#alegria icons
editswhite · 3 months
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ya-ttori · 10 months
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ㅤ ㅤㅤᅟ𓏸 ᅟ 𓈒 ㅤ۫ㅤㅤㅤ𝅄ㅤㅤ 💗ㅤ ㅤ۫ㅤᅟ. 𑁭
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tribricies · 11 months
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marianastudy · 2 years
5 de Diciembre (estamos en cuartos de final)
Buenasssssss!! ESTAMOS EN CUARTOS DE FINAL!!!!!! vamos Argentina carajoo. Bueno, este viernes a las 16hs a ver a Messi. Recien terminé un tp de inglés, creo que me va a ir bien. Esta semana tmb es mi ultimo desfile con Juli, voy a extrañar a las chicas aún así no haya pasado tanto tiempo con ellas. Sé que me espera algo grande en mi carrera y esto recién empieza.
Ahora a seguir estudiando para aprobar la ultima materia de la secu, baiiii
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ruthplaysthesims · 5 months
📩 Simblr question of the day: Choose a sim of your own that you consider your/a fave, then choose one sim from three (or more!) different simblrs, now imagine what those sims would be like in a room together? Who's walking out first? Who's staying the longest? Who would get along? Who wouldn't get along at all? Elaborate as much or as little as you'd like :) (p.s please feel free to share this to others, anon or not, and feel free to use the hashtag " SQOTD "! I love seeing everyone's answers and reading them makes my day ~ 💛 )
My sim of choice (and everyone's fave boi): TYSON BLACKWELL!!
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The other OCS I choose:
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@living-undead's Zaria Dimmer
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@matchalovertrait's Dulce Alegria
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@pralinesims' Aaron <3
Okay the scene:
Tyson walks into the room finding 4 chairs around the table. He just casually takes a seat and begins to wait. Not too long after, Dulce walks in, sees Tyson and hesitantly takes a seat. Tyson, being the friendly lovable man he is will strike up a conversation and Dulce begins to feel at ease. He may or may not mention the fact that he was watching diced junior (*looks at Amy*) and was rooting for Dulce to win.
A few minutes later, Aaron (in all his fabulousness) walks into the room like the sexy mf he is, takes a seat and scans the area, looks at the two, may strike up a conversation (or stay quiet and watch) we do not know.
And then comes Zaria. Girl doesn't even want to be here. She doesn't like the vibes one bit, she loathes just how bubbly Tyson is (wait till she finds out about his career as a secret agent...) Questions why Dulce is here and you'd think Aaron would be the one she gets along with, but nope. She thinks he's too cocky for her taste.
Tyson might stay a little longer, mostly to get to know the people in the room. He gets along really well with Dulce (she's a sweetheart). With Aaron, it's like a mutual respect kinda thing (don't bother him, he won't bother you) However, there is only so much one can take when it comes to Zaria's constant judgement. Aaron respectfully tells her to SHUT THE FUCK UP! Tyson thanks him. She gets angry and walks out.
one down, three left. The three seem to be getting along quite nicely. Dulce is constantly asking for fashion tips from Aaron, and he gladly answers them, making Tyson smile.
Time has passed, and Aaron has to go, leaving the first two that walked in alone. Dulce is happy she met a fashion icon and hopes Zaria is okay. Sure she was a biatch, but giving her a dose of her medecine did not sit right with Dulce (this child is too pure!!)
Tyson, though he disagrees with her, won't say that to her face and just pats her on the head. Dulce receives a message from her mom, who's come to pick her up. She smiles and hugs Tyson, glad to have made his acquaintance and of course encourages him to come visit her family's bakery. Tyson smiles and waves her bye, staying all alone in the room before walking out.
I loved making this!! and i really hope I was accurate with you guys' OCs @pralinesims @matchalovertrait and @living-undead. If not, I'd be more than happy to rewrite it :)
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checkteen · 8 months
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pipopooooo... 🌈 você acaba de ver a sessão divertida com icons do trio alegria! ¹²⁰`¹²⁰
acesse os icons com mais qualidade, aqui <3
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moonesaiky · 1 year
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"Você chegou pra alegrar o dia Você chegou pra nos trazer alegria" Feliz Aniversario nosso brasileirinho favorito! Obrigada por ser o melhor ovo brasileiro que o Brasil e o mundo poderia ter! <3 Como comemoração fiz dois icons, podem usar!
