#alana   ;   tweets.
2ndstar-ontheright · 6 months
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bratsygirlsworld · 1 year
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catb-fics · 10 months
Was there ever any stories with Alana about their relationship? I know 7 is about her but feel like the only lore is that they were seen together at a show in NY (i think) and 7
There’s not been much as far as I know apart from the flirty tweets they exchanged and when a fan snapped them out and about in New York (they weren’t photographed together but they were there together). I don’t think there’s any pics of them together are there?
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redclercs · 1 year
ix. i'm so sick of running as fast as i can
— the one where they painted you out to be bad (so it's okay that you're mad).
warnings: fair warning you're going to be pissed, foul language, this one has more media between text and it's a little long. 2.3k words (+articles and a very long youtube thing!!)
currently playing: it's time to go by taylor swift!
masterlist ✢ next
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By Alana Blake
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YOU read it here first, friends. #YNCHARLES is still going strong even after the mess y/n found herself in during the Spanish Grand Prix weekend.
Rumor had it that after y/n's declarations where she said 'it was not serious' and 'she was just having fun', the Monegasque heartthrob dumped her immediately. This was fueled by the fact that we didn't see any pictures of them together during such weekend.
But sources have come to the rescue, letting us all know they're not broken up! "They talk every day for hours," our source said, "Both are still trying to keep it fun but more lowkey after everyone found out about the cheating."
RELATED: Victoria Presley's top five beauty hacks.
You would think that after a partner refers to you as a 'toy', dumping them is the best course of action, but apparently that doesn't apply to Mr. Leclerc who has "nothing but good things to say about y/n".
"He's excited to see her in New York before the Canada Grand Prix, they have it all planned out since she has her apartment back." The source added.
One thing is for sure, if we see y/n at the next Grand Prix, that's the big confirmation that they are together, since they blew their Elix cover by forcing them to end the contract.
→ Victoria Presley's inauguration after party at the Grand Havana Room, you just had to be there.
→ Taylor Swift defends y/n y/ln: ''All of you have learned nothing!"
→ Aidan Kim on Charles Leclerc: "Never heard of him until my girlfriend cheated on me"
You're seeing the top comments.
Anonymous – 4 hr ago
They're both so shameless! and charles was liking tweets saying they were friends like he could really trick us.
kollhha – 3 hr ago
I hate her, Charles dump her ass for the love of god.
adriennewells – 40 min ago
no but seriously what is it about y/n that has men brainwashed?
Anonymous – 10 min ago
They WOULD be cute together, i don't think they're dating though.
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June 10th, Los Angeles, California
You fit your life for the past months into two suitcases, and a carry on. Your room at Vic's house is messy and it feels strangely empty without your discarded shoes and dirty laundry on the floor. But it's time to go, you cannot impose your presence in this enormous house anymore. You have felt like an intruder since you started traveling to Formula 1 and coming back every week like this is your hotel and not your best friend's home.
"Are you really going back to New York?" Vic asks from behind you, voice low with sadness.
"Yes, Vic, I have to." you sigh, turning to meet her. She's dressed up in her fucsia workout gear, holding a light ring in her left hand and her phone in the right. Your flight leaves in the evening and you were hoping to have a meal with Vic before parting to the airport, but it looks like she's all booked.
"No you don't," she argues, entering the room. "Hollywood is here, y/n why do you need to go back to New York? You're an actress!"
You feel like a lot of things, except for an actress right now.
"I don't think Hollywood wants me right now, Vic," you say, going back to the unmade bed to lie down. You asked the cleaning lady if she could leave your room for last so you could finish picking your stuff up, and she agreed gently. "Plus, I really miss New York."
"y/n you haven't even visited my store, you can't go!" Vic's tone changes in octave, and it's not her whiny 'please don't do this' tone you're so used to. "I asked you for ONE favor and you're running to New York and you can't do even just that?"
"Woah, Vic, what the fuck?" you use your elbows as support to lean up and look at her. "Calm down. It's okay." you know her tantrum comes from the fact that she truly believes you could boost her beauty line sales and make her store a 'hot spot'. And it would work, for the wrong reasons. You don't want Vic being dragged down into this mess too. Mati and Charles are enough casualties.
