#all my friends and joys.... they matter. but once again. i have resigned myself to waiting. because he is everything
dalishthunder · 10 months
Um uh *screams*
Ti's me again, smile anon. Took long bc lord has this week been relentless but you're still keeping us well fed w all the rama content and i am coming to scream about it as promised (so to anyone else reading this ask There Will Be Spoilers)
First of all I love the quotes you're leaving at the start of chapters, they really set the tone! The fic overall is v introspective and I'm deeply enjoying the discussions on morality. Both ramattra and reader gave it a lot of thought, and I like that he's getting a chance to discuss his ideals w somebody who'd listen and actually mull it over. Somebody's already mentioned this, but you include his voice lines seamlessly and get his speech patterns on point!
And holy shit that last line. "At what point did throwing a molotov cocktail become self defense?" That's the perfect way to end the chapter with how it's been going. And I love that there isn't an answer right now. Those children (and other innocent people) were put in danger as a direct result of the attack, even if unintentionally. But also reader and the child they were saving got put in danger by a stray bullet (again, not intentional) from overwatch who are supposed to be saving them. So what's the answer here? "I'm still not sure. But I do know there are some lines that I won’t cross, Ramattra." Gah I love the characterization of this reader so much. They play off each other well and I can't wait to see what conclusion they'd reach (both of them). Went over both snippets and I will whoop and cheer once the next chapter is release
Also I noticed how he asked how they view him again 👀 and yes he's using it as a shooting off point to get his idea across but methinks he deeply cares about the answer. And it hurts that his 'friend' status is on shaky grounds rn but they still care for each other and that's what matters
Overall, I adore how you characterize him. On the surface he appears cold and distant, because he's had no choice but to be, but then when given the chance he's so thoughtful and he cares. He cares deeply about the people in his circle and about his cause, about other omnics that he's resigned himself to suffering forever if it means getting there.
I am aro-spec and rarely find myself catching feelings but you have me officially down on my knees I just wanna hold him and kiss him and give him a damn break for once, he deserves all the TLC in the world </3
Ahem hope i didn't embarrass myself too much ily thanks for the 👌💯💥 good content
Smile anon I need you to know that I've read this like 50 times and it fills me with such joy each time!
I think Ramattra just... has a lot of grief that he can't really process because he's never been given the proper space to which just exacerbates his anger. And while these things are absolutely something he is not just valid, but *justified* in experiencing, they are leading him to make questionable decisions that seem to conflict with his own moral code, so like... more of that to come
And yes! I love writing something that's serious, and not in a horror way, for once. It's a nice change of pace to discuss morality and just how subjective it can be, and much like my first fic from my years long hiatus, I think it's going to become much more of a long-form fic than something short and sweet because both of these characters have so much to say
Also! He very much uses "Tell me, what do you see when you look at me?" as a way to challenge any assumptions reader may have made about him, but it's also 100% a way to gauge how they feel about him because he really does care.
And I'm having so much fun writing this, and I'm so glad people are enjoying it so much!!!!
These aren't embarrasing I love your asks so much 🥺🥺🥺🥺
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voregeoise · 2 years
Sailor's Savior's Snack
Just a heads up, this is not the big project ive been mentioning. That's gonna be on the back burner for a long while. But enjoy some sea snake Naga brainrot in the meantime.
A warming, our prey does feel pretty hopeless in their situation before they meet our pred. So, beware.
He stared in shock at the drift wood that used to be his pride and joy. The boat he had built himself, shattered so fast. He hadn't even had time to see what had done it. Whether it was an accidental crash, or something wrecking his boat, he didn't know. Nor did it really matter, he just clung on to a chunk of his boat for dear life.
Hours passed, the sun slowly made its way across the sky. As he drifted, a dreadful thought passed his mind. He was alone, exhausted, cold and treading water. No one knew where he was. He was utterly stranded.
He was going to die here.
Cold, alone and scared. A feeling of hopelessness descended on him. The realization that the chances of someone finding him were slim to none.
As the day continued he grew more and more exhausted, more and more resigned to his fate. As the sun set he made sure to appreciate it. It would in all likelihood be his last. Once darkness descended he felt the water grow chilled. He desperately tried to stay awake, he needed to stay up or else he'd drown. He knew it was unlikely he'd survive to the morning, but he didn't want to die. Not yet, not yet, just a few more precious minutes of life.
As he felt his eyelids grow heavy, he felt something brush up against his leg. He felt fear creep into his mind. He tried to look into the water and see what touched him, but the dark, murky sea hid it. There as a few nerve racking minutes as he waited for the thing to show itself. Eventually, it did.
A colossal sea serpent emerged from the sea, in the moonlight it's blue scales shone, and it's grey eyes seemed to glow. But there was something odd about it, the serpent was a naga. He'd never heard of a naga that lived in the ocean, let alone one so large. It's stare didn't calm his nerves. After a few long seconds it spoke.
"And what do I have here? How long have you been treading water alone?"
Something about its tone was.... unnerving. But he replied anyways.
"M-My boat... i-it got wrecked and-"
"I assume that piece of wood you're clinging to is what's left of your boat?"
"Well would you like some help my little prey?"
"Oh thank God! Yes ple- wait... p-prey? Did i-i hear y-you r-right? P-Prey?"
"You heard me correctly, now, let me help."
"N-No! NO! Wait! A-Are y-you going to e-eat me?"
"Of course! Why would I not enjoy a delectable little morsel like you?"
"W-wait! P-please!"
"Aww, don't you worry my friend! I'll be kind."
"N-No! I dont wanna die like this!"
The serpent paused for a moment before speaking again. "I think you misunderstood me. I'm merely trying to help, I'm going to eat you, not kill you."
"H-Help? How? Y-You're going to kill me!"
"Oh settle down, you. Im going to help you. Whether or not you trust me. You'll be safe, I can promise you."
"But I'll die?"
"No you won't. My friend I offer you a warm and cozy place to rest and you accuse me of wanting to murder you? Is this how you treat all those offering aid?"
"I-In your stomach?! You ARE trying to murder me! Get away you fucking freak!"
"I'd like you to try and make me, little prey. I'm not one to leave a sweet little thing like you to die. I'd much rather keep you in a safer, more... filling place."
"N-No! Please! Not like this!"
The serpent reached a hand under him and scooped him out of the water. The serpent used its other hand to take away his little piece of driftwood and tossed it into the water. He was too exhausted and cold to struggle. He didnt have the energy to run. His fate was left in the hands of this predator.
"Look, if you're really that scared, I can give you a minute to calm down and prove myself. How does that sound my little friend?"
"Please... I'm cold... and tired... I don't want to die... I'm scared... don't hurt me..."
"Hey, it's going to be okay. I'll heat you up, just trust me." It replied in a softer tone.
He turned up towards the nagas face. The snake had an almost comforting expression on it's face. It raised its hand up to its maw. The naga slowly parted it's jaws, he braced for the serpent to toss him down it's throat. But it never did. It merely tilted it's hand up slowly, letting him slide into its mouth. He didn't struggle, he didn't have the strength. He simply covered his eyes, and accepted fate.
He felt him drop into its maw. He waited for the serpent to swallow him down. He waited, and waited, and waited. But it never came, he didn't really feel the serpent move him at all. He only noticed the nagas forked toungue occasionally brush against him. After a few long minutes, he worked up the courage to open his eyes. He looked around and... He was fine? It's was wet and slick, but seemingly safe and warm for now. The snake hadn't even shut it's mouth. He used the little of his strength left to sit himself up. Only a few moments after he did, the serpent spoke up in a comforting tone.
"See? You're safe."
It's was odd to be inside someone's maw as they spoke, but the serpent stayed rather quiet, speaking as softly as it could manage.
"I... I'm fine?"
"Yes you are my little prey. Do you feel any better? Are you still cold?"
"I... guess... what are you.... going to do now?"
"Once you're feeling safe, I'll gulp you down so both of us can get some rest."
"I... but won't I get... digested? I'll end up in your stomach, won't I?"
"No, you won't find any acids down there. You'll end up in my storage stomach, safe for you to be."
"I... how can I trust you?"
"If I wanted to hurt you, why wouldn't I gulp you down now? Nothing's stopping me. You're in my mouth, tired, trapped and at my mercy. If I really wanted to do such a thing, why would I be trying to comfort you?"
"W-will I be able to leave?"
"I'll gag you up once we get to shore. I promise."
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, neither of us do. I need to keep you safe and... my gut is the best option. Nothing will be able to even touch you there, well, except for me."
As the serpent finished it's sentence he watched as the lips around him curreled into a slight smile.
"I... I'm not... I don't..."
"Its alright, take your time to get comfortable with the idea of being in serpents stomach. I'd rather you go down willingly in this, and it will be better for you too."
"How... how are you talking right now? I'm in... your mouth... yet you talk like normal."
"Practice my dear friend, you are far from the first person to be in your position. I've held conversations much longer then this one with people in my maw."
"Y-You've done this before?"
"Of course! Countless times! However... would you like to know something?"
"What's that?"
"Out of everyone I've ever tasted, you by far have the best flavor. Most have barely and flavor at all! And those that do have such sad and mild tastes. But you... you... You're just delectable. You're very sweet, a little umami too. I hope you don't mind me savoring you, it's not often I have something as good as you, my friend..."
He wasn't quite sure what to make of this information.
"I... thank you? I guess?"
"Honestly, if you decide to spend a little longer in my maw to prepare yourself, I wouldn't mind. I can afford to wait a little longer."
"I'll... I'll think about it..."
The snake didn't respond after that. It just sat there, with its toungue slowly moving over him. Tasting him. And himself? He just sat there too. Trying to calm down and brace for what would soon come. Being able to turn around and peer down the murky darkness of its throat didn't fill him with confidence. After a few minutes, the serpent piped up again.
"Well? Are you ready my little prey? I've had my fun for now, and I think it's time for the main course."
"I... umm... maybe..."
"Its okay if not, I'll give you a few more minutes to prepare, should you desire of course."
He wasn't ready. He couldn't be ready. He was about to be eaten alive. He was nervous, scared and exhausted. He thought he might be able to trust the snake, but still. He didn't want to be eaten. Not that he had a choice. He knew a few more minute sitting in its mouth wouldn't calm him down, so he decided to just get it over with.
"I'm... about as ready as I ever could be... just... will this hurt?"
"No, it shouldn't hurt."
"S-Shouldn't? I-It might?"
"It will be very tight for about a minute, but if you just lay down or currel up, it won't be so bad. Just be careful."
He slowly laid down on the floor of its maw and curreled up into a loose ball. Light in its mouth grew dimmer and dimmer as the snake closed its jaws. His breathing grew shaky and an anxious feeling appeared in the back of his mind. Gravity shifted as the serpent began to tilt it's head back. As it tilted it's head back further and further he started slowly sliding back. He felt his heart pound as he started moving. After a second, the snake swallowed.
He was forced into a tight space. The muscles around him pushed him down. It was hard to breathe. There was no room. He was trapped by the slick wet walls of its gullet. Adrenaline kicked in. He tried to struggle, he pushed against its esophagus. He had barely been in here for a few seconds, and he was already panicking. But a few seconds later, he felt an extra pressure appear. It came from one spot and followed him down. It was the serpent, using a hand to feel him. It was a gentle touch, almost soothing. He stopped struggling and his breathing calmed. His touch followed him for another minute. After that, he dropped into a chamber. He had reached its stomach and... He was fine? He felt fine. All around him he felt the naga give a content exhale.
"Ahhh, I hope that wasn't too uncomfortable for you in there. You started struggling after a bit, you had me a little worried."
"I-I'm... okay... God... y-you ate... me.... I-Im going to be safe... Right? Y-You promised!"
"Oh of course my dear prey. You're safe."
He took a deep breath to calm his mind. He was safe. He propped himself up against the stomach walls. It wasn't... all that bad here. Like being in the snakes maw. It was soft and squishy, a comfortable place. The warm air was a welcome change from the chilled sea air. He could hear the snake breathe, all around him the walls slowly moved, providing a soothing massage like feeling.
"This... this isn't so bad..."
"Awww, thank you. I'm glad to hear it."
"So... now what?"
"Rest up, friend. You're exhausted. Take the time to rest in my stomach, it's comfortable in there. From what I've heard."
"Can I... sleep here? Is that... safe?"
"Of course, I'll keep you safe."
"I... okay..."
"Have a restful sleep my little prey..."
He slowly shut his eyes, letting his exhaustion win. Almost immediately, he drifted into a deep slumber.
----(Transition to preds pov)----
As the serpent felt it's prey fall asleep, they gently placed a hand on their gut. Despite his size, he was a rather filling person. One of the better prey they'd ever had. They wondered if they might be able to convince him to return every now and then, they'd never had the same prey more then once. But they could wait to ask that question. Now was the time to enjoy the moment.
The snake let itself sink into the sea. It shut it's eyes and focused on taking in all the sensations coming from its gut. After a few minutes the naga gently landed on the sea floor. The feeling in its stomach was soothing, comforting. A feeling of sleepiness descended upon it too. And the serpent let it. Drifting off, like the man in its gut.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Spilled Pearls
- Chapter 24 - ao3 -
The Cloud Recesses was calm and serene, tranquil and undisturbed. But unlike its usual tranquility, Lan Qiren felt that it was the calm of the moment before a firework exploded, the air thick and heavy with the impending eruption of an oncoming storm.
Lan Qiren’s brother continued to neglect his work to court He Kexin, who seemed to have improved her opinion of him somewhat during the time that Lan Qiren was gone, though whether it was the earnestness of his passionate pursuit, flattery at the idea of a man gone mad for her, or just that she’d become resigned to the idea for the moment, it wasn’t clear. What was clear to anyone with eyes was that her regard for him, although apparently now genuine, was nowhere near as fanatical as his. Lan Qiren suspected that they had started sleeping together, which seemed like a mistake on her part.
Still, brother or no, this was not a matter in which he was qualified to intervene.
Lan Qiren returned to his usual life, although he again temporarily delayed his planned departure in order to assist with sect matters – whatever his relationship with his brother, Lan Qiren loved his sect very much, and he, at least, would not so easily allow it to slip into disarray through neglect. No one asked him about the matter of He Kexin; his teachers pretended his unjust punishment had not happened but avoided his eyes for several weeks, and his peers had mostly moved on with their lives.
(His brother pretended he didn’t exist, but Lan Qiren didn’t hold it against him. Rumor had it that Wen Ruohan had either threatened or actually hit him or both to make clear how much he disapproved of what happened to Lan Qiren, and whether or not that was true, Lan Qiren enjoyed the thought too much to quibble over how his brother wanted to salvage his dignity.)
Lan Yueheng passed along news – not gossip, he said self-righteously, just news, as if Lan Qiren would somehow miss the fact that ever since he’d paired up with that pretty storehouse clerk of his, Lan Yueheng had belatedly discovered the joys of gossip and taken to it like a fish to water – but there wasn’t much of it, not even with his beloved Zhang Xin’s prodigious capacity for romantic stories and ability to embroider just about any situation into something resembling one. Cangse Sanren wrote Lan Qiren several letters, but once she’d been assured of his health and wellbeing, they largely shifted over to complaining about the Jin sect, where she was now residing, and occasionally included lurid descriptions of Wei Changze specifically meant to shock his conscience.
How are you even seeing him, Lan Qiren wrote back. Aren’t you in Lanling? He’s a servant in Yunmeng. Doesn’t he have a job?
Jiang Fengmian has ascended to the position of sect leader, she wrote back. He has to visit the other sects relatively often, and the Jiang sect has always been close to the Jin sect. Why shouldn’t they visit?
Lan Qiren thought about his brother and shook his head. Was irresponsibility in the rainwater this year?
I trust you’ve made your view on the matter clear to Jiang Fengmian.
Of course, she replied. He seems to live in hope that one day I’ll change my mind.
You’ve never changed your mind about anything.
So I’ve told him. Really, the fact that he doesn’t realize that is yet another reason why we wouldn’t be a good pair – putting aside his role, which I don’t want to share. Can you imagine me as mistress of the Lotus Pier? I’d be awful at it.
Lan Qiren imagined it, and shuddered.
Anyway, I’m like you – I want to travel! There’s so much to see out there. What a pity it would be to be trapped inside all day, like a caged lark singing only for a select few.
You could always invite others to come share their stories with you instead, he replied, thinking of Wen Ruohan sitting alone in the room he had designed for Lan Qiren like a dollhouse, waiting for a maid to help him vent his emotions over Lao Nie and Lan Qiren both. The rumors from Qishan said he’d recently taken on a concubine and that she was pregnant; Madame Wen was apparently furious over it. Bring the world to you, if you can’t go to them. That’s what sect leaders generally do, to my understanding: feathering their nest to make it bright and pleasing to their eyes because they cannot leave lest it fall apart. That’s a way of living, too.
I suppose, she replied, fearless and carefree as ever. But not for me!
There was Lao Nie, too.
He visited the Cloud Recesses a month or so after Lan Qiren’s visit to the Nightless City, belatedly concerned about Lan Qiren’s well-being – “I didn’t hear about it,” he said, looking shamefaced. “I had other matters on my mind…I’ll talk to your brother, though. I can’t believe he would order something so disproportionate. Is he here?”
“He is not,” Lan Qiren said with a sigh. Those who said you couldn’t change a man’s essential nature were not wrong, he thought, already forgiving Lao Nie despite his lack of actual apology.
Lan Qiren had always liked people whose spirits were bold and relentless, uncompromising and unbending just like him; there was really no other way to explain his truly inexplicable fondness for Cangse Sanren and Lan Yueheng and even Wen Ruohan, except maybe to say that he found himself compelled to love where he was loved in return. Lao Nie was like two drops of water with the rest of them, forging his own path in the world, wholly and truly himself – even if he left chaos in his wake, why should Lan Qiren expect more of him than to be exactly what he was?
“He’s out night-hunting,” he added. “Down in the south. There were tales of some very unusual beasts roaming there.”
He Kexin had expressed a mild interest in response to a storyteller’s tale, and naturally Lan Qiren’s brother whisked her away at once, her and all her friends that he always seemed to be paying for. Lan Qiren had thought that she kept them around her as a means of holding his brother off, but Zhang Xin had opined over a shared cup of tea that she thought He Kexin was treating the great and powerful Qingheng-jun as a convenient purse, that treating her friends to his largesse was the point and not the defense. 
Zhang Xin liked to hold forth on her views, forthright and unstoppable and loud, and Lan Qiren could see why Lan Yueheng constantly looked so infatuated whenever he gazed upon her – she was not dissimilar to one of the explosions he created in his alchemy laboratory. They were very well matched, and Lan Qiren deeply pitied whichever teacher got stuck with their eventual offspring, which he foresaw as being the least Lan sect juniors to have ever graced their ranks.
“Gone? I’ll see him when he comes back, then,” Lao Nie said, entirely unperturbed by such concerns. “Let me tell you about my son instead! He’s wonderful – a big, fat baby.”
Lan Qiren crossed his arms. “We can talk about your baby later. What about your wife?”
“A goddess!”
Perhaps he was going about this the wrong way, Lan Qiren mused. “Lao Nie,” he said. “What about Wen da-ge?”
Lao Nie blinked at him. “Hanhan? He’s doing well, too.”
Lan Qiren resisted the urge to strangle Lao Nie.
“Oh,” Lao Nie said, apparently figuring something out based on Lan Qiren’s sour expression. “You mean the fact that he’s angry at me?”
“Yes,” Lan Qiren said patiently. “He’s very angry at you. Do you know why?”
“I’ve tried talking with him about it,” Lao Nie complained. “I don’t know why he’s being so stiff all of a sudden…it’s not like he doesn’t know what I’m like.”
This, Lan Qiren supposed, was definitely true.
“He thought of you as his,” Lan Qiren said. “Didn’t you know?”
Lao Nie shrugged, careless as a boar in full charge, heedless of the damage wrought around him as he moved through the world, none of which could penetrate his thick hide. “Of course. But being his doesn’t make me any less my own, and I can belong to others, too. Who’s he to tell me not to give myself where I will? Does he have dominion over me?”
“He doesn’t want dominion over you,” Lan Qiren said, and Lao Nie looked at him skeptically – which was fair enough. Wen Ruohan was possessed of a strong desire for domination, whether of people, places, or things; he truly believed all good things in the world ought to belong to him, and Lan Qiren only hoped that he never shifted over to thinking that he was actually the rightful owner of all things, for that path led inexorably to the reign of the tyrant. “Truly! Not over you, or any of the people close to his heart. If he wanted merely to possess you, he might as well try to snatch you off to his sect and give you his surname.”
“Not with the sort of relationship we have,” Lao Nie said, a smug smirk curling his lips. “If you know what I mean.”
Lan Qiren sighed. Truly, it was a pity to have reached the age in which everyone around him seemed to think of nothing but sex; he couldn’t wait until they were all too old for such things. Surely it couldn’t be that long…?
“You know what I mean,” he said patiently. “He’s not after Sect Leader Nie, not making some powerplay or attempting to seduce you in order to win your talents over. He likes you, Lao Nie, and all he expects from you is that you like him back.”
“I do!” Lao Nie protested. “I really do. He’s my darling Hanhan, isn’t he? He’s the one setting up walls between us, all because he’s gotten his feathers in a twist over something that’s really nothing. If it’s my time that he’s worried about splitting, what’s the surprise? My sect will always come first, as will his for him. I don’t even have a wife anymore!”
“You – don’t?” Lan Qiren stared, expression blanking out in his shock: this was not a piece of news that had reached his ears. He put down his teacup. “Lao Nie, if something happened –”
“Oh, no, it’s not like that,” Lao Nie said dismissively. “She’s a goddess, like I told you! She’s off and around, coming and going, everywhere and nowhere at once – how could my Nie sect hope to contain such a creature?”
“But…you married her?”
“So? Does that mean I need to live with her?”
Lan Qiren was truly taken aback. He had never heard of such an unorthodox arrangement. “You have a son together! Who is raising him?”
“Me, of course! With the aid of plenty of servants, naturally. I wouldn’t dream of tying her down…ah, Qiren, don’t look so shocked. We’re all our own people, with our own wants and desires. Sometimes those desires pair well, and you can live together happily and well for the rest of your lives; sometimes they don’t. If you fall for someone whose desires don’t line up to your own, you can still pursue something with them. That you wouldn’t match well in what’s considered the orothodox fashion is no reason not to match at all, not if there can be an unorthodox arrangement that causes no one any harm.”
“Are we still talking about your ‘goddess’ wife?” Lan Qiren asked. “Or Wen da-ge?”
Lao Nie smiled ruefully. That sharp cleverness that was always with him lingered in his eyes, having been hidden beneath his distraction and his infatuation and his deliberately careless manner. “I tried to tell him,” he said. “From the very beginning…I was the one doing the pursuing, you know. He didn’t even want me at the start. The stupid fool, he thought he’d be better off alone, alone with the cold delights of political power and the miserable fascinations of that Fire Palace of his, leaving no room in his heart for any human warmth at all. You know what they all say about him: that he lost something when he passed the boundaries of his first human lifetime, his cultivation so high as to make him closer to a god than a man.”
Lan Qiren had heard that, too. At the beginning, he’d seen what people meant, but later, once he got closer, he didn’t see it at all.
“Before I convinced him to have me, he was far worse,” Lao Nie said bluntly. “If you think he was bad when you were younger, you have no idea – forget putting you in a dollhouse and dressing you up to suit his whims over your complaints; if he’d wanted you alongside him back then, he wouldn’t have hesitated to carve out your soul and turn you into a heartless puppet instead. It wouldn’t have satisfied him, of course, and eventually he would have discarded you, never knowing why he couldn’t get what he wanted from you.”
“Know your own mind,” Lan Qiren quoted. “What he would have wanted was the heart, sincerely given, and yet that was the first part thrown away…but such a realization would be too late and too bad for the victim, even if he later regretted.”
“He didn’t regret much, when I first got to know him,” Lao Nie said. “Nothing but trouble, down to his bones; that’s what he was, and what he still is, really. Lucky for him, I like a bit of trouble.”
That was an understatement. Lao Nie liked a lot of trouble, the more the better; it was really no wonder that he’d attached himself to Wen Ruohan.
“I pursued him,” Lao Nie said, picking up the thread from where he’d left off. “I dug out all the human parts of him that I could from underneath that stiff and stern human mask of his, and in the end he wanted me, too. But throughout it all I told him, I told him, that I wasn’t free for the keeping – that I knew myself, with my nose for trouble and wickedness, that I’d never be satisfied with just the one. That the only one who’d ever have all of me was my saber, and only because she doesn’t want anything in return but blood. He liked that, once. He thought it was a good thing.”
Yes, Lan Qiren could see that. Especially in the beginning, Wen Ruohan would not have wanted someone who gave him everything; he was like a wild cat, standoffish with those that longed for him and close to those that rejected him. One of the most powerful cultivators, sect leader of the most powerful sect – if he wanted someone who would simper and flirt and yield for him, he could have a dozen at the blink of an eye.
Someone like Lao Nie, who had a firm sense of identity and neither needed nor wanted anything from the outside world, who was always truly fundamentally himself, was far more his style.
So was someone like Lan Qiren, for that matter. Uncompromising and strict, mind preoccupied with his idiosyncratic obsessions – Wen Ruohan had thought him interesting, for whatever reason, and in time had grown jealous of those other thoughts, longing to be counted among them.
Lan Qiren rubbed at his temples. “He always seemed to enjoy you going off with others,” he noted, wondering if Lao Nie had more insight into the matter. “Why is this different? He got married, too.”
“Hanhan’s tastes are changing as he remembers more of what it means to be human,” Lao Nie said thoughtfully, accepting more tea when Lan Qiren poured it out for him. “I only excavated the surface, the rough parts of him that suited my interests, and he was content with our relationship being friendly and casual. But for you he brought out his soft underbelly and the hint of civilization that he used to have, remembering what he used to be and the things he used to want…I see he even gave you some of his paintings.”
Lan Qiren looked where Lao Nie was looking and saw the two paintings on his wall by the mysterious artist. “His paintings..? He painted these? It doesn’t feel anything like him!”
“Trust me, his qi is unmistakable to one who’s known it as intimately as I have. It’s definitely him – though I’d say these paintings are nearly a century old. Can we say that we are the same people we were between yesterday and today? Even the course of the mighty river can shift over time.”
Lan Qiren was stuck looking at the paintings. Free, he’d said to Wen Ruohan, all unknowing. The person who painted these was free and happy. Their soul is like a falcon’s, tied down by nothing. 
For all the power and might that Wen Ruohan could bring to bear these days, Lan Qiren wouldn’t use any of those terms to describe him as he was now.
