#akari mei
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znsluc · 27 days
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yazzydream · 1 year
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Jujutsu Kaisen 0 Character Designs
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the-chikyuu-times · 1 year
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saturn-181 · 8 months
Let’s keep it going
Once again, Gege isn’t watching this one, so answer honestly
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kurayamineko · 3 months
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syrooo · 4 days
All of the top of my head, forgot some probably lol
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Hi! I’ve been following you for a while now (since before you started working on sisterhood). I love the concept you have for Sisterhood a lot. I’m just curious about what shippings you like since I feel like I know some of them but not all of them (and I know how shipping can change over time). If you feel like talking about them, I would love to hear about them!
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I've accumulated a vast assortment of pairings the past several years, particularly due to being a multishipper (but not a polyshipper-). However, for each protagonist there is usually what a friend of mine refers to as an "endgame" love interest: the one who I feel resonates with her personality most.
For example, the pairings related to Leaf are Conflictingshipping (Green/Blue x Leaf) and LeafStoneshipping (Brock x Leaf). The former is the "endgame" pairing for her. As for the latter, I actually concocted the name myself.
(There are a number of pairings I've been left with the solemn duty of bestowing a name upon, in actuality-).
An additional detail to keep in mind is, for anyone else who may be reading; the ages of several characters are altered in the universe of Sisterhood, meaning everyone involved, including the female protagonists, is a young adult.
Kotone, her "endgame" pairing is SoulSilvershipping (Silver x Kotone). Silver is truly the only person she has a romantic relationship with, although he is rather prone to experiencing jealousy when other male characters, such as Hibiki(Ethan) and Morty, are in her presence.
Haruka also has two paths of romance before her in the forms of HoennChampionshipping (Steven x Haruka) and NewRivalshipping (Wally x Haruka). What can I say? She has a type, and it's nerds. Haruka couldn't care less about the former's status and money, and she isn't so shallow that his looks would instantly capture her heart.
Hikari has no love interests to speak of in Sinnoh, but under the alias of Akari while in Hisui, she has quite a few options! Wieldershipping (Volo x Akari) and BrilliantDiamondshipping (Adaman x Akari) are the main contenders, but additionally... I also am somewhat partial to CandyTruffleshipping (Melli x Akari), for humor related reasons.
Ferriswheelshipping (N x Touko) is Touko's "endgame" pairing. Similarly to Kotone, she has no other love interests. However, Cheren does harbor romantic feelings for her during the course of Black and White's main game before eventually moving on and finding happiness with Bianca.
Technically, Mei has two and a half love interests? Initially, LiveCastershipping (Curtis x Mei) was intended to be the "endgame" pairing for her, but I gradually grew more and more fond of Hue and his one-sided affections. And to elaborate on the "two and a half love interests", Kyouhei(Nate) is sort of one, but... it's... it's complicated.
Serena is another protagonist who has a sole pairing associated with her, which is Kalosshipping (Calem x Serena). And yet, I also can't consider Calem her "endgame" love interest. I don't dislike him, but... he's lacking a certain je ne sais quoi. So perhaps Legends: Z-A may introduce Serena to her perfect beau?
Despite how frequently she teases and torments him, Mizuki's main love interest is Gladion. Although I do also enjoy some Malasadashipping (Hau x Mizuki) on the side. Regardless of whether their relationship is platonic or romantic, Hau is an important part of Mizuki's life in Alola now.
Gloria has two tsundere boys battling for her attention and affection. Not that Bede and Avery would admit this without raising a fuss. I haven't yet decided which will be her "endgame" love interest, so I suppose DressedInPinkshipping (Bede x Gloria) and Barriershipping (Avery x Gloria) will also be competing for my approval!
Juliana has the most love interests out of all the protagonists thus far! A grand total of four! HerbaMysticashipping (Arven x Juliana), Dipplinshipping (Kieran x Juliana), Tracksuitshipping (Drayton x Juliana) are the primary pairings, but Grusha does occasionally show interest in the academy's Book Wurmple as well.
There are also various pairings in Sisterhood which don't involve the female protagonists. Some include the male protagonists, such as Red possibly becoming a couple with Misty, while others are composed of non-player characters, one of my favorites being Surveyshipping (Laventon x Cyllene). The professor and captain are married in this universe, as a matter of fact!
And because the world of Pokémon is always expanding, this means there should always be more pairings! Legends: Z-A is soon to be upon us, after all! But hopefully not too soon.
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imthepunchlord · 1 year
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Meeting the Lord of the Mountain
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deathdestructiondoom · 2 months
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low quality ocs ref for CTT au. Natives of thr world of Creatio (the isekai world where the au takes place)
i just got back from my swimming class im tired as fuck ill explain this later in a reblogbsjsbsksjsosnaka.
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haropro-confessions · 1 month
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To me, Yamazaki Mei sounds like a higher-pitched Riho. I kind of missed the shouty girls, Risaki, Chisato, Early Takechan, etc. Ruru from Juice=Juice filled this void until her vocal technique improved. So I very much welcome the yelling from Mei. It feels like home, as far as idols go.
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gimmie-medicine · 5 months
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outlined in black and white.. ♡
Tsukimiya Rucia MAD MEDiCiNE
Ice/Aisu iLiFE!
Yuno Woyuta NANIMONO
CHINA Cinderella Sengen!
Hanayama Akari LinQ
Yurizono Emma metarium
Fujimiya Mei Appare!
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t-u-i-t-c · 10 months
really need to make more sets focusing on ladies
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unhonestlymirror · 2 years
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srfreeman42 · 1 year
does anyone have that edit of the jujutsu kaisen girls and zoro
the one with “stay” playing in the background
please its important i need it
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