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xjulixred45x · 7 months
Gyutaro! Lector en Hazbin Hotel (TRADUCCION)
imaginate haber tenido el mismo tipo de vida que Gyutaro. ser el hijo de una prostituta, ser rechazado constantemente por tu apariencia, vivir en pobreza y teniendo que comer insectos, incluso tu propia madre queriendo deshacerse de ti. esa era la vida vida de Gyutaro!lector.
Gyutaro! lector se acostumbro a vivir por su cuenta, a tener que recurir a tacticas sucias para mantenerse con vida, pues sino ¿como mas iba a hacerlo?
eso es lo que el penso hasta que llego su hermana a su vida, Ume. y todo tomo un color diferente.
Ume era su orgullo y alegria, ya que finalmente habia alguien en su familia que lo aueria de forma sincera y no lo queria lastimar, en cambio Gyutaro lector protegia mucho a Ume. enseñandole sus formas de sobrevivir. que junto a la hermosa apariencia de su hermana, los hizo prosperar.
hasta que ya no...
Ume un dia apuñaló un Samurai en el ojo, la ataron y la quemaron viva...cuando Lector no estaba...cuando el llego lo embosco el mismo samurai. matandolo.
asi es como los hermanos llegaron al Infierno.
los hermanos se hicieron prominentes Overlords, Gyutaro lector con su fuerza bruta y Ume/Daki con sus encantos y belleza, teniendo muchas almas en su repertorio.
dudo mucho que ellos quieran ayudar al hotel, sinceramente. pero puedo verlos teniendo una especie de rivalidad con otros demonios relevantes para la trama, como los Vees, ya que justamente son considerados su "reemplazo".
Alastor conoce a los hermanos desde hace bastante tiempo, han estado en el infierno desde antes que el y definitivamente sabe que no debe subestimarlos. claro, no considera que estan a su nivel(HDP egocentrico) pero definitivamente no tiene tiempo para meterse con ellos.
encuentra la actitud avara de Gyutaro lector muy interesante y divertida, cree que el llegara lejos, aunque primero deberia bañarse maa seguido y dejar de lastimarse tanto! ve su envifia constante a los demas como un buen "combustible" para su exito!
Alastor definitivamente puede manejar bien la actitud de Ume/Daki, aunque, con todo respeto, cree aue es la dama mas insufrible con la que ha interactuado en su afterlife. aunque de nuevo, es encantadora a su manera.
Charlie realmente quiere creer en ellos ¡enserio! pero ... realmente no le dan una buena razon para hacerlo. Gyutaro! lector no es como Angel en el nivel de "jodido pero es bueno debajo de todo" ¡NO! es "JODIDO y solo bueno con Daki/ume ¿el resto? ¡que se jodan!" y las tendencias celosas de Gyutaro! lector junto con su actitud agresiva hace obvio que Charlie no lo consideraria un buen candidato para el hotel.
con Daki/Ume, por otro lado, podria llegar a tener una buena relación si preciona los lugares correctos(su ego) y asi tenerlos de aliados, jugar con ella a vestirse y comprar juntas cosas lujosas (Charlie incluso podria saber un poco mas sobre como terminaron en el infierno asi). en general mucho mas manejable para Charlie que su hermano.
a Vaggie NO LE GUSTA ninguno de los dos, punto. cree que Gyutaro! lector es un imbecil y su hermana una mocosa mimada. pero cuando se mete en una pelea con Gyutaro! lector cuando se entera que "hizo llorar a su hermana" Vaggie entiende un poco mejor la profundidad de su vinculo.
lowkey, ella cree que son buenos herman@s, pero pesimas personas. ella no pensara dos veces antes de sacar la lanza angelical y apuntarles para defender al hotel de ellos. nada demaciado personal. en serio.
Angel Dust conoce a Daki/Ume del area del distrito de entretenimiento en el infierno, ambos son muy conocidos y considerados Sex Icons, por lo que durante bastante tiempo Angel tenía que competir con ella por los ratings, lo cual genero una enemistad bastante duradera.
aunque eventualmente Angel se rindio porque se dio cuenta sue la madurez mental de Daki/Ume es de una NIÑA JOVEN, adolescente cuanto mucho, por lo que no es hostil con ella, en realidad le tiene algo de celos por tener un hermano como Gyutaro!lector que la apoya y la protege de gente como Val. por el, que ellos sigan asi, que sean felices.
