#alki zei
greekbooks-poll · 13 days
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yaworldchallenge · 2 years
Review - Tina’s Web (Greece)
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YA World Challenge book for: 🇬🇷 Greece
Tina’s Web
Author: Alki Zei
‘I’m caught up in the cobwebs and struggling to free myself.’
Konstantina, a.k.a. Tina, a 12-year-old Greek girl, is happy in her life in Germany with her loving parents - until they decide to divorce and marry other people. Tina is sent to live with her grandmother in Greece for a year both to get away, and to help her chronic bronchitis in the sunny climate.
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She’s not thrilled with her new school, and she doesn’t get along well with her gran, who just likes to reminisce with friends about their days in the Greek Resistance. Until Tina meets a boy she nicknames Wick, after the bad boy character in Pinocchio. (If that doesn’t sound very subtle, it’s not.)
The prose and translation flow well, in a somewhat stream of consciousness style. The book aims for a few metaphors (cobwebs, birds), but doesn’t really use them strong enough to have much impact. I didn’t realize the protagonist was so young when I picked up this book.
It is something you might get as assigned reading in 7th grade, and for that purpose it is at least entertaining and Tina reacts like a real preteen for the most part. While I don’t have experience to really judge the accuracy of it from a medical perspective, I found the drug aspect a little vague?
One of the things that bothered me with this book is how naive Tina is. Maybe I’m overestimating 12-year-olds, and I’m sure there are kids who are sheltered enough at that age. But she.... never actually realizes that she’s taking drugs? Or does she? The narration isn’t really that clear. It’s telling you don’t get in the car with strangers with pills but not effectively showing you what’s going on, I guess.
At times the book seems like it is written by Tina’s gran. I’m not sure even kids in 2002 would get the Pinocchio references. I feel like it does a better job at the generational gap aspect of the story than the drug education aspect, in which case the intended audience might be more the grans of the world than the Tinas. I found their reconciliation at the end to be sweet and the most redeeming part of the book.
I’m giving three stars because it was still very readable, Tina’s home life situation was sympathetic, and the Greek history bits were interesting.
★ ★ ★ 3 stars
Bookshop.org link  ||  OpenLibrary link
Genres: #contemporary #social issues #family
Other reps: #neurodivergent (maybe. just my feeling) #disability (bronchitis) #addiction #divorce
Content warnings at Storygraph
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Alki Zei / Geçmişe sarılan arkadaşlarımı anlamıyorum
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Türkçede “Mor Şemsiye”, “Petros’un Savaşı” ve “Aşil’in Nişanlısı” romanları yayımlanan Yunan yazar, siyasi eylemci Alki Zei, 2. Dünya Savaşı sırasında direniş hareketinde aktif rol almış, bu süreçte ülkesinden ayrılıp 10 yıl Moskova’da yaşamak zorunda kalmıştı. 52 yıl sonra kitap fuarına katılmak üzere tekrar şehre döndüğünde kendisiyle karşılaşan genç yazar hayranına o günleri anlatmıştı.
Kendi kuşağımın Alki Zei’yi okumamış birkaç çocuğundan biri olmalıyım, daha sonra yazmaya başlayan birkaç çocuktan biri… Kitabını ilk kez 35 yaşında, onunla Moskova gezisinde tanıştıktan sonra okudum. Hayatımın en hoş sürprizlerinden biriydi: kendi yaşının iki buçuk katında biriyle tanışıp aynı yaştaymış gibi hissettiğin pek fazla kişiyle karşılaşmıyorsun.
Yunanistan 2016’da Moskova’da düzenlenen Uluslararası Kitap Fuarı’nın onur ülkesiydi. Ülkeyi temsil eden yazarlar Alki Zei, V. Vasilikos, E. Trivizas, I. Burozopulu, Xr. Xrizopulos, Kr. Gliniadaki ve bendim. Vasilikos ve Zei ile birlikte Rusya’ya gidip döndüm. Havaalanına  uçağın kalkışından iki saat önce vardım ve ikisi çoktan oradaydı. Yan yana oturmuş iki sınıf arkadaşı gibi sohbet ediyorlardı. Moskova’da bizi alan minibüste Zei’nin yanına oturdum. Pencereden dışarıyı dikkatlice izledi. Neredeyse 60 yıl önce burada yaşadığını biliyordum. ‘’Şehir hakkında şimdi ne düşünüyorsunuz?’’ diye sordum. ‘’Bilmiyorum’’ diye omuz silkti, ‘’Yarın evimi görmeye gideceğim.’’ Daha sonra da ekledi ‘’Sana oğluma kimin bakıcılık yaptığını söyleyeyim mi? Tarkovski.. Harika biri olacağı belliydi.’’
