#all distance education university in india
All Distance Education University in India
An MBA Course from Distance Education is a two-year master's degree in business administration that teaches you all the necessary management and business skills. Enrolling in a remote learning MBA program in India will teach you how to manage money and accounts as well as how to run your own firm. MBA programs are available at several of India's top universities and institutes. The MBA remote learning program has been authorized by the UGC and AICTE. It is an excellent option for working professionals and applicants who, for various reasons, cannot afford classroom MBA programs but yet wish to acquire an MBA without leaving their professions.
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education100 · 3 months
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Amity University Distance MBA 2024.
Amity University Distance Education was established in the year 2005. There are many branches of this university all over India, such as Noida, Gurgaon, Kolkata, Jaipur, Mumbai, Patna, Gwalior, Ranchi, and Lucknow. This university is considered one of the top renowned universities in India. This university provides a commitment to top-level education through distance mode.
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drstonetrivia · 11 months
Chapter 204 Trivia
What we thought may be a politics arc may in fact become a brotherly feud…
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Galileo's quote is taken from his book "The Assayer", considered to be one of the pioneering works of the scientific method. At the time, most science was done by philosophical arguments rather than observation and trying to understand the mathematics behind them.
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Math is the universal language because the symbols may change, but the meanings/axioms cannot. Because of this, the cover of the Golden Record placed on Voyager 1 (the probe leaving our solar system) has instructions written in math in the hopes some future beings can understand.
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Ryusui wasn't wearing two swords last chapter, I wonder where they came from and why he's wearing them now…
(Maybe this is why Sai was running from him haha!)
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Mathematical errors have ruined a lot of space missions: the Mariner 1 was destroyed because of a missing hyphen, and the Mars Climate Orbiter was destroyed on landing because of a failure to convert units.
Avoiding these errors was very difficult when it was all done by hand.
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This seems to be at least partially true, however the practice has lessened over the decades. Indian-educated parents and grandparents may remember, but students these days probably only need to learn up to 19x19!
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The HR industry in India is incredibly large, and are a very useful resource to have for any business looking to scale up. It's not surprising that the Nanami Corporation set up a university there!
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Sai appears to be the 554th most popular name in India and can be used for both genders, but it's generally a male name.
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The equations in the background here I haven't identified yet, but the gamma (γ) thrust here may be alluding to the thrust equation used with rocket engines in space. The gamma is the specific heat ratio of the gas.
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The day is October 1st, so the team likely left Spain sometime between September 15th-20th if it did in fact take them 10 days to travel the distance (with some delays because of the Suez situation).
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The food here may be a somewhat generic curry as the sound effect seems to indicate, or it could also be lamb gosht based on the color, region, and spices used.
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Technically we don't know that Ruri specifically called for the defensive positions, but we do know everyone in Japan is probably in them.
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I think this is the same sky image as the one Tsukasa saw in chapter 188, but with a different star pattern.
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The Fellenius method and what Senku is actually doing here is dividing the slopes into segments and calculating how stable each one is using the properties of the dirt and rock. Putting the segments together should give you how likely a rock slide is. Strata are layers of rock.
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The many-armed pose Sai is found in is a reference to Durga, a major Hindu deity. She is associated with protection, strength, motherhood, destruction and wars.
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This comment I believe is Chelsea's from the "I'm not a fan" part, with the "baaad" learnt from Chrome's habit.
The meaning of her comment is confusing, but it might be because the last pretty-boy character introduced was a villain (Stanley), however shes also a fan of Hyoga…?
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Sai's outfit is very simple and rather lacking compared to Ryusui's, however they share elements such as the collar type and addition of a belt.
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The belt buckle is very interesting, it doesn't follow Ryusui's nor Nanami Corp.'s branding and looks like a C+.
My guesses for the meaning: -C+, the programming language, based off the fact he was petrified on his laptop presumably. -C, the Roman numeral, indicating 100+ because of the million-times brainpower comment (million in Japanese is 百万, 百=100). -C, from E=mc^2, for light speed.
Sai's odd yell ("peegyaaaah!") may be a computer joke, as the sound effect "ピ" (pi) tends to be used for computer beeps, like pressing a button.
A similar sound has been used in the past for Xeno's encryption device.
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Sai's character could go a lot of directions since he's unlikely to be one of the traditional nerds they described, nor one like Joel since Joel exists. What Ryusui did to scare off his older brother though, I'm very curious about…
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muserryy · 8 days
chapter 2 || LIFE OF REVA MASTERLIST || main masterlist
read chapter one here.
Reva D'Souza
It was another evening and we had just finished our takeout dinner. Now, we were lounging in the living area. I was sitting near the balcony, on a barstool at the counter table. I kept the sliding door open, letting in the wind and sounds of traffic commotion. Harry was sprawled on the couch, busy on his phone, wearing his grey sweats and a black tee.
