#akitaru x you
urlranpo · 2 years
Fire Force | How They Show Affection
a/n this is a lil self-indulgent oops
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Benimaru doesn't exactly come off as the most affectionate person in the world. He's not always physically loving and it's rare he'll tell you that he loves you, however he doesn't just straight up neglect you. He truly does love you; he's just very emotionally stunted.
He has a difficult time expressing his feelings for you, so he may come off as a little crass at times. But when he does, he always finds a way to make it up to you somehow. Whether that be with Konro's help by cooking your favorite foods, or him taking you out on a night around Asakusa.
It's easiest to tell how much he cares for you when it comes to anything involving your safety. He knows you can probably fend for yourself, but he will still do everything in his power and beyond to make sure you're uninjured. And god forbid anyone who lays a hand on you. Once it's all over, though, he'll try to calm down enough and just hold you. That's probably the best comfort the both of you can provide for each other.
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Konro is fairly moderate when it comes to showing you affection. He loves you dearly, but he won't smother you (or at least he will try not to). He knows there's limits, but sometimes he can't help but want to kiss you right then and there. Beni cringes and the the twins forever make fun of the both of you, but that doesn't matter to Konro. What's wrong with showing his s/o some loving?
He's not opposed to pda in the slightest, of course he won't go overboard with it though. He enjoys holding your hand when the two of you go out on walks. He loves the feel of your hand in his much larger one because let's face it, the man is a giant.
Not only does he show you physical affection, but Konro, in private, will whisper all the things he loves about you and how happy you make him. He adores you and you have made his life better. Whenever you end up as the topic of conversation somehow, he always has this fond smile on his lips without even realizing.
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There are not many moments you get to see your lover for more than a few hours at a time, but when you do, Joker makes sure to make the most of these fleeting moments. He knows it's not a good idea to have you in his life, but you somehow managed to sneak your way into his heart and he's fallen hard.
Joker is very much a physical lover. Any chance he gets, his hands are going to be all over you, and he doesn't give a shit who sees. He's a big fan of you sitting in his lap and just hugging him. The heat and weight from your body just soothes him in a way no cigarette could. Also expect many makeout sessions. He loves the taste of your lips and the way it confirms that you're really there with him.
Pda is a very touchy subject. While he normally doesn't care about who sees him loving up his partner, he still worries the wrong people are going to see and use it against him. So as much as he has that doesn't give a shit attitude, he has to be very careful sometimes. The only person he feels the safest showing affection in front of, is Licht. And it's always fun making the mad scientist uncomfortable.
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This man will love on you 24/7/365 all the time. There isn't a moment where you will feel neglected from Obi. He genuinely loves you and feels the need to make sure you know. Besides, he can't keep his hands to himself when it comes to you.
Obi is another physical lover, but he's also very good about being vocal about his adoration as well. All around, he's the ultimate package. Whenever you're around, his hands are on you somehow. He likes to mostly hold your waist though. He also enjoys giving you kisses on your knuckles, and it's become a habit for him to kiss them before he leaves anywhere.
He doesn't mind pda in the slightest, in fact, he encourages. He's not outrageous in public, but he would be willing to give you a soft peck on the lips, hold your hands, hug you, etc... He's not embarrassed of showing you affection in public at all. Why should he be? Your his s/o, so he's allowed to love on you if he wants to.
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝟣𝟣:𝟣𝟣⎹ 𝓞.𝓐.
❝ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ⤻ fire force / kinktober 2022 / @dollsanime-library
❝ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ⤻ obi akitaru x reader ( f )
❝ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⤻ nsfw! none of my writings are meant for anyone under the age of 18, and any minors interacting will be blocked on site.
❝ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs ⤻ basically all smut, somnophilia ( kinda ), fluffy smut, SAFE sex, fucked to sleep
❝ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ⤻ 1.7k / mini musing
❝ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇ ⤻ i do not consent to having my work reposted / translated / stolen in any capacity for any reason. please reblog and leave a comment to support content creators! my work is very rarely proof read so mistakes may be present. all characters / pairings i write for are 18+ with no exceptions.
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you were roused into a state of blurry consciousness upon feeling the familiar weight as Obi slid onto the bed. he always tried to be as gentle as possible, but his size makes him less than stealthy. besides, even when he didn’t want to wake you, he had to pull you close to him.
you shift, inching back with your eyes still closed as his rough hands ghost over your biceps, his lips finding your shoulder and littering it with slow, easy kisses. “So good to be home.” he whispers, more to himself, but you smile, sleepy, and hum against the pillow. you were half on your belly, one leg bent up towards you while the other was extended, and you could feel the wall of warmth that was Obi from your shoulders to your feet, but he was holding himself up with his elbow, so as not to crush you, only applying the faintest bit of his weight on your back. he smelled like soap, and you could feel the damp tips of his dark tendrils as he worshipped you with kisses— he’d no doubt showered at HQ before heading back to you, which you didn’t mind. the less time that he had to smell like an inferno around you, the easier it was to savor the moments he was home. you spent oh so much of his time away filled with dread that he might never come back, the last thing you wanted was to be reminded that he was on the brink of death before crawling into your bed.
he was naked, too, as Obi usually slept, only there was a prodding at your thigh— that familiar firmness when Obi missed you too much at work. “What time is it?” you mumbled, reaching back to pet at him. your uncouth hand blindly rubs at the dips in his abs, but you start to shift.
he stops you with a soft, “Shh…” and wraps his larger hand around yours, bringing it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle with delicate, butterfly kisses, “don’t get up, sweetheart.” he whispers back, “‘S late.”
“Someone… didn’t get the memo…” you murmur, melting back into the mattress, but you poke your butt out to nudge his hard on as if showing him what you were referencing.
he chuckles, and it’s low and husky. he wants you, and you can hear it in his baritone. “Sorry, that’s my fault,” he replies, sheepish, “I thought about you all day. How soft you are—“ he pauses, lips coasting over your shoulder and to the sweet spots on your neck. you mewl in content. “How… good you smell…”
“Obi…” you breathe out, squirming. you could always sit up, roll over and pull him close, wrap your legs around his hips and let him bury himself in you. hell, you’d even wake up to ride him if that’s what he wanted, sleepy or not. but he’s already reaching for one of the fluffy pillows on his side of the bed, “I can—“
“You don’t have to do anything, sweetheart.” he interjects, “Let me take care of it.” he hooks a strong forearm around your midsection and gingerly pulls your lower half up off the mattress to slide the pillow underneath, propping you up for him, and he whispers, needy, against the shell of your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you back to sleep, baby, All I want you to do is snuggle up and enjoy it.” you can feel his hips grinding against yours as he tells you, his cock poking against your flimsy panties, and the hand under you slips beneath the waistband to rub your clit in slow, lazy circles. it was incredible to you; even in the dark, while he was needy and getting inside you was the only thing on his mind, he could still find your clit so easy— he could tease the sensitive nub just right. you moan, sleepily. your body wanted to keep resting, but the attention he was giving your core was just stimulating enough to get you wet. “There’s my girl.” he whispers again, feeling your slick start to glue his fingers together. “She missed me, too. I can feel it.” he wasn’t wrong. even as you snuggled against the pillow, your back arched for him, and your hips wanted to rut and ride his fingers.
“Hurry up,” you whine, muffling yourself with the pillow. you cheeks were hot with a blush, even though you knew he couldn’t see. he had to be able to hear the shyness in your soft plea. you were impatient, needy yourself, and you sounded pathetic. “Put it in…” your core throbbed with desire, squeezing around air, and your lower belly was tied in knots. “Obi…”
“I’m coming, sweetheart,” he mutters, his free hand reaching over you to fumble with the bedside table, grasping the knob on the drawer to pull it open. then, he blindly rustles about the contents of a box, retrieving a prophylactic in a chrome wrapper, “just about ready.”
you knew he didn’t much care for condoms, and neither did you. and even though you’d been dating him steady for a while, he always kept them by the bed. he never once forgot to put one on, even when you were so overtaken by lust and the need to feel him that you would beg him to just hurry and fuck you, he would always remember. you’d asked him one time why he even bothered with them at this point; you’d be content to take him raw whenever he wanted, but he’d just kissed the tip of your nose and replied, “I’ll always take care of you first.”
you knew he didn’t want to keep you up, but the longer he took to grip the wrapper with his teeth and tear it open, the more impatient you became, pushing yourself back against his erection to rub against it with a hapless whimper.
“You’re so goddamn cute.” he whispers, eyes dark as he stares down at your drowsy display, dragging your ass slowly against his cock, sliding the rubber onto his length, ensuring it’s snug and secure. then, he shifts again, laying against you once more, using his fingers between your legs to pull your panties to the side whilst the other takes hold of himself by his base and guides the tip to your treasure. the insertion elicits a thick exhale against the back of your neck, Obi is blissed to be able to feel your walls clamp around him, pulling him deeper. you whine, too, that familiar, sweet stretch much slower tonight. “Happy now, sweetheart?” it’s half a tease, half a genuine inquiry; Obi releases himself to reach up and turn your head to the side, planting a soft kiss against your lips when you nod and mumble a happy mhm, “Yeah?” he whispers against your lips, and you nod again, lazily smacking your lips against his mouth to kiss him back. “Me too.” his fingers linger against your cheek, petting it, before he carefully guides it back to the pillow and you nuzzle against it.
you’d been apprehensive at first; you’d not expected to find yourself even drowsier once he was inside you. you thought, for sure, you’d be wide awake, and ready to scream his name until your throat was sore. however, that wasn’t the case at all.
the rhythm he fell into was slow, a lullaby of deep thrusting. he didn’t hit a limit, he didn’t bottom out, and the consistent rocking had your body feeling heavier. sleepier.
“Obi…” you moan, but it’s slurred. drunken.
he allows both of his hands to careen around your body, pulling your pajama top up so he can pepper your shoulders with kisses, before tracing your spine with them, mouth open, panting hot air against your skin and raising goosebumps. “Shh, shhhh,” he replies in a partial moan, “don’t talk, sweetheart. Don’t think… just enjoy it for me.”
you could do that, you thought, allowing yourself to sink, limp, between his massive strength and the sturdy mattress.
“You feel so good, love,” he whispered, kissing wherever he could move your top to find a bare section of flesh, “my best girl, taking me so slow and easy.”
you tried to reply, show some gratitude for all of the praise, but you could only muster a soft, wordless babble as sleep takes hold of you, and claims control over your mind.
“Go ahead,” he urges; Obi must’ve expected you to be fighting it, “go to sleep, baby. It’s okay, I’ve got you…” even though his hips twitched, and he so desperately wanted to speed up, to grip your waist and drive himself home over and over until he was dizzy and spent, he doesn’t. he holds that same, slow pace, savoring each thrust and the way the bulging veins on his cock rubbed against your walls, causing them to flutter and tighten.
his jaw tightens, grinding his teeth, one hand gliding down to caress your bent leg from calve to thigh, while the other pets your hair, as if he could never get enough of the feeling of you. and he couldn’t. “That’s it… Gonna give you very, very good dreams tonight, sweetheart.” he coos, feeling your breathing start to even out as you drifted off. in contrast, you clench around him even tighter, a telltale sign that your orgasm is close. his forehead dips to rest between your shoulder blades, closing his eyes. his breathing is ragged, his body wants more, but he wouldn’t dare ruin the softness of your lullaby.
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝟏𝟏:𝟏𝟏 — 𝐨𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐮
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!reader, somnophilia ( kinda ), fluffy smut, SAFE sex, fucked to sleep, all characters featured are 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 ∣ call me daddy by 11:11
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you were roused into a state of blurry consciousness upon feeling the familiar weight as Obi slid onto the bed. he always tried to be as gentle as possible, but his size makes him less than stealthy. besides, even when he didn’t want to wake you, he had to pull you close to him.
you shift, inching back with your eyes still closed as his rough hands ghost over your biceps, his lips finding your shoulder and littering it with slow, easy kisses. “So good to be home.” he whispers, more to himself, but you smile, sleepy, and hum against the pillow. you were half on your belly, one leg bent up towards you while the other was extended, and you could feel the wall of warmth that was Obi from your shoulders to your feet, but he was holding himself up with his elbow, so as not to crush you, only applying the faintest bit of his weight on your back. he smelled like soap, and you could feel the damp tips of his dark tendrils as he worshipped you with kisses— he’d no doubt showered at HQ before heading back to you, which you didn’t mind. the less time that he had to smell like an inferno around you, the easier it was to savor the moments he was home. you spent oh so much of his time away filled with dread that he might never come back, the last thing you wanted was to be reminded that he was on the brink of death before crawling into your bed.
he was naked, too, as Obi usually slept, only there was a prodding at your thigh— that familiar firmness when Obi missed you too much at work. “What time is it?” you mumbled, reaching back to pet at him. your uncouth hand blindly rubs at the dips in his abs, but you start to shift.
he stops you with a soft, “Shh…” and wraps his larger hand around yours, bringing it up to his lips, kissing each knuckle with delicate, butterfly kisses, “don’t get up, sweetheart.” he whispers back, “‘S late.”
“Someone… didn’t get the memo…” you murmur, melting back into the mattress, but you poke your butt out to nudge his hard on as if showing him what you were referencing.
he chuckles, and it’s low and husky. he wants you, and you can hear it in his baritone. “Sorry, that’s my fault,” he replies, sheepish, “I thought about you all day. How soft you are—“ he pauses, lips coasting over your shoulder and to the sweet spots on your neck. you mewl in content. “How… good you smell…”
“Obi…” you breathe out, squirming. you could always sit up, roll over and pull him close, wrap your legs around his hips and let him bury himself in you. hell, you’d even wake up to ride him if that’s what he wanted, sleepy or not. but he’s already reaching for one of the fluffy pillows on his side of the bed, “I can—“
“You don’t have to do anything, sweetheart.” he interjects, “Let me take care of it.” he hooks a strong forearm around your midsection and gingerly pulls your lower half up off the mattress to slide the pillow underneath, propping you up for him, and he whispers, needy, against the shell of your ear. “I’m gonna fuck you back to sleep, baby, All I want you to do is snuggle up and enjoy it.” you can feel his hips grinding against yours as he tells you, his cock poking against your flimsy panties, and the hand under you slips beneath the waistband to rub your clit in slow, lazy circles. it was incredible to you; even in the dark, while he was needy and getting inside you was the only thing on his mind, he could still find your clit so easy— he could tease the sensitive nub just right. you moan, sleepily. your body wanted to keep resting, but the attention he was giving your core was just stimulating enough to get you wet. “There’s my girl.” he whispers again, feeling your slick start to glue his fingers together. “She missed me, too. I can feel it.” he wasn’t wrong. even as you snuggled against the pillow, your back arched for him, and your hips wanted to rut and ride his fingers.
