#kotone shiomi x reader
randoimago · 9 months
could you write shinjiro, akihiko, mitsuru and maybe kotone with a fem s/o thats introverted, but loves listening to music with them?
have a good day / evening!
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Akihiko Sanda, Kotone Shiomi, Mitsuru Kirijo, Shinjiro Aragaki
Note(s): Ngl, just chilling out and listening to music sounds like a fantastic date imo. You have a good day / evening too!!
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Immediately by your side when he sees that you're uncomfortable. Akihiko is kind of a mix of being social and preferring to stick to those he's close to.
But he'll gladly step in and straight up let the other person know you're uncomfortable (he does say it politely, but he's also blunt).
Akihiko has had you in the same room as him while he's trained with his weights or punching bag. Music plays in the background as he works out and you hang out on his bed. It's honestly a very nice dynamic you both have.
Of course, he doesn't want you feeling neglected either so there are times when he'll lay with you on his bed (and he gets flustered every time) and share earbuds as you both listen to whatever music you choose.
She's definitely more upbeat and bubbly (and chaotic) so she's happy to step in and take charge of any scary social situation you might have found yourself in.
Will subtly assert herself in the conversation and send you a small wink before she changes the subject to focus on her or the other person.
Kotone absolutely loves just hanging out in her dorm room and listening to music together. No headphones needed as she has her ipod playing as you both lay on her bed.
You two don't even need to talk as the music is playing. Of course, now and then she does decide to have a bit of fun and pull you up to dance chaotically with you. Who cares if you feel/look like an idiot? It's fun!
Mitsuru is a natural leader and easily has the attention go to her so you don't have to deal with social situations. She's very polite as she makes an excuse and leads you both away from the situation.
She mostly listens to classical music so being able to hang out in your room (she insists of it being your room because hers is boring in her eyes) and listening to your music makes her happy.
Mitsuru has found that she enjoys music playing in the background while studying. The white noise is nice and not nearly as distracting as she initially thought it'd be.
So there are many study dates between you both where music is playing in the background.
Scary dog privileged. You're in a situation that makes you uncomfortable? He's there to scare away whoever is causing that discomfort. Even if they're doing it unknowingly, he's not going to let you deal with it yourself.
Shinjiro is also not really a social person. He has a small group of people he likes. Really does rely on being intimidating so you both can have some space.
He's not the most verse in music so he lets you choose as he hangs out with you while music plays in the background.
Sharing earbuds would cause him to be too flustered, so he prefers the speakers to just play music in the background for you both.
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Taglists: @reo-the-leo
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frickingnerd · 10 months
S.E.E.S. Masterlist
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Makoto Yuki
when the stars smile at the moon - oneshot
a part of you lives on in me - oneshot
first time at a maid cafe - oneshot
admiring you from afar - oneshot
enemies to lovers with makoto yuki - headcanons
caught making out with makoto yuki - headcanons
yandere!ryoji & yandere!makoto with a bullied darling - headcanons
makoto dating an idol who's in a fake relationship for publicity - headcanons
makoto dating shuji ikutsuki's daughter - headcanons
Kotone Shiomi
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader - headcanons
Yukari Takeba
until you hold my hand - oneshot
what we do in the shadows - oneshot
i'm all you have left - drabble
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Junpei Iori
people will talk (no matter what) - oneshot
there's a first time for everything - oneshot
hold me in your arms tonight - drabble
Akihiko Sanada
the things i'd do for you - oneshot
drunk on your love - oneshot
tending to his injuries - drabble
being in a poly relationship with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
living together with shinjiro and akihiko - headcanons
fake dating shinjiro & akihiko falling in love with you - headcanons
Mitsuru Kirijo
all that could have been - drabble
dating mitsuru kirijo - headcanons
mitsuru dating a former delinquent - headcanons
mitsuru falling in love with a private detective hired to spy on her - headcanons
mitsuru's crush being in an abusive relationship - headcanons
love triangle with yukari & mitsuru - headcanons
Fuuka Yamagishi
undeserving of her kindness - drabble
Shinjiro Aragaki
↳ Masterlist
aigis' (failed) flirting attempt - drabble
holding hands with aigis - headcanons
having a baby with aigis - headcanons
aigis spying on you to find out why you're upset - headcanons
poly relationship with aigis & labrys - headcanons
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writers-reach · 6 months
Heyyyyy welcome back from your break, hope you were enjoying your time and great day :D
I have a random silly request: separate characters of Minako Arisato (P3) and Yu Narukami (P4) having a S/O that just befriend shadows enemy like convince or help shadows, able to get shadows to join their party and fight alongside with SEES or Investigation Team to fight against their own shadows for them. S/O form their own Shadow Party that turn good shadows. S/O even recruit powerful shadow like The Reaper to join Party that S/O form for shadows.
Reader be like: "We are now friends, follow me"
persona 3/4: an s/o who allies with shadows (minako arisato & yu narukami)
notes: short, gn!reader, no persona 3 spoilers, slight persona 4 spoilers
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minako arisato
she was... puzzled to say the least.
she was ready to give out commands to her team, ordering aigis to go on the defensive with her buffs and debuffs and akihiko on the offensive with polydeuces.
she was going to have you focus on making sure the team was at full health when... were you talking with these shadows? like, conversing with them? and they seemed to listen?
minako had no idea shadows were conscious enough to understand humans, let alone seem to respond back (though maybe not verbally).
