#all CJ's fault
synthshenanigans · 6 months
The Soul Eclectic has finally hit one mil on Spotify!!!!!
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axyer · 25 days
Warning: Extremely short and potentially mediocre writing.
Metal fingers lie bundled in a dense sheet of unkempt yet silky curls.
Idly twitching, the hand drew the id’s head close; a relaxed trill descending from its violet lips.
Lids locked shut and nose anchored deep into its brother's hair, the id’s speaker produced a muted hum and the occasional low crackles as its legs spun around the meeker one’s body.
Arms roughed by firm muscle tucked themselves behind its back, the short id pushed close to what could be the corona of caring star.
Scrawny arms wrapped around a rocky waist; a half-crumpled t-shirt draped over a strong body.
Occasional brief pushing of noses plunged and nuzzled into the other’s head, another in the chest.
Warmth spread and cradled them within the confines of the thick comforter and mangled pillows, quiet breathing filtering through the silence.
The Moon claimed the obsidian sky, stars unblocked by Australian pollution permeating the long night.
It was okay.
They were okay.
And if they weren't, they were in the perfect place not to be okay.
I just wanted to write the brothers cuddling. That's all.
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evilrat-sabre · 1 month
We are having Keralis for breakfast
You put the Keralis dough in the Keralis shaped pan.
And putting the fire of the stove on, you put the pan on it.
At a certain heat the dough will start to grow and you will see a Keralis slowly coming to be.
You know it's almost done when he starts screaming in pain.
Note: No, it’s not cruel as this step is needed so his face settles in his natural format.
When you realize his eyes are in the right size you can turn the stove off. 
Remember to give him a set of clothes and an image of xBCrafted as a distraction so he doesn’t try to kill you.
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if dorian didn't show up, do you think louis would have shot minnie?
I do. I know some people think either he wouldn't have or he would've missed so that's why the writers had him shoot Dorian instead, but mmmmmm no, I don't personally think so. I like to think that if he had taken the shot, his shaky hands would've caused him to shoot her fatally.
Mostly because I'm already so normal about the fact that of the Ericson crew, Marlon and Louis are the only ones with a body count. Well, that we know of, but shown to us in the game, at least. Plus, we know it's Louis' first kill.
Like yeah, Clementine and AJ become part of the crew and they have bigger body counts, and if we're counting indirect kills caused by actions, then Tenn has a count... and I guess everyone has blood on their hands for blowing up the boat... but I'm talking about killed directly with a weapon like....... I lied, I'm not normal about that at all, Louis and Marlon are the ones who have killed someone in Louis' route. I'm also not normal about the fact that Louis kills Dorian and then even as he's clearly in shock, he tries to go with Clementine to get AJ, and then later on when they talk about it, he says it feels like bile but not quite and he's glad he has it in him to do it.... listen, listen, listen... I'm obsessed with that.
Anyway, so if Louis shot Minerva, I think he would've accidentally killed her and can you imagine? He's already enough of a mess after killing the woman who pinned him down and tried to cut his finger off [or succeeded] but he knew Minerva, they were friends before the twins were taken. Even Violet couldn't kill her even though that would've been the smarter thing to do, and we know thanks to meta knowledge that killing her would've saved lives, but Violet couldn't, and I don't think Louis would intentionally either.
Speaking of Violet, if Louis killed Minerva, I hate to think about what that would've done to Vi. I think she might've actually left at that point, like what was planned before it got changed to her being burned. I don't think she would've attacked Louis over it, though, like yeah she attacked Clementine in the cell but Louis? I don't know, but I don't think so just because it's Louis and he'd be a mess about it anyway.
Though if he did kill her, it would be a neat parallel to draw... y'know, because Louis forgave AJ for killing Marlon even though he was pissed and heartbroken, and Violet was annoyed with him the entire time... but could she ever forgive Louis for killing Minerva? Y'know? We already have a similar parallel with AJ shooting Tenn, but still.
If Clementine killed Minerva in that moment, though, then I could see Violet attacking her since in her eyes, Clem proved her right.
So yeah, I get why they added the Dorian kill to his route. It adds another compelling element to Louis as a character, but we also need Minerva alive for episode 4; Louis can't kill her, he can't miss, and he's not going to stay with her because we need Violet to stay on the boat and him to be on shore for all routes.
