blondiest · 4 months
23 & 27 for meronia
HI. these are great, thank you <3
(23) What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
I am going to answer this from a perspective of canonverse post-kira because i the shape of their relationship changes substantially over time, and I think it depends on when they get together, too.
Near's steadfast, quiet devotion to Mello. He has seen Mello at his worst and defended his every move, even those that directly impacted or threatened Near.
Mello's lifelong fixation on Near. His envy and admiration. The way he can't hold onto his resentment forever, no matter how he tries. His need for Near's attention and approval. His need to be needed.
Their history. The fact that their life experiences are so unique and fucked that the other is the only person who will ever understand them.
Near's willingness to forgive time and time again. Near's ability to set boundaries, extract apologies, and reign Mello in when necessary. I think Near is willing to put up with a lot of nonsense, but he isn't a doormat by any means.
In a similar vein: Near's belief that Mello can do better. Mello likes to think himself damned, irredeemable, wretched, monstrous, cursed, etc. Near strongly disagrees. He expects Mello to try to be good. Not perfect. But better. I think he's quite patient with Mello and understanding of his shortcomings and low moments, but he does not act like they're inevitable. It's harder for Mello to stay on his "I'm irreparably damaged and incapable of being good, or even good enough" bullshit when Near sharply and clearly just does not believe that to be true.
(27) How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
It is my strong belief that Mello has the potential to be deeply caring / nurturing (though I think his care / nurture is often either bossy or a little abrasive). In my mind, this has to do with his need to feel needed; I think in some ways he would prefer to be needed than loved, because it feels more secure. All this to say, I think Mello has the potential for tenderness, even if (at least at first) it's coming from a somewhat dysfunctional place (feeling like he has no value outside of what he can do for Near).
To that point: Mello shows his love for Near by meeting his needs. He knows which foods Near likes best, knows the specific brands, knows that the only raw tomatoes Near likes are the cherry ones, extra-sweet, and he knows the two or three varieties of apples Near eats.
Honestly, early-on, I think he tries to conceal all of this a little. He gets the exact right kinds of apples, peels and cuts them, and when Near makes an offhanded comment about how thoughtful it is, Mello acts like it was total coincidence that he prepared it exactly how Near likes. The next time it happens, Near doesn't make a comment. He just smiles and thanks Mello. Mello still gets embarrassed about it.
If he's not minimizing his little expressions of affection, he swings wildly in the other direction and acts like he deserves an award of some kind for excellence in boyfriending for THEE smallest of gestures.
As for Near, I think he predominantly shows Mello affection by seeking closeness. Once their relationship is established / secure, Near is not only the one to generally seek out physical affection, but usually the one to initiate sex. I think the combination of non-sexual physical affection and clear sexual desire/attraction from Near helps to alleviate Mello's "no one will ever truly want or love me" derangement. Similarly, I think Near indulges Mello's possessiveness to some degree as an expression of love (also because he's into it probably. sorry.); this is, I suppose, verbal at least some of the time, but it's not I love you exactly, so I'm counting it.
ship asks
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lightyaoigami · 5 months
top five passenger planes (ie A320, B787)
you get me so well i am a plane autist lets fucking go
the concorde. sorry this is cheating probably.
embraer 175
airbus a320
airbus a350
boeing 747
ask my top 5 anything
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buoyantsaturn · 1 year
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ive been on a trying-to-do-art-again kick and read your most recent fic this morning. i know singers dont typically wear headphones for stadium concerts but when i realized it was too late. hope you're well!
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reverse hot take abt birds
like in general? i think turkeys are the best ones
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read-watch-sleep · 3 months
Hi! R and T for the fanfic writer asks? :3
Hello! (I'm such a fan of yours, this is exciting!)
I am getting so many asks today, and they are making my long day so much easier to get through, so thank you.
R: Which writers (fanfic or otherwise) do you consider the biggest influence on you and your writing?
This is an incredibly difficult question. Apologies in advance for the essay that follows. One of my biggest influences and inspirations outside of fanfic is actually my partner, CM Baldwin of @archiveoftheodd who was my co-writer and editor for a long time before we got together. I'm also a big fan of Cadwell Turnbul, Cat Vouler, Dori Lumpkin, and Ai Jiang.
From fanfic directly, LinearA (Fandom:Six of Crows) is one of my heroes of all time due to sheer worldbuilding ability (and sheer eroticism). I'm also a fan of Did's(Fandom: The Magnus Archives) ability to incorporate humor and internal voice in their fan works. @techni-kolor is my primary beta reader, and so is arguably the most important influence my fandom writing has.
My two biggest influences in the Death Note Fandom are @neallo and @alarici, especially Hold You Hostage and Hangnail. This Fandom has so many fantastic authors and artists, but these two get the credit for my re-introduction.
Honorary Mention of this anonymous Disco Elysium series that rewired my brain.
