#all available ocs
OOC: All Available Muses on the Blog!
Series Based:
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Christina Terrwyn (Energetic and full of confidence, Christina is constantly trying to look like the cool kid. She discovered the digital world after a digivice appeared before her at a sports camp. She is optimistic and tends to act a bit recklessly, but will never put anyone else in harm’s way.)
Record of Ragnarok:
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Bau (Bau is the Sumerian/Mesopotamian Goddess of Dogs, healing and life. She acts as a medic for the Ragnarok fights, healing god or human as she doesn’t have a side she is on. She just enjoys watching the fights and seeing the strength and endurance of both gods and humans.
Her seven dogs are absolutely loyal to her and in a battle are focused and well trained. But outside of battle, they are just typical goofy dogs, very affectionate with their owner but also affectionate to just about anyone that seems friendly.)
One Piece:
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Kyoko Iro (Kyoko is a Geisha who was trying to become an Oiran in Wano when a rival Geisha sent assassins after her in order for her to become Oiran instead. Kyoko had to flee home and was left scared and unsure of people. Though the way she fled, she ended up captured before being released who knows where.)
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Xia Malificia (A flirtatious, trouble making pirate who ate the fox zoan fruit. Her favorite thing to do is charm unsuspecting pirates or marines and robbing them blind. Also has many AUs including a Mirror Maiden Genshin Impact AU!)
Fate Series:
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Emilia Clarimond (A Fate Master OC who is clever, out going, and sometimes snarky. Her magic is based on the stars, creating light barriers with a constellation pattern and shooting energy. Also has a Fairy Tail verse!)
Final Fantasy 14:
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Josephina Adrahgan(A Miqo’te from a family of nobles. After her family tried to arrange a marriage between her and another noble family, she decided to run away with her fat cat named Chubchub and ended up joining a troupe of Dancers and decided to travel with them)
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Shay Pierina (A Miqo’te who was found as a child outside a small village that is  part of the Ul’dah kingdom. Adopted by kind Hyurs, she lived in poverty  but didn’t let it bother her and worked to protect her family. After discovering the Echo, she happened upon a member of the Scions and decided to join and travel away from home. becoming a Warrior of Light. Has a League of Legends verse!)
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Orabella Kalon (A Summoner from the First, Orabella is a scholar seeking to learn about the magic of her world. After wandering into the pixie land, she ends up captured but free some time later when Titania is defeated. Now she lives there studying the pixies. Also has a Genshin Impact verse as a Cryo Fatui Mage!)
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Selene Fenagari: (Selene is…a dork. Easily distracted and acts rather dog-like, loving getting petted, chasing balls or animals, or even shifting and barking at cats. When on duty, she does her absolute best, serving the Gotei 13 in stopping villains or just protecting the people while out on patrol. Despite her silly antics, the people adore her and shower her with gifts and headpats.)
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Hex Maniac Kayleen:(Kayleen grew up around the occult, her parents super into it and trying to summon the paranormal as well as learn magic. Kayleen was terrified of it but slowly learned to embrace it when she met a friendly Gastly. From there she befriended other ghost and dark Pokemon, the scaredy-cat girl not enjoying it from time to time.
For a long time she was super shy and had social anxiety, but decided to be brave and try to face it by becoming a Pokemon trainer. Now alongside her ghost and dark type Pokemon cheering her on, she desires to learn and make friends and meet Pokemon she has never seen before. Has a Soul Eater verse under Alt. Verses!)
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Midori Mihata (A clumsy, scared ninja girl who one would possibly say is the worst ninja ever. Wants to make her clan proud and tries hard to be the best she can be. Also gets rather flustered and shy around boys. Has a FF14 verse!)
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Kiyomi Tenshi (Loud, rambunctious, and rather hyper and reckless, Kiyomi is also one that some would possibly say is a terrible ninja. She fights more like a martial artist, punching and kicking and running straight into bad guys.)
