#alastor's paternal grandmother
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Alastor Rips Apart His Grandmother's Soul
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labyrinthofsphinx · 22 days
Does Alastor have any family other than his mom?
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Unlike Vox, Al is an only child. So was his father. His paternal grandparents have both passed. The only side of that family tree that are still around are extended cousins aaaand most of them just want 'their family estate' back into 'proper family hands'. A problem for a different day, perhaps? :)
He has some living family on his mother's side, but he's never met them, unfortunately. They kinda...stopped talking to Al's mother after she found out she was pregnant with Al, so he's only ever known them from the stories she'd tell. From those stories, he knows he has an aunt and a grandmother still alive somewhere.
Otherwise, he fully considers Rosie as close as family. He's been her best man and walked her down the aisle for her last four weddings (She was married three times before ever meeting Al).
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asharkapologist · 5 hours
Hhhmmm..... Giulietta please😁✨
Because I love her so much, can you do a headcannon for her?🙂
YESSS! I was hoping someone would ask for Giulietta headcanons because I love her so much as well ahhh
As always, spoilers for Mysteries of the Past!
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After the trauma of Crimson Banks, she left Concordia to live with her paternal grandmother (Vittorio mentioned his mother in one case, and I’m headcanoning that she’s still alive because please give Giulietta a break). She returned to Concordia about a year after Lucrezia’s death to visit her grave, which happened to be shortly after Lawson took power, and, well, she knew she had to do something. 
Thanks to the extenuating, unusual, extreme circumstances of Jaubert’s death, she and Enzo were found not guilty when they turned themselves in, given it was self-defense, they turned themselves in, they were trying to save the lives of the political prisoners from a dictator, and they were trying to take down the regime. 
She liked Vinnie and saw him as a bit of a cousin, given how he was close to her family, especially after his father was killed. Her father supported Vinnie, who was young when Vinnie’s father Giovanni died, with the expectation that Vinnie would join his mafia/gang. Giulietta saw Vinnie a lot and the two of them got along well. 
She remained close to Enzo throughout the rest of their lives. (Whether platonically or romantically is up to you.) 
She and Enzo were outspoken activists for the rest of their lives, with them working towards workplace safety, female suffrage, social safety nets for the less fortunate, rights for immigrants, and the elimination of child labor.
She always kept the music box her father gave her, the ring with the photo of Lucrezia in it, the locket she gifted Seamus, and a locket with a picture of Seamus in it with her at all times. 
One of her biggest regrets in her life was how she treated Lucrezia before her death, and how some of her last words to her sister were selfish and unkind. She deeply regretted not being kinder to her sister.
After the dust had settled after Capitol Peak, she apologized to Maddie and the player for pointing her gun at them during In Love and War, considering she’d been feeling awful about doing so for quite some time after that case, but never got a chance to apologize properly to them. They assured her they had forgiven her long ago.
She was never able to wear the yellow dress she wore in Crimson Banks again, as it held too many bad memories regarding the worst day of her life. 
It’s implied that this is already canon, but Giulietta and Seamus met when he was delivering invitations for Mr. Alastor’s parties. (Ironic.)
Speaking of Archie, when he was in police custody before he was released to get sent to Europe, Giulietta overheard her father plotting with his men to kill Archie for what he'd done to Lucrezia and Giulietta. At the time, she had half a mind to join in on such an attack, considering how horrified and disgusted she was by him and how Lucrezia's death was a very fresh wound.
When Giulietta and Seamus had their first proper conversation in the distillery in Blue Blazes, they ended up talking about their recent heartaches--Seamus’ mother being sent back to Ireland in the first case and Lucrezia dying--and when Giulietta started to cry, he gave her a handkerchief to wipe her eyes. It was a bit dirty, but Giulietta thought it was the sweetest gesture. 
Giulietta and Seamus shared several kisses on her balcony when Vittorio wasn’t around. 
She is immensely afraid of sharks. I don’t know why, I just can see that, even though I love sharks. Luckily for her, she died peacefully of old age before Jaws came out.
She lived a relatively long, mostly happy life after the events of the game, because seriously, she deserves it.
Thanks again for requesting her!
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venisontransmission · 7 months
Alastor technically does have some French ancestry, but his maternal side is mostly Haitian! His paternal side is British/French/American. His first language is English but his mother and grandmother taught him Hatian Creole. He can speak French - but not well.
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kahran042 · 2 years
My Harry Potter OCs
Since gold, silver, and platinum are already taken, I call them the "Iridium Trio" after my personal favorite precious metal. Enjoy!
Conrad Tristram Griffith Birthdate: 3 June 1978 Ancestry: Pure-blood Family: Parents Lionel Griffith and Desdemona Griffith (née Rosier), younger sister Daena Griffith, paternal grandparents Tristram Griffith and Proserpina Griffith (née Malfoy), maternal grandmother Phoebe Rosier (née Greengrass), paternal aunt Wilmot Bolloré (née Griffith), uncle Vitalis Bolloré, first cousin Urien Bolloré, paternal uncle Cador Griffith, aunt Euphemia Griffith (née Travers), first cousin Tamara Griffith, paternal great-uncle Abraxas Malfoy, paternal great-aunt Cordelia Malfoy (née Wilkes), first cousin once removed Lucius Malfoy, second cousin Draco Malfoy, paternal great-uncle Matthias Nott, first cousin once removed Theodore Nott, maternal great-aunt Druella Black (née Rosier), maternal great-uncle Cygnus Black Friends: Aislinn Gilchrist, Edmund Blackwell, Adrian Pucey, Graham Montague, Cassius Warrington, Rhys Prosser. Childhood home: Griffith Manse, Cornwall Pet: Kalim (melanistic Maine coon cat) Eye color: Stormy grey Hair color: Long, black, fine Other physical characteristics: Thin and muscular. First year at Hogwarts: 1989 House: Slytherin Quidditch: Reserve Keeper for Slytherin House team 1991-1996 Awards, etc.: Prefect 1993-1996 Wand: Hawthorn and dragon heartstring, eleven inches. Broomstick: Nimbus 1700 Organizations and affiliations: Slytherin reserve Quidditch Keeper, dueling club Skills: Quidditch, Potions, Arithmancy Patronus: Hippogriff Boggart: Alastor Moody Other facts
Like most Slytherin prefects, he took snakelets under his wing. His favorites included his younger sister Daena, her friend Lydia Culhain, and future Quidditch star Emmanuel Vaisey.
He has a complex relationship with Daena, who was always their parents’ favorite, which led him to resent her. However, she had always been a loving sister to him, which made him feel guilty for his feelings of resentment.
Being a pure-blood, he is related to all of the other pure-blood families. In addition to the relatives listed above, Evan Rosier was his uncle, and through his great-uncle Cygnus, he's related to everyone named on the Black Tapestry.
Alastor Moody is somewhat of a family "boogey man", which is why Moody is his boggart.
He wasn't a member of the Inquisitorial Squad, but still disliked the Defense Association for what they did to his friend and roommate Graham Montague.
He's fluent in French due to having relatives in Brittany, who his family visit every summer.
His cousin Urien was part of the Beauxbatons delegation during the Triwizard Tournament.
TV Tropes that apply to him:
Bi The Way: He had a slight boycrush on Snape throughout his school years.
Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The brunet to Edmund's blond and Aislinn's redhead.
Brainy Brunet
Cool Big Bro
Genius Sweet Tooth
Long-Haired Pretty Boy
Proud Beauty: A rare male example.
Real Men Wear Pink: Generally very masculine, but has long hair and takes pride in his androgynous good looks.
Aislinn Maeve Gilchrist Ancestry: Half-blood. Family: Parents Diarmuid Gilchrist and Caitlin Gilchrist, aunt Diahann Gilchrist Friends: Conrad Griffith, Edmund Blackwell Birthdate: 1 March 1978 Location of childhood home: Ireland. Pet: Tawny owl Eye color: Blue. Hair color: Strawberry blonde, wavy, just below shoulder-length First year at Hogwarts: 1989 House: Slytherin Quidditch: N/A Awards, etc.: Prefect 1993-1996 Wand: Ash and unicorn hair, twelve inches Broomstick: None Organizations & affiliations: Charms club, dueling club. Skills: Charms, Potions, Astronomy. Patronus: Fox Boggart: Her father disowning her Other facts
Her father Diarmuid is a registered Animagus who turns into a fox, which is why her Patronus is a fox.
Her father and her aunt Diahann were an example of twins being sorted into different houses - Diarmuid into Ravenclaw and Diahann into Hufflepuff.
She resents Quidditch getting more attention than other clubs and activities, and will only attend games if Conrad is playing.
She had a crush on Conrad for a while, but later realized that she had feelings for his sister Daena. They officially became a couple three years after the Second Wizarding Gang Rumble.
TV Tropes that apply to her:
Bi The Way
Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The redhead to Conrad's brunet and Edmund's blond.
Daddy's Girl
Fiery Redhead
Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Edmund's blue.
Tomboy with a Girly Streak
Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Daena's Girly Girl.
Edmund Thomas Blackwell Ancestry: M*ggl*-born (paternal great-grandmother was a Squib). Family: Parents Herbert Blackwell and Martha Blackwell, older brother Christopher Blackwell, younger sister Allison Blackwell Friends: Conrad Griffith, Aislinn Gilchrist, Adrian Pucey, Graham Montague, Rhys Prosser Birthdate: 17 February 1978 Location of childhood home: Northern England Pet: None Eye color: Hazel. Hair color: Ash blonde, short in the front, long in the back. Started growing a beard at 15. Other physical characteristics: Tall and solidly-built. First year at Hogwarts: 1989 House: Slytherin Quidditch: N/A Awards, etc.: None Wand: Rowan and phoenix feather, twelve and three-quarters inches Broomstick: None Organizations & affiliations: Dueling club Skills: Potions, Transfiguration, dueling. Patronus: Alsatian Boggart: A giant snake
He always felt overlooked as the middle child of his siblings, so he was ecstatic after getting his Hogwarts letter, because that made him the special one for once.
Although he doesn’t look like it, he’s a voracious reader. His favorite genre is historical fiction.
As a M*ggl*-born, he was distraught at being sorted into Slytherin, but was surprised to be not only be accepted, but welcomed.
Through his Squib great-grandmother, he is a third cousin to Kevin of "You bust slug!" fame.
Unlike most Hogwarts students, he actually enjoys History of Magic. In fact, he was the only one of the Iridium Trio to get his History NEWT.
He was the Slytherin in his year who tried to swim down to the common room window.
Ironically, he's afraid of snakes.
He’s also afraid of heights, which is why he doesn’t play Quidditch despite having a good Beater’s build.
His Patronus is an Alsatian because he has one at home.
He was disappointed that he wasn't old enough to put his name in the Goblet of Fire, but after Cedric's death, he realized that if he had put his name in and been chosen, he would be dead, causing him to enter a period of existential angst.
TV Tropes that apply to him:
Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: The blond to Conrad's brunet and Aislinn's redhead.
Face of a Thug: Despite being the most menacing-looking of the Iridium Trio, he’s also the kindest.
Gentle Giant
Middle Child Syndrome
Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Aislinn's red.
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royalynx · 3 years
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(   *  💀  /  daniel ezra, cis male, he/him  )  —  is that kingsley shacklebolt i just saw rushing down the corridor? i hear they’re a twenty two year old gryffindor, returning for their seventh school year, but their friends would tell you that they are grounded & commanding as well as opinionated & strong-willed. if you want to know more about them, i guess i could tell you that they’re pureblood, and from what i hear, they’re currently allying with the order. when our divination professor looks into their crystal ball, they see: the calming presence in the back of the room, muggle records hidden in drawers, steaming mugs of tea, the warmth of a hug, the burn of quiet fury.
CHARACTER INSPIRATION: Luke Cage (Jessica Jones), Kingsley Shacklebolt (Books: Order of the Phoenix through Deathly Hallows), Jake Reilly (Private Practice), Terry Jeffords (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Alphonso ‘Mack’ Mackenzie (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.), Matt Simmons (Criminal Minds), Odafin Tutuola (Law and Order: SVU), Spencer James (All American).
