into something more at prom. Keaton wasn't interested in a college degree; he just wanted to run his family's ranch so he did that after highschool. Unfortunately for him, he also discovered his interest was in guys rather than girls just when Maggie told him she was pregnant. He married her out of duty, but was absolutely honest from the start, and from that moment on Maggie became his best friend. She has been his biggest support over the years, and they both worked together to raise their daughter Lara. But Maggie fell in love and remarried, leaving Keaton alone with his ranch. He thought being a rancher would be enough for him, and it was... for a few years at least, but not anymore.
Some facts about Keaton:
He cut his hair just for the casting, as his ex-wife assured him that his normally messy look wouldn't get him a spot on the show.
When he saw on TV what happened with Julian and Julien, a small part of Keaton had hopes that maybe they would open up more slots for other participants, but he didn't allow himself to really think about it until the production called him saying there was a place for him.
Keaton divorced three years ago, but he has an excellent relationship with his ex-wife and her new husband as well.
His greatest pride is his 16-year-old daughter, Lara.
The hardest part of all this has been leaving his beloved horse on the ranch, but Keaton trusts that Lara and Maggie will take care of her in his absence.
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fxreflyes · 3 months
thank you all for the tags!!! I’m so late but thank you @polaroidcats @godsofwoes @fruityindividual @itmeanssungod @faggylittleleatherboy @silkencanis @acrossfromladystardust @achillesankle @lilyflxwers 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 all of your pictures are SO CUTE!! I have the most gorgeous friends <333
Picrew link
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I don’t know who has done this yet but no pressure tagging @cosmmicdancer @kaaaaaaarf @shipsnsails @ethercain @sugarsnappeases @dieonysian @hxlda-hxlda @kaleidoscopexsighs @moongays @fatemy-friend @magneto-manifesto @sunattacksthemoon @themuseoftheviolets @stillagoodwitch @belleandsaintsebastian @thebloatedfrog @greengrug @hermioneswifeee and anyone else who might like to do this!! <33
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cloverfarm · 9 months
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commissioned the incredibly and wonderfully talented @theycallmekaibara to do a piece of my oc Thomas, hopelessly heart-eyed over his fave Doctor! Thank you so much, I am so in love with this!
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giggly-squiggily · 4 months
i know there's no event or anything open rn but this sentence just popped into my head: "you love being tickled just as much as you hate admitting it" and after that wonderful matchablossom dabble i need you to picture kojiro saying that to kaoru for a moment
The way I dropped my bagel- /j
Just- Kaoru’s all giggly and tired post the tickle fight. His hairs a mess, his cheeks are all pink and he feels like he’s gonna die- and Kojiro’s just sitting there all proud of himself. He’s too tired to return the favor so he opts for flipping him off with a “You know I hate when you do that!”
And Kojiro- who has tickled Kaoru more times than he could count on his fingers and toes and is beyond used to the pink haired man’s drama, just smiles as he hits him with “Come now, you love being tickled just as much as you hate admitting it.”
And Kaoru can’t even think straight cause that bastard hit the nail on the coffin so accurately his skeleton’s got a new piercing- he just grumbles and turns on his side all pouty while Kojiro laughs and lays behind him, stroking his hair out of his face and pressing kisses against his flushed cheeks and Kaoru automatically relaxes into him cause it feels nice and in his mind he can twist it into a servant catering to his king and not at all the fact his heart always gets so fluttery when Kojiro plays with his hair-
I just- my HEART 😍😍😍 Rey this is beyond precious, thank you for sharing! 🤩🤩🤩🥰🥰🥰
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mjtheartist04 · 5 months
I decided to do a lil doodle of my three ship children + Shoji and Yoshiro
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Shoji’s a lil flustered that Kyosura is sitting beside him (this is probably the first meeting of the children).
It’s really bad, I’m sorry-
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THEY ARE ADORABLE!🥺 thank you so much for the thoughtful lil gift!😭💗💗💗
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oneshortlove · 9 months
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My dearest Mimi, I hope you're having an absolutely beautiful day! Remember to feel hugged and loved by me and to have the biggest and most absolute banger of a day. Don't forget to drink water and eat something, sleep enough and take breaks and rest! Thank you for being a super duper ultra mega cool friend and even though I've only known you for a couple of days it feels like I've known you forever <3 From your Kiwi <3 ps. I rlly love the flower crowns you made me <33
This is so beautiful?? I'm can't stop shaking haha!!
Kiwiiii🥺 Thank you for this, this has made my day so much better💞 I hope and wish only the greatest and beautiful treasures for you! Ahh I'm so happy!!! I'm going to look at this for many years to remind myself how beautiful love is. This will keep me going for many years to come!!