“Hurry up,” you whine, muffling yourself with the pillow. you cheeks were hot with a blush, even though you knew he couldn’t see. he had to be able to hear the shyness in your soft plea. you were impatient, needy yourself, and you sounded pathetic. “Put it in…” your core throbbed with desire, squeezing around air, and your lower belly was tied in knots. “Obi…”
“I’m coming, sweetheart,” he mutters, his free hand reaching over you to fumble with the bedside table, grasping the knob on the drawer to pull it open. then, he blindly rustles about the contents of a box, retrieving a prophylactic in a chrome wrapper, “just about ready.”
you knew he didn’t much care for condoms, and neither did you. and even though you’d been dating him steady for a while, he always kept them by the bed. he never once forgot to put one on, even when you were so overtaken by lust and the need to feel him that you would beg him to just hurry and fuck you, he would always remember. you’d asked him one time why he even bothered with them at this point; you’d be content to take him raw whenever he wanted, but he’d just kissed the tip of your nose and replied, “I’ll always take care of you first.”
you knew he didn’t want to keep you up, but the longer he took to grip the wrapper with his teeth and tear it open, the more impatient you became, pushing yourself back against his erection to rub against it with a hapless whimper.
“You’re so goddamn cute.” he whispers, eyes dark as he stares down at your drowsy display, dragging your ass slowly against his cock, sliding the rubber onto his length, ensuring it’s snug and secure. then, he shifts again, laying against you once more, using his fingers between your legs to pull your panties to the side whilst the other takes hold of himself by his base and guides the tip to your treasure. the insertion elicits a thick exhale against the back of your neck, Obi is blissed to be able to feel your walls clamp around him, pulling him deeper. you whine, too, that familiar, sweet stretch much slower tonight. “Happy now, sweetheart?” it’s half a tease, half a genuine inquiry; Obi releases himself to reach up and turn your head to the side, planting a soft kiss against your lips when you nod and mumble a happy mhm, “Yeah?” he whispers against your lips, and you nod again, lazily smacking your lips against his mouth to kiss him back. “Me too.” his fingers linger against your cheek, petting it, before he carefully guides it back to the pillow and you nuzzle against it.
you’d been apprehensive at first; you’d not expected to find yourself even drowsier once he was inside you. you thought, for sure, you’d be wide awake, and ready to scream his name until your throat was sore. however, that wasn’t the case at all.
the rhythm he fell into was slow, a lullaby of deep thrusting. he didn’t hit a limit, he didn’t bottom out, and the consistent rocking had your body feeling heavier. sleepier.
“Obi…” you moan, but it’s slurred. drunken.
he allows both of his hands to careen around your body, pulling your pajama top up so he can pepper your shoulders with kisses, before tracing your spine with them, mouth open, panting hot air against your skin and raising goosebumps. “Shh, shhhh,” he replies in a partial moan, “don’t talk, sweetheart. Don’t think… just enjoy it for me.”
you could do that, you thought, allowing yourself to sink, limp, between his massive strength and the sturdy mattress.
“You feel so good, love,” he whispered, kissing wherever he could move your top to find a bare section of flesh, “my best girl, taking me so slow and easy.”
you tried to reply, show some gratitude for all of the praise, but you could only muster a soft, wordless babble as sleep takes hold of you, and claims control over your mind.
“Go ahead,” he urges; Obi must’ve expected you to be fighting it, “go to sleep, baby. It’s okay, I’ve got you…” even though his hips twitched, and he so desperately wanted to speed up, to grip your waist and drive himself home over and over until he was dizzy and spent, he doesn’t. he holds that same, slow pace, savoring each thrust and the way the bulging veins on his cock rubbed against your walls, causing them to flutter and tighten.
his jaw tightens, grinding his teeth, one hand gliding down to caress your bent leg from calve to thigh, while the other pets your hair, as if he could never get enough of the feeling of you. and he couldn’t. “That’s it… Gonna give you very, very good dreams tonight, sweetheart.” he coos, feeling your breathing start to even out as you drifted off. in contrast, you clench around him even tighter, a telltale sign that your orgasm is close. his forehead dips to rest between your shoulder blades, closing his eyes. his breathing is ragged, his body wants more, but he wouldn’t dare ruin the softness of your lullaby.
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missyandthemisfits · 2 months
Obi/Hinawa x Reserved!Fem! Reader 
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A/N Requested a whiiile ago, I'm so sorry for the wait *cries in procrastination*
Akitaru Obi
- Obi likes to think he's a nice cross between a serious, strong willed leader and a fun guy to be around - and he'd be correct in his assumptions.
- He doesn't take himself too terribly seriously but also knows when and how to command authority and as such, has experience handling all sorts of personality types; so meeting someone as even tempered and reserved as (Name)?
- Truthfully, it's almost like a breath of fresh air .
- He approaches her like he approaches anyone; with kindness and a warm smile, careful not to startle her out of her book but speaking just loud enough for her to know he's addressing her. 
- Somehow, she's still a bit jumpy despite his approach but he makes sure not to draw any attention to it, introducing himself with an outstretched hand, patiently waiting for her to take it. They're pretty fast friends and from then on, it's like they lean towards the other's company more than they realize.
- It's subconsciously grained into them a few months after meeting; Anytime they're in a room together one will gravitate toward the other, sitting or standing, exchange glances and smiles all the while, even during team meetings. 
- She just feels... really seen with him. And very safe. 
- And she's always incredibly attentive, able to scope out his emotional state with pinpoint accuracy, even when he's trying not to make a spectacle of it.
- In fact, they soon realize how much emotional support the other provides, mere seconds later realizing just how much the other means.
- He wastes no time confessing his feelings.
- "-And I know this might be sudden, but I'd very much like to take you out to lunch some time. Honestly, I think you're a real catch (Name), and I'd hate to miss out on the opportunity. Life's too short." 
- The confession is so forward yet well meaning it sends (Name) into shock; a blushing, stuttering shock.
- But he waits patiently, albeit slightly nervous, for her reply; it's a yes, of course. 
Takehisa Hinawa 
- Hinawa is...a very no-nonsense individual, one could take a single look at him and tell.
- It's because of this fact that he actually strongly prefers someone a little more reserved than most. That said upon meeting (Name), he was convinced that if the infernals didn't eat her alive, the rigorous Fire Force training would. To his surprise, he was dead wrong. In fact, she excelled.
- She was capable of taking out swarms of Infernals in seconds with expert offensive abilities partnered with spot on defensive capabilities. She was tactical and focused, something he noticed many of his peers lacked even on the battlefield. He grew to respect her prowess, honestly. 
- "Excellent work out there, (Name)."
- "!!!"
- She gasped loudly, startled at the approach of the man and his seemingly random compliment. 
- He watched in disbelief as she subconsciously backs into a wall, facing him, face reddened. 
- He doesn't necessarily lose respect for her, but he certainly thinks twice before approaching her unexpectedly again - not hard for him at all, but she does feel pretty bad for overreacting.
- Works up the nerve to apologize but also stumbles into a very unexpected confession. 
- "...Th-that is to say... I respect you as a Lieutenant and-,"
- "So am I wrong to assume you want a pursue a romantic relationship?" 
- "Um...!"
- (Name) is at war with herself for a few more moments and he sighs, running a hand through his hair with the tiniest blush, gaze averted somewhere to the side. 
- "...I only ask because I myself might be interested..."
- It's... less than romantic but (Name) can tell it took him a lot to say it. She could tell they'd be taking their time in this thing, together. 
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Akitaru Obi Nsfw Headcanons
cw: as always black female reader intended, mature content ahead do not interact if you do not have the age required to do so!
wc: 300 sum
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First things first pause, dramatic hair flip, sit down, calm yourself, drink some water, you aight, good here we go 
like I was saying did you see this man!?! I know that his girlfriend won’t be able to fight him let alone run away from him but let’s get to the real deal right so
size kink
I mean * clears throat* isn’t that evident. He built like that I don’t have the terms for it right now I’m having a brainfart moment but he’s so hot like if I were to get close to him I’d 🫦🫡🫠
This man is so respectful I will explain what I mean by that. He is the type of dude to treat you like the queen you are, be praised by your parents and even when he’s at your parents house it’s as if he already were part of the family but when you too are alone he fucks you like he hates your guts so bad 😭 ma'am with all due respect your legs will require a wheelchair for the next few days or you'll have to remain bedridden! watch out for these guys in real life they’re a threat!!
He makes sure that you workout safely and that you eat well too properly nourish your body but when he is the one monitoring you because you let him it’s another type of work out you end up doing like can’t he never get enough 👀
He is a very understanding boyfriend and you know that you are extremely lucky to have him 😘 but sometimes you also start thinking that he is doing too much when you are cuddling on the couch often he really doesn’t want to let you go like could you let me 😤
but he already knows that you are his future wife and the mother of his kids
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Comments and reblogs are immensely appreciated!!
2022 © All rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld. Translations, modifications, replicas or even property of my achievement are not allowed without my approval. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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strawberrystepmom · 7 months
captain obi x f!reader. canon au, meet cute, reader has visible cleavage. wc 1.5k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune as always ☄️
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The golden bell at the top of the door jingles and you do your best to look over your shoulder, craning your neck, to welcome in whoever has stepped foot into your quaint cafe.
You shout over the chime and the rustle of the plastic bag in one of your hands, pastry cream being pushed through the bag to smooth out any bubbles by the other. The door only officially opened about 30 minutes ago but your time management left something to be desired this morning so you are now rushing to finish the last of your crème buns before the few pre-lunch patrons you cherish enter the doors.
Footsteps ring across the tiled floor but you don’t see who they belong to, turning back to piping cream between sliced strawberries tucked into a bread roll that is still warm from being baked. Squinting to measure accurate distance between each dollop, when you should just be wearing your glasses that rest atop your head, piping as carefully as possible. You hum, in doubt of your own abilities, and back away with the tip of your tongue poking out of the corner of your mouth and lean forward to finish the job when you’re interrupted by the sound of footsteps in front of you.
“Excuse me,” a man’s voice states and you jump a bit where you stand, surprised by the baritone and the way it fills your small cafe. The acoustics in here are better than you thought and you turn your head with a smile still holding your crème bun and piping bag.
“Hey, thanks for coming in. How can I help you?”
Your eyes rove over the man for a moment and you realize that you recognize him, if only for the brief second you saw him earlier this week when an Infernal caught a structure down the block on fire. It was a rough fight and you rushed to the window to watch, anxiously filling various rolls to make sandwiches to bring to the Fire Force company tirelessly working to keep the neighborhood safe.
“You’re Captain…” you hiss, embarrassed you can’t seem to recall his name off the top of your head given that you only heard it in passing during the commotion the attack caused but he half smiles, finishing for you with a nod of his head.
For a moment, Akitaru wonders if he took things too far by coming in here to see you face to face without his gear. You caught his attention by effortlessly comforting not only the victims of the attack but his company and the onlookers and you kept it when he got a good look at you, retreating sunlight giving you a glow he’d almost call ethereal if he didn’t know better.
As lovely as you are kind, he’d be a fool not to at least stop by to say thank you for bringing both of these things to a world that can be dark and heavy. So here he stands, hands shoved in his pockets just after 7:30 am before he returns to the station. He can’t go back now so he makes the best of it, opening his mouth to speak.
“Obi. Captain Obi.” His face shifts for a moment, brows pinching and lip curling. “You don’t have to call me that if you don’t want to, though. I’m not here on business.”
You laugh at his natural ease and shake your head, reaching blindly behind you to place the piping bag down on the prep counter.
“Here for pleasure then?”
His eyes widen at your flirtation and you look away from him, embarrassed and believing that you may have been too forward. It’s in your nature to flutter your eyelashes a little too sweetly when faced with a big and strong and handsome man so the bun in your other hand is extended to him with a smile, a peace offering of sorts for being too much you can cloak as a thanks for saving your neighborhood and therefore your cafe.
“As a little thanks for saving the day. It’s fresh, I just filled it.”
Akitaru smiles and you feel uncharacteristically stricken by it, dipping your chin to hide your own smile when he reaches out to take the bun and your fingertips touch. His hands are cooler than you’d expect them to be, at least in the brief period any part of them touched you, and you withdraw your hand as quickly as you can without arousing suspicion that it’s because of the gravity of such a simple touch.
You’ve embarrassed yourself enough for one morning already and you clasp your hands in front of you, standing as primly as possible in front of the commanding man. Obi’s presence is as broad as his shoulders, not that you’ve been looking at them, and it makes you want to behave yourself or at least impress him the slightest bit.
“Hey, no thanks needed.” He puts a hand up, a means to show he expects nothing from you except your ear long enough to properly speak. “I wanted to come and thank you actually for the great food and for helping keep everyone calm afterward.”
Relief washes over you when he speaks and you play off his kind words with a humble shrug. The gesture is attractive enough to Obi that he actually feels a little nervous, shifting his weight from foot to foot. He is far from a coward but this kind of thing isn’t usually his forte, preferring to keep his eye on his goals and his squad and things a little more important than romance.
At least until you showed up in a powdered sugar fury, remnants dusting your nose and clothes, ready to help completely unprotected and unarmed.
“It’s easy to help where you know how,” you remark and he hums. It’s not the answer he expected you to give but he likes it even more, refreshed by your honesty despite your gentle looking exterior yet he shifts uncomfortably again. Maybe he overstepped his own boundaries and not yours by coming here, this discomfort something he isn’t used to.
You notice his shift in posture and smile to try and soothe any anxiety he may be feeling, nodding toward the dessert for breakfast in his hand.
“Feel free to eat it, I’ll be offended if you don’t.”
He chuckles and you giggle along, hands still clasped in front of you. You look every bit the same angel today you did a few days back and he doesn’t hide the fact he’s taking a good look at you while biting into your hard work, tart strawberries and fluffy cream dancing across his palate.
A hum of approval makes you dance in place, shaking your shoulders and grinning. Obi fights the urge to burst into laughter, chewing and swallowing as quickly as he can despite how much he’s enjoying the experience. He’d rather talk to you than eat anyway.
You beam at his compliment and he holds up the bun, examining it as if the secret to why it tastes so good can be found between the indentations of his teeth in the soft bread. He squints and makes a show of inspecting, more so that he can enjoy how it feels to have you looking so closely at his every move.
“I have to ask though,” he starts and you look up, eyes meeting his and refusing to move. “If I take another bite will you do that again?”
You laugh and shake your shoulders.
“What? That?”
He laughs and nods.
“Yeah. That.”
A little embarrassed by your own excitement, you opt to stand in place to watch him take the second bite. He hums again and you wish the sound wouldn’t make you feel like you’re floating, riding a high or something you aren’t sure you can even name. An infatuation? A crush? Who knows, it’s weird.
“Thank you, seriously. It has been a few days since I’ve had something that tastes this good.”
You beam again, cheeks aching from the force of your smile, and decide to walk closer toward your side of the counter to close the space between the two of you. Clearly he stopped by for a reason but you decide not to pry, enjoying the thrill of something new and different too much to let him slip out of coming back to visit. The station is only a few blocks away from here anyway, you may as well give yourself an excuse to see him again.
“I’m so grateful you saved this block and my shop, Captain Obi, you can come by every morning and I’ll have one of those ready for you.”
He looks at the bun and then looks at you, clicking his tongue.
“I couldn’t.”
You raise your brows and lean forward onto your elbows, looking up at him. He considers himself a gentleman but he looks down, catches a glimpse of your cleavage, and looks away.
“I insist. It’s the least I can do for a hero.”
How could he possibly say no to such a sweet offer?
