#akutagawa still calls atsushi nothing but weretiger for some reason
BSD Formula 1 AU
I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out. THE POTENTIAL IS HUGE.
The characters are just the right amount of silly to be put in those funny cars, and the exact amount of dramatic to reflect whatever the fuck is going on in the circus (F1) in general.
First of all, this was brought to you by me watching one of the most chaotic races ever last weekend and I couldn't sleep last night which meant my brain had free time and BSD brainrot is 24/7.
Basic idea is that various organisations are different teams and all characters have different positions in the team obviously, not everyone is a driver. This will be long so the details about each team and headcanons about each driver and team member are under the cut.
ADA is a long standing team that has produced several successfull drivers. It is well known and beloved by the fans. “Everyone is a Ferrari fan!” in Seb Vettel’s words except it’s “Evereyone is an ADA fan!” in our case.
Last season was a wild ride for them, with their no.1 driver and another driver basically fighting to win the Driver’s Championship in the final race of the season and they were leading, they were winning, ready to celebrate but then an incident happened and the stewards made a completely illegal decision based on their own rules which resulted in their driver losing his title. What followed was a lot of controversy, possible lawsuit etc. Ultimately the team decided to just decimate them in the new season.
Team Principal Fukuzawa was a famous driver for the ADA team himself and is now doing his best to lead the team filled with absolute chaos to the victories through fair play and respect to integrity of the sport.
Ranpo is the team’s chief strategist whose biggest secret weapon are his deduction skills that help him figure out other teams’ strategies. Every time he’s shown on TV he’s snacking obviously. He is also lowkey Fukuzawa’s adopted son from all the way back since Fukuzawa was still racing and he met this amazing kid that started ranting why exactly was his strategy shit at first glance.
That one rich kid that was supposed to become university professor or something but at 16-17 fell in love with f1, too late to become the driver but just in time to go into mechanical engineering and become team’s first engineer - Kunikida. His goal for this season is to build a fucking rocket for the team’s first driver which, rip his nerves, requires him to spend a lot of time with the menace. Watching Dazai go another lap on dying tyres when he told him to box already: “I don’t know how long can I live like this.”
Team’s second engineer was the chief mechanic until last season - Tanizaki. This season he is going to be working mostly with the team’s new driver to develop their car. He once hacked into PM’s database to get all info on their cars. His “sister”, one of the biggest mysteries of f1 really, Naomi is the intern in charge of team’s social media and public relations. 
Yosano is the team doctor, fresh out of university but wanted something other than the hospital. She may or may not be having a thing going on with PM’s chief strategist...
I really have no idea what to do with Kyouka and Kenji since they are just 14... unless we age them up and say Kenji chief mechanic and Kyouka one of the analysts. 
Now onto the hot topics. The drivers: ADA’s 2nd driver is a rookie in f1 getting ready to start his first season. Atsushi doesn’t have a wealthy background like most drivers, and nearly gave up on it several times but in the end was scouted by ADA and admitted as their reserve driver. He comes into the team hopeful to have a good first season, and during the development everything is smooth sailing. The mechanics and engineers are very wellcoming, the first driver becomes somewhat of a mentor to him. And then the first race comes up and he and PM’s new driver fucking crash into each other on the first corner (you know who PM’s driver is lmao). Fans are having flashbacks from seven seasons ago when a driver parked his car on top of another driver’s car in the first lap on his first race (guess fucking who!!??), and are like damn not again we can’t do this drama again. Went through the most traumatic crash where everyone thought he was dead for a terrible second; “it is what it is.” Tanizaki on the radio: Don’t slow down Atshushi-kun, keep pushing, keep pushing. Atsushi: I AM!!!!
ADA’s 1st driver, the GOAT basically, the walking red flag in the paddock, the most controversial motherfucker on the grid, brilliant driver who won not only his first ever race but also won the entire championship in his first season, but above all a suicide maniac - Dazai. He got screwed over by the race control last season and is now walking around the paddock like a Bond villain. He started out as a rich kid driver whose family invested in this back-of-the-grid-team and he became a superstar overnight.  Four years ago after a fiasco that resulted in PM’s reserve driver dying in a car crash because of team orders he disappeared from the sport. Two years later he showed up as ADA’s driver and has been serving cunt ever since. Despite the sudden team switch, he is usually paired with his ex-teammate during pre-race press conferences because the tension is through the rooftop and that’s what the fans want. Like are they going to fuck? Are they going to strange each other in front of the journalists? Both? Who knows. He’s mostly a clean driver but when he does cause an incident, the red flag lasts at least half an hour. Annoying af on the team radio. 
PM is a relatively new team when it comes to being in the top positions on the grid. They used to be stuck at the back of the grid until the old team principal’s doctor didn’t take over all of a sudden, bringing with himself a driving prodigy. Nowadays they are one of the top 3 teams always fighting for the Constructor’s and Driver’s Titles. Last season they finished 2nd in the Constructor’s and their driver was 3rd in the Driver’s championship. 
Mori is the team principal. He wanted to race when he was younger but just wasn’t really good enough to make it, but he found a way to remain in the sport. He was quite envious of Fukuzawa’s fame when he was younger. As a team principal, he brought fresh ideas to the team even if they sometimes seemed crazy - in the end they worked. Not well liked among the fans but brutally effective in giving team orders. Calls the race director over radio at any minor inconvenience. Sighs “If only Dazai-kun was still here” at least once during every team briefing. 
Kouyou is the first strategist. Takes no one’s shit. Also brutal in the team orders (something PM team is famous for, and not in a really good light (beloved driver Oda kind of died because of them after all...)). Ambigous relationship with ADA’S team doctor hmm. Will do anything to have her drivers on top of the podium. 
Hirotsu is the chief mechanic. He is getting old but he loves his job so he’ll be damned before he goes to retirement. Is probably secretly no.1 Dazai fan even if he switched teams. 
His assistant and brilliant young mind, Gin. Apart from being a sister to the team’s 2nd driver, she is also dating Hunting Dogs’ 2nd driver, Tachihara who just this season made a transfer from being PM’s reserve driver to Teruko’s team. They are the sport’s sweethearts. 
Another strategist, kinda terrified to work under Kouyou, especially as she seems to be making all the wrong decisions regarding 2nd driver’s strategy, but hey it’s her first year too! Higuchi! Poor girl kinda thinks she’s living in a kdrama. She is doing her best!
Kajii is one of the engineers obviously. He is driving the other engineer through the roof because he is mostly focused on the next season developments as soon as a season starts, and has these crazy science ideas. Also who the fuck eats raw lemons to help them think? I’m rlly nerfing Akutagawa by putting this dude in charge of his car.
First driver’s engineer and absolute fucking legend - Albatross (I’d rather die than kill off the Flags thank you very much). Maybe once punched Dazai in the face for damaging his baby (Chuuya’s car) when they crashed (again.). Became the most popular PM team member when he once stole the mic from Mori to yell “FUCK ‘EM UP CHUUYA” at the top of his lungs when his boy was making his way to the front all the way from the back of the grid. 
Apart from him, Doc is the team physician. Other Flags are leaders of Chuuya fanclub the official race commentators. Piano Man just retired from the position of the 2nd driver (he replaced Dazai when he vanished) because of an injury or something and decided to just waltz into commentating together with Iceman and Lippmann. More about the media team later on. 
Akutagwa was scouted to the PM academy by Dazai and his goal for his first season in f1 is to beat him obviously. It goes as amazing as you can imagine. He and Atsushi crash into each other on the first corner of the first season. Stellar start. He is extremely stubborn and rarely listens to team orders which drives Higuchi insane as that gives her trouble with Kouyou and Mori. His first season is set to be one hell of a ride. “Grill the Grid” oh he’s going to grill them.
Now onto the hottest driver on the grid. Much like Dazai, he has hordes of fans following him round the world. He is always so chill and appreciative of them, very laid back person. You are as likely to meet him in an art gallery as in a night-club and fans love that about him. On the track though, he is a storm. You just know the dick is big based on his overtakes. Sometimes it feels he’s bending the laws of physics to his whims when he’s racing. Chuuya is PM’s first driver. His first race in f1 ended with his car parked on top of Dazai’s almost killing him, and this weird image of Chuuya dragging the other out of the car, checking if he was fine (he was), and then starting to yell at him at the top of his lungs. Born in Japan, he was adopted by this fancy French family whose biological son was dead set on becoming an f1 driver and Chuuya followed in his footsteps. Has three Drivers Championship titles, but finished 3rd last year.
RB Racing of this AU lmao. fia is dancing to their every whim, inventing and reinventing and bending their own rules every race because they are choking on DoA’s dick beeing paid insane amounts of money. The most controversial team on the grid, espeically after a stunt that was pulled to secure their driver’s victory last season. Fans are basically manifesting their engines dying every race. Remember the whole “Red Bull went over the cost cap because of catering” bullshit, yeah that’s this team right here. Their cars are fucking illegal and it drives Dazai so pissed because HIS car is a rocketship but this shit straight up goes at the speed of light
Team principal is Fukuchi duh. Has been fighting with Fukuzawa over the radio the entire last season. This season he banned the media team from coming any close to his team after the Flags kept spilling the tea and asking the right questions without stuttering. Accidentally claimed Dazai won last season; somewhere deep in his sub-conciousness he’s aware of the bullshit he pulled off. 
Because I’m not insane enough to put him in a car, Nikolai is team’s cheerleader and one of the engineers. Once their crew messed up Fyodor’s pit stop so bad he had to retire early and he made them all wear clown wigs until the end of the race. You have to give it to them tho, you cannot fuck up the strategy if you forget to put wheels on a car. Unlike Bram, he plays Fyodor very specific music to piss him off during the race (Rasputin or Party Like A Russian). 
Bram is also an engineer. The most delighful part of every race weekend is his little daughter, Aya, in the DoA garage. She does sometimes escapte to bother Kunikida - the only DoA team member that ADA will tolerate. Plays absolute bangers for his drivers over the radio. The only normal person on the team. “Box Box Box Box” gets ignored. Nteflix Drive to Survive team entering the DoA garage hoping for tea; Bram: coffee is disgusting! rant
Sigma is the team’s 2nd driver (rip). He gets thrown under the buss every race and everyone is waiting, praying for him to just one day cut his mic and do his thing, not letting Fyodor through. He is an amazing driver if not a bit inexperienced, and easy to stan despite his team. Has anxiety induced by whatever the fuck is DoA doing to his strategy. There are talks he might join ADA as the reserve driver next year, let’s have our fingers crossed for him. Nikolai once taped his rear wing in the middle of a race so it wouldn’t fall off. Yeah the car is several million dollars worthy. Yeah Nikolai used actual tape so it doesn’t fall apart on track. 
Fyodor is the current champion although it is obvious he shouldn’t be. Won championship once, changed his car number to 1 immediately. Nature heals a bit more every time he flops in a race. Is he actually homophobic or is he just live slug reacting to whatever the fuck Dazai and Chuuya have going on during press (he is sitting between them). “F1 is about driving, not penalties” my brother in christ you’ve been trying to kill a man in every single race last season. Kisses an icon of a saint or something before every race.  Throws other drivers under the buss every drivers’ briefing with a smile on his face. Plays cello during red flags. New season objective: win no matter the cost. 
Fukuchi’s old team. They are usually a mid-field team but with talented drivers that are able to bring out the most out of their engines, they do podium!
Their team principal is Teruko, the only woman to be a team boss. She used to be a strategist and got promoted when Fukuchi moved to DoA. “IF YOU IMBECILES AREN’T ABLE TO GET PAST THAT OLD MAN I’LL GET IN THE CAR NEXT TIME” a bit childish at times, sweet little Teruko until it’s the time to race. Secretly loves her team. 
Jouno is maybe blind but he can still see through everyone’s bullshit. Chief strategist of the team and is considering running Tecchou over with his own car every time he has to talk to him over the radio. “STOP SINGING BABY SHARK WHILE I’M GIVING YOU INFO ON ROAD CONDITION”. Fukuzawa, Mori and Fukuchi arguing on the radio; Jouno cutting in out of nowhere like “Sorry to interrupt gentlemen, but there is an actual tractor on the track. My idiot almost crashed into it. Yellow flag maybe, no?” 
Jouno and Teruko’s no.1 idiot - Tecchou. Most clean-racing driver ever. Sings to annoy Jouno on the radio. That one Carlos Sainz radio that was like “De Vries behind, on an outlap” “What? DEBRIS?” yeah that’s him and Jouno. Questionable fashion choices in the paddock. “It was just dangerous driving dude” in the most chill voice when Fyodor nearly crashed into him on a turn (it was probably deliberate). He’s like gym buddies with Chuuya or something. 
Tachihara is the no.2 idiot of the team. Used to be a PM reserve driver and just signed for Teruko’s team. 5s penality for incorrect starting position; 10s penalty for serving the og penalty wrong; 15s penalty for speeding in the pit lane; DNF all in one race. Teruko on the radio: Okay what damage do you have. Tachi: TALENT. Is like besties with Chuuya. Is also dating Gin, people were afraid his team change would affect the relationship but nah. Still the cutest in the paddock. Retweets memes from fan accounts after the race. Lippman interviewing him: So how do you feel about the race? First pole position ever... Tachihara: I’m not comfortable at all, not feeling confident either. I got nothing but problems. His wheel just randomly fell off during pre-season testing. Tweeted the it ain’t much but it’s honest work meme once when he spun on the wet track and caused a Guild driver to crash into the barriers. He’s just vibing tbh.
That one team whose team principal knows shit about racing. Can they even be called a racing team? Yeah they can, because their boss has the money. Treat the sport as a reality show. Honestly I have thought about them the least but here’s what I have:
Fitzgerald is the rich team principal obviously. Had absolutely no connections to f1 prior to buying the team. Supports the idea of more race weekends and sprint races even if that exhausts both the drivers and their teams because it’s more fun! It’s not. If we take out the free practice sessions the races will get more unpredictable mindset. Is most likely using f1 as a way to launder money...
Lucy, poor girl, is stuck as his assistant or something because obviously a rich guy like him needs an assistant. She’s secretly rather good with the mechanics and will be recruited to an actual team (ADA) at one point by Atsushi. 
Louisa is the principal strategist obviously.
