#aka animal man and vixen
undertheknightwing · 2 years
I'm not done talking about Gar yet, the scene where he's sitting on the stairs after connecting to the Red RYAN'S ACTING THROUGH FACIAL EXPRESSION AND BODY MOVEMENT IS SO GOOD
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azurecanary · 2 years
Okay y'all, I need to rant a bit.
The tenth anniversary of Arrow and the Arrowverse happened recently, and after watching a lot of videos, I started thinking.
And full disclosure, y'all know I love Sara and Legends of Tomorrow, but this is something that really bugs me.
When Arrow was first released, they created this character, who was adapted from one of the most iconic DC names after Batman, Flash, Superman, Wonder Woman, etc. Not that iconic that non DC fans would know, but if you did know DC, you knew the Black Canary.
So my question and frustration is, why why wasn't Laurel aka Dinah Lance aka the Black Canary as big of a deal as other heroes like Green Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, etc. Why did everything that was Dinah's and the Black Canary's given to an OC with the same last name?
Like, Laurel (either version) doesn't show up in any of the crossovers, apart from brief appearances in the two part Heroes Join Forces crossover, as well as the less known animated stint with Vixen and the half a second flashback in COIE. She's not mentioned as being one of Earth 1's first heroes, despite putting on the mask before Speedy, Frost, Plastic Man, etc.
Not even the Earth 2 version, who was one of the most cunning and underrated villains before her redemption to becoming one of the most determined and hardworking heroes, even having half a season dedicated to preparing the character for Crisis before having her story handed off to Supergirl.
It's just very frustrating how this character who had so much potential as being one of the greatest heroes in the Arrowverse, only to get the short end of the stick in favour of OCs like Sara or Felicity or terribly mischaracterized versions of other iconic heroes like Oliver or Kara.
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phoenixlionme · 1 year
DC Comics Black Superheroes with Pictures (Part 1)
NOTE: I know I have already done this type of list in the past. I have decided to do one again but with pics of each hero. If I am missing anyone, please add them with a pic but be respectful.
1. Sarah Charles
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2. Mari McCabe aka Vixen - Ghana born immigrant
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3. Jackson Hyde/Kaldur’ahm aka Aqualad
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4. John Henry Irons aka Steel
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5. Natasha Irons aka Steel II
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6. Beth Chapel aka Doctor Mid-Nite
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7. Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning
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8. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
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9. Jennifer Pierce aka Lightning
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10. Michael Holt aka Mr. Terrific 
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11. Jason Rusch aka Firestorm
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12. Black Vulcan - from the old Superfriend cartoon who I personally would retcon as a woman
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13. Curt Metcalf aka Hardware
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14. Mal Duncan aka Guardian
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15. Hot Spot - name unknown; from the animated Teen Titans show
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16. Anita Fite aka Empress - biracial; Afro Haitian
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17. Jill Carlyle aka Crimson Avenger
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18. Nubia aka Wonder Woman
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19. Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - biracial; she is an Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
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20. Tanya Spears aka Power Girl II 
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21. David Zavimbe aka Batman of Africa or Batwing - Congolese born
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22. Connor Hawke aka Green Lantern II - biracial; half white and Korean; depicted with a dark complexion
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23. Adam Evans aka Rubberband Man - ally of Static in the animated TV series
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24. Darla Dudley aka Shazam
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25. Jo Mullein aka Green Lantern
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26. Jess Chambers aka Future State Flash
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27. Bobby Barnes aka Wonderboy; artwork by Luciano Vecchio
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28. Philippus - Often considered Wonder Woman Diana’s other mother
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29. Akila - Amazon warrior and lover of Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
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30. Peony McGill aka Star Blossom
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Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
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hunterguyveriv · 3 years
Injustice 3 Characters?........I’m hoping so!
So as of late, I've been hearing rumors that an Injustice 3 game is in the works. As much as I want all characters from both games to come back I think there are some characters whether they are DC characters that have yet to make an appearance, Crossover characters, or simply characters Warner Brothers has the movie rights to that I would love to see. This is my short list on who I would love to see in Injustice 3 if the rumors are indeed true as DLC characters.
DC Comics Characters: Abby Arcane - Current Avatar of the Rot: She could be an interesting addition to the Injustice cast if Swamp Thing and Poison Ivy return. I could see her dialogue with Swamp Thing being similar to Ollie & Dinah's and her dialogue with Ivy being more vicious towards because Swamp Thing's heart and soul has always been Abby's. Now I know, that they are no longer an item (regrettibly) but it has been proven in one of the recent Justice League Dark comics that they still have feelings for each other even though one is the Avatar of the Rot and the other is the Avatar of the Green
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Anton Arcane - Rival Rot Avatar: If Abby is added for Swamp Thing then you have to have the one person who is their worst enemy. Dialogue between both him and Abby and him and Swamp Thing would be vicious and awesome. Even his dialogue with Ivy a hinted future Avatar of the Green from the New 52 Swamp Thing series. he could also be an invaluable ally to Superman to a point because in one of the tie-in crossover series to Injustice Superman obtained Rot-Creatures to protect his territory from magic.
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Zuggernaut:  I admit I know little to nothing about this character, except that he appears to be a copy of the manga version of the last character in this short list (who was created in 1985) and think it would be nice to see both on screen together challenging each other on who the true Alien Bio-Weapon really is. Would also be kind of sweet to see him and Jaime’s Blue Beetle fight.
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Animal Man: An ally to Alec Holland during the RotWorld saga, I think interactions with not Just Swamp Thing but Vixen, Cheetah, Ivy, Aquaman (who is literally the Avatar of the Blue - Water) would be interesting. More so if Abby Arcane and Anton Arcane are added to the game.
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Crossover Characters:
Oroku Saki aka The Shredder: Come on now, like Swamp Thing and Anton Arcane, you can't add the Ninja Turtles without adding their greatest enemy the Shredder. If memory also serves me right from the Batman vs TMNT movie, Shredder was also someone who could go toe to toe with Batman in combat and beat him and had him on the ropes their second encounter. Depending on what continuity you follow Shredder has been known to take down aliens 3 times bigger and stronger than him. So him taking on someone like Superman and soundly beating in a game like Injustice wouldn’t be that much of a stretch.
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He-Man and Teela: Let me be as blunt as blunt can be. This is NOT because of the new Kevin Smith series. This is because of the Injustice vs Masters of the Universe tie-in comics. Both He-Man and Teela in those comics proved they could fight not just Superman but with Bane and Wonder Woman also. Teela mortally wounded Wonder Woman (who was saved on Batman’s quick thinking) and was even called a Good Soldier by a bleeding out Wonder Woman and up until the power of Greyskull ran out, He-Man was going blow for blow with Superman. Teela also got the attention of Granny Goodness with her prowess of a fighter and considered.....”TRAINING”..... her to be an addition to her Furies.
But even the He-Man vs Teela dialogue could be prove to be rather interesting, especially if she is te Injustice vs MotU Teela who knows Prince Adam is He-Man, and could prove to be comical with others because she kind of gets jealous when Zatanna touches Adam’s chest-plate. 
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Skeletor: But including He-Man and Teela, you have to include Skeletor who was plotting not just against Superman but also Darkseid all to gain access to Castle Greyskull even though it cost him his life in the end..... or did it?
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But with the inclusion of He-Man, Teela, and Skeletor it also can open up the door for Hordak who in the Injustice vs Masters of the Universe forms his own version of a Red-Ring corps and took over Apokolips. The Hordak who like Darkseid is more than happy to commit genocide on hundreds of planets just for a whim. Which I know some will argue with his involvement you gotta have She-Ra - which I would agree, BUT Classic She-Ra. The same She-Ra who also had the title Desparda who had no qualms killing thousands in the name of Hordak and nearly killed her brother in the MotU: Eternity War saga which was also done by DC Comics. I know the She-Ra fans of the recent series will be upset with that, but lets be honest - for something that is dark and serious like Injustice, the new versions of Hordak and She-Ra just simply wouldn’t cut it. She-Ra and Teela matches and She-Ra and He-Man matches alone would be a nice add. Sibling Rivalry and two future Sister-in-Laws... “SPARRING.”
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Guyver: I know, I know this is a wishful-thinking-pipe dream of a fan to a dying franchise. I know New Line Cinemas did the movies and Warner Brothers now own the rights to the Guyver movies, since I last checked or at least Guyver: Dark Hero (1994) which is the main reason I want to see Guyver crossover into Injustice. But I would love to see Guyver and Blue-Beetle (2 Alien War Machines) go at it and even even Guyver vs Zuggernaut. The dialogue alone along with their super attacks would be absolute gold!
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Edit-Addons for DC Characters (6-25): Magog (Kingdom Come): If anyone by now isn’t familiar with Kingdom Come, it is an alternative to the Injustice Series. Instead of Superman killing Joker for Lois’ death it was Magog. When the aquittal of Magog forced Superman to go into a self imposed exile, Magog formed his own group of Super-humans and distributed his own ruthless form of justice upon those that his group fought culminating in the destruction of Kansas. The inclusion of his character could prove interesting because like Injustice the death of Lois at the hands of Joker and his deaths set into motion in both “universes” where the Justice League (who’s dangerously close to turning into the regime) and Batman’s allies fight.
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Gog (The Kingdom): With the Multi-Verse in play from both games, the inclusion of this guy is a must! He started off as a normal man by the name of William who was one of the survivors of the Kansas Disaster caused by Magog, saw Superman as the as quite literally a Jesus Christ type figure. When Superman set him straight on things including the Kansas Disaster, William’s beliefs were shaken to the core and questioning his worth, in which the Phantom Stranger bestowed upon him all sorts of powers (powers of Zeus, Shazam, Oan, and a few others I believe). But with his beliefs shaken along with his worth and mental stability fractured, he used said abilities to go on a Superman killing spree throughout the multi-verse. He was so mad that he even went back in time and caused his own Kansas Disaster catching the attention of the present Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman. It took the combined might of the time Traveling Superman/Wonder Woman/Batman and some allies with the “present day” versions of themselves and “PD”-Superman piercing the veil of the multi-verse to completely defeat Gog. Seeing him fight Injustice-Superman alone would be worth his inclusion.
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fabianocolucci · 4 years
The DC live-action multiverse: which movies and shows are part of it?
As a longtime DC Comics fan, I am so glad to see my favorite heroes, villains and so on sharing one giant and cohesive multiverse where they can interact with one another despite coming from different stories set in different realities. That does feel like I’m diving deep into the actual DC Multiverse, the one you can read inside comic books.
However, things are now so big that I have to admit I am too confused about which and TV shows are actually part of this multiverse, hence why I am writing this post, just in case other people may feel the same way about it.
When the CW aired Crisis on Infinite Earths, it helped connecting many separate franchises with one another, with some of them being classic movies and TV shows from yesteryear. As such, I will be using that as a reference for canonicity, especially since there haven’t been so many new products that aired since.
I will divide the movies and TV shows into their franchises, but with three specific categories:
·       Movies and shows that have aired since Arrow (2012) and Man of Steel (2013) since debuted and are connected thanks to Crisis
·       Movies and shows that were included into the multiverse by Crisis despite the fact they aired before Arrow
·       Movies and shows that could be part of this multiverse, but there are no confirmations yet
I used both Arrow and Man of Steel because they are the starting point of DC’s largest TV and movie franchises yet, respectively the Arrowverse and the DC Extended Universe.
Now, without further to do, let’s see what is canon within this multiverse!
“Modern” movies and shows in the multiverse
While some of these started out as being their own thing, with the intention of forming their own franchise, they have since merged into one big multiverse.
The network where most of these TV shows air (or aired) is The CW, hence why there is also the term CWVerse connected to it, even though fans still prefer to call it Arrowverse, after the show that started it all.
Some of the shows weren’t supposed to be part of the franchise from the start, but have since united into one cohesive multiverse.
·       Arrow (2012-2020)
·       Constantine (2014-2015)
·       The Flash (2014- )
·       Supergirl (2015-2021)
·       Legends of Tomorrow (2016- )
·       Black Lightning (2018-2021)
·       Batwoman (2019- )
·       Stargirl (2020- )
·       Superman & Lois (2021- )
·       Naomi (TBD)
DC Extended Universe
DC’s largest movie franchise yet in terms of installments, it was connected to the Arrowverse thanks to Crisis on Infinite Earths. I won’t list down all the announced projects, because this franchise is somewhat infamous for announcing movies and then not making all of them. By the way, these are all the movies that have been released or are in production as of right now.
·       Man of Steel (2013)
·       Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
·       Suicide Squad (2016)
·       Wonder Woman (2017)
·       Justice League (2017)
·       Aquaman (2018)
·       Shazam! (2019)
·       Birds of Prey (2020)
·       Wonder Woman 1984 (2020)
·       The Suicide Squad (2021)
·       The Flash (2022)
·       Aquaman 2 (2022)
·       Shazam! Fury of the Gods (2023)
·       Black Adam (TBD)
·       Wonder Woman 3 (TBD)
·       Blue Beetle (TBD)
The Conjuring Universe
This horror franchise shares some production elements with the DCEU (such as producers, directors and even actors), and some small links have been made to connect the two, so they can be considered canon.