I'm so happy to have met you truly💓💖
I feel so lucky oh my😭 thank you for being alive and kind!! 💜💐💙
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lumiereandcogsworth · 10 months
What are your top 5 fave Hamilton songs?
gosh i have been WAITING for someone to ask me this. i don’t even have a proper answer and i am absolutely going to name more than five but oh my gosh finally i get to gush about my brainrot broadway musical!!!!!!!
two i definitely have to include because i spent a bit of time working on both of them to memorize and doing that sort of launched me into listening to hamilton every night:
the room where it happens
satisfied is one of the fastest songs and i’m super proud of myself for having it memorized :”) and the room where it happens is just really fun. i especially loved these two for the choreography in the show, they’re both SOOOOO amazing to watch. but since i can’t watch it all the time, best i could do for myself was get the songs down pat so i can picture it any time i want.
the three beginning songs are also very go-to for me to just start rapping to myself when i’m at work or doing whatever. i love doing my shot especially, but i usually start it with aaron burr, sir and often forget they’re two separate songs lmao
alexander hamilton
aaron burr, sir
my shot
(also, alexander hamilton WAS the first one i ever memorized! back in summer 2021 i just really wanted to get it down. and i only revisited hamilton in fall 2022, and it’s been brainworms ever since)
dear theodosia is so precious to me <3
i REALLY love non-stop, it’s the longest one in the show and i was also very proud of myself when i finally got it all down. it’s another go-to for me, as well as the following number that opens act two: what’d i miss
and honestly i’m just very obsessed with the ending. the whole spiral down from eye of the hurricane to the world was wide enough is just SO fun and snappy and intense. i can always picture leslie odom jr.’s shocked face when hamilton chooses jefferson over burr in the election of 1800. i also always instinctually look up when hamilton sings “america! you great unfinished symphony, you sent for me! you let me make a difference, a place where even orphan immigrants can leave their finger prints and rise up, i’m running out of time, i’m running and my time’s up, wise up, eyes UP!” in the world was wide enough.
(the urge to write out that entire song is so strong right now. but i will remain focused)
also definitely have to give a shout out to burn. it’s such a powerful song and i am by no means a great singer but i do love singing along to it, even in my smaller range and lower tone lmao. in my head i’m matching phillipa soo and that’s what counts <3
and yes finally, i do adore the ending a lot. who lives, who dies, who tells your story. great finale that used to make me cry every time when eliza sings “in their eyes i see you, alexander, i see you every time.”
i definitely love every single song i did not mention here specifically. i love the cabinet meetings and the boys who may not live to see their glory and the schuyler sisters and i LOVE king george’s songs so so much. i have absolutely no idea why this show has infested my brain so much, but i love it soooo very much and i truly thank you for giving me a chance to infodump about it :)
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drones-of-innocence · 11 months
Hey!! I just wanted to drop by and say I really love your Mario x Peach stories. =w= Your writing is lovely and the way you present these characters is absolutely flawless. *chef's kiss*
I believe I saw a post from elitadream a while back saying you two were working on a collab. Is it still true? God I hope so. T.T I can't wait to see more from you guys!!
Hope you have a nice day!
Hello there!! Oh my gosh thank you so much!! 😭That means a lot to me, I love the characters so much and I try very hard to portray them in a meaningful way 🥺 And yes, it is still true that @elitadream and I are working on a collab 🔥🤭 We'll be very excited to share it once it's ready!!
I hope you have a nice day too!!
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bipdf · 1 year
I'll help you reach 100k :)
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duusheen · 9 months
it's one of my favourite things to pop in every couple of days to a delicious new crop of posts! except that every single time, the last post leaves me wanting more! I NEED ALL OF IT ALL AT ONCE I AM DYING OUT HERE!
but where's the fun in that? 😌
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grapesodatozier · 1 year
CAMI You said rarepairs and I immediately thought of Stanverly and now I'm having thoughts about them having quite cozy nights together where Bev sews and Stan works on puzzles ;-; OR Stan modeling Bev's newest projects and being bashful but Bev is just eating it up
I fucking love It rarepairs
sam!!! omg I miss stanverly SO much they’re such a good pairing 💕 their energies match so well!! love these ideas so much, stan would look absolutely incredible in bevs designs. bev loves and trusts his input on her designs, which is always so kind and loving but also actually helpful. I think they both have a way of talking that’s honest and clear while knowing how to be gentle about it, like they just get each other there. and their energies just match so much like!! I think bev likes to go out a little more often than stan, which they’re both cool with, but most nights are nice, calm, quiet nights in for them 💕 they definitely love playing animal crossing and visit each other’s islands while sitting on the same couch lol. also always the hottest/best dressed couple in the room no take backs. lol they’re both so intimidating to strangers when they get older but they’re actually just so awkward. you know those quiet shy people who come across as aloof and mysterious? bev and stan in their 20s and beyond 1000%
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
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Merry (early) Ratmas!!
Hey Squigs!! Despite not talking, aside from that one request that I submitted lately, you've always seemed so sweet and jolly to be around!! I really want to get to know you better and, someday, become great friends! Despite that, stay the amazing being you are. Have a merry day!!🐭💛
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NAT YOU’RE TOO SWEET AJZNNWKSKKSD 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 Thank you for being such a delight! This month is proving to be not so great mentally for me, so thank you for this; it really makes my heart happy 🥰 Merry (early) Ratmas to you too! 🥰🥰🥰
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