“He’ll forgive me,” Lao Nie said confidently, putting his cup down. “Give him time to remember why he liked me so much, remember all the warnings I gave him, and he’ll get over it. Maybe we’ll be a little less close than before, maybe there’ll be more anger and jealousy between us - at any rate, I haven’t pushed him so far to the brink that he would try to kill me to keep anyone else from having me, at least not yet. He’s just disappointed, that’s all. He’d only just realized that he wanted more when he realized he couldn’t get it.”
Lan Qiren nodded slowly. He thought that Lao Nie was right, although he also thought it was stupid of him to knowingly play with fire in such a brazen manner – Wen Ruohan really wouldn’t hesitate to murder a fellow sect leader, even one in another Great Sect, if he was determined enough, and he was smart and twisted enough to think of a way to get away with it, too.
Still, just as Lan Qiren had gotten over his feelings about Wen Ruohan’s inclination towards seeing torture and pain as entertainment, realizing that if he wanted him then he had to accept him as he was rather than rejecting him for it, Wen Ruohan would do the same for Lao Nie. He would remember what Lao Nie was like, what he’d always been like, and he would teach himself to appreciate those traits that he had once thought preferable, even as he resented them.
They’d get over this. Lan Qiren was sure of it.
What would come of it in the future, though...
“Anyway, I’ve dithered for long enough,” Lao Nie said. “I really only swung by briefly to say hello. I’m due at the Jin sect before the week’s out, and that means I have to go at once. Anything you want me to pass along to your lady-love rogue cultivator?”
“Leave Cangse Sanren alone, that’s what you can do for me,” Lan Qiren said. “Also, we’re still not lovers, nor will we ever be. Not everyone’s you!”
“No, they’re not,” Lao Nie said, grinning at him. “And that’s the way I like it – the richer the variety of the world, the more interesting people I can meet and be friends with, just like you.”
Lan Qiren was so overwhelmed by the compliment – he of course considered Lao Nie a friend of his, having as he did so many acquaintances and so few true friends, but he hadn’t realized that Lao Nie saw him as a genuine friend in return – that it didn’t even occur to him until it was too late that he hadn’t brought up the matter of his brother and He Kexin, nor told Lao Nie that he needed to stop his reckless encouragement of that relationship.
He’d tried to put that whole thing out of mind, Lan Qiren thought to himself with a sigh, and he’d succeeded – too well.
Whatever. His brother wouldn’t listen to their own sect elders, even as their exhortations shifted from encouragement to censure and their suggestions to leave it alone got more and more pointed, their interventions less and less subtle. Why would he listen to Lao Nie? 
He’d just go his own way and do what he wanted, no matter what.
Lan Qiren ought to learn from his example and put the whole thing aside, accepting the facts just as they were. He’d finally given up on the idea that he could help his sect through this moment of disaster - there would simply be nothing for it; they would have to stumble along without him or else force his brother to actually do his job, but in any event, it wasn’t his problem.
He was going to go - he was going to finally make his way out of the sect for his long-planned travel, and when he did, he wouldn’t need to worry about his brother, or He Kexin, or any of it.
Only a few more months from the date he’d informed the sect elders of, he thought, and this time he would stick to it, not delay. A few more months...he could even count the time in days, if he wished. 
His brother (and He Kexin) would return from their night-hunt in a few days, likely straight into the various elders’ less-than-subtle plans to find them and scold them over the whole thing. 
Lan Qiren would give his brother ten days after he returned - the same ten days his brother had given him - before he formally informed him that he was leaving.
It wouldn’t be long now.
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An old friend - Part 1
Summary: You're back in London after years living in the countryside and tonight you're attending the Cowper's ball. Who knows who'll you meet there?
Pairing: Anthony Bridgerton x Fem!reader
Other characters: Violet Bridgerton, Sir Hugh Feversham (OMC)
Words: 2k+
Warnings: very slight mentions of attempt at harassment, a bit of Regency-era yearning
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
Not my gif, credit to the rightful owner
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Whoever entered the Cowper’s estate to attend that evening’s ball would’ve been blinded by the richness of the decorations: the cristalized tears of the chandeliers glimmered in the dancing lights of the candles and at every corner colourful flowers spread their sweet and enchanting scent all around the huge ballroom.
Every person in it could just stare in silent awe of the magnificent view, taking in even the smallest detail as the music caressed their ears, a silk touch to the soul... but to you, that wonder was your last interest.
“Miss Y/L/N!”
You, right now, had the hardest task to accomplish: lose in the huge crowd a terribly improper suitor, Sir Hugh Feversham, who followed you in the gardens and tried to forcefully kiss you. Luckily the slap he received had shocked him enough to give you a ten seconds headstart before he stubbornly followed.
“Miss Y/L/N, please.” His voice was closer than before, so you tried to quicken your pace without looking like running away from anyone. ”If I could just explain myself to you...”
Part of you just wanted to turn and face him - or to be more accurate, slap him, again - and thus expose his terrible behaviour to every soul in the room. However another part of you, the thoughtful and rational one, knew that the situation in which you were tangled was very inconvenient, with or without your willingness to be part of it.
Keeping this in mind, avoiding him for the rest of the night was the best choice you had, if not the only one. Nevertheless, you couldn’t spend every second left at the ball running in circles trying to outrun him... you needed somewhere to hide.
Since the gardens were off-limits, you scanned the room, looking for a dark corner in which you could disappear or, even better, a friendly face who could save you. But having just moved back in London after years living in the countryside, you wouldn’t recognize an old friend even if you bumped into them.
As you kept walking, a kind voice reached your ears: “You must dance at least with one girl, Anthony. You can’t stand here on the side while many young ladies wait hopelessly to be asked a dance”
That name stopped you in your track, opening memories you thought you forgot. It couldn't be...
Slowly turning to the woman and the young man she was talking to, you scanned them closely, searching in their faces those features you kept for so long in your mind.
“Lady Bridgerton?”
The woman turned towards you with a gentle smile on her face, even though her eyes scanned you with a puzzled look. "Shall I know you, dear?"
"I believe not". You curtseyed, somehow remembering the manners you've been learning since you were born. "It has been a while since we last saw each other"
"Then would you please us with your name, miss?"
You moved your eyes on the young man, Anthony Bridgerton, his furrowed glare locked on you. He probably thought you were some crazy lady or whatever... he surely didn't remember.
"Of course, my lord. I'm-"
"Miss Y/L/N" Lady Bridgerton's eyes finally widened in recognition. She left her son's arm and took your hand in hers. "It has been quite some time. You left that you were just a child but now..." - she took another look at you, from head to toe - "you've bloomed into a beautiful woman"
You gently squeezed her hand. "It's a true joy seeing a friendly face in this buzzing crowd. You wouldn't believe what happened to me just-"
"Miss Y/L/N"
You tightened the grip on Lady Bridgerton's hand when Sir Hugh appeared by your side.
"I've finally caught up with you" he smiled, slick as he was in the garden. "I believe we could talk better on the dancefloor"
He stretched out his hand but you didn't want to take it; every inch of your body screamed to stay away from him. However you had no excuse to refuse him a dance without exposing yourself in the meantime.
You let go of Violet's hand, ready take Sir Hugh's, when a third hand broke in between the two of you.
"Sadly sir, miss Y/L/N is already engaged for this dance", and with that, Anthony guided you to the dancefloor, just in time for a waltz.
"I believe you just saved me" you sighed in relief, watching your suitor finally walking away. "I shall be forever in debt with you, Lord Bridgerton"
"Please, call me Anthony" he murmured with a knowing smile gracing his lips. "We know each other too well to be bothered by these titles"
You raised your eyebrows, faking surprise. "Are you to tell me you haven't changed in the slightest, my lord? Even after all these years?"
"Surely I have, but deep down I'm still the boy who ran with you down the hallways of our estate", and looking in his eyes, you caught a glimpse of the mischievous kid you once knew.
You smiled. "So you do remember me"
"My lady... you wound me". Anthony pulled you closer, leaning over your shoulder. "A gentleman never forgets his first kiss"
“A real gentleman would never discuss such matters while dancing with a lady” you reminded him. “Besides, we were nothing but two kids trying to emulate adults: I remember well the disgusted look on your face as you run back crying to your mother”
You noticed an hint of red on your partner’s face but he didn’t seem to care. “Shall I not cherish those old days regardless?” Anthony fixed your gaze in yours. “I recall adventures in the wild corners of the gardens, afternoons spent searching for treasures through my mother’s drawers and rainy days watching my father’s atlas on the settee near the library’s window...”
"...dreaming of all the places we would visit together" you finished for him, smiling fondly at those memories. "I do miss those times: everything was much more easier back then"
"Indeed" Anthony's grip on your hand slightly tightened as the look on his face grew serious. "Now, would you like to tell me what that man has done to put you in such distress a moment ago?"
You freezed in his arms, almost losing the tempo of the dance. "I don't think you would like to hear it..."
"That is for sure" he agreed. "But I need to know what happened. This way I shall find a way to help you"
"And how could you possibly help me?"
"You would be surprised by the power I have, miss Y/L/N". Then, after a twirl: "So? Are you going to enlighten me or shall I beg you?"
With a sigh, you told him what had happened in the gardens, even though the mere remembering gave you chills down your spine.
"I truly cannot understand why he did that" you told him, shaking your head. "I was just trying to make some new acquaintances and he seemed nice... but I did not gave him any hints that I fancied him!"
"I'm sure you didn't, but some men know nothing of honor and virtue". His knitted brow framed a marble face. "I shall make sure Sir Hugh Feversham is exposed for his actions. If he did something to you, rest assured that many other ladies will have more to say on the matter"
Finally, a smile appeared again on your face. "I can't find the words to convey how grateful I am to you, my lord"
"It's the least I can do for an old friend" he said, his mouth now mirroring yours.
For a moment, you just spinned around the room, letting the music guide your steps as you gazed in each other's eyes. You felt so light that it seemed your feet weren't even touching the floor.
"I know this might sound egoistical" Anthony said, breaking the silence, "but, as much as this experience must have been terrible for you, I'm delighted that it brought you back to me, Y/N". His hand moved to the centre of your back, his eyes never leaving yours. You didn't realise how disgracefully close the two of you had gotten. "I shall believe we will see each other more frequently from now on, if you still enjoy my company"
It took you a moment to realise the music had stopped and you two were now still on the dancefloor as everyone moved around like bees above flowers. A shaky breath left your lips.
"I fail to see how I could deny my presence to you after so long"
The smile Anthony gave you took away the last air in your lungs. Suddenly your corset felt too tight around your chest as he put a hand on your elbow to gently pull you to the side of the room. His mother was there, a pleased smile tugging her lips.
"You're a marvelous dancer, my dear, lighter than a butterfly" she said, before looking at you with worry. "Are you quite alright? You seem slightly overheated..."
"I'm feeling wonderfully, Lady Bridgerton. It has been a very pleasant dance, your son is very talented" you swiftly cut her off, taking the focus away from your flushed cheeks.
"I only wish he would show his hidden talents more often" she sighed, giving a side glare to Anthony who simply rolled his eyes. You stifled a laugh, curtseying once more.
"It's been the most welcome surprise meeting you here, Lady Bridgerton. Thank you for being so kind to me"
"The pleasure was all ours". She took again your hand in hers, smiling at you just like a mother would. "And I shall hope we will see you again soon. Perhaps tomorrow for tea? I'm certain your presence will be appreciated by everyone in the household"
You kindly accepted Violet's offer, promising to take her greetings to your mother.
She then eyed Benedict on the other side of the ballroom. "I shall go now and retrieve all my dear children". When Anthony offered his arm to her, she gently shook her head. "There's no need. I'm capable of wander through these rooms without a chaperone. But thank you, dear".
You watched her walk off to his second son and giggled seeing Benedict's resigned look when Violet caught his arm. Like a predator on its prey.
"Even after all those years, my family doesn't fail to make you laugh"
At Anthony's comment you felt the heat in the room rising once again. "I'm terribly sorry, I didn't mean to offend-"
"You couldn't offend us even if you tried". He smiled again at you, earning a shy smile from you as well. Then he took your hand.
"Are you to dance with me twice in a evening, Lord Bridgerton?" you asked cheekily. "I wonder what the ton would say".
"As much as I would like to be the next front-page scandal of Lady Whistledown," he said, stroking his thumb on the back of your hand, "I shall now reunite with my family as well"
You lowered your gaze, cursing your boldness more than ever. "Of course, my lord"
"But it has been a pleasure dancing with you, miss Y/L/N. And trust my word when I say that isn't something I can often admit"
He didn't wait for your answer. He took your gloved hand to his mouth, placing on the fabric over your knuckles a light kiss. As your heart pounded against the strings of your corset, you never wished so hardly your skin was bare just were he touched it.
"Goodnight, miss Y/L/N". Anthony bowed. Then, his voice the softest whisper: "Tomorrow won't come fast enough, my lady, and I shall wait impatiently for us to be in the same room again"
Breathless, you watched him walk away, his phantom touch lingering on your hand. You slowly moved it to your mouth, placing a kiss just were he did and with closed eyes, it was like kissing his lips.
"Goodnight, Anthony"
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isiratrieswriting · 2 years
Entry No 11
Letter for Kay
Dear Kay.
“I hate you very very much!”
“I hate you even more!”
Do you remember that game our class played once, where you had to speak the opposite of what you meant? We went around saying all sorts of senseless stuff, laughing at each other, enjoying the silly pastime.
And then at the end of the day, while we were getting ready to leave, I told you how much I liked you, and you said you liked me much more. Of course, the two of us were still playing the game.
I was so very happy when I heard that. To this day, It remains my fondest memory of you. Innocent joys, I suppose. 
It’s been a while, hasn’t it? How have you been, dear Kay?
Although, I’m not entirely sure I can even address you as dear Kay anymore, close as we had been through the summers of our childhood. 
Playgrounds. Birthday parties. Sharing snacks. Listening to you talk. Punching you on the shoulder, playfully of course. Helping each other with homework. Walking together.
You don’t bring many specific memories to my mind’s eyes. Instead, these are simply feelings. Feelings of peace. Contentment. Comfort. I smile. Just a little.
As I write this and walk down memory lane, I notice that the memories of you are few and far between. Is it because I’m getting older, or were we never as close as I had imagined us to be?
I loved your company dearly, yet we didn’t have many meaningful interactions. Perhaps that is why every moment spent with you was something I treasured back then. 
Time and again, I find myself asking: What is it of you that makes me remember you after all these years, even more than the one I called my best friend? 
Aries was the energetic class clown, Scorpio intimidated me and Virgo simply existed to pick fights with me. 
You, however, were calm. Thoughtful. Quiet. Intriguing, I suppose. Enigmatic, even. 
To be perfectly honest Kay, I hardly know anymore. 
But that drew me to you. I wanted to know you. I wanted to understand.
I happened to see you the other day. You didn’t recognize me and neither did I. Well, it’s only natural. Almost a decade has passed since we knew each other as children, and since then, we have grown into adults. I wonder if the child I knew is still there within you Kay? Or are you a completely new person now? I wouldn’t mind learning about you once again, but I can’t help but feel you wouldn’t consider the same for me. 
There was always a distance between us, no matter how desperately I tried to cross it. 
We did have some sort of a falling out too, didn’t we? Something about birthday parties and invitations. Ah, the woes of a child. I don’t clearly remember it anymore, nor do I wish to.  
I remember you gave me a fuzzy little pencil holder, with a cute smiley face. It had a place on my study desk for a long time, until we lost it when we moved. 
What do you represent Kay? I ask myself, as I have done before, knowing that I can never properly convey it.
What exactly is this assortment of feelings I attribute to your memory? There is no longing when I think of you, no pining for times past. Is it resigned acceptance then? Yet why did I feel the need to write about you then? You continue to confound me, as you used to, all those years ago. How in character.
Perhaps, I just want to feel again, how I used to feel in your company.
Kay, you mark a time in my life where I was truly unburdened, before I began to question and find answers I wished weren’t so. Simpler times, uncomplicated by the workings of this world.
The cloudless sky reminds me of you. Cherry blossoms wilting and I remember you. I hear the wisps of a childish tune and my mind goes back to you. 
All was right in my little corner of the universe, walking down the streets and meeting you at the playground. 
I was happier then.
I do not miss you, however. You remain a cherished memory, stored away carefully, that I pack and unpack whenever I wish to reminisce. 
I wonder if you ever think of me.
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writingwhimsey · 3 years
The Tiger and the Oda Princess Ch. 1
This is just a fanfic of how I imagine things might go following Shingen's dramatic route ending. Hope you enjoy! Mature content!
Chapter 1
I woke to the morning sun streaming in through the open window. The fall crisp fall air, filling the room. I rolled over and found that I was alone in the futon, however there was a letter beside me. I opened it up and found Shingen's handwriting.
Good morning, my love. I am saddened by the face that I was unable to be there when you awoke this morning...I miss my good morning kisses and the way you look in the morning light. However Sasuke and Yuki were quite adamant that I could not see you this morning. I am counting the hours until I see you later this afternoon. I would count the seconds, but there are far too many of those. I do hope you got plenty of rest last night because once we are alone, we will have much to celebrate tonight and sleep is not something I plan on either of us having much of. Until our wedding, I will be missing you.
I couldn't help the smile that came to my face. Today was the day we had been planning for the last few weeks. I sat up in bed, the excitement and my happiness overflowing. Just then the door opened and a group of maids were coming in.
"Good morning Lady Ava." Otsuna, an older maid, who I learned had played a large part in helping raise Shingen.
"Good morning, Otsuna." I greeted, smiling brightly.
She returned my smile with a warm one of her own. "We have your breakfast and as soon as you are finished, we will be getting you bathed and ready for the big day."
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." I said, bowing.
Otsuna smiled. "How many times must I tell you, you don't have to bow to me? You are about to marry my lord after all, making you the lady of this castle."
"Probably every day for the rest of time." I answered. "I was raised to show respect to everyone. In my home town station doesn't really matter."
"One of the many reasons we all love you." She replied. "Now hurry up and eat my lady."
I was getting up and eating and soon I was being led out of the room and to the bath. While I normally bathed myself or occasionally was bathed by Shingen when we bathed together...okay that actually happened quite often, but you know sexy times and all...Otsuna and the other maids insisted on bathing me.
"I can't wait to see how this wedding is going to be." Otsuna told me as she washed my hair. "I hear you are blending in some traditions from your hometown?"
"Yes, we are." I answered. "Starting with the one where it is considered bad luck for the groom to see the bride before the wedding."
"You sound quite disappointed with that one." She teased.
"It's silly superstition." I replied. "But then again it is nice to participate in some of the traditions."
"And Master Sasuke will be helping with performing the ceremony how they do in your hometown?" Otsuna asked.
"It's still so strange how you two are from the same place. I mean since it is such a far away place and yet you both ended up here."
Same time. I thought, however only Shingen, Yukimura, and Kenshin knew that. "Yes, life can be funny sometimes."
Once my bath was over, I was getting out and drying off. I was wrapped in a comfy robe and then taken to have my hair and makeup fixed. I insisted on nothing too fancy though. It just didn't feel like me or like Shingen, like us.
My hair was put in a simple yet stylish bun with a golden hair pin that had some small red jewels on it. My makeup was very simple, just a bit of color on my lips and cheeks. Now it was time to get dressed. I couldn't help but to smile as I slipped into the kimono I had made for the wedding.
It was made of the same scarlet color as were pictured in the Takeda banners. I had done some floral embroidery, small and delicate in black and gold thread, just along the hem at the bottom. I wore a black and gold obi sash that was tied by a scarlet cord, matching the scarlet of the kimono.
"You look absolutely beautiful." Otsuna told me, smiling.
"Thank you." I said, seeing the warm affection in her eyes.
Just a few more minutes went by and then I was being led out of the room and to a small garden area, where we had decided to have the wedding. We were blending Sengoku traditions and modern traditions to create our very own unique wedding.
When I walked out to the garden, our closest friends were there waiting for us. Shingen stood, waiting for me. He looked so handsome in the kimono I had made for him. I made it in the same colors as mine, though minus the floral embroidery. He smiled as soon as he saw me and reached out his hand.
I placed my hand in his, returning the happy smile. His large hand enveloped my own and he was leading me to a small table where we knelt down. The table was set up between two trees that formed a natural canopy and with the changing of the leaves, looked breathtaking. Kenshin had surprised me by being there at the table performing a tea ceremony.
We had practiced the steps over and over in the past few weeks. Shingen and I exchanged tea cups as part of the tradition. We finished the tea ceremony and then turned to face each other, knee to knee. Shingen took my hands in his, his eyes locked with mine. Sasuke came up and knelt beside us holding a pillow with two weddings wooden bands Shingen had made for us. The rings were simple and yet absolutely stunning, made from a Japanese Maple and polished up. He had also carved the characters for True Love on the bands.
We had written our own vows for the occasion. "Ava, you came into my life, carrying with you the spark of life. I had long ago resigned myself to fate and yet you changed my fate. You have brought me so much love and joy that I had thought I would never see. You are my goddess, my angel, who has made all of my dreams come true. I swear to you that I will spend the rest of my life giving you the same joy and happiness and loving you every second as you deserve." After pledging his vows to me, Shingen took one of the rings and slid it onto my left ring finger.
I could feel the tears of joy welling up in my eyes. His words had been absolutely beautiful and I knew he truly meant them from his heart. "Well, I don't know how I'm going to follow that up." I found myself saying, making Shingen chuckle and earning a laugh from our gathered loved ones.
Shingen reached up a hand to wipe away my tears and give me an encouraging look.
I smiled at him. "Shingen, I never expected when we met for you to be serious. I took you for a flirt...a handsome flirt, but still a flirt. But then as I got to know you, I couldn't think of anything else but you and wanting to know more. Before I knew it I had fallen completely in love with you. You have made me the happiest I have ever been and I can't imagine being with anyone else. I promise you, I will spend the rest of my life with you, sharing all of the love in my heart and making you as happy as you have made me." I was then taking the other ring from the pillow and placing it on Shingen's left ring finger.
"I now pronounce you husband and wife." Sasuke said. "You may kiss the bride."
Shingen smiled at me as he wrapped his arms around me. "The part I've been waiting for." He said before pressing his lips to mine. The kiss was warm and tender and full of love and joy.
We broke the kiss after a few moments, but Shingen still held me in his arms, looking at me as if no one else were there with us. "My wife." He said, smiling at me.
I couldn't help but to smile back. "My husband."
"You guys do know the rest of us are still here, right?" Yukimura spoke up.
"Cut them a break." Sasuke said. "They did just get married."
"Yeah, but you don't live with them." Yukimura said. "They're always like this."
"I think you forget I spent time with them after Shingen had been healed." Sasuke countered.
"Can we get to the banquet already?" Kenshin asked. "I need some sake...and entertainment before I get bored."
While I could feel my cheeks heating up from bashfulness, I also couldn't help but to laugh at our friends. Shingen joined me in my laughter. "Some things never change." He said. "Alright, let us celebrate!"
We were all heading inside then to the dining hall. Shingen kept his arm wrapped around me as we walked. We all took our seats to enjoy the food and sake. When I went to sit beside Shingen, he surprised me by pulling me into his lap.
"Beside you isn't close enough?" I asked, my tone teasing as I looked up at him.
"Never." He answered, kissing my brow.
"You know, I didn't think they could get any worse and yet here they are." Yukimura complained. Though I could see a smile on his face. He was very happy for us.
"Yuki, you might learn something about women and how to treat them by watching us." Shingen replied, teasing. "If you don't learn, how are you ever going to start a family?"
"I will never understand your obsession with wanting your best vassal to have a family. Having attachments dulls your blade. Look at Sasuke, he's the perfect ninja." Kenshin said. "No attachments and his loyalty is to me."
"I think people fight better when they have someone they love to fight for." Shingen countered. "Besides, love is the best thing life has to offer."
When he said that last part, Shingen hugged me tighter to him. "I can agree with that." I said.
"It appears my goddess is on my side once again." Shingen spoke, smiling.
"Were we in a battle?" Kenshin asked. "If so, we should really put our strengths to the test. You and Yukimura versus me and Sasuke. Then we'll see which one of us is right."
"Sorry, but I have better things to be spending my energy on tonight." Shingen replied and then gave me a wink.
I giggled and my cheeks reddened. Then I looked over at Kenshin. "How about no fighting on my wedding day, okay?"
"Here, have more sake and pickled plums, Lord Kenshin." Sasuke said, pouring Kenshin another cup and handing him another plate full of pickled plums.
The party continued and soon musicians were brought in, which I had not been expecting. It was then that Sasuke was announcing that we would be doing some more traditions from our "hometown."
"What traditions are you talking about now?" I asked, eyeing Sasuke suspiciously. The only ones that really were left that involved the music would be first dance and a father-daughter dance, which we clearly couldn't do as my father was somewhere five hundred years in the future.
"This is usually the point in our hometown where the bride would dance with her father. Since that is not possible in this case, we are changing it up a little." Sasuke declared. He was then walking over to me and offering his hand.
I took his offered hand and allowed him to pull me up. "What are we doing?" I asked.
"You'll be dancing with me, as a big brother of sorts." He answered, leading me out to the middle of the room.
"Awe, Sasuke." I said. feeling myself getting emotional.
"I am quite happy for you, Ava." He told me as we danced. "You and Shingen seem to be perfect for each other."
"Thank you." I said.
We danced for a few more moments before Yukimura was cutting in. "Alright, my turn." He said. "Your next brother."
I smiled at him. "You guys are too sweet."
"Oh for me this is more about torturing Lord Shingen." Yukimura said with a teasing grin.
"What, are you playing keep away with me now, is that it?" I asked.
"Something like that." He answered. He was then looking down at the floor. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For saving Lord Shingen and for making him so happy." He answered. "I know I give you guys a hard time, but I am really happy for you two."
"I knew you were secretly sweet." I teased.
Yukimura rolled his eyes. "I swear you two were made for each other."
After a moment more with Yukimura, Kenshin was coming up to us. "Okay, my turn."
"You, too?" I asked, very surprised.
"Only because Sasuke and Yukimura promised to train with me later." Kenshin replied, taking my hand in his and pulling me into a dance with him.
I smiled and hid my laughter. Though he said it was for a bribe I knew it was because he actually did care about Shingen and me. "Well, I am happy that you agreed to it."
"Don't be so happy." Kenshin replied. "It will also annoy Shingen and after all that I put up with while he lived in my castle, he deserves a little payback."
"I also wanted to thank you for presiding over the tea ceremony at the wedding. You did a wonderful job and it really means a lot to us." I told him.
