#aka my fav tag
clarissasbakery · 2 years
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monster high realness from my instagram
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gooboogy · 9 months
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kasumikoujou · 1 year
daily pivot no9... whuh?
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tezerenotameiki · 2 years
mémoire antique from the memory of marionette stage play 💖
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sunshineandviolets · 5 months
Into the Unknown.
Happy (late) holidays to @yakov-vasilyev, I was your secret santa <3. Much enjoyed learning all about Devon, esp her relationship with Farah and Bobby! Hope I did your girl justice and this new year has been treating you well!! 🥰🤗💕 Fandom: The Wayhaven Chronicles Characters: Devon Kang x Farah Hauville (& Bobby Marks) @wayhavensecretsanta
The chill of the winter evening would be enough to make time slow down. From the small prickly hedgehogs curled up asleep within a pile of leaves till the warmth of spring was ready to greet them again, to the silent awes and faint twinkle in a young child’s eye as they witnessed their first snowflake. Jack frost nipped at their nose and in return heard the softest giggle as the confusion shifted to intrigue then finally pure wonder. 
It was just past 5pm and the sun had already started to set, however the crowds of townspeople on the street still remained as lively as before.- regardless of the loud honks from a vehicle that was on the verge of collapse. The night sky was lit up from the endless colourful string lights that decorated the streets. No order, just chaos spurred all over the surrounded homes. 
Devon squinted as she glanced up towards the car’s rear view mirror and grumbled once noticed the increased number of civilians that kept ‘mistaken’ the main road for a damn walkway. Her dark eyes ached with the continuous flash of lights directed towards her. The shine highlighted noticeable dark eye bags that had been one of the few consistent variables in her life thus far.  A child or even an naive adult would describe the first snowfall to commence the winter season as ‘magical’ but for someone whose car’s heating would not turn on - despite the amount of times she had punched the button to no reward - Devon was not feeling to share those same reactions as she pulled her coat furthered into herself.
 “Only a few more blocks to go”, she thought as she gripped the steering wheel tight and clenched her teeth to forcibly stop the chatter. A few more blocks till she would arrive back to a place that was once familiar and now is but a stranger. 
Devon never wanted to become an officer in the first place, that was a position forced upon her as punishment for acts of delinquency. Devon Kang - the woman who had a promising future laid out in front of her when she was growing up. She was meant to gain a successful career as a lawyer, being on top - exceeding far from other’s expectations of her. That was until he came into her life. Took her trust, her heart and had let her lay her armour down, only from him stabbed her from behind. The single revelation of the betrayal from someone she once could call hers, led to her eventual down spiral. A fallen angel , knocked off her pedestal and into a string of bad choices and decisions. Her downfall was his fault. She let him in, to drop her guard and only for him to - urgh. It was his fault.
“ So why can’t I - ? ”
Devon let out a low grunt at the nuisance of the thought of those strikingly blue eyes flashed before her, but it was another that they changed out for. Eyes as bright as the sun that rose up from the darkness, like an unexpected gift from under the tree - the reason why Devon cannot fully regret becoming the detective… if it had meant she got to meet the terrifying surprise that tipped her world upside down.
Thoughts of the sunshine vampire whirled into her mind. A bitter laugh left her as she reminiscenced their first kiss all those months ago. Strange yet needed, as through it’s what she had been missing despite never thinking to look. The vulnerable expression of Farah as she asked her for the kiss - did Farah expect her to say no? Should she have? Any doubt that remained was erased once Devon’s mind shifted to the taste of Farah’s candy scented lip gloss. It happened in almost an instant, yet remained gentle and soft like a touch of a sunny clear day.  Felt the sweetness of newly bloomed roses. After they both moved apart, that blissful kiss still lingered on her lips. The deeper she delved in thought about her new girlfriend, the increase of a chill crept along her back. This is new territory for her and one that Devon has yet to believe or understand that she even deserved. 
