#alex x eliza
captm29 · 3 months
Headcanon Kara being an absolute nerd and after season 6 she finally gets to geek out with Lena and ehen they go back to midvale for Christmas Alex and Kelly are like ffs now there’s three of them
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kryptonianheroao3 · 7 months
All the Linda Lee | Red Daughter fics I’ve read and I’m surprised no one has done an obvious one.
What if it was Kara who died? What if Linda survived?
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#me too 🍷 🍺🍸
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icarusbetide · 5 months
hamliza but little women au where alexander is the rich boy who gets to live recklessly, angelica is his best friend, and eliza is the sister he actually loves and ends up with WHO SAID THAT-
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Is there a tiny little chance that you will update <Missing for a Decade> soon? I absolutely love this idea, and I would love to read more of it!! <33
Supergirl - Missing for a Decade Part 5
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Trigger Warning: This one-shot includes the topic of abduction and mentions of abuse. These plots are presented. If this triggers you too easily or you just can´t handle those subjects, I urge you NOT to read this work. I am NOT embellishing this topic under any circumstance. Read at your own risk.
Authors Note: Here you have a new chapter ♥ I'm going to edit the older chapters again since I don't like them and they seem a bit inconsistent when I look at this current chapter
"You came to talk to me about your sister and niece before you take them home?" the older gentleman asked, clearing his throat and turning completely to the women who had entered his office. "Yes,"
"I have treated more than hundred kidnapping victims, but none like your sister. Despite her captivity, she is open to other people and hardly scared which fascinates me. She is very strong," The doctor folded the remaining files on his desk and clasped his hands on the table in front of his torso, fingers locked tightly together. "You know, every victim presents a new challenge and it is like reading a map of battered bodies that have been unjustly violated"
Both Alex and Kara interestingly pulled a chair from the corner and listened to the doctor go into more details about your health, the various tests and examinations that they did on you.
"She is chronically underweight, physically atrophied. She has anemia, vitamin D and iron deficiencies, and some skin lesions and inflammation from the lack of natural light." he unbuttons the cuffs of his shirt sleeves and rolled them up. "Y/n Danvers shows signs of severe violence over the last few years. Broken bones that healed incorrectly and scars all over her body"
The grey-haired hesitates with another answer and bows his head down, wanting to give Kara and Alex a moment to digest the information. The office is suddenly quieter than it was at the beginning of the conversation. "What about Gracie?"
The man in front of them started to smile and looked at the two older Danvers with glittering eyes. "Despite the circumstances, your sister did a good job. Grace Danvers is a bright little girl with particularly good language skills despite her young age"
"Any signs of injury? Does she have bruises or healed broken bones?
He shook his head violently and took away all their fears with immediate effect. "No, she is a perfectly healthy girl. No vitamin deficiencies or signs of violence. No evidence of past fractures or other medical conditions. If I did not know better, I would say that her mother endured all of the abuse to protect her daughter"
The Danvers sisters nodded in unison and thanked your doctor for treating you so lavishly. Kara put one foot in front of the other as she left the office and waited for Alex to join in step. Together they walked back to your hospital room while going over the details of the injuries you had sustained in their minds.
A week had passed in which you slowly regained your strength in the hospital, slowly got used to your sisters around you and were able to get closer with them. While you were still adjusting to your new, free life, your little daughter explored everything she could get her hands on; running around the hospital with either Kara or Alex always by her side, having her aunts wrapped around her little finger since day one.
You stood nervously with your back to one of your older siblings, staring longingly out the window while your bony hand rested on the pane of glass. A sinister life stretched out behind it; a life you no longer knew. "I do not know if I am ready yet.." you replied to Kara, who sat on your bed and waited for you to take the first step outside. The first step to freedom and into a new life.
"There will never be a perfect moment, sweetheart. Nobody wants to imagine what you went through, but Alex and I will be by your side and support you. No matter how long it takes"
You nodded, saw her soft smile in the reflection and turned to her. The blonde extended her hand. You walked the last few inches that separated you, grabbed her hand so she could pull you into her arms. "Grace is already at the car with Alex and Maggie, trying out the new Nemo seat we bought for her"
You laughed briefly at the thought of how long and in how many stores the redhead must had been, desperate to find a car seat with your daughters favorite fish on it. She had wished for this one and, at the tender age of four, had already threatened not to sit in anything else but this one.
"We can go as soon as you are ready," softly, she kissed your dry and straggly hair, wrapped her arms tightly around you and savored the closeness she had missed so badly. You too snuggled up to her chest like a cat, took a deep breath of her perfume, which she still wore after all these years and let the moment sink in.
Kara´s heartbeat accelerated in your ears and her grip on you became tighter. A slight tremor emanated her body and her swallowing became stronger and heavier.
The sadness that overcame her was like an old friend who had accompanied her on the journey over the past few years. Not intrusive, but always in the foreground; always aiming to get her attention and cause deep pain where your love and closeness once found its place.
It stroked her hair every time she walked into your old room, whispered softly in her ear as in silent moments, she slid down the wall and broke down crying. Never leaving her side and always staying with her. The crushing feeling of never seeing you again, never hearing your footsteps creaking on the floor and never catching the sound of your voice ever again.
Your disappearance painted her world gray, pouring concrete over the once colorful rainbows of your being. You were the biggest concern between all the others. Your sisters were worn down by this eternal struggle - the circle of cause and effect, crime and punishment, guilt and innocence, victim and perpetrator. She had not stopped fighting this fight, but she wished she could.
And now she could finally feel the sun and see the colors again, the warmth she longed for and the soft melody of your voice that returned. "I have missed you so much," she said carefully, rocking you gently in her arms. Kara did not want to let go of you, she had been longingly waiting for this moment for too long.
"After all these years, have you stopped looking for me?"
"Yes, we did," she whispered into your hair, the pain in her voice clearly audible as salty tears strayed onto them. The blonde rested her trembling chin on the top of your head, gently stroking your shoulder while her other hand nervously played with your fingers. It was not until she composed herself that she pulled away from you just inches to look into your eyes. "We all spread out across National City and knocked on every door. We questioned alleged witnesses. But nobody had seen you or knew where you were."
Tears rolled quietly down your face, which Kara caught with the soft pads of her thumbs. Although you had asked the question yourself, your stomach still cramped completely when receiving the given information. Your family had fought through the struggle of your disappearance and given themselves up in the process. They had long since lost hope.
"I am sorry I caused you such pain," you looked at your hands and waved them around as if seeing them for the first time before closing your eyes for a brief moment. Shortly after, you opened them up again and stared at your sister with blank eyes. Kara´s on the other hand were blood red and swam behind thick glasses.
She quickly fell to the ground and knelt in front of you. Her warm hands were placed on your cheeks, her thumbs inevitably caressing them. "You are not to blame for what happened to you and you are not guilty for surviving it. Sure, we suffered pain because we thought we lost you forever, but you know what outweighs that pain?"
You shook your head and cocked it to the side, her hand now clasped between your shoulder and ear. She smiled at you briefly and pulled you to the front so your face was buried in her shoulder. "You are back and our hearts are whole again. You are so strong, a fighter and fought your way through everything that came your way. You do not have to be sorry. It. is. not. your. fault."
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Can you do something with mom!kara and adopted!Daughter younger r gets sick and Kara tries to deal with it but she doesn’t know how to that much since she doesn’t get sick and so maybe she calls Lena or someone for help and Kara is stressing out because she dosent know how to help you
I Could Kill Her!
This is part 1, this is part 2
mom!kara x adopted!daugther
A/N: Y/n/n means "Your nickname". Reader is on the younger kid side!