Kenshin just sighed. "It wasn't as boring as I expected it to be." Despite his words, he had a tender look on his face.
We danced a few more moments before Shingen was coming up to us. "Alright, I think you have all had your fun in playing keep away with my bride long enough." He said, his tone playful as always.
That was when I saw the look in Kenshin's eyes change. He was then wrapping one arm around my waist and pulling me against him, while drawing his sword with the other. "If you want her back that badly, you'll have to fight me for her. She is my hostage now."
Shingen arched a perfect brow. "I thought we just went over the fact that I will not be spending all of my energy on a fight with you when I have my wedding night with my bride tonight."
"You're cured, aren't you? You should have plenty of energy to spare now that your health has returned." Kenshin countered.
"Come on, that's enough Kenshin. Put the sword away and let me go." I said, biting back laughter. It was strange how this had all become normal to me.
"This bastard owes me a fight." Kenshin said, looking at Shingen.
"Lord Kenshin, I already promised to train with you if you behaved." Sasuke said.
"But we train all the time. I haven't had a good fight with my greatest rival in ages." Kenshin countered.
"Just let Ava go already." Yukimura said. "Besides you won't just be fighting Sasuke, you'll be fighting me too. I can probably convince a few others to join in. Make it a real challenge for you."
"Just come and drink your sake for now. We'll train tomorrow." Sasuke said, acting as the amazing handler he was. "With Shingen's permission maybe we can even explore the ceilings here. I can even set some traps for you."
Kenshin sighed and released me, putting his sword away. "Alright." He was then walking away to take his seat once more.
Shingen then pulled me into his arms smiling. "And here I thought we could get through one evening without Kenshin pulling out his sword."
"It wouldn't be a party if he didn't." I replied, as we began to sway to the music. "It makes sense now why he agreed to the dance, though."
Shingen laughed. "You don't realize how much everyone else cares for you, too." He replied. "If I'm not careful there's a line of men who would gladly steal you from me."
"I doubt that." I replied. "But in any case, you're the only one for me. There's no one else I'd rather spend my life with."
Shingen lifted a hand to cup my cheek. "You keep speaking like that and I'll have to take you from this party early." He said, his voice low and seductive.
"And that would be a bad thing?" I asked playfully, desire already sparking in me with the promise of his words.
"Well, there are a couple of more surprises that I don't think you'll want to miss." Shingen replied.
"Like what?" I asked.
"We had some gifts sent over...from Azuchi." He answered.
My eyes widened in surprise. "Really? I know in my last letter to them I told them we were getting married...but we hadn't figured out when yet."
"I wrote them." Shingen answered. "For obvious reasons, I couldn't invite any of them, but I did want to have something for you. I know you care about them."
I felt myself tearing up. At Shingen's thoughtfulness of writing to Nobunaga and the others even though they were still enemies. And at my friends' thoughtfulness to send a gift even though I was marrying their enemy. I had no words. I just stretched up and gave Shingen a kiss. "Thank you." I said to him.
"Anything for you my princess." He told me, kissing my brow.
It was then that the gifts were being brought in. One of the gifts was a delicious dessert prepared by Masamune. The other was several bolts of fabric that they had sent for me in my work. There was also a letter, which I read.
Though your choice in a husband is one we can't agree with, we all wish you well and only want you to be happy. We hope to have another visit from you to Azuchi soon. Lord Nobunaga has kept your room at the castle as you left it and it will always remain here for you. Should you ever come to your senses to leave Shingen, we will welcome you back here with open arms.
Your friends and family always,
"I can't say that was the most flattering letter." Shingen said. "But as I told you earlier, there is a line of men ready to take you away from me should I give them the chance."
"No one can take me from you." I told him, folding the letter up and putting it away. "My heart is yours, along with the rest of me."
Shingen smiled at me, pulling me close. He gently kissed me on the lips. "As I am yours." He said, but there was a fire in his eyes.
I could see the emotions there, all mixing. Love, passion, desire, and a hint of jealousy. I found my own desire sparking, a roaring flame deep within me at that look. I felt heat through my kimono wherever he touched me.
"I think it is time we call it a night and go to our room." He said in that seductive purr.
I nodded. "Yes."
Shingen turned to everyone. "Thank you all for coming to help us celebrate. Stay and enjoy the food and sake for as long as you like. Good night." He was then sweeping me up into his arms and carrying me out of the room.
As soon as the doors were closed behind us and we were in the main hall, Shingen's lips were on mine in a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around him, pulling myself as close as possible to him. We broke the kiss, but he kept me in his arms and carried me all the way to our room. He didn't set me down until we were to the futon. Then he was over me.
We were a tangle of limbs as we kissed once again. Shingen's hands expertly untied my obi as his lips traveled down my neck and then back up it to my ear. "I almost forgot to tell you how beautiful you look tonight." He whispered to me. "It's almost a shame to undress you after you worked so hard on our wedding clothes...almost."
I shivered as his words washed over me. I was sliding my hands to untie his kimono as well. Soon we had each other bared and we were skin to skin. Shingen raked his teeth over my ear, where he knew I was so sensitive. His hands enveloped my bared breasts, all eliciting moans from me.
"I have so much to make up for from not getting to love you last night." He murmured, his warm breath washing over my flesh. He pulled back to look at me, his gaze all fire and love. He took a teasing finger and ran it from the base of my throat, between my breasts, and over my stomach.
I shivered in response to his touch. My eyes were already half-lidded with the pleasure that coursed through my body. Oh the things his touch does! I thrilled internally. "Sometimes the anticipation helps to build the pleasure." I replied, coyly.
Shingen gave me a wicked smile. "Is that so?" He was then leaning over me, kissing my neck. He rested a hand on my thigh, his thumb rubbing in circles teasingly close to my inner most heat and yet just staying out of reach.
I gasped. "What are you doing?" I asked, though I already knew.
Shingen smiled at me. "Using anticipation to build your pleasure." He answered.
"More like teasing me to frustrate me." I said.
Shingen chuckled and leaned in once again, kissing my neck. He then brought his thumb to that sensitive cluster of nerves and continued that circular motion he had been doing on my thigh. He then thrust a finger inside, working up a rhythm.
"Ah...Sh...Shin...gen!" I cried out as he finally gave me what I most craved.
I felt his lips curve into a smile on my neck. "I can deny my princess nothing." He whispered to me as he continued to work me.
All too soon he withdrew his fingers from me. I was about to pout when I felt him position himself between my parted legs, wrapping them around his hips. He was then filling me in a more complete way.
My bucking hips met each of his powerful thrusts. We were lost to pleasure, neither of us able to speak only gasps and moans escaped our lips as we crested that wave of ecstasy together.
We spent the rest of the evening making love like this before finally collapsing and falling asleep in each others embrace. I had never felt more happy or more loved.
Follow the link below for chapter 2!
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isitgintimeyet · 4 years
Just a Friend
Hope you enjoy the next chapter of this story. Thanks to you all for reading this. You comments are lovely to read.
Thanks to @wickedgoodbooks for the beta
Chapter 5: From Facebook to Friends
When I was a little girl, Uncle Lamb would sometimes take me into university with him. I would creep into the lecture theatre and sit at the back watching him as he enthused about Phoenician trade routes, or long gone military strategies. I didn’t really understand what he was talking about, but I loved it anyway. The passion he had for his subject matter thrilled me.
And once the lecture was over, I would join him in his office and we would squeeze together in an old armchair, drinking hot, sweet tea while he tried to explain the principles of a three thousand year old civilisation in words a seven year old would understand.
The armchair is now in my office at the hospital. It looks more than a bit incongruous amongst the standard NHS furniture. The rich green velvet fabric has faded to a shabby eau de nil colour and years of shuffling bottoms have left a large depression in the seat cushion. But I won’t have it reupholstered. I love it as it is. It’s a great reminder of my wonderful uncle. I sit in it and somehow it comforts me, like a soothing hug.
I glance at the clock as I walk into my office, paper cup of hot, sweet tea in hand, and head straight for Lamb’s chair. Gratefully, I sink into its depths and take a tentative sip of the steaming liquid before closing my eyes for a moment. The surgery was long; much longer than anticipated—having taken all morning and most of the afternoon, in fact. It had also been far more complicated—my original plans for keyhole surgery had to be changed, but, eventually, we completed the operation successfully. I’m always proud of my theatre team, but never more so than in situations like this.
And now, after hours of concentration, I feel in need of some light relief. I can go home, have a wonderfully reviving shower and then what? I know that Dougal is taking Geillis out for a meal tonight, so she’s not available. Mary and Anna are both working nights this week, so no joy there. Other friends live too far away for an impromptu midweek activity.  I could go to the gym. I should go to the gym. Or… more likely, I’ll go home, have cheese on toast, a glass of wine and watch ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ for the fifteenth time instead.
I reach for my phone to check for messages.  A notification for a Facebook friend request appears on my screen. I very rarely get new friend requests—other than the odd random gentleman hoping, I presume, to make some sort of connection. I always delete immediately.
And, yes, the request is from a gentleman—one Jamie Fraser. The profile picture is definitely Samsonite Jamie, even wearing the Scotland rugby shirt I fingered whilst foraging through his suitcase. I click accept. Why not? I don’t think I have anything too embarrassing on my posts. In fact, I don’t use it very often at all.
Neither, it seems, does Mr. Fraser. His cover photo shows a very youthful bunch of Scottish rugby supporters and his recent timeline seems to comprise mostly of being tagged in photos by Laoghaire Mackenzie. Is it my imagination, or does he have a resigned look on his face on each of their ‘selfies’?
My tea is cool enough to drink now without scalding my tongue. I put my phone down and take a large gulp whilst considering tomorrow’s workload. My job is a series of highs and lows. Today, for example, started as routine, slumped to a worrying low, before peaking at a very relieved high. Tomorrow appears to be an easier day, certainly—a review of patients’ case notes in the morning followed by an outpatient clinic in the afternoon. All follow up patients, and all doing well as far as I know, so tomorrow is shaping up to be a very good day.
I open up my phone again. Facebook messenger is encouraging me to ‘say hi to your new Facebook friend.’  Without thinking, I send a little waving hand emoji to Samsonite Jamie.
I have no sooner put the phone down than it pings. Waving hand returned. I smile. What are we… thirteen years old? Next I’ll be asking him out for an Irn Bru and a bag of chips.
Ping again.  
You owe me…
Shit! The stain on his t-shirt, no doubt. I watch the dots on the screen. Perhaps he’s calculating the cost of a dry cleaner, or a new t-shirt.
You promised me an ice cream.
You up for buying one for me tonight?
I hesitate for a moment. I hope Jamie doesn’t think I’m after him or anything like that. I mean, he’s not really my type. As I’ve said before, I’ve always been attracted to academic, cerebral kind of men like Uncle Lamb, rather than Viking marauders.
And I’ve never subscribed to the idea that men and women can’t be friends. One of my closest friends at university was a man—Joe Abernathy.  If it wasn't for the fact that he is currently three thousand miles away, working in Boston, I would be arranging platonic ice cream outings with him.
So, deciding I have nothing to lose, I type my response.
If you can get to the kiosk by 6:30, it should still be open
A brief pause, then the response.
Great. See you there?
Even at a distance, I recognise him sitting at a table next to the kiosk. No white t-shirt today, it looks like some sort of check lumberjack shirt. I breathe a sigh of relief. Not what I would call ‘first date’ clothing. Which is handy, seeing as I’m wearing ripped jeans and an oversized Aran jumper. I’m clean, presentable and fresh-smelling but definitely not dressed to impress.
He stands up when he sees me and greets me formally with a handshake. His hands are warm and dry—no nervous, sweaty palms here, which is another good sign. His shirt is blue, red and cream flannel and actually quite hideous.
“I hope this ice cream lives up tae ma expectations,” he says with the merest hint of challenge.
I crane my neck and look him straight in the eye. “No doubt at all. Cherry bakewell, is it? Double cone?”
“Aye. With a flake too. Compensation, ye ken.”
He stands aside to allow me to make the purchases. Before accepting the cone, he picks up half a dozen or so paper napkins and stuffs them in the pocket of his jeans.
“I’m prepared fer ye now. Do yer worst, Ms Beauchamp.”
I ignore his clear inference and follow him to a nearby bench.
“I can manage to eat and walk at the same time, you know,” I say in mock indignation.
“Hm,” he replies. “All the evidence sae far suggests the contrary. I need proof afore I believe it.”
There’s a moment of silence as we both focus on our ice creams. I lick neatly all the way around, trying to prevent any rogue drips trickling down the cone. Jamie pulls the flake from his cone and consumes it in two mouthfuls. He looks at me and laughs.
“Caught me. I’m a bit of a bugger fer chocolate,” he mumbles before swallowing.
“Right,” he continues, much more clearly now. “I suggest we get all the boring stuff out of the way. Ye ken, name, age, family, job, blah, blah blah. I’ll go first, if ye like.”
I nod my agreement.
“Sae, I’m James or Jamie Fraser. I’m thirty years old. Since our last conversation I am most definitely single. I live in Glasgow, obviously, but grew up on a farm near Inverness. My parents still run the farm. I have one sister, Jenny, who’s married tae Ian, my childhood friend. I have one nephew—a grand little lad known as Wee Jamie and a wee baby niece, Maggie . And I dinna think it’ll be long afore they’re joined by others. They all live here in Glasgow. My job, weel, I have a business—FraserFood—recipe boxes delivered tae yer door.”
“Oh, yes, I’ve heard of that. ‘From farm to fork.” That’s you, is it?”
He smiles proudly. “Aye, it’s me and ma family. Looks like ma marketing manager is doing a fine job, then.”
“Oh, forgot tae say, after the blah blah, ye have tae tell one confession. Only a wee one, mind.” He takes a large mouthful of his ice cream.
I purse my lips. “Really, and what if I’ve nothing to confess?”
Jamie snorts with laughter and does a funny sort of blink, screwing up his face and closing both eyes. Is he trying to wink? If so, he’s failing miserably. I try to look angelic and sin free. Judging by the look of scepticism on his face, It doesn’t seem to be working.
“Sae, my confession is, dah-dah-daaaah,” he does a fake fanfare, trying to build suspense. “I wanted tae be yer friend on Facebook because I wanted tae see if there were any photos of ye in Barcelona, with all yer...er… accessories.”
I feel myself redden. I’ve just remembered catching Geillis on Facebook the other day at work and I’m pretty sure I know what’s coming next.
“Verra interesting… in particular, the one with ye and six penis shot glasses. How d’ye manage tae get two of them in yer mouth at the same time?”
I inwardly curse Geillis and her desire to live her life through social media.
“Excuse me,” I reply somewhat primly. “I don’t think we’re at the Q and A stage yet.”
“So,” I continue in a lighter tone. “Me. Claire Elizabeth Beauchamp. I’m thirty two and I’m a paediatric  orthopaedic surgeon, here at the children’s hospital. I love my job so much, I can’t begin to tell you. As of two weeks ago, I am thankfully single. I was born in Oxford and moved up here when I was twelve, when my Uncle Lamb became a professor at the university. He brought me up, you know. Raised me when my parents died in a car accident... I… er...I was four at the time.”
I can feel Jamie looking at me, but I can’t raise my eyes. Telling people about my parents never gets any easier, no matter how many times I say those words. I concentrate on picking bits of wafer off my cone and throwing them to the ducks loitering nearby, waiting for some sort of treat.
“So it always was just my uncle and me.” I carry on talking. “Then he died… seven...seven years ago…” I can hear my voice start to crack as I fight back tears. A hand creeps into my vision and I gratefully accept the proffered paper napkin and wipe my face.
“Och, lass.” He says softly.
I clear my throat. “I'm sorry. We were having a nice conversation and then there I go, getting all teary. It’s just, well, we were a team, Uncle Lamb and I… the two musketeers. He was my hero.”
Blowing my nose in a most unladylike way, I toss the napkin into the neighbouring bin.
“And that’s pretty much me. As for a confession, well… I suppose it’s kind of one.”
He raises one eyebrow quizzically, making a better job of that than the whole winking lark, I think.
"Ok, well,  when I had your case, I tried to ring before I emailed you. I called the number in your case… twice. A woman answered and told me I had the wrong number—"
"I know that now. But she obviously knew how to get onto your phone."
"Why did ye no' tell me?" He smiles as he says this. It's not a reprimand.
"I would have but you seemed to be coming to a conclusion anyway. No need to add more fuel to the fire."
"Happen ye're right."
He notices me shivering and gets to his feet. “Aye, there’s a bit of a chill. Fancy a wee walk tae warm up and we can carry on wi’ round two. It’s a quick fire round.”
I stand up and we move away from the pond. The ducks have already lost interest in us since they realise that we’ve nothing more to offer them. It’s pretty quiet in the park now, the cooler evening air seems to have kept people at home. The gravel crunching loudly under the soles of our shoes, I glance down and notice Jamie’s doing a sort of awkward stuttering movement with his feet. He’s clearly trying to match his stride pattern to mine. Which isn’t easy when his must be a good few inches longer than mine. Nice, considerate gesture, though.
“Sae, quick fire questions and answers. Ye can go first,” he says generously.
It only takes me a moment to think of a question that I have been wondering about ever since I explored the contents of his suitcase.
“What were you doing in Barcelona? I mean the contents of your case weren’t really fun-weekend-away stuff.”
“Nah, ye’re right. It wasna a holiday—flying visit only. I was there on business—talking tae a food wholesale company. Serrano ham, chorizo, saffron, that kind of thing,” he explains, a look of excitement on his face. “We’re expanding our range, starting with Spanish influenced recipes. A full three courses ready tae prepare, plus wine delivered straight tae yer door. Dinner party FraserFood style.”
He can’t stop smiling as he talks about these plans. And his hands move animatedly as he continues to elaborate on his new venture. His business is obviously his passion. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t got the desire for a relationship with a girlfriend—FraserFood seems to be his one love. No girl could compete.
He stops talking for a moment. “And here I am, boring ye.”
I shake my head. “Not at all, it’s really interesting.” I don’t have to lie. It’s the truth. My mouth is watering at his description of albondigas and flavoursome chicken and chorizo with cannellini beans. I’m ready to sign up for this delivery service any time.
“Sae, ma turn tae ask a question. Tell me, d’ye like this shirt?”
I try to stifle a laugh. The question is so unexpected and the shirt so awful. Trying to be diplomatic, I search for the right words, evading the actual question. “I’ve only seen you in white tops before, no colours.”
He sighs. “Ye’ve only seen me twice afore... anyway I dinna think ye need tae say any more. I ken ye’re being polite, but ye’re a terrible liar. I can tell by yer face ye dinna like this shirt. Laoghaire hated it, always made me change it. I did wonder if that was jes’ her being difficult. But apparently no’.”
“Sorry, I didn’t want to be rude.”
“Ye dinna need tae apologise, Claire. Being honest is a good thing, is it no’? And friends should always tell each other the truth. And that’s what I think we’re going tae be, Claire— friends. D’ye no’ agree?”
I crane my neck  and look Jamie straight in the eye. “Yes, I do… friends.”
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ms-march · 4 years
12 Days of Turn- “Festival”
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uhm yeah you’re not being deceived by this header collage.  Happy day 3 of 12 Days of Turn!  Here is a collaboration with @tallmadgeandtea​ on a ss:sp and lbl crossover!  While it is not inherently holiday themed, like at all, it was just too good to not post for the prompt “festival.”  If you like it please be sure to give it a like, comment, and/or reblog!  Disclaimer: there will be some serious lbl spoilers ahead!
May had blossomed in Virginia once again, and Belvoir’s grounds were as beautiful as always.  Ever since John had resigned as an aide de camp and taken a fighting command in Nathanael Greene’s Southern Army, Adrienne had occupied herself by taking trips and hosting extravagant parties at her childhood home.  The guest lists and menus never ceased to distract her from whatever certain peril John placed himself in daily.  Today she dressed in a blue and yellow polonaise gown with a blue brimmed straw hat for a garden party, hosted in the extravagant and freshly manicured gardens behind the Manor.  Her blonde curls were arranged perfectly atop her head as she walked down to the large main entrance hall with a grand doorway leading straight out into the gardens behind it.   
Adrienne stood atop the landing on the grand staircase, and the footmen opened the large front doors, two more appearing and stepping outside to assist guests out of their carriages.  Adrienne gladly smiled at each of them, motioning them behind her and out the doors to the garden.  Most of the guests were members of Virginia high society: Martha Jefferson, Dolley Madison, Elizabeth Wythe,  Martha Washington, Elizabeth Randolph, Catharine Greene, Dorothea Henry, Anne Lee, and many more.  But none of them piqued Adrienne’s interest as much as the additional guest requested by Martha Washington.
Adrienne had known the older woman for as much of her life as she could remember; the woman was as a mother to her, so she was more than willing to grant such a request when it was brought to her.  Upon hearing the name Mrs. Elizabeth Tallmadge, however, Adrienne became excited.  She held Major Tallmadge in high esteem, considering him a friend of hers, and was more than delighted to extend an invite to his wife, even if she would likely be unused to such luxury as was provided at Belvoir.  Adrienne trusted Martha would make her presentable, but when Martha began to ascend the stairs, there was not some pretty faced and practical middle-class girl following her, rather a well-dressed and beautiful tall blonde woman.  She was mesmerizing to Adrienne as she climbed the staircase, her blue and white chintz gown brushing the steps.  It was slightly clear the girl had no governess or formal studies of such, but Adrienne was entirely confident that she could perform to the highest tier without so much as a headache appearing.
The blonde had a radiant and warm smile, complimenting Martha’s own motherly grin, as she looked around the extravagant hall in awe, admiring the murals across the walls and the marble of the stairs.  Her hand hovered over the ornate railing as she floated up the stairs.  When she finally joined Adrienne and Martha atop the landing, Martha smiled, waving the slightly shy girl over to them. “This is a lovely house, madam,” she spoke clear and confidently, “It is certainly a rarity in the colonies.”
“Yes,” Adrienne offered her own warm smile to the woman, seeking to ease her shyness, “It is solely a European style house, based around the classics of Hampton court and the elaborate plaster halls of the baroque style.  My father’s pride and joy.”
She nodded politely, and Martha began to speak, the motherly smile still soft across her face, “We shall see you in the garden, dear.” And the blonde was whisked away, her eyes lingering on Adrienne for a moment as she was led by Martha.
When the long parade of guests had all arrived and been accordingly received, Adrienne slowly made her way to the doors leading to the stone staircase leading down into the gardens.  She took her time as she descended, allowing the chatter to wash over her in waves.  The musicians began to play their light and jovial music- the newest pieces straight from London - as Adrienne exited the doors.  There was no need for the crowd to hush and greet her- this was not a formal ball after all-but there were still a few who made to greet their hostess once again, giving her curtseys as she passed.  Adrienne nodded at each of them with a respectful smile as she drifted through the group of merry guests.  She floated happily from table to table before stumbling upon Martha engaging in a conversation with Catharine Greene, and the blonde from earlier observing the party from an ornate bench with a small flute of cherie in her hand, untouched.  
“You do not drink?” Adrienne asked as she approached, “I can send for another beverage if you would like, madam.” 
“Oh,” the girl startled from her observations, flushing light pink in the cheeks as she gleaned down at the untouched glass before looking back up at Adrienne, “No, that is really unnecessary.  I just find this place too intriguing to be bothered with my drink.  There is far too much to observe.”
Adrienne smiled.  This woman was undoubtedly Major Tallmadge’s wife. “It would be no trouble,” she assured her, “Please notify one of the servants about or myself if you should find yourself in need of anything at all.”
“And if I find myself in need of your name, madam?”
“Then it shall be readily given,” Adrienne smiled brightly, “Lady Adrienne Fairfax Laurens of Virginia. It is my pleasure to make your acquaintance, madam.”
The blonde answered her own question in response. “Mrs. Elizabeth Walker Tallmadge of Philadelphia,” she bowed her head for a moment to acknowledge Adrienne’s title, “My Lady.”
Adrienne’s face turned to a quick shock, followed quickly by excitement as she rushed to sit beside the woman. “Walker?” she asked excitedly, “As in the same family that owns the mysterious Walker Manor?’ An amused nod was given to signal that her assumption was correct, allowing Adrienne to continue in disbelief, “That old brick house with closed gates, locked doors, and empty grounds?  No one has been seen living there for years!”
Elizabeth laughed at the younger girl’s seemingly naive antics, “I have indeed been living there, though mostly alone for the past 10 years.”
“Alone?” Adrienne asked, astounded, “Without so much as a governess?” Another nod, “Then I should imagine you cherished social outings during such a period, madam, for I cannot fathom such a miserable experience.”
Elizabeth shook her head in dismissal, “Unless you count Sunday church as a social outing, which I am sure you do not.”
Adrienne’s jaw dropped open slightly, her eyes widening slightly, “How horrid!  I do believe I would suffer greatly under such circumstances.”
Mrs. Tallmadge looked around the gardens at the decor, servants, and guests galore before responding, “I do believe that you would, my Lady.”
“Oh!” Adrienne reached out, placing her gloved hands atop those of Elizabeth, “Please call me Adrienne or Miss Fairfax at the very least.  I do believe it is well deserved after allowing me to pester you so carelessly.”
“Oh, it is no problem at all, believe me. I rather enjoy being pestered.” Elizabeth grinned at her, allowing a happy laugh to escape, with Adrienne’s own laughter joining her. “Now, allow me to pester you in return,” she continued, “Are you at all perhaps related to the Laurens’ of South Carolina?  I am friends  with Lieutenant Colonel Laurens, who has recently retired to a field command in the southern campaign.”
“Yes, I am” Adrienne spoke, and forcing a smile, she felt a good deal of joy seep out of her body at the mention of her reckless husband, “I married Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens in 1778- our son is inside with his own governess as we speak.”
“Oh!” The woman sounded shocked; Adrienne supposed it was from the lack of such knowledge.  She was sure that John did not speak of her often, if at all before he resigned from the northern campaign. “You must be delighted.  He is a good man. I was married myself in ’78. He attended our wedding.”
“He is a good man,” Adrienne sighed, attempting to keep the smile on her face, “Even if he is occasionally a little too reckless for my liking.”
“Like taking up a field command in South Carolina?” the older blonde asked, lips pulled into a humorous smile with knowing eyes and raised brows.
Adrienne did laugh lightly as she sighed, stress seeping into her voice, “Yes, precisely like taking up a field command in South Carolina.”  
This time it was Elizabeth’s turn to reach her hands out to hold Adrienne’s, “I am sure he will be ok.  He has the tendency to pull through even the most difficult of situations, I assure you. It is something he and my husband have in common.”