Husk sorprendentemente es quien podria tener una mejor relación con ellos, simplemente porque no se mete en sud asuntos y por lo mismo ellos no se meten con el. puede que incluso funcione como una figura paterna para ellos que no sabian que necesitaban.
Husk puede manejar mejor que nadie la agresividad de Gyutaro!Lector (con comida) y los caprichos de Ume/Daki(con dulces), en general Husk es casi intocable por las zonas que tienen los sibilings gracias a que esta en su buen lado. (probablemente tambien sabe lo jovenes que murieron, por lo que inconscientemente los mima)
Sir Penthouse les tiene miedo, claro y fijo, no quiere estar cerca de ellos. si Gyutaro! lector esta cerca SE ENDEREZA inmediatamente y no hace ni un ruido. si Daki/Ume esta cerca, hace todo lo que le dice SIN EXCEPCIÓN.
irónicamente gracias a esto ellos lo encuntran divertido y no le hacen nada, incluso(junto a Husk) es de los pocos personajes del Hotel que realmente les divierte. asi que SIGUE ASI PENTIOUS!
Niffty....Gyutaro!lector se mantiene lejos de ella, solo la tolera por ser la mucama de Alastor, pero le da escalofrios(recordemos que Gyutaro aparte de ser un ✨BadBoy✨ parece una Mantis).
irónicamente Daki/Ume disfruta pasar tiempo con Niffty para jugar y vestirse bonita. dos mujeres mentalmente inestables conviviendo! que podria salir mal :)
en general, la mayoria respeta su estatus de Overlord, y realmente no quieren meterse con el duo indestructible ¡ellos lo saben! se meten con uno y estan Jodidos✨
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rom-e-o · 5 months
This is so random and not Scrooge related, but does it make you feel a little sad when you see how the aesthetics of all these companies we grew up with changed from bright, fun, and iconic to more minimalistic, neutral and nearly interchangeable? Or is that just me?
Ooooh I love this question, and as someone who now works in marketing/branding, I ABSOLUTELY have thoughts, haha.
While there’s always being a “corporate aesthetic” in each decade that was dictated by popular trends (alternative, indie-sleaze, Y2K, etc.) we’re in a weird spot now where many BIG corporations not only share a similar trendy aesthetic, but it's an aesthetic that relies on minimalism.
We're in the 'Alegria' and 'Corporate Memphis' era, and I haaate it. It's flat, minimal, and boringly safe.
I think the market, especially since the 80s, has really shifted from "let's market to our niche and succeed in our niche and stand out!" to "let's stand out by blending in and being attractive to as many people as possible!"
It is sad, because I like when brands have a fun image and personality, but now, that's seen as 'risky.' Even commercials, which used to have directors and actors and be more like skits, are now basically Canva slideshows with AI voiceovers for products and prices.
I think one that REALLY struck me, weirdly, was Strawberry Shortcake. Like, WOW. You want to talk about an INSANE downgrade? That one hurts. 2018 Strawberry Shortcake haunts my dreams.
It's not just you. I hope the pendulum swings soon and we get some personality in brands again (some are good! indie brands are really killing it - Kaleidos' marketing is AMAZING.)
I agree with you - it bums me out.
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wonderookie · 9 months
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Feliz Ano Novo!
Hoje o wonderookie vem desejar à todos um ano cheio de alegria, paz, amor e esperança. Que esse ano seja repleto de novas aventuras, descorbertas e coisas boas. Para brindar essa nova temporada, o wonder traz uns presentinhos para comemorar, nos próximos cinco posts estaremos compartilhando icons para combinar com a cor do seu novo ano!
red vr. - yellow vr. - blue vr. - green vr. - pink vr.
No spirit vamos levar vocês para conhcer as cores do ano novo, as cores populares, com significados e significados, que se tornaram tradicionais. Não deixe de acompanhar por lá!
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sweepseven · 7 months
Cirque du Soleil Alegría In a New Light review
So far the kindest thing I've done for myself in 2024 was go all the way to London to see this show. What a lovely, desperately needed reset. No need to linger on the preamble because team: this show continues to be damn near perfect. It felt like a true gift to be there. There are three total changes I would make if it were to suit me perfectly. Just three. That's insane. For comparison I love Ka with all my heart but I'd make probably fifty changes if given the opportunity. The three I'd make are:
Less clown time (though I swear the reason is different from my usual clown complaints)
Replace duo adagio
Reinstate Valsajoïa, the single greatest original song Cirque has produced since probably 2016. Possibly even 2008.
