#ajdjdjd I really hope you get them
watchyourbuck · 1 year
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kikyoupdates · 11 days
im. not rlly sure how to work stuff on qoitev beyong reading, but ive been goin thru and reading all ur oc stories ajsjsj. your writing is sooooo good 😭 it kinda makes me want to write one of my own... anyways, i wasnt gonna read girlfriend for hire at first cuz the premise didnt stick with me but after quickly getting caught up with all your other stories and knowing HOW GOOD they are i haveee to read it so. ill be doing that soon 🫡 ive been in a pretty dark place lately and reading your stuff has kept me from completely losing it so, really, thank you so much for what you do. i dont remember fully but i think i even recced one of your stories to my partner 😭 i should rec them your vampire one i uhh im bad w names but i really think theyd like kai alot. i know zeek has barely been in the story but i think i love him. ajdjdjd ill get out of your hair now, dont feel pressured to post or anything i just noticed your inbox was open and wanted to tell you
hey, im really glad to hear you enjoy my stories so much! it means a lot, especially since the ongoing situation on my main writing platform (Quotev) is very discouraging. so i really do appreciate everyone who supports me, and im happy to hear that my stories have helped you through a rough patch. i hope that whatever it is, it gets better soon. and yes, my friend is the one who mainly runs this blog for me, but every now and then i can login into this account to answer asks, so feel free to submit whatever other questions you may have! thanks again for reading my stories <33
-ada (kikyo/starflame)
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ibuki-loves-you · 3 years
Ajdjdjde if this ends up being a miniature story I-
This'll answer to Taiyo's relationship with spiders, and who said the thingy.
"When I grow up, I KNOW you'll be my queen! Alright Spider!? You're making my declaration of love not romantic anymore..." Taiyo whined, crossing him arms with a huff. He quickly swiveled around, ready to walk away. Taiyo wouldn't though, but if he did he'd go quite slow...
"T-Taiyoo! Taiyo wait!! I'm sooorrryy..." The girl standing next to him, Yamanashi Kai, or Spider, barreled straight into him.
At first glance, you'd never guess she'd practically mastered Taekgyeon and Wushu already. Yamanashi was quite small; frail-looking. Yet, that allowed her to easily trick her opponents into letting their guard down. She'd never let her small defect(Yamanashi actually only has 8 fingers! That and some other things are why Taiyo calls her Spider.) lead her life.
Taiyo, on the other hand, didn't quite bother with self defense. He, one, found it useless(no one would EVER hurt their prince!!), and two, would never accomplish anything with it.
The two were an unexpected duo, but an inseparable one at that. Taiyo was warm-hearted, naive, and generally a very nice person(if you counted out his many pranks). Yamanashi was quite a cold, sarcastic, rude person. At least she respected her elders?
"Taiyo... You believe in me, right? Because that belief in me is needed right now. I need you to stay right here, and don't move for quite a while." Yamanashi whispered, giving Taiyo's hand a small squeeze, then dashing off.
Taiyo waited. Waited some more. He waited what felt like an eternity, until his gut feeling got too strong for him to handle.
So, being the impulsive kid he was, Taiyo dashed in the direction he last saw "Spider" go.
"Sp-Spider? Hello?..." Taiyo glanced around frantically, his eyes eventually landing on a half-dead body. Soaked in blood, no one else but Taiyo would recognize the person.
"...Spider? Spider? Spider respond to me!!" He sobbed, dashing towards Yamanashi with unbelievable speed.
Taiyo clutched onto her martial arts uniform, sniffling quite loudly. "Y-You- you aren't allowed to die, alright!? I-I won't let my future queen die!! We- we have to- to- rule together! S-So get it together stupid-head!! Cmon, respond to me!" Taiyo squinted, hoping to see even the slightest movement. He knew she was still alive, her heart was beating... Even though it was slower than it should be.
All Taiyo got from the one person who understood him, and loved him nearly as much as he loved them, was a weak "Shhh... You've done great, you survived. Yay! I'm going to be gone soon, so you need to accept there's no saving me...", as she smiled ever so slightly and lifted her arm up to drape it over his back.
She let him cry. Didn't attempt to stop it at all. Yamanashi knew of what she did, sacrifice herself. A "stupid-head thing to do", if you asked Taiyo. Yamanashi knew how Taiyo would respond, how he wouldn't wait like she told him to, how he'd run after her. She understood the reasoning behind his breakdown. She was the only person he really loved, and still did...even after her eyesight blurred, darkened, her heart slowed more. The last thing she heard was "Yama-Yamanashi Kai!! Y-You better not die on me just yet-", and the last thing she said was "Enjoy life for me, Prince Hinode...Your princess will watch over you forever."
And all went blank.
WoO, I think we can all agree that s u c k e d.