It had been a week and a half since I started staying in this flat. and I had noticed that Harry usually spent his evenings out. However, today, he decided to stay in. I usually stayed in, went for a short walk around the block or nearby streets, or talked to my family. 
Our apartment was a 2 BHK on the second floor of a building that accommodated families and students. Upon entering, there was the living space. To the left of the entrance was a wall, with the kitchen on the other side seamlessly flowing into the living area. A large glass sliding door, in the front, led to the balcony, which provided the main source of natural light. Directly across from the balcony, at the end of the living area, were two rooms; Harry's on the left and mine on the right. The bathroom was located to the right of the entrance, just before my room. 
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I was pleased with my room; it was boxy yet not too sophisticated. There was a single bed in the corner by the door, a weary wardrobe, a study table, and a window where I had a small potted plant that I watered from time to time. I had yet to decorate my room and was searching for ideas. I brought some of my sketches to stick on the walls, but it was certain that I was not going to keep my room plain like vanilla.
The grey paint on the walls was peeling in some corners, but it was bearable. I was satisfied with the bathroom. It was big enough and had bright tiles; everything was at a strategic distance. 
It wasn't congested at all, maybe because of the fewer chattels. Overall, it was worth the half rent I was paying. 
We had been sitting here for 10 minutes. At first I thought about saying or asking something but my mind was blank. I kept trying to figure out what to say because the silence was starting to feel a bit awkward. However, when we both became engrossed in our screens, I didn't care. 
Eventually, Harry decided to break the silence. 
"So, when do your classes start?" Harry asked, looking up from his phone. His voice was soothingly deep, with a british accent.
I looked up from mine, meeting his gaze. "Next week," I cleared my throat as I had been silent for a while. 
He nodded, getting busy on his phone again. I leaned forward on my chair placing my arms against the marble counter and continued scrolling on my phone. 
"You nervous?" 
Our eyes met again. I nodded, mentally slapping myself to use the words. "A little, it's my first time in college, so. .. " 
"Understandable," He smiled sympathetically, "but don't worry, you'll be fine. I remember my first year of college was nerve-wracking too."
I gave him a small smile.
Oh god what should I say now? Should I ask him something about it? Why the hell am I like this?
"What's your major? I didn't ask you about it before." 
We had already had a conversation about the university when we realized that we were both attending the same one. It was a brief exchange, neither of us asked about each other's majors or courses. We had a small introduction— the where's and the why's. I learned that Harry was from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire and had come to pursue his undergraduate studies with his friends. I shared that I was from India and that my parents, especially my father, had encouraged me to pursue higher education abroad.
"I'm doing a joint major in literature and sociology." I answered.
"Actually, I'm also doing sociology. so we have one subject in common." He said, a grin spreading across his face.
My eyebrows shot up. Oh now that's a great coincidence. He might help me with the subject.
"Oh! and what else are you taking?"
"I'm doing a triple major in psychology, sociology and music." He responded as he locked his phone and put his arms behind his head, focusing on me.
"Wow. I considered studying psychology too, but not to that level… you know, studying for the sake of grades and all the practical stuff..." I admitted, fiddling with my phone. "I just have a deep curiosity about human behaviour."
"Well, I have been interested in it for a long time, pretty intense." 
"And what about music? You like to sing or–" He interrupted me before I could finish my question.
"I like singing," he nodded, a sly smile appearing on his lips.
I gave him an impressed look, curious to know more, but couldn't bring myself to ask further questions about it. Maybe it was simply a matter of mood. 
"That's great! It's your final year, isn't it? What are you gonna do after that?" I found myself asking.
I have always been interested in knowing what people will be doing once they graduate and all those future plans.
"I'm not sure yet," he shifted, sitting straight. "Masters in psychology or music, maybe. Or maybe working in music therapy." He shrugged.
And I like such answers. I like when people are unsure and still figuring things out. It makes me feel relieved and reassured, less alone. It reminds me that they are humans. We are just humans ౨ৎ. 
I hadn't really given much thought to my future beyond college, but whenever someone asked me I tried to appear as if I had some kind of plan.
"Literature, right? You must enjoy reading a lot, then?" He inquired, his fingers idly playing with his soft, messy curls. 
Oh hell no. I mean I do read but that's not why I chose literature. To be honest, I'm not sure why I chose it. I read mostly for myself when I feel like it. I'm not the type to be engrossed in books and texts all the time. I prefer writing. 
"Actually, I don't read that much." I said, pursing my lips, knowing it must be confusing to him. A lit major who doesn't read, well— that much. "I prefer writing. I either write poetry or just… whatever comes to my head."
He raised his eyebrows at my words. I had a feeling he might be judging me, but he didn't question it.
Instead, he asked, "You write?"
I gave him a simple nod of confirmation. I wanted to mention that I was currently working on a small project but I didn't want to disclose it to anyone until I was sure it was progressing.