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Naoko Shizuko (The only one who acts like a true ninja in the trio of Kunoichi, Naoko is soft spoken, almost monotone voice and always with an unreadable expression. Despite this, she is incredibly smart and well trained in her ninja techniques which involve shadow tricks. She is the one to get the other two out of danger most of the time.)
Fire Emblem Three Houses:
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Diana Fotieni (Diana comes from Faerghus and is striving to become a knight of the kingdom like her mother before her. A student at the academy under the Blue Lions house, she is studious and trains hard, mostly to show the head of the house Dimitri her worth as a possible knight as he is heir to the throne. Has a Kingdom Hearts verse and a Final Fantasy XV verse as well!)
Genshin Impact:
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Kyana Aeira (A Pyro Vision user from Mondstadt who dreams of becoming a Knight of Favonius one day. She works hard taking on random tasks from the people to prove herself capable. She is determined and optimistic and tends to listen more to her emotions than think with logic. Also has a One Piece verse but also many aus and can fit anywhere with heroes!)
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Iyumi Akuma (Iyumi is a Fatui Mage hailing from Snezhnaya who is on the prowl for someone cute she can call hers. To most she acts vicious and snobby, ready to electrocute them should they get on her nerves.
But should she find the someone she wants, she becomes more adoring and flirty, chasing after them until she can have them. Which can turn into an aggressive chase should the other not want her. Also has a Pokemon verse, demon/vampire verse, dark goddess verse and many more!)
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Amatus Koheikaze (A Oni girl from the Red Oni tribe of Inazuma, Amatus works hard as a samurai of her clan, fighting with a katana as well as using her Anemo vision. Though she acts rather serious, she holds a softer side that cares deeply for her tribe, desiring to protect them no matter what. Her mother is a human while her father is an Oni.)
My Hero Academia:
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Tia “Usagi” Fayte (Bubbly kind of girly girl whose quirk is magnetism. She can make anything she touches become magnetic, even things that aren’t normally something you can stick magnets to like trees. She uses this alongside rollerblading to fight and calls herself Usagi for the jump tricks she can pull off while blading around. A student at UA. Also has a The World Ends with You verse!)
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Kalliphae Myressei (A moth woman with the ability to heal others using a powder that emits from her. She is a princess of a far off kingdom. Acts with a noble air and always tries to follow her heart. She is a nurse of UA.)
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Miyuki Tenshi (A sweet, innocent duelist who uses a deck with angelic creatures revolving around the Sanctuary in the Sky card. She has a duel spirit, Happy Lover, and has yet to meet anyone else with one or that can see her. Has a Goddess verse alongside Iyumi, a Fairy verse and an Angel verse!)
Monster Hunter:
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Sonafuwa(A Paolumu who gained the ability to turn human. Sonafuwa is shy and tends to stay in the trees and away from hunters so she won’t get hunted. When she meets someone friendly, she becomes more calm and is happy to make a new friend)
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Sakura (A Pink Rathian that gained the ability to turn human. Territorial at first but can become friendly if she sees the other means no harm. Prissy and doesn’t mind Hunters so long as she isn’t their target.)
Twisted Wonderland:
Colette Eirina (Twisted from Giselle from Enchanted! Colette is the princess of a small kingdom. It’s surrounded by a river, forest and mountains in the back, the kingdom known for its mining of gems from those mountains.
Colette usually stays in her castle but got accepted into RSA as a student. She tends to cause a lot of trouble at home with her ditzy behavior. In fact her air headed ways gets her kidnapped and held for ransom a lot which has really hurt the kingdom financially.)
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Kishi MacAuley (The self proclaimed Captain of an all girl pirate crew calling themselves the Love Seekers. Kishi is hyper and boy crazy as well as a tad reckless, willing to go through any danger if it means finding cute guys and treasure along the way)
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Zalira Deona: (A succubus who doesn’t really do succubus things. Her mom and dad are a powerful incubus and succubus pair who wanted her to follow in their footsteps. But all Zalira wanted was to laze around and eat human snacks and indulge in their culture (like manga!). Before they could send her to a demon academy, she ran away from home and ended up among humans.)