A few moments passed and Devon eventually arrived at the station. It was once a home away from home, but ever since her forced promotion at the agency she had found herself hesitant by the foot of the stone steps. She watched as the light shined brightly through the windows from the cold shadows. She never understood how her old co-workers could just easily stroll in a place and make conversation without a stumble. All it had taken was a single look from Devon and the others would avoid and cower like she had the plague. She certainly never smelt bad - always remained rather pristine and put together with style, she thought whilst she smoothed down her pressed shirt. 
A ping from her phone broke her chain of thought. Devon does not save people's numbers usually. A small contact list, less names to remember - only those that she actually cares about. 
Tina Poname, 5:12pm. Seen. 
“Dev! You coming to pick your things up or what?”
Tina Poname, 5:13pm. Seen.
“Don’t make me throw your shit in the trash - I will do it 😤”
Devon rolled her eyes, typed out a quick response then shoved the phone back into her coat pocket. Tina’s threats are not some to dismiss. 
Devon Kang, 5:13pm. Sent.
“Try it and I will break your plant.” 
She sighed whilst taking the steps back into a place that felt more as a distant memory. Devon brushed past individuals that made their way out of the building, ignorant of the pleasantries that were thrown her way. 
In and out. 
That was all it was supposed to be.
Get in, grab her stuff then leave. In and out. As easy as that. So, why was she stood in front of a bare naked pine tree with a box of cheap plastic ornaments in her hands. Devon wrinkled her nose when she remembered Tina’s big and bold pleading eyes. Devon was about to shrug her request off before Tina pulled out her trap card. 
“Well this could be a rather difficult task, if you think you won’t be able to handle it then I suppose I could have another - ”
Devon sneered at her past self’s foolishness to fall for such a low blow trick that had landed her to decorate a tree over twice her size. Devon dealt with worse, she knew she didn't need help to assist with such a mindless task. Anyone around her knew better to ask or dealt with the agent’s stone cold glare that could rival Adams. 
Like a blur, time sped up whilst Devon concentrated with the decorations. Volunteers, co workers, guests flew around and past her in all directions - but her focus remained on the tree. No time for pointless greetings or goodbyes, she had a system and it would be followed.
The moment she was unable to find the star topper, Devon decided it was a decent time for a break. That and her stomach betrayed her. She headed for the vending machine, typed out the number, tapped her card and waited for her chips.
And waited.  
… Still waited. 
Devon inched closer with anticipation whilst the bag started to tilt forward and … nothing. It just remained still, mocked her from behind the glass. She kicked at the machine, once or perhaps multiple times, but the chips still refused to budge. How was it that she could shove over an old powerful supernatural, but it was a single bag of chips that held its own against her? At least most people had already left for the day to not see a grown woman’s beef with a mechanical box.
“Oh angel, take it easy on the machine. You are going to leave a dent.” 
Devon groaned and the hairs on the back of her neck stiffened up at that dreadful name. Not even needed to glance away from her new inanimate enemy, she already knew exactly who arrived. She let out another low grunt as she gave the machine one last hard kick, yet the chips remained attached on the rack. 
“Need some assistance there, before you break company property - oh! I meant your ex - company’s property.” Devon made the fatal mistake and shifted her gaze to glance up at the taller man with his smug grin that pierced a burnt feeling in her chest. Bobby Marks leaned against the vending machine with a journalist pass displayed around his neck.
“Ah great. Just when my headache was thought to have gone” She rolled her eyes and spoke in a neutral tone, “the detective is not present, you have no business here.” “Who said I was here for business and not pleasure?” He winked and Devon just barely managed to hold in another groan. He already used that line once before in the past.
She was tired, she had a very brief moment of weakness and it was late - way too late. Devon was usually quite pragmatic, but in that moment, her mind betrayed her when she held the door open for him. Without a second to process, she felt a rough wet collision between their lips. An overwhelming scent of his cologne scraped against her nose. The kiss itself is as she expected. A fight for control. Urgency or desperation? Doesn’t matter. It was over as quick as it had started. After the sounds of betrayal, almost used once again for nothing more than a scoop - she will not allow herself to fall for that same mistake again. 
