#aks me a question
moirainessuspenders · 11 months
you make a compelling point, anon.
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pzdragon666 · 3 months
hey! It's me Keef-draws, I noticed that you tagged my reblog blog instead of my main...Anyway question for the cassettes! It's late, but still question for them!
Who do they trust other than the bot who raised them? And who would they turn to for help? 🤔
Believe me when I say that the cassettes all have trust issues except for their moms, but that doesn't mean they don't have that one person that they would ALWAYS turn to when they need to-
P.S.: I didn't know you changed your username, so I tagged your other blog, sorry-
Rumble's choice: Papa Shockwave
Why: He took care of him when he was sick one time. Mama Soundwave was sadly on a mission
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Frenzy's choice: Auntie Illusion
Why: She doesn't tell Soundwave what she's scemming behind his back. Frenzy thinks she's also cool
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Last but not least, Hazard.
Hazard's choice: Uncle Megatron
Why: She's her biggest fan. Also, he was the one who introduced her to Illusion when he found her on the streets of Kaon. Hazard owes her online to him
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To my friend: @kiyuu-draws
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julfr · 2 months
So I've got questions about your oc, Juliet Dredge... Which of the islands is her favorite? Which is her least favorite? If she was an NPC in the game, what would her questline be like? What rewards would she give out? Would there be a special monster connected to her somehow?
Ooooh so many question!
She likes fishing near the Gale cliffs and the Marrows are home. She’s also quite fond of the Stellar Basin. The sky is so pretty (no one knows she likes it).
She hates Twisted Strand. Too many mosquitos. Swamp/10 wouldn’t recommend.
As for a questline: she’s doesn’t like asking for help but it would probably involve discovering some mysteries about the cultist people and aberration items. She thinks they’re…interesting.
She doesn’t have that much money but would probably offer some random items she dredged up. Maybe a book about the horrors. Or a zippo lighter (it’s broken).
No special monster but she has a bit of a fixation for Bloodskin sharks. She doesn’t like them. Or maybe she does. It’s hard to tell really.
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sweetgirlofyourdreams · 7 months
Lemon plum. What panties are you wearing today?
Hey 👋🏻
White panties 🙈
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sillymeter · 1 year
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coweysworld · 10 months
I’ve heard of people drinking a lot of heavy cream in the span of a week and gaining a few pounds in that week alone. Not sure if you’re that addicted to it but if you are… I think we’ll all be seeing a more doughy, swollen cow in the weeks to come 👀
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sharkjumpers · 7 months
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nightmareevara · 3 months
After skipping meals for whole week I ate properly today
That's so amazing! I'm so proud of you darling <3
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whyoneartheven · 11 months
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why this so dramatic tho
My username? (Or is it called a url? Idk)
hmm I guess it’s because I was very confused with myself as to why I was creating a tumblr account XD
also, I suppose I consider “why” the most useful question in my repertoire lol
I ask it a lot.
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moirainessuspenders · 2 years
art meme: 2, 4, 10!
2. Is it easier to draw someone facing left or right (or forward even)
forward!! probably just because that's what I've practiced the most. in profile I often misjudge how deep a face should be and end up with heads that look squished somehow. 3/4 angles facing either way are good too.
Yuuko is an outlier and easiest to draw facing my left/her right. idk where to put the short hair pieces facing head-on and the hair is Very Important ok
4. Fav character/subject that's a bitch to draw
Lace 😭 I love it but all the little repetitive details are so hard to get right!! rip my poor eyes and unsteady hands
10. Favorite piece of clothing to draw
struggling mightily to come up with a single item but in general I love drawing Things That Drape. capes, robes, big sleeves, long dresses, basically anything that's anchored/fitted at one point and then just. hangs off the character/trails on the ground. Obsessed™
can you see
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why I love
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this bitch
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so much
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lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
7, 19 and 20 for your writer’s ask game please?
Sure! Thank you!
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Now that’s an interesting question because I recently read some articles about POVs just to find out I in fact never thought about which POV I write from XD
Of course I knew there were the first/second/third person POVs, but I sincerely had no idea the third person could be limited and omniscient. After reading I realized that all my fics are the mix of both third person POVs, but I never aimed for it. I just write the way it’s most comfortable to me.
I never considered first and second person POVs, because I’m not sure how to write them and I think I can tell more by using the third person (how does even the narrative from the second person look like I know the used pronoun is you but just how I never read any books from this point of view)
Whether I prefer limited or omniscient POV, I think it depends on the scene I write. Sometimes it’s better to use limited so the readers know as much as the character from whose POV I write so I won’t spoil everything. Sometimes it’s better to use omniscient when I write some descriptive scenes (of weather or whatever) because in that case I don’t focus on the character’s feelings and thoughts.
As I said, for all my fics I use third person, both limited and omniscient. It depends on the scene I write.
For WBTL I also use both limited and omniscient. It’s mostly written from Gabe and Valerio’s POV, but I’ve also written some scenes from Ángel, Frida, Emilio, and some other characters’ POV, too. It’s called third person multiple, I think.
Ajhsbdjjf I also read somewhere that it’s better to use just one POV for your story, and if it’s third person limited, it’s better to tell the story from one character’s POV, but as you can see, I elect to ignore it :’D
Anyway, to answer the question without my ramblings, I don’t choose the POV - the POV chooses me.