Extra pairings:
Alex x niece & Eliza x granddaughter
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“Mom, I threw up.” You stand in front of her, the bathroom, lighting up your silhouette. “Mom?” Nudging her a bit, she fluttered her eyes open and asked what happened. “I threw up.” Your voice was raspy, the both of you could hear the sickness in it. Moving out of your moms way, she got up and left into the light of the blaring bathroom. Taking the opportunity to get into her bed, she came back out with a wash cloth,
“Do you feel hot?” Kara asked, thinking back to all the nights her older sister was sick and Eliza would be there to comfort her, not just that but make her feel better. She was almost always awake when this would happen, as she wanted to make sure her sister wasn’t in need of her own help. Now that the superhero had her own daughter, this information came in handy, but the kid hadn’t been so seriously sick since the adoption and moving in. You nodded your head, mumbling in agreement.
“My tummy hurts, too.” Kara wasn’t sure how to respond with something would psyhically help, “I’m sorry, honey, I know sleep will help.” You groan at her and turn over in her mother’s covers.
“No,” You whined, “it really hurts, mom.” Kara’s heart skipped a beat, from worry but also from guilt. She was always worried for her daughter, but Kara had never been sick here on Earth, she didn’t know how to specifically comfort her daughter, or even make her feel better like Eliza always had.
“You stay right here,” Kara laid the wash cloth on her daughter's forehead and moved out to her dark kitchen, ringing her sister.
“Alex, Y/n isn’t feeling well at all. She threw up, and I just don’t know how to make the sickness stop. You know I’ve never been sick. I need some help. Call me back, thanks.” Stopping the voice message, she took a second thinking about who could help her at a time like this.
“Kara, what are you doing calling me at this time of night?”
“Y/n’s sick and I don’t know what else to do to help her. I don’t want to give her some medicine and it kill her, she’s so fragile.”
“Your not gonna kill her, Kara-” Kara cut her adoptive mom off.
“I might,” Eliza could tell she was stressed.
“You won’t. She’s human Kara, she’ll be alright for the night.”
“Are you sure? She said her stomach hurts? How do I help with that? She threw up too.”
“You can make sure she doesn’t need to throw-”
“Y/n?” Kara blurted out, watching you run back into the bathroom and let the rest of your stomach go.
“Pull her hair back,” Kara pulls back your hair, wincing at the smell and tucked her phone between her shoulder and ear. “Make sure she doesn’t drink anything for a little while after throwing up, she might throw it all up again.”
“She's not a little baby.” Kara began to stroke your hair gently.
“But she will need fluids, just not right after. Make a washcloth for her, oh, hun, don’t forget to check her temperature. You guys try to get some sleep for the night and I’ll be over in the morning. Goodnight, Kara.”
“Eliza, I don't-” She hung up. Kara slumped over, catching her phone, holding most of your hair with the other hand, whilst setting her phone aside. Turning her focus back to you, she saw you were just hovering over the toilet. “Feeling better?” Her only answer was more chunks of last night's dinner flying into the toilet. After finally getting you clean of sickness from changing your clothes, wiping your face and doing the same to the bathroom, you and Kara got cozy in her bed.
“Sleep, baby. Tomorrow we’ll go to Alex and make sure you get better.”
“I want you to make me better, I’m not a patient.”
“Go to sleep, we’ll talk in the morning.” She kissed your red cheek.
The next morning…
You fluttered your eyes open to the noise of a voice coming from the kitchen. Your head ached, throat was dry and you were cold, so cold, even in your mom's thick covers. Again hearing someone in the kitchen. Kara was either trying to learn how to cook again, Alex was here or you were being robbed which didn't have much of a chance of being true.
“Moooom…” You groaned, the other voice abruptly stopping and she came into view from around the corner, immediately smiling when she saw you.
“How's my girl? Feeling better?” Before you could respond she continued almost excitedly. “I have some medicine, you said your stomach hurt? Does anything else hurt? Your head, do you have a runny nose, what about your throat, honey?” She was leaning over you, in an overbearing type of way.
You groaned again, “Everything.”
“Everything…?” Kara was confused and didn't understand how everything could be wrong, but tried to process it. “Okay… I’ll be right back…” She ran back to her computer when there was a knock on the door, and you called out for her again.
“Just a minute, Y/n/n,” She opened the door, “Eliza…!” She wasn't sure if she should be happy or overwhelmed.
“Kara! How is she feeling?” Kara took a deep breath.
“She told me everything hurts,” Right on cue you groaned out for her again. She walked back in and sat on the bed next to you.
“What's up?” Tucking the hair behind your ear, you sniffled.
“Am I sick?” Kara rests her face.
“I’m afraid so. Let's take your temperature.” When she moved to get up you pulled on her arm as she tried to get away. “Y/n, I’ll be right back.” She walked back to Eliza, as you move around trying to find a comfy position on the bed. Back in the kitchen Eliza had set her things down and was looking at the pile on the island table.
“Do you see the thermometer in there?” Eliza shook her head,moving back to her purse. “Damn,” Kara whispered to herself and started to look around for her coat.
“I brought one, Kara.” Eliza handed a thermometer out to her.
“No, I can go buy one, really, I need one anyway.” She chuckles lightly, gesturing to you in her bed. She could hear you groaning quietly from pain.
“Take it, make sure she’s not too hot.”
“Mommy come back now!” You yelled for her.
“Coming, sweetheart,” She took the thermometer and nodded in agreement, “Thank you.” Eliza smiled and as Kara raced over to you, Eliza came into view and saw how her daughter took care of you. She had no knowledge of sickness. Turning back towards the kitchen, wanting to make you something to eat Eliza saw the computer. It was open to a tab about how to care for a sick kid. Under the website ‘Wiki How’
“104.2? Is that bad?”
“What! 104? I’m calling Alex.”
“What? Is 104 a high temp?” Kara questioned unsure. You, on the verge of going back to sleep, your mom came and woke you up.
“Stooop! I was almost asleep.” You harshly move away from her, annoyed people were waking you up.
“I’m sorry, we have to go. Y/n,” She tried to pick you up, but your squirming was not helping. “Y/n, this is not the time.” She warned and you whined. “What's wrong? What's wrong?” She asked, starting to sound exhausted.
“I don't want to go.”
“I wish I didn't have to take you there, baby, but it'll make you feel better.” She tried again and you accepted her, dangling your arms around her neck loosely.
“Promise.” Kara leaped out the window, Eliza on the phone with Alex who was getting you a bed made in MedBay.
@ravensinthedaylight @may-z3
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cardcaptorsakura96 · 4 months
Behind the Story-Through Susie's Eyes
Link to story: AO3
This story came about for doing a writing prompt for I did the Writing Workshop Week 1: Show & Tell from @bettsfic and @books. This story is in the same universe as My Everything, but takes place before both stories start. The writing prompt was to write about an object that is important to your character (if you were writing fiction).
That is when the idea of the doll Susie was born. I kept thinking of the song When She Loved Me by Sarah McLachlan. When I first heard the song in Toy Story 2, I found it heartbreaking especially for a kid's film. I didn't know they would hit me in the feels that way. I decided to do something similar for Kara and her precious doll. Thus the story was born. It was hard to write because I wanted to cry throughout it. The story has the least amount of views compared to my other stories, but it was still my favorite story to write because so much time and emotion went into it. I hope you guys like it!
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swiftlark · 7 months
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i never saw you coming, and i’ll never be the same.
eliza’s top 100 ships 55/100: isabel “izzie” stevens + alex karev
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jellybabykid · 2 years
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Chapters: 10/? Fandom: Supergirl (TV 2015) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alex Danvers/Lena Luthor Characters: Alex Danvers, Lena Luthor, Kara Danvers, Eliza Danvers, Lucy Lane (DCU), Samantha "Sam" Arias, Agent Vasquez (Supergirl TV 2015), Kelly Olsen (Supergirl TV 2015) Additional Tags: AgentCorp, Whumptober 2022, Day 8 head trauma, alt prompt 1 ringing ears, alt prompt 3 dazed and confused, Established Relationship, Head Injury, Memory Loss, Slow Burn Ish, Hearing Loss, Vertigo - Freeform, Established Agentcorp, Past Relationship(s), Past Alex Danvers/Lucy Lane, Whump, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Physical Disability, BAMF Alex Danvers, BAMF Lucy Lane, Not Canon Compliant, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Not Beta Read Summary:
If we are the sum total of all our memories and experiences, who would we be without them? After Alex is involved in an incident on her way home, she is about to find out.
