#ahhhh this is SO PRECIOUS
kazutora-kurokawa · 2 months
Small Lovesick!Kazutora Ramble
Thinking about the way lovesick!Kazutora would look at his girlfriend. His pretty golden eyes would light up every time he sees her.
Like she's the most perfect and precious thing in the world.
Like she's the only person he's ever seen in his life and the only one he ever wants to see.
Like his attention is solely for her and her alone.
Like she's the only person he's ever loved, ever wanted, ever needed.
His every move would rely on her words, her wants, her desires. Everything he does is for her because he lives to please.
♡ Y'all I swear my brain is 50% him 😫
@arlerts-angel @i-literally-cant-with-this @trevengersprincess @giugiette @katkusuo @happy-trenchcoated-impala @drunkcheesecake @darkstarlight82 @reiners-milkbiddies @manji-hoe @southside-otaku @xxchthonicreaturexx @evergreen-endo @hanmaslilslut @dystop4in14nd @mysouleaten @mdsbabygirl
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etrevil · 1 year
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Chuuya and his little thumbs up
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lavndvrr · 6 months
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giggly-squiggily · 9 months
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Omg hes so underrated i lve him sm hes so cute
(from chapter 6 of the bnha team up missions)
*sobs* LOOK AT EM!!! He’s so cute with his squishy face and his tail shot up and just- HWNSNSNSNSNDMSMS 😍😍😍😍 I need to binge read Team Up Missions like- right now ajsnwnsnnwsn
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me when i can’t decide between writing a fluffy achey teen satoru drabble or a kinda angsty hurt/comfort cult leader geto drabble or a sickeningly fluffy hurt/comfort stsg fic ……….. 😔😔😔
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llondonfog · 1 year
For the three sentence fic, how about an age-swapped Silver and Lilia? Like a human general taking in this fiesty lil baby fairy?
[✐meme] three sentence fic meme
the child was a monster, his soldiers murmur amongst themselves, mistaken in their belief that such cruel words would not make it to the ears of their brave, beloved, and bleeding-heart general. look at how it rages and claws at the air about itself, have you not seen the crimson stained bandages around the commander's arm? and it simply won't stop its infernal, fox-like screeching well into the witching hours— can you not see the exhaustion purpling the general's gaze? how could he possibly think to sleep with it in his tent, is it not still the enemy no matter how small it may seem to be?
they should have left it to perish in the scorched remains of the forest from whence it came, an ill omen that glares balefully at them all with its blazing eyes awash in vicious hate as it bares its tiny fangs as if to taste the scent of fear polluting the frigid night air.
they might still, yet.
silver shrugs off the sour rumors, lets them ripple from his shoulders like the armor he no longer wears to fall and crumble at the foot of his tent as he cradles the small figure once it tires of wailing and pounding its tiny fists against his chest, uncaring of the bruises that will surely make themselves known in the morning from the child's surprising strength. it is not violence for violence's sake, not even simply rage at a perceived enemy— there is a grief here, a maddening, consuming grief that he knows only too well.
it took no magic to curse this little one to a lifetime of loneliness, one that will stretch far beyond the dimmest point of the stars. this never-ending war has made orphans of them both, and his heart aches as he brushes the wild, dark hair out of such a tiny, fair face, creased with misery well before its time.
is this truly the future that he wishes to be remembered for?
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aslibekroglu · 1 year
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
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hysteriablues · 2 years
||Childhood sweethearts|| Rotxo x M!reader
Rotxo x childhood friend male reader, enjoy!
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Since you were just a toddler you considered Rotxo to be your best friends. You two had always done everything together growing up, you couldn't imagine not having him in your life. Due to your and Rotxo's parents also being close friends you got to see him everyday. Rotxo was such a sweetheart, you couldn't see how someone could ever dislike him. So it was no surprise that at some point you realized that you had fallen for your best friend, fallen extremely hard at that too. But how could you not? He was everything you could ever want.
