#alice in borderland enji
mira-hearts-queen · 2 years
Have there been any disputes between your citizens? What does it usually look like?
"Miraaaa, I'm hungryyyyy,"
"Miraaaaa, Kuzuryu stole my fooddddd,"
"Wooohoooo! Watch me go-*somersaults in the air, breaks his back* Miraaaaaa,"
"Miraaaa, I'm emo, I can't find my prosthetic,"
"Wait what? Is this it? EWWWW Who put this in my lunch?"
*Kyuma maniacally laughing in the background*
"Life is a curse. Existence is a prison."
Honestly these are more like whining than arguments because they still haven't learnt to solve their problems like a proper adult so they just come whining to me whenever Kyuma or Enji or Lisa did something again.
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belvederearsenic · 2 years
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Alice in Borderland 2 || Headlines Part 7
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Jack of Hearts, A Summary in Ten Posts
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vumming · 2 years
alice in borderland — imagine dad vibes
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dads who in their free time watches YouTube tutorials on how to design different hairstyles for their children, whether it be cut, dye, or simply designing it. in the end, became responsible for doing their children's hair and he thoroughly enjoys it. “daddy, daddy!” they come running up to him and once he's finished, goes to you to show it off
chishiya, kurube, tatta, arisu, aguni, yaba, kuzuryu
sneezes so loud, and it's not just the nose that's talking, it's the mouth too. like he just goes "aCHOOBRRBSJUHUBAH!" which scares/concerns his kid(s), best expect that they'd be running at you with concern/scared expression plastered on their face. " daddy's doing it again!!" and you'd tell him but his response is just, "so what?! let them be terrified!"
kurube, niragi, hatter, kyuma, aguni, last boss
dad jokes. need i say more? they're the bane of their child(ren) lmao. like, they just talk at the most bizarre moments, like one time your family is in a restaurant and he saw a fly, "what do you call a fly with no wings?" and everyone immediately groans, awaiting the punchline "a walk." the another set of groan—over the time they learn to ignore or let out a chuckle of two. needless to say, he never lets go of that humor.
maki, chota, kurube, hatter, enji, banda
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miraofhearts2point0 · 5 months
i cannot stand the fact adap Chishiya is a Hearts player, sowz. it's clear to me the adap writers completely misunderstood what makes someone a Hearts player in the first place and ran with it.
Chishiya can read others emotions to some extent, sure, but not in-depth enough to sympathize.
you wanna know why Chishiya (and Niragi) are Diamonds players? because they don't care enough to truly understand the hearts of others. they manipulate situations, not (usually) out of desperation, but because it's all they know. they lack a genuine understanding with others.
(adap) Arisu being a Diamonds player also completely misses the point: Arisu is so similar to Chishiya and Niragi that if, at any point prior to the Borderlands, he had one more thing go wrong, he could've ended up like the two of them; but he didn't because he refused to be like that.
Arisu is a Hearts player because he's both smarter than he gives himself credit for, and emotionally mature enough to take to heart (wink wink) the emotions of others and actively put himself in their shoes to get through a game.
that last reason is why Matsushita Enji is such a lousey Hearts player, because, like Chishiya and Niragi, he isn't emotionally mature enough to truly be good at Hearts. he has great setups, sure, but he's too proud to acknowledge other players and their inteligence, which is why he was ultimately defeated by Yaba and Banda.
Yaba and Banda both come from backgrounds where they need to read others to some extent: Yaba, a CEO who climbed the corporate ladder by reading others and using those emotions to his advantage (as we saw happen with Arisu when he was confronted by the militants), and Banda, a misogynistic murderer who got into the houses of women he killed, needed to be agile enough to get them to trust him by manipulating the situation in his favor, all while keeping in mind the emotions of those he killed.