Sovyet yapımı dev otelimize yerleştik – lobi eskort kızlarla doluydu- ve ertesi gün bir sergide zaman geçirdikten sonra akşam yemeğinde onunla karşılaştık. Makyajı, elinde bir kadeh viskisiyle keyifli görünüyordu. ‘’Evinizi ziyaret ettiniz mi?’’ diye sordum, ‘’Evet, onu tanıyamadım. Neden biliyor musun? Moskova’yı bu haliyle sevmedim. Bir daha gelmem.’’
O anda şöyle düşündüm: 93 yaşında bir kadın, yaşından dolayı değil, hoşlanmadığı için Avrupa’nın diğer ucundaki Moskova’ya gelmeyeceğini söylüyor.
Onunla biraz daha yakınlaştıktan sonra neden böyle söylediğini daha iyi anladım. Ruhu buraya ve şimdiye odaklanmıştı, algıları ileriye dönüktü, nostaljiden, onun yaşı ve kuşağındaki birçok kişide rastlanılan kibir ya da yaşayıp, çektiklerinden dolayı hissettikleri acıdan uzaktı. Dünyevi ve göksel bilgeliğe, şakacılığa, sevimli ve becerikli alaycılığa sahipti, çünkü artık kimseye kanıtlayacak bir şeyi yoktu. Bu kadar uzun yaşamış, bu kadar çok eser vermiş biri, kime neyi kanıtlamak zorundaydı ki?
Sonraki iki gün birlikte çok zaman geçirdik. Mesafeler o kadar uzundu ki yorulmamak için tekerlekli sandalye kullanmak zorunda kaldı. Grubun en genç üyesi olarak da onu ben taşıdım.
Son gün programımız serbestti ve şehri dolaşmak için dışarıya çıktım. Onunla otelde buluşmak için biraz geciktim. Beni arayıp ‘’Neredesin?’’ diye sordu. ‘’10 dakika sonra geliyorum’’ dedim. ‘’Yoksa bir tavşana mı yakalandın?’’ diye lobideki kızları ima etti. ‘’Hayır hayır’’ diye itiraz ettim. ‘’Sana inanmak istiyorum’’ derken gülüyordu.
Daha sonra kahve içerken sohbet siyasete geldi. ‘’Geçmişe sarılan arkadaşlarımı anlamıyorum. Eve geldiklerinde siyaset konuşmaktan kaçıyorum dayanamıyorum.’’ dedi.
Atina’ya döndüğümüzde ona oğluna kadar eşlik ettim ve tekrar görüşmek üzere sözleştik.
İki hafta sonra ‘Petros’un Uzun Yürüyüşü’nü –ç.n Türkçeye ‘Petros’un Savaşı’ adıyla çevrildi- okuyup onu evinde ziyaret ettim. Harika zaman geçirdik ve daha sonra da birkaç kez telefonda sohbet ettik.
Evine gittiğim o öğleden sonra benim için ‘Petros’un Uzun Yürüyüşü’nü imzaladı. Kitap benim değildi ve epeyce de yıpranmış bir baskı olduğu için ona daha yeni okuduğumu söylemeye utandım. Bana o kitabı bir arkadaşım vermişti ama çocukluğumda iki tane vardı. Eminim bu satırları okuyabilseydi beni affederdi.
(Yannis Palavos / Nisan 2023 / Katimerini gazetesi Pazar Sanat ve Edebiyat ilavesi / Tercüme: Figen Yanık)
Sürgünde geçen hayat
1923‘te Atina’da doğdu. Çocuk romanları yazarı. Eşi oyun yazarı Giorgos Zevastikoglu ile birlikte 1954-64 arasında SSCB’de siyasi mülteci olarak yaşadı. 1964’te ailesiyle birlikte Yunanistan’a döndü. 1967’deki Albaylar Darbesi nedeniyle bu kez de Paris’e yerleşti. Yunanistan 1974’te tekrar demokratik yönetime geçtikten sonra döndü ve Atina’da yaşadı. 2010’da Atina Akademisi’nin Yaşam Boyu Başarı Ödülü’ne layık görüldü. 2014’te Selanik Üniversitesi tarafından onursal doktora verildi. Türkçeye Petros’un Savaşı – Mor Şemsiye ve Vitrindeki Kaplan adlı çocuk kitaplarıyla Aşil’in Nişanlısı adlı yetişkinler için yazdığı tek romanı çevrildi. Şubat 2020’de Atina’da öldü. (Yazarın web sitesine ulaşmak için tıklayın)  
Yannis Palavos: 1980 Kozani doğumlu. Öykü yazarı ve çevirmen.