You had gotten sick, you don't know how you managed that but here you were laying in your bed. Your limbs hurt every time you moved, and you were pretty sure that you were having a light fever. Your Mother was not home at the moment going to collect herbs to make you medicine and your father had gone hunting. You groaned in pain tossing around to try and get more comfortable. You hated being sick, it made you feel helpless and you hated that. For a second you had actually managed to find a comfortable position, and just the second after you heard someone approaching. Your ears perked up trying to recognize the step pattern, a small smile made it's way onto your face when you realized who it was. You sat up only to get pushed down again. "Y/n lay down, you're sick." You chuckled at your best friends behaviour. Even when you were younger, he always came over when you were sick. Either to keep you company or to nurse you, he was always there and always had a way to make you feel better.
Not wanting to upset him, you laid back down. You watched as he sat down next to you. "It's a miracle how you got sick, it's not like you did something out of your routine or something. Maybe you ate something you shouldn't have..?" Rotxo mumbled on thinking of various reasons of your sudden sickness, you only shrugged. After a while Rotxo let out a sigh before turning to look at you. "By the way, Ao'nung told you to get better soon." You raised your brow at that not really believing the words coming out of the other males mouth. "Is that so?" Rotxo nodded, you looked at him in disbelief. "Well that's a first, wow." The na'vi next to you let out a quiet laugh "He's not as bad as you make him out to be Y/n." you rolled your eyes at his statement. "Yeah yeah I guess so, but he's still a bitch sometimes." Rotxo only shook his head at your comment before his face suddenly lit up. You watched as he grabbed something out of a little leather bag he had been carrying at his hip. "Here, I brought you something- I thought that would make you feel a bit better" He held it out to you so you took it from his hand, looking down at it you realized that it was a pearl. A green one, you smiled. Since your childhood you have been collecting green pearls seeing as green was your favorite color, but they were extremely rare.
"Ah Rotxo- I love you so much, where did you find this one?" You looked up from the pearl only to find Rotxo flushing deep blue looking off to the side. "Yesterday, I was swimming with Ao'nung. And I saw this shell.." Your chest swelled up at that "So you thought of me and went to check for a green pearl?" he nodded his head at your question. You continued smiling looking down at the pearl in your hand. "Rotxo, you wouldn't mind adding this one to my collection would you? I can't really uh, get up right now-" Your best friend shook his head smiling sympathetically at you, he knew how much you hated being sick. You also tend to get emotional depending on how sick you are feeling.
Taking the pearl from your outstreched hand Rotxo made his way over to a bag that way hanging on a spear and added your new pearl into it. After that he sat down next to you again. "You were right, it did make me feel better. I literally love you so much Rotxo" You sighed out leaning your head against Rotxo's thigh. A hand ran through your hair, slowly massaging your scalp, you leaned into the touch feeling relaxed by it. The other na'vi smiled seeing you lean into his touch like that, he really hoped you would get better soon. He watched as you tossed a bit before grabbing his hand and holding it. Eventually you drifted off to sleep.
A week later and you were finally healthy again! Your legs didn't hurt anymore anytime you tried to stand up. After getting yourself ready for the day you practically sprinted through half of the village to get to the beach. You went to the spot where you and your friends usually met up everyday. You could already spot Ao'nung from afar, his hair and gaze recognizable even from even a big distance, but you couldn't spot Rotxo. "Hey Ao'nung!" You greeted the other na'vi who smiled ever so slightly upon seeing you. "Oh, yo you finally decided not to be sick anymore?" You rolled your eyes at him playfully. "Yeah yeah whatever, where is Rotxo? He's normally never late." Ao'nung shrugged "Maybe he overslept?" That sounded very unlike him. "I don't think so" You told the other na'vi turning around to face the village again. "I think I'm going to check in on him." Ao'nung nodded even though you couldn't see him "I'll let the other guys know that you and Rotxo won't be coming today." you bit Ao'nung a quick goodbye before heading of to Rotxo's pod.
"Hey Rotxo! You up?" You walked into the males pod only to see him laying in his bed seemingly resting. You let out an small "oops" upon seeing that he indeed was still sleeping. Walking closer to him you looked around, carful not to step on anything. Sitting down next to him you sighed a bit relieved seeing that you had not woken him up. You looked down at him, he looked very peaceful in his sleep. Reaching down slowly you brushed a strand of hair out of his face and the next moment you suddenly were laying next to him. You looked around with a deadpanned expression. Rotxo had grabbed your hand in your sleep and had pulled you down next to him.
