#ai website builder 2023
sivasaikrishna · 29 days
How Is 10Web AI Different From Traditional Website Builders?
Think of any traditional website builder like Gutenberg or Elementor. They simplify and accelerate website creation by giving you drag-and-drop content blocks, design elements, and templates to build your site – no coding skills or design experience needed.
10Web.io takes this a level higher with generative AI technology. It has all the qualities of a conventional website builder. But instead of leaving you with a set of tools, 10Web uses AI technology to give you a head start by generating modern website designs tailored to your needs.
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You only need to answer a few simple questions about your project to get the ball rolling. Visit Official Website : https://10web.io/?_from=websites
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10Web’s AI models have been trained on hundreds of thousands of web designs for different business types and goals. When you describe your project, it instantly produces the most relevant and high-quality design suggestions based on its vast database. No more staring at a blank screen for hours, wondering where to start.
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sabelacarsonsblog · 10 months
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Is Web Development Dying? AI Builders & Debunking Myths
Discover the truth about web development's future! Unravel myths and explore the impact of AI builders in this insightful article. Stay ahead in the tech world with a fresh perspective on the industry's evolution.
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chronic-and-stressed · 7 months
5.4 million people living in Palestine in 2023.
The median age in Palestine is 19.6.
47.3% of Palestine is under 18.
Israel has killed over 12k people in Gaza (the second largest city in Palestine) since October 7.
Regardless of what side you think is "right", there is no justification for the deaths of so many people when Israel has received at least 3 billion dollars in 2023 and is requesting an additional 14k, all from America. The Israeli forces could easily afford to train and equip a special forces team to go in and handle only Hamas with minimal casualties if that was what they were after.
How we can help-
Boycott (Do not purchase, support, or use) Bolded ones are the most commonly used
HP (printers etc)
Siemens (Chevron gas)
AXA (insurance)
Puma (sports brand)
SodaStream (carbonated water machine)
Ahava (minerals)
Sabra (hummus)
Starbucks** (coffee)
Dominos (pizza)
Pizza Hut (pizza)
Papa Johns (pizza)
McDonalds (fast food)
Burger King (fast food)
Wix (website builder)
Carrefore (wholesale)
Re/Max (real estate)
CAT (construction)
Elbit Systems (international defense systems)
Hyundai (cars)
Volvo (cars)
CAF (real estate)
Barclays (bank- move your money to a different one, or even better a credit union)
TKH Security (home security)
HIK Vision (AI)
Pressure (write letters, send emails, make calls)
YOUR GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES (any government official who is not in support of a ceasefire. the president, your governor, mayor, house reps, senate, congress, etc)
White House Phone Number- 202-456-1414
Amazon (retailer)
AirBnb (rent a house)
Booking.com (travel reservations)
Expedia (travel reservations)
Disney (media- also being boycotted)
Google (search engine- also being boycotted)
It's so overwhelming what's going on, but let's all collectively do all we can.
sources- Worldometer, CNN, Axois, The BNC, The BDS
**Not officially recommended by the BDS but has been happening and making an impact
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priyanshisingh · 1 day
E-Commerce Software And Platform Market Overview: Growth Factors and Future Trends (2023-2032)
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The global demand for E-commerce software and platform was valued at USD 6.9 Billion in 2022 and is expected to reach USD 20.5 Billion in 2030, growing at a CAGR of 16.9% between 2023 and 2030.
The e-commerce software and platform market is a dynamic and rapidly evolving sector that encompasses a wide range of solutions designed to facilitate online retail activities. These platforms provide businesses with the tools necessary to establish, operate, and optimize their online stores, managing everything from inventory and order processing to customer engagement and payment processing. The market is characterized by its diverse offerings, including comprehensive solutions from industry giants like Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, and BigCommerce, as well as niche players catering to specific business needs or sectors. The rise of digitalization and increasing consumer preference for online shopping have significantly driven market growth, with businesses of all sizes seeking to enhance their online presence.
Features such as mobile compatibility, integration with social media, and advanced analytics are becoming standard, reflecting the demand for more sophisticated and user-friendly platforms. Additionally, the advent of AI and machine learning technologies is further transforming the landscape by enabling personalized shopping experiences and automated customer support. The competitive nature of the market drives continuous innovation, ensuring that e-commerce software and platform providers remain at the forefront of technological advancements to meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike. The global reach and scalability of these platforms make them indispensable tools for modern retail, contributing to the sustained growth and diversification of the e-commerce industry.
The main e-commerce software and platform providers are:
Shopify: Known for its user-friendly interface and robust app ecosystem, Shopify caters to businesses of all sizes. It offers a comprehensive set of features including customizable templates, payment processing, and powerful analytics.
Magento (Adobe Commerce): A highly flexible and scalable platform, Magento is favored by larger enterprises. It provides extensive customization options and a wide range of extensions, making it suitable for complex e-commerce needs.
WooCommerce: An open-source e-commerce plugin for WordPress, WooCommerce is popular among small to medium-sized businesses. It offers seamless integration with WordPress and a variety of extensions to enhance functionality.
BigCommerce: Known for its scalability and performance, BigCommerce provides a range of features suitable for businesses aiming for rapid growth. It offers strong SEO capabilities, multichannel selling, and robust analytics.
Salesforce Commerce Cloud: A cloud-based platform offering comprehensive solutions for large enterprises. It provides advanced personalization, AI-driven insights, and seamless integration with other Salesforce products.
PrestaShop: An open-source platform that is popular in Europe, PrestaShop offers a customizable and scalable solution with a strong focus on international commerce and multi-language support.
Squarespace: While primarily a website builder, Squarespace offers robust e-commerce functionalities, making it suitable for small businesses and creatives looking to sell products online.