LINKS: Pinterest (Coming Soon). Playlist (Coming Soon).
full name ➵ Kingsley Akiel Shacklebolt
nicknames ➵ King; Kings; Kas; Shack; Shacklebolt; Royal
pronouns ➵ he/him/his
orientation ➵ bisexual biromantic
birthdate / age ➵ May 8th, 1957, 15:32 am / 22 years old
birthplace ➵ Birmingham, England
childhood home ➵ Birmingham, England
current residence ➵ Hogwarts, Scotland
religion ➵ atheist
occupation ➵ full - time student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry
height ➵ 5 feet, 10 1/2 inches / 179 cm
weight ➵ 78 kg / 171lb
body type ➵ mesomorph ( athletic; generally hard body; well defined muscles; rectangular shaped body; strong; gains muscle easily; gains fat easily )
hair ➵ black, shaved/cropped 
eye color ➵ dark brown
dominant hand ➵ ambidextrous
FC ➵ Daniel Ezra
voice ➵ Daniel Ezra
special characteristics ➵
tattoo of a lion on the back of his neck that roars when danger is near
acne scars on cheeks
perfect posture
smells of ➵
broom wax
lavender, anise, basil, bergamot and lemon; geranium, ylang-ylang and jasmine; oakmoss, vetiver, tonka bean, patchouli, vanilla and sandalwood - Brut by Faberge
zodiac ➵ taurus sun (x); virgo rising; virgo moon
MBTI ➵ ISTJ (“The Logistician”)
positive traits ➵  grounded; commanding; courageous; considerate; observant; dedicated; forbearing to an almost mind-boggling degree; put-together; knowledgeable; self-reliant.
neutral traits ➵ fearless; calming; stolid; diplomatic; paternalistic.
negative traits ➵ opinionated; strong-willed; quiet; stubborn; high-minded; aloof to some; reticent; stoic; overcritical; has very high expectations of himself & others.
likes ➵ playing Quidditch; freshly baked bread; playing Gobstones at 3am; a warm bed; muggle record players; purple; watching the sea; forehead kisses; DADA; organized notes; wearing rings; honeycakes; David Bowie; dragonhide boots; chocolate frogs; firedrakes; Charms; Firewhiskey; watching the fire in the Gryffindor common room; twenty; red wine; laughing with Frank and Alastor; Transfiguration; The Beatles; his sister
dislikes ➵ legilimency; bigotry; raisins in chocolate; Divination; messy desks; foggy London; Sacred 28; people flaking on him; his team losing Quidditch matches; pumpkin juice; using school brooms; sushi; magic quills; pixies; History of Magic; the treatment of squibs by wizarding society; muddy orange; gigglewater; the texture of mushrooms; feeling unsettled; licorice; rollercoasters; toads; the word mudblood; Turkish delight
amortentia ➵
freshly cut grass
roast chicken dinner
blood status ➵ pureblood
wand ➵ Alder wood with cherry trailed over the front like the path of a river, or a lightning bolt, White River Monster spine core, 14 and a 1/4 inches, solid
whilst Alder makes for an unyielding wood, its ideal owner is not stubborn or obstinate, but often helpful, considerate and most likeable. Whereas most wand woods seek similarity in the characters of those they will best serve, alder is unusual in that it seems to desire a nature that is, if not precisely opposite to its own, then certainly of a markedly different type. When an alder wand is happily placed, it becomes a magnificent, loyal helpmate. Of all wand types, alder is best suited to non-verbal spell work, whence comes its reputation for being suitable only for the most advanced witches and wizards. (Cherry, a very rare wand wood creates a wand of strange power, most highly prized by the wizarding students of the school of Mahoutokoro in Japan, where those who own cherry wands have special prestige. The Western wand-purchaser should dispel from their minds any notion that the pink blossom of the living tree makes for a frivolous or merely ornamental wand, for cherry wood often makes a wand that possesses truly lethal power, whatever the core, but if teamed with dragon heartstring, the wand ought never to be teamed with a wizard without exceptional self-control and strength of mind.) The use of a  White River Monster spine produced spells of force and elegance. 
patronus ➵ Lynx
Hogwarts class ➵ Gryffindor, 1981
extracurriculars ➵
Gryffindor Prefect / September 1980 - June 1981
Captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team / September 1979 - June 1981
Gryffindor Chaser / October 1975 - June 1981
Charms Club / September 1975 - June 1981
Toothill Duelling Club / September 1978 - June 1981
Slug Club / December 1977 - June 1981
courses & exams ➵
Ancient Runes - O
Charms - O
Defense Against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - O
Arithmancy - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - O
Transfiguration - O
Care of Magical Creatures - O
now studying Alchemy ( predicted an O )
health ➵
strawberry allergy
pets ➵ 
Archimedes; the family owl ( great horned owl )
handwriting ➵ Sebastian Bobby
Ora Shacklebolt (nee Kayoude) ➵ paternal grandmother; socialite; alive
Kingsley Shacklebolt I ➵ grandfather; Wizengamot member; alive
Yara Audley (nee Idowu) ➵ maternal grandmother; homeschooled; apothecary worker; alive
Akiel Audley ➵ maternal grandfather; homeschooled; Quidditch supply store owner; alive
Alaric Shacklebolt I ➵ father; Gryffindor; Senior Auror for the DMLE; alive
Meera Shacklebolt ➵ mother; homeschooled (opted out of attending Ilvermorny / Hogwarts); apothecary worker; alive
Eralia Audley ➵ maternal aunt; homeschooled; Senior Assistant to the Jamaican Minister of Magic; alive
Gabrielle Shacklebolt ➵ paternal aunt; Hufflepuff; Ministry employee; alive
Edward Shacklebolt (took wife’s name) ➵ paternal uncle; Hufflepuff; job; alive
Khenan Shacklebolt ➵ paternal uncle; Ravenclaw; curse breaker for Gringotts; alive
Kingsley Akiel Shacklebolt (II) ➵ self; Gryffindor; Future Senior Auror for the DMLE; alive
Bianca Omnira Shacklebolt ➵ sister; fifth year Ravenclaw; unknown future; alive
his parents used to say he was born for diplomacy. that’s what they’d drilled into him since he was born: fight the good fight, be honest and good and stay calm, always. they can only catch you off guard when you aren’t. he’d always been somewhat of a natural diplomat — the oldest child, expectations hung from his shoulders as if they were coats and he, a coat rack. he’d always been a quiet child, somewhat unassuming, almost shy, content to play and be alone, often found even as a baby, simply amusing himself with his fist over crying, wailing for attention. when they attended the galas and balls befitting of a family part of the sacred 28, little changed. in fact, he was praised for it — how level-headed he was, even when all he wanted to do was scream and shout and set fire to the curtains by the window to stop them yammering on about the importance of blood purity and their precious, precious privilege, how he smiled politely and shook hands and never, ever made a scene. he hated them. he hated every last one of them. their fake smiles and empty eyes, how they hated for no reason and believed themselves to be superior — a kernel of a fallacy that kingsley, even as a child, could never subscribe to.
but kingsley was nothing if not a good man, and a good son, and so, he stayed silent — at least, to everyone who never crossed the boundaries of their home. to them, kingsley was a young wizard who showed particular promise in their circle, but to those who saw him at home, his internal torture over it was obvious. he had muggle neighbours, even muggle friends, people who made him laugh and gave his parents presents when his beloved baby sister was born, and he could not abide the dual life his parents were living. when they were home, they were tolerant — amused, even, by the muggles they surrounded themselves with, something his mother always said was to keep them grounded, because she’d already lost one sibling to pureblood mania and refused to lose herself, or her husband, or either of her children. when they were at the galas, they were cold, a little aloof, they laughed along with jokes at muggles expenses, they shook hands, ate appetisers, danced and never seemed to show any remorse for the roles they had to play those nights, though he knew they had to feel guilty (he hoped they felt guilty.) he knew they felt they had to do it to survive — to thrive, even, in a world in which they weren’t always welcome, but he hates it.
he loves his family. kingsley loves them with every part of him, loves his younger sister with his entire heart, is never not seen at home without her practically hanging off his ankles, and then his knees, and then his hips, until she’s too tall and too old for that, he loves his mother and relishes her hugs and the way she always knows what to say to make him feel better, he loves his father and that deep, slow river of calm that seems to run through him, the same river kingsley has always felt took root in him, but he hates their legacy. he hates their part in the sacred twenty eight. he hates every part of it. he hates that they agreed to this — to what feels like a mortal lock, an unbreakable vow, tying themselves to this until the end of time. he hates that he understands why — their blood runs pure, he knows, in other wizards standards, but knowing what the sacred twenty eight stands for? what it really represents? kingsley thinks that their blood is the blood that’s dirty, that they’re the ones who ought to be ashamed of themselves for their existence, that they’re the ones who value opulence and power over people’s lives and that makes them wrong and evil and undeserving of their magic. it’s the first time — the only time — his parents have ever seen him truly angry — he remembers it well, being fourteen and all uncontrolled fury for the first time, how the quiet anger had burned and swelled under his skin until he couldn’t hold it in anymore, and how he’d made all the glass windows in the dining room shatter, the glass raining like sand when his father waved it away with a swish of his wand, kingsley’s chest heaving as he yells, raging against their indifference, feeling oddly soothed when his mother pulls him into his arms and whispers that she’s sorry. she’s sorry. she knows, she knows. he wishes that were enough — that apology, that acknowledgement that they were — are — hypocrites.
even still, his love for his family, flaws and all, remains, though he’s slowly pulled back from any engagement with the pureblood world over the years. he’s very proud to be his father’s son — the son of an auror, recipient of the order of merlin second class — and his mother’s. he’s proud to be his sister’s big brother, her protector. he’s even more proud when he gets his letter to hogwarts, confirming what they all already knew — magic is strong in the shacklebolt family. he picks up the family wand, purchased in america in the early 1920s — alder with cherry trailed over the front like the path of a river, or a lightning bolt, white river monster spine core, fourteen and a quarter inches, solid — and he feels a piece of himself slots firmly into place. hogwarts is where his father went, where his father’s father went (over ilvermorny), and though he can no longer pretend to be complacent to their every whim in regards to the sacred twenty eight (something which both his parents have since begun to shun), he knows getting sorted into gryffindor would make them both proud, and that’s what he wants, so that’s what be did — the bat barely touched his head before declaring him a gryffindor. even now, as a twenty two year old seventh year on the brink of graduating into a fully fledged war, he wants to make them proud. he wants to be a pillar of strength, safety, tolerance, love, support, he wants to be the friendly face ushering people to safety, he wants to be the one raining hellfire down on the prejudiced idiots who think that they’re any different to anyone else, with magic or without, on this planet, that they’re superior in any way because of their blood.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor Ascension Arc
Alastor Ascension Arc
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 Part 1: 1896-1933 Human Life in New Orleans
Part 2: 1933 Arrival in Hell
Part 3: 1933-1940s Meeting Rosie and Mimzy
Part 4: 1950-1952 Making a Deal with Niffty
Part 5: 1953-1966 Alastor vs Vox
Part 6: 1970-1975: Making a Deal with Husk
Part 7: Alastor Prequel Comic
 Part 8: Alastor in the Pilot: That’s (Alastor’s) Entertainment!
Part 9: Alastor on Hazbinstagram
 Part 10: Alastor’s Parents
Part 11: Three Vs Attack Pt 1
Part 12: Manipulating Charlie and the Magnes
Part 13: Evil Charlie Unleashed
Part 14: Alastor Temporarily Takes Over Hell
Part 15: Rosie’s Deception
Part 16: Eldritch Family Rise
Part 17: Three Vs Attack Pt 2
Part 18: Adina influences Alastor
Part 19: Heaven and Hell War, Alastor joins Hell’s rebellion
Part 20: Alastor’s Redemption – Mother Reunite and Heaven
Part 1: 1896-1933 Human Life in New Orleans
“Murder On The Air”
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Art by Ashley Nicholas
“You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
  Chapter One: “Down in New Orleans”
  Alastor Roscoe Moreau (A.M.) is born January 24th 1896 (VA born Jan 24th 1986) to his parents in New Orleans, Louisiana. Alastor has medium olive brown skin, short brown hair and brown eyes with glasses. He is lanky and thin but appears stronger than he looks. He often wears nice shirts with bow ties and dark pants and shoes. He wears overalls, boots and the occasional straw hat whenever he hunts or explores the woods and swamps outside. During his rise to fame, he wears fancy suits and top hats, complete with a microphone cane with golden antlers.
 Armand Louis Moreau is Alastor’s French Canadian white father. He is a tall strong man with white skin, dark brown hair and a beard. His hobbies include going to church, hunting, taxidermy and drinking with his friends. Armand meets his wife and they soon fell in love. But Armand’s parents, Eugene and Manette disapprove of his interracial marriage. He becomes distant with them, only allowed to be back in the family when he divorces his wife.
 Antoinette Loretta Moreau (formerly Duvalier) is Alastor’s French Creole mother. She has short curly black hair and dark brown skin, often wears cotton dresses and round ladies’ hats in bold red. She is part African American and part Native American and can speak Haitian Creole. In secret, away from her Christian husband, she asks her ancestors for guidance and reveres the Loa and saints, sitting at an altar she made. Antoinette’s white mother, Odette is a Voodoo Queen who reveres Yemaya and the saints. Odette’s husband, Mathis, is an African American musician, who later helps Alastor start a music career. Armand’s parents wanted Antoinette to abort her child as Alastor was perceived as a “troubled mixed child of sin,” but she refused. Manette offers to put Alastor in an insane asylum “for his own good”, but Antoinette fights back to keep him. Mathis was also wary of Alastor, but later grew to like him, while Alastor’s paternal grandparents always treated their grandson like he was stupid and dirty.
  Antoinette is the one who taught Alastor all his favorite hobbies: cooking, sewing, Voodoo rituals, French and playing instruments. From her, Alastor learned how to play the piano, sing and dance while listening to the gramophone in their living room. At school, Alastor loved theater and leaned to play the trumpet, violin, saxophone, and piano. He also improves on his dancing and singing. Alastor is bullied for being mixed, doing women’s work and not liking girls.
 New Orleans culture is introduced, along with popular festivals, 1900s language and Haitian Creole. Armand and Antoinette briefly talk in French as well.
  Chapter Two: “Runnin’ Wild”
 Early 1900’s Alastor’s youth
 In his early innocent days, Alastor goes with his family to theater shows and Mardi Gras festivals. He eats king cake and watches jazz bands play. As a kid, Alastor is marveled by the colors, sights and sounds of the parades, costumes and delicious Creole food. Young Alastor is oblivious to the fact that others look down on the Moreau family for their interracial marriage. The insults affect Armand, reminding him of his chiding parents, but Antoinette insists that they must keep raising their son to be strong and kind. Alastor meets his uncle and aunt and cousins, celebrating St. John’s Day, Christmas and Fet Gede (All Soul’s Day). Alastor could often be found playing in the woods and the swamp. He even makes friends with the alligators while keeping a safe distance from them.
  Chapter Three: “What a Wonderful World”
 Early 1900’s more Alastor childhood and learning
 Alastor’s mother teaches him how to make jambalaya and the dish becomes his favorite food. It nearly killed her when a drunken Antoinette put gunpowder in the pan and it blew up in her face. Antoinette would always tell Alastor, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile,” and Alastor smiled ever since. Alastor likes black coffee, hard liquor, deer meat and elegant meals. Alastor does not like tea, Oreos, strawberries, canned foods or anything sweet.
 Alastor also learns Native American myths from his mother, including one about the Wendigo. (Alastor’s shadow and full demon form would be associated with the Wendigo monster).
For the only time in his life, Alastor enjoys being around dogs without fear. Despite being perceived as “abnormal” by many, he is one of the nicest kids around. He reads a lot, and really got into cookbooks and joke books. Alastor and his mother dance together to the gramophone, singing together in pure bliss.