Poe is the chief engineer. Has to pay fines like every weeekend because of Karl. Goes with Ranpo to all his fave restaurants each weekend. Ranpo is also trying to get him to come work for a team with better prospects. 
Herman is the chief mechanic. He really should be retired tho. 
Mark Twain and Steinbeck are their drivers and are usually the wild cards of the track. Like a podium here and there, even a win sometimes but those races have to be the most chaotic events ever. 
I have no idea what to do with them actually. 
Media Team and Race Control (basically everyone else)
Starting with the media team. It’s kind of a reversed situation from that with the founding of the Flags in terms that Piano Man was the last one to join. Also I’m bringing Adam into this. Adam used to be the head of the media team which was a lot of work that he’s glad he’s not doing anymore. Now he’s just in charge of Grill the Grid which are basically the games they have drivers do for fun and fanservice. The games range from Driver Heights (you know who got bullied with that one) to Name Every F1 World Champion to Drivers Explain F1 and more. Iceman is the most brutally honest commentator. Calls FIA out on their bullshit at every opportunity. Used to be a mechanic for PM and he misses the thrill sometimes but he’s happy with where he is right now. The famous “THROUGH GOES HAMILTON” commentary - that’s him with Chuuya’s overtakes. On the other hand, Lippmann wasn’t even supposed to be there lmao. He is a movie star, a very popular one at that. Went to one race because that’s what rich people do you know. Got charmed by one the back-of-the-grid-team’s driver and got passionately invested (Piano Man before he signed for the PM). He’s not there every weekend because he is a famous actor after all, but when he is... Sat down to interview Dazai once this season and next thing you know Fukuchi is announcing his team will be boycotting the entire media team. Another media team member is the newly retired former PM driver, Piano Man whose career was a wild ride but he’s just had enough. The picture of him and Chuuya from the last season went viral because he just told him he’s about to announce his retirement moment before it was taken so he is smiling like a lil shit at the camera and Chuuya is visibly shook. Perfectionist really, he has not exceeded the track limits once in his career. Joined the team as the new full time commentator and is having the time of his life. 
Continuing with the Stormbringer squad, Shirase is actually a successfull Moto GP racer, but likes to hang around the F1 paddock when he can to support Chuuya (now that Dazai isn’t sharing the garage with him because fucking hell he did actually try to run him over once or twice). 
An ex-driver with several titles to his name, Verlaine. He was born to this rich French couple that let him do whatever he wanted to do, which is why he turned out the way he is. At one point when he was already in F2 his parents decided to do some “charity” and adopt a kid, Chuuya. And then they also proceeded to ignore the kid the same way they did with Verlaine and well, basically, Verlaine was like I am not just a big brother now, I am a dad. His career was also smooth sailing mostly. He got retired the season before Chuuya became the PM driver saying how he didn’t want the fans to see him get beat by that kid. A few years later and he is just casually hanging round the PM garage, offering Chuuya advice or is watching the Monaco GP from his yacht with his husband Rimbaud who has no connections to racing, idk I just can’t see him into F1. 
Now onto the most hated people - the Race Control Clowns! Chief Taneda is the race director so basically the man who makes all the final calls regarding anything really, from the rules to the penalties and disqualifications. What bullshit DoA and The Guild teams get up to enables him to make a lot of money. And finally the man who suffers the most (conducts the drivers briefing after the race) is Ango. It is the worst job ever. You put a bunch of grown men in one room and it’s an episode of gossip girl. Example of shit he has to deal with. Ango: any more complaints (praying they all stay silent). Dazai: just after my pitstop, Chuyua deliberately, DELIBERATELY, ran wide out of Turn 9... camera moves to chuuya on the other side of the room gesturing how he’ll kill the bitch the moment they’re out of the room. Another example: Fyodor looking to cause trouble: You say if we were missing Turn 2 we have to go behind the bollard, correct? Ango: Correct. Fyodor with a smile: What do you make of the situation with Tecchou and Dazai then? Ango: Well, the interesting point there was, it was very close because what the notes that I wrote said... camera zooms in to dazai’s murder face and atsushi looking scared for his life next to him. So, Ango’s lfie is the most difficult here.
Am I missing characters here? Yes, just like I have a bunch of random scenes playing in my mind, but this is already getting way too long. 
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mytragedyperson · 1 year
Thoughts I had while watching/regarding bungou stray dogs
Before I begin I just want to say I don't want any hate for any thoughts and opinions here. We're allowed to disagree and have a different opinion regarding this show and these characters but what I don't want is a bunch of people being rude because we disagree on this show and these characters. Unlike the characters in this show I'm actually a real living human being with real human emotions. I'm not going to be a dick to you for your opinions, I just ask that you don't be a dick to me for mine. Also I'm lazy and I've already sent most of these thoughts to my friend who does not watch this show so I'll just be copy and posting those messages here as I wrote them to her. As I write this I'm on S3 E36, but I have been sending these messages to my friend since I started watching it yesterday and since I'm posting literally every thought I sent to my friend there will be things that are wrong whether I know it or not, so just a little forewarning for that. Also most of these thoughts will be going up to the first episode of S3 though I may later add to this with other opinions when I inevitably rewatch this and get to season 3 again.
And then he instantly ate the candy before she could try it but the thought was there. Also it was funny. Then again I also thought Dazai having Atsushi throw the phone just so Akutagawa would jump after it and immediately hanging up was funny. It was cruel, it was mean, i still laughed because I'm not so secretly a terrible person and this show brings out my worst qualities. What more can I say.
Wait I'm once again watching bungou stray dogs and I'm actually feeling so good right now. So there's a character called Ranpo and there's this traumatised 14 year old called Kyouka who basically had no childhood, and one of the first things Ranpo did is go out and buy her a shit ton of candy she's never tried before. Also he's just generally one of my favourite characters. He's 26 but he's childish, can barely do regular human things but he's really smart like think sherlock Holmes and he doesn't give a fuck but at the same time he's so sweet and just wants everyone to praise him but he can also be kinda snarky and sarcastic? Idk if those are the right terms. Ugh I love him
And then there's dazai who is basically a walking red flag and used to work for the mafia but he is so fun and interesting to watch. He's so manipulative, I actually couldn't tell you how much of his personality is real, how much is fake, and how much is a bit of both. He's also only 22 which I didn't realise until now. I stand by this but now I'm pretty sure nothing he says is a complete lie. Like he manipulates people with the truth more than anything. It's fascinating to watch. And terrifying
Also I there's this sweet friendly happy country boy who seems really Naive but (since this is a world where superpoweres/special abilities exist) he has super strength like can lift a car with one hand strong. He can beat up an entire gang with a smile. But he only has this super strength when he's hungry. That's another thing I like, some of the abilities are overpowered but others have limitations or only work in certain conditions. However then you have the main character who can turn into a weretiger and that for some reason gives him restoration abilities. Like he legit lost a leg in one of the first episodes then turned into a tiger and it was just back with no sign he'd ever lost it. Okay I'm gonna admit I still forget this guys name. Kenji? I will look it up so I can tag him. I'm sorry I don't dislike him I'm just terrible with names. Also I interrupt this past thought to bring you my current thought. I'm currently paused on cannabilism part three. I'm pretty sure Ranpo and Chuuya are still in Poe's book. Also I don't think I mentioned Poe that much in my messages to my friends but I love him. He simultaneously wants to be the best, be praised and get one over on Ranpo. At the same time he wants to be friends with Ranpo. He's adorable, he's lonely, there's something kind of sad about him. Honestly there's something kinda sad about most if not all of these characters but we'll get back to that later. Now on with my previously scheduled old thoughts
And then there's a woman in it who can heal people but only when they're basically dying so if she wants to heal a minor injury she has to almost but not quite kill her patient before she can heal them. I don't have much more to say here, Yosano seems cool and badass and all that but we don't really see much of her. I did really like the S1 episode we got with her but that's the only point she's really had a chance to stand out which is sad.
Also this isn't an old thought but I love how S3 showed that even though Ranpo is childish at times he can be mature when needed.
Could do without the incest they randomly hint at or just throw in in general but I understand its more for humour than anything else and it's rare enough that it can be ignored.
And then the head of the mafia has like a girl who's around 10 near him and idk if it's a translation issue or me overthinking it but it does give me a slight pedophilic vibe the way some things are said.
And yet somehow he seems to actually care about the people working for him. It's so interesting to watch a show where the characters treated as the morally grey imperfect humans they are. Like dazai left the mafia but he didn't magically become good and forget everything that let him survive in the mafia. He never claims to be a good person and he doesn't care. He doesn't care about being good or doing the right thing. The show doesn't treat him like he's always a good person or someone who always does a good thing. Sure, the main character sees him as good or at least not bad but that's because Dazai took him in and got him a job when he had nowhere to go because he's an orphan. I'm also not sure how many of the people he works with now know he's in the mafia. Like in the third episode or something it's said that no one knows what he did before. But it's at the end of that episode we the audience find out he used to be in the mafia, and three of the people he works with are there but they're all either unconscious or dying so it's unclear if any of them actually heard and idk if they actually heard and nothing seems to change after that and it's never mentioned by the detective agency whether they know or not. But the mafia isn't treat like they're wholly evil or bad either. Yes they're criminals, they're murderers they do bad things but they seem to be somewhat supportive of each other and care about each other somewhat, you know kinda like a very fucked up, toxic family that is abusive towards each other but is also like wtf only I can be mean to them, they are my fellow mafia members, no you may not hurt them, only we can kill and abuse our family members dammit kinda way. The kind of thing that's horrifying in real life but can make for some interesting scenes. Also Kyouka and the Red haired woman, I'm sorry I completely forgot her name- the way this woman cares about Kyouka as if she's her own daughter and wants her to be happy.
Also you gotta love a show that isn't afraid to kill off some kids because yes these are dangerous criminals and they're going up against other dangerous killers. You think they're gonna draw a line at killing kids to get what they want? Realism in my anime I love it.
Like I realise that sounds vaguely demented but I'm so sick of black vs white, good vs evil. Having two criminal organisations go up against each other? Yes. Having two criminal organisations and a detective agency go up against each other? Yes. Having the morals be grey to the point where your main character, the character with the best morals, still probably wouldn't exactly be anyone's image of good? Who thinks they can't do something not because of morals but because their self esteem is basically 0, maybe even a minus number? Yes. Of The main groups that have been given names there's not one person among them that I belive couldn't kill someone. Even the ones that don't kill people or don't want to could kill people. And I love that. All the villains, all the bad guys, all the characters feel like they could be real people, exaggerated and dramatic, sure, but at their core all the characters feel real, and most of the relationship dynamics you can kind of understand or feel rooted in real life. When you look at your main characters you're not necessarily encouraged to think they can do no wrong. Ugh god I love this anime
Also I'm now pretty sure that Ranpo at least knows that Dazai was in the mafia. Not only does he have deductive abilities but there's a chance he was working for the agency when Dazai joined. The president of the agency knows and I feel like Ranpo knows either because he was told or he figured out. If he knows he didn't tell anyone. I have no proof of this so far, it just makes sense. If he can put on glasses, look at a complete stranger and know that if they go where they're going they'll die, and by looking at a body knows how and when someone died and who killed them and why, then surely he could figure out dazai was in the mafia or something similar? Idk that just makes more sense to me than him not knowing and, while he is pretty childish, he's also 26. He probably knows that telling the other agency members that dazai is a mafia member may not be the best idea. If he can tell Dazais a mafia member he can also probably guess the others reaction and some of them are new to the agency. Also its a detective agency so it's technically on the other side of the law. And the less people that know, the less chance there is of the wrong people finding out, you know.
They literally introduced these kids for the sole purpose of killing them off to send a message and I appreciate it. Honestly these are episodes to establish a characters past and background why are they so good and detailed.
They literally killed a bunch of kids to encourage someone to kill them. This is madness I love it.
Honestly it's really interesting how the leader of the rival group, who I refuse to call a villain was searching for death and to escape, meanwhile dazai is searching for a will to live, a reason to live. Oh yeah this anime is great but its also depressing and there is a pretty big theme of suicide and murder and death running through it so there is that.
He doesn't even leave the mafia because he wants to become a better person, he does it because his only friend told him to while dying in his arms. Or rather he's indifferent to morality and chooses the side of "good" or at least twilight because he was asked to.
OK I think they know dazai was mafia by season 2. That's what I'm gonna go with. It makes more sense, except then Kunikida didn't know but that could've just been Dazai trying to annoy him so idk. If someone knows who exactly knows dazai was in the mafia please let me know.
The fact that this rich guys power is literally the more money I spend the more power I have is a really interesting reflection of life honestly.
I mean dazai kind of implied that he hopes he can become a good person but I literally think that's just because his friend asked him to.
Also the fucked up mentorship that is Dazai and Akutagawa is so toxic and so abusive and yet to some extent I'm here rooting for Akutagawa hoping he gets the acknowledgement he wants. Look, listen, I know this wouldn't make it pess abusive, abusers do praise their victims sometimes to keep them around but honestly I want him to achieve his goals whatever they may be.
Plus I feel like it shows Dazais character as well. He is manipulative, ge is toxic, he is abusive, he is a killer, he is a criminal. He is a walking red flag and how he interacts with Akutagawa shows that, and yet how he treats Atsushi, the main character and his new apprentice I believe he called him is different. He praises him more, he doesn't hit him as much, the one time he did it was to snap him out of it when he was freaking out. Idk how to describe Dazais character in a positive way abd yet he's so entertaining to watch that I can't help but like him and honestly it feels like the audience is being manipulated just as much as everyone else around Dazai only its worse because we've actively seen more of the things he's done that have been less than good and yet we just kinda shrug and go well that's dazai for you but that's not normal. If this was a real person I'd be very concerned but as its a fictional main character I've decided to just not think about it too deeply. I like his character, I think he's interesting.
Also idk how this falls or anything but this guy was basically called, not even weak just not strong enough yet, by Dazai, literally internalised that so hard that even 4 years later, when he's a lot stronger than he was before, he still thinks he's weak simply because Dazai has never said he's strong.
It's kinda like how I feel watching You. Like you know what he's doing is wrong and he's not a good guy but because you're following him and know his point of view you don't completely hate him. This is more regarding how he treats Akutagawa than un general.