"y/n... what... are you doing???" she nearly laughed in confusion, but when you turned to her with a wide smile and your arms outstretched, she couldn't help but smile back.
"oh! they were just saying they were fine with helping us pass this floor if we left them alone! they're chill," you replied.
minako shared a confused look with akihiko and aigis (the former of whom shrugged), but chocked it up to your infectious optimism and ability to talk to anyone, even strangers. even shadows!
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yu narukami
similarly confused, but moreso he was worried for your safety when you seemed to be surrounded by a horde of shadows.
he was ready to go in there, metaphorical guns blazing, but he stopped short when he realised that these shadows seemed to be... listening to you?
"y/n, uh, care to... let me in on what's going on?" he asked, though never letting his longsword out of his grasp. he was still on high alert around shadows, after all.
"so, crazy story," you began, "these shadows here are willing to help us fight the boss. they don't like the boss, either, so..." you made gleeful shrugging motion. "teamwork!"
"...teamwork," yu repeated, processing what was happening before him.
the shadows seemed to agree, wanting to take down this dungeon's boss as well. but who was yu to argue against shadows helping? teddie was basically a shadow, anyways. it'd be a bit hypocritcal of him to not accept.
but still, he'd stick by your side to ensure your safety. yu wouldn't be able to live with himself if you got hurt.
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sea-of-dust · 5 months
Can you please do the sees girls being on their period and their male s/o trying to help them and comfort them but he has barely any clue what do do?
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S.E.E.S girls x M! Reader
Imagine being on your period and your boyfriends in shambles
N: what if I looked you right in the eyes and told u I've been listening to tricot so much it's beaten Raise A Sulien on my spotify board. LISTEN TO TOKYO VAMPIRE HOTEL RAAAAA
Warnings: Mentions of blood/bleeding,
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Nothing can go wrong! One cramp it's over. Totally wiped, Terror shock, smackdown, crit hit she's down. She's gonna turn into Minato real quick
"Urrgghhhhhhh" "you alright" "Nooooo" she whines arching her back "can you try sitting down somewhere" "there's no seats" "you can lean on me then" solver of all problems despite being the most confused man on earth y/n!! The one person from keeping her from stealing Minatos eyebags and overall tiredness
You'd try to take her to the mail to cheer her up, mention karaoke opening up and she's able to run over in milisecounds. "I heard your call" "did you here this a discount because of the anniversary" she'd get so excited she ran to the wrong direction
You'd also buy her gifts during this time, specially the jack bro claw machine gifts and new music that comes out
You pamper her so much she'd tease you on it. "My humble servent!" "Yes?" "Bring me thy homework! Filled with thy answers" "we can do it together" "what a great suggestion" there would be times she'd ask for piggy back rides in public aswell and people would catch you zomming around with her on your back shounting like she were on a roller coaster
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She'd get a bit bratty, apologizing for it later. "It's so embrassing I'm sorry you put up with it" "it's fine don't worry about it" she growns knowing she's probably going to act similarly next time.
You'd hear her express more often than she usually does, which is terrifying, she groan alot, huff, squint more, yea just don't get her frustrated or catch her after the average conversation with jinpei. "HES JUST SO UGGHHH" "I'm sure he didn't mean it" "he won't shut up he's so lucky you're here" you already imagine her arguing with him and him responding with "holy yapington!"
The type to hide under the blanket and poke out if you bring snacks. "I brought you snacks yukari" you place them on the mattress and watch them being taken in secounds "...oh that was...somethin" don't let your intrusive thoughts win though, once you put your hand there you're being dragged under with her near instantly.