Hearts games are not won by sheer manipulation, as we saw with Enji and Urumi; there needs to be a level of connection with others if you want to survive, which is also why Mitsurugi's defeat was so upsetting; ideally, he did everything right, but ultimately was a bit too confident in his plan and thus, refused to acknowledge the power the other players had. he was too good of a person.
Mira is a bit of an outlier, not because she was bad at the games or anything, but because she's the perfect mix of both understanding and master manipulator; if she went up against any other player in the Borderlands, they would easily lose. Arisu almost lost too, but as we've established, Hearts games are built off connections with others and Usagi was needed in order to make it.
I'm sure Mira was well-aware of that fact, especially with Arisu, but her ulimate failure was the same as Mitsurugi's: she ended up downplaying the connection between him and Usagi. Hearts games need love, level-headedness, mild manipulation, and an open mind if you intend to win.
going back to my main point, that's why Chishiya either avoids Hearts games all together, manipulates people during them, or turns to violence; he lacks the emotional maturity and agency to clear one the way they are meant to be cleared, why Arisu is a much better Hearts player than Chishiya will ever be, and why the adap writers completely misunderstood that point.
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bananahkim · 2 years
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Kings Queens and a Jack
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chishiyasan · 2 years
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#cookie advertising
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r4dicalnihilism · 2 years
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post that was made for me and for me specifically
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devinescribe · 2 years
What They Smell Like
I know that's a fucking weird title but it will make sense in a minute
- Expensive colonge
- Dior most likely (the only luxury brand of colonge I like on men, but also just seems like something he'd buy)
- If its not that, he just buys good colonge that smells woodsy? Like it is very...
- Spicy?
- Cinamon, clove. There's something about him that tells me he just smells like burning cinnamon (actually smells so fucking good)
- You could probably smell it from a few feet away. It doesn't reek or smell gross like axe body spray
- It is just a very particular scent and it is very strong.
- Not only does he give you his shirts, just hugs you until his colonge has rubbed off on you so you smell like him for the rest of the day
- Then no one approaches you because... scary dog privileges.
- Clean
- Either like laundry detergent or like peppermint?
- If he buys perfume it is most likely like...
- Something that has a rain smell to it?
- It is most likely very subtle, you can only smell it if you're close to him or actively hugging him and smelling his neck
- Does not understand why you are constantly taking the hoodies he has worn
- Bitch because you smell good
- Smells good
- Probably like something you can't quite place.
- Like firewood and pine
- It is very particular. There is most likely a musky scent to it.
- But it is very addictive
- His body chemistry makes it work very well, it just accentuates the scent.
- There's also a slight flowery scent? Roses maybe.
- Definitely gives you his shirts with his perfume/colonge on it.
- He is another one that smells clean. I think he's a neat freak.
- But not like laundry detergent
- Smells like rain and pine
- Knows he smells good and uses that to his advantage
- You know when he's close to you just because of that damn scent
- He kinda maybe sorta hypnotized you to think about him whenever you smell rain or pine.
- But you are not complaining.
- Gives you his cardigans and sweaters just so you smell like him/smell him on something
- Possessive boyfriend tingz
- Smells like axe body spray
- Not in a bad way
- Most days anyway
- He doesn't spray half a bottle
- Just a little bit
- Make it seem like he has his shit together
- Does not
- Has accidentally stolen your perfume and used it
- Smelled like flowers for the rest of the day and did not give a single fuck.
- Does give you his CLEAN shirts and hoodies. Which smell like laundry detergent, not him. But it is the thought that counts
- Smells like cigarettes and cinnamon
- Hey, sometimes he'll smell like cigarettes and your perfume
- Literally depends on the day
- and if he made out with you before work
- But most days it is a very spicy scent (cinnamon, ginger, cloves) with cigarette undertones.
- Like he doesn't reek of cigarettes, he hates smelling his cigarettes on his clothes I think.
- Tries to keep them clean. So a very spicy boy
- You want his stuff because you think he smells good?
- Will give you anything you ask for.