Cheza Fènghuáng (Princess of the city of Nán Sòng, Cheza is rather anti-social and a major bookworm, usually seen cooped up in her private library. Her kingdom is a matriarchy, led by her mischievous mother. Cheza has the ability to conjure fire and turn into a phoenix)
Seraphaura(Seraphaura is from a clan of lamias who hunt humans for fun and for food while also eating other things. But Seraphaura is completely different from them. She has seen an innocent human devoured and wishes to protect them and learn about them. Because of this, her clan laughed at her and was bullied and ridiculed for it. But despite that, she still wishes to learn about humans and their culture.)
Vivianne Noira (Growing up alone in the world has hardened Vivi. She can be untrusting towards strangers though some have shown her some kindness to help her out. She can come off as brash, even possibly rude. But she doesn’t mean to be. Vivi feels she must be tough in order to survive. However if she sees someone in need, she may go out of her way to help them depending on what they need help with.)
Angeline Tenebris(A vampire from a family of vampires sworn to keep their race a secret. They are respected nobles of a town, well-known for their business and wealth. Though most of her family tries to keep their status clean, Angeline is a bit rebellious and curious about the world and frequently sneaks out to learn more about it.)
Fayeth Neri (A dragon girl who is rather air-headed and sometimes slow to speak, making it seem like nothing is going on in her head. And maybe nothing is. She is very laid back and cheerful, always having a lazy smile on her face.)
Chloe Thaleia (Mischievous thief from a family of thieves looking for her older brother who left home when she was a child. Will steal from you playfully then give it back once she’s caught. Has a magical greatsword she stole that can use the four elements but she has no idea how to use it.)
Aiolos Thaleia (Older brother of Chloe. After witnessing his uncle (who had taught them all they know about being a thief) break the family code by murdering someone, he decided to go on a different path and leave the family. He strives to be a knight or a guard, something he sees as more honorable.)
Ai Malificia (A sweet, innocent girl who was sheltered due to her overprotective parents. She grew up around flowers and a flower shop and developed magic pertaining to plants. Has a Fire Emblem Three Houses verse and a Goddess verse!)
Azathira (Sci Fi OC! Azathira is a well trained assassin alien. Her species thrives in being the best at fighting and killing and she is no different. She makes her living taking on bounties and delights in taking them down. Then uses the money to partake in a feast wherever she goes.
On the side, she sometimes steals things as well, mostly from the person she killed. She travels around taking jobs and simply exploring the universe all on her own. Though a small part of her almost wishes she could have some company for once.)
Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and loves to  show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents  and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale.)
Nikki Irving(An oddball Alchemist of a girl who stumbled upon a cursed Eldritch Being who had been shrunk and turned into a tiny octopus. She decided to keep it as a pet, named it Tickles, and has no idea it is slowly influencing her mind. Has a Pokemon verse!)
Aku Yazoi(A wannabe punk boy who is hot tempered and tries to act cool but is a sucker for cute girls. Is kind of a dweeb. Loves to race on his motorcycle. Has a Yugioh 5Ds verse!)
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bunnyspine · 4 months
!CW: Maggots!
Welcome to Sunshine Funtime! A magical place for all those willing to learn something new. Math? Grammer? Science? Sunshine Funtime has it all! And its colorful variety of teachers will help all elementary school kids to better their grades without the stress ⭐️ Get the CD now!
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'Dreamers' A quiet evening
Solas x Lavellan, available as print here.
Mixed media on paper
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popfizzles · 2 months
What about Mugman and Smith as a ship? :)
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They're friends, though :) in a "i'll beat your ass if you look at me wrong" sorta way.
Smitty is very comfortable and forward with his sexuality, but romance is hard for him to define and feel comfortable with.
This comes off as Smith being afraid of commitment, but Smith will devote himself to anything and everything if he believes in it enough (and I think deep down, under all that sour attitude, he'd like a big family one day!!), so the assumption that Smith does not want to be "tied down" is incorrect.