"Could I maybe read some of your writing sometime?" He asked, almost eagerly. I blinked.
Nobody had ever asked to read something I'd written before, not even my close ones who were aware of my writing. Harry was a near-stranger, I wouldn't mind sharing it with him now that he had asked, but something held me back. I didn't want to be judged for what I wrote. People often make assumptions about our worth as writers, after reading a few pieces. They may not say it to our faces, but the facade of appreciation and praise still scars and bothers me just as much.
Oh gosh, it's always those people. 
My mind was racing with a desire to scream 'YES, YES, YES', but the word 'no' was on the tip of my tongue, to keep my writing personal and hidden away.
"I'm… I'm not sure," I muttered. "I'm not used to sharing my writing with anyone."
"Oh, no, I mean it's completely up to you. I was just curious." He smiled, favourably. I let out a breath. 
Girl, you should apologize to him, at least, for being dismissive especially when he showed interest. He was curious and you said you're not sure? Really?
I could smell his probable disappointment, but I didn't bring myself to say anything. Instead, I felt an urge to confess my secret work in progress. Was I feeling this way because I refused to show him my work or—
"You know," he spoke, "I used to write poetry too, back in high school." 
"Yeah, I tried to, at least." he chuckled, looking down at himself and picking at the fabric of his t-shirt. "Nothing too great, mostly just teenage angst and emotions."
I chewed my lips, staring at his relaxed figure. I often found myself pouring my own emotions and thoughts into whatever I wrote. It was a way of expressing myself, especially because I couldn't verbalize my feelings.
"Looking back, some of my poetry was absolutely ridiculous," he admitted, slightly shaking his head.
He chuckled, gazing up at me, "I was a classic teenage drama queen." 
"I know the feeling, I've written my fair share of corny stuff too." I couldn't suppress a titter as I said that. I leaned my chin on my hand.
"I think we all go through that phase, no?" The tiny smile never left his lips. 
"Yeah, I suppose so." I concurred with a nod.
And the conversation died. I took another glance at him before averting my gaze down to my phone, seeing my reflection on the black screen. My hair, pulled into a ponytail, had somehow managed to look untidy and loose with strands of hair almost sticking out from the sides. I grimaced at my state. My hands quickly reached up to readjust it and make it somewhat presentable. 
Great, I had been looking like this the entire time and it wasn't even a cute, loose ponytail. 
A ring echoed in the silence, grabbing my attention— Harry's phone. He glanced at the caller before standing up and securing his door key in his pocket.
"I'm heading out," he informed me, walking to the door with his phone in his hand, still ringing. "I'll be back in about half an hour." He flashed me a quick smile before opening the door and stepping out.
"Aye, count to 20!" I heard him giggle into the phone as the door shut.
I exhaled a huff and pulled the elastic band off my hair, letting my mid-back length hair fall loose.
Time to oil my hair. 
chapter 3 soon!!
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admission2024 · 8 months
Madras University Distance Education
In January 1840, the University Board was constituted under the presidency of Mr. George Norton for the establishment of Madras University initiated by public petition on 11-11-1839. The Government of India formulated a systematic educational policy and as a sequel on 5th September 1857, Madras University came into existence by an Act of the Legislative Council of India after a lapse of 14 years in the year 1854. Madras University was organized based on the London University model. In the year of 1981, the Institute of Distance Education (IDE) was developed under the influence of Madras University. Madras University Distance Education helps students to complete their educational, career, and personal goals. Madras University is also called the mother of almost all old Universities situated in South India. The area of Madras University's sovereignty has been constricted to three districts of Tamil Nadu in recent years. This resulted in the establishment of various universities in the State and the separation of the University territories. This University is growing from strength to strength and spreading its teaching and research activities among the students.
Madras University Distance Education has completed more than 25 years of service in the field of Distance Education. Now this university is offering 16 Undergraduate Courses, 22 Postgraduate Courses under the CBCS Pattern (Approved by UGC No.F.1-6/2018(DEB-1), dated 03.10.2018), 19 Diploma Courses, and 16 Certificate Courses.
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Program Offerings
Madras University Distance Education offers undergraduate programs, post-graduate programs, MBA programs, and B.Ed. programs, Diploma & Certificate courses in the streams of Arts and Humanities, Literature, Commerce, Science, Education, IT, Management, and Performing Arts such as BA, BCom, BSc, BCA, BBA, and Bachelor of Literature in Tamil (BLit in Tamil). The course duration of all these programs is three years. The students are eligible to be admitted to the courses of Madras University Distance Education if they have completed their 10+2 with a recognized board. Selection of the students based on the marks opted by the students in their 10+2, The University selects students on a merit basis. 
Before choosing any course some questions arise in a student’s mind like Is it valid? Do we have to attend off-campus classes for minimum attendance? What is the course fee? etc. So these doubts stop students from taking a further step in their careers. It is good to clear all doubts before making any further steps so let’s clear all things with us.