"NO IT'S NOT!" Victoria is full-on yelling now, the light ring has been tossed aside. "I have given everything you've asked from me in the past months since your life started falling apart. I think I deserve something in return."
You ignore the bite of her words. She's angry, which is understandable to some level. She doesn't mean it, right? That she always expected something in return.
"Vic, listen, I know how important your store is to you. But I promise you, you don't want the attention I'm bringing to anyone close to me right now."
"Oh, so you're doing this for my own good now?" she scoffs, ponytail flying in the air as she turns around. "Are you fucking Charles Leclerc for his own good too? Or do men's reputations don't matter?" she spits.
You halt completely, halfway out of the mattress. "What did you say?"
"Oh, please y/n. You really want me to believe you don't want to be seen with me to 'protect me'" she throws the quotations in the air, "And yet you went on your pretty vacation with that bitch Matilde, and you talk to fucking Charles Leclerc every day!"
"Victoria, stop," your brain is a mix of anger, sadness and confusion. You’re having trouble catching up to the where the conversation is going. "That was different, Vic. In case you haven't noticed, things can't stop getting worse. My life is not good right now." You choke on the last words, because it's the first time you say such things out loud. You have never been more miserable.
Victoria scoffs yet again, and it’s a tear in your heart. She's really not backing off. "Of course your life isn't good y/n wah, wah. You have money and beauty and a pilot boyfriend, it sucks so much to be you!"
"Why are you so bothered about it? Why is Charles the main problem here?" you wipe the tears from your cheeks, scratching the skin with one of your rings. "Why the fuck are you acting like this?"
Everything was alright this morning at breakfast, when you reminded her you were leaving and your luggage was almost done. When you thanked her for taking you in and told her you could never really repay her support.
"Because you get everything you want all the time!" Victoria stomps to you, her face inches away when she stops. "You always get what you want no matter what. It didn't even matter that I said you view him as a fucking piece of meat! He still went after you."
The world moves in slow-motion as her words cascade on you. Your lungs close and your throat tightens again, and you want to fight the panic attack because you just know Victoria is not going to help you. How could she? If she's the one who betrayed you.
"How–Why–" you stutter, the hem of your shirt on your fist. You can fight this. "How could you do this to me?"
Victoria finally comes to the realization of what she let out, and covers her mouth. "y/n no– look–"
"Who told you about the ring?" your jaw is locked and you're trying not to lose focus. "How could you tell them about the ring?!"
"How could you not tell ME?! I'm your fucking best friend, you bitch!" she's raising her voice again, her surprise pushed aside because you're still fighting. "I had to find out through Aidan, months later."
The Cannes party. Of course.
You thought about asking her about it. Telling her it hurt you that she hung out so happily with Aidan when he was the reason you arrived at her house one night in February, frightened, sad, and confused. But you didn't because you trusted her. You would have trusted Victoria with your life at some point.
"It really is you, then," tears are streaming down your face again.
You feel stupid because only yesterday, in another rage-scroll through Twitter, you noticed people were already making theories about how it was Victoria who was selling information about you. And you felt so offended, how could they think your best friend would do that to you?
"How could you, Victoria? How could you make all that shit up?"
You talked to Victoria about the articles. You cried and told her you were sorry you didn’t let her in on the failed proposal, it was something you were still processing and couldn’t bring yourself to talk about, still wondering if it had been a mistake every now and then. You told her how sorry you felt to Charles because he just wanted to hang out with you—to be friends with you—and people marked him down as a home wrecker when he had nothing to do with it.
“It was definitely Mia though, wasn’t it?” She said as she rubbed your back and passed the box of tissues to you. “She always hated you, so weird. It was like she loved Aidan in a fucked up way.” Victoria even shuddered exaggeratedly, trying to make you laugh.
“Yeah I’m sure it was Mia, Aidan just won’t admit it.” You let her wipe your tears and smooth your hair down. Nobody could convince you that your ex-sister-in-law didn’t run to People and spewed shit. It was the most logical conclusion that Aidan was protecting his little sister.
This had been three days ago, she lied and made fun of you, to your face.
"So now I'm a liar? You are fucking Charles Leclerc! Or what, you expect me to believe all you do is hold hands and peck each other's cheeks?"
Again with Charles, it infuriates you.
"You told the press I'm a cheater! And I am NOT with Charles, God you're so stupid!"