Wix eCommerce: Known for its ease of use, Wix eCommerce is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers a variety of templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor, along with essential e-commerce features.
OpenCart: An open-source platform that is highly customizable and free to use. It offers a wide range of extensions and themes, making it a flexible choice for businesses looking for a tailored solution.
Shopware: A German-based platform that is gaining popularity due to its flexibility and innovative features. It is particularly strong in providing a seamless omnichannel experience and advanced marketing tools.
E-Commerce Software And Platform Market Innovative Trends:
The e-commerce software and platform market is experiencing several innovative trends that are reshaping the landscape and enhancing the online shopping experience. One of the most significant trends is the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, which enable personalized shopping experiences, predictive analytics, and automated customer support through chatbots. Additionally, the rise of headless commerce is allowing businesses to decouple the front-end presentation layer from the back-end e-commerce functionality, providing greater flexibility in delivering unique and engaging customer experiences across various digital touchpoints. The adoption of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is another key trend, offering app-like experiences directly through web browsers, enhancing mobile shopping without the need for a dedicated app.
Moreover, the growing emphasis on omnichannel retailing is driving the development of platforms that seamlessly integrate online and offline channels, ensuring a cohesive and consistent customer journey. Subscription-based models and recurring billing functionalities are becoming increasingly popular, catering to the demand for subscription boxes and services. Enhanced data security measures and compliance with regulations like GDPR are critical as concerns over data privacy and protection rise.
Key Players-
BigCommerce Pty. Ltd.
HCL Technologies Limited
Intershop Communications AG
Pitney Bowes Inc.
Salesforce.com, Inc.
More About Report- https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/e-commerce-software-and-platform-market
E-Commerce Software And Platform Market Challenges:
The e-commerce software and platform market faces several significant challenges that can impact its growth and efficiency. One of the primary challenges is cybersecurity and data protection. As e-commerce platforms handle sensitive customer data, including payment information, they are prime targets for cyberattacks. Ensuring robust security measures and compliance with regulations such as GDPR and CCPA is crucial, but it requires continuous investment and vigilance.
Another challenge is scalability. As businesses grow, their e-commerce platforms must be able to handle increased traffic, larger inventories, and more complex transactions without compromising performance. This requires scalable infrastructure and efficient load management, which can be costly and technically demanding.
Integration and interoperability issues also pose a challenge. E-commerce platforms often need to integrate with various third-party systems, such as payment gateways, inventory management systems, and CRM software. Ensuring seamless and efficient integration can be complex and time-consuming, potentially leading to disruptions in operations if not managed properly.
The rapidly evolving technology landscape is another challenge. Staying up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, such as AI, machine learning, AR/VR, and blockchain, requires continuous development and innovation. E-commerce platforms must adapt quickly to incorporate these technologies to stay competitive, which can strain resources.
Customer expectations are continually rising, demanding faster delivery times, personalized experiences, and seamless omnichannel interactions. Meeting these expectations requires advanced logistics, sophisticated data analytics, and a highly responsive customer service framework, all of which add to the operational complexity.
Additionally, competition in the e-commerce platform market is intense. With numerous providers offering similar solutions, differentiation becomes difficult. Platforms need to continuously innovate and offer unique features or superior user experiences to stand out, which can be resource-intensive.
By Deployment
By End-use
Apparel & Fashion
Food & Beverage
Home & Electronics
BFSI & Technology
Browse the full report –  https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/e-commerce-software-and-platform-market
Browse Our Blog: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/e-commerce-software-platform-market-key-rbzic
Contact Us:
Phone: +91 6232 49 3207
Website: https://www.credenceresearch.com
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techy-guy · 8 days
Artificial intelligence transforms customer interaction with Natasha from Builder.AI led by Sachin Dev Duggal
Builder.ai's Natasha led by Sachin Dev Duggal stands out due to its ability to process and analyze customer interactions in real-time. This involves actions on websites, texting conversations, and even voice engagements transcribed into text. By applying advanced machine learning algorithms, Natasha provides comprehensive insights into customer behaviour that enable businesses to react timely and effectively. 
One of the major ways in which AI changes customer interaction involves providing personalized experiences. For example, when you open Spotify and find a customized playlist full of new songs that resonate with you, it gives you the impression that you are well-known and appreciated. The same applies to Natasha as well; through analyzing previous customer interactions, this software can predict what will be asked for next time and offer relevant solutions accordingly. Such personalization enhances customer satisfaction levels, thereby creating loyalty. 
The impact of AI on customer interaction is huge. Builders like Builder.ai's Natasha are changing how companies understand customers and engage them. Through providing real-time actionable insights, Natasha enables teams to work smarter, thus delivering personalized experiences that resonate with customers. AI has an infinite potential for enhancing customer interactions, which is being explored by Builder.ai under Sachin Dev Duggal’s leadership during this amazing transformation process. 
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twiainsurancegroup · 2 months
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fairfield-research · 3 months
Website Builder Software Market Analysis, Market Size, In-Depth Insights, Growth and Forecast 2030
Global website builder software market, projecting remarkable growth from 2023 to 2030. With the burgeoning demand for simple website-building solutions amidst increasing internet penetration worldwide, the market is poised to expand from its 2022 valuation of $1.8 billion to a staggering $3.12 billion by the end of the decade, exhibiting a robust Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 8.2%.
Market Overview
Demand Surge: The escalating demand for website builder software stems from the proliferation of internet usage, particularly in developing economies. The surge in online retail activities has created opportunities for businesses to reach wider audiences, thereby driving the adoption of website builder software.
The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns further propelled e-commerce growth, amplifying the need for online presence and boosting the market for website builder software.
Customization and Flexibility: Website builder software offers abundant customization options, including e-commerce integration, user-friendly templates, and high flexibility, catering to the diverse needs of businesses and individuals alike.