So let's talk about those three, and also the other one million reasons this is Cirque's greatest show in nearly 20 years.
Preshow animation: My friend and I had a time getting to Royal Albert Hall on time so I didn't get to soak in everything to quite the extent that I prefer to before a show starts, but the moment I walked in my guess that this show in this setting was the most perfect pair imaginable was validated. I don't think I'm even being biased because it's so recent - I genuinely think the only set that could maybe suit this theatre better is Quidam. The crown of the stage disappeared into the darkness above, creating an astounding sense of immersion and scale, and even the iconic mushroom acoustic diffusers look like they belonged to the set. The rigging was a delight to see too - I'm always fascinated by how they adapt the rigging to adjust for the lack of pylons. It wasn't as cozy as a Grand Chapiteau, of course, but the audience is so dense and extends so high, and the entire setting is so elegant, that the size and scope were a perfect match.
The animation itself was Fleur messing around with the Old Birds. Pretty unremarkable. He didn't shout Alegria! like in the original show, but then again I'm not sure I remember him doing it back in 2019 either. Bring it baaaack, it's iconiiiic.
Opening: Gonna confess up front that I was in tears for the duration of Mirko. The current singer duo, Sarah Menesse and Cassía Raquel, are incredible in every way. I'll talk more about them further down but it bears stating now that I was in shambles within the first five seconds. Details I never want to forget: the silhouette of the Nymphs' wings behind the curtain; the sharp, prim, yet commanding presence of the White Singer on the right side. I was completely taken by her in four notes.
Acro poles: This was a strong act five years ago and I think it's only grown tighter with time! This show wastes no time on ceremony and dives right into the action, which is a fun contrast between the old and new versions. The original made a grand show of parading and presenting the different factions. Here it's more bam here are the Aristocrats, bam here are the Bronx real quick, now everyone out of the way, we're getting right to it. Where the original was the story of forcibly overthrowing an old order, this one respects the structure of the past while willingly - if cautiously - making way for the future. This act does a very good job of illustrating that. The Aristocrats look like a fun, if slightly catty bunch! You almost want to be one... until you meet the Bronx.
Cyr wheel: I completely forgot Rinalto Vera is back for this act. I had only just recovered from Mirko and then this fucking song starts and I'm beside myself all over again. This is the kind of thing that makes me hold onto faith that the old Cirque is still in there somewhere - this, the musical refs to La Nouba in Drawn to Life... they know how to respect their old shows! When they bother, they do it beautifully! I only wish they treated their new creations with the same respect and care they pay to their golden era.
Anyway Ghislain Ramage is the only person I want to see on a cyr wheel ever again. I saw him work magic in Kooza and that was without the deliberate weight that comes from a non-rotational act. Something about him seems impossible - like he's too tall to be that lithe and fluid, or that you couldn't possibly evoke so much emotion from a cyr wheel act. He does. Every moment of it was mesmerizing.
It's the nitpickiest thing I could possibly say, but I do think something is lost in not having this act performed by an Old Bird or Aristocrat. Though since the mirror imagery of the original wasn't brought over to IANL, I suppose it's not completely necessary. Still. That was an element that really brought an inimitable quality to the original act and I wished there was an analog in this version. It could very well have made it the best act in the entire show. Yes, the entire show, which is crazy because you already know how I feel about.......
Duo trapeze: Fuck me, people. This act. It's a wonder I can be relied upon to behave rationally because it. is. utter. perfection. The only thing that holds me in my seat is the fear that if I move or blink I'll miss a split-second. I forgot the White Singer was onstage because I was too busy watching. That is fucking unheard of. My hands were clasped over my heart. I was beaming in awe the entire time. No other artist has had the particular effect Nicolai Kuntz has on me. Fucking this?? That relaxed, cross-legged on a goddamn trapeze gazing in admiration? That is shit designed to kill me. That is fucking lethal.