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payasita · 2 months
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sandara-and-coco · 21 days
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~ clumsy orange kitty ~ 🧡
ocs Aries & Lyra belongs to @sandrockianblues
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emry-stars-oc · 14 days
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Fem Q and Bo! We’ve been calling them Quinn and Belle 💕 because what’s the point of having these ocs if we’re not going to play dolls all the time
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munchboxart · 5 months
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Hello, I'm opening my store again! Only available to US & Canada only. It'll close on April 28, Sunday, 12 AM EST, apologies again for the short time frame. If your order doesn't include any pre-orders, I'll try to ship them by next week!
New pre-orders as well! Most are limited though since I've ordered most of them, I'm just waiting for them to arrive (shipping mid May-early June).
Shop: https://munchboxart.bigcartel.com/ You can also get a $2.5 off your order if you don't want any extra packaging!
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myreia · 1 month
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✦ B A R D
She does not consider herself an archer, but the bow feels slick and powerful in her hand. She settles on the peak of the roof, unbothered by the fog and the rain, leather coat unfurling around her. Like the skill it takes to learn an instrument, hunting is as much about patience as it is about precision. Her breath stills. Her fingers flex, the bowstring taut. They will not see the arrow coming. —level 90 compendium
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rayclone · 11 months
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loveray... TECHNICALLY a rayclone oc so um um. i hope you guys enjoy him :]]
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jaypgartifacts · 9 months
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a weird guy appear
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ooc: All Muses on the Blog (so far) and bits about them!
Series Based:
Fate Series:
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Emilia Clarimond (A Fate Master OC who is clever, out going, and sometimes snarky. Her magic is based on the stars, creating light barriers with a constellation pattern and shooting energy.)
One Piece:
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Xia Malificia (A flirtatious, trouble making pirate who ate the fox zoan fruit. Her favorite thing to do is charm unsuspecting pirates or marines and robbing them blind.)
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Custard Gretel (Custard is one of Big Mama's many many children who grew up around pirates. These pirates were true ruffians, pillaging wherever they went for treasure and anything else they wanted. Though they and Big Mama treated Custard well, their habits grew onto her, making her become quite a terrible child. She followed their example but in her own way, tricking others by feigning innocence as others were easily fooled by an adorable child.)
Final Fantasy 14:
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Josephina Adrahgan (A Miqo’te from a family of nobles. After her family tried to arrange a marriage between her and another noble family, she decided to run away with her fat cat named Chubchub and ended up joining a troupe of Dancers and decided to travel with them)
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Shay Pierina (A Miqo’te who was found as a child outside a small village that is  part of the Ul’dah kingdom. Adopted by kind Hyurs, she lived in poverty  but didn’t let it bother her and worked to protect her family. After discovering the Echo, she happened upon a member of the Scions and decided to join and travel away from home. becoming a Warrior of Light.)
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Orabella Kalon (A Summoner from the First, Orabella is a scholar seeking to learn about the magic of her world. After wandering into the pixie land, she ends up captured but free some time later when Titania is defeated. Now she lives there studying the pixies.)
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Hiromi Tori (A Soul Reaper in the 13th squad who is serious nature for the most part. Calm and collected outside of battle, she isn’t much for small talk and tends to get straight to the point. Her mind is usually focused on the mission and protecting everyone. She can get annoyed at distractions and is often training when not working.)
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Selene Fenagari: (WIP Selene is…a dork. Easily distracted and acts rather dog-like, loving getting petted, chasing balls or animals, or even shifting and barking at cats. When on duty, she does her absolute best, serving the Gotei 13 in stopping villains or just protecting the people while out on patrol. Despite her silly antics, the people adore her and shower her with gifts and headpats.)
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Hex Maniac Kayleen: (Kayleen grew up around the occult, her parents super into it and trying to summon the paranormal as well as learn magic. Kayleen was terrified of it but slowly learned to embrace it when she met a friendly Gastly. From there she befriended other ghost and dark Pokemon, the scaredy-cat girl not enjoying it from time to time.