- Laundry detergent and incense
- Specifically the snuggle vanilla laundry detergent
- He has a fear of smelling bad.
- So he doesn't wear perfumes/colognes for fear of it not mixing with his body chemistry well
- The incense is most likely from his mom hugging him after being in the church for hours
- He hates the smell actually
- Thats why he washes his clothes almost immediately after seeing her.
- But thats just my headcanon
- Not only does he give you his clothes, makes sure it is freshly washed and has just come out of the drier for you.
- Smells like vanilla and cigarettes
- Delicious
- I don't know if you guys have ever smelled that combo together ever, but it smells so good, and I hate smokers
- Theres even perfumes that smell like this irl
- However, some of her clothes just have that cigarette smell on them, and she uses vanilla perfume, so it just mixes
- And creates the most delicious scent in the world
- (reminds me of being back home in PR where my neighbor would smoke on the balcony as I baked cookies and cakes)
- Buys clothes in your size just for you and sprays her perfume on them
- Or just hugs you till her perfume rubs off on you
- Actually smells very... flower? Is that flowers?
- Lavender and rosemary.
- It's a strange combination, but it works so well.
- Shes always in the woods, and nature, so sometimes she'll smell like dirt in the best way possible
- Like... you know what dirt smells like after rain? Yeah... yeah it actually smells nice lol
- Very flowery girl most of the time though
- You want her stuff? Sure
- She takes you with her hiking and climbing and just like... gives you her stuff?
- Very confused on why you want it, but what her dear girlfriend wants, her darling girlfriend gets God damnit.
- Clean and sharp scents
- Peppermint baddie
- It is something sharp and hits you like a truck
- She just smells clean and minty and there's always a slight candy scent?
- Smells like what peppermint white chocolate bars taste like
- Knows you want her stuff
- Just... gives it to you
- Probably even got a bottle of her perfume and gave it to you
- Its the little things
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pixaho · 3 months
Could you do fluff headcannons (or a one shot if u don't do headcannons) of enji matsushita with a fem reader who usually acts very sad and gloomy at first but after opening up the reader turns out to be very sweet
Fluff Headcannons of Enji Matsushita
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Pairing; Enji Matsushita x Fem!Reader
cw; none! it's a fluffy headcannon (●'◡'●)
a/n; YEA! I WILL DO THIS! I thought nobody else liked Enji Matsushita so when I got this request, I was fan girling! Enjoy <3
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Enji Matsushita who ends up... meeting you on the worst day possible. He's not watching where he walks when he accidentally bumps into you. It takes everything in you to not just blow up at this random person. This is how you meet.
Enji Matsushita who ends up... asking to get a cup of tea since he sees you're upset. He walks with you in silence to a tea shop as you frown.
Enji Matsushita who ends up... buying the tea and asking you about yourself. He seems more interested in how you are than anything else going on around him. This makes you lighten up a bit.
Enji Matsushita who ends up... listening intently as you tell him about how your day was going and how the whole week has been. He doesn't even talk to anyone passing by, just listens to you and watches your expression.
Enji Matsushita who ends up... telling you about how his week had been, which was worse than yours, but it makes you feel slightly better.
Enji Matsushita who ends up... smiling as he sees you opening up and smiling. He enjoys seeing the sweet side of you. He enjoys watching you blossom.
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aib list m.list
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banderwokcy · 2 years
yabanda memes i made because im funny like that
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mira-hearts-queen · 2 years
Please make up a story with Kuzuryu, Banda, Enji and Chishiya!