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iqzo · 7 months
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ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
FIRSTLY ; hello, welcome to my blog:D! i’m iqzo, or you could call me izo. I am a black bisexual female who writes lil blogs yk for my man who don’t even exist but beside that. i hope you enjoy all of them :3333
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑜𝓃𝑒.
ᕯ EREN - pussy power ft. armin,jean&connie , reunited , the echidna
ᕯ ARMIN - four eyed freak snippet , pretty boy , deepthroating armin being down bad , heat , gamer boyfriend , playa
ᕯ ONY - pussy drunk
ᕯ CONNIE - shy girls , beauty and a beat , shy girls 2
ᕯ JEAN - feel it.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝓌𝑜.
ᕯ GOJO - officer!reader x prisoner!gojo
ᕯ GETO -
ᕯ TOJI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝑒.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝑜𝓊𝓇.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝒻𝒾𝓋𝑒.
ᕯ LEON -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝒾𝓍.
ᕯ DABI -
ᕯ KAI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓈𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝑒𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉.
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑒.
ᕯ USUI -
𝓈𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑜𝓃 𝓉𝑒𝓃.
.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆ .  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
┏━━━ ━━━┓
i don’t know why i placed down so
many anime’s knowing i can’t even finish
a single post in a day💀.
but it’s okaaayyy
┗━━━ ━━━┛
︑︒⚬∙︓·⠄: here’s a lil bit more about myself , i’m caribbean (trini) and i like my man, like real bad.(there isn’t a man). but anywho.
oh & u may catch me on wattpad ..once in a blue moon : @ conniesbbma
• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •• • • • • • •
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sangorous · 2 years
word count: 0.7k
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐩𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐜 𝐬𝐞𝐱? 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱 (𝐝𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲, 𝐰𝐫𝐚𝐩 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐲)
akitaru obi x black!fem!reader
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The lights shimmered down on your body as you walked inside the building, causing the fenty beauty body luminizer to make you look like a shining star.
You looked around and gave the photographers a quick smile or two as Obi stood next to you, admiring your beauty. He did this whenever the two of you were invited to somewhere nice and fancy that required you two to dress up. He just loved the fact that you were so confident in your natural beauty which made you glow and shine whenever you walked into a room. But there was something that he loved more than your natural beauty, which was your confidence walking into a room. Every time you two walk into a room, whether it is at starbucks, chipotle, publix, and so forth, you made it clear that you were the baddest person in the room and that everyone's attention needed to be on you.
"You look so good," he whispered in your ear as the two of you posed together for the cameras.
"Thank you handsome," you gave him a quick peck as the two of walked to the tables to take a seat.
You slowly watched as other women gave you the side eye or barley even looked at you at all. 'sad and pitiful' you thought yourself as you took your seat at the designated table assigned for you and Obi.
Obi sat down next to you and placed a hand on your thigh. You two listened to the host blabber on about whatever it was she was talking about. Obi really didn't care about what was going on, but you on the other side, were a bit interested. He let a small sigh out as he threw his head back in his chair. Obi now remembered why he attended these events, just so you could show off your beauty and your outfits.
His eyes were now fixated on your dress. He liked the way the gold went well with your skin tone and how you had a slit on the side, causing your thighs to be exposed. He bit the bottom of his lip as he began to think about what he shouldn't be thinking about.
"Baby..." he trailed off in your ear as you nodded your head.
"Can you look at me please," he added with a little whine.
"What is it Obi?" you turned your head to the side and looked at him.
"I need you," he whined, feeling himself becoming hard.
"Babe, I'm busy," you gave him a stern look, but he couldn't care less.
"Please..." he trailed off as his fingers began to trail upwards to your dress.
"Fine," you huffed, slowly getting up from your seat as Obi followed behind you.
You found the nearest bedroom as Obi closed the door quickly. He slowly walked up behind you, placing his bulge on you as you licked your bottom lip.
"You wearing this dress caused this," he whispered in your ear as he began to place kisses on your neck.
"Obi we are at a public event," you whispered, turning him around.
"Okay, so try and stay quiet. Understand?" he backed you up against the wall.
You nodded your head as he began to unbuckle and unzip his pants. Once that was done, his pants dropped and he slid your dress up. He moved your thong to the side as he slowly entered inside of you.
He softly groaned as he began to thrust in and out of you, holding you up against the wall. You bit the bottom of your lip as you felt him going deeper and rougher inside of you.
"Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit.Shit." you whispered as tears began to slowly form in your eyes.
You bit into obis shoulder and began to scream and moan, "shhh baby girl," he chuckled as his thrusts began to slow down.
"I'm so close..." you whimpered, looking at him.
"I am too. go ahead," the two of you released at the same time as you sighed.
"What a good girl," he smirked, placing a kiss on your lips.
"I can't believe this...." you trailed off as he helped you clean up.
"Believe what?" he began to buckle his pants.
"That we fucked here in the bathroom and people walking by could've heard us," you gave him a look.
"This isn't the first time we've had public sex, so...." he trailed off, giving you a peck.
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tag: @celestialuffy
master of 900 follower special
451 notes · View notes
newtthetranswriter · 1 month
Hello! Could I request some fluff for captain Obi please?
I was thinking about something that his crush does that makes him stop working? Like something cute he just exe.stopped working.
Thank you!
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Word Count:753
Pairing: Captain Obi x Gn!Reader
A/n: Hello, thank you so much for requesting. Fire force is one of my favorites and there’s not enough content out there so thank you for this. Anyway, I hope you enjoy and as always remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.
   Akitaru Obi is the kind of guy who speaks his mind no matter what, that’s what makes him a great captain. Only problem is there is one member of Company 8 that can render Obi speechless, Y/n. When they joined Company 8 everyone was just glad to have another crew member to help lighten the load on the small unit. No one ever expected that the nerdy 3rd generation would be able to break the great Captain Obi.
   It started out with small things, like Y/n offering to help out with cleaning up Obi’s office so his workout equipment wouldn’t get in the way of meetings, or Y/n offering to make dinner when everyone was exhausted from a hard day of dealing with infernals. Obi admired how much Y/n was willing to do in order to help everyone out, and that’s all he thought it was. What both Obi and Y/n failed to notice, but was quickly picked up by the less dense members of Company 8, was how there was a slight hint of favoritism aimed at the Pyrokinetic from the Captain.
  Obi had unintentionally started to put Y/n above the rest of the Squad. Not in large ways but more so checking in on them repeatedly after they took a hit during a call, or giving them extra breaks from paperwork when they make a comment about being bored. Maki and Hinawa had both noticed and tried to ask him about it, but Obi just brushed them off saying he was like that with everyone.
   This all went on for a few months, Obi being softer on Y/n and the others trying to get him to see it, hell even Arthur picked up on it. Eventually, It was ultimately Y/n who made him realize he had in fact been nicer to them and that he has a crush on them. It had been a quiet day, no calls to deal with Infernals and luckily the crew had managed to complete the mountain of paperwork that usually occupied the office space. After about an hour of Shinra and Arthur pestering the Lieutenant, Hinawa finally agreed to let everyone take the day to relax as long as they stayed alert for any potential calls.
   Taking advantage of the somewhat free day, Y/n decided to bake some cookies for the crew as a treat for all the hard work they had been doing. Y/n spent the first part of the day straightening the kitchen and making sure everything was ready for their day of baking. With everything clean they turned on the small radio, got the ingredients out and started baking. Lost in their own little world dancing around the kitchen while mixing the cookie dough, they failed to notice that the Captain had come into the room. Obi’s original plan was to get a quick snack and glass of water, he was not expecting to see Y/n dancing around the kitchen mixing bowl in hand while a song he recognized as being from before the Great Cataclysm played from the radio. The sight caused Obi to freeze in the doorway, completely entranced. 
    Having finished mixing the dough, Y/n turned to set the bowl on the counter, only to be startled by the sight of their Captain standing frozen in the doorway. Being slightly startled, but also concerned, Y/n spoke up. “Is there anything I can do for you, Captain?” They asked. 
    It took Obi a few seconds to process that Y/n had spoken to him, but as he was about to respond and dash away like nothing happened, the alarm sounded followed by the Lieutenant rushing by saying there was a call. Obi watched as Y/n sighed before quickly placing the bowl of cookie dough in the fridge turning to get ready for the call. Obi was still slightly frozen having realized watching Y/n be carefree was one of his new favorite things, and he only moved to respond to the call when Y/n moved to exit the kitchen and had brushed past him trying to get out.
   Obi shook his head, focusing on the job at hand, but not before deciding he was going to talk to them after this call and admit his feelings. Sure, he just figured them out himself, but with the way the world was any day could be they’re last so why not spend it with the ones you love.
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demonbanger · 1 year
𝖇𝖆𝖇𝖞 𝖎'𝖒 𝖆 𝖋𝖎𝖗𝖊𝖋𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙𝖊𝖗 | 18+
/ feat: obi from fire force / fluff & smut / enjoy <3
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♡ pairing: obi akitaru x fem! reader
♡ summary: a cashier turns into a burning demonic infernal as you just want to get some work done at the cafe. luckily your date, the fire captain of fire force company 8, comes to your rescue and takes care of you, in more ways than one.
♡ c/w: hurt -> comfort, slow buildup, raw sex (use a condom!), hints of mating press, mild choking, pussy slapping, rough sex, captain kink, daddy kink, size kink, reader is called “princess” and gets babied a little, two horny idiots thirsting after each other the whole time who are secretly in love
♡ suggested songs: 🎧 I’m a firefighter by cigarettes after sex / rosemary by deftones
You weren't expecting this. you weren't expecting any of this.
-- just fifteen minutes ago, 4:00 PM--
you were in one of your favorite outfits, feeling elegant and comfortable. you wore swooshy wide-legged pants and heeled boots that dangled as you sat in a tall chair. fun earrings dancing in the air each time you moved your head. brown-tinted glitter lip gloss lightly marking where you sipped on the hand-painted sage green mug. a sight to behold in the cafe. quiet, focused, charming in your own way.
you swirled a biscotti in your hot beverage and sucked on it before taking a bite of the softened part of the crunchy pastry and taking your first cautious sip of the drink.
it scalded the parts of your tongue that it touched, but you appreciated the pain, masochist that you were.
burning a hot trail down your throat, making its way down the esophageal tunnel, into your stomach. like a hot soup on a cold winter day.
your laptop was open. too many tabs open, frankly, for the project you were working on.
letting the noise of people's deep conversations and small talk fuel you to focus on productivity. you tuned their words out a little, now, as you scanned the message on the five-minute break you allowed yourself, over and over, butterflies fluttering in your coffee-filled stomach.
the handsome fire-fighter your friend set you up on a date with, Obi Akitaru, yes, the Obi Akitaru, was asking you out for a third date.
"Hey, beautiful. I hope you're having a good day. I know it's a bit early to ask, but I'd love to make us dinner at mine tonight, let me know. I can pick you up. x"
How could you say no to that? Usually men tried to take you right home from the club, or treat you as a booty-call after only asking for your social media with no real conversation going anywhere. Just a quick fuck. Not like you cared about that part--they just weren't even being creative in asking.
This man, on the other hand, caused heat to flush in your ears. Made you feel ways you haven't felt since having crushes in high school. Said and did everything that made your mind and body say "yes, just yes." You guys haven't even physically kissed yet and you loved how slow he took this--he saw you for the person you were. He made you remember that maybe romance wasn't actually dead in this day and age.
You bit back a smile--he had called you beautiful-- and typed,
"Hi handsome. I'd love to. I'll bring my favorite sake for you to try. See you later, have a good day too, okay? :)"
Not too long after you sent that, you saw a notification flicker in the upper-right corner of your screen. He hearted your message.
Another notification;
"Yay :)) I will now!!"
The way the giant man didn't even hide his warm excitement did something to your heart. He didn't play games. It made you less wary, unlike more than half of your dating history. To be fair, your friends did vouch for the guy, saying he was such a wholesome sweetheart, but you were still scared. What if it was just a front?
You always gave the nice guys a chance, but they'd turn out to be actual demonic entities in still-human bodies, you were convinced, and try to make you feel crazy for not taking their shit. You tried to do your healing and allow yourself to be vulnerable again, albeit behind a wall of glass first, but this guy was so damn attractive, and that in itself was kind of intimidating. Plus, he was the bravest kind of man out there. A part of the Fire Force.
When he took you out, though, you couldn't help but feel something different about him that set him apart. You felt safe. You felt like you could just be you fully and not have to mask for the first-date formalities. He gave you fucking flowers, complimented the little details of how you styled yourself, complimented your personality, not your body.
A sudden shift in the atmosphere brought you out of your sweet dreamy haze and back to earth. It felt like you were falling in a dream and suddenly awoke, nerves racing when you were supposed to land. It was an uneasy feeling...
And you weren't the only one.
It was quiet. Even with the cafe music playing, it felt uncomfortable.
Then suddenly a hiss sounded.
And afterward came the little gasps. A portion of the ceiling lit up a yellow-orange color, and right below it, the cashier had become an Infernal in the middle of calling out the latte they were handing out.
The smart people ran out the building out of true self-preservation. Some called for the Fire Force. You were...frozen while packing your things, heart pounding as shrieking filled your ears. You were tough and driven, but not prepared for combat or Infernal situations. This wasn't in your line of expertise. You were all just civilians.
The infernal was approaching a woman and her baby, who were farthest from the exit.
Something in you clicked, and just like that you realized, you really didn't give a fuck how afraid you were. Your vision was shaky from the adrenaline and you barely felt your body running as you somehow appeared right behind the Infernal. You opened your water bottle and splashed it right onto the Infernal, making it pause.
Large patches extinguished from the water, hissing louder than dumplings sizzling in oil-coated frying pans.
"RUN!!! Just go!!! Don't worry about me!!" you ordered the woman, who nodded gratefully, very wisely grabbed her car keys, and booked it with her sobbing infant, flashing you an apologetic look.
This was a cashier, one who had a life and seemed so kind, did nothing to deserve this, and had everything taken away in an instant. You took a moment to mourn for the cashier, whose corpse was never given a chance to rest after...well, yeah, its death.
The Infernal that remained did not care. Cutesy little pins -- like the Cinnamaroll and Mitski pins you complimented earlier-- on its burning apron juxtaposed with the flames coming from all orifices of the distorted face. The charred face looked like it was in agony but also like all of its memories were replaced with hellish bloodlust.
Little tendrils of flame suddenly re-appeared from the extinguished portions, and you got goosebumps as you saw its head slowly turn to you.
Its blazing attention was right on you. A searing pain entrapped your shoulders, like burning your scalp with a hair straightener--except this was so, so much worse. You gasped and tried to kick the thing away on impulse, but it was inhumanly fast, and hurled you to the wall. You flew right onto a table and chairs, metal and wood bringing searing pain that was sure to bruise. Somehow you were okay, though.
Those who were still in the cafe tried to fight off the Infernal, but it was wreaking utter havoc. The delicious aroma of roasted coffee beans blended with the acrid scent of singed hair, burning clothes, and no--please, it can't be-- burning skin. The charming little green plants around the cafe were converted into little bonfires.
Ever the greeter, the Infernal was right in front of the entrance, too. Smoke made your eyes feel dry, and there was a sharp pain in your lungs.
