#alexa play fireflies
tears-of-taelia · 5 months
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Spring of Purification~
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qualityrain · 8 months
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shinpei blatantly lying compilation
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ruii-cha · 3 months
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it would seem firefly's pull anthem is a cruel angel's thesis
i was singing it
and i won both gachas. soft pity on firefly and early lightcone within my first 10-pull (i had some pulls. not many.)
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
The absolute PERFECT way to debut Uncle Howdy and the new Wyatt Family. A massacre. Everyone looks strong. The costumes looks phenomenal and it looks like a great start. That single note at the beginning of Shatter just playing over and over again... the lantern... the illuminated doorway... the fireflies... all of it.
Bo Dallas as Uncle Howdy
Nikki Cross as Abby The Witch
Erick Rowan as Ramblin Rabbit
Joe Gacy as Huskus the Pig
Dexter Lumis as Mercy the Buzzard
No sign of Alexa, but I believe that there is going to be a slow burn where Alexa becomes Sister Abigail.
So I had a thought. What if they use The Fiend? The Fiend is a huge part of the Funhouse. and they have that unused new Fiend costume that was made. So WHAT IF Braun Strowman becomes The Fiend as a tribute to Bray?
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amethiosspouse · 6 months
More aquamarine sibs thoughts:
One episode: awww Aqua and Mari finally reunite and have a trailblazer/Firefly hangout moment together 🥹
Next episode: Mari is fucking dead!!! Alexa play If I can stop one heart from breaking
I feel like they'd at least give the siblings a month or so together before killing off Mari. Coincidentally, Amethio ends up catching a Froslass a few eps after their death so there's this running gag that Mari is the Froslass (they're not the Froslass, they're dead forever)
NO BUT IMAGINE MARI'S POKEMON ENDING UP WITH AQUA THOUGH 😭😭😭😭His Gengar is probably the closest thing to Mari so she never brings it out of its ball in fear of it getting hurt during battle.
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(there's an alternate ending where mari lives but shhh....that doesnt exist)
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ceesunshine · 7 months
Alexa, play Fireflies by Owl City. 🏕️
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missmeowfam310 · 2 years
weird taste
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Hiiii guyss, I’m back, with another stray kids fluff, this time, it’s mr. Han Jisung, this was also something I’ve written a LONG while ago, I edited so much, I cringed too much too, I’m obviously not so good with emotions, lmao... anyway, hope you guys enjoy this one too, please tell me what do you think.
Also, thank you for the love and support, I’m actually so surprised with the attention “Lee Know knows everything 2″ got, insane.
pairing: han jisung/ reader (y/n) 
Summary: on a lovely night, you hear one of your favorite songs playing from someone else’s car. you met a cute stranger with weird taste in music.
warnings: none? a kiss? jokes? cute Han (yes it is a warning)
wordcount: 1.8 k
"Do you want anything??"
Your mom asked before heading to the Convenience store.
"Yeah one bag of DORITOS "
The night was weirdly cold, you tightened your arms around yourself to warm yourself up, however, you didn’t hate the cold, the windows were all the way down, your favorite song was stuck in your head, scrolling on your phone, humming the song, until this black jeep parked next to your mom’s car, you turned to see two boys, one of them left the car heading to the store, and the driver Stayed in. the car was blasting great music.
‘great taste’
You thought. Or you THOUGHT you thought, you actually said it out-loud.
"Oh thank you I guess"
He turned to you, why was he glowing in the night, is he a firefly or something.
"You’re welcome; I guess"
‘I should probably stop staring ‘ you thought to yourself, so you turned your attention back to your phone
Until another song started playing from the car next to you, but this time, you were not a fan of this song, in fact, you hate this damn song.
"Okay I take back I first said "
He laughed, throwing his head back.
“and here I thought you were trying to hit on”
“me? Hitting on you? In what world?”
You both laughed this time, because you just lied, to his face, and he knows it.
“my taste in music is, weird, and this is an understatement, my favorite song, when I was a child, was the birthday song”
The laugh you let surprised you.
“oh you’re not joking”
“yeah I’m serious”
You giggled together.
You couldn't help it, his face, his expressions, his giggles, his gorgeous gummy smile, and a great sense of humor, you love a man that could make you laugh.
"A lot in your mind I see"
He said, his tone has changed, he sounded warm, calmer, in this great chilly weather.
