aicosu · 5 years
Thank you thank you for your recent lewd set, it’s inspired me to write a one-shot! But I’ve never done it before so I’m struggling to make it sound sexy and natural. The way you write (everything, not just smut) is incredible and engaging - any tips/advice you could give me?
BAWWWWW thank you! Also I dunno! It really depends on how your writing but I find, when it comes to sexual content -- at least for me, subconscious thought streaming in the view of your characters is best. Sexual intimacy is such a ... moment by moment experience. And massive pargraphs of details explaining clothing or positions or the depth of their emotion might feel like a must -- but its really not. TRUST that your audience has a good enough imagination to infer all that themselves, say less when it counts. Actions speaks louder than words, and I mean that in dialoge and in the literaly QUANtity of your words. 
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aicosu · 5 years
Omfg I thought y'all we're already married for like ever ago! Can we get a close up of both your engagement rings??
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Sheila’s with her engagement stones: (sylars stones arent set yet) 
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aicosu · 6 years
Mercykill nsfw pls
I have no ideas in my brain, but take some headcanons:
Angela is a clinical most of the time. Sex and all its facets she considers a requirement by nature and isn't easily dissuaded by anything. Like you could show her a video of the dirtiest porn in the world and she wouldn’t be embarrassed or bat an eye. If anything she’d look at the position and say “Being bent without an arm to support you in that angle causes muscle tears” 
Gabriel isn’t easily embarrassed either but sometimes he feels he has to be in order to compensate for Angela’s lack of it. He’s not a gentleman but he knows respect. So if McCree makes a dirty joke and Angela just blinks, Not its Gabriel that smacks him “Not in front of the doctor, kid”
That being said Gabe realizes that if he wants to flirt with Angela, he needs to be DIRECT and FORWARD or it won’t work. She’s too lost, too focused. He can’t get through to her unless he’s plain honest. No romance. She just asks “Something on your mind?” after a meeting, walking down the hall, and Gabe has to just look down at her and say “I need to fuck you. Give me an hour of your time.”
Angela DOES actually get embarrassed at those times. But not for the words. Just the serious Commander tone sets her off and the intensity in his eyes. 
Honestly, they’ve only ever fucked in a bed twice. They’re so busy, its usual desks, tables, chairs, her OR, his ammunitions room, the ship cockpit or the mess hall at midnight. They check OW employee check-in lists to see what spot is the most unsupervised. Its pretty casual. like a “What about the firing range.” “Its so cold in there.” “That might be an asset, not a detriment.”
While it is pretty calculated, Gabe does get passionate. He has moments that break their routine tension. Moments when he has her against the wall, and shes just so pretty like that, so willing and easy and familiar in his arms, that when he gets close to finishing he grabs her chin and head and asks in a hurried whisper “look at me look at me” and angela does, smiling, happy. He cums best to her smile. 
THEY DONT fuck on missions. Not really. Not usually. There was that ONE time at so-and-so, but it was because Gabriel was beside himself with anger and betrayal from an order he didnt like. And there was no outlet that wasnt shooting holes into the bunker aside from having Mercy scream his name into a stack of unfiorms in a closet. Its therapy to them. 
Which is why when everything goes down, years after, and Reaper is on the run, and Angela is techinically his enemy, they still fuck without questions, burning out anger and relief through moments in places and times between this new mess their in 
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aicosu · 5 years
You've been so quiet, i miss you and your writing!! I hope wedding planning is going well
YES SORRY! Tumblr is pretty much DEAD for us. You can catch us, tweeting a TON nowadays, @aicosplays on twitter. Writing and cosplay has slowed a bit for the wedding. But its coming back I PROMISE. Especially after Fanime and Sacanime which we are attending. 
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aicosu · 6 years
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Speaking as a cosplayer who has judged masquerades, if there are other judges out there marking off points for the wrong contacts or skin color, they should be fired and banned.  I have never, ever heard of this practice. Skill in cosplay does not pertain to those characteristics or traits. Nor should it. And I am actively opposed to any who think that accuracy should matter THIS MUCH. I'm not condemning accuracy as a whole. Nor am I condemning Masquerades. But a line needs to be drawn when considering what traits are up for judgment and changing ethnicity should be the line. 
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aicosu · 6 years
What’s your favorite quality in Allura? What draws you to her as a character?