She'd trip a bit more often. Would lean on you alot if she's fallen alot that day. "Sorry just a bit dizzy" "don't worry about it, not like the floor isn't used to it by now" her face changes to a disapointed frown, you apologize near instantly
She'd hit you with the classic. "Hey, would you give me the whole world if you could?" You pause knowing the trick question. You try to withhold your sweat as you hold her hand. "Not just this world but the whole universe." "y/n..." she smiles, embracing you. "You're so sweet" now just avoiding every question like this or answer with the most crazy thing and she won't hit you with a "so other planets belong to other women?" These are mostly jokes tho but she'll act like she holds a grudge
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Won't let it show until it has a kick to it (enough to have someone start leaning on stuff) she believes she can handle it as usual but this one...eh not so much, of course you wouldn't know much either until she straight up told you she felt weak
So when you convince her to take the day off you get everything for her from class. "Even though she was on her period she mustn't slack" was probably what she would say, she'd try to attend school but if she couldnt you'd be the first person she told
She gets you to do her daily activities for her and honestly props to you. You'd attended student council in her place, ask her classmates for notes, stop by a market or two if she asked. "I'm sorry if I'm bombarding you with these tasks" "it's fine.." you'd probably wonder why you got so used to writing in two notebooks a little too quickly
She would go to tartarus in this and just be like "I got it" she indeed did not have it. She'd come back to the dorm totally wiped but she'd try to keep the "I'm fine" act going and then as soon as she gets in bed she's knocked out. She doesn't even tie up her hair which is where you come in, the routine saver!! "I can't thank you enough" "don't worry at all about it"
She'd also get pretty clingy on her period, you're casually seeing her vulnerable you're not going to leave just yet. "Don't go" "?" She looks blankly at the foot of her bed, you sit down with her "how long would you like me to stay" "...." her cheeks turn a bit pink "until I feel better" getting to see her flustered gets your mouth to tease into a smile. "I can do that" she'd definitely think about it when her periods over and just regret every action, yet wouldn't mind asking you every once in a while
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You gotta have that dawg in you to date fuuka/ref and a bit of inferrance skill
She would try to not let it show as it would drag others down but she can't really hide it well around you. "Here" you hand her a pad "I thought it hid it well this time" she pounts a bit disapointed "you can't really hide how you get a bit paler when this happens, do you want me to make something" "you don't have to..." "I'll make you that thing youve been wanting me to try" she narrows her eyes "tough offer"
If she did go to school with you, Yukari would comment on how low on energy Fuuka seemed to be. "She looks kinda down" "yea I've been trying to cheer her up a bit but nothings really working" Yukari narrows her eyes at you "you didn't happen to upset her did you" you scratch your head "no she's just on her period maybe sweets or something" She'd be so embrassed if you brought up the time she thought you upset Fuuka, and then see you come in with those Japanese gummy foods to make with her.
You try to tuck her in and make sure she has as much rest as possible, she might resist because of s.e.e.s but you being blissfully unaware just say "im sure they'll understand you can't go today, they're just a club" she would toss and turn thinking of shadows ending up with asking you to stay with her because she couldn't sleep
Unrested Fuuka and she's on her period? You don't need just the dawg you need god. "I feel like I'm letting everyone down.." "they know you need to rest Fuuka it's alright" she grips at your shoulders. "Yea but I still feel horrible for it" "Fuuka how about this I'll bring you notes and your homework and we can do it together" she sighs "then I'll drag you down!" She tears up, noticing this you hug her. "Fuuka, we're in the same class if anything I'm just being a mail man, you won't drag anyone down if you're willing enough to keep up so you don't have to ask many questions when you get back" she lossens her grip on you looking up to see your face "really?" "Really"
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Im...you think her blood streams oil? She'd probably compare a period to a malfunction or just feeling aggressively glum for a week
"Y/n I don't know why but I feel so fatigued" "did anything happen?" "No, not that I'm aware of" "must be your version of a period" you shrug your shoulders not even sure if that's even right. "I'll see what I can do" you had no dang clue so you just decided to tuck her in bringing a stuffed animal just incase
She'd law down super awkwardly just full on still. "Do you think my limbs will get caught in this blanket?" "Should I replace it?" "No it's quite comfortable"
She'd also get a bit clumsy, which is horrible when tests come along. "I seem to have put the wrong choice despite knowing the correct answer" "that happens to all of us" you sigh reminding yourself of all the times you put the wrong answer to find out later the correct one. So asking to study is critical even if she still dosent know the material she has spirit!
She would come to school, this doesn't stop her from staring down at you as soon as class was over, just scarier. "You gotta stop doing that" you shiver after the 9th jumpsca re this year alone. "I'd like to take you to your next class" "thank you Aigis please don't do this to wake me up" "I think it would be effective" "effective in giving me nightmares" thank god those jumpscares only happen for a few days
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nkn0va · 5 months
Request (P3): For their birthdays, Minako and Mitsuru's S/O's give them a ring that matches their favorite colors.
Best girl bullshit, go.
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-Even before you started dating Minako, it's not hard to figure out what her favorite color is. Pink manages to sneak into every single one of her outfits and just about everything she owns.
-You're pressed for ideas for whatever reason so you decide a ring with a nice pink gemstone is the best way to go here. A nice rose quartz or pink amethyst is...affordable enough.
-One the day of, you take her out to eat, wherever she wants, as long as the price is within reason. You're still a high school student.
-In general you two have a nice hangout date at the Paulownia mall, doing whatever catches your or her eye. When the day has blazed by and the sun sets, signaling it's time to head home.
-You manage to remember at the last minute that you'd gotten her something, making you call out to stop her before she heads to her dorm, only for her to turn around and see the ring.
-Minako gasps audibly, clearly not expecting something so intricate and beautiful, however cheesy it may be.
-Next thing you know she's got you in a hug threatening to expel all the air from your lungs saying thank you over and over again as if you're about to disappear if she lets go.
-She immediately puts the ring on and silently vows to herself to never take it off like it's some kind of wedding ring. Probably treats it like one too until you get her one for real someday.
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-Mitsuru is...a lot harder to impress on a date at first glance. Having been born into wealth as massive as she has tends to give off that kind of vibe.
-Of course you know better than that, being her S/O but the pressure isn't entirely gone, unfortunately. It's pretty easy to get into your own head when it comes to someone like Mitsuru.
-You do come up with something though. You find a nice ring in a window display while walking home one day embedded with a very beautiful shade of red that immediately brings Mitsuru to mind. Perfect.