·       The Conjuring (2013)
·       Annabelle (2014)
·       The Conjuring 2 (2016)
·       Annabelle: Creation (2017)
·       The Nun (2018)
·       The Curse of La Llorona (2019)
·       Annabelle Comes Home (2019)
Titansverse (aka the former DC Universe shows)
DC Universe was a streaming service that tried to create its own multiverse. It included four shows, which have since joined the Arrowverse (Stargirl being the most prominent case, which is why it is listed as part of it). The shows are:
·       Titans (2018- )
·       Doom Patrol (2019- )
·       Swamp Thing (2019)
HBO Max movies and shows
HBO Max is planning to release movies and shows set across the multiverse, even tying them with other franchises like the Arrowverse and the DCEU. The shows in question are:
·       Peacemaker (2022- )
·       Green Lantern (TBD)
·       Gotham City Police Department (TBD)
·       Justice League Dark (TBD)
There are also other projects, but information about them is still scarce, so, maybe, this post will become updated soon if they announce something about them.
As for the movies, well, there are two particular cases.
·       The Batman (2022) is linked to this multiverse because the Gotham City Police Department show will be a spin-off of that movie
·       Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021) is actually an alternate version of another film, Justice League. They could both be considered canon, due to this being a multiverse.
In reality, these shows weren’t connected through Crisis, having been announced afterwards, but they are still confirmed to be part of the multiverse.
Past movies and shows included in the multiverse
Crisis on Infinite Earths managed to pay homage to past DC franchises by including some of them in the crossover event, thus tying them all together. In chronological order, these are:
·       Fleischer Superman cartoons (1941-1943), included by the comic book tie-in
·       Batman (1966-1968), its companion movie (1966) and, by extension, The Green Hornet (1966-1967). Adam West and Burt Ward reprised their role in Legend of the Super Heroes (1979) which sees them in a comedic special with other members of the Justice League, as well as in two animated movies released in 2016 and 2017). There is a comic book that crosses over with the Wonder Woman show (1975-1979), which may actually be included twice, since a version of it does appear in the comic book tie-in of Crisis of Infinite Earths.
·       Superman movie series (1978-1987) due to Brandon Routh reprising his role from Superman Returns (2006) which is supposed to be an alternate sequel to Superman II. However, due to him mentioning events of Superman III, it may not be so clear which movies are supposed to be canon in this multiverse. Supergirl (1984) is supposedly included
·       Batman movie series (1989-1997) which could also include Catwoman (2004)
·       The Flash (1990-1991) which was also included as part of the multiverse as far back as 2016
·       Smallville (2001-2011). Tom Welling does reprise his role as Clark Kent, but there are canon issues between his portrayal in the crossover and the show’s proper, which suggests he didn’t play the Smallville Superman, but a version from that multiverse
·       Birds of Prey (2002-2003)
·       Green Lantern (2011) due to footage from that movie shown at the end of the crossover. However, it is not clear yet if that was supposed to indicate that the movie was now canon or if that was simply archive footage to connect it to the announced HBO Max show
·       Lucifer (2016-2021) is the only show that was included while being concurrent with the Arrowverse (Black Lightning may count as well, since the crossover is what brought it to the franchise)
Movies and shows that could be part of the franchise
With one exception, those movies and shows were released at the same time as the Arrowverse and the DCEU, but either there haven’t been plans to connect them together or there is no indication if they are already part of the franchise.
·       The Dark Knight trilogy (2005-2012). Props from that franchise have appeared in the Arrowverse, whose version of Gotham City even resembles the one of the films
·       DC Animated Movie Universe (2013-2020). The Arrowverse has aired three animated shows. While Vixen and The Ray (both lasting two seasons) were included as canon with the actors voicing the main characters appearing in the live-action shows, “Constantine: City of Demons” doesn’t seem to be connected to the franchise except for Matt Ryan voicing him. In fact, that version of Constantine is more consistent with that of the DC Animated Movie Universe, so, maybe, that world is connected
·       Gotham (2014-2019) and its prequel Pennyworth (2019- ) aren’t connected within the Arrowverse as of right now
·       iZombie (2015-2019) is curious in that it is a show that aired on The CW for its entire run, but no attempts have ever been made about tying it into the Arrowverse
·       Preacher (2016-2019) is based on a DC imprint, but it always tried to be its own thing
·       Powerless (2017) tried to be its own thing from the beginning. They jokingly consider it to be set on “Earth-P” as part of the multiverse, but that isn’t considered as canon
·       Krypton (2018-2019) could count due to the fact that they planned its inclusion in the crossover, but was scrapped. Also, this show started as a DCEU prequel, so some connectivity could still be there
·       Joker (2019) is set in its own universe, and there are no plans to include it in any place as of right now
·       The Boys (2019- ) does adapt a comic from a DC imprint, but it is not considered as part of the multiverse, at least not yet
As you can see, this franchise is so enormous that it makes sense why some could be confused about what belongs where.
I do hope that my post managed to help you understand something about it. Meanwhile, see you next time!
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Sly Foxes and Sassy Kitties
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NXNSMSM YAS BISH YAAAASSS I was debating on my OC having a Kistune quirk so this'll be good hopefully
Starts asking about everything and anything about your fox quirk
Even some personal questions like what kind of soap you use
Once you two hit it off expect him to be all over you
He loves everything about you, and god does he live for your tail
Entranced by it's fluffiness and the way it sways
Flustered boi if you point it out to him
"N-NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT Y/N!!! I just noticed that you slightly wag when you're happy" he shoots you a soft smile and a gentle chuckle
Great now you're flustered
Brush your tail against him and he combusts right then and there
Everytime you two snuggle he's petting you until he drifts off to sleep
Dies from how cute you are when you're confused bc your ears twitch
Catch him extra flustered and he might squeak out a "Vixen"
"Tch another animal quirk? Really?"
He's skeptical of your fox quirk until he notices the perks
Heightened hearing and smell, agility, ears, tail, and.. sharp canines? Oh no
Once you two hit it off he's a teasing boyfriend
"Oi get your fuckin fur out of the drain before I get the hounds" he says with a shit-eating smirk
He loves to see you get flustered bc your tail turns into a duster
Lives to see you get frustrated too
He might have a thing for your sharp teeth and short fuses
During softer moments is when he can really take it all in
His pets are weighted but still gentle, paying attention to behind your ears which he knows puts you in bliss bc of your wagging tail
Grabs your tail to not only be a dick but also to get you riled up
He knows you got good hearing and boy does he put that to good use
"You might be a fox but I'm your wolf baby" he growled under his breath sending you into cardiac arrest
He doesn't understand what the hype was about
So what you had a cat quirk
That was until you two started dating
He loves the catlike aura you give off
Sleepy, laid back, cunning
But what really reels him in is your eyes
The way your pupils dilate when you're excited, the way they sharpen when you focus on things, the way they expand when you're flustered
Strong contributor of head pats and pets
Secretly down for all of your catnaps he just might need some coaxing
Will rub circles on your skin and play with your tail mindlessly when you cuddle
Lives to hear you purr softly
You're his ultimate stress relief
Calls you "Kitty" in private because he knows how flustered you get
"A cat quirk, huh" he flashes you a shit-eating grin, "does that mean you've got nine lives?"
He never thought having a Cat quirk would be so useful and annoying at the same time
Once you hit it off then things get serious
"Get the hell off my coat Y/n" "But it's so warm and it smells like you!" "Don't make me buy you a litter box"
Cat jokes daily
One time he picks you up and you slip through his hands like a real cat and he just sits on the couch and stares at you in shock
Plays with your ears when you two are cuddling
"Stop purring, dollface" aka I love you
Is low-key weak for your cat eyes
Tugs on your tail when he's needy
When he's mad at you he just gives you a bowl of cat food and gets offended when you don't eat it
He eventually gets you a black collar choker with a teal bell on it
Claims it's so "I can hear you when you try to sneak up on me"
The real reason is because he's a sinful man
He was indifferent of it at first
Until you started dating
Now you'll never let him have a break
Ever since you sent him the infamous text
"The Fox is in the Hen House"- Y/n
Cue his flustered ass rushing over to his place to see you giggling at his expense
"What's my little Birdy doing today" boom he's dead
He finds the way you look at him hot but also intimidating, the sense of a predator eyeing him like he was dinner
He's in a constant state of "oh shit" when he sees that glint in your eyes
When you're not teasing him or giving him raging boners he loves everything about you
His favorite thing is to run his hand through your tail when you walk by
There are times where he gets you flustered and he gets so cocky about it
"What's wrong Foxy? Are you blushing because of a little bird?"
It becomes a game to see who can be more flustered
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vulpesse-arc · 4 years
fill out & repost ♥ This meme definitely favors canons more, but I hope OC’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. Multi-Muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
tagged by:   stolen :) tagging:    @scendant​ , @verumking​ , @sunszenith​ , @blackedsun​ , @saigeonmain​ , @quartlet​ , @shadowhelmed​ , @hotman​ , @devilglow​ , @drivenchaos​ , @re-no​ , @ladyfortunes​ , @cchilyoja​ , @quartlet​ , @deathboundinautumn​ , @ioniacriminal​ , anyone else who might like to do this :)
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MY MUSE IS:   canon / oc / au / slightly canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated.
IS YOUR CHARACTER POPULAR IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO. [ She is mayhap one of the most famous characters in the entire franchise as well as one of the oldest and who has suffered the most because of the fandom’s misconceptions. ]
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED HOT™ IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Once more, yes, she’s definitely seen as one of the hottest characters in the game. I suppose that this has both good sides and bad sides? Especially when you encounter people who refuse to see past her physique. ]
IS YOUR CHARACTER CONSIDERED STRONG IN THE FANDOM?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Ahri might not be the strongest character in the fandom but she’s certainly not weak either. What she cannot accomplish with mere physical strength alone, she can accomplish thanks to her charming abilities so she’s definitely a strong and dangerous opponent to face. ]
ARE THEY UNDERRATED?   YES / NO / IDK. [ Yes and no at the same time? People love and hate her in equal measure but, after writing as her for so many years, I have also come to realize that few are the ones who actually pay attention to her lore and to her depth as a character. I’d say that her fame has made people blind towards who she really is and this is very sad. ]
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN STORY?   YES / NO, she’s more on the neutral side.
WERE THEY RELEVANT FOR THE MAIN CHARACTER?    YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ LOL doesn’t really have a main character or someone who’s inherently more important than others: everyone is the main character of their own specific story. This is why she is relevant to those who encounter her and those who have come to become part of her tale ; for the rest of the world, however, she’s nothing more than a vulpine vastaya with a pretty face. ]
ARE THEY WIDELY KNOWN IN THEIR WORLD?   YES / NO. [ Ahri is well known in Ionia due to her past as a vicious man-eater. However, such tales and legends belong to ages long passed and no one would be capable of discerning her true identity by simply looking at her ; this is why even fellow vastayas and ionians are usually unaware of her relation to the beast that devoured entire villages. As far as the whole world is concerned, no, she’s definitely not known by the majority. ]
HOW’S THEIR REPUTATION?   GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL. [ I’d say that her reputation is definitely bad. As previously mentioned, she carved her name in the legends of Ionia with her undying hunger and through the unfair massacre of many innocent souls ; although such legends do not carry her name, you can still find visual depictions of the vixen who spread chaos and havoc through the holy lands. In the present days, she is still considered as someone who should not be trusted: rumors about what she is capable of have spread and only fools are willing to consciously approach someone who might easily dine on their souls and hearts. ]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?   —   I began writing as Ahri many years ago, which means that her lore has been twisted and modified quite some times from the very beginning. Although I do follow her present canon and I do adore every little detail that has been shared in pursuance of giving her more depth, I cannot really leave behind everything that I have developed in the past years. An easy example is the fact that my Ahri is still loosely based on the Korean myth of the “Gumiho”, which is a detail that plays an extremely important part in my portrayal: Ahri is, in fact, more beast than woman, is someone whose morals will always linger in the darkest shades of gray, is someone who adores violence and who has yet to properly harbor any type of guilt for everything that she has done thus far ; another detail is the fact that she devours souls as much as she can indulge in the flavor of hearts and livers as well. So, I would say that my Ahri is canon but with her own little twists?
SELL YOUR MUSE! Aka try to list everything, which makes your muse interesting in your opinion to make them spicy for your mutuals.   —   Ahri is an incredibly complex creature, someone whose very existence is quite paradoxical for she represents both death and the maiden at the same exact time. She can be cruel and heartless as much as she can be gentle and dulcet, she is always greedy for knowledge and there is nothing that she adores as much as listening to someone’s stories or learning new facts about a world that is still oh so foreign to her. She’s beautiful, elegant, has the fluffiest tails you will ever see and she’s definitely the best cuddle buddy! Despite her murderous nature, there is something oddly soothing about her company that will naturally lure you closer. 
Now the OPPOSITE, list everything why your muse could not be so interesting (even if you may not agree, what does the fandom perhaps think?).   —  Ahri is not a good person, not even a good animal. She’s incredibly instinctive and easily becomes victim to her own whims and desires and feelings: if she decides that she wants something, she will not stop in front of anything in pursuance of quenching her thirst. Because of this, she’s a huge liar, she’s manipulative and sly and dishonest, she knows the weaknesses of those around her and does not hesitate to exploit them in pursuance of elevating herself to a higher plane. She’s not easy to deal with because she will rarely say the truth and will rarely allow others to come close to her ; it doesn’t matter who the other person is, her first instinct will always be that of hunting them.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?   —   I was asked to write as this muse many years ago by a friend of mine. I didn’t even like her at first... I thought that she was nothing more than some easy fanservice for the game but I am so glad that I changed my mind because she has ultimately become my favorite muse and someone I always come back to, no matter how many years have passed. 
