#akira X makoto
patch-ie · 9 months
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i love you - always have, always will
some shumako stuff i posted on twitter
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luniise-kel · 2 years
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akechi was about to delve into his other laundry list of crimes but futaba and haru interrupted him (theyre bonding)
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randoimago · 3 months
Hi!!!! Can I have head canons of how the persona protagonists [ Makoto Yuki,Ren Amamiya and Yu Narukami] would react if SO was wearing their clothes ? Like their old hoodie or pajamas because it reminds her of her respective other? Thank you!
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Makoto, Joker, Yu
Note(s): This is super cute, I'm happy to write it!
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His jacket is missing and he's a bit pouty about it. It's chilly out and he has a social link to progress. But he can't if he freezes first.
He walks down to the lobby to see if he left it there, only to pause when he notices you wearing his jacket. Makoto stares at you for a bit before leaving to go steal one of your jackets.
Makoto heads out, a bit pouty that he doesn't have jacket. But you do look cute so he doesn't complain too much. You get a text from him that's just -_- (he spends too much time with Maya).
Yu is trying to find the jacket of his winter uniform. He has multiple, but there's one that's more comfy than the others that he wanted to wear. But he can't find it. He asks Nanako if it's being washed or something but she doesn't know.
It's not until he gets to school and sees your oversized jacket that he realizes you took his. He smiles when he sees you and gives you a pat on the head, showing that he's not upset.
Yu enjoys the idea that you're wearing his jacket during school for others to see. He just hopes that you don't get in trouble for the uniform not being right since there are some teachers that are stupidly strict.
Honestly, he just leaves his jackets out in hopes you'll take them. Or even if you mention being cold / he notices you shivering, he'll just give you his jackets or hoodies.
It's not surprising when he can't find something he wants to wear, only to see you in it later. It makes him happy.
But if it's too cold, then he'll try to slip his arms in the sleeves of the jacket too so he can be warm but also be close to you. You both have gotten stuck before because of him.
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p5x-theories · 1 year
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The Phantom Thieves’ cards in P5X!
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writers-reach · 6 months
Slow dancing headcanons with Makoto,Ren and Yu?
persona 3/4/5: slow dancing headcanons (makoto yuki, yu narukami, ren amamiya)
notes: gn!reader, fluff, pretty short
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makoto yuki
asks you to take the lead! he's seen those dancing lovers shadows in tartarus, but otherwise has no clue what he's doing.
mumbles to himself as he learns; he's a pretty quick learner, so in no time, the two of you are dancing about your room
ends up loving dancing with you! likes slow, more waltzy styles than anything else
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yu narukami
he's got some dance experience under his belt, what with helping with that festival for rise. he takes the lead, but making sure you're keeping up!
every time you look up from your feet and into his eyes, he smiles, and you feel yourself trip slightly. damn him and his charming looks!
definitely tries to dance with you at the summer festival or something like that, to some dumb, cheesy ballad or another
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ren amamiya
kind of like a mix between makoto and yu, i feel. like, has no idea what he's doing but pretends he does to appear confident. fake it til you make it, right?
despite not quite knowing what to do, he's trying his best and it actually turns out pretty well! he's got good body coordination, so you're never too worried about being stepped on
can't stop cracking jokes about being your "dashing prince charming" or "roguish lover". it's okay, though, since seeing you smile and roll your eyes makes it all worth it!
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a/n: tysm for your request! hope you enjoy!
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junebugknight · 1 year
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(Chat icons made by auto-maraku)
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clocklyfox2008 · 2 months
So uhhhhhhhh, guess who spent a whole summer simply just doodling instead of doing actual posting and doing artworks lmfao
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Anyway, this took me 2 weeks, reason why it took this long is cus of school starting this week so uhhh yea, screw that
Might go back to the Shadows again but eh,
(ps, i have so many regrets about this fanart so i might remake it probably next year, who knows suhsuhs7h. As well as the fact that i havent properly look at 1 and 2 so mistakes r there uhsyhsnus)
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maze-of-my-design · 9 months
Shuanns? Hello? Helloooo??? Anyone there????
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+ an extra, why not?
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thebrightsilverlining · 6 months
Types of Phantom Thief Outfits
Oftentimes when someone genderbends one of the male Phantom Thieves, their Thief outfit is always redone to include a skirt. This is something I always found strange, considering the fact that none of the girls wear skirts as part of their Thief outfit. In fact, with P5X introducing a truckload of new Phantom Thieves, I realized that the lack of skirts and dresses almost seems to be a rule when it comes to the designs, as NONE of the new characters wear skirts.
