#alastor is probably a young boy in rosie’s eyes
macabremarble · 7 months
this has been probably said before but when rosie said “she’s much too young for you, alastor” knowing damn well charlie is so much older than alastor. what did she imply. what did she mean by that.
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dragbunart · 9 months
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Meet Aine (pronounced "anya" it's irish) Fae. Aka Annie. Fiadh and Alastor's daughter.
Fiadh had been (very early stages) Pregnant when she died and SOMEHOW this carried over to death (Probably due to being a cambion). So Annie was born in Hell, and Primarily raised by Fiadh and Fiadh's Father Furfur.
When Alastor arrives in Hell he doesn't know his wife is down there OR that she had his child.
But once he figured out Fiadh was his Fianait, he was delighted, though he was going to play the "how long before my ex-detective wife realizes it's me" game until she mentioned she had a daughter, and revealed it somehow was her husbands from when she was alive.
Alastor immediately came clean ( with proof) and met his daughter. He hadn't really wanted kids when he was alive, and considered it a social expectation like marriage that he figured would just happen. And men weren't really expected to be included in Child-rearing.
But in his eyes (especially as a child) Annie looked just like her mother and Alastor couldn't help but spoil her. As she grew he and Fiadh agree'd she actually ended up looking more like Alastor's mother, well as much as she could with her demonic form.
She adores her family From her Mother and Father to her 'Aunt' Rosie and Grampa Furfur.
Personality wise... She is 100% Alastor's daughter. A bit full of herself (she was very spoiled as a child), and always wanting to be the center of attention. She loves music and dance and all good food.
Temperament-wise she's more like Fiadh, she has a very long fuse and it takes a lot to rile her up (unless you're a bigot, then she smiles as she shows you your heart). And she doesn't mind Modern tech or styles (probably one of the few demons in hell who can wear more modern clothes in Cannibal colony)
She knows multiple languages: Gaelic-Irish, french-Creole, and the Demonic language of Hell, though her accent leans more British sounding like most Arse Goetia, sometimes the way she pronounces words sounds more Irish or Trans-Atalantic.
Annie spends weekends gardening with her mother. She doesn't really have a "Job" since her Grandfather's an Earl, but she will occasionally do a performance at her Auntie Mimzie's speakeasy. Occasionally you can find her bonding with Alastor, which is Al and Annie for "Let's go murdering for fun and cook it later". Because she's TECHNICALLY more human her Fire powers and noble demonic powers are weaker than her mother's. She seemingly has some control over Flora and Funga like her mother and Shadow and Radiowaves like her father but they are weaker than her parents as she doesn't really go around making deals to make herself more powerful. She plans to someday but she's young and knows she has nothing but time.
To this day Alastor calls her "Petite Fleur" meaning "little Flower". This stems off his nickname for her mother "Mon Fleur". He has of nicknames that branch off from Nicknames for Fiadh, Example, "Pumpkin" becomes "Pumpkin Pie". Furfur refers to both her and her mother as "Little Fawn" and "My Little Fawn". While Fiadh often just calls her "Wee One".
Though Occasionally Fiadh and Alastor mix French and Irish and she ends up being called "Wee Fluer". Which is often what she's called to the point where some people in Cannibal Colony think her names "Fleur".
Aine Fae was obviously named by her mother, but 'Annie' was all her father's doing. And the pair ADORE the play Annie.
Annie has wings... But only in her full demon form. She has a wand to help channel her powers. While Fiadh's is a honey wand, Annie's looks like a stick (like her 'antlers'). Annie's very 'Proper' in how she refers to her parents using mostly "Mother" and "Father" though if Alastor's ignoring her she slowly disovled from "Father" to "Dad" to "OLD MAN". And if for some reason her mother isn't responding its "Mother" "Mom" and "Mama". She's a Mama's girl (and Al isn't even jealous as a Mama's Boy he gets it).