"How would I know whether it's true or not? You never tell me anything anymore, do you? You don't care about me! I'm your best friend. I deserve to be your priority!"
"You deserve to rot in hell, you lying bitch." you don't even raise your voice anymore, "How could I ever love you?"
Victoria laughs, and your heart finally shatters. "I would do it again, y/n, because it's what you forced me to do."
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The apartment is a mess, and you know it's on purpose. Your clothes are everywhere, the dirt from the plants you kept on the balcony is all over the floor, the coffee table is broken and your room looks like a hurricane passed through. Your coffee maker and your Specialty coffee both lie on the floor of the kitchen, and there is a horrible smell coming from the fridge. Aidan hasn't been gone long enough for things to rot to that extent, especially because every appliance is plugged in.
You don't want to look at the rest of the house, or your belongings. All you do is lean down to pick up your Moka pot, and make time to think, but you're unable to stand straight again. It's like the pain is pulling you down. How did your life become this?
A ruined apartment, a rejected engagement and a backstabbing best friend are things that happen in the movies. You would know. This wasn't supposed to happen to you.
Crying in that ruined kitchen, holding a Moka pot like it's your greatest treasure and not some piece of trash that you will never be able to use anymore, you get angry, furious. Because this is not your life and it was never supposed to be. And it's about time you start doing something about it.
You are sick of running. Of having people question you for not 'defending' yourself when you have no reason to be attacked in the first place. Relationships die, and yours had been past its time to be buried. Saying no is not a crime. And it never will be.
Victoria had burned her own thread with you in the worst way possible because you didn't make her the only person in your life. And you had overlooked every time you felt used by her, unloved, and tossed aside. Friends can break your heart too, and Victoria had ripped yours out of your chest.
Nobody has to tell you who you are, because you know. And you are nothing of what you've let tabloids, netizens and reporters say. You cannot keep running and you cannot keep hiding, and though you wish you had understood that earlier. It's never too late to pick yourself up.
Mildred and Walter are going to be pissed, but their advice was that you remained lowkey for however long it took Hollywood to get their next big scandal. Weeks, months, years.
And you're not about to scurry away into darkness like a rat.
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[y/n,minute 01:30]: ❝...So I've finally decided to come here and tell you everything that has been happening for the past months. It's the truth, but whether you believe it is a personal choice.❞
[y/n,minute 05:56]: ❝It was a three-year dead-end relationship. You cannot, and should not, have a future with someone who laughs at your dreams, and tells you how you should behave and how to look to exalt him.❞
[y/n, minute 07:15]: ❝I said no. And I have not regret it for one second. I didn't tell anyone because I respect Aidan, although I don't think that is reciprocal by now.❞
[y/n, minute 10:01]: ❝I never cheated on him, and I know the source of those rumors. It breaks my heart to know that someone I trusted made up stuff about myself, and a part of my life that was so important to me. I am not telling you who it was, however, I will take legal action against them if the defamation continues.❞
[y/n, minute 14:54]: ❝Aidan decided to tell this person about our failed engagement, and I do not know if his intention was that this all became public. But I wish he'd been mature enough to handle it privately, like the adults we both are.❞
[y/n, minute 16:59]: ❝I started attending Formula 1 races because of an Ambassador contract I held with Elix until three days ago, when they decided to rescind it.❞
[y/n, minute 18:07]: ❝That's where I met both Charles Leclerc and Carlos Sainz, back in April. Since they are the drivers for Ferrari, we spent a lot of time in the same place, which led to us becoming friends.❞
[y/n, minute 19:04]: ❝Charles Leclerc is my friend and we are not romantically involved, I urge you to stop making stuff up about him too. He never messed with my past relationship, we did not know each other.❞
[y/n, minute 21:55]: ❝When all of this started, I believed—naively— that it could just die down on its own. I am an actress. I was not only 'Aidan Kim's girlfiend' and I am not only his ex-girlfriend now. I am y/n y/ln.❞
[y/n, minute 23:31]: ❝I should have spoken sooner. I should have shut everything down the moment I started feel miserable and out of control. But I also know, I was being crucified so badly because I am a woman.❞
