#air disconnect
attractthecrows · 1 month
making solas suffer for fun and profit. anyway solavellan where solas is desperately in love, but lavellan is aromantic and thinks they've just got a queerplatonic thing going on. the irony of this secretive elvhen god having kept himself sooo detached falling head over heels for someone who cannot feel the same way. the aching. the yearning. the complete and utter blow to his pride that his composure has been undone, that HE is laid low by his emotions but the object of his affections - lavellan, who by all rights should be the lesser of the two - is not. and simply cannot be. reflections of each other, but with an emotional dynamic that SHOULD be the reverse.
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glimmeringtwilight · 5 months
Hi there, I hope you're doing well 😭 ❤️
I don't mean to bother you with this so please ignore if it makes you uncomfortable, but I was wondering if there's any Dottore piece in the works or if you're planning any in the future or something (any crumb will do KSNDJDBEHSJ) I love your writing and have been reading your fanfics a few times aha :"D
Have a good day, and I hope this doesn't come off rude! p(^-^)q much love!
In the works I have the Dottore halloween fic (one of the drafts I'm eyeing rn) and a modern au one as well!
My phone notes are kinda filled with incoherent concepts and rambles about him bc for the longest time I'd get ideas right before bed, or I'd wake up at 2am for some reason and I'd have Inspiration lol
Most of those are either too short or incoherent to really share, or I intend to actually turn them into fics at some point. I do have one that I'll share though bc I'm unsure where/what to use it in since it's mostly just dialogue... idk
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"None of what you're doing matters," You tell him.
"You're human. And even if you manage to carve the humanity out of yourself, to become a god... to what end? Nothing is forever."
His smile is slow, purposeful. "Perhaps. Does it bring you comfort, then, to know that none of this matters?"
When you don't answer, he continues, standing up to take the seat next to the operating table where you lie, instead. "To know that you've suffered for nothing?"
His fingers tap playfully against your sternum, over freshly bandaged sutures, and you hiss in pain. He smiles wider.
It did, you think. Not the thought that your suffering was pointless-- malicious and cruel for the sake of itself-- but the thought that he'll be forgotten with time, as all things are. But there's a glint in his eye now, a look you don't like. The sentiment turns to ash on your tongue, souring in your chest.
"I think I'll take you with me," He says, after a beat. "Since it doesn't matter, in the end."
A tear slides down your cheek and he clicks his tongue, wiping it away with his thumb.
"I need you to understand something," He tells you as he stands from the seat again, going back to what he was doing on the other side of the room, "I will never let you go. Do you understand? You will never see the light of day again. This lab will be the last thing you'll ever see."
Dottore must see the disappointment in your eyes. He clicks his tongue again, feigning sympathy. "But perhaps if you're good, I'll bring you something from the surface. As a reward. Now be quiet; these next tests don't require you to speak, and I don't need your input."
You feel numb.
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citrusella-flugpucker · 3 months
So, I've long held that I always thought Ralph Breaks the Internet was... adequate. Not good. Not bad. Just... okay as a sequel. And I think, catching it on Disney Channel today, that I've figured out why that is.
It's because every one of its big ideas could be an interesting hook or element in a WIR sequel on its own.
Vanellope feeling stifled in her role and considering going Turbo (and how that's both similar to and different from previous documented instances of going Turbo (i.e. on the Sugar Rush end, there's no reason the game will go out of order if she happens to disappear from the random roster))
Ralph becoming heavily emotionally dependent on maintaining his friendship with Vanellope and keeping it as-is, and having to work on that
Ralph going Turbo (though maybe not like he did to cause Sugar Rush to go out of order--and doing it again after the first movie would need care to not feel like a rehash)
The internet (though I wonder if the particular execution of the internet not being as interesting may have to do with Rich Moore IIRC openly not really understanding the internet, circa 2012/2013)
Sugar Rush steering wheel breaking/figuring out what to do about it
Engagement farming (that part where Ralph tries to get TubeTube views, though here I mean it more broadly in the sense of "trying to get people to engage with something"--I could even see the specific engagement farming of dated-by-2018-standards memes feeling funny and timeless if the person doing them was not Ralph; for instance, if Litwak (who's past middle-age by RBTI) decided to try to do some to increase foot traffic at the arcade or something lol)
Viruses and glitches (though like Ralph going Turbo, it would need care to not feel like some sort of rehash of Vanellope and the Cy-Bugs)
The B plot with Hero's Cuties as parents/parent figures to the Sugar Rushians
Not Oh My Disney, the Princesses, or... nnnngh... the Slaughter Race Princess Song™. They just really only "work" in a very particular treatment of the plot and would be uninteresting or bad on their own (at least in the context of a Wreck-It Ralph sequel--maybe they'd be fine in a different movie entirely).