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numinous-void · 3 months
i’ve decided to kinda incorporate it into my fankid au, if you scroll back far enough you’ll see the character design. i just need motivation to make the comic again. this post will be canon things rosie and al do together and their dynamics, habits, and cute little things they do. it will also talk about the fanchild, jolene. (i may change her name in the future though.)
-they rise to fame at young ages, about 22ish. their personality’s make for good icons and interesting people. they meet each other around the same age at 23. rosie is older, but not by much, probably about 5-6 months.
-they have unconventional beliefs for this time period, after all they are both serial killers and really don’t care about what others do with their lives as long as it doesn’t abuse/harm weaker people than themselves.
-alastor is a mamas boy, she raised him to be respectful to women. alastor is far more comfortable with women as he had an abusive father. alastor admires his mothers mental and physically strength and has a deep respect and admiration for women, as he is aware of their reality as it was just him and his mother.
- rosie’s parents aren’t really in the picture, they did not like that she did not conform to the societal role of a woman in their eyes. rosie is distant to them.
-rosie has a lot ambition, pride, giddiness, can be uncouth, but is usually quite poised and elegant m and voices her opinions to others and is direct about what she wants and the treatment she’ll take from others. she has a fiercely independent attitude but is a hopeless romantic at heart and is a sucker for lovey dovey books. she’s not feminine enough for that times standards but she was very inspiration to women that knew of her and were in the vicinity to hear about her as a potential new theatre star. she’s quite methodical despite how many would interpret her as impulsive at sight. although she enjoys luxurious things (hence her designer brand,) when she’s alone or in her home town she is “rattier,” which i mean that she is not afraid of dirt and others that try to intimidate her
-alastor is often considered to be too feminine and not masculine enough for this time period. in todays standards he’s truthfully not super feminine at all really. he is very clean, loves fashion, and isn’t really into what is typically considered “manly,” besides hunting. he likes to cook and can bake, even if he isn’t big on sweets. he doodles (his doodles in the show are SO cute) and likes to clean as he tends to be a bit of a neat freak. because he was constantly with his mom, he’s watched her do her makeup a million times and of course in mardi gras, many performers wear makeup, so alastor can actually do performing makeup like clowns or drag! he can be flashy but prioritizes practicality for the most part. he is mannerly but has a temper but often tries to keep it behind his signature smile.
-they are still serial killers & cannibals. they target people that abuse those who are weaker and innocent, people that treat innocent people violently/with cruelty. they do not kill children (19 and below to them) or pets. they will kill men and women and adults of any social status. they are methodical when it comes to those of a higher social status and have power.
-while they are not total opposites, their personalities contrast one another and balance each other out. black cat and golden retriever energy but yk, those two both enjoy killing and cannibalism 🧍🏽
-rosie is sweet hopeless romantic despite her fierce attitude and elegant poise but al isn’t used to it at all. rosie easily flusters him without meaning to but she does find it very endearing. al does like it don’t get him wrong, but because he’s never felt this before, it’s all very foreign and he has no experience with it and is very awkward. his smooth, calm, collected, and suave demeanor and persona may make it seem like he would be quite good at romance but he’s not. he is accidentally hot though (again his demeanor is very suave) and rosie knows he’s not doing it on purpose either but it charms her.
-they are both methodical and very intelligent so their scheming comes with ease and they work well together
-only their home towns know about them being together in public as they visit a lot and don’t necessarily hide it, but they don’t go out their way to say they are actually together. although alastor likes to interview her on his radio station lol.
-they got comfortable with one another very quickly and let their guards down pretty fast and use their natural accents and terminology together (no matter the amount of teasing,)
-i forgot to mention they are both super tall, especially for their time period- it often impresses people! alastor is 6’5ish and rosie’s is 6’2ish- they are both tall in the show so i wanted to translate that into the au.