A servant came around to Adrienne’s side of the bench from behind, presenting a singular letter upon a tray.  Adrienne took the letter carefully, curiosity seeping through her fingers as she broke the seal.  Her hands unfolded the paper delicately, and she held it in her lap as she began to slowly scan the words.  
“On May 12th, 1780, Charleston, South Carolina, was captured by His Majesty’s Royal Army forces under the direction of Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Clinton.  Major General Benjamin Lincoln provided them an unconditional surrender, turning over himself and all 3,000 men under his command to the mercy of the British.  Those included in these troops are as follows…” 
Adrienne’s eyes scanned quickly down the list, heart pounding against her chest as they searched for the one name that mattered the most to her.  Her heart ceased in its incessant pounding, stopping entirely as her eyes glazed over the words on the paper before her.
“Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens”
Her throat was dry, and her layers became constricting.  She did not notice as the blonde’s astute eyes beside her examined the paper in Adrienne’s hand.  Until Elizabeth  spoke up, “Adrienne, I am sorry-”
She stood abruptly, swallowing thickly, “You will have to excuse me, Mrs. Tallmadge.  I need to get some fresh air.” Adrienne hurried away as quickly as she could into the house and to the room directly to the right of the garden’s entrance, drawing Martha’s eyes and mind from her conversation with Catharine Greene.  She excused herself from the woman and began to make her way into the house, Elizabeth trailing closely behind.  
Adrienne had called for her son, just a year old, and swaddled in blankets.  She sat on a chaise against the wall of the entirely empty bluish-gray room, the letter lying face-up beside her.  She did not look up the sound of heels on the tile, attention focused solely on her child.
“What happened?” Martha asked Elizabeth as she rushed through the doorway.
“She got news of her husband,” she replied, electing to forgo discretion in this instance, “And it is not all good.”
“Not good as in he prefers the new position or not good as in he is dead?”
“Neither,” she replied as they rushed into the room, the swishing noise of their silks and the click of their heels across the tile having no effect on the young girl who sat, holding her child. “Charleston has been lost and the Lieutenant Colonel taken prisoner.”
“Oh, not good,” Martha spoke, cutting the conversation off as they approached.  Martha took a seat on one side of Lady Fairfax, moving the letter to her hands so that she could sit, with Elizabeth sitting on the girl’s other side. “Adrienne, dear,” Martha spoke, placing a hand on Adrienne’s forearm, “Tell us what has happened.  We only wish to help.” She continued trying to soothe the distraught girl for several minutes to no avail.  Martha finally excused herself to send for some cold water and a washrag, hoping that would be enough to pull Adrienne out of the shock that had overtaken her body.
Elizabeth stayed with her, observing the young woman as she cradled the baby in her arms, holding him close against her chest.  She watched as Adrienne softly shushed the baby, bouncing him just slightly. “May I hold him?” she asked, pulling the girl from her stupor.
Adrienne’s eyes glanced over to the woman in blue beside her before clearing her throat and snapping to attention, “Yes, of course, you may.” She carefully handed the bundle of blankets over to Elizabeth, her eyes never leaving the baby’s face. “Be gentle with him,” she spoke in what sounded a bit like a plea, eyes still focused on the baby’s face, “Little John is still just barely a year old, and he is very precious to me.”
Elizabeth nodded, the baby taking her full attention as well.  A happy smile rested on her face as the baby cooed, but unlike Adrienne, she made no attempt to shush him. “He is named after his father?” she asked the young girl softly.
“Yes,” Adrienne smiled in a similar way to Martha Washington as she looked upon the baby, “He shares his father’s eyes.” The baby whined, prompting Adrianne to reach out and caress his soft cheeks and comfortingly hum to the child, Elizabeth recognizing the song as the chorus of “In Days of My Youth.” When the boy finally quieted, satisfied with her attentions, “And his temper as well.”
Elizabeth laughed a little at that, making faces to baby John. “He is an angel,” she whispered to the young woman beside her.
“He is incredibly well-behaved today,” she agreed, “But do not let him fool you.” She whispered, caressing his cheek, “His lungs are as strong as can be.  I should think he could give Colonel Hamilton a run for his money once he is older.”
“As his father already does?”
“Precisely,” Adrienne replied, prompting the two girls to begin laughing once more.
A moment of silence passed over the room and between the young women, the coos of the baby being the only things stopping the room from falling into complete silence.  Finally, Elizabeth spoke, turning to look at Lady Fairfax, “I could write Benjamin for any news on Lieutenant Colonel Laurens if you would like, Miss Fairfax.  It would be no trouble at all.”
Adrienne opened her mouth to reply before closing it with a sigh, “No, it is likely the news has not yet reached the northern campaign.” Elizabeth opened her mouth, no doubt to offer a statement of hope or a plea to at least attempt the contact, but Adrienne waved her off kindly with a tired smile. “There is very little General Washington could do for John, besides make his situation worse.  No,” she brushed invisible dust from her skirts, “I shall go to Charlestown.  As a member of the British Aristocracy, I benefit from accommodation by any of His Majesty’s forces.  And they will be forced to heed to my wishes out of respect for the hierarchy of British society.”
Mrs. Tallmadge placed a concerned hand over Adrienne’s own once more, her brow furrowed in concern, “Are you sure that is a good idea?”
“It is the best idea I have got, and the best chance John has got,” she spoke, attempting to sound convincing, to herself as well as Elizabeth, “Even if he will be cross with me for my interference.”
Elizabeth pursed her lips slightly, trying to pull them into a smile as she did so, “Are you sure you do not wish for the General to interfere on your behalf instead?”
“Yes,” Adrienne nodded, forcing out a shaky breath, “Unveiling any further connection between the Lieutenant Colonel and Uncle George will only make easing his situation even harder.  They will make it worse, attempting to dangle him before the General.”
Elizabeth nodded, observing the girl a little closer upon her comment, ‘Uncle George?  That is certainly new.’  
Adrienne looked away from the older woman, down to the baby now sleeping peacefully in her arms.  Adrienne laughed quietly at his little snores, “Would you mind coming with me to put him to bed?  I fear it will wake him if I were to take him.”
Elizabeth nodded and rose slowly, following the shorter blonde out the light blue room’s large entranceway, farther into the house.  She followed Adrienne up an elaborate white staircase, across an upper terrace of a small tiled ballroom, through a paneled door to a less ornate but large room of yellow and green.  The room had a plush alcove bed with two doors on each side of it, several chairs, and a chaise.  There were toys of obvious expense that the baby could not yet hold arranged decoratively on the floor.  Adrienne led her to the bed, instructing her to place the baby atop of it.  She pulled a little lever connected to a wire with her finger and sat on the edge of the bed.  Elizabeth watched as she sang softly to the baby in the bed.
“From the court to the cottage convey me, away for I am weary of grandeur and what they call gay; From the court to the cottage convey me, away for I am weary of grandeur and what they call gay.  Where pride without measure and pomp without pleasure, make life in a circle of hurry decay.” Adrienne continued to hum the melody softly until the door left of the bed opened and a woman, a servant, stepped out, curtsying to the two ladies.   She rose wordlessly, smiling warmly at the woman as she took a seat in the room before ushering Elizabeth out of the room with her. “I like to have someone watch over him as he sleeps,” she explained to the older woman, “It makes me feel better when I leave him to rest.”
Elizabeth nodded at her, smiling back to Adrienne, “A mother never stops worrying about her child.”
“Are you yourself one?” Adrienne asked politely as they stood in the hall outside the bedroom.
“No, Miss Fairfax,” Elizabeth smiled sadly, “As badly as I wish for a child of my own, my husband wishes to wait till after the war. Though I cannot help but agree with him. I can not imagine how hard it is to be a mother during times like these. And who knows how I would manage.”
Adrienne smiled comfortingly up at the tall woman, “And I have no doubt you will make an excellent one.” She offered her arm to Elizabeth, who looped their arms together as they walked down the hall, turning before reaching the terrace they had crossed originally, slowly strolling down a long and wide hallway with a series of proudly displayed portraits.
Elizabeth’s eyes scanned the walls, recognizing one of them, a very young little girl with blonde hair with a white linen gown and blue silk sash wrapped around her waist.  It was Lady Fairfax, she realized.  Her eyes darted away, noticing another young woman, not as young as Adrienne, but a child nonetheless.  She had wavy brown hair and wore a solid blue dress similar in shade to Adrienne’s own.  There was a plaque underneath the portrait that read “Lady Anne Fairfax 1748-1763.” The girl was only a mere fifteen years old at her passing.
The next portrait that caught her eye was one of a man in a blue and gold silk coat, this was also labeled, “Viscount George William Fairfax 1729-” there was no year of death, and Elizabeth realized he must have been older than the General.  The final portrait that caught her eye was not dressed in blue or white, but pink.  The plaque read “Sarah Walker Fairfax 1719-1754” and Elizabeth paused, jerking Adrienne’s attention to her.  1719, that was a Walker older than her own father.
“Is everything alright, Mrs. Tallmadge?”
“Yes,” Elizabeth cleared her throat, giving the girl a smile, “I was just admiring this portrait, and the name startled me.”
“Oh!” Adrienne exclaimed with a large, genuine smile, “That is my grandmother, of Virginia’s original Fairfaxes.  Do not let her poise fool you.  She was born in the Colonies, rather than England.  Was raised in the Caribbean, actually.”
“And born where?” Elizabeth asked curiously.
“Pennsylvania or Maryland, I think,” Adrienne replied, “I am not sure.  Why do you ask?”
“I have seen this portrait before,” Elizabeth spoke, eyes examining the painting, “In the storage of Walker Manor.  Every time I asked about it, my father would simply ignore me.”
“Walker Manor,” Adrienne asked, moving to stand beside the tall blonde, “Do you think she could be related to you in any way?”
“Who were her parents?”
“I do not recall her mother, but her father was a man named John Francis Walker.”
Elizabeth gasped, turning quickly to Adrienne, “That is my uncle!  I have never met him, he has long since passed, but my father has spoken of him several times when complaining about old fixtures around the house. He likes to say he was the one who inherited both the Philadelphia status and the messes that came with it.”
Adrienne’s face lit up as well, not caring about the previous comment by Elizabeth’s father.  She reached out to hold each of Elizabeth’s hands in her own, “That is very exciting, madam, that I could have just met you today only to find out that we are related!”
“Indeed it is!” Elizabeth spoke happily as she laughed at Adrienne’s childish joy. “Though I suppose it is not too surprising. Old Philadelphians may complain about Old Virginians, but we have all found a way to get into each society’s most prominent families.” She turned to face the rest of the hall, eyes scanning portraits until they landed on a pair of paintings, each of a young man in a red and blue military coat.  She walked to them gladly, Adrienne trailing behind her.
“Oh!” Adrienne exclaimed as she realized who the two twin paintings that hung from the walls were. “Those were gifts from Mrs. Mary Ball Washington.  The one on top is Uncle George when he was a Colonel in the British-American Army during the French-Indian war.” She pointed up to it, “And the one below it is his elder brother, Lawrence Washington, a Major in His Majesty’s Army.  I was engaged to him for a short period between the deaths of my sister, Anne, and his own.”
“His elder brother?” the woman asked, astounded, “But the general is approaching fifty years of age if I am correct!”
“Yes,” Adrienne laughed, “There would have been quite the age gap between us.”
“Would a child even be possible in such a match?” Mrs. Tallmadge asked as they continued to walk along, turning from the hall and down a separate set of marble stairs with even mural-sized portraits lining the walls.
“Yes,” Adrienne replied, “But I would have been married far younger.  With Lieutenant Colonel Laurens, I was given the luxury of time, and I am very grateful for it.”
The women descended the stairs, and Adrienne ushered her out the door underneath the staircase that led out to the gardens. “I must collect Martha.  We will return to the party shortly,” she assured Elizabeth, “I have already been absent for too long.  It is unbecoming of a hostess to abandon her guests in such a manner.”
Elizabeth reached out, grabbing Adrienne’s elbow as she turned away from her, causing Adrienne to look back at her as she stood in the doorway. “If you ever should find yourself in need of anything, please, let me know,” she smiled softly, letting her hand fall back to her side.  There was a knowing gleam in her eye, “I have a way of getting things done.”
Adrienne smiled brightly back at her, laughing happily at her statement, then turned around entirely and disappeared down the sunny corridor.
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headinthe-fridge · 4 years
My Grandfather’s Lawyer (pt.5)
⁂ – Ushijima Wakatoshi x reader –  ⁂
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warning: nsfw, swearing
Summary: Your grandfather, Washijo Tanji, disowned your mother when she was pregnant with you and her hatred towards him was passed on to you. Now, your estranged grandfather wants you to leave your life in Tokyo and come live with him in his estate in the Miyagi Prefecture.
You took a day off and a 6-hour trip, intending to give him a piece of your mind before disappearing from their lives forever. You didn’t expect to see an ailing and fragile old man. Your day trip stretched into weeks and soon, you patched things up with your estranged family and warmed up to everyone -except to one: Ushijima Wakatoshi -your grandfather’s lawyer.
He thinks you have ulterior motives in reuniting with your grandfather.
You weren’t suppose to care what he thinks of you. His opinion didn’t matter.
But it did.
AN: Soo sorry I didn’t update yesterday :( so to make up for it I’m posting part 5 and 6 today. Again, thank you for supporting this fic. That thing that spurred me to write this was my frustration over headcannons. HCs are cute and all but if it’s the same thing you see everyday it kinda makes you feel hungry for more. Anyway, enjoooy. And welcome to my new readers!!! 💖💖💖
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
“y/n,” Your grandfather breathed as soon as you entered his ward. The old man’s eyes were wide in shock at seeing you. 
“Did you rest well, how are you feeling today?” He proceeded to ask.
“I’m fine, but I should be the one asking you that.” You replied when you approached his bed. You hung your head low, “I feel... guilty. I feel like I’m the reason why-”
“See, Tanji-san? Your grandchild is here so that means he’s also concerned about you.” Ushijima butted in. He gave you a stern look. “Right, y/l/n-san?” His eyes held an underlying message that says ‘dont-you-dare-contradict-me.’
You gulped unconsciously before you turned your attention back to your grandfather. “He’s right, Washijo-san. I was worried when I heard you were sent to the hospital.”
“I would feel better if you will start calling me ‘ji-ji’, like how your cousins call me.”
“I- what did the doctors say?” You swiftly changed the topic. You felt uncomfortable calling him that; because first, that was how your mother addressed him, and second because you felt you didn’t deserve it.
Your grandfather let out a small smile, if he noticed what you did, you weren’t sure. “Don’t worry too much, y/n, it’s nothing serious, Wakatoshi and Saki-san are just paranoid.”
“Old man, how could you say it’s nothing serious? You were having breathing problems earlier, it was a cause for concern.”
He shook his head. “I’m fine, I’m quite used to that and I won’t die yet. Not when my grandchild is finally back home.” He gave you his rare soft-and-affectionate lool which made you squirm. 
You were receiving too much ‘looks’ today. You started wondering what kind of ‘look’ you’ll be getting next.
“I won’t deprive myself of the joy especially if he’s here with us now.” Your grandfather said. But despite the smile on his wrinkled face, you were sure that he was still uncertain over the matter. You also know that Ushijima noticed it because the man threw you another look.
You mentally sighed.
“Washijo-san, I hate to say this but I... I can’t stay here.” You said softly, witnessing how his wrinkled face morphed into sadness. “The house.. and- and, I have a job back in Tokyo.” You didn’t want the old man to feel any worse but you didn’t want to give him false hopes either.
“Your parents are gone, y/n, and you’re alone. Of course, I will always be concerned about you. If you’re worried about your job, you can work in the family business. Or better yet, you can stop working if you decide to live with me. You can focus on your studies. Your mother mentioned that you wanted to be a doctor, right?”
You felt a light jab at your heart. He remembered?
“I appreciate your concern for me, but you don’t have to worry about me. I have my roommate, Kiyoko, and I also have great friends.” You knew they were gonna look out for you and have your back. As for your studies, that was the reason why you’re working and saving up.
“So you’re intent on going back to Tokyo and leaving us?”
It didn’t sound like a question to your ears but more like a resigned acceptance. The deep sadness in the old man’s voice did not escape your ears. You could feel your insides churning in guilt. 
No one had ever made you feel this guilty before. And you never knew you were capable of causing grave sadness to someone. For a second, you felt like a wretch so you tried to reason out.
“That is bec-”
“Tanji-san, it seems your grandchild is just confused. I think a breath of fresh hair would clear up y/n’s mind. Breakfast would be good too. Please excuse us.”
Without giving you a chance to speak -let alone open your mouth- Ushijima grabbed your wrist (once again, god damnit) and dragged you out of the ward. You tried to yank your wrist free of his grasp but failed miserably. It was like his hands are made of steel.
“Stop friggin’ dragging me.” You cursed but your words fell on deaf ears as Ushijima continued to drag you until you both reached the hospital’s outdoor garden. You subtly winced in pain when he unceremoniously shoved you down on a bench.
Your scowl turned into shock as Ushijima bent down, levelling his face with yours. His arm stretched on either side of your body, trapping you.
You swore that if you moved an inch your noses would touch. You could smell the faint minty breath of the man half-standing, half-hovering before you. And he was shooting you that ‘look’ again. That stern, meaningful, and handsome look.
God dammmit.
“Do you really hate your grandfather so much that you can’t grant his little request that could make him happy?” Ushijima snarled at you. The influx of his hot breath pulled you back from your thoughts.
You raised a brow in defiance. “Look, how I treat my grandfather is none of your business.” You retorted before averting your gaze, focusing them on the patch of grass past him. If you don’t do that, he might notice that your current position is making you uncomfortable.
To your utter relief (dismay), Ushijima straightened himself up and crossed his arms over his torso. “Actually, you need someone like me to remind you that your grandfather’s only sin was loving his daughter -your mother, very much.” He said sharply. “Yes, he was wrong at some point but can’t you give him another chance for him to make it right?”
You kept your eyes on the grass, suddenly feeling ashamed of yourself. You could see it; Ushijima is right. You knew that your grandfather is willing to make things right again.
“What? Cat got your tongue?”
You felt irritated at the statement. It was the same statement Hoshina used yesterday when you just arrived.
“Your grandfather is also hoping that you would take care of him despite having his own caregivers. Can your conscience take it should anything happen to him?”
You were torn between defending yourself and remaining silent. Deep inside, you’re more than willing to look after him. And honestly, to patch things up with him and get to know the old man more.
However, you didn’t want to give Ushijima Wakatoshi satisfaction.
“If you’re done with your speech, I’m going back to the old man’s room.”
Was what you wanted to say but your mouth refused to move. So you abruptly stood up and briskly walked away from him. Leaving his tall figure and scowling face.
Part 6
Taglist: @thegrumpyhag​ @sushij1ma​ @valoryess​ @yakus-yakult​ @ly-nia​ @ushi-please​ @plutoglass @kokofirebangbomb​ @strawberryy-milkk @melanieacademy​ @defunkitatedmess​ @lunarknox​ @wtoshii​ @kyomihann​ @multishippers-trash-blog​ 
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lillaxtrigger · 3 years
Young Hope: Chapter 38
The open cloudless sky above begins to lose its orange shade as the twilight sun starts to sink down past the horizon and welcomes the stars and lunar glow of the full moon; their heavenly light gleaming upon the golden spire that towers past the sea of clouds. Along the edges of the golden warp gate are the three search nods that the angels had faced trail after trail to retrieve were tucked firmly within all three of their proper holes; the eyes and wings that make up their outer rims glancing around and flapping as they twirl in place. In the middle of the rings was a platform of glass sat in the middle of the golden top floor; Tore wondrously gazing to the rings as his cosmic mentor works on a holographic interface that protrudes out from the glass beneath their feet. When a distinct light shines down above them, the indigo angel aim’s his gaze skyward to behold the massive halo that hovers above the tower; the ring that hangs over them beginning to spin with a growing heavenly glow. The rings angelic glow slowly, but surely growing, Mall put away the holographic panel had been tinkering with and peers up to the halo above to state: “Good, the coordinates are finally set and the warp gate is pinpointing to my kind’s dimensional prison. It only be a matter of time now.” A warm smile permeates along his cheeks as he stares upwards, break his site away from the halo above and down to his blue ward before him; Tore gazing back to his cosmic mentor as Mall commends how: “I don’t think there is any way I can express my gratitude to you for aiding me in this long awaited noble endeavor. At long last, after millions of millennia, the Kybr shall return home. At long last, they shall be reunited with their own kin; and we have you to thank for it all, Tore. ... For the longest time, I only had the stars surrounding to call upon for comfort in my times of depression and isolation; to mend my sorrows with their gaseous light. Not once did I think that I would soon feel the warming welcome of another Kybr, another he could call his own kin to glide through the universe with. For that alone, I’m more than happy to have taken this journey with you.” “No prob, Mall. Bein on this whole adventure with ya made me realize what I’d been missing from my life; somebody I could really look up to help just guide me through all the stuff about life. Like a….you get what I’m saying?” “Hmm mm mm. Tore, I simply cannot wait to introduce you to the very people that you have stemmed from and behold in their majesty; to glide throughout the universe alongside our fellow kin. There’s just so much more of this reality I wish for you to view.” the cosmic angel describes, kneeling down to the blue boy’s level. “Honestly, it don’t matter to me a bit where ya wanna go; I just still wanna have ya around. There was seriously so much you taught me about myself that I didn’t even know I could do; stuff that I probably never would’ve realized my self if I didn’t go with ya. Really, if anyone’s to thank here, it’s you.” “Oh believe me, youngling; there’s still so much of yourself I can show you, so much of yourself that will surpass your human expectations. It’s my hope to one day cultivate you into a Kybr just as powerful as those in the days of yore; perhaps to even pass them. Before the cosmic Kybr could speak another word to his blue ward, the indigo angel reaches out for a warming embrace; Mall hugging the boy back in kind as Tore’s tear drip down from his face and stain his sparkling toga. “I can’t to show you all my friends and family. You’re gonna love em.”
Upon declaring this to his spacial teacher does a related thought pop into the blue boy’s mind, one that causes him to pull away from Mall’s grasp and stress how: “My fam! Oh god, its been around two weeks since I last talked to them! They must be worried outta their minds wondering where I’ve been this whole time. I know you said that using my phone might attract attention, but is it alright if I phone them up real quick and tell em I’m alright?” “Go ahead, Tore. Tell them...tell them of the wonderful news.” “Thanks Mall.” the indigo angel yips to his cosmic mentor as he strolls over towards the wayside and pulls his phone out from the depths of his pants pocket. After powering on his device, a wave of astonishment crashes upon him when first finding over dozens of notifications concerning calls that he had missed. Whoa! Holy crap! There’s seriously like 54 missed calls on here. Most of them from Mally too. Guess outta everyone, she’d be nearly on the cusp of exploding with worry. Better not keep her waiting any longer.
Without hesitation, the blue boy taps the last phone call his sister had attempted to reach through to him with; Tore putting his phone up to his ear as it starts to dial and waits as he hears the tone ring. Shortly after does he then hear the orange skater on the other end, yelping out to him: “Tore!?” “Hey, Mal. Sorry I didn’t really phone in for a while, had to turn my phone off cause I was helping-” “Oh my god, where are you!? What’s that guy you’re with doing!? Do you know what he’s about to do!?” “Whoa, easy there, Mal. Slow down a minute, w-what’s up with you?” the blue boy questions. “Tore, I need you to listen to me and answer; do you know what the Kybr were?” “Uh, Mall said they were powerful beings that could manipulate elements of the universe who shared their powers with humans and built cities to help teach em how to use em.” “Is that all he told you?” “Kind of, why? You figure out something?”
Above the very spire both the angels stand within, the tangible picture begins to come into focus within the golden halo; the outer rim of the ring surging with an otherworldly power as it starts to further twirl more rapidly. Tears begin to well underneath Mall’s very eyes as he peers deep within the transparent picture held inside the halo. Soon. Soon we shall be reunited. No more will this soul have to wander this lonely cosmo’s for eternity. We’ll be together. We’ll be home.
Among his mentor gazing up to the portal above them both, the indigo angel ventures back towards stargazing Kybr; a deep somber frown painted along his face as the light from the halo overheads casts their shadow over the blue boy’s eyes. “Mall…” Upon hearing his wards slightly meek call, Mall breaks his teary eyes away from the forming portal above and hears the boy before him request that: “Can I ask you some stuff...before Kybr come?” “Of course, Tore What do wish to know?” “Were there really no limits to what the Kybr could control in this universe?” “Indeed, there were none. The very forces of this universe were at our beck and call.” “Is that why the gods banished all of you?” “Sadly so. They couldn’t accept the control we had on what they claimed to be their dominion. But why ask of this?” The blue boy standing before the cosmic angel takes a moment to calm his shaking breath before he questions further on the matter with: “Was that the only reason?” “Pardon?” “What did Kybr do to warrant getting imprisoned?” “Tore. Let us not worry about such mysteries, not with our reunion so close.” the spacial angel attempts to thwart with.
“Mall...were the Kybr bad?” Such a question piercing the air causes every single hair along the cosmic angel to stand on end, Mall attempting to veer away from answer by uttering: “Tore, lets just drop the-” “Did they hurt people?” The blue boy’s burning hunger for these answers drive the cosmic angel to a dreading silence; one that only fuels his ward to push further. “Mall...Mall, what did they do? How many others wanted them gone? Why were they so hated?” Despite Tore’s constant push for tangible answers, this only drives further silence from the starry angel standing before him; his mentor’s refusal to answer drawing out only frustration and tears as he continues to shout: “Mall...Please just answer me already! Why won’t you say anything!? Have you just been lying to me!?”
At last can the cosmic Kybr not keep himself silent another moment longer, Mall finally responding to his angered ward outcries with: “We chose humanity to carry on the legacy, to mold this very universe accordance to their whims and to plot its very future alongside us. Tore...All that Kybr had done was to shape reality for the better and share in what we’ve created with all; even if it meant steering those who lived in this universe in a different direction. I myself couldn’t care less for what they plot to form this reality into...I simply couldn’t bare it anymore. The countless millennia of isolation and utter hopelessness I had toiled hiding from those who wanted us gone. I felt my very consciousness dull from the ever going loneliness. The life that I had felt when gliding alongside my kin, the joy I had partaken upon seeing a child of my own flourish had been left dimmed and withered to the merciless flow of time. I had resigned to such a fate. But a single spark was what had illuminated the hopeless void that had clouded my mind. Word of humanity, sparse human’s, growing to possess power those were bestowed by us once more. And lo and behold, the life within me that had hollowed had been restored upon seeing with my own vision those claims ring true; the future of the kin we had left behind. And during my journey alongside you, my boy, that very same spirit began to grow again. Bringing forth a dream I thought once impossible to achieve now on the cusp of coming true.” Midst declaring all of this, the cosmic Kybr approaches the young angel that stands before him; Mall kneeling down to his level once more to gently grasp his shoulder and begs out of him: “Tore, please, let us share this long awaited dream together. Let us welcome our kin home.” A long pause of quiet passes between the two angel’s as Mall awaits for the boy’s answer; all with nothing but the energy of the warp gate whirling through the air to fill the ambient silence.
