#alisha carter
The Casual Killing of Black Female Characters on Camera
This is a rant of sorts. An outcry, if you will, about the number of times that TV will find entertainment in the onscreen deaths of Black female characters, whether or not it makes sense.
And even at times when it does narratively, the fact that we have to see it, and the fact that she could be recurring, even a main character does not strike confidence within any Black female viewer who might want to use television as an escape from Black femicide and misogynoir.
It is literally inescapable.
Sometimes, you could say, "Well, its the nature of that show, to show us death onscreen. Seeing a Black female character die shouldn't effect you any more than any of the deaths in this fandom..." but... how many Black women were even there? How much representation was provided for them? Even in a show filled with them, seeing another Black woman killed, especially if done so brutally, can be hurtful to witness.
This is magnified when she was the only one present in the work, one of very few in the work, or in a series where there was not very satisfactory representation in the first place. And this is the truth for most fandoms, even your faves, even ones that get heralded as progressive or praised for having diversity.
So, whether or not the genre or the content had death and murder regularly, if there wasn’t enough Black female representation to pad the death of the Black female character, I’ma be offended and upset and often times traumatized by the shit. Let me make you a list of the ones that especially hurt me:
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Anastasia Dualla, aka Dee, was the most prominent Black female character of Battlestar Galactica. She was a side character, having her only big storylines being a love interest, the wife of a cheater who was in love with somebody else, from an area that faced racism, never finding her family after the attacks, divorce... do you get the gist? Dee had about 3 times that we were allowed to see her happy. I know, times were tough for everybody, so I shouldn’t expect “special treatment” for Dee. God forbid that she be given any storyline that gave her actual joy sometimes.
But. She killed herself, on my screen, in my face, without any apparent provocation. As a suicidal person, I know that it can just hit you. I know that things can seem fine whenever it takes place. As a Black viewer who had been watching this show for years and happy to see one of Dee’s seldom smiles only moments before, it was crushing. The biggest problem is that it didn’t need to happen for the narrative and was unnecessarily hurtful, and for what? All these years later, what was the point of making us watch Dee kill herself? It didn’t advance the story, and it took away the only Black female character in the series before the ending. (The only others being a delegate that I don’t even remember really, played by Judith Maxie, and Elosha, played by Lorena Gale, who ALSO died on screen and was only used to further a white woman’s plot. - Something that I was willing to get over at the time, even though it was messed up, I was willing to get over it, because at least we had a regular and she was okay).
Until she wasn’t. And to this day (it’s been since 2009), and TO THIS DAY, whenever I have to endure another Black regular or main character die, I get thrown back into that scene, that hurt, that senselessness that the Battlestar Galactica writers inflicted on us for no good reason, over a decade ago.
So, whenever I saw the actress, Kandyse McClure a few years later on Hemlock Grove, I was glad to see that she appeared to be a main character and while I wasn’t really interested in much else about the show (the premise was okay, but it didn’t look like a great production from a glance), I decided that I’d put it on my watchlist to see Kandyse working again...
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Dr. Clementine Chasseur was the only Black woman that I recall from Hemlock Grove, a show that was not good at all, and I only was watching for her, to be honest. This show took the one Black woman they had, had her skinned and flayed, then left in misery until another character came along and suffocated her to her death. It was horrifying. The show wasn’t even good. I wasted my time and got mentally and visually assaulted with one of the most ugly acts of violence I’ve seen in a show. I have a mental image of something genuinely disturbing from a show that I hated. Fuck Hemlock Grove. I wish it could get canceled twice.
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Donna was a mermaid and the sister of the main mermaid character in the series, Siren on Freeform. From the first moment we see Donna to her last breath, she was fucked over. They captured her, kidnapped her, enslaved her, researched her, and when she escaped and sought vengeance, she was murdered. So many other decisions could have been made. Later on, they brought in her lightskint daughter as a character, seeking vengeance for her mother... But. What happened to Donna was heartbreaking, through and through. Nobody else on that show went through worse in the time that I was watching it. 
I never finished, because it went down the drain after a while, but whenever I WAS watching it, I had to see one of the only two dark skinned women on the show have the most miserable experience on land, and then get shot and killed. (The other dark skinned woman was an unstable drug addict who abandoned her family). Sidenote: Whenever you find a show and the Black women are written with garbage skills, divest. Because it is almost a guarantee that the fandom will be racist pieces of shit, something that we learned early in the Siren existence. They literally harassed the main Black female actress (not the one who played Donna, but Maddie, the one who was in a relationship with the main characters) so much that she fled social media during the show’s run. 
*Try not to get attached to shows and characters with poor writing for their Black female characters. They will be unsafe places eventually.*
Tara Thornton was a True Blood regular for 6 full seasons. Not the only Black woman in the show, but the one with the most writing. She unfortunately was under the influence of a popular trope of being the best friend to a white magical girl and having to bear the brunt of a bunch of bad shit because of it. (Like Bonnie Bennett but without magic)
At first, it was indirect. Having to see shit go down and be exposed to danger because of her best friend’s proximity to vampires and shit. Then, it was direct. Being targeted because of her proximity to vampires and shit.
She’s been kidnapped, taken as a hostage and sex slave, and even killed, yes, shot down dead because of a friendship with someone who wasn’t any good for her.
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Then, she was turned into a vampire, at her friend’s request. She didn’t want to be a vampire or ask to be a vampire, but her selfish ass friend, who she died for had her turned into one because SHE didn’t want to lose her...