FANCHILD- MALLORY (changed from jolene)
-mallory is their little girl! um- she just showed up. appeared, even. a stork. i’m too ace for this, and so is alastor. i actually really heavily dislike children irl😅
-despite her mysterious existence (ACE REP✊🏽 lmao) she does look like both alastor and rosie. she is a poc like alastor and also has curly 2c or 3a hair like alastor (i think i said his was 3a in a previous post but im changing it to 3b cus i said so.) and alastor has to teach her how to care for it. her hair is red like rosie’s but a darker red. rosie is kinda like a copper red and mallory is like an auburn/chestnut red. i’m gonna make the red hues more prominent in their hair colors even if that’s not natural to humans 😭her eyes are like a muddy green and has alastors nose and brows.
-she has quite the sparkly personality like her mother but has her fathers temper and dripping sarcasm which makes her a little unpredictable.
done for now- this was super super long and i fell asleep writing this twice😅
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knightfire · 2 years
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HazbinWeen day 18: Monster
There can’t be many monster costumes that are scarier in Hell than a holy entity…
…isn’t that right, Husk?
Short: Something Monstrous
"A little devilry is good for the sinner soul."
That had been Al's glib statement as he strolled off to indulge their tiny terror in drafting a Spirit's Eve costume. Three-year-old Chance, finally old enough to understand that events had reasons and meanings, had been captivated by the idea of the upcoming fancy costume party at Aunt Rosie's.
It had proven difficult to explain to the giggling, incredulous youngster why "mortal-born" demons had this tradition.
Chance found most human things strange, bizarrely silly, and backward. Well, it was fine for him to judge. Being born straight into the afterlife meant that the boy was growing up exposed to what should be mind-bending revelations (some biblical) as basic and immutable facts.
Gravity pulled you down, water was dark and wet, and the Almighty's Judgement hung in the blood-colored sky in the form of a monstrous seal.
The novel idea of dressing up in a "scary costume" and extorting treats from adults had appealed to the youngster. Husk had been strictly forbade from spying on Alastor and their son as they worked on whatever the "super-scary" outcome was to be. He could clearly hear Al and the boy cackling over their work upstairs from his spot on the living room sofa.
He should probably worry some over their mischief, which his ears informed him seemed to involve pastel fabrics and a mild glamour, but Husk found he couldn't be bothered. Hell, the kid was only going to be young once. Husk could spare a few theatrical gasps and pretend-swoons for whatever ghoulish surprise awaited him.
Thumping feet on the winder staircase beyond the kitchen drew the chimera's attention, and he sat aside the glass of dry vermouth and bitters that he'd been nursing. It was showtime, and he couldn't disappoint his most important audience.
Alastor swept into view first, summoning his shadowy familiar and his wand with a fluorish to announce that their home had been invaded by the most hideous, ghoulish apparition in all of the Almighty One's dominion. A being, he hedged, whose horrific appearance would terrify any demon's soul straight out of its physical shell!
A disembodied chortle came from behind Al. The shadow twisted around to loom over the Radio Demon, silently leering down at Husk as it blocked the view of whatever had become of Chance.
Husk snorted but dutifully clasped his taloned hands over his heart in an attitude of expectant terror. What ridiculous Hollywood farce had Al cooked up? The tiny shape concealed behind Al and his shadow bounded out with a screech of victory, and Husk's heart stopped.
His son.
White and gold.
A sparkling glimmer of too-bright light reflected off of the glamour from the ceiling fixture, almost holy in its brightness. It was a vision of something monstrous!
Husk attempted to rise to his feet, but his shaky knees wouldn't support him. He tumbled to the ground, silent except for the screaming in his head as he looked on the small, pale figure beside his husband. It was his precious child, but it wasn’t!
An almost angelic little monster had appeared before him, resplendent with pale fur and feathers. It was a horrific miniature saint with gold and ice blue eyes punctuated with blood red pupils.
"A little devilry is good for the sinner soul," Alastor had said. Their son wasn't a sinner, though, was he? Chance was a demon by birth, but he had skipped the opening act and gone straight to the main stage. His arrival in Hell had come without an audition for his soul. He was Unjudged.
He was one of Hell’s worst-kept secrets. How far had word of him travelled? Did Heaven know yet? If so, would Heaven let the child be?