So, because of that, I wanted to break down the kinds of outfits the Thieves actually wear, from most common to least common.
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The most common type of outfit the Thieves wear is a one-piece. While most of these are skintight bodysuits (Oracle, Puppet, Panther, Queen, etc), there's also jumpers (Fox), and rompers (Riddle). These outfits can include modifications and additional parts (Skull's vest and Moko's cape) but ultimately the main outfit is one article of clothing.
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Next up is long pants. The second most popular category, it is pretty much exactly what it says on the tin. All these characters where a typical ensemble of long pants and a shirt, with a variety of different styles and accessories to keep things from becoming boring.
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After long pants are shorts. Notably, there are only women in this category, while the previous categories had a mix. These shorts can be worn with or without leggings, with Sophia's outfit getting the closest to something that could be considered a dress, due to how short her shorts are and the fit of her shirt. If the character is not wearing leggings or tights, they seem to instead be put in long socks.
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Now we enter into the smaller categories. Only two characters are in the poofy pants category, but I thought it was worth pointing out. Not too much to say here. Both poofy pants characters have their entire body covered, with boots or leggings going right up to the end of the pants.
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Finally, we're in the singular character categories. Bui gets the closest to a skirt or dress, even closer than Sophia. However, because of the way her outfit is designed, it appears as if she's wearing a long shirt with leggings, rather than a really short dress. Worth noting, though, due to the fact that it is one of the few outfits that could be argued to be a dress.
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Finally, Wonder gets his own slot, because I genuinely can't tell what he's wearing. Is that a bodysuit with leggings? Shorts with leggings? Where does his cape end and his under outfit begin? Who knows. So he gets his own category.
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bumblinv · 1 year
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--- 𝙙𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙨𝙩𝙞𝙘 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 !
daily life as a part of the phantom thieves
contents akira, ann, yusuke, makoto, futaba x gn!reader
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forgetting to bring an umbrella in a rainy day means arriving home soaked, cause you and ryuji both ran through the rain. his blazer he used to shield you both barely keeping any of you dry
imagine teaching makoto how to gossip cause missgirl doesn't understand the fun of it
thinking of bonding with futaba by beating minecraft together. you two got the ender dragon down after just 10 hours of gameplay, with full on enchanted diamond armors and swords. she had done this countless time you dont have to worry about a damn thing
yusuke takes modern art seriously, like he would shot ryuji an offended look if he laugh or talk about how ridiculous any of it looks
at some point of time, after they got back from the nastiest, stinkiest, most shitty smelling part of mementos, akira would bathe morgana despite his protests. he doesn't want any of that on his bed
yusuke lets his brushes marinate in a jar of water for months
window shopping with ann... imagine going through the entire mall for hours without actually buying anything and ending the day at her favourite crepe place
ryuji loosing banks cause everyone keeps beating his ass at mario kart 😭😭
try encouraging makoto to open up more. despite her being the best listener, she never really got anyone to share her thoughts and stories to
i know futaba is that one person ordering nuggets and fries when the rest are having boiled seafood
despite people viewing him badly cause he got a criminal record, akira still attracts many chicks at school and he knows
ryuji was the famous class clown, but everything went downhill for him after the track team incident
i can see makoto being the mother of the group, making sure everyone is well fed and will heal everyone's injuries when infiltrating palaces. her scolding would rip through the air everytime someone does something reckless
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thefoxtherapist · 1 year
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Akira was always particular to kiss. He kissed like he tried to always match your rhythm. While appreciated at times, you couldn't help but be a tad disappointed at his lack of initiation. Still he managed to be pleasant to kiss. His lips were always warm and never chapped. He had a surprising fondness for a vanilla latte chapstick he got at the import store. But for as much as he tried to match you, follow what you enjoyed most about kissing. His lips always curled into a smile after a few seconds too many. He couldn't help it! Something about kissing you always made him smile.
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Tae never had any issues leading. She was always forward. Once she'd opened up to you, she admitted it was because she was afraid to not take the chance. You were something she didn't want to let escape due to her inaction. It was sweet in a way. While she wasn't big on PDA, Tae rarely hesitated to give you a kiss before you left her office or before she left your place. Those ones were quicker typically, almost shy in a way. Her usual ones however, those were your favourite. They were always longer lasting, emphasized by her hands on your hips, fingertips gently pressing into your skin. 