Anyway the skill level in this act is exquisite from both Nicolai and Roxane - another perfect act that has somehow grown more perfect with time. And what I love most about it is that though although they're a duo, although the song is called Querer, although the entire point is that they're impossibly aligned, it still feels just shy of romantic. The love being expressed here is not specifically for one another, but for flight itself, and the joy of sharing it with someone who understands. I might be projecting, since this act feels like a live illustration of my personal love for trapeze, but they have never seemed like lovers to me. More perfectly kindred spirits, and it serves the act beautifully.
Fire knife dance: Excellent! Impossibly high energy! The crowd adored it! We had one drop, which I've never seen in a fire act, but the artist handled it with fun and grace. There is nothing negative to be said for this act, but I can't not mention how exceptional Tuione Tovo was. Holding that against this artist feels like a teacher never giving A+s because "there's always something better." But there really was something undefinable in Tuione's energy and smile that isn't quite here.
Aerial straps: How many times can I say "a perfect act has become yet more perfect"? I've seen a lot of straps acts, people. Like, too many. I have immense respect for the discipline so it's not hard to impress me, but it's quite difficult to surprise me. There is a drop to ankles in this act that surprised me. I gasped. This act looks at every other romantic straps duo act and says "ok amateurs." The little smooch had the audience in raptures. The snow is used to better effect than the world deserves. It's just exquisite.
Hoops: I know Elena Lev is the queen, but I think this artist might actually be better! And she's so young! She's got her whole career ahead of her! This is probably the best hoops act Cirque has going for it right now, and that's really saying something. She does the "spin like fifteen hoops" thing better than I think I've ever seen anyone do it. Her control over her apparatus is unmatched.
Powertrack: OOO-EE! POWERTRAAAAACK. Top five act in the show right here, and it would earn that position through energy alone. And it's got a fuck ton going on for it besides. Every trick is massive. Every one is executed with fierce, tangible joy. Fleur has an excellent highlight moment that's indicative of a character adjustment in the new version (see below) that I really loved. I wanted to see Lucie Colebeck's triple bad (the first and so far only female triple tuck in Cirque history!!) but it was performed by another artist tonight. Still amazing. Watching this act makes you feel like you can run a marathon.
Duo adagio: The one and only let down of the whole show. I just do not like these Nymphs. I don't like their wings, I never have, and I can't believe Cirque is so opposed to returning to something just a notch closer to the luxurious feathers of the original. Their wings feel like a symbol of their overall impact on the show: kinda just there and we don't really know why. This act was the same. And it's a goddamn shame because Cassía's Vai Vedrai is power made musical. Slotting this act so late in the show makes it feel like a rotational act and it's just not fair to the artists or the song, probably the second most famous in Alegria's history. Last time I got handbalancing in instead and it was a gorgeous story of an Angel supported by a Bronx that was reiterated in high bar. Any sort of connection to the broader show is unfortunately missing in this act, which seems to only exist to remind you that the Nymphs are characters. I'd prefer to see this replaced with a return to the slow, luxurious contortion style of the 90s. Or imagine Dralion's ballet on lights here!! Or ribbon manipulation from the early days. Maybe a little too similar to hoops, but don't forget this is the show that has swinging trapeze and aerials traps and...
Flying trapeze: My light, my love, my delight. The Flying Tunizianis are immaculate. This is perfect flying trapeze act construction imo: some swings to let the audience know what's happening, an easy trick or two (planches) to prime them, then flips and twists galore to show what the fuck it's really all about. And! Importantly! A pause in the middle with a few styles and splits to bring back some grace and remind you trapeze is more than just guessing what the fuck you just saw. It is so, so good. For myriad stupid reasons I haven't flown in a month, and I'm so excited and inspired to get back at it after seeing this act. iirc the biggest tricks were triples and a double double (or full out? it all happened so fast!!). Either way, difficulty level second only to Mystere and I would argue better act composition overall.
However. I felt the removal of Valsajoïa acutely. It was nice to hear a little Icare, but if we didn't need it for aerial high bar's comeback, we certainly don't need it here. I suppose they were going for a more "daring" sound, but tbh I don't think it does a lot to enhance the act further, especially with the way the Tunizianis have choreographed it. The result isn't as graceful nor as impactful, even with the (tragic! teasing!) snatches of Valsapena and Valsajoïa still left in there.
I spent the whole act praying for some kind of suicide dismount and the very last was a reverse one and lost my fucking mind. My inspiration trick, my signature, my beloved!!! I gotta learn a reverse one bad.