[y/n, minute 26:00]: ❝You have made me feel miserable and anxious, I have suffered from panic attacks and sleepless nights. And I'm not saying this to make you all feel bad and regretful, because the one thing you lack the most is empathy.❞
[y/n, minute 28:45]: ❝But I want you all to think that, if it had been the other way around and Aidan hadn't wanted to marry me, you would have said 'he wasn't ready' and you would have let him move on and find "The One" in peace.❞
[y/n, minute 31:35]: ❝If it was Timothee Chalamet—whom I also have a deep appreciation for—doing RomComs and nothing more, you would call it 'his specialty' and never question his talent.❞
[y/n, minute 33:17]: ❝If I was a man, this wouldn't have killed my reputation.❞
[y/n, minute 36:21]: ❝I will not remain quiet anymore while you step on me and diminish my work. I do not owe anything to Aidan Kim except for the drama the past months have brought me.❞
[y/n, minute 38:11]: ❝I'm going to focus on the future. And I am well aware this will be continue to be a topic of conversation, but I am not scared anymore. Because I know who I am and who I can count on.❞
[y/n, minute 40:12]: ❝If it weren't for my fans, who have been fighting my battles so hard, I wouldn't be here either. They're here for me, and I can never repay such pure love.❞
[y/n, minute 42:22]: ❝If you watched up to here, I'm sure you're wondering whether you should believe all of this, and like I said, it's all up to you❞
[y/n, minute 44:50]: ❝I will not be speaking about Aidan Kim again, so I ask you to refrain from asking about him. It's all been said and done, and I'm eager to move on.❞
You are looking at the all the comments.
flowerbedkim Oh so now Aidan forced her to be with him? Bullshit. You are never saving your lying ass y/n, fuck you!!!!!
thatbitch123 You are absolutely right y/n if you were a man this wouldn’t have happened it's so sad
ynbabes2 my queen i waited for you to speak for so long!!! WE HAVE TO MOVE ON FROM THIS
leclercstar you all have made this girl's life absolute hell, i hope you never find peace!! I'm glad she's friends with Charles and Carlos.
presleyvibes wait and you thank people but not Vic who let you stay at her house? you're an ungrateful bitch
albstappen I saw her pic with Lily Muni and I just knew she was one of the good ones
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June 12th, SoHo, New York.
You are trying to clean the mess around you as best you can. And although you could call someone to help you, sweeping and scrubbing keeps you busy and distracted. The first message you received after posting the video was from Mati a 'proud of you xx, tell me all about it later please!' text that made you take your first deep breath of the afternoon. You made an appointment with a doctor first thing in the morning, you want the panic to go away, you need it to.
Thoughts of how they're destroying you again, calling you a liar and a whore, swarm your brain and you try to toss them in the trash along with your ruined Dolce & Gabbana coat, mysteriously cut up with scissors. You told the truth, and not even the whole of it.
The video is being shown everywhere, you're sure you'll see it tomorrow in Good Morning America where they'll dissect every single move you make and every word that comes out of your mouth.
It's almost 9 pm when you finally stop wiping the apartment down, trying to get rid of every sign that Aidan Kim was ever inside it. It's not true that he paid for the apartment, you picked it yourself and made it a home and then he chose to come and live here, paying the rent once every three to five months. This is your home and you are reclaiming it.
Your phone rings and you take another deep breath before picking it up. Mildred and Walter have resorted to communicate with you through email, so you wonder who it is. Victoria called a few times during the weekend, left voicemails and text messages until you blocked her. Each of them with a new excuse and a more creative way to pin all of what she had done, on you.
It's a FaceTime call from Charles.
"Charlie!" you greet with a smile, before the image of him loads completely. "It's 3 am in Monaco, what the hell are you doing awake?"
Charles shrugs and you notice his bare shoulders, he's shirtless. You're suddenly self-conscious about the way you look. With your hair sticking up from the sweat, your greasy face and ragged shirt. It's a silly worry.
"I wanted to talk to you," he says, and you know he's tired. "I saw your video earlier, but I was doing something else."
"Oh, you saw that."
"I'm proud of you y/n, you are brave for speaking your mind like that. I know it must have taken some effort." Charles moves again and you see his chest, he's already in bed.
"Charles, go to sleep, we can talk about this later," you chuckle, heat is rising to your face.
"I wanted to see you y/n, it doesn't matter what time it is. And I really wanted to tell you I'm glad you posted that video."