And the thing is this show is actually so sad. Like when you listen to the characters talk and the main theme being looking for a will to live, looking for a life purpose, its honestly quite a depressing show, it just has fight scenes and some silly characters and lighter hearted moments that make you forget for a moment that it's a sad, depressing show.
Honestly this guy with the money is literally spending all his money to try and make his family happy but I cannot figure out how destroying part of Japan makes his family happy. Maybe it's something to do with this book he's looking for.
Yeah also I love how impersonal group 3 seems. Like there's the armed detective agency, the mafia and the guild, and the guild are doing all these things but at the end of the day it is just a job for them. They don't actually care about each other or their boss that much, some of them care. it's just a way to make money. I kinda like that.
Also we have Cthulu or some other monster pretending to be human so thats cool.
Also Ranpo made a friend, like someone who isn't in the agency and they can be geniuses together and there's an element of rivalry but they still respect each other and their abilities. I'm so happy for both of them. I did talk about Poe look at that.
They seriously had this grown ass man say he prefers the women in his life to be under 12 so I wasn't overthinking the pedophilia they were putting in. It's good to have this clarification though, and as my friend pointed out still doesn't need to be there but there it is and I can't change it so let's just go with it.
Also Dazai just kinda knows everything and everyone and he's slowly puppet mastering everything. Like he has people in the mafia who still seen loyal to him and do what he tells him. He kind of has a friend in the government. He's in the armed detective agency. And there's 2 years where he was hidden that I still know nothing about so basically all I'm saying is I'm pretty sure Dazai is secretly in charge of all of Japan and everyone else has just failed to realise this yet. Still stand by this and if its not true yet it will be.
OK we had Cthulu and now we have what appear to be demons and apparently the mangas have vampires so this should be interesting.
I mean it makes sense. If they can have supernatural powers why not have supernatural beings as well.
And now one of the characters is a vessel for a god and has been this entire time.
Honestly it's so funny to me to go on tumblr and see people be like oh dazais toxic, he treats Akutagawa badly. Like yeah obviously he's a mafia agent. He's an executive. He was 15 when he joined and I doubt he's much older when Akutagawa joins. Akutagawa is his subordinate. It's like obviously mafia members don't treat their subordinates well. They're the mafia. "Oh Dazai manipulated and strong armed Chuuya and Akutagawa into joining the mafia." What as opposed to the honourable recruitment methods usually used by mafia members? Like they think that's gonna make me find the mentor mentee relationship any less interesting? They also seem to talk like finding this type of dynamic in a fictional show with fictional characters means you somehow support or are fine with abusive dynamics in shows which is literally not how this works? Like you can find something entertaining in fiction that you hate in real life. Like personally I find mind control powers really interesting but in real life they'd be horrifying and I'd hate if they were real. I honestly don't get how seriously some people take enjoying a fictional dynamic between fictional people. And by the way before anyone tries to twist this to say oh so you think it's OK for some people to get abused just because they're in the mafia? No I don't think that, abuse is abuse and abuse is always wrong in real life but that's also how things are in the mafia and among criminals and people in general. That doesn't make it right or good. It's just how things are, just reality, an unfortunate reality but a reality all the same. Sorry if this seems really antagonistic and stuff. It just annoys me when people act like enjoying a fictional dynamic in any way reflects your real life dynamics. Though this may also be because I accidentally tripped and fell into shipping dazai and akutagawa. Listen, I didn't want to ship them, I didn't expect to ship them, and yet ship them I do and I can't change that. As I said in real life this dynamic is horrible and no one who claims to love you should treat you like Dazai treats Akutagawa. I didn't get a choice in this one. I didn't even need fanfiction to make it happen. My brain really looked at all the characters in this show, all the possible ships and went that one and pointed at one of the most toxic ships in this show. I'm sorry I'm disappointed in me too but it could be worse, so I'm just gonna ignore any negativity associated with that particular opinion.
Also if the story I was supposed to take from the dazai and chuuya 15 years old episodes was supposed to be that dazai was a terrible person and a dick and a villain, I'm sorry to say that was not the message I got. I'll be honest I didn't really take a message from the whole Chuuyas former group and dazai conflict, I was too busy thinking of that undertake song you sometimes hear on tiktok you know the line "you're only still alive because I made a promise". And honestly those kids sucked anyway, family isn't something you hold over someone's head as you owe us situation. Dazai was mostly honest about his actions? Like I feel like he never directly lied. Of course there are plenty of ways to avoid completely lying while also not telling the full truth. Is it really Dazais fault everyone was so easy for him to predict? Now did he have to call the boss or reveal he was from the mafia? No. Obviously not but at the same time why should he hide it? He has no reason to. And let's face it whether those kids showed up then or not ,Chuuya was always going to end up working with Dazai to some extent, he already had and also, he still wanted answers for himself. The teens were the ones that decided that was a betrayal and decided to try and kill Chuuya and join up with the mafia's other rivals, which the mafia obviously wouldn't like. Was it manipulated and puppeteered? To some extent, dazai certainly did things on purpose that he didn't have to do, predicting it would cause a specific reaction. But predictions aren't always right. Dazais plan working still relied an awful lot on other people's reactions and choices. And no I feel no emotion for the fact they're 15, so were Dazai and Chuuya, they were still perfectly willing to kill Chuuya for a perceived betrayal. And in response to that Chuuya agrees to Dazais terms to save them. Thus why my brain just went "you're only still alive because I made a promise". Anyway, yeah thise are my thoughts on that i won't comment on Akutagawa's joining the mafia yet because I haven't seen that flashback yet, and Dazai did still mistreat them. I did get the message that he's a master manipulator and can be dangerous but this had already been established.
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glitchy-anime-fan · 3 years
Cat!Atsushi spending the day with Akutagawa (hc)
This is based off my “Atsushi w/cat like urges” headcanons (will be linked below). Feel free to take this as platonic or romantic 😉
TW- mild swearing (nothing to bad, just a few mentioned here or there)
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It originally started out as a way for the ADA to get at least one moment of peace to do their work without worrying about Atsushi accidentally swating something off the table or out of someone’s hands
It was one of Atsushi’s “bad days” where the cat urges he felt from the Tiger were more violent/prominent and between the broken mugs and near constant head scratches, everyone was starting to get frustrated
Atsushi included
He felt terrible for causing so many problems around the office and always got frustrated when he couldn’t control the urges the Tiger gave him
Of course no one blamed Atsushi, it wasn’t his fault his ability caused him to nap if he sat in the sun to long, or lead him to ignore people completely for no reason
But it was taking Kunikida all his will power to not yell at Atsushi when he swatted at his ponytail like it was a cat toy for the fourth time that morning
Of course Dazai, being the selfless mentor he was, offered an idea
“I have a job for you that should take up most of the day. I’ll even call Akutagawa to help out!”
It was clear as day that Dazai was scheming something, but everyone was to tired to argue.
And it would be good for the truce if the Agency and Mafia worked together more often
So thats what lead to Dazai and Atsushi walking across town to the Port Mafia HQ to steal Akutagawa on his day off
He refused to let Atsushi know where he lived, so they planned to meet at the Port Mafia instead
“Why do I have to be teamed up with him?” Atsushi had whined as they walked through Yokohama
“Because it’ll help the Agency and Mafia get along better!” Dazai had responded with a big smile as he wrapped an arm around Atsushi so he didn’t walk off
‘It’ll help You and Akutagawa get along better’ is what Dazai really meant
Luckily Atsushi’s discourage about having to spend the day with Akutagawa kept him from getting to distracted on the walk over (he only wondered off twice)
When they got there Akutagawa was patiently waiting outside the Port Mafia building, though he also looked less than pleased to be spending his day off with the weretiger
Dazai pretty much just dropped off Atsushi with a “Take care of him, and be careful around cups!” Before walking off
Atsushi and Akutagawa just glared at each other before Atsushi sighed and asked if Akutagawa was hungry
“We can go over the case while we eat, that’s all” Akutagawa didn’t argue, just huffed and started walking down the street
The first thing that Akutagawa learned about the Jinko was that if he didn’t keep a close eye on Atsushi, he would loose him in the heavy crowds of Yokohama
The first time Akutagawa lost Atsushi, the latter was helping a little girl who had gotten separated from her parents. Nothing new
The second time he lost Atsushi, he was found at one of the candy shops in town. “Ranpo-san’s birthday is coming up soon and this is his favourite shop” Atsushi had claimed
They spent much longer than Akutagawa would have liked in the candy store, but Atsushi refused to budge until he got all of Ranpo’s favourites
The third time they got separated, Akutagawa found that Atsushi had somehow been convinced to chase birds in the park with some of the little kids
Akutagawa had no idea how or when that had happened but he was already starting to loose his patience. This was the third time in the half hour since they left that Atsushi had wondered off
Akutagawa had to practically drag Atsushi by the collar to get him to leave, especially when Atsushi tried to get them to stay by giving him the big kitten eyes
It took all Akutagawa’s will power and “hatred” for Atsushi to not sigh and agree to five more minutes of running around
The second thing Akutagawa learned was that Atsushi ate...a lot...
“It’s the tiger” he had said sheepishly after scarfing down his 12th bowl of chazuke within the short time they had been at the restaurant.
Akutagawa just hummed and continued to eat his food. He wasn’t one to judge, Rashomon was the same way.
The third thing Akutagawa learned was to keep anything and everything glass or ceramic away from Atsushi
Atsushi had tried to explain that it was one of his “bad days” but Akutagawa didn’t catch on until half way through their lunch when Atsushi tried to swat the tower of empty bowls off the table
Luckily for them Aku was quick on his feet, using Rashomon to catch the bowls, and finding out it apparently wasn’t uncommon for things to get knocked off the tables according to their waitress
“The tables are pretty small, it happens all the time so don’t worry” she had said while Atsushi began to apologize profusely for the trouble
Needless to say, they took over the neighbouring table to keep their empty dishes on so they didn’t have another incident
The fourth, fifth, and sixth things Akutagawa learned was that Atsushi couldn’t sit in the sun for more then a few minutes without falling asleep, he was clingy, and he was addicted to head scratches
“Jinko, hand me that case file Dazai-san gave you.” Akutagawa had asked only to get no response from Atsushi.
“Jinko? Jinko are you listening to me?” He had asked, looking up to see Atsushi’s head resting in his arms and face towards the window. It was only when Akutagawa saw the sun illuminating his partners face did he realize Atsushi had fallen sleep.
“You have got to be kidding me...” it took Akutagawa two minutes longer than usual to wake Atsushi up. It wasn’t the first time Atsushi has fallen asleep during a mission. But it was usually during late night steak outs not in the middle of the afternoon at a restaurant. In the end Akutagawa had to blow in Atsushi’s face to get him to finally wake up.
“Huh...what’s wrong Akutagawa?” Atsushi had asked as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Akutagawa did not find it cute when Atsushi’s nose scrunched up as he stretched out his arms. He most certainly did not!
“You fell asleep”
“O-oh my gosh! I-I’m so so sorry Akutagawa! The sun makes me really sleepy! I’m sorry!” Atsushi had stuttered out, face red with embarrassment. Akutagawa just shook his head and told Atsushi it was fine.
“But sit over hear so you don’t fall asleep again, idiot”
So there they sat, Atsushi sitting as close to Akutagawa as humanly possible. Like he was borderline sitting in Aku’s lap as they looked over the files
“Jinko must you be so close?”
“Yes, it’ll be easier for both of us to read the files like this”
So there they sat, Atsushi practically in Akutagawa’s lap, his head on the mafioso’s shoulder as they read through the files Dazai gave them.
It wasn’t long before Akutagawa could feel Atsushi staring a hole into his hands. Every time Akutagawa moved his hand to turn a page or cover a cough, Atsushi’s eyes would follow like a hawk
Rather than just ask Atsushi what was wrong, Akutagawa decided to do a little experiment. He had remembered seeing Dazai pat Atsushi’s head a few times in the past, and the weretiger seemed to like it
So without much thought Akutagawa raised his free hand and rested it on Atsushi’s head. Atsushi squeaked a little in surprised confusion before eventually melting into his partners touch
That’s when Akutagawa discovered his favourite thing about Atsushi; thing seven, the jinko purred when he was happy
Though it wasn’t long before Akutagawa learned his least favourite cat trait that Atsushi had
It was getting late and both boys were starting to think Dazai had sent them on a while goose chase (took them long enough)
“I’m starting to think Dazai-san has sent us on a wild goose chase.” Akutagawa huffed out, rubbing his temples with his free hand. The other one was holding three of Atsushi’s shopping bags, apparently they were all gifts for the Agency members.
After a few moments of silence, Akutagawa raised an eyebrow.
No response.
“Jinko! Jinko are you listening to me?”
Still no response. Now Akutagawa was starting to get annoyed.
“Jinko you best not have fallen asleep again because I will NOT be carrying you back-“ When Akutagawa finally turned around he was surprised to see Atsushi still following him, and not asleep on a park bench (it had happened earlier, Aku was not happy). Though rather then looking Akutagawa in the face like his partner usually would, Atsushi was staring at his phone.
Okay. Maybe Atsushi just didn’t hear him, the weretiger did have an annoying habit of zoning out during missions when nothing was happening. So Akutagawa stopped and tried again.
“Jinko snap out of whatever trance you’re in. We’re still working remember?”
But rather than Atsushi snapping out of it, stopping in his tracks and apologizing like usual, he just continued walking down the street. It was almost as if he was ignoring Akutagawa.
“Jinko are you ignoring me!? Where are you going!?”
Still no response. Now Akutagawa was getting pissed. No way in hell was he just going to stand by and allow his cat like partner to just ignore him after all the babysitting he had to do! Atsushi had walked off three more times after lunch and Akutagawa did not want to be dragged around another department store.
So Akutagawa stormed over to Atsushi, grabbed his shoulder, spun the weretiger around, and snatched his phone.
“Atsushi look at me damn it!”
That seemed to pull Atsushi out of his daze. ‘Finally!’ Akutagawa thought as Atsushi looked up at him, purple and gold eyes blinking a few times before registering what was happening.