But anyway, the problem, I think, that brings the movie down to "adequate", that makes me not enjoy it as much or feel the magic I felt with WIR, is that the movie shoves all of these individually interesting thoughts together in a way that makes it feel cluttered and unfocused.
In essence, the movie can't pick a lane, I guess is what I'm saying. It wants to do too many things, and the way it does too many things results in an experience that doesn't feel as nice as the tightly interconnected A and B plots of the first movie. Whereas if it maybe picked fewer things from the list (or even just one thing) that it was able to execute well, maybe it would have felt like a nicer experience for WIR fans in particular?
TL;DR: Maybe RBTI would have felt nicer as a WIR sequel if it tried to do... less?
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helloooo my dearest darling listeners, i am back on my soapbox to regale you all with the marvelous things i witnessed/experienced on my Whimsical As Fuck™️ three hour drive today. not necessarily in order <3
some cute does with bigass floppy ears / very sweet waitress who called me "hon" and put the most tasty looking crepes on my table / a pair of hawks divebombing a golden eagle / a kite (the bird) / a flock of magpies / some GORGEOUS scenery / a rainbow / lovely rain sprinklings / MORE gorgeous scenery, i mean what the fuck / fields of purple/orange/red tipped bushes / a meadow of buttercup-yellow very tall grass, in which many picturesque trees stood / lots of fluffy, adorable, tasty cows / a large herd of likely-feral horses with a wonderful variety of patterns & colors / the fluffiest husky ever / the juxtaposition of cold wind through an open window + warm sunlight / the most stunning snow-coated mountain of whites and blues in the sun, wreathed in clouds / no seriously some really fucking Gorgeous scenery, i was near tears with some of it
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rabbit-ina-trenchcoat · 2 months
batman: caped crusader gave me a harley adaption that i actually want to see more of. its actuallt UNIQUE and i would really want to see how this version interacts with joker - especially if they keep the "he was her patient" plot line because then it makes it SO much more interesting.
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projectcatzo · 3 months
It's always strange seeing merchandise for Oshi no Ko--a series so critical of the dehumanization of the entertainment industry yet you can buy plastic standees of the characters to literally put on a pedestal lol
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disasterhimbo · 11 months
Being marginalized, especially in multiple ways, is just learning most people don’t give a shit about your happiness, health, or safety. It hurts the worst imo when even people in one marginalized group you’re a part of don’t give a shit about you bc you’re part of another marginalized group they don’t care about. And they’re not even honest about it, they pretend to care, and they think they’re good people as they’re hurting you.
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quicksillver · 9 months
so my uncle died beginning of nov and i've been going over to his house to clean / pack / maintain it bc he lived alone.. and god damn i feel so poor i don't know how to work the central heat 😭 i keep trying to turn it down to 55-60 and it keeps going back to 70 😭
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eggsistential-basket · 2 months
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how it feels getting trapped in a sleep paralysis/false awakening loop for 40 minutes while trying to take a nap right before having to make a phone call
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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At the End of the Battle... Only the Demon Remains
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airanke · 5 months
Reconciling with the fact that I write Dabi x Reader the way I do because it is almost impossible for me to perceive someone being actually attracted to me in THAT way.
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I don't really see Faye as a like, real believable person. As in someone I could imagine having a conversation with. Granted the fact we only see her in dreams doesn't help but she constantly speaks in this super soft, ultra wise and knowing tone, and she does a lot of humming and staring directly at you. She kind of unsettles me to be honest.
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leatherforhell · 1 year
I’ve been trying to figure out what the opposite equivalent is of thinking you’re on the last stair and then there’s one more. because THAT’S what it’s like to be clara
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louistthegreatest · 1 year
All the other artists releasing stuff every damn day... Their fans happily spending all the money...
Louis releasing something from time to time... His fans: OMG he is blood draining us, all he wants is our money, how dare he?
Me to all of you...
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doux-amer · 8 months
I caught up with Masters of the Air, and I don't know how to feel about it even though I've been waiting YEARS for it to happen. Technically, it's masterfully shot, but I'm not emotionally connecting to it the way I want to yet. :/
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elceeu2morrow · 2 years
"Where I did things a bit differently on this record is instead of booking a studio out Monday to Friday 12 til 6, when you do it that way, it kind of feels like work. You get in mid-day and you know you've got to get out of there by 6pm. And it kind of stains the air. It changes the way you create."
- Where do you find inspiring to write [Track by Track, 11.29.22]
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