"No not really"
"alright, any song recommendations? I know for a fact that this song sucks, but it sucks to appoint where it’s addictive"
You laughed, because it’s the only thing you could do at that moment, your mouth hurts from smiling.
"Hmm lemme think...."
"Alexa, play JP saxe like that please"
"Well, I’m not Alexa but cool, let's see"
"Then who are you?" (it’s just me myself and I)
"It's Han, my name is Han"
"Oh like Han the river??"
"I get that, a lot, but yeah"
He played the song. You sighed, perfect song for this weather.
"It’s y/n, "
"Now that's a nice name, it's fancy knowing you"
"Thank you Mr. Han"
"You're very welcomed miss y/n"
You shared a smile, he radiated warmth in this cold night, played your favorite songs.
"Would you mind if I asked for your phone number? I kinda want to hear more of your favorite songs"
Ah, if this is not the cutest way to ask for a phone number ...
"I do not mind, at all”
He handed you his phone from the window, even his hand feels warm, this human squirrel is a hotpack for god's sake.
He gave you a call to make sure you got his number.
"Cool then, I hope to see you again, y/n"
"I hope I see you again too, Mr. Han"
He waved you goodbye once he saw his friend heading to the car, you smiled and waved back.
Your mom was LATE as usual, but it was the first time that were not really bothered by it.
    It was Friday night, as always, this day is the most boring day of the week for you, but you decided to have fun and let loose, since it had been a while since you did
You took your keys, told your mom you're going for a ride, she told you to be careful, because you just got your driving license.
You got in your new car, shuffled your playlist.
You drove slowly, to be safe, and to fit the mood, you had Chen “shall we” playing, the perfect song, for the perfect mood, yet you still felt like something was missing, you drove this way for a couple of minutes, until you decided that you wanted to have fun, so you took a road where you knew there were no cops, nor cameras,
At the right time, the next song started playing, stray kid “Miroh”, oh it was getting dangerous, it was the perfect song for what you we're about to do.
 You stepped on the gas as hard as you can till you heard the engine roar, and opened the ceiling so you can feel the air slapping your face.
 The adrenaline rush was too much, in the best way possible, your heartbeats were almost as fast as your car, you wanted to live in this moment but you knew it won’t last, good things never do.
 You slowed down because you were getting closer to the traffic light, you fully stopped, it was red, you breathed out, sighing in relief, you felt free, smiling to yourself, because this feeling was exactly what you needed. You were too immersed in your own world, until another car stopped right next to yours,” it was probably one of the neighborhood boys” you thought.
You heard someone calling (more like screaming) your name.
“who the fuck” you thought
You looked and it was him! Who asked for your phone number and never actually texted you.
"Oh look who's here? If not Han Jisung himself"
He said with the biggest smile ever, he looked genuinely happy to see you, you wondered why.
You said it back, gave him a smile, and looked straight again.
"Hey y/n, can you pull over to the garden that's in the end of the road??"
Why? ‘Am I gonna get kidnapped’ you thought, or was finally going to explain the reason he never texted ?
 You agreed nevertheless, because you are a decent person, definitely not because you wanted to hear him explain, you lost interest in him a long while ago, yeah, definitely.
 You both raced on your way to the park after the green light, another adrenaline rush.
 You pulled over, got out of the car, headed to sit on a chair waiting for his ass to come.
He sat next to you, looking awkward.
You smelled his perfume, it wasn't that strong, He's just sitting next to you, the perfume?  He smelled fresh like he just took a shower, his hair looked a bit wet.
"Hey" you replied
"So" you continued
"What’s up?"
He finally replied
"Listen, I broke my phone and ended up buying another one so I lost all of my contacts including yours and I've been dying to see you and talk to you I never even stopped thi-"
“are you a rapper or something damn chill I’m not running away”
You laughed and joked to ease the mood, you sensed that he was nervous.
His zero reaction lasted 2 seconds till he exploded with the same laugh you never stopped hearing and thinking about
"I'm sorry I just tend to talk really fast when I'm nervous or excited"
He said, wiping his tears and smiling at you.
"Yeah I can clearly see that"
"Anyways, yeah, there’s that, I'm sorry if you thought that I forgot about you because believe me when I say, I didn't"
He apologized even though he did nothing wrong.
"No it's fine, I believe you”
You replied
" you were okay with me not texting you or calling?"
That's not what you meant at all but you didn’t want to sound desperate, or interested, but also you didn’t want him to feel bad.