Suddenly Atsushi’s face turned a deep red and his face dropped in horror; Akutagawa had him by the shoulder, Atsushi’s phone in hand, and had actually used his name for once. He messed up and he messed up big.
“A-Akutagawa...I-I-I’m so so so so so s-sorry! Oh, it happened again, and in public this time! I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to, I just kind of zone out and oh my god your probably angry with me now!” Atsushi scrambled out in a mix of embarrassment, guilt, and fear. It was one thing when he accidentally ignored the ADA members...it was another thing to ignore Akutagawa.
Noticing Atsushi’s nervousness, Akutagawa let out a long, drawn out sigh and let go of Atsushi to run his hands over his face. While Akutagawa didn’t appreciate being completely ignored like that, he could tell Atsushi wasn’t doing it on purpose. Honestly, he was starting to think that none of the weird things Atsushi had done today was on purpose.
“It-its fine, just don’t let it happen again”
“Yeah, okay, I’ll try!”
It wasn’t long after that till they realised they had, in fact, been sent on a wild goose chase and neither one was happy about it
“Dazai-san! I can’t believe you would send us out on a fake mission like this! Well, actually I can believe it, but still!” Atsushi had said the moment they entered the ADA office
Dazai, of course, was laying on the couch with a smile on his face that clearly screamed, ‘But you both had a good time didn’t you?’
Despite a few hiccups here and there, Akutagawa and Atsushi had to admit that the day wasn’t all that bad.
They still kicked Dazai off the couch though. They were tired and needed a minute to sit.
It wasn’t long before Atsushi had passed out again, his head laying in Akutagawa’s lap this time.
“Do you want me to move him Akutagawa? It’s getting pretty late?” Dazai had asked when he noticed the silver haired boy had gone quite.
Akutagawa glanced down at his partner; he had covered Atsushi with his jacket so only his face was visible, but even so his face looked the most relaxed it had been all day and he could hear Atsushi’s purring as he combed through his hair. A ghost of a smile tugged at Akutagawa’s lips as he shook his head.
“No, it’s alright. It seems he’s claimed my lap for the time being”
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Wow okay, this is my first time doing a set up like this! I hope it turned out good 😅. Like I mentioned earlier this is based off of a mini series on my tiktok (@bigglitchcos) about Atsushi if he had cat urges. Someone had mentioned doing a skit where Shin Soukoku spend the day together, so here’s my take!
Cat!Atsushi hc pt 1 | Cat!Atsushi hc pt 2
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narrators-journal · 3 years
warning: Light depictions of violence, Aku really admires Atsushi’s tiger (idk if it comes off as super sexual, so idk might be a bit monster-fucker-y) Nothing sexual or vulgar, just him being super into watching Atsushi kill.
edit: Had to fix some glaring formatting issues, also just editted some of the choppier bits of the text :D
Akutagawa had no clue why he was out looking for a pissy tiger gijinka at 10 pm, but he was. He wasn't super thrilled about it, to say the least. However, Dazai had called and explained that Atsushi had apparently had an awful day at work or something and then changed into a weretiger in the evening, and the bandaged ADA agent wasn't sure if that was intentional or because of the full moon, so it was now up to Aku to go find the weretiger and bring him back to his apartment before he could cause any trouble.
Any good mafia member would've told the traitorous sociopath to go fuck himself with a cactus, but some weird urge had led the goth to agree to return Atsushi home for his old mentor. Had him receiving the crybaby's address from his mentor and heading out into the darkness.
It wasn't that he still wanted acknowledgment, he'd gotten his praise and acknowledgment a few weeks before. So while he still highly respected Dazai, he wasn't out clicking his tongue into alleyways and lifting himself onto rooftops at such a late hour for his praise. It definitely wasn't out of concern for Jinko, he could care less if the brainless house cat got hit by a car or stuck up a telephone pole. No, what had Akutagawa out near the hellish docks was a lingering sense of curiosity. He couldn't exactly place what he was curious about that exact moment, but he was intrigued. So, he poked around until he finally spotted a familiar flick of white and black disappearing around the corner in the slums.
When he spotted the first signs of Atsushi, Akutagawa dropped to a crouch and crept forward until he could look around the wall to see a dimly glowing white tiger nosing through a trash bag he seemed interested in. With him distracted, Aku took the chance to move towards him, bringing Rashoumon to life once he was close enough. Either the energy or the light near-instantly drew the predator's eye, but either way, he was now staring into the golden eyes of Atsushi Nakajima, or, more so, his tiger.
In that dangerous, uneasy situation, it finally clicked. He'd wanted to see this. Atsushi's full tiger form. That's why he'd agreed to go hunting for him upon Dazai's request. Not only that but staring into those predatory eyes brought a new sensation through his body. Awe.
        "Jinko," He said, doing his best to sound calm while he internally battled a storm of fear, awe, and honest wonder. "Can you understand me?" He asked it nonchalantly, his grey eyes just staying glued to the tiger's golden gaze as he circled to face the vampire of a man properly. With no answer, obviously, Aku took a deep breath to steel his nerves before trying to reason with the creature again, "Listen, I know we don't get along, you annoy the shit out of me, I'm sure you dislike me just as much. But, Dazai sent me to try and return you home, so can you please cooperate?" He asked, but the answer he got was a pretty huffy tail lash and the creature walking past him and across the street to dig through more trash. And for a moment, Akutagawa was nearly mesmerized, forgetting what he was going to say. The hunter's movements revealed the powerful muscles just beneath its snowy, striped fur, it knocked home just how dangerous this car-sized cat could be. He hasn't attacked me though, the mafioso realized, normally Jinko would maul me on sight, but his tiger isn't. Not even a growl. The realization almost made a sense of honor well up in his chest as he followed the giant cat to the next bag of garbage he seemed intent on investigating.
For a bit, the goth trailed after the large predator, his original task abandoned, mesmerized by the sight of it moving so quietly despite its lethal claws and hulking, muscular form. However, his observations were interrupted when a realization hit him like a brick to the face, Of course! He's hungry! No wonder he's been digging through stray garbage bags and whatnot, he's probably looking for meat! He slapped his hand over his face at how obvious that had been, then, he whistled to the massive feline, coughing a few times before he spoke again,           "Would you like to actually hunt, Jinko?" The snowy ears of the creature perked at the mention of hunting, perhaps he can understand me to some extent, the thought was swiftly shelved for later though, he had mentioned hunting, he had no time to ponder how conscious his nemesis was as a likely impatient and hungry tiger. "If you follow me, I can take you to someone you can hunt," he offered, once again looking into the yellow eyes of the beast, almost able to see him contemplating his offer before he suddenly moved forward.
Akutagawa's first thought was that the car-sized feline was going to eat him instead, but no. In reality, Atsushi simply headbutted him in the chest, sending him sliding on his back across the pavement, coughing and wheezing from the air leaving his weak lungs so suddenly.             "J-Jinko!" he snapped between coughs, glowing red in his annoyance, but instead of being even slightly intimidated or on-edge from the show of hostility, Atsushi just continued to headbutt or nose him, pushing him along the pavement until the choking mafioso finally managed to put his hand on the cat's striped, moon-silver forehead, Holy shit, you're so soft, and shove him back enough to let him get back to his feet. "What are you doing Jinko? Don't nuzzle up to me just because I offered you food, dumbass!" he snarled, keeping his pale hand on the cat's head as he glared at him.
The two stood there for a moment, Akutagawa's glow intensifying when Atsushi pushed against his hand and made him step back to avoid tumbling over again, all the while the choppy-haired vampire was trying to decipher what the weretiger might be doing this for. It's not likely that he wishes to eat me. If he did, he would've pounced as soon as I was on the ground...That also means he's not looking for a fight. Could it be his way of thanking me for offering to take him to hunt? Is he just trying to NUZZLE me?? His cheeks heated like stovetop burners at the thought of the elegant predator showing him, his most hated rival, affection of all things. He could handle the tiger trying to maul him, half expected it honestly, but he didn't know how to feel about Atsushi nuzzling up to him as a thank you or otherwise.
It was only when he gave another attempt at a nudge that Akutagawa got the message at long last.           "Oh! You're wanting me to take you there!" He rolled his dark gray eyes at that and pushed himself away from the weretiger, turning around with a huff and starting to lead the way. This also gave his pale cheeks the time to return to normal in the cool night air, though his heart couldn't seem to stay at a steady, calm pace. It kept jumping and thumping unpredictably with the excitement of maybe seeing Atsushi on a proper hunt.
It was sure to be a fascinating sight, to see the massive feline crouched, creeping up on an unsuspecting victim, to see his muscles bunch with so much power just before lunging at the prey. He was excited at the thought of seeing the weretiger's lethal talons tear into a person, and his jaws crunch down mercilessly on his victim's bones. The sheer power of it. The fact that he had fought someone who could tap into that primal potential. He'd looked into such an animal's eyes, he'd seen the human intelligence mingling seamlessly with the animalistic cunning. Atsushi's razor-sharp fangs had been mere inches from such a vital part of his body, and yet he'd done no malicious harm. No, not a scratch. Aku couldn't place the feeling of awe and nebulous adrenaline-pumping thrill he got from it. From being so close to a beast who could end him without hesitation or issue, and yet he hadn't. All of that strength was so beautifully control-
The goth's thoughts were interrupted by another headbutt, this time to his spine, sending him sprawling onto the pavement with an indignant squawk.           "Jinko! Wha- Are you trying to get me to speed up, or fucking kill me?!" He snapped, scrambling to his feet with a small cough and a tidal wave of humiliation for the noise he'd made on his way down, but his only response was another nudge from the beast, one he swatted away. "Oh no! I am not jogging or running ahead of you! Quit acting like an impatient toddler," he scolded, dusting himself off while the tiger huffed like said impatient toddler.
With his own grumpy huff, he continued, leading Atsushi out of the slums and into the nicer parts of town. It wasn't the rich end of Yokohama, where the homes were capped with long driveways and wrought-iron fences or had names for addresses, but it wasn't the slums. The neighborhood they ended up in, while sparse of people on the sidewalk and road, thrummed with life within the safety of the nightclubs and bars that were scattered about. It was somewhere near the outskirts of town without being too far, around there Akutagawa would find the mafia's casino and the one rival casino whose owner was as equally a customer of the mafia as much as a rival.           "Alright, you stay here for a moment. I've got to go find your food. Don't worry, they aren't good, innocent people, so you shouldn't feel a lick of shame for eating them." He promised Atsushi, now standing a few buildings down in a wide alleyway from the rival casino. "You eat the men in suits to your heart's content, in return, I'll destroy the street security cameras." The creature made a noise he assumed was agreement, so he left him in the alleyway and began prowling the street, taking out cameras as he went until he'd not only left the whole street defenseless but also found the owner of the second gambling hall.
Once he'd located the man and his goons relaxing at an outside table, smoking and drinking their booze in front of the closed shop, he used a ribbon of his coat to slither over and knick the owner with the sharpened cloth, slipping away before he realized it was more than a simple bug bite or accidental scratch. With the fresh blood now on his coat, he slunk back to Atsushi, letting the striped hunter sniff the strip of cloth thoroughly before he hoisted himself onto the roof with Rashoumon.
From his vantage point on the rooftops, the wheezy goth could follow the weretiger as he prowled down the street, following the scent of blood until he too spotted the prey at the cafe table and fell into a hunter's crouch. The goth repressed his coughing and wheezing as much as possible, paused with the cat, his grey eyes fixated on the silent animal as he inched closer to the men.
It amazed Aku that neither the owner nor his goons noticed the rabbit-soft white-and-black fur of the weretiger, part of him wanted them to spot the beast before he pounced, just so he could watch them run and panic and really see Atsushi chase down his prey. Sadly, by the time the small group had finally realized they were being stalked, it was too late. Atsushi was already on them, tearing them apart, his powerful jaws turning their muscles to pulled pork in seconds, his talons tearing into them like a hot knife through butter. They tried to run, but they didn't get far before each one was picked off with one swipe of the dark claws, or powerful jaws of the predator.
Akutagawa watched the scene from the safety of the rooftop, his heart racing with excitement, his breath quickening as he grinned like a lunatic. Not even his subsequent coughing fit could ruin the absolute thrill that zipped through his blood at the sight of such a gorgeous, efficient predator crunching on bones like they were nothing, his white fur now stained a lovely shade of red. It took a moment for him to come back from that high and realize that his lightheadedness and shortness of breath had gone from pure elation to an issue, so he had to swiftly fish his inhaler out of his pocket and pull from it, hoping it was enough to open his airways so he would avoid the hospital. He was not keen on having to explain to a doctor what exactly had gotten him so hyper.
Thankfully for the pale mafioso, his inhaler worked. So, after a moment to catch his breath and regain his composure, he brought Rashoumon to life and used it to lower himself down to the pavement again, a safe distance from Atsushi, who was contently tearing the mafia's rivals apart and devouring their flesh. With one final calming breath, he slowly walked over to the beast, not getting a glance as he approached until he was beside the car-sized feline while he chomped at a bone until it splintered.
Once he was sure Atsushi wasn't interested in him, Akutagawa crouched down and gently, tentatively put a hand against his side, feeling the soft, silky, striped fur and perfectly honed muscles just beneath his pale fingertips.          "I can see why Dazai chose you...over me..." he muttered quietly, his eyes glued to the tiger's mouth, admiring his fangs as they worked at the bones and meat of the casino owner, "You are far beyond my power level. So much more controlled, so much stronger, so much more capable than I'll ever be." It hurt to voice these shameful realizations, but for some reason, Aku felt like he wouldn't be judged by the beast, even if it did understand his words, it wouldn't shame him for his admitting to his faults.
So, he just sat beside the tiger, running his hand over the beast's side, shoulder, even along its back, from snout to as far as he could reach behind him. Just taking everything about him in. The car-sized feline didn't seem to care at all, unbothered by the admiring pets, or when Aku grabbed his back paw to flex his toes and unsheath his talons. Some part of the mafioso still reminded him, He could still eat you next, but it did nothing to dissuade the child-like curiosity that fuelled his exploration of every deadly part of the animal, from tracing his muscles, to bringing out his bloodied talons, all while Atsushi ate his fill of his prey until nothing remained save for their shredded clothing.