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Sometimes kissing Goro was like playing an ongoing chess game. You could never really predict his next move. Sometimes it was gentle and soft, a hand on your lower back, the other by his side. The utmost respectful of men. Other times though, there was a tad more.. Passion. In his actions. Gloved fingers tugging you closer, lips moving hastily against yours. He certainly was something when he pulled back, eyes wide and cheeks flushed red. As if he couldn't believe his own actions. He always apologized when he got that like, but his flustered expression was always something to look forward to. Especially when you followed up with another kiss and the prince detective became horrendously flustered by it.
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Makoto was always respectful when she kissed you. Her arms around your neck, standing a respectful distance away from you. It was endearing really, she was very cute. Though her chaste and respectful kisses nearly never lasted. She'd get ten or fifteen seconds in before she pulled you in closer to her. Her eyebrows furrowed with determination, a rebellious spirit burned in her touch, in her kiss, her actions. Makoto was so used to being a certain way, acting a certain way. With you, that all seemed to melt away. With you she found her walls crumbling, and her kisses conveyed she wouldn't want it any other way.
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patch-ie · 11 months
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please stay with me forever
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akiology · 1 year
Phantom Thieves who has a favorite gacha character (it's you)
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Summary: What if you were a character in a gacha game that the Phantom Thieves are currently raving about? Note: Got this idea since I am getting back into gacha games after a month-long hiatus from them. I was like... what if its THEM spending their time on thinking about a fictional character... Also this includes Sumire!
Futaba has been hearing about the talks of a new gacha game, and realized it had a fun multiplayer aspect to it. The game didn't demand much time in their daily quests, and can be played casually. She sent an invite to the Phantom Thieves, since there's a reward if a friend starts playing the game.
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He decided to check out the game after a busy day. He did not feel like doing anything productive, and thus proceeded to click download. He went through the introduction and through the list of characters available in-game. He landed on your page, and found you really adorable and interesting.
It was currently your banner, so he decided to try his luck on pulling for you. Unfortunately, he is very unlucky but he proceeded to grind through the game's content to get you. He got you at hard pity, and proceeded to spoil you with the best gears he could get his hands on. He really likes the story and finds the other characters interesting. However, he is at full focus when you are on the screen and only uses you during combat.
If you have a favorite food/signature dish, he would most likely try to recreate it. Futaba and Mona (if its safe for them) are his taste testers. He also has a figurine of you placed on the shelf with the rest of the souvenirs he got from his friends.
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Sadly, he also wanted to send out invites for pulls but was bested by Futaba. He actually heard of the game before, and he already had a favorite character: you. Before the game was released, he was closely following updates, teasers, and trailers. He probably found you very cool either because of your role in the story or your move set/skills.
If your character is not a healer/shielder, he will almost always play you with one of those. Makes sure you are well-protected, and if you are near fainting, he will exit the area right away. Also, his plans to acquire new characters revolves around you now. When a new character comes out, he will be thinking if said character could benefit you somehow.
Most definitely has posters of you in his bedroom, and a keychain of you in his phone. If ever there's a plushie/gachapon of you near the arcade he hangs out at, best believe he will be there!
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A bit of a gamer herself, she was actually familiar with the game and only got around to downloading it when Futaba sent the invite. As she goes around and explore the world, she met your character. Either you remind her of one of the heroines she admired, or she finds your strength inspiring, (maybe even both!) you quickly became one of her favorites. She really loves your story and always pays attention when you are in the spotlight!
Ann's luck is... alright. She's not blessed like Yusuke, but not so unlucky like Akira. Even so, she managed to get you and your weapon pretty quickly! Since the game is not that challenging, no matter what your role is, she will bring you with her in the journey. Even if the team had no synergy whatsoever.
She likes thinking up of clothes/accessories inspired by you. She incorporates some of this in her daily life. Like maybe you have a unique headpiece, then maybe she will find an equivalent and start wearing it daily.
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He got dragged into it, and decided to give it a chance. He greatly appreciates the game design, and environmental feel. As he meets all sorts of characters, he gets inspirations for each and every one. When he meets you, however, he admired your design for a moment before continuing. He really likes your overall aesthetic, and he can either relate to your experiences/or find you fascinating.
When he pulls for you, it was pure luck because he got both you and your weapon in one 10 pull. Futaba was jealous, Ryuji was stunned, Ann wished it was her, and Haru congratulated him. "This is not normal?" He asked, and it got mixed reactions from the crowd.
