microbirrificiomomo · 5 years
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Birra Mómò anche a Ale Agency di #Pfäffikon! . | . www.momo.beer #birramomo #aleagency #zürich #zürichoberland #microbirrificiomomo #rapperswil #uster #pfaeffikon #bierladen #birraartigianale #birraticinese #birrasvizzera #schweiz #mendrisiotto #craftbeershop #ticino #tessin #schweizerbier #bièresuisse #craftbeer #craftbier #biershop (at Pfäffikon, Zürich) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwKdKzlFbau/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=14geg9q6h78pz
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libraryofsports · 5 years
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Nine: So do we have a deal?
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hey everyone! I’m sorry for the absence, I had finals all week last week and they have me doing this training session for work it’s been so busy but I’m finally able to have some me time so I’ve been working on the next three chapters of fate or chance and I’m really happy with this chapter🤗 it’s a little risqué at the end but nothing nsfw, it’s actually really cute I hope you guys like it!🧡
Also I just saw the Demon Slayer movie over the weekend and I am HURT😞
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 “Thank you Mammon, I really needed this.” You sigh happily.
  “Wanna talk about it? I’m here to listen to ya.” Mammon asks. You have half a mind to vent to him, but you decide to just enjoy the moment.
  “No, just a hectic week, what movie do you want to watch?” You ask Mammon.
  “Tch, I told you, it’s your pick.” 
  “Let’s watch my favorite movie from the human world! It’s about a girl who’s getting married but she wants her father to be there except there are three possible candidates since her mom was with them around the same time, so she invites them all!” You squeal. Mammon chuckles, then shakes his head, “Sounds like a nightmare.” 
  “But it’s also a musical! I promise it’s really good.” You say. 
  “I’ll watch whatever ya want to watch, I’m sure if ya like it, it’s a good movie.” He tells you.
  You rush to put the movie on as Mammon sets down the food in front of you both. As the movie begins, you both begin to eat the food in comfortable silence. You look over at Mammon, who seemed to be following along with the movie. You smile, happy he’s here with you.
  “Ya starin’ doll.”
  You blush profusely, “N-no, I was just making sure you were following along!”
  “I am, so far. That place looks nice, where is it?” Mammon asks.
  “Greece, it’s a beautiful country!” You tell him.
  “Ah, that’s where the Hades and Persephone story comes from, right?” 
  You blink up at him. How the hell does he know about Hades and Persephone?
  “Oh, you know about their story?”
  Mammon nods carefully, afraid of your reaction. What if you think he’s a total loser? 
  “That’s so cool! I think mythology is fascinating.” You smile at him. Mammon gulps, you’re going to kill him. 
  “Have you been to Greece, Y/n?” Mammon asks you. 
  “No, I haven't.” You answer, turning back to the movie.
  “Would you like to go?”
  “More than anything.”
  Mammon pauses, “Would you like to go with me?”
  You think for a moment before turning back to him, “I would really like that, Mammoney.”
  “R-really? You’d go with me?” Mammon asks you.
  You nod, “Yeah, I think it’d be pretty fun! I’d even let you gamble a bit.”
  “Y-you would?” Mammon stares at you in wonder. Everyone hated his gambling habits, but here you are, excepting them.
  “Yeah, maybe once or twice. Thrice if you’re on your best behavior.” You giggle. 
  “Ouch, Y/n, ya breaking my heart. I’m always on my best behavior.” Mammon smirks at you. 
  You continue to laugh, “You’re a fucking menace.”
  Mammon clutches his chest, pretending to be heartbroken. You laugh as you slightly shove him, causing him to laugh along with you. You can’t help but think how nice this is. You haven’t hung out with Mammon in a long time. You missed this. You missed him.
  “So we have a deal? You and me, Greece, end of this semester?” 
  You look at him, you feel tears starting to form. You put your food to your side and you leap onto Mammon, hugging him tightly. Mammon catches you in time, securing you on his lap with his hands on your waist. 
  “Y-y/n!” Mammon cries out in surprise. He feels like he’s going to pass out, your scent is intoxicating him. If you don’t move soon, he doubts he’ll find his self-control. 
  You let go of Mammon so he could see your face, “You have yourself a deal, Mammoney!”