What if? Husk's horrified mind asked, and he fought the urge to be sick at the question. What if their son was seen or pursued by a holy entity?
Husk was supposed to keep the kid safe while Al played decoy if something happened, but Al was the strong one between them, wasn’t he? What if Husk couldn’t protect their child? What if he was a failure again and Chance was captured and "saved" into the hold of Heaven? What if he was stolen beyond Husk’s grasp and Alastor’s magic, transformed, and rescued into some god-blessed holy orphanage?
Did Heaven have orphanages? Surely they must have orphanages. Even Pride Circle had orphanages for the rare young souls ejected into the place!
Alastor and his shadow had descended upon him now, grabbing for his limbs and asking what the matter was. Husk threw his husband off, lunging for the stunned figure of the child behind him. Husk's arms pulled the boy close, and his wings enveloped the pair of them like a protective shroud. The best, small pieces of himself and of Alastor, the fragments that had taken on a new shape and that they had named Chance, squeaked in protest as Husk crushed the child to his chest.
"They can't have you, understand?" he whispered feverishly into an anxious, fluffy ear. He closed his eyes against the hatefully wrong silver-spotted grey and sunshine-gold colors of the child's fur and shivered. "They can't take you away. You're ours, and they can't take you away from us if you don't wanna go! I won't let them! They can tear me apart if they want! I don't care what they do, but they ain't taking you anywhere!"
Alastor pulled him back to his senses, splashing the remnants of Husk’s abandoned alcohol onto the panicked chimera’s head. Husk found himself sitting in a puddle of cold liquor as his frightened son wailed a demand to be freed. With a quick gesture from Al, the boy was again in his familiar hellish coloration, a white and pastel blue robe draped on him like a flowing gown. Husk released the child, arms and wings falling open in surrender.
The shadow scooped Chance up in careful, boneless arms, and the four stared each other down in silence.
At last, Alastor spoke, gesturing for the two sides to stand down. He took one hesitant step toward Husk, then two back to their shaky child. His bare hand came up, brushing a gentle palm over the small, spot-dappled head.
Husk had often thought that Al had the hands of an artist or a surgeon; his long, deceptively delicate fingers were full of surprising and decisive strength. When he used them to reach with purpose, nothing seemed beyond his ambitious grasp. Even quieting a frightened child was quick work for the softest brush of his fingertips.
“I did my work a little too well and gave your Maman a fright," Al murmured to Chance in a soft, comforting voice that no one outside his little family was privy to. “I was careless. I forgot your natural, terrifying prowess, child.”
The boy let out a soft giggle as Alastor claimed the blame for the scare. When Chance was smiling back at the reassurance, Alastor turned his attention back to his downed husband.
“Husker, are you alright, love?"
The beautiful hand that reached for him was a bloodstained thing. Husk reached for it and the eternity of sin it offered without hesitation. His wings remained fallen-open boughs behind him as Al pulled him to his feet and began to fuss. A towel was summoned and dabbed delicately over his face and around his drooping ears. Husk's senses buzzed, exhausted and numb.
“What if-?” Husk’s dry voice babbled, as much to himself as to Alastor’s sensitive ears. “If they come from Heaven to steal him-! Al, I know what we promised, but I-! They can have me. If you can get him out safe then you go. They can take me..!”
"I'm sorry, dearest," Al repeated tirelessly in response to every whimpered plea until Husk had gotten ahold of himself again. "I'm sorry."
Husk closed his eyes and leaned against his husband’s shoulder, humiliated at his reaction to a fancified Halloween costume. A soft scuffle preceeded the feeling of tiny arms around his legs. Husk looked down and was met with the sight of their vulnerable son, face set in a determined scowl.
Chance glared up at his mother with purpose. He had a death grip on Husk's thigh and jealous murder in his burning, demonic gaze. "Nobody takes you away!" the boy shouted, furious at him. "Nobody! Not for nothing! Mama, you're OURS!"