For a long time she was super shy and had social anxiety, but decided to be brave and try to face it by becoming a Pokemon trainer. Now alongside her ghost and dark type Pokemon cheering her on, she desires to learn and make friends and meet Pokemon she has never seen before. Has a Soul Eater verse under Alt. Verses!)
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Midori Mihata (A clumsy, scared ninja girl who one would possibly say is the worst ninja ever. Wants to make her clan proud and tries hard to be the best she can be. Also gets rather flustered and shy around boys. Has a FF14 verse!)
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Kiyomi Tenshi (Loud, rambunctious, and rather hyper and reckless, Kiyomi is also one that some would possibly say is a terrible ninja. She fights more like a martial artist, punching and kicking and running straight into bad guys.)
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Naoko Shizuko (The only one who acts like a true ninja in the trio of Kunoichi, Naoko is soft spoken, almost monotone voice and always with an unreadable expression. Despite this, she is incredibly smart and well trained in her ninja techniques which involve shadow tricks. She is the one to get the other two out of danger most of the time.)
Fire Emblem Three Houses:
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Diana Fotieni (Diana comes from Faerghus and is striving to become a knight of the kingdom like her mother before her. A student at the academy under the Blue Lions house, she is studious and trains hard, mostly to show the head of the house Dimitri her worth as a possible knight as he is heir to the throne. Has a Kingdom Hearts verse and a Final Fantasy XV verse as well!)
Genshin Impact:
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Kyana Aeira (A Pyro Vision user from Mondstadt who dreams of becoming a Knight of Favonius one day. She works hard taking on random tasks from the people to prove herself capable. She is determined and optimistic and tends to listen more to her emotions than think with logic. Also has a One Piece verse but also many aus and can fit anywhere with heroes!)
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Yueliang Song (An Electro Claymore user who is an adventurer working for the adventurer’s guild but is also a dancer on the side, performing for festivals held usually in Morax’s honor. Confident in her skills as an adventurer and her dancing, she works hard day and night.)
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Iyumi Akuma  (Iyumi is a Fatui Mage hailing from Snezhnaya who is on the prowl for someone cute she can call hers. To most she acts vicious and snobby, ready to electrocute them should they get on her nerves.
But should she find the someone she wants, she becomes more adoring and flirty, chasing after them until she can have them. Which can turn into an aggressive chase should the other not want her. Also has a Pokemon verse, demon/vampire verse, dark goddess verse and many more!)
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Amatus Koheikaze (A Oni girl from the Red Oni tribe of Inazuma, Amatus works hard as a samurai of her clan, fighting with a katana as well as using her Anemo vision. Though she acts rather serious, she holds a softer side that cares deeply for her tribe, desiring to protect them no matter what. Her mother is a human while her father is an Oni.)
My Hero Academia:
Tia “Usagi” Fayte (Bubbly kind of girly girl whose quirk is magnetism. She can make anything she touches become magnetic, even things that aren’t normally something you can stick magnets to like trees. She uses this alongside rollerblading to fight and calls herself Usagi for the jump tricks she can pull off while blading around. A student at UA. Also has a The World Ends with You verse!)
Kalliphae Myressei (A moth woman with the ability to heal others using a powder that emits from her. She is a princess of a far off kingdom. Acts with a noble air and always tries to follow her heart. She is a nurse of UA.)
Nier Automata:
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10B (A Battle Unit android who is more emotional than the androids of YorHa usually are. She is playful and a tad flirtatious, calling people darling just for the fun of it. She is also very protective of humans or anyone she deeply cares for to the point where she will kill whoever harmed them)
Miyuki Tenshi (A sweet, innocent duelist who uses a deck with angelic creatures revolving around the Sanctuary in the Sky card. She has a duel spirit, Happy Lover, and has yet to meet anyone else with one or that can see her. Has a Goddess verse alongside Iyumi, a Fairy verse and an Angel verse!)
