#alaxia mew
ask-team-donum · 1 year
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Etoile with baby Alaxia and Eden!!! :DD
I had to draw my favorite characters <333 (yes Alaxia is one of my favorites FDGSVB his gender, evilness, twinness, and tragedy have captivated me)
These awesome characters are from @ask-eden :DD!!
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inaris-pokemon-world · 11 months
(( they’ve interacted maybe 2 times but hurls a Alaxia from Ask-Eden at Inaris for crackship memearooski //if you wanna fkfkf ))
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[These are no longer open!]
Inari and @ask-eden’s Alaxia! I just couldn’t help myself and made twins, one for me and one for you~ (I couldn’t help but keep Angel, I’m a mess lol) They’re named after angel food cake and tapioca pearls.
They’s also just… something strange about them…
[glitches under the cut]
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askvekpa · 2 years
(Ask-Eden)Alaxia@Vekpa: The mew floats near the giant feline, looking down at the child below with a unamused expression. "Who the hell names their kid 'Lunch'. Were you going to eat it at some point and felt guilty?"
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ask-eden · 1 month
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. . . .
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jazzy-art-time · 4 months
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top 10 images of Alaxia that go hard af
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sometimesjoltik · 9 months
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You don't even KNOW what kind of stuff these two talk about (nonsense and angry yelling)
Alaxia belongs to @ask-eden :D
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cowcowwow · 11 months
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Doodles of my @ask-team-donum characters with @ask-eden 's characters!!! :DD also snuck in a Stocking ehehe <333
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askturnipdeerling · 8 months
(Ask-Eden)Alaxia@Turnip: the mew curiously approaches the deerling, floating slightly above. “Pardon my intrusion. But you mentioned your father is a xerneas…” his ears prick up slightly “but he isn’t immortal? How exactly does that work? I’ve never heard of the god of life not being able to.. well. Live. Forever. In a sense.” His brow raises “if that’s something you would know, that is.” He quickly adds, realizing he didn’t want to pester a child for this information
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“And ever since, each Xerneas has lived as a mortal, as the monarch of the Forest, and then passed Xerneas’ power onto someone of their bloodline- usually Xerneas’ firstborn child- when both were ready for the transition.”
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ask-meitra · 4 months
[Ask-Eden] Alaxia@Kerex: The mew raises a brow at the fellow mew and huffs a bit in amusement. “Onion? I’m assuming you’ve given that nickname to a Celebi. Unless it’s some other poor unfortunate mythic that smells particularly foul.” Alaxia smiles a bit and cocks his head slightly “So, going off my vague assumption it’s a Celebi.. what would a ‘reaper’ such as yourself have need for hanging out with someone with time travel capabilities?” He smiles and shrugs a bit “of course, if they aren’t a Celebi, feel free to correct me. Not my place to read your mind”
Kerex would stare at the other mew for a while before letting out a huff, "Well because you are curious she is a Celebi and because she and Meitra live in the same forest I get to see her almost as often as my sister. However I have no need for her time travel capabilities as nothing warrants the need to go forward or back through time. Though a curious question would be why would a glitch be interested in one of our Celebis?"
[ @ask-eden ]
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chimeras-critters · 10 months
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Name: Angel Alias: Charizard ‘M, ‘M (Hexadecimal FF) Pronouns: she/they/it Species: Charizard ‘M Ability: Blaze Type: Fire/Flying Tera Type: ??? Nature: Calm Characteristic: highly curious Known moves: Super Glitch, --, TM05, TM09, TM50 Misc.: 
A cursed child, one of a pair.
Can mimic the voice of those you’ve lost.
Can fuse two Pokémon into one unstable hybrid, a process both horrifying to see and painful to experience.
Doesn’t understand why what she’s doing is wrong.
Name: Angel Alias: Angie, Angel Food Cake Pronouns: she/they/it Species: Mew Ability: Synchronize Type: Psychic Tera Type: unknown Nature: Calm Characteristic: highly curious Known moves: Aurora Beam, Petal Dance, Fly, Fire Blast, Psychic, Surf, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, Seismic Toss, Dragon Rage, Mimic, Pay Day, Teleport Misc.: 
An alternate universe child of Inari and Alaxia.
A totally normal and adorable young Mew, often seen with her twin brother Pearls.
Can perfectly mimic voices, often doing so as a harmless prank.
She’s fascinated by genetics! She can’t get enough!