When she wakes up to a whole life she has no memory of, and which has now been altered irrevocably, a lot of work is needed to deal with the fallout. As someone who has never been known for healthy coping mechanisms, this is a big ask. But…if you don’t remember who you were, can you learn to be someone different?
Pretty much AU as while this draws from the main beats of cannon, Alex’s history gets a hefty rewrite. Chapter Ten Summary: Sam's first day as Alex's carer was never going to be easy, but life does like to conspire to make things more challenging than they really need to be sometimes.
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bridgertonbabe · 2 years
Alex x Eliza lake scene? 👀
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You think I would do Benophie 2.0 without another lake scene?
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
She doesn’t answer. Lena’s presence doesn’t surprise her; Kara Danvers always knows where Lena Luthor is, at least as long as there’s a way for the sound of her heart to find Kara’s ears, no matter how soft or faint it might be. In her ruminations Kara thinks on that before she speaks. Even when they were at their worst, when they were hurting each other in every way that mattered, Kara would stop and listen.
It was a secret and sacred thing, a transgression that she would never admit. She would confess to scoping Lena out with her x-ray vision first. She’d never actually done that, but she’d pretend-admit before confessing that, sometimes, she’d listen to Lena’s heart as she slept and drift off to its slow and steady beat.
They’re by the sea, at the Danvers family home. It’s been a year since Alex and Kelly married and a small, core group have gathered here in this house by the waves to celebrate the anniversary. It’s just Alex and Kelly of course and Esme, and Lena and Kara. And Eliza.
She lives here, after all.
Nia and Brainy are in town in an AirBnB, and they’ve been by the house but are mostly doing their own thing. They’ll marry soon, Kara thinks. They have that air about them, the way that Alex and Kelly did before the proposal.
There is a sense of finality to it all that has fallen over Kara like the shadow of a passing storefront, and she sits where she can watch the ocean waves roll in, chin propped on arms resting on knees, curled up and watching the waves reach the high water mark and roll back.
Lena stands beside her now, seemingly unconcerned that Kara hasn’t answered her. This happens a lot now. There are companionable silences. Lena spends half her days in Kara’s home, working from a laptop on Kara’s kitchen counter while Kara writes at the kitchen table.
A lot has happened. Cat Grant offered her the role of EIC at CatCo; Kara rejected it. She’d mad furtive plans to reveal her identity, then canceled them. She’d told Cat but asked that it end there and Cat had respected it, then gone on an esoteric retreat at an eel farm or… something. Kara still submitted articles to CatCo but on a freelance basis, and she was submitting more articles elsewhere lately.
Actually, very little had happened. Kara had more time to really write, now. She put on her suit and flew out the window less and less, being less needed.
Lena sits down next to her and assumes a similar pose. Kara can’t help but look at her; she has never been able to resist looking at Lena Luthor. That too has changed. She doesn’t steal a glance this time, she studies, lets her gaze linger. She looks at the way the light of the golden hour plays with Lena’s soft, easy beauty. Her sort-of-roommate skipped putting on makeup this morning and her hair is down in a mop of air-dried dark curls, some of them lazily riding the breeze around her head. Some of it falls across her face and Kara fights the urge to sweep it back with a soft brush of her fingers.
Lena is beautiful. The warm light makes her pale skin glow, brings out the sparkle in her blue-green eyes, as deep as the sea they watch. There is a soft playful hint of a smile on her lips, but her brows are furrowed.
Kara thinks back to the last time she spoke to J’onn. She told the man, the closest thing she had left to a father in the world, about how she was wearing the cape less and working more, about Lena, about how Alex and Kelly seemed to be moving on, both of them now retired from the insanity of her lives and Alex actually planning to practice medicine.
“That’s what happens,” J’onn told her. “Things pass. Stories end. The great deeds are done, the archenemies vanquished, the miracles all performed. After that is just life.”
Kara wasn’t sure what that meant. In her life -almost sixty years, that she’d experienced as less than thirty- she’d packed in the experiences of a hundred lifetimes. She’d watched her world die, found her family, lost them, made a new one. She’d loved and lost and she’d even died- twice. She’d spent two eternities in her own personal hell.
Kara lets out a slow sigh. She’s still looking at Lena.
They have to have this conversation. Kara just doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. The problem is obvious. Lena and Kara had arrived this morning a few hours after Kelly and Alex, and found that Eliza had, as to be expected, already planned out who was bunking where.
“Alex and Kelly have Alex’s old room,” Eliza had told them, after hugging Lena. “Esme has Kara’s old room, and you and Lena can take the guest bedroom.”
When the words left her foster mother’s mouth, Kara’s heart raced. If Lena thought anything of it, she gave no sign. Kara was on the verge of panic.
Eliza had given the two of them a room with one bed. A small room, a shared room that would give two people no privacy.
Does she think we’re…?
Kara had considered the possibility before. She wasn’t blind or oblivious to a fluttering heart beat or lip bites or long stares, but…
“I’m scared,” Kara says, and she looks away.
She can feel Lena looking at her, gaze unwavering.
“What about?”
Kara swallows hard. She doesn’t know if Lena realizes what Eliza has assumed yet, if she’s put it together. She must have, because she came out here looking for Kara. Kara hadn’t run away exactly, but she had fled. She needed to think.
“One thing I’ve learned,” Kara says, “is that once you say something, you can’t un-say it. You can’t change the truth once it’s been told.”
Lena nods softly. She knows. They learned the same lesson from the same cruel trick.
“Do you know why I held on to my secret for so long?”
“You always said it was to protect me, and I didn’t accept that. Then when…” Lena pauses heavily, “when we moved on, I never really asked again.”
Kara swallows. “I lied. I did it for me.”
Lena says nothing.
“I was scared. I was afraid that once I told you, it would be the same with you as it was with everyone else. Once people know Kara is Supergirl, then Kara stops being Kara. Kara is just Supergirl’s real name.”
Kara’s breath hitches. She glances at Lena, who watches intently.
“I was wrong. I should have known better. I should have trusted you.”
“Yes,” said Lena. “You should have. I should have tried to understand you. To understand why instead of projecting my own insecurities onto your choice. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I forgave you.”
Waves crash in the silence.
“I would forgive you anything.”
“Even beating the last potsticker?”
“I’m serious, Lena.”
Lena sighs. “Are we going to talk about it?”
“You saw the room.”
Lena nods.
“Your mom seems to be assuming that we share a bed,” Lena says.
Kara swallows hard.
“The last time I was with Nia, she asked when I’m selling the penthouse, because she assumed I’ve been planning to move into your loft.”
Kara groped her knees because her hands are shaking. She grips her knees to stop them but it makes her legs shake instead.
Lena shifts closer, scooting across the grass. She’s not touching Kara but it feels like she is. Her touch becomes and threatens. They share space, the sea breeze passing over them as one. Lena looks at her through a tangle of inky curls and her eyes are infinite, searching Kara for something.
“I have deemed a dream,” Kara whispers. “I fear if I dream it too deeply I’ll suddenly wake, and when I wake it’ll be gone the way dreams always are, and it will fade as fast as any dream. The thought of losing it hurts so bad it makes it feel like my chest is caving in.”
Kara looks at Lena now. She looks so young, she is young. Her power suits and makeup and air of command and defiance all make her seem almost matronly but here with Kara that mask is gone and beneath it is her true self, her secret self that not even their friends see, a young girl who’s never been young.
Just like Kara.
“What if you woke up and the dream came true?”