“But really what a surprise to find you here after your sudden promotion, must be a christmas miracle - “ “It’s the fourth of December.”
Bobby continued as though she never interrupted, “and here I worried that agency of yours had kept you locked up and you’d tragically never see my handsome face again.” Devon noted the venom laced on his tongue at the slight mention of the agency. She managed to array Bobby’s suspicions of her new workplace and unordinary colleagues for the past couple of months, but how long will that secret last? Knowing Bobby for as long as she does, he won’t stop till he figured out the truth. 
Devon rolled her eyes again at his comment, but stopped at the sound of a bag drop. Her eyes darted towards the row ‘035’ and that very same chip bag had indeed fallen onto the tray. When her gaze moved towards the control panel, her surprise quickly shifted to a glare towards her conversation partner who was in the process of putting away his card.
“I did not need your help.” Bobby scoffed lightly, “Bold of you to assume these were for you.” He reached down faster enough to beat her for the winning prize. He opened her bag. He took out her chips. With the usual smirk drawn on his face, crunched down on each chip. One by one. However, it did not last as that nauseating smirk faded into a knowing grimace.
Bobby let out a loud cough and tossed the bag onto an empty desk, “Kale? Who on earth would choose to eat kale flavoured chips?” Devon scoffs with a small quirk of a smile “it’s called being healthy, why don’t you try it some time?” Bobby rubbed a hand on the corners of his mouth, “it’s called being pretentious, Kang.”
“Takes one to know one, Marks.”  
Bobby took a few steps closer towards Devon, leaned down to match her height “we always had much in common, hadn’t we? Shame truly we don’t spend nearly enough time together anymore to explore - “
Devon was about to snap back at him, if it wasn’t for her surprise wrapped up in all colours of the rainbow. 
“Dev!! Honey! I saw your car outside, are you in here?”
Farah’s booming voice echoed through the office, a pleasant chime to the ears. She had a peppy spring to her steps, with her poofy skirt bouncing along with her and colourful rainbow stockings proudly on display. She swung around a small woven tote bag, whilst she skipped with a beaming smile towards Devon. 
“You would not believe what I managed to score, and for free as well!” Farah’s excitement could radiate an entire room with how much twinkle would shine from her amber eyes. 
Bobby let out a loud cough and Farah’s bounce halted and finally realised his existence in the scene. He was not amused, “We were having a conversation here.” Farah threw him a disinterested gaze up and down with a shrug “emphasis on ‘were’. You are no longer needed - not when the real gift has arrived!” She gives a small twirl of the skirt and sent a wink at Devon. Devon snorted at the man’s insulted face. She hesitated at first but reached over for Farah’s hand and gave it a small squeeze. 
Bobby glanced between both women then at their joined hands, gave a slight roll of the eyes before he plastered a tight smile. “Oh! It seems I am getting a call,”  He whipped out his phone and very obviously typed out a number. He kept his gaze locked onto Devon as he spoke, “Hello there Harriet, did you miss me?” Devon just scoffed at his antics. 
Farah stuck her tongue out at the man when he headed out of the station, then shook her head and sighed, “What a total weirdo. Good thing you totally upgraded from that, right honey?” She glanced towards her with an anxious smile. Farah has always been rather open, going through life, her heart on her sleeve, even a hint of insecurity can easily slip past that smiley façade. However, without the necessity of words, Devon lifted their joined hands to press a faint kiss on her knuckles and those once anxious thoughts simply faded away. 