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?   —   Poetry is perhaps my strongest inspiration when it comes to Ahri! Poetry and visuals of idyllic landscapes, of flowers in bloom, of porcelain marred by blood. Music might sometimes help too (for example I do tend to listen to the OST of “Memoirs of a Geisha” whilst writing replies) but I’d say that poetry is indeed my strongest inspiration, it’s the one thing that makes me think of other aspects of her and that continues to fuel my motivation to be here.
Some more personal questions for the mun.
Give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
DO YOU THINK YOU GIVE YOUR CHARACTER JUSTICE?   YES / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ I’m extremely hesitant and nervous about my portrayal, so... I do hope that the people I write with might eventually begin to enjoy my portrayal of Ahri. ]
DO YOU FREQUENTLY WRITE HEADCANONS?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I think of headcanons very often but I must say that I haven’t posted too much on this blog lately. Some of them got stolen, others got ignored and... That lowkey killed my motivation to openly post the ideas I have about my muse. This is however something that I plan on changing soon! ]
DO YOU SOMETIMES WRITE DRABBLES?   YES / NO [ It depends on my inspiration or on the prompt I am given. ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR PORTRAYAL?   YES / NO / SORT OF? [ Not really... I love my Ahri, I love the headcanons that I have developed for her and I adore the interactions that she has had during this time, but... I’m always scared of people’s bad judgement, of being seen as uninteresting or as not talented enough to portray such a complex character. ]
ARE YOU CONFIDENT IN YOUR WRITING?   YES / NO / A LITTLE BIT. [ I believe that I can still improve, especially considering that my writing style is constantly changing. But I am not too sad about it! ]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?   —   As long as the criticism comes with the intent of helping me to improve my portrayal, then yes, I do accept it well because it would allow me to look at things from a different point of view and thus help me to realize in which fields I am currently lacking. Due to the fact that the LOL characters can be quite ‘loose’ when it comes to their canons (especially in the case of those who weren’t given much material to work with in the first place), I do believe that everyone can take quite a large amount of creative freedom when portraying them ; however, I do realize that some of my headcanons might sound weird to someone else and I have absolutely nothing against explaining my side of things, the reasons that have motivated me to make Ahri behave in a certain way instead of another. Criticism is always good, as long as it’s not accompanied by free hatred. 
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU TO EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?   —  Absolutely yes! I love it when people come and ask for more information about Ahri or when I receive really curious anons about the most mundane aspects of her life.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?   —  Why not? I might not drop the headcanon since I’m still certain that I am the person who knows my muse the most but I’m not against discussing things with another person, especially if our points of view are really that different. 
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?   —  I admit that I’d be sad over it since I’m well aware of how much passion and effort I am constantly pouring in my portrayal. However, that wouldn’t be the end of the world! There are so many beautiful Ahris out there who have taken a different path from me and thus developed their muses in a different manner, so I’d just suggest to the person to try and interact with them instead. 
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?   —  Ah, you would be surprised to know how many people hate Ahri in the fandom! What saddens me is the fact that such hatred usually stems from really useless and dumb reasons, such as her being more famous than another champion or her receiving more skins than their fave... Even in the roleplay community, I sometimes encountered people who hated her simply because she was “too famous” and that really annoyed me because it’s groundless bashing with no roots to support it. However, I can understand why someone might dislike a character who’s so manipulative and dishonest! Obviously, I wish that people saw more than just this one side of her, but... We can’t have everything in life, sadly.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?   —   Of course, as long as the person is not rude about it! I am Italian so English is my second language and grammatical errors can and will indeed happen. 
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  I think I am easy going although I am incredibly shy and this... This is a huge problem when it comes to interacting with others since it might take me a while to respond to messages and open up to someone else. This is a side of myself that I truly wish to change and I’m working really hard on abandoning my comfort zone, but... It takes time, a lot of time. However! Despite my shyness, I can assure you that I’m the softest person you will ever meet and that if you manage to make me feel comfy around you, I will not stop speaking about Ahri and about music and about videogames and anything else that we might have in common! Once I do grow close to someone, I love to talk and meme and share things and... I think I also become slightly clingy? But I always mean good, I swear... I’m just a shy bun who wants to have fun and love you :(
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creaturecarer · 6 years
the red is a force that permeates all of animal life in the universe. there are multiple forces like this, all pertaining to some aspect of nature, such as the green which is plant life, or the clear which is aquatic life ( cue aquaman ). some of these forces can overlap from time to time, especially when we talk about the red. you see aquaman can tap into the clear and use this ability with aquatic animals, however buddy has abilities involving all animals and mirco-organisms even to the point of something so small as bacteria.
other such forces are as follows: the black ( death ), the green ( plant life ), the clear ( aquatic life ), the white ( air elementals ), the grey ( fungal life ), an unnamed fire realm ( fire elementals ), the melt ( earth elementals ), the metal ( metal and technological elementals ), the divided ( bacteria, amoebas, and other microscopic forms of life).
buddy baker is a conduit of the red, also know as the template, the life web or the morphogenetic field. other well known conduits of the red are vixen ( mari mccabe ) and beast boy ( garfield logan ), along with buddy’s own daughter, maxine baker to say a few. 
when buddy was nineteen he went out hunting with his best friend, the two decided to split up, and when buddy ventured off on his own he discovered an alien space ship that emitted such a bright light he was momentarily blinded. when he could see again he was in a clearing and face to face with a tiger. however when the tiger leapt to attack him, buddy found he had new found abilities which he quickly realised were those of the animals around him ( strange adventures #180 ). 
he concludes that the light from the alien craft must have been radioactive and that is what gave him his powers, however this was just the beginning of his discovery. as publication has gone on and new writers have stepped up to write animal man the red and buddy’s powers have evolved and changed in many ways which has effected the way the red actually works. 
a decade or more after buddy originally gained his powers he comes face to face with the aliens who’s space craft he had stumbled upon all those years previous, and they explain the red to him as a template that they brought to earth and allowed certain people to access, such as mari mccabe through the tantu totem, and himself. with buddy however they reveal that when he was hit by the bright light, which was in fact an explosion, he was killed and incinerated. the aliens then grafted his spirit to the template and ‘rebuilt’ his body cell by cell, consequently giving him his abilities ( animal man #11 ). 
later buddy travels to arizona with a man named james highwater and the two go on a vision quest from which the template is described as a morphogenetic field, a "mesh of countless smaller fields; each one a blueprint which guides the formation of atoms into molecules, molecules into cells, cells into tissues, organs, systems!" ( animal man #18 ). from there buddy concludes that he can use his powers even when the animals are not in his general vicinity as they are all connected in this field. 
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doomedandstoned · 7 years
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Album Covers That Blew Our Ever-Lovin’ Minds in ‘17
~By Billy Goate~
For The Love of Fantasy
The doom-stoner scene has long had a love affair with album art, much of which could be traced back to the thematic link between song lyrics and the fantasy and science fiction literature (indeed, Book of Wyrms directly alluded to these roots in January with the title of their debut, simply titled ‘Sci-Fi/Fantasy’). The animated features like Ralph Bakshi's Wizards (1977) and the Rankin/Bass television production The Hobbit from the same year, proved extraordinarily influential to artists of all stripes, whether their instrument of expression was the brush or guitar. And, of course, there was Heavy Metal (1981). Iron Maiden both fascinated and repulsed with their recurring figure of Eddie and Megadeth captivated imaginations with apocalyptic landscapes strewn with the horrific wreckage of what was once mankind.
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I think we can agree that a milestone was reached for the doom-stoner genre, however, with the release of Sleep’s Dopesmoker in 1999. Arik Roper depicted neither gore nor violence, yet the landscape felt decidedly post-apocalyptic. More than that, it told a story -- one that was certainly complimented by the lyrics of the San Jose band’s seminal work (even inspiring fan fiction in the form of the short-lived Creedsmen Arise, half of would later form Vokonis). Dopesmoker was a turning point for album art, indeed, after which point commissions for album covers and even concert posters multiplied exponentially. We’re talking some high quality strokes to match the intensity of the riffs we were hearing and the quality bud that was perhaps being smoked to max out the experience. This was art you could really get lost in, hearkening back to the dime store novels and Golden Age comic books that have been a part of Western reading for over a century.
In the decade of the 2010′s, one David Paul Seymour would dominate as the most recognized and celebrated artists for bands and fans alike. He was certainly not alone. We must also give props to the art of Skinner (a Mastodon go-to), Rob Leecock (Monster Magnet), John Dyer Baizley (Baroness), David D'Andrea from Samaritan Press (Sleep), Kiryk Drewinski (Liquid Visions), Paolo Girardi (Lycus) Nick Keller (Beastwars), John Santos (Torche), Adrian Baxter (Alunah), Mark McCormick (Witch Mountain), Zé Burnay (Space God Ritual), Pig Hands (Dopelord), Dominic Sohor (High Fighter), Colin Bolger of Dabulga Design, Antoine Defarges of Headbang Design, Goatess Doomwych, and many more. Of special note is Adrien Dexter (featured in the spread above), who has been the Elder album cover artist of choice record after record. Adrien went for a particularly striking color this year that was quite effective in breaking out of the drab palette we’ve become accustomed to (and complemented the music surprisingly well).
Doomed & Stoned
Artist of the Year
Most recently, another artist has taken the art of the album cover to another level altogether -- the Portland-based artist Adam Burke of Nightjar Illustration. Using oils to pain vast canvases of fantasy, Adam made a huge impression on bands last couple year with his album covers for Ancient Warlocks, Bright Curse, Great Electric Question, Pastor, and R.I.P. His powers of light and dark landscapes hold true to the fantasy genre that precedes him and takes the medium to bold new places. Not surprisingly, his project plate was full in 2017. Adam Burke gets our most approving nod for Artist of the Year! Here are some of his album covers -- all of these in 2017, mind you:
‘Infrared Horizon’ (April 2017)
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‘Glacial Rule’ (March 2017)
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‘Ramble Beyond’ (2017)
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‘Trails of Kosmic Dust’ (March 2017)
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‘Chamber of Horrors’ (July 2017)
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‘Entombment’ (June 2017)
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‘Firebreather’ (February 2017)
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‘Sonoran Depravation’ (October 2017)
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‘Excerpts From A Future Past’ (October 2017)
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‘Allured of the Fallen’ (September 2017)
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'Kook’ (April 2017)
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‘Horizonless’ (May 2017)
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‘High Strangeness’ (March 2017)
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‘Necromandus’ (July 2017)
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‘The Room of Shadows’ (August 2017)
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‘Planetary Space Child’ (August 2017)
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‘Berdreyminn’ (May 2017)
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‘Arcanum’ (June 2017)
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‘Turning Electric’ (November 2017)
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‘The Guardian of Yosemite’ (October 2017)
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‘Tchornobog’ (July 2017)
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As is always the case with an Adam Burke cover, there is more than meets the eye...
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'War Cloud' (September 2017)
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Adam Burke will be involved in the upcoming animated epic, ‘The Planet of Doom.’ The film is presently in the works, a production of Riff Lodge Animation. It's plot? "Halvar the Brave seeks vengeance aboard a witch-born chopper, journeying across a psychedelic landscape on a quest to defeat the deadly beast Mördvél for the slaying of his bride." The saga will play out in 14 chapters, with doom metal bands providing the soundtrack and today's finest album artists bringing the vision to life. Screenplay by David Paul Seymour and animated directed by Tim Granda.
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Here’s one of the many landscapes from the forthcoming animated feature 'Planet of Doom' that he’ll be involved in, with a number of others.
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Doomed & Stoned
Album Cover of the Year
Alright, as much praise as Doomed & Stoned is heaping on the esteemed Mr. Burke, there’s one album cover that absolutely stole away both heart and imagination this year and that belongs to Bell Witch, who commissioned Polish painter Mariusz Lewandowski to produce this mindfuck of a masterpiece for their Doom Charting record Mirror Reaper.
‘Mirror Reaper’ (October 2017)
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Here’s the full panorama. The piece is titled ‘Esencja wolności.’ If you had to guess what that means what would you suppose? I translated it as “Essence Freedom” and asked one of our former contributors who lives in Poland for a more accurate one. “The Essence of Freedom,” she responded. “Now it’s correct.” This sheds a whole new light for me on the Bell Witch album, which speaks of the relationship between life, death, and loss (unpacked nicely by Jacob Mazlum in his review here).
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While Mariusz may not the first to play with the idea of the interdimensional mirror, scarcely has it been depicted more effectively. In fact, it’s become something of a recurring theme in his oils. I enthusiastically encourage you to dive into this incredible artist’s work.
