#ailment build
lovely-hikari-cosplay · 9 months
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Replaying SMT V because I couldn’t get the idea of an Ailment build being viable (if not ideal) out of my head and I was able to beat the funny lvl 99 Abscess first try???
Note: This is on Normal difficulty but STILL
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starpros-sunshine · 6 months
Sometimes I wonder why cold symptoms always get worse in the evenings there has to be a logical explanation for that
#i need to know#i might have only choosen the biology major because I had no other choice but i do genujnely think the human body is a fascinating object#we should not exist there is no reason we should exist but here we are and here we are exactly the way we are isn't that funny?#it's such a silly body too what you're telling me I could produce an entirely new person in here#but one falsely mutated cell that brances out and has a personal problem with me specifically can kill me in a year or less?#that doesn't seem right.#if you think about it children are a little bit like cancer actually#i won't be opening that can of worms actually lets keeo that locked away in zhe cupboard#oh yeah and you can inherit the murder cell mutation because of course you can#and then we came up with thousands of ways to cure thousands of ailments and what did we do we put them behind a paywall#come onnnnnn where's the fun in that#we have this cool stuff why do you not let us use the cool stuff#i don't do meds on principle if I have anything I jusz sit that out raw and painful but hey it's not my place to tell others to do it my way#i just don't like the thought of building up a resistance against stuff so I just take my ibuprofen if there really is no way to function#without them anymore#luckily that's not the case a lot of times#i can work fine with the headaches they're just annoying#make the head foggy and words take a second to comprehend and the light hurts but i can work with it#have you ever had two kinds of headache atbthe same time thazs an experience#dealing with a tensuoj headache and then also the clogged nose headache is. it sure is something#you don't know where exactly it hurts and it's not so bad that you have to lie down but then you hold your head the wrong way#and Boom a bomb goes off up there#fascinating stuff#how did I even get here
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king-starscreams-fics · 10 months
World Building
Sicknesses mentioned (so far) in my stories
Colds/flu: congestion of air intakes that is uncomfortable but not overly serious, as they tend to resolve themselves with rest and medgrade. Coughing/sneezing is enough to keep the intakes clear enough to cycle air. These illnesses are caused by the same germs – "flu" is harder to clear than a cold and therefore results in overheating and the more serious symptoms that that often brings.
Cold symptoms:
Congestion of facial air intakes
Minor congestion in chest intakes
Sore vocaliser
Sensitive/runny optics
Flu symptoms:
As above but with additions:
Fever (see below)
Thick, stubborn congestion
Harsh cough with violent fits
Pneumonia: caused by the same germs as colds/flu, but much more dangerous. Chest intakes become severely and dangerously congested. Coughing/sneezing does nothing – often, the sufferer is not even able to cough or sneeze to begin with.
Pneumonia symptoms:
Constant urge to cough that comes to nothing
Difficulty talking
Difficulty cycling air through facial (sometimes referred to as "upper") intakes
Chest intake fans unable to move or else make scream-like noises when trying to function.
Fever: impossible to regulate temperature due to various possible problems or ailments.
Fever symptoms:
Dangerously high internal temperature, causing tanks to purge anything that could catch fire or explode (excessive vomiting)
Pains in joints and pistons
Disruption of septic tank functions, resulting in possible "spillages" (incontinence)
Minor self-repairs become difficult to maintain
Physical sickness: illness that causes purging of fuel. May or may not be accompanied by fever. Usually caused by fuel sensitivity or consumption of contaminated fuel.
Sickness symptoms:
Tank pains
Septic system impairment
Inability to swallow (in severe cases)
Inability to keep even high quality coolants and oils down (in severe cases)
Migraine: severe helmache which can last days and leaves the sufferer severely impaired and unable to carry out even basic tasks.
Migraine symptoms:
Intense helm pain
Fuel sensitivity
Light sensitivity
Optic pain
Visual impairment
Audial receptor impairment
Audial receptor pain
Inability to concentrate
Sneezing (in some cases – caused by pain in helm, which may be misinterpreted as pressure/inability to cycle air in facial intakes)
Psychological shock: severe reaction to stress/fear. Can last hours or take weeks/months to resolve, depending upon situation.
Shock symptoms:
Startling easily
Difficulty communicating
Lack of independence
Feeling chilled
Shivering – often coming in violent bouts
Chest intakes working harder than usual, despite the sufferer already feeling cold
Nausea and purging
Septic system impairment
On Cybertron, these ailments have their own names. However, it is easier for humans to understand the concept of an illness when a Cybertronian uses human terms for them.
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lostbizkits · 4 months
Ok Ive been playing Hades II for a good while and I need to know if this is a shared sentiment or I’m just tweaking
And boon rng feels so bad. I’ve had at least 3 runs where I make it to chronos and I only have 1 boon on main (not including boons like hydraulic might etc.etc)
I will say though the weapons themselves play pretty well imo, they just feel a bit weak (SKULL AND STAFF) I love you Zorophet.
It’s still EA so 100% understandable and not the dev’s fault but it’s really frustrating trying to have a good run but you can’t beat cerby because you’ve upgraded your basic to level 5 and are still doing 20 damage 💀
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cleverclovers · 5 months
Only sixteen hours till inspection is due to start in the building and goddamn I've been smacked hard with sleepy. I sneezed so hard my whole body felt shots of pain, mucus everywhere, even on Bean (he's clean now don't worry) so.
It's rest time. Final scrubbing can happen later. Dishwasher. Floors. Laundry. I got the garage up and out, and did most of the dishes. That's. Got to be good enough
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redd956 · 2 years
Worldbuilding questions to get the creative juices flowing 21
Theme: Sicknesses, viruses, & diseases
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How common/rare is the ailment? Is it currently spreading? What is an approximant amount of people/entities it effects? How does this size of the effect it’s reception?
How scared are people of the ailment? Are there any measures being taken? If so what? And are these measures effective or harmful?
What does the ailment do? Is it fatal? Is it temporary or permanent? Does it leave anything behind even if cured?
What is the basic knowledge known about the ailment? What is the unknown knowledge about it?
Does it affect certain demographics more than others? Does it even effect people? Is any demographic immune to it and why?
How does the ailment enter its host? How does cause sickness? What type of ailment is it? (genetic, bacteria, viruses, parasite, curse, whatever)
Can the affected built immunity? Is there a cure? Are cures even possible? If there is no cure are people working on it? If there is a cure how was it discovered, and is it effective?
What happens if the ailment is never treated? Does it naturally go away or get significantly worse?
What are the symptoms? Is there a contagious period? How is it spread?
This is another topic I suggest throwing in lots of rabbit holes and research, because there is a lot more to diseases, viruses, and sicknesses than what meets the eye in our own world. Also get super creative, literally as worldbuilders, sicknesses have no limits.
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raspberrybluejeans · 11 months
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ragnar0c · 1 year
Thinking about my party set ups in eo games
Eo4: Nightseeker Bushi -> Fortress -> Dancer -> Sniper Bushi -> Medic. Party supports N + S who land binds and ailments for massive charged damage
Eo3hd: Gladiator Ninja -> Arbalist Gladiator -> Zodiac Gladiator -> Wildling Buccaneer -> Monk Sovereign. Party supports 3 offense units who land binds and ailements for massive charged damage.