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And after all that, they turned Tara into a pile of vampire goo at the opening of the last season, and added insult to injury, insult to memory, by having her spirit take a journey to make amends with the people who abused her in her childhood. It was the most disrespectful send off for one of the most disrespected characters that I had ever seen in my life. I wish I would have followed my first mind and not even tried to watch the final season, because I had been stopped watching it by the time that it aired, and I think I found out that Tara died, so I wasn’t that interested anyways. But then to actually see their final decision? Insulting. Revolting. Among the worst pieces of television of my life.
I say all of this to get to my most recent reason to rant...
She deserved better. First of all, the fact that they continued the Salem Accords instead of freeing witches from the bondage of the military, especially after how easy it had been for human terrorists to overthrow it and gain control from the inside. They should have done away with the obligation.
Then. They should have either killed off someone else or brought Anacostia back to life or let us see her peacefully on the other side. War took another good witch, and the rest of us had to not only see it, but BARELY had the chance to process it, and DIDN'T get any real closure. The way that we had to see the decoy of a dead Kelly Wade, the murdered, dismembered body of Charvel Bellweather at her own wedding, and the Sacrificial Negro Trope in action with Anacostia's death scene, they could have at least given her a last image of light and love.
The least, the VERY LEAST that they could have done for us was to let her be seated next to Alder as the Mother gives our girls their final words, and to grant us the image of her moving on peacefully. The last time we get to see this beautiful soul is crushed, pinned against something as her love has to walk away from her dead body.
Her mother, her daughters, didn't get to properly send her off. They cried and kept fighting and I GET that that's war. But, why so much for these types of things does one of the few Black women have to be offered up. Even in a show like this, with diversity and representation?
Easily one of the worse finales of my life, and it could have been salvaged by just not doing this one grossly disrespectful thing to a brilliant and beautiful character. Fuck Motherland: Fort Salem's ending. Suck dicks in hell for doing that to Anacostia Quartermain.
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Other onscreen unnecessary/pointless Black women’s deaths: 
Jordan Gladwell on iZombie. She was the only Black girl and she died for no good reason. It sort of promoted a white man’s story, but... not to the point where it was justified. (That show did miserably with Black women).
Abbie Mills (I didn’t see it, but I heard from the fans that were still there when it happened and WOOO, they was PISSED!) I had stopped watching the show by then.
Goddamn near EVERY Black woman that appeared in The Vampire Diaries.  And from what I am told (I stopped watching that mess too) the one that lived was the person who had to save everybody else. BUT, whenever I WAS watching it, she actually DID die (and came back later), so I will include Bonnie Bennett in all the Black women TVD killed in front of our faces.
Which reminds me Amanda Fisher of Ash VS Evil Dead. I am reminded, because that show, too, killed every last Black woman in the characters.
The Fairy Godmother on OUAT, The Faerie Elder on True Blood, that fairy on Shadowhunters (Lanaia), tbh... Shadowhunters is one of those shows that don’t get the slander it deserved for the antiblackness/misogynoir in the writing while under the shield of a diverse cast, but that’s a whole nother post entirely) 
Nikki on Misfits (and Tulip on Preacher - I DO NOT CARE if they brought her back. You made me see this woman get shot and die and the people who saw her return only did so because they weren’t so scarred that they had to cut ties with the show. They knew what the fuck they was doing ending that like that, making us see that) 
Breeze Clair Browne’s mom in The Good Doctor 
Jean in The Oval. Look. I know that’s a Black show, but that was a terrible death for a good person and it hurt like hell. 
Angela in Mortel... and here’s the thing about Mortel... you don’t get a lot of death scenes. You have some death scenes and you have a lot of deaths spoken of, and there are grim portrayals of violence. But it was not lost on me that the dark skinned Black woman died gruesomely. Mortel will really play in your face. Somebody down there is colorist and somebody down there love some whites. That’s a very different conversation, for another rant, if I feel like it some time.
Missandei - I’ma be honest, I ain’t watch that show, so idk how important it was to plot or nothing, but I know that I remember saying, “Whoa, the Black girl on that show lived the whole way through?” and like, the next week or that week, she was getting her damn head lopped off. Shame. They got all the way to the end and swiped her ass outta there. Smh. 
Ol’ girl from Charmed... I didn’t watch that either, but the girls was really upset about it... Macy? 
Honorable Mentions for Hannah Grose and Rebecca Jessell, Because since so many people died in that story, them dying in bad ways and onscreen were unfair and hurtful, but not outside of the scope of the material. HOWEVER, them being murdered, and then having to STILL somehow be sacrificial negroes for the kids and them... THAT was just extra misogynoir and I ain’t like it. Of the ones that did survive, you didn’t get the two important Black characters. Not even one? And then they both had to give more to protect the others? Y’all gave me Ghost Mammies? FOH.
Not completely pointless, but unnecessary or unfair, to say the least:
Alisha in Misfits. The way that I had to watch this was troubling. Like. Yes, it was that kinda genre, but I didn’t wanna see it. Like... I’m upset every time. 
Jaden in Nikita. She was doing right, doing what they were supposed to and after all that animosity they had her throw out, she seemed like she was getting to not be the bitchy Black girl, and they killed her right in front of me. Then they killed Emily Robinson, who was killed specifically to further a white man’s character arc.
Joss Carter could have easily been written out of Person of Interest peacefully if Taraji was moving on to other things. Characters CAN just leave. People do this in real life. Sometimes, they just leave. 