But at long last does Tore finally bestow upon the lonesome broken man his answer as his hand balling into a quaking fist; the blue boy driving his knuckles straight into the cosmic angel’s face hard enough to send Mall careening across the top of the spire; the golden wall he slams into fracturing from the incredible blunt force. As the spacial bound Kybr starts to recover from the unexpected blow, a low groan utters out from his maw; the angel directing his site to the very boy who had struck him down. “Agh!...Wh-what the matter with y-” “You lied to me! You knew very well what the Kybr would do if they were freed; you knew they would terrorize the universe again and kept that from me! I trusted you! I fought alongside you! I looked up to you more than just a teacher; I wanted you to be like a dad, one I could actually stand alongside with. I cried when you offered me that. If you really cared that much about me, if you looked up to me like I was one of your own; you wouldn’t have kept me in the dark about something crucial, something that would’ve affected everyone I knew, what could doom everyone in this universe. I could’ve helped you. My family could’ve helped you. I bet even my friends could’ve helped you cope with being so alone and sad in this universe. You didn’t need to unleash an entire army of super beings that would destroy so many others…You didn’t need the Kybr to feel loved. But instead you chose this. Chose to try and release them. And chose to lie to my face!” Witnessing a flow of tears streak down from the boy’s enraged glare, Mall attempts to push through to him by uttering: “Tore, I didn’t-” “Shut up!...If you actually care. If you actually wanna still look at me like someone you care for,, then you’ll shut off the portal and keep the Kybr from breaking into this world.” Let utterly silent by the indigo angel’s ultimatum, the cosmic angel finally stands and hovers off the golden floor; glaring to the boy with determination and firmly declares: “No...I shall not let my kin suffer within their prison another moment longer, not with just a few more steps from opening the gates.” Knowing the Kybr’s ultimate decision left set in unbreakable stone, Tore’s entire body trembles alongside his breath; struggling to stand from the overwhelming heartbreak. But the indigo angel soon regains his composure to wipe away the river of tears from his eyes; staring on to cosmic angel that hovers before with his own branded determination and readies to face his former mentor. “Fine...But I’m not just gonna stand and let you doom the universe...To doom countless others...to doom my friends, my family, everyone I love!”
Its upon proclaiming this that Tore finally lunges forth towards his former mentor, dead set to deliver yet another betrayed fuel strike right to his face; what tears hadn’t dried at this point streaking off his cheeks as he approaches the cosmic angel. Moments as the indigo angel throws his fist straight out to the Kybr’s face, Mall holds his palm before the nearing blue boy and stopping him dead in his tracks; Tore feeling as if he had just hit an invisible solid wall. Its in that very same time that same space thrust him away with what felt like the force of a runaway semi truck, the blue boy sliding across the spires golden floor; Tore clutching the edge of the tower before he could be sent flying straight out into the sea of clouds behind him. Pulling out over the golden edge, the angel throws himself straight into the air above with a pale light gathering in his hand; Tore casts forth a beam of pale power down towards his spacial foe. Just as the ray was about to hit, the very space surrounding Mall redirects the beam to twirl around his very figure and splits apart under his command; the cosmic angel sending back the fracture pieces of pale white back towards their very sender. The blue boy delves right underneath the returning ray cluster as he swoops down towards his former master, Mall erecting a wormhole behind him to retreat from the blue boy’s diving assault.
Once sliding to a stop across the golden floor, Tore frantically peers to his surroundings for any sign of where the space manipulating angel had vanished to; failing to find even a single sign of his starry feathers anywhere in site. Midst wondering where the angel had disappeared to, Tore suddenly feels an invisible force squeeze his entire body from head to toe; almost as if the very space surrounding him was constricting the boy like a snake holding its prey. Slowly forcing his head to turn back, Tore discovers the cosmic angel emerging out from another hole with his clutched palm reaching out to the boy. With nothing but a swift swipe of his very hand, Mall commands the very space holding his pupil to fling him straight into one of the flora decorated golden walls that make up the top of the spire; some of the angel trumpets that hang from the swirls plucking off their stems and fluttering down onto the boy. Peering down does the blue boy see one of these flowers land cleanly onto the palm of his hand, a site which causes the gears in his head to start turning.
As he continues to face the young angel, Mall lets out a collection of stars from his very palm as he waves his hand through the air; every single twinkling star that the cosmic angel had conjured all thrusting themselves out to the blue boy all at once. Upon witnessing the stars incoming does Tore push himself off the wall of withered flowers and out towards the volley of glittering constellations Tore blocking them all with a single arm as he forces himself through shower of stars Powering through the barrage of twinkling bullets does Tore face the spacial Kybr once more; his fist glowing a rainbow of lively colors as he lobs it upwards towards the angel’s chin. Though Mall erects another wall of space between him and his blue ward like before, the solid space breaks apart upon the boy’s rising assault and is harshly struck right in the jaw hard enough send him skywards. Having uppercut his former mentor straight into the air, Tore rockets up after him to follow up with a hammering spike back down towards the spire floor; the glass platform Mall crashes into shattering from the impact.
While the blue angel hover back down onto the golden floor, he watches as his cosmic foe levitates right off the broken glass he bestows an applause; remarking how: “Using the life force of these flowers to power through. Excellent resourcefulness Tore. Seems I’ve trained you to use your abilities quite well. Bravo.” Despite his proud applause upon him, Tore keeps his glare locked upon the spacial angel; Mall himself ceasing his clapping to warm how: “However, if you believe that is enough to stop me. Then you are sorely mistaken.” On this very declaration does Mall then reach out to their surroundings and offers to how his own prowess with: “Allow me to show you what sort of influence the Kybr have upon this universe.” From the palms of his hands does the cosmic angel unleash an incredible bout of spacial power from his very depths; a monumental wave that bends and twists the golden spire they stand upon and until beginning to change into another location entirely.
Before the blue boy’s very eyes does he witness the golden walls of the spire transform, ditching the shimmering sheen of their swirls in place of rows and rows of faintly painted metal lockers. Peering down beneath his feet, Tore sees the glistening floor he stands upon loose its sheen as it’s morphed into slightly dirt ridden marble tile. Drifting his gaze skywards does Tore also watch as the starry night sky above is blanketed by popcorn ceiling donning flickering florescent lights. Between the lockers stood door after polished wood door, some of the cracking open to let some teens within peer out to the scene that plays out. “The Hell?” “What’s happening out there?” “Who the hell are these guys?” “Hang on. Isn’t one of them that strange blue dude with the angel wings?” Upon some of the students recognizing him does Tore himself realize where his former mentor had transported them too; this very hall being the very same hallway he walks through everyday in Townsville’s public school. “So this is my...Why did-” Right when the blue boy was about to question the cosmic angel why he had sent them here, the indigo angel puts his question on hold as he sees his former master continue to wave his hands through the air. All the kids that had peeked out from their classrooms are forced back inside before the hall that both angels stands begins to extend outwards; the end of the hall retreating into the horizon until vanishing into an infinite plane. Once commanding the space of the hall to extend endlessly, the spacial Kybr leaps back to retreat down the depths of the never ending corridor; Tore immediately pursuing after the retreating angel.
Amidst gliding away from the indigo angel, Mall turns back while continuing to retreat to unleash a salvo of stars that erupt out from the depths of his wings; Tore swatting away all the stars that streak out to him in his chase after Witnessing his spread of stars doing little to slow his blue wards feverish pursuit, Mall reaches his arms out towards the never ending rows of lockers that stretching out along the sides of the hall; their very metal stretching past their hinges and clustering together just before the boy. Left caught off guard by the unexpected blockade, the indigo angel slams straight through the barrier of cheap school grade steel and fumbles along the marble tile; but soon enough regaining himself and leaping off the floor in the middle of this blunder to resume the chase. As more and more of the lockers before him stretch out in an effort to block his way, Tore flies right over, under, and side to side every set that burst out from the walls; some dust flying out from the walls as the lockers protrude out. Upon watching the blue ward weave himself through every single set of lockers he stretches out, the cosmic angel clamps his hands together to command the lockers before him to all clamp together to form a wall of steel. A single lunging tackle is all it takes from the blue boy to bust straight through he blockade of cheap school grade steel; a couple of cobwebs flying through the air as Tore charges ahead.
Yet despite having broke straight through his former mentor’s barricade, the distance between the pair of angels continues to grow; Tore pondering of a way he can burst through the numerous lockers and close the gap. Not really any plants here to sap, though. Gotta be something here to take advantage off. Its in think of a way to draw out power that he feels something tickling his arms, the indigo angel glancing along his limbs to discover a couples of spiders and bugs scuttling along the surface of his skin. Bugs? Didn’t someone say that the school needed some sort of fumigation? Wait a sec, that’s it!
With an idea running through his blue noggin, Tore stretches both of his arms out to the endless row of lockers that sit along the side; his mind focused on all the numerous insects and arachnids that dwell within the cracks and crevices of the school walls. Come on… he concentrates on the dozens of vermin and insects that do swaths of color all seep out from their bodies, their very life gathering around the blue boy and surrounding him in coating of lively aura. Got it! “Excellent work Tore.” In hearing this come from his former mentor, Tore stares back to the gradually retreating angel; Mall further praising him on how: “Drawing out your aspect from the creatures hidden around you. But can you use such gathered power effectively?”
Its in that moment that every single locker that stands between them burst out from the wall and cluster together before the young angel in hopes of halting his pursuit; all the colorful life that the blue boy had gathered all coating his fists as he nears all the thicket of metal. With his very fists alone does Tore break through the rows of stretched steel as easily as ripping through paper; shards of the lockers metal scattering through the air as the boy breaks through every single wall that stands in his way. Seeing his pupil punch straight through the numerous barricades, Mall thrusts his palms out to the hall’s very walls and starts to pull them together; the cosmic angel warping the space itself into one blockade of solid stone and metal. With little time to stop himself from smacking straight into the twisted cluster of school brick and locker metal, Tore utilizes what energy he had gathered from his surroundings straight into the palm of his hands into a colorful orb of light; firing it all out in to the blockade in a stream of pure life. Effortlessly does the massive beam pierce straight through the thick rock and steel and striking the cosmic angel harboring behind; Mall letting out a pained grunt as his entire body is engulfed in the colorful glow.
Right then and there does the infinite hallway come to an end as Mall is sent careening straight through a set of door; the polished wood floor breaking underneath as he scrapes across the gym. From this crashing halt does every basketball player and P.E teacher suddenly stop dead in their track and gaze upon the spacial angel as he levitates himself off the middle of them floor. Following this do they then witness the blue boy break down the gym doors and land before the levitating man; a site which proves a good enough queue to go scrambling out for they realize that shit was going down. Once seeing every single coach and student all race right out through the corridor, Tore returns his site back to his former mentor; remain cautious despite Mall displaying a warm smile. “I must say, Tore. You’ve shown truly promising results thus far. But this examination is far from over.”
Upon this statement does Mall thrust his arms upwards towards the gym ceiling, the blue boy peering above and watches the support beams holding the roof up darken and morph from steel to stone. His attention is then drawn out to the walls, bleachers, and equipment that make up the gym all go through a similar transformation; some of the rock bursting into flames in the process. Its in witnessing all of this that he notices a bright orange light shinning out from the floor and peers down to discover the polished wood he stands on melting into hot molten liquid. Tore leaps right off the transforming floor as it fully forms into a lake of boiling lava and comes to find what he saw were airborne demons and drifting spirits sharing the blistering hot air. Soon enough is the site that Tore once saw as his school gym fully converted into the very depth of hell; both angel’s hovering just above a stretching lake of lava with a couple of brimstone islands decorated across the surface, all with little scales hopping out from the fiery molten depths.
Just as the indigo angel was curious why his former mentor had transformed their surroundings into this hellish lake of molten liquid, he returns his gaze to the cosmic Kybr to find Mall slowly bending his arms upwards; the lava lake they hang right over curving inwards alongside his limbs until covering the hellish skies above in a blanket of blistering hot magma. The lake that Mall had summoned forth had now been bent inward in an inverted sphere that now trapped them both in its twisted cage of molten goo and scorched brimstone; the lava within remaining suspended in the air as if the gravity itself had been twisted.
Once finished with their scorching hot cage, the cosmic angel then thrusts his palms down towards the very brimstone upsetting the lava; the piece of burning rock trembling for a moment before being uprooted from the molten goo. Raising the piece of scorching earth out from the depths of the magma lake, Mall clasps his hands together to command the rock to burst into pieces; the numerous remains of this very brimstone scatter through the air and chaotically revolve all around within the angel’s molten cage. One after the other does Tore swerve and evade all the directionless chunks of burning brimstone, navigating through the ongoing chaos as naturally as the winds traveling through a craggy canyon; the blue boy twisting about the storm of rock as he heads straight for his former mentor. Tore readies to deliver a swift spinning punch right to the spacial Kybr’s side as he closes in, the space around his former master twisting his body as he is fluidly veered right out across the angel’s side like a redirected stream of water. His assault having been thwarted, the indigo angel is but seconds away from taking a molten dive right down into the spherical wall of blistering hot goo; the blue boy stopping himself just short of the lake’s surface and makes a complete U-turn back towards the cosmic angel.
Witnessing his blue ward on the return, Mall commands the space around him to halt what burning brimstone happens to pass by and launches them all out towards the approaching indigo angel. With the barrage of fiery rocks raining down upon him, the blue boy thinks little as he simply breaks one of them to bits with just one kick; left caught off guard when bits of molten lava trapped within splatter out. Tore covers his face as the fiery hot goo splatters onto him, the blue angel continuing to swerve through the brimstone storm despite feeling the burns inflicted by the red hot lava across his body. Uncovering his face does the blue boy then see his former mentor simply direct more and more passing stones his way, the indigo angel taking little chances as he simply fires out sphere of his own power out to the approaching pieces of brimstone; with not even a single drop of the magma stowed within splashing into him. But when does his former mentor simply summon more and more burning chunks out after him, the blue boy hatches a little idea on how to use the hellish meteors against their caster and veers off along the lava prisons edges; all the pieces of burning brimstone giving chase after him as Mall himself watches closely. Soon does the cosmic angel witness the blue ward veer away from the lava side and start to near once more, Mall preparing to counter whatever sort of assault his pupil was planning. Yet at the very last moment does Tore suddenly ascend right over, his former mentor keeping his sites locked to him as the swarm of burning brimstone continues to follow. Once right hovering overhead, the blue boy quickly turns back and blasts out his own volley of pale power upon the pursing storm of hellbound rock; the magma that bursts out from within all splattering down toward his spacial foe. The lava threatening to rain down upon him, Mall keeps the descending drizzle from pouring onto him with a layer of solid space above; not a single drop able to even touch the starry angel’s very skin. Left distracted by the molten downpour, Tore takes this chance to steer right behind and rocket right towards his backside at breakneck speeds ready to strike with all his might.
Alas on the last moment does his swinging fist suddenly stop dead in the middle of the air, his knuckles just centimeters away from touching the cosmic angel’s back. Left paralyzed by the very space around him, all Tore could do was watch as his former mentor peers back into his very eyes; the last of the lava downpour dripping down behind him. “A valiant effort.” With this bit of praise however does Mall lift the blue ward up over his head while then criticizing how: “But physicality alone shall do little to aid you.” Upon declaring this, the cosmic angel thrust his palm downwards and sends Tore hurdling down towards one of the brimstone islands breaking up the lava lake; the blue crashing down and slide across the rough rock before stopping just short of the blistering hot rim. Though the blue boy attempts to stand back off the heated stone, his rise is ultimately cut short when his former master lands right onto his very chest and keeps him pinned to the hellish earth with just a single foot.
Struggling to escape underneath the spacial Kybr’s heel, the indigo angel gazes up to the lava behind him in his squirm and discovers something of note that he just now finds. Small schools of fish dressed in scales of pure bedrock leap right out from the depths of the lake, lively swimming through the lava as easily as freshwater. This only way outta this mess clear to him, the boy’s face tightens as he reaches out towards the rim; a sharp hiss sliding through the boy’s teeth before he swiftly dunks his limbs into the hellish molten goo. A sharp scream escapes from the boy maw as he keeps his arms submerged in the fiery lava, the odd and unpredictable act causing the cosmic angel’s guard to waver. Midst his agony do the pupils of his eyes start to glow a rainbow of color, Tore taking the moment to thrust his legs against Mall and kicking his former mentor off of him; bringing his arms back up to the surface as lunges after. His hands coated in a radiance of shimmering color, Tore reaches out to his fumbling foe’s head and clutches Mall’s very face; the indigo angel unleashing the life force he had somehow gathered into a point blank blast of radiant colors. The force alone was strong enough to send the spacial Kybr hurdling across lake, his body skipping across the surface like a tossed pebble until crashing right along side of a brimstone column.
While the hellish stone dust settles before him, Mall is left to ponder of the circumstances with utter: “That power. Where did-” While curiously questioning such does the angel direct his attention over to the very island he was blasted from, seeing the numerous scaly fish that had once jumped across the molten lava behind his ward now left bellying up; a proud smile stretches between his cheeks as pries himself out from the brimstone. “That’s much better.”
Whilst using what power was left to heal the numerous burns he had suffered, Tore watches as the man he once called his mentor hovers out to the very center of the lava cage and clasps his hands together; the space they both occupy once again contorting before his very eyes. The blue boy beholds the blister hot lava and brimstone that made up the environment now solidify and freeze as it starts to break apart; scorching heat of hell itself dipping into a deathly cold in a matter of just seconds. Tore starts to shiver and hovers upwards as the ground beneath him gives away, all the fiery light that shined from the lava disappearing and is replaced and coldly blue hue; the blue seeing his very breath permeate the frosty air. Within a matter of seconds does the indigo angel find himself floating within a frozen cavernous valley made up of thick icy paths, frosty slides, and arctic formations that stretch across the wide open cavern. Not this again.
Its in his shivering that Tore then peer out to the side and finds his cosmic foe floating in the middle of the freezing air, the spacial angel clasping his hands together before hammering himself straight in his very stomach; the impact causing dozens of cracks to rapidly grow along his figure. After this does Mall’s entire body break apart in a burst of glass, every single bit flying across the caverns and seeping into the icy formations that surround them. Despite this display of self destruction, the blue boy keeps his guard held high as he floats through the icy valley and prepares for whatever strange attack the cosmic Kybr has planned for him. Yet among his alert awareness does he fails to notice a faint light glimmering from the ice behind him; a reflection of his galactic foe’s figure sliding across the surface and sticks his arm right out to cast a star straight out to the blue ward. The starry blast hits the young angel’s back in a glittering explosion, sending Tore careening through frosty air. When finally stopping himself just before crashing straight into a hard icy wall, Tore peeks back to try and find what had thrown the glittering blast, but ultimately failing to find a single soul among the blue hue.
Its when seeking the culprit that he hears the strange sound of crackling ice behind him, the blue angel swiftly glancing back to discover his mentor within an icy slide behind him; Mall on the verge of tossing out another starry assault. In the nick of time does the blue boy evade his former mentor’s starry blast and chucks out his own pale energy straight out to Mall’s reflection; the icy formation he had dwell within shattering into glittering shards from the explosion. Even within the ice left into pieces, the young angel cannot find even a single sign of his former mentor among the frosty dust. While midst his confusion, Mall emerges out from the twisting icy pillar aside and rockets forth towards the blue boy; Tore himself glancing out just time to witness his former mentor on the approach. In the few seconds he had does the blue angel manage to evade the cosmic Kybr’s striking assault, his galactic foe just a few inches apart as he streaks right past. Even when having cleanly dodged the cosmic man’s surprise attack, the blue boy feels the very space behind him solidify; Tore looking over towards his former master and seeing him reach out to him with but the palm of his hand. Swinging his arm outwards does Mall cast his ward out through the icy cavern valley; Tore sent through icy paths and slides alike until crashing right into the valley’s hard ice wall.
Pulling himself straight out from the cavernous wall, the blue angel shakes off the ice stuck in his hair; his eyes widening when gazing ahead and finding the cosmic Kybr’s very image plastered across the icy formations making up the valley. He frantically looks through out all the ice paths, pillars, and slides in hopes of telling which of the many images of his former mentor be the right one as the slide across the surface like a pack of serpents; yet every single one he see’s prove completely identical to the rest. This isn’t good. Even if he comes out, there’s no way to physically touch him, not without something alive to draw power from. But what in the world could even survive in a place this blistering cold? Okay Tore, just think for a sec here. Think back to science class. The teach was going on about biology, right? Something about bacteria and micro organisms. She said that they were nearly in everything around us, even in like super extreme places like hot caves, hot springs, the depths of the ocean, even in Antartic- Its in pondering of his school teachers words that he snaps his sites over to the icy path that stretches beside him. Ice! That’s it! Upon this very revelation, the indigo angel glides down along the narrow icy path and slides the palm of his hand along its chilling cold surface; his mind focused on what microorganisms and bacteria could be dwelling underneath the frost. Its in his trip across the frosty narrow that bits of color start to slither through the solid ice and gather in the palm of his hands. When beholding all the life he had gathered from the microorganisms living within the ice, he’s left a little disappointed to find the size of a marble, one not even bigger than the palm of his hand. Huh. Guess this much is about what you’d expect from bacteria.
Venturing his site back towards the rest of the cavernous valley, the blue boy comes to find dozens upon dozens of his former master very image streak across every icy surface; each reflection moving of its own independence. Ain’t got much to work with here. Better make it count. Whilst keeping his eyes on the numerous pictures of the cosmic angel does he see them all suddenly disappear all at once; not a single trace of Mall left showing anywhere among the ice. Where...where did- In his frantic search for where the spacial Kybr could strike does he take a peek back just in time to see the cosmic angel charging out; mere moments away from ramming into him. With what life force he had gathered from the bacteria within the ice, the indigo angel coats the base of his foot its its colorful glow as he kicks out to his nearing foe; Tore kicking Mall straight into the roof of the icy cave. The very moment that the galactic angel crashes through the ceiling does the blue boy witness the icy valley he floats in crumbling like broken glass; all of their shards descending down into the deep black abyss set below.
In gliding through the void does the blue angel soon unintentionally flops down into solid ground; Tore prying himself out from the solid rock and discovers veins of bright lime green running across the rugged curving surface. Veering his sites upward does he find himself standing dead in the center of a wide crater that rival the size of several football fields. Along the surface of the crater do his pupils shrink when finding what were remains of colorful brick among the ruins; their once vibrant color having faded away from the anneals of time. This very site bubbles a powerful mix of dread and despair what was once buried within his very core; a feeling of sorrow that not only makes his very soul tremble, but makes him fall to his very knee’s. This place…
Before the boy could partake in a single moment of lament, his gaze is drawn upwards as an angelic shadow slides past his body; Tore gazing skywards to the very top of a long and towering flagpole where a torn banner holding what seemed was once a platypus. The blue boy see’s Mall perch himself at the very top end of this decrepit and ruined symbol; the galactic angel gazing down upon his wards as Tore slowly starts to rise back on his feet. “Magnificent show Tore. You’ve truly demonstrated greater promise that even the humans we had cultivated in the days of old. But this demonstration is not over yet. For now we reach the finale.” Declaring such does Mall suddenly rocket up high in the night sky, his cosmic trail overtaking the earthly stars. When hovering in the middle of the starry sky, the Kybr’s cosmic wings starts to vastly expand out; Mall blanketing the once peaceful starry sky above and transform them into the deep cosmos that reflects within his angelic wings. Swirling galaxies, leviathan sized planets, bright scorching suns, burning meteors, and billions upon billions of stars. Some of these stars gather onto the galactic angel’s back and bond together to give the angel a new starry set of wings as he descends down upon the glowing green earth; opening his eyes to face the blue angel that takes his stand against him with a determined and ready glare.
In just but a single instance does the entire length of Mall’s very figures stretch right out before the blue boy, the back of his body following after and catching right up as the cosmic angel stands before his pupil. Left caught off guard by his former mentor’s strange lunge out to him, all Tore could do to react was to leap back as he tosses out a ball of pale white out to the spacial Kybr; the retreating assault proving utterly fruitless as Tore’s blast scatters into pieces before even touching his foe. Witnessing his blue ward attempting to gain some distance, the cosmic angel reaches his arms up towards the cosmos that hangs above them both; some of the galaxies above drawn out from the reaches of space and shrinking as they near the planets surface. Though their immense size had been reduced significantly, these swirling galaxies still boasted the size of apartment complexes; the angel who had summoned them having next to no trouble hurdling them both out to his blue pupil.
Beholding these massive disk shaped celestial bodies swiftly glides right out at him, Tore up and decides to lunge out to them as they twirl his way; the light from their numerous stars glistening along his body as he squeezes right between them both. Finding his cast out celestial bodies having missed, the spacial angel thrusts his fingers out to both of the hurdling galaxies and commands them both to veer back towards the blue boy; Tore himself noticing the light from these galaxies and peering out to discover them both hurdling out to both of his side. With the pair of twin galaxies pinching out towards him, the blue angel stops dead in his track moments as they near and lets them both pass in front; their starry surfaces shining their glisten along the boy’s face as they pass through. Keeping his sites locked to the twin celestial bodies does he see them both steer themselves back out for another go at him; Tore seeing his moment when finding one of them approaching faster than the other. Just seconds before the edge of one of these celestial bodies could strike the indigo angel down, Tore clasps its very rim with nothing but his bare hands; the stars scraping against his palm as the impact drags him across the irradiated crater. Glancing past the galaxy trapped in his hands, the blue boy witnesses the other follow after the first, something that he had fully expected as he starts to lift the one he holds upwards and tosses it back to its twin; both of these galaxies colliding together and exploding in a shower of glowing stardust that lights the entire crater and the land behind.