#asks#twdg louis#twdg minerva#twdg clementine#twdg violet#twdg marlon#twdg tenn#honestly whenever i see someone say louis is the boring option i'm just like '.......that's your opinion but also how can you say that??'#then again i'm sure other people look at me saying violentine just isn't for me and they say the same thing so y'know... i can't talk haha#also time is such a weird thing because i look at the entire cell scene in louis' route and like... i'm not even mad about violet anymore#like yeah i still don't believe she was brainwashed like i'm sorry y'all only believe that because kent said something about it#not because there's all this evidence toward it in game like vi being pissed at clementine makes sense she doesn't need to be brainwashed#for it to work like her being vulnerable and easily manipulated into submission makes perfect sense especially with minerva there#it's like everyone was pissed that she attacked clementine and people needed a way to excuse it so it's not violet's fault when like...#that's literally what makes it interesting like calm down it's okay if violet is pissed and scared and behaves accordingly#also my controversial opinion of the day that i'll hide here in the tags so maybe people won't find it sksksk but#I personally find the concept of vinerva and the doomed tragedy of it more compelling than anything violentine did#like i'll defend violentine and i do believe it's an important and good ship it's just not my personal favorite#anyway but then the whole thing with lilly and minerva is so good and louis screaming FUCK YOU at minerva?? amazing love it so good#i love when the soft character who never chooses violence is so pissed off that all that anger they have boils to the surface and it's raw#like... he's SO mad he's SO furious he's SOOO UPSET like he wasn't even like this when marlon died or anything like he hit his limit#and then shooting dorian through the mouth while an accident is just well done i love it and i love his reaction of mortification#and apologizing and YET he still tries to go with clementine he's trembling and can barely string together a sentence but he wants to go#he wants to help her he wants to save aj THAT is the gut reaction he has after everything that just went down#'louis isn't loyal or good for clem because of the vote' babe tell me you don't understand any nuance of louis' character without telling m#it's fine IT'S FINE you don't have to agree and i just have to remind myself that it's fine not everyone likes louis we're okay#this drives me crazy in the best way like y'know what? i love the cells scene in louis' route all of it even the stuff i used to rant about#even the stuff that used to piss me off now i'm just like 'no wait past cj was dumb she wasn't looking at it this way aaaaaaaa' sksksks#that was my tag ted talk about the cell scene thank you
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krowscrawl · 2 years
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ccruelgods · 8 months
jashtober day 11: trident [drabble]
"soul, we-"
"shut up." the blinding red glow swallowed up the room for a moment, pain slicing into the blinded fool's very being. a barely stifled cry spilled from their lips, and they shrunk back, feeling around desperately for the wall.
3 days. 3 days straight, two halves had been fighting, clashing against each other and causing a metaphorical earthquake. small, petty things would set off the heart, and mind would follow in turn, berating and critisizing him for every tear that fell. soul wasn't a liar, he wouldn't say he wasn't used to it, but when it reached the point where weapons were drawn again, he was pretty fucking sure he had the right to be a /bit/ harsh.
maybe this was more than a bit, though.
"soul, this is absurdity. you are only adding to a conflict and making it worse." mind spat. even as blood stained the freak's throat and mouth and distorted his words even further, spite still laced his tone. it too, however, shrunk back, when the 3-pronged weapon was suddenly aimed at his face.
"absurdity? i'm the one being absurd? tell me, /mind/, who's the one who picks fights and nitpicks at every little thing? who insists on getting his way, his word being the last one, who insists on fucking ruining every godamn thing that isn't 'logical' enough for you? huh?" soul snapped, the trident seeming to become sharper with every biting word. "if it's not heart being an emotional freak, it's you being a fucking dick. i'm tired, fuck, i'm fucking tired of this!"
with a sharp "clang", the trident was thrown to the ground, soul collapsing beside it shortly after. heart froze in his place near the wall as soon as he heard it, speaking up feebly.
there was no response, and the entire room lasped into silence, broken only by the clicking and whirring of whatever-made-up-mr-mind, and soul's ragged breathing. after a few moments, heart began shifting anxiously.
"soul, i-"
"dont." he responded hoarsely. "just…forget it, dude. forget it."
without another word, he stood up, retrieving the trident and leaving the room, not sparing a glance to mind, who was standing stiffly to the side, nor heart.
it was pointless, anyway.
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txtistheloml · 6 months
you cant what, evelyn? 😼
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...is this attempted murder
i am down bad for men (txt n boyfie only <3) in grey sweatpants n u come with the tyun arms n tyuntitties... i am unwell. i need to bite his arms like take a bite out of it :3
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Look, @idontliketomatoesleavemealone I wrote the freaking essay-
Auradon: Kingdom of Love
AKA my take as to why I think the wondrous United States of Auradon are drugging its citizens. With the Hormone of Love. Because I apparently have nothing better to do. Anyway.
Oxytocin, also called the hormone of love, is a chemical that can be found naturally in the human body (it’s produced in hypothalamus, which is a part of the brain), but can also be manufactured pharmaceutically.