I’m ALWAYS a sucker for a woman in power that doesn’t sacrifice the more feminine tropes. Being a Queen/Princess with that ‘modern’ sensibility of independence and strong will, but still liking sparkly things, flowers and dresses. I love that dichotomy. I really value that Allura VALUES presentation. The way she speaks is particular because she understands that nuance between diplomacy is KEY. But she also knows when to whip out a polearm and smack someone in the face. Its a push and pull.
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aicosu · 6 years
If it's not too much trouble, can I ask how you normally get to faraway cons with all of your cosplay/props? Do you usually try to roadtrip it or actually check the props on flights? It feels really daunting to go to a out-of-state con. Feel free to ignore this if it's too annoying to answer though >_
We’ve done both! For roadtrips we just toss it all in the back of the car. Sometimes in a cooler with ice packs if the armor is MELTABLE like foam or hot glue. Lol. We keep soda in there for the long drive too. For flights, we have an oversized are portfolio we store things like Mercys Wings or long props in. We get it specially checked, and pick it up in the oversized luggage area of the airport. If they fit in a regular suitcase, we check it, but always add a little paper sign that says “these are props and costumes for comicon!” For TSA to add context (and warn about fragility without directly saying so) when they inevitably check it for the weird blades/lightsabers we have. We usually get notes back! “Awesome!” “Have fun!” 
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aicosu · 6 years
We answered an ask earlier that said we arent deleting our tumblr.  But honestly I Dont think thats true anymore. I’m not sure we can stay here and continue to support a website that forces these policies. We dont agree with them, so I think staying despite it is a benefit tumblr doesnt deserve. Not just for the content we create, but the content we consume. Its not fair to our fellow creators.  Im working on backing up everything to a wordpress as an ARCHIVE. And nothing more. Until then, you can find us on twitter or insta. @aicosplays & @aicosu respectively.
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aicosu · 6 years
Not trying to be rude, genuinely curious; what did the leg look like before the photoshop? Did you wear green screen leggings to make it easier to edit through, or just plain black or something else?
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Green screen is really only for things in motion. The green is something the software picks up on, and eliminates that color even when its changing places in the frame.. When you’re doing things for photos, it doesn’t matter what color it is, cause you only ever have to edit it once. I didn’t even have to take a picture of the spot where hes standing without him, because theres enough of the environment around him for me work wih. Unlike Toru, who didnt need a green screen, but at least needed some more unseen areas in order to look right. Like how the column behind me met the pavement. 
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aicosu · 6 years
I’m so happy for y’all getting married! Wishing you many happy returns and a fun day filled with loved ones. Might I ask what thoughts you’re having on the wedding? Cakes and themes and whatnot? I apologize if this is presumptuous, but if you have kids do you have any thoughts about dressing them in cosplay? That would be so cute!
I have a LOT of questions about our wedding theme/decor/outfits/yada yada so I’m just linking you all to my Pinterest board for it 
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aicosu · 6 years
Writing Prompt: Lotor as a ghost that Allura can see (maybe like a medium?) Gets to be corporeal once a year on Halloween or something and be with her
No halloween theme, but here you go: ————“Why are you here? Is my father dead?” Allura frowned at the internet modem, flipping it again to stare at the cords. But she couldn’t focus. It was hard enough trying to make any sense of them without an ancient Galtean ghost asking her existential questions. She slid the modem back down to the floor and stood with a sigh, keeping her eyes pointedly off the translucent form of the man beside her. She had hoping beyond hope that her new house would be ghost-free. And maybe it would have been if her father hadn’t insisted on getting her something with ‘integrity,’ and ‘charm.’ 
“It will be just like home!” He’d said. How right he was. Except instead of the plucky, well-educated-via-modern-television-and-mobile-internet Coran, she was faced with a ghost who hadn’t had outside contact in what seemed like hundreds of years. If the traditional, wealthy, sorta dated looking Galra clothes was any clue. “Of course he’s dead, what am I saying.” The ghost answered himself, crossing his arms and watching her dig through boxes for her ethernet cables. “He wouldn’t have allowed anyone to live here. Especially not an Altean.” At least he’s talking to himself. And he seemed aware of his post-living condition, which was another good sign. Most ghosts did even know they were ghosts. It also meant he didn’t notice she could see and hear him. Not yet. And maybe it could continue that way. She wanted a normal, everyday life–moving out of her father’s house and out of Altea was supposed to support that. She wanted to stress as other women her age did. About passed-due bills and bad haircuts. She didn’t want to stress about helping another lost soul past the threshold of their corporeal nightmare. 