  You have tears of joy streaming down your cheeks, but even like this, Mammon thinks you’re the most ethereal piece of beauty he’s ever seen. He takes his hands off your waist and places his hands on your cheeks. Mammon gently wipes off your tears but his hands linger on your face, “My Persephone.” He whispers to you.
  You blush, "If I'm Persephone, who does that make you?"  
  “Your Hades, if you allow me.” He tells you, slowly leaning closer to you as if he’s asking for permission. You gaze into his eyes, they look so loving and sincere. Before you know it, you start leaning closer to him until you feel his soft lips on yours. Mammon kisses you gently but passionately as if he’s been waiting his entire existence for this exact moment. He pulls you closer, the softness of your skin making him never wanting to let go of you. He places his hands back onto your waist, leaning his head onto the crook of your neck inhaling the scent of your shampoo, it’s driving him crazy. He places gentle kisses on your neck, right below your ear.
  “Mammon.” You sigh.
  “It’s alright, Y/n. I won’t go any further.” Mammon tells you.
  “But… I want to keep kissing you.” You whisper to him as you pout.
  “Well, I never said we had to stop kissin’ doll” Mammon grins as he leans down to give your a peck on the lips.
  You and Mammon stayed up watching the movie in each other's embrace. For a night, you had completely forgotten about Solomon. Mammon had taken over your brain for the night with loving kisses and cuddles.
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What a chapter 😬
Solomon who ??? I only know Mammon
What I would do to have a night like this with Mammon 😭
I’m actually okay with Solomon, all the Solomon slander is jokes and just for the plot 😌
Do you know what movie I referenced? 😁
The Angel bois will make their 1st appearances next chapter 😇
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philosibies · 6 years
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McArthur-Burney Falls, Shasta Country, CA at its best, Shot on Christmas '18 [1320x1976][OC] via /r/EarthPorn https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/aleage/mcarthurburney_falls_shasta_country_ca_at_its/?utm_source=ifttt
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Trailer film crestin „Ignoranță fatală” De ce nu pot intra fecioarele nechibzuite în Împărăția Cerurilor?
Zheng Mu'en este un colaborator într-o biserică creștină chineză din Statele Unite, care crede de mulți ani în Domnul, lucrează și cheltuiește cu pasiune pentru Domnul. Într-o zi, mătușa lui îi mărturisește că Domnul Isus S-a întors pentru a exprima adevărul și a înfăptui lucrarea de judecată și de purificare a omului în zilele de pe urmă, vești care îl încântă foarte mult. După ce citește cuvântul lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic și se uită la filme și materiale video ale Bisericii lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic, inima lui Zheng Mu'en se convinge că vorbele lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic sunt adevărul și că Dumnezeu Atotputernic ar putea fi întoarcerea Domnului Isus, astfel că începe să cerceteze lucrarea lui Dumnezeu în zilele de pe urmă, împreună cu frații și surorile lui. Dar când pastorul Ma, conducătorul bisericii lui, descoperă aceasta, încearcă de mai multe ori să intervină și să-l oprească pe Zheng Mu'en. Îi arată lui Zheng Mu'en un material video de propagandă al guvernului PCC care calomniază și condamnă Fulgerul de la Răsărit, într-o încercare de a-l determina pe Zheng Mu'en să-și abandoneze cercetarea căii adevărate, iar acest film îl lasă foarte confuz: își dă, evident, seama că vorbele lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic sunt adevărul și glasul lui Dumnezeu, dar atunci de ce Îl condamnă pastorii și bătrânii lumii religioase pe Dumnezeu Atotputernic? Nu numai că aceștia refuză să caute și să cerceteze ei înșiși, dar încearcă să-i oprească și pe alții de la acceptarea căii adevărate. De ce? … Zheng Mu'en se teme să nu fie înșelat și să aleagă calea greșită, dar se teme, de asemenea, să nu-și piardă șansa de a fi răpit. În toiul confuziei și al conflictului, pastorul Ma prezintă o propagandă și mai negativă a PCC-ului și lumii religioase, provocând și mai multă îndoială în inima lui Zheng Mu'en. El decide să-l asculte pe pastorul Ma și renunță la cercetarea căii adevărate. Mai târziu, după ce ascultă mărturisirea și părtășia martorilor Bisericii lui