#aine of knockaine
joshsindigostreak · 2 years
Finally got the Aine statue I’ve been wanting for months and she looks perfect on my Altar 🥰
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amlan47 · 2 years
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Áine of Knockainy, Ain Cliach, Ain of the Light, Áine N’Chliar, Ain Cliar the Bright
Áine (ON-ya) is an Irish Goddess of summer, love, protection, fertility, wealth and sovereignty.
In her role of Moon Goddess, she guards livestock, crops, and cattle.
In her role as Sun Goddess, she could take the form of ‘Lair Derg’, a red mare that no one could outrun, in order to walk among her people.
Also known as a Faery Queen and Love Goddess, she has been known by other names such as the Lady of the Lake, the Goddess of the Earth and Nature, the Goddess of Luck and Magick, and Leanan Sidhe (“Sweetheart of the Sidhe”).
Áine is thought to mean “brightness, glow, joy, radiance, splendour, glory, fame”.
She is associated with Midsummer (Litha, Summer Solstice), however also has sacred days following Lughnasadh.
She is associated with the Sun and Moon, the element Air, the direction South West, and one of the sacred herbs of Druids, Meadowsweet.
Her sacred animals are the red mare, rabbit, and swan.
She is associated with the Irish Province of Munster, specifically County Limerick, where the hill of Knockainy (Cnoc Áine) is found.
Áine is thought to be the daughter of King Eógabail/Eoghanach, a member of the Tuatha Dé Danann and the foster son of the sea god Manannan Mac Lir.  However, other legends claim that she was married to Manannan Mac Lir.  Other sources state that she is the daughter of the Dagda and sister to Brigid.Áine is thought to be the sister of Aillen and/or Fennen (Finnen/Fenne/Fennel).She is also thought to be the sister of Grian (Grainne), with Áine ruling over the light half of the year and Grian ruling over the dark.  However Grian could also be another aspect of Áine.Áine is sometimes mistaken for the Mother Goddess Danu, who is known regionally as Anu.
Áine was also known as a Love Goddess, and people would worship her in the hope that she might bestow sexuality, fertility, abundance and prosperity upon them.Through her many relationships with human men, she is thought that she gave birth to a magical Faerie-Human race, which is how she gained her name as Queen of the Faeries.One of the myths surrounding Áine describes how she sat in her birthing chair on Lughnasadh and gave birth to a sheave of grain. It is believed that by performing that act, Áine gave the gift of grain to the people of Ireland.
Many stories exist regarding Áine and her mortal lovers.  It is said that Gerald, Earl of Desmond, once stole Áine’s cloak while she swam in a river, and would not return it to her until she agreed to marry him.Their son was Geroid Iarla, known as The Magician.  Áine made a deal with the Earl that he would never be surprised by anything her son did, however after performing a superhuman deed, the Earl was surprised, and Áine was free to return to the fairies (sidhe).In other stories, Áine is the unwilling wife of Geroid Iarla, and ends up turning him into a goose or killing him (or both).Another myth describes how Áine was raped by the King of Munster, Ailill Aulom, which led to Áine biting off his ear.  By biting off his ear, Áine deemed Ailill unfit to be king due to his disfigurement.From all her aspects it is shown that Áine was not a deity to offend, if crossed she could have coined the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”.
~EmmaRuth Allaire Zerna Concepción [emmeranne] {ruti of beruti)
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aineofknockaines · 2 years
Being a Goddess
*braids dandylions and sunflowers together for a floral crown*
They just don’t understand what it means to be a goddess.  More than just immortal, but an actual god.  Goddess.
We rarely ever marry nor produce progeny.  We oversee theaters in particular worlds and swathes of the human experience.  We are worshipped, especially by cats.
~Aine of Knockaine
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donaruz · 1 year
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Luna Rosa, Luna di miele, Luna dei Cavalli, Luna del Sole, Luna di Litha, Luna allegra, Luna delle fragole.
La luna di Giugno è una luna allegra, espansiva, aperta ai cambiamenti, come vuole il simbolismo del segno dei Gemelli, il più fanciullesco e spontaneo di tutto lo zodiaco.
Hermes-Mercurio, il dio alato governatore del segno, ci invita a muoverci, a fare nuove conoscenze, a stare all’aperto il più possibile, a viaggiare e a dare più spazio a quella spensierata giocosità, che può rendere la vita più piacevole e leggera.