  Alastor starts school in 1901 at age 5. He learns Creole from his mother and some French as well.
 When Alastor goes to school, he eventually joins the band, despite him being bullied by both whites and kids of color.
 Chapter Four: “When The Saints Go Marching In”
 Early 1900s, Voodoo rituals
 Along with sewing, cooking, and dancing, Antoinette also teaches Alastor about Voodoo/Hoodoo rituals, along with his Grandmother Odette Duvalier.
 Alastor sews Voodoo dolls (but doesn’t use them to harm others), collects animal parts and herbs, later using them to curse the houses and hideouts of criminals. He learns the veves of the Loa and conducts rituals with red and black candles. He uses alligator blood for healing magic.
 Alastor learns how to consecrate objects, mediate in front of altars and how to connect with his ancestors. He learns of Antoinette’s Native American heritage. He eventually connects with the Loa, most of all to Met Kalfu, the fiery trickster Loa. He learns of his mother and grandmother being prominent Voodoo queens/figures in New Orleans. Antoinette had to curb back her involvement ever since she married Armand, but Odette still maintained her strong connection to the community. Antoinette and Alastor frequently do rituals out in nature, always showing respect to Papa Legba, the Loa of the Crossroads first. Ironically, the child-like Papa Legba and his dogs shared a spiritual connection with the young boy before Legba’s Petro aspect Kalfu took over as Alastor grew up.
 (The dogs being part of Alastor’s death could represent the consequence of Alastor abandoning his innocence and former faith in his family/ancestors. The dog is sacred to Papa Legba and Ogun, Loa of iron and warriors/hunters).
 Odette and Antoinette warn Alastor not to use magic and Voodoo for evil (which he later does anyway). His spirituality would reflect what path he goes down. Antoinette told Alastor that Voodoo magic is used for healing and guidance. Alastor formerly used Voodoo magic for good until being corrupted by the dark influences of the Goetic demons and Met Kalfu. Antoinette reveres the Rada Loa and discovers that Alastor has a spiritual connection to Met Kalfu, a Petro Loa. This explains Alastor’s affinity with fire magic.
 Odette and Antoinette’s hidden magic is a reddish blue, the colors of the Petro and Rada mixed. Alastor’s magic eventually becomes Petro red. In 1919 after making deals with Gnostic demons Abaddon, Furfur etc. (kill souls on Earth as sacrifices to gain more power in the afterlife), his magic becomes exclusively evil and powerful. As a consequence, he loses touch with his ancestors and the other Loa after the deaths of his parents. (Souls can use magic in other worlds but lays dormant on Earth).
 Alastor later gets his magic in hell with Kalfu’s influence and on Earth, he calls upon Ogun to assist him with using knives, axes and other weapons. None of the Loa accept human sacrifices but the Gnostic demons do, thus how Alastor gained more souls and eventual power.
 Antoinette notices her husband slowly growing more distant from his son as Alastor bonds with her more.
 Chapter Five: “Smile”
 1903: age 7
 At first, Armand is friendly with Alastor, watching with pride as he grows up. But as time goes on, he becomes more distant and harsh. Armand’s exposure to church made him believe that Alastor was a spawn of the Devil. He forces Alastor and his mother to memorize parts of the Bible and to pray to God every day. When they refuse, they get beaten up. Antoinette always cries in despair when she has to watch her son get beaten and whipped. She gets beaten up as well when she doesn’t clean the house or cook food to his liking. When Armand displays more “appropriate manly” behavior, he receives approval from his male friends and his parents.
 During the better moments, Armand teaches Alastor how to hunt for game, prepare deer meat and skin deer for fur and deer heads. He also taught him some French. Armand has a taxidermy collection at the family cabin, even having his own business selling the stuffed prepared animals. He also teaches Alastor self-defense and how to run and be strong like a man. Alastor didn’t play sports like his father wanted but he was skilled at hunting and doing outdoor work.
 Armand is mostly at work or with his buddies. Other than teaching Alastor skills in the woods, he doesn’t spend time with him. When he does interact, he chides his son for various things. Armand brings a hunting dog into the woods and the dog attacks Alastor, thinking he was a deer. Armand chides Alastor for not defending himself and being careless. This begins Alastor’s fear of dogs.
 Chapter Six: “You Rascal You”
 1906: age 10
 As time goes on, Armand and Alastor begin to hate each other. Armand doesn’t like the fact that Alastor cooks and sews, calling it “women’s work.” Alastor’s love of theater and musicals doesn’t please him either. Alastor gets bullied for his heritage and interests at school. Armand stamps and breaks Alastor’s ribs when he doesn’t behave. Armand gets jealous that his wife seems to spend more time with Alastor. In darker moments, Armand soon begins drinking alcohol and hooking up with other women, even in their own home. When Alastor witnesses the horrific sight one night, his father beats him, whips him and molests him, calling him a “half-breed sissy faggot who likes other boys.” His mother comes in later and comforts him.
  Alastor at a young age remembers the feeling of violation, his father’s hands on his waist and thrusting penis in his ass. This begins the cycle of trauma and Alastor’s aversion to people touching him, other than his mother. His mother soon finds out of his actions but can’t do anything about it as he is the head of household. Alastor’s mother sings “Smile” to her son as a song of comfort and lament. Alastor begins to think about killing his father.
 Then one day when Alastor was ten years old (1906), Armand announces his divorce. He says that he will take most of the family income and the cabin, leaving Antoinette alone with her son and poorer. Having been pressured by his parents and wanting to reclaim his status in society as a white Christian man, Armand announces his leave.
 Armand is about to leave one early morning to confirm the divorce when Alastor arrives. His father briefly beats him again, almost choking him to death and threatens to violate his mother as punishment. Not wanting his mother to go through more beatings and rapes, Alastor grabs the hunting rifle and shoots him square in the chest. The gunshot wakes his startled mother. Stunned at what he had done, he hides the evidence from her and promptly burns his father’s body. Though his mother has a suspicion it was him, she doesn’t say anything.
     Chapter Seven: “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen”
 1909: age 13 Alastor witnesses discrimination
 Alastor begins to play instruments and sing really well, his skills backed up by his mother’s teachings and the school band practices.
  Alastor watches many old films including…
“The Great Train Robbery” (1903)
“Chased by Dogs” (1904) traumatized him/foreshadowing
“Satan Finds Mischief” (1908)
“Frankenstein” (1910) One of Alastor’s favorites as a teen, he emphasizes with the monster
“Oliver Twist”
“White Fawn’s Devotion” (1910)
“L’Inferno” (1911) another one of his favorites
“Peter Pan” (1924)
“The Phantom of the Opera” (1925) Watched it with Mimzy
“The Wizard of Oz” (1925)
“The Jazz Singer” (1927) One of his favorite musicals
“Sweeney Todd” (1928) Another silent crime film he enjoyed
“PopEye” (1929)
“King of Jazz” (1930)
“Dracula” (1931)
“Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (1932)
“Smilin’ Though” (1932)
“Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1932)
“Tarzan the Ape Man” (1932)
“The Big Broadcast” (1932) Alastor relates to the radio broadcaster main character
Radio City Music Hall started showing films in 1933.
  Chapter Eight: “God Moves on the Water”
 1912: age 16
 Alastor witnesses the Titanic sinking in 1912, reading the newspaper (the same year that Baxter died). During the same year, he and his mother are forced to evacuate due to hurricanes. Alastor helps save people’s lives from drowning. They move closer to the city but their cabin in the woods remains intact. Alastor and his mother frequently pray to the Loa and saints associated with disasters.
 World War One
 World War One begins in 1914 right after Alastor graduates high school, and Alastor is drafted for it at age 18. He tearfully hugs his mother goodbye, unsure whether he’ll see her again. During his time there, he discovered the use of old radios used for communication. He was one of the soldiers who fixed and transported said radios on the front lines. Alastor watches several comrades die around him, the only thing keeping him sane is his task to operate the radios. After the war ended in 1918, Alastor returned to the city, now with more of an idea of his career. He applied to several radio stations but was rejected due to his race. But the Spanish Flu also occurred…
  Chapter Nine: “Willow Weep For Me”
 1918: age 22 Spanish Flu
 …and when Alastor gets home in early November, he finds out his mother is gravely ill. He is able to embrace her as she says her final words: “Don’t be sad for me. Remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.” Heartbroken, Alastor is forced to bury her at a nearby cemetery as it rains. He kills two intruders in a blind rage and feeds their remains to the alligators in the bayou. He visits her grave and leaves offerings every October and November.
 It is at this time that Alastor makes his deals with Kalfu, Furfur and Baron Samedi demons: wealth and power for the sacrifice of human souls. Only Furfur accepts human sacrifice, the Loa do not (they are not necessarily evil, they just want to help guide Alastor and teach him important lessons). Alastor is instructed to retrieve a grimoire in the afterlife that will seal the deal and grant him his powers (plus his shadow as he already had his microphone staff and basic radio powers beforehand).
 Alastor even gets a chance to meet his cousin Dr. Facilier in the future (who later becomes his snake demon slave in Hell).
 Alastor calls upon Baron Kriminel to help with getting revenge on those who tormented him and bullied him around. Alastor loses touch with his ancestors and the more beneficial Loa, opting instead to work with Furfur.  
 Chapter Ten: “Dr. Jazz”
 1919: age 23
The Radio Corporation of America is founded in 1919. In 1922, WWL, Louisiana’s first radio station started broadcasting, founded by the Catholic Loyola University to help raise funds to build six new campus buildings.
Alastor dreams of becoming a jazz musician. Louis Armstrong becomes his role model and encourages him to join a band of his own. More people start to recognize his talent.
 Alastor takes care to avoid the Axeman killer and is spared from his attack by playing jazz every night. At one point, Alastor hacks a couple and copies the Axeman’s actions, leading to more panic in New Orleans. The rumors spread that the Axeman had killed twice as many victims, which was entertaining for Alastor as he reported it on the radio.
 Time goes by (Roaring Twenties) and Alastor performs in an attempt to make some money. His uncle then connects with someone who works for CBS. More people flock to hear Alastor and his band perform. Alastor earns more money when he begins to fix radios for people. Alastor then applies for a radio DJ position but ends up getting stuck in a lower position, organizing files and cleaning up the studio rooms. Alastor kills off the higher ups and gets a position at NBC. He plays the top tunes but it soon gets boring. After getting fired, Alastor decides to broadcast on his own.
  Chapter Eleven: “Sitting on Top of the World”
1920s: Young adulthood, career peak
 During the Roaring Twenties, he would become the most famous radio host in Louisiana. Alastor often smokes both during work and during his free time. Alastor basks in wealth and fame.
 Chapter Twelve: “Mack The Knife” (Alastor’s killing sprees)
 1919, 1920: age 25 - 1933
During the Roaring Twenties, Alastor begins his killing spree of racist men, rapists, and criminals. He is called the Vigilante and the Louisiana Lunatic by those in New Orleans and kills his victims in various ways. Guns, knives, traps, and fire were his favorite tools to use. However, in this version, Alastor doesn’t kill women or children, he only uses them as tools.
 Alastor flirts with women and manipulates them because it’s fun to do. People who made deals with him often found their money stolen by him. Many women are charmed by Alastor but Alastor doesn’t get intimate with any of them. He enjoys dancing with women, especially Mimzy. Alastor lavishes in wealth, buying new red suits and top hats, a fancy red car and a microphone cane with golden deer antlers. He also likes black, brown, blue, and green outfits. Alastor pulls pranks on people for fun (thumbtacks, kick me signs, soap in drinks, whoopee cushions, plastic doorways), some like it, some don’t.
  Chapter Thirteen: “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
  Chapter Fourteen: “Pack Up All Your Troubles and Smile, Smile, Smile!”
 Alastor meets flapper woman Mimzy and the two bond over drinks, dancing, and singing. Alastor discovers that she killed her abusive husband and took his money. Mimzy finds out that Alastor kills criminals but she doesn’t say anything to anyone else.
 Chapter Fifteen: “Charleston”
 Mimzy and Alastor dance the Charleston.
 Chapter Sixteen: “Let’s Misbehave”
 Mimzy is deeply in love with Alastor, but he doesn’t love her back. He only sees her as a friend, which Mimzy doesn’t quite understand. She questions whether Alastor has a sexual disorder when Alastor tells her how he feels, which offends him. The two of them get intimate and nearly have sex but Alastor holds back, saying he’s not ready, much to her shock.
 Chapter Seventeen: “Cold, Cold Heart”
 Mimzy later dies after Alastor accidentally poisons her drink that was left for a racist man. Alasor would later sing with her and Rosie, bonding again in Hell. Alastor gets tired of people assuming he has a sexual disorder. Alastor was heartbroken at losing his only friend.
   In this version, Alastor doesn’t eat people until Rosie introduces him to cannibalism in Hell via her elite group of associates. They later sing a cannibal song in Hell. Alastor is also not an Overlord and doesn’t go after women or children.
 Chapter Eighteen: “When You’re Smiling”
 Alastor cheerfully broadcasts peoples’ deaths on the air, not being found out until the thirties. On the radio, Alastor tells dad jokes, talks about special Creole recipes and always ends with the song “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.” Alastor also talks about the Axeman and when he says “play jazz and I’ll spare your life.” Alastor takes great care to avoid the Axeman. Alastor also talks about Clementine’s killings and voodoo practices as well.
 Hell, 1929
Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Louisiana Lunatic
 They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Louisiana Lunatic. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Louisiana Lunatic. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins.
Smile and stay tuned!
 Chapter Nineteen: “Crazy Rhythm”
The Great Depression comes into effect as well as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Alastor enjoys reading about the chaos in the newspaper. People frantically sell their stuff and beg for jobs and money. He also enjoys seeing the orphans suffering homeless in the streets as it reminds him of his better off status. He also finds children annoying and undisciplined, a left over trait from his father.