Finale: What is there left to say? It's brief, it's gorgeous, it's effective: just like the transition from opening to acro pole, the transition from flying trapeze to finale is quick and honest, and the whole thing is over before you know it. It feels like a real thank you for joining the cast in the journey of the show. A joyous, magical feeling.
Music: I leaned back and scrubbed my face with my hands just now. That's what it's like trying to summarize what the fuck was going on vocally and instrumentally in this show.
It. Was. Splendid. I was utterly convinced that no one could do an IANL White Singer like Irene Lombard, and then here's comes Sarah with a flavor and characterization all her own. Where Irene was an angel, Sarah was a witch. She was sharp, she annunciated, every note was a call to action that drove the plot forward. Some songs were her strength (like Mirko), and some I prefer Irene (like Querer). At all times both singers' presences were impossible to ignore, and for a show with such a reputation for well-recognized, highly awarded music, the legacy is not lost.
This is also a very mobile band, which I always love. Accordion and cello parade around at times, sometimes even to emphasize character arcs (like the accordion following one clown after he's cast out of court to highlight his sorrow to both comical and emotional effect). Drums have a fantastic, well deserved Kooza-esque highlight moment during fire knife dance. Though you don't see them every moment, there's no point in the show that you can miss the fact that the music is live. They've struck an exceptional balance between highlighted and unobtrusive.
If anyone would like a recording of this performance's audio, drop me an ask and I'll be glad to share.
Clowns: My primary critique. Listen: they are so good. But I think Cirque noticed that and responded by giving them too much time. Their every act is strong but maybe 2-3 minutes too long, and it has the effect of pulling focus from the theme of the show and settling it on their shoulders instead. The result weakens both: they are not highlighted enough to carry a show like the Luzia clown main character does, and they take up too much time for the audience to realize they are meant to be one story among many.
Taken as they are though, the clown acts really are excellent. They are not tedious in the moment, only when held up against the broader landscape of the show. Their relationship still feels a little transgressive in a beautiful, comforting, validating way. Muted though the love story is, something about that adds to the honesty as much as the bravery. It deserves a ton of praise for that. Everyone in the room was fully invested in them. Snowstorm was beautiful and the music does so much to enhance the storytelling they give us.
(I did not remember the extended gun cleaning/masturbation gag from 2019 but that was the only part where I was like okay, let's move it along, boys.)
Fleur doesn't seem like much of a bad guy anymore, and though I miss his old ornery edge, I'm not bothered by his current phase. He helps paint a picture not of a broken kingdom, but of a confused one, which leaves room for collaboration and acceptance reinforced by acts like acro pole and powertrack. There is room for both regimes in this new future. When it comes time to hand the crystal over to the White Singer, he does so without an ounce of reluctance or apprehension. It's a gesture of "let's do this together," not "you take the lead." It's very warm and effective.
Le Bal isn't quite as fun as it was in 2019. It wasn't positioned as a joking funeral march but rather just further hijinks between Fleur and the Old Birds. Like the lack of mirrors in cyr wheel, this wasn't a detriment to the show as it exists today, but it was a simplification of something that was once a little more dynamic.
Overall: As always I am exhausted just writing this. I beg you: see Alegria. Travel as far and as long as you can to make it happen. It is worth it. I live in fear that it'll never come back to do a full and proper North American tour (NYC deserves it, god damn it, it's been over six years), but if it never does, I'll know I made every effort, and I'll know it paid off in droves.
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facodesign · 4 months
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Nova Identidade Visual do Bicho Maroto - Hotel Pet!
Desenvolvimento da identidade visual da Bicho Maroto, buscamos criar uma logo que representasse tudo o que o Bicho Maroto - Hotel Pet significa: cuidado, diversão e carinho para os seus amados pets!
Elementos da Logo:
Nome em Destaque: A tipografia cursiva e amigável do nome "Bicho Maroto" transmite um toque pessoal e acolhedor, refletindo o compromisso em tratar cada animalzinho com carinho e atenção individualizada.
Animais Brincando: A interação entre o gato e o cachorro brincando com uma bolinha simboliza o ambiente alegre e interativo que proporcionamos para todos os pets. Aqui, eles têm espaço e estímulo para se divertir e socializar.