Monster Hunter:
Sonafuwa (A Paolumu who gained the ability to turn human. Sonafuwa is shy and tends to stay in the trees and away from hunters so she won’t get hunted. When she meets someone friendly, she becomes more calm and is happy to make a new friend)
Sakura (A Pink Rathian that gained the ability to turn human. Territorial at first but can become friendly if she sees the other means no harm. Prissy and doesn’t mind Hunters so long as she isn’t their target.)
Twisted Wonderland:
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Colette Eirina (Twisted from Giselle from Enchanted! Colette is the princess of a small kingdom. It’s surrounded by a river, forest and mountains in the back, the kingdom known for its mining of gems from those mountains.
Colette usually stays in her castle but got accepted into RSA as a student. She tends to cause a lot of trouble at home with her ditzy behavior. In fact her air headed ways gets her kidnapped and held for ransom a lot which has really hurt the kingdom financially.)
Zalira Deona: (A succubus who doesn’t really do succubus things. Her mom and dad are a powerful incubus and succubus pair who wanted her to follow in their footsteps. But all Zalira wanted was to laze around and eat human snacks and indulge in their culture (like manga!). Before they could send her to a demon academy, she ran away from home and ended up among humans.)
The Augustina Sisters: Iris, Lillianne and Camillia, the three princesses of a kingdom called Lapis. They are gifted in water and ice elemental magic. Lily is the oldest and is soft and mature, her older sister personality showing to even those who are not her sisters. Iris is very flirtatious and playful and quite carefree. Camillia the youngest is shy, sometimes prissy, but can warm up to others.
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Cheza Fènghuáng (Princess of the city of Nán Sòng, Cheza is rather anti-social and a major bookworm, usually seen cooped up in her private library. Her kingdom is a matriarchy, led by her mischievous mother. Cheza has the ability to conjure fire and turn into a phoenix)
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Seraphaura (Seraphaura is from a clan of lamias who hunt humans for fun and for food while also eating other things. But Seraphaura is completely different from them. She has seen an innocent human devoured and wishes to protect them and learn about them. Because of this, her clan laughed at her and was bullied and ridiculed for it. But despite that, she still wishes to learn about humans and their culture.)
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Vivianne Noira (Growing up alone in the world has hardened Vivi. She can be untrusting towards strangers though some have shown her some kindness to help her out. She can come off as brash, even possibly rude. But she doesn’t mean to be. Vivi feels she must be tough in order to survive. However if she sees someone in need, she may go out of her way to help them depending on what they need help with.)
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Angeline Tenebris (A vampire from a family of vampires sworn to keep their race a secret. They are respected nobles of a town, well-known for their business and wealth. Though most of her family tries to keep their status clean, Angeline is a bit rebellious and curious about the world and frequently sneaks out to learn more about it.)
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Fayeth Neri (A dragon girl who is rather air-headed and sometimes slow to speak, making it seem like nothing is going on in her head. And maybe nothing is. She is very laid back and cheerful, always having a lazy smile on her face.)
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Aiux Umbrangeli (An assassin who has been trained since she was a child. She wields the ability to create objects out of shadows as well as hide in them. Emotionless and unfeeling towards her target but awkward around others)
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Chloe Thaleia (Mischievous thief from a family of thieves looking for her older brother who left home when she was a child. Will steal from you playfully then give it back once she’s caught. Has a magical greatsword she stole that can use the four elements but she has no idea how to use it.)
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Aiolos Thaleia (Older brother of Chloe. After witnessing his uncle (who had taught them all they know about being a thief) break the family code by murdering someone, he decided to go on a different path and leave the family. He strives to be a knight or a guard, something he sees as more honorable.)
Ai Malificia (A sweet, innocent girl who was sheltered due to her overprotective parents. She grew up around flowers and a flower shop and developed magic pertaining to plants. Has a Fire Emblem Three Houses verse and a Goddess verse!)
