#akuma flashpoint au
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
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gale-gentlepenguin · 4 years
Villain Luka au: Alternative motives
(Don't like the idea of Villain Luka messing with time for the sake of corrupted love because you feel it could be considered Salt? Fear not! I have come with alternative motives that result in evil.) 
-Villain Luka believes the music industry has become corrupt and is trying to go back and fix it despite the repercautiolns.
-Go with the Flashpoint method, Villain Luka trying to have his father in the picture regardless of the cost.
- Something tragic happens to Juleka and Villain Luka is forced to keep reseting to save her
-Villain Luka has zero method and is just being a d***
-Villain Luka was corrupted by an akuma
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The Trials of Confessing - Chapter 5
Rated: Teen
Chapters: 5/5
Ao3 / Wattpad
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A/N: Now that this story is complete, I've been working on another one that's already five chapters ahead in Patreon called Akuma Flashpoint. It's a canon divergent reality warp AU, where Marinette gets transported into a different reality where everything has gone wrong. Main pairing being Ladrien. If it sounds intriguing, you can start reading it right now! But if you're willing to wait, the first chapter will be out publicly on August 28th, and will update every last Monday of the month. In the meantime, enjoy this last chapter!
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Adrien felt his senses go numb. He then understood why she had seemed so out of it after they encountered Lila. Her words must’ve gotten to Marinette. However, what was more shocking was knowing that such an amazing girl like Marinette felt so strongly about him. And what was terrifying was the potential of having to break her heart.
“I’m sorry I didn’t say it sooner,” she sobbed. “But after everything you’ve been through, I rather be there for you instead of being part of the problem. Maybe now you can at least cross me off the list and find your true love.”
Adrien let out a shuddered breath. “You know about the list?” He felt Marinette nod against his shoulder.
“Alya is convinced that I’m the girl you keep talking about.” She slowly pulled away, wiping away snot. “All because the very day you said that thing about the love of your life, I had happened to decide to confess to you. But that could’ve just being a coincidence, because I’ve said that so many times, yet always chickened out.”
Many times? Adrien pondered. “Marinette,” he said, “how long have you felt this way?”
“U-um.” Marinette placed a hand on her arm, averting her gaze. “Since almost the beginning. You were just so kind when I thought you were a jerk. Even though I made assumptions about you, you still treated me with respect, so different from how Chloé treated me. That’s how I knew you were nothing like her. And over time... I’m sorry, it’s not important. Just cross me off the list.”
“How are you so sure you’re not the girl I’ve talked about?” Adrien rushed to say.
“Because!” Marinette’s arms flailed. “What are the chances, right? There’s no way I’m that lucky. I mean, if I am, it changes so much between us, and it would mean that things have been so much more complicated between us, and there’s a chance of other consequences—”
“We’ll cross that bridge if we get there,” he insisted. “Just say or do what you were gonna do before this whole mess. Don’t just ask me to cross you off without even trying.”
The girl stared at him, as if he had grown a second head. Adrien frowned. Was there something on his face? Did he say something wrong? Marinette gasped, right before saying: “I have something for you—Whoa!”
She pulled something out of her purse, but it slipped off her hand. When she tried catching it, she instead ended up hitting it with her palm, making it fly off to the street. She was about to run to it, when several vehicles drove by and squashed it. Adrien slapped a hand to his mouth, and Marinette let out a screamed ‘NO!’ with her hand hopelessly extended in the direction of the lost gift.
The two of them stared at the mush on the pavement for several seconds, as if hoping they could turn back time and stop the small packet from ever leaving the purse. After finally processing the disaster that happened, Marinette slapped her hands to her face and groaned.
“This is like the premiere all over again!” she cried. “Can’t even give a damn macaron without it being a disaster. Ugh, he’s gonna hate me when he finds out.”
“When who finds out?” Adrien asked when he finally found his voice.
“My friend!” Marinette responded. “He’s the reason I was determined this time. I promised him I’d confess to you, but it had to be done in a specific way, and that includes the gift. But now I don’t have it!”
“Marinette,” Adrien said, taking her hands, his heart starting to beat louder, “you said something about a macaron. Was that what the gift was?”
“Yes. One passion fruit macaron, your favorite. Or at least I think that’s your favorite, but Lila made me doubt my instincts. But that’s not even the important part of the gift.”
“Then what was?” He could feel his heart slam hard against his ribcage, almost ready to burst out.
“The package,” she said. Adrien’s breath hitched. “I designed it myself. It was… special. I needed to give you that along with my confession, but now I’ve ruined it.”