Once the bright aftermath of the collision finally dims, Tore uncovers his eyes and glances around for any sign of his galactic foe; finding next to no sign of the spacial angel anywhere among the crater rubble. Its in that moment that he see’s the very sky itself start to glisten and aims his eye site above to find his former master hovering above; the fields of stars behind him rapidly twinkling as he points a single finger down upon the earth. From the cosmic skies above do all these thousands of stars all descend down from the very heavens akin to divine beams of light; every single one streaking down towards the blue boy in rapid fashion. The indigo angel glides across the green glowing crater as these numerous galactic rays crash down upon the earth in their attempt to strike him down; each descending star crashing down onto the earth he flies behind. Gazing back does Tore begin to see all the twinkling stars descending closer and closer as they all plummet from the skies above; some of them crashing down right behind his very feet. Aiming his sights towards his former mentor above, the blue boy watches the cosmic angel above and notices all the stars that rain down from the heavens streak right by him, as if commanding every one he summons from the depths of space to steer away from him. Doesn’t seem like he’s paying that much attention to them though. Wonder if…
Noticing this detail from his former mentor, the indigo angel peeks back and lobs out a bit of his own pale power out in a dynamic curveball; the sphere of white streaking along the surface of the crater as he ascends skywards across the cosmic sky above. Soon in its short journey through the sky does it blend in alongside the stream of descending stars and start to streak down towards the cosmic angel’s backside. Moments before the blue boy’s ball can strike the spacial angel down, Mall swiftly does a complete 180 to waft his pupils attempt of a sneak attack aside; the stars that streak past casting their light upon his disappointed glare. But in that very moment does the cosmic Kybr then feel something strike his very back, a second ball of pale light having exploded against Mall’s behind while his back was turned. All the stars from the cosmos above finally cease their torrential downpour as the angel who had commanded them himself plummets down towards the lime green crater in a smoking descent; the blue boy rocket right out towards his former master as he falls towards the earth.
Mere seconds before Tore could follow up his successful assault does his spacial foe suddenly stop in the air just before crashing into the glowing earth; Mall reaching his palm out to the approaching blue angel and halting him dead in his tracks. Before the indigo angel could even fight back against the space holding him in place, the cosmic angel casts him out from the earth and sends him skywards out to the cosmos above. Shortly after being flung skywards does Tore manage to regain his aerial balance, the blue boy peering back from whence he came to discover the scorching surface of the sun having replace the very earth he had been tossed from; its sheer light nearly blinding the boy as he hovers several feet above its blistering hot surface. Gazing away from the giant star’s fiery bright surface, the blue boy discovers the very angel that had sent him up now hovering above; the cosmic Kybr starring straight down upon his very ward despite the blinding sunlight behind him.
With nothing but a wave of the angel’s very hand does Mall push the blue boy out towards the blistering star set behind him; the gravity of the sun strengthening its pull towards what hovered around it and starts to drag the indigo angel towards its blazing hot surface. And though Tore fights back against the sun’s overwhelming gravitational pull, the incredible spacial force continues to drag him tick by tick towards his fiery doom. Among resisting this near dominant spacial force does the indigo angel see numerous flares spurt out from behind, Tore peering back to discover pillars of flame erupt out from the fiery surface and streak out towards him. While evading all the solar flares that burst from behind, all the blistering spurts send out a strong solar wind that starts to push the blue boy away; enduring the overwhelming sunny heat that bellows behind and glides him away from the surface. Watching his blue pupil begin to escape from the fiery star’s gravitational force, Mall reaches out towards the depths of the cosmo’s set behind them; the angel calling forth a shower of asteroids that all rain down towards the surface of the sun. Slithering around both the comet torrent from above and the pillars of flame that spurt out from below, Tore once again starts to be pulled towards the fiery sun; the gears in the blue boy’s head turning as he attempt to think of a way outta this mess. Midst pondering of such do his eyes manages to catch the site of one of the meteors that had been cast down towards the sun caught within a pillar of fire that spurts out from the surface; the intense force of the bursting combustion strong enough to send the asteroid flying back out to the depths of space. There it is. The ticket outta this mess.
Continuing to weave around the dozens of rising flames and falling boulders all around him, Tore keeps watch of all the rocks that plummet down towards the star set behind him; most of them disintegrates from the incredible heat as they reach the top of the simmering surface of the sun. What are ya trying to be polite now? Come on, just let one loose already! Watching among all the meteors that descend down towards the face of the sun that he see one of them plummet down towards a spot of the surface on the verge of bursting; the indigo angel chasing down the very asteroid as it plummets. Hovering from above does the spacial angel watch all this play out before him, Mall left perplexed as his blue pupil simply stands atop one of the falling comets that fall towards the gigantic star; both Tore and the rock swallowed by the sun’s intense light.
Meager moments just before the rock that the blue angel stands upon could touch down onto the fiery surface, an incredibly powerful solar flare bursts out from its very surface and erupts onto the bottom of the asteroid; the insane force of the rising flames shooting the rock and the boy who stands upon it out from the sun’s pull and through the torrent of comets. When seeing his indigo opponent rocket right out towards him, Mall redirects the path of a pair of asteroids that plummet beside him straight out to the rock his pupil rides; the spacial angel watching as the three comets collide into each other in a violent explosion of rock dust that blankets the light of the sun. Out from the asteroid dust does a lone hand emerge out from its very depths clutches tightly onto the cosmic Kybr’s very neck; the rest of the cloud scattering to reveal the very hand to belong to his unscathed blue ward. Having caught the cosmic angel in his clutches, the blue boy turns back towards the leviathan star that burns underneath them both and hurls his former mentor down towards its fiery hot surface; Tore watching as Mall hurdles towards the bright sun like a descending meteor. The bright sunlight from the star grows brighter as the cosmic angel falls closer to its very surface, the sun soon enveloping the very space they occupy within its solar warmth.
This incredibly blinding light eventually dims to show the blue boy fluttering back down within the glowing green ruins; Tore left peering along the sides of the crater for any sign of where his former mentor is. During this little look through these very ruins does the indigo angel notice a deep shadow beginning to loom over the irradiated earth, peering up to see what could cast such blanketing darkness; Tore’s left in astonishing horror when discovering what hangs above. Several thousand feet above earthly surface does he find Mall peering down upon him, a lone planet of which outclasses the very Earth itself dropping down from the depths of the cosmos behind him; its sheer size rivaling that of Neptune. The very angel that had summoned the descending planet disintegrates into stardust as its face passes through him, only leaving the earth itself right in the midst of its destructive path. Tore falls to the Earth as he watches the leviathan planet plummet; his knee’s trembling as he lands in the middle of the crater. Wha-what can I even...No...I won’t let it end like this! There’s gotta be something here, something to work with. But this crater, its all lifeless. Everything’s dead. Where on Earth can there be anything alive left around...Oh my god. That’s it!
Its in figuring out an incredible realization that the indigo angel thrusts his legs deep into the tainted soil; the blue boy punching his arms straight into the rock as the planet above grows ever closer. Just please work with me. There’s not much time left. The boys pleading thoughts pierce the craters irradiated soil and echo throughout the Earth, reaching the very essence of every living thing that dwells within and upon the planet. Bits of life from every person, every plant, every creature, every living organism starts to seep through the ground they stand or hover over; none of them even realizing the minuscule pieces of their lives were escaping from their beings. Even the energy of the planet’s core itself travels out from beneath the earth to reach out to the blue boy; every bit of life that burrowing through the earth at blinding speeds. The very sky and ground that make up the planet is glown alight as all the pieces of life gather towards the very point they had been called upon; all to gather within Tore’s very body. The crater that the boy has rooted itself in starts to let out a powerful glow as more and more power gathers within minutes.
Soon enough is the entire once dead crater proves ready to burst forth with all the life that had gather throughout the entire planet; the deathly lime green that had cursed the earth merging alongside all the color that had been collected. All at once does the collection of life spurt from the Earth in a ray of colorful light, the blue boy that had called upon it all leading it straight through the sky and to the oncoming planet above. Midst passing through the Earth’s atmosphere does color coated angel begin to feel the intense friction blister his very skin, the blue boy hissing in pain as he endures spacial entry. Can’t heal...Gotta put everything into this… His burning flight straight from his home takes him speeding towards the planet that plummets above; the indigo angel soon entering the stratosphere of the leviathan. In an instant does Tore pierces straight through the giant planets surface and continue through its rock like a bullet; tearing straight through towards its very core.
Hovering over all of this, the cosmic angel watches in awe as the colossal planet he had summoned forth, breaking apart as multiple colors fracture across its surface and exploding a burst of bright color. Peering past this glowing spurt does Mall discover a lone figure erupting out from the light at astounding speeds; Tore approaching from the planets remains with little lively color left streaking along his body. What powerful life he had left to spare, Tore cocks his arm back as far as possible while coating his very fist in the lively glow he nears his former mentor; ready to put everything he had gathered from the Earth into a single attack. The indigo angel eventually reaches his former superior and thrust what life he had left straight into his foe’s very stomach; both angels enveloped in a brilliant colorful glow stemming out from the point of impact.
Eventually does every piece of the lively glow fade away as the cosmo’s erected disappears; Tore left slowly hovering downwards as the space surrounding him is restored back into the very top of the golden spire where the feud had begun. Heavy breath pass out from his lips as he touches down onto the broken glass beneath his feet, the blue angel using what strength he had left spare to keep from collapsing onto the shards. Keeping stable enough, the boy gazes skywards up to the halo above and discover the picture of another dimension held within that’s halfway transparent. Still not too late...Just...Just need to…
Among this brief moment of respite and all the needed relief that it had given to the indigo angel is sudden shattered in but an instant when he starts to hear clapping; Tore’s pupils shrinking when peering back out to the side and discovering his former mentor alive and well, wearing a smile as he gives the boy an applause. “A magnificent performance, Tore. You’ve proven the potential to wield your aspect as as effectively as those in the days of old. Even with how much I had restrained myself, you’ve surpassed every single one of my expectation; I really couldn’t be more proud of you. You’re on your way of becoming a fully fledged Kybr.” “You’re...kidding...All that….was holding back to you!?” the indigo angel questions as he trembles. “Oh ho. Unfortunately so.” Mall confirms, commanding the space around his pupil to make him fall to his knee’s.
“Why then.. Why did you put me through all that? Why didn’t you just get it over with and finish me?” the blue boy demands to know, the angel he questions floating towards him. “I don’t want our bond to end in nothing but bitter blood; I meant it when claiming how you brought life back into my very existence, giving me the motivation and desire to continue. I am truly regretful to have kept the truth from you during their time together, afraid that it would drive you away. I couldn’t bare to be alone anymore, not in a universe that had cast our kind away. I truly did treasure the experiences I had shared with you Tore; I don’t wish for it to end like this.” In his struggle to arise from the shards of broken glass does the indigo angel peer up from the ground to witness a hand be extended down to him; Mall offering a welcoming arm as he pleads to the boy: “Please, Tore. I beg of you. Cease this hopeless struggle so that we may welcome the Kybr, our kin back to their long lost home.”
Nothing but the ambient winds are all that are heard for a couple moment before Tore finally starts to reach his hand out to the cosmic angel; Mall’s hopes beginning to rise as the boy’s as the boy’s hand nears. When just an inch away from him, Tore smacks his former mentor’s palm aside, at last responding back. “You don’t know how much I wanted something like this so badly. To have someone I could look up to in my times of need when I felt like every bit of hope was lost; somebody my dad wasn’t. I was starting to think at long last that wish was coming true. But all that wishing just led me straight to this! I can’t go down his road, Mall. There may be people you loved then trapped in there, but there are people now who love me here. If the Kybr are freed, there’s no guarantee the world I’ve come to know and love will live...If everyone in this universe will live. The existence both of us want...they can’t both be true.”
Despite the blue boy’s word of rejection leaving cosmic angel heartbroken, despite the stream of tears that flow from his eyes: he claims to him how: “I understand…” Mall aims his palm right above his blue wards head as glittering stardust starts to gather within his hand; the collecting cosmic power glistening against the boy’s face as a star forms before him. “The time I spent with you is something I will always treasure. I thank you for our time together.” As the light in the man’s hand grows its brightest, Tore shakes away what tears were left within and locks his eyes to the end; refusing to look away as he prepares for his former mentor to finish him then and there. Unyielding, to the last bit of life.
Right before the end could come upon him, Tore witnesses a gigantic pike of pure black thrust itself straight through his former mentor; the spear piercing most of the cosmic angel’s chest. A short breath escapes from Mall’s mouth as he displays a haunting mixture of shock and dreads; the stars that had gathered within the his palm dispersing as the pike within his very chest starts to withdraw from whence it came. The gravely wound the spear of black leaves behind shows the inside of the Kybr’s body reflecting the cosmo’s itself, the starry sky leaking out from the head sized hole like thick glittering blood, blood that splatters across the golden floor as Mall falls face first before his blue ward. Tore arises from the cracked glass floor as his former mentor falls face first, confusion and remorse easy to see across the boy’s eyes as he reaches down to the downed angel. “Mall?...” “Yo.” he hears a familiar voice grab his attention with.
His site drawn out towards the very edge of the spire, the indigo angel discovers the pike that had impaled his former master to withdraw to his purple brother’s side; both Roy and Mally standing atop the golden staircase as they gaze upon their blue brother in relief. “Glad to see we made it just in time.” the orange skater states. “Guys...Wha…what are you-” Tore is left to utter the blend of astonishing disbelief still fresh on display. “That shit should be obvious, ain’t it. Came all this way to see ya.” the merc obviously states with a pinch of sass, the two of them waltzing to their brother’s side. “Gotta say, Tore. You seriously wouldn’t believe the sort of sites we saw just trying to find you. Like I got some stories here that’ll make ya question what the hell we were even doing.”  Mally remarks. “Seriously, it was already a pain in the ass to try and figure out where the hell ya went, you should see what sort of rowdy maniacs we had to bring along for the ride.” Roy adds. “Oh please. Like you’re in any position to judge anyone’s character without hypocrisy.” somebody from behind brings up.
Curious of who had given this very statement, the blue boy peers behind his sibs and sees a collection of five climbing over the golden steps that they had risen from ;Alex, Hank, Melvin, Vivi, and Ryan all stepping/hovering up to the top of the spire and taking in its glorious golden site. “Sweet plastic propellers, just look at all this! The blinking rings with wings, the golden swirls along the sheen, the halo spinning above. It all seriously looks like something straight out of a sci-fi novel. Don’t it make ya wanna dig straight in and figure out what sort of tech something like this could even be running on?” Hank geeks out with. “Meh, just looks pretty tacky to me.” Melvin beside him simply states.
Standing along the very rim of the spire, both Vivi and Ryan stare out into the blending site of the starry sky above and the sea of nightly clouds flowing below; the half skeleton left utterly star struck from the view alone. “Fucking sweet Jesus, look at all we be up in here! Its like the heaven went and decides to slip us a little site of the heaven underneath the skirt. We taking in the sweet shit, bitch.” “I just can’t imagine how we’re still even breathing all the way up here.” Ryan simply ponders aloud.
“I-I can’t believe all of you are even... How’d all of you even figured out where I was?” Tore questions his siblings. “Sure as hell wasn’t easy. Mal here kept following trail after trail of breadcrumbs in, out, and all around all over the fuckin place. Like we deadass found a hidden prehistoric land full of dinosaurs just trying to find ya.” “Wha! Aw, lucky. The only highlight of my trip was going down to hell.” the blue boy retorts. “Bruh, you fuckin serious?” While her bro’s continued to discuss points of their adventure, Mally’s gaze drifts over to the winged man that lies before them; the orange skater cutting through their conversation to question her blue bro if: “Uh, Tore. This guy do anything to ya to drag you with him?” The indigo angel ceases to speak for a brief moment as he gloom’s down to the remains of what he once called his spacial master; Tore taking in a deep breath before finally admitting how: “Nope. Went with him on my own?” “You’re kidding right? The hell would wanna make ya leave everyone behind after surviving a life threatening explosion just to pal around with this starry asshat ya barely know?” the purple merc questions him with. “I...I just felt...I just wanted someone with powers like mine to look up to, okay. Maybe to gimme some pointers on how all this works and what else I could do, I don’t know...What was I even thinking?…” Such a statement from their blue brothers draws out pity within their; Roy slightly shaking his head about as he peers down to the body of the cosmic angel.
“Hate to spoil this sentimental moment here, but can anyone enlighten us to what could be forming in the ring above.” “What!?” the blue angel utters, his sadness shattering into troubling alarm as he gazes skyward to the halo spinning above them all. Held within the twirling ring does the picture of the other dimension start to lose transparency, showing more and more of a solid picture depicting numerous angelic beings held within. “No!” Rushing right beside both his siblings does Tore race right to the center of the broken glass platform dwelling in the middle; the blue boy kneeling down and repeatedly slapping the palm of his hand against one of the chunks of glass. “Come on! Come on!” Despite repeatedly beating his hand against the glass, not a single sheen of light comes protruding out from its surface; the indigo angel letting out a frustrated groan before claiming aloud how: “Agh! The panel is completely broken! There’s no way to shut it off! So how else can we stop the warpgate from-...That’s it!”
Almost immediately does the blue boy race back towards his siblings side; the friends that they had gathered coming together as Tore proclaims to them how: “Guys, listen. If the control panel is down, then we don’t have much other choice then to head down in the center of this warpgate and destroy the Orphan.” “I like where this is going.” Alex remarks. “Say again?” Hank requests. “You seriously wantin us to fuck up an orphan, mate?” Vivian questions. “No, I- Th-That’s what they just call the core.” “Fucking call it the core then for god sake! Why ya gotta name it something so ominous?” Ryan blurts out. “But we didn’t find any other hall climbing up here. How the hell you expect us to find it?” Melvin asks. “Only a Kybr can use their power to open the way down into the center. But we gotta hurry; there might not be much time left.” Upon this desperate plea does Tore start to follow the others as all of them sprint out to the stairs they came up from; every single one of them stopping straight dead in their tracks when all of them hear a voice demanding that they all: “Stop!”
This very call withdraws their attention back towards the center of the spire; all of them beholding the man that Roy had struck down slowly hobbling right off the broken glass beneath his feet, despite harboring the gaping hole in his chest that continues to bleed out the cosmo’s. In between his breaths does he aim his piercing glare to them all as he claims to them how: “I refuse to let it end like this...I refuse to spend another waking moment in this world without the warming embrace of my own kind.” With this declaration cemented, an incredible wave of spacial power begins to envelope the angel’s wounded body; his once human like skin beginning to reflect countless planets, stars, and entire galaxies. “The Kybr are coming home!”
This commitment set, a monumental torrent of cosmic energy bursts out from Mall’s very being; a powerful shock wave that nearly sends everyone flying right off the spire. The earthly night sky is rend apart to reveal the depths of the cosmos underneath the blanket of stars, all while Mall’s body starts to implode in order to start metamorphosing into an entirely different being. Midst this transformation do both Roy and Mall cast forth a beam of dark purple and the yoyo gadget respectively;  their desperate assault however repelled back by the incredible spacial gravity that floods out from their foe.
The angel’s drastic transformation proving to be utterly unstoppable, the boy that Mall had once called his own ward turns back over to all to his friends and family and demands that Roy: “Roy. I need you to lead everyone down into the hall and slap your hand against the inner side. You’ll open up a tunnel that leads down to the very center of the warpgate. You’ll know you found the core when you see a glowing baby floating in the middle of a bunch of spinning golden ring.” “Is that seriously why they call it the Orphan? What the f-” “Just go now! Before the portal opens!” All but the blue angel start to races straight down the golden step dash through into the hall without so much as another word; leaving Tore to face the mass of cosmic space he had once knew as his master, watching as countless wings start to sprout from the collection of cosmos. It doesn’t matter if you can’t be beaten, it doesn’t matter if you have the entirety of space under your beck and call. Just need to buy time for them all to go down and stop the warp gate from opening. If they can do all that, then it’ll be all worth it. It’ll be all worth it. It won’t matter if this is how things end.
Among his moment of preparation for what he may presume to be his final moments facing immeasurable odds, Tore then discovers both his brother and sister coming to his sides; the indigo angel demanding to know: “What are you two doing!? If the core isn’t destroyed then-” “Relax. Our pals down there got it all covered. And beside, you need more help up here than they do down there.” his orange sister informs. “Nrr! Do you know what’s even at stake here!?” “You seriously think we don’t know? We didn’t wind up following this trail of vague clues just to be told to piss off. We fought through the worst sort of shit nature could possibly hack up from every one of its holes just to find ya, and were damn well not gonna just up and leave like that.” Roy boasts out. “We started this hole journey separated, so now were gonna finish it together. You’re stuck with us weather you like it or not, and their ain’t a damn thing you can do about it.” Mally protests. “Guys…” Despite this nigh upset tone, a river of tears begin to flood out from the ducts of his eyes; Tore letting out a small snivel before crying: “Thanks. You two are the best pair of siblings anyone could ask for.” After their blue brother wipes away the tears from his eyes, he joins his purple brother and orange sister as they steel their conviction against the outer worldly foe before them; taking their stand against such immeasurable odds together.
The mass of unfiltered cosmic space finally takes its tangible form before the trio; hundreds upon hundreds of wings stretching for miles on end all swirls out from the center, their flesh made from the twinkling stars and galaxies of the universe as countless eyes all open upon from beneath its very skin. In the very center of this celestial body where the countless wings swirl from, a massive eye opens that twinkles and glows like the depths of the cosmos itself. The angel’s celestial transformation finished, Mall lets out a heavenly holy roar from the depths of their very soul; an incredible howl that shatters the very space they all dwell in. The scene of the golden tower breaks apart into thousands of pieces, the very floor they stand on crumbles away, the sky itself shatters until none of it remains; all of it swallowed by the scene of stars, planets, galaxies all floating within the depths of space. Tore, Mally, and Roy all now hover within this very cosmos with their holy foe floating before them, every single eye along the angel’s body staring down upon them all.
The first assault that the holy abomination throws out against the trio be an entire wave of numerous planetoids that all streak out from the cosmo’s held withing Mall’s very wings; all of them boasting unique shapes as they hurdle out towards the three. Seeing the storm of approaching planets close in, Tore grasps his sisters hand as both Roy and he glide out to the approaching barrage of worlds; soaring along and over the surface of not just spherical planets, but flat discs, waning crescents, leaning parallelograms, and numerous other strangely shaped polygons that careen in their direction. While holding onto her brother as he soars through the stream of small planets, Mally feels the light gravity of each beckon her to their almost smooth, polished surfaces; their gravitational pull giving the orange skater a clever little idea. “Tore!” she alerts her blue brother with. “Yeah?” “I think I know a way to close the distance. Fling me to one of those planet.” “What!? What are you even-” “Just do it!”
Despite his initial hesitation, the indigo angel flings his orange sister out towards one of the approaching disc shaped planetoids; Mally reaches out from behind to pull out her skating gear and swiftly starts to strap on her skates. The lass manages to don her skates moments before she approaches the planets surface and glides across its very face as smoothly as a knife cutting through silky smooth butter; the orange skater taking out both her hockey stick and grapple yo as she nears the end of the planetoid. Reaching the very edge does Mally leap right off the planet and out towards the next, flipping across space as she escapes the gravitational pull of the previous world and let the triangular one ahead pull her straight in. Gliding right across one of the triangle worlds sides, the orange skater sets her sites outwards towards a nearby waning crescent and leaps right off towards the moon; feeling the gravity pull against her body as she jumps between these planets. Mally glides across the inner edge of the waning moonside as naturally as a halfpipe, weaving around large worms that burrow in and out from the moon’s very rock; her sites drawn over towards a hexagram world made from crystallized tungsten and keeps her grapple yo handy when nearing the end of the crescent she skates on. Launching herself straight off the side of the moon, the orange lass drifts out towards the tungsten hexagram and cast her trusty gadget out to one of its pointed ends; the grapple yo’s string wrapping around the rugged point and letting the girl twirl around and around, constantly using the momentum to keep building speed. Upon finally unraveling her string from the point of raw tungsten, Mally flings herself out at breakneck speed; making a complete beeline straight for their celestial foe.
Closing the distance between her and the angelic horror, the orange haired girl swings her hockey stick towards the monstrous angel’s center eye; her tip of her weapons head stopping just short of Mall’s starry sclera. The orange lass is forced to a stop right before she could strike her leviathan foe, Mally struggling to push against whatever force is stopping her short of smacking the eye of the holy monster. Midst her struggles is she ultimately catapulted away from the abominations twinkling eye by an incredibly strong wave of space, one that Mally blocks with the neck of her weapon. Though she is mostly spared from the overwhelming spacial power, her precious hockey stick is scrambled to pieces under the powerful wave; Mally threatening to drift out towards the depths of the cosmo’s.
Before the young girl could drift too far out into the depths of the infinite, a streak of black and violet sweeps her away; Mally opening her eyes to find herself resting in her purple brothers arms. “Damn, took one helluva blow there, huh. Shocked your still in once piece.” he comments. “But, but my hockey stick…” she utters, peering over her brother’s shoulder. Glancing back to where his sis stares does he see what was left of her once treasured weapons; its remains threatening to drift away into the cosmos. “Hang on a sec.” the purple angel request as he casts his newfound dark arm out towards what was left of his sisters weapon. Upon nearing the scattered pieces of wood does the arm split into dozens of strands that all reach out to every single fractured splinter that once made up the hockey stick; all of its chunks cobbling together among the mass of darkness as it retreats back to its very sender. When returning to their side, Mally finds her destroyed weapon now glued back together by the very matter that makes up her brother’s arm; Roy himself handing the rebuilt hockey back into his sisters hand as he ask her how: “You remember how I get my arm to transform?” “By thought, right?” “Think of a weapon while ya hold it.” Like her brother instructs her to do, Mally starts to concentrate on a particular new weapon different to the one in her hands; the orange lass witnessing the head of her hockey stick engulf in the black matter that holds it together, stretching out into the long black blade of a great scythe. “There ya go.” “Nice.”
Its in this very moment that the stars within the cosmic angel’s center eyes start dim, Mall’s entire pupil and sclera darkening as black as coal, the rest of the eyes decorating the holy monsters wings following suit and dimming into darkness. The trio watch as their galactic foe splits themselves straight in half, both fracture pieces parting ways to unveil a tiny black dot that begins to draw in the nearby stars; the hole quickly growing to threaten to pull all of them into its void. Amidst being dragged straight into the darkness, Roy tosses his sister away from the hole’s monumental pull; the strength of the merc’s throw letting Mally escape towards a nearby planet as both he and Tore are threatened to be pulled into the black holes depths. Among gliding across the stars, the orange skater acts fast and flings her trusty grapple yo out towards her retreating blue brother; grabbing the blue boy’s attention with: “Tore!” Peering out where his orange sister floats away, the indigo angel sees the girls yoyo wrap itself all around his leg and further hears Mally demand that he: “Grab Roy!”