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Azathira (Sci Fi OC! Azathira is a well trained assassin alien. Her species thrives in being the best at fighting and killing and she is no different. She makes her living taking on bounties and delights in taking them down. Then uses the money to partake in a feast wherever she goes.
On the side, she sometimes steals things as well, mostly from the person she killed. She travels around taking jobs and simply exploring the universe all on her own. Though a small part of her almost wishes she could have some company for once.)
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Melfina (Sci Fi OC! Melfina when she was young was in a bad accident that cost her an arm. She was able to get a prosthetic cybernetic replacement and decided she wanted to learn how to take care and maintain it. From there, she grew to like fixing such mechanisms and became a mechanic who specializes in cybernetic parts or androids.)
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Ourania Thanos (A dragon that can turn into a human. Cocky, egotistical, and loves to  show off to others. Loves to fight people just to fight strong opponents  and also loves to eat lots of meat and drinks lots of ale.)
Nikki Irving (An oddball Alchemist of a girl who stumbled upon a cursed Eldritch Being who had been shrunk and turned into a tiny octopus. She decided to keep it as a pet, named it Tickles, and has no idea it is slowly influencing her mind. Has a Pokemon verse!)
Aku Yazoi (A wannabe punk boy who is hot tempered and tries to act cool but is a sucker for cute girls. Is kind of a dweeb. Loves to race on his motorcycle. Has a Yugioh 5Ds verse!)
Sylvao Ter’on (A clever demon in charge of a mercenary group including a couple of odd twins he found as children. He can be ruthless to those who oppose or disobey him but otherwise treats whoever follows him with kindness and helps them with anything they need. Also has a vampire verse!)
Opal Ter’on (Also simply known as “The Witch” is the twin sister of Klaus “The Werewolf” and serves a man named Sylvao. Calm and almost emotionless, Opal seems to care not for the company of others and is devout only to Sylvao (and prefers hanging with him).
She also picks on her brother sometimes when he is being a nuisance. Opal is a talented mage who can use all sorts of magic as well as make all sorts of potions. Between that and her witch-like style, she earned the witch nickname others have given her.)
Klaus Ter'on (A wolf boy who serves under a clever demon named Sylvao alongside his twin sister, a witch girl named Opal. Klaus can be rabid and wild when in a fight but set him next to an attractive lady and he turns into a perverted dog. Though if treated with kindness (and ear scratches), he can be quick to tame and will follow you anywhere (though would never go against Sylvao’s orders.)
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wowieeitsisa · 1 month
I like to play and have fun (I WISH I KNEW HOW TO ANIMATE)
Check readmore for a few of my fave drawings that I did for this video, I can’t put them all cuz it’s more than 10 images oh well
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nukacourier · 14 days
modern au jamescade where james is a queer furry stoner so arcade has a drawing of his assigned fursona from james taped to his computer monitor at the hospital he works at
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girlboyburger · 1 year
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various notebook sketches!
aximili, taur truesona (tauresona?), plush milo, and beach fit milo :]
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jollyfang · 2 months
Seeing Dragon Age rise from the grave last month gave me the push I needed to finish my current DAI playthrough. And I felt like sharing my Inquisitor, and showing how her appearance changed throughout the game. So here she is!
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It only took (checks notes) ten years and an innumerable amount of playthroughs to find my canon Inquisitor, but I finally got her. Her name is Ashara, she��s a little nerd about the fade and generally anything related the ancient elves. Which of course meant she fell for Solas… poor girl. 😞
She started the game pretty antisocial and aggressive towards all of the companions except Varric and Solas (maybe Iron Bull as well) until formally becoming Inquisitor. She got better over time, but that standoffish, stoic attitude was her default for a very long time. Very few people get to see her soft side, and I think that’s one of the things I like most about her. I also really wanted to change her hair as the story progressed to show her personal growth as well as a physical sign of time passing through the game. Silly, I know but it was fun to see her change/grow into the confident leader she is.
Idk, now I just feel like I’m rambling- anyway!! If you read this far, thanks for listening to me gush about my baby. You’re the best 😊
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