And its effects? The physical side aside, it makes people happy. Trusting. Defensive of their own. And when you think of it, that’s exactly what Auradon needs and stands for.
Also, oxytocin is currently available in pharmaceutical form. It can be inhaled as aerosol or it is soluble in water. So, y'know, the perfect mind-controlling drug for this particular fairy tale dystopia, especially as it induces pleasant feelings and care-taking and protective behavior.
And the simple fact that it's called „Hormone of Love“ makes it Auradon’s drug of choice and you can fight me on this.
It all started very early on, really. Even before Auradon did.
Creating an union this big? Entering it with an uncertain future and placing trust in a single leader, the one who proposed the idea, no less?
That does require some trust, doesn’t it?
And, well, guess what oxytocin does. Yes, you got it, it makes people feel safe, happy and trusting. More willing to make the leap and assume the risk they are undertaking is worth it and safe. How could it not be? Everyone seems worthy of your trust when you are high on the hormone of love.
And this is the story of how High King Beast poured oxytocin into the air conditioning when the negotiations about creating Auradon were going on.
This is the story of how he continued to do so, as Auradon formed and the idea of the Isle of the Lost was proposed. The heroes agreed instantly. The villains were a threat and they needed to protect their own: Their lovers, their parents, their children. All the innocents of their respective lands.
„Oxytocin increases positive attitudes such as bonding towards individuals with similar characteristics, who then become classified as „in-group“ whereas individuals who are dissimilar become classified as „out-group“ members.“
Now, do not get me wrong: The desire to protect was already there. They are heroes, after all. But with some extra oxytocin messing with their brain chemistry… The desire grew bigger. The divide between heroes and villains, too. two clear groups were formed, in the beginning. „We“ the heroes, and „They“ the villains. 
And for Our safety, They had to go. 
The drug only pushed the idea over the edge, to real life.
And if the photos and tales of the Isle leak? Well, people high on oxytocin recognize the pain of others differently. If the people in pain are different from them, their pain is of less significance. Of no matter.
And what could be a greater divide than the one between Good and Bad?
Furthermore, higher levels of oxytocin make people more likely to lie to protect their own. Hence everyone looking the other side and pretending that „Even villains love their kids.“
People influenced by oxytocin also tend to subtly align their moral values with their group. Just saying.
(And why, yes, the relentless propaganda does play a part in this, thank you.)
Now, let’s take a quick detour on how would too much oxytocin affect society of Auradon itself:
First off, oxytocin encourages monogamous behavior. In other words, if a person is in a relationship, they are more likely to keep their distance from other people. (The study I read said that males [high on oxytocin and in relationship] tended to put extra distance between themselves and other potential partners.)
And, like, have you seen Auradon? They vibe with this so hard it’s not even funny, with their One True Love and whatnot.
Furthermore, oxytocin affects fear response, differently in males and females, potentially because of its interaction with female sex hormones. Anyway, to be clear. It makes women more fearful when encountering previously traumatic situations/visuals  (Have you seen Queen Leah completely freaking out on family day, people?) and generally more likely to act as damsels in distress, while men are encouraged to take the fearless stance. 
Tbh, I’m not sure if I read that paper right, as it was too much science lingo for me and it was not in my native language, but that’s what I got.
And again, based on the sexist norms from D2 for example, I feel like King Beast vibes with that.
Oxytocin also acts as an antidepressant. No sad people in Auradon, nope. Everyone is happy here!
Now, let’s theorize that sub-groups were formed within Auradon. Different nations, who did not trust each other as much as they did their High King. Cut to 16 years old Ben traveling accompanied only by his 16 years old bodyguard Lonnie to solve what is essentially an argument about olives and traffic regulations.
Ok, too many detours.
VKs now.
When they arrive in Auradon, they feel safe. Happy. Trusting. Immediately, they think: „Something is wrong.“
Maybe they will figure it out, eventually. Maybe Mal or Evie cast a spell that allows them to see the unusually high levels of this particular hormone in their bodies. or maybe Carlos falls into an internet rabbit hole of conspiracy theories and hacks into a secret government website, uncovering the secret that should have stayed buried. (@dragoneyes618)
But in the meantime, their allegiances shift. From the Isle to Auradon.
We see that with Core 4, over the course of the franchise, and we see this with Freddie Facilier in School of Secrets and Wicked World.
(We don’t see this with CJ Hook, because she is a paranoid little minx, a daughter of a pirate. She has been boiling all her drinking water (accidentally destroying the drug in the process), because for pirates, water is generally unsafe to drink.)
(We do not see this with Uma, a sea witch with affinity for water, who might have sensed something is wrong, even if she didn’t know what, and we don’t see this with Harry, Gil and Celia, who have not been in Auradon long enough. Their loyalty is true-won.)