(Initial strategy) Eo1: Dark hunter -> Protector -> Medic -> survivalist -> alchemist
Party supports 3 offense units, one of which can stack binds for massive charge damage
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g0dtier · 1 year
im getting the english translation of de materia medica for my birthday and i am SO excited because its so fucking hard to find
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randomnameless · 2 years
I have not finished Triangle Strategy yet and I think it would be unbearably funny if there was, like, a post-credits scene where the people of Norzelia are introduced to some hot new resource by some foreign merchants or something. If these people go this crazy over salt just wait until they find about tea. Or opium.
Thing is about salt...
Salt is way more important to daily lives than just being part of the iconic "salt'n'pepper" duo.
I joked about it earlier, but sodium is a necessary thing you need to consume else your body will peace out. Salt can also be used to store food, and then we have the Aefrosti appliances.
As much as I post about it nowadays, tea isn't that important and you legit won't die if you don't drink tea at all. Ditto for opium. The later was used in real life history and ruined countries, but at the end of the day, opium is just some kind of drug (afaik?).
Salt is vital, and this is why the world of TS is nonsensical because dudes the sea??? so fucked up, because one nation has basically a monopoly of a vital ressource, and can refuse to share it if they feel like so.
We have some real life exemples with other ressources, like fresh water and all, but this is way too serious talk for this blog.
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waywardsalt · 26 days
finally got around to putting together elden ring builds for the post-ph crew, and tested them out briefly, so here are the builds i came up with and all that! (absolutely a very long post, i had fun explaining a lot of my reasoning)
i'm not going to give them exact stats, just some vague idea of what they'd likely lean towards, and i can't say much to what equip load they have. when i tested these builds out i had 72 endurance. this uses exclusively base-game equipment since i don’t have the dlc and wanted to test these out for myself.
i also don’t use many spells or any incantations so the spell and incantation choices are mostly based on wiki descriptions and whether or not i felt it would fit the character.
some context is that this is with the idea that somehow these four get zapped into the lands between as tarnished, and this is the equipment i think they’d use, disregarding what is needed to access most of this stuff.
i also didn't change my tarnished's appearance for these, not that i think i could accurately replicate these four in elden ring's character creator, anyways, so you get to see my tarnished's face with all of these :)
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His armor is: the highwayman hood, the blue cloth vest, exile gauntlets, and Carian knight greaves.
There's practically no green armor in this game, and what is there isn't really armor and isn’t exactly good protection. I wanted a bit of a balance between just cloth, but also some armor, as well as a headpiece somewhat like the usual hero's cap. The highwayman's hood works well enough, honestly, and I think it fits in well with the blue cloth vest; plus, I can see it being helpful in keeping dust and whatnot out of his eyes. Blue works well enough with Link nowadays, and I do think the blue cloth vest actually fits Link well enough- I doubt he'd want to wear something like a plate breastplate, so a vest like this is good.
The exile gauntlets I feel work well, they're simple and slim with some decent coverage, and the Carian knight graves not only look great with the blue cloth vest, but are also something that I believe fits Link, and the tall boots are likely decently practical in the same vein as the hood.
His weapons I chose are: The Carian knight's sword, with the pulley bow as a secondary weapon, and the Carian knight's shield in his offhand, with the academy glintstone staff as a secondary.
He obviously had to be the good standard sword-and-shield combo fighter, but I went ahead and gave him with Carian sword and shield partially because they look decently similar to what weapons he normally uses, but also because I enjoy the idea of him dabbling in magic along with typical damage types. The Carian sword does a good bit of magic damage along with standard, and the shield guards again both of those types, and the sword's unique ash of war (Carian Grandeur) is a good mix between swordfighting and magic, and actually really good to use in-game. I feel like they suit him well.
For his secondaries, I had to give him a bow, and I feel like the pulley bow is just right, especially with it's special feature of having increased range. I could see him being the one tasked with deactivating faraway traps and hunting the animals of the Lands Between for materials, and even just luring enemies with some normal arrows.
The academy glintstone staff is a solid staff (and the one I personally use), and him using magic is a good way to translate his usual versatility, though I only limited him to five spells, those being:
Loretta's greatbow, giving him what is technically now a second bow, and a pretty good spell for luring and doing some decent magic damage,
Magma shot, a good, simple fire damage spell,
Glintstone Icecrag, a good ice spell, especially for causing frostbite buildup,
Great glintstone shard, a very basic but reliable spell, and is good when cast a few times in succession,
and Thops' barrier, for deflecting magic attacks, and though I've heard it's a mediocre spell, I could see Link getting the timing down and getting some good usage out of it. I tried giving him a decent range of spells, which is a little bit easier said then done considering the actual spell variety and wanting to pick spell that I think suit Link, but I think this is a good lineup.
For talismans, assuming that all four of them have all four talisman slots open, Link gets the silver scarab, the graven-mass talisman, the erdtree's favor +2, and the companion jar.
The silver scarab, raising item discovery is... perfect for Link. It only feels right that he gets a talisman that makes him more likely to get items off enemies. It definitely works, too, while testing, I got way more items out of the gatefront ruins group than I'd ever seen before.
The graven-mass talisman boosts sorcery power, which is certainly perfect for boosting Link's versatility and magic power, simple and useful.
The erdtree’s favor +2 is just an all-around great talisman to use for the hp, mp, and stamina boost, and it feels perfect as something for Link to use, especially to increase his effectiveness and endurance in battle.
And then the companion jar, which goes hand-in-hand with him also being a pot user to further his versatility, and it’s very easy to see him doing the Jar-Bairn side quest. My choices here disregard how the items are obtained, but I could absolutely see Link going out of his way to interact with Jarburg.
Link’s standard fighter, with a balance between offense and defense and physical and magical damage with a slight leaning towards magical, and the main archer who aims to do more damage with archery, and uses pots when needed. He’s probably the one ‘leading the charge’ in that he’s suited for most situations, but isn’t necessarily the most effective in all-out combat- he is the most defensively oriented, however. He’s likely in the mid-to-light equip range, and likely mostly levels Strength and Intelligence to keep his damage up, and focuses a lot on keeping his Vigor up for a good chunk of health.
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His armor is: the black knife armor, the gauntlets, and bandit boots.
The black knife armor is the most important part of the set, not just for it being a nice blue, but because it has the unique effect of completely silencing your movement sounds- perfect for steal and getting in a good number of sneak attacks. It’s light, too, and so are the generally standard gauntlets and bandit boots, all put together for a general… blue rogue kind of look? It’s practicality and some looks and all put around the idea that he’s going to be sneaking around and panic-rolling out of the enemy’s way- so his defenses are a bit lacking in favor of mobility. I do think it’s a good look overall.
His weapons are: A bloody antspur rapier with the poison mist ash of war, the redbranch shortbow as a secondary weapon, and the frozen needle in the offhand.
For Linebeck's build, it was either daggers or rapiers, and the extra damage, range, and great designs for the rapier won out- and I think rapiers suit him well. This specific pair of rapiers are oriented around inflicting ailments, with the frozen needle inflicting frostbite, and the antspur rapier- specifically with the poison mist ash of war and blood upgrade- can inflict scarlet rot, bloodloss, and poison with poison mist active. With the blood upgrade, the scarlet rot buildup suffers, but with the speed of rapiers and just how effective scarlet rot can be, it's a decent trade-off for the ability to do four ailments at once. His role in the Radahn fight is to inflict scarlet rot and then run off to snipe him with the redbranch shortbow, which is a simple ranged option, and helps with further ailment inflicting with ailment arrows.
