#alexander marcus
jeres-red-g-string · 4 months
@oliviatexts @lintubintu
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hummingbird-of-light · 9 months
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Sixteenth story for @badthingshappenbingo ~
Title: The Price For His Help
Fandom: Star Trek (AOS)
Character(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Khan Noonien Singh | John Harrison, Alexander Marcus
Relationship(s): Montgomery "Scotty" Scott/Khan Noonien Singh
Rating: T
Words: 1,511
Prompt: Hostage Situation
Warnings: Kidnapping, Swearing, Death Threats, Fairy Tale Elements (Inspired by Rumpelstiltskin)
(You can also find this story on AO3)
~ The Price For His Help ~
Once upon a time, there was a daring young captain who bragged in every bar and on every planet about how great his crew was. No matter how much he appreciated each member, he especially liked to brag about his chief engineer. He talked about all the miracles that the Scotsman Montgomery Scott had already achieved and made big claims about what the man was still capable of.
It so happened that an important man heard about it. His name was Admiral Marcus. And he decided that he wanted the unique engineer's abilities for himself alone.
So he kidnapped Montgomery Scott and locked him up in one of the many cells aboard his ship.
"Your captain says you can do anything. That's why I'm giving you one night to understand these ancient blueprints and translate them so that my people can build a weapon from them."
The order was clear. And yet the prisoner didn't understand a word that was written on the ancient scrolls.
"But I cannae do this," he complained desperately, yet still, it made no difference.
"If you haven't translated it by tomorrow morning, you will remain my hostage forever."
With these words, the admiral left the cell and Montgomery Scott - whom most people called Scotty - was left alone.
He tussled his hair in despair and swallowed hard, staring at the piece of paper. He had no idea what it said; he wasn't Uhura! And the drawings were not clearly recognizable either! No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make sense of it.
So he cursed and swore, with tears in his eyes. He didn't want to be trapped forever! This couldn't happen!
He was just about to give up hope completely when a noise caught his attention. The Scotsman quickly wheeled around and couldn't believe what he saw in front of him.
A man! A man who just stepped out of the wall and looked around the cell. His hair was as black as ebony, his skin pale and when the ice-blue eyes finally came to rest on Scotty, the engineer shuddered.
"What the-"
The eerie stranger slowly stepped over to him and placed a finger on Scotty's lips to make him go silent.
"Tell me, why are you so sad? What could be the reason for your cursing that can be heard for miles?"
Scotty fell silent for a moment, just looking into the beautiful eyes of his counterpart. Then he turned his head to the side and sighed.
"The admiral has captured me. He wants me to translate those plans there so that he can build a weapon from them. But I don't understand the notes! And if I don't make it by tomorrow morning, he'll lock me up for good!"
The black-haired man slowly stepped up to the table and examined the documents on it. A smile crossed his lips and he chuckled.
"Oh, but that's quite simple."
These words filled Scotty with anger. Was the man trying to say that he was an idiot? He was the best engineer in the entire fleet! He had saved worlds!
"Oh really? Well, how do ye read it then, ye wise guy?"
His counterpart just laughed before their eyes met again.
"Well, I want to help you. I'll translate these plans by dawn, but there's a price to pay, of course."
Scotty's eyes widened and he blinked in surprise. The strange man would help him?
"But... I have nothing to pay ye," he finally said and his counterpart's gaze fell on the insignia the Scotsman wore on his chest.
"Give me that and your debt is paid."
Scotty hesitated for a moment, but then decided that his freedom was more important than a piece of metal. He carefully detached it from his uniform and handed it to the black-haired man, who immediately got to work and then, once he was done, disappeared through the wall again.
The next morning, the admiral was astonished when Scotty handed him the finished plans.
"Fantastic! Perfect!"
Scotty straightened his back and stared sullenly at Marcus.
"Well, I've done the work. I'll be going now, then."
The Scotsman was about to leave, but several phasers were quickly pointed at him and he stopped.
"Don't be in such a hurry, Mr. Scott. There are more plans. This time it's about a shuttle. You will translate and record the plans. If you don't make it, you'll die."
Scotty's eyes widened and he shook his head.
"No! Ye cannae do that!"
But Marcus just grinned.
"I can. And I will. You have time until dawn."
And so it was that the Scotsman sat on the floor of the cell again, cursing and swearing. He didn't want to die! But he couldn't translate the plans either!
If only the mysterious man would reappear.
The engineer was lucky. It wasn't long before the black-haired man was standing in the room again. He looked down at the Scotsman with pity.
"What's the matter? Why are you so sad?"
Scotty quickly got to his feet and grabbed the stranger by his dark cloak.
"Please help me. The admiral wants me to translate another document, but I cannae do it! And if I cannae get it done by dawn, he'll kill me!"
The strange man gently placed a hand on the Scotsman's shoulder and he smiled.
"Just take it easy. I will help you. But... my help comes at a price."
Now the engineer was really desperate. Why couldn't the man just help him for free?
"But I have nothing!"
It didn't take long for his counterpart's gaze to fall on the ring Scotty was wearing on his right hand. The Scotsman shook his head.
"That... I cannae do that. That ring is my father's heirloom," he protested and the stranger sighed and moved away from him.
"Well... then I guess you'll have to die."
Shocked, Scotty watched as the black-haired man walked to the wall and was about to disappear into it.