Q: Is the Madras University Distance Education valid?
Yes, it is valid in every field of a student's career because this university has a well-maintained directorate and is approved by NAAC “A” grade with a 3.32-grade score. It also holds rank 50th in the NIRF ranking 2023.
Q: Is attendance compulsory in Madras University distance education for appearing in the exams?
Attendance is compulsory in some courses for taking the exams of M.Sc in Psychology a student has to gain 50% attendance in theory classes and 100% in practical classes. Whereas attendance is not mandatory for M.A & M.Com courses.
Q: What is the pass mark in Madras University distance education?
Pass mark depends on the course you choose. For example, In an MBA course, a student must score 78 or above 78 credits out of 100, and in an MCA course, a student must score 81 or above 81 credits out of 100.
Q: What will be the course fees in Madras University Distance Education?
Madras University Distance Education charges cost-effective fees, BA fees range between INR 6000-10,000, MA fees range between INR 7,000-15,000, and MBA fees range between INR 17,000-25,000 based on the specialization of the subject opted by a student.
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Top Online MBA Programs In India 2023
List of Top Online MBA Programs in 2023
1. Online MBA in Finance –
MBA Online in Finance is the most picked educational program in business management with regards to a graduate degree. The Financial Length Learning Software MBA is a course committed to the examination and the board of finance and accounting. It is fundamentally for candidates who have an interest and information in financial management, a specific business, or who start their organization.
During the MBA, we research various points connecting with finance and accounting. We concentrate on distance learning. You will concentrate on finance management, economy, and corporate communications in the language of business. You are answerable for dealing with item promoting or for the business. It creates financial abilities and depends on cash. This is a course. The willingness to spend through cash is taught by the MBA in finance distance learning
Click to know more Top Online MBA Programs in India.
Online MBA is a master’s degree in management which is a 2 years program where you discover all the business skills as well as monitoring abilities via online mode. A Master of Business Administration degree has always been an alternative for people that believe they need an enhancement to their current career graph.
With the changing times, the initiatives and also range of going after an MBA have ended up being seamless and smooth. Since today, our world has transformed into an online platform completely which brings us a chance to go with an Online MBA!
Today the education and learning industry contains online courses as well as online universities offering various fields of expertise at different expense pay. However, it’s hard when it pertains to finding the very best one while picking to expand in your professional course. That’s when SimpliDistance comes into the picture which enables you to make the right options according to your choice. Well, talking about the very best online MBA Colleges In India one can aim to pursue from, are several.
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Reach of Online Education in Rural India
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The concept of E-learning was introduced in the late nineties. But it was never a popular method of acquiring education until the Covid pandemic arrived. The pandemic acted as a catalyst as people couldn’t leave their homes and had to switch to online methods for learning. Since then, online education has become a ubiquitous part of our education system. The urban area of the country are leveraging internet and electronic mobile devices to purse reputed courses like NMIMS distance MBA, distance BBA, distance BSc along with short term professional certifications.
In rural areas, before covid arrived, Online education was never a thing. Neither, the rural areas have Internet facilities which is the basic requirement of e-learning, nor people are aware. After covid, a lot of students who were studying in urban areas had to shift back to their native places which were not very developed in terms of technology. They reported to face a number of problems when it came to continuing their studies using the Internet as the pandemic hit at a critical time when the academic year 2019-20 was about to end, and it was very important for the students and the institutions to complete their classes.
Poor data connectivity, a lack of access to computers and smartphones, and power problems in villages made it difficult for the students to access the online courses offered by their universities. Students have been known to go to locations outside their villages in quest of the elusive mobile wireless connection. The media has reported a case where a child in Karnataka climbed a tree to get a strong enough mobile signal. Managing access to online classes was extremely difficult for students, particularly girls. 
A survey that expresses the condition of Online Education in India
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Many challenges which are now faced regarding online education are revealed by a study of a Government First Grade College (GFGC). The college is situated near the taluk office, which is 20 kilometres from the district office and 90 kilometres from Bengaluru, the state capital.
The students that go to this college are around 20 km from the area around the institutions. The college offers graduation and post-graduation courses and has 1060 students in total. The college switched to online methods of teaching after the pandemic. A survey was conducted and input was taken from 20 faculty members(a total was 21) and 724 students with the purpose of taking feedback regarding the online method of learning in remote areas.
Results of the survey:
Teachers communicate with students through a variety of channels, including websites, youtube videos, Jnana Nidhi (a YouTube channel), WhatsApp videos, and reading notes sent via email and Whatsapp. 
With 66 percent of all techniques employed, sharing reading notes with students was found to be the most effective way.
Each faculty member connected with students on average 30 times. 
For their own internal meetings, the academics used the collaboration technology ZOOM. 
Teachers reported that they are facing problems due to a lack of assistance regarding new technology.