And here you are. You weren't planning for any of this today.
You hold your breath and try to think of what to do. You're trapped with an otherworldly creature that was just a kind person who took your drink order. Who didn't deserve any of this. Your shoulders are somehow not even second-degree burned as if by some miracle by Sol. You can say that the worst injury is a favorite shirt being forever ruined. But others aren't able to say the same.
A man hugging his boyfriend who is badly burned, telling him everything will be ok. A son in tears, screaming at the infernal not to touch his mom.
For a second you feel a fleeting thought. What if you die here?
So far there haven't been any casualties, save for the Infernal, but you're terrified.
You want to live. You want to see..how everything pans out. Because what if it does all work out? What happy experiences does life have in store for you that you have yet to discover?
To have a baby to keep safe, just like that mother, no matter how scary and dark this world has become. You... want to take the risk.
In the fire, the smoke, and the ashes, you tug your blouse over your nose and mouth to hopefully filter some air. Your stinging eyes fill with tears--tears coming from the resolve to actually live.
Slowly, you get your crumpled form back up.
You want to live to maybe even see Mr Hot Fireman.
His bravery. His ability to face death every day. The way he trains every morning, building thick tree trunk arms to carry people, save them. The same arms that brought you into a warm, gentle embrace when you both met outside the restaurant on your first date.
That's right, what would he do?
You gulp the cleanest gulp of air you could through only your mouth, and hoist up a heavy metal chair.
And that's when you charge. It's all or nothing now.
You have to keep this Infernal at bay until the Force arrives.
You swing and aim for the head. It actually makes the creature fall back.
Thank Sol you weren't holding onto the chair, as the metal would have conducted the angry heat from the torrent of flames the creature lets out straight to your hands. You shriek and dodge the attack, just in time. If you can't take flight, at least the adrenaline helps you to fight somewhat.
A white-hot pain wraps around your shin and blindsides you. Your heart drops. No. Not again.
The creature's hand is extended and warped to rope around your lower leg. You've pissed it off.
Just as you think, shit. This might actually be it but at least I tried, the Infernal suddenly lets go and the searing pain leaves, if only slightly.
The creature screeches the most horrid sound you've ever heard, leaving your ears ringing as its eyes face towards the sky.
And then you notice the black gloved hand impaled through the chest of the infernal.
A soft, "Latom" from a young sister's voice trails from behind the dying creature.
Finally, the poor cashier can rest in peace. The Infernal slowly dissipates into thick, black cinders that dissolve into the air, revealing a hulking figure clad in back with glowing blue stripes--who immediately props you up with thick arms you could feel through the heavy uniform.
"Y-Y/n," a deep, gentle voice breathes through the metal grated face shield.
He props up his grated face shield and looks over you, making sure you're not overly hurt.
"Obi?" you reach out for him, your bottom lip trembling. Fuck, you've only seen him twice before this but you need a hug.
And that's just what he gives you.
He holds you tightly, amidst the other survivors being escorted. Nothing can hurt you now, because he is here. Rubbing soothing circles into your back. Rocking you back and forth, dissolving your worries with just a touch. "I'm sorry it took me so long, you're safe now."
You want to diffuse the situation, to cope with humor as you always do. Except...there are no jokes, only every emotion you should've felt in the last fifteen minutes, giving you whiplash all at once. Your throat tightens.
You try to fight the wavering in your voice but he still hears it.
"No, you're g-good, you came so quickly, I thought for a second I was going to die," he's looking into your eyes, and dammit, hot tears are flowing down your face, so as a defense mechanism you smile and laugh, wincing a little at the pain in your ribs from being thrown earlier. "But, at least I got to throw a chair at its face!" you choke out.
His concerned expression breaks into a soft smile as he tenderly wipes away your tears with a rough gloved hand, the same one that punched right through a burning possessed corpse.
This moment alters your brain chemistry forever. Feeling warm, safe, soft under his dark brown gaze. Seeing his pupils are kind of wide as he looks tenderly towards you.
"That's my girl."
My girl. He really just called you his....Your cheeks burn at him saying that, and you turn away, unable to look at him without blushing. Biting your tongue to keep from grinning so hard. It's not lost on him.
You need to change the subject, and fast.
"I, uh, might need to get my things, since they didn't burn thankfully, can I?"
Akitaru chuckles, as if that's so obviously not the answer. "I've got it, Y/n, don't worry about a thing."
Before you can protest, he's carrying you high above the ground princess-style and frees an arm to hook it through your bag. You feel minuscule compared to him, so secure, in his hold. Men don't generally make you feel safe like this. But he? He's made you almost sleepy, and you know it's not just you coming down from the anxiety and tears. You're serene like you just meditated for an hour.
The firefighters are silently gushing about how cute you both look together. The rest of Company 8 knows who you are. Little do you know that their lovesick captain has been gushing about you since your second date, as well as today.
Showing the picture of you to the girls having them squeal about how much they shipped you, Arthur saying you are the Captain's Holy Grail, Vulcan making him a little fan the same day because he said the captain was overheating and overthinking.
They all find it cute, Obi finally finding another person to give him a break from all this chaos in the world. So when he asks if they're okay to handle things for today, they brush off this Infernal incident as small anyways.
"This is nothing, captain. You can trust us to help resolve this today," a young man called Shinra grins adorably with sharp teeth. So finally the man asks to take a damn break, he thinks to himself.
You don't see them exchange excited glances.
"How hurt are you, Y/n?" he asks.
"My shin got burned, my shoulders not so much, got thrown around but nothing's broken," you state simply for him.
He looks over at the burned areas carefully.
"Let's get to the truck."
On your way, you spot the mother you saved, still cradling her baby, who is fast asleep in its teddy bear onesie.
She immediately recognizes you and runs to you without jostling the infant, and you realize how funny it looks with the fireman holding you the same way she's carrying her newborn.
"I know you," she smiles, "you saved me earlier. Fighting tooth and nail with that thing. I really can't thank you enough."
You wave her off. "Anyone would've done it, I'm nothing special!"
She clutches your hands in hers, narrowing her eyes. "Well, no one else did. You were so brave out there. Give yourself credit." She turns to Obi. "She was amazing out there."
You finally meet Obi's gaze. How long was he staring at you with all that love(?) and adoration?
You laugh. "Well, just know that you don't owe me anything, just live with your little baby and be happy. That’s all I wanted."
You all eventually say your goodbyes, and Obi is silently taking your behavior as the greenest flags he's ever seen in a lady.
He sits you down on the edge of the truck's back and climbs in to the cooler near the front. In there he finds two sets of cold compresses.
He lets you feel them. "These good?"
You nod. Before you could grab any, he jerks the compresses away from your grasp. "No, you don't", he places them on you, giving you a sweet yet frustrated look that says "geez, let me take care of you". You chuckle at how he's treating you like a newborn lamb.
"This should do for now. We're going to my home now to get you to recover fully, unless you need me to take you elsewhere," the large man states very matter-of-factly, when you get far away enough from the cafe.
"B-but...what about your heavy uniform?"
His dark eyes lock onto yours warmly. "I train every day, so wearing 100-something pounds in equipment and uniform feels like a windbreaker; I'll be okay, cutie, don't worry."
Well, that was unexpectedly hot. You bite your lip and fidget with his collar. "I know you're very strong, I can tell of course, I just need to be held, without this in the way.”
He nods, warmth filling his body. To him, you are so adorable right now, telling him you need him. And boy, does he want to be there for you. "My condo is actually kind of close to here. I'll hold you the entire night if you need me to."
You both haven't even kissed yet, but he was acting like true husband material. It was making you feel so soft, so gushy, and very warm...admittedly in your nether regions.
You think you should be more shaken from this whole matter, but instead you're getting turned on from your date rescuing you looking so hot in his uniform, that supposedly weighs nothing to him. You curse yourself for wanting him to fuck the negative emotions out of you. Is this unhealthy of a coping mechanism?
"Thank you, I'll definitely need to be held if it's not too much," you hum, resting your head where his chest is.
His chest rumbles through the uniform. "I would do anything for you, Y/n, don't mention it." Your brain buzzes in reaction for the entire fifteen-minute walk it takes to get to his place.
You almost ask him to let you walk when you both enter the building, but his grip on you is tight and comforting. The desire to stay in his arms overrides the urge to move and seem like a strong, independent woman. The receptionist does not question anything and gives a kind smile to the two of you.
He's quiet during the elevator ride. Eyes flitting down to you protectively on occasion, his rage at the fact that an Infernal came so close to you, very readable on his little tense scowl. His jawline clenches and unclenches as he thinks about what would've happened if today went differently, if he was even a few minutes too late. He seems almost scared you’ll dissolve right out of his arms. Being the empath you are, you sense he just might be a little, teeny bit concerned about you.
"We're still on for tonight, right?" you ask, dissolving the tension in his mind.
His gaze softens. "You're still down?"
"Of course I am, you're my hero today," you purr up at him, knowing the gentle giant would probably like to hear that. He absolutely is.
Obi's wine-dark eyes twinkle as a blush creeps on his cheeks. He wants to be your hero everyday.
"That right?"
"Yes, big boy, I know you're worried, but" the elevator opens and he walks out, "I'm fine. Just a few scratches and bruises, my burns are only bad around my shins." You can still grab my ankles, though, you bite hard on the inside of your cheek to distract yourself from your mind that's always in the gutter.
It's hard to help, having this large hunk of a sweet man who saved your life princess-carrying you around town to his place, in 100+ lbs of freaking fireman gear as if it's nothing at all.
"Well, let me take care of you on this date, Y/n, I hope you don't mind homemade ramen."
You gasp. H-homemade?! Like all the ingredients??? Complicated beautiful ramen? You could just kiss him right now.
"Obi, that sounds wonderful, especially for today."
His smile is contagious. He's such a hard-working man, yet he wants to pamper you. This man couldn't get more dream-boaty than this.
He finally sets you down when you are inside the apartment.
It is spacious and clean, with some bits of industrial and rock music-inspired decor.
"Please, makes yourself comfortable. I'll get my first-aid kit and get a good look at wherever you're hurting, if that's alright with you."
You smile and nod, sinking into the most perfect squishy brown leather sofa as any worries you had, melt away.
His helmet and gloves are off as he brings you a cup of water. He smiles at you and you laugh.
"Obi, you've still got that bulky suit on, isn't it hard to move?"
He smirks, heading down the hall. "Not at all."
After a minute or two he reappears, and your breath hitches. Charcoal grey joggers hug his legs and...um..everything, and his black t-shirt is barely stretchy enough to hold his gorgeous arms.
He senses you eyeing him like a piece of meat and a heat creeps down his body. He clears his throat, pretending not to notice.
"Y/n, do you uh..have a way to take off your long sleeve shirt?"
Thank goodness you had a couple layers on underneath this.
"O-oh, yeah, allow me," you shyly avoid eye contact and unbutton your blouse, feeling the warmth of his gaze boring into you. He swallows thickly, and you don't hear it as blood rushes to your own ears. His eyes feel so heavy on you.
You strip of your shirt and are left wearing a flimsy little tank and bra. He notices how your nipples poke out, and he tries to think of something boring or unpleasant to keep from getting hard in front of you.
Luckily for him, you don't seem to be paying attention. You tug the shirt up to look at your ribs. There's a bruise, but not as bad as you thought it was. You press on it and wince.
"Silly, don't do that," Obi chuckles rather stiffly.
"It hurts here."
"Hahah, oh really? I had no clue that a dark spot would sting when you jab at it, Y/n."
"Okay smartass, you know what?" You laugh a little and wince again at your ribs reminding you meanly of the getting thrown incident.
His face is back to being serious as he looks over your injuries.
"I hope you don't need to be in urgent care and instead told me you were okay," he's anxious at the thought.
You laugh at how concerned he really is. "No, I'm just tender in some spots, no bone injuries, no organ injuries, promise."
His eyebrow quirks as he kneels in front of you, applying cool aloe vera salve on your minor burns. "Your skin is an organ. Liar."
Your face heats up as his rough hands tug your foot on his lap and he gently pulls up your wide pant legs to examine the burns on your shin.
"Y-you know what I mean, Obi." He's so silly when he tries to be stern with you.
He hums, bandaging the affected areas and doing a once-over of your body. You feel a little bold, and inclined to thank him for everything in a way that can resonate.
"Psst." Midnight eyes dart back to yours.
You beckon him closer, and his hands rest on either side of you as he props himself up to lean his ear close to you.
You whisper, "thank you for this," and move your hand from projecting your whisper to cupping his sharp jaw. You plant a soft kiss on his cheek while it's still turned to you. His skin is so smooth and hot to the touch.
You can tell he's now smiling from the way his cheek dimples, and he turns to you, eyes crinkling and pupils blowing wider as he gazes at you. You're so, so close to him.
"You're welcome, but just one critique," he drawls softly, his body heat, the scent of him in his cozy sweats utterly delectable. A gargantuan hand of his moves up to cover all the way around the back of your head.
"Oh? And what would that be?" you ask, tilting your head sweetly.
His nose touches yours, and you can't stop thinking about how you feel warm, so warm.
"You missed."
You both close the distance, and your lips lock hotly, cozily, perfectly. Your head spins and it feels like forever until he parts the kiss.
"Been wanting to do that to you," he whispers.
"Me too."
Your lips are back on his as you tug him back to you, and you feel him smile into the kiss, your hands trailing to the nape of his thick neck, feeling the fuzz of his fade. You're trying so hard not to devour each other, but it's really really hard for both of you to control yourselves. You gasp for air a little, and he pulls away to look at you, a love-dizzy grin on his face. You sigh at the loss of contact, giving him puppy eyes that make his heart throb.
"If I kiss you again, I won't be able to stop, and I'll forgo the need to cook you something to eat, which would be very bad of me," he murmurs sweetly, as he kisses the top of your head, hooking his arms around your legs and hoisting you up.
"I hope you can forgive me for being so mean and making us dinner," he finishes as he sets you down for the third time today.
You giggle. "Fair enough." You admire how his muscles are practically ripping out of his shirt as he turns his back to you to open the fridge. He takes out chasu meat he's marinated, noodles, green onions, dried seaweed, naruto, and eggs. Starts slicing the meat and simmering it with some onions, garlic, ginger, and broth. Boiling noodles. even the noodles look handmade, you think.
It starts to smell so good in the kitchen as you talk about funny work stories, about hobbies you enjoy, about music.
"Wait, you like rock, too?" his eyes light up, "no way!"
"Yes, way!" you smile, as you both talk about bands you enjoy. Music from before the cataclysm. Music with soul, with feeling, before most of the world burned down.
If not for the feeling of the bandages as you unconsciously trace a hand over your arm, you almost would have forgotten how today started.
"You know, not just anyone could make me forget about almost dying, but somehow you have," you ponder, eyes glittering up at him as you sip your water.
"That's how I feel about you, too, Y/n," he says. You can tell he means it. "Let's sit. Dinner's ready."
You hop down from the counter and grab a beautifully plated bowl of ramen. "This looks immaculate," you gush.
"Not nearly as good as the Lieutenant's cooking, I can tell you that much," he chuckles, cracking open a bottle of sake.
"We'll have the sake I mentioned at my place next time," you promise.