 But soon, things take a downward turn. Alastor begins to lose money and food, his former glory days over. Alastor hoards radios and radio furniture in his house. He grows bony thin and his eyes have bags under them. (He takes on a similar gaunt appearance arriving in Hell, remaining weak until he gains his powers and eats other demons. Magic also takes some of his energy.) Alastor grows unhealthy due to lack of food, and (almost!) resorts to cannibalism. He also fears losing his radio audience due to the prospects of TV. He meets Vox, an ABC broadcasting company CEO who taunts him for his race and career. They get into a fight but victorious Vox leaves, saying to him that his days are over.
 Alastor becomes depressed, cutting into his skin for rituals or just to taste his own blood…to feel something. His self-inflicted cuts add to the scars on his back and body from his dad and struggling criminals.
  Chapter Twenty: “Video Killed the Radio Star”
 Alastor ironically dies when a full Hunter’s Moon is present. Alastor becomes more careless with his killings, and is soon discovered by police in 1933. The police sends dogs after him, a German Shepard, a Pit Bull, and a Black Lab. As he runs, he is bitten by a rabies infected dog in an alley. Alastor races through the snowy woods, experiencing painful headaches, and hallucinations of drowning and his parents being killed as deer. The police dogs bite at his legs but he shakes him off and runs some more. A deer hunter spots him, fearful and disgusted by the madman who rushes at him head on. (The hunter is Vox’s friend and the soon to be TV Overlord smirks). Alastor’s insane eyes beg the hunter to finish him off, as he didn’t want to be arrested. The hunter almost shoots him but finds he can’t do it. Vox then shoots Alastor between the eyes and his body falls. (Video Killed the Radio Star). The dogs maul at him moments before the gunshot before the police arrive. They turn him over and see the hole in his forehead, his glazed eyes, bloodied clothing and frozen smile. Alastor’s body is promptly burned, his belongings destroyed and his radios given away to an antique shop. His death is announced on his own radio station by none other than Vox before it, too, is done for. Many of his fans are saddened but the majority of New Orleans is relieved that he is gone. Vox is hailed as a hero before he returns to his job in another state.
 (This is why Alastor hates Vox so much, not just because of their different tastes in technology!)
 “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile” (finale)
A lone old fashioned radio (the one with the smiling grin on it and Alastor’s favorite radio) lights up in an antique store. His creepy voice says “Stay tuned” as the next part begins.
  Part 2: 1933 Arrival in Hell
“Beware the Radio Demon”
Tumblr media
Tagline: “It’s time to tune in…”
  Chapter One: “Heebie Jeebies”
  Alastor arrives in Hell in 1933. He lands in the street between a jazz club and a strip club. He arrives naked and afraid, shocked by his new deer-like appearance. He has a black and red deer tail, antlers, red and black hair, sharp yellow teeth, red eyes, scarred gray back and chest, a regular size penis and gray scarred body. He is revolted by the tan gray gnarled state of his clawed hands and feet. When he talks, his voice has a radio filter, which surprises him. He realizes that it must be how he sounded to his audience. (Mimzy catches a peek at him but doesn’t yet know who he is). He summons his microphone staff, who is stunned to see Alastor nude. The microphone briefly glows, allowing Alastor to go on the air. Alastor realizes that Hell is a lot bigger and scarier than New Orleans. Demons mock him, including perverted ones. His memories coming back to him and instincts, Alastor quickly takes out the surrounding creeps with his bare hands, stealing their overalls and clothes. Alastor first wears brown too-loose pants and a white torn v neck shirt. So far, his only powers consist of controlling radios and brief bursts of fire.
Alastor then witnesses the harsh reality of Hell, daily discrimination, turf wars, killings, rapes and stealing. He then realizes that he has no place to live. It was the survival of the fittest from here on out. Alastor witnesses Tom Trench on TV, Sir Pentious and Baxter creating inventions, Mimzy performing at the jazz club and, of course, he learned of the royal family. Helsa and Seviathan and other Hell born spit at him, complaining that “common sinner scum” don’t belong in Hell. Alastor also sees a man with a radio head called Muse on an advertisement for 66.6 FM. Alastor gets mad that he was sent to Hell with his black stag demon father Neleus while his mother Poena got to go to heaven as a beautiful red doe humanoid sorceress.
 Alastor camps out alone in the woods, deeply missing his mother and his old life. He wants to do something about all the sinners in Hell. A sense of duty came back to him…how he wanted to get rid of bad people, lost causes… an obligation to continue his work he had done on Earth. There were only a few people he could trust…and he decided to be untrustworthy and manipulative to everyone else.
Chapter Two: “All Of Me”
 Alastor is reminded of what Furfur said after he sacrificed other humans to them on Earth. His microphone told him to find a grimoire that would allow him to summon Kalfu, and Abaddon to gain his magic. He asks a blue deer overlord and he tells him to look in Stolas’ palace, knowing that it was near impossible to get out alive. Rosie witnesses the conversation and decides to follow the sinner newcomer. Alastor sneaks into the palace to retrieve the grimoire, only to be caught by an angry Stolas. Alastor retrieves the book and is rescued from Stolas by a floating Rosie Poppins with an umbrella in her hands.
 Alastor summons Kalfu, Baron Samedi and Furfur.
 Furfur grants Alastor with heightened deer senses and destructive powers.
Baron Samedi grants Alastor with darkness and shadow powers.
Kalfu grants Alastor with fire and voodoo magic.
 Alastor’s powers over radio were already his own when he arrived in Hell. This was why no mortal souls before him were seen with that much power; only powerful Hell-Born/Overlords had similar powers.
 The prices Alastor paid for his powers were the collection of souls over the years, loss of his loved ones by fate, his own brutal death, being sent to Hell for his murders and a limit on his powers. Kalfu’s demons got a part of Alastor’s powers and Alastor can get tired after using a certain amount of energy. Alastor using blood magic drains energy, and he requires food, meat and rest to recover. Alastor can also be killed by angelic weapons.
 Alastor’s powers include teleportation, shadow magic, portal creation, reality warping, conjuring fire and objects, possession, destructive magic, blood magic etc. The shadow demons get part of his power and after a painful separation, Alastor’s shadow is formed. The shadow, representative of Alastor’s darker thoughts, acts as a guide and bodyguard. Alastor creates his red tattered dress coat, black shoes with red deer tracks, his pants and his monocle. Alastor’s microphone allows him to be on the air anywhere to broadcast his massacres. The device reflects his mood as well, playing music and songs. The microphone can hypnotize demons who stare and listen to it and creates fatal radio waves that can blast brains out and destroy nearby buildings. With the help of his shadow, Alastor can travel from one shadow spot to another, through doorways and in small spaces. He can also travel through radios too.
  In addition, Alastor can also shapeshift into others and into his red deer form. In his most powerful form, he appears as a bloodthirsty wendigo.
 Alastor’s shadow is a manifestation of all his dark subconscious thoughts that are freed after he dies. The microphone staff is a manifestation of his radio host personality he had as a human. Alastor turned into a deer in Hell to remind him of his fate: “the hunter becomes the hunted.”
 Chapter Three: “I’ve Got the World on a String”
 Taking advantage, Alastor soon uses his powers to topple Overlords and take over many areas of Hell. He takes over 66.6FM, killing Muse and many Overlords (including Newspaper, Telephone, Clock, Car, Plane, Textile, Telegraph, Book and other Overlords. He makes a truce with the Overlord of Film.) Vox, Valentino and Velvet would arrive later. He forms an army of shadow demons and voodoo imps, his minions killing demons, burning stores, looting, feasting on deer and causing havoc.
 Alastor becomes friends with the blue deer Overlord, a descendant of Furfur. The Overlord tells him where he can find his father, Neleus.
 Alastor spends time with Lucifer too, drinking whisky, booze and singing. Lucifer likes polka music while Alastor prefers jazz. He treats Lilith well and watches as she performs on stage with her Resist band. (“God Spelled Backwards Is Dog”) Lucifer had been notified of Alastor’s powers and was intrigued. No mortal soul had power like the Hell Born elite before. Alastor even got a chance to dance with Lilith, him treating her like a lady and temporarily entranced by her beauty.
 Alastor learned to stay on the king’s good side but can’t help getting curious about his unique daughter, Charlie. Lucifer talks about how Charlie sees the good in every sinner and her bond with Seviathan in Inferno high school (Charlie had not met Vaggie yet and Alastor wasn’t in love with Charlie, just curious about her, like finding a new specimen.). Knowing that getting too involved would lead to trouble, Alastor shrugs it off. Lucifer allows Alastor to do his chaos, provided he leave the royal family out of it, which he agrees.
 Alastor makes deals with several demons and even temporarily gains access to Earth, gaining more souls. Alastor creates two hideouts: one a cabin with radio towers near a forest and an underground lair where the shadow spirits are (Deer’s Den).
 Chapter Four: “The Axeman’s Jazz”
Alastor terrorizes Hell and uses an ax to kill off demons who don’t play jazz on his birthday. He even writes a letter similar to the Axeman’s letter:
 Hell, 1933
 They have never caught me and they never will. I am not a human being, but a demon from the hottest hell. I am what the Orleanians called the Louisiana Lunatic. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the Overlords and every sinner and Hell Born of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Radio Demon. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you denizens think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over Pentagram City. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed.
Smile and stay tuned!
 To make a deal with Alastor, call 666 - 024 - 1929 on your hellphone.
 (Edward’s number is 24, 666 is the Beast number and 1929 is the year of the major Stock Market Crash)
  Chapter One: “Practically Perfect In Every Way”
Hell Born Rosie Marie Poppins and Alastor properly meet shortly after he gains his powers. Rosie introduces Alastor to an elite group of cannibals, and Alastor happily accepts her invitation, thus further increasing his influence. Under the teachings of Rosie, Alastor learns how to increase his status, despite being a sinner. Due to being close to Rosie, less people insult Alastor as he walks by. He learns what it’s like to be a cannibal for the first time, and his hunger never ends since. Alastor begins to miss Kalfu and his Loa interactions (and his mother). He originally thought that he would pass through the seven gates of Guinee, the land of the dead in Loa culture. Rosie and Alastor bond over tea, coffee and murder. Rosie offers Alastor the position of Overlord but Alastor declines, as he wants to be free to wreak havoc without rules. He also shows a distaste for the greedy Overlords and authority figures. Rosie said that there are several sinners who are Overlords as well, but he still declines. Alastor would be his own Overlord!
 “I was never destined to be part of any high hat group of leaders. I’ve worked exclusively for myself in my last life and will continue to do so in this one. With enough allies and the right timing, I could take them all down one by one. Besides, their meetings sound boring anyway.” - Alastor
  Rosie used to work with her girlfriend Franklin until she died and Rosie got to own the shop for herself.
 In return for Rosie helping Alastor get the spellbook, Alastor treats her like a lady and helps promote her emporium and spqeakeasy. Rosie recalls how she treats her employees cruelly and uses their wages to live a lavish life. Rosie is a cruel CEO who pursues rich and powerful men (and like the Dolly Sisters, she dances and performs as well). They both laugh as they share stories of taking advantage of other demons. Despite being Hell Born, Rosie does not treat Alastor with contempt due to his status as a sinner. (Or if she does, she hides it). Rosie becomes a stern-mother-like figure to Alastor, chiding him for any stupid mistakes he makes.
  Rosie later gives Alastor advice such as being more open with Mimzy or to not fall for Charlie and be at the Hazbin Hotel (she finds the idea of redemption ridiculous. Despite this, Alastor still offers to help Charlie anyway due to seeking entertainment and potentially the trust of the royal family). Rosie also is a model for an All Soul’s Day/Death Day festival. Zombies, ghosts and other denizens watch as she poses on a blood red carpet in her rose garden. Like Day of the Dead, Death Day is a day to celebrate when sinners arrived in Hell and when the Hell-Born were born.
 Unbeknownst to Alastor, Rosie secretly hopes she can gain some of Alastor’s power for herself so she can create Hell into a more orderly place where people admire her and her beauty. Deep down, she believes that Hell Born are superior to sinners, and would be pleased to see the lower class be her slaves! She forms an alliance with Lucifer, Lilith and the Eldritch family who are frequent buyers of her dresses and wares. Rosie works with Lucifer and the Eldritch family to try and bring Charlie down, saying her idea will never work. From Lucifer, Rosie learned of Charlie’s plan to redeem sinners. Redeeming sinners could mess up the hierarchy system and Rosie and the higher ups don’t want that. Her demonic form consists of a vulture like creature hovering in the air with an umbrella. Being in a position of power, it’s no surprise that she wants more of it! She even attempts to hold Mimzy and Charlie hostage to try and bring Alastor down.
  Chapter Two: “Eat a Little Flesh Fantastic”
 Alastor and Rosie sing the cannibal song after Rosie introduces Alastor to the elite cannibal group of Victorian ladies. Everyone dances like in the Mary Poppins movie as Rosie calls on her group members to ”go forth and feast.”
  “Eat a Little Flesh Fantastic”
Alastor and Rosie strolled arm in arm after Rosie finished going to an Overlord meeting.
“Hey Alastor,” said Rosie turning to him. “Have you ever considered joining my exclusive club of socialites?”
“No, I haven’t…but do entertain me.”
“It’s mainly me and my group of ladies. We meet up for tea and coffee at this nice café not too far from here. We discuss the latest news, perhaps exchange jewelry or deserts.”
“Sounds lovely, my dear.”
“Oh and here’s the best part. My group and I have…exquisite tastes when it comes to meals. And I’ve heard about you and your slaughters.”
Alastor couldn’t help but puff up his chest in pride. “I was also a very skilled hunter in my other life. I’ve made many meals including jambalaya with venison in it. It is my favorite.”
A grin of sharp teeth stretched across Rosie’s pale face, her black eyes shining. “Have you ever considered eating the flesh of your victims?”
Alastor’s stomach growled at the thought. “I had a feeling that something was missing after I killed all those men as a human. I’ve hunted and ate deer and game many times. Perhaps I was too unsure about doing the same to other humans.”