“Sometimes,” Kara admits, “I wonder if you’re real. I used to dream of things when I floated in my pod and they seemed so real…”
“It’s real, Kara,” Lena whispers, soft and breathy. “It’s real and I’m not going anywhere. Nothing has to change. It’s just going to evolve. I know what you want to say and I’ve been scared of it too. What you’re saying, I can feel it in my soul… when the Luthors took me in, I used to dream that my mom was alive. I’d wake up smelling breakfast and hearing her sing and when I realized it was just a dream it was like she died again every morning.”
“I love you.”
Lena stares at her. Kara hears Lena’s steady pulse flutter and begins to stammer.
“I know I’ve said it before. I mean I’m in love with-“
Lena presses a finger to her lips.
“I know. Stop telling me and show me.”
Kara freezes, not sure what she meant. Lena twisted languidly and leaned towards her. Kara freezes briefly and then just lets go, moving on instinct. Using a little strength she pulls Lena into her lap, gently touches her chin, and tilts her back a touch, to kiss her.
It is at once tentative and soft and absolutely explosive. Kara forces back tears, as Lena embraces her with all her strength, molding herself to Kara as if she means to climb inside her. For all her urgency, her kiss is just as delicate, just as tender and exploratory.
It is as it has always been. They compliment each other perfectly, moving together without a word needed, Kara breaks the kiss because Lena needs air and lowers her to the grass, fully on top of her now, brushing lose strands of hair back from her face to kiss her again and again and again, each kiss ah apology, each brushing of lips a lament for time lost.
They could have been doing this for years.
Lena arches under her, grinding hungrily, kissing her furiously. She moans softly as Kara’s hands find bare skin and Kara murmurs a Kryptonian prayer against her lips, and her thighs rise to bracket Kara’s hips.
Kara feels it all. The desire, the lust, the need, and above all the unbridled joy. This is no dream. It’s real. It’s happening. It’s…
“Eww,” Alex says.
Kara snaps up, acutely aware that her hand is halfway up Lena’s now-askew top, and that Lena has leg-locked them together. Lena lets her head fall back and peers up at Alex.
“Eliza sent me to find you two. Dinner is ready,” Alex sighs, then turns, muttering,
“Get a room. Sheesh.”
Lena cracks first, unleashing a gale of laughter.
“Let me go,” she protests.
Kara lets her…. briefly. Play-wrestling ensues, and Lena just know that Kara is letting her win as they roll in the grass, but it no longer matters. Lena is flushed and grass-stained and joy burns her in her eyes and-
“Come on!” Alex bellows.
Kara helps her up, and they head for the house.
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comickergirl · 3 months
Any chance in your doodle drawer or your to finish later pile you might have some "smol danvers"? XD could def use the serotonin booster, but no pressure this is def not a request as much as it is a potential desk clearer?
You know, when I first saw this, I wasn't actually sure if I'd have anything that would fit the bill! Most of what I draw for fun ends up posted in some form or another, so I don't have a lot of 'vault' stuff. But I was genuinely curious, so here is what I unearthed!
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First one I came across was this smol danvers comic entitled, 'A Wild Alex Appears'. Most of my 'unpublished' drawings are quick things I put together, inspired by the brilliant minds of the folks over at @sunshineprotectionforce I forget the context of this but it's admittedly not very lighthearted, so the journey continued!
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More SPF inspired stuff! (It's possible I posted that Inside Out mashup already, but I could not honestly recall.) Here we had both Danvers, but they are not smol! Therefore, onwards!
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Okay my sincere apologies for including a personal photo but I thought I'd lost this one, I've been looking for it for LITERAL YEARS and also it is technically a Danvers duo! But not the one we were after. XD
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Once more, we must thank SPF for the brilliant idea that is 'Jane Austen-esque matchmaker Kara AU', guest starring The Best crackship, Eliza x J'onn! But again, this lacks the key smol aspect. More searching was needed.
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Oh! At last! A (more lighthearted???) Smol Danvers! I could've ended my search here but...I felt like I was getting close. Surely, there had to be...
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Yes! The goofy girls! XD Looking at it now I'm again not entirely sure this hasn't already appeared elsewhere, so please forgive me for a potential repeat or two. Hopefully, overall, this was an enjoyable side quest!
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tortillamastersblog · 21 days
✐ Only Human | Kara Danvers ✎
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Pairing: Kara Danvers x reader
Warnings: minor injuries, mentions of blood
Summary: Proposing to Kara doesn’t go quite as planned because in all her excitement she forgets you’re only human. . .
Midvale is a beautiful town. The pine trees along the road are a luscious green and the few lakes I’ve spotted here and there on my drive glitter invitingly in the late summer sun.
I turn down another empty road and take a deep breath of the salty ocean air. I have the window rolled down and the radio turned up, smiling from ear to ear at the prospect of seeing Kara and her family again.
We’re taking some time off from work and superhero-ing and decided staying at Eliza’s would be the best way to relax and reconnect with each other and the rest of the Danvers family.
Things have been busy lately, especially at my job because I’m up for a promotion, which is also why I didn’t drive here with Alex and Kelly two days ago.
Kara flew, getting Alex and Kelly to take her bags with them.
I continue driving a couple more minutes, humming to the song on the radio until Eliza’s familiar beach house comes into view.
The sun has just gone down which leaves a faint orange hue across the sky and I smile when I see the lights turned on inside the house.
I pull into the driveway, turn off the car and roll up the windows before getting out and rounding the car to get my bag from the trunk.
“You made it!”
Alex’s voice makes me look up and I smile instantly when my eyes land on her standing in the open doorway with a glass of wine in her hand.
“Alex!” I beam and jog up the stairs to the door to pull her into a tight hug. “I missed you.”
Alex squeezes me with one arm and holds her wineglass away from our bodies with the other, pulling back with a smile of her own. “I missed you, too. Did you get everything you need?”
I nod and hold up my bag for reference, feeling nerves bubble up in the pit of my stomach at the thought of the small velvet box stuffed between my shirts.
You see, being stuck at work wasn’t the only reason I didn’t take Alex and Kelly up on their offer of carpooling. My jeweler called me the day before we were supposed to leave and told me there had been some delay on the ring I commissioned.
So, I had no other choice but to postpone my departure and because Alex didn’t buy my half-lie of being stuck at work a little while longer I came clean and told her all about my plans of proposing.
She was ecstatic, going on a rant about how my idea of doing it on the beach was perfect and how happy she was for Kara for having someone like me.
“Perfect. Now, come on in. We finished dinner a while ago, but there’s still some leftovers in the kitchen.” She offers to take my bag up to Kara’s childhood bedroom and I accept with an embarrassed smile when my stomach grumbles loudly.
Kelly is the first to notice me when I step into the living room. She just came in from the porch outside where Eliza and Kara are sitting on cushioned Adirondack chairs wrapped in throw blankets.
“Hi. It’s good to see you again,” I say with a smile, accepting the gentle hug she pulls me into. “How have you been? How’s work?”
“I’ve been great. Work is. . . Well, it’s work, what can I say?” she laughs before adding, “But I do love my job, so there’s really not that much I can complain about. How are you? I heard you’re up for a promotion.”
“I’m good, and yeah I am up for a promotion, but my boss said—“
A shriek makes my head whip around and I only see a flash of blonde hair before my favorite person launches herself into my arms, sending me stumbling backward. “My baby!”
I laugh breathlessly and grab the kitchen counter to regain my balance. “Jesus. . .”
The blonde wraps her legs around my waist and peppers my face with kisses. “Not Jesus, just Kara.”
I smile incredulously and glance at Kelly for some kind of explanation as to why Kara’s acting like this, but the older woman just shrugs and watches the scene unfold in front of her with a fond look in her eyes.
“What on Earth has gotten into you, my love?” I chuckle and squeeze the back of Kara’s thighs to get her to look at me.
Her blue eyes shine with love and I’m almost convinced she’s simply happy to see me but then she kisses me and I’m met with the taste of alien liquor on her lips. “N’thing,” she slurs with a dopey grin. “‘M jus’ happy to see you.”