"I was sad at first but I got over it"
You decided to be honest, you took a look at his face, and thankfully, he didn't look sad or mad.
"So, can I take your phone number, again??"
He asked you with a shy smile.
"I think you should memorize it too"
You suggested
"maybe I will have it tattooed on my arms"
With a serious face he said.
"did not know squirrels had a bad memory "
You said under your breath, but he must have heard you because started cracking up like there's no tomorrow you actually had to stop him.
"it wasn't even that funny"
"It was not why I laughed actually, my spirit animal is squirrel, I have a squirrel stuffed toy and all of my friends think I look like one, so..."
his squeaky and cute laugh.
"Another question, more like a request"
He talked after a bit of silence
You hummed for him to ask
"Would you go on a date with me if I asked you to?"
Okay that caught you off guard? You thought about for few seconds, you definitely would, it was all you could think about after your first encounter.
"I guess"
You replied trying to look cool and unbothered.
He was looking at his feet, smiling, maybe even blushing, so fucking adorable you can actually beat the shit out of his cute little ass.
"So, will you go on a date with me?"
Looking straight in your eyes, you can’t breathe, what the heck is going on
"Where would you take me Mr. Han?"
He deserved a smile, it’s not like you could help it, it was too easy, to smile with him, around him, at him.
"I actually never thought you'd say yes so I never really thought about it, but now, I think everywhere would be fun with you”
You raised your eyebrows, this was out of the blue
“oh you’re already in love with me huh?”
He laughed hard this time he couldn’t sit properly
“ah I like you you’re funny”
Oh… he was probably joking-
"I like you too Jisung"
He suddenly stopped laughing and looked at you with wide shocked eyes and opened mouth, ah you’re so embarrassed you wanted to be kidnapped by an alien ship.
Until he dropped that question
"Can I kiss you?"
Okay wow this was fast
"Hope you didn’t have any garlic, union, or smoke"
You replied in a serious tone looking at his lost face
"What? What do mean you ho-
You cut him off by pulling his shirt and giving a little peck of his small little cute lips, a fast little peck , you looked at his expression and it was priceless.
He looked shocked, a bit dizzy and out of this world, this guy is a whole meme and you like him too much for your own sake.
"Can you do that again?"
You giggled,
"don’t be greedy, that’s all you’re getting tonight sweetie, anyways I’m late, gotta head home now"
You stood up, waved him goodbye, heading to your car, smiling to yourself-
It startled you, you looked back to see him running towards you.
You laughed at the way he looked, small.
You shared your phone numbers.
"Well, I guess this is it, I can't believe I actually saw you"
He said.
"To be honest me too"
"So, see you soon??"
"See you soon Han"
(I hope you like this one too)
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mjfass · 2 years
So the latest White Rabbit stuff:
- had a QR Code that lead to a picture of a painting of Samson and Delilah from the Bible. Samson was famously betrayed by Delilah in the story, and Bray tweeted out a different painting of them the day after Alexa Bliss turned on him back WM 37. (Should also be worth noting the lights went out briefly on Bliss again this week, just like last week)
- There was partial coordinates on the right hand corner of the picture. It seems they’re part of the coordinates for the Wells Fargo Center in Philly, where Extreme Rules is this Saturday. I’m willing to bet we get the rest this Friday.
- There’s also a hidden message that is written in language from the Predator movies (I kid you not). The message reads 'Before me things created were none, save things. Eternal, and eternal I endure.' It’s another part of the Dante quote that the line from last Friday came from, that ends with 'All hope abandon, ye who enter here’, which I forgot to mention appears in the Firefly Funhouse as a sign on the door to the Funhouse.
I love how the White Rabbit clues started with a Bunny playing Hangman and now we have this type of things. Seriously, Bray Wyatt is the most brilliant man to ever exist!
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Also, the subtly of the lights going out during Alexa’s matches it’s so cool. Whatever the gimmick is, it will include Alexa.