"Thank you, Charlie. I should have done it sooner."
"The only one who knows what timing is right for you, is yourself."
"Yeah, I guess so." you sigh, you're exhausted too and you blame it more on the rollercoaster of emotions you've been through than deep cleaning your apartment.
"Are you tired?" he asks, suppressing a yawn.
"No more than you," you retort, but can't help yawning as well. It's a scientific fact that yawns are contagious. "Go to sleep, we can talk tomorrow."
You talked yesterday too, and the day before, and you cried so much on the phone again you thought he would eventually hang up until you calmed down. But Charles soothed you through the phone at 1 am Monaco time and told you to let it all out, and listened without interrupting you once how you called Aidan and Victoria every name in the book.
"Fine," Charles says, rubbing his left eye carelessly. "Will you give me a tour of your apartment tomorrow, then?"
"Yes! I finished cleaning it today!"
Charles laughs softly at your excitement. “We’ll talk tomorrow then, just because you need to sleep.”
“Sure I am the sleepy one,” you roll your eyes and Charles smiles, both dimples showing. “Goodnight Charlie, sweet dreams.” The last part you say it in a slightly mocking tone but Charles doesn’t take it as such, smile widening.
“Goodnight soleil,” he says and waits a few seconds for you to react to your newly given nickname before hanging up, anxious but satisfied.
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─── team principal radio: ❝thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and are liking the story so far. We're slowly getting to the y/n redemption. Once again, i really appreciate all of your interactions they mean the world to me. Also check out the series playlist if you haven't♡❞
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cellbitupdates · 1 month
🟩 Cellbit e Bagi estavam no tweet da Alana!/🟡 Cellbit y Bagi estaban en el tweet de Alana!/ ❤️ Cellbit and Bagi were in Alana's tweet!:
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🟩 Ontem conheci o Cellbit e o Bagi, gostei muito deles, são duas pessoas muito legais que adoro e foi muito divertido trabalharmos juntos 🫶🏼 Aprendi um pouco de português (nada de verdade) mas o que me surpreendeu o máximo é o quão bem eles falam e entendem espanhol por qsmp :o Mais coisas estão chegando 👀
🟡 Ayer conocí a Cellbit y a Bagi, me cayeron super bien son dos amores de personas muy lindos conmigo ambos y fue muy divertido trabajar juntos 🫶🏼 Aprendí un poquito de portugués (nada lit) pero lo que mas me sorprendió es lo bien que hablan y entienden español por qsmp :o Se vienen cositas 👀
❤️ Yesterday I met Cellbit and Bagi, I really liked them, they're two lovely people who were both very nice to me and we had a great time working together 🫶🏼 I learned a little Portuguese (nothing really) but what surprised me was how well they speak and understand Spanish through qsmp :o More to come 👀
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Reasons I want to hate Freddie Lounds:
- She's shamless
- She's invasive
- She has little-to-no respect for other people's privacy or property
- She thinks she's better than everyone else
Reasons I can't hate Freddie Lounds:
- Queen of self-confidence and getting what she wants no matter what
- She was one of like 2 people (the other being Chilton) who figured out early on that Will was actually a killer at heart and also that he had some weird psychosexual thing going on with Hannibal
- For all that I think she's really rude, she does show that she has a heart in moments like when she tried to warn Jack away from the observatory where Beverly's body was
- She's made a living out of following Will Graham around with a camera and I'm kind of jealous
- *Squidward voice* OH NO (S)HE'S HOT
- I really can't fault her for "targeting" Abigail the way she did in Season 1, like yeah the profiting off her misery is not great, but if I saw a young girl get out of a horrible situation with a psychopathic serial killer of a male guardian that was being dragged into some new form of custody with not one but TWO psychopathic serial killer male guardians (even though Will wasn't a serial killer yet), I'd also do what Freddie did and try to get her out of that situation
- Let's be real she may be a little bit of a bitch sometimes but honestly she's a bad bitch for all she puts up with and gets away with
- She never fell into the victim role and what I mean by that is you have characters like Alana and Bedelia and Jack who are so caught up in what Hannibal did to them and can't move on (even though Hannibal did do pretty bad stuff to all of them and I can't really blame them for holding a grudge) whereas Freddie is like "Yeah Will Graham threatened me several times and literally attacked me once and dragged me out of my car screaming and used my likeness in his fake murder plot to catch his murder husband which is so sad except I can profit off of it and I wasn't actually hurt in the long run so who cares? Oh my viewers do? I mean, 'boohoo Will Graham is so mean to me and should be locked up send tweet'"
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riverlarking · 1 month
saw a 'hannibal unpopular opinions' prompt tweet and probably half of the replies were some version of "alana/freddie/bedelia is annoying/i don't like her" and i can't emphasize enough how not-uncommon of an opinion that is, hating female characters is par for the course in any fandom especially hannibal lmaooo
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lottiecrabie · 1 year
crabie i still need the prequel of alana tying up tdab matty and leaving him there………… it is a need pls
teehee here’s the long speculated prequel
that motherfucker has a girlfriend. alana scrolls through the tabloid’s cheap article, chewing angrily on her dinner. he’s the favorite star of her instagram story, a shrill laugh sprouting from behind the camera. she’s tucked away in fan pictures, a somber shadow over adorable selfies. she’s liking tweets with her name and his sickeningly morphed together.