Diana Tilton in The Shannara Chronicles... They so unceremoniously killed her off, and it was like... not on screen, if I recall, so you didn’t really know and then if they mentioned it later, it was very casually.
And Because This Also Happens in Cartoons: 
THE SUNFIRE QUEEN, KHESSA From The Dragon Prince. That. Was. Horrifying. Hated it. 
And a friend said Allura, which reminded me of all the times I saw people mourning Allura, even though I know nothing about that media. I don’t even know the name... Voltron Action Adventurer or whatever.
Edited 2/22/23
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puzzlebean · 1 year
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Here is part two of my Femslash February 2023 masterlist! I had a lot of fun creating all these works and I hope people enjoy reading them 💗
Sunrise [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava and Beatrice watch the sunrise together.
Home [Danbeau, Marvel, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Sometimes Carol feels like a shell of who she was. Being around her family helps. At least she's home again.
Ice Cream [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena and Kate go on an ice cream date after their mission.
Everything Has a Reason [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
It feels like fate somehow, Kiko thinks.
Among the Stars [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha has a hard time with everything that happened but then she meets Kiko and things start looking up.
Wedding Night [Gwen/Morgana, Merlin BBC, 100 words, Mature]
Gwen and Morgana enjoy their wedding night.
Coffee [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Wednesday likes sweetness when it comes to Enid.
A Safe Place to Stay [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sarah provides Sharon with a safe place to stay. It becomes so much more than that.
The Best [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon is very much in love with her girlfriend Sarah.
Serenade [Sharon/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Sharon sings for Natasha and it sounds like love.
Darcy’s Person [Jane/Darcy, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Jane is Darcy's person.
Crush [Clary/Rebecca, Shadowhunters, 100 words, General]
Simon teases Clary about her crush on his sister.
Everything Gets Better With You [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Kiko is looking foward to going on another date with Alisha.
Opposite Sides [Bishlova, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Yelena can't help but like Kate.
It's Okay [Carol/Rogue, X-Men Animated Series, 100 words, General]
Anna doesn't trust herself to not hurt Carol again.
She's Special [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, Teen and Up]
Jess knows there's something special about Rey.
Welcome [Lulli/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Lulli hears Vanessa's thoughts. They are not unwelcome.
The Future [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena to be her roommate.
Close [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is glad she and Vanessa have gotten close.
Tattoos [Pepper/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha wants to belong to Pepper.
Happy [Jessika/Rey, Star Wars, 100 words, General]
Rey asks Poe if Jessika has mentioned her.
Not A Mystery [Daisy/Hazel, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Hazel realizes she has feelings for Daisy.
Day Off? [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Deb wants to enjoy a day off with her wife but they are interrupted.
Never [Allison/Lydia, Teen Wolf, 100 words, General]
Lydia loves Allison even though she will never have her.
Agonizing [Johanna/Rachel, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Johanna knows she must leave Rachel.
Totally Adorable [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena and Vanessa make dinner together.
Understood [Jacqueline Box/Stat, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
No one understands Stat like Jacqueline does.
Passport [Monica/Wanda, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Monica goes on the run with Wanda.
Last Forever [Aneka/Ayo, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Ayo thinks about when she first fell in love with Aneka.
Indulging [Lucienne/Gault, The Sandman, 100 words, General]
Lucienne thinks she deserves to indulge every now and then.
Proud of Her [Deb/Pam, Q-Force, 100 words, General]
Pam is proud of her wife.
Proposal [Avatrice, Warrior Nun, 100 words, General]
Ava asks Beatrice to marry her.
Fortunate [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Elena is happy with the way her life turned out.
Carefully [Wenclair, Wednesday, 100 words, General]
Wednesday and Enid talk about Enid's parents.
Desires [Sharon/Emma, Marvel, 100 words, Mature]
It's pure lust. Sharon is okay with that.
Devoted [Mary/Shannon, Warrior Nun, 100 words, Teen and Up]
It's hard to love the Warrior Nun.
Changes [Daisy/Amina, Murder Most Unladylike, 100 words, General]
Daisy learns that some changes are good. Amina is one of them.
Hold Me [Wanda/Natasha, Marvel, 100 words, General]
Natasha takes care of Wanda after a hard mission.
The Light [Sharon/Sarah, Marvel, 100 words, General]
No one knows Sharon like Sarah does.
Can't Wait (It's a Date) [Elena/Vanessa, Lulli 2021, 100 words, General]
Vanessa asks Elena on a date.
A Dream [Alisha/Kiko, Lightyear, 100 words, General]
Alisha is happy with the way her life turned out. She hopes Buzz finds the same.
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kurokoros · 29 days
help i'm back in my english punk rock phase
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tracybirds · 3 months
Happy March of the OCs!!
A bunch of people kindly let me make a Sims version of their OCs for a Thunderbirds save I was making, just to have as background characters instead of the regular townies. So here's what I made based off their descriptions, and some links so you can look at the wonderful creations in which they originated! And feel free to let me know if you have some OCs you'd be okay with adding to the project!
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Firstly, we have Jasmine and Jade, two treasure hunters in need of International Rescue's helping hand, from @katblu42's wonderful story Jasmine and Jade [Tumblr | AO3]
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Next, we have the Raoul rangers, from @gumnut-logic's Kermadec AU! From top left to bottom right; Mel Fisher, Elspeth Rana, and Sam and Liam Coyle :D I'm very, very fond of these folks! Mel is my personal favourite, simply because I love her passion for conservation and how she gives Scott a good run for his money haha (metaphorically AND literally!)