-You manage somehow to save up enough money to get the ring and all that's left is...just about everything else. Fantastic.
-You eventually decide on something she's never really had before, something only you can give. You admit you can never impress her externally with something fancy, so the best option is something more intimate, which she pretty much never got growing up.
-After school it's cuddling up in a blanket with an old classic movie she'd probably never heard of before. A very cozy atmosphere she'd pretty much never experienced before meeting you.
-Of course, to top it all off, your present her with the ring afterward. It's nowhere near as extravagant or photogenic as something she could just buy herself, but the fact that it comes from you makes it extra special.
She's much more reserved than Minako in expressing her thanks, but she is by no means any less grateful, the smile she can't seem to wipe off her face and the way she pressed her body further into you is clear proof of that.
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diggity-didge · 2 years
Hey guys!! I’m making persona-inspired beaded bracelets and necklaces, and wanted to ask you guys what OST title would be the most recognizable for Persona 4? For P3 I have Kimi No Kioku and Mass Destruction, and for P5 I have Last Surprise (obviously) and Rivers in the Desert. Sadly I’m stuck on Persona 4- i don’t want to do Specialist since that’s kinda vague, but other than that what are your suggestions? Pls feel free to rb/comment suggestions
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(Replycons by @minorinrinz)
SOURCES: Fanganronpas (project: edens garden, heartless deceit, despair time, the another series, shattered hope, brave dr, will be writing for lapse soon too, mauve, burdens of change.), canonronpa, project sekai, jojos bizarre adventure (right now I'm finishing part 3, so up until there), Persona (3-5), Romantic Killer, MILGRAM, Fire Emblem 3 Houses, Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes, Puella Magi Madoka Magica.
-CHARACTERS: Ace Markey, Levi Fontana, Eden Tobisa, Charles Cuevas, Teruko Tawaki, Xander Matthews, Damon Maitsu, Eva Tsunaka, Tomoya Morita, otome Hanayama (I keep forgetting her last name), Bani, Pocket, Enigma, Hiroto Akagi, Hibiki Kotobuki, Honoka Onizaki, Daisuke Shiriaki, Kazuichi Souda, Caesar Zeppeli, Jonathan Joestar, Ichika Hoshino, Kanade Yoisaki, Tsukasa Tenma, Kotone Shiomi, Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya/Joker, Ryuuji Sakamoto, Anzu Hoshino, Junta Hayami, Byleth Eisner, Sylvain Jose Gautier, Shez, Fuuta Kajiyama.
-AUS: Coffee shop AU, Non-Despair AU, Fantasy AU and my own aus so far.
-SHIPS: Acevi, Xanruko, Xanvid, Xandvi/Xanvi, Areden, Charuko, Charwhit, Maitsunaka, Akimoya, Hirosuke, Kazuroto, Honobiki, Pocket x Enigma, Fuuta x Mahiru, Shez x Sylvain, Dimitri x Claude, selfshipping and character x reader. Also platonic ships too.
-CHARACTERS: Arturo Giles (my own writing of him), AI!Mikado, Mitsuhiro Higa, Hifumi Yamada, Mikoto Kayano, Es.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Kanade x Iroha, Kazuichi x Sonia (unless platonic, I can do that), Hifumi x anyone, Jonathan x Dio, Es x anyone, Miklan x anyone (unless platonic or familial) Flayn x anyone
-CHARACTERS: Haiji Towa, the Warriors of Hope, Junko Enoshima, Yukana Kishi, Matthias Raoul Gautier, Rhea.
-AUS: None
-SHIPS: Haiji x anyone, the WOH x anyone, Junkan, Mukuro x Junko, Tsukasa x Saki and Shiho x Shizuku and Akito x Ena (although idk why I should put these here because anyone knows shipping siblings is gross, same with adults x minors), any main hd cast x side cast ship (unless Denshi and Ryuuji, as the creator said that the HD main cast and Denshi and Ryuuji are young adults), romantic Misa x anyone, Rhea x anyone.
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scarletwritesshit · 1 year
persona [all games] fanfic masterlist
Yosuke Hanamura x F!Reader ❀ Town of Blossoms
Souji Seta x Yosuke Hanamura ☂ A River Through a Foggy Land
Souji and Yosuke have always been rather close friends, spending time with each other and talking up a storm whenever possible. With a very vague phone call received from Yosuke one morning, paired with his sudden silence throughout the school day, Souji couldn't help but wonder if something other than the murder cases has been bothering him as of late.
Alternate title: The Yosuke Romance Route that Atlus was too Cowardly to Give Us
☂Cross Posted on AO3☂
Yosuke Hanamura x Naoto Shirogane ⊟ Reminiscent of the Days Gone By
⊟Cross posted on AO3⊟
Of course Naoto got dragged into more detective work. And it just so happened to be on Valentine's Day, too. With daunting police documents holding none of her interest, she gets lost in her thoughts of the time that has passed ever since she first met Yosuke Hanamura. It was a terrible way to spend the holiday, though Yosuke wasn't one for leaving those close to him forgotten.