T: Any fanfic tropes you can’t stand?
I already touched on this previously, but I do have some other Fandom pet peeves. The largest two are misrepresentation/infantilization of disabilities and ignoring/reducing female characters in fanworks.
I don't particularly want to get into it, but I'm sure I'm not alone in this line of thinking.
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people you'd like to know better ask game
thank you for the tag @alarici! 😊💖
last song: clocks by coldplay
fav color: rn its blue and green
currently watching: How To Draw With Line Weight by poko, lol although i wanna go back to watching sucession
relationship status: single
current obsession: the sims 3 unfortunately lol but give it 2 weeks and i wont touch the game again for years
latest google search: "how to draw with clearer lines" cause my drawing teacher said my lines were clumsy and im taking it personally
im tagginggg @supergalatic-cat, @namaru, @zapatism, @alienhandss, @blondiest no pressure tho
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skyeventide · 10 months
everyone I spoke to: the exam is hard but you don't need to know all the details in this book, you just need to remember the logic behind things and the most important parts
me: if I don't remember what's the lex romana visigothorum in relation to the breviarium alarici and how it supplanted the lex romana burgundionum after the frankish conquest of burgundy I will die, possibly literally
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bolide-archive · 8 months
about page because tumblr's made linked subpages difficult
USAmerican, speaks English only (trying to re/learn Chinese & learn ASL...)
Massive fan of asks (anon or not) about anything
Crit & concrit welcome
Style over substance babey
main is alarici
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dgalerab · 5 years
alarici replied to your post: the hargreeves siblings as the killers songs
…. I started a list of this a month ago and all I got to was Luther - Spaceman
fjdkfjdfd spaceman is a five song and i WILL die on this hill
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goishinju · 5 years
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@alarici tumblr wont let me answer the ask but hopefully you'll see this!
send me a 🌸 and i'll make an aesthetic based on your blog!
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hypermoyashi · 6 years
ask #4?
Ah, hi! Thanks for the ask!
4. Do you think your style has changed over time? How so? 
Ahhhh I’m not exactly sure? It’d be sort of interest to compare my current stuff to some of my older stuff, but since I’ve only really been writing consistently for eight-ish months now, I don’t know if that’s enough time for my voice or style to change?
fanfiction asks!
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blondiest · 4 months
hi!! these are fun >:3 ty!
🟥 How long do you spend in edits?
depends heavily on the piece; for more serious multichapter pieces, i spend a lot of time on editing [i don't even want to know how many hours i spent editing i want to hold you (hostage), and i still think i could return to the last 2 chapters and find things i'd want to change now]. for shorter pieces (sub-5k), especially lighthearted ones without smut, i'll only spend an hour or two on edits.
💻 What do you write your stories on? Laptop, phone, paper, etc.
all of the above!! most of my writing takes place on a laptop these days, but i make notes on my phone regularly and sometimes do substantial amounts of writing on it if the words are wording and i don't have any other options. if i really get stuck on something, i move my operation to paper until it unsticks :)
fanfic writer emoji ask game
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wolfofwinchester · 3 years
How's that marriage going with that weirdo? Think he goes by Alaric?
send my muse anons about their relationships. / concerning @casketdweller
"If you're going to have the pluck to say my beloved "weirdo"s name, at least do him the good justice of saying it right: Alaricious. Alaricious Ó Ceallacháin - or Callahan, or Callows, for the ones who tumble over their own tongue and need to water it down for the Queen's English." Claudia criticized impassively - and dishonestly - from her perch in the window, followed by the sharp click at the corner of her lips like flint striking steel and a slow roll of the sapphires in the other's direction. The smooth sphere of wood she'd been carving away at was given a break from its shaping, rolled down her forearm instead and bounced to be caught in leather-gloved fingers, dusted with oak chips.
How is that marriage going with that "weirdo"? Well, it was only last week when the infamous duo took Marie & Louis on a gallop down to the shoreline for a secret lunch, and the couple became accosted by a frisky crab who refused to surrender a toothpick'd sausage. And, it was just this morning when Claudia swept the man off his feet and ferried him down the sweeping staircase like a bride to the foyer, maids clearly minding their own business but hushing giggles behind feathered dusters and varnish rags.
And, it was just four hours ago when a bit of teasing in a hat shop transferred into a heated rollick in an alleyway, throaty huffs glossed over by the very loud shouting of a newspaper boy yarning on about the misadventures of the Yard once more being eluded by a thief growing in fame of jewel pilfering.. Which may well be the reason why the Countess is very much favoring staying seated instead of roaming about her inquirer as she generally was wont to do. Energy being saved for an escapade written on a letter just five feet away beneath an enthusiastically purchased fascinator.
If Claudia slowed her world down to rest for anything, anything at all, it was for a dance.