“Mhmm, I can tell,” I tease which makes her frown comically.
“Hey, don’t be mean.” She pouts, but I’m quick to kiss it away with a couple of pecks.
“There. Better?” I ask and she nods, draping her arms loosely around my shoulders before unwrapping her legs from around my waist. I let her slide down my body and tuck her hair behind her ears.
“Much, thank you.” She leans into my touch and closes her eyes briefly before looking up at me with an adoring, yet slightly drunk look on her face.
It makes my insides melt and I can’t help but dip my head down to press another kiss to her lips, savoring the way my lips tingle at the contact before whispering, “Hello, darling. How are you?”
Kara tightens her arms around my shoulders and hides her face against the side of my neck. “Perfect now that you’re her.”
She sounds surprisingly sober which means that the effects of the alien liquor must already be wearing off. It gets her drunk pretty quickly but because of her fast metabolism it also gets absorbed easily, making the high intense but short-lived.
I kiss the top of her head, another smile growing on my face when I catch Eliza’s eyes outside. She smiles and waves at me, mouthing a “hi!”, just as my stomach growls again.
“Have you had something to eat yet?” Kara pulls back to look at me.
I shake my head. “Not yet, but Alex said something about leftovers?”
Kara goes to answer but Kelly beats her to it. “Why don’t you head outside and I’ll get you some? I was heading to the kitchen anyway to grab a glass of water.”
“Oh that’s nice, but I can—“
“Thanks, Kelly!” Kara interrupts cheerfully and tugs on my hand to lead me onto the porch.
I chuckle and look over my shoulder to thank Kelly before greeting Eliza properly.
She hugs me, asking about the drive here before Kara tugs on my hand again, pulling me onto the chair she occupied earlier and plopping down on my lap.
The view of the ocean is spectacular as the last hues of orange disappear to make way for the starry night sky.
I get lost in the sight for a moment, enjoying the feeling of Kara snuggled up against me as she chats with Eliza until Kelly returns with a steaming bowl of food and a glass of water.
She hands me the bowl and puts the glass down on the small table in the middle of the chairs and returns to her own seat.
Kara shifts so I can eat with her still in my arms and continues talking to her mom and Kelly.
Alex joins us a second later, taking a seat on the chair next to her wife’s and chimes in on the current conversation which I’m not particularly paying attention to.
I’m tired from driving and simply focus on the kryptonian warmth Kara is emitting and eating Eliza’s delicious chilly until the bowl is empty and my eyelids are drooping.
“You tired?” Kara whispers when I try to stifle a yawn. She sounds and looks completely sober now, playing with the collar of my shirt absentmindedly.
“Yeah, and I’d really like to shower before bed,” I admit quietly so as to not interrupt the story Alex is currently telling of her time in med school.
“Okay then,” she says getting to her feet slowly and pulling me up with her.
Eliza’s eyes dart in our direction at the movement and when she sees the exhaustion on my face she smiles sympathetically.
“. . . And then that lady just vomited all over me. I honestly thought I was going to throw up right on top of her, too, but I managed to run out before that happened,” Alex finished her story and all of us gag at the thought of being thrown up on ourselves.
“You guys going to bed?” Eliza asks once everyone has calmed down again.
I nod, feeling Kara playing with my fingers. “Yeah. It’s been a long day. Thank you for dinner. It was delicious, as always.”
Elize smiles bashfully. “Thank you, dear. Good night.”
“G’night.” I nod at Alex and Kelly and go to take my bowl inside, but Eliza tells me to just leave it.
Then, it’s just me and Kara, making out way inside and up to her childhood bedroom.
She used to share a room with Alex, but when Jeremiah passed, they turned his study into a bedroom for her.
“How was your day, darling?” I ask once we get to the room.
Kara closes the door behind us and jumps on the bed, having already changed into her pajamas before I got here.
“Quiet,” she says, taking off her glasses.
I hum in understanding and go to my bag to grab a change of clothes and my toothbrush. The city is loud, even for a human like me, so I know what she means when she says it’s quiet up here in Midvale. Yes, she can still hear heartbeats a mile away, but the constant buzz of the city is missing and I can only imagine what a relief it must be to get away from all of it for a while.
“How was the drive?” she asks. She gets under the covers and pulls the comforter up to her chest.
“There was some traffic, but it wasn’t too bad. I’m just glad I’m here now.” I smile tiredly and take a seat on the edge of the mattress next to her.
“I’m glad you’re here, too. What do you want to do tomorrow?” she asks, tracing the shape of my brow with a finger before dropping her hand in her lap again.
“Go to the beach, maybe? And then have some dinner at Mike’s,” I suggest. I know I want to propose, I just don’t know when yet, so I’ll just see how everything goes and then do it whenever it feels right.
“Sounds good.” Kara leans forward to peck my cheek and shoos me away. “Now go shower so we can cuddle.”
I chuckle and squeeze her leg over the comforter. Then I grab my clothes and head to the bathroom down the hall.
I shower, wash my face and brush my teeth before heading back to the bedroom with a yawn.
I expect Kara to be in bed where I left her, but when I enter the room she’s crouched on the floor next to the bed with her back turned to me.
“What are you doing?” I ask with a confused smile, turning to put my dirty clothes in the hamper behind the door.
Kara doesn’t say anything which makes me frown and turn back around to see her now facing me with tears in her eyes.
“What’s wrong?!” I rush across the room and kneel in front of her. I lift my hands, wanting to cup her cheeks but then her eyes drop to her lap and I follow her gaze with my own.
Oh shit. . .
Clutched between her fingers is an all too familiar, small, black box.
We both look back up at the same time and when our teary eyes meet I can’t help but smile sheepishly.
“Surprise?” I whisper. My heart is pounding in my chest and I feel like throwing up when Kara stays silent.
Her eyes dart between mine and for a second, when a tear runs down her cheek, I think even just the thought of proposing to her was ridiculous because she obviously doesn’t want to be with me like that.
But then she finally speaks, her voice shaky and quiet.“Ask me.”
My eyebrows dart up knowing surprise and I swallow thickly. “Are you sure?”
She nods as another tear runs down her cheek, but this time she smiles softly and pushes the box into my hands.
“O-Okay.” I get to my feet and pull her with me, only to drop back down on one knee in front of her. “Kara. . . I— This isn’t how I thought this was going to go, but here we are I guess. . .”
Kara smiles, teary eyed, and wipes at her cheeks. Her blue eyes are trained on me and her hands twitch as I speak, showing how much effort it takes for her not to reach out and touch me.
“I love you, Kara,” I start, my voice shaking with emotion. “I’ve loved you ever since you spilled your coffee all over me at Noonan’s and I love you now, standing here in your pajamas. You are beautiful and smart and the size of your heart leaves me utterly and completely speechless sometimes. The last five years have shown me what it is like to love someone, and be loved by someone wholeheartedly and I can’t imagine not spending the rest of my life with you.
“You once told me that being with you was dangerous because you’re Supergirl, but since I’ve known you I’ve never felt safer. You always have my back and I hope when you’re with me you feel even just a fraction of the sense of security you make me feel.” I take a deep breath and open the box carefully to reveal the sparkling ring inside. It’s a simple gold band with a princess-cut diamond sitting on top of it.
Kara’s eyes widen at the sight—even though she knew it was coming—and lifts one of her hands to cover her mouth in shock.
“So. . . Will you marry me, Kara Zor-El?” I whisper.
“Yes.” The reply is immediate and within a second she surges forward to kiss me. The impact of her lips on mine is so forceful, it makes me topple over with a groan and sends a stinging pain through my face.
“Shit.” I cringe and break the kiss immediately, bringing my hand up to my nose only to pull it back and see that it’s now covered in blood.