Farah’s cheeks darkened and sputtered out a soft laugh “oh gosh - wow. Gotta say babes, I'm never truly tired of finding these surprises of yours hidden within.” Devon showed a small inch of a smile and Farah’s grin widened, then blinked for a second “Wait, what was I going to say again?” Devon glanced at the tote bag and raised a single brow, Farah clapped her hands “Oh right! Check it.” She opened the bag and revealed a small box of freshly baked mince pies. “Some old human was selling a bunch on the street and she ended up giving me a box with no charge! Must have been hypnotised by my adorable face, haha!” Devon purses her lips in slight confusion, “firstly I am not going to argue about ‘adorableness’ of your face as that’s obviously true to a fact,” Farah blew her a kiss. “But you are a vampire, aren’t you not? You don’t need to eat actual foods.” Farah flapped her hand, “Need? No. But I heard these small pie things are a big deal this time of the year, so I was curious what all the hype was about.” Farah shuffled near, their hands still joined, the sudden closeness caused a warmth to bloom on Devon’s cheeks. “And I thought you might appreciate the snack.”
Devon hadn’t told anyone she was heading to the station. Hadn’t told anyone if she was eating out or staying in. But despite not knowing if they were going to meet, Farah still thought of her. She used her free hand to gently cup her girlfriend’s cheek. Examined her for any possible ulterior motives, tricks or tomfoolery - but what she deduced was nothing but the earnest truth, as she has always been.
“You are forever on my mind, honey. I hope you know that. If not, I do not mind getting to remind you every second of every day.” Left speechless, Devon responded with a slow nod. She leaned up slightly for a gentle kiss with a short breath of relief that escaped her lips. Farah’s leg propped up with her arms around Devon’s waist, kept her close and near. A picturesque portrait with the newly decorated tree behind the blossoming couple and seemingly Devon finally found the star. 
All she wishes for this Christmas season is not to lose her shooting star anytime soon. 
The End.
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just-prompt-things · 1 year
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tell me im wrong. tell. me. im. wrong.
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ichijokaoru · 4 months
we were playing the demo for a centennial case (japanese fmv mystery game) and got jumpscared by airi (from den-o)'s actress. shrimp was like, is that airi it really looks like airi and, yes, it was airi. so i went looking through the rest of the case for toku connections and we then discovered that the protag from gaim is also playing a character, but we haven't seen gaim (other than ep 1) so we just did not recognise him at all
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faislittlewhiteraven · 4 months
Fai's Fic Ramble: The GorseTale AU (bare basics)
Ever since roughly... 2017 I think, there been a single Undertale fanfic I've been tapping away at and though it's nowhere near done or even organised enough for me to think about posting chapter 1 on A03, I recently posted a spinoff fic related to it called Eight Coloured Picture about the deaths of all the fallen humans and how some monsters each time were effected by their passing, and well.
I wanna ramble about the main story that fic comes from for a bit!
Working Title: 'Gorse, Blackthorn and Buttercups' I also call it GorseTale in my head for short since Gaijin Goombah's rather fun video on why Undertale's Golden Flowers are most likely Gorse was a HUGE inspiration for the fic back when I started out (it's er changed quiet a bit since then but I'm keeping the flower vibes because Chara likes them and I did way too much research into both practical and symbolic uses for plants in the Underground for this fic not to use at least some of it at some point XD).
Core premise: Story is a Slice of Life/Drama AU set around Frisk being born in the Underground and taken in by Toriel right around the time of 'Undertale canon' (for Undertale Yellow fans, roughly a year or so after Clover's death), and through a series of domino effects stemming from that, various monsters of the Underground are confronted with the flaws of both themselves and their kingdom, and as a result start putting in effort to try fixing things so the little human child they've become so attached to can actually live their life to the fullest without fear of being murdered just for being born a non monster.
Aka: Toriel and Sans experience the joys and terror of co-parenting a child who only survives past the age of 3 because they have phenomenal cosmic power. Papyrus discovers the Royal Guard is NOT in fact something he wants to join (and accidentally becomes politically active in an effort to right by his new nibbling). Undyne takes some time to really rethink her career path and motives. Alphys somehow manages to turn former mistakes into miracles (oh and cures death maybe). Mettaton learns to take time off and share the spotlight, and finally King Asgore gets a surprising amount of hope in encouraging peaceful rebellion against his own accidental dictatorship.