One day Kuzuryu decided to go shopping. On his way to the shopping mall he saw Banda torturing Enji as a street performer with people clapping because they thought it was part of the performance. Enji had enough and ran to Kuzuryu for help, who then proceeded to run as fast as he could to the shopping mall as well when Banda started chasing them both with his knife. When they got to the shopping mall, they thought they were safe, but out of nowhere Chishiya appeared and started stealing all the products and stuffing it in Kuzuryu's and Enji's pockets so the staff drove all 3 out. Then Banda caught up and forgot about wanting to kill Enji and Kuzuryu, and started graphically making out with Chishiya. Then while Kuzuryu and Enji started running away from them, Enji's prostethic fell out, then Banda picked it up, and ran away to give it to Yaba. I don't know the details after that but this was a supposedly true story on how Enji lost his prosthetic.
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belvederearsenic · 2 years
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Alice in Borderland 2 || Headlines Part 5
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jack-of-emos · 4 months
i hate gay month why do those kinds of people get love and i dont.
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vumming · 2 years
alice in borderland — imagine insecurities
a/n : not that they won't worship all of you but these are how they act if you have them
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dark spots in your body? underarms, knees, inner thighs, even your buds? they're worshipping it all, not just because it is a part of you but they find it fascinating how the colors of your skin is different, like gradient in a form of a serene color, different shades of brown overlapping each other. pinches and pull at your skin, be it with their fingers or teeth—at some point on in your relationship, it became his habit to habitually pinch them. wordlessly telling you how much they dearly appreciate you.
arisu, kuina, tatta, chishiya, kyuma, kuzuryu
ohhh moles, as they likes to call it "beauty marks" they represent as stars in their eyes, counts them as their gaze travels, sometimes connecting them like how people does to freckles ( if you have one too ) their fingers maps and dance along your skin sending light and feather-ly touches. face focused and in awe as they do it. really likes this part of you, somehow, the sight of your marks is sorta therapeutic.
aguni, usagi, ann, kuina, enji, last boss, chota, lisa
stretch marks? they got you. to them, it's proof that you are real ( pre and post borderland ) and that you are with them, because they know, dreams cover up flaws and flaws exist in real time. worships them with kisses, maybe sensual, maybe innocent. may it be on your thighs, waist, or underarms. more often than not however, they leave their own marks on you far better than you can count over your stretches. it's that many.
niragi, hatter, kyuma, banda, maki, mira, kurube
and ofc, belly rolls—they love it. it makes them go feral. look, just imagine, thigh high, crop tops, hell even low waisted pants whilst your cute belly shows? oh they're ogling at it, respectfully <3
everyone ofc esp lisa
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miraofhearts2point0 · 6 months
do i think these aib characters are bilangual? an important post
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Arisu: no. he took an English class for a trimester and dropped out almost immediately.
Karube: kind of. he can speak some Spanish bc his grandma is Mexican and he visited her while growing up.
Chota: no. same reason as Arisu.
Shibuki: no. same reason as Arisu and Chota.
Usagi: no. she's thought about learning Spanish though.
Chishiya: yes. fluent in both Japanese and French, dabbled in Italian, (Spaniard) Spanish, and English, but never got around to actually learning them.
Kuina: no. if someone was willing to teach her English she'd happily learn it.
Niragi: no. he can understand some Latin though; e.g: prayers and hymns.
Ann: yes. Japanese, Mandarin, and Hmong.
Mahiru: yes. English, Tagalog, and Japanese. some Cantonese, too.
Aguni: yes. Japanese and (Latin) Spanish.
Hatter: no. he knows a few words in almost every major language but will never commit to actually learning them.
Mira: surprisingly no. she hasnt had any reason to.
Kuzuryū: yes. (canonically) English, Japanese, and (non canonically) Mandrin.
Kyuuma: kind of. in the process of learning English. probably learned some from his bf (Kuzuryū)
Shiirabi: yes.
Enji: no. he dgaf
Heiya: no. she knows a few slang words in English and that's about it.
Doudou: no. for the same reason as Arisu, Chota, and Shibuki.
Mitsurugi: yes. English and Japanese.
Kariya: no.
Ippei: no. see Arisu, Chota, Doudou, and Shibuki.
Urumi: yes. Mandrin and Japanese.
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