Dumnezeu Atotputernic, Zheng Mu'en înțelege că, în cercetarea căii adevărate, principiul esențial este să se stabilească dacă o cale deține adevărul și dacă exprimă glasul lui Dumnezeu. Oricine poate exprima o mare parte a adevărului trebuie să fie arătarea lui Hristos, deoarece niciun membru al omenirii corupte nu ar putea exprima vreodată adevărul. Acesta este un fapt de necontestat. Dacă nu ești concentrat pe ascultarea glasului lui Dumnezeu în cercetarea căii adevărate și, în schimb, aștepți coborârea Domnului Isus pe nori albi, în baza propriilor închipuiri, nu vei reuși niciodată să întâmpini arătarea lui Dumnezeu. În cele din urmă, Zheng Mu'en înțelege taina fecioarelor înțelepte care au auzit glasul lui Dumnezeu rostit de Domnul Isus, decide să nu mai creadă minciunile și teoriile absurde ale guvernului PCC și ale pastorilor și bătrânilor lumii religioase și se eliberează de constrângerile și dependența de pastorul său religios. Zheng Mu'en experimentează în profunzime dificultatea cercetării căii adevărate. Fără discernământ sau fără a căuta adevărul, nu este posibil să auz glasul lui Dumnezeu sau să fii adus în fața tronului Lui. În schimb, poți doar fi înșelat și controlat de Satana și poți muri în plasa Satanei, fapt care îndeplinește pe de-a întregul cuvintele din Biblie, „Poporul Meu este nimicit din lipsă de cunoştinţă” (Osea 4:6). (NTLR®) „Proştii mor din lipsă de judecată” (Proverbe 10:21). (NTLR®)
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance
Chapter Ten: I request angelic assistance
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
So my job has me doing this training course and it’s on weekends for 6 HOURS and in complete SPANISH
I speak Spanish but my writing and reading sucks 😖 and to pass I have to write 3 essays in Spanish 😀 I’ll do my best to update regularly but please forgive me my loves if my updates are here and there for the next month, i can’t afford to pay back my job if i fail this course 😭 but I’ll be posting chapter 11 on Tuesday/Wednesday bc I don’t want to leave y’all ❤️
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Calm down Solomon 🙄✋🏻
Shakespeare who? I only know Mammon The Great
I want a little brother like Luke 🥺
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Eleven: How could you?
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hey hey! I missed you all so much 🥺 I can’t wait to finish this training course so I can focus more on Mammon hehe
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“So why are we meeting here and not at home? Not that I’m complaining, the lighting in here is amazing!” Asmo asks.
Mammon takes a big sip of his smoothie, “Because if Lucifer overhears this, he’ll kill me.”
Asmo sighs, “What have you done now, Mammon? And why do always come to me?”
Mammon debated on telling Asmo what had happened between you and him. Asmo is a natural born gossip, telling him is risky. They were brothers, though, so maybe Asmo would hold back. Maybe.
Mammon gulped, “ I did something... I don’t regret it, I’m happy I did it, but I might have complicated things for someone else.”
“You do that all the time, but what did you do?” Asmo looked at Mammon. He was usually reckless and didn’t really care who it affected. Maybe Mammon was finally maturing.
“IkissedY/n.” Mammon said quickly.
“Slow down a bit, I didn’t understand a word you said.”
Mammon took a deep breath then continued, “I kissed Y/n.”
“No way!” Asmo gasped dramatically, “What happened!?”
“It was during our movie night, one thing led to another and we kissed.” Mammon told his brother who’s mouth hasn’t closed since he heard the news.
“So you both kissed? It was mutual?” Asmo gasped.
“... Yes.”
“Did you guys do the devil’s tango?” Asmo asked proudly, causing Mammon to choke on his drink.
“No, no of course not!” Mammon yelped, “Believe it or not, Asmodeus, I respect Y/n. I would never take advantage of Y/n.”
“You love Y/n.” Asmo grinned at his older brother.
“I do.” Mammon nodded.
“Does Y/n know?” Asmo asked.
“Um I think I made it pretty clear.” Mammon scratched the back of his neck.
“OMG, this is the great! There’s no way Y/n will pick Solomon now!” Asmo smirks.
Mammon shakes his head, “Slow it down a bit, would ya? I’m not pressuring Y/n to pick me, I already told Y/n I’ll wait as long as I need to wait.”
Asmo sipes a fake tear off his cheek, “You’re so mature now, who knew love would fix you!”
“Shut up, Asmodeus. I need you to keep this a secret. If not for me, for Y/n. Please.”