The pale man simply gathered those up and ran a hand through his chopped up hair,             "I guess I should take you back to your apartment now before dawn comes." he mused, judging that they had about an hour or two before the sun rose and Atsushi likely changed back to his more pathetic, weak form. Aku looked at the weretiger, watching as the beast licked his chops and shook himself off, then turned with a sigh to head to the address Dazai had given him. Atsushi followed without complaint, padding alongside the goth, much more content, it seemed.
Once Atsushi was safely back in his own home, and the clothing was burnt and disposed of, Aku went home to his personal apartment, flopping onto the bed with a half groan, half sigh. Now that he wasn't running on thrills and curiosity, he was exhausted. His only thought before passing out was Never telling anyone of this.
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yuuikida · 4 years
Chuuya and Atsushi would very likely keep their relationship a secret. Though I feel like they would get discovered eventually. How do you think the ADA and the Port Mafia will discover this?
Well, that’s the thing though. On the one hand, you have the Detective Agency who are known for solving cases and whatnot, on the other hand the Mafia with all knowing Mori and in a sense Kouyou and Hirotsu just to name a few.  But true, even with their ‘truce’ (going by season 2/3-ish), it’s not like everything is flowers and butterflies but Chuuya and Atsushi wanted to make it work and of course while Atsushi isn’t the best liar, he won’t just blab out everything. Also a lot of the mafia is scared of Chuuya so they won’t dare ask about whatever is going on with him.
--  Despite the obvious route, I would say that aside from Ranpo and even Dazai, the third person to figure it out would Fukuzawa. Why you ask? Simply by accident. Man goes to pet some cats, comes around local park, stumbles upon the pair being lovey dovey. Of course he doesn’t out them on the spot, he’s not cruel but he would call Atsushi into the office the next day about his safety and all because he cares. He would try and soften the blow for Atsushi in being found out but he wanted to make sure he wasn’t being used and such. Though nothing stays quiet for long as one by one the Agency would eventually figure it out and there will be some mixed feelings about it. Not Dazai, he couldn’t fathom it to start with. On the Mafia, Kouyou would be the first to notice and call Chuuya on it since they are close as any pair of siblings are.At first Chuuya will deny it but soon he admit to it. How did she know, well it was obvious since she saw some changes in Chuuya’s manner and expressions. Also he had a knack of being on his phone if something interests him that much. His work ethic hasn’t changed but she knew something was different. Mori would be the second since almost nothing escapes him but it wasn’t as if he can force the other to do anything, assuming it was phase and just let him have his fun. Both he and Kouyou are strangers to love but they care about Chuuya on some level to say something. Who is the last to know in the ADA? Kunikida who was casually asked about the relationship that Atsushi had with the Port Mafia executive and his mind was blown. Who is the last to know in the Mafia? Akutagawa because he really didn’t care but still in some horrified awe that it was the weretiger of all things. TL;DR- it’s a gradual process on both ends but neither will directly oppose the relationship for various reasons.
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scriveyner · 4 years
kinktober (2020): #5
Prompt #5: Corruption
Explicit, SSKK/AkuAtsu, ~1200 words
"You're so pale," Atsushi said, lifted his hand to touch Akutagawa's face, and Akutagawa jerked back toward the encompassing shadows, Rashomon shimmering at the edges of his coat. Maybe it was the moonlight, they were all washed out by its sweet light; a week past full but still bright enough to light their path around the park. Atsushi was left with his hand outstretched for the moment, before he pulled it back, fingers curling back into a fist and stung despite knowing this was how Akutagawa was…he didn't like being touched.
Read on AO3 or
He'd turned back up last week, but Atsushi had been knee-deep in an assignment from Kunikida and hadn't been able to make the time because, unlike certain members of the Agency, he didn't duck assignments just to frolic with his…boyfriend? Was that what Akutagawa was to him now?
Another thought for another time.
Akutagawa slid slightly away on the path, Rashomon rippling around his shoulders actively now. "Did I say something wrong?" Atsushi asked him. "I mean, you're always pale, but you just look…"
"Sick?" Akutagawa asked, covering his mouth with the curve of his hand, a practiced, familiar motion—although there was no accompanying cough, this time.
Well, he hadn't wanted to say that, but yes. "You're the one who called me out here," Atsushi said pointedly, and Akutagawa finally looked back at him. Something had seemed off this entire time, but now Akutagawa's gaze pinned him in place and he felt slightly dizzy, seen in a way that left him feeling unexpectedly vulnerable. "I missed you," Atsushi said softly, and Akutagawa's eyes darted away, mouth still hidden by his hand. "Didn't you miss me?"
"I called you out here," Akutagawa said shortly, "to tell you that we can no longer be together, weretiger."
Atsushi inhaled sharply, because while he didn't know what he was expecting that was definitely not it. The surprise burned out fast, leaving the anger simmering warm in his gut. "Why the fuck not?" he demanded, and Akutagawa seemed startled at his reaction, eyes widening. "Is it Mori? Or someone else in the mafia?"
It took a moment, and Akutagawa's eyes narrowed. "My decisions are my own," he spat, reflecting Atsushi's anger. "It is not safe for you, I do not expect you to understand my reasons." He looked away again, clearly felt like he had said too much.
"…not safe?" Atsushi was incredulous. "You've cut off three of my limbs, you asshole, what the fuck else do you think you're gonna do to me?" He threw out his arms, lifted his chin. "I'm not fucking afraid of you!"
Akutagawa spun on his heel, and moved fast. They'd had practice with this, sparring session learning speed and maneuvers and Atsushi was more than confident in his ability to match Akutagawa pace for pace but this time…he moved different. It was so fast it seemed like he teleported and was in front of Atsushi so fast he didn't have time to adjust or prepare. His coat was flowing out around him like living shadow, not Rashomon but something else entirely—and his eyes, they were different, not quite dark but glowing. "You should be afraid of me," Akutagawa said, and Atsushi's eyes had gone gold to match, the tiger in his veins yearning to break free—but before he could lift his arms to defend himself Akutagawa caught his jaw, the other hand clamping onto his shoulder. He twisted Atsushi's head and held him there, stronger than Atsushi realized.
"I'll just have to teach you," Akutagawa said roughly, "to fear me."
He bit Atsushi.
Atsushi's entire body jolted as Akutagawa's teeth—needle-sharp, inhuman—tore into the skin of his throat. He couldn't get away, Akutagawa's grip was too firm, too strong; and with a heady rush of warmth Atsushi realized suddenly that he didn't want to get away anyway. It felt good here, Akutagawa's mouth like a furnace on his skin, the brief pain of the bite already replaced, a faded memory, and his eyes went half-lidded, staring at nothing at all, held up only by Akutagawa's mysterious strength.
Finally, they sank to the ground together, Atsushi's legs buckling and no longer able to hold his own weight. Akutagawa had yet to lift his head, mouth fastened securely and Atsushi's thoughts had completely emptied from his head; it was blissful nothingness, drifting, light-headed and carried away by the sensation. When Akutagawa finally released him, Atsushi stared blankly at him, eyes unfocused; Akutagawa returned his gaze, Atsushi's blood streaked down his chin.
"You taste…good," Akutagawa said, sounding stunned. Atsushi panted, mouth open, scattered thoughts slowly starting to resume some semblance of order. His entire body ached, he was light-headed, dizzy…and harder than he'd ever been in his life. Akutagawa was still holding his chin, but released him, which allowed Atsushi to collapse forward, held up only by his wobbling arms.
"You're a fucking vampire," Atsushi gasped, facing the ground, Akutagawa's shadow between him and the moon. He collapsed further forward, onto his elbow, so that he could shove his hand down his pants and lay it on his aching cock. "Fuck, you're a goddamn, fucking vampire—"
"Do you understand now?" Akutagawa's voice had changed, it was almost melodic. "I can't help myself around you, you're not safe—"
Atsushi lunged forward, pants loose on his hips. Whatever Akutagawa was expecting it was not a full frontal assault, and he toppled over backwards with a startled grunt. Atsushi straddled him, slammed his palms down on either side of Akutagawa's head, and stared down at him wildly. "Goddamn," Atsushi wheezed, dizzy as all hell, adrenaline pounding in his veins. "Fucking," he yanked at Akutagawa's pants, go them open, found what he needed, "vampire."
Akutagawa yelped, perhaps an improper sound for a vampire to make, as Atsushi seated himself on Akutagawa's hidden erection. Atsushi threw his head back as he worked himself down Akutagawa's cock, blood streaked bright red down his neck and staining the collar of his shirt. It was too tight, too much, but Atsushi didn't let up until he had all of Akutagawa inside him, panting skyward. Akutagawa's hands had found their way to Atsushi's thighs, gripped tight, chest heaving.
"What the fuck," Akutagawa's voice was hoarse, rattling in his throat, but he made no effort to dislodge Atsushi, "are you doing!?"
"I'm not safe around you," Atsushi repeated his own words, insides achingly tight, squeezing Akutagawa so much it tore the breath from his lungs. "I, fuck—"
Akutagawa rubbed his hand over the bulge in the front of Atsushi's pants, watched him closely. "Yeah," Atsushi hissed, mind half gone again already, rocking on Akutagawa's lap. "Like that, fuck, like that—"
His hips jerked, he rose off Akutagawa's dick slightly and tilted forward perilously, slamming his palms into the ground again, hanging over Akutagawa and panting. Akutagawa's eyes were a deep red now, unnatural in his face; Atsushi's blood still vivid on his lips. They stared at each other, transfixed—gold eyes on crimson—and Atsushi laughed, wild and crazy.
"I'm not afraid of you," Atsushi said, swallowed, panting still with exertion. "If you want my blood you can have it, if you want to turn me, turn me." He rocked again on Akutagawa's dick, agonizingly slow. "Haven't you figured out by now that I'm fucking yours?"
Akutagawa's mouth fell open, his fangs extending, visible now in a threat display or something else but it didn't faze Atsushi. He leaned over, grabbed Akutagawa by the cravat, and yanked him up into a kiss. "No matter what."
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crow-writes-stuff · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Nakahara Chuuya & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), possible Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs) Characters: Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: Edogawa Ranpo is a Little Shit (Bungou Stray Dogs), Armed Detective Agency Member Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya Is So Done (Bungou Stray Dogs), atsushi has a crush on akutagawa, Chuuya accidentally makes Atsushi realise his feelings, neither of them is happy about this, Nakahara Chuuya Swears (Bungou Stray Dogs), Protective Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Fluff Series: Part 4 of Affirmation Summary:
Chuuya and Atsushi are supposed to buy snacks for Ranpo. On this very important mission they run into Akutagawa.
There is a loud, pitiful sigh. Chuuya grits his teeth and forces himself to keep working on the report he's supposed to write. Another sigh. "Ranpo-san, are you alright?" Atsushi is the first one to break. Chuuya can see Dazai hide a triumphant smirk. The bastard shouldn't be so smug about it, even Chuuya could have guessed this outcome.
"No! I'm dying," comes the overdramatic response almost immediately. Chuuya keeps writing.
"What's wrong, Ranpo-san?" Kenji is now also thoroughly distracted by the detective's antics.
"I'm out of snacks!" Chuuya fucking knew it. He's been here for barely two weeks, and he fucking knew it. "Again? Didn't we stock up just a while ago?" "They're all gone," the detective whines. "I'm gonna die." If only it was that easy.
Chuuya can feel the detective's eyes on him. He's not doing him the favour of looking up. "Hey, Mr Fancy Hat."
Chuuya is going to kill him. "What," he says, eyes still focusing on his report.
"Buy me more snacks."
What Chuuya wants to say is: "Can't you do it yourself?" or simply "Fuck off." Instead, he takes a deep breath and says: "Fine." Because they've already been through this song and dance. Twice. In two weeks. Chuuya is going to kill someone.
He can't refuse, because he's supposed to 'follow any order by the Agency members' as Edogawa and Dazai like to remind him. And the detective is completely fucking incapable of being a normal functioning person, so he can't do this shit himself.
At least he can annoy Dazai in the same vein. Chuuya stands up and lightly kicks against Dazai's leg. "Get up." Dazai stares up at him as if he has no clue why he would be dragged into this. "You're supposed to keep an eye on me, remember?" Dazai pouts at him. As if that would help either of them right now.
Suddenly his eyes light up, and Chuuya does not like that.
"Atsushi-kun," Dazai says in a cheerful voice. "No," says Chuuya. "What is it, Dazai-san?" asks Atsushi. Chuuya groans.
"I think it's safe if you go with Chuuya in my stead." At the unsure look Atsushi gives him, Dazai adds: "Don't worry, he's been very well behaved these last weeks. He won't cause any trouble." Speaking about Chuuya as if he's a dog. Once again. Chuuya is going to kill Dazai instead of Edogawa. Maybe both of them.
Atsushi is still not convinced. "Is that really okay? The president said-" Dazai interrupts: "I'm sure the president won't mind. But you see, I'm very busy at the moment, and we would all save valuable time if you would do this for me." Chuuya, who has seen how busy Dazai is, rolls his eyes. But he's tired of arguing. "One of you is going to move your ass, or there will be no snacks for anyone." At the horrified gasp of the detective, Atsushi finally gets up.
"Thank you, Atsushi-kun!" Dazai calls with a self-satisfied grin. "Oh, and Chuuya, if you're already going to the store, could you buy groceries for us?" Chuuya glares at him. "I was already planning to do that. It's not like you can be trusted with it anyway." Dazai pouts, as Chuuya heads out the door, Atsushi behind him.
"Dazai-san can't be trusted to go grocery shopping?" Chuuya shrugs. He's more relaxed now that they're no longer surrounded by people that still regard his every move with suspicion. "He always just buys what he fancies at the moment, usually canned crab or something like it. Not that I expect anything different at this point." Atsushi fidgets with his belt as they head down the street, clearly wanting to say more. "Just ask," Chuuya sighs.
"Uh, well, did you and Dazai-san live together before he... You know, left?" "Not officially," Chuuya says as they cross the street. "I mean when we were on missions obviously, but otherwise we each had our own place. But Dazai mooched off of me so much that I just started cooking for us both." "I see," Atsushi says, and that's the end of the conversation for now as they reach the store.