"Stop! Wait!"
The stranger paused and looked over his shoulder, one eyebrow raised.
Carefully and with a heavy heart, Scotty removed the ring from his finger and handed it to his counterpart.
"Take it. But please... help me."
Once again, the stranger set to work and it wasn't long before the plans were ready.
The admiral was impressed again, but when Scotty tried to leave, he was once again denied.
"You can't leave yet, Mr. Scott. I have more plans that need to be translated. This time it's about the blueprints for a ship. If you don't make it, not only will you die, but your captain and crew will die too."
It wasn't fair! It just wasn't fair!
Scotty knew that Marcus would never let him go. But he couldn't and wouldn't put his crew at risk.
Late that night, he sat there again, cursing and crying. There was no escape. He would remain this admiral's prisoner forever.
And again the stranger appeared and again Scotty lamented his situation to him.
The black-haired man sat down next to him and only a moment later his hand was on the Scotsman's cheek.
"I want to help you."
Scotty swallowed hard and shook his head almost imperceptibly.
"But I have nothing to give ye. Ye already have all my valuable possessions."
However, the stranger only smiled and wiped away the tears with his thumb.
"There's one more thing you can give to me," he said, leaning forward so he could whisper in Scotty's ear. "You. Say you'll be mine forever and I'll help you."
The engineer felt himself blush and he swallowed hard. He... should sell himself? He should give himself up to save his life and that of the crew? He didn't even really know the stranger yet. He didn't know what he would do to him.
And yet he nodded. Something told him that it was the right decision.
The smile on the black-haired man's lips widened and only a moment later their lips touched.
That kiss. It was simply indescribable. Scotty didn't know what hit him, but the moment their lips met and their tongues touched, he was filled with gratitude and happiness. This man would save his life. He was a hero.
When the admiral saw the finished plans the next morning, he grinned with satisfaction.
He was just about to give Scotty more work when suddenly Starfleet men stormed the cells and took him in custody. Apparently they had found out about his illegal plans and now they were going to bring him to justice.
It wasn't long before Scotty was back on the Enterprise, surrounded by his friends and family.
And yet he knew that he wouldn't be with them for long. Because he knew that his savior was already waiting for him. And if he came to get him, then Scotty would go with him. That was the price for his rescue. A life at the side of the man whose name he didn't know... and yet whom he loved.
The man came and they lived happily ever after. 
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wipbigbang · 1 year
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WIP Big Bang 2023 Round Starting April 1st!
What is the WIP Big Bang? Good question! This is a Big Bang with one goal in mind: to clean out your fanfic drafts folder. These are stories that were unfinished for whatever reason, that authors returned to and completed, and the art that goes with them!
Please read our FAQ/check out our schedule for more details.
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AOS Round One
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bongjo · 1 year
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defconprime · 2 years
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Peter Weller as Admiral Marcus
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raurquiz · 3 months
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#happybirthday #peterweller #actor #alexandermarcus #startrek #intodarkness #enterprise #robocop #thenakedlunch #theadventuresofbukaroobanzai #ThePoseidonAdventure #Fringe #Dexter #hawaiifive0 #sonsofanarchy #thelastship #macgyver #MagnumPI #SkinTrade #RabbitHole #startrek57
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lemonina00 · 3 months
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Even though I draw mostly Baldur's Gate chibis and post BG3 related things, I also draw for my other interests ☺️. Anything that helps me improve and get better at digital art, since I'm still a newbie that needs practice 🙋‍♀️☺️. And I thought, why not share my other stuff at well🫶. Maybe some of u know who I dedicated this fanart to🧐? It's the German musician Alexander Marcus👑 who invented the genre of Electrolore🎵! He's one of my favorite artists, because he is so unique and he just wants to have fun🥳. Forget the mainstream💯. The robot on the left is linked to his latest album 🤖.
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inclusivefenders · 4 months
Alexander Marcus - Papaya (Official Video)
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ccoocckk · 11 months
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maschinenfick · 1 year
I cannot help that this song about eating food might be the banger™ of the new Alexander Marcus Album, scratching my itching brain
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jeres-red-g-string · 4 months
took it down bc I had to correct it💀💀💀
but here‘s the second version (again)
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in-abstrxcto · 1 month
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Season 2 poster — this one was really fun! Season 2 had such a fantastic opening, with The Kumbaya Approach introducing Cutter (my favourite character). Sometimes I go back and relisten to that episode simply because of how well they introduced their villain.
And the world building with the previous missions and the Lovelace reveal.. it's so fantastic!
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cinematic-literature · 9 months
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The Holdovers (2023) by Alexander Payne
Book title: Meditations (Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν in Ancient Greek; 180 A.D.) by Marcus Aurelius
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lilirari · 9 months
𐙚 ‧₊˚ ⊹ ( ⚽ ) . . . FAKE TEXTS ⁵ !
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ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ꩜⋆ we're back, baby ! please take this as a compensation for not posting any writing in the past week... i promise i'll work on all my drafts soon 🤞 anyways, who wanna be the cockroach to my lobster ? 🫣
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© LILIRARI, 2023 ★
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theantonian · 9 months
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Hellenistic period sardonyx cameo portrait of Mark Antony as Alexander the Great. H. 3.7cm. W. 3.5cm.
Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Département des Monnaies, médaille et antiques, Paris.
Photograph: Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
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