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‘Evil Sound Screamers’ (October 2017)
Artist: Shagrat
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'Solennial' (March 2017)
Artist: Adrian Baxter
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‘Riffography’ (December 2017)
Artist: Andrea Nakasato
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‘Asheran’ (July 2017)
Artist: Eli Quinn
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'Children of the Haze’ (2017)
Artist: Pig Hands
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‘Reflections of a Floating World’ (June 2017)
Artist: Adrian Dexter
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‘Viper Vixen Goddess Saint’ (June 2017)
Artist: Stash Illustration
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‘Trumpeting Ecstasy’ (May 2017)
Artist: Mark McCoy
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'Lödarödböl ' (July 2017)
Artist: Antoine Defarges
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‘Second Coming of Heavy: Chapter Six’ (July 2017)
Artist: Ghosttown Graphics
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‘Smoking Land’ (May 2017)
Artist: Esra Røise
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‘King Zog’ (May 2017)
Artist: Dominic Sohor
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'Kali Yuga' (September 2017)
Artist: Adam Eckley
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‘Gospel of Despair’ (November 2017)
Artist: Dan Goldsworthy
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‘War Moans’ (June 2017)
Artist: John Santos
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‘The Wrath of the Sea’ (September 2017)
Artist: Dabulga Design
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‘Too Many Winters’ (May 2017)
Artist: Mark McCormick
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‘Heartless’ (March 2017)
Artist: Chimère Noire
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‘RLC’ (April 2017)
Artist: Mike Winkelmann (aka Beeple)
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'The Great Fish' (September 2017)
Artist: Aaron John Gregory
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‘Doubleblind’ (April 2017)
Artist: Dmitri Mavra
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'Abominable ' (March 2017)
Artist: Antoine Defarges
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‘Burning of the Season’ (September 2017)
Artist: Kiryk Drewinski
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‘Master of Delusion’ (June 2017)
Artist: Dan MacDonald
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‘The Cult of Astaroth’ (October 2017)
Artist: SoloMacello
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‘Portals Into Futility’ (September 2017)
Artist: Orion Landau
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‘The Sunken Djinn’ (June 2017)
Artist: Tessa Najjar
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aion-rsa · 4 years
HBO Max New Releases: January 2021
It’s a new year and everyone wants to put the vile cesspool that was 2020 behind them. Thankfully, HBO Max is coming out swinging to make the transition out of the hellyear even easier. HBO Max’s list of new releases for January 2021 is positively packed with notable film releases and even a fun HBO Max Original or two.
For starters, Search Party season 4 will arrive to HBO Max on Jan. 14. This season of the show with a now-surprising lifespan finds Dory Sief in the thrall of a deranged stalker…right after getting off on murder charges. These Brooklynites lead such fascinating lives! The other major original or note is the HBO documentary Tiger, that premieres on Jan. 10 and will delve into the complicated history of golfing legend Tiger Woods.
The real story this month, however, are the movies. Perhaps emboldened by its success with Wonder Woman 1984, HBO Max is filling up its servers with as many Warner properties that it can find. The Dark Knight trilogy, Blade, Chinatown, The Exorcist, Mad Max: Fury Road, No Country for Old Men, and Pulp Fiction all arrive on Jan. 1. Poltergeist and Stephen King’s It (1990) make things spooky on Jan. 15. Then the month closes out with, quite simply, the greatest movie of all time: The Mummy (1999). The downside here is that some of these are limited engagements, with the aforementioned WW1984, Blade, Ocean’s Eleven, and more all leaving at month’s end.
Still, January 2021 will provide plenty of filmic fun on HBO Max. Here is the full list for your perusal.
HBO Max New Releases – January 2021
January 1 12 oz. Mouse, Seasons 1-2 42nd Street, 1933 All the President’s Men, 1976 Apple & Onion, Season 1B The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman, 1974 (HBO) Batman Begins, 2005 Batman Beyond Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker, 2000 Batman: Bad Blood, 2016 Batman: Death in the Family, 2020 Batman: Hush, 2019 Batman: The Animated Series Blade, 1998 A Better Life, 2011 (HBO) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 Dog Day Afternoon, 1975 Check It Out! with Steve Brule Chinatown, 1974 Codename: Kids Next Door The Color Purple, 1985 The Conjuring, 2013 Courage the Cowardly Dog Craig of the Creek, Season 2 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) The Dark Knight, 2008 The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 Dim Sum Funeral, 2009 (HBO) Ed, Edd n Eddy El Amor No Puede Esperar (Aka Love Can’t Wait), 2021 (HBO) Happy Feet, 2006 The Electric Horseman, 1979 (HBO) Escape from New York, 1981 The Exorcist, 1973 Flashpoint, 1984 (HBO) The General’s Daughter, 1999 (HBO) Gossip Girl Green Lantern, 2011 Green Lantern: The Animated Series Gremlins, 1984 Gremlins 2: The New Batch, 1990 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Happily N’Ever After, 2007 (HBO) Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow White, 2009 (HBO) Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008 (HBO) He Said She Said, 1991 (HBO) Heaven Help Us, 1985 (HBO) The Infamous Future, 2018 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001 (HBO) The Jellies Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, 2020 Kong: Skull Island, 2017 Little Con Lili, 2021 (HBO) Loiter Squad Ma, 2019 (HBO) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, 1983 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015 Magic Mike, 2012 Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart March of the Penguins, 2005 Margaret, 2011 (Extended Version) (HBO) Miracle On 34th Street, 1994 (HBO) Miss Firecracker, 1989 (HBO) Mulholland Dr., 2001 Mystic River, 2003 Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D, 2012 (HBO) No Country for Old Men, 2007 The Notebook, 2004 Ocean’s 8, 2018 Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, 1985 Piter, 2021 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 Pulp Fiction, 1994 Purple Rain, 1984 Ready Player One, 2018 Revenge Of The Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds IV: Nerds In Love, 2005 (HBO) Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Se7en, 1995 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Snowpiercer, Season 1 A Star is Born, 2018 Superman: Doomsday, 2007 Superman: Man of Tomorrow, 2020 Superman Returns, 2006 Swimfan, 2002 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 The Three Stooges, 2012 (HBO) TMNT, 2007 Tom Goes to the Mayor The Trouble With Spies, 1987 (HBO) Underclassman, 2005 (HBO) V for Vendetta, 2005 Van Wilder: Freshman Year (Extended Version), 2009 (HBO) Walk Of Shame, 2014 (HBO) Warrior, Seasons 1-2 (HBO) Willard, 1971 (HBO) Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) You Can Count On Me, 2000 (HBO)
January 2 The High Note, 2020 (HBO)
January 4 30 Coins, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 8 Patriot’s Day, 2016 Scream, 1996 Squish, Season 1
January 9 The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, Season 2 Ben 10, Season 4A The King Of Staten Island, 2020 (HBO)
January 10 Miracle Workers, Season 2 Tiger, Two-Part Documentary Premiere (HBO)
January 12 Against The Wild, 2014 Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti, 2016 Alpha and Omega 5: Family Vacation, 2015 Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs, 2016 Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World, 2015 Blue Valentine, 2010 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, 2000 Earth Girls Are Easy, 1989 An Elephant’s Journey, 2018 The Escape Artist, 1982 Get Carter, 1971 Hecho En Mexico, 2012 Hellboy: Blood and Iron, 2007 Hellboy: Sword of Storms, 2006 Hellboy: The Dark Below, 2010 Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again, 2016 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, 1976 The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, 2013 La Mujer de Mi Hermano, 2005 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers, 2015 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Counting on Lemonade, 2014 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: The Letter Machine Rescue Team, 2014 Leapfrog: Numberland, 2012 Lost and Delirious, 2001 Love and Sex, 2000 Lovely & Amazing, 2002 The Man Who Would Be King, 1975 Meatballs, 1979 The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009 A Mermaid’s Tale, 2017 Mistress, 1992 Mother’s Day, 2012 Mud, 2013 Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki, 2016 Night is Short, Walk on Girl, 2017 No Eres Tu Soy Yo, 2011 Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure, 2019 Ollie & Moon, Seasons 1-2 Other Parents, Seasons 1-2 Pinocchio, 2012 Promare, 2019 Reservoir Dogs, 1992 Ride Your Wave, 2019 Righteous Kill, 2008 Sprung, 1997 The Spy Next Door, 2010 Tender Mercies, 1983 Thanks for Sharing, 2013 Turtle Tale, 2018 The Visitor, 2008 Vixen, 2015
January 14 Search Party, Max Original Season 4 Premiere
January 15 Stephen King’s It, 1990 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975 Poltergeist, 1982 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Director’s Cut, Season 1 dubbed (Crunchyroll Collection) Real Time With Bill Maher, Season 19 Premiere (HBO) Roots (Mini Series), 1977 Si Yo Fuera Rico (Aka If I Were Rich), 2021 (HBO) The Wayans Bros
January 16 Eve Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO)
January 19 Everwood
January 20 At Home with Amy Sedaris, Season 3 C.B. Strike, Season 1 (HBO) C.B. Strike: Lethal White, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
January 21 Gomorrah, Max Original Season 3 Premiere Looney Tunes Cartoons, Season 1C
January 22 The New Adventures of Old Christine Painting with John, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 23 Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Person of Interest
January 24 Euphoria Special Episode Part 2: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob, Special Episode Premiere (HBO)
January 26 Babylon 5 Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
January 29 ¡Animo Juventud! (Aka Go Youth!), 2021 (HBO) The Little Things What I Like About You
January 30 The Mummy, 1999 (HBO) The Mummy Returns, 2001 (HBO) Pushing Daisies The Scorpion King, 2002 (HBO)
January 31 Axios, Season 4 Premiere (HBO)
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Leaving HBO Max – January 2021
January 7 War Dogs, 2016
January 24 Wonder Woman 1984, 2020
January 31 Ad Astra, 2019 After Hours, 1985 Akeelah And The Bee, 2006 All Is Bright, 2013 America, America, 1964 Anchors Aweigh, 1945 The Arrangement, 1969 Bee Season, 2005 Before Sunrise, 1995 Before Sunset, 2004 Best Laid Plans, 1999 Bigger Than The Sky, 2005 Blade II, 2002 Blade, 1998 Blood Simple, 1984 Bridge To Terabithia, 2007 Bright Lights, Big City, 1988 The Change-Up, 2011 The Children, 2009 A Christmas Carol, 1938 Crash, 2005 (Director’s Cut) David Copperfield, 1935 Days After Your Departure, 2019 Enemy Of The State, 1998 Everybody’s All-American, 1988 Father’s Day, 1997 Friday Night Lights, 2004 Get On Up, 2014 Guys And Dolls, 1955 High Society, 1956 Jeepers Creepers 2, 2003 Jeepers Creepers, 2001 Leprechaun 2, 1994 Leprechaun, 1993 Magnolia, 1999 The Man With The Golden Arm, 1955 Mars Attacks!, 1996 Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011 Martin Lawrence You So Crazy, 1994 New Year’s Eve, 2011 (HBO) Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 On The Town, 1949 The Pelican Brief, 1993 Planet Of The Apes, 2001 Risky Business, 1983 Semi-Pro, 2008 Some Came Running, 1958 Something Borrowed, 2011 Splendor In The Grass, 1961 Walk The Line, 2005 (Extended Version) When Harry Met Sally, 1989
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officialotakudome · 4 years
New Post has been published on Otaku Dome | The Latest News In Anime, Manga, Gaming, And More
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HBO Max January 2021 Slate
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HBO Max has announced it’s January 2021 slate:
Spread the word, Upper Eastsiders — all six seasons of “Gossip Girl” are coming to HBO Max on January 1st. The month also brings the film premiere of Locked Down starring Anne Hathaway and Chiwetel Ejiofor, the second special episode of the Emmy®-winning drama “Euphoria,” the season four return of the beloved “Search Party,” and the two-part documentary “Tiger,” which illuminates the rise, fall and epic comeback of global golf icon Tiger Woods. Selena Gomez is back for seconds with a new season of “Selena + Chef,” and HBO Max is also serving up new episodes of “Looney Tunes Cartoons,” “Batman Beyond” and “Batman the Animated Series.”
On January 29, John Lee Hancock’s suspenseful psychological thriller “The Little Things” starring Academy Award winners Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto, premieres in theaters around the country and on HBO Max the same day. “The Little Things” will be available on HBO Max for 31 days from its theatrical release in the U.S. included at no additional cost to subscribers.
The third season of Italian crime drama “Gomorrah“ also joins the platform alongside both seasons of “Warrior” from Cinemax.
Catch up on the first season of the post-apocalyptic sci-fi thriller “Snowpiercer” when it arrives on HBO Max this month ahead of its Season 2 premiere on TNT. Or queue up a lineup of A-List movies including “The King of Staten Island,” the “Ocean’s” trilogy and “Ocean’s 8,” “The Notebook,” and Quentin Tarantino’s “Kill Bill: Vol 1″ & 2, “Pulp Fiction” and “Reservoir Dogs.“
And just a reminder as we get ready to ring in the new year: New and returning subscribers can sign up for a pre-paid offer and get 6 months of HBO Max at a discounted rate of $69.99 plus applicable taxes. Find out more at HBOMax.com.
Exact Dates to be Announced:
Arthur’s Law, Max Original Series Premiere
The unemployed Arthur Ahnepol (Jan Josef Liefers) ekes out a bleak existence. Drawn from the strains of his unhappy marriage and bored to death, he makes a morbid plan: he wants his obnoxious wife to die. With the money from the life insurance there’s no obstacle for a restart with his beloved mistress. But an unwritten law dominates the life of the unlucky fellow: every problem solved by Arthur has a far worse effect. And so, he sets off an avalanche of disastrous events.
The Event, Max Original Series Premiere
An unprecedented look behind the scenes of the extraordinary events created by Wolfgang Puck Catering and legendary restaurateur Wolfgang Puck. From Renegade 83, each one-hour episode will follow various members of Puck’s team as they strive to amaze clients and surpass even the highest expectations.
