#aiwanger hubert
suzimiya · 1 year
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33 Jahre auf Bewährung für Hubert Schulranzer * Text to Image API | DeepAI #text2img #Gabby# Aiwanger
stablediffusion #craiyon-V3 #dalle #dalleMini #lookingglassai #Runway
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context: Hubert Aiwanger who had antisemitic flyers in his backpack when he was in school and did not apologize for that and his party, Die Freien Wähler, got the second most votes in Bayern (Bavaria, a state of Germany) and had the biggest increase in voters of all parties.
[Image ID: The Destiel confession meme edited so that Dean answers 'apparently being accused of being an antisemite gets you more voters instead of less now' to Cas' 'I love you'. /End ID]
People in Germany: Please Vote so people like that don't get that much influence!
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y'know one of the things that piss me off the most about the elections in germany? that the party (Freie Wähler) of the guy who didnt even apologise when it got out that antisemitic flyers had been found in his backpack at school had the biggest increase in voters in bayern (bavaria). and the nazi party (not the same btw. its called AfD) got the second most votes in hessen (hesse) and the third most votes in bavaria.
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cahirsmommy · 4 months
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und antisemitischer als die afd ist das nicht toll
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stanley-ballz · 1 year
Wenn ich Aiwanger (und Söder in gewissen Anteil) noch einmal von einer Hetzkampagne der Medien reden höre und er weiter völlig seine eigene Schuld ignoriert....
Ich kann nicht so viel essen wie ich kotzen will
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fernsehn · 1 year
Stell dir vor, eines Tages ist der weirdo aus deiner Klasse, der rechtsradikale Flugblätter als Scherz verteilt hat und zum Spaß den Hitlergruß zeigte, als er ins Klassenzimmer kam, stellvertretender Ministerpräsident deines Bundeslands.
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wildbeimwild · 14 days
Video: Fuchsquälerei in Schliefenanlage
Mehrmals pro Woche missbraucht man dort die Tiere in unterirdischen Gangsystemen dazu, um „Jagdhunde“ für die Baujagd auf Füchse und Dachse zu trainieren. Meist liegen diese Anlagen versteckt in unzugänglichen Waldgebieten. PETA hat heute ein Video aus dem Inneren einer Schliefenanlage in Lemgo (Nordrhein-Westfalen) veröffentlicht. Die Aufnahmen aus dem Jahr 2018 wurden der…
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bauerntanz · 8 months
"Ich wünsche Bayern einen demokratischen."
"Ich wünsche Bayern einen demokratischen." Michel Friedman zerlegt argumentativ Hubert Aiwanger via @NurderK
„Er ist der stellvertretende Ministerpräsident, ich wünsche Bayern einen demokratischen.“ Michel Friedman zerlegt hier argumentativ @HubertAiwanger pic.twitter.com/tccCLXPFXA — Nurder Koch (@NurderK) January 29, 2024
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politikwatch · 10 months
#Merz #Söder #Linnemann #Lindner ❗🤬
sowie #ChristianDürr (#FDP)
#JohannesVogel (FDP)
#WolfgangKubicki (FDP)
#MartinHuber (#CSU)
#HubertAiwanger (#FreieWähler)
& alle #AFD #Politiker ❗🤬
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suzimiya · 1 year
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Oin schwieriges Rätsel, wuiches #Oiwonger-Buid passt do jetzt ned nei?
Oans - Zwoa - Drei - Xuffa! 🍻 äh.. oder Vier?' mein ich! ??
Oba schnöö mochn, sunst geht meine Erinnerlichkeit wieder verloren! Prost! 🍺
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salon-du-fromage · 1 year
Now online: TITANIC-Telefonterror
Now online: TITANIC-Telefonterror!