“Rao, I’m sorry.” Kara’s scrambles to get off me and helps me sit up before inspecting my nose. “Shit, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
A new wave of tears makes its way down her cheeks, but they’re no longer tears of joy. Regret and guilt is written all over her face and when I wince, scrunching my nose, she backs up even more so she’s no longer touching me.
“Hey, no. It’s okay.” I wince again, but try to focus on Kara instead of the pain. I crawl forward and touch her chin with my clean hand, the open ring box on the floor next to us. “It’s not like this is the first time this has happened,” I try to joke, but it falls flat.
“Y/N, I—“
“No.” I push a finger to her lips. “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me, and I’m already feeling better, see? It’s not even bleeding anymore.”
Kara looks up with red-rimmed eyes, the guilt still evident on her face. “But—“
“No buts, baby,” I say with a smile. I grab the box off the floor and take the ring out before holding it up to Kara’s face. “Do you still want to marry me?”
She nods and wipes at her eyes again. “Of course.”
“Good.” I take her hand and, after waiting for another nod, slip the ring onto her finger. “Then that’s all that matters right now.”
Kara stares at the ring and I watch in awe as the heartbreak slowly melts off her face. It’s replaced by adoration and love and when she catches me staring at her, her lips twitch into a tentative smile.
“I love you,” she whispers, lifting a hand to brush her fingers against my cheek. “And I can’t wait to marry you.”
“I love you, too, and I will do everything in my power to give you the wedding you deserve.” I lean into her touch and grab her other hand, kissing the ring on her finger.
Shaking her head, Kara gently rests her forehead against my own. “I don’t need anything fancy. I just want you there.” I smile and tilt my head, wanting to close the distance between us, but a hand on my chest stops me. “Let’s get your face cleaned first.”
I huff playfully but agree, letting her help me to my feet before she pulls me to the bathroom.
I take a seat on the edge of the tub as Kara wets a towel.
“Tell me if I hurt you,” she says and I nod, closing my eyes as she gets to work cleaning the blood off my face. “Well, your nose is not broken, but it will probably bruise.”
“It’s okay. Like I said, it’s not our first rodeo.” This time, Kara cracks a smile and when I pull her to stand in between my legs, she drops the bloodied towel and leans down to capture my lips in a sweet kiss.
Her hands land on the side of my face, making me shiver when I feel the ring against my cheek.
“Let’s go to bed,” she says when we break apart. At the mention of going to sleep, I yawn which makes her giggle.
I change out of my bloodied top and go to throw on a clean shirt, only to freeze when I remember that the ring was at the bottom of my bag and I have yet to ask why Kara was going through it in the first place.
“Hey, can I ask you something?” I zip my bag and put on the shirt before joining Kara in the bed.
“Sure.” She snuggles up to me and places her hand on my chest, admiring the ring in the dim light of the bedside lamp.
“Why were you going through my bag?” I ask gently, not wanting to sound accusing.
Blushing furiously, Kara hides her face in the crook of my neck. “I wanted to steal one of your hoodies.”
I laugh and pull her closer. “Of course you did.“
Kara chuckles too and once our laughter has died down, she rolls over to turn off the light before returning to my side.
“I love you,” she whispers against my collarbone. “And I can’t wait to tell everyone that we’re going to get married.”
“I love you, too. . . Fiancée.” I run my hand up and down her back and shiver when the action earns me a kiss against my throat.
“Mhmm, Fiancée.” Kara exhales loudly and snuggles even closer before going still. “I like the sound of that.”
“Me too,” I admit and before long I fall asleep with a smile on my face.
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389 · 11 months
GENRES: Bass, Breaks, Grime, Garage, Electro, Breakbeats, Hardcore, Jungle, Hard Techno, Breakcore, Throwbacks, Rave 130-180bpms
Di Barsotti - Can You Believe What Happen
Big Animal Theory - Give It Back
Enya, Alex Index - Only Time Edit
Fonzo - Bad Dreams
Daffy - Crooked
Yeke Sefl -Master v1
Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle (Levi Mann Edit)
Levdrac - Best of me
ARTAN - Spencer Elmer She’s A 10 But... [DJ Jackum Edit]
Novelist x Mumdance - 1 Sec (Bushbaby Bootleg)
RANA - Baddadan Dub [airspace records]
Friend Within - RENEGADE MASTER (efan bootleg)
RUN (efan bootleg)
Lewis Aung - Check1
Bianca Oblivion & ONHELL - SINAIS SPICE (Oblivion Edit)
Bianca Oblivion & ONHELL - SINAIS GIRLS (Oblivion Edit)
Basement Jaxx, Joku - Where’s Your Head At
Benkins - Rock The Microphone
Drake - Daylight (borne Remix)
Eliza Rose & Interplanetary Criminal - B.O.T.A. (Baddest Of Them All) (Justus Edit) 
Seul Ensemble - The Ultimate Sex Track
SZG - Behind The Spirit And Soul
Omni Trio- Renegade Snares (Portway Re-Animation)
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, A-Trak - Heads Will Roll (Disaffected Bootleg)
Jamie McLellan - Generation Rave
Friend Within - Renegade Master (Tee Baghead Mix)
Lia Catreux - BAMBAM
Maté - Post Epidemic Boys
DJ Coraçãozinho - Sex on Bq
Toadmilk - Breaking Mind
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supercorpkid · 1 month
Baby Danvers who is Kara's bio little sister sent to earth with Kara in the pod as a baby. Has a crush on Ruby Arias, they bond over being Kryptonian and teenagers not allowed to use their powers in public. Please 🙏
(love your work)
Everything Has Changed.
Supergirl. Baby Danvers. Kara Danvers x Sister!Reader, Alex Danvers x Sister!Reader, Ruby Arias x Reader. Sam Arias.
Word Count: 2310.
"No," Kara repeats, speaking to you as if you were a toddler. "You can't join the track team when you have super speed. You know that."
"You just won't let me do anything!" You scowl, showing your sister how upset you are. Usually, that's all it takes, but when it comes to your powers, Kara never budges.
"Yeah, because it's not fair to other people, Y/N! You have superpowers," Alex chimes in from the kitchen. You roll your eyes, knowing this was bound to happen. The open concept in Kara's apartment really doesn't help when you're trying to have a conversation with just one of them.
"What good are all these powers if I'm not allowed to use them?" You turn on your heel, quickly going to your bedroom and slamming the door behind you. You hear a crack in the wood and curse under your breath.
"If you break another door, you won't get a replacement!" Alex yells, and you grunt in frustration.
God! You break a few things around the house or bump into someone and break their arm on the street a couple of times and now you're treated as a menace! Sure, it doesn't help that your bedroom door looks like it might turn into ashes if you slam it one more time, but most of the time it isn't on purpose. 
Do you really want to join the track team? Not necessarily. What you really want is a way to use your powers without Kara and Alex yelling at you. You can't wait until you're an adult.
When you were younger, you couldn't wait to get your powers. When you and Kara crashed on this planet, she was already a teenager, so she immediately got all of them—the flying, super speed, super strength—everything you always wanted. But since you were a baby when you came to Earth, you had to wait until puberty.
Now, you finally have them. You can fly around the world, save people, hear all the gossip at school, and yet your sisters insist that you mustn't use them.
"How did Eliza do it?" Kara asks, and you put your headphones on mute to hear the conversation better. "I seriously don't remember what she used to do when it was me."
"Well, if I remember correctly, it was basically the same," Alex says, and you can't help but roll your eyes again. Perfect Kara Danvers wasn't so perfect after all.
"Eliza was more composed after it, though." Kara takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself. You slide your glasses down to look at them moving to the couch. "Did I mess up her life by bringing her to live with me? Eliza said she wanted Y/N to stay there."
"Kara," Alex reaches for Kara's arm, giving it a gentle stroke, "you wanted to bring her here so you could teach her about her powers, to help her feel how normal it is to have them. Besides, you promised your mom you'd take care of her."
"Alex, I know all the reasons, but what if they're not enough? Having me fly around, saving people, using my powers daily, and not being able to use hers—I don't think it's helping as much as I thought it would."