In sintonia con la stagione e con i ritmi della natura, che in questa fase dell’anno è all’apice della sua fase espansiva: le ore di luce continuano a crescere, regalandoci giornate lunghissime in cui godere del dolce tepore della tarda primavera.
L’aria è corposa, calda e profuma di fiori, mentre le farfalle dalle ali variopinte volteggiano tra i petali…. e così anche i nostri pensieri si fanno leggeri, a tratti mutevoli e fantasiosi, e già volano ai luoghi delle nostre vacanze.
In campagna l'erba nei prati è già alta, i cereali sono vicini alla maturazione, mentre i giardini ancora in fiore danno già frutti pronti per essere raccolti..
E' un tempo in cui tutto è in evoluzione e cambiamento, nella natura come dentro di noi, infatti Gemelli è un segno mobile, e come tale precede il cambio di stagione.
E così il 21 giugno, Solstizio d’Estate, ci lasciamo alle spalle la Primavera per accogliere una nuova, calda Estate.
LITHA, festa di mezz'estate per il calendario celtico (che fa iniziare la stagione con Beltane), festa del Sole per tutte le tradizioni, che da sempre hanno attribuito a questo giorno una particolare valenza, anche magica, è il momento in cui la luce solare, all'apice delle sua fase crescente, dà luogo al giorno più lungo dell'anno, e la notte più breve, prima di invertire la tendenza.
Un ruolo particolare giocano le erbe. Sin dai tempi antichi si usava infatti nella notte di san Giovanni raccogliere piante aromatiche da bruciare sui falò solstiziali.
E' credenza che moltissime piante raccolte in quest'epoca abbiano poteri quasi miracolosi, e le nove erbe solstiziali che si usava bruciare sui falò solstiziali sono: Ruta, Verbena, Vischio, Lavanda, Timo, Finocchio, Piantaggine, Artemisia e l’erba di San Giovanni per eccellenza, cioè l’Iperico.
Per entrare in sintonia profonda con le energie del mese di Giugno, e con le tinte che ad esse darà il cielo in questo 2023, il Cerchio della Luna organizza un incontro di LUNA NUOVA, tappa del percorso che, di mese in mese, ci mette in contatto con il cammino evolutivo dello zodiaco, che traccia un sentiero di crescita spirituale in ognuno di noi in armonia con la spirale evolutiva della vita.
Verrà inoltre come sempre celebrata LITHA, tappa della ruota dell'anno in cui onoriamo la forza e la bellezza dell'energia del Sole nel giorno del suo trionfo.
Presto pubblicheremo gli eventi in FB e IG... stay tuned!
Spiriti di Natura: silfidi, zeffiretti
Piante: scutellaria, olmaria, verbena, tanaceto, gramigna officinale, prezzemolo, muschio
Colori: arancione, verde dorato
Fiori: lavanda, orchidea, millefoglie
Profumi: mughetto, lavanda
Pietre: topazio, agata, alessandrite, fluorite
Alberi: quercia
Animali: scimmia, farfalla, rana, rospo, pavone
Divinità: Aine of Knockaine, Iside, Neith, Uomo della Foresta, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar
Le fasi lunari di GIUGNO 2023
Luna Piena - 4 giugno alle 5:41 in Sagittario
Ultimo Quarto - 10 giugno
Luna Nuova - 18 giugno alle 06:36 in Gemelli
Solstizio d'estate - 21 giugno
Primo Quarto - 26 giugno
articolo completo, con consigli per il giardino e in cucina, al link
*immagine di Elaine Baylay
#ilcerchiodellalunaofficial #lalunadelmese #moonphases #fasilunari #lunario #lunarscope #giugno2023 #June2023 #calendariolunare #astrologiaumanistica #elementoaria #gemelli #gemini #Mercurio #planetearth #madreterra #Litha #solstiziodestate #summersolstice #calendarioceltico #ruotadellanno #wheeloftheyear #erbedisangiovanni #livinginharmonywiththemoon #livinginharmonywithnature
Il cerchio della Luna
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tipsycad147 · 6 months
Fairy Bloodlines: Do You Descend from a Celtic Fairy Queen?