They first feature in We'll Be Home For Christmas, which can be found here [AO3] (I know it's on Tumblr somewhere too, but I am struggling to find it oops)
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Next is Everett Sanders and Jules Sheridan, created by @whatgaviiformes for the infamous Chicken Dad series (long live Chicken Dad!!) which begins here! Although they're both Gordon's friend, Everett and Virgil have their own special connection, which is explored here (and is in my incredibly unbiased opinion, adorable). Everything is also happily on Tumblr for copious reblogging here!
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Next is the Carter family, created by @louthestarspeaker! From top left to right bottom, we have Brook and Kim, then their children Desiray, Eagan, and Laurie. Laurie is a good friend of Alan's and features in the fic Shoulder to Shoulder [Tumblr | AO3]
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Next are Squirt and Alisha, created by @squiddokiddo
Squirt and Gordon have lots of sweet interactions together, which you can check out here, and Alisha is Kayo's girlfriend and can can be found here and here. There might be some art that's slipped through the cracks of tagging so here's their OC art tag to enjoy alllllllll the art :D
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Finally, Arthur and Andrew John Trumbull, created by @tikatu. Andrew John features in The White Winds as Fermat's roommate, which can be found on ffnet here. Arthur is his father. There's quite a number of OCs, since Tikatu's created a whole Wharton's for Alan and Fermat, and I have not gotten around to making everyone ><
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𝙰𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚝 𝚁𝚎𝚍
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𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚜, 𝚊𝚍𝚟𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚞𝚛𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚛
𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚐𝚎𝚛𝚜: 𝚟𝚒𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎, 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚐𝚞𝚗𝚜, 𝚝𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐
𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: "𝚝𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚑𝚘𝚗𝚎" 𝚋𝚢 𝚕𝚊𝚍𝚢 𝚐𝚊𝚐𝚊
𝚑𝚒𝚒𝚒 𝚜𝚘 𝚒'𝚟𝚎 𝚑𝚊𝚍 𝚜𝚘 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎𝚛'𝚜 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚌𝚔 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 "𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚎" 𝚜𝚘 𝚒 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝚊 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚝𝚘 𝚛𝚎𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚎 𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝 𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚢 𝚕𝚘𝚕. 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!
“You’re surrounded, Agent Red,” Lady Austin purred, tone dripping with mock sympathy. “Your faithful sidekick couldn’t stick with you for this one, hmm?”
A knife was pulled out of its holster. Oh, crap.
Alisha dodged the dagger speeding towards her. It whizzed inches past her temple. Phew. Heart beating rapidly, sweat beading on her forehead, she raised her gun and shot a few bullets at the enemy agents circling her. Two crumpled to the ground. They were either dead or severely injured. Alisha didn’t care at this moment, considering that the head of the Division was slowly walking toward her, daggers raised, like a tiger waiting to pounce on its prey.
Alisha James, also known as Agent Red, was the star agent of the Renders. The Division were their worst nemeses. She often found herself in situations like these. 
However, this mission was different. For one, Lady Austin herself never did the dirty work, but Alisha guessed she wanted to kill the Renders’ most cherished member herself. Not today, Alisha thought.
What else was different? Well, take the buzzing phone in her pocket, and no Carter Avery, Agent Blue, her boyfriend and “faithful sidekick”, at her side. Carter didn’t want her to go alone on this mission, but the head of the Renders, Mr. Johnson, had insisted that he let her go. Since she left headquarters, her phone was being spammed by messages and calls from a certain Agent Blue. 
Leaping onto the shoulders of one of Lady Austin’s goons (and giving him a good punch to the temple and knocking him out as she was at it), Alisha flipped herself up the brick wall she was being cornered into. Always have the higher ground, she heard Xander, her battle trainor, telling her. Lady Austin and the few remaining agents looked up. 
“Looks like little Red learned some tricks from last time,” she taunted. It was dark, and Alisha was covered in too many shadows and too high up for Lady Austin to see or hear her clearly. An advantage. After the fifth time her phone rang that hour, she finally answered it. 
“Boy, the way you’re blowing up my phone won’t make me leave no faster,” she hissed, aiming her gun at a Division member. She saw Lady Austin whispering orders to her agents. Alisha had about three minutes until they’d strike.
“James, I’ve been worried sick! I thought something happened!” Carter yelled into her ear. He sounded like he was on the verge of tears. He probably was.
“Babe, I’m fine! I mean, besides the Division trying to kill me.” Alisha squeezed the trigger, taking down the Division agent with a BANG!
“I should have gone with you,” Carter continued with his rambling.
“Carter Avery, my idiot, my love, I don’t think you bombing my phone is helping matters,” Alisha pointed out, aiming for another agent. 
“How’s the mission so far, anyway?”
A dagger lodged itself into the brick wall. Then another. “Carter, daggers are being thrown at me, and I’m surprised I’m not dead already. What do you think?” Alisha squeezed the trigger again. Another agent down. Stupid Division. They didn’t even use guns or advanced technology. Apparently, swords, daggers, and knives were “their thing”.
Carter sighed. “Fine, you’ve made your point. Be careful, though, okay?” he said softly.
“I will, babe. I love you,” Alisha smiled softly. She’d been gone for three hours. She missed Carter
“Love you, too, James.” He hung up. Shoving her phone back into her pocket, Alisha pointed her gun to face Lady Austin. The bullet whizzed toward her, but the last Division agent jumped in front of Lady Austin at the last second. He crumpled to the gravel ground. Idiot. That was how it went in the Division. Do anything, even if it meant sacrificing yourself, to protect the head.
