dukeoftheblackstar · 1 month
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[1] Batter up, baby || Elias Ainsworth
by scent.2002 || Meta
Starting this new art series with Elias Ainsworth from The Ancient Magus' Bride (Mahō Tsukai no Yome) in things self-indulgent to me, myself, and I.
Solo shot undercut.
Tagging the horned beast besties. @eyecandyeoz @majo-tsukiko
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majo-tsukiko · 21 days
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I need to sit on his face.
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maskedhatter · 2 years
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dameracrystmon · 1 year
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Elias Ainsworth cross stitch
Old FB prize Share and Like=Thank you💜
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hierokute · 2 years
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moviepsychology · 6 months
Cassie Ainsworth Mental Health Analysis
Cassie Ainsworth Mental Health Analysis:
Skins, the iconic British teen drama series, has been celebrated for its raw and unfiltered portrayal of the lives of adolescents as they navigate the tumultuous waters of adolescence. One character who left a lasting impression on viewers was Cassie Ainsworth, played by the talented Hannah Murray. Cassie's character was known for her quirky personality, unique fashion sense, and her profound struggle with mental health issues. In this post, we will delve into the complex mental health journey of Cassie Ainsworth
To understand Cassie, first we must understand her childhood. Cassie comes from a dysfunctional family. Her parents are divorced, and she has a strained relationship with both of them. Her father is remarried, which seems to have created feelings of abandonment and rejection in Cassie. Her mother is depicted as overbearing and controlling.
Now since we have a little backstory to build on. Let's get into the mental health analysis
There's 2 things that comes to mind in this story for me. Anorexia Nervosa and Borderline Personality Disorder, with Anorexia Nervosa being most evident. If you have watched the show or even 2 minutes of it, you will see she suffers from a eating disorder. So in this post we will focus on borderline personality disorder and why I came to believe she has it.
Intense and Unstable Relationships: Throughout the series, Cassie struggles with maintaining stable and healthy relationships with her friends and romantic partners. She often experiences intense and rapidly changing emotions in response to interpersonal conflicts and attachments. This is a hallmark feature of BPD.
Fear of Abandonment: Cassie frequently exhibits a fear of abandonment. She is deeply affected by perceived rejection or abandonment from people she cares about, leading to emotional turmoil and impulsive behaviors in an attempt to prevent abandonment.
Impulsivity: Cassie engages in impulsive behaviors, such as self-harm, substance abuse, and reckless decision-making. These impulsive actions are often driven by her intense emotional reactions and a desire to alleviate emotional pain.
Identity Disturbance: Cassie's sense of self is depicted as unstable and unclear. She often struggles with her self-identity, and this is reflected in her ever-changing appearance, interests, and beliefs.
Self-Harm and Emotional Dysregulation: Cassie's self-harming behaviors, such as cutting, are portrayed as a way to cope with overwhelming emotions and to regain a sense of control. Emotional dysregulation, or the inability to manage and stabilize emotions, is a common feature of BPD.
Mood Swings: Cassie experiences rapid and intense mood swings, often switching between extreme happiness, sadness, anger, and emptiness. These mood swings are a characteristic feature of BPD.
Cassie seems to be suffering from something more than an eating disorder due to her behavior. And with research on her and mental health disorders it has led me to believe it's also BPD in action here.
With that said Cassie diagnosis is: Anorexia Nervosa and Borderline Personality Disorder
Thank you for reading!
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hoerangho5hi · 2 years
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Excuse me? Can anyone explain to me why I felt things while watching this scene? I— 👁👄👁 I think I need to touch some grass 👩🏻‍🦯
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hueshelter · 1 year
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Operations of a Dreary Devil Featuring the ID-Scopers, your organization for solving your paranormal and otherworldly problems!
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chapletpvt · 24 hours
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Elevate your dental practice with our high-quality Dental Excavators, designed to provide unparalleled precision and comfort during your procedures. Crafted with medical-graded stainless steel and the latest advancements in dental technology to ensure optimal patient care.
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shortbread-crew · 1 month
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Name: Ainsworth
Species: Dog
Breed: Bulldog
From: Becca@Sungraze
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ps-ped-metod · 4 months
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PS dello sviluppo che ha identificato 3 stili di attaccamento principali, che sono:
1. Sicuro: i bambini con attaccamento sicuro utilizzano il caregiver come base sicura da cui partire per esplorare il mondo. Quando il caregiver è presente, manifestano vicinanza nei suoi confronti, sono accoglienti, sorridenti, interagiscono positivamente con la figura di riferimento, esplorano l’ambiente ed esaminano i giocattoli presenti. Quando il caregiver è assente, il bambino potrebbe protestare leggermente per la sua presenza e manifestare segnali di stress e disagio, ma, dopo essersi calmato, riprende tranquillamente a giocare, anche con l’estranea. Al ritorno della figura di attaccamento, si aggrappa a lei, è sorridente e si lascia consolare.
2. Attaccamento insicuro-evitante: è caratterizzato da un bambino che tende a evitare o ignorare il caregiver - spesso la madre - mostrando poco o nessun interesse per l'interazione e il contatto affettivo. Questo comportamento è generalmente il risultato di caregiver non reattivi o emotivamente indisponibili, il che porta il bambino a sviluppare un senso di insicurezza e a diventare autosufficiente.
3. Attaccamento insicuro ambivalente: è caratterizzato da un comportamento di attaccamento molto intenso. I bambini con questo tipo di attaccamento tendono a essere estremamente sensibili alla presenza della figura di attaccamento e possono avere difficoltà a esplorare l'ambiente circostante. Inoltre, quando la figura di attaccamento si allontana, i bambini possono mostrare un'intensa reazione di distacco, come il pianto disperato. Infine, al ritorno della figura di attaccamento, i bambini possono mostrare comportamenti ambivalenti, come cercare la vicinanza ma anche mostrare rabbia.
Negli anni '90, Maine e i suoi collaboratori hanno aggiunto un ulteriore stile di attaccamento:
- Attaccamento Insicuro-disorganizzato: si riferisce a bambini che mostrano un mix di comportamenti evitanti e resistenti, spesso sembrano confusi o persino spaventati dal caregiver. Non mostrano un modello coerente di comportamento.
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dukeoftheblackstar · 24 days
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I'm such a ho for hands, I can't even. Please. PLEASE.
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lu-luvslestat · 5 months
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blogtaculous · 7 months
I’m watching Nebraska 8-man football playoffs and I have opinions.
Carter Nelson for Ainsworth is like 6 foot a thousand and is obviously the biggest and strongest player and he plays like a little baby. Dude got D1 offers and just forgot how to be aggressive. On defense he doesn’t make a single play on the ball within five yards of the line of scrimmage even playing linebacker! He only goes in for the kill on ball carriers already engaged or falling down.
This is what happens when these big dudes get accolades just for being big. When has he taken on a physical equal? Howells-Dodge is eating his ass because he is a coward. Too busy being Big Man on Campus to play with heart. No killer instinct. Nebraska apparently won the bidding war and I’m not sure it was really a win.
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griffin-ainsworth · 9 months
Griffin Ainsworth The Ultimate Soccer Fan
Meet Griffin Ainsworth, a true soccer aficionado whose passion for the beautiful game knows no bounds. From local matches to international tournaments, Griffin's unwavering devotion to soccer is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as we delve into Griffin's journey, his favorite teams and players, and the impact soccer has had on his life. Whether you're a die-hard fan or a newcomer to the sport, Griffin's story is sure to ignite your love for soccer like never before
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greengirllover · 17 days
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oh wow
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