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posted by : kitty fields
While researching a customer’s ancestral goddess, I came across something intriguing. There was an Irish sept, the Corcu Loigde, that claimed descent from a Fairy Queen named Cliodhna. It turns out, my Irish ancestors were part of the sept and I am able to claim fairy blood! What’s even more amazing is that MOST people of Irish descent can claim a legendary hero, fairy, god, or goddess as their ancestor. In this article, I’m providing you a look at my research of the Irish clans and their descent from Fairy Queens. Check if YOUR Irish or Scottish ancestors’ names are on this list and find out if YOU were born in a fairy bloodline!
(Check out this article and compare your Irish surnames against a list of clans who claim gods and goddesses as ancestors!)
READ THIS FIRST: Check the variations of each of your surnames and compare to what I have listed here. You can Google your surnames and find the variations. Why is this important? There are multiple versions of most Irish surnames. For example, my ancestors’ last name was McNally. Variations of McNally include: MacNally, MacNall, and MacAnally, etc. This is not an all-inclusive list as there are thousands of Irish surnames that could literally take up a book.
1. Cliodhna: Celtic Fairy Queen and Goddess of Cork
I have to put Cliodhna at the top, as she’s been the inspiration and voice behind this project. If you have any of the following Irish surnames in your ancestry AND your ancestors came from Cork, Ireland, they are part of an ancient sept called the Corcu Loigde. And it means YOU are a grandchild of Cliodhna the Fairy Queen! Cliodhna is an ancient sovereignty goddess of what is now Cork, Ireland. She is a goddess of beauty, love, healing, dreams, music, and the Celtic Otherworld. She is also considered a fairy queen, witch and mermaid. Read all about Cliodhna and how to work with her here.
Do you have any of these Irish surnames from Cork in your ancestry? If so, you descend from Cliodhna!
2. The Fairy Bloodlines of Queen Medb
Queen Medb is the queen of Conacht in the Ulster Cycle of Irish mythology. She started the infamous Cattle Raid of Cooley in her attempts to capture the kingdom of Ulster’s prized bull. Scholars believe she is a variation of a sovereignty goddess and may even be the war goddess The Morrigan. In later centuries, she became a Celtic Fairy Queen. This may be because of Shakespeare’s fairy Queen Mab character. To many modern pagans, Queen Medb is more than a mythical figure or queen, she is a warrior goddess and an ancestor to the following Irish clans.
Do you have any of these surnames in your Irish heritage? Then you descend from Queen Medb!
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3. Fairy Bloodlines of Queen Una (Oonagh)
Another goddess of the Tuatha De Dannan who was demoted to Fairy Queen over the centuries is Una (sometimes spelled Oonagh or Oona). She’s a fairy queen of Munster and is a goddess of music, love, and fidelity. And she protects young animals and children. Queen Una lives under Knockshegowna in County Tipperary (also called the Fairy Mound of Una). She is the last queen of the Daoine Sidhe and the wife to the High Fairy King Finvarra.
Do your Irish ancestors have this name? If so, you’re a descendant of Una and part of an ancient fairy bloodline:
4. Aine: Midsummer Fairy Queen and Ancestor
Aine is a Celtic Irish goddess of summer, sovereignty, animals, crops, fertility, Midsummer and the sun. She resides in County Limerick, where her sacred hill Knockaine is located. Yet her memory is preserved in many place-names throughout Ireland. Aine rides an otherworldly red mare and sometimes shifts forms and becomes the red mare. In some myths, Aine is married to or was impregnated by the King of Munster Ailil Aulom, and his descendants the septs of the Eoganachta, claim Aine as their ancestor. The Eoganachta was a dynasty originating in Southern Ireland, in the kingdom of Munster in Medieval Times.
These are the clans of the Eoganachta. Do You Have Irish ancestors with any of these clan names? If they originate in Southern Ireland, you have an even higher chance they delineate from the Eoganachta septs. Which means Aine is your Fairy Queen ancestor and you have fairy blood!
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The Fairy Bridge of the MacLeod Clan – Isle of Skye
The MacLeod Scottish Clan’s Fairy Bloodline
The MacLeod clan from the Isle of Skye, Scotland, claims they have fairy blood. The story comes from a centuries-old relic the family still has in their possession – the Fairy Flag. Legend says the flag was given to the MacLeod clan by a fairy woman who had married a MacLeod chief. She was married to him for twenty years and was forced to leave him and return to the Otherworld. The fairy woman said goodbye to the chief on the fairy bridge and gave him the flag. She told him to wave the flag whenever they were in dire need of help and it would be granted three times.