Static websites, characterized by quicker load times and better performance, are expected to dominate the market share globally.
Cloud-Based Solutions: In 2022, cloud-based website builders held a significant market share, offering users the convenience of accessing and managing website projects from any location with an internet connection.
This flexibility allows users to work seamlessly across various devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices.
Key Growth Determinants
Internet Penetration: The exponential growth of internet users, currently standing at around 4.9 billion worldwide, continues to drive the demand for website builder software, not only in affluent nations but also in developing economies.
The accessibility of the internet fuels the aspirations of individuals and businesses to establish a robust online presence, contributing to the market growth.
E-commerce Expansion: The burgeoning e-commerce industry serves as a major catalyst for the website builder software market, offering businesses efficient transaction processing, effective customer service, and reduced advertising costs.
The widespread adoption of online shopping across all age groups further fuels the demand for e-commerce platforms with integrated website builders.
DIY Movement: The Do-It-Yourself (DIY) trend, extending beyond traditional realms into the digital sphere, drives the adoption of website builder software among individuals, independent contractors, and small enterprises.
User-friendly interfaces empower users with no technical expertise to quickly and affordably create their online presence.
Major Restraints
Technological Limitations: Despite their benefits, website builder systems may fall short for users requiring complex features or specialized functionalities, posing challenges for businesses seeking extensive customization.
Organizations aiming to scale or customize their web presence may encounter limitations within existing website builder platforms.
Data Concerns: Data privacy and security concerns prompt apprehensions regarding third-party platforms for website building, particularly regarding data ownership, storage location, and accessibility.
Businesses prioritize control over their data, leading to considerations for bespoke solutions over generic website builder software.
Key Trends and Opportunities
Integration of AI: Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration revolutionizes website building, offering users aesthetically pleasing and functional webpages with AI-powered design suggestions and analytics.
AI-driven insights enhance user engagement and conversion rates, streamlining website creation and optimizing performance.
Mobile Responsiveness: The increasing dominance of mobile internet usage underscores the importance of mobile-responsive design in website builder platforms, catering to over 50% of global internet traffic originating from mobile devices.
Platforms prioritizing mobile-responsive capabilities maintain relevance and cater to evolving user preferences.
E-commerce Explosion: The rise of online shopping fuels demand for website builders offering integrated e-commerce solutions, leveling the playing field for businesses of all sizes.
Inclusive features such as shopping carts, payment gateways, and inventory management tools empower merchants to establish a robust online presence.
Regional Frontrunners
North America: With a dominant share of worldwide revenue, North America leads the global website builder software market, supported by tech-savvy consumers, a thriving ecosystem of small and medium-sized businesses, and a robust digital infrastructure.
The presence of key market players in the region further consolidates North America's position in the global market.
Europe: The European market experiences significant growth, driven by stringent data privacy laws such as GDPR, fostering the adoption of local website builder platforms compliant with European legislation.
Diverse market dynamics and emphasis on data protection contribute to Europe's expanding market share in website builder software.
Competitive Landscape
The global website builder software market is characterized by consolidation, with few major players dominating the industry. Key players such as GoDaddy Operating Company, LLC, Edicy LLC (Voog), and Jimdo GmbH continue to introduce innovative products and expand their distribution channels to enhance their global presence.
For more information: https://www.fairfieldmarketresearch.com/report/website-builder-software-market
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Fairfield Market Research is a UK-based market research provider. Fairfield offers a wide spectrum of services, ranging from customized reports to consulting solutions. With a strong European footprint, Fairfield operates globally and helps businesses navigate through business cycles, with quick responses and multi-pronged approaches. The company values an eye for insightful take on global matters, ably backed by a team of exceptionally experienced researchers. With a strong repository of syndicated market research reports that are continuously published & updated to ensure the ever-changing needs of customers are met with absolute promptness.
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anowar8423 · 4 months
Ai Agents – Drag N Drop Ai Website Builder Review – Using the Worlds First A.I. Based Drag-n-Drop Website Builder
"Good News" The launch of AI Agents Drag N Drop AI website builder is an important step in the development of the web, providing solutions to individuals and businesses Online problems are good and useful. This new tool leverages the power of artificial intelligence to improve the web design process and make it accessible to users with different skill levels. More Info >>> www.sk-review.com
Product link: http://tinyurl.com/2p8bj4mn
Ai Agents – Drag N Drop Ai Website Builder Review: Overview
Creator: Firas Alameh
Product: Ai Agents – Drag N Drop Ai Website Builder
Date Of Launch: 10/31/2023
Front-End Price: $67
Official Website: Click Here
Support: Effective Response
Product Type: Software (Online)
Discount : Visit and Get The Best Discount Action!
Skill Level Required: All Levels
Recommended: Highly Recommended
Refund: YES, 30 Days Money-Back Guarantee
Get instant access click here >>>
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abhi-views · 4 months
Build Your Website in Seconds with AI: Exploring the Top 5 AI Website Builders of 2023
Tired of building website on your own? Try these new AI websites.
Forget lengthy coding and complex design processes! The world of website building has entered a new era with the rise of AI-powered tools. These innovative platforms allow you to create professional websites in a matter of minutes, even without any prior design or coding experience. This article dives deep into the top 5 AI website builders of 2023, exploring their features, functionalities, and…
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View On WordPress
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govindhtech · 4 months
IBM Watson AI To Enhance Grammy Awards Ceremony 2023
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IBM Watsonx GRAMMY Awards
How the Recording Academy improves the Grammy Awards fan experience with IBM Watsonx The Recording Academy aims to preserve music’s permanent place in our society by recognizing excellence in the recording arts and sciences via the GRAMMYs. IBM will be there once again as the biggest recorded artists in the world walk the red carpet at the 66th Annual GRAMMY Awards.