Main cast: Rotates a bit since every major monster (and Flowey) matters in this and who's most in focus depends on the exact arc but Toriel, Sans, Papyrus, Chara and Frisk are the ones who I have the most planned scenes for since well, they're where the 'domino effect' starts.
Ships: Fic is pretty gen for the most part but leaning Undyne/Alphys, Papyrus/Mettaton (who knew all Paps needed to become popular was to openly try convincing monster kind that killing all the humans is wrong in front of a very specific underground star XD), and some very very very slowburn Sans/Toriel (is teased throughout the story because Sans IS Frisk's other parent Sans just means 'Dad' in Frisk speak and I find various Monsters' "Wait Sans has a kid- Wait Sans is married?!" reactions hilarious (Paps giving 'context' to why he suddenly has a nibbling to Undyne especially) but actual, real Soriel doesn't happen until near the very end because Toriel is Not Ok, Sans leans AroAce/Demi and both agree that while the odd kiss, hug or 'real talk' is fine neither up for anything more than that right now. Also Toriel has yet to get a formal divorce and er, she can't even think of him for much of the fic without wanting to set him on fire so... Yeah). Also considering Mad Mewmew/Asgore (because funny but also oddly sweet), and Mettaton trying to get over a crush on Alphys at the start (due to Mettaton's Winter Alarmclock dialogue reframing all of Mettaton's actions in canon in a whole newlight for me), but for the most part romance really isn't a focus.
Things to set it apart from every other 'Frisk grows up in the Underground' fanfic:
A LOT of worldbuilding focus on stuff how monsters get food and materials.
Toriel teaching everyone how Monster society was before the War vs now (aka lots of cultural trauma themes here).
More emphasis on how little Monster society these days really knows about things they really should given their Kingdom's plans.
Sans 'timeline trauma' getting tossed out the window for joining Toriel in 'worried parent' stress (hard to be upset about LOADS when they're specifically stopping a toddler you love from getting murdered).
Papyrus accidentally making everything better just because for the sake of his nibblet he can't back down.
Undyne having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus.
Mettaton having a character growth arc triggered by Papyrus (and a passing mention of Napstablook).
Alphys not being fired post Amalgamite reveal making her realize she has in fact actually kinda created the cure for death (by 'Falling Down') or at the very least is only maybe three steps away from that and actually works on that alongside a bunch of other stuff with other scientists because working alone sucked.
Lots of focus on the humans who fell before Frisk because their lives mattered! and also the Blue Soul was Kris because damn if I don't feel the need to really hammer in Toriel's trauma caused by Asgore here
NarraChara and Napstablook being ghost buddies =D they suck at it but Chara will take literally anyone who can hear them for company and Napstablook feels bad about that
Snowdin being secretly a hub of human sympathisers! (None of them knew they weren't the only ones).
Tems and the Riverperson mattering while still being true to their very weird selves!!!
Asgore learning that he DOES in fact have a lot of influence and that maybe, juuust maybe, that his screw ups were worse for his Kingdom than he already thought (don't worry Asgore fans, despite my having to write a lot of Asgore grr due to Toriel being a major character, saving him and showing how much he loves his people is a major goal of mine &lt;3). He still f%cked up majorly though XD
Frisk dealing with, well, the stress of growing up in a place that says their death would make everyone (except their immediate loved ones) happy and constantly having to live in hiding/disguise...
Flowey being a murderous little shit but also not having reset power and both Frisk and Chara in his life again.
Undertale Yellow and Deltarune characters! Who probably won't be in focus a lot but they've helped me out a ton for fleshing the out my setting so I will 100% be giving them at least a little screen time to make up for that (like Amalgamate Kanako playing with Frisk, and Martlet and Noelle being VERY interesting in Papyrus's 'Lets not kill the humans' movement for reasons our main characters will eventually learn &lt;3).
Oh and a huge amount of 'Unseen in game' areas I made for the Underground which include:
SnowDen: a 'town' of Dog and Rabbit made tunnels underneath the ENTIRE Snowdin region (connects to every dog sentry post, the 'Toby Fox secret area' and the 'very efficiently laid out' travel tunnels seen in canon Undertale). Generally requires those living there to get through given how winding and confusing the tunnels can get (all guideposts are puzzles made with scent markers...).