"Yes, I want to try it! I'm sure it's better than this one," he pours you a little sake glass.
"Pshh, nah."
The food and sake are both delicious. The raven-haired man may downplay it, but he's so good at cooking. Which, a man that cooks? Just one more reason why he's literally so enchanting. He's almost too good to be true.
"You pat your stomach , satisfied. "That... was beautiful," you say with a grin, "but holy shit am I stuffed."
Obi hums. "And you're amazing, lady! Almost ate more ramen than me. Almost. But no one can beat me.” He winks. “Let's watch a show, yeah?" You both cuddle up on the couch, your head resting on his chest as one of the best pre-disaster shows --The Great British Bake-Off-- plays.
Both of you are creating you own commentary on the show, and his thick arm is curled around your waist. You play with his other heavy forearm, feeling the veins coiled around its girth and squeezing his muscles.
“Y/n,” he says, breaking a few moments of silence.
You hum in response, and he smiles at you picking up his forearm like it’s the heaviest thing in the world, and hugging it in your arms. He blushes as he feels your soft tits against him and almost loses focus on what he's about to say.
“Am I holding you enough like I promised you I would?” He’s genuinely concerned, peachy lips pursed in thought. You don’t think you’ll ever get over how he’s such a sweet man. You want to show him just how much you appreciate everything about him and his kind heart.
You move a little bit to straddle him and hold his face, accidentally turning the poor man on way too much, flustering him.
“…Obi, you’re doing amazing. I feel so comfortable, so safe. You’re so good to me, so strong, and I just know you’re such a good captain.” Captain. Fuck, everything you’re doing and saying is making heat rush downstairs to his aching cock. Maybe he wants to hear you say that one more time.
“Yeah? Is that so, pretty?” he says through slightly-gritted teeth.
You sense something in the shine of his eyes, laying beneath the waters, almost like a ravenous crocodile waiting to devour what sinks in. The hysterically strong man smells of almost danger, like he absolutely does bite. But he's trying, key word trying, to push it all under layers upon layers of sweet frosting, to no avail.
His hands holding you on your lower back rub circles on your soft exposed skin, and your hips twitch involuntarily to your sensitive nerves being caressed.
The dark-haired man picks up on your little innocent movement. His cock fucking jumps at your hips slightly grinding on him, and his nostrils flare a bit to catch his breath.
“Yes captain, I think you should keep holding me as you are,” you answer him, a hand of yours feeling the planes of his pecs. His heart is beating rapid-fire, like he's about to have a heart attack under you.
“Ah, so I should keep holding you just like this,” he says, drunk on lust, his hands moving down to the globes of your ass, naughty thumbs now choosing a new place to circle—the crease your hips make where they meet with the plush of your thighs as they’re wrapped around his torso.
The skin of your hips is so sensitive to his electrifying touch, playing with the bands of your panties, massaging you and making you feel like squirming. You whimper and your hips jerk back to get away from the burst of stimulation, only to bump into something big and hard.
Is that.....
It jump against the curves of your ass, to answer your question. You gasp, and curl a fist in his shirt. His rings of dark brown have disappeared into the darkness of his blown out pupils and he smirks.
He tightens his grip, and you feel his abs through his shirt as you scramble for balance.
“I’m waiting for your answer, sweetheart,” he’s snarling now, barely able to contain himself from wrecking you. You take a second to remember what he's asking.
“Y-yes, you’re holding me—,” his hands get ever closer to your core—“just right, fuck,” you squirm, causing you to grind a bit more on his hardened cock.
Heat creeps through your ears as he leans in to whisper, “Don’t stop moving baby, you’re making your captain feel so good right now, being so tempting all fucking day.”
“Yes captain,” you moan—to which he growls—you shiver and shift your hips to grind right on top of his hard member, heartbeat in your pussy as you feel the shape of his cock, how utterly perfect it is, right down to the mushroom tip…holy shit he’s thick. He helps guide you and your clit rubs right on him through way too many layers of fabric.
You whine and bite your lip, hand still on his washboard abs for stability.
“You like what you feel, love?” he asks, and you think yes, you do enjoy what you feel, with both your palms and under your soaking pussy. A bead of sweat is on his forehead from how aroused he is and how warm the air is around you both.
“Yes daddy,” you test the waters, he's asking so many questions, and it's getting harder and harder to answer him each time. Suddenly a gasp is pulled out of you when he flips the two of you over. His hands tease your waistband, as he looks you deeply in the eyes, a sharp predatory gaze making you clench around nothing.
“Say that again.” Arousal drips from his voice; it's so deep it's almost hard to make out what he's saying.
“Yes daddy, need you in me, please,” you repeat, not caring about how needy you sound. His ears perk up like a hungry wolf’s at your desperate, pathetic pleas.
“Good fucking girl.” He yanks down your pants and panties in one go, eyes never leaving you so he can watch your face as he sinks a finger in, a hand on your hips to hold you down.
"Could smell how wet you've been all damn evening, see how obviously you've wanted me all day," he pumps the thick finger in you, curling it towards your pelvis.
He groans and you mewl at how good just one of his fingers feels. Holy fuck, his finger is so big and rough as it thrusts slowly into you.
“Shit you’re so wet, baby...and it's all for me, yeah, gorgeous?” He spreads your wetness around, admiring how wet you sound, look, and feel. Your hips buck, and he slaps your clit.
You keen as he puts two fingers into your wet heat, reveling in how you grip around him. Like you don’t want him to ever leave you. Like you’re begging to be filled.
You're just thinking about how two of his fingers is thicker than three of yours when you try to stuff yourself. Just how thick is his cock, you wonder? You want it, and you want it to hurt.
Your arms are wrapped around his head, and you pull him closer so you both kiss. The kiss is steamed and ravenous, and your gasps are the perfect opportunity for his tongue to enter your mouth and find yours.
His knees hold your legs open and keep you from squirming as the heel of his hand rubs against your puffy clit. He breaks the kiss to hear your breathy moans better, as your arousal drips onto the couch.
“Tight little thing, making such a mess for me, you like my fingers? Yeah?” His hot breath fans over your ear as he talks dirty to you, every single word turning you on more and more. You spread your legs wider because you want him so badly.
“Mmh! Yes daddy, feels so good! Please, need you please!” you beg. He doesn’t need you to ask him any more than that. He quickly pulls his sweatpants and boxers down, and his cock springs out, slapping his shirt, spreading a bit of precum in its wake.
His cock is dribbling and delicious. Perfect, just as it felt when you were grinding on top of it. Girthy and long, with some black, neatly trimmed stubble above it, topped with a peachy pink drooling tip. Veins to match his forearms snake around his cock, especially the beautiful underside, as he pumps it, eyeing you like you're his favorite dessert. Your eyes are wide at how gorgeous his cock is, like the rest of his delicious, fine self. You need to see more of him though.
You tug on his shirt, and he catches your drift, chest swelling with pride at feeling so desired by the woman of his dreams. You both help each other to get undressed, ripping clothes off and tossing them to the floor.
He’s leaning over you, absolutely rippling in pretty muscles, and you admire all of the hard work visible in his physique.
“Your staring is making me blush, Y/n,” he breaks the lustful silence, coyly rubbing the back of his neck. Oh, so he's shy now?
“Yeah, Well, this is all for me, can’t help but stare,” your hands trace his firm muscles, nails scratching his skin lightly, making his cock jump visibly.
“I train every day for this, to build a body only one special lady can touch, it's all for you,” he lines himself up with your entrance, your thighs on top of his lap.
"'M a lucky lady," you shift impatiently, trying to get him inside you as soon as possible.
"But I'm much luckier," he rasps, slapping his cock against your clit, making you cry out.
He coats himself in your sweet juices, high on how delicious your arousal smells in the air. He swallows, trying to keep himself from going completely in with one thrust.
Your mouth makes a little “o” shape as he eases in the first couple of inches, stretching you out deliciously with his fat tip. The sting feels divine.
“Obiii~” you whine, and you feel every ridge of his cock as he pulls out a little, and then drags back in slowly, then out, then impales you all the way in til he bottoms out.
The stretch is unbelievable despite him going slow, and he gives you a few moments to adjust to his size. You can’t believe his big horse cock fit, but that's because you're made just for him, and he will make it fit every fucking time.
“Y/n…shit, you feel amazing,” he pants, and he rubs your clit a little to get you to relax a little.
“I'm so fucking full, fuck me Obi,” you whine, needing to feel him move inside you, which he does, and you add, “‘m all yours, please,” so that all sanity leaves the giant man above you.
“Fuck yeah,” he groans, and he starts pounding into you, his thick cock dragging along your walls making you cry and beg and scratch his back. Your legs feel like they're stretched and spread so wide to make room for the big man who's pistoning himself inside you. Your hands cannot possibly touch as your arms are wrapped around his back, and his largeness and vastness turns you on all the more.
He nibbles on your neck possessively as he folds you like the luckiest lawn chair alive, hitting spots no finger of yours could ever reach, making you see stars.
You’re babbling little “yes’s” and begging over and over in a melody to his ears, coaxing him on towards ramming into your sloppy little pussy, fat breeder balls slapping into your cunt, the sound of skin slapping against skin filling the room. Pleasure is making you feel dumb, and you want his cock inside you where it belongs, forever and ever.
“Obi,” you struggle to mewl his name, and he looks at you, clenching his jaw not to come right then and there at the adorable, hazed over look in your eyes.
“Yes, Princess?” He rumbles, hitting a spot that makes your eyes roll back. Then he hits it again. Your nails claw his back like kitty scratches. And again. You squeal, sinking your teeth into his big ol chest, And again. Your body rocks with each of his powerful thrusts.
You’re drunk off his cock hitting your spot over and over, and he eats up all the little noises you make.
"Princess?" He holds your jaw, forcing you to make eye contact with him with your poor, teary eyes.
“K-Kiss… me,” you whine when you’re finally able to form words with your dumb little brain, and he happily obliges. Anything for his special girl. You’re devouring each other’s faces, tongues wrestling, eating each other’s moans.
You bite on his bottom lip, and he smiles into the kiss. “Dirty girl,” he rasps lowly, hips smacking into yours in one particularly sharp thrust, making you wail. Your legs wrap around him so he fucks you extra deep, as you kiss extra deep, your hands looking to hold onto something, anything, and settle to hook onto his shoulders. He curses under his breath, wanting to cum inside you just like this. But he can't. Because he was irresponsible enough to forget a condom anyways. you take him out of his thoughts with your weak babbling.
“You’re,” kiss, “so,” you both kiss again, “fucking,” *kiss* “big,” you whimper in utter bliss, a small bit of drool dripping from your mouth.
“Sorry, who’s big?” he nips meanly on your neck, and your legs and walls clench around him in sync at his bite, making him grunt loudly.
“You, captain Obi,” you whimper, and he moans beautifully, only hitting your overstimulated spongy spot now, battering into it with his huge cock.
You're close to finishing as most of your vision is filled with static, and he can tell by how sporadically you’re fluttering around him, threatening to milk him for all he's got. His rough pubes are brushing against your sensitive clit just right, and your toes curl extra tight as you can barely handle the pleasure.
Then, the cherry on top. One of his hands goes up to wrap around your throat and lightly squeezes, making you extra lightheaded and he sweetly says,
“Go on, angel, cum for me.”
Your vision goes white as you close your eyes tightly, your back arching into him as he slowly and deeply thrusts into you through your orgasm, your mouth open but not producing any sound.
When you come back to earth, it takes him a few more thrusts into your clenching heat before he forces himself to pull out, spilling his hot, sticky seed onto your stomach. His moans are the hottest sounds you've ever heard.
You pant and look at each other in the eyes as you both come down from your highs, and he smiles down at you. You smile back, sleepily, head buzzing, and he tells you he’ll be right back.
He wipes a warm, wet towel on your abdomen to clean you off. You twitch when he wipes your still sensitive pussy, and giggle as he folds the cum rag neatly once he's cleaned himself off.
Then you both lay there, on cloud nine, warming each other up on his couch, in utter bliss. He lays on top of you, his weight better than any weighted blanket or body pillow, sharp face smooshed between your boobs.
“Like I said, you can have me as many times as you want, any time you want me, I am at your service,” he reminds you as you snuggle, the sweet smell of sex still in the air.
“It’s gonna be a long night then,” you whisper, and he smiles, already hardening again. ♡
A/N: thank you for reading 💌 after fucking all night they had a sleepover and y/n wears his big tee to sleep. <33 as they should.
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dollwritesarchive · 2 years
𝓎𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝑒𝒻𝒻𝑒𝓇𝓋𝑒𝓈𝒸𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 ⎹ 𝓞.𝓐.
❝ ғᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ⤻ fire force / kinktober 2022 / @dollsanime-library
❝ ғᴇᴀᴛᴜʀᴇᴅ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀs ⤻ obi akitaru x stripper!reader ( f ; stage name: darling )
❝ ʀᴀᴛɪɴɢ ⤻ nsfw! none of my writings are meant for anyone under the age of 18, and any minors interacting will be blocked on site.
❝ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs ⤻ lapdance, dry humping ( obi gets away with A LOT more than you’re supposed to ), needy!obi, reader has a stage name but no physical descriptions, praise kink
❝ ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ ⤻ 2.4k / mini musing
❝ ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴍᴇ ⤻ i do not consent to having my work reposted / translated / stolen in any capacity for any reason. please reblog and leave a comment to support content creators! my work is very rarely proof read so mistakes may be present. all characters / pairings i write for are 18+ with no exceptions.
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it was hardly audible over the thumping bass from the speakers, but you’d heard someone call out for you. you glance over your shoulder; you had been leaning against the bar, chatting up a regular, and pretending to sip on the cocktail he bought you, when one of the newer girls squeezed through the line at the bar, making a bee line for you. “‘Scuse me.” you flashed a smile at the patron, standing up straighter to meet her as she approached. you lean close with your ear inches from her lips so you can hear her over the music.
“Your fire soldier captain’s here. By the door. See?” as she speaks, she points a sharp, manicured nail towards the entrance. your eyeline follows and you find that she’s absolutely right. Captain Obi had wandered in. even with the Saturday night rush, he stood at least a head over everyone; still clad in a plain black tee that was dusted with ash, and his uniform bottoms, the arms of his suit tied like a belt around his hips. that wasn’t usual— he typically came to the club in his civvies.
you frown, reading his tense expression like a book that was opened just for you. brows knit tightly together, eyes dark and sporting black rings; hell, you could almost see how bloodshot they were from where you were standing. he was looking towards the stage, but when he sees that you’re not the one performing, he shuffled inside and headed for an empty table near the back.