Like other renowned cultural sports and entertainment events, the GRAMMYs faced a similar commercial dilemma this year, in today’s increasingly fragmented media world, producing cultural impact entails delivering appealing content across numerous digital platforms. It’s a difficult assignment to honor the accomplishments and life stories of over a thousand candidates in around 100 categories.
IBM collaborated to create GRAMMY Awards
For this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM collaborated to create a content supply chain that would allow for simple review and creative flexibility while saving hundreds of hours of research, writing, and production time. Utilizing IBM Watsonx’s creative powers, the system offers fascinating insights into the personal histories and professional achievements of well-known GRAMMY nominees.
A content engine powered by generative AI and reliable data The watsonx.ai component of watsonx is home to a potent large language model (LLM), which is used in this year’s solution. The model was trained using trusted, private data from the Recording Academy, which included brand rules and artist bios and tales from the GRAMMYs website and archives.
The Recording Academy may create a broad range of material using natural language prompts using an AI material Builder dashboard. This content can subsequently be posted on social media or uploaded to the Grammy.com website.
Automating social asset generation using intelligence in GRAMMY Awards
In order to engage with fans and publicize the event throughout the run-up to the GRAMMY Awards and on the night of the show, the Recording Academy had to increase the scope of their social media presence. However, content creation was very manual and time-consuming up to this point. Watsonx AI Stories is the answer. The editorial staff can quickly and simply build rich materials to be shared in Facebook reels, Instagram stories, and Tik Tok videos using the AI Content Builder dashboard.
Editorial team members may choose templates including nominees or categories with different layouts and branding using the AI Stories interface. These templates use authorized pictures from the Recording Academy’s asset bank. Next, they decide which artist or award category to highlight, the content of the piece (biographical details, GRAMMY accomplishments, charitable causes, etc.) and which subjects not to include in the final product.
When a user hits the “generate” button, the true magic begins. AI stories are written using headlines, bullet points, one-liners, questions, and calls to action as the wrap-up elements. Any of these outputs may be readily modified manually and regenerated to provide other phrasings. After selecting “publish,” the text is converted into a video file and made ready for download and publication.
Improving the online experience in real time on GRAMMY Awards presentation
Beyond the network broadcast, the GRAMMY Awards presentation is an impressive spectacle. Global fans will also be watching a range of livestreams on grammy.com, including as the Premiere Ceremony (where most category winners are announced),GRAMMY Awards Live From The Red Carpet, backstage moments captured behind the scenes, celebrities pulling up in a “limo cam,” and more.
This year, underneath the livestream, there will be a widget called “AI Stories with IBM Watsonx” that will provide educational textual material about the artists and categories that are being recognized. The editorial team uses the same interface as for creating social assets to produce these insights via the AI Content Builder dashboard. The widget’s default display consists of brief headlines and interesting facts, but users may click through to learn more.
Tyler Sidell, Technical Program Director of IBM Sports and Entertainment Partnerships, adds, “This year the widget lets fans dive much deeper and read more about their favorites. In previous years, they provided one or two insights per artist.”
The benefit of IBM: Skilled direction and execution
There’s more to responsibly using a game-changing technology like generative AI than merely typing some code. Complete proficiency is needed, from preparation to implementation. over this reason, the Recording Academy and IBM Consulting have been working together over the last seven years to use the IBM Garage Methodology to kickstart technological projects.
Working with the customer, this outcome-first, human-centered methodology is used to design, implement, and manage processes. The procedure fosters techniques, tools, and talent to quickly translate ideas into company value while also accelerating digital transformation and facilitating innovation.
IBM Consulting worked with a number of Recording Academy stakeholders throughout the GRAMMY preparation process, often meeting with teams from the digital, marketing, and IT departments. Additionally, IBM will be present on-site on the big night as a production and editing team extension.
With the help of IBM Consulting, IBM Garage, IBM Watsonx, and the Recording Academy digital team, over 5 million music lovers across the globe are treated to an immersive digital experience.
Read more on Govindhtech.com
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speedyposts · 4 months
Owner.com grabs $33M Series B to improve online guest experiences for mom-and-pop restaurants
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Independent restaurant owners used to heavily rely on foot traffic as their way of marketing. In 2020, the global pandemic changed all that.
Overnight, restaurants needed to set up online ordering, have a plan for pick-up and delivery and find new ways to get in front of customers no longer going out to eat.
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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Inspired by his mother’s struggles to attract customers to her dog grooming business, Adam Guild teamed up with Dean Bloembergen to create Owner.com to help independent restaurant owners better manage their online presence.
“People are hurting worse than ever in the restaurant industry because the inflation has created rising labor costs and rising food costs,” Guild told TechCrunch. “It’s compressing the already low profit margins of these restaurant owners, so it is more important to them than ever to figure out ways to increase sales and save money.”
To that end, Owner.com offers an all-in-one platform for restaurants that includes online ordering, a website builder, customer relationship management tools, marketing automation and a branded mobile app generator.
Owner.com whips up new tools for independent restaurants following funding
Restaurant sales were poised to reach sales of $997 billion in 2023, according to the National Restaurant Association. That provides huge opportunities for companies like Owner.com, Guild said.
There’s also room for other startups to leverage technology with tools focused on mom-and-pop restaurants. Last year, Superorder raised $10 million to help restaurants with their online presence, and there are dozens of companies with operations tools to manage both the front and back of the house, including Zitti, MarginEdge, OneOrder and TouchBistro.
To differentiate itself more, Owner.com recently tapped into artificial intelligence for new features, including an email marketer. As he described it, restaurant owners can start typing in a sentence of what they want the email to say or do. For example, “Tell my customers about my new yellow curry,” and the AI will produce an email for them designed in their style, written in their tone and ready to go out to customers.