His damage would probably be pretty decent, especially considering inflicting frostbite and his equipped talismans, but he's mostly going to be heading in with everyone and sticking around until proccing an ailment, and then backing off, especially if poison, rot, or frostbite are inflicted. Plus I think dual rapiers look great and it's very easy to see Linebeck using rapiers.
For talismans, he gets the gold scarab, the assassin's crimson dagger, the dagger talisman, and the blessed dew talisman.
The gold scarab boost rune acquisition by 20%. It's perfect. It's one of my favorite talismans. I can't make an Elden Ring build for Linebeck and NOT give him the money-boosting talisman.
The assassin's crimson dagger restores hp upon successful critical hits, and paired with the silencing effect of the black knife armor, is perfect for someone who's more used to sneaking around and taking down enemies from behind- and it's good for topping off your hp.
The dagger talisman boosts critical damage- so then making sneak attacks all the more effective, and even making any critical hits he manages in fights do much more damage.
And then the blessed dew talisman gives you a very minuscule constant hp regen, about 2 hp per second iirc. It’s incredibly slow, but it's hp regen all the same, good for saving flask uses and good for some health regeneration if you back out of the main fight.
Linebeck's got a big focus on stealth and ailments, with just a bit of health regen tossed in with the talismans to help with survivability. his weapons and offhand options are mainly based around ailments, and besides the bow, he tends to use darts and other throwable items, and is often the one to pick off enemies at the edge of a group while the others go in to the handle the main group. With bosses, he's in the front lines until an ailment is inflicted, and will jump back in either if he's really needed, or if ailments are needed again. For longer bosses, or bosses immune to a few ailments, he would probably find moments to jump in and get a bunch of quick hits in, then back out and wait for another opening. Rapiers are pretty good for quick hits considering that I believe you actually get three attacks from a dual-rapier sprint attack. He’d likely have a focus on Dexterity and Arcane, with some Endurance mixed in for that good running and rolling stamina.
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His armor is; the sacred crown helm, exile armor, crucible gauntlets, and drake knight greaves.
Picking armor for Damien was a bit of a challenge since he’s still a bit of a work in progress and I usually picture him in generally casual clothes, but I knew I wanted to stick with some red clothing and put together a bit more of a practical sort of outfit. Plus this end result kind of helps me further figure out Damien’s actual design and outfit variations.
I knew I wanted to give him one of the simple footsoldier helmets, and the sacred crown helm won out with the additional detail of the little vine-looking wreath, plus the minor faith boost. It’s a nice little helmet and I think it suits him. The exile armor was considered due to the red cloth around the shoulders, and was properly decided on when I found that the helmet got rid of the cloth covering the bottom half of the face. So it’s a good solid chest piece.
The crucible gauntlets and drake knight greaves work both with color and giving him some more armored extremities, the crucible gauntlets are pretty good heavy armor gauntlets, if the crucible knights themselves are anything to go by, and the drake knight graves seem to have a good bit of practicality with the high boots and armor. It’s all meant to end up somewhere in the medium equip load area, for a balance between defense and speed, and the lighter helmet and chest piece were primarily to even out with the heavier weapons.
The weapons he gets are: the axe of Godrick, the highland axe as a secondary, and the clawmark seal.
The axe of Godrick is a pretty good greataxe with what selection there is, some good damage and a really good ash of war skill with a really good area of effect. It’s fantastic for crowd control when two-handed, and worked pretty well for me when I tested it out without having upgraded it. It’s all in all a great standard axe. The highland axe as a secondary is used partially as a faster one-hand option, and partially for the boost given by its war cry ash of war. The axe of Godrick is almost always what he’d use, but the highland axe is probably better for some specific situations. Damien was always going to end up using axes, and I think these two are pretty good and fitting.
In his other hand is the clawmark seal- scaling with faith and strength and so working well with him relying on strength, and boosting bestial incantations, of which he has one- and he mostly uses support incantations with some minor attack incantations- but he is primarily support, usually backing out of the fight to switch to casting due to usually two-handing the axe of Godrick. He gets six incantations, those being:
Heal, as a very standard heal, mostly just for himself,
Erdtree heal, a heal more intended for group healing,
Golden vow, a group offense and defense buff for a time,
Protection of the erdtree, for increased non-physical defense, which is likely useful for many bosses,
Bestial sling, which is a pretty basic but effective attack incantation, and boosted by the seal he uses, and is probably great in tandem with his axes to break an enemy's poise,
and then Dragonclaw as his final spell, a stronger and closer-up attack spell, likely for individual bosses that are lower on hp.
His offenses are standard and meant to be pretty decent for crowd control and poise-breaking, so his attack spells follow suite, while his support options are based around healing and some basic buffs. I personally do not use buffs or incantations when I play, so I do not know the nuances of a lot of this stuff, but Damien's got a good set of incantations to use.
Damien's set of talismans are the green turtle talisman, the mottled necklace +1, the axe talisman, and the bull-goat's talisman.
The green turtle talisman is a great talisman, simply increasing the speed of stamina regeneration, and it's a fantastic talisman. Very useful with the stamina drained by axe attacks and backing off to cast spells.
The mottled necklace boosts immunity, robustness, and focus, an across-the-board status boost, and I imagine it's useful for being up close with enemies and then staying alive to help with support- even if he doesn't have much in the way of ailment-based support.
The axe talisman is a damage booster, and considering his decent poise, charged attacks are pretty viable for him to be using.
The bull-goat's talisman is standard but very effective in practice (or maybe that's me being used to low poise), as it raises poise, therefore making it harder for you to flinch or be knocked out of an attack. Very helpful with a slower main weapon like the axe of Godrick.
Damien's standard all around, with pretty good damage and likely very helpful with crowd control, usually two-handing the axe for maximum damage and will back off when using incantations. He primarily uses incantations for support, and the offensive incantations are usually saved for bosses or rougher encounters- or sometimes just if he wants to switch things up for fun. He's likely going to focus on Strength and Faith, with some Mind thrown in for most casts.
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His armor is: the altered tree sentinel armor, and the malformed dragon gauntlets and greaves.
Chosen partially for the color and because they're all heavy plate armor; meant to emulate a lot of the phantom designs, and for that yellow color, and I wasn't even aware that the malformed dragon gauntlets had a darker color until I was initially putting this together. Heavy armor fits with a desire to survive in battle, plus I think decent mobility in heavy armor suits Bellum; when I tested this out, I was firmly in medium equip load territory, plus it made for a good bit of poise to go with slower weapons. It wasn't too hard to pick out armor for him.
The weapons I felt suit him are: the blasphemous blade, the Marais executioner's sword, with the gravel stone seal as a secondary.