Ok, massive kudos to everyone who finished this. You have my respect.
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fo-filth · 10 months
Ya know what? I want Hades nasty, I want him to be a freak in bed, wouldn't hold anything back, I don't care, I'd be down for anything he'd wanna do with me
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kathaynesart · 7 months
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You can see the moment Leo’s heart breaks…
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AFTERMATH (extra reading material)
Hope you enjoyed this little Replica Intermission flashback as we head into the Holiday Special that happens a few years after this. To be honest, this was as much of a peek into the earlier years of the Central Park Colony as it was a character study. I really wanted to get a handle on how these boys were in their early-mid twenties before diving into the special because they become very different people by their thirties.
TED Talk below on the details of this scene...
I really grappled with the concept of how long it would take for the boys to figure out that the statue was the key. Most interpretations seem to assume they figure it out right away, but honestly, without CJ there to warn them in advance and tell them what it looks like they don't have a lot to go off of aside from Splinter's vague mention of a key. The fact that the Krang were praised by the Foot is enough to set off Donnie's alarms but... with the Foot already gone by the time the Krang make their grand appearance on Metro Tower, the connection can only be hypothesized.
Honestly, I think Donnie would still go to Raph first, a breach in conduct but given the sensitivity of the subject and fear of accusing Leo it seems on brand. Raph ultimately would make the choice not to tell Leo until they knew for certain... which they never did. So it was put off longer and longer until it finally came back to bite them all at the worst possible time. If the colony finds out what Leo did... it could be disastrous. At the same time, Leo's trust in his brothers has been shaken, though it still pales in comparison to the fresh, crushing blow in knowing that it was all his fault. ...Don't worry, he'll be feeling a bit better by the time of the Holiday Special.
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synthshenanigans · 8 months
I find it hilarious that like, most popular headcanons/ideas of HMS come from something that's in the actual album. Whether its the cover art or from a lyric, it makes sense with context or a metaphor. Then there's just a random ass chicken that came from nowhere.
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puppy-steve · 6 months
steddie | wc: 1,425 | cw: none | songfic | ao3
have some hurt/comfort, cj style. happy thanksgiving even though it's already 1am my time <3
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The kitchen is so thick with tension you could cut right through it like butter. Eddie’s washing the dishes and Steve’s putting away the leftovers from dinner. They haven’t spoken a word to each other the entire night, not since that afternoon when they were screaming at each other.
Other people would say that they don’t remember what or who started the argument in the first place, but Steve knows exactly what happened. All because he let his dumb mouth get ahead of his brain. And it’s not like he hasn’t tried to apologize—he tried the second the words left his mouth and then five more times after that but Eddie wasn’t having any of it.
Which is fine, he’s allowed to stew in his hurt feelings for as long as he likes, but Steve is worried that this might be the first time they go to bed with one of them still mad, and he doesn’t know if he can handle that.
He shuts the fridge and turns around to lean against the counter, his arms crossed over his chest, letting out a quiet sigh. Eddie’s back is turned to him so he can only see the movement of his shoulders as he scrubs the dishes harder than he ought to.
He’s still pissed, then.
Steve lets out a quiet sigh. He’s the one that started this whole mess so he’s got to be the one to fix it. He needs to come up with something to get Eddie to at least look at him.
He stands there for a few more minutes as he thinks but then the light bulb in his brain flicks on and he leaves the kitchen.
Eddie’s probably washed this bowl three times already but he doesn’t care. He’s still worked up from his and Steve’s fight earlier, he could drop the bowl and it could shatter in the soapy water and he wouldn’t even blink an eye.
How dare he, Eddie thinks bitterly, rinsing the soap off and placing the bowl in the dish drainer a little harshly. How dare he think he has the right to even insinuate.
All he wanted was to spend the extra little bit he’d had left over from his paycheck on some new mini’s he’d seen down at the bookstore and a couple of books that had been on his list for ages. He made sure to put back enough to cover his half of their rent and bills. He was careful.
But Steve still had to go and open his stupid rich boy mouth.
Eddie feels the familiar prickle of white hot anger on the back of his neck and he takes a deep breath to calm himself. It’s not his fault that he grew up poor. Wayne did what he could to support the both of them on his single paycheck every month, but that money only went so far. There wasn’t enough to spare to open an account with the bank, so they just went without.
Unlike the Harrington’s, who apparently had accounts open across multiple cities and even a couple overseas.
Steve’s father had drilled the importance of wealth management into him from an early age and made him use his first allowance to open a savings account at the age of ten. His boyfriend had a goddamn retirement account by the time he was eighteen.
So when Steve goes and assumes that Eddie doesn’t know how to handle money just because he wants to splurge for once and buy something he enjoys, Eddie thinks that his anger is a little more than justified.