Today, the company has thousands of customers after tripling the number in the past year. Owner processes hundreds of millions of dollars annually for its customers and yields tens of millions in revenue, Guild said.
Dean Bloembergen and Adam Guild, co-founders of Owner.com. (Image credit: Owner.com)
Dean Bloembergen and Adam Guild, co-founders of Owner.com. (Image credit: Owner.com)
TechCrunch has followed Owner.com as it attracted $10.7 million in seed funding, led by SaaStr Fund, then $15 million in Series A capital led by Altman Capital.
Now the company raised $33 million in Series B funding on a $200 million post-money valuation, Guild said. Existing investors Redpoint Ventures and Altman Capital co-led the round with participation from Horsley Bridge, Activant Capital and Transpose Platform Management. Total capital raised is now $58.7 million.
Guild expects to continue investing in engineering teams and design teams to cater to what his customers are saying they need. In addition to the AI-powered email marketer, there are other tools in the pipeline.
“Even just five years ago, it used to be enough to provide great food and great service because those things are hard to do on their own,” Guild said. “It’s no longer enough if you want to be a successful restaurant. More of the guest experience has shifted online, even where people discover restaurants. Large corporations can afford to spend billions of dollars on teams of engineers and marketers and ad spend. Independent restaurant owners are being screwed over. What we are building is to help these mom-and-pop owners not only survive as a result of this technological change, but continue to thrive as more of their business goes online.”
As startups whip up a restaurant tech frenzy, is anyone close to Toast?
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Dabiri-Erewa warns Nigerians against irregular migration, Especially to Canada
The Nigerians in Diaspora Commission (NiDCOM), Abike Dabiri-Erewa, has urged Nigerians travelling abroad to go legitimately and with proper documentation
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get-x-media · 5 months
Best Ai SEO Content Writing Tools (2023)
Discover the Future of SEO: AI-Powered Content Creation 🚀
Are you a business builder looking to harness the power of SEO for your brand? Dive into the world of cutting-edge AI SEO content writing tools with our latest article at Get X Media!
SEO is evolving, and so should your content strategy. Our new article explores the top AI tools that can streamline your content creation process, ensuring your website stays on top of search engine rankings in 2023. 🌐✨
"Say goodbye to writer's block and hello to efficiency. The right AI tools can not only improve your site's SEO but save you immense time. It's like having a 24/7 assistant dedicated to your content needs!" - Corey Hayes, Get X Media
Ready to upgrade your content game? Click through to learn more about the Best AI SEO Content Writing Tools (2023), and see how they can revolutionize the way you reach your audience online. Read the full article here. 🤓📈
Don't get left behind in the digital age. Unleash the potential of AI for your content strategy and watch your business soar! 💼🚀
``` Remember that, when creating real posts, you should ensure that the links are correct, and that any formatting or styling is consistent with your company's branding on Tumblr.
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digitalworldwithsara · 5 months
2023 Christmas Suite Review: Revolutionizing Your Online Experience
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Step into a realm of digital innovation and festive delights with the “2023 Christmas Suite Review.” This all-encompassing suite promises to redefine your holiday experiences, offering a unique blend of cutting-edge tools designed by acclaimed developers Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra.
Uncover the magic within each application, from Bookly Pro to Self Cloud Pro, and discover how this 10-in-1 bundle can transform your online endeavors. Let’s embark on a journey through the intricacies of each app, unveiling the secrets that make this Christmas Suite a must-have for 2023!
2023 Christmas Suite Review: Overview
Authors: Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra
Product Name: 2023 Christmas Suite
Launch Date: December 15, 2023
Official website: Click here to Access
Front-End Price: $14 – $17 (one-time payment)
Money-Back Guarantee: 30-day refund policy
Bonus: Yes, includes substantial bonuses
Refund Policy: 30-day money-back guarantee
Product Type: 10-in-1 digital solution suite
Support: Effective response
Discount: Use code “ADMIN30OFF” for 30% off on the entire funnel
Recommended Skill Level: Suitable for all levels
About Product Creators
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Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra, the visionary creators behind the 2023 Christmas Suite, are renowned for delivering exceptional digital solutions. With a track record of successful product launches, they’ve earned trust globally for their high-quality and affordable tools.
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Their collaborative efforts have resulted in acclaimed products like ClickAI Bank, Ai Journey, Power VPN, DFY Blogs, PLR Funnel, GPT Blaster, Domain Pro, SelfCloud Pro, True Mailer, Bookly Pro, and more. With a commitment to offering lucrative opportunities, their expertise has left a lasting impact on the digital marketing landscape.
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Everything You’re Getting
Explore the wealth of features and applications included in the 2023 Christmas Suite, a groundbreaking bundle crafted by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra. This comprehensive suite encompasses a diverse range of tools designed to revolutionize your digital endeavors. Here’s everything you’re getting:
Bookly Pro:
AI-driven content creation for over 50,000 eBooks and documents.
AI Journey:
Cutting-edge platform for self-updating, AI-enhanced websites.
AI-driven site builder for ClickBank affiliate marketing.
DFY Blogs:
Auto-updating blog creator with SEO-optimized content.
PLR Funnels:
Effortless creation and distribution of PLR products.
GPT Blaster:
Harness the power of OpenAI in WordPress for unique content generation.
Unified cloud storage platform with blockchain technology.
PLR Sites:
Automatic generation of PLR sites with ready-to-sell products.
Life Themes:
Creation and sale of professional business WordPress themes.
Revolutionary WordPress tool for crafting high-converting funnels and websites.
Why Consider 2023 Christmas Suite:
High-quality, stable products with a proven track record.
An all-in-one digital solution at an affordable price of $14.
30-day money-back guarantee ensures minimal risk.