TooHot: basically a 'lethal lava land' housing district for fire monsters below general Hotland. Predates the Wat and is too hot for most non fire monsters to go anywhere near (the current name was given by Asgore though).
Cliffstop: a 'thin' vertical crevice monsters in New Home unearthed a while back that goes from from all the way to the very top of Mt Ebott down to the dark of the Abyss below (locals there call the top of the area Clifftop and the lowest safe for travel Cliffdrop). Gets a fair bit of sun and has flying room so it's popular with plant and flying monsters but the cliffs are very unstable so the bottom is covered in rope nets to prevent accidents. Most puzzles about the place are moving rope bridges, loading up vertical conveyer belts with the correct weights and 'light and mirror' puzzles.
Riverfolk Waterway and True Tem Village: settlements hidden deep within Waterfall's 'unreachable in canon' winding waterways. The former is a small inlet where 'Riverfolk' monsters like the Riverperson have a small collection of boathouses they dock at, and the later is exactly what is sounds like, with the 'Temmie Village' we see in canon being merely a Temmie trading outpost. Can accessed only by Riverperson boat or the Temmie's secret tunnels and is home to all sorts of cool things like the Temmie 'Colleg' and 'DEEP HISTORY mUSEEum'~ XD
WebbInn 'the Spider district': Mostly a giant communal spider web hanging Hotland's ceiling but also connected to a tunnel that goes up near Mt Ebbot's peak (the spiders have been digging upwards in hopes of getting a 'sunspot' they can use to advertise their 'sweet little town' to tourists). Has a... Very distinctive culture compared to the rest of the Underground and the 'puzzles' there tend towards being 'social' in nature (aka fey logic games where how you speak and act gets you directed every which way).
Starlite Strip: A little connecting area right underneath the path/cliff Monster Kid and Frisk see the castle while travelling through Waterfall in Undertale Canon. Not a big settlement on its own but something of a trading hub for monsters from New Home and the surrounding areas in Waterfall to buy and sell goods (also has a LOT of Royal Guard presence which is why absolutely no one in Undertale recommends it to the very human Frisk). Very sparkly but in a gentle 'crystals, glowing water and fire flies' kinda way.
And... Yeah. Wanna post a full script of what I've got planned so far but this post is already massive so will do that in a bit.
Will say though that the general ending plan for this fic arguably goes full fix fic with:
12-14 year old Frisk comes out as human publicly and goes through the entire Underground arguing their case (something the Underground has been publicly debating for the last 10 years or so thanks to a very motivated Papyrus and a wanting more ratings + genuinely interested Mettaton).
Undyne attempts to kill them but well, she's only going all out because she and Paps had a deal about this (he vowed that he'd defend any innocent human from her killing them so she could still go all out at her job) and Frisk knows that.
Mettaton gets to do THE biggest and most historically important interview in the Underground's history.
Asgore declares that the Underground will try out this whole 'everyone in the kingdom votes' thing on both the upcoming war and how they will treat humans living here because he wants to make sure he's doing what his people want (Mettaton asks what Asgore will vote but Asgore, finally realizing his own influence, refuses to say).
Asgore and Frisk spend a nice, if slightly nervously time together drinking tea and talking about the future while the votes are being counted. (Toriel and others may join them but mostly this is Asgore getting to know... the last of Toriel's adopted children she told him about the others when she asked for a divorce).
Monsters choose wisely because for all this fic is 'Monsters are flawed too!' they are good people and I want to make that clear <3
Cue Frisk publically trying to help break the barrier while being very alive...
Flowey pulling a 'God of Hyper Death' except well, he, Frisk and Chara maaay have discussed a bit of this beforehand (Flowey did want the souls and this would get him them), so er, the fight might be a touch more mixed with genuine anger and playfulness. Note: Still working out the exacts.