The faculty had no knowledge of how to make lesson films.
60% of the professors said it was challenging to make videos on their smartphones.
80% of the staff was not having any broadband connection and they were using their personal Internet to teach their students.
65 % of faculty faced signal issues.
Power Issues were also faced by all the members who were part of the program.
The majority of issues faced were regarding poor data connectivity.
Lack of training
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Reasons why Online education cannot reach remote areas 
No availability of the latest smart devices and a lack of accessibility to the online content that urban citizens enjoy daily.
Do not have enough resources to buy a personal laptop or desktop, depending on family members’ devices for studying 
Can not afford expensive data plans.
Lack of awareness among people due to which they do not support the facility for their children.
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Suggestions (Steps towards Transformation)
Availability of the tutor all the time.
Proper training regarding the technology part for both teachers and students 
Clarity of technical doubts.
Creating a community between students- teachers and students- students to deal with any issues, learn about hobbies and interests of the other p[erson, etc.
Exploration with more and more tools so that the process can be made easier and more convenient.
Orienting students about all the changes coming in the Online Education system
Introducing various methods of Interaction, group discussions, and activities so that active learning can be encouraged.
Organizing the study material in such a way that it is easily adaptable to the students.
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shubhammaantech123 · 2 years
ICFAI University Distance MBA Admission 2023
The ICFAI University Distance MBA program has become increasingly popular among students looking to advance their careers. It is a convenient choice for those who desire to continue their education without attending traditional classes. The MBA program offered by the University is a distance program a 2-year postgraduate degree across 4 semesters. 
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The University was founded in 1984 as a nonprofit organization with the broad goal of empowering kids via world-class education. For nearly 30 years, ICFAI University has provided professional education. The university's objective is to provide students with the best facilities for innovative, professional, and career-oriented programs.
The University Grants Commission (UGC), Distance Education Bureau, NCTE, and ACU have recognized and approved ICFAI University Distance Education to provide various courses to candidates. The university is also on the Association of Indian Colleges' list and is approved by the National Assessment and Accreditation Council.
ICFAI University Distance MBA Course 
ICFAI University Distance Education offers an MBA course through its distance mode. It is a full-time course of 2 years duration that is completed in 4 semesters. The course is credible and valid as the university has all the major accreditations. 
The university provides 4 specializations which are mentioned below: 
Human Resource Management 
Operation Management 
Finance Management 
Healthcare Management 
IT & Systems 
Why Choose an Online MBA at ICFAI University Distance Education 
There are several reasons why one might choose the ICFAI University Distance learning few are mentioned below: 
Flexibility: The online MBA     program provides pace and schedule flexibility, allowing students to blend their studies with other commitments.
Affordability: The program is reasonably priced, making it an appealing alternative for students seeking a quality MBA education.
Accreditation: The University     Grants Commission (UGC), India's premier accreditation authority, has accredited ICFAI University Distance Education.
Industry-Related Curriculum: The curriculum is meant to be industry-relevant, ensuring that students have the skills and information they need to excel in today's corporate world.
Faculty with Experience: The faculty members are skilled and competent in their professions, and they provide students with high-quality instruction and mentoring.
ICFAI MBA Key Highlights
The major key highlights of ICFAI University are listed below: 
Program Duration: The ICFAI MBA     program can be completed in two years (four semesters) for full-time students and up to four years for distance learners.
Curriculum: The program curriculum is industry-relevant, with an emphasis on practical skills and experiential learning. Case studies, projects, and internships are all part of the curriculum.
Accreditation: ICFAI University is accredited by the University Grants Commission (UGC), India's premier accreditation agency.
Placements: ICFAI has a specialized placement cell that assists students in finding employment opportunities in major businesses across a wide range of industries.
ICFAI University Distance Education Eligibility Criteria 
This course is appropriate for students and recent graduates interested in business management, as well as working professionals and entrepreneurs. To apply for the ICFAI University Distance MBA Program, students must meet certain fundamental eligibility requirements.
A bachelor's degree from an approved university is required of applicants.
Graduates from any discipline can apply.
Candidates must have at least a     50% average in their graduation.
Because English is the medium of instruction, students applying for the course must have English as their medium of instruction at the graduate level.
If a student does not have English as their medium of instruction in graduation, they must produce a valid score record for English exams such as IELTS and TROFL.
In addition to these eligibility requirements, the institution will conduct its own screening process to pick candidates based on their knowledge and grasp of business administration, and the selection committee's decision will be binding.
ICFAI University Distance Education MBA Fee Structure 
The ICFAI University Distance Education Fee has three different options for making payment 
Full fees - In full fee the admission fee is INR 10,000 and the program fee is INR 65,000 so the total  is INR 75,000/
Year-Wise Fee Payment - The admission fee is INR 10,000 and the program fees for the first and second years are INR 35,000, for a total of INR 80,000.
