kryptonianheroao3 · 4 days
I could do with some help with a fanfic I'm thinking about writing
I wanted to do a sort of Iron Giant-inspired The Boys fanfic where Homelander is injured during a scripted battle. He's found by a young boy and Homelander has no memories of who he is, what he is or where he's from, so the boy decides to help him become Homelander again, but of course to the boy, Homelander is this heroic, joyful hero who saves lives and is a decent person. The boy has no idea of Homelander's true nature, but because Homelander isn't either anymore, the boy instills Vought's scripted image of Homelander onto him, making him want to be this Superman-like figure who saves lives and brings hope.
Any ideas of how I could go about it? Where does the boy live that's far enough from New York that it makes it harder for Vought to find him? What causes Homelander to lose his memories? What happens when he gets them back? etc.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 8 days
What about Divina Star Trek au?? 🥺
Soon 😁 I like to do them in twos so I need to figure out who else. maybe Eugene?
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kryptonianheroao3 · 8 days
@caitlynskitten nah, it means she's command division
Red - Command and Helm
Gold - Engineering, Security and Operations
Blue - Science and Medical
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Pt.2 of my Wednesday Starfleet AU
Yoko and Bianca!
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kryptonianheroao3 · 8 days
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Pt.2 of my Wednesday Starfleet AU
Yoko and Bianca!
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kryptonianheroao3 · 11 days
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Wednesday and Enid - Starfleet AU [OC]
Am planning to do more
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kryptonianheroao3 · 15 days
Thoughts on Phoebe x Melody?
Love ‘em. My current favourite ship
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kryptonianheroao3 · 16 days
Speaking of old photos, you never said you came from a wealthy family
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Found an old picture of my mom.
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I honestly had no clue that her natural hair color was so dark, I've never seen her without blonde hair.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 17 days
Men in Black - Wenclair AU
Wednesday Addams is the private investigator.
Agent E - formerly known as Enid Sinclair, is the MIB agent. Recruited by Agent Y years ago, Enid is still fresh faced, a bit naive sometimes and sees the best in every alien she's sent to find.
One day, Wednesday Addams is tracking a suspicious teacher. She's been hired by some boy's parents after the boy has come home, having nightmares of the teacher's eyes in the back of his head that allow him to know what is going on behind him at all times. For Wednesday, this is a mediocre case. Not worth her time, but being Wednesday, she had told her family she wanted to make her own way, and that means she needs to be able to pay rent.
So she tracks down this teacher, follows him everywhere, until one night, she follows him to a bar but when she tries to enter, the bouncer refuses after she doesn't know the password. So what does she do? She sneaks in around the back and finds something that she had never expected.
Aliens. Aliens everywhere. Aliens that look like humans with minor differences, aliens that look like animals, insects and little green men. And what else does she see? The teacher, with his wig removed and what is clearly an extra pair of eyes on the back of his head.
So she runs. She quickly ducks back out of the bar and onto the street, knocking into a woman in black suit with bright blonde hair. She apologises, but when she sees this woman enter the bar, she can't help but sneak back in. The woman had looked human.
And when she reenters, she sees the blonde woman, apologetically, arresting the teacher after he violated his restraining order that Earth has against him, but when the woman pulls out a small device, Wednesday quickly ducks away, barely registering the flash that occurs behind her. When she looks back over, the woman and teacher are gone, and the rest of the patrons are acting like nothing happened.
So Wednesday Addams starts a new case. The case of the Men in Black. Because once she did research, dug deep and hacked into a few government archives, she started to find all kinds of bed crumbs. Ghost stories of the Men in Black who appear whenever anyone claims to have met aliens, going all the way back to Roswell, 1947, and people who claimed to have met aliens and yet suddenly had no recollection of the event.
Harmless research, until one day she finds herself being drugged and dragged into the back of a car by two men wearing identical black suits and sunglasses. When she wakes up, she's greeted by Agent W, the head of the US branch of the MIB.
Agent W wants to neuralise Wednesday and send her on her way, but Agent E has other ideas. She knew Wednesday had been following her all along, they knew she had been investigating the MIB and hacked into archives.
Agent W sees a potential MIB problem. Agent E sees a potential MIB recruit.
And that's how Wednesday Addams becomes Agent A. All records of her identity scrubbed from her existence, everyone she knows neuralised of her existence.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 25 days
Honestly I have so many Phoebe Spengler fic ideas so if anyone is looking for any, message me
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
but she is attractive though would you agree?
I personally wouldn’t consider her attractive. Like I said, she’s 17 and I’m 24. She’s a minor, therefore to me, I don’t find her attractive.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
do u think McKenna Grace is hot?
Would I say she’s pretty? Yes.
Would I say she’s hot? No. She’s 17 and I’m 24. It’d be pretty fucking weird if I thought she was hot
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
Checkmatch fic where Garraka successfully pulled Phoebe’s spirit from her body before being defeated in the Firehouse, leaving Phoebe’s spirit removed from her body whilst her physical body remains ‘alive’, but not indefinitely.