“I need to…” you started, biting on your lip, you look at her and she gives you an affirming nod. “Thanks.” you reply, grateful, and press your hand to her bare back, letting her slip into your spot at the bar. you look to the patron with a flirty smile and lean close to his ear. “This is Angel. She’s brand new, and she’s dying to get to know you. Be good to my girl, okay?”
but, you didn’t exactly wait for an answer. you couldn’t. you gave his shoulder a polite pat, before you turned and weaved through the crowd of people, smiling when they said hello to you, but not bothering to stop and chat. if Obi wasn’t there, you would’ve been much more social, but he took priority. maybe it didn’t make sense to the other girls; there were plenty of bigger, richer fish in the sea, but Obi was special. maybe they’d never understand, and you didn’t mind.
as long as they didn’t get in the way.
and they didn’t.
you noticed that, even though Obi was about to sit by himself at a table, the other girls kept their distance— they knew he would send them away anyways; he only ever came for you. one of the waitresses handed him a drink for the wait, but she smiled when she saw you coming, and you did the same to her, mouthing a “thank you” before you were an arm’s length away from him. you approached from behind, reaching out, with your pinky hooking around his thick, calloused forefinger. he turns, a wave of pure relief on his features. he knew it was you. whether he could smell your sugary perfume in the mix with the others, or he knew the silkiness of your touch by heart, it didn’t matter.
and you didn’t have to say anything. you smiled, soft, and gave his finger a little tug, stepping backwards once, twice, until he was stumbling towards you, and then you led him around the tables. careening around them, you felt his finger twitch, trying to hold on to your pinky tighter as he followed you to the champagne room. you only had to give security time to see you, and the pathetic giant toddling behind you, and he stepped aside so you could draw Obi inside, and the door was closed behind, muffling the music and blocking the rest of the club out— leaving you two alone.
you let go, and step over to the bar, setting your clutch purse down on to it. it’d been a busy night, and the purse’s belly bulged with hundreds of crinkled bills stuffed inside. “You want to hold on to that?” you ask, eyeing the drink that he hadn’t even sipped on. he shook his head, though he was only staring at you, and you smile again, gently plucking it from his hand and setting it down beside your clutch. “Sit down, baby,” you cooed; you could still feel him lingering by you. “Get comfortable.”
he did as instructed, albeit a bit reluctant, plopping down on the velvety couch. he was twice the size meant to fit on such, so he always looked like he was sitting on dollhouse furniture. sometimes, it was funny to watch, especially when he was red faced and squirming, but now he fidgeted, his dark eyes deep, black oceans, and it wasn’t funny anymore.
“I need…” he’d hunched forward, his elbows resting on his massive knees. “I need you.”
you’re already sauntering over to him, placing both hands on the expanse of his broad shoulders and urging him to lean back. “I’m right here.” you assure him, waiting until he’s reclined to step up onto the couch. you’d balanced on it so many times in your heels that it was second nature, now. you start slow, resting a knee against his massive shoulder, you lean forward, rolling your body against him, one of your hands delving into his dark tendrils. they were damp to the touch, probably from sweat, and you cradle the back of his head, combing him to drop it back against your palm. he looks up the length of your scantily clad figure, teeth sinking into his lower lip. “Rough day?” you ask, combing through his hair as you drag yourself against him. you can practically feel the heat from whatever fire he’d just stumbled out of. he nods, but he doesn’t speak. he’s much too entranced, too focused on the way your body moved, fluid and graceful as a swan coasting on a sparkling, midnight lake. his hands ghost over your calf muscle, pulled taut as you balanced. typically, the second a customer reached for you, the dance was over, but you could admit to yourself ( and anyone else for that matter ) that Captain Obi Akitaru had special privileges. he could touch, because he never did so to hurt you. his fingers, though rough and split from countless hours of countless days training, always tried to be as kind and soft as one his size and strength could be.
“You can tell me about it.” you murmured, flipping yourself over so you can slide down his chest on your back. his hand follows up the flare of your hip to hold you close as you wiggled your ass against his groin. “I promise I’m a good listener.”
“No,” he whispers into your neck, perhaps a bit too quick, sitting up to press himself flush to your back, “no I don’t want to. I just want you. I just want to be here with you.”
you were happy to be facing away from him, because the way his voice cracked must’ve embarrassed him, he got quiet after that, simply holding on to your hip as you rubbed into him. even with those thick, uniform pants on, you could feel a firm lump against his thigh, hardening significantly when you targeted and slid over it. you’d be lying to tell yourself that it didn’t turn you on, every time you felt his clothed cock and just how hard it got for you. you’d never once seen it, but you knew every inch by heart, from touch alone. “You are,” you affirmed, “feel me?” you reach back to hook your arm around his neck. “Because I can feel you…”
his breath stuttered as he pushed closer to you, holding on to your hip with one hand, and the other grabbing desperately at the couch cushion underneath him. “I feel you.” it was a moan into your neck where he buried his face. you were hyper aware of his lips pressing against your glitter-coated skin, but you didn’t mind. in fact, he was worshipping the sweetest spots on your neck, and breathing heavy, hot air on to them; it felt so good you wished he’d never stop.
“Good,” you whisper; you’re surprised at just how shaky it is, planting your heels on the floor to lean forward. you had to get away from those addictive kisses, otherwise you might forget that you were only meant to be dancing for him. “Good, baby.” he made a quiet sound of disapproval as you bent over to grab your ankles, shaking your ass back and forth in his face, but both of his hands were holding on to your thighs, thumb pads rubbing firm circles over the skin.
“C’mere, Darling.” he pleaded, leaning back again. he didn’t want to let go, but he had to do so to pat his lap. you felt the heat of a blush on your cheeks and it felt… foreign. you’d been working in the club long enough not to blush like a schoolgirl anymore, but there was something in the baritone of his voice, a need so deep that you could feel it like electricity in the air, and it made you want to swoon. “Please.”
you stand up straight, twirling on your heels to face him, and straddle his gargantuan thighs like he wanted, hips oscillating to the faint baseline of the song booming just outside the door. your fingers are in his hair again, combing it back, but this time, both of his arms hook around your waist and pull you closer to him. “Obi—“ you gasp, surprised. his face nuzzled against your breasts his nose dragging along the sequinned bikini top. you could also feel his hips jutting forward, pressing his hard on against your panties. you stilled for a moment, wide eyed.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asks, voice husky with lust. you knew he didn’t want to, but if you told him to let go, he would.
you thought about it.
you knew you should say yes.
mixing business with pleasure was a terrible idea.
but you were so wet.
but you shook your head, and eased back down against his bulge, listening to the way he sucked in a harsh breath. “Don’t stop.” you replied, grabbing his hair at the root. fuck it, you thought. “Obi, don’t stop.”
he moans, desperate, pulling you down against his needy rutting, one arm snaking up to hold one of your shoulders, and the other keeping a tight vice on your waist. your back arches, rocking your hips to meet his grinding, and you tilt your head back, eyelids fluttering. the wet patch on your panties left your scent on his groin with each, furious buck of his hips. your lingerie was a flimsy shield from the roughness of his uniform, or the hardness of the cock that he used your body to tend to, so each slide over his lap had you mewling and squirming with pleasure.
“Moan for me again,” Obi begs, stifling his own sounds of ecstasy by killing them in his throat. “You sound… so beautiful… let me hear it again.”
you acquiesce with a happy purr when he litters your chest with eager love bites, and you pull on his hair with a tight fist, biting down on your lip to relieve some of the pressure building between your hips. “O—Obi, please… that feels good… you feel good…”
Obi grunts in approval, muscles in his herculean biceps bulging, veins poking out, as they contract. you’d never been locked in a hold this strong, and you didn’t mind it at all. if anything, you’d never felt safer.
“Just like that, baby,” you moaned again, back arching. his rutting was becoming more and more fervent, his mouth more passionate and insatiable as he nudges your top aside to bring your breast into his mouth and clamp his teeth on your nipple. “Fuck!” it’s a harsh whisper, the knots tying over and over in your belly pulling tight. you almost can’t believe it— you’re going to cum from this. “Obi! Cumming, oh god, I’m cumming!”
he holds you tighter when you come undone, bear hugging your much smaller frame so you can’t run away from euphoria, and instead ride out every, last wave of mind blowing pleasure, calling his name over and over, your eyes closing under the rush.
it was after several moments of shuddering and heavy panting that you finally came back, and realized you’d soaked not only your panties, but his uniform as well, and you sheepishly press a hand to it. “Sorry about that.” you mumble, but he shakes his head, letting go of you to cup one hand over yours.
“That’s not only you, sweetheart.” he replied, “I came minutes before you did.”
his massive chest was still heaving, but you were pleased to see his usual smile was tickling the corners of his lips.
your blush deepened in heat and magnitude. why hadn’t he told you? did he think that he owed it to you to make sure you enjoyed yourself, too? you mirror the smile, your own just as genuine, as you consider how lucky you were to have been working the first night he stumbled into the club the year prior.
you clear your throat, shifting on his lap, and tap his chest with both hands, “Well, luckily for you, I think my legs are pretty much jello right now, so we’re going to sit right here like this until I’m confident I won’t break my neck trying to wobble back out onto the floor.”
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dollwrites · 1 year
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐞𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡 — 𝐨𝐛𝐢 𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐮
𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 ∣ smut ( minors dni ), fem!stripper!reader, lapdance, dry humping ( obi gets away with A LOT more than you’re supposed to ), needy!obi, reader has a stage name but no physical descriptions, praise kink, all characters featured are 18+
𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗻𝘁 ∣ do not repost or translate. please reblog && leave feedback. not proofread so there’s probably mistakes. thanks for reading <3
𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 ∣ kiss me you animal by burn the ballroom
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it was hardly audible over the thumping bass from the speakers, but you’d heard someone call out for you. you glance over your shoulder; you had been leaning against the bar, chatting up a regular, and pretending to sip on the cocktail he bought you, when one of the newer girls squeezed through the line at the bar, making a bee line for you. “‘Scuse me.” you flashed a smile at the patron, standing up straighter to meet her as she approached. you lean close with your ear inches from her lips so you can hear her over the music.
“Your fire soldier captain’s here. By the door. See?” as she speaks, she points a sharp, manicured nail towards the entrance. your eyeline follows and you find that she’s absolutely right. Captain Obi had wandered in. even with the Saturday night rush, he stood at least a head over everyone; still clad in a plain black tee that was dusted with ash, and his uniform bottoms, the arms of his suit tied like a belt around his hips. that wasn’t usual— he typically came to the club in his civvies.
you frown, reading his tense expression like a book that was opened just for you. brows knit tightly together, eyes dark and sporting black rings; hell, you could almost see how bloodshot they were from where you were standing. he was looking towards the stage, but when he sees that you’re not the one performing, he shuffled inside and headed for an empty table near the back.
“I need to…” you started, biting on your lip, you look at her and she gives you an affirming nod. “Thanks.” you reply, grateful, and press your hand to her bare back, letting her slip into your spot at the bar. you look to the patron with a flirty smile and lean close to his ear. “This is Angel. She’s brand new, and she’s dying to get to know you. Be good to my girl, okay?”
but, you didn’t exactly wait for an answer. you couldn’t. you gave his shoulder a polite pat, before you turned and weaved through the crowd of people, smiling when they said hello to you, but not bothering to stop and chat. if Obi wasn’t there, you would’ve been much more social, but he took priority. maybe it didn’t make sense to the other girls; there were plenty of bigger, richer fish in the sea, but Obi was special. maybe they’d never understand, and you didn’t mind.
as long as they didn’t get in the way.
and they didn’t.
you noticed that, even though Obi was about to sit by himself at a table, the other girls kept their distance— they knew he would send them away anyways; he only ever came for you. one of the waitresses handed him a drink for the wait, but she smiled when she saw you coming, and you did the same to her, mouthing a “thank you” before you were an arm’s length away from him. you approached from behind, reaching out, with your pinky hooking around his thick, calloused forefinger. he turns, a wave of pure relief on his features. he knew it was you. whether he could smell your sugary perfume in the mix with the others, or he knew the silkiness of your touch by heart, it didn’t matter.
and you didn’t have to say anything. you smiled, soft, and gave his finger a little tug, stepping backwards once, twice, until he was stumbling towards you, and then you led him around the tables. careening around them, you felt his finger twitch, trying to hold on to your pinky tighter as he followed you to the champagne room. you only had to give security time to see you, and the pathetic giant toddling behind you, and he stepped aside so you could draw Obi inside, and the door was closed behind, muffling the music and blocking the rest of the club out— leaving you two alone.
you let go, and step over to the bar, setting your clutch purse down on to it. it’d been a busy night, and the purse’s belly bulged with hundreds of crinkled bills stuffed inside. “You want to hold on to that?” you ask, eyeing the drink that he hadn’t even sipped on. he shook his head, though he was only staring at you, and you smile again, gently plucking it from his hand and setting it down beside your clutch. “Sit down, baby,” you cooed; you could still feel him lingering by you. “Get comfortable.”
he did as instructed, albeit a bit reluctant, plopping down on the velvety couch. he was twice the size meant to fit on such, so he always looked like he was sitting on dollhouse furniture. sometimes, it was funny to watch, especially when he was red faced and squirming, but now he fidgeted, his dark eyes deep, black oceans, and it wasn’t funny anymore.
“I need…” he’d hunched forward, his elbows resting on his massive knees. “I need you.”
you’re already sauntering over to him, placing both hands on the expanse of his broad shoulders and urging him to lean back. “I’m right here.” you assure him, waiting until he’s reclined to step up onto the couch. you’d balanced on it so many times in your heels that it was second nature, now. you start slow, resting a knee against his massive shoulder, you lean forward, rolling your body against him, one of your hands delving into his dark tendrils. they were damp to the touch, probably from sweat, and you cradle the back of his head, combing him to drop it back against your palm. he looks up the length of your scantily clad figure, teeth sinking into his lower lip. “Rough day?” you ask, combing through his hair as you drag yourself against him. you can practically feel the heat from whatever fire he’d just stumbled out of. he nods, but he doesn’t speak. he’s much too entranced, too focused on the way your body moved, fluid and graceful as a swan coasting on a sparkling, midnight lake. his hands ghost over your calf muscle, pulled taut as you balanced. typically, the second a customer reached for you, the dance was over, but you could admit to yourself ( and anyone else for that matter ) that Captain Obi Akitaru had special privileges. he could touch, because he never did so to hurt you. his fingers, though rough and split from countless hours of countless days training, always tried to be as kind and soft as one his size and strength could be.
“You can tell me about it.” you murmured, flipping yourself over so you can slide down his chest on your back. his hand follows up the flare of your hip to hold you close as you wiggled your ass against his groin. “I promise I’m a good listener.”
“No,” he whispers into your neck, perhaps a bit too quick, sitting up to press himself flush to your back, “no I don’t want to. I just want you. I just want to be here with you.”
you were happy to be facing away from him, because the way his voice cracked must’ve embarrassed him, he got quiet after that, simply holding on to your hip as you rubbed into him. even with those thick, uniform pants on, you could feel a firm lump against his thigh, hardening significantly when you targeted and slid over it. you’d be lying to tell yourself that it didn’t turn you on, every time you felt his clothed cock and just how hard it got for you. you’d never once seen it, but you knew every inch by heart, from touch alone. “You are,” you affirmed, “feel me?” you reach back to hook your arm around his neck. “Because I can feel you…”
his breath stuttered as he pushed closer to you, holding on to your hip with one hand, and the other grabbing desperately at the couch cushion underneath him. “I feel you.” it was a moan into your neck where he buried his face. you were hyper aware of his lips pressing against your glitter-coated skin, but you didn’t mind. in fact, he was worshipping the sweetest spots on your neck, and breathing heavy, hot air on to them; it felt so good you wished he’d never stop.