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alatismeni-theitsa · 9 months
beloved theitsa, i saw a post of yours a while ago about being tired of a lot of modern greek writers trying to be edgy by adding lots of trauma in their books, and i'm also desperately tired of this. who are your favourite greek authors???
Hello! Yup, this took some time to answer, because these last few years I barely have time to read and it was mostly foreign works.
There are hidden gems in the Εκδόσεις Πηγή, because they have new writers there and you can find many styles and new perspectives there. While I've read many good books by Greeks, I am sad to report that I don't have a favourite author in the sense of "if this person wrote it, it will definitely be amazing". I like Alki Zei, Dido Sotiriou and Menelaos Loundemis a lot, if this counts.
That being said... Δρ. Θεόδωρος Παπακώστας has two great books on Greek mythology that I'm dying to read!
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ya-world-challenge · 2 years
🌟 Challenge progress time! 🌟
24 of 208 countries/regions
Here is the updated progress list! I’m going back and forth between using the randomizer and just picking up books off my wishlist that go on Kindle sale (which is where I got Furia... which so far is really good!) I want to click the randomizer again, but I already have 3 to read... *resists the shiny button* I have more reviews to finished, but it’s more fun to read...
bold are newly finished
🇦🇫  Afghanistan - One Half from the East, Nadia Hashimi 🇧🇸 Bahamas - Facing the Sun, Janice Lynn Mathers 🇧🇴 Bolivia - Woven in Moonlight, Isabel Ibañez 🇧🇼 Botswana - Entwined, Cheryl S. Ntumy 🇨🇦 Canada - This House is Not a Home, Katłıà 🇨🇫 Central African Republic - Beasts of Prey, Ayana Gray* 🇨🇳  China - Daughter of the Moon Goddess, Sue Lynn Tan 🇨🇿  Czech Republic - Torch, Lyn Miller-Lachmann 🇫🇷  France - Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow,  Faïza Guène 🇬🇷  Greece - Tina’s Web, Alki Zei 🇬🇱 Greenland - Last Night in Nuuk, Niviaq Korneliussen 🇬🇩  Grenada - Sugar Money, Jane Harris 🇮🇳  India - Lioness of Punjab, Anita Jari Kharbanda 🇯🇵  Japan - Lonely Castle in the Mirror, Mizuki Tsujimura 🇲🇾  Malaysia - The Weight of Our Sky, Hanna Alkaf 🇲🇦  Morocco - Thorn, Intisar Khanani* 🇳🇬  Nigeria - An Ordinary Wonder, Buki Papillon 🇲🇰  North Macedonia - A Spare Life, Lidija Dimkovska 🇵🇱 Poland - When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb 🇷🇺  Russia - Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko 🇼🇸 Samoa - Telesā: The Covenant Keeper, Lani Wendt Young 🇬🇧 Scotland - The Library of the Dead, T.L. Huchu 🇦🇪  United Arab Emirates - Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson* 🇺🇸 United States - Elatsoe, Darcie Little Badger
Currently reading: 🇦🇷 Argentina - Furia, Yamile Saied Méndez 🌍 North Africa - Waking Fire, Jean Louise
To read next: 🇱🇹 Lithuania - To Fang, With Love, Rufi Thorpe 🇸🇳 Senegal - No Heaven for Good Boys, Keisha Bush
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stephaniejoanneus · 5 months
The Wildcat Behind Glass by Alki Zei
The Wildcat Behind Glass by Alki Zei. Translated by Karen Emmerich. Restless Books, 2024, c1963. 9781632063649 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5 Format: ARC (5/24 publication date) Genre: Historical fiction What did you like about the book? This is a new translation of a classic of Greek children’s literature, and it really has a fresh, relevant feel. Melia and her sister…
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winningthesweepstakes · 5 months
The Wildcat Behind Glass by Alki Zei
The Wildcat Behind Glass by Alki Zei. Translated by Karen Emmerich. Restless Books, 2024, c1963. 9781632063649 Rating: 1-5 (5 is an excellent or a Starred review) 5 Format: ARC (5/24 publication date) Genre: Historical fiction What did you like about the book? This is a new translation of a classic of Greek children’s literature, and it really has a fresh, relevant feel. Melia and her sister…
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willtheweirdrat · 11 months
Mutuals, pls read this book it's so fucking good
It's a brilliant book. Alki Zei wrote it during her political exile in 1963, and god does it capture being a child in a timeline with messy politics perfectly. I still relate to it, and I first read it when I was 9. Also thanks to one of the main characters for introducing me to antifa. I love it.