Makoto Niijima x Goro Akechi ☪ They Hate to see a Girlboss Winning
⋆☪ Cross posted on AO3! ☪⋆
Makoto has always felt quite inferior to her older sister. She would constantly put in extra effort to at least try and gain her approval, which has all been for nothing considering how she's never home. The new mission to outsmart Akechi's plan has proven to be the perfect opportunity for Makoto to prove her worth. She was going to watch every single one of his TV appearances, from his own shows to special interview appearances. She was constantly going to keep tabs on Akechi's whereabouts to make sure he does not end up taking down a few targets behind the scenes. Makoto will even go as far as to have direct conversations with the man himself. Surely, she will finally be able to at least compare to Sae. But why do all of her plans involve Akechi?
Goro Akechi x Sumire Yoshizawa 〆Who am I, if Not a Shell of my Former Self?
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identity i·den·ti·ty noun 1. the fact of being who or what a person or thing is.
Goro Akechi x Ren Amamiya ⌛ Takuto Maruki's Shuake Fanfiction
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What good is a blank notebook if you don't use it to write your own story? This new reality of Maruki's was just that, and he was going to make sure to fill in every little space on its pages with as much control as he could reach. Directing the relationship of Ren and Akechi was no exception. In fact, it felt as if there were too many ideas for him to expand upon…
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 🍣 The Dreadful Secret of Shinjiro Aragaki
🍣Cross posted on AO3🍣
The members of S.E.E.S. all have their own secrets, with some being of greater degree than others. Shinjiro was no exception, especially as he wasn't exactly known for talking about himself. What's the worst he could be hiding? A secret about his Persona? Unforgivable sins from the past? Or a secret love for fluffy little creatures?
Kotone Shiomi x Akihiko Sanada 🌸March 6th, 2010
🌸Cross posted on AO3🌸
That blindingly brilliant moment when we were all together Those precious times I didn't realize I should cherish Now all I can do is remember, I will embrace the feeling
Kotone Shiomi x Theodore 🧋 Bubbled Tea
🧋Cross posted on AO3🧋
Boba is a rather simple concept to normal inhabitants of this world, like Kotone, for example. Theo, however, could not piece together the logic of this treat for the life of his. Was it comprised of bubbles? Tea? Tea bubbles? He couldn't wrap his head around the concept, so Kotone resorted to giving into his request and taking him to the cafe to try the mysterious beverage for himself.
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki🍲Soup for All, in the Name of One
🍲Cross posted on AO3🍲
A good pot of soup can fix just about anything. For some, it's a cure for hunger. For others, it soothes a lonely heart.
Kotone Shiomi x Jin Shirato🔫Death Won't Answer Every Call
🔫Cross posted on AO3🔫
You are only given one chance at life, and you must make the best of it regardless of the hand that you are dealt. Kotone wanted to forfeit, yet Jin wanted his opponent to see things through until the very end, for he wasn't quite lucky himself.
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 💭 Snitch of the S.E.E.S. Table
💭Cross posted on AO3💭
Koromaru's a dog. Aigis speaks dog. One would think that would make Koromaru a rather poor keeper of secrets, especially when he bears no punishment for the words he spills.
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 💊 Pain In My (Our) Ass
💊Cross posted on AO3💊
Shinjiro's feelings for his leader were proving to be quite a burden, in more ways than one. Unbeknownst to him, his attachment to Kotone seemed to proving to be quite the nuisance for other, less fortunate acquaintances of his.
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 🍜 Beef Ramen
🍜Cross posted on AO3🍜
One of Shinjiro's many not-so-hidden talents is making sure nobody is S.E.E.S. ever goes hungry. Especially not Kotone. When he takes notice that her health has been less than optimal as of late, he feels as if he must fulfill his duty as not only the S.E.E.S. cook, but as her boyfriend.
Kotone Shiomi x Shinjiro Aragaki 🏥 Unfulfulling Rest
🏥Cross posted on AO3🏥
After the worst nap of his life, Shinjiro wakes up in a hospital bed, deprived of energy. He hardly has any recollection of the events occurring the night before, but he must've taken a hit given that he woke in such a state. Better make sure that Kotone knows he's fine.
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narrators-journal · 2 years
Persona masterlist: Innocent sin
Created: 8/18/22
Last edited: 6/30/24
Sequel master list: here!