“Not necessarily!” Adrien blurted out. “What was the design? Do you have it with you?”
“No,” she sighed. But almost immediately lit up. “Oh! I have a small notebook I use sometimes when I can’t take my sketchbook with me. I can recreate it!”
Marinette let go of Adrien and was quickly rummaging through her purse. She gave him a blue pen to hold while she pulled out the pocket-sized sketchbook. Just as she dislodged it, there was a honk from the street. When they turned to it, they saw Adrien’s ride, and from it, Nathalie exited.
“Good, I was about to call you,” she said the second she saw him. “Adrien, your father needs you to come home early.”
“What? Why?” Adrien asked, taking a step back, already seeing his hopes and dreams flutter away.
“It has come to your father’s attention that there have been several incidents these days in school, and he feels you’re currently not safe here. We’re taking you home until a press conference can be made on the matter.”
“Seriously?” Adrien said, cursing his father’s timing. “Can you give me another minute? Marinette needs to do something important right now.”
“I’m afraid your father wants you home now.”
He desperately turned to Marinette. “Can you do it fast?”
“I-I, um, I-I—”
“Adrien, we have to go now,” Nathalie insisted.
He looked at Marinette, hoping she would suddenly come up with what was probably exactly what he wanted to see. But from the look of it, she didn’t seem ready to fight. She looked more exhausted than courageous in that moment. And the last thing Adrien wanted was to push her too far.
“I’m sorry,” he said, to which Marinette softly nodded. “Maybe—”
“Adrien,” Nathalie called. It was then that he noticed some of the girls walking down the school’s front steps, watching his father’s assistant like vultures waiting for dinner.
He let out an irritated sigh. “I’m not crossing you off the list,” Adrien said, as he walked backwards towards the car. “Not yet. We’ll finish this later. I promise. Bring a new one tomorrow!”
The car door closed, but he continued staring out of the window. Marinette awkwardly waved, and he immediately returned the gesture. He couldn’t help but notice how some of the other girls seemed to have noticed their exchange, if their death-stares towards Marinette was anything to go by. He winced, hoping he hadn’t just accidentally thrown her to the lions.
And yet, he couldn’t help but hope that, perhaps, he had just become the luckiest guy in the world.
* * *
Worst. Afternoon. EVER.
That was how Marinette would describe her day after Adrien left. Every girl that had witnessed his departure, talking about the list, felt the need to make her miserable one way or the other. The most common were the stares of murderous intentions. Others were far more creative or intrusive, from the passive-aggressive comments to a yogurt she managed to narrowly dodge.
The consensus among them was the same: she was tricking Adrien. Somehow. Oh, and that she was a terrible friend, unlike Lila, apparently.
When it was time to patrol, Marinette didn’t feel like going. She was emotionally drained. But at the same time, she could use the comfort from her partner. Yet, in the end, her sense of duty won out, and she was off, soaring across the rooftops of the city. Trying not to dwell too much in her awful day.
Ladybug landed on the meeting spot, about two meters away from Chat Noir. She bit her lip, still thinking about the hoard of scary fangirls, still wondering how to break the news to her partner. After a deep breath, she approached him. It wasn’t until she was almost next to him that she noticed he was humming a song.
She cleared her throat. “Evening, Chat Noir.”
The boy quickly turned to her, a wide smile on his face. “Good evening to you too, M’Lady.”
“You seem happy today,” she commented, as she sat down next to him.
“I had a very interesting day,” he said. “What about you? How was your day?”
“It was—” Ladybug had been about to say ‘fine,’ but was immediately attacked by memories of the day. “Ugh, it was a complete disaster.”
“Why? What happened?” he asked, sliding an inch closer to her.
“I confessed.” Ladybug covered her face. “And it couldn’t have gone worse. Not only did I cry during my confession, but I lost the gift! My clumsy civilian self somehow managed to get it under three cars and a truck. It was crushed and ruined. He must’ve been so confused. And probably thinks I’m just like any other girl, going after him for the wrong reasons.”
“Eugh, that does sound bad,” Chat Noir said. Sounding a bit too calm, for Ladybug’s taste. There was a pun coming, she could feel it.
“Total disaster,” she said, attempting to sway the conversation from whatever he was planning on saying. “He did ask me to bring a new version of the gift tomorrow, so I guess that’s something. He didn’t completely turn me down.”
“That is something.” Chat Noir said, nodding as he checked his pockets. “I guess you’ll just have to write off today.”