"Alki Zei successfully combines humour – the bumbling policemen as they tail the children up the mountainside – with the chilling image of books being burnt in the town square, including Grandfather’s beloved ‘ancients’ and Myrto’s changing character as she is slowly indoctrinated with the fascist beliefs. The author skilfully weaves a story of every-day events set against a backdrop of the changing political situation in Greece, a land where democracy originated but that is now slowly being eroded." Alki Zei is also the author of "Tina's web" a book about an immigrant teenager falling into drug addiction, "Petro's war", a book about nazi occupation in Greece, and many other beloved classics. YO READ IT PLS OR DO RESEARCH ON THE BOOK!! (looking at commies, leftists, and anarchists that follow me, yall are gonna love this)
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imhereforscm · 1 year
Hi!! ❄ Can you tell me more about the book you are reading? It looks interesting. Is there a translated version available?
I'm gonna put here the actual synopsis of the book, so I don't end up spoiling anything!⬇️ *Warnings: divorce, substance use*
“But didn’t you notice anything?” “No, Farmour, nothing.”
When Constantina moved with her parents to Germany, she was so happy with her new life that it never occurred to her that one day everything would change. Great school, new friends, walks and hot chocolate in the afternoons with dad, ice rink. Until one day it was announced to her: her parents were going to divorce for good and it was good for her to return to Greece where she would live for a while with her grandmother, Farmour. No, that was not Mrs. Ismene’s real name: Farmour, Constantina called her in Swedish.
But how did it all come to ruin? Without a large room of her own, without a feather duvet, without her own desk, without her own keys, she can no longer bear her grandmother’s nagging, and she is tired of hearing over and over again the stories she and her three inseparable friends tell her about the Occupation and the Resistance. Who will understand her?
May Luminis, an older boy from her new school, and the miraculous blue pill that makes her forget everything and not care about anything: not her parents’ separation and their new families nor the difficult living with her grandmother. But then what? Another pill and another and another and another… and Constantina is one in the heavens and one on the precipice, in her own universe where lies rule, trapped in her spiders, struggling with arms and legs to untangle herself and unable to do so. Or can she?
⬆️ That was the original synopsis. As you can see, it deals with deep emotional complexity and substance use. (I've read a book of this genre before and I can tell you, these kinds of books do it right! Like- they don't spread misinformation at all. But whether you choose to read it or not is completely up to you and what you feel comfortable with or what triggers you💙💙)
I also did my research and discovered that an English translation of this book does in fact exist and the title is a little different: in the English translation it's called "Tina's web" (while in Greece we say "Constantina and her spiders")
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⬆️These are some covers I found of the book.
The author is Alki Zei and she's known for being one of Greece's best authors. (Which is subjective! Some might read her works and love them, some others may not like them as much or at all. I was only adding a fun fact.)
I'm always happy to recommend things or have things recommended to me!💖💖💖💖💖
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aromantic-enjolras · 3 years
I told you I would end up translating the book I’m reading as an ExR Greek Resistance AU... If this gets a good reception I might write more!
Athens-Piraeus. My first long trip by train.
"Are you Grantaire? My name is Enjolras."
I don't ask Enjolras who. The name is enough.
"Courfeyrac told me about you."
He takes my hand and we walk together. My head only reaches his shoulder. I walk straining my neck. I look at him from the corner of my eye. He has strong eyebrows, dark blonde, and deep blue eyes. A slow, deep voice. His hand is hot. Mine is freezing.
"Are you a good student?"
The sentence surprises me.
"I am. I only have trouble with algebra, I'm horrible with equations."
"You'll need algebra too."
We stop. He takes my bag. He wonders that all the books have protective covers. My mom bought a whole roll before the War. Courfeyrac must have told him that I'm clumsy, that's why he's surprised. He loves introducing me like that. "He died heroically from clumsiness" he says they will write on my tombstone after the Liberation. Courfeyrac's jokes!