Locked Down, Max Original Film Premiere
Just as they decide to separate, Linda (Anne Hathaway) and Paxton (Chiwetel Ejiofor) find life has other plans when they are stuck at home in a mandatory lockdown. Co-habitation is proving to be a challenge, but fueled by poetry and copious amounts of wine, it will bring them closer together in the most surprising way.
Perfect Life (fka Vida Perfecta), Max Original Season 1 Premiere
Maria, Esther and Cristina are three women in the middle of a life crisis. They have realized that the plans they had made for themselves haven’t really gotten them the long-promised happiness they yearned for. Together, they will find alternatives and make decisions that will lead them away from what society expects from them. They will soon realize that life doesn’t necessarily have to be what they always imagined.
Possessions, HBO Max Season 1 Premiere
The series tells the story of Natalie, a young French expatriate in Israel, who is charged with the murder of her husband on their wedding night. Karim, a French diplomat in charge of helping French citizens who have to deal with the Israeli authorities, slowly falls for Natalie. He cannot figure out whether the young lady is deeply lost and vulnerable, or dangerously manipulative. Obsessed with this case, Karim dives into Natalie and her family’s mysterious past.
Selena + Chef, Max Original Season 2 Premiere
The unscripted cooking series features the multi-platinum selling recording artist, actress, producer, entrepreneur, and philanthropist as she navigates unfamiliar territory: making delicious meals while stuck at home in quarantine.
January 1: 12 oz. Mouse, Seasons 1 & 2 42nd Street, 1933 All the President’s Men, 1976 Apple & Onion, Season 1B The Autobiography Of Miss Jane Pittman, 1974 (HBO) Batman Begins, 2005 Batman Beyond Batman Beyond: The Return of the Joker, 2000 Batman: Bad Blood, 2016 Batman: Death in the Family, 2020 Batman: Hush, 2019 Batman: The Animated Series Blade, 1998 A Better Life, 2011 (HBO) Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, 2005 Dog Day Afternoon, 1975 Check It Out! with Steve Brule Chinatown, 1974 Codename: Kids Next Door The Color Purple, 1985 The Conjuring, 2013 Courage the Cowardly Dog Craig of the Creek, Season 2 The Crocodile Hunter: Collision Course, 2002 (HBO) The Dark Knight, 2008 The Dark Knight Rises, 2012 Dim Sum Funeral, 2009 (HBO) Ed, Edd n Eddy El Amor No Puede Esperar (Aka Love Can’t Wait), 2021 (HBO) Happy Feet, 2006 The Electric Horseman, 1979 (HBO) Escape from New York, 1981 The Exorcist, 1973 Flashpoint, 1984 (HBO) The General’s Daughter, 1999 (HBO) Gossip Girl Green Lantern, 2011 Green Lantern: The Animated Series Gremlins , 1984 Gremlins 2: The New Batch, 1990 The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy Happily N’Ever After, 2007 (HBO) Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow White, 2009 (HBO) Happy-Go-Lucky, 2008 (HBO) He Said She Said, 1991 (HBO) Heaven Help Us, 1985 (HBO) The Infamous Future, 2018 Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back, 2001 (HBO) The Jellies Justice League Dark: Apokolips War, 2020 Kong: Skull Island, 2017 Little Con Lili, 2021 (HBO) Loiter Squad Ma, 2019 (HBO) Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, 1983 Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015 Magic Mike, 2012 Mao Mao, Heroes of Pure Heart March of the Penguins, 2005 Margaret, 2011 (Extended Version) (HBO) Miracle On 34th Street, 1994 (HBO) Miss Firecracker, 1989 (HBO) Mulholland Dr., 2001 Mystic River, 2003 Nitro Circus: The Movie 3D, 2012 (HBO) No Country for Old Men, 2007 The Notebook, 2004 Ocean’s 8, 2018 Ocean’s Eleven , 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, 1985 Piter, 2021 (HBO) The Producers, 1968 Pulp Fiction, 1994 Purple Rain, 1984 Ready Player One, 2018 Revenge Of The Nerds, 1984 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds II: Nerds In Paradise, 1987 (HBO) Revenge Of The Nerds IV: Nerds In Love, 2005 (HBO) Rollerball, 2002 (HBO) Se7en, 1995 Shallow Hal, 2001 (HBO) Snowpiercer, Season 1 A Star is Born , 2018 Superman: Doomsday, 2007 Superman: Man of Tomorrow, 2020 Superman Returns, 2006 Swimfan, 2002 (HBO) This Is Spinal Tap, 1984 The Three Stooges, 2012 (HBO) TMNT, 2007 Tom Goes to the Mayor The Trouble With Spies, 1987 (HBO) Underclassman, 2005 (HBO) V for Vendetta, 2005 Van Wilder: Freshman Year (Extended Version), 2009 (HBO) Walk Of Shame, 2014 (HBO) Warrior, Seasons 1 & 2 (HBO) Willard, 1971 (HBO) Worth Winning, 1989 (HBO) You Can Count On Me, 2000 (HBO)
January 2: The High Note, 2020 (HBO)
January 4: 30 Coins, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 8: Patriot’s Day, 2016 Scream, 1996 Squish, Season 1
January 9: The Alienist: Angel of Darkness, Season 2 Ben 10, Season 4A The King Of Staten Island, 2020 (HBO)
January 10: Miracle Workers, Season 2 Tiger, Two-Part Documentary Premiere (HBO)
January 12: Against The Wild, 2014 Against the Wild 2: Survive the Serengeti, 2016 Alpha and  Omega 5: Family Vacation, 2015 Alpha and Omega 6: Dino Digs, 2016 Batkid Begins: The Wish Heard Around the World, 2015 Blue Valentine, 2010 Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2, 2000 Earth Girls Are Easy, 1989 An Elephant’s Journey , 2018 The Escape Artist, 1982 Get Carter, 1971 Hecho En Mexico, 2012 Hellboy: Blood and Iron, 2007 Hellboy: Sword of Storms , 2006 Hellboy: The Dark Below, 2010 Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again, 2016 The Killing of a Chinese Bookie, 1976 The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness, 2013 La Mujer de Mi Hermano , 2005 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Amazing Word Explorers , 2015 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: Counting on Lemonade , 2014 Leapfrog Letter Factory Adventures: The Letter Machine Rescue Team , 2014 Leapfrog: Numberland, 2012 Lost and Delirious, 2001 Love and Sex, 2000 Lovely & Amazing , 2002 The Man Who Would Be King, 1975 Meatballs, 1979 The Men Who Stare at Goats, 2009 A Mermaid’s Tale, 2017 Mistress, 1992 Mother’s Day, 2012 Mud, 2013 Never-Ending Man: Hayao Miyazaki, 2016 Night is Short, Walk on Girl, 2017 No Eres Tu Soy Yo, 2011 Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure, 2019 Ollie & Moon, Seasons 1 & 2 Other Parents, Seasons 1 & 2 Pinocchio, 2012 Promare, 2019 Reservoir Dogs, 1992 Ride Your Wave, 2019 Righteous Kill, 2008 Sprung, 1997 The Spy Next Door, 2010 Tender Mercies, 1983 Thanks for Sharing, 2013 Turtle Tale, 2018 The Visitor, 2008 Vixen, 2015
January 14: Search Party, Max Original Season 4 Premiere
In the new season, “Dory” (Alia Shawkat) is held prisoner by her psychotic stalker “Chip” (Cole Escola), who is determined to make Dory believe that they are best friends. Meanwhile, “Portia” (Meredith Hagner) is starring in a film about the trial, although not as herself; “Elliott” (John Early) has switched party lines to become a far-right conservative talk show host; and “Drew” (John Reynolds) is trying to escape his dark past by working as a costumed cast member in a theme park.
January 15: Stephen King’s It, 1990 One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, 1975 Poltergeist, 1982 Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World- Director’s Cut, Season 1 dubbed (Crunchyroll Collection) Real Time With Bill Maher, Season 19 Premiere (HBO) Roots (Mini Series), 1977 Si Yo Fuera Rico (Aka If I Were Rich), 2021 (HBO) The Wayans Bros
January 16: Eve Kill Bill: Vol. 1, 2003 (HBO) Kill Bill: Vol. 2, 2004 (HBO)
January 19: Everwood
January 20: At Home with Amy Sedaris, Season 3 C.B. Strike, Season 1 (HBO) C.B. Strike: Lethal White, Limited Series Premiere (HBO)
January 21: Gomorrah, Max Original Season 3 Premiere
The iconic Italian crime series Gomorrah is based on Roberto Saviano’s bestselling book that examines the account of the decline of Naples under the rule of the Camorra.
 Looney Tunes Cartoons, Season 1C
In this latest batch, Taz stars in his first full-length Looney Tunes Cartoons short when he takes on Bugs Bunny in a Roman coliseum. If Bugs makes it out of the arena, there will be plenty of foes waiting to match wits with him including Elmer Fudd, a leprechaun and Cecil Turtle. Daffy and Porky continue their misadventures from skydiving to solving the mystery of Porky’s missing pants! Fan-favorites Sylvester and Tweety along with Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner also come along for the ride in these ten all-new animated episodes. It’s an all-new year with all-new Looney!
January 22: The New Adventures of Old Christine Painting With John, Series Premiere (HBO)
January 23: Don’t Let Go, 2019 (HBO) Person of Interest
January 24: Euphoria Special Episode Part 2: F*ck Anyone Who’s Not a Sea Blob, Special Episode Premiere (HBO)
January 26: Babylon 5 Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel (HBO)
January 29: ¡Animo Juventud! (Aka Go Youth!), 2021 (HBO) The Little Things
Academy Award winners Denzel Washington, Rami Malek and Jared Leto star in John Lee Hancock’s suspenseful psychological thriller “The Little Things” about two California sheriffs and their growing obsession with a suspect while embroiled in the search for a killer targeting women.
What I Like About You
January 30: The Mummy, 1999 (HBO) The Mummy Returns, 2001 (HBO) Pushing Daisies The Scorpion King, 2002 (HBO)
January 31: Axios, Season 4 Premiere (HBO)
January 7: War Dogs, 2016 (HBO)
January 24: Wonder Woman 1984, 2020
January 31: Ad Astra, 2019 After Hours, 1985 (HBO) Akeelah And The Bee, 2006 (HBO) All Is Bright, 2013 America, America, 1964 Anchors Aweigh, 1945 The Arrangement, 1969 Bee Season, 2005 (HBO) Before Sunrise, 1995 (HBO) Before Sunset, 2004 (HBO) Best Laid Plans, 1999 (HBO) Bigger Than The Sky, 2005 (HBO) Blade II, 2002 Blade, 1998 Blood Simple, 1984 (HBO) Bridge To Terabithia, 2007 (HBO) Bright Lights, Big City, 1988 (HBO) The Change-Up, 2011 (HBO) The Children, 2009 A Christmas Carol, 1938 Crash, 2005 (Director’s Cut) (HBO) David Copperfield, 1935 Days After Your Departure, 2019 (HBO) Enemy Of The State, 1998 (HBO) Everybody’s All-American, 1988 (HBO) Father’s Day, 1997 (HBO) Friday Night Lights, 2004 (HBO) Get On Up, 2014 (HBO) Guys And Dolls, 1955 High Society, 1956 Jeepers Creepers 2, 2003 (HBO) Jeepers Creepers, 2001 (HBO) Leprechaun 2, 1994 (HBO) Leprechaun, 1993 (HBO) Magnolia, 1999 (HBO) The Man With The Golden Arm, 1955 Mars Attacks!, 1996 Martha Marcy May Marlene, 2011 (HBO) Martin Lawrence You So Crazy, 1994 (HBO) New Year’s Eve, 2011 (HBO) Ocean’s Eleven, 2001 Ocean’s Thirteen, 2007 Ocean’s Twelve, 2004 On The Town, 1949 The Pelican Brief, 1993 Planet Of The Apes, 2001 (HBO) Risky Business, 1983 Semi-Pro, 2008 Some Came Running, 1958 Something Borrowed, 2011 (HBO) Splendor In The Grass, 1961 Walk The Line, 2005 (Extended Version) (HBO) When Harry Met Sally, 1989
0 notes
kierantc-blog · 7 years
DC Rebirth In Review - The Justice League
Welcome to part 3 of my DC Rebirth In Review series. DC are dropping the Rebirth branding in December and i thought i would reflect on what has and hasn’t worked in the Rebirth initiative.
To recap, you can check my previous posts, Part 1 - The Superman Family and Part 2 - The Batman Family, but in this post i’m going to be looking at the Justice League titles. To be clear though, this will be about the League specific books as well as the solo titles for the core members.