Mammon pleads as they both stand up, ready to leave the shop.
Asmo gives Mammon a firm nod as they both exit the shop, a silent affirmation that this information would stay between them. However, what they didn’t know was that there was a certain white haired sorcerer sitting in the booth behind them, who heard every word.
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Solomon knew what he was doing
Poor Mammon, he has no clue what happened 😔
Y/n thinks people are spreading rumors
The angels’ reaction next chapter 🤭
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Three: Who’d ever love a scumbag?
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hi guys!! Here’s chapter 3, a lot of emotional reveals, Lucifer killing the mood 🙄 pretty short chapter but the next two chapters are very— well... interesting 😇
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As he hears his name, Mammon turns around. He sees you sprinting to him. He shoves his phone into his pocket and gives you a tight lipped smile.
“Y/n, have fun with ya little sorcerer?” Mammon asks you as you both begin to walk home. You blush at the mention of Solomon, you give him an enthusiastic nod.
“Yeah! He’s so sweet.” You sigh.
Mammon rolls his eyes. There’s no way you could actually believe that Solomon was genuinely sweet. However, with the gooey look in your eyes, it seems you really do.
“Yeah I’m sure he is.” Mammon scoffs, you miss the sarcasm in his words so you smile up at him. Mammon feels his heart rate increase. You were smiling at him, but your smile wasn’t towards him. Why did that bother him so much?
“Thank you for coming with me today, I can’t believe I still need supervision!” You giggle.
“Well, you’re still human, ya know. It’s just for precaution.” He shrugs.
“I guess you're right. Look at you, sounding all responsible! Who would've thought?” You teased.
“Haha so funny, Y/n. I’m responsible!” Mammon retorts.
As you both neared the House, you heard your D.D.D go off.
Hey beautiful, can I steal you away from the demon brothers again tomorrow night?
“He wants to go out tomorrow again!” You squeal, “What should I say?” You ask Mammon nervously.
“I don’t know, Y/n… Can’t really help ya.” He sighs. You pouted up at him, “Why not, Mammony?”
He rubs his face, then looks down at you, “I can’t help ya because I've never been in this situation before.”
You look at him in slight disbelief as he opens the front doors for you. Has no one ever asked him out? It seemed unbelievable. Mammon was greedy and stubborn, yes, but he was pretty attractive and caring-- in his own way. Surely he had to have someone want him at some point.
“Mammon, you've never had a partner before?” You ask him carefully, not wanting to offend him. He averts his gaze, looking down at his shoes.
“No, I haven’t… it’s not a big deal ya know!”
You give him a soft smile, “It’s not a big deal, I’m just a little shocked is all.”
Mammon looks at you curiously, “Why are you so shocked? I’m sure you’ve heard all the things everyone says about me, especially my brothers. Who’d ever love a scumbag?” He laughs dryly.
You quickly reach out for his hand, you hold it gently and look up at him. Mammon feels his heart rate increase again. Why is heart racing? It’s just you.
“Mammon, you are not a scumbag. Don’t say that, you’re a very nice guy. You are fiercely loyal and protective of those you love. That's so amazing. Anyone would be lucky to be with you, okay?”
“Am I interrupting something?”
You both jump apart at the sound of Lucifer’s voice.
“No, not all!” You smile, “Well goodnight, I have a very important text waiting for me!” You say as you walk off to your room.
Mammon stares at the spot you once stood at. Why did his chest hurt?
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Lucifer killed the moment 😐
Someone give Mammon some cuddles
Next chapter will be way more emotional I’m sorry 🥺💛
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Four: ...I’m in love.
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hi guys!! I was supposed to post this yesterday but I decided to dye my hair and long story short I made a huge mess, mostly on myself, so I had to clean it up hehe it was so stressful but so funny at the same time thank you guys for your patience and I hope you guys don’t hate me too much because of this chapter, love you guys! 🧡
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Mostly Mammon chapter, I wanted to capture his feelings
Will Asmo fix it or will he mess it up?? 🤔
Lucifer senses are tingling
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Five: Everything is going to be fine!
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hello hello everyone!! I’m back! My fish died so I’ve been mourning all weekend :(( but I’m finally getting back my motivation! I’ve been drawing a lot too, mostly stuff I’d love to make into pins, I’ll show you guys tomorrow, I’d love some feedback from you all!