Glitched form:
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(Ask-Eden)Alaxia@Edin: the mew floats by with a smirk “in a band huh? Must be interesting.” He stops next to the meowstic and raises a brow “You must be really close to those in your band. Tell me, have you ever been with one of them romantically?” He gets a cheeky expression “Not trying to be rude.. but I am being nosey about it, yes~” he crosses his arms and smiles once more “Or well. Maybe not. Considering the band is still together. I imagine a break up would’ve been nasty~”
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You can tell 'im, Edie. I'm not gonna listen anyway...
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Oh, kay...
Edin deep breathes and makes an a bit awkward smile.
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Well, I had a date with Noelle before she actually falls in love with Rimi. I began to love her at first sight, but she's not.
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Unfortunately for us, we hadn't talk for a long time, and when we were together for a band meeting, she was trying to avoid me, haha...
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After our time in Gala, we're finally found common ground and sometimes talking to each other after that. She still call me a "stinky" but with the lighthearted way.
[ @ask-eden ]
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ask-team-donum · 20 days
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Day Six,, Part TWO!! Interpreting it as a blog swap with someone else's blog >:3 EHEHE
Alaxia and Eden belong to @ask-eden !!! Y'ALL SHOULD DEFINITELY CHECK THEM OUT!!! Incredibly well-written characters, interesting and engaging plot, beautiful art, an amazing mod,, what else could you want :D
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inaris-pokemon-world · 7 months
(( PERHAPS A 💌 for Inaris about my Alaxia, curious! NO PRESSURE OBVS If not then just a 📝 if you would prefer!! ))
I love love LOVE the idea of a relationship between them. I really think it could even go romantic if Alaxia allowed himself. And even then, there’s always the lingering threat that things go sour because Alaxia is, y’know, a world-ending eldritch horror /pos
But o h ooh Oooooh that’s the beauty of this relationship. It could be really sweet, or go REALLY bad.
It could be a story of love…
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Or tragedy.
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And I cannot wait to see where it goes.
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kornstreifs-storys · 11 months
The Gala, Ending
Gaia, walked out of the building and looked around. Anima really seemed to have left already. She sighed. I really am a bad mother am I not. She thought to herself.
Well it had probably been naive to think that one evening out could fix her relationship with Anima. Still she had hoped to at least get a little bit closer. But alas it was not to be.
At least, she thought, I managed to get one thing done today. She could feel the Corruption she had recieved from Alaxia int the pocket dimension she had shoved it in. Blue Screen would be pleased, with this they could finally finish that barrier.
Which meant it was probably time to pay her old friend a visit again. After that she could try to talk to Anima again, but mabye, she just had to let that go for the time being.
And with that final thought, Gaia turned back into her Mew forme and took of, back home.
Gaia has left the Gala Event and is now unavaliable for questions.
Index / Masterpost
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ask-eden · 4 months
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Most of the observing pokemon left the room out of secondhand embarrassment of the scene unfolding. Caulklun and Madoka were the only two that remained in the room due not being properly dismissed. Caulklun remained avoiding eye contact out of respect, Madoka continued to try and not laugh. Alaxia could only dangle helplessly from his scruff as Sunbeam floated across the room, passing by the other two mew. Sunbeam: Madoka, gather some blankets. Caulklun, find some of AlliCat's favorite foods and beverage. You both will meet us in his quarters in a moment. Understood? Both mews nod and quickly leave the room, Caulklun giving Madoka a angry shove as she snickered once more at the scene. Both speaking in whispers to one another Caulklun: ((MADOKA. STOP IT. It's not FUNNY.)) Madoka: ((It kind of is. He got scruffed by his Mommy heehee~)) Caulklun: ((I'LL SCRUFF YOU IF YOU LAUGH AGAIN.. CUT IT OUT...))
They both leave the room, leaving Alaxia alone with his mother. Despite them whispering, Alaxia still heard everything they said. A wave of embarrassment and shame washed over him, combined with the stab of guilt in his gut, all he could do was curl his tail tip over his face. Attempting to hide from everything. Sunbeam floats out of the room, carrying Alaxia by his scruff as she goes down the hallways of the area.
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daily-croissant · 3 years
(Ask-Eden)Alaxia@banetteon: The mew floats near the creature. "Interesting way to deal with those who owe you money, one would think if death was on the line they would pay up more quickly hm?" The Mew cocks his head to the side. "Do you have a name? Or are you a fellow who keeps his name a secret and goes under whatever nickname people give you?"
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[???: Finally, someone with class who gets it~
And here I thought most legendaries were pussies these days
I’ve been called many things, a monster, disgusting, many more]
“But you can call me Zollar”
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