He rarely picks up the game, but when he does he always makes sure to set you as the character to greet him. He sometimes find inspiration/ideas after playing, and you have been the subject in a few art pieces of his. He realizes that whenever he is stuck in an impasse, sketching you or playing the game helps him get back on track. He also liked seeing fanart of you that were made by other fans.
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Also got dragged into it, and decided to check it out for Futaba. Might ask for help for the terminologies used in game, and the group chat gladly supplies information. She liked the storytelling of the game, and then she met your character. You quickly became a favorite because you were admirable.
In terms of merch collection, she goes for the ones that are useful like her Buchimaru-kun pencil case. If you have merch like a coffee mug or binder, she will go for that instead of a huge plushie or poster. She cherishes it just like she does with Buchimaru-kun.
Even if she does not drop the game because of her responsibilities, she still rarely plays it. Despite that, she might login if you have an event or role in the current story. Keyword is might.
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Truthfully, she only sent the invites out to get more of the currency used for pulling. While she already had you, she wanted to get more copies to make you stronger, or wanted to pull for a weapon that will greatly benefit you. Although, before that she made multiple accounts just so she can get you on the first ten pulls. It was quite an arduous progress.
She is very active in the fandom, and is probably a well-known figure within various social media. Most definitely runs an account dedicated to you, and also posts various headcanon/character interpretations of yours. She also gives the best advice on how to gear you up, and could be good with advising on how to build others when asked.
She has a lot of your merchandise, and is one the reasons she sometimes goes out. If you have a favorite food/signature dish, she might ask Sojiro or Joker to have it made for her. She also tends to talk about you a lot, either with Sumire or Joker. They start liking you through osmosis as well.
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She was already playing the game when Futaba sent the invite. You were her favorite character because of your view on justice and/or you feel like someone she would get along with! She is cheering for you when you fight, her heart aches when you're sad, and she smiles when you triumph!
Safe to say that you are already maxed leveled, and fully built with the best gears. She also has quite the collection when it comes to your merchandise. She is a lurker in the fandom, she likes leaving likes or a few short comments on certain fan arts of you. Sometimes when she feels sad or feels like she needs that extra push, she will login the game quickly just to hear your encouragements.
Even when she's no longer as interested on the game as she was before, she still logins every once in a while just to see you. It was as if she was checking in on a friend; you hold a very special place in her heart.
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Futaba accidentally sent him an invite, but he decided to check the contents anyways. He was mindlessly exploring the game's mechanics and storyline when you caught his eyes. Your character probably had a compelling philosophy, or your outfit/moves reminded him of Featherman.
He doesn't have time to grind through the content, so he probably spent money to obtain your character and all the gears you need. You are severely overpowered compared to his other characters. He does not have the time every day to login, but usually when he does it's mainly to listen to you. He really likes hearing your voice.
Outside of the game, he collects your merchandise diligently and displays them next to his Featherman figures. He also has some of your more 'discreet' merchandise on him at all times. He has a coffee mug with your symbol on it, and/or a keychain of an iconic part of your outfit connected to his phone.
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Futaba finally convinced her to play, so she decided to check it out! She heard a lot about your character through Futaba, so you were the one she was most interested in. When she finally sees you in-game, she was smiling. You became a favorite because of your kind nature, and/or your talents are similar to hers.
She plays the game casually, so when she finally got you, she does not bother getting the limited gears. She just enjoys exploring the world with you, and sometimes with Futaba and Joker.
It is unclear whether she continues playing the game, but she likes hearing updates about your character development, and your overall progression through the story from Futaba. She is cheering you on, from a far!
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randoimago · 3 months
Yayyyyy, ask-box open!!
Okay! Soooo I’ll request Persona Protagonists (3, 4, and 5) with cute and shy s/o who like cute things like Sanrio and stuff like that, but s/o is really have low self-esteem
I want it fluff! Also hurt/comfort is sound nice too! ✨
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Makoto, Yu, Joker
Note(s): I've gotten so many shy reader stuff so I only did a couple headcanons for these!
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He's kind of used to every person confessing their feelings to him first, so you being really shy is rather appealing to him. It lets him take things at his own speed.
The fact that you enjoy cute things makes him sigh and get another three Jack Frost plushies from the arcade machine for you. He really doesn't mind, but the machine likes to cheat him a lot of the time.
The only big place to get plushies and stuff in the small town is Junes so he'll take you there for dates so you can pick out things for him to buy.
Borrows various movies from Chie in hopes it helps you with your self esteem. She always seems amped because of her movies so maybe you'll enjoy them too.