The blasphemous blade was practically necessary, a greatsword with the bonus effect of hp restoration on enemy death, plus the Taker's Flames skill, which also heals hp when it hits an enemy. This is was made me decide on greatswords over colossal weapons, trying to stick a bit with some ideas from the phantoms, plus the hp-leeching effects, plus it’s a pretty good weapon and I think it originally belonging to Rykard also fits pretty well; it’s Bellum’s main weapon unless he switches to the Marais Executioner’s sword for it’s specific skill. That sword is mostly chosen for it’s skill, as well as it’s origins- those bellum-bearing hunter’s are absolute nightmares to deal with- so the two swords are kind of also picked for a sort of intimidation effect. At least the wriggling flesh on the blasphemous blade does the job well enough if someone doesn’t know the origins (which don’t practically matter). He would likely switch to the executioner’s sword for some boss fights, and its skill can be highly damaging to lone enemies- the focus with these two is on heavy damage and hp regen.
The secondary left hand weapon he has is the gravel stone seal, which boost dragon incantations, and so he only uses offense incantations, with a lot of incantations that cover a wide area and some that inflict ailment buildup. Bellum gets five incantations, all attacks (and all maybe emulating the idea that he’s a monster forced to be human in the lands between lol);
Beast claw, a pretty standard but pretty effective ground-level attack,
Unendurable frenzy, a wide range, fiery madness-inflicting incantation that, while only inflicting madness on a select few enemies (and himself) is likely more than useful for crowds and large enemies,
Rotten breath, a dragon communion incantation that is about what it says on the tin, a dragon’s breath attack that inflicts scarlet rot,
Fortissax’s lightning spear, another dragon incantation that summons a pair of lightning spears, with the damage at it’s best up close,
and Aspects of the crucible: tail, a wide-range crucible incantation, and the most fitting of the crucible incantations, I feel.
He has no issue getting up close to bosses, since he can fall back on the honestly insane hp regen he’s afforded by both his main weapon and some of his talismans.
The talismans Bellum gets are; the taker’s cameo, the dragoncrest greatshield talisman, the pearldrake talisman +2, and the godskin swaddling cloth.
The taker’s token has the same passive effect as the blasphemous blade; hp restoration upon enemy death. The fun part is that the taker’s token and the blasphemous blade’s hp regen effects stack with each other.
The dragoncrest greatshield talisman reduces physical damage by 20%, and the pearldrake talisman +2 reduces non-physical damage by about 11%. Covering just about all defenses with these two talismans.
The godskin swaddling cloth allows for additional minor hp restoration upon landing a certain number of melee hits within a short timeframe. This could be harder with greatswords, but with dual greatswords and jumping right into the action, I don’t imagine it’s at all impossible for the talisman’s effect to never trigger. As always, it’s extra effective with a larger number of enemies.
Bellum’s the main damage-dealer with a focus on staying power and lots of hp regen, using the blasphemous blade for regular battles while switching to the executioner’s sword for bosses due to the more aggressive ash of war. His incantations are more often used for crowd control, but are absolutely effect for boss battles, especially when given time to charge them up. He’s all about staying power and straightforward damage-dealing, with some decent poise to back things up despite his checking piece being altered and his lack of a helmet, and all of his incantations are a bit more bestially-inclined. He'd probably focus on Vigor and Strength, with some Faith or Dexterity thrown in for damage-dealing.
Overall, the idea is that the four of them are in the lands between like this, working and running around together, probably fighting over what bosses to go after next and whether or not to head into the catacombs that one of them just spotted. I could see them taking the time to scour the lands between for every little trinket and discussing whether or not to bother with some character's quest. Not too different from actual post-ph stuff, but it's fun to put them in Elden Ring and think on what kinds of equipment to give them and what would suit them.
#salty talks#elden ring#post-ph#ppl checking out the elden ring tag for normal elden ring stuff disregard this dw abt it i have this tagged for my own organization#of these four linebeck's was the most fun to actually use but its mostly bc its the most similar to my usual build#bellum's was kinda cumbersome but god i hated link's i never want to use a shield i almost died testing out link's#which is fuckin saying something at gatefront ruins at level 218#i didnt test out any of the magic bc. number 1 i have 10 faith. and number two i picked these off fextralife wiki#long post#bellum HAD to use the blasphemous blade its perfect its a big sword that has an hp regen skill and regens hp when you kill something#and has nasty little moving bits of flesh on it. cant see it in the picture ofc but know that in game the red bits wriggle i like it#sorry if the pictures are big btw tbh they look better on mobile#the angle on damien's is awkward bc i wanted to get the whole axe on screen. thats the only reason why his is a little weird#prolly worth mentioning that i didnt alter my stats at all so the 'build' is like the equipment and stuff.#tbh thats probably why my damage with the bellum build suffered bc i have 10 faith and the blasphemous blade scales with faith#anyways listed all equipment and whatnot if anyone wanted the specifics of this stuff#im not great at like. putting together outfits in elden ring i figured out my tarnished's fit early on and stuck with it#theres a very good chance that my own playstyle and experience with the game influenced these like. i do not touch incantations for one#and ive been dual wielding since as soon as i figured it out and got two straight swords#iirc i briefly used rock sling bc you can get that really early but eh#thinking abt it now this also translates pretty well to traditional rpg party roles. standard link with all around decent stats but high#versatility and a lot of options. linebecks more speed and ailment-inflicting based. damien is high standard damage but a much more support#and healing based with a few basic standard damage spells. and bellum is more dedicated offense and defense with a focus on staying power#without any group support or other traits- just high offense high defense#if you wanna know what my tarnished looks like know this is inaccurate bc ive since tweaked her#the hp regen on bellums is wild when i cleared out gatefront like every few seconds id heard the hp steal sound effect it was nuts#no notes on damiens his was was surprisingly easy to get a handle of and is great with crowds#you can probably tell from the way this is written that it took me fucking forever to write up
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vargamornight · 10 months
i have a headache, somebody tuck me into a blanket burrito style and roll me down the stairs into the dark
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prokopetz · 2 months
Folks talking about the weirdness of late 1990s/early 2000s forum culture usually focus on the macro-level stuff – the inter-forum beefs, the raids, etc. – but on a personal level they were often even more unhinged. Like, many popular forums had recurring issues with people putting on the persona of a Sickly Artist (often claiming to have a heart condition, though just as often the nature of their ailment would be left unspecified), building a following based on the idea that they were this gentle, tortured artistic genius who could kick the bucket any time, and eventually "dying", only to return a few weeks later in a different Sickly Artist persona and start the whole thing over again. Many of the worst offenders went through this cycle multiple times. Sometimes they weren't even real artists, and were simply misrepresenting someone else's art as their own, which was much easier to get away with because Google Image Search wasn't yet a thing.
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loveanddeepthroat · 8 days
can i mc reader and sylus where mc ends up in hospital after a mission gone wrong and sylus shows up but she wants him to leave in case someone sees him there
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Pairing - Sylus x f!MC
Summary - You landed yourself in the hospital overnight after a mix up at HQ had you fighting too many Wanderer’s alone. You’re already bummed about being stuck at Akso, so the feeling of dread when Sylus turns up unexpectedly only adds to your unease.
Word Count - 2.3k
Warnings - Set in a hospital. Angst and fluff.
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The incessant beeping of medical machinery echoing throughout the ward was getting to your sore head.
Akso Hospital was rammed full of casualties and emergencies, seeing as it was a Friday night. You felt a bit out of place amongst the partygoers and adventurous folk who had taken their fun a little too far.