Rosie laughed. “No restrictions now, though. This is Hell. Feel free to eat whatever…and whomever you’d like.”
Rosie handed him a blue arm of a nearby dead demon. Alastor maneuvered it into his mouth and sliced it to bits with several noisy bites. The sharp fangs effortlessly tore through the muscle and bone. The tangy taste of blood and juicy meat filled his mouth before he swallowed.
“That was quite tasty,” he remarked, licking his lips. Alastor then realized something extraordinary: there were countless demons roaming around in Hell. It was as if Hell had decided to provide him with an all-you-can-eat buffet. Not only would he have more meat to eat, but being a cannibal would also help with his fearsome reputation. Cannibalism was considered one of the worst taboos to do on Earth.
Why not add another sin to his list?
Alastor bowed and kissed Rosie on her hand in thanks. “Even in death, I learn something new every day. I’d be honored to join you.”
Rosie introduced Alastor to her group of friends: a bunch of demon women dressed in fancy Victorian dresses of many colors and round ladies’ hats on their heads. Violet, Lavender, and Poppy were some of their names. For a brief moment, Alastor felt like he was back in his time period on Earth. He ate demon meat to his heart’s content. Hell-Born or sinner, raw or cooked, it didn’t matter. He used the flesh and the sinner’s hearts in his jambalaya recipes. As the sinners had previously been human like Alastor used to be, he was now a cannibal.
The thought of someday tasting actual humans in the living world made his mouth water more.
On Sunday mornings after Alastor had coffee, he would be greeted by his new admirers while he walked outside, humming a cheery tune.
“Hello ladies,” Alastor said with a tip of his red top hat.
“Hello Alastor!” they chimed, as they sat on the ground in front of a mutilated body of a demon. One woman picked up the demon’s separated arm and used it to wave at him. Alastor chuckled and strolled on.
During one moonlit night, Alastor and Rosie decided to sing a song to strengthen their bond. They were already good friends, if not that then at least compatible associates with similar tastes. She looked like a gaunt Mary Poppins entering a Day of the Dead musical.
“Let’s say you’re bored and want to be full,
Sure, you can go about your day, dull. Or…
You can eat a little flesh fantastic with me.”
“If you live your days in wonder, but can’t focus due to hunger…
Just eat a little flesh fantastic with me.”
“For if you decide to kill a person, their body will someday rot away. But if you make haste and not let it go to waste…
Then you’ll be satiated for the day!”
“You don’t need to be Lector Hannibal, to consider the life of a cannibal.”
Rosie: “Want to be robust?”
Alastor: “You know I must.”
Both: “Come eat a little flesh fantastic with us!”
Rosie (speaking): “My fellow epicureans, answer my call. May your gluttonous desires led the way!”
“Welcome to the club, Radio Demon.”
Rosie and Alastor:
“The life of a cannibal The feeling is so wonderful Hunt and kill, munch, munch, munch, A few screams later, you’ve got your lunch!”
“Have some style and show some class It is us among the mass When you’re feeling beat and want to eat A demon can never have too much meat!”
“Eat a little flesh fantastic with us Give in to another kind of lust A sweet treat you are, come near or far
Our food as you bite the dust!”
“You can refrain and boldly exclaim ‘Eating your brethren’s not right!’”
Alastor: “But we know well, to maim in Hell The blood will be shed tonight!”
“The life of a cannibal,”
“The feeling is so wonderful,”
“Hunt and kill, munch, munch, munch…”
“A few screams later, you’ve got your lunch!” “Eat a little flesh fantastic with us!” (oh- oh- oh- oh- oh) “Eat a little flesh fantastic with us!” (oh- oh- oh- oh- oh)
  Chapter Three: “Hello Mimzy!” (Hello Dolly! By Louis Armstrong)
 Alastor bonds with Mimzy Dolly Hannigan at the jazz club and they recall their memories together in New Orleans. Mimzy works as an employer for Rosie at her emporium and squeak-easy. Rosie, enamored with Mimzy’s performance, decided to offer her a job to increase her influence. Like Alastor, Mimzy is more protected thanks to Rosie’s overlord status. Mimzy helps sell Rosie’s custom made clothes and antiques and performs almost every night at the underground bar behind Rosie’s shop. (Behind a door, down a stair-case. The password is “Practically perfect in every way.”)
  Several times, Alastor and Mimzy dance and sing at the squeak-easy, to the joy of the crowd. At the squeak-easy, influential people and criminals gather there to discuss business, drink and have fun. Husk also goes there on occasion to serve drinks. Mimzy is popular both there and at her own jazz club: Mimzy’s Place. Rosie, herself, has performed there after her shifts. When asked if Rosie treats her cruelly, Mimzy says, “Almost never.”
 Mimzy had died in the 1920s before Alastor. They agree to sing and stay friends, along with Rosie, creating a trio of singing, dancing, drinking and murder-spree-loving friends. They also terrorize orphans as they sing “Little Sinners” (Little Girls). Alastor apologizes for accidentally killing her and being aloof. Mimzy then apologizes for being too clingy with him and claiming that he didn’t know how to love back on Earth.
 Mimzy lives a lavish lifestyle (like the Dolly Sisters, she pursues wealthy men and dances).
 Alastor later offers Mimzy an invitation to visit the Hazbin Hotel and discusses the idea of redemption. Mimzy accepts his offer and decides to stay there, so long as she can still do her performances. Mimzy eventually becomes a guest at the Hazbin Hotel along with Baxter, Tom Trench, Molly, Arackniss, Cherri Bomb and Crymini. She bonds with Alastor, Niffty and Charlie as the girls gossip about men and the group performs in musicals together. Mimzy shares her story about being in New Orleans and with Alastor’s encouragement, she also thinks about pursuing redemption…as long as she gets more fame/recognition. Like Niffty, she gets jealous when Alastor pursues Charlie more. Mimzy thinks that Alastor loves Charlie more, but Rosie suspects he has another motive.
 Alastor and Mimzy dance some more together and frequently perform at the jazz club.
  Prequel Comic:
“Let’s go for a stroll.”
  Comic by Liam (Pencils), Fautisse (Lineart), Lunetta (Colors), Magpie (Backgrounds) and Vivienne (Story).
 Alastor enjoys coffee on a Sunday morning. Alastor hums down the street, goes to a café and watches birds fight over food. He stops to smell the roses, making one wilt with his touch. Everyone flees when they see him, making him a bit lonely inside. While visiting Rosie’s cannibal colony, he tosses his hat to the four admiring well-dressed women who eat a demon body. Alastor tosses a coin to a cat jazz player and swears after seeing Vox. He hates him so much, that his gentleman demeanor was gone. Alastor then saves a sheep demon lady from a butcher boar, kills the man, then enjoys the meat. (More to come)
  Part 20: Alastor’s Redemption – Mother Reunite and Heaven
                        The villains eventually get defeated. (Assuming no one dies a second time) Eventually, Alastor gets redeemed and turns into a human/hart hybrid angel. Alastor never forgets about Charlie and how wonderful a person she was. They share a hug and kiss before Alastor leaves with his mother and Charlie stays to rule Hell. He reunites with his mother and they go to Heaven for a while. Alastor hosts shows in Heaven, and teaches the Angels how to make jambalaya and do dad jokes (He remarks their food is plain and boring). Alastor and his mother eventually depart for the seven Guinee gates with the Loa after they are accepted at last by Baron Samedi. For the only place where Alastor truly belonged was not Earth, Hell or Heaven, but with his family and culture.
 Angel Dust gets to have private fun with guys in Heaven, while he continues to work on curbing his addicting habits. Molly, Arackniss, and Angel/Anthony reunite with their white spider mother Aranea. Husk finds true love with…Angel Dust! Husk performs magic shows for everyone and plays card games without betting as he has plenty of money and comfort. Alastor reunites with his mother and spends quality time with Mimzy before going to Guinee. (But Alastor will always remember Charlie!) Autumn, the Zoophobia deer and Alastor become friendly rivals. Vaggie reunites with her family (minus Valentino, her father) and marries another woman in happiness (but of course, never forgetting Charlie and what she did to help make their new lives comfortable!). Tom Trench, now mask free and blonde, hosts Holy 333 News. Zoophobia animal characters make cameos as denizens of Heaven. Sir Pentious or Baxter creates inventions and healing potion for the greater good instead of drugs and weapons and evil aquatic creatures. Roo and Cherri are BFFs along with Angel. Niffty marries a kind man in Heaven. All the characters take their time in healing from their wounds and experiences.
  Vaggie, Angel Dust, Husk, Alastor, Baxter, Mimzy, Crymini, Roo, Villa, Tom Trench, Cherri Bomb, Arackniss and Molly all get redeemed. (Niffty may be is secretly evil). Charlie succeeds in redeeming sinners but eventually has to let her redeemed friends go.
 I.M.P. and C.H.E.R.U.B. are still in business for many years. Blitzo lives his musical theater dream and Loona is by his side, arm in arm with Crymini.
 Centuries later, Charlie marries a woman similar to Vaggie in Hell. Through a willing man, Charlie gives birth to two children who eventually take Charlie’s place as the Hotel managers when Charlie grows old. (Yes, she ages very slowly!) Her children are the next generation of do-gooders in Hell.
 The show ends with all the characters dancing and singing under rainbows while “That’s a wrap!” shows up.
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jknerd · 5 years
Hazbin Hotel OC: Yeonsangun
Tumblr media
(This OC is based on Korean Joseon History. I learned of this man's history and found his sins/crimes quite a disturbing and almost irredeemable) True Name: Lee Yoong Likes: Hunting, Alcohol, arts, music, singing, beautiful creatures, power, meats Species: Human (formerly), Fox Demon Gender: Male Sexuality: Bisexual Occupation: 10th King of Korean Joseon Dynasty (previously), Narak City’s Lord Family: Sungjong (father), Deposed Lady Yoon (mother), Grand Dowager Queen Insoo (paternal grandmother), Lady Shin (wife) Others: Jang Nok-Su (royal consort; previous life), Valentino (business/politic ally), Angel Dust (one night stand) Status: Active Yeonsangun is a lord of Korean Hell's Narak City and politic/business partner of Valentino. In previous life, he was 10th king of Korean Joseon Dynasty, infamous as the most brutal, mad, and the most lustful figure driven by wrath in vengeance for his mother's death, abducted 300 women as his private courtesans. In Narak City, he invested on red light districts, houses of entertainment, and inns. He first appeared when Charlie, Vaggie, and others went to Narak City for a study-tour at inns in order to learn more of hotel management where he kindly let them in his large private inn. He was referred as Lord Lee, who have deceased in 1500s. But at that time, many demons in Narak City died due to fox demon's attack as they were instructed to stay in the inn. However, before Yeonsangun could even lay a finger at Charlie, Alastor stopped him and revealed his identity; a fox demon who devour livers of the sinners in hell to keep himself healthy and young. Knowing fully well about the consequence if harming Lucifer's daughter, the fox demon back away but reminding Charlie that her ideals will only beautify the sins of demons which will never go unnoticed by heavens as it will find her motive "sinful" and "pretentious". In previous life, Yeonsangun lived a cruel life being targeted as son of disgraced queen Lady Yoon, verbally and emotionally abused by his father. When becoming a king, he had a brain of Sherlock Holmes due to his high intellect and was actually a caring ruler. However, the truth behind his mother's death driven him mad with wrath and hatred he killed officials, his step-mothers and his grandmother who were involved with her death. He was also a sexual predator, preying on attractive women. However, he was dethroned and passed away 2 months later due to the disease. Through centuries, his sins were too graphic to tell he had become a lord of Korean Hell capital. He retains cruelty and sadistic persona while hunting down sinners, male and female as he would mutilate males while forcing the female demons to be his followers' sex slave, or becoming his meals. However, he uses his intellect to control the politics, and is as dangerous as Alastor when it comes to abilities.
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hymnstoalienstars · 4 years
building on There Are Rules AU: don’t antagonize voldemort
Don’t antagonize Voldemort was once a rule but it turned out to be an endless fountain of fun and therefore cut from the list.
There was a time, for example, when Riddle thought he was stalked by an entity that could possess bodies. It wasn’t Harry’s fault, really. Was it his fault he kept resurrecting on the battlefield? Was it his fault he didn’t have a minute to adjust his style of dueling? his body language? Was it his fault the bloody Death Eaters kept trying to kill him?
this is from the prev post
I probably need some actual plot and some info on the First Wizarding War.
i’m just gonna scan the wiki for details (the following is copied from there)
1970 – 31 October, 1981 Cause: Voldemort's return to the United Kingdom in order to begin his first reign of terror Result: Ministry and Order of the Phoenix victory. The disappearance of Voldemort and decline of the Death Eaters. Harry Potter declared the "Boy Who Lived" 
29 November: William Arthur Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley
Sometime after Molly graduated, both her brothers were murdered by Death Eaters in the First Wizarding War. (Dolohov)
Arthur was not a member of the first Order of the Phoenix.
Molly: "It's all this uncertainty with You-Know-Who coming back, people think they might be dead tomorrow, so they're rushing all sorts of decisions they'd normally take time over. It was the same last time he was powerful, people eloping left, right, and centre —" Ginny Weasley: "Including you and Dad." — Molly reflecting on her marriage in 1996[src]
The Whomping Willow is planted.
1 September: Individuals that started at Hogwarts
Sirius Black (Gryffindor)[3]
Lily Evans (Gryffindor)[3]
Severus Snape (Slytherin)[3]
Remus Lupin (Gryffindor)[3]
James Potter (Gryffindor)[3]
Peter Pettigrew (Gryffindor)[3]
Adrian (unknown house)[4]
Stebbins (unknown house)[5]
Muggles Who Notice by Blenheim Stalk is published.[1]
Published in 1972, it covered incidents where Muggles noticed elements of the Wizarding world, including the Ilfracombe Incident of 1932 and the story of "Dodgy" Dirk.[1] (a rogue Common Welsh Green dragon attacked a group of sunbathers in Ilfracombe in 1932)
Remus Lupin's friends James Potter, Sirius Black, and Peter Pettigrew discover that he is a werewolf, and resolve to learn to become animagi.[2]
1 September: Individuals that started Hogwarts Regulus Black (Slytherin)[4] Dirk Cresswell (unknown)[5] (was a Muggle-born wizard. In the mid-1990s he became Head of the Goblin Liaison Office, in the Ministry of Magic.)