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Asmo said I want chaos only 😈
I headcanon that Mammon’s actually pretty good in Math.
Sorry for the cliffhanger 💙
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Seven: You’re right.
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hello hello! Here is the next chapter! I was supposed to post it like an hour ago but I am so addicted to webtoon 🙂🙂 somebody take away my phone lmao but here’s chapter 7 😬
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Solomon‘s true colors are starting to show
Well Mammon be endgame ?? Or will Solomon win ? 🤔
Lucifer will make an appearance next chapter
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@aleag @reallydelicate-cycle @iris-archive @t-misaki @belphiesbodypillow @aj-1154 @fernisasinner @hellodeath20
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Six: Persephone
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hey hey hey! I hope you guys are all doing well today! Is Chapter is a wild one, so be prepared hehe I got carried away so it’s pretty long OOPS ILY GUYS 🧡
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  You look down at your phone waiting for Solomon's text that he's at your balcony when you hear a knock at your door. You walk over to open the door, not expecting to see him of all people at your door.
  Mammon gives you an awkward smile as he scratches the back of his neck, “Hey Y/n, heard you needed... Uh, help.”
  You look at him in utter confusion, “I’m sorry, Mammon, I don’t understand what you mean.”
  Mammon groans internally. You don't even need his help! Asmodeus must have set him up. Of course, you don't need this help. You don't need him at all! He's useless to you in every way imaginable. He should have known Asmodeus would do something like this after his confession slip-up. Mammon feels his face heat up. Why does he always embarrass himself in front of you? He's such a fool. This is why you like Solomon, not him.
  “Sorry for wasting your time, of course you don't need me.” Mammon tells you as he starts to sulk away. 
  You had two options, you could have comforted Mammon, who seemed to need the comfort or you could have gone back to your phone to wait for Solomon’s text. 
  “Wait, Mammon! Why don’t you come in for a minute, I’d like to talk to you for a bit.” You smile.
  He turns back around, slowly walking into your room with his head down, not wanting you to see the red tint on his cheeks.
  “What’s wrong, Mammoney?” You ask him as you pat the spot on the bed next to you.
  He shakes his head at you as he sits down next to you, “Nothin’ wrong, I’m fine.”
  “Don’t lie to me. Mammoney. Something’s bothering you,” You scold gently, “You know you can trust me.”
  The gentle and sincere look in your eyes captivated him intensely. Your eyes sparkled with so much love that he just wanted to fall on his knees and confess everything-- his love, his sins, everything. If he didn’t know you, he would have thought you were an angel. You’re definitely giving Simeon a run for his money. You reminded him of that one story, about the beautiful goddess who captured the heart of the demon lord. What was her name again? Persephone. You were his Persephone. He’d even start a war if you’d ask him to. You were his light, his everything. and you didn’t even know. You were so blissfully unaware of how much you meant to him. It ached him to have you so close and not be able to hold you in his arms. 
  “Hello? Earth to-- No that makes no sense, hell to Mammon?” 
  Your voice brings him back to reality, “Oh sorry, I zoned out.”
  “Yeah, no kidding,” You giggle, “Am I that boring?”
  “N-no, of course not!” Mammon stutters.
  “I’m only teasing, Mammoney,” You laugh, “But seriously, tell me what’s wrong.” You lean over and grasp his hand in yours, holding it gently like it’s made of glass. If he didn’t pass out when you looked at him, he was now.
  “It’s nothing really, more like a minor existential crisis, don’t want to burden ya with the boring details.” He states dismissingly. 
  “You are never a burden to me, Mammon. Tell me, please.”
  “Well… I just don’t think I’m… good enough. I mean, ya know how my brothers are always going on about me being scum… what I’m saying is… I think they’re right.” Mammon sighs.
  “Just forget I said any--” He cuts off when he feels his face collide with your chest. If he had a soul, it would have ascended.
  “You listen to me right now, Mammon. You are not scum, you are not a burden. You are The Great Mammon. I don’t care what your brothers say. You are so caring, protective, and extremely funny. Not to mention your loyalty is incomparable. You’re amazing, Mammoney. You are more than good enough. I love who you are.” You tell him as you hug him tightly against you. 
  Mammon doesn’t realize he was crying until he feels his teardrops fall on your shirt. 
  You stroke his hair, trying to calm him. He hugs you back tightly, “Thank you, Y/n. Thank you.”