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Justice League - This has probably been the most controversial of all the Rebirth books because for a lot of people the series has been nothing but a downgrade on Geoff Johns’ epic run in the New 52, and in a way they’re right. Bryan Hitch’s story telling style is all over the place but i believe the narrative he’s trying to put across is very good. It’s like having a pot of the best tea in the entire world but not being able to pour it into a cup properly. Hitch has been teasing a new Crisis event, the Forever Crisis, and who knows if that’s the way Rebirth will end or if it’s something else but it should be more exciting than it is. Also the artwork on this book has suffered massively from the bi-monthly schedule. The best talent is currently on other books and it needs to come on Justice League sooner rather than later. With Deathstroke’s Christopher Priest taking over the title soon, we’re certainly in for an increase in quality but until then, Hitch’s Justice League is worth a chance, but if you don’t like the first arc you certainly won’t like the rest. - 4/10
Justice League Of America - This book came with a lot of promise, excellent Rebirth one shots and a hero team of promise, and so far it hasn’t really delivered on it but it does show promise and improvement with every issue. Steve Orlando is a great writer, he’s doing some nice work on Supergirl and his Midnighter books have been wonderful too, but he has been slow on the narrative with this team. Right now the series is concentrating on a Rebirth mystery that came up in DC Universe Rebirth #1 with The Atom Ray Palmer sending a message to his protege Ryan Choi about a problem in the Microverse, and so far it has been good with Batman, Lobo, Ryan and Killer Frost searching for Ray. It hasn’t had the most consistent artwork but it has had some beautiful work from Jamal Campbell (Vixen Rebirth #1 & issue 7) and the legendary Ivan Reis, which make it a step above the other JL title. A must buy if you want a different kind of Justice League book. - 6.5/10
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Green Lanterns - When Rebirth was announced, many people were disappointed with Sam Humphries being the writer on this book but he has changed minds emphatically with some stellar work. Writing for 2 relatively new characters in Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz isn’t easy but Humphries has made these two people into humans you can relate to and want to see succeed while also showing a lot of respect and knowledge to the Green Lantern lore of old too. The series has unfortunately suffered from some inconsistent artwork but it’s still an incredibly good read that has expanded on the mythology of the series introduced by Geoff Johns. - 8.5/10
Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps - Just like with Humphries on Green Lanterns, people were disappointed to find Robert Venditti writing for Hal Jordan once again, but honestly i was hopeful as i enjoyed his post-Johns era work and thought he could get better, and it’s hard to argue against that given his run on this book. The biggest task he faced was combining a series of books into one, this series takes story beats from his previous Green Lantern book as well as Green Lantern Corps: Edge Of Oblivion, Sinestro and Omega Men and manages to combine them into one cohesive story, albeit a bit slower than some might like. My only problem with this series is the name of it, it suffers from the Birds Of Prey thing by them shoving Hal’s name on the front of it for no apparent reason. The artwork for this series is largely excellent for a bi-monthly title with Rafa Sandoval and Green Lantern veteran Ethan Van Sciver providing the bulk of the work. If you love the Lantern series you will almost certainly enjoy this one too. - 9/10
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Wonder Woman - With a blockbuster movie on the horizon, the Wonder Woman series needed a big pull for Rebirth and DC more than delivered by bringing back legendary Wonder Woman writer Greg Rucka. Mixing the old with the new, Rucka uses older elements of Diana’s story and mixes them in with the New 52 elements but also deploys a unique story telling tactic by using the odd-numbered issues as a current day story and the even-numbered issues as a story titled “Year One”, a re-telling of how Diana first met Steve Trevor. The use of this type of story telling only works because of the bi-monthly schedule, otherwise it would take 12 months to tell a 6-issue story, but it works perfectly. The artwork is split between Liam Sharp on the current day story and Nicola Scott on the Year One story, and each one compliments the stories with incredibly detailed pencils. They are later joined by the excellent Bilquis Evely to round up one of the best art teams on one run. Rucka’s run on Wonder Woman ended with the culmination of both stories meeting in the middle in issue 25, and my only complaint about it was that a lot of questions were left up in the air but hopefully they will be answered soon as new writer James Robinson is living up to Rucka’s run quite handily so far. A must read for fans both old and new. - 9/10
The Flash - Written by Joshua Williamson with art by Carmine Di Giandomenico, Barry Allen witnesses a Speed Force Storm that turns random citizens of Central City into Speedsters like The Flash, and introduces the series to a new Speedster villain called Godspeed and a group known as Black Hole. While Williamson is often accused of exposition heavy writing, he also manages to make the story both easier to follow and also engaging at the same time and uses the supporting cast rather well. A later story starring Eobard Thawne AKA Reverse Flash is the highlight of the series so far, my only complaint story wise would be that Barry always seems miserable or down on his luck. Give the guy a break! The art by Di Giandomenico is rather sharp and frantic but it’s perfect for a book about a man who can run really fast. The latter half of the New 52 comic was a large disappointment for myself but Williamson and Di Giandomenico have brought the series back to prominence. There is a slow burn with the stories but i’m still engaged with them and interested as to where they might lead so that is always a positive. - 8/10
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Aquaman - Of all the comics, this one feels more politicised than the others. The first 2 volumes deal with Atlanta’s relationship to the United States and how Arthur controls his kingdom, not to mention how the other members of the Justice League view him as a hero. One of the great things about this run is that it wasn’t afraid to come out of the gates quick, setting up a war between Atlantis and America with Black Manta manipulating both sides. Artwork duties are split between a group of artists such as French artist Philippe Briones, Brad Walker (Green Lantern: New Guardians) and Scot Eaton (X-Men), and they provide a similar, albeit simple style that allows for lots of action to be peppered into each issue. Aquaman is now a monthly title as opposed to a bi-monthly one but it hasn’t diminished in quality at all as it has popular artist Stjepan Sejic on art now, and together he and Dan Abnett are carving out quite the legacy under the sea. - 9.5/10
Cyborg - One of my favourite DC You books returns with a new writer in John Semper Jr. Semper is most famous for writing the animated Spider-Man series from 1994 so he’s not unfamiliar with comic book characters, but this marks his first foray into comic book writing itself and i must say, he’s doing a good job of it too. The problem with Cyborg in relation to other characters is that he doesn’t really have the supporting cast that the likes of The Flash and Batman have, so Semper has had to build him one, with new friends like Exxy the hacker and new Detroit hero The Black Narcissus. Part of the reason i like Semper’s work though is because he clearly has the Silver Age influencing him into writing big, crazy sci-fi stories. The move to a monthly has helped the book somewhat in the art department but i feel that the right artist on this book could make it a smash hit in the same way Sejic has on Aquaman. - 7.5/10
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Green Arrow - Of all the Rebirth books, Green Arrow is one of only a few that kept its previous writer in the shape of Ben Percy. In Percy’s pre-Rebirth run he was accused of being a bit grim but his Rebirth series is more or less the opposite. Fan service is on display here as Dinah Lance AKA Black Canary is introduced, and for the first time since Flashpoint the romance between Oliver and Dinah is back. And that’s not the only thing as Oliver now sports his famous goatee. While the story is a bit more peppy and action orientated, Percy’s villainous Ninth Circle retain some of the grim that he had become known for but coupled with the wonderful visuals from Otto Schmidt and Juan Ferreyra the Green Arrow book finds a perfect balance that has been missing since the Lemire run in New 52. - 9.5/10
Trinity - DC took the logical step of combining both Batman/Superman and Superman/Wonder Woman into a much better Trinity series. The series, while short, so far has 2 distinct runs on it. The first is by Francis Manapul who pulls off pure magic by writing, pencilling and colouring all of his Trinity issues, the only thing he does do is the lettering. Getting back to the core of what makes the Trinity special, he opens up the past of each member to the others, allowing them to experience each other’s lives a bit more and gain a closer understanding. The second run is one revolving the idea of Trinities in DC and was started by Cullen Bunn, but now being written by Suicide Squad writer Rob Williams, involving the classic Trinity meeting the Mystic Trinity of Constantine, Deadman and Zatanna, the Dark Trinity of Red Hood, Bizarro and Artemis, and the Evil Trinity of Circe, Ra’s al Ghul and a reluctant Lex Luthor. The latter story concerns a run in with the sister of the Lazarus Pits, the Pandora Pits, which want to unleash evil on Earth. Even though both stories are different, they don’t take away from the fact that Trinity is an excellent returning series for DC, one that allows them to tell more concentrated League-centric stories without taking over the main Justice League books. It’s a must buy for Manapul’s work alone, truly a work of art. - 9/10
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With movies coming out in the DCEU slate relating to these characters, interest in them is at an all time high and DC have done a relatively excellent job of providing interested new readers with excellent content to peruse in titles like Green Lanterns and The Flash, as well as satisfy old readers too with some excellent fan service in series like JLA and Green Arrow.
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While the majority is excellent, the flagship Justice League book should really be better. Christopher Priest taking over the book provides a glimmer of light though, as the series really should be one that leads the way for the rest of the DC Universe.
Thanks for reading!
Next Up: The Young And The Violent (Teen Titans, Suicide Squad etc. lol).
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14 notes · View notes
phoenixlionme · 3 years
DC Black Superheroes
1. Virgil Hawkins aka Static
2. Jakeem Thunder
3. Anansi - Static ally from the animated TV series; West African hero
4. John Stewart aka Green Lantern
5. Keli Quintela aka Teen Lantern - biracial; Afro-Indigenous Bolivian
6. Naomi McDuffie aka Naomi
7. Bolt aka Atlinta - last name unknown; possibly biracial, I believe half white
8. Jenni Ognats aka XS - biracial; half white
9. Danica Willams aka Flash
10. Wallace West aka Kid Flash
11. Duke Thomas aka The Signal
12. Catwoman aka Selina Kyle - biracial; Afro-Cuban
13. Val Zod aka Superman
14. Calvin Ellis aka Superman
15. Batwing aka Luke Fox
16. Tiffany Fox aka Batgirl
17. Maya Ducard aka Nobody - biracial; Afro-Latina
18. Amanda Waller
19. Karen Beecher aka Bumblebee
20. Augustus Freeman aka Icon
21. Raquel Ervin aka Rocket
22. Victor Stone aka Cyborg
23. Sarah Charles
24. Mari McCabe aka Vixen - Ghana born immigrant
25. Jackson Hyde/Kaldur’ahm aka Aqualad
26. John Henry Irons aka Steel
27. Natasha Irons aka Steel II
28. Beth Chapel aka Doctor Mid-Nite
29. Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lightning
30. Anissa Pierce aka Thunder
31. Jennifer Pierce aka Lightning
32. Michael Holt aka Mr. Terrific 
33. Jason Rusch aka Firestorm
34. Black Vulcan - from the old Superfriend cartoon who I personally would retcon as a woman
35. Curt Metcalf aka Hardware
36. Mal Duncan aka Guardian
37. Hot Spot - name unknown; from the animated Teen Titans show
38. Anita Fite aka Empress - biracial; Afro Haitian
39. Jill Carlyle aka Crimson Avenger
40. Nubia aka Wonder Woman
41. Yara Flor aka Wonder Woman - biracial; she is an Afro-Indigenous Brazilian
42. Tanya Spears aka Power Girl II 
43. David Zavimbe aka Batman of Africa or Batwing - Congolese born
44. Connor Hawke aka Green Lantern II - biracial; half white and Korean; depicted with a dark complexion
45. Adam Evans aka Rubberband Man - ally of Static in the animated TV series
46. Darla Dudley aka Shazam
47. Jo Mullein aka Green Lantern
48. Jess Chambers aka Future State Flash
49. Bobby Barnes aka Wonderboy
50. Philippus - Often considered Wonder Woman Diana’s other mother
51. Akila - Amazon warrior and lover of Artemis of Bana-Mighdall
52. Peony McGill aka Star Blossom
Please list any more if you don’t see any on the list. Be respectful with the comments.
24 notes · View notes
nickireadstfc · 7 years
The Raven King, Chapter 14 – A Few Cheerful ‘Hell Yeah‘s, Followed By A Swift ’Hell Fucking Nope’
In which I am too invested in Orange Cheerleading, Neil is an Oblivious Gay™, the Foxy Team Spirit gains bonus XP, we meet the awesomeness that is Fearless Neil Josten and everything goes so pleasantly well that I really should have seen the bone-chilling fuckery at the end coming.
Sounds good? Then it’s time for Nicki to read The Raven King.
I am prefacing this by saying that this is probably my second favourite chapter of this book so far. It may even be on a par with my previous favourite chapter, the Neil Sassing Riko To Hell And Back At The Fall Banquet chapter.
There is GOOD SHIT HAPPENING!! Finally!! And when the bad shit happens it’s still SASSY!! And AWESOME!! And then it’s fucking terrifying but like – what else is new.
I really, really liked this one. And I feel like I’m going to need that bit of love for the next two chapters, which are promising to be 50 Shades of Fucked Up.
Let’s go.
           “When Andrew finds out you’ve stolen his car,” Matt started, but left the rest of the threat unspoken.
           “Andrew knows,” Neil said. “He left me his key.”
           Matt stared at him, startled. He opened his mouth, then closed it again.
Homeboy can’t believe it I am HOLLERING.
The Foxes slowly realizing that Neil is starting to get through Andrew’s shell is such, such a delight.
Neil being entirely oblivious about it is an even greater one.
Also, Matt is going to start teaching Neil how to fight! Yay for self-defense! <3
Now that Katelyn is kind of not a secret anymore, she starts hanging around with the Foxes, apparently. Will I start liking this character, finally?
           Katelyn seemed nervous at first, but she warmed up quickly and chatted almost nonstop through dinner. She was so enthusiastic about apparently everything in the world it was a little exhausting listening to her, but Aaron looked so alive in her presence Neil couldn’t hold it against her.
This is such a small detail, but I actually had to put the book down at that part and just silently contemplate life for a bit because honestly – few sentences have described me as well as “She was so enthusiastic about apparently everything in the world it was a little exhausting listening to her.”
I feel this so much, you have no idea.
Of course, that means I have adopted this character now, she’s in my heart and there are no take-backs. <3
Being newly invested in Katelyn also means being newly invested in Orange Cheerleading, and this is the point where all the info I have soaked up via my cheer-loving best friends really comes in handy.