"No one getting took nowhere," Alastor soothed. His tone had dipped again, firm and soft, into the utterly reasonable voice of someone who had not yet become the Radio Demon. That someone was human and gentle, and had a lazy sort of drawl to his voice. Husk nodded, and the child clinging to his leg muttered in reluctant satisfaction.
They didn't move from the spot for a long, long while.
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moonyiswriting · 2 years
This is part of the story that’ll probably never see the light. But anyways, some fluff was needed. Also, this was fun to write. :)
During a pretty awful summer week, in which Sirius was in and off missions for the Order, Alastor Moody showed up at the Lupin-Black’s household. When they still owned their small London flat.
He came to collect some papers Lupin gather before he retired. Especifically about a certain pack in the north they had been paying close attention. Hopefully, soon to be allies.
He didn’t like London, less this time of the year. He waited before the woden door, impatient. Until it finally open.
Standing before him was a very tired out young man, with a rosy cheek baby in his arms. She looked about to cry, he hoped she didn’t.
“Oh, morning Alastor,” he said, waiting at least to get a cordial greeting from the other man, but Moody look at him expectantly. It took Remus a shameful few seconds to realise his mistake, “Oh, bugger. Almost forgot.”
He quickly took his wand out of his pocket and pointed it at Moody, “Where was my first mission?”
“Debirshire.” The oldest man grunted, “Lupin you know the rules. This are no times to let your guard down. Constant vigilance, for Merlin’s sake!” Remus looked baffled, “More so with a kid around!”
“Yes, sir. My bad,” He moved aside, letting Alastor Moody walk inside the flat. Remus rapidly close the door behind and then gather a few things before running away, “Get yourself comfortable. I’ll be right back!”
Both, baby and Lupin, disappeared through the hallway.
Alastor took a glance around the room, inspecting the place, before sitting in the couch. There were many books laying around, a few discs ready to be set, a variety of plants standing by window and—many, many baby stuff, almost anywhere you see. Definitely the home of a young family.
From the next room he could hear the baby whining and her young parent trying to calm her, without much success.
After a couple of minutes, Remus reasurface from the kitchen, baby with a bottle, quickly drinking it’s content.
“Now, tell me again. What papers does Professor Dumbledore exactly needs?”
“From your last mission, about the packs at the north. Newcastle. That bit of information might be crucial Mr. Lupin,” he said, lowering his voice and adding, “there’s been recent reports that say a few packs had been working separate from Greyback, a rebellion perhaps. But we’re not certain. We have to gather as much information about it’s members before doing anything, and those papers of yours might have what we need.” Remus eyes grew big, even in his stupor he didn’t stop bouncing the little girl in his arms, who was completely focus on the task before her.
“Bloody Merlin,” he glance down at the his daughter, a million thought cross his mind in that minute, but Libra paid him no mind. Once she finished her bottle, her whole attention was focus on Moody, exactly on his disturbing moving eye. “I’ll go get them I—“ he stand, but then realise a tiny little detail. His eyes went from Moody to his baby,
“Would you mind? I’ll be right back.”
Without any further warning, Remus placed the baby on a very stunned Alastor Moody’s lap. The boy left without giving the old man a chance to protest.
Moody took a look at the baby. She did resemble quite a lot of her parents, brown eyes and black hair, but still, at his eyes, she was pretty much like any other baby he’d encounter before. Nothing at all special.
He was no babysitter, he thought grimly, and also quite offended.
Little did he knew, the baby in his arms was not only magical by blood.
It took Remus a bit more than expected (bloody papers where nowhere to be found!). But once he gather what he needed, he felt an electric wave travel throughout his body. His effort might finally show some results.
Once he return to the living room area, he almost drop those important papers out of pure shock (and quite a bit of amusement).
Moody was walking around the room, baby in his arms. He was whispering something to her (or more so grunting to her), and she looked completely fascinated by whatever he was saying. He’d never seen Moody act so calm… almost tender. Remus was stuck in his place, in complete disbelief, he was definitely writing Lily about this.
