#akira takizawa
uwudonoodle · 3 months
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Shout out to Eden of the East for being my introduction into anime.
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fictional-birthdays · 5 months
Happy Birthday, Akira Takizawa! (Eden of the East)
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writing-fanics · 1 year
anyone remember Eden of the East
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canadianlucifer · 10 months
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hydranomago · 5 months
► Hypmic Stage OG Cast Backstage Final Farewell
A new cast will be added to HypSute starting from 2024 [promo vid here](Personally will miss OG cast like hell, they've really grown into their roles)
Thank you dear cast for bringing these characters to life 🙏 [Master Post] for more HypMic Stage Videos
OG cast farewell highlights (below cut!)
Kuko hyping up an imaginary audience, only for Jyushi to respond to it cutely
Sasa & Sama distance issues with camera (they have 1 braincell)
honestly just ✨ SASARA ✨ (I don't believe anyone could play him like Mackey does, I'll miss this cat-coded silly clown so much)
Sasa not telling DT beforehand for synchronisation
Taiyou's Jakurai is so calming
Already miss first Doppo's actor (Miyagi Kodai) for his extreme bows
YASUI AS RAMU YASUI AS RAMU YASUI AS RAMU (he's too adorable, his mannerisms are spot on)
But Gentaro (Sakata's version) we just got you, and we loved your performance!
FP energy is the best, I stand by what I said
Mom Jyuto, Dad Rio, Grumpy Teen Sama combo you will be missed
As much as I love Abe Alan, I love how he plays Sama more His grumpy tsundere + wet pathetic kitty vibes are immaculate, no one's doing it like him
Rio pulled by Sama for going the wrong way - peak soldier
Ichiro's buildup and soft 'thank you' + that sign 😂 Jiro: "Nii-san...??? Are we doing it in turns?"
Cast laughing at each other's antics for the last time + that final round of applause 😭♥️
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teratophilex · 6 months
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I just wanted to share a Seiakiramon piece I commissioned from @neimana last year (i think?)
Cute little polycule they are
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itswynsome · 1 month
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wet man with his emotional support academic rival ft. Van Hotenheim
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"(Simplifying things here for those that haven't read tg) They were in a bit of a love triangle, where Seidou liked Akira, Akira liked Amon, and Amon was just a little bit clueless but also liked Akira. Now, these three, they go through some ROUGH times together and end up separated, but reunite in a bit of a shitty situation where all three of their lives are at risk. Seidou is now a murderer wanted dead, Akira was a sort of cop for lack of a better word but just broke a very serious law to protect him and got severely injured, and Amon decided to cover their retreat, nearly sacrificing himself for them (do you see their chemistry yet-). Now, in order to save Akira from dying from her wounds, Seidou willingly decides to help get some medicine directly related to his trauma but when they get there, they find Amon who is not in a sane state of mind. Seidou chooses to bring him back to his senses and take him home because he knew it'd make Akira happy. And then! Once Amon and Akira reunite, Seidou just leaves! He thinks she's better off with him, that they don't care about him after everything he did in the past (objectively incorrect, they very much do care). If they were poly, either a triad or a vee with Akira as the hinge, things would have ended so much better" - @canadianlucifer
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tatatatatara · 7 months
My work for the Tokyo Ghoul pair up event with the wonderful writer @tg-headcanons !! PSYB is the best thing that happened to me this year and it helped me through my hardest time of the year so I'm really grateful.
Since we're supposed to make something based on the same prompt I decided to draw the ghoulfuckers club wedding, based on your headcanon. I have a lot of fun doing these and I'm planning to do more in the future so stay tuned!!
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garbagelizard · 3 months
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Based on
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And the 4th chapter of the lovely GraceEternalDreamer's SeiAki/TakiAki 💖💖✨ fic:
I was originally planning on using oil pastels but who am I kidding I haven't touched one of those since senior year 😩
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uriekukistan · 4 months
What languages do you think your favourite TG characters speak :0
wait okay so this is funny bc i have hcs that a lot of characters are illiterate bc so many of them didnt go to school, but anyway
urie the type of guy to speak fluent english but pretend he doesn’t when he visits the us just to piss off americans. respect bro
i think that eto is a hyper-polyglot. she speaks like 12 languages for no reason. she would learn languages that are known for being difficult, like thai or something just to flex.
in canon, hide tried to learn english to understand a song he liked, so i think he definitely at least knows basic english. following that, he probably tried to learn spanish and/or korean after finding some artists he liked (in my mind its bad bunny and twice).
ayato and touka think that kanji is enough foreign language for them (juuzou too)
akira probably learned french or italian. she just gives that vibe.
after kaneki told hinami that kanji comes from chinese characters, she probably tried learning mandarin. she thinks its cool how she can tell what some characters mean without looking them up because of the kanji she knows, but also forgets their pronunciation sometimes (me too)
nishiki is a science person so he probably learned latin to know like. stuff idk im not a science person i just know latin is useful for that.
in my mind saiko likes kpop, so she probably learned korean. not from a conscious effort, just from consuming media.
why can i see kaneki learning some ancient language? not latin, that’s too mainstream. like sanskrit or something. hieroglyphics. idk he just strikes me as the type. but also he references kafka so much in the beginning of the manga, i bet he learned german just to read him in his original language
shirazu the type of guy to do the duolingo klingon course. idk i hc him as a big sci fi guy, so i can just see him doing it.
mutsuki doesn’t actually know how to speak anything other than japanese, but he learns other languages scripts because he thinks they’re cool or pretty. he’s particularly fond of georgian and thai scripts. spends a lot of time making his handwriting super pretty.
takizawa just looks like the type of guy to learn german. idk why, he just. pre-ghoul takizawa looks like all the dudes who major in german at my uni
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canadianlucifer · 3 months
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tag yourself in the second one im takizawa
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Semifinals, Poll 1
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who's your favourite red cure?
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captain-astors · 1 year
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Seiakimon for @canadianlucifer ! Your thoughts are excellent and your art is lovely.
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jupiterj0 · 7 months
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Just Akira and Juzo being adorable and Seido and Amon being jealous 😂🙏🏼
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weektg · 1 year
Official announcement of the themes of the week TG
12/06 - 20/06
Reblogs with more prompt suggestions
The week will take place from 12/06 to 20/06, you will find more information here
You don't have to feel pressured, you don't have to participate every day^^
More rules and specifications here
Gifts Day
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Extra days:
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Gifts day: The theme "gifts", where people in the fandom can choose something (like a fanart or a fanfic about the favorite characters) to gift someone else
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