The boy presented her with a pen. Ladybug blinked, right before giving Chat Noir the most unimpressed look she had ever given him.
“Oh my gosh, now you bring stuff to make your puns?” she scolded.
Chat Noir laughed. “Nah, I just think you could use this particular pen.”
“Honestly, Chat.” Ladybug shook her head, suddenly regretting opening herself up to him. “I’m basically pouring my heart out here, being vulnerable to you, and all you can think about is making a joke?”
“Ladybug, just look at the pen,” he pleaded, suddenly far quieter than when he made the joke.
“Yes, I see it.” Ladybug snatched the pen from his hand. “It’s a normal, cheap—” But she stopped. For it was not a normal, cheap blue pen in her hands.
It was a pen with a hole in it. The very hole Chat Noir punctured to it the night they made their deal. The pen that was supposed to be in her purse, yet for some reason, Chat Noir had just given it back to her.
“Wh-Where did you get this?” she asked, any sign of anger gone, but having a hard time breathing properly. When she looked at her partner, he wasn’t smirking, or even flirty. In fact, he almost seemed shy, for the first time since she met him.
“You kinda gave it to me today,” he said, scratching the back of his head. “You were taking your sketchbook out of your purse and gave me the pen while you were taking it out. It wasn’t until I got home that I realized I still had it in my hand. And that was when I recognized it as the one you used to create the design for the macaron package. It was a passion fruit macaron that you made, right? My favorite pastry? Not quiche, by the way.”
Ladybug gasped, and almost immediately let out a shuddered breath. She remembered taking the pen out and giving it to Adrien. She never asked for it back, now that she thought about it. And yet, there it was in her hands, as a gift from her superhero partner, who had many times proclaimed his love for her.
“So, um, now that we kno—Oof!” Chat Noir’s words were cut off by Ladybug, who had thrown her arms around him and was giving him the tightest hug she could muster. Slowly, he returned the gesture.
“You were right,” she said, as happy tears trailed down her cheeks. “This whole time you were right. And I’m so glad you were.”
“You are?”
“I know, right?!” Ladybug pulled away, taking his face in her hands. “I used to laugh at the idea, but the more I thought about, it just seemed so perfect. I am so happy it’s you. Adrien.”
The second she said his name, Chat Noir gave her the biggest grin she had ever seen from him. 
“And I’m so happy that the girl I’ve been in love with this whole time is you, Marinette,” he said.
The sound of her real name sent goosebumps through her body. Or maybe it was the fact that he had taken her hand as he said it. Or perhaps it was the intense look he was giving her, asking the very question she had been about to ask. Instead, she responded his, slowly leaning towards him.
“Wait.” Chat Noir placed two fingers on her lips. “Before that, I have a question: If you were in love with Adrien-me, how come you said that you loved Chat Noir-me?”
Ladybug let out a muffled whine. The very thing she didn’t want him to ask, was the very first thing he asked. She backed away, averting her gaze from him.
“I-I, um, was trying to hide my identity. And I didn’t have time to think of a proper distraction, so I said that.”
“Oh,” Chat Noir uttered. “So, you didn’t mean it?”
“Well, not in the romantic sense,” she explained. “Though, if it makes you feel any better, I was upset that you showed up. It made me think your feelings for Ladybug-me were shallow. But then you went and rejected Marinette-me for Ladybug-me, so I almost celebrated in front of papa. Then I had to pretend I was actually upset, but I was just celebrating in my room. Because your feelings were real. And I’m gonna stop talking because you’re looking at me funny.”
Chat Noir had his index over his lips, with an unreadable expression.
“So,” he started, “what you’re saying is, that you were jealous of yourself?” He finished with a mischievous grin.
Ladybug sputtered. “That’s not—No! I was not jealous! Why would I be jealous? There was nothing to be jealous about. I mean, clearly, you were very loyal to me. Notthatitmattered!”
“It sounds like it mattered a lot,” Chat Noir purred.
“I-I... Urgh, fine. Yes,” Ladybug relented. “I may have, on occasion, wondered what it would have been like if Adrien—you, I realize—hadn’t been in the picture. Then maybe, who knows what could’ve happened between us.”
“Oh.” The skin underneath Chat Noir’s mask turned scarlet. “Now I do feel better.”
“I can see that,” she teased, feeling slightly more confident thanks to his reaction.
“I guess that makes us even,” he countered.
“Mhm.” Chat Noir nodded. “You don’t know this, buuut, I may or may not have had a tiny, little, itty-bitty crush on a classmate I nickname our Everyday-Ladybug.”
“Wait, what?!”