Melody now can’t move on, not until she gets Phoebe back in her body. She feels like she owes it to her and the family, but as the two grow closer, they both can’t help but wish it didn’t have to end and when Lars finally comes up with a way to rejoin Phoebe’s spirit to her body, she has to make a choice.
Remain a ghost and let her body die so she can be with Melody forever, or return to the living and say goodbye to the girl she loves.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
Maybe I’m looking into it too much but did anyone else not like the scene after the ionic separator scene where Callie asks Phoebe ‘are you ready to be a Spengler again?’
I get it, she’s probably just saying it to get Phoebe going again after what just happened but considering all Phoebe has been through in the film. Being benched, then fired, feeling like her family didn’t care and then the one person who gets her betrayed her, being asked if she’s ready to be a Spengler again, right after what’s happened, is going to hurt her.
You can see how much being a Spengler means to her. The way she uses it against her mom when she’s angry is proof of that. Imagine being asked that. Imagine how that must’ve made Phoebe feel, implying that she wasn’t a Spengler because she had messed up.
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
do you rp?
Assuming this means role play? No
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
Guys why are the Phoebe Spengler fics on Ao3 slowing down 😭😭😭
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kryptonianheroao3 · 1 month
I really want to write and angsty Phoebe Spengler fic that delves into her father leaving ‘because of her’.
I have this idea for one where Phoebe and Callie are having a huge argument after Phoebe disobeyed her mom’s orders during a bust and almost got them all killed. She still managed to capture the ghost, but it was an unnecessary risk. The argument is bigger than usual, as Callie has had enough of Phoebe not listening to her, and Phoebe has had enough of her mom constantly telling her not to do things when she knows it will capture the ghost.
They’re arguing, and Phoebe is making comments about how Callie always makes the wrong decisions during busts, and how she has to be the one to solve the problems. About how she’s tired of her mom not listening to her and understanding that she knows what she’s doing. She starts going on about how she is always on her case about everything, and she just wishes she’d back off a bit.
Callie is getting hurt by this, and starts going off about how she does everything for Phoebe. She’s letting her minor daughter be a Ghostbuster, she worked her ass off to support the three of them before Summerville, she’s always supported Phoebe with everything she wanted to do (Phoebe wanted to go to a science convention, Callie worked overtime to pay for it. Phoebe wanted an expensive toolkit for Christmas, Callie bought it for her even if it made her struggle for the rest of the month, etc.). She says that she has done everything to make sure her and Trevor can have good childhoods after their father walked out.
Phoebe then makes a comment which really stings and Callie just says ‘well, at least I stayed, Phoebe. So maybe you should be thankful for that.’
And she’s not saying it to be cruel. She’s not saying she wishes she’d left as well. She’s pointing out that whilst Phoebe is complaining about everything she does, at least she stayed around for her kids. She didn’t leave the moment he couldn’t handle things like their father did.
But that’s not how Phoebe hears it. She’s never said it but it’s always been a sensitive topic for her, her father leaving. Despite how everyone says he left because he was a dick, she knows he actually left because he didn’t know how to handle her. He thought she was weird, he thought she was a difficult child and part of her has always subconsciously blamed herself for their father leaving and making life difficult for them. So when her mom makes that comment, it makes Phoebe think that her mom didn’t want to deal with her either but had to because their father beat her to the punch and left before she could.
So Phoebe decides that maybe she is difficult. Maybe all their problems was her fault, so she decides that she should be better by not being herself. So she boxes everything up. She stops her science experiments that are costing money and sometimes damaging their home. She listens to her mother and does exactly what she tells her to, even when it leads to countless ghosts escaping them. She becomes perfectly obedient and never argues back, but in doing so, barely speaks. She just does what she’s told to, when she told to and never argues about it.
And that’s how Callie realises something is wrong. She’s always wanted Phoebe to listen to her and do what she says when they’re busting ghosts, but all of a sudden Phoebe never argues back at all. She tells her to stay, Phoebe stays. She tells her it’s too risky to trap a ghost, Phoebe listens (even when it leads to the ghost escaping). She’s stopped with her experiments and has stopped asking if they could buy her new tools. And she hates that it has made things a bit easier but that’s also why she’s worried.
So one day, when they’re on a bust. It’s just the two of them. Trevor and Gary have gone off in one direction, they’re in another. So Callie decides there to ask Phoebe about it. She mentions that she hasn’t heard her say anything about making improvements to the firehouse or their gear, she mentions that she wasn’t expecting for Phoebe to listen to her when she told her not to go off solo and she wonders what changed.
But what Phoebe says breaks her heart. Phoebe just shrugs and mumbles ‘I didn’t want to be difficult. If I’m difficult, it means you’ll leave me behind.’
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kryptonianheroao3 · 2 months
Reblog if you think fanfiction is a legitimate form of creative writing.
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