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samisadeangirl · 2 years
Ten characters, ten fandoms, ten tags
I was tagged by Mama Bear @nancylou444:
1. Dean Winchester, Supernatural
2. Alec McDowell, Dark Angel
3. Spike, Buffy the Vampire Slayer / Angel
4. Rocket, Marvel Cinematic Universe
5. Chrisjen Avasarala, The Expanse
6. Doc Holliday, Wynonna Earp
7. Zoe Washburn, Firefly / Serenity
8. Melinda May, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
9.  Marcus Cole, Babylon 5
10. Eliot Spencer, Leverage
Tagging @missjackil, @autisticyipyip, @jaytwo, @destiel-doesnt-exist, @alexa-alcantara, @aoifelaufeyson, @deanscarlett, @wif-san, @holding-out-for-hea, @eisforeidolon if you feel like playing along
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slightlycrunchy · 7 months
bah humbug its almost 6am and i’ve been awake since 3:45, it’s one of those nights
alexa play fireflies by owl city
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openingnightposts · 1 year
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wings-of-flying · 1 year
bad day? alexa play fireflies slimecicle cover
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did u get a thousand hugs from ten thousand lightning bugs
of course
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randy-ortons-chair · 2 years
Dating Alexa Bliss (Play/Pain) Headcanons
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Gif by your fellow horror-inspired wrestling gimmicks lover, me. A/N: This is my favorite version of Alexa, It was better when she was alongside The Fiend but she did great on her own as well. LOVE ME SOME CREEPY STUFF YES. Also, this is dedicated to @unoficialy-married-to-ace-austin she inspired me to write with her Yandere AU (I hope you don't mind, I mean it with love and respect🖤)
When the Fiend disappeared, she was left in her playground all by herself and alongside Lily, they wanted someone to play with.
That is when she saw you, so innocent and beautiful, instantly she thought you were going to be the perfect playmate, even Lily agreed.
She would start just stalking you, watching you from a distance, looking at what you do and the people you interact with.
Definitely started to dislike the people you hang around with, Why are you spending more time with them than with her?
Then one day you were finally invited to Alexa's playground, all the arena was with the lights off, and the only spot visible was where Alexa was with Lily, looking at you with her white eyes and smiling.
The next thing you knew was you were inside the Firefly Funhouse, hands tied and sharing a cup of tea with a smiling Alexa at the other side of the table, Lily with her own spot on her right.
Everyone was worried about the sudden disappearance, desperately trying to find you, that only made Alexa feel annoyed, Why was everyone so interested? She is the only one allowed to have you.
Being possessive is so pleasing to her, she can kiss and touch you all she wants, running her fingers through her new playmate and feeling your skin shiver under her touch.
She would take her time to find all your weak spots, where you liked to be touched. Being guided by your reactions and sounds, she experiments with your body, taking your clothes off and finding herself how to pleasure you.
This time she would make sure that her playmate won't leave her, unlike The Fiend who disappeared without a trace, you will be with her forever.
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aaronpullinteeth · 3 years
I've been thinking about a cool way to bring Bray Wyatt back once he's ready.
I think it would be cool if Bray came back as Alexa's bodyguard. But he returns as Cult Leader / Swamp Father style Bray. He follows her around like a loyal puppy. Stands between her and anyone who steps to her. Putting everyone down but we don't see The Fiend. We don't even see Funhouse Bray. He doesn't even use the Mandible Claw.
Every so often when Alexa is cutting a promo in her "Playground" Bray sort of flickers back to some Funhouse Bray mannerisms. But he snaps himself out of it. Alexa doesn't notice these little moments.
Bray is seen asking Alexa "Where is he?" from time to time. Not every week. Don't want to over do it. But from time to time he asks. Every time he gets the same reply. "He's being a good boy".
After some time Cena comes back to WWE (doesn't have to interact with Bray or Alexa, he can do but it's not needed for the narrative). This seems to cause something to snap in Bray. He goes into a panic. He's freaking the hell out. To the point Alexa has to keep calming him down. She eventually asks him what's gotten into him. He responds "He must be gone. He has to be. How else could John have escaped? You hurt him, didn't you?" Alexa keeps shutting Bray down with this. "Why would I do that? I love him. You're imagining things." By this time Alexa is women's champion. She's used Bray to help her win the belt and retain it.
Bray is now becoming more and more like Funhouse Bray. Every week a few more mannerisms come back. Bits of the Funhouse attire come back. He trims down his beard again. Alexa obviously notices and keeps telling him to stop. "Stop what? I'm here to help you. That's what you want, isn't it?"
This builds to Alexa going out to defend her women's title and Bray doesn't come out with her to the ring. For the first time in months he's not there and this is clearly bothering Alexa. Part way through the match the Firefly Funhouse theme plays and the puppets start to appear on screen. "You hurt him, Alexa." "You used him." "He only wanted to help you, Alexa." "You locked him away." "Threw away the key." "Let his enemies get free." "All for your own gain." "Guess what, Alexa?" *Zoom out to Mercy pulling Lilly to pieces* "Run." The lights go out, when they're back, wherever the ref was standing is now The Fiend.