matty healy has a girlfriend. alana wants to vomit.
they haven’t seen each other in a few weeks, being busy with albums and tours and a string of flings alana has thoughtfully kept hidden. that doesn’t mean he’s allowed to parade some girl around, letting her borrow his band t-shirts for her to blast all over her social medias.
alana doesn’t care or anything, but she thinks the PDA is pretty fucking gross. she’s barely able to stomach her dinner, heart racing as her mind flashes with pictures of him smacking her cheek, a stupid wide grin on her face. couples should stay off the internet.
it’s not because she cares that she’s ringing the doorbell of his flat either, fixing up her red lipstick in the reflection of her pocket mirror. it’s just because she’s a little horny. because she doesn’t like closed doors. because she doesn’t like not getting what she wants.
matty opens the door, frowning as he sees her. ‘what are you doing here?’
‘i was in the neighborhood,’ alana shrugs, though she’s sure he doesn’t believe the lie. she smiles, nudging towards the inside. ‘can i come in?’
matty stares at her, thinking for a few moments. fate hangs in the air. alana holds her breath and for a split second she’s afraid he’ll say no. her heart twists under her ribs, knocking against the bones.
‘yeah, sure.’ he steps away from the doorframe. alana walks in, eyes locked with his, a knowing smirk on her face.
matty ends up naked and tied up to his bed frame before either of them can really register what is going on. it’s always the same dance with them: some vicious words and a just as vicious kiss. he tried to sneak his hands under her dress but she tutted, pushing him on the mattress, reaching into the known drawer of his bedside table.
he’s panting for her now, staring up at her with those vulnerable, open eyes; the ones that promise her anything she wants.
alana wants to destroy him. wants to destroy her. wants to wreck him until there’s nothing but her name singing in his head.
she spits in her hand, wrapping it around his cock, stroking slowly just to watch him moan. his head rolls on his pillows, eyebrows wrinkling together in pleasure.
she passes a thumb over his head, watching him shiver. ‘you’re so pretty.’ he blushes, hiding his face in his arm. an amused smile sparks on her face. ‘my beautiful boy.’
she strokes quicker, twisting her wrist just how he likes. another sinful whine leaves him. ‘you are, aren’t you?’ she coos, though the words ring heavy with meaning.
matty nods, already ready to offer her whatever words she desires. it’s still not enough for her; a greedy girl, never satisfied if she’s not eating him to the core. ‘say it.’
she speeds up some more. matty’s hips jump, meeting hers as he moans. ‘i’m your beautiful boy.’
‘that’s right.’ he’s hers. not some other girl alana barely remembers the name of. he moans for her.
she kneels in front of him, kissing his hip as he thrusts in her palm.
‘i’m your boy,’ matty continues, desperate, blurting out anything for the kisses alana leaves on the tip of his cock as reward. his eyes are scrunched close, belly rippling under her black painted nails. ‘yours. i— fuck, alana, do that again.’
she smirks down as she licks up his cock, swirling her tongue around his head, then finally slipping him past her lips. he trembles under her, shouting out her name like some prayer. she likes making atheists religious for a minute— likes when he does it most of all.
alana bobs up and down, keeping a strong hand on matty’s hip, overeager boy that he is. he’s unraveling under her tongue, tugging on his restraints as though he forgets he can’t bury a hand through her hair.
good. he always ruins her updos.
alana comes up for air, saliva stringing from her swollen, smudged lips. she spits on his cock, stroking him as she catches her breath. ‘who is she?’