Alex is silent for a moment. "You know, Sam has told me the same thing about Ruby. Maybe we need to get them together, so she can see that even though her experience feels singular, it really isn't."
"That's a good idea, actually." Kara grabs her phone right away. "I'll ask Sam if they're free this weekend. Oh! And Lena can come too."
You smirk — of course Kara would want to bring Lena everywhere.
Kara knocks on your door a while later. You take your headphones off and watch as she slowly approaches, testing the waters. "I'm sorry you can't join the track team. You do understand why, right?"
You sit up in bed and give her a soft, "Yeah" so she knows you're no longer upset. She sits in front of you, grabbing one of your stuffed animals on the bed so she has something to do with her hands.
It takes a couple of seconds and a long breath from her to add, "I love you, baby. I'm just trying to protect you." Kara blinks at you, and you can see how sad she is about fighting with you all the time.
It's not fair that she had to take care of you all your life. Sure, Eliza was an incredible mother figure to both of you, but Kara is 13 years older than you, and she promised your mom she'd care for you when Alura put you both in that pod. And that's what she's done her entire life. She fed you, changed you, taught you both English and Kryptonese, told you about your planet, and showed you its place in the sky. She's the blood relative who truly raised you (sorry, Kal, but it's true).
As soon as she graduated from college and got a job, she brought you to National City to live with her. Eliza wasn't happy about it, but you were over the moon. You'd never say this out loud, but deep down you know Kara is your mom. Not Alura, not Eliza, not even Alex (though she sometimes feels like one). Kara cradled your baby self in her arms all those years ago, and she has yet to let go.
You throw yourself into her arms, hugging her with all your strength, grateful you can't hurt her with it. "I know. I'm sorry." Tears threaten to leave your eyes, and you swallow them. "Kar, I – I know you're doing more than you should as a sister. And so I don't want to be a burden to you."
"You are not a burden!" She squeezes you tighter. "You could never be a burden, little one. You are my whole world." Kara holds your face between her hands, her eyes full of tears, and when you look at her, you know exactly why. "You are the most important person to me in any universe. That's why I don't want you in any kind of danger."
"I know, but I just want to make you proud."
"Oh, baby. I couldn't be prouder of the girl you are, trust me. But we still need some rules about using your powers. You're all I have left," she reassures you.
"I mean, did I die at some point?" Alex asks, leaning against the doorway.
You smile. "Pretty sure you're a ghost, and this house is haunted, yeah."
Alex opens her arms and joins the hug. "You'll have a nice weekend with Ruby and will stop breaking the doors, right?"
You crack a smirk. "I'll try. No promises."
They let you fly to Metropolis, and you appreciate it, even if it's just a less-than-five-minute flight. You get to carry Alex, while Kara carries Lena—because, of course, Lena was coming.
You've met Sam before, though you don’t remember much about it. However, you’re sure you’ve never met Ruby. Usually, you dislike when people dictate who you should or shouldn’t be friends with, but that changes when you meet Ruby.
You love her excitement about things, which mirrors your own enthusiasm, often dimmed by other teenagers who want to look cool. Ruby is nice, has superpowers, and is best friends with her mom (which is similar to your relationship with your older sisters). So when Sam says you’ll have to share a room with Ruby, you’re thrilled.
It's refreshing to have someone you can confide in about your powers, your frustration with not being able to use them freely, and how much you love your sisters despite their misunderstandings.
"I know! Like, okay, I get it. I can't use my powers to gain an advantage in life, but maybe I want to play volleyball!"
"Or join the track team!" You agree, pointing at her. Ruby’s smile widens, and you stare up at her from your spot on the sleeping bag on the floor.
"And honestly, she gets so mad when I break something, like it’s my fault I have super strength." Ruby makes space for you in bed and invites you up with a gesture. You promptly sit in front of her without a word, too preoccupied with your complaints to talk.
"And yes, I understand it's hard to explain why my door keeps breaking, but I’m a teenager! I’m supposed to slam doors behind me."
Ruby laughs in agreement. "It probably doesn’t help when I break things at school, though."
"One time I stopped suddenly in P.E. class, and a kid running behind me ran into me. He broke his nose. I didn’t even move." You give her a sheepish smile. "That was hard to explain."
"That’s nothing! We were playing dodgeball, and I sent someone flying across the room." Your eyes widen at the image. "I was banned from P.E. for weeks, and everyone started calling me 'Wonder Chick.'"
"Uh," You smile. "Did you tell them they got the planets mixed up?"
"Tried to. Mom wouldn’t let me."
You laugh loudly, and although Ruby laughs too, she shushes you so none of the adults come to check on you.
You talk all night, and as the hours pass, the connection between you deepens. You can’t believe how easy it is to open up to Ruby, sharing things you’ve never felt comfortable saying before. After showing her where Krypton would have been if it still existed and teaching her a few Kryptonian words, you both lie side by side on the roof, gazing at the early morning sky.
The sun rises, casting an orange glow that makes Ruby's chestnut eyes shine even more than when she’s telling a story. You think it’s the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Her eyes feel like coming home.
The conversation eventually slows, and a comfortable silence settles between you. You’re both exhausted, but there’s a sense of peace that neither of you wants to break.
“I’m really glad I came here,” you murmur, your eyes heavy with sleep.
"Yeah," She scoots a little closer. "I’m really glad you came too. I’ve never met anyone who understands me so much."
"I know! Same." You bite your lower lip, looking at Ruby's lips. "I think you might be one of my favorite people already." Your cheeks flush when you realize what you just said. "Is that weird?"
"No." She shakes her head, eyes flicking between your eyes and lips. "It can’t be weird to meet your soulmate."
Soulmate? Oh.
"May I ask what you two are doing out here?" Kara’s voice nearly makes you jump out of your skin.
"Shit." You place a hand on your chest, checking if it’s still there. "Kara! You scared us!"
"You two should be in bed!" You open your mouth to argue, but your sister cuts you off. "Come on, go get some sleep. You guys can talk more before we have to leave."
Your face drops at the thought of leaving, and you see the same sadness on Ruby’s face when Kara’s eyes soften. "You guys will see each other again. Rao, why are teenagers so dramatic?" When she doesn’t see you moving, she adds, "Bed! Now!"
You obey her orders, Ruby slipping into bed and you into the uncomfortable sleeping bag on the floor. You drift off quickly, a sense of contentment washing over you. Despite only getting a couple of hours of sleep, you don’t regret it one bit.
"Ruby! Y/N! Come down for breakfast!" Sam calls from downstairs. Even though more sleep sounds tempting, breakfast sounds even better. You both rush to the kitchen.
"Oh, cool sweater, by the way!" Ruby points at the "Power to the Girls" slogan, and you beam.
"Thanks," Kara’s voice comes from the couch. You can see her snuggled up with a mug and Lena, but she’s not looking at you. "It’s mine. And no, I didn’t let her borrow it."
You glance down at the sweater. "It was mixed with my laundry. I thought you’d given it to me!"
"Nice try." Her voice comes a second later. "Stop stealing my clothes."
You shrug. "I tried."
The rest of the day passes in a dreamlike haze. You find yourself wishing your sisters had thought of this sooner, but you’re incredibly grateful they finally did. Meeting Ruby, your soulmate, has changed everything. For the first time, you don’t feel so alone with your powers. You have someone who truly understands you.
When it’s time to say goodbye, you feel a pang of sadness, but you know this isn’t the end.
"You’ll come visit next weekend, right?" You ask again, even though both Sam and Ruby have reassured you several times.
"Yeah. And you’ll text before that, right?"
"As soon as I get home!" You smile proudly. "So in like, five minutes."
You can’t suppress your smile as you look at her one last time before taking flight. "Cool."
As you fly back home, you feel a sense of peace you hadn’t expected. Meeting Ruby is one of the best things that has happened in your life, and you’re already certain of it. Maybe your sisters are right about some things, but that doesn’t mean you’re alone. You now have Ruby, someone who understands you like no one else ever will.