If you have the MacLeod last name or it’s in your family tree, you can claim fairy blood. Unfortunately, we don’t know enough about this fairy woman to provide a name or anything else. But the clan claims they descend from her. Learn more about the fairy flag of Dunvegan here.
You Have Fairy Blood…Now What?
Maybe you realized you’re part of a fairy bloodline. But now you’re wondering what to do with this information? It’s up to you what you do with the information. I’m not saying anyone is necessarily a fairy or that your ancestor was a fairy, I’m saying that these clans claimed it. This is similar to how the Egyptian pharaohs claimed to be gods or descend from the gods. It gave people status and probably fueled their religious rites and beliefs. Aside from telling people your ancestor was a fairy, consider working with your ancestor in your spiritual or magical practice. Research and study their lore and history. Set up an altar space. Provide offerings. Ask your ancestor to send you messages in your dreams and life. Immerse yourself in Irish Celtic culture.
Why Are There Only Irish and Scottish Surnames Here?
Unfortunately, if you don’t have Irish or Scottish ancestors, you might be wondering where the other names are. I wish I could find the same information for ALL cultures and heritages, but it doesn’t exist at this magnitude. Ireland had a Renaissance right before the Viking Age in which their clergy (who could read and write) began documenting Irish folklore, mythology, and history. Geneaology including names and locations of septs and clans was recorded, and we are lucky to have this information still today. While I can’t supply you with other European fairy bloodlines, I can help you find out more about your magical and pagan ancestors. Read the links below to learn more!
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senecadavies · 8 months
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aine of knockaine
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mxxnlit-witch · 5 years
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Just finished making a new pendulum! It’s made of citrine, thread, a little metal loop, and a drop of hot glue! I’ll be dedicating it tonight to my Lady and charging it beneath the full moon!
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Celtic Goddesses Alphabetically 
Àine (of Knockaine)
Goddess of love, fertility, summer and light. Originally worshiped as the sun goddess and sometimes represented as a red mare. She rules and protects crops and animals. She was later known as the fairy queen. 
Interesting fact: She had a stone, Cathair Aine, which would cause a person to lose their wits if they sat on it.
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Aine of Knockaine
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thingsgosouth · 7 years
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Found this old sketch of my D&D Character in a suit
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soltwitch · 3 years
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☾ 𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑑 𝐹𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟 ♋︎
- Other Names: Moon of Horses, Lovers’ Moon, Strong Sun Moon, Honey Moon, Strawberry Moon
- Herbs: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, mugwort, parsley, mosses.
- Colors: orange, gold, yellow, red.
- Flowers & trees: lavender, orchid, yarrow, oak.
- Scents: lily of the valley, lavender.
- Stones: topaz, agate, alexandrite, fluorite, lapis lazuli.
- Animals: monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock.
- Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar.
The goddess is mothering the fields and tending to the green earth. The Lovers' Moon is another great time to draw energy from the planet to aid you with your psychic abilities and call on your goddess to help you with spells such as self-love and confidence spells and spells to help you with anxiety and mental health.
𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝐼𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑛 ♑︎.
Capricorns are the hardest working sign of the zodiac. They are very independent. They are achievers in the highest sense, demonstrating great depth and sincerity. They are physically alluring, but cautious when it comes to romantic issues. To be a Capricorn is to be successful, because they make it happen through pure ambition.
This full moon activates the Cancer-Capricorn axis, calling forth your inner boss. Beware of power struggles and execute your vision with practicality and compassion. Emotions and sensitivities may run high. Stand in your power, but check the power trip at the door. Ruled by Saturn, this full moon asks you to own your purpose, but also honor grief.
This moon in Capricorn is Perfect for spells to manifest life’s basic needs stability, success, achievements.
𝑀𝑜𝑜𝑛 𝑖𝑛 𝐶𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛 ♋︎.
Cancers are sensitive and kind. They are intuitive and loving, but can be prone to worrying too much about the people they care about.
This Moon in Cancer season is excellent for any spell involving love, friendship,home, fertility, children, and divination.
For more information of each Esbats, Sabbats and more follow me on Instagram
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larbmachine-blog · 7 years
alt character : Áineof Knockaine // @reactxr // accepting
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“ men are all the same. it doesn’t matter if they’re gods, mortals, or something in between. “ smoke curled delicately from the cigarette, the smell of ferns and fresh cut flowers wafting around her. “ they’ll love you with their cocks before they love you with their words. “ lips as red as her hair smirked. “ Keep that in mind, and guard your heart with walls of steel, because men will force their way through everything else. “
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teatitty · 4 years
I decided to sit down and read a bunch of folktales about Donn to try and gather as much info on his personality as I can and I’ve discovered some very interesting things!