Alisha noticed that Lady Austin had no weapons on her. She had thrown her daggers at Alisha, and they were too high up for her to grab. Alisha leaped off the brick wall swiftly, pulling out her Taser. As much as she wanted to kill Lady Austin after the years of torment she had caused in New York City, the Renders wanted her alive. 
Alisha strode toward Lady Austin until she was only a foot away. Lady Austin felt around her holster in a panic, and froze. Alisha smiled sweetly. Nice job bringing only two weapons onto the battlefield. 
“N-no, d-don’t d-do this, Agent Red,” Lady Austin whimpered.
Alisha raised her Taser and placed her thumb on the on button. “You know what they say. You don’t bring a knife to the gun fight.” Alisha pressed the button, and crackles of electricity shocked Lady Austin until she fell, unconscious. 
Smirking, Agent Red tucked her long dark hair behind her ear and turned on her spy headset. “Agent Red to Mr. Johnson, the Division has been defeated.”
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mortemhq · 17 days
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OF COURSE, ANON! sorry that this took so long. i just wanted to make sure i had a lot of suggestions for you! buckle up for a big list! i'd love to see: emma d'arcy, quintessa swindell, dua saleh, poppy liu, asia kate dillon, lizeth selene, emma corrin, janelle monae, yaya dacosta, liv hewson, celeste o'connor, zion moreno, aj clementine, jessie mei li, serena motola, mimi keene, nana komatsu, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, maia reficco, chandler kinney, zaria simone, ayo edebiri, lola tung, anya chalotra, maggie q, benjamin bratt, jaz sinclair, laura harrier, zendaya, courtney eaton, hunter schafer, jessica henwick, medalion rahimi, simone ashley, khadijha red thunder, zion moreno, amita suman, olivia cooke, ella purnell, sophie thatcher, yasmin finney, rachel zegler, bruna marquezine, taylor russell, alisha boe, antonia gentry, ashley moore, naomi scott, natasha liu bordizzo, melis sezen, hande ercel, aslihan malbora, havana rose liu, amy adams, jessica alexander, grace van dien, danielle rose russell, sarah snook, adria arjona, ayo edebiri, bahar sahin, jasmin savoy brown, anne hathaway, michelle yeoh, anya taylor-joy, lucy liu, viola davis, ming na wen, sandra oh, gemma chan, maddie phillips, park sooyoung, jamie chung, tati gabrielle, sydney park, hoyeon jung, brittany o'grady, lily gladstone, savannah lee smith, nicola coughlan, greta onieogou, kylie verzosa, moon gayoung, madeleine madden, ni ni, alba flores, gugu mbatha raw, adeline rudolph, cierra ramirez, kiki layne, ryan destiny, zoey luna, lovie simone, blu hunt, park sooyoung, im jinah, samantha logan, tessa thompson, mint ranchwaree, yara shahidi, zorzo natharuetai, sobhita dhulipala, mookda narinrak, namtan tipnaree, nychaa nuttanicha, pat chayanit, nadine lustre, wawwa nicha, maris racal, ayca aysin turan, may calamawy, megan suri, banita sandhu, priscilla quintana, brianne tju, melis pamuk, camila mendes, demet ozdemir, sophia ali, bree kish, maddison bailey, jeremy allen white, tamino amir, mena massoud, archie renaux, evan mock, dev patel, taylor zakhar perez, tommy martinez, maxence danet fauvel, rege jean page, kiowa gordon, d'pharaoh woon-a-tai, derek luh, apo nattawin, tom blyth, freddy carter, deniz can aktas, emre bey, ilhan sen, josh o'connor, mike faist, joseph quinn, manny jacinto, callum turner, alex landi, barry keoughan, paul mescal, rami malek, simone baldasseroni, woo dohwan, yahya abdul mateen ii, mason gooding, cody christian, michael evans behling, jordan gonzalez, drew ray tanner, ito hideaki, peter gadiot, gong yoo, michael b jordan, hugh dancy, ben whishaw, swann arlaud, froy gutierrez, alex meraz, emilio sakraya, rahul kohli, oscar isaac, peter gadiot, jonathan daviss, danny ramirez, kento yamazaki, omar sy, cillian murphy, oliver jackson-cohen, brian michael smith, idris elba, william jackson harper, and lewis tan.
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selfsabotaqe · 1 year
throwing out a bit of a  plotting call out here, because i’ve been having a lot of muse  &  i would love to meet new writing partners to write with on  tumblr. i am willing to both use my ocs  &  create new muses for you privately. something i am really looking for is something  long term but slow paced.  sometimes it takes me a long time to get to replies, not because i am not interested but because i don’t have as much mental space to write. i’ll be around plenty in tumblr dms  &  on discord, where we can always chat, headcanon and plot our ships further. as for plots and ships, i am particularly looking for  slice of life  and  mlm and wlw  but i am open to a wide variety of plot types  &  also am open to playing or playing against any gender, with any mix of pairings. beneath the cut i’ll list some basic info from my main ocs and some faceclaims i would like to use  &  my rules can be found in my pinned post. if you’re interested, simply like this post  &  i’ll come message you!  🤭💗
♡     ◞        main ocs.