You: Photo 📸 You: Guess what? It turns out you can break doors when you're too happy too! Rubes: Love the pic. Alex looks thrilled 😆 Rubes: Please get a new one before I visit.
You smile at your phone. For the first time in a long while, you feel that things are going to be okay. Your life isn’t as bad as you thought. In fact, it might just be pretty great.
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positivelybeastly · 7 days
From the Ashes Infinity Comics #15: Pygmalion, Part 1
So, for those who are not aware - Infinity Comics are online-only comics distributed through Marvel Unlimited, their subscription based app and browser collection of comics. Regarded as 'inessential,' but still very much canon, the raft of Infinity Comics coming out of From the Ashes have been quite good, but I haven't seen fit to comment on them for a bit, until now, because . . .
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Let's go.
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For those not aware, Pygmalion is a famous novel by George Bernard Shaw, detailing the attempt by a phonetics professor called Henry Higgins to 'elevate' a Cockney flower-girl named Eliza Doolittle.
Intrigued by a bet that he could pass her off as a duchess through careful schooling, he decides to take her on, and though he succeeds, she ends up feeling marginalised and overlooked, treated as an object of gambling and curiosity rather than an individual in her own right, and though the play is best known for the 'culturing' of Eliza Doolittle, it is as much about the arrogance of Higgins, who is a thoroughly unpleasant and rude individual, in thinking that he has any ownership over Eliza for his education of her. He may have 'created' her, but he does not control her.
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The Factory that the X-Men are living in at present must have really good central heating for Cyclops to be wearing basketball shorts and a crop top that short.
Beast is currently investigating some kind of issue with Magneto's chromosomes - to put it succinctly, he appears to be ageing rapidly, and does not have access to his X-gene at present. This is a continuation of the storyline in the previous Infinity arc, which focused on Magneto.
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Something worth noting - this is the first acknowledgement of the fact that though Hank's body may be of roughly the same physical age as his original, his mind is considerably younger, situated at some point in his mid 20s. For someone who was always the oldest of the original X-Men, this is fairly significant.
Also worth noting - Hank joins the ranks of superheroes who are actively seeking therapy for their problems! Good on you, Hank! And good on you, too, Scott, for suggesting it. Though, perhaps, given recent developments in the mainline X-Men comics, you should take your own advice . . .
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The fact that Hank refers to himself as the only one left seemingly confirms that X-Force took care of the Beast clones who Beast Prime planted around various landmarks as part of the Ghost Calendars arc. Though they were defeated in their respective future timelines, I wasn't quite sure if they had been taken care of in the present as well. This seemingly confirms that they were.
Hank's therapist is Dr. Andrea Sterman, a supporting character from Jed MacKay's Moon Knight run, and a member of the Midnight Mission. Given that the writer, Alex Paknadel, confirmed on Twitter that he talked with Jed MacKay about making sure all the details for Hank's storyline would line up with the mainline X-Men book, I can only imagine this was done as a rather fun continuity nod.
Hank also refers to a Shi'ar warship, an avian alien race that the X-Men deal with on a regular basis. This makes sense, given that Hank was beamed aboard the Shi'ar imperial flagship during the events of Dark Phoenix Saga in 1981 - ancient history for us, but relatively fresh in Hank's mind, given his memories come from 1985.
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Hank, naturally, does himself a disservice here. Dark Beast was, assumedly, abducted at a relatively young age from his human parents, and indoctrinated by Mister Sinister as something of a protege - a protege living in perpetual fear of his mentor. He probably didn't have a chance to develop any kind of moral code divorced from the social Darwinist hellhole that is the Age of Apocalypse.
That being said, Hank probably lacks that context, and Dark Beast is unique among Age of Apocalypse denizens, not just for his unerringly cruel nature, having never shown any altruistic tendencies (unlike, say, AoA Cyclops or Nightcrawler), but also for his resilience. He persists, even now - though last seen in Immortal X-Men #9 as a head in a jar, he has come back from the dead at least twice before, and it is unlikely he is gone for good.
Fun fact - his appearance here is based on the costume he wore during his scrap with Emma Frost's X-Men team in a confrontation with Spider-Man and the Lizard. Though the X-Men naturally encountered him after this point, it's fun that this appearance by Dark Beast is considered iconic enough to be the 'definitive' look for him by this comic.
Hank's final remark, about 'Henry McCoy plus time equals atrocity,' is a sentiment often repeated on social media boards, and it's interesting to see it being internalised by Hank himself, given his unique perspective on the events that created his future self and the other potential timelines the X-Men files likely refer to.
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Mm. A lot to unpack here.
Hank's relationship with his X-gene has always been complicated, and the way he views it here, as essentially morphing him into a shape that he finds abhorrent, predatory, and beyond his control, is consistent with how Hank seemed to see himself during his feline mutation, which lasted from 2000 to 2013.
Though his feline phase is not referenced in this comic, beyond the 'over time, and with a little help, these became more pronounced,' (probably a reference to Sage's jumpstarting his secondary mutation) it assumedly would be in the files Hank has been using to catch up, and one has to wonder if he's been repeating some of the thought processes that made feline Hank such a uniquely neurotic version of the character.
It's also nice to see a canonisation of my long held fanon that Hank's X-gene is actively attempting to craft a form for him that is best suited for survival, a belief that Hank only hinted at back in Morrison's New X-Men, but which made sense, given the circumstances of his mutation in X-Treme X-Men.
That being said, Hank's own mind seemingly strays back to the night his furry mutation first manifested at the Brand Corporation in Amazing Adventures, where he flew into a berserker rage and nearly killed Carl Maddicks, which always seemed a little incongruous with how Hank was written in subsequent appearances in Avengers and Defenders, but which now seems to be retroactively made an expression of the brutality he was capable of during his feline phase.
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The 'violent upheavals' Hank refers to here are likely his initial secondary mutation, and then his near-death experience when said mutation randomly destabilised in All-New X-Men. It could also be a reference to his numerous genetic troubles during X-Factor volume 1.
His opining that he found refuge in the life of the mind is very reminiscent of Hank's desire to find meaning in poetry, literature, art, humanity, in the wake of the changes in his body in both X-Factor and New X-Men. X-Factor #33 and New X-Men #117 both specifically reference his delight in the freedom to think, in opposition to the clouding of the mind that came with his Pestilence inflicted dumbing down, or his newly awakened predatory impulses.
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Ironically enough, Magneto is, aside from Simon Williams, the character with whom this version of Hank has shared the most panel time and dialogue, between his conversations in X-Men and previous From the Ashes Infinity Comics. It would appear that Max's need for a cure for his condition are fostering a necessarily stronger bond than Hank and Max have ever shared before in canon.
Precisely where the rest of the team is during the course of these events is unknown. If I had to guess, it's possible this might be set during the events of X-Men #2, where the rest of the team was attending to a mutant rescue in San Francisco, accounting for the lack of availability of the Marauder and a reliance on an old Quinjet.
Quite how Hank got his hands on said Quinjet is unknown, though it's possible it might be a holdover from Hank's Defender days, where he would regularly borrow a Quinjet from the Avengers, for purposes ranging from actual superhero missions to attending Patsy Walker's wedding.
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Though this Hank's memories originate in closest proximity to the Defenders, and though that team did enjoy some degree of notoriety under Hank and Candy Southern's stewardship, the Avengers have always been where Hank was most popular in-universe, and he has had a habit of using that association to smooth things over in mutant related books, such as in X-Factor volume 1 and the 90s X-Men run.
Unfortunately, mutant rights are in a more dire state than ever before, with things having seemingly gotten only worse for them since the 1980s, and it's likely Hank didn't expect this level of hatred from normal civilians.
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I have, unfortunately, run out of images, so I'll be posting the last of this issue and my final thoughts and predictions in another post.
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