Births 12 December: Charlie Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley.[8]
Events The Ministry of Magic defeats an appeal against house-elf slavery[2]
Individuals that started Hogwarts Bartemius Crouch Jr
Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins is seen as inadequate to the challenge of the first rise of Lord Voldemort, and is replaced by the hard-lined Harold Minchum.[2]
Minister Eugenia Jenkins was Minister for Magic between 1968 and 1975. She dealt competently with the pure-blood riots during the Squib Rights marches in the late sixties. However, when confronted with the first rise of Lord Voldemort, she was ousted from office, being deemed inadequate to the challenge.
The Squib Rights marches were an action by a mass group of Squibs in favour of the betterment of the rights of Squibs[2] that took place in 1968 or 1969, during Eugenia Jenkins's term as Minister for Magic. This demonstration was, presumably, unsuccessful, as a group of extremist Pure-bloods broke out in riot while it was taking place.
Minister Harold Minchum was Minister for Magic between 1975 and 1980. He was seen as a hard-liner, and placed even more Dementors around Azkaban. But he was unable to contain what seemed like Voldemort's unstoppable rise to power.
Regulus Black receives his Dark Mark, thus becoming a Death Eater.[8]
Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, and Peter Pettigrew create the Marauder's Map.
22 August: Percy Weasley to Arthur and Molly Weasley[6]
James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Lily Evans and Severus Snape sit their O.W.L. examinations in June. Lily Evans dissolves her friendship with Severus Snape after he calls her a "Mudblood". Sirius Black runs away from home to live with the Potter family[1] Sirius Black sees his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange for the last time before they are both in Azkaban. Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2]
James Potter and Lily Evans become Head Boy and Girl[1] Sirius Black gets his own place (either in 1976 or 1977) with money he inherited from his uncle Alphard Black.[2] James Potter and Sirius Black are chased by two police men, Fisher and Anderson, as well as three Death Eaters on broomsticks, while riding on Sirius's motorbike. They escape, however, by using magic to lift the police car, causing the three Death Eaters to crash into it.[3] Vernon and Petunia Dursley purchase and move in to 4 Privet Drive.[4] Regulus Black plays for the Slytherin Quidditch team during the 1977 to 1978 school year.
Deaths Dorea Potter née Black[9] Amarillo Lestoat[10] Alphard Black (possibly)[2]
There was some speculation that Dorea Potter was the mother of James Potter and so the paternal grandmother of Harry Potter. However, the actual names of James's parents were revealed to be Fleamont and Euphemia Potter, via Pottermore.[4] In spite of this, it is still more than likely that Dorea was possibly an aunt or a cousin by marriage of James.
It was once presumed that Charlus Potter and Dorea Black, who appeared on the Black family tree, might have been James's parents (since it was known that Charlus and Dorea also had one son). However, J. K. Rowling revealed via Pottermore that that was not the case. It is still more than likely, however, that Charlus Potter is somehow related to Fleamont.
I personally like the idea of Dorea Black being Harry’s grandmother. There’s next to nothing on Euphemia but Dorea Black being bold enough to “run away” with a Potter makes a good story. And it’s a headcanon active in all of my HP stories, I think.
1 April: Twins Fred and George Weasley are born to Arthur and Molly Weasley[3]
Universal Brooms Ltd goes out of business.[1] James Potter, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black, and Severus Snape leave Hogwarts.
Regulus Blacks dies by drinking the Drink of Despair and gets killed by Inferius while trying to destroy a Horcrux of Tom Marvolo Riddle.
The Wedding of James Potter I and Lily Evans took place, with Sirius Black as the Best Man.
Peter Pettigrew begins passing information to Lord Voldemort[3]
Deaths Orion Black[5] Regulus Black[6] Fleamont Potter Euphemia Potter
Births 19 September: Hermione Granger
Professor Sybill Trelawney tells Albus Dumbledore the prophecy concerning Harry Potter and Tom Marvolo Riddle.[1] Death Eater Igor Karkaroff is captured by Auror Alastor Moody and sent to Azkaban.[2] Millicent Bagnold succeeds Harold Minchum becoming Minister for Magic until her retirement in 1990.[3]
(a lot of birthdays)
Deaths c.1980: Evan Rosier and Wilkes, both known Death Eaters, are killed by Aurors.[8] c.1979-1980: Dean Thomas's father[9]
Marlene McKinnon an Order of the Phoenix member is killed by Lord Voldemort who also wipes out her entire family. Harry Potter's first birthday
September: Sirius Black makes Peter Pettigrew the secret keeper
The Order of the Phoenix was founded by Albus Dumbledore during Lord Voldemort's first rise to power in the 1970s. Dumbledore formed the Order to combat Voldemort's increasing threat and power. Aurors from the Ministry of Magic also joined the Order to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults aimed to crush the Dark Rebellion. Dumbledore created a method of communication among Order members by inventing a way to make Patronuses speak. Although the Death Eaters had been attacking mostly Muggles and Muggle-borns to spread terror, they soon turned to attacking "blood traitors" such as Order members as well. The Order had to work hard, as they were outnumbered by a ratio of 20:1 by the Death Eaters. Fabian and Gideon Prewett were murdered by a group of five Death Eaters led by Antonin Dolohov. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared, the Bones family was almost completely destroyed, Benjy Fenwick was brutally murdered, and Marlene McKinnon and her family were murdered by Death Eaters, including Travers. Even as the Order suffered great losses, they continued to fight, and four of their members — James Potter, Lily Potter, Frank Longbottom, and Alice Longbottom — defied Voldemort himself three times.
First WW notes
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Werewolves were a big part of a confict...
Voldemort promised rights to [Dark] Creatures so it was a solid base
Voldemort’s base:
Dark magic - stop the laws that forbid it
that wouldnt be such a thing if all branches were for killing and torturing
like necromancy, for example
or maybe some family magic, blood magic
maybe even random spells or schools of magic... just because people were scared of “the dark”
it probably was the “Light Era”, before the 1970th, Scuib rights, maybe increase in muggleborns and newblood-oldblood marriages
Dark was weaker politically
maybe some bad attitudes towards “dark ws”
Pureblood supremacy
[Dark] creatures’ rights
"Imagine that Voldemort's powerful now. You don't know who his supporters are, you don't know who's working for him and who isn't; you know he can control people so that they do terrible things without being able to stop themselves. You're scared for yourself, and your family, and your friends. Every week, news comes of more deaths, more disappearances, more torturing... The Ministry of Magic's in disarray, they don't know what to do, they're trying to keep everything hidden from the Muggles, but meanwhile, Muggles are dying too. Terror everywhere... panic... confusion... that's how it used to be." —The uncertainty of the first war[src]
Now going exclusively by his preferred name "Lord Voldemort", Riddle laid low and travelled around Europe and Asia. Little is known of his activities during this period, though he explored the Dark Arts extensively, studying the most obscure and arcane branches of magic and consorting with an array of dark wizards, who would all turn out to become his followers in the years to come. As a result of unnamed “magical experiments and transformations”, Voldemort underwent several physical and mental changes, which made him more powerful but less human, and was occasionally accompanied by a group of followers he came to call his "Death Eaters". By the time he was a full-fledged adult, around 1968, Riddle donned a hooded cloak (though he physically still did not resemble the montrous creature he would later in his life) which concealed him completely and he began plotting a wizarding coup, claiming that he was greatly dissatisfied with the current state of the Wizarding World and that he would succeed where so many, including Gellert Grindelwald and Salazar Slytherin, had failed. Voldemort convinced his underlings that to truly create a world full of peace and power, the old regime needed to be torn down at any and all costs and only those who shared pure blood, will and idealism would be allowed to live and thrive in it. In truth however, Lord Voldemort had little interest in political idealism himself. He was completely devoted to amassing his own magical power, and in becoming the most powerful and skilled wizard to have ever lived, invincible and eternal.
Though the Death Eaters were generally even less tolerant of them than wizarding society in general, these creatures were receptive of their violent and destructive goals. Dark activity suddenly arose throughout Great Britain, a country that had been totally untouched by dark magic; even during the reign of terror of Gellert Grindelwald; and Voldemort began surreptitiously killing poor and homeless Muggles (whose absences would not be noticed) with his followers so that he could reanimate their corpses with Necromancy until he had created an army of Inferi, a feat no other dark wizard in history had ever done.
In 1962, Minister Of Magic Ignatius Tuft was forced out of office for promising to institute a controversial Dementor breeding programme for Azkaban. He was replaced by Nobby Leach, who became the first Muggle-born ever to hold the Minister position, leading senior members of the Wizengamot to resign in protest. In 1963, Muggle expert Mordicus Egg published The Philosophy of the Mundane: Why the Muggles Prefer Not to Know, which posited actual theories about why Muggles continued to be unaware of magic. This was a different take on the subject, as it did not assume Muggles to be stupid nor ignorant.
Between 1965 and 1971[9], Dumbledore, who was noted as a social progressive believing strongly in the rights of Muggles as well as Muggle-borns and other oppressed minorities, ascended to the post of Headmaster of Hogwarts.
Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation Of Wizards [ICW] and Chief Warlock of the Wizenagamot. In these positions of great and influential power, Dumbledore passed extreme legislation to prevent any possible dark forces from threatening overall security around Great Britain
In 1968, Nobby Leach left office for mysterious health reasons, leading to a conspiracy theory that he had been poisoned by his Muggle-prejudice advisor Abraxas Malfoy.
[1970] the Death Eaters and their allies (including the particularly destructive Giants) began openly carrying out attacks on Muggles for sport and to sow chaos. Cleaning up these attacks, healing survivors, modifying memories, searching for the perpetrators, and attempting to prevent future attacks occupied more and more of the Ministry's time and attention. As their confidence grew, the Death Eaters began targeting Muggle-born and blood traitor witches and wizards as well, torturing and sometimes killing their victims, which shocked wizarding society. Other "inferior" magical beings such as house-elves (who were treated like vermin) and Goblins (a family of which was slaughtered) also suffered under their reign of terror.
Voldemort himself personally killed hundreds of wizards, though he tended to only fight those he considered worthy of his attention or too powerful for his followers to defeat. In these encounters, he displayed his extraordinary abilities, many of which were thought impossible, and he very quickly earned the reputation of the most powerful and dangerous dark wizard of all time
[1971]Though the Ministry officially viewed the Order as a renegade outfit, a number of powerful Ministry officials (such as Elphias Doge and Dedalus Diggle; and the famous Aurors Alastor Moody and Frank Longbottom and Alice Longbottom) joined instantly to participate in more secretive, sudden assaults to crush the dark rebellion.[12] When Dumbledore helped black market trader Mundungus Fletcher out of trouble, he joined the Order and, due to his extensive knowledge of the criminal underworld, proved very useful. 
To protect the organisation, Voldemort ensured that Death Eaters did not know the identities of too many of their fellows, and, to society at large, their identities were completely unknown.[13] Increasing the confusion and paranoia even further, Voldemort placed many dozens of innocent victims under the Imperius Curse simulaniously, and forced them to carry out his orders. Even friends and family members were not above suspicion of one another.
Evan Rosier, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Sewlyn, Jerome Jugson, Jugson, Regulus Black, Rodolphus Lestrange, Rabastan Lestrange, Thorfinn Rowle, Gibbon, Augustus Rookwood, Igor Karkaroff, Crabbe, Goyle, Travers, and Antonin Dolohov. Likely at Snape's urging, Voldemort attempted to recruit Lily Evans, whose prodigious talents made up for her status as a Muggle-born
He took only Severus Snape and Bellatrix Lestrange under his personal wing, sharing with them his personal-secret knowledge of the Dark Arts; and inspiring in Bellatrix a delusional-psychotic attraction bordering on loving obsession, which Voldemort never returned
[1980]Shortly afterwards, due to Pettigrew's betrayal, Death Eaters began systematically murdering Order members and the war entered its most desperate phase. Marlene McKinnon was slaughtered alongside her entire family by Travers, Nott, and Mulciber. Edgar Bones, his wife, and their children were murdered by Thorfinn Rowle and Fenrir Greyback. Gideon Prewett and Fabian Prewett both fought bravely but were ultimately killed by Antonin Dolohov, and Dorcas Meadowes was murdered by Voldemort himself. Caradoc Dearborn disappeared and was never found, though he was presumed dead. Benjy Fenwick was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, Evan Rosier, and Julius Jerome; and so brutally mutilated that only bits of him were recovered.[12]
In response to this brutal onslaught, Barty Crouch Snr, who despised Voldemort, the Death Eaters, and the Dark Arts entirely; issued an edict giving Ministry Aurors full permission to employ the use of the Unforgivable Curses against their enemies. A massive Ministry campaign, spearheaded and led by Alastor Moody, Kingsley Shackelbolt, and Frank Longbottom; ensued, immediately turning the tide of the war against the Death Eaters.
28 pureblood family names (sacred 28)
Abbott Avery Black Bulstrode Burke Carrow Crouch Fawley Flint Gaunt Greengrass Lestrange Longbottom Macmillan Malfoy Nott Ollivander Parkinson Prewett Rosier Rowle Selwyn Shacklebolt Shafiq Slughorn Travers Weasley Yaxley
Although the Malfoys were noted as respectable members as one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight (a title they are proud of), they did not take the pure-blood supremacy to the point of inbreeding: they were willing to marry half-bloods, many of whom are shown in their family tree.
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hazbinshazbins · 4 years
Hazbin OC/FanKid
Warning: Long Post, Mentions of Illness and death of a child, murder, and hunting. 