He's already been given "side missions" from Futaba to win her various models from arcade and gatcha machines. At learning you enjoy cute things, he's already adding getting you your own plushies to his list.
Is more than happy to give you all sorts of compliments and praise about whatever he can think of. It's so cheesy and he's so cheeky about it too because you get so flustered. But he'll do it to help build confidence.
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icespur · 9 months
Ann: If I fall…
Ryuji : I’ll be there to catch you.
Haru: *looks at Makoto* What if I fall?
Makoto: Then I’ll fall with you, never leaving your side.
Akiren: *watches these two interactions*
Akiren, to Akechi: And if I fall?
Akechi: I’ll be the one who pushed you.
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writers-reach · 6 months
Hey! Can I have headcanons of persona protagonists [ Yu,Minato,Ren] kissing SO for the first time? Thank you!
persona 3/4/5: first kiss headcanons (minato arisato, yu narukami, ren amamiya)
notes: no spoilers, gn!reader, fluff, ren amamiya for persona 5 protagonist
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minato arisato
a bit nervous, but shows it by being a bit more quiet and shy than usual.
hides his gaze under his lil emo bangs as he asks to kiss you!
probably in his room after hanging out all day at the strip mall
"hey, um, do you want to, like... kiss? maybe?"
you're ecstatic and your heart quickens at his cute look and shy demeanour. he was just adorable!
you agree, and he leans in with his hands on his knees. he's about to press his lips to yours when he brushes his bangs from his eyes (just so they don't get in the way)
his lips are decently soft, if not a bit chapped (in his defense, it's been a cold autumn so far). he's a bit tentative when kissing but overall he's just a bit nervous about your boundaries!
gives you the cutest look when pulling back.
"...you're cute."
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yu narukami
probably asks you to kiss him first while on a walk on the hill overlooking inaba!
he stops walking, his hand in yours, and turns to look at you. he grabs your other hand and smiles as his eyes meet yours
"it's been a great day so far. thanks for going out with me." he flashes you one of those charming grins - god, they melt your heart!
"of course," you reply, "i love spending any time with you."
"yeah." yu replies, seeming a bit... out of it. like something else is on his mind.
"what's up?" you tilt your head and yu can't help but find it super cute!
"it's just-- i... okay, listen, you're super cute and i'm so lucky to be your boyfriend, may i kiss you?"
wow. that came out... all at once. after recovering from his quick word vomit, you nod with a blush on your cheeks. with that affirmation, yu moves in slowly.
he lifts one hand to cup the bottom of your chin and leans in. his eyes shut gently and he presses his lips to yours.
he's firm yet gentle, definitely sweet. he's probably kissed people before, but none of that matters when he pulls back and looks into your eyes with the most adoring gaze you've ever seen
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ren amamiya
he's been acting strange all week. walking you to and from places, stammering and trailing off his words... hell, he's even been acting fidgety in the metaverse when he usually dons the persona (heh) of the confident joker, leader of the phantom thieves!
eventually, it gets to be so much that you confront him after an excursion to mementos.
as you two are walking back from the subway, you pull him aside.
"hey... is something up? you've been acting weird all week, and i'm getting worried. you know you can tell me anything, right?" you ask.
ren glances aside, not really feeling like being honest. instead, he only mutters, "can we go to my room?" in response.
it makes you start a bit, but you understand the sentiment. he wants to talk alone.
so, you two go to the attic above leblanc and sit down on the edge of his bed. he, once again, starts to fidget.
"what's on your mind, ren?" you ask.
"i just... uh..." ren's lip trembles slightly as he tries to explain. he eventually gives in with a sigh. "we've never, like, kissed, have we?"
you pause. "no...? no, we haven't."
it's a moment before ren responds, smiling. he pushes up his glasses.
"i think we should." wow, okay. smooth ren is back. but he's still a bit of a dork, especially with those glasses.
"like, right now?" "right now. if you want to, that is." "duh i want to, idiot!" you scoot closer to him and smile softly at him, waiting for him to make the first move. he suggested it, after all.
ren moves closer and soon closes the distance with a kiss. his hair tickles your forehead. you kiss back as one of your hands finds its way to hold his, your fingers intertwining.
when he pulls away, he's still smiling, but he isn't trying to hide his blushing cheeks.
"...you're free all evening, right? wanna do that some more?"
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a/n: i tried my best! my writing chops for the protags are a bit rusty, but i hope you enjoyed! i tried my best to not fall into tropey pitfalls with these guys (aka trying not to write yu as a chad or w/e)
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