nadiye güzelcan   —   aslihan malbora, 24 to 28, phd student in astrophysics. max lockhart   —   lorenzo zurzolo, 19 to 23, college student or professional soccer player. adela “addie” ortega   —   lizeth selene, 22 to 25, bassist in a feminist punk band. luca calderón   —   froy gutierrez, 22 to 25, college student. aera sun   —   im jinah, 28 to 33, pediatric nurse. ** lale sayar   —   ozge yagiz, 23 to 27, college student  &  aspiring romance author. ** devrim yildiz   —   emre bey, 23 to 27, twitch streamer. leonora “leo” langford   —   maia cotton, 20 to 25, college student or classical musician. ** kiran desai   —   dev patel, 30 to 35, high school history teacher. emre kilic   —   serkan cayoglu, 35 to 38, pr manager. teresa hazen   —   dakota johnson, 30 to 35, mechanical engineer. **
** indicates there’s alternative faceclaims for this muse, you can ask for them. in general i’ll often be very down for adding new faceclaims for my muses, but these already have options. sometimes that includes older verses as well !
♡     ◞        fcs i want to play.
greta onieogou, katie douglas, davika hoorne, chase sui wonders, madelyn cline, julia dalavia, melisa pamuk, im nayeon, camila morrone, adam dimarco, michael evans behling, felix mallard, sila turkoglu, hazal filiz küçükköse, simay barlas, samantha logan, berk cankat, renee rapp, gong yoo, priscilla quintana, anya chalotra, mookda narinrak, ni ni, oktay cubuk, danny ramirez, freddy carter, janhvi kapoor, parveen kaur, ayca aysin turan, simone ashley, melissa barrera, apo nattawin, bruna marquezine, calahan skogman, hande ercel, rudy pankow, maia reficco, win metawin, cody christian, drew starkey, wolfgang novogratz, logan lerman, chay suede, lucas bravo, grace van patten, yang hyeji, kim doyeon, zoey deutch, jessica alba, khadijha red thunder, bensu soral, elias kacavas, ryan destiny, savannah lee smith, giuseppe maggio, zethphan smith gneist, giancarlo commare, melis sezen, maya hawke, casey deidrick, alex landi, raymond ablack, daisy edgar jones, adria arjona, maris racal, maude apatow, hafsanur sancaktutan, manny jacinto, banita sandhu, park sooyoung, gemma chan, neslihan atagul, bright vachirawit, zendaya, brittany o’grady, antonia gentry, nathalie emmanuel, zorzo natharuetai, carmela zumbado, cierra ramirez, megan suri, auli’i cravalho, brianne tju, nailea devora, song kang, geraldine viswanathan, wawwa nicha, bahar sahin, rafael silva, bensu soral, park chaeyoung, charithra chandran, lily james, michael cimino, thomas weatherall, josh heuston, alex fitzalan, jessica lucas, nam joohyuk, wi ha joon, janella salvador, emilio sakraya, dylan minnette, oliver jackson cohen, kennedy walsh, ashley moore, alicia vikander, nathasha liu bordizzo, camila queiroz, daniel sharman, alisha boe, yasemin yazici, jennie kim, nychaa nuttanicha, aslihan malbora, halle bailey, baifern pimchanok, lee hojung, kiana madeira, courtney eaton, cemre baysel, sean teale, evan mock, sarah gustafsson, stephanie hsu, adeline rudolph, jacob elordi, adam brody, lorenzo zurzolo, diane guerrero, aly michalka, evan roderick, madison bailey  &  jessica alexander.
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withlovewriting · 2 years
a ‘lightyear’ spoiler, so don’t read if you haven’t seen it & don’t wanna know anything, but...
I cannot be convinced that the whole Buzz refusing to go back in time because it will cause Alisha to no longer have the life and family she did, wasn’t some kind of poke at endgame.
i know so many people (myself included) were fuming with how they treated peggy’s character, especially after watching Agent Carter, and i 100% believe that someone involved with the movie said, Hey Russo brothers, this is the correct way to write time travel without fucking up a decade’s worth of character growth.
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reignfms · 1 year
can i please have fc suggestions for the opens stark prince, lannister lord & the open velayron spot?
absolutely !
our open roles for stark prince ( come back if you want other suggestions for the cousins ) : bill skarsgard, freddy carter, freddie fox, taron egerton, theo james, arnas fedaravicius, callum turner, ewan mitchell, harris dickinson, jannik schuman, jordan renzo, josha stradowski, oliver stark, patrick gibson, ruairi o'connor, toby regbo, kit harington, max irons, calahan skogman !
for the lord lannister ( assuming you mean from the great house branch ) : avan jogia, charles melton, froy gutierrez, aria shahghasemi, dylan wang, jonathan daviss, keiyan konsdale, sebastian de souza, archie renaux, devon terrell, kit young, wang yibo, xu kai, alperen duymaz, xing zhaolin, kiowa gordon !
and finally for the velaryons : aisha dee, alexandra shipp, alfred enoch, alisha boe, amandla stenberg, antonia thomas, ashley moore, ella balinska, ellion knight, erin kellyman, gugu mbatha-raw, lucien laviscount, maise richardson sellers, paulina singer, sydney park, tessa thompson, lovie simone, aja naomi king, alisha wainwright, bianca lawson, danai gurira, ebonee noel, greta onieogou, keith powers, kiana lede, meagan tandy, nathalie emmanuel, pepi sonuga, quintessa swindell, rachel hilson, tati gabrielle, wakeema hollis, devery jacobs, cara gee, kiana madeira, madeleine madden, auli'i cravalho, amber midthunder, chase sui wonders, jordan fisher, khadijha red thunder, tanaya beatty !
i wanted to avoid duplicates, but all of the younger fcs listed for house velaryon would also work for house lannister and any of the older black ( or 1/2 black, 1/2 white) or indigenous fcs listed for house lannister could easily work for house velaryon !