In your opinion, you didn’t really need to be here. The eggplant coloured bruise on the right side of your forehead definitely looked a lot worse than it felt, but the doctors weren’t buying your claims that you weren’t in any pain.
Likely because you were wincing when you’d said it.
A night under their watch was what the doctor ordered, and it wasn’t up for discussion. You were just relieved that Doctor Zayne was working away for a week. He’d have checked you in indefinitely and scheduled an hour long lecture on why you needed to be more careful.
A mix up at HQ had the system only requesting that you attend a spontaneous Wanderer attack in Linkon Library. Just one had been reported, but seven of the ruthless bastards had accosted you the minute you stepped foot in the evacuated building.
Confident that you could handle them, you didn’t bother calling in for more Hunters. As it turned out, that confidence was misplaced, and the last thing you remembered before blacking out was a loud screeching sound. You had no idea what it was, but it hadn’t been important in your unconscious state.
When you eventually awoke in the hospital, Jenna had been hanging over you, immediately giving you the third degree for continuing alone. You should’ve known that the alert for only your assistance had been a mistake in the system, and you should’ve insisted that someone accompany you no matter what it had said.
She made sure to drill that into your head more than once.
Admittedly, you were glad to see the back of her once she had finally left. Your head was starting to throb with the volume of her voice, and all you wanted was the bliss of being unconscious again.
It was late now, and you were exhausted. Sleep was looking to be impossible tonight, however. There were several other patients on the same ward, all admitted with varying ailments. The injured man opposite you had done nothing but stare coldly from the moment he was wheeled in in a full leg cast.
You tried to speak to him. You offered him a polite smile, which was met with a sneer. Whatever his problem with you was, it was beginning to get on your nerves.
You just wanted to go home.
“Miss,” a softly spoken nurse greeted as she approached your bed. “There’s a visitor here to see you.”
You frowned, wondering if you heard her correctly over the hustle and bustle of the ward. It was well past visiting hours, and you couldn’t think of anyone other than your colleagues who knew that you were even at the hospital.
The man with the broken leg frowned, too. “What? She gets special treatment because she’s a so-called hero? I should get visiting rights, too!”
“Would you like me to let him in?” The nurse asked, ignoring the grumbling patient.
Him. That didn’t exactly narrow things down.
“Uhh,” you faltered, a little unsure. You didn’t want to cause any issues with the other patients. “Are you sure?”
The nurse nodded and smiled, though it looked a bit forced. It almost seemed like she was desperate for you to say yes to your mystery visitor.
“Okay,” you finally agreed. 
The look of relief on her face was not lost on you. She quickly hurried away to retrieve whoever came to see you, leaving you to endure the displeasure from the man opposite.
“I used to be a mailman, you know? If it weren’t for me, people wouldn’t have had their mail. Do I get special treatment, though? No, of course not. You Hunters get all the glory and adoration. And I’ll tell you another thing—”
“You’ve told her plenty.”
Prominent footsteps sounded from the doorway, the atmosphere immediately becoming heavy and tense. You almost choked on absolutely nothing at the sight of him.
Your eyes flared, heart hammering against your ribcage like a drum. He couldn’t be here. The risk was far too great.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” the grumpy man sneered back, looking him up and down, “…vampire.”
It was a colourful insult, and one that made your unwelcome companion chuckle. “If you’ll excuse us,” he began, the swirling red vines of his Evol appearing to drag the man’s cubicle curtain to a close at a leisurely pace. “Mailman.”
To your relief, there was no backlash from the irritated patient across the room. Although that did make you wonder if he wasn’t retaliating by his own choice, or if Sylus had silenced him somehow. The latter wouldn’t have surprised you.
“What on earth are you doing here?!” you hissed quietly. “You can’t be here, Sylus.”
Crimson eyes didn’t meet yours, his cold gaze set only on the bandages around your head as he approached your bedside, closing your curtain behind him. He didn’t quite look like himself. His hands were balled into fists at his sides, green and blue veins prominently making an appearance.
“I’ll think twice before taking advice from a woman who was very recently knocked unconscious amidst a 7v1 Wanderer fight,” he rebuked monotonously. 
You scoffed. “I’m fine, if that’s why you came. Feel free to go back to—”
“Fine?” His face quickly turned from emotionless to severely unamused as he cut you off sharply. “That’s quite the contradiction, sweetie.”
You raised an eyebrow barely high enough for him to see your questioning expression. The gesture hurt, which wasn’t helping your case. “To what?”
He dragged a plastic chair towards your bed before sitting down, his ankles crossed in front of him. You couldn’t really read his demeanour. He almost seemed cross with you.
“To what I saw from Mephisto,” he responded tightly.
That explained the screeching you heard before you slipped into unconsciousness. “And what exactly was Mephisto doing there?”
Sylus merely shrugged, offering nothing verbal in response. The lackadaisy gesture did nothing but piss you off. You’ve told him countless times to stop sending Mephisto out to keep tabs on you, and each time it seemed to fall on deaf ears. 
He clearly was not pleased with you, but you weren’t stupid. He was here because you had concerned him. Sylus was a busy man, especially at this time of night. He wouldn’t have come just to berate you with words that could’ve been put into a text message.
Not that you knew where your phone was.
The atmosphere between you both fell into silence, only the sounds of medical machinery filling in the lack of conversation. You didn’t really know what to say to him, and he wasn’t typically the type to lose his words. But it was clear to see that he didn’t know what to say, either.
After a long moment, he cleared his throat, his hands flexing in his lap. “I told you those guns of yours were pathetic.”
“There’s nothing wrong with my guns,” you mumbled with a roll of your eyes.
“So it’s a skill issue?”
You glared harshly at him, flinching noticeably as you did. You weren’t sure what was bothering you more, the pain in your head or the mood that Sylus was so clearly in. 
His features softened ever so slightly as he recognised your pain. Still, that didn’t stop him from being an asshole. “It’s one or the other, kitten.”
You felt your cheeks heat up. If there was one thing you didn’t want Sylus to think of you as, it was weak. You weren’t sure why you cared so much, but you did.
“I suppose my guns are a little on the outdated side,” you murmured begrudgingly.
He smirked, his hands finally relaxing a little in his lap. The awkward atmosphere was slowly fading, which you were grateful for. You didn’t want to pry into his mind and make things worse again.
You buried your head a little further into the pillow beneath your sore head, letting your eyes fall shut for a moment. Fatigue was starting to settle in your body, almost dragging you into a swift sleep before your chilly hand was captured in a warm embrace.
Your eyes shot open again, finding Sylus out of his seat and leaning over you. His eyes were a bit wider than usual. “Have they checked you for a concussion?” 
“Yeah,” you told him gently. The close proximity had you flustered. “I’m a little concussed, but I’m allowed to sleep.”
His brows drew together slightly as he studied you. You’ve both had these strange little moments before, when his mask slips away just enough to see his true feelings.
“I’ll be fine,” you whispered in reassurance. “You should go, Sylus.”
He shook his head, his hand tightening slightly over yours. It looked like an effort, but he managed to smirk at you again. “Trying to get rid of me already?”
Beneath that facade of humour, he was a little bit wounded. You wouldn’t point it out, but you could see it. He was a stubborn bastard who wasn’t going to let you push him away, but he also didn’t like that you were trying to push him away.