© Titanic-Magazin Der Titanic-Telefonterror aus Ausgabe 10/2023 ist jetzt online ohne Paywall zu lesen! »Ein Glück, dass TITANIC nicht nur aiwangertreu, sondern auch im ständigen Kontakt mit Deutschlands einzigem Aiwangerimitator Andreas Maria Lugauer steht. Die Aufgabe ist klar: Dafür sorgen, dass ›Old Huberhand‹ auch weiterhin fest im Sattel sitzt. Wie das gelingen soll? Wir telefonieren uns…
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Sich darüber zu informieren, was in Bayern passiert ist das Gegenteil von self-care. Natürlich ist das immer der Fall, aber es fällt doch besonders auf, wenn die Kake so am dampfen ist, dass man einfach nicht wegschauen kann
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mel-rhodes-place · 1 year
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell’s much-anticipated Jackson Hole speech did little to resolve the conflict gripping markets late this summer: whether a rapid climb in interest rates spells doom for the surprising 2023 stock-market rally. Futures markets show a growing expectation that rates could stay higher for longer, putting pressure on stocks . This week, investors will parse a new release…
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itsyveinthesky · 4 months
Apropos Hochwasser
Wir erinnern uns
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Auf Druck der Freien Wähler: Bayerns Regierung streicht Hochwasserschutz zusammen
CSU und Freie Wähler entscheiden sich gegen bereits geplante Flutpolder an der Donau. Auffälligerweise in Landkreisen, in denen Vertraute von FW-Chef Hubert Aiwanger amtieren. Flussabwärts kommt das gar nicht gut an.
Noch im Mai dieses Jahres reiste der damalige bayerische Umweltminister Marcel Huber durch die Kommunen entlang der Donau, um für nachhaltigen Hochwasserschutz zu werben. „Flutpolder sind unsere Festungen gegen Jahrhundertfluten“, beschwor der CSU-Politiker, wohl wissend um die Vorbehalte der Anwohner gegen den Bau der riesigen Wasserrückhaltebecken. Knapp neun Monate später ist er abgelöst von Thorsten Glauber von den Freien Wählern und drei von zehn geplanten gesteuerten Flutpoldern gehören der Vergangenheit an. ...
Danke an diesen User auf reddit für den Hinweis.
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the-light-of-stars · 10 months
German politicians call for a new law making it so immigrants have to confirm that they are pro-Israel before being allowed citizenship:
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" Those who want to get a German passport should, according to this, have to avow themselves to Israel's right to existence, so it was said. "Upon existence of real, unshakeable clues for an antisemitic opinion of the applicant a naturalization should be explicitly ruled out." . Germans who also possess a second citizenship should lose it according to the proposal, if they were convicted of a prison sentence of at least one year due to an antisemitic crime."
from a proposal of the German conservative party CDU.
Important to note: When the proposal talks of antisemitic crimes and clues it is specifically referring to israel-criticism, since currently many pro-palestine protests - including specifically protests by jewish people - are being outlawed with the argument that they are antisemitic and terrorism-glorifying. Banned phrases currently considered antisemitic and terrorism-glorifying according to german police and thus grounds for arrest include "Stop the war" or "Stop the genocide" as well as the phrase "Free Palestine" and the "from the river" chant and variations of it.
Meanwhile the CDU's bavarian regional division CSU has no issue working with right wing conservative politician Hubert Aiwanger, who just two months ago has been in country-wide news for, as it turns out, having a history of spreading extremely antisemitic propaganda fliers as well as doing the nazi salute. He has not been investigated for this by the government at all nor has he faced any repercussions, instead he has been made vice president of a german federal state. Similarly there have been barely any repercussions for white supremacist antisemites, instead they get to hold protests and demonstrations where they yell racist and antisemitic chants with police protection.
These german politicians do not care about antisemitism or the safety of jewish citizens, not really, or else they would have done something about the rampant right wing antisemitism in germany years ago. Instead they are using the term antisemitism as a hollow excuse to ban protests that dissent from the governments opinion, going so far that now politicians are even calling for non-EU immigrants in germany to be prohibited from protesting altogether, as well as an excuse for creating xenophobic and racist laws that will make it easier for non-EU immigrants and refugees to be deported or to not be let into the country in the first place - in the process hurting and endangering muslim and jewish members of the population by stoking both islamophobia and actual antisemitism.