He broke up the moment by cleaning his throat, catching Mister-Constant-Vigilance unaware of his presence. Moody didn’t waste any more time.
He took the papers and gave back the little girl. He look at them briefly before quickly leaving, muttering a low ‘Goodbye’ on his way out.
Once gone, Remus and Libra shared a look, startled. Or at least, Remus felt like that.
“What have you done to him?” He chuckle, “How did you manage to do that? Blimey…” He tickled her tummy and she giggle in response, “My, my— you truly amaze me sometimes, Libra.” He kissed her cheek soundly and the baby kept giggling, unaware of what happened.
It was no surprise that the following year, when Libra turned one, they find a little box address to her. It contained a teddy bear with a red ribbon, and a hand written note that said,
For the little one. -A.M.
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zatyrlucy · 5 years
Australia Wildfire Relief Charity Stream!
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Hi people. Last night the crew accomplished something amazing. More than 30k dollars will be donated to help the Australia wildlife affected by the fires. Thank you so much to the people who donated! Viv gave good pieces of information to the ones who donated and by getting to 25k and later to 30k she rewarded the fans with the real names of two of the protagonists. Here is the list of facts she said, enjoy. 
1.       The song that sounds for a couple of seconds when Alastor spins Charlie is Put it on the Ritz from Fred Astaire  
2.       Dealmakers are a group of sinners in hell. They have a lot of power because they deal with souls. Is not recommended to be near them.  
3.       Why vaggie is in hell? That’s spoilers
4.       The Goat bois Razze and Dazzle would like or dislike someone depending on Charlie’s attitude. They would get along with people Charlie likes (eg. Vaggie) and in the same way they wouldn’t get along with people Charlie hates.  
5.       The Headcanon voice for Rosie would be Barbara Streisand in Hello Dolly, because she is an adult lady but with the voice of a young woman.
6.       Alastor’s is a “food snob” which means he is a perfectionist in the kitchen. If Gordon Ramsay would be in hell they would get along very well.  
7.       Angel likes to cook, he has low standards for drugs but high ones about food.  
8.       The songs of the pilot can’t be on Spotify because is a huge process to put them there and viv is busy at the moment. Also the songs doesn’t have an extended version, what we hear in the pilot is all that is.    
9.       Viv doesn’t think Alastor sleeps, but if he does, he would probably be in the corner of the room with his eyes open.  
10.   Vox is very manipulative and an attention seeker
11.   Valentino has a lot of staffs. He constantly brakes them on people heads so he has to replace them a lot.  
12.   A headcanon voice for Vox would be the one of Mark Hamill
13.   Vox watch Tv game shows, he likes commercials too.  
14.   Angels watch soaps operas and trash realities to judge and roast the contestants
15.   How vaggie and Charlie meet? That’s spoilers
16.   In future episodes we will get to know how Alastor got so powerful
17.   Vox is almost as tall as Alastor
18.   Viv doesn’t like the Hazbin wiki and says the information there is wrong. According to her, most of the info in that webpage is very old, incorrect or just assumptions. So she recommends the fans not to take the wiki’s info as canon.  
19.   Alastor is like 7 feet tall and Angel 9, they are really big. (She still doesn’t have a size chart but I guess with those confirmed heights someone could calculate the other’s)  
20.   There will be a husk plushie? In this moment they are making new plushies and new merchandise of Helluva, but because plushies are expensive, is necessary to do only characters on demand and Viv doesn’t know how many people would be interested in buying a Husk plushie.  
21.   Arackniss would be redesigned when he appears in the show alongside with other old characters of Viv that could appear in Hazbin.  
22.   Velvet is a trendy stylish social media sinner and she gets along with Vox because they like technology and they try to know the most about technology advances. Something that separates them from Alastor because he doesn’t like those new artifacts at all.