“Good,” you whisper; you’re surprised at just how shaky it is, planting your heels on the floor to lean forward. you had to get away from those addictive kisses, otherwise you might forget that you were only meant to be dancing for him. “Good, baby.” he made a quiet sound of disapproval as you bent over to grab your ankles, shaking your ass back and forth in his face, but both of his hands were holding on to your thighs, thumb pads rubbing firm circles over the skin.
“C’mere, Darling.” he pleaded, leaning back again. he didn’t want to let go, but he had to do so to pat his lap. you felt the heat of a blush on your cheeks and it felt… foreign. you’d been working in the club long enough not to blush like a schoolgirl anymore, but there was something in the baritone of his voice, a need so deep that you could feel it like electricity in the air, and it made you want to swoon. “Please.”
you stand up straight, twirling on your heels to face him, and straddle his gargantuan thighs like he wanted, hips oscillating to the faint baseline of the song booming just outside the door. your fingers are in his hair again, combing it back, but this time, both of his arms hook around your waist and pull you closer to him. “Obi—“ you gasp, surprised. his face nuzzled against your breasts his nose dragging along the sequinned bikini top. you could also feel his hips jutting forward, pressing his hard on against your panties. you stilled for a moment, wide eyed.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asks, voice husky with lust. you knew he didn’t want to, but if you told him to let go, he would.
you thought about it.
you knew you should say yes.
mixing business with pleasure was a terrible idea.
but you were so wet.
but you shook your head, and eased back down against his bulge, listening to the way he sucked in a harsh breath. “Don’t stop.” you replied, grabbing his hair at the root. fuck it, you thought. “Obi, don’t stop.”
he moans, desperate, pulling you down against his needy rutting, one arm snaking up to hold one of your shoulders, and the other keeping a tight vice on your waist. your back arches, rocking your hips to meet his grinding, and you tilt your head back, eyelids fluttering. the wet patch on your panties left your scent on his groin with each, furious buck of his hips. your lingerie was a flimsy shield from the roughness of his uniform, or the hardness of the cock that he used your body to tend to, so each slide over his lap had you mewling and squirming with pleasure.
“Moan for me again,” Obi begs, stifling his own sounds of ecstasy by killing them in his throat. “You sound… so beautiful… let me hear it again.”
you acquiesce with a happy purr when he litters your chest with eager love bites, and you pull on his hair with a tight fist, biting down on your lip to relieve some of the pressure building between your hips. “O—Obi, please… that feels good… you feel good…”
Obi grunts in approval, muscles in his herculean biceps bulging, veins poking out, as they contract. you’d never been locked in a hold this strong, and you didn’t mind it at all. if anything, you’d never felt safer.
“Just like that, baby,” you moaned again, back arching. his rutting was becoming more and more fervent, his mouth more passionate and insatiable as he nudges your top aside to bring your breast into his mouth and clamp his teeth on your nipple. “Fuck!” it’s a harsh whisper, the knots tying over and over in your belly pulling tight. you almost can’t believe it— you’re going to cum from this. “Obi! Cumming, oh god, I’m cumming!”
he holds you tighter when you come undone, bear hugging your much smaller frame so you can’t run away from euphoria, and instead ride out every, last wave of mind blowing pleasure, calling his name over and over, your eyes closing under the rush.
it was after several moments of shuddering and heavy panting that you finally came back, and realized you’d soaked not only your panties, but his uniform as well, and you sheepishly press a hand to it. “Sorry about that.” you mumble, but he shakes his head, letting go of you to cup one hand over yours.
“That’s not only you, sweetheart.” he replied, “I came minutes before you did.”
his massive chest was still heaving, but you were pleased to see his usual smile was tickling the corners of his lips.
your blush deepened in heat and magnitude. why hadn’t he told you? did he think that he owed it to you to make sure you enjoyed yourself, too? you mirror the smile, your own just as genuine, as you consider how lucky you were to have been working the first night he stumbled into the club the year prior.
you clear your throat, shifting on his lap, and tap his chest with both hands, “Well, luckily for you, I think my legs are pretty much jello right now, so we’re going to sit right here like this until I’m confident I won’t break my neck trying to wobble back out onto the floor.”
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creampie-capital · 1 year
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「ᴀꜰʟ」 𝟏𝟖+ 「ᴘᴡᴘ」 ᴍᴀꜱᴛᴇʀʟɪꜱᴛ
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
ᴀɴɪᴍᴇ ꜰ*ᴄᴋɪɴɢ ʟᴇᴍᴏɴꜱ 「ᴘ*ʀɴ ᴡɪᴛʜ ᴘʟᴏᴛ」
𝘝𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
Warning! This is explicit content 18+, so you must refrain from mentioning your age, especially if you are underage. 
I originally started this series back in 2017, so most of these are old. However, I've moved all of the Punani-moistening, tear-jerking good stories to the front. They will have ✦ by their names to indicate my best works. 
If you want some really good refreshing stories that are memorable, check out my book about f*cking monsters, The Devil May Lick me, and or the other one-shot books and yandere books.
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Current Completed Oneshots🍋
↳✦「Katsuki Bakugo x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║17,325
↳✦「A Christmas GangBang (JJK)」✦  ━━━➤ Word Count║12,259
↳✦「Connor (RK800) x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║13,323
↳✦「Husband! Illumi Zoldck x Chubby! Wife! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║19,867
↳✦「Kiba Inuzuka x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║11,815
↳✦「Jealous! Shikamaru Nara x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,317
↳✦「Killer x Marine! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║18,011
↳✦「Raihan x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║14,040
↳✦「Joker x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║21,730
↳✦「Asmodeus x Demon! Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║7,694
↳✦「Dabi x Reader」✦ ━━━➤ Word Count║27,345
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋Older, Unedited Cringey Oneshots🍋
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║12,538
↳「Hisoka Morrow x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║9,692
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║10,237
↳「Kisame Hoshigaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║4,280
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║11,417
↳「Adult! Death The Kid x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,848
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,890
↳「Adult! Ciel Phantomhive x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║7,818
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,492
↳「Katsuki Bakugo x Tattoo Artist! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,444
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,577
↳「Reiji Sakamaki x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║8,286
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║8,522
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,717
↳「Donquixote Doflamingo x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║12,003
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║5,756
↳「Zenitsu Agatsuma x Demon! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║6,902
↳「Hidan x Reader x Deidara」━━━➤ Word Count║8,300
↳「Zabuza Momochi x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║20,294
↳「Yandere! Yukio Okumura x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,511
↳「Rin Okumura x Demon! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,063
↳「Laxus Dreyar x Chubby! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,297
↳「Sting Eucliffe x Reader Rogue Cheney」━━━➤ Word Count║7,548
↳「Leviathan x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,242
↳「Beelzebub x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,123
↳「Diavolo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,000
↳「Tobio Kageyama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║6,340
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║6,234
↳「Karma Akabane x reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,432
↳「Sunna no Gaara x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║2,493
↳「Jay Jo x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,200
↳「Vinny Hong x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,506
↳「Yu Takeyama x GN! Hero! Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║3,366
↳「Yandere! Madara Uchiha x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,396
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║4,240
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║5,206
↳「Illumi Zoldyck x Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║9,042
↳「Yujiro Hanma x Shy! Innocent Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║7,522
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,354
↳「Zero Kiriyu x Reader x Kaname Kuran Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║3, 867
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Reader」━━━➤ Word Count║4,950
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.1」━━━➤ Word Count║3,542
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.2」━━━➤ Word Count║2,705
↳「Kaoru Hanayama x Powerful! Boss! Reader Pt.3」━━━➤ Word Count║3,804
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
🍋𝐋𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬🍋
↳「Akitaru Obi x Reader」
↳「Shouta Aizawa x Nurse! Reader Pt.2」
↳「The Ships Sl*t (One Piece)」
↳「Estarossa x Reader」
↳「Raihan x Reader Pt.2」
꧁𓊈𒆜 ━━━━━━━━━ 𒆜𓊉꧂
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spinningwebsandtales · 8 months
Imagine Going To A Haunted House With Obi
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Obi Akitaru X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Haunted house goodies galore filled with splatter filled dreams, suggestive themes
Word Count: 1.7k
(A/N:) Here it is folks my yearly Halloween Obi fic! This just became my own little tradition and I'm not gonna lie I look forward to it every year! I just adore this man! 💜 I can't lie either I enjoyed writing the haunted house part, because I am a sick and twisted person. I'm not sorry. I hope to get some more Halloween goodies posted throughout this month so keep your eyes peeled as I continue to work whenever I can. Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Halloween was always you and Obi's special night. Date nights were always planned for October 31st and this year you both decided to miss out on the Fire Force's annual Halloween Party and have some much needed alone time. Things had been crazy around the 8th and it was beginning to finally slow when the fateful day finally came around. This year you both had written several different ideas down on strips of paper and placed them in Obi's helmet. You both were to pick one strip of paper apiece and those activities would be done on the date. Obi picked enjoying the downtown Halloween festival and your slip had you both a little nervous as it said 'visit a haunted house.' You both asked Shinra and the crew what house would be the best to visit and every single one of them picked the scariest one that existed in Tokyo. Now you both couldn't back down from the challenge as your crew would think you two cowards. You looked at Obi nervously but he just shrugged his shoulders.
Halloween came around quickly and with the team occupied with celebrating their night in their own fashion, you and Obi were free to enjoy yourselves. The day was chilly, a crisp breeze flowing through the streets. The giggles of children and parents keeping a close eye filled the busier neighborhoods. Obi took your hand giving it a gentle squeeze.
"I'm glad we don't have to go to that horrible party like we did last year," you spoke watching a group of children pass by with a struggling parent lagging behind. Obi chuckled squeezing your hand a little tighter. Being captain was a job he loved but it did have it's downsides.
"It wasn't that bad," he replied causing you to pout. "Okay it was bad."
"Keep doing that Obi and all you'll be getting on this hallowed night is tricks," you teased.
"Don't be stingy now," he purred.
You ducked from Obi's searching lips, escaping from his grip to trot down the sidewalk. Despite his large and muscular body, Obi was fast when he wanted to be. It didn't take long for him to catch up and catch you. Picking you up easily and pulling you into his chest, where all you could do was laugh.
Walking a little further you could smell the festival on the breeze. A mix of warm spiced apple cider, caramel apples, and popcorn tickling your nose. You glanced at Obi before giving his hand a squeeze and dragging him a little faster. Surrounded by various booths of food and games it was a Halloween wonderland that you never wanted to end. All the games that had to do with strength, Obi excelled in them. You felt a little bad for the people running the booth as they lost money to the large Fire Force captain. But once that cute fuzzy prize was placed in your arms, you didn't feel all that bad anymore. Before Obi could continue to clean out all the booths from their prizes, you both were ready for some food from the different stalls. Splitting up Obi wanted to grab the food while you went to a different booth for drinks. You were done first so it was up to you to find a table. You were getting nervous as it seemed like everywhere was took up, until a couple just finished up and left a table close to the entrance. You snagged it quickly, setting the drinks and your prizes down.
Obi found you a little later with a feast in tow. How he carried it all on his own was amazing and the food tasted wonderful. With empty food cartons and cups, the sun began to set. The temperature dropped lower causing you to shiver a little at a nippy breeze.
"Ready to go to the haunted house," Obi asked gathering up the trash.
"No," you answered honestly.
"Me either," he laughed. "But it was in the hat and I'm sure you were the one who wrote it down."
"I couldn't think of anything!"
"Don't worry," he whispered in your ear, "I'll protect you."
The haunted house was about a five minute walk from the festival and you both found that the line inside was even closer due to the amount of people waiting. The haunted house didn't open until later that day and unfortunately you both hadn't planned on a big line starting early. Now you got to stand in line and dread going in more as the echoes of screams pierced the night. Obi squeezed your hand as you flinched at every high pitched blood curdling scream. Despite being in line for almost half and hour it felt like a blink and you both were at the entrance. The outside workers with lights in hand waved you both through and shut the door with a loud boom behind you.
The darkness swallowed you both whole and you could feel Obi shivering. So much for protecting you from the ghouls in the house. You both faced Infernals on a daily basis but a haunted house was already proving to be too much and you both just entered. Taking a deep breath Obi stepped forward first keeping a tight grip on your hand, leading you into the eerily lit dark. The first room you entered was splattered with fake blood and severed limbs on chains dangling from the ceiling. Somebody was strapped to the table in a bloody gown, screaming at the top of their lungs.
"Help me! He's going to kill me help me!"
You jumped squeezing tighter to Obi when a large man leapt out from behind a curtain, chainsaw in hand running towards you and Obi. A scream left your throat and you raced from the room dragging Obi with you. Leaving the chainsaw maniac behind, a hallway was between this room and the next. Dolls sitting on the shelves and the only lights were directed on them. Some dolls' hands were waving, some of their heads were spinning. Majority of them were missing eyes, limbs, and only tufts of hair were left on their heads.
"Come play with us," the dolls giggled.
"Come," their voices were growing lower.
"Play," lower.
"With us," they finished in a voice that sounded like it belonged to a creature from the Underworld. It was that moment a ghoulish looking woman raced from behind a secret wall, screaming as blood drained from her empty sockets. You clung to Obi who also held onto you as you both screamed.
Escaping the hallway you made it into the next room. Jail cells surrounded the walls, rusty and dank. You could swear you could smell something cooking. A warden circled around the room, bloody keys jingling on his duty belt while the judge stood beside an electric chair. Zombie prisoners reached between the decrypted bars trying to grab a hold of you and Obi. One snagged the hem of your shirt and tugged roughly, pulling you down on the floor where rotten teeth reached for your neck. You screamed trying to tug yourself from the creature's grip. Obi was at your side yanking you up from the floor as the judge pulled the lever on the electric chair. The inmate screaming as sparks flew. That was the last straw as you both booked it from the room.
"This is not fun," you panted.
"I know when it's coming but it doesn't make it any less terrifying," Obi agreed keeping a better grip on you.
You both were only halfway through the house and there was several more areas to go through. You and Obi screamed and ran your way through a butcher shop, a devilish pet shop full of evil creatures for adoption, and a haunted abandoned school room, before the last obstacle loomed before you both. The Graveyard. There was the glorious glow of the exit light across the graveyard. Looking up at your brave and handsome captain, you both took the first step forward. That triggered the zombie apocalypse. The undead stepped from their foggy places, groaning and screaming at the sight of prey. A few were still stuck in their graves, reaching for your ankles as you stumbled by. Obi kept you upright, his chest heaving at the exertion and complete terror taking over his body. The movies always made zombies look slow, these were everything but. Rotten teeth glistening in the haunted sickly moonlight. It was beginning to feel like an eternity to that precious glow at the end, like a light at the end of a demented tunnel. You stumbled again and Obi took matters into his own hands. In one smooth motion you were lifted up again and pulled into the air. You had a moment of weightlessness until you landed in Obi's arms. He held you tightly gripping you to his well toned chest as his legs churned faster. He had kept his speed slower so you could keep up better, until he no longer had to worry about you tripping and falling. In seconds you both crossed the finished line. The zombies departed going back to their start positions to wait for the next victims through the door.