Pricing and Upsells:
Front-End Price: $14 – $17 (one-time payment)
OTO 1: Pro Edition ($37-$47)
OTO 2: Unlimited Edition ($37-$47)
OTO 3: Meta Upgrade ($37-$47)
OTO 4: Agency License ($97-$127)
OTO 5: Reseller License ($97-$127)
OTO 6: Whitelabel License ($197-$225)
Embark on a transformative journey with the 2023 Christmas Suite and unlock a new era of digital success.
Mega Bonuses
As a special offering alongside the transformative 2023 Christmas Suite, you’re in for a treat with these incredible mega bonuses. Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra have curated a selection of bonuses designed to enhance your digital toolkit and provide additional value. Dive into these exclusive bonuses to elevate your online ventures:
Bonus 1: [Bonus Name]
[Brief description of Bonus 1]
Bonus 2: [Bonus Name]
[Brief description of Bonus 2]
Bonus 3: [Bonus Name]
[Brief description of Bonus 3]
Bonus 4: [Bonus Name]
[Brief description of Bonus 4]
Bonus 5: [Bonus Name]
[Brief description of Bonus 5]
How to Claim Your Mega Bonuses:
Purchase the 2023 Christmas Suite through the official website link.
Access the product and locate the bonus section.
Enjoy exclusive access to these mega bonuses and supercharge your digital endeavors.
Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity to amplify the value of your 2023 Christmas Suite purchase with these exciting mega bonuses. Upgrade your digital toolkit and embark on a journey of enhanced online success!
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What Makes the “2023 Christmas Suite” Product Stand Out
Discover the standout features that make the “2023 Christmas Suite” a unique and compelling choice for individuals and businesses aiming to thrive in the digital landscape.
Limited-Time Christmas Deal:
Seize the exclusive Christmas offer and secure the 10-in-1 digital suite at a special one-time price.
Unmatched Value for Money:
Gain access to 10 proven applications for the price of a single app, ensuring unparalleled value for your investment.
Trusted Creators, Proven Quality:
Developed by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra, renowned for creating reliable, high-quality digital solutions.
All-Inclusive Digital Toolkit:
Streamline your online endeavors with a comprehensive suite covering diverse aspects of digital business.
Affordable Upgrades for Enhanced Features:
Explore pro, unlimited, and meta editions for advanced features, tailoring the suite to your evolving needs.
Lucrative Business Opportunities:
Unlock agency, reseller, and whitelabel editions to venture into business opportunities and maximize your returns.
Risk-Free Purchase with Money-Back Guarantee:
Enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring a risk-free purchase and showcasing the creators’ confidence.
Exclusive Mega Bonuses Included:
Enhance your digital toolkit with carefully curated mega bonuses, adding extra value to your purchase.
Ready to Use Immediately:
Start benefiting from the suite’s capabilities instantly, with easy-to-use applications designed for quick integration.
Transform Your Digital Strategy:
Elevate your online presence, productivity, and profitability by harnessing the power of the 2023 Christmas Suite.
Reasons Why You Need To Get This NOW
Don’t miss out on this limited-time opportunity; act now to transform your digital landscape with the 2023 Christmas Suite!
Limited-Time Christmas Deal:
Seize the exclusive Christmas offer and secure the 10-in-1 digital suite at a special one-time price.
Unmatched Value for Money:
Gain access to 10 proven applications for the price of a single app, ensuring unparalleled value for your investment.
Trusted Creators, Proven Quality:
Developed by Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra, renowned for creating reliable, high-quality digital solutions.
All-Inclusive Digital Toolkit:
Streamline your online endeavors with a comprehensive suite covering diverse aspects of digital business.
Affordable Upgrades for Enhanced Features:
Explore pro, unlimited, and meta editions for advanced features, tailoring the suite to your evolving needs.
Lucrative Business Opportunities:
Unlock agency, reseller, and whitelabel editions to venture into business opportunities and maximize your returns.
Risk-Free Purchase with Money-Back Guarantee:
Enjoy a 30-day money-back guarantee, ensuring a risk-free purchase and showcasing the creators’ confidence.
Exclusive Mega Bonuses Included:
Enhance your digital toolkit with carefully curated mega bonuses, adding extra value to your purchase.
Ready to Use Immediately:
Start benefiting from the suite’s capabilities instantly, with easy-to-use applications designed for quick integration.
Transform Your Digital Strategy:
Elevate your online presence, productivity, and profitability by harnessing the power of the 2023 Christmas Suite.
Key Features – 2023 Christmas Suite
Bookly Pro: AI-driven content creation for over 50,000 eBooks and documents.
AI Journey: Cutting-edge platform for self-updating, AI-enhanced websites.
ClickAIBank: AI-driven site builder for ClickBank affiliate marketing.
DFY Blogs: Auto-updating blog creator with SEO-optimized content.
PLR Funnels: Effortless creation and distribution of PLR products.
GPT Blaster: Harness the power of OpenAI in WordPress for unique content generation.
SelfCloudPro: Unified cloud storage platform with blockchain technology.
PLR Sites: Automatic generation of PLR sites with ready-to-sell products.
Life Themes: Creation and sale of professional business WordPress themes.
Webtri: Revolutionary WordPress tool for crafting high-converting funnels and websites.
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Who Can Benefit from the 2023 Christmas Suite:
Whether you’re an individual entrepreneur, a business owner, or a creative professional, the 2023 Christmas Suite offers valuable resources to optimize your digital strategy.
Digital Marketers:
Enhance your marketing strategies with powerful tools for content creation, AI-driven websites, and affiliate marketing.
Streamline business operations, boost online presence, and explore new market opportunities with the diverse applications.
Affiliate Marketers:
Turbocharge your affiliate marketing efforts with tools like ClickAIBank, PLR Funnels, and GPT Blaster for content creation.