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When You Grew Up on Gallagher Girls and Want the Adult Spy Novels
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Ok, so apropos of realizing that I didn't get to read the last two Gallagher Girls books in middle/high school, I ordered the full box set. Why did I cue into that missing ending to a story in my brain? Because I read CE Murphy's The Strongbox Chronicles.
I think at this point it's fairly evident that my jam is Fantasy with some very, very soft sci fi in the mix from time to time, but apparently I also enjoy a good spy novel from time to time. This trilogy is honestly excellent, although it's less Bond gadets and more character-driven stories, so mileage may vary for those of you who like Bond clones. For those of you in it for interagency intrigue, questioning and questionable loyalties, and the best freaking ensemble I've read in a while, let's talk the Strongbox Chronicles.
Agent Alisha MacAleer cannot catch a freaking break. From her handler's questionable loyalties to being ordered to terminate her partner, to being shot by her fiance, and being betrayed by everyone in sight, it's kind of miraculous that Leesh gets ANYTHING done. And yet not only does she manage to pull off at least two missions where she's set up to fail, she does it while managing a love triangle and trauma about her fiance shooting her and shooting her partner.
Fans of James Bond who want gadets and fight scenes will find some of that here, but this trilogy is way more focused on the interpersonal pitfalls of working for an agency where truth is a precious commodity and lies are bog standard. There are also lots of fun criminal and secret organizations.
I very much grew up on the Gallagher Girls books by Ally Carter, and the Strongbox Chronicles were an amazing adult follow-up trilogy to that. I highly recommend.
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arcadiafm · 2 years
𝐀𝐍𝐎𝐍𝐘𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐒  𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐄𝐃:  could  i  get  family  suggestions  for  evan  mock,  alisha  boe  and  elle  fanning,  also  would  love  to  know  who'd  you'd  prefer  to  see?
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we’d all like to see evan mock, myself included! i think he’d be great as a child of arthur curry & mera, megan gwynn, raven roth & garfield logan, pearl pangan, conner kent & cassandra sandsmark, hal jordan & carol ferris, patsy walker & daimon hellstrom, constantine & zatanna, thor or wally west! he’d also be great as an adopted child of harley quinn & pamela isley, wanda maximoff, yelena belova, jason todd & roy harper, bobby drake, jubilation lee,  or kwannon! for alisha she’d be great as a child of sam wilson & sharon carter, sam wilson & jane foster, vision, logan howlett & ororo munroe, clark kent & lois lane, barry allen & iris west and for elle : thor, carol danvers, tony stark & pepper potts, conner kent & cassandra sandsmark, illyana rasputina, tim drake & stephanie brown, clint barton & bobbi morse, jean grey & scott summers, emma frost ( adoptive ). i can also suggest more families for alisha boe and elle fanning if you need! you’re allowed to apply for three at once, so !!
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icemankazansky · 2 years
@boasamishipper and @callsignthirsty tagged me to do this 10³ thing. 😊
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags
Iceman Kazansky - Top Gun
Lindsey - Lucky Number Slevin
Theo Crane - The Haunting of Hill House
Shadow Moon - American Gods
Ray Levoi - Thunderheart
Gestalt - The Rook
Jane Carter - Mission: Impossible
Alisha Daniels - Misfits
Klaus Hargreeves - The Umbrella Academy
Saturday Settman - What Happened to Monday
Tagging @nooknonsense @admiralbuttcheek @topgunreacts @calliopekenobi @goldenbooksgang @foolishmortal @andmakeithome @tarkalean @mrslab @mrs-chief
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toxiclittlethoughts · 2 years
Rules | Opens | Wishlist | Opposites | Pairings
Guys: Leo McManus* Caleb Jensen* Levi Callahan Isaac Mejia   Lucas Hudson Christos Onasis  Blake Wyatt  Jesse Foster* Grant Foster*
Gals:  Elania Perchetti** Chelsy Perchetti** Calista Perchetti** Eloise Blake  Mika Ru  Linnea Carlisle  Emelia Cruz Fallon Adira  Cassidy Jensen* Madalyn Munroe  Zaina Castro Ella Wade Nathalie Cohen** Avery Cohen** Alessa Sandoval Gia Gallo  Alisha Trujillo
*siblings **cousins **chelsy & calista are sisters & cousin to elania
Closed & Exclusive:  Samantha Brewer (e) Landon McManus* (e) Jayde Delgado (e) Chase Henley (c) Jamie Carter (c) 
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vanitasfm · 2 years
¿cuáles caritas quieren ver por acá?
aquí te va una lista rápida de sugerencias y si alguien tiene alguna otra sugerencia, recuerden que pueden colocarla en los comentarios de este post:
alisha boe, austin abrams, jonathan daviss, camila mendes, maya hawke, rocco fassano, rome flynn, freddy carter, kiernan shipka, haley lu richardson, natasha liu bordizzo, georgina amorós, zendaya, alexa demie, hunter schafer, sydney sweeney, jacob elordi, timothee chalamet, tom holland, chance perdomo, jack mulhern, hero fiennes-tiffin, noah centineo, thomas doherty, evan mock, eli brown, lorenzo zurzolo, zion moreno, chase sui wonders, mimi keene, madison bailey, min yoongi, dylan minnette, nico hiraga, savannah smith, kim junseo, cemre baysel, kevin moon, alex fitzalan, lee felix. 