A rough leather tip rubbed at its ring finger, twisting the wedding band hidden well beneath. How surprised she was still, to know the man who was so untraditional, so cut from the rest, still said yes - especially when it wasn't the most graceful of proposals, as contrast to how very polished his way of romance was. If he'd'a done it, there was no doubt in her mind it would have had a lot of thought and a lot of meticulous detail to make it just right, scenery refined and glowing in candlelight - or at least, that's what she clearly figured. But instead, it went her way, and he got a sweat-drenched woman battered by the night wind seizing him by the hand and her dropping to one knee with a wooden ring she'd long been perfecting.
For a man who surrounded himself with the dead, Azrael Alaric certainly paired himself with a maelstrom of a human being. But, wasn't it poetic in a way? How Death himself circles erratic Life, and Life has interwoven herself with him through every breath, matched fluidly step-for-step. Fated dance partners from beginning to finish, and then all over again.
"The marriage is going very well, little shadow." Claudia finally spoke after contemplating the orb perched on her fingertips, mentally critiquing if she'd gotten the ears of an engraved fox just right. "But I must ask you to speak more respectfully of that Mortician while you and I share the same room."
A dull thunk vibrates by the ear, ghosted by a swift wind chilling the shell. The carving knife found itself embedded quite deep in the bookshelf beside the visitor.
"I've never been known for bein' a good host to those who don't speak kindly of my man while they're in my house," The Irish accent has begun to slip back in, melting down from the sharpened, more "refined" tongue expected from the Head of Phantomhive. "and that is a terrible flaw of mine, I'll admit - because I ain't ever really been one to any who gained word of our weddin'."
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buoyantsaturn · 1 year
7. Fav acne written so far
not the full scene but here's a fun bit from secret project that im very very happy with <3
Will returned to the bed a second later, laying beside Nico and throwing an arm around him, nuzzling against the side of his neck and pressing kisses to any spot he could reach. “Or, should I say, good afternoon?” 
Nico shied away from the feeling of Will’s wet, fresh-from-the-shower curls brushing against his cheek, but he was too tired to really move far. “Shouldn’t say anything,” Nico replied, his mouth barely opening to form the words. “Go back to sleep.”
Will hummed. “Nope, time to get up.” He propped himself up on an elbow over Nico, poking him in the cheek a few times until Nico finally swatted his hand away. “C’mon, darling, you’ve been asleep for over twelve hours, and if you don’t get up soon, I’ll start to worry. You don’t want me to worry, do you?”
Nico tried and failed to pull the blankets closer to his chin, giving up as soon as he realized Will had laid on top of them. “Builds character,” he mumbled back.
thanks for asking!!
send numbers!!
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e3z but im wrong
nah this is pretty spot-on actually
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bsdladieszine · 5 years
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We’re thrilled to announce our authors and writers!  Below the readmore is everyone’s social media!
Aaron ~  Twitter: pr1ncecorgi aishteruki ~  Tumblr: @aishteruki​ | Twitter: aishteruki  Alex ~  Tumblr: @coolguymcdudebro​ | Insta: coolguymcdudebro   ARBI2U☆ ~  Tumblr: @artybritney​ | Twitter: artybritney | Insta: artybritney Cerise ~  Twitter: OpaleDeFeuAC | Insta: cerisebio Dia ~  Twitter: SnowyTeal | Insta: SnowyTeal EclipseKitty ~ DeviantART: eclipse-darkmoon egg ~  Twitter: eschella | Insta: eschella EkkoMou ~   Twitter: EkkoMoutto Esha ~  Tumblr: @drawbian​ | Twitter: drawbian    Keelin ~  Twitter: SailorHannibal  canadianidiotte (instagram) Kinktosa ~ Insta:  Kinktosa  Ruest ~  Twitter: ruestttt | Insta: ruesttt sala ~  Twitter sala218 
Alarici ~  Tumblr: @alarici | AO3: alarici
Artemis ~  Tumblr: @bandaged-chessmaster | Twitter: BChessmaster | AO3: Thoughtless_Whispers
Birds ~  Tumblr: @emergencybirds | Twitter: emergencybirdss
Caelan ~  Twitter: CrepusculeChaos
Cela ~ Twitter: celastrina1 | AO3: softfennecfox
Corvus ~  Tumblr: @non-binoxsaur | Twitter: non_bino_saur  
Dani ~ Tumblr: @thoushaltnotdie-fourfold | Twitter: yosano_lovemail | AO3: BottledUpWishes
Despair ~ Twitter: despairata
Edgar Phoenix ~  Twitter: edogawaspoe |  AO3: ranpoandpoe 
featherx ~ Twitter: featherxs
Glenraven ~   Tumblr: @coffeebookbandbat |  Twitter: Glenraven337
rosvtea ~  Tumblr: @rosvtea | Twitter: rosevtea
Sil ~ Twitter:  s_r_writer
Zi ~ Tumblr: @feychannel | Twitter: atonalremix
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