Chuuya grabs a shopping basket for himself and hands one to Atsushi. "Do you need to get anything besides- Atsushi?" The boy has completely frozen up, staring at something behind Chuuya. Alarmed, Chuuya spins around. It's easy to spot the reason for Atsushi's reaction. Akutagawa Ryuunosuke is standing at the end of the aisle, similarly frozen. At least he looks better than the last time Chuuya saw him. Chuuya relaxes, just before the other two get over their shock, both taking on fighting stances.
Nope. This is not happening. Chuuya takes a step forward, positioning himself between the two. "No," he says. The boys blink at him. "No fighting. I'm not putting up with that right now." "Chuuya-san-" "No arguing either." Chuuya turns towards Akutagawa. "Did Gin ask you to buy some groceries?" The boy nods, dumbfounded. "Do you need help?" After a moment of hesitation, a shrug. That's as much of a yes, as Chuuya's going to get. He nods, making a decision.
"Atsushi, you're going to pick out the snacks Edogawa likes. Ryuu and I are going to get our groceries and join back up with you at the end." He turns to see Atsushi mouth a silent "Ryuu?" before nodding, dazed.
Chuuya heads towards Akutagawa who's still staring daggers at Atsushi but follows without protest. "Do you have a list?" He gets handed one silently, quickly looking it over. "Okay, this shouldn't take too long. Come on."
Chuuya leads them through the aisles, picking out both his and the Akutagawas' groceries on the way. Ryuu stays quiet, except for the occasional answer when asked something. Chuuya doesn't mind. From time to time, he adds something to the other's basket, like Gin's favourite tea, which she doesn't deem a necessity and therefore never buys herself. Or in this case, asks her brother to buy.
Soon enough, everything on the list is in Ryuu's basket, and Chuuya has enough groceries for Dazai and him to last the week. Maybe longer, depending on how much Dazai actually is willing to eat. Chuuya really wonders sometimes how his partner managed to survive the past four years.
They pick up Atsushi who has filled his own basket to the brim with snacks and sweets, and head to the register. Atsushi keeps glancing at Akutagawa and Chuuya can almost physically feel the other's patience thinning. "Stop provoking him," he finally says, shooting Atsushi a look.
The kid looks honestly surprised. "I'm not! I'm not doing anything!" Chuuya sighs. Dazai really wants these two to work together. "Stop staring at him like that." Earning another confused look, he adds: "Actually, just stop looking at him altogether. We only need to pay, and you can go your separate ways again."
They manage to pay without causing an incident. Chuuya is silently glad when they finally leave the store. As expected, Ryuu doesn't linger long. He nods at them, "Chuuya-san, Weretiger," and is off. Chuuya almost laughs. "Does he always call you that?" Atsushi makes a face. "Yes, I can't get him to stop." "Cute." "It's not!" The bright red cheeks do nothing to make Chuuya rescind his statement. He takes the grocery bags, ignoring Atsushi's protests, and heads towards the Agency.
When they're finally back, Chuuya unceremoniously drops the bags filled with snacks on Edogawa's desk, who doesn't even say thank you. He takes the other two bags and puts them down next to Dazai who immediately starts pulling things out to inspect. "Aw, Chuuya even bought crab for me!" Chuuya rolls his eyes.
"Hey, kid, you alright?" Kunikida asks, voice already suspicious again. Chuuya turns around to see Atsushi sitting on a couch with his head in his hands. He frowns, not sure what this is about.
Atsushi nods but doesn't look up. Which is only causing more suspicion. Kunikida moves closer, very obviously keeping an eye on Chuuya. "Seriously, if something happened, you need to tell us."
Chuuya crosses his arms. "He was fine just moments ago."
Atsushi finally looks up. His cheeks are red again, and oh no. Chuuya has a horrible suspicion. "Is this because of my comment?" "What comment?" Kunikida asks, but Atsushi already, hesitantly, nods.
Oh no.
Chuuya takes a deep breath before stepping forward. "Atsushi," he starts, voice level, ignoring the people around him. Especially Dazai. "Do you have a crush on Akutagawa?" The room goes dead silent. Everyone is either staring at Chuuya or at Atsushi. Atsushi who flushes even more and avoids his eyes. Atsushi who very clearly would rather be anywhere else right now. "Maybe?"
Fuck. Fucking hell. Chuuya is actually going to kill someone today, and it is neither of the ones he expected.
Familiar arms sneak around his waist, holding him in place. Of course, it's fucking Dazai. Chuuya glares up at him. "This is your fault." Dazai doesn't even act surprised, he just smiles. "I wouldn't know how." "You set this whole thing up in the first fucking place." Dazai shrugs, still holding onto Chuuya. "I don't see the problem. It's kinda cute, isn't it?" And, oh, Chuuya knows that smile. Dazai is going to take full advantage of this situation. Something Atsushi seems to realises as well, judging by his suddenly horrified expression.
Chuuya turns back towards the boy. "Don't hurt him." Atsushi nods, face pale. Chuuya doesn't have to threaten him to get the message across. The implications are enough.
Finally, Chuuya sighs. This day took a turn he doesn't exactly appreciate. He taps on Dazai's arm. "You can let go of me. I'm not going to kill him." Dazai smirks. "What if I don't want to let go?" Chuuya rolls his eyes. "Then, no work gets done, and Kunikida will yell at us." Dazai pouts but does finally let go of him.
They return to their desks, with Dazai definitely sitting closer than necessary. Perhaps he wants to make sure Chuuya doesn't change his mind and goes after Atsushi. Perhaps he's just being annoying.
Chuuya glares at him. "Don't you fucking dare." With innocent eyes, Dazai pulls back the paperwork he just tried to sneak onto Chuuya's pile.
Chuuya suppresses a sigh. This day is already too much, and it's not even noon yet. He's not sure he's looking forward to the rest of it. He feels a tap on his arm and looks up to see Dazai smiling at him. Alright. Perhaps it's not all bad. And he's reasonably sure Atsushi isn't going to hurt Akutagawa on purpose. He's still going to keep an eye on the situation, but he can live with it. It's all going to be fine. Probably. Chuuya returns to his report, Dazai next to him. Yeah, it'll be okay.
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cyanogastra · 4 years
Did you know male cats have spines on their dicks?
Read on: AO3
"Do you have spines on your dick?"
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?”
Or: Akutagawa just really, really wants them to move to third base. He resorts to using a weird biological fact against Atsushi.
Starting note:
Hey guys. Biology student here. 100% not inventing this shit up. Male felines have dick spines because for some reason the females don't ovulate without getting their VJs shredded, which is why they're so fucking loud when having sex. That's a dramatized answer, but you get the point.
Akutagawa will be calling Atsushi "jinko" a lot in this fic, because imo I don't think Akutagawa refers to him using his real name even when it's just on his mind. They would have to be on Level 20 of romantic relationship before Akutagawa finally calls him by name. Not that you don't guys probably already know, but jinko = weretiger.
Fun fact: Did you know male cats have spines on their penises?
Akutagawa’s thumb freezes on his phone screen. He very nearly barks out a laugh which he hastily covers up by clearing his throat. Higuchi looks at him in question, looking ready to ask him the reason but Akutagawa just gives her a shake of his head.
Barbed penises? That’s interesting. He thinks to himself as he scrolls down, amused by the new discovery. There’s really only one person in mind who counts somewhat as a feline, and it’s none other than the jinko.
The jinko, whom he has been having an interesting relationship lately.
The arrangement Dazai set for them had been highly appalling at first, but no one can deny that they were indeed more powerful together. Which somehow led to the Port Mafia and the Armed Detective Agency's cooperative relationship, for the first time ever. And by "cooperative" it means that he and the jinko don’t attempt to kill each other every meeting and are willing enough to work together (reluctantly) on joint missions.
Which then further led to this and that. Heated arguments turned to annoyed banters, which turned to almost comfortable silences.
Which then turned to fierce make-out sessions, apparently. Post mission make-out sessions and grinding against each other in back alleys, specifically.
It is incredibly absurd, he admits readily to himself. Absurd in the way that of all the people he’d be doing such things, it had to be jinko, the supposed object of his hatred. But also, it was absurd in that it had been so easy. It’s almost as a natural part of their relationship now, ending missions with the jinko stalking over to him and slotting their mouths together, shredded clothes and bloody overcoats be damned.
And well speaking of dick spines, he doubts that the jinko has them at all given their past excursions. But it would be a real problem if he actually did, though highly unlikely, because well…
It’s been 3 months and they still haven’t done anything on the down low. And Akutagawa is quickly becoming…impatient.
The scenery outside the car windows freezes in place, signalling their destination. Higuchi immediately fumbles to open the door to her side and rounds the car in record time to open Akutagawa’s.
“Senpai! We’re here!”
Akutagawa steps out of the black vehicle, trying very hard not to give Higuchi a full-on irritated face. He's always been annoyed Higuchi for her unnecessary actions, but he’s learned a long time ago that nothing he would say would ever faze her.
He gives their destination a cursory glance; a shipping dock near Osanbashi. Large enough to house multiple freights but small enough not to be considered as major, thereby making it perfect for contraband trade. One of these freight containers is not like the others.
“Senpai, Chuuya-san’s instructions were to either eliminate or capture the foreign syndicate’s ability users. We do not need to track down their upper brass as he thinks the Boss might make arrangements with their leader to be absorbed into the Port Mafia—”
“I know, Higuchi.” Akutagawa cuts her off firmly, trying to let her know that she does not need to reiterate everything to him every single damn time, he’s her superior for god’s sake. But all he gets is an enthusiastic “Yes! As expected from senpai!”.
He almost rolls his eyes, if not for the sudden cough that comes up from his chest. The sounds of his coughing were drowned out by the sound of another vehicle arriving on the scene. The car doors open, and out comes a bespectacled blond man sporting a ponytail, notebook in hand, and from the other side comes out…jinko.
Higuchi is immediately on guard beside him, but Akutagawa cracks up a smirk from behind the hand covering his mouth, gaze locked in with intense violet-yellow eyes.
“The Armed Detective Agency isn’t here to share your goal of eliminating the syndicate’s ability users. We are only here to gather intel about the syndicate’s top brass. We believe one of their leaders is connected to one of our ongoing cases.” Kunikida Doppo recites without looking up from his notebook, scribbling furiously with veins popping out on his forehead. “That damn Dazai messing up my schedule! The stupid bandage wasting machine was supposed to accompany Atsushi here but the idiot really chose this time to escape to god knows where…”
Akutagawa perks up at the mention of his former mentor’s name, surprised and crushed at the same time to know that he could have been here. If Dazai-san were here, I would have used this chance to finally prove myself worthy… Across him, Atsushi raises an eyebrow at his reaction to which Akutagawa pointedly ignores. Behind them, Higuchi is scanning the shipping dock with her binoculars.
“….anyway we don’t need your armed grunts to come rushing in.” Kunikida continues after his mini rant, gesturing to the multiple black cars parked around the vicinity. “I’d rather keep the element of surprise. And we do not have the slightest clue about the abilities of our opponents, which is worrying considering that the agency and the abilities division has nothing on record.”
“Hm. Pathetic.” Akutagawa grunts out. Kunikida’s eyebrow twitches, but he presses on.
“It is unfortunate. What we do know is that while the ability users are here guarding their cargo, their top brass is probably somewhere else. We will need to extricate information from one of their ability users regarding their leaders’ details. Will you be able to cooperate with us on that?”
“Do what you want. Just don’t get in my way.” Akutagawa replies, but he’s not looking at the blond man. Atsushi glares back, looking as if he wanted to say the same thing to him.
“Good. Okay, now here’s the plan…”
Suffice to say, the fight was greatly disappointing. The ability users turned out to be just two scared brothers, probably younger than 12. They were kidnapped by the syndicate from their family in Germany, and were given instructions to deter anyone who takes an interest on the cargo. The only action they got were the couple dozen of foreign armed goons who flanked the cargo ship, which was obviously a piece of cake for the combined prowess of Rashoumon and Beast Beneath the Moonlight.
The ability users weren’t even particularly troublesome; their ability, Grimm Fairytale could create grotesque versions of a person’s fantasies but only if both brothers were holding each of a target’s hands. Kunikida handled them well by addressing them gently, accompanied by some coaxing from Higuchi (a sight that was a bit disconcerting), and the brothers easily squealed their leaders’ details. Well as much as two scared children could possibly know, which was still apparently more than enough for one of the detectives in the agency to pinpoint the identities and locations of the syndicate's leaders.
“Okay. Alright. I’ll see you again at the office tomorrow. Yes. Take care, Kunikida-san!” Behind him, Atsushi ends his call. Higuchi had been forced to accompany the Grimm brothers, mostly because they wouldn’t let go of her pant legs. Akutagawa had waved her off, saying something about ordering her to accompany Kunikida to bring the children to a safehouse. He figures the mission counts as a success on Port Mafia’s end.
He feels an arm curl around his waist from behind, startling him mid-cough. He stiffens reflexively and he’s quick to clutch on the jinko’s forearm with both hands, nails digging into pale skin.
“You do that one more time and I will seriously kill you, jinko.”
Atsushi sighs, turning him around so they were face to face. “As if you haven't been doing that all this time." Atsushi mumbles, eyes not meeting Akutagawa's but rather at his lips. He leans in, and Akutagawa's eyes flutter closed.
They kiss languidly, arms around each other's waists, their similar heights providing them ease. Their tongues dance with no real rush, feeling completely relaxed in each other's embrace. Akutagawa notes something new every time they do this. How the jinko likes to pinch his hands on Akutagawa's waist, or how he likes it when he pulls at his bottom lip with his teeth. Atsushi pulls him flush to his chest, deepening their kiss and Akutagawa lets him, placing both hands on the jinko's shoulders-
Somewhere behind them, one of the goons groans in pain. They pull apart reluctantly, sharing one look before peeking behind to check for the source of the noise. Akutagawa briefly considers stabbing the goon with Rashoumon, if not for the hand that pushes at his shoulder.
"Let's just get out of here."
They're walking along a desolate street, which was unsurprising at this time of the night. Beside him, Atsushi is wearing his spare shoes, but his shirt was tattered on the sleeves, a consequence of his man-tiger form. What a highly incovenient ability, and yet Dazai-san thinks you are better...