Fanfiction: x
headcanons: //
Scenario: \\\
Ask: ^
Persona 2
🔧 Tatsuya suou 🔧
Regular content
When the users are away \\\^
💐 Tatsujun 💐
Regular content
Fluff headcanons //
🚔 Katsuya suou 🚔
Regular content
Relationship headcanons //^
Persona 3
🥀 Ryoji Mochizuki 🥀
Regular content
General headcanons //
Nsfw alphabet // *
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Ryoji headcanons //
🌙 Minato arisato/Makoto yuuki 🌙
Regular content
General headcanons //
Nsfw headcanons // *
A mismatched pair \\\^
Yandere/dark content
Yandere!Minato headcanons //
☠ Ryomina ☠
Regular content
Angels love backrubs \\\
Fun things to do on the train ride home \\\ *
Vacationing with the devil \\\ ^*
Sleepovers are fun, I promise! \\\ ^*
Thoughtless soft \\\
Imaginary friends tend to linger \\\
A fun bonding exercise \\\*
You are the moon \\\^*
Ryomina as parents //
Good boys get to stay the night \\\*
When the users are away \\\^
Pet shadows love salami \\\
You showed me human compassion, now I'm your problem \\\
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach \\\^
Ryoji vs the personas //^
Baby it's cold outside \\\
Festive attire \\\^
Ryoji needs enrichment //^
Winter is a lovely season for romance and funerals x
Dark/yandere content
You were meant to be mine \\\
🥊 Akihiko Sanada 🥊
Regular content
You can’t fight reality \\\
🌼 Elizabeth 🌼
Regular content
Dinner and a show \\\ ^*
Candy shop \\\^*
Indulgences \\\^*
My turn \\\^*
🍾 Mitsuru Kirijo 🍾
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Every good dog deserves a reward \\\ ^*
🌕 Kotone shiomi x Ryoko mochizuki 🌕
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Spider lilies in the moonlight \\\^*
🌸 Yukari takeba 🌸
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At first she's sour, then she's sweet \\\^*
🤖 Aigis 🤖
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Persona 4
🌼 Margaret 🌼
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Happy birthday to you \\\ ^*
Please the empress \\\ ^*
Dinner and a show \\\ ^*
When the users are away \\\^
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Candy shop \\\^*
Buy me dinner \\\^
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⛄ yukiko amagi ⛄
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🥩 Chie Satonaka 🥩
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🔫 Akeshu 🔫
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🔪 Goro Akechi 🔪
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Introductions are important \\\ ^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🏴‍☠️ Ryuji Sakamoto 🏴‍☠️
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Succubi to make the boy go crazy \\\^*
A little experimentation is healthy \\\^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐈‍⬛ Morgana 🐈‍⬛
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The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐆 Ann takamaki 🐆
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The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
Tit for tat \\\^*
🦞 yusuke kitagawa 🦞
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The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
🐈 Akira kurusu/Ren amamiya 🐈
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Learning something new about myself \\\ ^*
When the users are away \\\^
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
☕ Haru okumara ☕
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Dungeon crawling alone can be dangerous \\\^*
The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
Tit for tat \\\^*
🐼 Makoto Nijima 🐼
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The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
💻 Futaba Sakura 💻
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The phantom thieves with a special reader //^
👩‍⚖️ sae nijima 👩‍⚖️
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We've got a lot of catching up to do \\\^*
Sneak peek
Cheese and mayo
Dashing through the snow
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randoimago · 3 months
Yayyyyy, ask-box open!!
Okay! Soooo I’ll request Persona Protagonists (3, 4, and 5) with cute and shy s/o who like cute things like Sanrio and stuff like that, but s/o is really have low self-esteem
I want it fluff! Also hurt/comfort is sound nice too! ✨
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Makoto, Yu, Joker
Note(s): I've gotten so many shy reader stuff so I only did a couple headcanons for these!
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He's kind of used to every person confessing their feelings to him first, so you being really shy is rather appealing to him. It lets him take things at his own speed.
The fact that you enjoy cute things makes him sigh and get another three Jack Frost plushies from the arcade machine for you. He really doesn't mind, but the machine likes to cheat him a lot of the time.
The only big place to get plushies and stuff in the small town is Junes so he'll take you there for dates so you can pick out things for him to buy.
Borrows various movies from Chie in hopes it helps you with your self esteem. She always seems amped because of her movies so maybe you'll enjoy them too.
He's already been given "side missions" from Futaba to win her various models from arcade and gatcha machines. At learning you enjoy cute things, he's already adding getting you your own plushies to his list.
Is more than happy to give you all sorts of compliments and praise about whatever he can think of. It's so cheesy and he's so cheeky about it too because you get so flustered. But he'll do it to help build confidence.
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frickingnerd · 8 months
enemies to lovers with kotone and a strega reader
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pairing: kotone shiomi / minako arisato / femc x gn!reader
a/n: happy persona 3 reload release date to those of you who celebrate! here's something for P3's best girl that didn't make it into reload :')
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strega was supposed to be the enemy! kotone was supposed to hate all of you, to make it easier to justify hurting you during the full moon missions
and while members of strega like jin or takaya seemed like they were pure evil, you stood out among the rest
you were scolding your team members, urging them to fight fair and treat their opponents with respect!
you might still be kotone's enemy, yet she didn't hate you the way she hated the others. no, hating you was something she couldn't bring herself to do…
in fact, the more time kotone got to spend with you, even if it was as enemies who fought each other, the more she started to like you. until eventually, she realized she had fallen in love with you…
of course, every other member of SEES knew! kotone would never admit to it, but her constant “maybe they aren't so bad" or “perhaps we can talk things out with them" led everyone to believe she had a crush on you
over at strega, things were quite similar. you didn't think you'd have any sympathy for the members of SEES, yet when you met kotone, things had began to change for you
you were constantly bugging your fellow members, urging them to be nicer to SEES – or rather, be nicer to kotone – and perhaps listen to them once, before attacking them blindly
it seemed like neither of you could truly change the situation you were in, but that wouldn't stop the two of you from trying!