Eddie’s eyes sting with oncoming tears and he blinks them away with a shake of his head. He doesn’t need to cry right now.
As he reaches for another dirty plate, music suddenly fills the kitchen from the Bluetooth speakers on the counter, soft piano trilling and the melodic humming with an R&B beat.
He freezes when arms slowly circle his waist from behind and Steve rests his chin on his shoulder.
Some people live for the fortune
Some people live just for the fame
“Dance with me,” Steve murmurs, pressing a gentle kiss to Eddie’s shoulder.
Eddie suppresses a shiver and the instinct to lean back into him. “I don’t-”
Another kiss, this time under his ear. Fingers gently trace along his arm.
Some people think
That the physical things
Define what’s within
Eddie’s walls crumble like sawdust when Steve laces his fingers between his own soapy ones. He lets Steve pull him away from the sink and they slowly sway in the middle of their kitchen. He can see straight into the living room, where they’ve already set their Christmas tree up in the corner by the window, fully decorated even though it’s still November. They’ve got a hodgepodge of decorations and knick knacks already set on various shelves and tables with Christmas lights strung in almost every doorway.
As they dance in a slow spin, their cheeks pressed together, Eddie thinks back to how much fun they had setting all of it up. How Steve held the mistletoe above his head every chance he got just to be able to kiss him. All of his remaining anger slowly melts away and he’s left with the overwhelming feeling of how much he loves this man.
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, yeah
“I’m sorry,” Steve says, and he sounds like he means it. “I didn’t mean what I said earlier, when I said you should be more responsible. You were right. It’s your money and you’re the only one who gets a say in how you spend it.”
Eddie sighs and tightens his arms around Steve’s shoulders. “I’m sorry, too. I got defensive, but I shouldn’t have yelled at you like I did. I should’ve listened to you when you tried apologizing the first time.”
Some people search for a fountain
Promises forever young
Some people need three dozen roses
And that's the only way to prove you love them
Eddie pulls back a little and looks at Steve for the first time in what feels like ages and is flooded with emotions that make his chest tighten when he sees the soft smile on his boyfriend’s face and the love in his eyes.
Eddie cups his cheek and leans in to press a soft kiss to his equally soft lips before resting his head on Steve’s shoulder with a soft sigh.
Some people want it all
But I don't want nothing at all
If it ain't you, baby
If I ain't got you, baby
“Are we really slow dancing to Alicia Keys?” he asks after a moment. Steve shakes with silent laughter and Eddie gently smacks him in the shoulder. “It’s a serious question, Stevie. I need to know if it’s a contender for our wedding playlist.”
It’s Steve’s turn to freeze now and Eddie can’t hold back his giddy smile when he pushes him back by the shoulders and gives him a wide-eyed look.
“Wedding playlist?”
“Well, I was planning to wait until Christmas to pop the question, but. Yeah. I even got a ring.”
Steve gapes at him like a fish before yanking him in for a kiss by the front of his shirt. It’s more teeth than lips because they can’t stop laughing long enough, but they eventually get a hold of themselves when Eddie wraps his arms around Steve’s neck again and presses close, thier lips slotting together seamlessly.
“So I take it that’s a yes?” Eddie asks between kisses.
Steve nips at his bottom lip. “Only if you learn to stop kicking your socks off in your sleep and leaving them under the covers at the end of the bed.”
“They twist around my toes, Stevie,” Eddie pouts, trailing kisses along Steve’s jaw. “Makes ‘em feel like pigs in a blanket.”
Steve tilts his head back to give him more room, the music completely forgotten. “Then don’t wear them to bed at all.”
“But then my feet will get cold. Do you want me to put my icicles on your legs, Steven? Would that make you feel better?”
Steve throws his head back for a completely different reason and groans. “You’re going to be even more difficult once we’re married, aren’t you?”
Eddie grins against Steve’s throat. “Absolutely, oh husband of mine.”
Some people want diamond rings
Some just want everything
But everything means nothing
If I ain't got you, you, you
permanent taglist: @yournowheregirl @judasofsuburbia @steves-strapcollection @thefreakandthehair @stobinesque @vecnuthy @scarcrossdlvrs @starrystevie @inairbinad @flowercrowngods @starryeyedjanai @matchingbatbites @corrodedbisexual @theheadlessphilosopher @patchworkgargoyle @sentient-trash @wormdebut @legitcookie @corrodedcoughin @steddieas-shegoes @wynnyfryd @sidekick-hero
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raindropsyndrome · 1 year
Long caption warning 💀
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PLEASE. Ignore my spelling errors I’m so tired.