Now what were you supposed to do? You didn't want to move in fear of waking him up because he clearly needed that rest, but it would be awkward explaining to Rotxo what happened when he woke up. So you just, stayed still. It's not like you had anything to do today, plus.. It didn't feel too bad being this close to Rotxo. You could see the way his chest rose with every breath he took, smiling at that you leaned onto him and wrapped your arms around him. Rotxo being deep asleep and sensing heat coming from your body mimicked your action and pulled you even closer. The male na'vi had laid your head against his chest, you nearly exploded at that.
Holy shit You thought to yourself This must be heaven. Your ear twitched when Rotxo started to move again, he had wrapped his legs around you as well. Internally you were panicking never having made so much skin contact with him since you two were little. Your big crush on him didn't help the current situation, if anyone could see your face right now it would probably be a deep blue shade. After taking a few deep breaths you calmed yourself again, you could hear his heartbeat, loud and steady. It was relaxing to listen to, you smiled at that and simply went back to listening to it's beat.
At some point you must have dozed off without noticing, you slowly opened your eyes to be greeted by the sight of Rotxo's chest. You let out a big breath and leaned against his chest again. You nearly had a heart attack when you suddenly heard your best friends voice. "Y/n? Are you awake?" You had decided not to say anything since you were pretty much planning on going back to sleep at that current moment, but that all changed when you heard Rotxo start talking again. "Oh good-" He whispered relieved "I thought I had woken you up." he ran a hand through your hair smiling fondly while doing so. "You know, everything was pretty boring the past week without you Y/n, I'm glad you are healthy again.." It seemed like Rotxo had been talking to you while you had been sleeping, you continued to listen to his voice. "My Y/n.. I wish you knew how beautiful you are." Your breath hitched as soon as you heard him say that, you nearly gave away that you, for a matter of fact were indeed awake. You then felt Rotxo wrapping his hands around you again. "I see you Y/n. I see how beautiful you are, I wish for you to be mine." Rotxo sighed out against your forehead and gave it a quick kiss. You were stunned, shocked, taken aback, astonished, flabbergasted even at what you had just heard coming out of your best friends mouth.
Now or never I guess you couldn't just lay there peacefully and pretend like you hadn't heard a thing after having been crushing on him for so many years. You inhaled deeply trying to calm down internally. "Rotxo." The poor boy nearly jumped out of his skin upon hearing you call his name. "O-oh! Y/n you're awake!" He laughed awkwardly "I hope you had a good nap!" Either Rotxo was pretending to not have said anything, or he was trying to tell himself that you had been asleep during his little confession. But the both of you knew that that wasn't the case, you could hear how much his heart had suddenly started beating faster.
You got yourself somewhat loose from his grip and slid in between his arms so you two were face to face. Rotxo audibly gulped upon seeing your face so close to his, you could tell that he was extremely nervous. You gave him a big smile hoping to calm his nerves with it, you could see him scanning your face. Starting from your eyes, to your cheeks down to your lips and back to your eyes. You placed your hand on his cheek stroking it slowly, he leaned into your touch also now smiling. You loved his smile over anything, he always looked adorable smiling.
You two held eye contact for what seemed like and eternity. The next second Rotxo's lips were on yours, you closed your eyes and let yourself truly feel the kiss. Rotxo's lips felt even more softer than you had ever imagined. You two broke apart for a second gazing into each others eyes before your lips hungrily connected again. You could tell that Rotxo had been waiting for this moment as much as you had, you smiled ever so slightly into the kiss as you felt Rotxo's hand wrapping around your waist. Parting again you two leaned your foreheads together.
You suddenly burst out laughing which made the na'vi next to you look at you confused. You also left out a big breath you didn't know you had been holding. "You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment Rotxo," You smiled at him looking into his big pretty blue eyes, he smiled right back at you. "No, you don't know how long I have been waiting for this." You giggled and presses a kiss against the corner of his mouth "I see you Rotxo, I see you and always have. You're all I ever wanted." You watched as Rotxo's eyes widened at your confession before he let out the biggest smile ever. "My Y/n, would you do me the pleasure of being your mate?" You nodded rapidly at him. "Of course, I would love that more than anything Rotxo." The rest of the day was spend with you guys teasing each other and just lots of kisses plus cuddles.
