#air superiority
nocternalrandomness · 5 months
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Eagles over Luke - Jan 1987
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defensenow · 11 days
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crassetination · 2 years
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Air Force of the Future 22 - Fighters
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blackros78 · 5 months
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Three F-14 prototypes in flight near Calverton, New York 
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stone-cold-groove · 1 year
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From FF-1 to Supersonic Tiger.
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amwilburn · 2 years
Top Gun Maverick (2022)
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Finally got a chance to see this. I was not expecting a sequel 36 years in the making to be such a huge improvement.
Where the first mainly had cringey dialog, the sequel improves both in and out if the cockpit. That being said, there were still a couple of scenes that felt non sequitur.
The real improvement is in the cinematography; which makes the 1986 original look like television by comparison, with the originals reused "firing a missile" shot, green screens, and superimposed aircraft shots.
In the original, I was annoyed by the painting of F5 fighters black and calling the Migs. In this, my pet peeve was *everyone* still succumbing to Maverick's "put on the brakes" manouvre. As if nobody else had learned it in 36 years.
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Maverick reminds me of Star Wars (borrowing both the basic plot and visceral flying thrills). A great summer popcorn flick, steeped in nostalgia with tons of callbacks and a wonderfully ridiculous finale.
YMMV: If you don't remember the original (or never watched it), there will be a ton of references that will be lost on you. Should be around a 7.0/10 for those folks. For me, 9.0/10, A- (originally)
Warning: the flying scenes may have been too intense... the Mrs found them nausea inducing.
Re-review: I finally rewatched it. An absolute masterclass in acting (and VFX); from the looks on everyone's faces when they realize Maverick might not come back from this one, to the CGI & miniature work that invisibly complements the incredible cinematography.
Still not perfect; occasional pacing issues still, and while it's alright for the instructor to be better than the students; (who were already Top Gun grads and the best of the best), but they made it look like they didn't know how to fly a plane. But it's better than I realized on first watch. Originally giving it a 9/10 on first watch? it's now
9.4/10, A
*This* is how you do a sequel.
A film can change your impression of an actor. I wasn't fond of Miles Teller after Fantastic 4, but think a lot more highly of him after Maverick
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ghoku · 1 month
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tmarshconnors · 3 months
"When the Royal Air Force flies the sky, it shines like platinum that leads to peace, freedom, and victory."
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TMarsh-Connors host of Angry British Conservative podcast.
Passionate Blogger and Vlogger: TMarsh-Connors is a passionate individual who dedicates their free time to blogging on platforms like Tumblr and DeviantART. Their commitment to both the written word and visual content showcases a multifaceted approach to sharing thoughts and experiences.
Weekly Podcast Host: In addition to blogging, TMarsh-Connors hosts a weekly podcast titled "Angry British Conservative," demonstrating a strong voice in discussing political and social topics. The podcast is available on various platforms such as YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and more, reaching a diverse audience.
Utilizes Written Word and Video: TMarsh-Connors skillfully employs both the power of the written word and video content to convey thoughts, experiences, and insights. This multimedia approach allows for a dynamic and engaging communication style, catering to different audience preferences.
Active Presence on Multiple Platforms: TMarsh-Connors has extended their reach by being present on various platforms, including YouTube, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, and likely others. This strategic decision enhances the accessibility of their content, making it available to a broader audience across different online spaces.
Shares Personal Perspective as an "Angry British Conservative": The choice of the podcast title, "Angry British Conservative," suggests that TMarsh-Connors takes a bold and unapologetic stance on political matters. This indicates a willingness to share personal perspectives and opinions, contributing to a dialogue on political and social issues.
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defencecapital · 1 year
Rafales Replace Russian Sukhois As India’s Frontline Fighters; Fly To France For 1st Multi-Nation Wargames
By Neeraj Rajput and N. C. Bipindra for EurAsian Times New Delhi: India is sending its Rafale combat jets to France for a multi-nation air exercise. This is the first time the 2020-inducted Indian Air Force (IAF) fighters have flown overseas to join a wargame in a friendly foreign nation’s air base. The French-origin nuke-delivery platform has emerged as the South Asian giant’s true “frontline”…
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1st FW F-15 from Langley AFB over the Hampton Coliseum
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defensenow · 1 month
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f-15-h · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day
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arthursfuckinghat · 2 months
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"Religion is just a word. Hearts are rarely pure, but equally are they rarely impure either."
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kataraslove · 9 months
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part 1 of kataang/yangvik parallels: katara and kavik using spirit water from the oasis to save aang and yangchen’s lives. credit to kataangthinker on twitter.
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readingjellyfish · 1 year
I recently saw a review of The Cruel Prince, and one of the critiques was that it wasn't clear why Cardan hated Jude so much in the beginning, but for me we were given not one but THREE clear reasons on why he hated her so much:
He thought Locke was using Jude to hurt Nicasia (who Cardan does and always will care a lot for) and indirectly humiliate him by stealing his girlfriend only to leave her for a mortal. While Locke did do that, he was using Jude just as much, cause the mortal he actually left Nicasia for was, of course, Taryn. But that is something Cardan only finds out later in the book so for a long time he saw it fit to direct his hatred towards Jude.
He had (since childhood) always been envious of Jude because even tho she was a mortal, Madoc, who wasn't even her real father, always loved and cared for her (Jude is, after all, his favourite child) while Cardan, a Faerie Prince, was always ignored and mistreated by his own family. Which, if you look from a child's perspective is bound to create resentment and eventually hate.
And last but certainly not least, my favourite reason: He thought of her, often, it was disgusting and he couldn't stop.
thank you for coming to my Ted Talk! ♡
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finedinereception · 8 months
you know how ice king, when confronted with evidence of simon petrikovs existence, tends to either be unable to process that identity or makes casually dismissive and rude comments (being ashamed of his glasses, calling himself a "scrawny armed loser", etc)
you know how winter king is basically a sane ice king
you know how winter king makes casual comments that feel so specifically, pointedly tailored to make simon feel inferior or be dismissive of his feelings
yeah. thinking about that.
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