*cracks knuckles* Alright, some people on Instagram asked for this and so now I will share. (Angst warning pssshhh)
My timeline for my F!Donnie (starting just before CJ was introduced):
- Over the years, Donnie would join in battles, mostly providing long range defense, all the while blasting his tunes on full blast
- But that changed when he got Krang’d right to his head, Mikey was able to remove the infection, but this caused Don’s eyesight to become quite poor (and for him to not trust himself in combat afterwards.)
- After that incident, Donnie became absolutely fascinated with Krang tech and biology, subconsciously wondering if he could replicate that raw “power” he’d felt when the Krang was infecting him, and if he could control it, understand it.
- He didn’t like that, but over time he felt it was necessary to beating the Krang. “Keep your friends close, and keep your enemies closer” type deal
- So Donnie becomes “the guy in the chair” (oh yeah he also rebuilt Shelldon. Finally. </3)
- Cj was born, Cassandra had fallen in battle only a few months later, leaving the turtles and April to fully take care of CJ
- While Leo, being the leader, took on most of the responsibility, Donnie got to spend more time with CJ as a result of staying at their base more
- Donnie LOVED being around CJ, he would teach CJ everything he knew, even if CJ didn’t quite understand him yet. He even let CJ hang around in his lab, (as long as he touched NOTHING.) Donnie even upgraded Cassandra’s hockey stick and mask then gave them to CJ
- only a few years later had Raph fallen as well
- Donnie felt as if it was partially his fault Raph couldn’t get out alive, and so he begrudgingly quit his role as “the guy in the chair,” dedicating all of his time to his inventions
- He became MUCH more reclusive, leaving everyone in the dark about what (and how) he was doing. To CJ, he was more of a “presence” rather than an uncle now
- He then revealed his new invention, the Raph mech (Don has the shittiest coping skills known to man)
- Another couple years pass, Don still using all of his time to conduct his “experiments”
- Around this time, Leo had lost his arm. Donnie reconfigured one of his Raph mech’s arms to fit Leo to use as a prosthetic, the Raph mech was later decommissioned
- One day, Donnie oddly insisted on tagging along on a mission with Leo and Mikey
- HOLY MOLY LONG STORY SHORT, they get caught by a Krang soldier on their mission. But instead of taking cover, Donnie charges straight for the Krang mech
- Mikey and Leo watch in astonishment as Donnie manages to swiftly climb up onto the Krang mech and mount himself on its back, using his battle shell’s limbs for support
- To their horror, Donnie rips off his gloves and reveals his robotic arms, and starts tearing into the back of the mech, digging into the inside of it
- He deploys the wires and his own Krang biomass from his robotic arms, and shoves it all into the back of the Krang mech
- For a few moments, he struggles. Then, with purple glowing markings, his expression suddenly changes and the opening where the Krang soldier was mounted closed up, crushing the Krang inside
-ok so longer story shorter- through all of the struggle, the Krang he’d trapped in his prosthetic arms had been creeping onto him and was soon to make contact with his skin. And the building they were all in starts to collapse, (and when I say “building” I mean a giant NY style skyscraper,) and in an effort to save Mikey and Leo from being crushed, Donnie holds up what rubble he can with the now possessed mech, getting himself crushed, unable to hold up all the weight forever.
(But not before an epic and heartfelt monologue and musical number.)
Good god I’m so EMBARRASSING
I wish. I could wright fanfiction.
Goodbye now 🏃💨
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spookyflavors · 13 days
So.. all my animation files got deleted. It was my fault. I deleted a folder i shouldnt have. I was working on some fun stuff for @anger-sama and @cj-does-va
I still plan on making other animations from their vids, but this is what is lost now..
(Orginal Video)
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dovrt · 29 days
Rick is known to mirror myths a lot (Silena-Clarisse and Patroclus-Achilles, Polyphemus' cave, Hercules' labors, etc) He could and SHOULD have mirrored the Trojan war in HOO.
Let me set the scene. Gaea doesn't pop up until the last couple books. It's easy to be scared of something that is mentioned but not seen, which in my opinion, is why Gaea in the HOO books just wasn't scary enough.
So the antagonists in the first few books are the Giants working under Gaea's orders. Percy is kidnapped by them and given to the Romans in the hope that the Greeks and the Romans will go batshit crazy in a fight and forget all about the prophecy of the seven and destroying Gaea or whatever.
Camp Halfblood is fully ready for war. As soon as they find out (through an oracle or smth idk) that the Romans exist and they have Percy, not even Chiron can stop them. Percy is the hero of the Battle of Manhattan, of course, and the hero mentioned in the last great prophecy. He's like their modern Aristos Achaion.
Meanwhile, the Romans have no clue what's going on. There's this guy he's funny, he has no memories, he just shows up at their wolf goddess and trains and gets sent to them. Cool.