It wasn’t as if you wanted him to go. Your relationship with him was…complicated.
Complicated in the sense that you weren’t in a relationship, but he had a habit of establishing a level of intimacy between you both that you weren’t blind to. Good morning and goodnight texts, constant invites to events as his plus one with no other reason than to be beside him, and random gifts left on your doorstep so often that your elderly neighbour recently asked if you were ‘getting some.’
A relationship with him would be very difficult to maintain. You both come from entirely different worlds that just could not merge. No matter how much you desired him, you had to maintain your composure.
“I’m not trying to get rid of you,” you sighed. “I just don’t like how careless you’re being by showing up here. Some people do worry, you know.”
He slowly lowered his loom over you so that his nose was just inches away from yours. You couldn’t help but swallow, feeling his steady breath on your lips as he spoke. It was intimidating and yet so intimate that you didn’t know whether to cower or cut him off with a kiss you never knew you wanted. 
“You don’t think I’m worried about you?” he drawled in a rather serious manner.
“That’s not what I—”
“Do you not realise how it looked through Mephisto’s eyes when you were walloped a great distance across a library and crumpled to the floor like a lifeless body.” His teeth were gritted in his mouth, the word ‘body’ coming out tightly like his tongue was rejecting the word. “You’re not the only person who is worried here. Do not brand me incapable of such feelings.”
Your mouth went a little dry, tears threatening to invade your eyes. It wasn’t that you didn’t believe in his worry, and you hadn’t meant for it to come across that way.
“I just don’t want you to risk your freedom for me,” you whispered shakily.
He lifted his hand from where it was holding him up beside your free hand, carefully moving some strands of your hair that had fallen over your bandages. 
“I’d risk it all for you.”
He had never said such a thing to you in all the time you’d been acquainted. You knew that he would carry out every need you might have of him. You knew that he would listen to you sit and ramble on and on about anything, never interrupting you. You knew that he cared about you.
But you were still in the dark when it came to the extent of that care.
“Tell me what’s on your mind,” he murmured.
Thankfully, you caught yourself before you were about to shake your sore head. “Just…trying to figure you out.”
A smile slowly spread across his lips. A real smile. It was enough to make your heart flutter, embarrassingly made noticeable by the heart rate monitor you were hooked up to.
“It would require a lot of brainpower to do that, sweetie. Maybe lose the concussion first,” he said in his typically sarcastic tone.
You managed your own small smile, which blossomed into a chuckle. This was the side of Sylus that had you coming back to him whenever he asked for your company.
His real side.
He kept his hand atop your head, avoiding the bandages completely. His thumb swiped gently over the parting of your hair, pulling you off to sleep again. You were pretty sure that he was doing it on purpose to force you into rest, but you were in no position to argue with him. You were officially exhausted.
“Would you really like me to leave, kitten?” he asked in a soft whisper as your eyes fluttered.
The very thought of him leaving made you a little upset. Despite your attempts at convincing the doctors you were fine, you damn well were not. You needed his comfort, and he needed to know that you were safe and on the road to a speedy recovery.
“No,” you whispered, succumbing to the soothing strokes on your scalp.
A soft brush of his lips was the last thing you felt before you finally drifted off, feeling secure enough to do so with his company.
“Good,” he’d whispered back before you fully clocked out. “I’ll always be careless so long as I get to you.”
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A/N - Long time no fic post. I apologise, life has been crazy. I haven’t proof read this cause honestly I’m just too tired so I’ll read over it in the morning and edit any mistakes. Hope you’re all doing well! 🖤
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tarotwithavi · 8 months
Saturn in houses
In astrology, Saturn signifies your sense of duty, responsibilities, setbacks, obstacles and karmic lessons.
For entertainment purposes only
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Saturn in first house
Saturn's presence here can make the individual serious, disciplined, and responsible. They may appear mature beyond their years, with a reserved demeanor. They might have a lean or bony physical structure. Individuals with Saturn in the first house may struggle with self-esteem or self-worth issues. They might feel a sense of inadequacy or pressure to meet high standards, both internally and externally imposed. Saturn's influence can affect the health, particularly the skeletal system, joints, teeth, and skin. These individuals may be prone to ailments like arthritis, dental issues, or skin problems. However, with proper discipline and care, they can maintain good health. Saturn's placement here can bestow a strong sense of ambition and determination. They are willing to work hard and endure challenges to achieve their goals. However, they may also face delays or obstacles along the way, which teach them patience and resilience. Saturn in the first house can indicate a cautious approach to relationships. These individuals may take their time to trust others and establish deep connections. They seek stability and commitment in partnerships but may struggle with expressing emotions openly. These individuals are often drawn to professions that require discipline, responsibility, and long-term planning. They may excel in fields such as management, law, engineering, or politics. However, they may face challenges or delays in their career progression, which require perseverance to overcome. Saturn's influence here can also lead to a deep introspective nature and a quest for spiritual understanding. These individuals may seek meaning and purpose in life through self-discipline, meditation, or religious practices.
Saturn in second house
Saturn in the second house often indicates a serious approach towards finances. It can bring financial stability through hard work, discipline, and long-term planning. However, there may also be delays or obstacles in financial matters, teaching the individual important lessons about managing resources wisely. Saturn here instills a strong sense of values and principles related to money, possessions, and personal worth. The individual may place great importance on security, frugality, and practicality in their approach to wealth accumulation. This placement can sometimes create tension or responsibilities within the family regarding financial matters. There may be a sense of duty towards family members, especially in providing financial support or taking care of elderly relatives. Saturn's influence can lead to cautious or reserved communication, especially regarding matters related to money and possessions. The individual may be careful with their words and prefer to speak only when necessary. Individuals with Saturn in the second house may struggle with feelings of inadequacy or low self-esteem, particularly in relation to their financial status or abilities. However, with effort and perseverance, they can gradually build a stronger sense of self-worth and confidence. While Saturn's influence may initially manifest as limitations or obstacles, it also rewards diligent effort and persistence. Over time, the individual can achieve material success and financial security through disciplined work and responsible management of resources. There may be a tendency to be conservative or cautious with money, preferring safe and stable investments over risky ventures. This approach can lead to slow but steady growth in wealth over time. Saturn in the second house often indicates karmic lessons related to finances, values, and self-reliance. The individual may need to confront and overcome challenges in these areas to fulfill their soul's evolutionary journey.
Saturn in third house
The third house represents communication, siblings, courage, and self-expression. Saturn here can indicate challenges or delays in communication. It may suggest a reserved or serious demeanor in speech. Relationships with siblings may be characterized by responsibility, duty, or even distance. Saturn in the third house enhances determination and discipline in communication and intellectual pursuits. Individuals may have a structured approach to learning and may excel in subjects that require focus and perseverance, such as mathematics or technical fields. Saturn's presence in the third house can bring obstacles and challenges in matters related to communication, short-distance travel, and interactions with neighbors or relatives. These challenges may serve as opportunities for personal growth and maturity, but they can also lead to feelings of frustration or limitation. Individuals with Saturn in the third house tend to have a practical and realistic approach to life. They may be cautious in their decision-making and prefer to rely on logic rather than intuition. This placement encourages careful planning and attention to detail in all areas of life. Saturn's placement in the third house can indicate a sense of responsibility towards siblings or younger relatives. These individuals may take on the role of a mentor or guide for their siblings, offering support and practical advice when needed. Saturn in the third house instills a strong work ethic and a willingness to put in the necessary effort to achieve one's goals. Individuals with this placement are likely to be diligent and hardworking, especially in areas related to communication, writing, or teaching. Success and recognition may come later in life for individuals with Saturn in the third house. They may need to overcome various obstacles and challenges before achieving their goals, but the rewards are likely to be long-lasting and well-deserved.