“What can I say, I have a thing for girls who stand up to bullies.”
“Didn’t your dad say you weren’t interested in anyone, and to leave you alone?”
“Nooo, please don’t remind me.” Chat Noir covered his face. “That press conference was one of the most embarrassing things I’ve ever been a part of. And I’m not easily embarrassed! I’ve walked in high heels and a pink skirt. I would dress in a banana costume, if I have to. But having my father talk about my relationship issues to the press? Freaking kill me.”
“Don’t worry, it wasn’t so bad,” Ladybug giggled. “It was more hilarious seeing a grown man think he has a grasp on teenage relationships, which he clearly doesn’t.”
“Wait, that reminds me, are you okay?” he suddenly asked, uncovering his face. “I saw those girls giving you death-stares when I left. They didn’t do anything to you, did they?”
“Oh, just a lot of passive-aggressive comments about how I’m a horrible friend, and that Lila would never do that.”
“Lila what?” Chat Noir said, bewildered. “What the heck does Lila have to do with any of this.”
“You know how she is,” Ladybug said, with a sigh. “The same thing she said earlier about real friends, she repeated it with the fanclub outside. Now I’m the girl who’s trying to trick you into thinking I’m the love of your life.”
“But you are the love of my life,” Chat Noir retorted. It wasn’t until Ladybug’s cheeks became warm, that he seemed to have noticed the weight of what he had just said. To her face. With their identities revealed. “Uh, I hope you already knew that.”
“Y-Yeah,” she responded, trying her best not to smile too wide. “I-It was pretty clear, with what you t-told Nino. A-And me, when you didn’t know you were talking to Ladybug, and just talking to Marinette-me.”
“R-Right.” Chat Noir went quiet, the red under his mask becoming slightly darker.
Ladybug took a deep breath, before saying: “You know you’re the love of my life, too, right?”
His head snapped towards her, with an expression of surprise, that quickly turned into a giddy smile. “Wasn’t sure, but it’s such a relief to hear.”
“It’s a relief to say it so openly,” she admitted. “I just don’t know what to do now. Much less knowing what awaits us tomorrow.”
“Hmm.” Chat Noir rubbed his chin. “I think I have an idea.”
* * *
Today was the day. And this time, hopefully the other girls had been scared off by his father’s sneers at the camera the previous day. Hopefully they at least got the message that they angered a powerful man. Hopefully they realized the error of their ways. Hopefully—
“Morning, Adrien!” the voice of Christie said as he entered the front doors to the school.
Adrien resisted all urge to whimper. “May I help you in something?”
“Here,” she said, presenting him with a small box. “I got you this quiche. I know it’s your favorite.”
“It’s not my favorite,” he responded automatically. “And whoever told you that lied.”
Christie stared expressionless, with the box still extended towards him. When she didn’t react, Adrien asked if there was anything else she needed. With the question, she seemed to come out of her stuper.
“Yes,” she responded. “I’m sorry I’ve failed, but can’t you see we’re meant to be? I’m clearly the girl you’re looking for! No other girl has tried as hard as me.”
“You just don’t get it, do you,” Adrien retorted, his patience already gone. “You can try all you want, but you’re just not the one. It’s not about how much you try, it’s about actually being the girl. A girl I already know and talk to, and who confirmed to me that she hasn’t given me the gift yet.”
“What’s even so special about this girl?!” Christie bellowed. “If she actually cared about you, she would’ve been with you in the first place. She would’ve already come out and snatch you up. Yet here we are—”
“Yeah, here we are,” Adrien snapped back. “She got so afraid I would confuse her with you bunch, she decided not to confess and be part of the problem.”
“What do you mean the problem?!”
“This! Right here! A bunch of girls asking me out for all the wrong reasons!”
“But I actually love you! Unlike the other girls!”
“If you actually—!”
“Excuse me.” The sweet, wonderful voice of Marinette interrupted his train of thought. Adrien and Christie turned to her. Although her tone had been low, Adrien could see the fire of anger and determination in her eyes. He melted, almost missing what she was saying. “I was waiting in the locker room to talk to you about something, but it was taking you a bit long, so decided to come to you instead—”
“Sorry, Marinette,” Christie interjected. “We’re busy at the moment, in case you missed it.”
“No, we’re not,” Adrien shot back. “Marinette, I’m all ears. What is it?”
Even thought he already knew what was coming, he could still feel ladybugs in his stomach, along with his heart giving excited beats.