Juno can't stand to see New Rome be attacked. Whether or not they would win is a whole different story. So she plucks Jason from CJ and brings them to the Greeks just for some sort of a balance.
This mirrors the Trojan war in the sense that Troy was a fortified city, so is New Rome with tons of forts and walls. Aeneas' lineage went on to be Remus and Romulus, the founders of Rome. And Helen of Troy was stolen from the Greeks.
Anyway so there's that conflict, but at the same time Camp Halfblood is getting ready to attack, Jason, Piper and Leo get sent on a quest to rescue Hera who has been captured by Porphyrion and Enceladus.
On the way, Jason starts to regain his memory a little bit, though he doesn't know everything yet. He's still super conflicted with everything. A pretty girl thinks they were dating, Leo says they were best friends, Annabeth says the Romans are enemies. But whom should he really believe?
Piper's whole arc through the first book could be about how she's the daughter of the goddess of beauty, she wrongly assumes her fake crush on Jason was her mom's fault. And she's learned so much bad stuff about her mom from myths, she outright rejects feminity and anything remotely girly at first but then slowly she gets to know Aphrodite isn't as bad as some myths make her out to be. Bonding and shit bc why should Poseidon be the only present godly parent?
Leo, meanwhile, has no idea he can essentially fire bend in the first book. His arc could be about discovering his mother's death was his fault, slightly and coming to terms with it with the help of his friends.
Reyna on the Roman's side is freaking out bc Octavian wants to go to war with the Greeks who are close to attacking them, there's a strange dude who keeps trying to pick fights with gods, a horse girl and not to mention monsters won't fucking DIE.
SON trio go on their quest to Alaska to kill Alcyoneus/ release Thanatos and things are getting clearer to them as well. Just when the Greeks are about to attack on CJ, Polybotes and the monsters attack as well. Somehow, both sides end up fighting the monsters together.
They're not friends, but they're not enemies either, bc Percy is reunited with his gf and Jason is returned to his home.
The Roman senate and the Greeks somehow come to the same conclusions- that a quest needs to go to their ancient lands. Over the next few months the work of the Argo II commences.
Things seem smooth for a while. But Gaea grows restless. She poisons Octavian and manipulates him through dreams and stuff like Kronos did to Luke. As is the nature of most Roman emperors, Octavian overthrows Reyna and declares himself the leader of New Rome like his namesake Octavius Caesar. (HAHA! HISTORY PARALLEL BITCHES)
This puts the actual quest on hold bc the seven now need to find the Athena Parthenos to bring together the Greeks and the Romans and to stop Octavian's plan of trying to fuck as much shit up as possible.
Reyna, Nico and say idk, Grover, are the ones to deviate from the quest and bring the statue to USA again. But the Seven are still very much in Europe after rescuing Nico.
Percy and Annabeth fall into Tartarus which helps close the Doors of Death, except this time since Nico isn't there, Hazel has to take on control over ghosts and the dead in the House of Hades and leading up to it. The powers of mist, in my opinion, should have gone to Piper since charmspeaking is a lot like bending the mist verbally.
Piper's arc through the third and fourth book is starting to discover herself and with the help of her mother, figuring out she doesn't like Jason romantically like she thought she did.
Hazel's arc is gaining control over what she once was (dead). She's jealous her dad was there more for Nico than her, but she pushes past it and never lets her anger and grudges get the better of her which is like breaking boundaries for children of Hades/Pluto.
Frank's arc in HOH was really cool, I like that. So no change to that.
Jason, poor guy is still very much confused about everything really. He's used to being the leader, he feels lost in the large group. He has his moments to shine ofc (please take away his excess amounts of head injuries), but he starts to feel inferior, which is where Leo helps him bc the guy knows what that's like.
Anyway, in the absence of Percy and Annabeth, Jason has to take charge. He discovers he doesn't really like it. That's not what he was meant for even though he had greatness thrust upon him at a very young age.
His BOO arc is earlier this time and takes place throughout HOH and BOO. He's content with himself, even if he isn't with anyone. HE'S THE ONE THAT GETS SENT TO OGYGIA!!!
And Calypso eventually does fall for him bc he's smart, nice, and just an overall swell guy. But he helps her to realize that she can be content in herself as well. And he promises her that he'll help her.
Show me Leo, Jason and Percy trying to think of ways of helping the goddess.
In any case. BOO could have been like Iliad pt 2 also known as the Odyssey. It takes them the whole book just to get to Athens. Meanwhile, they've understood that Gaea is the main main villain. She's even raised some of the other primordials against them.