The human SOULs get brought back to life as monsters while Flowey gets a SOUL of his own and Chara gets enough magical matter to be visible to people other than Frisk (it required less waste of the accumulated magic, the soul of an additional human another girl falling into the Ruins was what got Frisk deciding to come out actually, the kids using a bunch of Alphys' furthered research on the interplay between Determination, matter and Dust, and breaking down the dead humans' bodies for enough 'compatible matter' to work with, and the destruction and repurposing of the Barrier but hey! Back to life! Or arguably Chara's case an upgrade to proper ghost-hood). Oh and the Amalgamates that want it are safely separated but not sure if that's a 'before no' thing or a 'here in this big finale' thing~ XD
And yeah. That's all of my 'extra happy ending just because I can' stuff the entire fic eventually builds towards. Will post all my planned scenes/'domino effect planning' some other time but for now I'm done.
If you liked any ideas in this feel free to use them please (I'm a slow ass writer and I write what I want to see more of in the world XD) and er, hope this was a fun ramble to read <3
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
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Day 7 of Rise April Challenge: Nonsense!!
Watched The Gumbus for Riseathon too, so thought drawing a screenshot redraw at the same would be fun :]
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btbtbtran · 2 years
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[Bestietale - Genocide Path]
I’m trying my best to at least finish the GP comic lmao. This blog has taken a precious place in my heart, I should be more responsible to it.
First: Here! Prev: This is from 5 months ago lmao Next: Here!
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scalproie · 1 year
"dam stop bitching at polls" no you need a healthy dose of pointless anger to stay in good shape
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Jay Walker 🤝 Ryuji Sakamoto
Accidentally electrocuting their teammates and frying all electronics nearby.
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volos-wish · 1 year
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Before I even wanted to get into ffxiv my sister said, "I wonder who you'd simp for. Probably Emet-Selch yeah it'd be Emet." She thought "simp" just meant favorite character. and we had to correct her. She may have been wrong but she was also so right. 😔
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arch-lightbaund · 1 year
@roguesenses said:
izuku be like is he gonna say kacchan is the love child of satan next
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“ I've connected the dots! ”
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whump-adjacent · 2 years
✨Misc Obikin omegaverse fluff✨ *squick*
Headcanon where Obi-Wan returns from a mission posting just as Anakin is almost full-term preg with their first child. 
Omegas are normally extremely sensitive and focused on nesting just before birth, but Anakin has never been a particularly normal omega. 
Obi-Wan is quite breath-taken to see his strong, dashing mate now appear much more beautiful and tender, his frame having lost much of it’s usual muscle-tone, making him appear more statuesque and willowy. His face has become softer, the sharp lines of his cheeks and jaw curved slightly with the final stages of pregnancy, lips slightly swollen and pink. He doesn’t carry particularly large (which doesn’t surprise Obi-Wan, of course Anakin is suited to breeding, he’s perfect at everything else!), but the swell of his belly is still quite impressive. Obi-Wan’s heart sings to see Anakin in this way - made vulnerable and raw, his omega state providing a perfect gateway for him to express the many emotions that always seemed to be bottled up inside him. He wonders if he will take the opportunity.
However, sure enough, Anakin was not going to let his guard down that easily. Ever the stubborn and fierce war general, Anakin brought out his best playful antagonism for Obi-Wan’s return, teasing him ruthlessly about almost missing the birth of their child, faux apologising for interrupting his plans with his inconvenient timing, making light of his own softer appearance and cumbersome belly - saying Obi-Wan should take advantage while he can because soon Anakin would be back to his fighting weight. Obi-Wan was amused and returned his taunts with relish, but continued to wait with baited breath to see the inevitable tenderness that Anakin must be feeling at the moment - the hyper sensitivity, the powerful emotions, the constant need for contact and encouragement from his alfa whilst he nests. He wondered what nesting even looked like for Anakin. 