"Tomorrow at ten past five."
Enjolras stresses the 'ten past'. Courfeyrac must have told him some good too, that I'm never late. We'll go by train to Piraeus. I don't ask why. I'm ashamed I have never taken a train.
Sixteen years old. My first train. My first man. Inside the train, Italian soldiers, German military people, policemen, black market sellers and other people, all unwashed. My book covers are full of pamphlets. I'm not scared. I don't mind being squished. I like it. He surely isn't called Enjolras, but it suits him. I will never use another name for him. If it wasn't anti-conspiratorial I would fill my book margins: ENJOLRAS ENJOLRAS ENJOLRAS. Next to the equations. I can't tell him my real name. Once again, it was Courfeyrac's fault. "You'll need a pseudonym, for conspiratorial purposes" he told me when he wrote me into the Party. "You'll be Grantaire." Grantaire! I carried that name all my life. Except for a little while. In Rome. "My name is Alexandros." That's what I told Jean-Paul. He liked it, found it very Greek. I couldn't say Grantaire. Grantaire is Enjolras' fiancé. "He's my fiancé." That's how he introduced me to someone we met on the street. Maybe he did it for conspiratory purposes, to avoid giving a name. Enjolras would never say 'my boyfriend'. Until that day, he hadn't told me a thing. "Don't look at me weird" were his sweetest words. That is the Great Love Story. That is my love story. I have filled my books with hairs from his pullover, I have saved a small paper from a note he ripped. One word is readable, "soon". Nothing else. I saved it before he burnt it. To have one word from his hands, even if it isn't for me, but about how to organize in the best way... If he knew, he wouldn't like it. Anti-conspirational.
"He's my fiancé." That was all. From that day on I could hold his hand in the street. I could, when he sat down, put my hands on his shoulders, even if there were other people around.[...]
[Everything but the names and the translation is from Alki Zei’s (kind of) autobiographical novel ‘Achilles’ Fiancée’. Go read that, it’s amazing!]
@pumpkinspice-prouvaire you sounded interested?
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greekbooks-poll · 1 day
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yaworldchallenge · 2 years
🇬🇷   Greece
Region: Europe / Mediterranean
Tina’s Web
Alt Title: Konstantina and Her Spiders
Author: Alki Zei
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217 pages, published 2002
Original language: Greek
Native author? Yes
Age: Middle Grade-Teen
Tina's life in Germany had been so happy, it never occurred to her that one day her parents might split. Or - worse still - send her back to Greece to live with her grandmother!
But Tina doesn't mind anything anymore. She's found the answer. With the help of her friend Wick, and a really amazing little blue pill... then lots more amazing little pills... then lots of really incredible lies...
Sometimes it's as if she's in heaven, sometimes she's crashing back down to earth, and now - there's no return. Or is there?
Other reps: #neurodivergent? #addiction #disability, illness
Genres: #contemporary #family
My thoughts:
There are so many Greek mythology books, sure, but this modern-day novel by a Greek author looked interesting and probably more representative of the country.
Review to come.
Bookshop.org link | OpenLibrary link
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twolionss · 4 years
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annas02-world · 4 years
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Alki Zei(1923-2020)was an infamous greek writer,who received many awards for her amazing deed.She was born in Athens, spending her youth in Samos,her mother's homeland.She graduated from Philosophical university of Athens.
•Books•(Not all)
°The cover of the showcase(1963)
°Peter's Great Walk(1971)
°The fiancé of Achilles (1987)
°The purple umbrella (1989)
°Alice in the land of marbles(1990)
°Konstantina and her spiders (2002)
°With pencil faber number two(2013)
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ya-world-challenge · 11 months
Half-year wrap-up and 1 Year Anniversary!
I posted the first review for my YA World Challenge reading project on June 24 last year, so I just realized it's my 1 year anniversary!
So far I have finished 40 countries/regions! Including 2 trilogies and 1 duology that makes 45 books, at a rate of almost 4 per month. I'm pretty happy with that progress! I finished 20 books in 2023 so far.
I'm also happy that I'm still enjoying this project. Sticking to genres I like has helped, and I'm amazed by the diversity of new YA releases coming out lately, which has made it easy to pick up new books (thanks, Netgalley!!)