your teammates might not be willing to stop fighting yet, but perhaps if they were to realize how much you loved each other, they'd be willing to put their differences aside, just so the two of you could finally be together…
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writers-reach · 7 months
Hii! Just found this blog and i really enjoy your writing. Just wanted to say that it would be nice if you had a sort of drafts/wip list where it says what requests you have accepted and what youre working on. Just a suggestion. Also since you did general hcs for minato it would be nice if you did them for minako too. Thanks and have a great day!
persona 3: general fluff headcanons (minako arisato)
notes: gn!reader, fluff, headcanons
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minako is very energetic! always wanting to try new things and visit new shops and dragging you along (this girl has so much energy and a hollow leg... you're lucky she doesn't run your wallet empty. she's too nice to do that)
sometimes these bursts of energy are interspersed with days where she's just exhausted and depressed. these days she will wordlessly come up to you and open her arms for a hug.
will bring you along to go shopping with her and ends up sneakily buying you a plushie or snacks, presenting them to you before y'all leave and go home :)
i think she'd be the kind of person to want to like... dress similarly? like yk. couples clothes.
sharing headphones! listens to your music, but also shares her taste (she strikes me as someone who would listen to that hybrid genre of death metal and jpop. like babymetal. i think the genre is called kawaii metal?? idk)
being partners with minako means being besties with junpei, i don't make the rules. silly goose squad rise up!!!
oscillates between being confident in the relationship and silly and awkward. giggles at little pecks on the cheek.
she's so cute i love her so muchhhh bring my girl back atlus
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a/n: hope you like this!! and tysm for the suggestion on doing a list of drafts. it really helps both you, the audience, to see what i'm workin on and for me to not feel overwhelmed with requests!!
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randoimago · 4 months
Hi hello!! Hope you're having a good day 💕 May I kindly request All Persona protags (Minato/Makoto, FeMC/Kotone, Yu and Akiren) with a Velvet Room attendant S/O?
S/o would be another one of the velvet room siblings and their social skills suck so their sibling (corresponding to the protag so to FeMC it would be Theo etc etc) decided to ask protag for help or something along those lines (and eventually the sibling would probably try to set S/O and protag up if you're fine with that)
Hope I explained it well, English isn't my first language so sorry if it's not written well:(
Fandom: Persona 3, Persona 4, Persona 5
Character(s): Kotone, Makoto, Yu, Joker
Note(s): So I kind of did one for Joker a while ago but I'm happy to write some new stuff! Also I had this done like a month ago but idk what happened to it so I did my best to redo it
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She's eager to meet you when she hears that Theo has a sibling. She's very open and bubbly and it's probably a bit much for you. But she's nice, at least.
And of course, she knows that Theo is trying to push you two together more. She smiles when he asks her to take you somewhere instead of him. Kotone is happy to accept, eager to see what kind of reactions you have
Won't be one to push you for a relationship either. Even though she knows what Theo is doing, she's happy to get to know you better and have you gradually become more comfortable.
Elizabeth tells him that she wants him to take you out. And she usually gives him some item that is useful so he goes along with it. He's not the most open when it comes to new people, they just automatically adopt him as a friend.
It's rather awkward with the two of you. You're not great at being social and he doesn't care for being social. So, since neither of you is that great with talking, he's offering to let you listen to his music with him. Music makes him feel more comfortable and maybe it'll help you too.
And sure, maybe feelings will develop naturally with it. Makoto likes spending time with you. Elizabeth is a bit pouty that you and he are just listening to music instead of talking, but he is still hanging out with you so she's not too upset.
Yu is rather surprised that Margaret asked him to spend time with her sibling. He's only really hung out with Marie so it'll be interesting to see what other attendants there are to talk to.
With all the loud-mouthed friends he has (said in love), finding out that you're not the best at being sociable is a nice change. He still does his best to make sure you're comfortable.
Since Inaba is such a small town, there are plenty of places that he's glad to take you, but probably has to do most of the talking since everyone knows everyone and you're not the best at being social. Yu still enjoys the opportunity to spend time with you.
With the random shenanigans that the twins put him through and the verbal (and sometimes physical) abuse, he can't help but dread the idea of spending time with their sibling. But then he meets you.
And you're just awkward? You're not the best at being social. Which is fine with him since he only really pipes up when he has a witty comeback. Honestly, he's mostly amused when he hangs out with you, letting you dig a bit of a hole as you talk before giving a thumbs up because you tried your best.
Doesn't realize that he is being set up in hopes that something romantic happens with you. But Joker is enjoying interacting with you. Wouldn't be opposed to taking you on a date either.
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randoimago · 6 months
hello could i request Mitsuru, Yukari and Minako after they've hurt reader by accident due to being charmed, confused or any status ailments?
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Yukari, Mitsuru, Minako
Note(s): Ngl, I was super confused when I read Minako😅. I didn't realize that Kotone had another name before the P3P remaster had come out (I'm still going to tag as Kotone for this, but I'll use Minako when I write the headcanons).
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Oh if she was able to kill that shadow again then she'd gladly curb stomp it. She's pouting so much as she checks you over to make sure you're not hurt too badly. She knows some of her personas are very strong and causing you harm makes her so upset.