Content Creators:
Amplify your content creation capabilities with Bookly Pro, GPT Blaster, and DFY Blogs, generating diverse and engaging content.
Offer a wide range of services using the suite’s tools, from website creation to content generation, and cater to various client needs.
Business Owners:
Optimize business processes, strengthen your online presence, and explore cost-effective solutions for growth.
Leverage AI-driven content creation tools to produce SEO-optimized blogs and enhance your blogging journey.
Website Designers:
Utilize Webtri and Life Themes to craft lightning-fast, highly effective websites and business themes for clients.
PLR Sellers:
Create and distribute PLR products effortlessly with tools like PLR Funnels, PLR Sites, and Self Cloud Pro.
Event Planners:
Elevate your events with personalized celebrations using the suite’s versatile applications.
30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
The 2023 Christmas Suite comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with the product or it doesn’t meet your expectations, you can request a refund within 30 days of your purchase. This guarantee reflects the confidence the creators have in the suite’s quality and its potential to meet your digital needs.
2023 Christmas Suite – Pros and Cons
Comprehensive Toolkit: The suite offers a diverse range of 10 powerful applications, catering to various digital needs.
Proven Quality: Developed by renowned experts Amit Gaikwad & Anirudh Baavra, known for their high-quality and reliable software solutions.
Affordable Price: A special Christmas offer provides all 10 applications at a significantly discounted one-time payment, offering exceptional value.
Money-Back Guarantee: The 30-day money-back guarantee ensures minimal risk for buyers, reinforcing the confidence in the product.
Versatile Applications: From AI-driven content creation to site building and cloud management, the suite covers a broad spectrum of digital tools.
Limited-Time Offer: The discounted price is a limited-time offer, and after the launch period, individual applications may be priced higher.
Learning Curve: Users unfamiliar with certain applications may face a learning curve, although tutorials and guides are available.
Potential Overkill: For users with specific needs, the all-encompassing nature of the suite might be more than necessary.
Additional Costs: While the suite offers a great deal, potential additional costs might arise for users seeking advanced features in certain applications through upsells.
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10 HOTTEST Products
Help YOUR SUBSCRIBERS Make Crazy Affiliate Commissions By Getting 10 HOTTEST Products That Are Proven To Give REAL Results
Product 1
Bookly Pro
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Brand New 100% Google Bard + Leonardo AI Powered App Creates Professionally Looking 50,000+ Children Story eBooks, Subjective eBooks, Fiction eBooks, Mystery eBooks, Business Related eBooks, Novels, Poems, Legal Documents, Project Report Presentations in 2500+ Niches In 3 Clicks
Product 2
AI Journey
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Latest DifM (Diffusion Model) Powered by ChatGPT4 Creates “Self Updating” MidJourney-Style Websites Loaded With Stunning AI Images & Talking Face Videos In 3 Easy Clicks
Product 3
Click AI Bank
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Never Seen Before, Bard AI PaLM 2 Technology That Creates Fully Automated 100% Done For You ClickBank TM  Affiliate Sites Loaded With Hot DFY AI Content, DFY AI Video Reviews of High Profitable Products That Instantly Rank Themselves On Google
Product 4
DFY Blogs
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Brand New, Auto Updating AI Based DFY Blog Creator That Creates 100,000+ SEO Optimized Done For You Blogs & Helps Profit Instantly By Using On ClickBank, Promoting Your Affiliate Offers, AdSense Or Even Selling On Flippa For A Low, One Time Price
Product 5
PLR Funnels
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A Brand New, Auto-Updating PLR Funnel Creator That Comes With Giant 27000+ Ready To Sell PLR Products with Sales Pages, Bonus Pages & Optin Pages As Your Own Without Any Coding Or Designing Skills
Product 6
GPT Blaster
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The World’s First Real Open AI Connected WordPress Software That Auto Creates Set & Forget Websites With Limitless Real Time Unique Content, Pages, Images, Posts Etc Directly From Chat GPT & Open AI In Any Niche
Product 7
Self Cloud Pro
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New Blockchain Technology Merges Different Cloud Storage Like Google Drive, One Drive, pCloud, Drop Box, Amazon S3, Box, Go Files etc… to make Ultimate Limitless Cloud Storage Portal Totally FREE for Life.
Product 8
PLR Sites
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Unlock a new era of digital marketing with the innovative PLR Site Creator from the 2023 Christmas Suite. Easily manage over 25,000 ready-to-sell PLR products, transforming your online presence without the need for coding or design skills. Explore the endless possibilities this cutting-edge tool brings to your digital strategy.
Product 9
Life Themes
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Craft and market over 156,000 stunning, professional, and fast-loading business WordPress themes with your own branding using the reliable GMPS technology. No coding skills required, making it an effortless solution for entrepreneurs and digital marketers. Elevate your online presence with ease.
Product 10
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Experience unprecedented WordPress technology that swiftly generates ultra-fast, high-converting funnels, professional business websites, and lifetime membership sites. Covering 5000 real business niches, this tool is a game-changer for digital entrepreneurs and marketers.
Frequently Asked Questions – 2023 Christmas Suite
What is the 2023 Christmas Suite?
The 2023 Christmas Suite is a bundle comprising 10 recently released applications by renowned developers Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra. These applications cover various digital needs, providing a comprehensive toolkit for users.
2. Who are the Authors of the Suite?
The suite is developed by Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra, both respected figures in the field of software development with a track record of successful product launches.
3. What Applications are Included in the Suite?
The suite includes 10 applications: Bookly Pro, AI Journey, ClickAIBank, DFY Blogs, PLR Funnels, GPT Blaster, SelfCloudPro, PLR Sites, Life Themes, and Webtri.