So here’s some Facts About Donn according to the myriad of folktales I’ve read about him
1: He lives on the hill Knockfierna (Cnoc Fírinne) or “Truthful Hill.” His cave and cairn are at the very summit and the hill can be seen by everyone in County Limerick and parts of Kerry, Cork, Tipperary and Clare. In the past this hill was known as “mountain of Donn of Truth” and “The Black Hill.” 
2: Donn was the King of the Munster Fairies and from his hill, he has a great view of Knockaine, where Aine ruled as the Fairy Queen. These two never had any disagreements and the locals believe that this is because Donn knew that any altercation with her would be bad for himself 
3: The hill was a favourite rendezvous point for Fionn and his fianna!
4: For all that he can be cruel and malicious, Donn is also known for being kind to his people and to the dead. “For the Lord of Death is courteous, and not just in giving the gifts of life. Sometimes, and not rarely, when he calls those who have lived too long or suffered too much, he is more than courteous. He is kind.”
5: Donn was once known locally as “Donn Ainech,” or “the dark face.” His palace, Brugh na Bruidhne, was beneath Knockfierna and the entrance, Poll na Bruinne, was a deep hole in the hillside. Dire consequences met anyone who tried to investigate this entrance to the Otherworld
6: In the story “Legend of Knockfierna” Carroll O’Daly tried to “knock of the fairies’ door” by throwing a stone through the entrance and had his nose broken when the stone was thrown back at him (lmao)
7: Untimely deaths were often attributed to Donn and to see him could portend a death or a momentous happening. He was also responsible for stealing children, leaving a changeling in their place 
8: He was “as quick to reward as to punish.” When a farmer was allowed into the palace to see his sister and brother (who had died years prior) both of them were restored to him as a reward for his good service to Donn “in preventing the dirty water from his yard over-running Donn’s palace grounds.”
9: Limerick locals believed that, when they died, they would enter Donn’s palace and there are several reports of people claiming to have met Donn on the evening before they died. Folklore also states that, at the end of their lives, they would be taken to visit the palace. This journey was called “the path of truth.”
10: “Glownanérha”, or “the glen of broth,” was beneath the summit of the hill and was known to be plentiful because Donn ensured that his people never hungered in the Otherworld
11: Traditionally, Donn Fírinne appears to mortals seated on a white horse and when the weather turned stormy at night locals would say "Donn is galloping in the clouds tonight”
12: His excursions were not confined to Knockfierna! In County Clare he resided on “Cnoc an tSodair”, “Hill of the Trotting.” On the west coast he is often seen riding a white horse on the sands of Dunbeg. Here he is known as “Donn of the Dune.” His most famous dwelling is Tech Duinn, the House of Donn, also known as “Bull Rock.”
13: In Dunbeg, Donn was known for his generosity, giving gifts to seaweed gatherers and silver coins to a widow. However, refusing his gifts was punished with death 
14: As Fairy King, he was described as very beautiful, “like the blossoms of flowers.” In Knockfierna, it’s customary to visit the hill once a year to place a stone on the cairn at the summit to honour Donn
15: During Beltaine and Samhain, offerings to Donn include eggs hidden in hay, corn and parts of dead animals, particularly a cock/rooster, ritually slaughtered
16: In Kerry and Cork, folklore states that the dead would travel across the sea to Bull Rock, following a path illuminated by the setting sun, where they would find Donn’s House
17: “In his dealings with the great ones, with warriors like Fionn mac Cumhaill and Kings and Princessess, Donn was often generous. But he was not just generous to the rich and mighty. He has been seen in a black silk hat, giving alms to a widow, and he saved the cattle of a local herdsman from theft. His horses can be heard at the Hill of Trotting, near the shore of the dunes, and his lights are seen near the same dunes, where those he has brought home with him feast with him, listening to music made in his dark tower.”
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aineofknockaines · 2 years
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I discovered Aine of Knockaine over 8 years ago.  I owned the website http://www.aineofknockaine.com
Many of my cats and followers/hateful sycophants all claimed to be me.. Aine of Knockaine.  My deity.  My goddess.  Because I am also Ruti of Beruti.