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The Arkadians by Lloyd Alexander
The Search for Delicious (Babbitt, Natalie) The Frog Princess by E.D. Baker
Maya and the Rising Dark (Barron, Rena)
Peter and the Starcatchers (Barry, Dave)
The Looking Glass Wars (Beddor, Frank)
Eigth grade bites by brewer (published under author's deadname?)
Minecraft the island by Max brooks
Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism (Byng, Georgia)
The Awakening (Carroll, Michael )
I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have to Kill You (Carter, Ally)
A Week in the Woods (Clements, Andrew)
The Supernaturalist (Colfer, Eoin)
Artemis Fowl (Colfer, Eoin)
Airman (Colfer, Eoin)
Of Fire and Stars (Coulthurst, Audrey)
Into the Land of the Unicorns (Coville, Bruce)
Out of My Mind (Draper, Sharon M.)
So you want to be a wizard by Diane Duane
The Patron Thief of Bread (Eagar, Lindsay)
Half Magic (Eager, Edward)
Inkheart (Funke, Cornelia)
Bunnicula James Howe
Which Witch? (Ibbotson, Eva)
The Secret of Platform 13 (Ibbotson, Eva)
Evil Genius by Catherine Jinks
The Reformed Vampire Support Group (Jinks, Catherine)
The Akhenaten Adventure (Kerr, P.B.)
The Tail of Emily Windsnap (Kessler, Liz)
Savvy (Law, Ingrid)
The Fairy's Mistake (Levine, Gail Carson)
Fairy Dust and the Quest for the Egg (Levine, Gail Carson)
Ella Enchanted (Levine, Gail Carson)
The Two Princesses of Bamarre (Levine, Gail Carson)
Nightmare Academy (Lorey, Dean)
The Merchant of Death (MacHale, D.J.)
The Ruby Princess Runs Away (Malcolm, Jahnna N.)
If the Shoe Fits (Mason, Jane B.)
How to Become a Planet (Melleby, Nicole)
Game of Strength and Storm (Menard, Rachel)
The Host (Meyer, Stephenie)
Fablehaven (Mull, Brandon)
Five Children and It (Nesbit)
The Borrowers (Norton, Mary)
The Wicked Bargain (Novoa, Gabe Cole)
If I Was Your Girl (Russo, Meredith)
Magyk (Sage, Angie)
The Alchemyst (Scott, Michael)
Scythe (Shusterman, Neal)
The Glitch in Sleep (Wexler, Michael)
You, me, and our heartstrings by See, Melissa
Instructions for dancing by Yoon, Nicola
The Jasmine Project by Ireland, Meredith,
Rise to the sun by Johnson, Leah
Happily ever afters by Bryant, Elise
Everything I thought I knew by Takaoka, Shannon.
The falling in love montage by Smyth, Ciara
The peasant's dream by Dickerson, Melanie
The princess will save you by Henning, Sarah
If I'm being honest by Wibberley, Emily
Opposite of always by Reynolds, Justin A
Summer constellations by Sevigny, Alisha
The wicked deep by Ernshaw, Shea
The supervillain and me by Banas, Danielle
The boyfriend bracket by Evangelista, Kate
An enchantment of ravens by Rogerson, Margaret
Wild beauty by McLemore, Anna-Marie
Stay tuned 🐺
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celestriahq · 4 months
do you happen to have a most wanted species and potential face claim? i want to join but i want to make sure that whoever i bring contributes to the group. thanks 😊
* 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 ! currently would love to see more draki, daemonaki or humans ! here are some most wanted fcs too but whoever you bring will contribute to the group bc YOU will contribute with your shining face + ideas <3
adeline rudolph, adria arjona, aisha dee, aishwarya rai, alberto rosende, alex blue davis, alex landi, andy beirsak, any skarsgard, alisha wainwright, amber midthunder, ana de armas, andrew koji, angela saradyan, anna lamb, anya taylor joy, aslihan malbora, avan jogia, bae suzy, bailey bass, banita sandhu, ben levin, berk cankat, bianca lawson, brenda song, brianne howey, briante tju, brittany o'grady, candice patton, casey cott, chance perdomo, charles melton, charles michael davis, chase sui wonders, chella man, danai gurira, daniel henney, davika hoorne, dayo okeniyi, deepika padukone, demet ozdemir, dev patel, diana penty, diana silvers, diane gurrero, dichen lachman, dilraba dilmurat, dylan wang, eddie liu, ella balinska, eric dane, evan mock, freddy carter, froy gutierrez, gemma chan, go min si, hari nef, harry shum jr, hayden christensen, henry golding, hunter shafer, india amarteifio, isaiah mustafa, jacob anderson, jameela jamil, jesse williams, jessica alexander, jonathan daviss, kaylee bryant, keith poewrs, khadijha red thunder, kim woo bin, kofi siriboe, lewis tan, levy tran, lisette olivera, lizeth selene, lucien laviscount, luke mitchell, lupita nyong'o, mads mikkelsen, mahesh jadu, maria rascal, mason gooding, mena massoud, melisa pamuk, myra molloy, nathalie kelley, nicole maines, ok taecyeon, olivia holt, quintessa swindell, rahul kholi, raymond ablack, sarah shahi, savannah lee smith, sean teale, sobhita dhulipala, tati ganrielle, taron egerton, tesa thompson, theo james, tom hilland, wawwa nicha, zendaya, yasmin finney, zion moreno, zoro natharuetai.
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