This is just a little AU that I came up with after seeing everyone’s fankid’s the last couple of weeks. My first time drawing digital and I’m really proud of the result! 
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Name: Luella Marie McCarthy
Birthday: October 7, 1927
Date of Death: August 12, 1933 (Age: 5)
Cause of Death: Diphtheria 
Hair Color: Brown (alive) Pink (dead)
Eye Color: Green (Alive) Yellow (Dead)
Skin Color: Tan with freckles (Alive) Grey (Dead)
Parents: Alastor and Marcella McCarthy nee Novack 
Grandparents: Paternal: Thomas McCarthy and Luanne McCarthy nee Belair. Maternal: Charles and Elizabeth Novack (both decease before her birth)
Bio: Luella was born in New Orleans at her parent’s house with her grandmother (Alastor’s Mom) and local midwives assisting with the birth. As a baby her mother and grandmother mostly took care of her. While Alastor loved her, he didn’t have a huge interest in the day to day of taking care of an infant. Marcella didn’t mind because she did have help from her Mother-in-Law and whatever hired help Al’s mom brought over. Once Luella began to talk and walk (i.e. provide entertainment), he showed more interest. She was a healthy kid and loved to explore the swamp surrounding the house. 
Alastor absolutely adored her (once she was old enough and able to show some personality) and would take her hunting with him once she was about 4 and half years old (regular hunting, he was saving the murder stuff for when she was older). She wasn’t very good at it, but she liked spending time with her father. It was difficult to get her to sit still for long periods of time, so the hunting trips were few and far between. Much to Alastor’s dismay, she didn’t seem to have an interest in learning any instrument, but she did enjoy singing. Al’s mom was starting to teach her the ways of Voodoo and Hoodoo, which Luella loved. 
Her mother, Marcella, was a college-educated woman who loved to read and write. Luella would help inspire her stories and they had some success in getting them published at a small publishing firm with a cult-following. As Luella had an active imagination, she was happy to help her mother with her stories (”Needs more dragons” was her usually critique). As education was very important to both Alastor and Marcella, they were looking for a tutor for her when she came down with a sudden illness. A doctor was called and the worst was confirmed, Diphtheria. While Alastor and Marcella did everything they could to keep her strength up, she unfortunately passed away in her sleep from heart failure. 
Both parents were inconsolable at the passing of their only child. Alastor (already deep in the occult/blood magic) knew that if there was a Heaven then Luella was probably heading towards it. She was under the age of reason so he couldn’t make a deal with her for her soul. Instead he did a binding ritual that bound her soul to his. Luella’s soul was forced to haunt Alastor until he passed. When Alastor died in November of the same year and ended up in hell, his little girl fell with him. 
She’s not really a demon, but her soul took on the form of a lamb (cause she’s as innocent as a lamb... Also super popular in Western religions to portray children as lambs). Alastor keeps her at his house in the swamp because 1. It’s familiar to her. 2. He controls the area and has protective wards up, no one or thing can get within 5 miles of that cabin without him knowing. 3. She has to stay hidden for her own safety. Alastor knows he has a lot of enemies and having a literal child in hell is a huge bullseye for the worst kinds of demons. No one knows about her except for him and Marcella. 
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Alastor's Paternal and Maternal Grandmothers
I know I'm COMPLETELY wrong about Alastor's family tree, but I think this is the one thing I got right.
Obviously, they are not going to look like this. But I am 100% convinced that Alastor's father's mother is Madame LaLaurie, and that he has Marie Laveau somewhere in his family tree. Ideally, his mother's mother, but maybe somewhere else in his matrilineage.
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kathyprior4200 · 4 years
Alastor Ascension Arc: Murder on the Air (Outline)
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Tagline: “It’s time to tune in…”
  Alastor Human Life
 Chapter One: “Down in New Orleans”
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   Alastor Roscoe Moreau (A.M.) is born January 24th 1896 (VA born Jan 24th 1986.) to his parents in New Orleans, Louisiana. Alastor has medium olive brown skin, short (sometimes long) brown hair and brown eyes with glasses. He is lanky and thin but appears stronger than he looks. He often wears nice shirts with bow ties and dark pants and shoes. He wears overalls, boots and the occasional straw hat whenever he hunts or explores the woods and swamps outside. During his rise to fame, he wears fancy suits and top hats, complete with a microphone cane with golden antlers.
 Armand Louis Moreau is Alastor’s French Canadian white father. He is a tall strong man with white skin, dark brown hair and a beard. His hobbies include going to church, hunting, taxidermy and drinking with his friends. Armand meets his wife and they soon fell in love. But Armand’s parents, Eugene and Manette disapprove of his interracial marriage. He becomes distant with them, only allowed to be back in the family when he divorces his wife.
 Antoinette Loretta Moreau (formerly Duvalier) is Alastor’s French Creole mother. She is a descendant of the famous Marie Laveau, Marie being Alastor’s great, great grandmother.
 Antoinette has short curly black hair and dark brown skin, often wears cotton dresses and round ladies’ hats in bold red. She is part African American and part Native American and can speak Haitian Creole. In secret, away from her Christian husband, she asks her ancestors for guidance and reveres the Loa and saints, sitting at an altar she made. Antoinette’s white mother, Odette is a Voodoo Queen who reveres Yemaya and the saints. Odette’s husband, Mathis, is an African American musician, who later helps Alastor start a music career. Armand’s parents wanted Antoinette to abort her child as Alastor was perceived as a “troubled mixed child of sin,” but she refused. Manette offers to put Alastor in an insane asylum “for his own good”, but Antoinette fights back to keep him. Mathis was also wary of Alastor, but later grew to like him, while Alastor’s paternal grandparents always treated their grandson like he was stupid and dirty.
  Antoinette is the one who taught Alastor all his favorite hobbies: cooking, sewing, Voodoo rituals, French and playing instruments. From her, Alastor learned how to play the piano, sing and dance while listening to the gramophone in their living room. At school, Alastor loved theater and leaned to play the trumpet, violin, saxophone, and piano. He also improves on his dancing and singing. Alastor is bullied for being mixed, doing women’s work and not liking girls.
 New Orleans culture is introduced, along with popular festivals, 1900s language and Haitian Creole. Armand and Antoinette briefly talk in French as well.
        Chapter Two: “Runnin’ Wild”
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 Early 1900’s Alastor’s youth
 In his early innocent days, Alastor goes with his family to theater shows and Mardi Gras festivals. He eats king cake and watches jazz bands play. As a kid, Alastor is marveled by the colors, sights and sounds of the parades, costumes and delicious Creole food. Young Alastor is oblivious to the fact that others look down on the Moreau family for their interracial marriage. The insults affect Armand, reminding him of his chiding parents, but Antoinette insists that they must keep raising their son to be strong and kind. Alastor meets his uncle and aunt and cousins, celebrating St. John’s Day, Christmas and Fet Gede (All Soul’s Day). Alastor could often be found playing in the woods and the swamp. He even makes friends with the alligators while keeping a safe distance from them.
    Chapter Three: “What a Wonderful World”
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 Early 1900’s more Alastor childhood and learning
 Alastor’s mother teaches him how to make jambalaya and the dish becomes his favorite food. It nearly killed her when a drunken Antoinette put gunpowder in the pan and it blew up in her face. Antoinette would always tell Alastor, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile,” and Alastor smiled ever since. Alastor likes black coffee, hard liquor, deer meat and elegant meals. Alastor does not like tea, Oreos, strawberries, canned foods or anything sweet.
 Alastor also learns Native American myths from his mother, including one about the Wendigo. (Alastor’s shadow and full demon form would be associated with the Wendigo monster).
 For the only time in his life, Alastor enjoys being around dogs without fear. Despite being perceived as “abnormal” by many, he is one of the nicest kids around. He reads a lot, and really got into cookbooks and joke books. Alastor and his mother dance together to the gramophone, singing together in pure bliss.
  Alastor starts school. He learns Creole from his mother and some French as well.
 When Alastor goes to school, he eventually joins the band, despite him being bullied by both whites and kids of color. The kids often throw rocks and mud at him, calling him “Chocolate Boy” and “Dirty Dan.” At one point, they surround him and vicious rub at his skin until a teacher arrives to stop them. After Alastor gets home, bruised and crying, Alastor’s mother tends to him and tells him to smile and not hit girls. She makes him jambalaya to cheer him up and lets him help with the cooking. Alastor’s father suddenly berates him for being weak and orders the mother to make dinners and do laundry afterwards.
 Chapter Four: “When The Saints Go Marching In”
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 Early 1900s, Voodoo rituals, witch doctor black uncle and grandfather, Odette grandmother
 Along with sewing, cooking, and dancing, Antoinette also teaches Alastor about Voodoo/Hoodoo rituals, along with his Grandmother Odette Duvalier.
 Alastor sews Voodoo dolls (but doesn’t use them to harm others), collects animal parts and herbs, later using them to curse the houses and hideouts of criminals. He learns the veves of the Loa and conducts rituals with red and black candles. He uses alligator blood for healing magic. At a young age, Alastor can sense not only his ancestors but also spirits of those who had passed on.
 Alastor learns how to consecrate objects, mediate in front of altars and how to connect with his ancestors. He learns of Antoinette’s Native American heritage. He eventually connects with the Loa, most of all to Met Kalfu, the fiery trickster Loa. He learns of his mother and grandmother being prominent Voodoo queens/figures in New Orleans. Antoinette had to curb back her involvement ever since she married Armand, but Odette still maintained her strong connection to the community. Antoinette and Alastor frequently do rituals out in nature, always showing respect to Papa Legba, the Loa of the Crossroads first. Ironically, the child-like Papa Legba and his dogs shared a spiritual connection with the young boy before Legba’s Petro aspect Kalfu took over as Alastor grew up.
 (The dogs being part of Alastor’s death could represent the consequence of Alastor abandoning his innocence and former faith in his family/ancestors. The dog is sacred to Papa Legba and Ogun, Loa of iron and warriors/hunters).
 Odette and Antoinette warn Alastor not to use magic and Voodoo for evil (which he later does anyway). His spirituality would reflect what path he goes down. Antoinette told Alastor that Voodoo magic is used for healing and guidance. Alastor formerly used Voodoo magic for good until being corrupted by the dark influences of the Goetic demons and Met Kalfu. Antoinette reveres the Rada Loa and discovers that Alastor has a spiritual connection to Met Kalfu, a Petro Loa. This explains Alastor’s affinity with fire magic.
 Odette and Antoinette’s hidden magic is a reddish blue, the colors of the Petro and Rada mixed. Alastor’s magic eventually becomes Petro red. After making deals with Gnostic demons Abaddon, Furfur etc. (kill souls on Earth as sacrifices to gain more power in the afterlife), his magic becomes exclusively evil and powerful. As a consequence, he loses touch with his ancestors and the other Loa after the deaths of his parents. (Souls can use magic in other worlds but lays dormant on Earth).
 Alastor later gets his magic in hell with Kalfu’s influence and on Earth, he calls upon Ogun to assist him with using knives, axes and other weapons. None of the Loa accept human sacrifices but the Gnostic demons do, thus how Alastor gained more souls and eventual power.
 Antoinette notices her husband slowly growing more distant from his son as Alastor bonds with her more.
  Chapter Five: “Shadow Man”
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   Age 7
 At first, Armand is friendly with Alastor, watching with pride as he grows up. But as time goes on, he becomes more distant and harsh. Armand’s exposure to church made him believe that Alastor was a spawn of the Devil. He forces Alastor and his mother to memorize parts of the Bible and to pray to God every day. When they refuse, they get beaten up. Antoinette always cries in despair when she has to watch her son get beaten and whipped. She gets beaten up as well when she doesn’t clean the house or cook food to his liking. When Armand displays more “appropriate manly” behavior, he receives approval from his male friends and his parents.
 During the better moments, Armand teaches Alastor how to hunt for game, prepare deer meat and skin deer for fur and deer heads. He also taught him some French. Armand has a taxidermy collection at the family cabin, even having his own business selling the stuffed prepared animals. He also teaches Alastor self-defense and how to run and be strong like a man. Alastor didn’t play sports like his father wanted but he was skilled at hunting and doing outdoor work.
 Armand is mostly at work or with his buddies. Other than teaching Alastor skills in the woods, he doesn’t spend time with him. When he does interact, he chides his son for various things. Armand brings a hunting dog into the woods and the dog attacks Alastor, thinking he was a deer. Armand chides Alastor for not defending himself and being careless. This begins Alastor’s fear of dogs.
 Chapter Six: “You Rascal You”
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  Age 10
 As time goes on, Armand and Alastor begin to hate each other. Armand doesn’t like the fact that Alastor cooks and sews, calling it “women’s work.” Alastor’s love of theater and musicals doesn’t please him either. Alastor gets bullied for his heritage and interests at school. Armand stamps and breaks Alastor’s ribs when he doesn’t behave. Armand gets jealous that his wife seems to spend more time with Alastor. In darker moments, Armand soon begins drinking alcohol and hooking up with other women, even in their own home. When Alastor witnesses the horrific sight one night, his father beats him, whips him and molests him, calling him a “half-breed sissy faggot who likes other boys.” His mother comes in later and comforts him.
  Alastor at a young age remembers the feeling of violation, his father’s hands on his waist and thrusting penis in his ass. This begins the cycle of trauma and Alastor’s aversion to people touching him, other than his mother. His mother soon finds out of his actions but can’t do anything about it as he is the head of household. Alastor’s mother sings “Smile” to her son as a song of comfort and lament. Alastor begins to think about killing his father.
  Chapter Seven: “Nobody Knows The Trouble I’ve Seen”
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 Age 13 Alastor witnesses discrimination
 Alastor begins to play instruments and sing really well, his skills backed up by his mother’s teachings and the school band practices.