It's a little funny as she's fretting over you like a mother hen while cursing under her breath about that shadow that should be lucky it's dead because the things she's saying is a bit worrying.
Minako is absolutely planning a date with you the next day. She'll make up for accidentally harming you and promises to buy you whatever you want. If you want her to spend hours getting a hundred Jack Frost plushies then she absolutely will (so long as you go with her to Karaoke afterwards).
She's a little in shock after the battle and she realizes what had happened. Mitsuru is tied between wanting to make sure you're okay and processing the fact that she had hurt you.
Mitsuru knows that shadows are tricky and that status effects are awful, but the fact that she ended up hurting her S/O makes her very upset.
Once she's taken a couple deep breaths, she'll walk over to you and gently nudge your hand with hers as she asks if you're alright. She apologizes and after you're out of Tartarus, she makes sure to hold you close as she apologizes more.
She's so upset. Upset about the situation but mostly upset at herself. She had hoped unlocking her persona would make her stronger and instead she was so weak to fall under a damn ailment from a shadow and harm you.
Yukari is a little distant from you, not that she's trying to be, but she's just trying to think of what she can do to make things up to you. Sure, she knows it's not her fault, but she's still your S/O and she's supposed to be able to protect you.
After leaving Tartarus, Yukari invites you to her dorm room and pulls you into a hug, sighing as she apologizes to you. The physical comfort helps a lot, but she also makes sure you're okay too. Now that it's just the two of you, she wants to make sure you're okay and weren't trying to stay tough in front of the others. Yukari is happy to grab a first aid kit if you need it.
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Taglist: @reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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writers-reach · 8 months
Can you do Minako with a boyfriend that comes to sleep in her room because he struggles with nightmares but Mitsuru notices him sneaking in one night and thinks theres other "activities" taking place but when she goes to check she hears crying from the room and it leads to Minako explaining the situation to her? I am so sorry if this is too complex feel free to simplify it a bit if I'm asking for too much.
persona 3: it'll be alright (minako arisato)
notes: slightly suggestive content (references to sex), slight hurt/comfort, masculine reader, yukamitsu references
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(whoa minato jumpscare in the gif)
it was another night where you get a text from minako asking you to come to her room. you were there in a flash. a very quiet flash, but a flash nonetheless.
minako was a strong girl. you knew that. she knew that. and yet, she had moments where the nightmares would be too much, or the stress, and she'd ask for you to be there and hold her as she cried.
this was one of those nights.
you had her snuggled in a blanket burrito with your arms wrapped around her, and the two of you snuggled under even MORE blankets.
her crying had gotten so bad that she was hiccupping and struggling to breathe, and you were there trying to help her.
"okay, okay, mina, in and out in four, okay. with me, okay?" you took in deep breaths and counted to four on your fingertips. she mimicked your motions and exhaled with you.
"good. you're doing great, okay? can you do that again for me?" once again, she did the breathing exercises.
however, you were interrupted by a rather harsh knock on the door.
"minako arisato! i know what's going on in there! i'm giving you to the count of three to get yourself decent before aigis breaks down this door!"
it was mitsuru.
you two were both too puzzled to move. and, as warned, the door to her dorm room was forcefully opened by the robot, with mitsuru standing behind her. once they looked at you two, their harsh gazes also morphed into confusion.
"...what is going on," mitsuru said thinly.
"it's-- it's not what you think, okay?" minako stammers, waving her hands. she grabs yours with one. "i... i was having really bad nightmares so i asked him to calm me down!"
mitsuru raised an eyebrow and looked the two of you over. clothed, no signs of dishevelment (well, aside from minako's tear-stained cheeks and bedhead hair). no signs that anything was going on that shouldn't be.
except the fact that you were here. and yet, mitsuru couldn't get upset. she wouldn't admit it, but after her father's passing, she'd too get nightmares and call upon takeba to distract her.
she upturned her nose and looked away. "...he may stay. but he better be in his bed come morning."
"yes ma'am!" minako said, breaking out of her dispair to playfully salute at her senior.
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a/n: tried my best with this one chief, hope you like it!
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randoimago · 6 months
Kotone Helping S/O Come Out to Her Parents
Fandom: Persona 3
Character(s): Kotone
Warning(s): Fem! Reader
Note(s): This was a request I got but I don't know what happened to it (I guess I accidentally deleted it? I don't remember it's been a bit). Anyway, I assume it means S/O coming out as lesbian (or bi/pan).
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She has half a mind to just go to your parents and say "Hey, we're dating. Deal with it." But she also knows that you probably want to be a bit more gentle and she can do that.
Honestly, she's probably met your parents as "your best friend" and she's made sure they like her (how can they not, she's really bubbly and super cute). So she doesn't think it'd be too hard to transition that friendship to dating.
Kotone understands if you're nervous/anxious about talking to your parents about it so she'll give you smiles and nod along to your words. If you are starting to stumble then she'll help by speaking up a bit, backing up what you're saying. She doesn't want to talk for you, but she is giving you all her support.
Of course, if your parents have made it known that they're highly against it, then Kotone will just ask that you move into her dorm room. You don't need to be in that negative space. And if your parents don't like it then they can think rather their bigotry or their child is more important to keep.
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