Saturn in fourth house
Saturn's placement in the fourth house often brings a sense of responsibility and seriousness to matters related to home and family. It may indicate a person who takes their family duties seriously, perhaps even feeling burdened by familial obligations at times. Saturn's influence can lead to a more reserved and disciplined approach to emotions. Individuals with this placement may struggle with expressing their feelings openly and might prefer a structured or traditional approach to emotional matters. Saturn in the fourth house can indicate a strong focus on property, land, and real estate matters. It may suggest delays or challenges in acquiring or managing property, but with perseverance, individuals can achieve stability in this area. The influence of Saturn in the fourth house can reflect a significant influence from one or both parents, particularly the father. There may be a sense of authority or strictness associated with parental figures, shaping the individual's upbringing and values. This placement can bring a deep-seated need for security and stability, both externally in the home environment and internally within oneself. Individuals may work diligently to establish a solid foundation in life, striving for long-term security and comfort. Saturn's placement in the fourth house may indicate a propensity towards introspection and a serious approach to inner growth. Individuals may grapple with deep-seated fears or insecurities, but through self-discipline and perseverance, they can achieve profound psychological insights and personal transformation. There may be a strong attachment to cultural heritage, traditions, and ancestral roots with Saturn in the fourth house. Individuals may feel a sense of duty to preserve family customs and values, even in the face of modern challenges or societal changes. Saturn's presence in the fourth house can bring various challenges and lessons related to home, family, and emotional security. These challenges often serve as opportunities for growth and maturity, teaching individuals valuable lessons about resilience, responsibility, and self-reliance.
Saturn in fifth house
The 5th house governs creativity, self-expression, intelligence, education, and children. Saturn's presence here may indicate a disciplined approach to creativity and self-expression. These individuals may have a structured and methodical approach to artistic endeavors, preferring traditional or time-tested methods over impulsivity. They may excel in fields requiring deep concentration, such as research, writing, or technical subjects. Saturn's influence in the 5th house can bring a serious and studious attitude towards education. These individuals may value knowledge and learning deeply, often pursuing higher education or specialized training with dedication and perseverance. However, there may be delays or obstacles in academic pursuits, requiring patience and persistence to overcome. Saturn's presence in the 5th house may bring challenges and responsibilities related to children and parenthood. There may be delays or difficulties in conceiving children, or the individual may take a cautious and disciplined approach to parenting. They may instill a strong sense of discipline and responsibility in their children, emphasizing the importance of hard work and perseverance. In matters of romance and relationships, Saturn in the 5th house may indicate a reserved or cautious approach. These individuals may be selective and practical when it comes to matters of the heart, preferring stable and long-lasting relationships over fleeting passions. They may also experience delays or challenges in finding romantic fulfillment, requiring patience and perseverance in matters of love. The 5th house also governs speculative ventures, gambling, and risk-taking activities. With Saturn here, individuals may approach these areas with caution and conservatism. They are unlikely to take unnecessary risks and may prefer to invest time and effort in more secure and stable pursuits. However, if they do engage in speculative activities, they are likely to do so with careful planning and analysis.
Saturn in sixth house
The sixth house represents service, daily work routines, health, enemies, obstacles, and conflicts. With Saturn here, the native tends to take their responsibilities seriously and may excel in professions that involve service or helping others. They are likely to be hardworking, methodical, and dedicated to their duties. Saturn's presence in the sixth house can indicate a strong focus on health matters. The native may face health challenges or chronic conditions, but they have the resilience to overcome these obstacles through discipline and perseverance. It's essential for them to maintain a structured and disciplined approach to health and well-being. Saturn in the sixth house suggests that the individual may face challenges or delays in their work environment. They may encounter demanding bosses, bureaucratic hurdles, or a heavy workload. However, they have the patience and endurance to handle these challenges effectively and emerge stronger from them. The sixth house is also associated with enemies and conflicts. Saturn here indicates that the native may face opposition or conflicts in their life, but they have the ability to deal with adversaries with maturity, caution, and strategic planning. They prefer to resolve conflicts through diplomacy and negotiation rather than confrontation. Individuals with Saturn in the sixth house often find fulfillment in serving others or working in fields that contribute to the well-being of society. They may excel in professions such as healthcare, social work, counseling, or public service where their disciplined approach and sense of duty can make a significant impact. Saturn's placement in the sixth house suggests that the native is working through karmic lessons related to service, responsibility, and overcoming obstacles. They may need to learn the value of self-discipline, humility, and perseverance in their journey towards personal growth and fulfillment.
Saturn in seventh house
Saturn in the seventh house often brings a sense of responsibility, seriousness, and maturity to relationships. It can indicate delays or obstacles in finding a suitable partner or in the process of getting married. However, once committed, individuals with this placement tend to take their partnerships very seriously and may prioritize stability and longevity over passion. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may feel a strong sense of duty and obligation towards their partners. They are likely to approach relationships with caution and practicality, preferring to establish a solid foundation before fully committing. Saturn's presence in the seventh house can bring challenges and lessons in the realm of partnerships. These challenges may include issues related to commitment, communication, or power dynamics within relationships. However, overcoming these challenges can lead to personal growth and maturity. This placement can also indicate success in business partnerships, particularly those that involve long-term planning, discipline, and hard work. Individuals with Saturn in the seventh house may excel in professions that require negotiation, diplomacy, and strategic thinking. Saturn in the seventh house often indicates karmic lessons and connections in relationships. Past life karma may play a significant role in the dynamics of partnerships, with lessons related to duty, responsibility, and mutual support. Depending on other factors in the birth chart, Saturn in the seventh house can sometimes indicate delays or obstacles in marriage. However, these delays are often temporary and can be overcome with patience, perseverance, and maturity. Despite the challenges, individuals with this placement are likely to have long-lasting and stable relationships. They have the ability to weather storms and overcome obstacles through their patience, perseverance, and commitment to their partners.
Saturn in the eighth house
Saturn in the eighth house often indicates a life marked by profound transformations and significant changes. These changes may be intense and may occur suddenly or through challenging circumstances. The individual may undergo various upheavals and experiences that lead to inner growth and evolution. This placement suggests a deep, intense, and introspective nature. The individual is likely to explore the depths of their own psyche and may have a keen interest in esoteric subjects, mysteries, and occult phenomena. They may possess a penetrating insight into the hidden aspects of life and may be drawn to explore taboo subjects or unconventional practices. Saturn in the eighth house can also indicate concerns or challenges related to inheritance, joint finances, or legacies. There may be obstacles or delays in matters pertaining to shared resources, taxes, insurance, or inheritances from others. However, with patience and perseverance, the individual can navigate these challenges and eventually establish a stable foundation in these areas. Individuals with this placement often develop a strong sense of psychological resilience and inner strength. They have the capacity to endure adversity and hardship, emerging from difficult situations with newfound wisdom and maturity. Saturn's influence in the eighth house instills a sense of discipline, responsibility, and determination, which enables the individual to confront life's challenges with courage and fortitude. Saturn's placement in the eighth house can also signify a profound spiritual journey characterized by deep introspection, inner purification, and spiritual transformation. The individual may be drawn to spiritual practices such as meditation, yoga, or metaphysical studies, seeking to unravel the mysteries of existence and attain higher states of consciousness. Saturn in the eighth house may indicate a karmic reckoning, where past actions and debts come to the forefront for resolution. The individual may be confronted with karmic lessons related to power dynamics, trust, betrayal, and emotional intimacy. Through facing these challenges head-on, they have the opportunity to transcend limitations and evolve spiritually.