Ye 👌 🕺✨
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So here's young Taiyo and Yamanashi trying to remember how to ball dance lmao-
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grizztheexplorer · 4 years
Ep 2 Love Victor live reaction:
-this bitch is a sophomore AND gay he has no business being this smooth😭😭
- lowkey the actor has the dopey smile down to a T he could bring great chemistry on screen with any gender so I hope to see him a lot more in the future in different projects
- I like how in the credits pics are in the color of the lgbt flag. That’s a good touch. Also the last pic of credits being Felix, Lake, Mia, and Victor makes me feel like no matter how messy it is when Victor accepts he is gay with Mia, ultimately that’s the gang. Those are the core friends. So it will be messy but they’ll be alright
- kid has good comedic timing i hope he talks more
- the parents are so cute, if they weren’t struggling together i would hope they end together. Lowkey feel like they won’t so i dont wanna go thro the heartbreak of shipping them for them not to work. The actor that plays dad always has good chemistry with his costars like in one day at the time. Even with how awful Penelope and Victor were, they had so much chemistry when they weren’t fighting
- i really dislike Andrew lmao u ain’t slick show why the fuck would a student put their coach’s pants down the disrespect smh. Idk if that’s American schools but to my experience that’s too far of a joke lmao
- say what you want, but Victor cares for Mia and is trying bc he thinks it could work bc he likes her. Andrew is 100% just using Lake, who he KNOWS likes him, in order to try to sabotage Victor and Mia. Which also?? If u like someone why try sabotaging their happiness??? I know they are kids and they make selfish dumb decisions sometimes, but this guy lowkey classist af too and his friend make homophobic jokes he’s cool with therefore he does NOT get a pass for being a dumb child until he actively stops his shit and apologizes
- he played call me maybe😭😭 he is BOLD BOLD. But also lowkey so white ajdjdjdj. Cute af tho. A MOVE. He def has been confused bu the vibes.
- he’s in a band omg the hottest dude is the other gay kid rip victor
- I thought Felix was gonna lowkey kill it shdjdj
- I love Lake she KNOWS her worth hell yeh
- Mia and Victor lowkey cute but damn can’t work if u deliberately avoid a place bc u keep looking at the dude
- the mom is a cheater lmaoooo i knew I didn’t like her that much😭😭 bet that’s why they fucking moved too. Now i want them to break up lol
- Dad shouldn’t guilt her tho. If u moved bc of the cheating and want to start again then its to give her the opportunity. If you wanna guilt her and stand on moral high ground then either take a break and separate for a while to think or fully divorce. And i WILL hold that against both the parents bc they are grown not high school kids.
- Victor deadass looks like he’s salivating im screaming lmaoooo. I don’t think even I have been that googo face when looking at someone im crushing on (thats a lie i have sjdjdj)
- the daughter should absolutely give them shit lmao I hope she confronts them
-lowkey i live for cheaters feeling guilty sudjdj but i do think if armando is gonna try again and give her a chance then he can’t hold it against her. That’s unfair. Is understandable if he’s angry and hurt and doesn’t trust her, but in that case I repeat myself. Separate for a while to breath and think things over.
- Benji did all that shit and has a bf?????????????? SIR???????????? AND AFTER HE FELT THE JETS????? Also love how Simon knew dude was wrong. You can’t compare someone you like to something “i try and it wasn’t that bad” when you are with someone is not trying is bc u wanna be😭😭😭😭😭😭 all kids who aren’t assholes (Lake, Mia, Victor, Pilar, Felix, and Benji) get a pass to make dumb decisions on my part as long as they are doing it bc they legitimately think is for the best. That means Andrew still not vibing with me sjdjdjjd. I’m good with everyone else😌
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jinnielovebot · 6 years
I'm sorry for ranting but I had a crush on that boy distanced himself from our group of friends (like me and that other friends) one time and we were like the bestest friends... yeah the cliche falling for the bff anyways since he distanced himself I just decided to forget about him and everthing was good but few months ago he started to go out with us again and he even apologize and explained why he did that and it was really dumb... he confessed it was too lol 1/2
And now it isn’t like before like we aren’t the bestest friends like we were but we are slowing,,, getting closer again and for some reason it seems like my feelings are coming back,,, like I really didn’t wanted it like I am trying really hard to forget any feeling I had for him but for some reason everytime we talk my hearts go crazy and…. idk what to do LMAO help 2/2
ajsjsjd dw im here for u to rant!! and actually i was in a really similar situation myself like the whole falling for bff but growing apart thing and i think its good that ur feelings are coming back!! i mean you probably dont want them to ajdjdjd LMAO but i think that the fact that u get lil butterflies when you talk to him now even after the whole distancing thing only validates ur feelings even more!! i mean for me i didnt get the same feelings back when he and i got closer again so i realized that it was probably good that i didnt act on my “”feelings”” before since it prob wouldve fallen thru but for u i mean if u still feel !!!! about him even after all that time then it must mean smthn good!!! so u should POUNCE ON HIM WHILE U CAN AJSJJDDJ ok im kidding kinda id say take it slow and observe n see if u think he feels the same!! or snoop around n ask ppl thats what i do SAJKDADKHAK
BUT smthn else this could mean is that ur just getting the jitters from getting closer to him again and it just makes u a lil shy but happy n excited!! that you guys are on the way to being best friends again so mbe just wait it out and see if the feelings are just lil happy jitters or if they rlly are real feelings I HOPE THE BEST FOR U B UPDATE ME
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