In the bedroom later that night Anakin still hadn’t given in - baiting Obi-Wan with flirtatious jibes and making light of his changed body as they undressed each other. Obi-Wan continued to play, but knew that as soon as he opened Anakin up physically there would be nothing Anakin could do to hide. 
And finally, he was proven right. 
Obi-Wan takes in his heroic omega mate lying completely exposed against their pillows; pregnant, naked and glowing with sweat post orgasm - then slowly but surely brings him to another orgasm, and then another... 
Panting and open mouthed with tears running down his face, Anakin has finally run out of words. He can only watch Obi-Wan helplessly, willing him to understand the maelstrom of emotions swirling around inside him right now - how much he needs Obi-Wan. How much he needs Obi-Wan’s hands on him, holding him, holding him whilst Anakin holds their child inside him, promising not to leave again or even mention being apart, assuring him that his body is not ugly even though it looks so different to how it used to, assuring him he will be here to look after them forever, just as Anakin will look after them with everything he has.
Obi-Wan holds Anakin’s glistening cheek in one hand, and places the other gently on the warm swell of his belly, saying simply “I understand, darling. I will never leave you. You are everything to me. You both are.” 
Anakin breaths properly for the first time in months, and emotions crash out of him through the force as his walls crumble. With his head spinning, he begins laughing and crying at the same time, unable to make sense of anything, unable to explain, but needing to express himself somehow. Tears streaming down his face, he pulls Obi-Wan towards him and kisses him fiercely. Obi-Wan returns his passion but lets himself be led by Anakin and his needs. 
When he pulls away Anakin can only choke out “I love you, Obi-Wan” and press their foreheads together. 
“We love you - I can feel it” he continues, holding Obi-Wan’s hand against his belly. “I can feel them in the force, I know they can feel you too”. Then Anakin manages a teary chuckle as a faint kick pushes against their hands at the exact right moment. 
With a few words, Anakin has undone Obi-Wan too. His omega is beyond anything he could have imagined. 
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alligaytorswamp · 2 years
what made u ship benyun, i followed u for chaeya but they grew on me too :'D is there some lore im missing or r they just sumn you liked, both of which are good btw !! id like to know more abt them
omg anon you are so real for this i cry
short answer: i simply noticed that chongyun and benny have some similarities, thought 'wow what if they hang out sometimes ^^' and was instantly hit in the head with a huge can of brainworms. have not recovered since.
longer rant on them under the cut <3
i will prefix it with - no they Do Not have anything canon going on, i keep my otps as non-canon as possible to be in as much pain as possible :)
my undying love for benyun started and is fueled by the way they just seem to fit perfectly together? (similarly to what i feel about chaeya)
like it was this instant realization of just how much potential their interactions could have and how they could experience the world together and that their personalities seem to clash in the most positive way humanly possible <3
so as i said, it's started just with a silly observation that both bennett and chongyun have the same bonus for expeditions, both put out some sort of "field" with their e/ult and both don't like spicy food. that made me think they would be great friends, likely they would enjoy adventuring together :') and then there was the idea of bennett being just Unlucky and chongyun being ... too Lucky(yang energy)? which could be balanced out when they're together! so like bennett no longer as unlucky, while chongyun's positive energy isn't strong enough to keep all the spirits away and it could work out in rather silly situations where a random rock doesn't hit bennett's head because chongyun caught it, or he just chooses the right path through the forest, quickly finds a random key for the door, monster doesn't get him, etc
and chongyun's energy will be suddenly not as effective, allowing him to see spirits and maybe handle the heat (perhaps of more emotional kind heh) better! furthermore i think they would be very delighted around each other suddenly feeling so much luckier :') kind of like they let each other live fully and their general world view/love for adventuring aligns well. i think they would thrive around each other <3
and not to repeat myself but them being together means bennett is less unlucky or perhaps his "mistakes" have positive outcome (because of yang energy) and chongyun can be a proper exorcist and have all of these strong emotions towards someone because his yang energy just doesn't work as intensely anymore (because of bennett's unlucky-ness)
overall, i fell for this ship very quickly because they give me intense Good Vibes <3
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