Semester-Wise Fee Payment - The admission fee is INR 10,000 in the semester-wise fee payment module, and the first to fourth-semester fees is INR 18,000, for a total of INR     82,000. 
Note - The admission fee is non-refundable
             The exam fee is Rs. 500 per registration per topic
             Rs. 1,000 for project work evaluation
ICFAI University Distance Education Admission process 
The application process for the MBA degree offered by ICFAI is relatively simple and may be completed using both online and offline means. Admissions to various courses are available throughout the year and are based on merit through the application process. You can apply to ICFAI University Distance Education Admission by following these steps : 
 Submission of Application : 
Candidates must complete the     application and fee remittance form included in the Program Prospectus,     together with copies of the necessary documents (self-attested in blue ink     along with the date)
Copy of the most recent photograph with signature across the photo to be inserted in the space specified on the application form. 
A copy of the most recent photograph without a signature. 
 X Class Certificate and     XII Class Certificate and a  Degree Certificate (only for MBA     Applicants) 
And  Aadhar For identity     proof 
Please fill out the fee remittance form with the payment details based on the payment option selected and attach the supporting payment details/instruments.
To complete the enrolment procedure, a complete application should be submitted to the Admission Office.
ICFAI University Distance Education Placement Assistance 
Although ICFAI University Distance MBA does not provide direct placement to students, it does have a comprehensive and well-formulated placement as well as a professional support system that has been designed to evaluate the student's complete professional competency and amplitude to provide them with the necessary training, guidance, and mentorship. In addition to the support, ICFAI has created the LMS with the application of the course materials in a real-life environment in mind.
ICFAI University Distance Education Review & Ranking 
Review - Students have praised ICFAI University Distance Education for its educational quality, skilled staff, and industry-relevant curriculum. The University Grants Commission (UGC), India's premier accreditation authority, has acknowledged the university. The program curriculum is industry-relevant, with an emphasis on practical skills and experiential learning, and is designed to allow students to balance their studies with other responsibilities.
Ranking - In terms of rankings, ICFAI University Distance Education has been ranked among the top universities in India by various reputable organizations. It has been ranked 46th among management schools in India by NIRF (National Institutional Ranking Framework) and has also been ranked among the top universities in India by Careers360 and Education World.
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dpathshala · 2 years
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The answer is a BBA distance education course. In a distance learning course, you do not have to visit the college to study because the college comes to you in the form of online lectures and studies. BBA distance education in Delhi is extremely popular. This is because there is a lot of flexibility because you can attend these online classes from anywhere. You save a lot of time. And so, you can invest this precious time of yours to gain experience. 
One of the best ways is to pursue a job-oriented short-term course simultaneously with your online BBA course. There are several good distance learning universities in Delhi NCR from where you can pursue your online BBA degree. You can go for a relevant certificate or diploma course. After completing this course, you can look for a job in a relevant field. And you can do all of this while completing your BBA degree in online mode at the same time. With this, you are earning a bachelor’s degree and work experience at the same time. 
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world001zone · 2 years
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Sikkim Manipal University Distance MBA Courses
Sikkim Manipal University Distance MBA Courses are now available for candidates who want to kick start their academic career again. The university is all set to offer the best of its professional course in a distance mode of education. Check out this blog to get more information.
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indiai001 · 2 years
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Subharti University Distance MBA Courses
Here’s what you need to know about Subharti University Distance MBA Courses. Subharti University offers a professional course like an MBA in distance mode of education. There are many UG courses available at University like BA, BBA, B.Lib., B.Sc., B.C.A., and B.Com.
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Distance mba online program - Distance Pathshala
This course will give you the proper knowledge about all dimensions of management and business. Areas like project management, sales, finance, planning, product, and services. This course gives a fundamental and advanced glimpse of business operations and growth.
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simplidistance1234 · 2 years
WhatDistance MBA Is In India
The definition of "Online MBA" is clear from the phrase's name. An MBA program is offered by a university or other institution, and students can participate in lectures, seminars, and other activities online. Live and recorded lectures, as well as tests that students can complete at their own speed, are often employed in classroom settings. The student can attend class from anywhere as there isn't a physical classroom present. Economics, business law, management, marketing, finance, and accounting are important disciplines. You can choose from a number of specializations, including those in management information systems, international commerce, business analytics, and entrepreneurship. Students normally need to have 2 to 5 years of work experience before enrolling in  distance learning MBA in India.
Graduates frequently land jobs in the operations, consulting, and finance industries.
First, distance education Outside of India, MBA programs are well-known and highly valued. They strive to develop the essential professional expertise and business skills. MBA students take courses on strategic decision-making, corporate management principles, and critical thinking.
A standard MBA takes a significant commitment in terms of time, money, and temporary life sacrifice. A practical method to get a top-notch education without having to change your usual schedule is through an online MBA. One of the main benefits of online education is flexibility since it enables you to work a full-time job while earning your degree.