This is a very good visual for what the Vixens would look like at a Fox game – the squad in the video is Clemson University which is TFC is based on!
And this is Clemson’s cheer championship routine from last year, which is infinitely more awesome than a game routine because it’s made for their own championship, not for someone else’s game, and it really shows off what a team can do.
Keep in mind though that this team is co-ed (meaning both men and women), and as far as we know the Vixens are an all-girl team, which means they’d have considerably less partner stunts (one person on one person) and more group stunts (one person on four, three or two people).
Also, this is their uniform and now one can tell me otherwise.
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Brb making an orange bow to wear to our next cheer event.
Info dump done! Let’s move on!
           “We should celebrate,” [Dan said.] (…)
           Aaron looked at [her] as if she’d grown three heads. “We don’t socialize with you.”
           “You do tonight,” Matt said. “Tell Katelyn to come. (…) The Vixens can come too.”
I am so for all of them having fun party times together that a) don’t involve going to Eden’s Twilight and b) involve all of them.
Also, I am so, so for the Foxes and the Vixens finally being friends.
Seriously, there are few things as shitty as ignoring the people who cheer on you every night no matter how bad you are, and I can’t believe we’ve never addressed this until now.
           “Thanks for taking one for the team, Neil,” [Nicky said.] “You’re a real friend.” (…)
           “Are we?”, he asked. (…) Tonight it almost meant something, though what, Neil didn’t know. “Friends?”
Oh my goooooooooooood literally HOW.
“It almost meant something” I am going to punch this idiot so hard his angst will finally come shooting out of his oblivious ass.
           “You’re going to be the absolute death of me,” Nicky said. “Yeah, kid. We’re friends. You’re stuck with us, like it or not.”
Nicky, my man, my sunshine, thank you for finally saying this to Sir Angstlord McDramatic, also I’m crying a lil.
I was already so happy about that scene, I thought we were done with our quota of good things for this chapter, but no – Thanksgiving happens somewhere along the way, and it’s not The Thanksgiving That Shall Not Be Named, but Happy And Sappy Abby Thanskgiving, where the food and the feels are plentiful.
           “It’s not really about the food. It’s about family. Not necessarily the one we were born with, but the one we chose. This one,” Nicky emphasized, gesturing between them. “The people we trust to be part of our lives. The people we care about.”
           “I’m trying to eat here,” Wymack said.
Wymack <3
Also, NICKY <333333333333
Brb, crying a lot.
Kevin later offers to not drink wine after dinner so Neil can have some, which neil declines, but which still makes me grin like a sappy motherfucker because Kevin offered to do something nice for Neil.
I feel like I’m in a happy fanservice episode of an anime. Is this real, am I witnessing this shit with my own two eyes?
           Somehow [the Foxes] all ended up at the dining hall at the same time. (…) On Tuesday Katelyn tagged along, and on Wednesday they went downtown together as a large group: all eight remaining Foxes and four of the Vixens.
👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀👌👀 good shit go౦ԁ sHit👌 thats ✔ some good👌👌shit right👌👌there👌👌👌 right✔there ✔✔if i do ƽaү so my self 💯 i say so 💯 thats what im talking about right there right there (chorus: ʳᶦᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉʳᵉ) mMMMMᎷМ💯 👌👌 👌НO0ОଠOOOOOОଠଠOoooᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒᵒ👌 👌👌 👌 💯 👌 👀 👀 👀 👌👌Good shit
At the restaurant, this girl Marissa starts hounding Neil, and absolute hilarity ensues as Neil tries to not talk to her or at least talk to her about Exy, and she wants to talk about everything but Exy.
Absolute lack of chemistry nonwithstanding, she still chats him up after dinner:
           “I can give you my number,” Marissa said.
           Neil didn’t remember asking for it at any point that night. “What for?”
How is this boy real. HOW.
           “I would like to get to know you better. I think we could have a lot of fun together, just the two of us. You’re very interesting, Neil.”
           She wasn’t the first to say that, but Neil wondered if Andrew’s opinion of him would change when he was off his medication.
Neil: gets blatantly obviously hit on by pretty girl Neil:…………………….. Neil: hmm I wonder what Andrew would think about this
Honestly………………. This is the most I C O N I C Andreil scene to this point, and 50% of Andreil aren’t even present.
           “There’s a way to let girls down gently, you know.” (…)
           “Do girls need kid-glove treatment? I thought they were tougher than that.”
           Dan’s grin was approving. “Most of us are. Some of us are like boys, though, and have delicate egos.”
Shoutout to Dan for coming around to remind me how much of a flawless sass queen she is whenever I dare to forget it.
Also: Renee is going to be Neil’s platonic winter banquet date! Dan and Matt are getting each other cute shit for Christmas! Matt invited Neil and the cousins to his home over Christmas!
I am currently bathing in a golden pool of my own happy tears, please leave me here for all eternity and supply food occasionally.
However, if anyone thought it would all stay happy and banter-y now they must have been reading  than me, because Nora is waiting right around the corner to snatch me the fuck out of my happy pool:
It’s time for another Fancy Orange Sportsball Banquet, including our friends from Tall, Dark and Dramatic University.
Thankfully, our boy Neil has one thing in common with fandom by now, and that is being ready to protect Kevin at all costs.
           “Neil” might be an easily-spooked runaway, and “Nathaniel” was a hunted young man, but “Abram” was the one shielded from and untouched by his father’s bloody business. Neil would pull on every murder he’d ever seen and every endless, desperate night, and he’d face Riko unflinching.
This is yet another wonderful, wonderful development in Neil where I cannot begin to tell you how much I like it. But more on that in a minute.
First, another point on the list of Things That Absolutely No One Saw Coming, and By No One I Mean Everyone.
           “The following four teams have qualified to represent the southeastern district in spring championship games. I will list them in order of ranking, first to fourth. Edgar Allan, Palmetto State, Breckenridge, Belmonte.”
Aka the only teams we have seen the Foxes play against so far. What a surprise.
Also, I did mention that Neil and Renee are going as platonic dates, right?
Did I also mention how much I love Renee for going on platonic dates with people?? Bc same?? Also I love her??
           “Sorry,” Neil said.
           Renee sent him a curious look. “Why?”
           “I’m no trying to ignore you.”
           “It’s all right if you do,” Renee said. “Kevin needs you more than I do.”
I love you :( <333
Also, hate to say this, but homegirl is right.
           “Your lack of survival instincts is supremely distressing,” Riko said. “Take that look off your face before I carve it off.”
That Fucker™ is back, everyone, and as always ready to supply us all with shitty input exactly no one asked for.
           Neil hadn’t realized he was smiling, too, a cruel look he’d inherited from his father. Neil lowered his cup so Riko could get a better look at it. “I would love to see you try. You think I’m afraid of your knife? I’m the Butcher’s son.”
After having met Angsty Dramatic Runaway Neil Josten, Sassy Lil Shit Neil Josten, and recently Responsibly Neil Josten, may I now introduce you to my newest favourite Neil Josten:
Fearless Neil Josten.
           “I am the family your father was afraid of.” (…)
           “Not of you,” Neil said, with fierce emphasis. “You’re not part of that family, remember? You’re the cast-off.”
Oh yeah, also Fearless Neil Josten is Sassy Lil Shit Neil Josten’s meaner twin brother.
           He hoped it would hit, but he didn’t realize how deep it would cut. He’d never seen that look on Riko’s face but he knew he’d signed his death warrant.
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           “A dog who bites his master’s hand deserves to be slaughtered.” (…)
           “I am not a dog. I’m a Fox.”
           “You are nothing but what I tell you to be.”
           “We talked about your delusions.”
Neil, as much as I am enjoying your witty comebacks At All Times, I sagely advise you to shut the fuck up right about now.
           “Let go of me, King.”
           “I am King,” Riko agreed, “and you are going to spend Christmas at my castle. You’re coming to Evermore for winter break.”
I would have loved to dish out a few amused comments here in the style of lol, dream on Mr Fuckface Dramatic – however thanks to y’all I have been told time and time again that there was absolute shit going down on Christmas.
Which means that now I am not amused. I am incredibly scared.
           “Drake was an interesting man, wasn’t he? I should thank the police for leading me straight to him. I might not have discovered him otherwise. Did you know, Nathaniel? Oakland lawyers are some of the cheapest to buy off.”
He set Andrew up. He set. Andrew. Up.
That FUCKER. I knew there was going to be a reason why Drake was there at that point exactly.
           “Did you know I’ve bought one of the doctors at Eastaven, too? Unless you want these little therapy sessions of his to turn into therapeutic reenactments, you will be on a  plane to West Virginia tomorrow morning.”
I will personally punch him in his shit-eating face – no, wait.
           Neil didn’t have words, so he answered with his fist. He didn’t have a lot of room to swing but he made do and caught Riko right in his vulgar mouth.
NEIL will punch him in his shit-eating face.                    
I have been waiting for this since we first bloody met That Fucker™. I am living.
A short brawl ensues, which Neil would have totally won imo if the Coaches wouldn’t have separated them.
As it is, though, the Raven Posse is out of sight, though definitely not out of mind.
          “What happened?”
          “Neil hit Riko,” Matt said. “It was beautiful.”
          “What?” Nicky squawked. “Not fair! I missed it! Go do it again.”
I am actually laughing so hard. Nicky, you are the best.
Neil explains the situation to the team – how Riko used the promise of getting Drake’s charges dismissed as bait for him to come see Andrew one more time – and then continues being unexpectedly and brilliantly badass.
          “I’m going to kill him,” Nicky said.
          “No,” Neil said, with a ferocity that had even Matt eyeing him warily. “We’ve got to break him first. If Exy is the only thing he cares about we’re going to take it away from him. First we destroy his reputation, then we destroy him.”
Have I mentioned how Fearless Neil Josten is my fucking FAVE.
          “I don’t want us to lose a single game this spring. Can we do that?”
          “Not a single damn game,” Dan said in a hard voice.
Hell yeah.
          “I don’t have a choice. I have to go. You have to trust me.”
          “He will break you.”
          “He wishes he knew how,” Neil said. “Trust me. I promise I’ll come back, and when I do I’ll bring Andrew back with me. It’s going to be fine. So do you have my ticket or not?”
Hell fucking nope.
Is this happening?
This is the fuck happening.
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Oh dear.
If you like this and you wanna help me continue writing, please consider buying me a coffee! Thank you so much <3
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Meggan of Excalibur has a lot of powers. And I mean A LOT. And I don't know her very well, beyond her basic origin story and some of her very early Excalibur characterization.
But what does interest me is one aspect of her powers (or rather, two that worked together) and the struggles it gave her in those early days.
As you may read in the extensive Wiki description of her equally extensive abilities, Meggan is generally defined as an empathic metamorph. That is, she's an empath, she detects the emotions of others, and also a shapeshifter, probably on the scale of Mystique if not better (blasphemy, I know). And these two things used to be beyond her control, and would work together in a really interesting way---she would unconsciously shapeshift in reaction to the emotions of others around her. She would often change to reflect the perceptions people had of her, or what they desired from her.
As an example of the first (mimicking the perceptions others have), when Meggan was born, it was very cold, so she adapted swiftly by growing fur. This horrified her family, and as her community began to spread rumors about her, she took on whatever traits they claimed her to have. They said she had buglike antennae? She grew buglike attenae. They said she had huge red eyes? Her eyes became red and huge. And because this was how everyone perceived and thought of her, she stayed in this hideous form, never knowing she had the ability to change it.
As an example of the second (mimicking desires or fears that others have), after she's joined Excalibur and discovered these abilities and started looking the way she normally looks now (a gorgeous woman with long blonde hair and elfin ears) she's walking down the street at night and passes through a group of men. And these men are having...the exact thoughts you'd expect a bunch of men to have about a babe in a skintight costume. Meggan, as a result, starts altering physically to have a more...hmm...she's already very conventionally beautiful, but her facial structure and expression turns to a much more 'sex vixen' sort of look, and she thinks, "These men...like me...I want...to like them in return!"
And this is not something under her control, remember. This is simply her picking up on their lust and mirroring it back. Heaven knows what would have happened next if Nightcrawler hadn't shown up to pull her out of there. I think this was a good illustration of just how dangerous Meggan's abilities were to herself. Especially when one considers that she was very weak-willed, naive, and impressionable enough just in the ordinary sense, since her family had kept her locked in their camper her whole life due to her monstrous appearance. It got even worse during Inferno, when her sensitivity to the demonic energies caused her to WILLINGLY offer herself to the demon N'astrih, who transformed her into the Goblin Princess just as Madelyne Pryor had become the Goblyn Queen (Meggan is as sensitive to mystical and magical energy as she is to emotional and psionic) What's worse, while most psionics, even ones who aren't telepaths themselves, posess a degree of telepathic resistance, Meggan is even more vulnerable to telepathic manipulation because of her abilities.
In fact, the way that Meggan normally looks is a result of her synchronizing her form to the desires of Brian Braddock, aka Captain Britian, her lover and husband. The way Meggan looks all the time now...is not actually her true form. We do get to see her real form at one point, and it's very beautiful too, but in an inhuman, mystical, alien way, not the curvy blonde babe that she typically is. It's not a form you'd look at and think "I want to have sex with that" (I mean...probably not, anyway, I don't know you) And it's the FIRST TIME she's had this form in her life when it happens, she's surprised by it and doesn't know what it is. So it's not until she's an ADULT that she even has her real body, and even then it's just temporary.