Saturn in ninth house
Saturn in the ninth house suggests a deep-seated interest in spirituality, religion, and philosophy. The individual may have a strong sense of duty and responsibility towards understanding the deeper meaning of life and may embark on a quest for spiritual truth. These individuals tend to have a serious and philosophical outlook on life. They may be drawn to ancient wisdom, traditional teachings, and may seek guidance from spiritual gurus or mentors. Saturn's presence can bring challenges and delays in higher education. The individual may face obstacles in academic pursuits or may have to work harder to achieve academic success. However, perseverance and dedication can lead to eventual success. Saturn in the ninth house often indicates that wisdom and knowledge are acquired through life's experiences and hardships. The individual may have to overcome various trials and tribulations to gain profound insights and understanding. These individuals may hold conservative or traditional beliefs, and they may be resistant to change. They prefer stability and security in their philosophical and religious beliefs, often adhering to age-old traditions and customs. Saturn here can indicate limitations or restrictions in long-distance travel. It may require careful planning and organization, and there may be delays or obstacles during journeys. However, travel undertaken with a purpose, such as for educational or spiritual purposes, can be beneficial. The relationship with the father may be characterized by seriousness, discipline, or distance. The father may play a significant role in shaping the individual's philosophical and moral values, but there could also be challenges or responsibilities associated with this relationship. Despite the challenges posed by Saturn, individuals with this placement can achieve success and fortune through discipline, hard work, and perseverance. They are capable of building a solid foundation for their future, especially in fields related to law, spirituality, teaching, or philosophy.
Saturn in tenth house
Saturn in the tenth house imbues the individual with a strong sense of responsibility, discipline, and perseverance in their professional endeavors. They are likely to take their career seriously and understand the importance of hard work and commitment. Individuals with Saturn in the tenth house are often career-oriented and may prioritize their professional goals above other aspects of life. They are willing to put in the necessary effort and sacrifice to achieve success in their chosen field. Saturn's placement here may grant the individual leadership qualities and the ability to handle positions of authority with maturity and wisdom. They may excel in managerial roles or positions that require them to take charge and make important decisions. While Saturn brings stability and structure, its placement in the tenth house can also indicate challenges and obstacles in the individual's career path. They may face delays, setbacks, or struggles in achieving their goals, but these experiences ultimately serve to strengthen their character and resilience. Saturn in the tenth house can influence the individual's public image and reputation. They may be perceived as reliable, competent, and respected by their peers and superiors. However, they may also be cautious about how they present themselves to the world, striving to maintain a professional and dignified demeanor. Individuals with this placement may have a traditional approach to their career and may prefer established, conventional paths rather than taking risks or exploring unconventional options. They value stability and security in their professional life. Saturn in the tenth house encourages the individual to focus on long-term goals and legacy-building. They may have a strong sense of duty towards leaving a lasting impact in their field or making meaningful contributions to society. In Vedic astrology, Saturn is also associated with the father. Its placement in the tenth house can indicate a significant influence or involvement of the father in the individual's career path and professional development.
Saturn in the eleventh house
Saturn's presence here can indicate that the native takes their friendships seriously and may have a small but close-knit circle of friends. These friendships may endure for a long time but could also involve responsibilities or limitations. Saturn's influence in the eleventh house can lead to slow but steady growth in income and gains. However, there may be delays or obstacles in achieving financial goals. The native may need to work hard and demonstrate discipline and perseverance to attain financial stability. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house may have ambitious goals and aspirations. They are likely to be cautious and practical in pursuing their dreams, preferring to plan meticulously and work methodically towards their objectives. Saturn's placement here often emphasizes social responsibility. The native may be involved in community or humanitarian efforts, driven by a sense of duty towards society. They may also encounter challenges or obstacles in achieving their social or collective goals. Saturn's presence can make the native cautious in forming new associations or joining groups. They may prefer quality over quantity in their social networks and may be selective about the causes or organizations they align themselves with. Individuals with Saturn in the eleventh house tend to have a long-term perspective on life. They are strategic in their approach and may invest time and effort in endeavors that promise long-lasting results, even if the rewards are delayed. Saturn's placement in any house brings karmic lessons, and in the eleventh house, these lessons often revolve around detachment, discipline, and responsibility within social and group dynamics. The native may need to learn to balance their individual aspirations with their obligations towards others.
Saturn in the twelfth house
Saturn in the twelfth house often indicates a deep interest in spirituality and introspection. These individuals may be drawn to meditation, yoga, or other spiritual practices as a means of seeking inner peace and understanding. There may be periods of isolation or a sense of being excluded from mainstream society. This placement can indicate a preference for solitude or a need to withdraw from the hustle and bustle of the external world. Saturn in the twelfth house can suggest a strong sense of duty towards serving others or making sacrifices for the greater good. These individuals may find fulfillment through acts of charity, service-oriented professions, or involvement in humanitarian causes. The twelfth house is often associated with karmic debts and past life experiences. Saturn's presence here may indicate a need to confront and resolve unresolved karmic issues or to fulfill duties left unfinished from previous lifetimes. Individuals with this placement may face obstacles and limitations in their life journey, particularly in matters related to the twelfth house themes such as spirituality, endings, and hidden enemies. However, these challenges can serve as opportunities for growth and self-discovery, as Saturn encourages perseverance and discipline. Saturn in the twelfth house can suggest connections or experiences with foreign lands, cultures, or people. These individuals may feel a strong affinity for foreign languages, travel, or living abroad. Despite the challenges posed by this placement, individuals with Saturn in the twelfth house often possess a profound inner strength and resilience. They have the ability to endure hardships and setbacks with patience and fortitude, ultimately emerging stronger and wiser from their experiences.
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blissedgone · 4 months
How it feels as the excitement builds over DA:D
"So, your nerdy bald ex, who dresses like a hobo, made out with you in a dream, painted your political exploits on his wall, confessed his love, grabbed your ass, then walked you to a cave to tell you something but instead took away your most important cultural heritage before dumping you?"
Me: "Yes."
"Then he ghosted you after your biggest achievement. You found him, and he claimed to be the god feared by your people but also just a guy, said everything bad in your life was his fault, and revealed he accidentally wiped out his people who he wants bring back by destroying the current world state which he created."
Me: "Yup."
"He has a huge underground network but won’t let you join or stop him. He admitted causing your painful ailment (which is what got him interested in you in the first place). He cut off your arm to prolong your life, but his plan will likely kill you and your friends in the near future.
Oh, and he still stalks you in your dreams."
Me: "Yeah, I can fix him."
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