4. How Much Does the 2023 Christmas Suite Cost?
The suite is currently offered at a special launch price of $14 for all 10 applications as a one-time payment. This is a limited-time offer during the Christmas period.
5. Is There a Money-Back Guarantee?
Yes, the 2023 Christmas Suite comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, providing buyers with the assurance that they can request a refund if not satisfied.
6. Are There Upsells or OTOs (One-Time Offers)?
Yes, there are several upsells or OTOs available, offering additional features and benefits for users who want to enhance their experience with the suite.
7. How Long is the Special Launch Price Available?
The special launch price of $14 for the entire suite is available for a limited time. After the launch period, the price may increase.
8. Can I Get Support for Using the Applications?
Yes, the suite comes with support options, including tutorials and guides for each application, ensuring users can make the most of the toolkit.
9. Who is the Suite Suitable For?
The 2023 Christmas Suite is designed for a wide audience, including freelancers, digital marketers, and businesses seeking versatile and affordable digital solutions.
10. How Can I Purchase the 2023 Christmas Suite?
To purchase the suite, you can visit the official website during the launch period and take advantage of the special pricing.
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In conclusion, the 2023 Christmas Suite emerges as an unparalleled digital solution, encapsulating a diverse range of cutting-edge applications curated by the esteemed developers, Amit Gaikwad and Anirudh Baavra. This comprehensive suite, featuring powerful tools like Bookly Pro, AI Journey, ClickAIBank, and more, is a testament to their commitment to providing high-quality, affordable solutions.
With the limited-time launch price of $14 for the entire suite, this opportunity is a holiday gift for those looking to elevate their digital endeavors in 2024. Don’t miss out on the chance to acquire the 2023 Christmas Suite, a valuable asset for online success.
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martin-james2121 · 5 months
OpenAI launches GPT store, allowing developers to share their custom bots, new subscription tier for ChatGPT also unveiled
In November 2022, OpenAI’s ChatGPT captivated the world with its human-like responses to a wide range of queries, covering jokes to profound questions about life and the universe. Over the course of more than a year since its launch, ChatGPT became integral to many individuals’ lives, sparking heightened curiosity and enthusiasm for generative AI. 
Towards the end of 2023, it was revealed that ChatGPT had plans to introduce a GPT store, enabling users to both develop and share their personalized iterations of the chatbot.
Officially unveiled by OpenAI on Wednesday, the GPT Store is designed to be inclusive, enabling a broad audience to participate without requiring expertise in coding. Creators are required to set up a Builder Profile, featuring their actual name or providing a link to a verified website. Additionally, OpenAI introduced a new subscription tier for ChatGPT.
New GPT Store by OpenAI
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OpenAI introduced the GPT Store and stated in a blog post that it’s been two months since we introduced GPTs, and users have already generated over 3 million custom versions of ChatGPT and many of them have shared their GPTs for wider use. Today, we are beginning the rollout of the GPT Store to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and Enterprise users, allowing them to discover valuable and popular GPTs. It also asked its users to visit chat.openai.com/gpts to explore more.
Also, OpenAI announced that in the initial quarter of this year, they intend to introduce a “GPT Builder Revenue Program” to enable developers to generate income by crafting customized GPTs.
To Read More Click here...
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twiainsurancegroup · 2 months
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kasagianimecommunity · 5 months
Crafting Your Imagination: The Top 5 Anime Character Creator Tools
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The usage of the internet has skyrocketed in the past ten years. Consequently, it seeks to expand into every possible industry to maximise revenues. The exponential growth of the anime industry is well known to everyone. Anime character creation is thus made easy using several free platforms and apps. In 2023, this article will highlight the top five anime character creators. And if you want to connect with the anime community, then you can visit Kasagi.ai, where you can become a member of the anime or manga community, and they will give you VIP access to insider perks. You will also be able to know the latest updates related to anime. Now, let’s have a look at the top tools to use for creating an anime character. 
Charat: You can use a variety of generators on the Japanese website Charat to make your anime characters. Yoco is one of many, and it caters to chibi characters; Bigbang is one for boys; and Genesis is one for girls. The current front-runner appears to be Genesis, and it's not hard to see why. You will be astounded by the variety of personalisation choices offered. 
Avachara: Use the free Avachara AI avatar builder to make AI-generated profile images. Choose your anime character's gender and alter their appearance (hairstyle, clothing, skin tone, etc.) with the help of this tool's user-friendly interface. Any device with an internet connection can access this utility online. 
MakeGirlsMoe: With MakeGirlsMoe, a perfect anime character creator, you can experiment with various styles and tweak your characters down to the smallest details. The avatar's hair, skin, accessories, and style can be customised, allowing you to personalise every anime character. Because of this adaptability, artists are free to express their wildest fantasies when creating the artificial intelligence-generated anime avatar. 
Crypko: Crypko is an advanced programme that automatically generates anime faces of professional quality using a generative adversarial network (GAN). Many mistakenly assume that Crypko is just a paid-for spinoff of MakeGirlsMoe. Additionally, Crypko cards, which are special codes, can be bought through this programme and used to create high-quality anime characters. 
Character Creator: Creating your own anime character is a simple and enjoyable process that can be accomplished with the help of Character Creator, as the name suggests. With the help of this online anime character creator, you will be able to create whatever character you want without spending any money. It gives you a lot of options, such as the ability to add wings and pets, all of which other alternatives do not. 
Bottom Line  With the help of the above-mentioned tools, you can build your own anime character. Some draw from preexisting databases of characters, employ AI to create new ones, or even convert real-life images into anime versions. There is a little something for everyone among the many options available. So, you can opt for the one anime character creator that you think is best for you, and if you want to show your creation to the anime community and enjoy in-person events, then you can contact Kasagi. Join their community, and you will have VIP access to internal perks and many more things.
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