23.   Velvet is really good at making food and potions
24.   Stolas is a born in hell demon and he is “a different level of demon”. Something that will be explored in Helluva.  
25.   Viv likes the fanon human version of Alastor. She says is very accurate because human Alastor would never have the same hairstyle he has now as a demon
26.   Viv doesn’t want the Voice Actors of her shows “to double up” (one VA making the voice of two or more characters), she likes every character to have their own VA, with the clear exception of background characters.  Because of this, there could be a new voice actor for Millie, while Erika would stay as the voice of Loona.
27.   After some thinking, Viv has decided for Cherri to be Australian.
28.   Viv would prefer a movie instead of a videogame about Hazbin.  
29.  Angel can play the accordion and other instruments but…not very well
30.  Husk can play the sax.  
31.  Vox and Velvet have real names, most sinners do. They prefer to be called by nicknames in order to leave their past names and human lives behind.
32.  Angel Dust real name is Anthony!!! 
34.  ….Alastor’s real name is Alastor (lol)
35.   Al doesn’t like nicknames so he decided to use his real name in hell and not change it (but he must have a last name isn’t it?)
(I want to thank @kiddoryder​ for helping me in the last lists I have made with some names I dont know about or some phrases I dont understand, thank you!) 
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palettepainter · 6 years
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You know I REALLY love Rosie! She looks so fancy and pretty and gawd I love her! Also, Merry Poppins is one of my favourite female characters - and to have a character form Vivziepop like Rosie, who reminds me so much of Merry Poppins, YES PLEASE!! So Vivziepop stated in a tweet that Rosie and Alastor have a similar relationship like Merry Poppins and Jack - uhm, DOUBLE YES!! Once I found this out I HAD to draw Rosie spending time with Alastor's kids Velvet and Francis - played around once again with Velvet's design, gave her Alastor's eyes and the same pattern on the ears, not sure if the eyes will stick but I think I prefer the ears like this. And the clothes Francis and Velvet are wearing are their casual clothes for outings with their parents/family or with Auntie Rosie ^^ I have a few ideas for Rosie, not sure if some of these will stick but eh, I'll scribble them down here: Rosie, well mannered and level headed lady is well know throughout high society and is seen as an absolute doll. Her parents gave her a very good uprising and for a large portion of her life Rosie did work for the Hell royal family (I am talking about Damian's family), she was the head of house amount the staff but left her work at the palace to pursue her own pathway - she passed her role as head of house onto her younger twin sister, Hilda. (This part may change later, but if you want to suggest any ideas please feel free!) She is a nanny/babysitter for hire as well as being one of the more powerful members within Hell's council committee, a committee that lays out and constructs the law across the 9 circles, and Rosie is one of the representatives of the circle that she resides in. Alastor was the first genuine friend she made once she left the palace and the two immediately become the best of pals! Bursting out randomly into song, dancing in the street - you name it they've done it. However ever since the happy hotel came into existence the deer and Rosie lost contact for a while, with Rosie as well as others having to deal with the press and the Hell citizens from the sudden news of this Happy hotel. However Rosie arrives at the hotel faster then you can say 'supercalifragilisticexpialidocious' when Alastor gleefully rings up that his daughter, Velvet, has be born. Rosie probably would have kicked down the door with her own foot if she didn't have a good image and reputation to uphold. Rosie FUCKING ADORES Velvet! And dots over her constantly! She is Velvet's go to nanny/babysitter and little Velvet grows up absolutely loving her Auntie Rosie! Rosie is more then happy when Velvet grows up into a beautiful young lady. As with Francis, Rosie is a bit more protective of the small little boy, because she is very much unaware of why Francis is so skittish, she snatches the poor boy under her protective wing. Francis grows up very close to Auntie Rosie! She's the bestest baby sitter he could ask for!! And just like Velvet had a crush on Mr. Marx, Francis has a crush on Auntie Rosie. And that's all I got for Rosie! May add some more stuff here later or may dedicate a whole headcannon to her in the future - I really love her character and I hope we get to see more of her in the future or maybe in HH! Rosie - Vivziepop Velvet/Francis - me
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zatyrlucy · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons for the Hazbin Hotel characters?
