#algorithm who?
soup-guts · 10 months
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Maybe don’t wear your most beloved item into battle next time?
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peachybunana · 4 months
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alteredphoenix · 10 months
I'm a little amused at the fact that I can look up something unrelated to the tags I follow out of curiosity just once and the For You tab will adjust accordingly because Why The Hell Not.
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thevioletcaptain · 1 year
i genuinely don't care how good a piece of ai generated art or writing looks on the surface. i don't care if it emulates brush strokes and metaphor in a way indistinguishable from those created by a person.
it is not the product of thoughtful creation. it offers no insights into the creator's life or viewpoint. it has no connection to a moment in time or a place or an attitude. it has no perspective. it has no value.
it's empty, it's hollow, and it exists only to generate clicks (and by extension, ad revenue.)
it's just another revolting symptom of the disease that is late stage capitalism, and it fucking sucks.
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vanhelsingapologist · 5 months
Publishing has always been a fucking nightmare, but now it’s a layer of hell. It’s not enough that writers be good at what they do. Writers have to maintain an active social media presence and cultivate a following. Be available.
They have to be conventionally attractive enough to look good enough to see on a screen, aesthetically pleasing, kind, funny, up-to-date on trends, socially aware but not so controversial that they turn off a brand from California from slapping their discount code on a video promoting a book.
They have to do all of this with no media training, with little help from the companies that are supposed to be doing this for them.
Of course, a lot of this isn't possible for say, the 40-something mother of two who teaches English at a school and writes on the side. She’s boxed out of an already complex industry that already has enough walls.
On some level, I think authors have always marketed themselves a little, but we’ve reached such a crazy point where we’re demanding the author become the influencer. Accessibility in publishing has narrowed from an inch to a sliver. And that inch was hard enough to get in as is.
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edoro · 2 years
if you replace random letters in a word with numbers or symbols, this does not ‘protect people from being triggered’
if someone is triggered by the word ‘rape’, seeing ‘r@p3′ is not going to somehow evade their trauma responses and make them completely fine with the concept. they still know what fucking word that is.
you have done literally nothing except make your text annoying to look at, REALLY annoying to hear from a screenreader/text-to-speech program, and made it difficult-to-impossible for people who genuinely are For Real Triggered just by seeing certain words or concepts under discussion, no matter how vague, that they have to blacklist and avoid it, because now they have to try to guess every fucking homestuck 1337$P3@K ass alternate spelling you can come up with
please stop doing this. it is so stupid. think about it for three seconds and realize that seeing a word without the vowels in it is not going to prevent someone from comprehending the meaning of the word if the word itself is a trigger, and instead just use the fucking word so they can blacklist it. thank you. this has been a psa.
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synth-ab · 6 months
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Zelink is taking over my brain again
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dlartistanon · 9 months
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aroaceleovaldez · 4 months
reminder/tip, particularly for newer pjo fans: do not crosstag!
for those who don't know, crosstagging is tagging irrelevant tags on a post, usually popular tags to try and get more views on the post.
Tumblr doesn't work the same way instagram or tiktok or twitter does. Crosstagging is considered spam, and your blog will be flagged if you do this.
particularly in pjo fandom, crosstagging includes tagging characters that don't actually appear in the post, tagging books or series unrelated to the post (like tagging "TSATS" on a post not specifically about TSATS, or tagging HoO on a post about first series specifically, etc.), tagging "pjo fanfic" or "pjo headcanon" or similar on a post that, obviously, isn't that, and/or tagging irrelevant ships. More recently, this also includes tagging the show (PJO TV, etc) on posts that are completely irrelevant to the show.
This mostly only applies for original posts - Tags you put on reblogs only apply to your own blog's organizational system, and has no bearing on the original post itself. But it's really annoying to the original poster if you spam tags, because it will appear in their notifs. It's pointless to spam tags in reblogs for these reasons regardless, so it's best not to.
just remember: crosstagging is not allowed on tumblr, doesn't work that way here anyways, and is just generally rude. so don't do it.
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egophiliac · 4 months
they have now revealed another character for ride kamens, hayate, and it looks like he's a kr jin homage? glad they confirmed that it's not only titular riders getting representation, but still, a pretty off the cuff surprise for me
yeah, Jin is a welcome pull, but a pretty weird one! I saw the post when it dropped (don't ask why I was looking at twitter at 3 AM) and the replies were. very confused. :') nice to see some Jin rep though! and if this opens the door to characters based on more deepcut riders, all the better!
of course, if they really want to stay true to the spirit of Jin, we know what he'll be like
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hussyknee · 4 months
I'm really not a villain enjoyer. I love anti-heroes and anti-villains. But I can't see fictional evil separate from real evil. As in not that enjoying dark fiction means you condone it, but that all fiction holds up some kind of mirror to the world as it is. Killing innocent people doesn't make you an iconic lesbian girlboss it just makes you part of the mundane and stultifying black rot of the universe.
"But characters struggling with honour and goodness and the egoism of being good are so boring." Cool well some of us actually struggle with that stuff on the daily because being a good person is complicated and harder than being an edgelord.
Sure you can use fiction to explore the darkness of human nature and learn empathy, but the world doesn't actually suffer from a deficit of empathy for powerful and privileged people who do heinous stuff. You could literally kill a thousand babies in broad daylight and they'll find a way to blame your childhood trauma for it as long as you're white, cisgender, abled and attractive, and you'll be their poor little meow meow by the end of the week. Don't act like you're advocating for Quasimodo when you're just making Elon Musk hot, smart and gay.
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aidosaur · 6 months
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PIXELS OF YOU (by @ananthhirsh, @theyoungdoyley and myself) is on sale on THAT ONE ONLINE STORE for 61% off, through some bizarre trick of the algorithm!
That's $6 and change!
It's a really good time to pick it up if you want to get a holiday gift!
PIXELS OF YOU came out just before generative AI hit mainstream media and imo it wound up being pretty relevant about the ways minorities are treated by technology. But also, it's about drama between two young artists who take themselves way too seriously :)
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andmaybegayer · 1 year
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lunar-wandering · 11 months
to new users: PLEASE for the love of god learn how to use tumblr properly. reblog posts you like. leave a like on posts you can't reblog immediately so that you can reblog later. search in the tags for neat people to follow and then follow them to get the content you want to see. turn off Best Stuff First. STOP posting about how confusing this site is, LEARN. I don't want to see this site become an algorithmic twitter copy just because some people refused to learn how to use something new.
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vacuously-true · 11 months
"There is no need to improve the algorithms on tumblr, no one here uses or wants them!"
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foursaints · 1 month
music taste of barty, evan, pandora and reg? like genres and artists and songs? that they like?
anon.... i was waiting for this. i actually very psychotically have a playlist of music that i think barty listens to. I have so much respect for the people that want barty to listen to Lana del rey & mcr or whatever. but THAT'S A GRIMY DUDE!
he's listening to terrible traphouse music & drill & fuckboy rap & industrial noise and the day that juicewrld died was probably his personal 9/11!!!
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