She would also just sometimes unconsciously mimic the appearance of people around her, such as becoming blue and furry around Nightcrawler. There's a scene in Excalibur where without realizing it, she changed to look similiar to whichever teammate was standing next to her. In another scene, she's lost in the city, and gets found by a group of girls. The girls have dark skin and dark curly hair, and Meggan almost instantaneously assumes the same. Much like how she adapted to the cold by growing fur as a baby, she seems to naturally 'adapt' to the people in her environment by immediately 'blending in' with them, which makes a lot of sense for a mutation in terms of a realistic evolutionary perspective. What I mean, is this a trait that a lot of animals have (though not to the degree Meggan does, of course) and it helps their survival. So if mutation is really meant to be a "step up"in terms of evolution, this ability makes a lot more sense than, well...a LOT of other mutant powers, to be honest.
All of this caused a lot of identity issues for Meggan. She had to wonder if she was even actually a person on her own, or just a mirror that reflected back on others. It didn't help when she pointed out to Brian that "I made myself look like this for you" and turned back into the monster that she had been when they first met, and asked him if he would love her if that was how she looked...and he had no answer. And when Brian lost his powers as Captain Britain, he also lost his aura, and Meggan admitted it was his aura that had attracted her to him, and she didn't know if she could love him without it. So basically, her powers permeated her own perceptions as well. She couldn't be sure if her man loved her for herself, nor if she loved her man for himself.
I haven't kept up with Meggan's adventures and development longterm. This was all back in the 80s and early 90s. I'm sure by now she's overcome these things, because character development marches on, as it should. But these early struggles REALLY interest me. The idea of an empath not controlling the emotions of others, but mirroring them, and reflecting that PHYSICALLY, and unconsciously, is really neat to me, and of course the identity issues that come with it are a fascinating barrel of worms in themself. To be honest, the rest of her powers, great and myriad as they are, don't interest me at all, and I think if I had been the one writing Meggan, I'd have just kept it to the "empathic metamorph" that she started out as, without all the additional stuff, because there's just so much to explore there on its own.
As it is, it's kind of making me think about doing an OC with similiar abilities. Not the same, exactly, because I don't just want to copy Meggan, so no empathy, but a shapeshifter that can't control their shifting, they just adapt to their environment, be it by growing fur in the cold or blending in with how the locals look. The same identity issues wouldn't be present, since those changes are purely physical and not in reaction to the feelings and desires of others, and it's not hero/villain-calibre, but it's a pretty cool minor mutation that also has obvious drawbacks in that PEOPLE WILL NOTICE THAT SHIT.
But yeah, so, Meggan isn't very well-known, but she's got power on a scale comparable to much more popular top-tier mutants, but also with a deep psychological cost that makes her very vulnerable, and, if you want to get into a symbolic/feminist reading, is a very gendered thing (mainly, in how women have historically been socialized not to so much have personalities of our own so much as just changing to be whatever those around us, especially men, want and need, as exemplified by Meggan's standard form not even being her real form but that of what her husband wants and finds most beautiful) She's not a special favorite of mine, but she's definitely worth talking about, especially if this is the kind of thing that interests you (and it interests me a LOT)
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thetoffeefox · 7 years
A Break and A Bouquet of Lilies
I’m on a streak today!! I just finished this one after a long on and off again writing phase hope you guys enjoy!!
NOTE: Aslaug is my OC and no one has permission to use her for any and all purposes. Nakura belongs to @nakuravanner any and all questions regarding him should be asked to them not me.
Aslaug looked on in awe as she watched a man buy his female companion flowers from the stand across from them. She wondered if anyone had ever got her flowers before she lost her memories. Honestly, she wondered what her life was like before she lost them. Did she live in a big village like this? Or was it small and off ways? Or maybe she lived in a den with a close family like Cherry did. She couldn’t imagine having a mate, but from how February acted most of her kind at Aslaug’s age were already settled down and had at least one litter of kits already. Cherry countered on Aslaug’s age for the simple factor that it has been almost a year since Aslaug had been traveling with Nakura and not once has she went into heat. Her size didn’t pan out to that theory though, so the only logical explanation was, that she was possibly barren. She didn’t want to think such a thing. After all, any female of any species always dreamed of having young ones. Shaking her head slightly she ducks into Cherry’s all too familiar flower booth.
  “Aslaug it’s been awhile, I take it Nakura and February are browsing through the market?” Slate states.
  Slate was a long time friend of Cherry, over the course of knowing the little rabbit they had gotten to know Slate as well and it was obvious a certain young vixen had developed quite the crush on him, but Aslaug wasn’t going to pester February too much on that. She did wonder though if Slate could tell and was being polite or if he simply honest to God didn’t see the adoring looks the young girl has been giving him over the months.
  “You know how they are always one to make sure they’re prepared.” She laughs while gently observing a Lily in full bloom.
“Someone has to be in charge of basic supplies or all of us would go hungry.” Nakura’s voice makes her head snap to the side as a bright smile comes to her face.
“C’monnn can’t we at least just have a treat once in awhile?” A pout comes to her features.
“Don’t you indulge enough on the bugs you eat?...” He grumbles.
  Normally the comment about her bug eating habits wouldn’t bother her at all, but something about his tone made her twinge. She stopped going after the red beetles right after he told her they were poisonous, what else did he want from her? It’s worse enough they’ve barely had any proper sleep.
 “Aslaug is right Nakura, maybe we should just take a day to relax.” February’s head popped into the tent her big blue eyes boring up at the gypsy wolf.
“See even February is exhausted maybe we could just stay here for a night.” Aslaug states.
“We don’t have time.” He states looking at both of them while getting irritated with the situation.
“We need to make the time Nakura, she’s a child she gets exhausted quicker than we do,” Aslaug states feeling a turn come out into her words.
“It’s not safe to stay here, it will never be safe to stay in this big of a village as long as your…”Nakura pauses, but instantly his sentence is cut off.
“As long I’M WHAT?! AROUND?!” She yells out making February shrink back.
“Now, now you two don’t you think you're being a bit illogical here. Let’s calm down.” Slate gets between them.
  Honestly, he’s surprised the two haven’t got into an argument sooner from how February has been speaking as of late. If he would have known any better he’d say this Shepherdstone character they seem to try to constantly avoid is actually hoping something like this would happen.
  “Has the notion of me trying to protect you even registered in your mind yet!!” He hollers back at her.
“Are you because if I didn’t know any better I’d say here lately you’ve done nothing but try and parent me!!” She shouts taking a step closer.
“Maybe I am because you keep putting your head in clouds.” Hissing he closes in as well.
“Excuse me then, for trying to have some light hearted moments so I can feel like I at least living a relatively normal life!!” She growls out
“You're never going to have a normal life again!! The sooner you realize your past is the past the better off you’ll be!!” He snarls invading her personal space.
  It gets quiet and that’s when he notices that not only has their argument drawn some onlookers but that he probably went way too far. He takes a glance at Slate who is looking at him like he killed someone's pet. Quickly he looks back at Aslaug, her mouth is straight and her breathing is even, but he see’s the slight tremor in her shoulders. He notes the tears starting to prick the corner of her eyes. He opens his mouth to try and say something, anything, but nothing comes out.  
  “Screw you.” She whimpers out pushing him out of the way to leave the tent.
  It’s minutes before he can even move yet alone say anything. It appeared that February had long since left as well. That’s when a more important thought entered his mind, Did he really see her as a burden? No...that’s not possible it couldn’t be. Yes, she could be a bit of a handful. She was loud, whiny, and really couldn’t see past her nose, but a burden? The change in lighting snaps him from his thoughts to see Slate has closed the tent to give them privacy.
  “Sigh, you really screwed up, this is exactly why you guys need a break. You're exhausted from running and exhausted from each other.” Slate states leaning against one of the tables.
  He thinks for a moment trying to recall a moment when he and Aslaug had ever just taken a break for an entire day...never….for almost a year they had been on the run non-stop. They haven’t taken a single moment to enjoy themselves or distract themselves from the stress and turmoil of being hunted down and on that note, it wasn’t really even him being hunted it was Aslaug. He couldn’t possibly imagine how she felt about her whole entire situation, A young vixen who remembers nothing but her name on the run from a madman who wants her magic that she barely understands but possibly at one point did so. He growls frustrated with himself while digging the heel of his foot in the ground. He was way out of line, who was to say her life was normal before he found her? The circumstances of how he found her were sketchy in the first place and he had let her known about it. He basically rubbed salt in the wound.
  “Look from past experience most girls do good with an apology. Say you’re sorry, it obvious you feel bad about it so go to her.” Slate states standing in front of a small vibrant mini rosebush....he could have sworn that plant was wilted moments ago…
  Shaking his head of the odd thought he nods at Slate leaving the tent presumably to find Aslaug. After about an hour of searching, he finally found her sitting in front of the river her knees pulled up to her chest with her head buried in her arms. He flicked his ears if she was crying she wasn’t anymore, he was certain she was at one point though.slowly he approached her as if she was a wounded animal and once she showed no response he sat beside her...still nothing. She was good at the silent treatment. She was a master at ignoring people altogether, but Nakura was just as if not in some ways more stubborn than she was. So he sat next to her silent, God knows how long she sat with her, but by the time he pulled himself out of his own musings it was starting to be sunset. He knew trying to talk to her until she showed any physical cues that she would be willing to listen to him would be no better than talking to a wall. Biting his lip he was starting to second guess if she would ever budge, but that’s when she uncurled from herself. Her legs were straight against the ground her arms holding her up with a slight lean in her posture, but there was a very evident pout on her face….aka tread carefully.
  “I’m sorry. You are not a burden Aslaug despite what was said, you are not a burden.” He says looking at her.
“But I’m not going to have a normal life right?” She grumbles out.
“You will. I believe you will. I’ll make sure you will.” He states a slight blush comes to his cheeks. WHAT THE HELL IS HE SAYING!!! HE’S SOUNDING ABOUT LIKE SLATE WHEN HE’S INTOXICATED AND NEAR BEAUTIFUL WOMEN!!
“You promise?” She slightly whines out gripping his hand causing him to look down into her emerald green eyes.
“I promise.” He smiles softly then continues. “With that being said, you were right we do need to take a break once in awhile, so I guess we can stay here tomorrow.”
“REALLY?! EVEN FOR THE FESTIVAL TOMORROW NIGHT?!” She shouts out as the joy of what would match a five-year-olds comes to her face.
“Yeah, even for the festival.” He states feeling anything but enthusiasm for it.
 He really did hate large crowds and he couldn’t help but feel anxiety. He could help but feel fear, the fear of Shepherd running into them and them having to run and disappear as quick and crafty as possible. He is snapped out of his musing by a slight hum coming from Aslaug. She turned around slightly alert and focused. He's about ready to jump up when he noticed what she is looking at, it's a couple and he can't help but notice the look of awe on Aslaug's face as the man hands the woman I small bunch of flowers. A small smile comes to his face before he realizes that they barely have any daylight left. Aslaug seems to realize this two and both of them head back to Slates and Cherry’s tent. February is in Fox form curled up in a ball on one of the futons he set out. Did he seriously predict Nakura was gonna let them stay here for the night?  He gives a light smile while Aslaug crashes onto the futon next to February who is startled awake but instantly curls up into her chest. Almost immediately she falls asleep. Honestly, he wonders if she has some type of internal on and off switch sometimes. Slate chuckles and stretches tiredness evident in his eyes.
 “Hey..” Nakura calls out catching Slate’s attention.
“Hm?” He turns looking at him. Then notices what it is the Gypsy Wolf was going to ask for and with a big smile, he quickly obliges to his request.
 Aslaug felt a tickle in her nose as she slowly was rousing herself from sleep. Something smelt sweet...Like honey?...No...Candy?...No, that wasn’t it either. She knew this smell this smell was...
  “Aslaug!! Sweety look at you, your face is dirty!!” A woman with bright brown eyes playfully scolded her.
“I was playing in the lilies mommy the lilies!! Lookie lookie I got some for you!!” She giggled as her tiny fist held up a small bouquet of perfect white lilies.
“They’re beautiful sweetheart, do you know why our village has so many white lilies?” Her mother asked while whipping the pollen off of her face.
“No, Why Mommy?” She asked.
 Aslaug’s eyes opened slowly finally and she blinked. Was...that...a memory? Did she remember something!! Yes!! She did remember something that was her mother!! Oh...oh her mother was so...beautiful..Now she knew where she got her hair from. She smiled smoothing out her long purple locks a light blush on her face. That’s when she spotted them. A small bouquet of lilies bound perfectly together with a white ribbon. She grabbed the bouquet and gave them a good sniff feeling the petals and pollen tickle her nose and face. She pulled them away from her a grin on her face while her tail was swishing around like crazy. Did...did Nakura get these for her?
 “......Aslaug your face...it’s…” She looked up, speaking of the devil.
 She left out a hearty laugh pulling the lilies closely to her with care. Nakura shook his head with his eyebrow raised in confusion. Sometimes he had to wonder if she really was her actual age. What kind of person nose dives their face into lilies. That didn’t matter though...the bright smile on her face as she laughed holding the flowers to her chest mattered. He feels his cheeks heat up again for the second time in less than 24 hours, and he felt a tug of sorts in his chest. He could get used this...maybe..he should give her flowers more often.
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