Without so much as another word does Tore start to race out towards their purple brother as he threatens to plunge into the void, all while their orange sis drifts off towards a nearby planet with her weapon at the ready. Upon touching down onto the planets surface, Mally digs the head of her transformed weapon straight into the worlds very soil; strands of the blade breaking off and rooting themselves into the planet. As her blue brother clutches their violet siblings arm moments as they were nearing the abyss, Mally wraps the steel string of her gadget around her very arm and keeps a tight hold of them both; fighting against the overwhelming strength of the black hole’s pull. Amidst her steadfast struggle does the steel string around her arm harshly chaff her, the incredibly tight friction cutting through her skin and causing her arm to bleed; the orange lass refusing to let go despite the overwhelming pain. For about half a minute straight does the orange girl keep her brothers from falling into the depths of the black hole, even as space around her is rend into its lifeless void; Mally’s pupil’s glowing a distinct blood red as she keeps hold of the pair of angels.
But at long last does the strength of the void finally dissolve away and its very pull fading from the space around them; Mally jerking her brothers back out towards her as the black hole finally putters out into nothingness. Rescued from their doom, Tore lets out a sharp hiss when discovering the orange girls arm left cut and torn as the blood that leaves it hovers out into the depths of space. Aw, that ain’t good. That seriously isn’t good. While unwrapping his sister gadget from his own leg leg, the blue boy notices the yoyo’s shell glowing alight; the crystal held within reflecting a glow quite similar to the life he’s pulled from other sources. Think it needs a tiny bit more juice. Clasping the shell of the gadget into the palm of his hand, the indigo angel disperses a little more of his power into the crystal with; his sisters grapple yo glowing brighter with a multitude of colors. Once beaming bright with life, Tore flings his siblings gadget back into her side as its string retracts into the shell; some of the power kept with splashing onto the girls arm as the grapple yo returns into her hand. This very power closes Mally’s bleeding wound and mends the pain throbbing across her arm; the skater herself recovering from the agonizing suffering and peering over to see her gadget to find its shell beaming with colorful light. “We got ya back, Mal.” the blue angel claims “Go ahead and beat this mofo down.” their purple brother tells her. Knowing her brothers got her back, Mally casts her colorful glowing gadget straight out to a nearby asteroid; the skater retracting the string back to fling herself out towards their holy foe.
Among gliding out towards the cosmic angel before them, the orange skater first comes across an entire cluster of solid stars and asteroids standing in her way; Mally drifting herself out towards one of these solid stars and leaping right across its crystallized surface and bouncing from star to star. Once making out of the dense star cluster does the girl then discover a planet with a ring around it similar to Saturn’s own; a big smile stretching across her face as she nears the very edge of the ring. With nothing but her own pair of skates does Mally grind right across the rings sharp edge, the sparks that result from grinding along the ring glowing a starry light as she slides right across the planets ring and leaps back out towards the spacial angel before them.
With the angel’s foes on the approach, Mall’s center eyes closes for a moment as its wings close inward; opening its pupil wide once more and flapping their wings to send out a visible pulse of cosmic radiation, a wave which reduces all that stand in its path. The threat of this radioactive wave ready to tear them all asunder, the pair of angels streak right past their orange sister and prepare to disperses the oncoming assault; the blue boy out of them shouting how: “Still got some life left in me!” Placing the palms of his hands upon his very chest, Tore draws forth colorful batch of power from the depths of his very body and unleashes it all into an intense beam of rainbows; the colorful ray cutting straight through half of the radiation. “That’s the spirit. Lets show this cosmic bastard why you shouldn’t piss us off!” Roy cheers on as he sharpen his onyx arm into the shape of a giant blade. With but a couple of swipes does the violet angel manage to slice straight through what remains of the radioactive wave; finally clearing the way and letting their sister streak right by.
With nothing else standing in the way towards the angelic horror, the orange skater starts to tie the string of her glowing grapple yo right around the neck of her dark matter infused weapon; commanding the very material to transform the hockey stick into a twinblade, one with a deadly swords protruding out from each end. With both her gadget and weapon tied together, Mally flings both of them out as she starts to twirl through the space before the holy horror; Mall themselves attempting to prevent the girls oncoming assault by stretching the space between them. In a ball of brilliant life and scorning rage, tied together by blood do the weapons streak straight through the artificially lengthened space and strike the angel straight into the center of its middle eye; pieces of the cosmic holy being breaking apart as he reels back from the overwhelming impact.
Shortly after the blow does Mall let out a holy screech that pushes back all that near; the skater that inflicted the blow sent flying back out to the depths of the cosmo’s behind her. Before she could be cast away into the endless infinite, a streak of white and blue zooms out and swipes the girl back toward their purple brothers side; Tore stopping right beside his purple brother just in time to witness their foe arise back up from the blow; its flapping wings distorting the very space it dwells within. “Didn’t like that too much, did it? Practically throwing a shit fit, tearing up space like a little tike shredding paper here.” Roy belittles. “If Mall doesn’t like this, then he sure ain’t gonna appreciate the rest of what we got to give him.” his blue brother expresses with clear vitriol in his voice.
Among venturing through the warpgate’s inner tunnels of numerous running veins and pulsing flesh, Vivi, Ryan, Melvin, Hank and Alex all finally come to the very core and behold the Orphan in all of its shinning glory; the child hovering in the middle glimmering brightly midst the rings that surround it. “Holy shit, man. You guys even consider for a sec the whole uncomfortable subtexts of this sorta bull might be; like fucking step back and think for a sec here. It’s all the theories with the final boss of Earthbound all over again about Giygas being a-” Before the young teen could finish his implicate thoughts over what they were about to do, the rest of them all immediately charge out towards the holy core all at once; Ryan himself letting out a small sigh before he runs after and proclaiming: “Sure whatev, just-...We don’t even have a plan yet!”
Hovering into the air before the shimmering holy core, Hank taps a few buttons along his armrest to unleash an entire cluster of missiles constructed from soup cans from his wheelchair compartments; a holy light beginning to glow out from the dozens of eyes that decorate the Orphans revolving rings as the missiles approach. In but a matter of seconds do all the eyes fire out a salvo of bright rays that curve through the air, perfectly striking out every single makeshift missile hank had launched out; reducing their aluminum to smoldering slag.
Among all the resulting smoke from the failed missile strike, Alex rockets upwards towards the very core of the Orphan in an attempting a beeline assault from below, transforming his arms into deadly weapons as he nears the outer rings. With the demon approaching, the outer rim starts to violently spin about as the light from its numerous eyes starts to glisten once more; the holy glow that glimmers from its pupils soon  transforms into a solid shape and smacks Alex aside. Latched upon the veins hanging overhead, Vivian then tries to her luck in bombing down towards the core from below; the ring spinning in the opposite direction to swing its objects of solid light out to the skull girl and smack her aside like the demon.
Lunging out in the middle like a tried and true arrow, Melvin swipes through the ring’s solid light and reduces their glow to glittering shards that dissipate in the air; slipping by the rest of the rings and ready to strike the very core. Alas is the young man’s attempts thwarted when the Orphan lets out a Holy outcry similar to a crying infant; a wave of brilliant light that launches Melvin away.
While Hank simply hovers back to Ryan’s side, the other three roughly crash right before the two; Ryan taking in a little breath before asking the trio: “So, you guys wanna try charging out like a buncha eager jackass’s or do you wanna actually formulate a plan here?” “Fuck off!” all three of them shout.
Back up above do Tore, Mally, and Roy continue to thwart off the spacial assault thrown to them by the cosmic holy horror hovering before them; all three watching closely as the angelic being commands every star that occupies the cosmo’s around them to gather before him. Every single glistening star is collected out from the depths of space and is gathered before Mall, their numerous gaseous light collaborating together into an intensely bright and powerfully hot sun; this freshly born star’s very surface blistering hot enough to spew out flames from its very surface that all rocket towards the trio. The three split apart as the bouts of searing flames near them all, nearly avoiding being cooked alive as the purple merc among them states that: “Think it’s my turn to take a shot at this celestial asshole.”
Declaring such does the violet angel take off after the celestial entity set behind the very sun it had conjured, all while the sun’s surface continue to spew out dozens upon dozens of solar flares across its surface; both his brother and sister watching his back as he starts to move in. As some of these searing pillars of flame start to streak out towards the purple merc, his indigo brother swoops straight in with a lively power held in his hands; Tore casting out a colorful wave from the palm of his hand to disperse the approaching flare. When this beam of rainbows streaks right along his side, Roy feels something else irradiate from beneath this very wave; the violet angel peering back towards its very caster to sense that feeling coming from his very own brother. Set upon his face as clear as day could Roy see the seething anger painted across Tore’s face, showing the new found contempt he feels nowhere near being as much as what wells within the depths of his very soul; such a righteous fury making his new arm of dark black quiver.
Amidst staring out to his blue brother do numerous more flames come spewing out from the surface of the small sun; the fiery inferno’s streaking across space and towards the approaching violet angel. Just moments before these approaching fires could envelope the purple merc in their blazing fury, Roy feels a strand of steel string envelope his very hips and peers aside to see his orange sister pulling herself out towards him with freshly repaired hockey stick in hand; Mally swinging herself out before her violet brother to confront the approaching flame. Brandishing her trusty weapon does the orange skater start to rapidly twirl it out against the flames as the dark matter keeping it together widens out into giant fans, the black fan’s massive width quelling the solar flames away and reducing them to meager embers.
While his sis swings right out from his very flight path, the purple merc finds her donning a similar glare akin to their blue brothers anger; a potent rage directed towards their spacial foe. Tore looked up to this guy and in the end just wound up stabbing him in the back. And Mally here risked life and limb just to track him down and we come up to see all this shit go down. Ain’t hard to see why they’re so mad at this bastard. Sympathizing with his siblings unkempt fury, Roy feels his newfound limb begin to violently pulse upon these feeling of justified anger, the merc looking to the quivering arm as a sinister smile stretches across his cheeks.
Upon nearing the scorching sunlight, the violet angel thrusts his dark arm straight out towards the blistering bright star; the dark matter that makes up his hand growing to exponential size while its very finger start to twist and contort themselves into a recognizable shape. The cosmic angel’s sparkling pupil shrink when beholding the mass of darkness spread before him and very sun he had conjured; the mass of dark matter set before the holy being expanding into the leviathan sized head of a pitch black wolf. Mall left with only a few seconds before both them and the star they had conjured are devoured in a single bite, the sun vanishes underneath the black canines maw as the light that came from the sun is snuffed out; darkness starts to settle within the very space they all dwell.
Just meager seconds after this black void settles do pillars of pure light start to pierce straight through the head of the dark wolf and seep out into the surrounding cosmo’s; the wolf eventually exploding in a big bang as waves of galaxies flow out from the blast. From this brilliant supernova does the purple angel’s arm retract back to his side, all while he hand his siblings peering out beyond all the cosmic colors to behold the cosmic angel hovering in the center of it all; all of them noticing the numerous wings that the holy being had boasted reduced in numbers. “Doesn’t seem like this galactic jackass can take much more.” the merc claims. “We just need to get one more clean hit in and this angel will be down for the count.” the orange skater suggests. “I’m the guy that started this whole mess, seems only fitting that I go in and end it.” the blue boy offers.
Down within the inner workings of the warp gate does Ryan continue to watch his four comrades continue to fruitlessly attempt to break through the Orphan’s defenses, watching as Vivian keeps recklessly charging out, Alex’s constantly shifting and morphing weapon limbs, Melvin’s leaps and bounds along every angel he could take; and Hank trying numerous weapons and gadgets; all of it deflected, smacked aside, and pushed back by the Orphan’s might. Thrust straight into the wall of veins and flesh, the demon gazes over to the core that they assaulted to find the results of their attack having done less than little; the rings spinning along the Orphan continuing to glow as bright as the heavens. Thought the frustration beginning to build within him over this seemingly unbreakable wall, all that anger starts to subside when he eyes the skull girl pulling her severed bone arm right out from between a set of veins; Vivi jerking her arm back to finally uproot her limb and tear through the squishy flesh. From within these torn veins does a strange liquid spurt out and spill onto the floor, Alex following where the torn veins would lead to and sees this fleshy pipe stretching to the center of the chamber; it and other pipes protruding up to the Orphan right above.
Its upon this very discovery that the orange haired demon starts piecing together a plausible strategy within his black horned head, first calling Vivi’s attention with: “Hey, you withered skeletal annoyance, I need your attention for a moment!” The demon’s call proves incredibly effective at drawing the huffed half skeleton straight to him, Vivian getting all up in Alex’s face as she growl: “The hell’s yo problem, ya fuckin whole horned cock head!?” Pushing the skull girl away, Alex then points out towards the walls of the chamber and asks her: “Please direct what little span of attention you can wield and peer out to the numerous pipes and veins that decorate these walls.” Gazing out to the very veins the demon points towards, Vivi responds back with: “Yeah, pretty damn disturbing if ya ask me. The hell’s your point?” “From what I’ve been informed, you’re at least decently competent with a scythe.” “Who the hell told ya that shit!?” she blurts out. “I need you to travel along these very walls cutting these numerous veins that pump out precious juices straight into the core. Like that, we can effectively cut off our foe’s support.” “Ya got two limbs that can turn into fucking swords! The hell’s stopping you from doing it?” “Because I am in the midst of formulating a plan. One that might just give us what we need to stop our encroaching doom, and I unfortunately need all of your cooperation.” Hearing the demon’s words, Vivian peers back over to all the fleshy pipes that the walls of the core’s chamber as a blend of worry and doubt washes over her. The girl takes a moment to take in a calming breath before she claims that she’s: “Fine. On it.”
Midst racing towards the very edge of the chamber, the skull girl stretches her boney limb out into the air while focusing on the very tool that she loathes; the very same scythe that proves as a reminder of her fate. In a flash of bright lime green does the scythe of death materialize in Vivian’s hand, the skull girl clutching its neck with both hands as she approaches the numerous precious veins that lend the core its very life. While racing across the side of the chamber, Vivi flails the blade of her scythe against the numerous veins that decorate its very walls; bouts of ooze bursting out from underneath their cut flesh. While watching his skeletal ally rend apart the dozens of fleshy pipes set across the walls, Alex finds all the color that flows through these veins fade away and drain the core connected to them of precious support; the light that shines from the Orphan slowly starting to dim.
The piece of his plan falling into place, Alex peers over to the wayside and finds both Hank and Ryan in the middle of reloading their crudely made weaponry; the demon appearing to their side in a puff of smoke as Ryan questions: “The hell is Vivi doing flailing her scythe around like a mad woman? Practically gonna lose more than an arm doing that.” “Your foul tempered pal there is busy weakening the core’s support in accordance to my strategy. I’m sure whatever she loses can be firmly glued back on.” the demon answers. “Ooh, a strategy? Just what sort of plan ya got cookin up in that horned head of yours?” Hank gleefully questions. “The next step of my brilliant strategy is to halt the numerous rings from rapidly twirling about in order to gauge closer to the core. Hmm...Alas, I don’t imagine much in here that could serve to slow their rotation.” “I think I got something here that might cover that.” the wheelchair bound genius mentions while reaching down into a compartment along the side of his chair.
From the pocket of his chair does Hank pull out a couple guns crudely made from discarded plastic and splintered wood; both Alex and Ryan gazing upon these presented weapons with their own brand of “are you fucking kidding me here”, the demon among them questioning: “What manner of shoddy craftsmanship is this?” “Am I glad you asked. These babies are specifically designed in mind to fire out a special quick drying adhesive I use when constructing any aircraft’s. This stuff’s seriously strong enough to take going through a raging twister and coming out whole.” “Where did you get something that strong?” Ryan follows. “Something that me and I couple of my workshop pal’s cooked up out of old chewed up gum, tree sap, glue, rhino snot and-” “Don’t care. Just use it to keep that things rings from moving another inch.” Alex demands out of them both.
Upon this very request does Hank toss Ryan one of these specially made weapons as both of them race out towards the sides of the chamber, the chairbound genius gliding out towards the left as his parnter jumps out to the right. When along both of the glowing Orphan’s sides, the two boys pull the triggers of their crude guns for their barrels to spurt out globs of white glue straight out towards the core’s outer rings; the child hovering in the middle letting out an irritated outcry as some of the adhesive lands straight into the ring’s eyes.
Midst partaking in the truly bizarre site of both boys constantly firing out globs of glue out to the angelic monstrosity set before him, Melvin is left in a sort of strange disbelief from this site laying out before him; the young man lightly shaking his head as he mentions: “I...I don’t think anything could’ve prepared me for the sort of shit I’d see today.” “Then I sure hope you’re prepared to follow my lead in the finale.” Alex demands as he glides right by, Melvin growls over while he joins the demon’s side; both of them lunge forth towards the shinning Orphan at breakneck speeds.
Out from along the reaches of the freshly created cosmos, Tore and his siblings start racing straight out towards the cosmic angel; discussing on how they’ll deliver the final blow as Roy ask: “Both of us threw all we got at this galactic son of a bitch,  how ya wanna end things bro?” “I’m just about tapped out myself here. You guys don’t mind given me a bit of a boost here, do ya?” the indigo angel asks. “Whateva ya need, man.” “Yeah, big bro. What ya need us to do.” Mally agrees. “Okay, ju-just don’t panic if it feels like your dying. I promise I’m just gonna take a little here.” “Wait, little of wha-”
Before the merc could question what exactly his blue brother was on about, Tore slaps his palms along his sibs sides; the two feeling rather woozy as the indigo angel extracts some of their life forced from the depths of their bodies. “Whoo. Holy...What the heck was that all about?” the orange skater questions, shaking off her inherent dizziness. “It’ll be the parts of you guys I need to end this.” Tore proclaims, holding both bits of life he had collected from his siblings in both hands. In a single moment does he shove essence of their very souls straight through his chest, their life force surging through his body and melding with his with his own to create a burst of raw power; a rainbow of colors surging through his entire body. “Ready to go!”
With the very life force given to him by his siblings held withing his very body, Tore zooms out towards their celestial foe with both his brother and sister by his side; Mall twisting the very space before him to hinder their assault forth and creating countless wormholes around them. Though Tore manages to evade the reach of these numerous wormholes, both of the indigo angel’s siblings unfortunately fall through a pair of portals that swallow them hole; the two of them spat out far behind their blue bro. “Ain’t gonna get us outta the game that easily!” Mally warns as both her and Roy casting forth her grapple yo and his new dark arm respectively, spearheading through the cosmo’s to reach their blue brother. When the limb and gadget both wrap themselves around the indigo angel’s legs, the two of them shoot throughout the depths of space and start to close the gap between them.
From what remained of the Kybr’s true form, Mall expels out entire galaxies from the cosmos held within his numerous fractured wings; their starry edges their very edges cutting through the very space they dwell in like a galactic saw blade. As the indigo angel weaves around the solar systems that are launches his way, his siblings latched behind him smack away their very stars as they get closer and closer to their blue bro; each galaxy breaking into nothing but stardust open being struck. With just a few moments away from collision, the cosmic angel unfurls their wings and sends forth one last leviathan galaxy out in an effort and thwart their assault once and for; Mall’s blue ward left in awe from the sheer size of the sent out solar system that hurdles his way. Just when facing the end of his final assault upon his former master, the blue boy witnesses siblings fling themselves out from behind him and towards the oncoming galaxy; both the orange skater and purple merc using the dark weapons in their hands to slice the very stars into shards and giving their brother the way forth. “All you Tore!” “Go for it!” Both his loyal brother and sister having given him a way forth towards the end, Tore speeds out towards their celestial foe as fast as he could; packing all the power he had gathered into his fist as he nears Mall’s center eye.
Within the core chamber, all of the glue that both Hank and Ryan had shot out in their pinching barrage starts to stick to the Orphans spiraling golden rings and keeps them from moving another inch; their ammunition running out before they could shoot out to the last few rings closest to the core. “I’m out.” Ryan warns. “Me too.” Hank adds. “Shit, now what?” Melvin questions. “We keep moving!” Alex orders. The demon determined to finish the final step of his strategy, both Melvin and Alex lunge forth towards the glistening child like core.
Seeing the core itself unleash a shining ray out towards them both, the young man zips out ahead and powers straight through the burning light to reach towards inner rings protecting the Orphan. Upon landing right above the core does Melvin take an iron vice grip onto the few remaining golden rings, feeling their incredible holy light burn his demonic infused hands as he keeps the halo’s from moving another inch. “Finish it!” he screams out. Requested out from his partner, the orange demon prepares to deal the ending attack to the open infant shaped core among the still halos; Alex morphing his arm into a sharp tipped pike as he nears towards the end.
Putting every single bit of power he had left to muster behind his swing, Tore thrusts his colorfully glowing fist straight through his former mentor’s center eye; Mall letting out a loud, ear piercing shriek as the life his student had gathered breaks apart his celestial body.
Once before the child shaped core of the warp gate, Alex thrusts his transformed pike limb straight through its glowing body; the core letting out a loud outcry as the darkness from the demon’s arm spreads within and fractures it to pieces.
Upon both of these finishing blows are the space around them all engulfed in a brilliant light; blinding all who behold its majestic glory as both the cosmic angel and holy child’s forms break apart. This awesome heavenly light slowly begins to fade away from view, away from this very existence only for all to dim into darkness once more.
An exhausted groan escapes him as Tore starts to open his eyes, obtaining the first lovely view of the morning sun arising out from the cloudy sea; the blue boy pushing himself right off the golden floor and stands upon his very knee’s. Peering over does he discover not just his family that had aided him in his ultimate hour of need, but all their friends as well; all of them lying along the golden spire floor unconscious; the early sunlight shinning its warming glow upon their sides. We’re back...Does that mean…? His vision peers skywards towards the golden halo hanging above them all, the picture of the other dimension held within its very rim was no more. The boy’s head droops down to the golden floor as an incredible relief washes over the indigo angel; certain this entire ordeal, the threat of the Kybr, was stopped just in time. His eyes arising from his own relieved reflection along the golden floor, a forlorn stare spread across his face as a peculiar site catches the blue boy’s attention; the blue boy finally standing on his own two feet and stumbling over towards such.
When awakening from their exhausted stupor, each one of them find themselves laying outside the spire and take in the welcoming site of the morning sky; the fresh twilight breeze all the more relaxing after the turmoil they had endured. While taking in the wonderful site along with their well earned victory, Mally suddenly feels somebody tackle her back down upon the ground; peering over her shoulder upon falling to discover her skeletal pal giving her a tight hug as she shout: “Hell yeah, bitch! That whole fucking show was insane! Still can’t believe all of us stopped shit from hitting the fan here!” “You’re telling me. I didn’t think we were gonna make it. After all the crazy stuff we all went through, It’s hard to believe we stopped all this from going off.” the orange skater admits.
During their little celebration, Hank rolls along over alongside Ryan as the wheelbound genius takes in a much more intrigued look to their surroundings and claims that: “Now that we stopped all of heavenly hell from busting loose. I wanna take a real good look at the kind of technology that makes this big old tower tick. I wonder how many gadgets and gizmo’s I could make from salvaging its parts?” “Seriously hope yer not planning on using any of the nasty shit we saw down there; cause I ain’t touching any of that stuff as long as I live. The way that all that squishy meat felt under his feet is something I might haveta blow money at just going to therapy for.”
“From the way things sound, seems like all of you did a bang ass job without us. Bravo there, kids.” Roy applauds to both Alex and Melvin, who stand before him. “Well, it was mostly thanks to my strategic prowess that the day had been won. No need to thank me.” the demon boasts aloud. “Motherfuc- So all the effort we put in to stop all that from going down wasn’t that important, that what you mouthin off over?” Melvin barks. “Please. As if that’s what I mean’t.  All of the components around me were what made my vision possible...Though I doubt any of you would come up with anything half as brilliant.” Its in this last comment that the shots had been fired and horses take off, both of them going off on each other like set off C4 explosives of screaming complaints and insults; Roy shaking his head as he peers away from the two and out towards his blue brother.
Midst watching her friends talk to themselves over what all they went through, Mally see’s her purple brother venturing over to Tore’s side; the orange girl parting from her friends to join Roy in checking on him. The two witness find their blue brother kneeling down onto the golden floor, noticing a strange light emanating from the blue boy’s front. “Tore, you okay there?” his violet sibling worries. “...I’m fine.” he answers with clear melancholy, keeps his eyes to the light underneath. Peeking out from behind him do both Roy and Mally find their blue brother staring down upon a glint of light that hover’s above the palms of his hands; the sparkling glow glimmering like the very cosmo’s. “Is that who we think it is?” Mally questions. “All that’s left of him. And all that might ever be.” the indigo angel answers, rising upon his own two feet.
Continuing to gaze down to the cosmic glow left within his hands, Tore walks out towards the wayside of the golden spire; friends and family alike gazing to him as he walks towards the very edge. “Tore.” Along his very back do the boy’s wings of white protrude outwards, the indigo angel finally leaping off the very edge of the spire; all of them venturing to the edge to watch as the boy hovers down towards the sea of clouds below. “He might have to think some things through, Mal. Think we should just give him some time to himself.” his purple brother suggests.
His saddening gaze is kept upon the reminisce of his former master that now rests upon his gentle palm, Tore continues to hover down to the fluff below with the golden spire at his back; the light of Mall’s remains shinning as they passing down through the clouds. The light of the morning sun continues to arise from the cloud horizon as he slowly descends downward; its twilight glow reflecting off the edge of the shinning golden spire. Alas can its light not overshadow the bit of the cosmo’s that rests within the angel’s hand; its glow reflecting within Tore’s own eyes. Finally does he descend down through the sea of clouds, the cosmic glow in his hands shinning past the numerous clouds before he passes down through the bottom. A flock of countless tropical birds rises right past the blue boy; Tore keeping his eyes glued to the glint of his former mentor as tears start to drizzle out down towards tropical jungle down below.
Among his lamenting descent does Tore gently land down onto the jungle floor along the base of the spire, the grass beneath his feet parting as he touches down on the earth. Tore parts his palms out from beneath what remained of his once beloved mentor, letting the last bits of the cosmic angel flutter down towards the ground and disappearing into the earth. A small snivel escapes as the indigo angel wipes away the tears that flow down from his very cheeks; the blue boy gaze out to the vast jungle set before him to behold the flora and fauna alike that bask in the welcome morning sun together. It’s a new day. A fresh start. Everyone wakes up to the lives they walk. I just wished you could’ve shared in it all with me...Thanks Mall, for showing me how much its all worth. A small breath leaves his lunges before he begin to walk away from the golden Kybr spire set behind him; his wings glistening with bits of colorful glitter trailing behind as he walks forth into the unknown beyond. Along the ground he left behind does a lone plant start to sprout out from the earth; the small stalk of a flower who’s petals show the depths of the cosmos.