You and Rotxo had just came back from a quick swim, stepping out of the water Rotxo intertwined your hands. You couldn't help yourself from blushing like a school girl in love. Rotxo saw the way your face flushed dark blue and smiled at you squeezing your hand. You squeezed back also smiling at him. Rotxo was now your mate, it still felt like you were dreaming. But here you were, holding his hand, at the beach, smiling like an idiot. You were an idiot, an idiot that was extremely in love. You kept glancing at Rotxo from the corner of your eye which he quickly took notice of. "Do you need anything Y/n?" You shook your head "Be a sweetheart and step closer for a second please Rotxo?" he obeyed and stepped closer to you albeit a bit confused. You leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the lips, now it was his turn to flush dark blue. You giggled watching the color of his face change rapidly. "That was everything, thank you!" You exclaimed happily pulling your mate along behind you who still seemed to be processing what just had happened.
"Ew get a room!" An annoying voice shouted at the two of you, you and Rotxo both turned to the direction of the voice finding Ao'nung standing there with his arms crossed. "Not my fault you haven't found your mate yet Ao'nung!" You shouted back at him sticking your tongue out, you could see Rotxo trying to hide his smile at your comment. Ao'nung on the other hand only fake gagged "I don't want to find a mate if it means that I would have to act like you two!" you only rolled your eyes at his response. "Although, I'm not surprised that you two ended up together. There were practically always hearts in both of your eyes whenever you two looked at each other." Ao'nung said approaching the two of you. You chuckled at that looking at Rotxo "Yeah now that you say it, Rotxo always had heart eyes for me didn't he? I was just too oblivious to notice" the other na'vi practically huffed nodding at your question. Rotxo looked off to the side grinning somewhat. "I guess I didn't to a very good job at hiding it huh?"
Ao'nung looked at him with big eyes. "Yeah man, you did a horrible job man! It was like you weren't trying to hide it at all." Rotxo gave Ao'nung a sheepish smile in return. "Well I hope that I won't be third wheeling every single time we will hang out together now." Ao'nung sighed out, you shook your head at him. "It will pretty much be the same, but expect to see us kissing Ao'nung!" The said male fake gagged again. You and Rotxo laughed before grinning at each other. Finally, he was yours and you were his, the both of you couldn't be happier. And Ao'nung couldn't be more annoyed to see you guys being all lovely dovely with each other.
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silverlombaxwitch · 1 year
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Holy shit another beautifully animated movie to gush about with queer themes <3✨
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shiro-sideblog · 10 months
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
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wang yibo - photos from yuehua annual dinner shared by ybofficial 📷
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 11 months
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the ever-increasing urge to ruffle his hair!! god he's so adorable <333
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rainwingmarvel7 · 8 months
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Just received this absolutely amazing commission I got done by @faeporcelain of my GoT OCs and their canon spouses from my upcoming fic, As the Raven Flies! I am absolutely obsessed with everything about this, and I can’t wait to actually start sharing their stories with you guys soon!
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peacerisendove · 9 months
Dan Fielding & Judge Harry Stone's Bizarre Reunion
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Imagine you're having plumbing issues at your house so you've been living it Rough for a few days (Brushing your teeth with bottled water, using an abundance of wet wipes, waiting to do Toilet Things when you're at school/work/the shops, etc), waiting for the plumbers to come and save you, and when your F/O finds out they invite you to use their water!
Maybe you don't live together yet but you've been discussing it, or maybe this is a new relationship, or maybe you two just like having your own homes. This situation allows y'all to have a little domestic Moment together without moving in ^^
Like, they want you to be vomfortable coming over any time to:
Take a shower (Imagine complaining that you feel grotty and they say that you always look ravishibg- but hey you're welcome to come over and use their amenities. Or maybr they make a dirty joke here. Like, you are always plenty welcome to their shower~~ XD )
Wash your dishes (Imagine them leaning on the bench beside the sink watching you, talking about your/their day, discussing dinner, suggesting you order in together?, maybe drying them for you!)
Do you laundry (Imagine you're watching TV with them and folding your lovely clean laundry at the same time. Are they helping you? Are they holding a pile of shirts cuz you ran out of room on the floor?)
If you wanna stay over that's just fine. That's great actually! They love having you, and this is the perfect excuse. If they have roommates well that just means you can stay hidden away in their room, with them! Cozy, Huh? XD ^^
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