I took my time for this because I really like Hazbin so I have a lot of Head Canons of the protagonists. I didn’t do the other characters (maybe someday) because otherwise, this post would be long af. Thank you for sending the question and being patient ;)  
- She was a prostitute - She also has a real name, “Vaggie” is just a nickname- I hope her real name to be latino and starting with V, like Veronica or Viviana.  - She probably got killed by a man, one of her clients- Very aggressive, an angry little doll - Charlie is the only one that can calm her down- She fell in love with Charlie because she was the only demon who was good with her when she gets in hell - She probably spent the first years in hell alone until she met Charlie- When she gets really angry she has the same red aura the old Hazbin Hotel’s Vaggie had - She lost her eye in her first fight with a demon - She probably run away from her family at a young age when she was alive due to abuse, or she maybe she was an orphan. Either way, she was without her parents most of her life (most prostitutes in latinoamerica are young women without families). - Her parents are probably alive or in heaven (I don’t think we will see them in the show)  - She is like a prince in shining armor for Charlie (especially because she is the only one who gets Charlie out of trouble)- She loves Charlie a f*cking lot- She is not very romantic but she tries - She doesn’t like to be touched by anyone, except for Charlie of course 
Angel Dust (I don’t have that many HC for him xD) 
- His dad hates him because of being “the weirdo of the family”  - Now in hell, his dad hates him more because Angel is not only gay but also a drag queen - he was the best at killing of all the gangster family - he might have died alone in the middle of a rain of bullets in the mafia wars of Italy- His “bigger demon form” has the appearance of a real spider- All his family is in hell except for his mother (she is probably in heaven) - He doesn’t like his family and he never wants to see them, except for molly  
- Very elegant guy, always acting like a gentleman, no matter what - Even his insults sound very smart and elegant - Almost never uses a bad word- He is always with his cane- The cane can produce music on its own and that helps him to do musical numbers out of nowhere - He likes to sing, a lot. He would sing even with his worst enemy - Likes to change outfits depending on the situation  - He used to be a high-class person when he was alive- The fact of being influential and rich in life helped him to kill peoplea lot  - When he started from 0 in hell he knew he needed money and influence to be powerful again - He is besties with Rosie- Rosie is her only friend of all the “most powerful demons” group - He can regenerate quicker than other demons. E.g he could break all his bones and next minute be fine again - His “bigger demon form” is like a big voodoo doll with big deer horns - He doesn’t like to drink much, but he is good at it, almost impossible to get him drunk - Smokes too. From time to time he can be seen with that classic 20s wood pipe - Very gentle and flirtatious with ladies when he wants- He adores Mimzy but he is so busy doing evil plans he doesn’t visit her often - Loves himself a lot, very egocentric boi - He knows a lot of voodoo spells - He doesn’t need to carry a book around he knows already all the symbols and magic words that need to be said (Very powerful boi). - Because of his egocentric personality, he has never had a girlfriend and much less a wife when he was alive. - Mimzy was her only friend when both were alive.- Still, he probably killed Mimzy. - His parents are probably in heaven or were killed in hell. 
- Mama’s and daddy’s girl - Disney princess of hell - She has a lot of power but wouldn’t hurt a fly - Sometimes she tries to be rude in front of others…she tries- Her “bigger demon form” is incredibly powerful, big horns, red eyes and, why not? even big demon wings, but again, she wouldn’t dare to hurt a fly - Despite being a pacifist she knows how to protect herself and be out of trouble, the few times she need help, Vaggie goes to the rescue - She like parties - She loves musicals and to sing everywhere - Little animals of hell like when she sings (like a Disney princess) - She likes to change outfits depending on the situation (like long dresses) - Her parents probably left her in charge of hell while they are doing something important in another circle of the underworld or the mortal world - She is very organized and responsible- She likes to recompense Vaggie with little kisses or hugs when she does something good. And that totally melts the poor Salvadorian girl - She is very romantic (like to give big gestures)
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