“Here.” Marinette took his hand, and in it placed a small green and black package. “I’m sorry I didn’t do it sooner, but the other girls scared me. I wanted to say that I’m in love with you, Adrien. Ever since that day under the rain, when you showed me kindness, and that you were not the jerk I thought you were. I made a passion fruit macaron, your favorite pastry, in a special package I designed myself—”
“Wow, you really are a tricky minsk,” Christie interrupted. “You’re such an awful friend to Adrien. You really think—”
“This is my favorite pastry!” Adrien said loudly. “But more importantly, this package has the exact design the girl I’m in love with drew.” He took out the piece of paper Ladybug had given him the night of the deal. “Marinette, you’re the girl I’m in love with!”
Marinette cringed. “This felt a lot more embarrassing than when we talked about it yesterday. Imma go—”
“Nono, don’t go!” Adrien rushed to grab her hand, as she had started backing away. “Sorry, I just hadn’t expected for the girls to try again after the press conference yesterday. But please don’t leave me.”
“Can’t you see she’s abusing of her knowledge as a friend?” Christie desperately said next to him. “She doesn’t mean it.”
“Marinette, would you allow me to do something crazy right now?” he asked, entwining his fingers with hers.
Marinette’s lips turned from an ‘o’ shape to a soft smile. “How can I say no to those kitty eyes of yours?”
Adrien heard Christie comment something about his eyes actually being puppy eyes, but he ignored her. In favor of closing the gap between him and Marinette into a soft kiss. There were several gasps around them. He knew more people had just bear witnessed to their first memorable kiss. But he didn’t care. The only thing he cared about was the girl who’s hand he was squeezing.
When their lips parted, he noticed Marinette’s face was pleasantly pink. He took a stray hair of hers and tucked it behind her ear.
“I’ll remember this,” he whispered.
There was a sudden cheer, followed by a loud ‘I KNEW IT!’ from what sounded like Alya. Adrien pulled away enough to see most of the girls from their classroom high-fiving each other, while Alya ran towards them.
“I told you!” she cheered. “I told you you were the girl he was talking about! And you kept saying ‘nooo, there’s no way it’s me, nooo, it’s a total coincidence I made this very specific gift the very day some girl is supposed to give some very specific gift to Adrien.’ Ha! Coincidence my butt!”
“Alya,” Marinette half-heartedly scolded.
“Wait, no!” Christie said, stepping between Alya and the couple. “No, no, this is a misunderstanding. Adrien, I know Marinette has been stalking you and investigating you. She knows more about you than the fanclub put together. Honestly, it’s creepy. She even has hundreds of pictures of you.”
“Right, the pictures!” Adrien raised a finger, right before leaning towards Marinette, their noses almost touching. “Care to comment on the pictures, Bugginette?”
“Bugginette?” Alya and Christie said at the same time.
Meanwhile, Marinette did a very familiar move he had never seen in her civilian face: she rolled her eyes. Adrien’s heart jumped out of its place.
“You’ve just lost all your kissing privileges for today,” she said, walking away. Yet she stopped for a second to look back at him, a glint in her eye.
Adrien grinned. “Aww come on,” he called, following her, completely ignoring the other two girls. “This is not what we agreed on yesterday. You promised me at least three kisses.”
He knew anyone who heard them had no idea what was happening. Had no idea of when they suddenly became so close, to the point of having inside jokes and nicknames. But he didn’t care. He only cared about the giddy laugh Marinette let out when he caught on to her. The quiet whispers about their homework and about patrol after school.
The promise that what they had was real, and that no obstacle in the world could get in their way.
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WIP Tag Game
Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you, or interests you and I’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!!
I was tagged by @ghostgirl19posts and @overworkedunderwhelmed, almost like the universe is telling me to get my shit together and write XD
WIPs for Miraculous Ladybug
Caged - Chapter 14
Guilty Pleasure - Chapter 2
Infection - Chapter 16
The Earring (Miraculous Cure sequel)
Alya Zine piece
Prompt 18 Marichat “Do you think we should ever stop doing this?”
Expansion of Prompt 16 Marichat “There’s something I need to get off my chest.”
Akuma Flashpoint (just got this idea this morning)
God AU colaboration with @corgi-likes-chat
WIP for Mystic Messenger
Reset - Chapter 1
I can almost hear a chant of “shame” for the amount of WIPs I have :s
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Who else do I want to suffer with me? XD I kidd, this was fun! ^_^ @corgi-likes-chat @amynchan @ladybuginettes @imatrisarahtops @midnightstarlightwrites
I realized half of the people I would’ve tagged already did it XD So the list is kinda short.
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