Aine is my goddess persona as is Ruti of Beruti.  I am a deity.  And you, my silly kitties, are my fawning acolytes.  And I possess your souls.
~Aine of Knockaine
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sabrinasgrimoire · 4 years
Magickal Correspondences: June
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Word Origin: the term “June” comes from the Roman Goddess Juno, and was originally named “Junonius”. Juno’s Greek counterpart is the Goddess Hera. Historical names for the month of June include the Irish name “Meitheamh” or “an t-Ogmios” (“young month”), the Anglo-Saxon name “Aerra Litha” (“before Litha”), the Frankish name “Brachmanoth” (“break month”), and the Asatru name “Fallow”. Mythology: June is the first month of Summer. Juno or Vesta is the Roman Goddess of women, money and wealth, childbirth, pregnancy, and marriages. She is Jupiter’s wife and queen of the Gods. She is also part of the Capitoline Triad, which is made up of Juno, Minerva, and Jupiter. June is a month that is not only sacred to Juno, but also to all deities that rule over love, passion, and beauty. Juno was all that embodies motherhood and the role of the wife. She was known by other names including “Lucino”, which means “meaning light”. This is because she helped bring children into the light when they are born. As a marriage Goddess, she was often called upon to settle disagreements between spouses. Her role as a maiden Goddess and a marriage Goddess make June a traditional month for marriage. As a money and wealth Goddess, she protected the finances of the Roman people. With Jupiter, Juno gives birth to the Roman deities Mars, Hebe, and Vulcan. It is ironic that Juno is the Goddess of marriage and her husband is Jupiter, because Juno is plagued throughout mythology by Jupiter’s numerous affairs. Juno however, stays very loyal to her husband. One of the myths about Juno surrounds her husband’s infidelity. Io was one of Jupiter’s numerous lovers, and Juno was very jealous of her beauty. She tasked a man named Argus Penoptes to watch over Io and make sure she didn’t see her husband Jupiter. Argus Penoptes had a hundred eyes all over his body, and when he slept he always kept a few open to watch Io. However, Jupiter duped Juno by sending Mercury to put all of Argus Penoptes’ eyes to sleep and kill him. In honor of her servant, Juno created the peacock, and put Argus Penoptes’ eyes on the bird’s tail. Therefore, the peacock is sacred to Juno and the month of June. Traditions and Folklore: the most important date for pagans and wiccans in June is the Summer Solstice, otherwise known as Litha. This takes place on the actual summer solstice every year, so the date varies. The Solstice marks the longest day of the year, when the Sun is at its strongest. This is one of the fire festivals, and is a celebration of light before the days begin to get shorter again and the God begins to die only to be reborn again at Yule. Some superstitions that surround the summer solstice include a rose picked on the solstice eve will be fresh until Yule, or if the rose petals are scattered one will find their true love the next day. Other traditions include raising large bonfires and watching the sun rise on the morning of the solstice. Moon: Dyad Moon, Mead Moon, Partner Moon, Rose Moon, Strawberry Moon, Hot Moon Zodiac: Gemini, Cancer Element: Air, Water Gender: feminine Sabbat: Litha/Summer Solstice (June 20-23) Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Isis, Neith, Green Man, Cerridwen, Bendis, Ishtar Animals: monkey, butterfly, frog, toad, wren, peacock Nature Spirits: sylphs, zephyrs Trees: oak Colors: orange, purple, red, golden-green Flowers/Herbs: skullcap, meadowsweet, vervain, tansy, dog grass, parsley, mosses, lavender, orchid, yarrow Crystals: pearl, agate, alexandrite, cat’s eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, garnet, moonstone, ruby, topaz, fluorite Incense: lily of the valley, lavender Characteristics, Influences, and Energies: abundance, love, marriage, prosperity, relationships, restful energy, protection, strength, prevention, decision-making, taking responsibility
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antrast · 4 years
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Meet Aine of Knockaine 🧚🏾‍♂️
Celtic (Irish) Goddess of love and fertility, the fairy queen. Goddess of the moon, crops, and farms/cattle. Special to Irish herbalists and healers and is responsible for the body's life force. Often thought of as Morrigan herself. To sit on her ‘Cathair Aine’ stone, would put one in danger of losing their wits. If sat on three times they would lose them forever. Aine was very vengeful , and it is not a safe to offend her.🧚🏼🧚🏼‍♀️
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