Though he carried you through the ending you both were panting hard. You looked up at Obi before starting to laugh. Despite still trying to catch his breath he began to laugh too.
"We survived," you joked.
Obi nodded pulling you in for a deep kiss.
Back at the station your friends were waiting for your return. They hounded you both with questions before Obi held out tickets for each one of them. After the torture they had caused making you go to the scariest thing in Tokyo, there was no way they were going to get away with it. Giving them the tickets and shoving them out the fire station door, Obi led you to your shared bedroom. He closed the door firmly turning the lock as his gaze darkened.
"Am I still getting nothing but tricks this evening," he purred nipping at your neck.
"Well you are my hero of the evening," you hummed, threading your fingers through his hair. "And you carrying me through that graveyard was pretty hot. I think you earned yourself a treat."
Obi chuckled, "Happy Halloween."
"Happy Halloween," you replied pulling him down for a sweet kiss.
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seektowrite · 1 year
God Dammit Hinawa!
Sora Moeru (OC) x Akitaru Obi (Fire Force)
(This one will not have a male and Non-binary versions due to it being for a friend’s OC) This is a fan-fic I wrote for a friend of mine, for context her OC is Captain of Company 9 and has had a thing for Akitaru Obi for a while. 
⚠️Disclaimer: Mature Content | FxM | Suggestive themes ⚠️
Word count: 2401
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Nights like this were always exhausting for the two Captains. It was nice having Lieutenant Hinawa around to help with paperwork, but there were some papers only the Captains could fill out. Company 9 was residing in Company 8’s facility due to the upcoming mission on Adolla, and Captain Moeru and Captain Obi were in his office getting their paperwork sorted. Obi sat where he usually would at his desk, while Sora sat across from him. Papers on either side of the Captains, practically stacked up to their height. Sora Moeru sat quietly while her blue and red eyes focused on the stack of paperwork in front of her. The dimly lit office at Company 8's facility was filled with the sound of shuffling papers and the occasional scribbling of a pen. “Well isn’t this a bust,” Obi spoke causing Sora to look up from her task. He slumped back in his chair while ruffling his black hair through his fingers.
“Well, it’s what we have to do for our Companies.” Sora let out a soft giggle while she averted her gaze back to the paperwork in front of her. She could hear Obi shift around in his chair, and then eventually the sound of the wheels squeaked against the floor. Her gaze once again met his while he stood tall and stretched. His tight black shirt hugged his muscular form attentively. Sora gulped while watching him move from around his desk. “I think we need a break,” Obi's voice was kind, and a sense of mischievousness rolled off his tongue while he made his way to Sora. Her rare-colored eyes met his but she simply shook her head. “I would rather finish this and have at least an hour of sleep tonight.” Her gaze found its way back to the paperwork which caused Obi to squint at her. Then, an idea popped in his head. He placed both hands on either side of the chair she sat in, and with little effort, he rolled the chair away from the desk taking Sora with it. 
She let out a playful sigh while her hold on the table failed. “Aki! We need to finish our work.” She whined slightly while Obi had a stupid grin on his face. “We can work after, let’s get some food! Substance Sora! Our bodies need it.” He then swirled the chair around causing her to face his stomach. Sora shook her head once more at the other Captain while gazing up at him. “Aki, work.” She spoke slightly demanding while swirling her chair back around to the desk. "Sora, you've been working nonstop," Obi spoke from behind her, his voice filled with genuine worry. "You need a break." She sighed and picked up her pencil ready to get back to it. "I... I still have so much to do, Aki. I can't afford to take a break right now." Obi’s expression softened, and he placed a hand gently on her shoulder. "Sora, it's important to take care of yourself too. You can't give your best if you're exhausted." Sora's resistance wavered, and she reluctantly nodded. "Alright fine, but right after we get back to work. No if’s and’s or but’s."
Obi grinned and removed his hand from her shoulder. "That's the spirit! Now let’s go make a late-night snack together! It'll give you a chance to relax and recharge." Sora's eyes found his gaze again while she stood up from her chair. His smile warmed her heart while she watched him grin and take her hand leading her to the kitchen. The kind gesture made Sora’s heart pick up slightly, but she quickly shook off the feeling. They made their way to the kitchen, and soon Obi released his grasp on her hand. “Let’s see…” He trailed off while opening the fridge and looking for easy ingredients for a snack. “I can make you a sandwich, maybe soup, or even just some fruits. What are you up for?” He asked while turning around to face her. Sora was slightly taken aback by his words. Make her something? She thought they were going to make food together.
“Obi, if you’re hungry you don’t have to use me as an excuse.” She softly chuckled and then stood beside him also gazing into the fridge. “How about I make you something? How about a Turkey sandwich?” She smiled while she turned to meet his gaze only to realize the two were very close. Her eyes widened slightly as she could smell his aftershave and felt his toned form slightly brush hers. It became very apparent just how small she was compared to him as well. Obi towered over her, even while he slouched slightly to get a better view of inside the fridge. A smile painted his lips while he softly chuckled standing up straight. He scratched the back of his neck and then leaned his back against the island directly behind the two. “I wasn’t using you as an excuse, but if you’re offering to make me something, I can’t say no.” He flashed Sora a toothy smile while she rolled her eyes. 
After grabbing the ingredients out of the fridge, she set them down on the island causing Obi to move slightly. “I’m not the only one doing work here, you make me something in return.” Sora stuck her tongue out at the tall Captain causing him to chuckle. “That’s only fair~” Obi playfully teased while looking back in the fridge and pulling out some ingredients. As the two made food for each other, they couldn’t help but consistently sneak glances. When Sora would cut slices of turkey, Obi couldn’t help but watch her small gentle hands. When Obi would wash the fruit, Sora would gaze at his toned arms and the cute faces he would make. When Sora would take a bite of tomato, Obi could only smile at her adorable satisfied look. And when Obi would cut the stems off the strawberries, Sora would admire the little breaths that left his lips. 
‘She’s so cute.’
‘He’s so cute.’
They thought to themselves and eventually finished making each other food. As Sora was about to hand Obi his sandwich, he stopped her. “You gotta present it like we’re on a cooking show!” Obi playfully spoke while taking a seat on the other side of the island to act like the judge. Sora rolled her eyes and then giggled, “Alright alright.” She then grabbed one of the dome covers for food and placed it over the sandwich. “Captain Moeru, what will you present for us today?” Obi spoke, slightly pitching his voice to sound like a show host. “Well Mr. Obi, today I have a beautifully crafted Turkey Sandwich.” Sora then removed the cover and place it to the side. “For the bread, we have focaccia bread lightly toasted to perfection. Encompassed in the crispy dough, mayonnaise lightly coats the underbelly. Thin slices of tomato were then strategically placed along with savory cut turkey slices. We also have some perfect al dente sliced Gouda cheese, along with crispy lettuce.” 
Sora then bowed and pushed the plate over to Obi. He quickly grabbed a napkin and tucked it into his collar. “Sounds delicious Captain Moeru, let’s give it a go.” Obi then gently picked up the sandwich, and with one swift motion, he took a bite. The crispy toast crunch echoed through the kitchen causing Sora’s mouth to slightly water. Maybe she actually was hungry. Obi set the rest of the sandwich down while he chewed the masterpiece Sora created. His body relaxed and practically melted in his seat. His eyes half-lidded while his head slightly tipped back. “This is the best sandwich I’ve ever had…” He spoke sounding slightly muffled due to the food in his mouth but also with satisfaction lingering off his tongue. Sora smiled softly at him while she watched Obi melt due to the food she made. “I’m glad you like it, Aki.” She spoke sweetly and then made her way over to Obi. She placed her hands on his shoulders and began to gently massage them.
“You don’t have to present for me, I’m sure Strawberries are self-explanatory.” Sora giggled while sitting beside Obi while still massaging his shoulders. He faced his back to her and let his body fully relax under her touch. The dimly lit kitchen gave the atmosphere of late-night dining under low light. Sora would occasionally remove a hand from Obi to eat a strawberry, while Obi would occasionally let out soft sighs due to her touch. His sounds sent Sora into a state-like haze along with the sweet fruit. Then, without realizing it, Sora leaned closer and gently placed a kiss on the back of Obi’s neck. As if on cue, Sora realized what she did and quickly backed away removing her hands from his shoulders. “I-I’m sorry… I don’t know what came over me.” She nervously chuckled while swiftly standing. “Maybe it’s time to get back to work.” Sora then turned to leave the kitchen, but her wrist got caught in Obi’s grasp. 
When she turned to face him, her body was quickly pulled into his embrace. His muscular arms wrapped around her small petite figure while her body was pressed against his toned stomach. His smell danced around her, causing Sora to slightly lose focus. “Aki…” she trailed off not sure what to make of this sudden embrace. Obi then let out a hefty sigh while gently pulling her closer. “How do you feel about me, Sora?” He asked softly, a hint of anticipation on his tongue. Both of her hands were placed on his pectorals while she inhaled sharply due to the unexpected question. “I-I feel…” she trailed off. For as long as she can remember, she's always been fond of Obi, but due to their status in their companies, she never acted on those feelings. 
Sora was scared, her body slightly trembled which Obi noticed. He gently released her and kneeled down to almost match her height. He held her hands in his and lovingly gazed into her eyes which were glazed over. “You can be honest with me, there’s nothing to fear Sora.” His voice was so soft, almost too soft to make out. He brushed a strand of hair behind her ear while scanning for any sign of discomfort, but all he saw was worry. He was about to speak again, but Sora spoke first. “Y-you’ve become someone in my life that I… can’t stop thinking about…” She trailed off while averting her gaze. A soft pink painted her cheeks which caused Obi to smile. Then, he leaned closer to her soft milky skin and placed a kiss on her cheek. When he pulled away, Sora locked eyes with him, surprised by the sudden kiss. Her mouth was slightly agape and her hands gripped his tighter. Obi then let out a soft chuckle while he rose to his feet.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you nervous before.” Obi teased causing Sora to snap back to reality. She playfully shoved at his shoulder and scoffed and was about to speak, but then Obi leaned close to her ear. His breath sending shivers down her spine, “It’s tempting me to do things to this beautiful body of yours~” Sora stilled, and her eyes widened again at his words. Not once has she experienced Obi’s domineering side, he was also so happy-go-lucky and a goofball, but this, this sent an aching feeling to her core causing her to slightly pushed her legs together. Obi noticed the little movement and let out a low chuckle in her ear. “How cute~” He then cupped one side of her neck and brought his lips to the other side, gently leaving a kiss. He pulled away for a moment to see if she would protest or back away, just to check if he was going too far. But once his lips left her neck, it was as if on instinct her body leaned closer to his. 
Her grip slightly tighten in his shirt while she sighed sweetly. “H-How do you feel about me? Aki?” She asked sounding out of breath which caused him to smirk against her skin. “Well, you’re a wonderful Captain of Company 9… You’re always so determined and work hard… You know how to get things done… and your ambition is so alluring… You’re smile makes my heart beat faster… and the way your lips move makes me want to taste them…” In between pauses, Obi would gently leave kisses on her neck causing Sora to let out soft sighs. And once he was finished, he brought his face to her and hooked a finger under her chin. Their lips almost touching causing Sora’s heart to quickly and butterflies to form in her stomach. Her eyes were half-lidded along with his while they gazed at each other's lips. Sora gulped, while Obi followed. His finger was still under her chin while his other was snaked gently around her waist pulling her closer. Her grip still on his shirt while her body was pressed closer to his toned form.
“I want to kiss you Sora, I wanna taste you so bad…” Obi’s voice slightly quivered with want and need while Sora gently ran her tongue over her lips causing Obi to groan slightly. The tension between the two was rising, and they both could feel it. Sora wanted to give in, but she also wanted to see how he would react if she denied him of her any longer. “Aki, How do you… really feel about me.” Her eyes found his while he gazed down at her with love and want. The grip he had on her waist tightened with her question as he gulped again. “I-” Just then Lieutenant Hinawa walked into the kitchen wearing white short-shorts along with a plaid button-up and a sleep cap. He held a mug in hand while he stared at the two in the middle of the kitchen. The room fell silent, Sora in Obi’s embrace while Hinawa just stared unamused. 
“Good morning,” Hinawa spoke nonchalantly while walking past the two. Sora then gritted her teeth and lunged out of Obi’s grasp and at Hinawa. She grabbed his sleep cap and ripped it off his head. “God Dammit Hinawa! I was about you fuck your Captain!”
I hope you enjoyed it (you know who you are). Why do you like to get cock blocked? I will never know.
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ryoskuna · 1 year
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i’m leia, although some people also call me nani. honestly, you can call me whatever you’d like as long as it’s respectful. I’m twenty-two years old and a full-time contributor to capitalism because I have bills to pay, although i will be taking grad school courses in the summer of 2023. my pronouns are she/her/hers (they is also acceptable).
content i make: sfw, fluff, angst, nsfw (minors do not interact), tons of aus, oc x canon character content, content specifically for readers and/or original characters of color (will be specified), whatever SELF-indulgent content I desire. 
this is my blog, i will put the content I wish to see on there, and write for content that I want to write for. I have the right to deny a request, and while out the kindness of my heart I may tell why, but you’re not entitled to a justification for why I do or don’t want to write a request - it is case-by-case, but should you insist I write the same request you sent in or I specified I would not do that content will get you an immediate block.
you also don’t have to be in my inbox solely for requests, feel free just to stop by and talk and chat or for concepts. 
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fandoms i write for: bleach, naruto (though i will NOT touch boruto with a 10ft stick), jujutsu kaisen, fire force, my hero academia, haikyuu, burn the witch, demon slayer, monster prom, genshin impact, blue lock. fandoms i’m considering writing for: sk8 the infinity, chainsaw man. this list is subject to change.
masterlist (needs updating) | rules | tags (wip)
miscellaneous: ko-fi (if you want to leave me something/or help with my medical bills) | ao3 | spotify
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created oc x canon ships 
you may, on occasion, see content for them and you’re welcome to request or give ideas for drabbles or ficlets you’d like to see, or questions that allow me to fully flesh either their relationship or my ocs. more than likely, a lot of these come from wips I have drafted for actual multi-chapter fanfictions. or you just may see clips from me playing them in the sims 4. again, this is my blog and if you don’t like the content I write involving them, don’t interact.
angelkitty - grimmjow x cassandra beckett (bleach), saint grafitti - bruno bangnyfe x genevieve “viv” astaseul-riley (info - warning, sudden audio playing if on a computer) (burn the witch), kitsuki - kakashi hatake x mitsuki hanabusa (naruto), storm motion - natsuo todoroki x andie paris (mha), hellbunny - mirko x harlow aelius (mha), keiki - hawks x suki fujimura-hansley. there’s also some ships involving bokuto, daichi, and keishin ukai from haikyuu, akitaru obi from fire force, damien from monster prom, some ships from jjk, and childe and arataki itto from genshin impact.
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popular works:
shaken, not stirred universe, ft. bartender!sukuna and co.
promised eternity, hades!sukuna x persephone!reader.
union, satoru gojo x original character (only on ao3 as of now).
favor fire, joker (fire force) x reader [NSFW]
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do not reblog.
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