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tanadrin · 7 months
In Subcontractors of Guilt: Holocaust Memory and Muslim Belonging in Postwar Germany, Esra Özyürek describes the way that German politicians, officials and journalists, now that the far right is in the ascendant, have been cranking up the old mechanism of sanitising Germany by demonising Muslims. In December 2022, German police foiled a coup attempt by Reichsbürger, an extremist group with more than twenty thousand members, which was planning an assault on the Bundestag. Alternative für Deutschland, which has neo-Nazi affiliations, has become the country’s second most popular party, partly in response to economic mismanagement by the coalition led by Olaf Scholz. Yet despite the undisguised antisemitism of even mainstream politicians such as Hubert Aiwanger, the deputy minister-president of Bavaria, ‘white Christian-background Germans’ see themselves ‘as having reached their destination of redemption and re-democratisation’, according to Özyürek. The ‘general German social problem of antisemitism’ is projected onto a minority of Arab immigrants, who are then further stigmatised as ‘the most unrepentant antisemites’ in need of ‘additional education and disciplining’. ...
Netanyahu, too, has learned from Germany’s postwar efforts at whitewashing. In 2015 he claimed that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem had persuaded Hitler to murder rather than simply expel the Jews. Three years later, after initially criticising a move by the Law and Justice Party in Poland to criminalise references to Polish collaboration, he endorsed the law making such references punishable by a fine. He has since legitimised Shoah revisionism in Lithuania and Hungary, commending both countries for their valiant struggle against antisemitism. (Efraim Zuroff, a historian who has helped bring many former Nazis to trial, compared this to ‘praising the Ku Klux Klan for improving racial relations in the South’.) More recently, Netanyahu accompanied Elon Musk to one of the kibbutzim targeted by Hamas, just days after Musk tweeted in support of an antisemitic conspiracy theory. Since 7 October, he has seemed to be reading from the Eichmann trial script. He regularly announces that he is fighting the ‘new Nazis’ in Gaza in order to save ‘Western civilisation’, while others in his cohort of Jewish supremacists keep up a supporting chorus. The people of Gaza are ‘subhuman’, ‘animals’, ‘Nazis’. ...
In a more unnerving illustration of the postwar German-Israeli symbiosis, the German health minister, Karl Lauterbach, approvingly retweeted a video in which Douglas Murray, a mouthpiece of the English far right, claims that the Nazis were more decent than Hamas. ‘Watch and listen,’ retweeted Karin Prien, deputy chair of the Christian Democratic Union and education minister for Schleswig-Holstein. ‘This is great,’ Jan Fleischhauer, a former contributing editor at Der Spiegel, wrote. ‘Really great,’ echoed Veronika Grimm, a member of the German Council of Economic Experts. The Süddeutsche Zeitung, which in 2021 ‘outed’ five Lebanese and Palestinian journalists at Deutsche Welle as antisemites, with equally flimsy evidence exposed the Indian poet and art historian Ranjit Hoskote as a calumniator of Jews for comparing Zionism with Hindu nationalism. Die Zeit alerted German readers to another moral outrage: ‘Greta Thunberg openly sympathises with the Palestinians.’ An open letter from Adam Tooze, Samuel Moyn and other academics criticising Jürgen Habermas’s statement in support of Israel’s actions provoked an editor at the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung to claim that Jews have an ‘enemy’ at universities in the form of postcolonial studies. Der Spiegel ran a cover picture of Scholz alongside his claim that ‘we need to deport on a grand scale again.’ ... Susan Neiman, who wrote admiringly of Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Learning from the Germans (2020), now says she has changed her mind. ‘German historical reckoning has gone haywire,’ she wrote in October. ‘This philosemitic fury ... has been used to attack Jews in Germany.’ In Never Again: Germans and Genocide after the Holocaust, which examines the German response to mass killings in Cambodia, Rwanda and the Balkans, Andrew Port suggests that their ‘otherwise admirable reckoning with the Holocaust may have unwittingly desensitised Germans. The conviction that they had left the rabid racism of their forebears far behind them may have paradoxically allowed for the unabashed expression of different forms of racism.’
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