Now you can either do one of two things here, depending on how brave WWE are feeling. Either Bray uses the mandible claw on Alexa and whoever is challenging her pins her for the belt. Or, my preferred option, the challenger be Liv Morgan. She then uses the mandible claw on Alexa instead and wins. She then takes The Fiend's hand and they vanish. Leaving Alexa in the ring.
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cressida-cowper · 4 years
mutuals as vibes and songs that come to my head :)
cause i love my mutuals more than certain family members
(if i miss you it’s most likely cause we haven’t interacted enough for me to get a strong vibe from you! if you’d like me to, just let me know and i’ll add you!💜)
celie! @ellegreenawy - a picnic at a park, eating sandwiches and laying on a plaid blanket, making daisy chains and flower crowns, jumping in leaf piles, cloud watching till the sun sets - betty, taylor swift
ani! @anepiphany - bored in class, passing notes, doodling on each other’s notebooks, annoying the fuck out of the teacher and then laughing about it - fancy, iggy azalea ft. charli xcx
viv! @ssaemxlyprentxss - running up a grassy hill, hand-in-hand, rolling down it and doing it all over again till we‘re breathless from laughter, trying to catch butterflies - fireflies, owl city
siva! @lilmockingbirds - in a comedy club, smells faintly of old peanuts, laughing till we cry, walking home in the dark, barking at men who catcall us - what’s new pussycat?, tom jones
jonah! @doctcrspencerreid - going to a museum, looking at all the exhibits, all access passes, going to the planetarium, learning all about the planets and stars and galaxies - love is bigger than anything in its way, u2 & cheat codes
kk! @gothwyfe - throwing rocks at my window at 3am, driving to the nearest gas station, getting slushies and hot dogs, a leather jacket that smells like smoke, getting tattoos at the mall, giving each other piercings - good thing, zedd ft. kehlani
l! @hmmm-what-am-i-doing - studying at the library, while also watching a sci-fi film, making jokes and laughing then giggling quieter after the librarian shushes us, making notes for each other, going on coffee runs - hostage, billie eilish
h! @whiskey-fluent - getting fro-yo for the crew, the smell of the fro-yo shop, dancing along to the songs playing on the radio, eating little bits of everyone’s fro-yo, buying toppings in bulk - shower, becky g
lauren! @heat-waveee - i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: going on vacation, staying on the beach until sunset, driving back home with the windows down, music blasting, arms in the wind, wearing comfy hoodies after a shower, a rom-com marathon with hot chocolate - good times, all time low
maggie! @catchingflames-with-plasticcups - on autumn vacation in a cottage, gardening and singing, making birdhouses, watching a film in a tent outside, the scent of off! cause bugs, yanno - this city, sam fischer
andy! @ssa-lesbian - going up to the roof at midnight, looking for constellations with an old telescope, telling myths, reading period books, snacking on fruits - breathin’, ariana grande
el! @bees-teas-and-cheese - going to a café, ordering tea and muffins, getting way too engrossed in the books we brought with us, grocery shopping and almost getting kicked out but having so much fun we don’t even care - pocketful of sunshine, natasha bedingfield
elle! @thestrawberrygirl - going to a plant nursery and buying all the fruits they have, making a little garden with an irrigation system cause we’re forgetful as hell, making little place cards for each fruit, excitedly watching them grow, eating the (slightly unripe) strawberries first - youth, troye sivan
shay! @beware-of-you-98 - doing cartwheels in the street, buying giant colouring pages, spreading them over a table and coloring for hours, having alexa play calming music, falling asleep watching kids’ films - future nostalgia, dua lipa
asher! @killjoys-make-some-noise-na-na - trying to find instruments to play in music class, settling on woodwind, making way too many jokes, going to music festivals - hey look, ma i made it, panic! at the disco
nic! @emilyxprentiss - teaching me how to carve a pumpkin, laughing together when i get it horribly wrong, having homemade lunches with rice as the side, doing spontaneous exercises in the middle of the park - generation why, conan gray
i hope you guys like it and that i haven’t offended any of you😅 this just sounds like my ideal (friend) dates with my mutuals lmao
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