19. What is the most-used tag on your ao3?
I’m not lying by saying I’m funny, I guess XD
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It could look more interesting if I’ve written more fics but alas.
20. Have you noticed any patterns in your fics? Words/expressions that appear a lot, themes, common settings, etc?
Alright, this question is also interesting and quite difficult as well.
If we count ALL my fics, I think the only thing we can consider a repeated pattern is symbolic elements. In Always With You, Isla de Sueños, and Home for Navidad those symbolic elements are the weather.
When things are bad~, the weather is also bad (in both Always With You and Isla de Sueños this bad weather is a strong wind, whereas in Home for Navidad this is a snow storm). In all cases it connects with the characters’ emotional state, so when they calm down, the weather also calms down (alright, in Home for Navidad it doesn’t really work, because the weather calms down after Mateo casts a spell but shhh)
In Blooming Rose this symbolic element is the rose that can’t spread its petals because it’s overshadowed by other roses but blooms eventually when given enough space to grow - this is a metaphor of Gabe in the guard.
WBTL is also full of symbolism, whether this is:
Weather again - Gabe and Max watch the clear starry sky in the latest chapter - Gabe is free from solving the hideout mystery, the downpour ends after Gabe tells the nameless girl about his feelings about Frida.
Dream sequences - Valerio’s dream in the 12th chapter and Gabe’s dream in the 20th chapter. They’re just full of different symbols, I could talk about them for hours if it wasn’t spoilery.
A quick digression: I once read an article called something like Top-5 things you should never include in your book, and one of them was a dream sequence. I swear after I read it something broke in me because this is literally my FAVOURITE thing to write :’DDDD
Stories - The Man in the Cloak - this story is a metaphor in essence there’s even a metaphor! And a clever one if you ask me!; The Eagle and The Crow - this is a metaphor of Valerio and Emilio; Tales of the Dragon Slayer - the first story is not really a metaphor, but the second one in the 11th chapter, the one Ángel tells via the puppet show, is.
Objects - the three-masted ship Valerio floats in the 13th chapter has three masts for reason.
Characters’ names - almost every character’s name has a meaning that fits them (the best one is Emilio - rival).
(the funny thing is that I’m currently writing a new one-shot, and for now it has no symbolic elements, so this is not a repeated pattern of all my fics after all :’D)
Either way it’s really the only thing I can catch in all my current works.
If we’re talking about repeated patterns in general, I think I could also mention timid love confessions because I like the friends-to-lovers trope? Since in both my romantic fics Gabe was afraid to confess his feelings whether it was Elena or Naomi, depending on the ship. And if I had a love storyline in WBTL, I think I could write something similar (at least Emilio definitely was timid when he told Verónica he loved her).
I also often write hurt/comfort scenes? All my fics, excluding Isla de Sueños and Blooming Rose (although I think it’s still possible to interpret Francisco and Gabe’s conversation as comforting since Francisco actively praised Gabe even if it was rather subtle), are about one character comforting another (in WBTL it also happens often).
I think I also often make characters recall the past, whether it’s sharing the memories with someone, taking past experience into account, or just thinking about the past like in case of Home for Navidad when Blanca recalls the memories of her and little Gabe baking together.
And now it’s really all I can think about XD
Thank you so much for the ask again!
Writer Ask Game
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thekenobee · 2 years
I can see, your running a blog of great quality
I mean I can now finally fill the lack of Russell Crowe characters on my dash, so THANK YOU.
Also expect me to drop in in your asks/messages to talk about fandoms.
And, if you haven't try watching Mystery, Alaska. You can thank me later...
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#sorry not sorry for bothering you and promtoting my fave movie
OMG HI, YOU BEAUTIFUL OP WHO FUELS MY OBSESSION?! How do you do! (I'm doing terribly well because I have received an ask!)
Ok, so I was afraid that my re-awoken obsession with Russell CROW(N)E(D) king of my heart TM would go unnoticed but THANK GOD NO
I'm still recovering from "A Beautiful Mind". I feel as if I was pushed off the plane but *sobs* I'll be better. Someone mentioned Mystery, Alaska and I think I'll watch it in a few days to cheer myself up a bit ( oh boi doesn't he LOOK GOOOOOOD there).
Oh and by all means, please drop in! I love talking, in asks and in general(maximus decimus meridius) ! Fandoms are pretty much my life.
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✨🌟*counting stars sound* 🌟✨
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sweetgirlofyourdreams · 8 months
You’re so hot <3
Aw don't make me blush 🤭
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brokenlittlebabydoll · 8 months
youll be pressed face down in your stuffie army kiddo. sobbing your toddler eyes into your favorite bears crotch while dad is filling you from behind
Listen...I just...I just think it's kind of mean you don't want me to know who you are.
I can't love you and be an unhealthy amount of obsessed with you if I don't know who you are
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floofdrawsstuff · 7 months
Hello. Soooooo this is just a quick thing I wanted to say, just so you know, you can ask me, Bendy, or Cuphead any questions you may have for us. Also just an FYI, Cup and Ben live in the same world, Inkwell Isles and both work at the same casino. My AU✨
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coweysworld · 10 months
How tall are you? 👀
5’2 !
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