He knows an alley is coming up ahead, having memorized all of Yokohama's ins and outs. He wastes no time to grab at the jinko's arm and pulls him there. Atsushi tries to close in on him, going for another kiss when Akutagawa beats him to it, pushing him against the wall.
They're rougher with each other this time, more biting and angry moans spilling from their mouths as they push and pull against each other. He pulls at the hair on the base of Atsushi's neck and pulls their faces away, teeth latching his mouth on the side of the jinko's neck.
"You know..." Atsushi starts to say in between shaky breaths. "I'm starting to think making out in dirty alleys is a kink of yours."
Akutagawa huffs at that and pulls away to glare at Atsushi, not liking the comment. "Why, jinko? You think you can bring me somewhere fancy?" Atsushi smiles, dumbfounding Akutagawa for a moment. His stomach definitely did not do a flip after seeing that expression targeted at him.
"Only if you're paying." Atsushi replies as he promptly wrapping his arms around Akutagawa's waist to change their position. He lets himself be maneuvered, the back of his head hitting the wall behind him gently. Atsushi nips at his ear before leaving feather-light kisses down his neck, which Akutagawa obligingly cranes to the side, a satisfied sigh coming out from his nose. Atsushi’s arms presses them closer, chest-to-chest, Akutagawa’s torso bending back slightly.
Their crotches rub at each other at the action, hard-ons rubbing ever so slightly and—
Speaking of hard-ons…
He's not sure what comes over to him, but he pushes slightly at Atsushi's shoulders.
“Jinko.” Akutagawa breathes out. Atsushi lets out a vaguely annoyed hum, lips still continuing their ministrations at his throat. Akutagawa blurts out the question anyway.
“Do you have spines on your dick?”
A few moments of silence pass by, Atsushi suddenly freezing from the open mouthed kiss he was leaving on Akutagawa’s neck.
He tries very hard to maintain a straight face as the jinko lifts his head slowly, revealing a very confused expression.
“What?” Atsushi blurts out, eyebrows pulling downward in bewilderment. “Why would you even—where did you even get that idea?” He says quickly, taking a small step backwards and giving his own crotch a glance before snapping up to meet Akutagawa’s deadpan expression.
“I read earlier that male cats have spines on their penises. Is that true for you?” Akutagawa replies easily, one corner of his mouth twitching up. Atsushi’s face instantly flushes a shade of pink in front of him, mouth falling open in shock.
“I am not a cat!” Atsushi splutters, to which Akutagawa just raises an (invisible) eyebrow at.
“Well I am…s-sort of, but no, I mean!” Atsushi’s hands flail around for a bit before continuing. “No, I don’t have them! Why would you think that?” He finishes off lamely, crossing his arms while glaring at the dark-haired man.
Akutagawa lets out a hmph, though he sounds more amused that annoyed. He gives the other an unconvinced expression to rile him up further. “How unfortunate. To think you’ve been living like this all this time. Pitiful and pathetic.”
“I really don’t! Seriously!" Atsushi replies heatedly, taking the bait. "I don’t understand why you’d think that when we’ve been doing…” Atsushi trails off, glancing away. The redness from his cheek has spread all the way to his ears, making him look equal parts ashamed and angry.
“Oh really, jinko?” Akutagawa replies challengingly, a new glint in his eyes. He’s met with a violet-yellow glare.
“Prove it then.”
Akutagawa watches his reaction, a self-satisfied smirk on his own face, knowing his words will do something to the jinko.
The effect was almost immediate. Atsushi grits his teeth in annoyance before closing in on Akutagawa’s space in a fit of embarrassed rage. The sudden movement forces Akutagawa to step back and crash into the wall behind him, bracing for an impromptu fight-
But then Atsushi grabs at his wrist and places his hand firmly on his crotch.
"S-so? why don’t you see for yourself?" Atsushi says, face a mere centimeters away from his own. The effect of his glare ruined by the blush on his cheeks. Akutagawa's mouth hangs open in surprise, eyes wide, trying to think of a reply to the jinko’s sudden boldness.
Nothing comes out. Slowly he absorbs the intent behind the jinko's move, moving his gaze downwards. He can’t see much other than the dark fabric of the jinko’s pants and his own pale hand.
He presses harder and rubs tentatively on the sizeable tent underneath his palm. Atsushi swallows audibly, eyes closing and mouth falling open in relief. His still hasn’t let up on his hold on Akutagawa’s wrist, hand curling a little tighter as he grinds back slightly.
Inwardly, Akutagawa could not believe his luck, biting his lower lip as he watches Atsushi use his wrist as leverage. To think that jinko finally pushed things forward between them… He leans forward to press a kiss on Atsushi’s jaw, letting the jinko grind himself on his palm.
“I don’t know about seeing, jinko…” He breathes out, the air from his mouth fanning Atsushi’s pale hair. “Since I’m only feeling you.” He says to the other's ear, giving him a particularly hard rub to make his point clear, making Atushi's breath hitch.
His other hand reaches up to rest on the jinko's belt buckle, trying to give him a hint. Atsushi gets it immediately, pulling away from his shoulder. His hands shake a bit as he fumbles at the metal, pulling off the leather and hastily popping the button on his trousers. Akutagawa watches him work, mouth getting dryer in anticipation. He pushes a hand up at Atsushi's shirt to see him more clearly, resting his hands on his navel and feeling the lean muscles underneath. Atsushi's hands come up to rest on Akutagawa's waist the moment he pops the button open.
As they stand there, underneath the pale half-moon, Atsushi's trousers gaping wide at the front, the very obvious tent on his boxers out in the open for Akutagawa to see, he can't help but think to himself: Fucking finally.
One of his hand plays at the hem of the jinko's boxers while the other cups his hard-on appreciatively. Atsushi lets out a shaky moan, hands moving to nudge Akutagawa's coat open to rest on Akutagawa's hips. He thumbs at the hem of the other's slacks, trying to tell him the same thing.
Akutagawa ignores the action for the time-being, his bony fingers hooking on the hem of the jinko's boxers and dragging it down slowly. Atsushi lets out a hiss as his dick pops out from his boxers, the chill night air hitting his sensitive skin. He hides his face on Akutagawa's shoulder to stifle his obvious embarrassment.
Akutagawa huffs amusedly. The jinko has nothing to be embarrassed about, he thinks as he wraps a hand around the shaft and presses his thumb on the slit, spreading the precum around the head. He notes the differences between them, how the jinko feels thicker than his own, although they are similar in length. The thought annoys him just a tiny bit, feeling more pleased and excited at the fact that they have finally reached this far. He digs his thumb harder on the slit, prompting a high-pitched keen from Atsushi.
"Jinko. Look at me." He says softly. Atsushi's head rises, shy violet-yellow eyes meeting Akutagawa's grey ones. He feels himself get lost in the jinko's gaze as he gives him slow strokes, watching in appreciation as Atsushi moans, back bowing slightly in pleasure.
Atsushi lets him stroke a couple times, his cock coating the other's hand with more precum. His eyes slide back to Akutagawa's still clothed erection, and he feels a small ruge of irritation. Gritting his teeth, he straightens up, fully intent on bringing the other man on the same level. He grasps on the other's hand to halt his movements. The other man complies, but the grip never leaves his cock.
"I want to see you too." Atsushi breathes out, tugging insistently on the other man's trousers. Akutagawa lets out a soft hmph, his other hand coming between them to pop his own button open one-handedly. He pulls the zipper down and moves to reach the hem of his briefs, but the jinko beats him to it. Atsushi eagerly yanks his underwear down and wastes no time to envelope Akutagawa's cock in his fist, prompting a grunt from the dark-haired man.
Atsushi stares, wide-eyed and pleased, giving the other a few experimental strokes. Akutagawa flushes despite himself, exhaling with relief and feeling delighted that the jinko likes what he sees. Don't stare like it's your first time to see one... He strokes Atushi again, this time with more speed, before the jinko could say something about their dicks.
"Ah! Damn it, Akutagawa..." Atsushi groans but mirrors the action, matching Akutagawa's pace. He leans in to suck at the area under Akutagawa's jaw and leaves a small mark, listening closely to the other man's soft mewls and gasps.
A hand comes up behind his head to pull at his hair, but not enough force to pull him away from leaving kisses on the other man's neck. He snakes a hand up underneath Akutagawa's shirt in response, thumb grazing over the indents of his ribs before finding a pert nub. He toys with it using his thumb, Akutagawa letting out a surprised moan at the action.
"You-ah...what do you think you're doing-ngh" Akutagawa sighs out in between moans, and Atsushi quickly becomes attached to the sound of the other man losing his composure. He toys harder on the nipple, liking the way Akutagawa bit his lip in pleasure. Akutagawa picks up the pace on Atsushi's cock in retaliation, determined to make the jinko unravel first. Atsushi groans, long and low by his ear, making him shiver from the back of his eyes and all the way down his back. Atsushi picks his pace up as well, at the same time he drives his tongue inside Akutagawa's open mouth.
The sound of slick sliding between their hands resounds through the alley, making Akutagawa feel both self-conscious and hot at the same time. He responds eagerly to the kiss, tongues moving together in a heated dance before pulling back to gasp for air. The sounds of his moans become louder, but he's too far gone in his pleasure to remember to keep his voice down.
"Akutagawa..ah..." Atsushi gasps his name in between breathy moans, his other arm reaching around Akutagawa to pull them closer. He wraps his hand tighter on the other man's cock and gives firmer strokes, his pace never letting up. Akutagawa's eyes pinch closed at the action and lets out a long keen from gritted teeth, and Atsushi very nearly comes from the sight. He holds himself back, determined to make the experience last a little longer. He leaves more kisses on Akutagawa's jaw, his neck, his collarbone, thoroughly enjoying the sounds coming out from their mouths and from the hands between them.
"I'm close...ah...are you too?" He says breathlessly, whispering directly to the other's ear. Akutagawa shivers and nods shakily, not trusting his own voice. Atsushi almost feels disappointed from the other's refusal to open his mouth, but he's distracted by Akutagawa covering his hand with his own, blunt fingernails digging on Atsushi's knuckles.
A few more hard strokes from the jinko's hand and the pleasure spikes all the way up for Akutagawa who throws his head back in bliss, a dull pain spreading from his head as he hits the wall behind him. He's moaning, long and drawn out, voice breaking with trembling lips. The sight triggers something in Atsushi, quickly forcing him to follow with his own orgasm mere seconds later. His groan is muffled as he bites particularly hard on Akutagawa's neck, eyes closed and his torso bowing so far forward into Akutagawa's chest that he bends him at an uncomfortable angle.
They catch their breath, hands coated by the other's cum. Atsushi adjusts so he's resting his head on Akutagawa's shoulder instead, aware of the strain he put on Akutagawa's back.  The other man lays flat on the wall, eyes still closed with gasping breaths falling out of his mouth.
After a few minutes of coming down from their high, Atsushi pulls back and steps away shakingly. Atsushi watches as Akutagawa tucks himself in and fishes for something in his coat pocket, pulling out a handkerchief which he wordlessly uses to wipe his hands clean of cum. Atsushi blushes at the sight and hastily tucks himself back in his boxers, suddenly feeling self-conscious. Akutagawa reaches for his hand the moment he pulls the button closed, using the same handkerchief to wipe off the mess. Atsushi mumbles out a small 'thanks' before moving to insert his belt back in the buckle, genuinely appreciative for the other man's initiative.
A small awkward silence fills the air as they both finish fixing themselves up. Atsushi fidgets on his feet, unsure of what to say after their tryst. Across him, Akutagawa feels pleased and relieved that they have finally done it.
"Well..." Akutagawa is the first to break the silence, letting out a small cough before continuing. "I guess I'm relieved to find out you don't have them."
Atsushi rolls his eyes, but there's a small smile on his face. He turns around to leave.
So the jinko doesn't have spines on his dick after all.
But that wasn't the point, really. Akutagawa thinks to himself, satisfied, before stepping out of the alley with the jinko.
Ending note:
Handjobs only lol. Mostly because I don’t think Akutagawa can give a blowjob without coughing every 10 seconds, which would have been a real mood killer.
Re:handkerchief. I just think Akutagawa is a neat guy, you know? And neat guys normally have hankies on them. Idk, it's probably the frilly blouse which made me think this way.
Grimm Brothers as in Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm, who collected and wrote German fairytales including Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Snow White, and Cinderella. Plot twist? They’re actually VERY FAR from Disney’s versions, with many of their stories containing disturbing content. For some weird reason Disney decided to turn them into rainbows and sparkles.
This is the first fic for a trilogy I'm writing. Hehe. Oh and this is the first time I have written smut.  *finger guns* That's right, this is what 21 year old nerds do. I am proud of myself.
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Osamu Dazai
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If you haven’t already, meet Osamu Dazai, past Demon of the Port Mafia and current agent of the Armed Detective Agency. Let’s explain him a bit, shall we? I’ll be using a lot of help from the BSD wiki, just so you know~
Osamu is a suicidal maniac, but we all love him. Because of this, suicide will be a large part of this blog. 
He has an ability called “No Longer Human”, where he can nullify the abilities of others with a simple touch. This ability is always active, and he can’t turn it off. All he needs is skin contact to completely turn off someone’s ability, and after he pulls his touch away, their power is inactive for another 2-7 seconds.
As the BSD wiki states, Dazai is a handsome male with mildly wavy, short dark brown hair and narrow dark brown eyes. His bangs frame his face, while some are gathered at the center of his forehead and fall just above his eyes, sometimes hanging over his orbs. He is quite tall, standing at 5′11″ (181 cm) and slim in physique. For his attire, Dazai wears a long sand-colored trench coat, the belt of which he leaves untied. Under it is a black vest over a striped dress shirt that is light blue in hue. He wears a bolo tie, which is held by a brown ribbon and a turquoise pendant. He also dons beige pants, dark brown shoes, and has bandages wrapped around his entire body; only his face, hands, and feet are left uncovered. The reasons for the bandages are yet to be discovered canonically, but I have my own theories which will be stated below.
Back when he was in the mafia (or in his Dark Era Verse), Dazai wore a dark trench coat that reached under his knees. He also wore bandages over his right eye and his right arm is in a sling. At some point, he was able to regain the use of his right arm, as evident when he was 18 in the anime. 