‘what?’ matty is too gone in pleasure to even register the words. he meets her strokes halfway, pretty moans spilling from his plump mouth.
‘the bitch you’re seeing. who is she?’ alana sets an angry pace, which does nothing more than unspool matty. he’s crying in pleasure, gripping the bed frame for dear life.
‘i don’t—‘ he moans, rolling his eyes back. ‘i don’t remember.’
alana grins, satisfied. ‘that’s right.’ she sucks him back in.
she sets an electric pace that has him melting in the mattress, putty in her manicured hands. he chants her name, string of curses and swears following it. it’s the song of his she knows best.
she relents just to command, ‘look at me.’
matty’s eyes open wide. he stares down at her. sweaty curls fall over his forehead. swollen lips pant for her. dark eyes watch her, transfixed. she runs her tongue down his red cock, slipping it past her messy red lips again.
he’s close. she can tell from the wild sound of his moans, loud and unhinged and falling on themselves. from his hands tugging at the handcuffs again, forgetting their existence until they’re restraining him. from his dick twitching in her mouth, hips raising mindlessly.
still, ‘i’m coming,’ matty warns, good boy that he is. alana smiles, sucking her cheeks in harder. ‘shit, fuck, alana, i’m com—‘
alana pulls away in a second. a guttural cry leaves his lips, head rising from the stolen orgasm. he looks down at her, blinking away the daze of euphoria still gripping his head.
alana stands up, wiping her mouth. matty is fucked out, panting, handcuffed, dick wet and leaking and lipstick red, most of all.
a handful of lipstick kisses, like her own branding iron. fear blooms on his face. he really is beautiful.
‘alana—‘ he starts in warning.
she smiles. ‘say hi to her for me.’
he screams her name as she leaves, but the satisfaction of her finding him red-cocked is greater than what he could ever give.
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witches-come · 8 months
I keep seeing that "misgender THIS!" Tweet (if you also hate read TERFs you've probably also have seen it.) I don't want to put it on here because it's not even terf stuff. It just fundamentally misunderstands gender dysphoria and how being trans works.
The OP is trying to show how masculine she is by showing a photo of herself younger but she's super feminine. She has form fitting clothes and the layered hair that was popular at the time. Also she claims she would have been transed because she wanted to be David Bowie. David Bowie was not masculine at all. I know gender expectations change, but when I think of masculine celebrities of the time, I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger, Chuck Norris, Harrison Ford. Even for the time Bowie was androgynous.
It's the opposite for me. I don't want to be anyone else except myself, that's why I'm trans.
All my blorbos are EDM people and as I've said before EDM people are on the bottom rung of celebrity. There's a joke in here about wanting to be Dan Stephens so I could be married to Alana but I haven't had breakfast yet.
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broadway-heere-i-come · 8 months
I love the little detail of Alana actually @ing Connor's account in her tweet about his suicide.
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blackzoebarnes · 27 days
i'm bored! get to know me
finally doing this after being tagged by @maxipowell 2.5 months ago 🫣
1. Do you make your bed? yes! I don't use the top sheet when I sleep bc i'm a weirdo so it's always really quick to make my bed in the mornings.
2. Favourite number? 3 and 9!
3. What's your job? funny story, I am unemployed and jobhunting rn after taking a leave of absence from a PhD program lol 🥸
4. If you could go back to school, would you? see above lmfao. idk ima take a year off and see if I wanna go back (academia is semi-fulfilling hell, kids)
5. Can you parallel park? yes! I am a quite good driver 😎
6. Do you think aliens are real? like I don't actively believe in them or think about them, but I do fully believe that the universe is far too big for us to be alone out here
7. Can you drive a manual car? no but I wanna learn 🥺
8. Guilty pleasure? musical theater! I am listening to the cast recording for the film version of tick tick boom rn lmfao. (I am not a theater kid, I am theater kid adjacent, thank you very much)
9. Tattoos? yes, 5: something in my mom's handwriting; a bible verse-ish; a poisonous fruit; something inspired by a p!atd lyric; and something inspired by a gerard way tweet
10. Favourite colour? purple, specifically lavender 🟣
11. Favourite type of music? probably hip-hop? as an atlien, outkast is a big part of my musical identity lol. lauryn hill too!