  “Anytime, Mammon.” You smile down at him. You’re happy you invited him in. Seeing Mammon like this makes you feel special since he opened up to you. He chose you You’re happy you invited him in. It was worth it.
  But little did you know, having chosen to invite Mammon in, you neglected your phone, missing the text from a certain sorcerer saying he was on his way.
  You didn’t want to let go of Mammon and he certainly didn’t want to let go of you. 
  Your moment with Mammon was cut short when you hear a knock on your balcony door.
  You gasp, “Solomon!”
  You jump apart from Mammon and sprint to open the door.
   “Hi, Solomon!” you greet as you open the door.
   “Hello, Y/n. I see you’re busy.” Solomon greets back.
   “Oh, Mammon wasn’t feeling his best so I was just comforting him!” 
   “And that includes his face on your chest?” Solomon asks.
   “O-oh it was just a hug.” You answer nonchalantly.
   “Well, where is my hug? I did almost get caught and face Lucifer’s wrath.” 
   As you lean in closer to hug him, you completely miss the intense staredown that’s going on between Solomon and Mammon. Solomon grips you tightly, then sends a smirk towards Mammon. Mammon scowls at Solomon. Oh, how he’d love to wipe that stupid smirk off his face. 
  Solomon pulls apart from you, “I'm happy I got to see you tonight, beautiful. I'm afraid I have to leave, though. I believe Lucifer’s still searching for me. He’ll be here any minute now. I'll text you, okay?” 
  You nod enthusiastically, “Goodnight!”
  “Goodnight, beautiful.” He says as he leans down to kiss your cheek. He sends Mammon one last smirk before he heads back out. Mammon suppressed the growl that begged to be released. He wants to claw off that sorcerer’s dumb face. 
  You close the balcony door and turn to Mammon, “Please don’t tell Lucifer Solomon was here.” You pout.
Anything for you Mammon thinks. He gives an understanding nod. The smile you give him hurts, it’s not meant for him, after all. 
  He walks to the door, having had enough for one night. He had you, he had you in his arms, but lost you to another in mere seconds.
  “Goodnight, Mammon!” You yell as he’s walking out your door.
   “Goodnight,” he says back, then whispers, “my Persephone.”
PHEW what a chapter
Mammon is so romantic I need a Mammon ASAP
Solomon is a big meanie
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Eight: I’m omw !!
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hey! I hope everybody’s doing great I haven’t eaten all day so I’m gonna post this and I’m gonna go eat a big bowl of oatmeal hehe I’m going back to work tomorrow, ughhh but two more months and I’m on summer vacation yay!! OH! and another thing, I am officially changing my username. since I post more obey me than anything I would like for it to be obey me related! I’m so sad to say goodbye to kurooscake but i’ll see what I can come up with next😁
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Lucifer knows 😉
Next chapter will be more Mammon fluff!!
Takeout with Mammon? Sign me up 😋
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@aleag @reallydelicate-cycle @iris-archives @t-misaki @belphiesbodypillow @aj-1154 @fernisasinner @hellodeath20
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beelsbaby · 3 years
Fate or Chance | Mammon
Chapter Two: I LOST Y/N
Summary: You flip Mammon’s world upside down when he soon comes to terms that he likes you, but he has a pretty big obstacle in the way— your feelings for another. Can he win your heart or will he lose his chance?
Hi guys! I’m just about done with my first pin design! I really love it and I hope you all do too! It’s Obey me related 😏 Here’s a link to my shop’s Instagram if you’d like a little teaser! Give me a follow if you like it and if you want to see more design drops! Love you guys, see you soon🥰
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Levi said aight I’m snitchin���
Poor Mammon 🥺
Satan really put his book down just to send that tweet
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(If you’re in bold, I couldn’t tag you for some reason but I’ll try again!)
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beelsbaby · 3 years
To everyone who read Fate or Chance chapter 7,
I am so sorry! I didn’t include two of the text photos that were very important to the plot :( I was so exhausted from work yesterday I didn’t realize my mistake. Again, I am so sorry 😞
I’m tagging everybody on the taglist here and if you see this and you’ve read chapter 7 but you’re not on the taglist, I just fixed it it’s up now!! Thanks everyone <33
@aleag @reallydelicate-cycle @iris-archive @t-misaki @belphiesbodypillow @aj-1154 @fernisasinner @hellodeath20
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