Percy and Annabeth already saw Tartarus, and then there's Oceanus who makes their travel much harder than necessary. Something something about how they get tossed all over the place and somehow manage to gather all the correct ingredients for the potion (i forgot the name lol) on their small adventures in the different places. In the end they finally make it to Athens. Except this time, there's only a few giants there bc they killed the rest before.
The Gods DON'T SHOW UP PLEASE!! That was so lameee. Why even do the whole quest if their mommies and daddies were going to show up to help them????
So while Percy and Annabeth are battling the remaining few Giants, Leo, Piper, Hazel and Frank go up against Gaia herself. In the old myths four titans held Ouranos down while Kronos chopped his essence up. In the same way, they battle Gaia away from her turf in the air, keeping her distracted enough. All these demigods are needed because she's a primordial dammit!
Jason, my guy, comes in a clutch, chops her to pieces and sends her essence to Tartarus!!
The world is saved, the end!
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vryfmi · 23 days
[major book spoilers!]
a mildly long analysis of skull and Lucy's relationship in TEG in light of recent Stroud's interview answer.
also i need this video on my blog
[audio transcript of The Writing Community Chat stream:
CJ (host), reading a question from NeeveDaFoe: I need to know why Skull is more powerful than Ezekiel!!!
Jonathan Stroud: Well, I think the power that he has is through his connection with Lucy. I think, ultimately, the message of Lockwood & Co books, and indeed most of my books, is that you get your strengths through the connection with others, love and mutual support. So, our friend, the skull, ultimately, gains his power through the relationship he's built up with Lucy over the course of the books, despite all his rude comments.
CJ, laughing: Nice!
/end transcript]
it's not like i didn't know it beforehand, the message is very clear in the books and especially in how skull and Ezekiel are juxtaposed in their confrontation. that skull looks almost like his alive self minus transparency and gauntness of his features, while Ezekiel has barely anything that would make us think he used to be human. he's disconnected from reality, he views himself as an ascended being. meanwhile skull is there to be a sarcastic menace and definitely not to save Lucy bc he definitely didn't grow to care for her.
but the thing is that Lucy tried to put her trust into skull only now. it wasn't even her first decision when confronting Marissa and Ezekiel, far from it. she'd freed skull only when Lockwood came in and she wasn't afraid to face whatever was at hand alone. being strangled by insane old woman possessing her granddaughter's body or get ghost-touched by Ezekiel or skull at that matter — doesn't make much of a difference. she did promise skull to free him, she got the taste of what it's like to be stuck on The Other Side, so she delivered, trusting that skull won't hurt her nor Lockwood when the two of them were seconds away from taking Marissa down, even if it was the last thing she did.
saying that skull payed back Lucy for freeing him just doesn't seem right. she was feeding him empty promises the whole book to the point where both skull and Lucy knew that they had this same conversation over and over again to no avail. but skull kept bringing it up. while Lucy couldn't bring herself to trust skull even after all help he provided for her and her friends.
but her attitude changes once she meets skull on The Other Side, the person that he once was. or at least that what she thinks in that moment because that's the same skull she was talking to for the past 2 years. Lucy has a clear disconnect: seeing not just an obscure grimace in the jar but a whole person before her. it strikes that The Lucy Carlyle Formula™ button and she aches with sympathy describing skull's appearance, acknowledging that he passed away at young age, at her age. whether she sees her situation and her inevitable demise in him, or is simply struck with "there's more to just the skull (a literal bone), there's a person before her", Lucy has a full 180 on skull from that point forward. but it's too late and it's her fault. skull gets taken away and Lucy is left alone in the kitchen. how much did she regret not listening to skull, not trusting him, not getting to know him? apparently a lot judging by their second (technically third) run into each other on The Other Side:
A wave of something washed through me. Relief? Pleasure at seeing something familiar in this dreadful place? Whatever it was, it made me warm. (TEG)
[i know what you are]
but if Lucy had time to ponder, so did skull. it makes sense that he'd say 'Shared names come with trust'. i believe he told the truth there and he forgot his name for good but still made it clear for Lucy — it's a bit too late for getting to know each other, especially after Lucy was giving him a cold shoulder, when that hammer was still on her belt. for all he knew, Lucy and her friends could've had not made it across Dark London and he'd be forever trapped in Fittes basement or worse. in any other situation he'd have no one to blame but circumstances, but here it would've been Lucy's fault.
and yet, despite all that, despite all rude comments and headbutting, skull's more human than Ezekiel because of Lucy, and he's stronger than Ezekiel because he cares for and loves Lucy. not my words, Stroud's. whatever sick manipulations and control Ezekiel had over Marissa and vice versa, it stood no chance against two mean teenagers that fought their way through trauma with humor, sarcasm and gratuitous bum jokes.
now leave me alone to sulk over skullyle
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