12. Do you like puzzles? fucking hate them. if you suggest that we do a puzzle for fun I will stare at you autistically 👁👁 until you put that shit away
13. Any phobias? trypophobia and i'm claustrophobic as fuck. I have mini panic attacks in elevators lol
14. Favourite childhood sport? running! I always found track more fun than cross country, though.
15. Do you talk to yourself? I used the word autistically in #12, wtf do you think
16. Tea or coffee? I love both! but I am a bit of a coffee snob so if I had to pick one, that
17. First thing you wanted to be when growing up? an "inventor," whatever that means ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
18. What movies do you adore? my letterboxd top 4 is Get Out, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Do the Right Thing, and Legally Blonde, in order (lmk if you follow me so I can follow you back!)
i'm tagging @bogdanovics, @xariarte, @gingerale-addict, @alana-alana-alana, @iti-iskuna, and whoever else wants to do it!
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cinnamaldeide · 1 year
Tumblr media
Crumbles of unfulfilled expectations
Chapters: 261/261 Fandom: Hannibal (TV), Hannibal Extended Universe Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom/Margot Verger, Will Graham/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Aiden (Blood and Chocolate)/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Lee Fallon/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Nigel (Charlie Countryman)/Adam Raki, Luke Brandon/Le Chiffre, Will Graham/Duncan Vizla | Black Kaiser, Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted)/Draco (Clash of the Titans), Galahad/Tristan (King Arthur 2004), Roberto Bellini/Tonny (Pusher), Jimmy Price/Brian Zeller, Elias (Men & Chicken)/Adam Towers, Le Chiffre/Adam Towers, Jimmy Price/Chiyoh (Hannibal), Grigg Harris/Nigel (Charlie Countryman), Lucas (Jagten)/Nick (Coach), Lee Fallon/Ivan Fjeldsted, Prince Charmont (Ella Enchanted)/One Eye (Valhalla Rising), Le Fantôme (Ford Edge "Le Fantôme" Commercial)/Lee Fallon, Lee Fantôme, Jacob Pederson/Buddy Wittenborn, d'Artagnan/Comte de Rochefort, Will Graham/Adam Towers Additional Tags: Ficlet Collection, Inspired by Fanart, Inspired by Twitter, Canon Compliant, Post-Canon, Domestic, Not Beta Read, Idiots in Love, Established Relationship, Omega Verse, and many more
Collection of ficlets of the length of a tweet or two. Every chapter belongs in a different setting, and has different characters/pairings
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mchiti · 1 year
I literally only rely on you and Alana for Ziyech news 😂😭
@0alanasworld0 bringing you news (almost) on real time anon!!
I'm here revising and checking things at the same time. waiting for that fabri the roman tweet like. not because i trust him 100% on this but I'm just extremely curious what he's gonna say looool
khoya refused them. they just playing cool bc for a developing league they can let the world know a player they were in talk with refused them. hence the knee injury thing they say. but he refused. I trust my gut now . we deserve to trust our guts after 2 hard weeks
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peppermintbuttlemon · 2 months
Is it projection though? Do you forget about the time she liked the tweet that joe and Alana haim were spotted at a restaurant or whatever then gave the poor excuse of “well someone papped us at the airport so I’m just looking”. I’m a grace fan but she keeps tabs on him like the rest of us do and that’s ok
I don’t see a problem w it honestly 🤷🏻‍♀️ in fact I would like for her to say more things pls
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catb-fics · 8 months
Van and Alana dated from March 2015-April 2016. They’d started flirting on Twitter in March 2015 and it picked up again around November when Catfish were in LA and they were together. They’ve known each other since 2014. CATB, PV and Haim played a festival together 2014 so that’s how they all met each other and later that year she saw CATB play in LA as friend. So by the time they started dating they’d known each other for roughly 9ish months.
So it was very short and sweet then! I think we all need to read the flirty tweets again, hang on 🤭
EDIT: I read the years wrong and I thought it was March 2016 to April 2016 ha ha I need to get my eyes tested!
Was it really over a year then?
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