Dazai’s true personality is hidden from view, only those very close to him knowing the real him. He hides behind a funny and cheerful mask at the ADA, but on the inside he is lonely and in constant mental and emotional pain.
Osamu is a very mysterious and intelligent man, and he never tells anyone his plans until he deems it necessary. He is secretive and manipulative when working, willing to kill and injure others in order to get his way. However, he still cares strongly for his teammates. His plans are all very clever and well thought out, his intellect matching even the most dangerous of the ADA’s enemies, but he acts as if these plans of his were nothing much.
When he isn’t being serious with a case, he seems very lazy and goofy. He does whatever he wants, opting to walk around town or find new ways of suicide instead of doing his actual work.
He is a suicide maniac, as stated before, and often tries to commit suicide in comical manners. However, while his suicidal tendencies are initially comedic, they reveal a truly dark deep hole that Dazai has and believes he cannot fill. 
Back in the mafia, he was much colder and darker than he is now. Thanks to joining the ADA, he is now humorous and playful, as well as having developed a soft side.
In the past, while he was still suicidal, it was shown to be far less comedic. He really tried to die many times, but somehow, he could never actually succeed. He believed he could fill this hole and find a reason worth living for if he lived a life of bloodshed and war, but Oda convinced him to join the good side. In addition, he was extremely brutal and methodical, setting up traps to catch captives alive to torture the of information and often beat Akutagawa for disobeying orders and in order to push him to the limits to improve his abilities. He was extremely confident and was a terrific planner, coming up with long run strategies to subdue his enemies. 
Here’s where things get different and mostly headcanon based...
Dazai was an orphan like Atsushi, and was beaten and ridiculed like the weretiger as well, but less harshly since Dazai’s ability was hardly as costing as Atsushi’s. However, his torso is still littered with scars from his childhood, which is why he wears bandages on his torso as well as everywhere else. At the age of 13, Osamu ran from the orphanage. He survived for a few months on the food he scavenged from the orphanage and the scraps he managed to find on the streets. 
After a year of living on the run, Osamu grew tired of living like this and saw no point of living anyway. Humanity disgusted him, the world was cold and uncaring. And as a child with nothing but a hatred for the life he was living, he saw no problem with ending it all.
So, he fell from the top of a ten story building. However, he landed on a bush that was acting as landscaping for the building, which cushioned his fall but scraped up his body. He tumbled from the bush onto the ground, breaking his arm in the process and leaving him bleeding and tortured by his own pain.
Osamu was found by Ōgai Mori, a doctor at the time, who took him in as his protege. When Mori killed the boss later that night and became the boss of the Port Mafia himself, Dazai was there as his only witness.
Osamu quickly became the youngest executive of the Port Mafia, becoming an executive at merely 16 years old and being a living legend within the underworld of Yokohama. He was partners with Chuuya and became the “Criminal Underworld’s Worst Enemy”, and earned the title of Twin Dark.
Dazai fit in perfectly with the evil Port Mafia, and was ruthless in his methods. So how did he become a good guy? His closest friend, Oda, requested on his death bed for Dazai to join the good guys and become someone who saves people. And so, he did as Oda wished and left the Port Mafia. He was 18 years old.
For two years Dazai went into hiding to cleanse his records before he joined the ADA, which was suggested to him by Taneda Santouka. His friend Ango helped him in this endeavor, and he soon joined the ADA. It is said that during those two years, Dazai was a drunk who spent most of his time in his favorite bar. 
Dazai’s entrance exam was the Serial Disappearance of Yokohama’s Visitors Case, which he completed with his now coworker, Doppo Kunikida.
He is a major goofball and loves to mess with people. This includes Chuuya, any of his coworkers (especially Kunikida), and in some cases, his enemies.
He is a huge flirt and will flirt with anyone, even a trashcan (probably). He is a huge bi disaster, but he rarely ever feels anything when he flirts. However, if he knows someone and actually does have feelings for them, it’s hard to tell if he actually cares or is just playing them. Even he doesn’t know for sure.
~ı ċåṅ‘ṭ Ŀıṿє å ṅọŗṃåĿ Ŀıғє; ı ẇåṡ ŗåıṡєԀ ɞʏ ṭһє ṡṭŗєєṭṡ~ [Beast AU] — To be honest? I know VERY little about this AU. It’s the light novel, right? I’ll read it and update this later lol.
~ı‘ṃ jȗṡṭ Ŀıҡє ʏọȗ!!; ʏọȗ‘ŗє jȗṡṭ Ŀıҡє ṃє!!~ [Twin Verse] — This verse is specifically for other Dazai rpers who, like me, LOVE twin AUs?? Osamu and Osaka (my Dazai) were the Demon Twins of the Port Mafia before they left. Never separated, always humorous, these twins love causing havoc and joking around with each other. They may no longer be demons of the Port Mafia, but now they are tricky little imps in their own way. Chuuya and Kunikida, beware~ When it comes to a twin verse, my “twin” will have the same backstory as yours unless stated otherwise. This is to prevent confusion with differing headcanons and backgrounds. 
~ẇє‘ṿє ɞєєṅ ṡƿєṅԀıṅɢ ṃọṡṭ ọȗŗ Ŀıṿєṡ Ŀıṿıṅɢ ıṅ ṭһє ɢåṅɢṭṡå‘ṡ ƿåŗåԀıṡє~ [Dark Era] — This takes place in the time between Dazai being 14/15 to 18. He’s an executive of the Port Mafia, partners with Chuuya, and training Akutagawa. Not much else to say here.
~ı ẇåṡ ṅєṿєŗ ŗıɢһṭ ғọŗ ṭһє һєŗọ ṭʏƿє ọғ ŗọĿє; ı åԀṃıṭ ıṭ~ [MHA Verse (Osamu)] — In this verse, Osamu is a teacher at UA. He wasn’t always a teacher, as he used to be a leading part in the infamous villain group/mafia, the Port Mafia in Yokohama. However, he left the Port Mafia because a dear friend wished him to, and made his way to the leading hero school in all of Japan, UA, to become a teacher. Of course, no one but him knows of his past... He is now the teacher of 3-A in the hero course. (Read more here!)
like this post if you have read it and agree to it, please.
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akutagawaprize · 7 years
Hi, I've been inactive for a while but another quick one for all those following me, akutagawaprize is a sideblog dedicated solely to Taisho Stray Dogs (大正ストレイドッグス).
For those who don't know, Taisho Stray Dogs is a Japanese manga series written by Franz Asagiri and illustrated by Sango Natsukawa. It has been serialized in the weekly manga anthology SHONEN JUMP and an anime television series adaptation was produced by SHAFT.
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(cr: @rainy4024)
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, believing himself to be cursed by his deceased mother, decides to seek the help of a spiritualist who goes by the name of Dazai Osamu. Except that this Dazai was nothing but a fake, and that Akutagawa wasn't actually cursed, but rather, part of the few who have been granted supernatural abilities. Dazai takes a liking to Akutagawa and insists on making him his protégé despite the latter's straight refusal. A series of events leaves Akutagawa deeply indebted to Dazai, so in the end he has no choice but to join the Armed Detective Agency, a powerful firm of supernatural investigators who handle bizarre cases even the police or the military won't take.
Main Characters:
◘ Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - Akutagawa is an Agency rookie who is more interested in reading books or doing paperwork than going out on official missions. He gives the impression of being worldly due to how well-read he is, but in reality is quite an airhead and will believe almost anything said to him no matter its absurdity. When asked about his health, he would assure that he hasn't been sick in a while, but would then violently cough before he could get his next words out. Akutagawa's childhood wasn't something he was proud of, and until now he has nightmares of his insane mother's clammy hands around his neck and him activating Rashomon as a means to defend himself. Something about Akutagawa attracts bothersome personalities, with the list including Dazai (who motherhens him) and Atsushi (whose fascination with him causes trouble for the Agency). He values human life, but is anxious about his own future, since a small part of him agrees with his mother that his existence was a mistake. Currently Kyouka's partner.
His ability is called Rashomon. Akutagawa can control his garments to serve as a protective cloak from physical and/or energy attacks. While it can block off attacks, it isn't impenetrable and can be removed by energy drain or extreme force. At its best, it can stretch to encircle an area of around 10m radius. The "thinner" Rashomon stretches, the chances of an ability piercing through increases. Though a defensive ability, Akutagawa has shown numerous use of Rashomon, including catching things to deflect them back, using the cloak to carry heavy weights, and sealing off entrances and exits to trap enemies in a room.
◘ Dazai Osamu - A charismatic young man with narcisstic tendencies, Dazai is considered by the Agency as both the essential mood-maker and their resident troublemaker. While he seems bright and easygoing, he can easily switch to being glum and moody. He has a bad habit of asking women he had just met to commit double suicide with him. Ranpo likes giving him instructions on how to cause mischief, which he follows to the letter. Kunikida chastises him for always slacking off while other colleagues describe him as the most useless ikemen. Dazai grew up in the mafia, though looking back, his reason for joining was something as shallow as wanting to look cool and important. He is childhood friends with Chuuya and was once his partner, but Dazai could only remember himself being the shorter man's punching bag. An incident involving Oda and Ango caused him to defect. Even so, he's still not sure if he finally found a place he can belong in with the Agency. Dazai may not look like it, but he had been a candidate for an Executive position. He is cunning enough, and can hold his own in a hand-to-hand combat. Currently Kunikida's partner, though he keeps begging Fukuzawa to let him be paired up with Akutagawa. Covers his right eye with bandages.
His ability is called No Longer Human. He has one of the abilities that are dependent on Eyes. In his case, he can detect ability users at any time and at any given place, as long as he has visuals of them. Once he sees an ability in action, he will automatically be able to tell how the ability works and what the weaknesses of said ability are. His ability isn’t affected by nullification.
◘ Izumi Kyouka - Kyouka was a former member of Port Mafia. She was Ozaki's most treasured disciple, but she decided to leave as soon as she stepped into the world of light. Despite this, her decision was not solely for herself. Rather, she wants to prove that she can blossom elsewhere and grow stronger in preparation for a future where she can persuade Ozaki to leave her criminal past behind and start over. A fastidious eater, she cannot eat anything unless she knows how it was prepared. She values cleanliness and neatness, so she gets along with Kunikida. Her poker face makes it hard for people to tell what she's thinking, but she's actually cheerier than she looks, even exuding an idol-like appeal when wearing modern clothes. Has a habit of collecting rabbit goods. Currently Akutagawa's partner.
Her ability is called Demon Snow. She can summon a corporeal phantom which wields a naginata. Kyouka has full control of Demon Snow, but its movements are clumsy, thanks to Kyouka being inexperienced herself. Demon Snow can communicate with Kyouka, who in turn is quite temperamental and will continue a conversation only when she's feeling like it.
◘ Kunikida Doppo - The perfectionist Kunikida is known for keeping a notebook which he uses for data-gathering, planning schedules and most importantly, as a medium for his ability. He writes down events of the day because he thought it important to record every moment lest one day he forgets. It is a recent habit, and his earliest entry is around 2 years back. He actually likes to just sit in a park and look at nature, but work gives him no time so he has a few plants on his desk and home. He gave Ranpo a cactus for his birthday. Keeps himself updated with the latest news, partly because of his work, partly because "the state of the times" as he calls it, interest him. He is passionate in everything he does, but when he is in a slump he is incapable of hearing reason and would sulk by himself. Kunikida is adept at martial arts, second only to Fukuzawa. He's a good marksman too, though he admits he doesn't like the feel of guns in his hands. Currently Dazai's partner.
His ability is called Doppo Poetry. - Kunikida can store any object in the pages of his notebook, provided that he has filled up its lines with his own handwriting (it can be gibberish or not). Limitation is 1 paper per object, and it must be a nonliving material. He can also store objects larger than the notebook, provided he can pull them back out. Can be activated by anyone.
◘ Nakajima Atsushi - Atsushi was an orphan picked up by Mori somewhere in the South seas. Due to the potential of his ability, he has been targeted by assassins and researchers throughout his life and has travelled all over Asia. After experiencing being treated as his own person by Mori, Atsushi decided he'd rather stay in the mafia after all. Known in underground circles as the "weretiger", his very appearance causes unease even in non-hostile encounters. During "hunts" he can become berserk and incapable of being reasoned with, so Chuuya was assigned to keep an eye on him. He likes to toy with his enemies but would break out into a maniacal laugh when facing opponents he deems either strong or amusing. Outside of battles, he interacts little with people. He likes reading, so Higuchi sometimes smuggles books out of Mori's library for him. Mori knows, but as long as the books don't come back to him tattered he doesn't mind. For Atsushi, he kills because he wants to find the "meaningfulness" of life, no matter how little this makes sense to other people.
His ability is called Beast Beneath the Moonlight. He can transform and manifest various tiger body parts at will, such as tiger forearms with claws, or a tiger tail. His senses of sight, smell, and hearing are all superhumanly acute, and he has been show to possess immense speed, durability, strength, stamina, and endurance on several occasions. The most frightening aspect of his power is his spontaneous regeneration factor, which allows him to recreate lost or damaged tissues, organs and limbs. Contrary to certain rumors circulating in the underworld, he cannot fully transform into a tiger.
◘ Nakahara Chuuya - An Executive member who has been in the mafia for as long as he could remember. Though Mori knew from one glance that Chuuya was a hopeless case as far as managing the organization goes, he still thought the kid had great potential as an Executive. In other words, he is still a sheepdog, but at least he's gotten some credit for once. Has a height complex and loves his tacky hats no matter how many times Atsushi rolls his eyes at them. Lives a luxurious lifestyle and has a habit of ordering expensive imported wines whenever he gets his paycheck. Usually he is coolheaded and even friendly, but in the presence of alcohol he is prone to drunken rants and displays of violence. Currently Atsushi’s partner, or caretaker, depending on how you look at it. Gets along the most with everyone in the mafia, the exception being ex-mafia Dazai, who was absolutely terrified of him. One of Port Mafia's best martial artists, and has mastered Xing Yi Quan style.
His ability is called For The Tainted Sorrow. His ability allows him to nullify others' abilities through direct contact. The longer he stays in contact, the longer the effect of the nullification will last. The ability has to be working and contact must be with the ability user for it to work.
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