So she continued ignoring him. He seemed mostly harmless. And his witching hours seemed to be around brunch or dinner. Considerably less than Coran’s constant pestering. She could live with that, right? It was like having a visiting neighbor or a roommate. She just had to keep up the charade. Leave him be and he’d let her be, assumably. Besides, he actually seemed delighted with her changes, and the input was nice. “Is this a painting? Impossible.” He marveled, Wide-eyed and trying to touch the canvas print of her mother’s picture. “It’s rendered in exquisite technique. Pigmented oils? No, there are no strokes…”Oh yeah. The guy was old. If not because he’d never seen a photograph before, but because ‘It’s rendered in exquisite technique,’ was not a contemporary way of talking. She made a mental note to watch the camera episode of ‘How it’s made,’ later. “The likeness is close but not close enough.” He hums, turning from her mom to her, lining a finger as if he were measuring them against each other. “There is a beauty that can’t be captured, not quite.” She felt her insides burn and shut her eyes in embarrassment. She swallowed the cold shiver of walking through him to get away from his comment and heard him gasp as she did so. As predicted, he likes the tv. “No the news, Allura, please, I need to know more of my countries state—”“That’s enough of that!” She says loudly, not looking at him as he shoots her a forlorn look from across the couch. She clicks over purposefully to the kid’s channel, finding V-force and settling against her pillow. “Oh, please, Allura, no,” He hisses, sliding his elbows to his knees and glaring at the screen. “Not this ramble of bad writing and blundering dialogue again.” She shoots daggers when he’s not looking. But he settles eventually, sitting delicately, right leg over his knee, elbow resting on her sequin ‘princess’ pillow, and making a pouting expression as he watches. “All that free, endless information and you waste your time on watching the same robot assemble every five minutes.” He grumbles as said sequence starts. Allura crossed her arms. “I’m over hundreds of years old and even I’m not impressed when every episode is the same.” She rolled her eyes, trying to concentrate on the cartoon team’s trademark poses over his slander. “They did not even answer the questions from last week. What happened to the evil clones? Why have them in the first pla—” “I happen to watch it for the characters!!” Allura yelled, lurching forward on the couch to shout at him. Lotor jumped, shaking, mist fogging from his wispy hair. His eyes went huge, staring at her. “It’s not about the story!! It’s about love and teamwork and building personal arcs—it’s a character study! You would know that if you’d seen the first season, everything is backed by moral and ethical lessons for young minds. About expressing emotions or dealing with family—”“You can see me?” He whispered. The room filled with silence. Allura swallowed. “Yes.”
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aicosu · 6 years
Fantasy AU, Lotura
Alteans are summoners and Galra are necromancers. So when he goes on a quest with a bunch of paladins and finally calls forth his first, soul-bound esper, Lotor actually accidentally summons the spirit of the dead Altean Princess. She does his bidding in her sommoning circle, but he’s embaressed by it and tries to say please and thank you. She becomes self aware and berates him for being a bad altean.So he read some books and binds her to dress he finds on the quests, so she can be body-bound and phsyically present for the rest of the trip. She tries teaching him better summoning while he explains necormancy to her. They fall in love as they try and figure out a way to marry the two principles and bring her ‘back to life’ 
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aicosu · 6 years
today today today
today: have you made any progress in any wips today?I added four pages to my rdr2 fic and two pages to Lilac and lush
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aicosu · 6 years
Send me prompts or headcanons
This website is dead but its still the best for prompt writing or headcanon lists! Trying to get writing again.  honestly, preferably, if anyone had any for RDR2 your gonna get answered first lbr. 
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aicosu · 6 years
Question for the dank loturas. is Lotor a tits or ass kinda guy
Lotor actualy strikes me more as a demisexual, who gets turned on when Allura says something *HOT*. I.E. when she suggests an alternative trade route to satisfy both alliance members and Galra – OOOHHH BABY
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aicosu · 6 years
Monday and September?
monday: do you struggle with the ‘boring’ parts of writing?Nope! Not anymore! I have a rule now, “if its boring to write its boring to read” and I just cut out, or skip past, boring bits of story I dont want to write. FUN ONLY. september: share a comment or review which still warms your heart?I mean, anytime someone tells me ive done a good job on character, thats the biggest compliment. I got one recently on my RDR2 fic about getting Arthur right and his views or nuances about money and my heart soared. 
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