Challenge progress:
40 of 208 countries/regions (newly added in bold)
🇦🇫 Afghanistan - One Half from the East, Nadia Hashimi
🇦🇷 Argentina - Furia, Yamile Saied Méndez
🇦🇿 Azerbaijan - The Orphan Sky, Ella Leya
🇧🇸 Bahamas - Facing the Sun, Janice Lynn Mathers
🇧🇴 Bolivia - Woven in Moonlight + Written in Starlight, Isabel Ibañez
🇧🇼 Botswana - Entwined, Cheryl S. Ntumy
🇨🇦 Canada - This House is Not a Home, Katłıà
🇨🇫 Central African Republic - Beasts of Prey, Ayana Gray*
🇨🇳 China - Daughter of the Moon Goddess, Sue Lynn Tan
🇨🇿 Czech Republic - Torch, Lyn Miller-Lachmann
🇪🇪 Estonia - The Man Who Spoke Snakish, Andrus Kivirähk
🇫🇯 Fiji - The Wild Ones, Nafiza Azad
🇫🇷 France - Kiffe Kiffe Tomorrow, Faïza Guène
🇬🇷 Greece - Tina’s Web, Alki Zei
🇬🇱 Greenland - Last Night in Nuuk, Niviaq Korneliussen
🇬🇩 Grenada - Sugar Money, Jane Harris
🇮🇳 India - Lioness of Punjab, Anita Jari Kharbanda
🇮🇶 Iraq - Yazidi!, Aurélien Ducoudray & Mini Ludvin
🇮🇪 Ireland - All Our Hidden Gifts, Caroline O'Donoghue
🇯🇵 Japan - Lonely Castle in the Mirror, Mizuki Tsujimura
🇱🇹 Lithuania - Between Shades of Gray, Ruta Sepatys
🇲🇾 Malaysia - The Weight of Our Sky, Hanna Alkaf
🇲🇽 Mexico - Secret of the Moon Conch - David Bowles; Guadalupe García McCall
🇲🇦 Morocco - Thorn, Intisar Khanani*
🇳🇬 Nigeria - An Ordinary Wonder, Buki Papillon
🇲🇰 North Macedonia - A Spare Life, Lidija Dimkovska
🇵🇸 Palestine - Travellers Along the Way, Aminah Mae Safi
🇵🇱 Poland - When the Angels Left the Old Country, Sacha Lamb
🇵🇹 Portugal - Mariana, Katherine Vaz
🇵🇷 Puerto Rico - The Wicked Bargain, Gabe Cole Novoa
🇷🇴 Romania - And I Darken (trilogy), Kiersten White
🇷🇺 Russia - Night Watch, Sergei Lukyanenko
🇼🇸 Samoa - Telesā: The Covenant Keeper, Lani Wendt Young
🇬🇧 Scotland - The Library of the Dead, T.L. Huchu
🇸🇬 Singapore - Sofia and the Utopia Machine, Judith Huang
🇸🇪 Sweden - The Circle (Engelsfors trilogy), Sara Elfgren & Mats Strandberg
🇹🇹 Trinidad & Tobago - When the Vibe is Right, Sarah Dass
🇦🇪 United Arab Emirates - Alif the Unseen, G. Willow Wilson*
🇺🇸 United States - Elatsoe, Darcie Little Badger
🇿🇼 Zimbabwe - All That It Ever Meant, Blessing Musariri
*inspired fantasy world
Currently reading:
🇱🇰 Sri Lanka - I Am Kavi, Thushanthi Ponweera 🇨🇺 Cuba - A Tall Dark Trouble, Vanessa Montalban
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elinordash · 2 years
Rules: Tag nine people you want to know better. 
Thank you @capinejghafa for tagging me!
Three ships: Crowley x Aziraphale (Good Omens), Phryne x Jack (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries), Emma x Knighley (Jane Austen’s Emma)
First ever ship: Harry x Hermione
Last song: “Surface Pressure” from Encanto
Last film: Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Silk Stocking
Currently reading: a graphic novel adaptation of a favourite greek children’s book, Alki Zei’s “Wildcat Under Glass”
Currently watching: I just started watching the new “Around the World in 80 Days” series, but I was rather disappointed by the first episode
Currently consuming: rice crackers
Currently craving: a brownie or something
tagging: @i-am-having-a-moment-here, @crowleyanthonys, @july-mulder, @gene-forrester, @propalahramota, @madeline-kahn, @cirith, @labibliotecademisschaos, @ssimsass
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