The education section of SimplDistance covers more than 1,000 undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses, 500+ certificates, 50+ executive MBA programs, 100+ colleges and institutes, and the top Indian distance learning MBA schools.
The goal is to make it easier for newbies or seasoned professionals seeking career growth to find the Top Distance MBA Colleges in India and to use technology to recommend the best online/distance learning programs. The education portal also offers free guidance on the best distance learning courses, institutions, and universities.
Keep up to date with SimpliDistance if you're looking at non-traditional job options and monitoring trends in the distance/online learning sector. You can get all the most up-to-date, trustworthy information on courses, schools, and more on SimpliDistance.
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scdlnet · 2 years
6 Reasons why SCDL is at par with the Top Distance Education Universities in India
According to recent survey, around 55.53% of the students stated that they are ready to pay a premium on fees for online degrees if the courses are taught by qualified, skilled and reputed faculty. With this in the backdrop, we understand what it takes for SCDL to be counted as a best distance-learning university in India. 
The study not only goes to prove that quality education is the criteria for most students pursuing distance learning program, but also shows the importance of the virtues of a good education. This holds true for a few institutes like Symbiosis Center for Distance Learning (SCDL), which is at par with the top distance education universities in India. We list down several aspects about the institute that makes it the most preferred and best distance learning institute in India.
Skill-based Learning for Better Prospects
There is a growing number of employers who feel that critical skills are lacking in employees today. For this reason, there is a constant need for upskilling, reskilling from institutes known for distance education in Mumbai and Pune. SCDL offers hand-picked courses leading to Post Graduate Diploma, Diploma and Certificate programs across industry sectors including Business Management, Supply-chain Management, Data sciences, Banking and Finance. 
As an institute at par with the best distance learning university in India, the focus at SCDL has been to encourage skill-based learning among students. Careful planning of course content, interactive sessions, analyzing concepts, in-depth research gained through knowledge-based learning methods are some of the ways that pave way to hone skills.
Recognition and Credibility
SCDL is the name synonymous with good academics and sound legacy. As an ISO Certified institution since last 10 years, the institute has been awarded with the certificate for successful establishment of Quality Management System. Today, the institute is counted at par with the best distance learning university in India. Such recognitions and certifications are not only validation for the commitment to excellence in providing quality education through distance education, but also a symbol of excellence for decades of presence. 
Interactive Classroom Experience
SCDL comprises of academicians, trainers and industry experts who form a pool of dedicated resources. As one of the top distance education institutes in India, the focus has been to provide timely student support but also aim to bridge the gap of a physical classroom. 
Several features such as i-learn campus and student portals, bridge the digital divide. The e-mentoring, self-learning material, and e-counselling services that provide for active interaction among students make SCDL a sought-after institute for distance education in Mumbai and Pune. In addition, there is guidance provided to students by way of preparation for interviews and presentations, CV writing, honing interview skills and crack aptitude tests.
Mentorship and Student Assistance
Proper guidance and mentorship are critical for all-round development of students and SCDL recognizes the importance. While many feel that proper guidance during the early years of career can go a long way, a recent survey also reveals that 87.9% of participants willing to enroll in upskilling courses feel access to their mentors to shape their careers.
SCDL is known to be the pioneering institute and is counted as a best distance learning university in India where the focus of the study has been to achieve a two-fold objective-
• Ensure career advancement for students through proper guidance and mentorship. Mentorship sessions and support groups that lead to the holistic development 
• Conformation to the delivery mechanism of the courses/programs and aim to build a two-way communication between the participants and the relevant stakeholders
Personalized Career Guidance
In addition to strong academics and support, SCDL takes efforts to provide personalized career coaching to its students. This is done through preparation for interviews, assistance in CV drafting, and personal guidance. The intention is to work alongside with students to help them get back to workforce.
Dynamic Course Delivery 
The courses designed by SCDL represent the breadth and depth of Symbiosis Open Education Society and its faculty. The wide-ranging expertise and topics for the course content are a result of the different points of view gathered from its affiliated institutes and colleges. Naturally, the blended learning methodology which SCDL and all the three modes of learning, viz. learning-published/printed materials, faculty interaction, and digital e-learning are inspirations from the long-standing experience in academics and expertise in delivering content over years.
Commitment to Academics
Having made its foray into distance education by the mark of the century, SCDL has been making rapid strides in education. The blurring of boundaries between the physical and online world has led to a distinct identity of its own-Symbiosis Centre for Distance Learning. 
With consistent efforts and commitment, the curriculum is comparable to that of a full-time management institute. 
In the past two decades, SCDL has been ranked among the top institutes for distance learning, while also been a recipient of several awards. Today, the institute offers a range of ODL programs with high industry acceptance and good credibility. 