Icones de Pet: Os pequenos ícones de um patinho, um osso e um ratinho reforçam a mensagem de diversão e brincadeiras.
Conceito e Valores: A logo não é apenas um símbolo visual, mas uma representação dos valores fundamentais. No Bicho Maroto, cada pet merece um lugar seguro e divertido para ficar quando você não pode estar por perto. A identidade visual foi criada para transmitir confiança, alegria e um ambiente familiar onde seu pet se sentirá em casa.
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Thank you posting such create information! Sorry to bother you but do you know if the game files have any more details or images of Shadow Miyazawa boss form? Alegria posted on his Twitter that the game right now won’t let the story progress to that point until April 26 which is also when BUI will be added
Happy to be helpful! :D
Unfortunately, the way they've encrypted and reorganized the files for this beta has stopped me from getting at most of the files as of yet, so I don't have anything besides his icons for the turn order display. Maybe the April 26th update will give me some more access...?
I hadn't checked Alegria's Twitter, though! It's good to know that they will let players progress there eventually, and that they are planning to add Bui back in (as I know @latenitewaffles sent an ask about earlier today, hah). So thanks for the info on that, at least, sorry I don't have more of an answer for your question!
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allfiredupfornalu · 1 year
Chapter 382: Alegria
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Meanwhile, the couple looks for a way to help Mirajane free.
Warren was able to use his telepathy for the guild's communication. Happy informs Master on Hades warning. Mard Geer unleashes Alegria.
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Everyone inside the cube is being sucked in.
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As the couple tried to take a hold of each other. Natsu tries to reach out to Lucy.
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But they still can't reach each other. Even Lucy tries to hold on to Natsu.
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This iconic scene!
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Lucy got sucked in far from Natsu.
Natsu and all Fairy Tail members are suspended into animation, all but Lucy!
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lopjh · 1 year
P5X Some Character Passives/Skills
So using very botched translation sites to translate some of the traits of a few characters I managed to get a small grasp of their general abilities. Keep in mind I don't have the beta, so I was only able to scrounge up info from separate streams. Leo's is the most accurate since Alegria translated it themselves(Big thanks to them for doing that on stream). SO anyway.
Closer: After dealing a critical hit to an enemy, follow up with an attack that deals small electric damage to the foe.
Cattle: Using his healing skill on an ally will increase their magic(?) damage for their next attack. Goes away on hit. (Datamined buff icons show this can go up to 3 stacks).
Soy: When an ice skill is used on a foe, grant foe a [Zero Degrees] debuff. Each stack of [Zero Degrees] decreases the foe's defense by 1%. Once the number of [Zero Degrees] stacks reaches 10, they will become an [Absolute Zero] debuff, which will decrease the foe's defense by 12%. [Absolute Zero] can be applied at a max of 1 stack, but through increasing Awareness, will go to a max of 2.
Also, his final Awareness level will increase the power of his Cold Tyrant skill by 10%/20%/30% and the Critical Damage of the skill by 20%/40%/60%, depending on if the foe he's attacking has 0/1/2 stacks of [Absolute Zero].
Leo: When using a skill that targets an ally, give that ally a [Justice] buff. Each stack of [Justice] increases that party member's damage by 15%, and goes away when said party member attacks. Can be applied at a max of 2 stacks, but through increasing Awareness, will go to a max of 3. Also, any shield that is on the target will gain another stack.
Mont: When an ally attacks, Mont gains one Ice Crystal. When Mont attacks, an Ice Crystal is used to deal another attack to the foe she attacked last.
This is all I have for now, but keep in mind Leo is the only one that's fully accurate due to being fully translated by someone who actually knows Chinese, I also was only able to find all of the Awareness abilities for Soy, so that's why he seems to have more "stuff" to him than the other characters.
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koolega · 1 year
oiii! sou uma grande fã do seu trabalho, tanto seus icons quanto suas headers são uma grande maravilha de se ver. sempre que vejo uma nova postagem sua fico cheio de alegria e em expectativa para ver qual a mágica da vez ♡ dito isso, se não for incômodo, poderia fazer alguns icons de honkai star rail, do dan heng e a himeko em especial?
Awnt, que coisa mais lindinha de se ler😭. Muito obrigada anjo, fico muito grata por saber que gosta dos meus icons e headers🥹💕💕
Fiz uns aqui, espero que goste😘
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