  Alastor watches many old films including…
“The Great Train Robbery” (1903)
“Chased by Dogs” (1904) traumatized him/foreshadowing
“Satan Finds Mischief” (1908)
“Frankenstein” (1910) One of Alastor’s favorites as a teen, he emphasizes with the monster
“Oliver Twist”
“White Fawn’s Devotion” (1910)
“L’Inferno” (1911) another one of his favorites
“Peter Pan” (1924)
“The Phantom of the Opera” (1925) Watched it with Mimzy
“The Wizard of Oz” (1925)
“The Jazz Singer” (1927) One of his favorite musicals
“Sweeney Todd” (1928) Another silent crime film he enjoyed
“PopEye” (1929)
“King of Jazz” (1930)
“Dracula” (1931)
“Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (1932)
“Smilin’ Though” (1932)
“Murders in the Rue Morgue” (1932)
“Tarzan the Ape Man” (1932)
“The Big Broadcast” (1932) Alastor relates to the radio broadcaster main character
Radio City Music Hall started showing films in 1933.
 As a teen, Alastor swims in the creek, hikes in the mountains and hunts bear and deer. He also collects animal skulls when he can, as he is fascinated by anatomy.
  Chapter Eight: “God Moves on the Water”
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 1912 Age 16
 Alastor witnesses the Titanic sinking in 1912, reading the newspaper (the same year that Baxter died). During the same year, he and his mother are forced to evacuate due to hurricanes. Alastor helps save people’s lives from drowning. They move closer to the city but their cabin in the woods remains intact. Alastor and his mother frequently pray to the Loa and saints associated with disasters.
 Alastor enjoys hunting deer, rabbits and other animals to use for meat. It is one of the few times where Alastor feels in power and in control. He soon enjoys killing the animals, which would later translate into his enjoyment of killing and manipulating other people.
   World War One
 World War One begins in 1914 right after Alastor graduates high school, and Alastor is drafted for it at age 18 along with his father (but they were sent to different places). He tearfully hugs his mother goodbye, unsure whether he’ll see her again. During his time there, he discovered the use of old radios used for communication. He was one of the soldiers who fixed and transported said radios on the front lines. Alastor watches several comrades die around him, the only thing keeping him sane is his task to operate the radios. Alastor returned to the city in 1917, now with more of an idea of his career.
 Late 1910s:
At a young age, Alastor’s main source of entertainment is the abandoned family radio; he would mimic the Trans Atlantic accents and enjoy listening to the news and static. It was his way to escape the harsh reality he was in. His uncle, mother and grandmother encouraged him that he could do anything he wanted to, and that a broadcasting career would be a great fit for him in the future. (Next generation people needed for the airwaves). Alastor starts fixing radios for people and makes a crystal one by himself. For a while, Alastor is happy to be alone and free with his mother, no worries of his imposing father to keep both of them silent.
  But the Spanish Flu also occurred in 1918…
  Chapter Nine: “Willow Weep For Me”
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 1918: Age 22 Spanish Flu
 …and when Alastor finds out his mother is gravely ill. (Alastor’s aunt and cousin cared for his mother while the men were away). A few days pass in early 1919. He is able to embrace her as she says her final words: “Don’t be sad for me. Remember, you’re never fully dressed without a smile.”
  His father happens to come home on the same day his mother dies! He is deeply saddened by her death but on the outside he looks at her with disgust over her illness.
 He slams the door to her room, not letting Alastor grieve by her side. For the first time, he is not afraid to get beaten by his father anymore. His father berates him for being lazy and not caring for his mother. He tries to ignore his father, but he beats him and chokes him. Not wanting to die by his hands and overburdened with grief and rage, Alastor had enough. Getting his long awaited revenge, he uses a nearby knife to brutally slash his father’s throat, killing him (he also bites his throat and mocks him for good measure). He had lost both parents in a single day.
  Heartbroken, Alastor is forced to bury his mother at a nearby cemetery as it rains (He promptly feeds his body to the gators with no remorse.).
 Chapter Ten: “Dr. Jazz”
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 1919: Age 23
The Radio Corporation of America is founded in 1919. In 1922, WWL, Louisiana’s first radio station started broadcasting, founded by the Catholic Loyola University to help raise funds to build six new campus buildings.
Alastor dreams of becoming a jazz musician. Louis Armstrong becomes his role model and encourages him to join a band of his own. More people start to recognize his talent. He does music and low paying jobs from 1919-1920.
 Alastor takes care to avoid the Axeman killer and is spared from his attack by playing jazz every night. At one point, Alastor hacks a racist couple and copies the Axeman’s actions, leading to more panic in New Orleans. The rumors spread that the Axeman had killed twice as many victims.
  Chapter Eleven: “Friends On The Other Side”
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Alastor goes to Dr. Facilier, both men had lost their mothers. Distraught, Alastor agrees to talk to the dark Loa and gain dark magic to use in the afterlife. But Dr. Facilier intends to gain wealth at any means, even if it means offering Alastor’s soul. Dr. Facilier reads Alastor’s tarot cards.
 The two voodoo men make a deal: whoever wins and lives the longest will own the other’s soul in the afterlife. (Alastor’s shadow appears as well). Alastor knew it was risky, but he felt helpless at this point. He watches Dr. Facilier carefully, and is able to mimic some of his magic when he arrives in Hell. Dr. Facilier tells Alastor that if he tries to kill him, then the Loa will haunt him until his death. Both agree to let the other do their dark deeds (Alastor killing people and Dr. Facilier scamming people for money).
 Alastor ends up giving him money to help him run his shop, but ends up more broke in the process. Dr. Facilier laughs at his cousin’s fate, but Alastor vows that he will surpass him.
 It is at this time that Alastor makes his deals with Kalfu, Furfur and Baron Samedi demons: wealth and power for the sacrifice of human souls. Only Furfur accepts human sacrifice, the Loa do not (they are not necessarily evil, they just want to help guide Alastor and teach him important lessons). Alastor uses Haitian Voodoo to hex and curse people, along with using a variety of weapons at night. Alastor is instructed to retrieve a grimoire in the afterlife that will seal the deal and grant him his powers (plus his shadow as he already had his microphone staff and basic radio powers beforehand).
 Alastor calls upon Baron Kriminel to help with getting revenge on those who tormented him and bullied him around. Alastor loses touch with his ancestors and the more beneficial Loa, opting instead to work with Furfur.  
   Time goes by (Roaring Twenties) and Alastor performs in an attempt to make some money. His uncle then connects with someone who works for CBS. More people flock to hear Alastor and his band perform. Alastor earns more money when he begins to fix radios for people. Alastor then applies for a radio DJ position but ends up getting stuck in a lower position, organizing files and cleaning up the studio rooms. Alastor kills off the higher ups and gets a position at NBC. He plays the top tunes but it soon gets boring. After getting fired, Alastor decides to broadcast on his own.
  Chapter Twelve: “Sitting on Top of the World”
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 1920s: Young adulthood, career peak
 During the Roaring Twenties, he would become the most famous radio host in Louisiana. Alastor often smokes both during work and during his free time. Alastor basks in wealth and fame.
 Chapter Thirteen: “Mack The Knife” (Alastor’s killing sprees)
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  1919, 1920: age 25 - 1933
During the Roaring Twenties, Alastor begins his killing spree of racist men, rapists, and criminals. He is called the Vigilante and the Louisiana Lunatic by those in New Orleans and kills his victims in various ways. Guns, knives, traps, and fire were his favorite tools to use. However, in this version, Alastor doesn’t kill women or children, he only uses them as tools. During the day and morning, Alastor does his radio broadcasting.
 Alastor flirts with women and manipulates them because it’s fun to do. People who made deals with him often found their money stolen by him. Many women are charmed by Alastor but Alastor doesn’t get intimate with any of them. He enjoys dancing with women, especially Mimzy. Alastor lavishes in wealth, buying new red suits and top hats, a fancy red car and a microphone cane with golden deer antlers. He also likes black, brown, blue, and green outfits. Alastor pulls pranks on people for fun (thumbtacks, kick me signs, soap in drinks, whoopee cushions, plastic doorways), some like it, some don’t.
     Chapter Fourteen: “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile”
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   Chapter Fifteen: “Pack Up All Your Troubles and Smile, Smile, Smile!”
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 Alastor meets flapper woman Mimzy and the two bond over drinks, dancing, and singing. Alastor discovers that she killed her abusive husband and took his money. Mimzy finds out that Alastor kills criminals but she doesn’t say anything to anyone else.
 Chapter Sixteen: “Love is a Magical Mystery”
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 Mimzy and Alastor dance the Charleston.
  Chapter Seventeen: “Let’s Misbehave”
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  Mimzy is deeply in love with Alastor, but he doesn’t love her back. He only sees her as a friend, which Mimzy doesn’t quite understand. She questions whether Alastor has a sexual disorder when Alastor tells her how he feels, which offends him. The two of them get intimate and nearly have sex but Alastor holds back, saying he’s not ready, much to her shock.
 Chapter Eighteen: “Do What I Wanna Do”
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Mimzy later dies after Alastor accidentally poisons her drink that was left for a racist man. Alasor would later sing with her and Rosie, bonding again in Hell. Alastor gets tired of people assuming he has a sexual disorder. Alastor was heartbroken at losing his only friend.
 Dr. Facilier dies in 1926 after failing to please the dark Loa. He tries to kill Alastor but is distracted when Naveen comes along. He lost his bet to Alastor and as a result, became Alastor’s snake slave in Hell. Alastor would also surpass him in magical power in the afterlife. Alastor is more than happy to announce his death on the radio.
   In this version, Alastor doesn’t eat people until Rosie introduces him to cannibalism in Hell via her elite group of associates. They later sing a cannibal song in Hell. Alastor is also not an official Overlord and doesn’t go after women or children.
 Alastor’s uncle is killed by KKK members and Alastor goes after them.
 Alastor cheerfully broadcasts peoples’ deaths on the air, not being found out until the thirties. On the radio, Alastor tells dad jokes, talks about special Creole recipes and always ends with the song “You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile.” Alastor also talks about the Axeman and when he says “play jazz and I’ll spare your life.” Alastor takes great care to avoid the Axeman. Alastor also talks about Clementine’s killings and voodoo practices as well.
 Hell, 1929
Esteemed Mortal of New Orleans: The Louisiana Lunatic
 They have never caught me and they never will. They have never seen me, for I am invisible, even as the sound waves that surround your earth. I am not a human being, but a demon from the hottest hell. I am what you Orleanians call the Louisiana Lunatic. Down here, I’m the inevitable Radio Demon.
 When I see fit, I shall appear and claim other victims as I see fit. I alone know whom they shall be. No clues will be left behind, save for what you might hear on the next broadcast.
Tell the police and the racist, elite scum of the world to beware. Let them try not to discover who I am, for it’d be better for them not to have been born than to incur the wrath of the Louisiana Lunatic. You’ll have a deer in the headlights look and won’t have any idea what hit you until after it’s too late.
Undoubtedly, you Orleanians think of me as a monster and murderer. But if I wanted to hurt anyone else here, I would have done so already. If I wished, I could pay a visit to your city every night. I could kill every one of your best and worst citizens, for I am in a close relationship with the Shadows of the Other Side.
At 6:06 pm next Friday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans and then visit those in Hell. I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is:
I am very fond of jazz music, electro swing, and jambalaya. I swear by all the Loas and deities that I will spare those who can provide me with some great entertainment when I visit. Word of warning, I can read you people like a book, and see into your very souls. Anyone foolish enough to challenge me will have their corpses consumed and their screams muffled by the lovely sound of jazz bands jamming the night away.
I have been, am, and will be, the worst spirit that ever existed in fact, fantasy, or realm of Hazbins.
Smile and stay tuned!
      Chapter Nineteen: “Crazy Rhythm”
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 The Great Depression comes into effect as well as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. Niffty is born in 1929: Alastor briefly takes care of Japanese born Niffty as a baby before placing her in an orphanage, where she would leave with her new Japanese family.
 A crazed Alastor goes on his killing spree and begins to eat people out of desperation for food. He goes after racists, rapists, KKK members and deer hunters who hunt for sport and status (despite hunting deer himself and liking venison). He broadcasts their deaths on the radio. He doesn’t kill women and children. The people he killed are offered as sacrifices to deer demon Furfur and Met Kalfu, deities who grant him his power in Hell after he made deals with them. In order to gain power, Alastor had to leave his mortal life.
 Alastor enjoys reading about the chaos in the newspaper. People frantically sell their stuff and beg for jobs and money. He also enjoys seeing the orphans suffering homeless in the streets as it reminds him of his better off status. He also finds children annoying and undisciplined, a left over trait from his father.
 But soon, things take a downward turn. Alastor begins to lose money and food, his former glory days over. Alastor hoards radios and radio furniture in his house. He grows bony thin and his eyes have bags under them. (He takes on a similar gaunt appearance arriving in Hell, remaining weak until he gains his powers and eats other demons. Magic also takes some of his energy.) Alastor grows unhealthy due to lack of food, and (almost!) resorts to cannibalism. He also fears losing his radio audience due to the prospects of TV. He meets Vox, an ABC broadcasting company CEO who taunts him for his race and career. They get into a fight but victorious Vox leaves, saying to him that his days are over.
 Alastor becomes depressed, cutting into his skin for rituals or just to taste his own blood…to feel something. His self-inflicted cuts add to the scars on his back and body from his dad and struggling criminals.
  Chapter Twenty: “Video Killed the Radio Star”
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 Alastor ironically dies when a full Hunter’s Moon is present. Police send dogs after Alastor after finding out of his actions, he barely manages to escape in the woods. He kills a deer hunter but an infected dog bites him afterwards. When a rabies-bitten Alastor buries the deer hunter’s body in hunting grounds, a hunter mistakes him for a deer and sends two hunting dogs after him. He gets mauled by the dogs before he is shot in the head. It is revealed that the hunter is Vincent/Vox, a white man who had been visiting New Orleans as a new CEO to promote TV. Vox is hailed as a hero after he finds out he killed the serial killer. (This is also why Alastor hates Vox so much).
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