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twistedpolaris · 2 years
Lego marvel avengers blitzwinger
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Please ignore the salty review of that number 5 rating, he clearly only plays PS4 versions. I definitely recommend getting it if you love these lego games and want a real lego game on the go. This Lego version is one of the most closest it has been to its console counterpart ever. In March, three sets were released based on the Marvel Studios film Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.2. In 2017, one set based on the All New All Different Marvel was released while two sets based on the Avengers Assemble were released. Then it would be even a more truer version of a lego handheld game. LEGO Marvel's Avengers was also released on January 26, 2016. Play as the most powerful Super Heroes in their. DLC is only for the console versions (The season pass is only 10 bucks, not even that expensive). LEGO Marvel's Avengers features characters and storylines from Marvel’s The Avengers, the sequel Marvel’s Avengers: Age of Ultron, and more. All we need now is for them to acualy add DLC to the handheld versions. However they are acualy being nice this time and are adding 15 exclusives levels not available even on the PS4 just for the vita! that's awesome. This all-new sequel features a completely original branching storyline, inspired by a diverse roster of comics from the Marvel Universe. LEGO DUPLO Super Heroes Lab 10921 Marvel Avengers Superheroes Construction Toy and Educational Playset for Toddlers, New 2020 (30 Pieces) 4.8 out of 5 stars 2,857 23.99 23.
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Director: Jon Burton Stars: Tom Kane, Sally Clawson, Dan Donovan, John Armstrong. TBA Hub Areas: New York City Asgard The X-Mansion Wakanda Blue Area of the Moon West. Fans can build, battle and brawl from Indys entanglements with snakes to his dashing boulder run. LEGO Marvel Superheroes 3: Invasion is a Video Game released in 2020.
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LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Minifigure, DUPLO, LEGENDS OF CHIMA, NINJAGO, BIONICLE, MINDSTORMS and MIXELS are trademarks and copyrights of the LEGO Group. Must be 18 years or older to purchase online. The Levels are ok, but obviously the level design on the PS4 is much better as these levels feel a bit shorter? they always do on the handheld versions. LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 is an all-new, original epic adventure that brings together iconic Marvel Super Heroes and Super Villains from different eras and realities. Jones escapades through the jungles of South America to the mountaintops of India. LEGO System A/S, DK-7190 Billund, Denmark. The Audio in this game is ripped straight out from the movies really. Lego game play consists of the same thing though, build this, collect that, solve this, etc. For one its open world!!! And its a legit open world! not a small one either! Draw distance is a little poor but it had to be like that for the open world to fit. For one its open world!!! And its a legit open world! not a small one either! Draw This is one of the best handheld vita games to date. This is one of the best handheld vita games to date.
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mycareermantras · 16 hours
The Best Online MBA Programs for 2024
Are you considering an online MBA in 2024 to boost your career? With flexible schedules and high-quality education, online MBAs are increasingly popular, especially for working professionals. But with so many options, how do you know which programs stand out?
Top Online MBA Programs for 2024
Here’s a list of some of the best Online MBA programs for 2024. Each offers unique features, so consider what’s important to you when making a decision.
1. Online Manipal University
Online Manipal University Jaipur is recognised by the UGC and accredited by NAAC, AICTE, WES, and ICAS. These certifications endorse our academic model, pedagogy, and quality of education, establish academic credibility and certify a graduate’s credentials to employers.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 1,75,000
Duration: 24 months.
2. Vivekananda Global University
The Online VGU Learning Platform is a software tool that manages all parts of learning online. It’s like a system for organising, keeping track of, and delivering online classes or training programs. Online VGU Platform uses a strong Learning Management System (LMS) to give online classes and make on-campus classes better.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 1,30,000
Duration: 24 months.
3. Sharda University
Sharda University is ranked as the 8th top university in the private sector for management studies. Later, the university decided to start a Centre for Distance and Open Learning for the students who could not fulfil their dreams of pursuing higher education.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 1,00,000
Duration: 24 months.
4. Jain University
Jain University offers a full-time MBA program for 2 Years. MBA at Jain University is offered through the CMS Business School in various single and dual specializations.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 1,60,000
Duration: 24 months.
5. Uttaranchal University
Established in 2013, Uttaranchal University is a private university located in Uttarakhand. Over the years, the university has contributed immensely to delivering quality higher education over the years. Many accreditation bodies have recognised these efforts, and the university has been bestowed with the prestigious A+ grade by NAAC.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 82,000
Duration: 24 months.
6. Lovely Professional University
Lovely Professional University (LPU) is a top-ranking university in India in various academic disciplines, ranked by NIRF. LPU Online is no different as it is one of the top online education providers in India.The university has various affiliations including recognition from University Grants Commission (UGC), All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), and World Education Services (WES). The university has been ranked by NIRF, WURI, and The World University Rankings 2022.
Specializations: Finance, data analytics, entrepreneurship.
Cost: 1,62,800
Duration: 24 months.
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