Words cannot simply describe how long I've been waiting to write this whole arc out. From its strange beginning all the way up to its dynamic and bittersweet conclusion. I've seriously been planning to make something like this along the lines of 2 years, but knew I had to simply pace myself and wait for the moment to do so. That arc of one of the main characters finding a rolemodol, but having them be someone that they would have to stop in the end. To those of you that have actually stuck around this long, thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read the sort of stuff that comes out from my brain. Writing this redo these past couple years have shown me ways to improve my writing techniques for the future, and I have a bunch of amazing characters created by so many others to thank for it. Thank you for letting me mold these stories.
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spaceman-earthgirl · 5 years
Thanks @arielhedgehog for the prompt!
with the taste of your lips - ao3
"It's midnight, what do you want?"
Or Lena kisses Kara, then avoids her for a week, so Kara decides it's time she has a talk with her best friend.
“It’s midnight, what do you want?”
“It’s midnight,” Kara counters. “What are you still doing at work?”
Every night this week, Kara has flown past, seen Lena at her desk, working into the early hours of the morning. Every night she’s considered stopping by, talking to her, telling Lena to go home, but Lena is clearly avoiding her, so Kara’s let her.
But a week is enough, Kara misses her best friend, and Lena’s showing no sign of coming to her, so Kara’s going to go to her instead.
“I have a lot to do,” Lena says, pointing at her screen. She hasn’t looked up at Kara yet. “And if I want to finish any time soon, I need to keep working. Can we talk tomorrow instead?”
“Lena,” Kara sighs. “You know you’ll just have some other excuse tomorrow so you can avoid me again.”
“I’m not-“ Lena says, finally glancing up. The knowing look on Kara’s face cuts her off. Lena sighs, resignation clear in her exhalation of breath. “Do we have to do this now?”
“We need to talk about what happened,” Kara says, stepping closer to Lena’s desk.
“Do we?”
“Please,” Kara says, holding out her hand towards Lena. Lena looks down at her outstretched hand, Kara can tell she’s considering the offer. Kara wiggles her fingers, sees the slight upturn of Lena’s lips before Lena slips her hand into Kara’s offered one.
Kara’s missed her touch, revels in the warmth of the hand in hers as Lena stands, and Kara leads them both over to the couch.
Lena takes her hand back once they’re seated, Kara watching as Lena’s hands fall to her lap, watches the way they twist together. She’s clearly nervous, and Kara wants nothing more than to reach out and lay her hands over Lena’s, soothe her with her touch. But Kara also knows that Lena’s uncomfortable right now and she’s not sure if her touch would be welcome.
“So,” Lena says after a moment. “What do you want to talk about?”
Kara almost laughs. Almost. They both know what this is about, they both know why Lena has been avoiding her.
“You kissed me, and then you ran away.”
Lena sucks in a quick breath, her eyes still on her hands. “We’re getting straight to it then.”
“Lena,” Kara says. She does reach out and lay her hand over Lena’s, before she can remember why she didn’t before. She almost pulls her hand away again, despite how much she’s enjoying even this small amount of contact. But she feels Lena relax under the touch so she keeps her hand where it is. After a week of not seeing Lena, this feels like everything. “We can’t keep ignoring this, you can’t keep avoiding me. I’ve missed you so much, I miss my best friend.”
“I’m still your best friend,” Lena says, finally drawing her eyes up to meet Kara’s.
“Then talk to me. You kissed me, and then you ran away. I have super speed and I’ve never seen anyone move as fast as you did leaving my apartment. Talk to me, you know you can tell me anything. Why did you do it?”
Lena swallows, Kara mesmerised by the way Lena’s cheeks turn red. “I think you can guess why I kissed you.” She’s not meeting Kara’s eyes again.
Kara shakes her head. “I know why you kissed me,” she says. She’s known for a long time that there’s something special between them. Everything with Lena just feels so right, including their first kiss. It had felt inevitable, but what Kara hadn’t expected was the way Lena left afterwards. “I want to know why you ran.”
“Because I kissed you,” Lena says after a long moment. “Best friends don’t usually kiss each other. I got scared,” Lena says, being honest with her answer. “You’re so important to me and I don’t want to lose you.”
“You could never lose me,” Kara says, shifting closer. “Hey, look at me.” Kara uses her free hand to tilt Lena’s head up, sees the fear swirling in green eyes when they meet again. Kara’s going to do everything she can to take that look away and make sure Lena never feels like this again. “I promise you, you’re stuck with me forever, okay?
“Okay.” Lena nods, her lips turning up again, this smile slightly bigger than the last. “I’m sorry I ran, I’m sorry I’ve been avoiding you and I’m sorry I kissed you, I shouldn’t have done it and it won’t happen again.”
“I’m sorry you ran too, and that you’ve been avoiding me, but I’m not sorry about the kiss. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all week.”
Kara’s entire world had shifted when Lena’s lips had touched hers, no first kiss has ever felt so good. But then Lena ran, leaving Kara wondering why, leaving Kara with tingling lips, the memory of Lena’s smile before she’d kissed her, the memory of lips so soft, all thoughts that have been a constant on her mind all week.
Lena’s eyes widen. “What?”
“And I very much hope you will kiss me again. You must know how I feel about you.”
Lena chokes on nothing. “How you feel about me?”
“I love you,” Kara says, simple and honest. It’s the simplest thing in the world to love Lena. She fell in love with her without even realising it, it was easy, Lena is so easy to love, what’s been hard is keeping it a secret for so long. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone before, and I’d like to take you out on a date, if you’ll let me. Or we can just stay friends if you want. Whatever you want,” Kara says, squeezing their still joined hands. “I’ll always be here for you.”
“God, I’ve been so stupid,” Lena says. “I didn’t, I didn’t know.”
Kara smiles. “Well, now you do. I thought that’s why you kissed me.”
“I kissed you because you were so close and you were smiling at me and I thought you wanted me too.”
Kara smiles. “I did. But then you panicked?”
“I thought I’d made a mistake, I let myself overthink it, convinced myself that you didn’t actually want me to so I ran.”
Kara cups Lena’s cheek. “You never need to run from me, ever. No matter what, I’ll always be here for you.”
“I know.” Lena tilts forward, her head coming to rest of against Kara’s. “I was dumb.”
“Yes you were.”
“Hey!” Lena says, pulling back. But she’s smiling. “But I promise, no more running.”
“What about kissing?”
Kara can hear the way Lena’s heartbeat picks up speed. She can feel her own doing the same thing in her chest.
Instead of answering, Lena leans forward, stopping just before their lips meet. Kara can feel warm breath against her lips, knows Lena is waiting for her to make the final move this time. Kara doesn’t hesitate in closing the distance, Lena’s lips feeling just as warm, just as soft, just as good, as last time.
Except this time Lena doesn’t pull away, this time, hands cup Kara’s cheeks, this time, thumbs soothe under her eyes as Lena presses forwards, as Lena leans into the touch.
And then Lena’s tugging her forwards, Lena tilting backwards until she’s lying on the couch, Kara deepening the kiss as her weight presses into Lena.
This feels right, being here with Lena, it feels like home, it feels like Kara belongs with Lena.
They kiss until they grow tired, which isn’t long considering the late hour.
“I love you too,” Lena says, pressing a kiss to the underside of Kara’s jaw, the only skin she can reach with the way she’s tucked into Kara’s side now. “I didn’t say it before, but I love you so much.”
Kara tightens her hold, content to just lie here for a moment, with the woman she loves in her arms.
A few minutes later, she goes to suggest she fly Lena home, only to find the woman is already asleep, head pillowed on Kara’s chest.
Instead of waking her, Kara just shifts them, so her cape can act as a blanket. She’s so happy, she’s not sure she’s ever been this happy in her life.
(Lena tells her the next morning that she’s happy too, which is followed by more kisses, Kara laughing into Lena’s mouth as joy bubbles in her chest. They only stop when a very surprised Jess walks into Lena’s office).
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alirhi · 3 years
If I wrote Loki pt 5
(Missed one? Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4)
Woo. Coming up on the end. It's been so hard to keep the same stupid storyline and just give Loki a bigger part to play (in his own motherfucking show) rather than just rewriting the whole bloody thing, but it's almost done! And trust me, guys, this has been deliberate (and painful), not a sign of lacking creativity. If I'd really written this thing, there would be no Mobius, no Sylvie, no TVA. It would have been properly about Loki and would not just be a six-hour commercial for the multiverse. Of course, it almost definitely would have also involved Loki in a poly relationship with Sigyn and Bucky if I was allowed to truly run wild 😂 so I'm not saying I'm perfect lmao
Alright. Let's get on with this, shall we?
Episode 5! Almost done! We start with the TVA side of things. Mobius is struggling to calm the other agents and keep them from killing anyone else, not an easy task when enraged, grief-stricken Sigyn is trying to kill them all. He manages to get close to her just long enough to whisper He's not dead; not yet. He slips a Tempad into her hand, winks, and then steals a weapon and prunes her. Happy now? he grumbles at his coworkers, tossing the thing (seriously, what were those called? I keep wanting to call it a melty stick, but this show isn't worthy of a Grandmaster reference XD) back to the stunned agent he'd stolen it from. We have the psycho Variant. Job well done, right? Let's get her processed.
So much for friendship, Sylvie growls at him, horrified by how casually he just murdered Sigyn. I never said I was their friend, Mobius points out, though there's a quick flash of fear and regret as he glances back at the spot where Sigyn once stood. He doesn't know her well enough to care how things go for her, but he's praying she can help Loki. There was no way he could have sent Sylvie; she's feral, she doesn't trust anyone and can't be trusted, and there's no way she and Loki can work together.
Cut to Loki appearing in the pruned dimension. Again, can't remember if it had a name. I only watched these episodes once each, which was more than enough 🤮
Anyway, he doesn't fall out of nowhere; the orange sparks that he disintegrated into on the other side are what come together to recreate him here. He meets a few other Lokis; at least two of them are his age and blue. One is wearing Jotun clothes, and he smirks at OG Loki's look of surprise. "I went straight to Jotunheim after killing Laufey. I only had my throne for a few moments before those wretched TVA people showed up, but it was still mine."
"Did it make you happy?" Loki asks, a tired, resigned smile on his face. He knows the answer before King Loki says anything, and only smiles a bit wider when he says "No. I never wanted any throne." Loki nods and picks up King Loki's train of thought: "Only ever wanted to be seen and valued. But the only thing the house of Odin values is power." They take him to the underground bunker.
His interactions with the other Lokis aren't played for laughs. There's some lighthearted stuff (I'd keep Croki and his reaction to him, because that was genuinely funny) but mostly Loki meeting other Loki variants (several of them female and no one bats an eye) is to show that he was never evil. Self-serving and a little weaselly at times, especially when he was younger, but not evil. King Loki is horrified that OG Loki tried to destroy Jotunheim. OG Loki, in turn, can't even look at Feral Loki who never deluded himself into thinking Odin would ever love him and ran away as a child. Like Old Loki, he kept himself hidden for years before he got lonely and sloppy and the TVA found him.
Each new story more heartbreaking than the last; each new Loki variant reveals more of the horrors they've suffered in service of the TVA's "sacred timeline" before being sent to this place to die. But Lokis don't die; they fight, and they survive. They're all tired. They're all a bit broken. A few have had idle passing thoughts of finding a way out, a way home, but what would be the point? After all, they'd only be sent back again. Princess Loki quietly illustrates this point by revealing that she did get out, once. She ran to her husband and wife - Baldur and Nanna; she loved Sigyn, every Loki who's ever met Sigyn has loved her, but like many of them, she never had the courage to tell her, so she latched onto the pair who would have her - and they didn't recognize her. Their connection had been erased, and her once-partners only knew her as the Trickster who'd once almost gotten Baldur killed. She was captured and sent back to this wretched place, and with nothing left to hold onto on the other side, stayed.
"Then there is a way out," is OG Loki's takeaway. He remembers the prank that had nearly killed Baldur, and he cringes a little, but quickly moves on. He needs to get out, get home. "Where is 'home', Loki?" King Loki challenges him, and that makes him pause. He'd only learned about his Jotun heritage a year ago, Asgard was slated to be eradicated... "Sigyn," he murmurs. "Sigyn is home."
"Then I suppose this is home now." Loki spins to face the source of the snarky voice behind him, and throws his arms around Sigyn, overwhelmed with joy to see her. One of the other Lokis had found her and brought her to the bunker, and all the Lokis are staring at her, missing their own connections with her, but this isn't their Sigyn, so they stay away. She smiles and backs up, holding out the Tempad. "Or we can find a new home."
He takes it, and glances at the others. "Our greatest failing is that we've always done everything alone. Look where that's brought us - all of us, no matter what path we try to take, we're all here." One of them points out that the TVA is why they're there, and he nods. "That's my point. Alone, not one of us can stop them. Our sister tried, and I brought her into their clutches." He points to Princess Loki. "She tried to escape them, but they made sure she was alone. This is not my fate. I refuse. If I can't count on myself, well..." A mocking smirk at his other "selves" turns into a fond, nervous smile as he turns to Sigyn. "I suppose I'd better start counting on someone else for help."
"There is not a single Loki that's ever existed who wouldn't die for that woman," King Loki points out, giving Sigyn a shy smile. She laughs, blushes, and turns to OG Loki, who only shrugs and nods with a sheepish smile of his own. "We can address that later," she assures him. "For now, what's the plan, Loki?"
"If Sylvie can enchant, so can I. We're twins." He grins, putting the Tempad away. "That's a handy failsafe, but I'd like to be done running. I say we enchant the guard dog outside and find out what it's guarding."
Meanwhile, Mobius and Sylvie (I'd be happy to forget about them both, but y'all like them, so...) are discovering the truth behind the "Time keepers". Finding out the whole thing was a sham, Mobius is 100% done. He and Sylvie work together to remind as many agents as they can who they once were, trying to dismantle the TVA from within. While the small army of Lokis (and the beautiful Sigyn ❤) march right up to the hungry murder cloud, Mobius and Sylvie wake up as many variants-turned-agents as they can.
Episode 6 (season 1 finale)
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storytime-with-moth · 4 years
Writing the Zukka weighted blanket oneshot
Zuko was draped over Sokka who has spread out on Zuko’s couch, the tv was still playing softly next to them but the hand that was drawing circles into Zuko’s back for the past hour had finally stilled and gone heavy against is back.
Zuko smiled into Sokka’s neck nudging the other awake. Whispering softly into his boyfriends ear.
“Stay here tonight.”
He felt Sokka stiffen ever so lightly beneath him, realizing that was a bit more forward than he had meant Zuko backtracked as he sat up.
“Nothing has to happen, we can just sleep! But it’s late and you had an early shift today and I really don’t want you falling asleep at the wheel and it’s raining - and I got pancake mix…” Zuko trailed off as Sokka sat up grabbing Zuko’s flailing hands with his own.
“Zu, take a breath. Of course I want to have pancakes in the morning with you. Let’s go get comfy.”
With a sigh of relief Zuko walked to his room to make sure everything was tidy and find a t-shirt big enough for his boyfriends broad shoulders.
While Zuko rummaged around for sleep clothes Sokka took a steadying breath and put his hand over his heart lightly pressing against his chest.
Everything is going to be fine, it’s one night. You haven’t had any nightmares or stress dreams in months, you can do one night.
Zuko walked back out of his room to be met by Sokka looking him up and down smiling coyly. He waggled his eyebrows suggestively. Zuko scoffed and relaxed more “In your dreams Sokka, you have been up for 17 hours, you need sleep. Plus I don’t want you falling asleep in the middle of making out, that’s a hit to my ego that I don’t need.” he said holding a soft grey t shirt, boxers, and an extra toothbrush towards Sokka.
Sokka laughed tiredly “fair enough buddy.”
“I though we talked about this?”
“What? Oh right! I’m not allowed to call you buddy if I’m making out with you on the regular.”
Sokka winked as he walked into the bathroom.
Zuko was already settled under a light blanket when Sokka made it out of the washroom dressed and teeth brushed he climbed in next to his partner.
Sokka shuffled around for a minute trying to get comfortable in the new bed, after five minutes of shifting Zuko wiggled close wrapping and arm around Sokka. “Is this okay?”
Sokka tried to keep his voice from wavering in relief “Ya perfect Zu.”
“I warn you I run hot so I’ll probably shift back to my side once I’m asleep, push me off if I make you to warm okay?”
Sokka nodded into his pillow. Like he was going to ever push Zuko let alone give up a human weighted blanket.
Eventually Zukos breathing evened out and Sokka was left awake surrounded by his boyfriends warm embrace trying to calm his anxious mind.
Now Sokka and Zuko had known each other for a while, but it was always as “we’re both friends with Aang and see each other at his house parties and events” sort of thing.
They had only started going out two months ago, when a very nervous Zuko asked Sokka if he wanted to grab a tea sometime, and a very surprised and eager Sokka said yes.
They had clicked right away, but Zuko told Sokka early on that he needed to take this slowly whatever this was going to be.
Sokka sighed heavily.
Zuko had been so brave, on their fourth date he sat down Sokka and set boundaries and laid out triggers, informing Sokka that he was working through his own trauma from his abusive Dad to his toxic Ex. And it was by no means Sokka’s responsibility to fix it but if they were going to date this is how he could support Zuko.
He should have said something then, but that is the case with anxiety. Given the opportunity to talk about you get nervous about being a burden or that you're making it all up or you overshare everything making it all about you. Or at least that’s what ran through Sokka’s mind while Zuko calmly shared how to help during a panic attack.
Sokka numbly nodded along, noting that what Zuko needed during a panic attack was different from his needs. Guess that’s the difference between anxiety and just straight up PTSD.
Then he immediately felt selfish, here he was worrying about his illogical, irrational anxiety when his boyfriend and gone through actual trauma.
So he listened and asked questions, never telling Zuko about the prescription of Xanax beside his bed or why he always went home at the end of the day no matter how late it was, to his own bed with his own weighted blanket that helped keep him asleep. Keeping away even the most subconscious worries.
But now it had been two months, and Zuko was right it was too late to drive home and he was so tired.
If only he was too tired be anxious
Finally after two hours of overthinking, counting sheep and willing sleep to come Sokka was swept up by sleep.
Zuko slowly started to wake. It wasn’t light out yet. The clock read 4am, what had stirred him from sleep?
It was then that he registered the soft shaking from behind him. Zuko turned over to see Sokka’s face twisted up in despair, his breaths coming in shallow and quick and his whole body jerking every few seconds.
Just before Zuko could reach out to comfort his partner Sokka shot up gasping clothing at his hair and his chest.
A soft whine escaped the crying boy’s mouth, in that moment Zuko was wide awake and gathering up his shaking boyfriend in his arms.
“Shhhhh, it’s okay…. You’re okay” He said softly over and over again while petting Sokka’s hair.
Sokka continue to shake as tears fell on Zuko’s arms.
“Sokka, Babe are you having a panic attack?” Zuko asked a little surprised.
The other boy nodded unable to speak.
“Okay, ummm, you’re in my room, you were staying because it was late, we were watch Lilo and Stitch earlier, uhh can you feel my hands in your hair?
Sokka nodded and tried to stop crying only for his breaths to stutter and stumble as his body heaved another sob from him without his consent.
“Sokka, how can I help?”
When the question finally registered with Sokka’s racing mind he grabbed his boyfriend’s hands and wrapped them tightly around himself in a constrictive hug. Zuko picked up on the nonverbal message and rearranged themselves so Sokka was between his legs with his back to Zuko’s chest and his arms wrapped tightly around him.
He kept a tight grip, continuing to speak to Sokka with soft reassurances that he was safe.
After sometime Sokka’s quick breathing began to slow and his tense body melted into Zuko’s, eventually he laid his head back against his boyfriends chest and quietly looked to the ceiling.
Zuko getting the message that he could loosen up relaxed his grip but kept himself loosely wrapped around his partner.
A minute of silence later Sokka said in a rough voice “Sorry for waking you up….”
Zuko looked flabbergasted “You’re Sorry? Sokka it’s not like you have control over your dreams.”
“Ya…. I know.”
He sounded so resigned and disappointed Zuko figured there was more than just a nightmare at play. He maneuvered Sokka around so they were facing each other, Sokka’s hands wrapped in Zuko’s.
Sokka was still resolutely looking at the bed and away from Zuko’s burning gaze.
“What’s going on in there Sokka? Please talk to me.”
Sokka nodded and open his mouth a few times before any words came out.
“So ever since my Mom died and my Dad started to go on longer leaves with the Red Cross - I started to worry about Katara and my Gram Gram, and basically every single thing. I had back up plans for my back up plans. I made us a tornado kit that I made Gram Gram keep under the sink. We lived in Nunavut, we don’t even have tornados!”
Sokka stopped for a moment trying to figure out what to say next. Zuko could see his partner was feeling a little lost so he started rubbing soft circles into Sokk’as hands as he held them.
“And then I was applying for universities and it stared to get really bad, panic attack after panic attack…. Sometimes for no reason, and sometimes they would last for days just one rolling into the next. Then I would feel hungover the next day without the fun drinking part before hand.
So Katara made an appointment and took me kicking and sternly refusing to the doctor, they uh… Well - So I have Generalize Anxiety Disorder and starting in uni I was also diagnosed with a panic disorder…”
Zuko clenched Sokka’s hands a little tighter in support to keep going.
“I have meds, that I take for actual panic attacks but I was able to stop taking chronic stuff a while back. I have a routine, I go swimming, I take that stupid joy through dancing class with Aang because it makes me laugh, I have my weighted blanket, and I paint. So I’m good right now. I wouldn’t have said yes to going out with you if I wasn’t okay, that wouldn’t be fair to either of us. I just didn’t know how to talk about it with you be-“
“Did you not tell me because you didn’t think I could handle it or because you thought I would think less of you?
Startled Sokka’s head snapped up to make eye contact with Zuko. “Spirtis no! I think you’re the strongest person I have ever met…. I - I guess I thought less of myself, like I was less worthy of your love because I feel all these things for no reason, like even when I’m good right? Even when I’m good it would still bubble up in my sleep and I would wake up - well like that. It was only after I Katara bought me that weighted blanket that I started actually sleeping through the night.”
“Wighted blanket?”
“Ya I know, turns out actual science to back it up! Pressure to help relieve anxiety, like a hug, or -“
“or me laying on top of you on the couch! That’s why you got so relaxed and sleepy isn’t it?”
Sokka smiled sheeplishy “Ya, once I figured out that pressure and touch kept me grounded I started getting really clingy with everyone. Toph had to start laying boundaries down, I now have to request a hug and she can and will deny them if she’s not in the mood.”
Zuko smiled softly “Ya that sounds like her.”
There was a silence as both of them tried to figure out what to say next. Sokka began to pick at his nails his hands still in Zuko’s.
Realizing his partner’s mind was beginning to wander somewhere away from him Zuko guided both of them back down onto the bed Sokka’s head tucked into his chest and for good measure he threw a leg over the taller man.
“Can I ask what it was about?”
Sokka spoke without looking up at Zuko “Their usually all over the place sometimes its me in my high school math class and everyone knows the answer except for me, or the gym teacher is teaching us how to write essays, those ones I just wake up stressed and a bit confused about what year it is…. Other times I’m being chased or I need to help Katara or my Dad but I just can’t seem to reach them.
Once last year I had this really bad one where I was babysitting my cousins toddler and we were out for a walk and then I just walked away and left them in the snow…. I couldn’t find them for hours. I woke up thinking I had walked away from a kid and left him to die, I had to call my cousin to make sure the baby was okay. She was so confused because Tu is five now and I haven’t babysat him in four years.
I have had a few where I make Aang cry and Katara yells at me and they leave forever. I always bring a coffee and a hot chocolate for them the next day, because I feel so bad about hurting them even if it was while I was asleep. And tonight… I don’t really get them much anymore with the blanket so I haven’t had one since we started dating, and uh you talked about me falling asleep at the wheel just before we went to bed, and when I was brushing my teeth I could see that it had started raining so I guess those thoughts stuck around because…”
Sokka clung tighter to Zuko as if to protect them both from an unseen force. Zuko kept rubbing his partners back and kissing the top of his head.
“I thought I was driving home from your place tonight, they always feel so real. But for some reason you were with me and then car was spinning and the air… When it landed I could hear you asking for me, saying you were bleeding. But I couldn’t move, I was frozen in place paralyzed and all I could do was listen, and then it was really quiet and I wasn’t sure if you were okay or - or if you had left or what. And it was raining and dark and all I wanted to do was turn around but I couldn’t.”
Zuko was a little thrown, Sokka was worried about him? About Zuko leaving Sokka?
“Hey babe look at me, Sokka love?”
Sokka tilted his head up to look at Zuko, he looked so apologetic like he had actually killed Zuko with his mind.
“Sokka I am okay, I promise. We didn’t go driving tonight. We stayed in at my house, we watched a movie. You made me so happy tonight, like you do everyday. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Okay?”
“But - and this is important. I want a partnership, I’m not looking for a therapist that sleeps with me I am looking for a relationship where we lean on each other. I need you to talk to me, trust that I will tell you my boundaries, I need this to go both ways. So from now on you have to start telling my this stuff okay?”
Sokka couldn’t look away, his eyes were twinkling with a few tears.
“You are amazing Zu, you know that?”
Sokka tilted his head asking for a kiss which Zuko happily obliged.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, I just didn’t want to mess this up. I really like you.”
“Well lucky for you I really like you to, now do you think you can sleep some more? I think I have a duvet somewhere in the closet.”
“Just hold me… please”
“I can do that, good night Sokka.”
“G’night Zu…”
The next morning they had a long talk over pancakes, which ended with Sokka falling asleep on the couch with his head in Zuko’s lap while Zuko read.
And if next time Sokka slept over there was a brand new weighted blanket on his side of the bed, and if Zuko a typical little spoon was big spoon during exams, and Sokka kept his meds in an overnight bag now, well that was no one else’s business except their own.
Feel free to use any of this! I love reading fluffy modern AU’s of these two supporting each other. Two intense lads making each other laugh is my weakness. So I would love to read a long fic where something like this happens. 
For more of my prompts take a look at - Send me anything you create fanart or fanfic! - https://archiveofourown.org/works/26162617/chapters/63657982
I wrote Sokka’s experience with anxiety and stress dreams from my own experience (not everyone feels and deals with anxiety the same way) But I also hate sleeping away from home, I have nightmares in every hotel when I’m on vacation. 
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divingtotheunknown · 3 years
Living In Uncertainties
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To anyone who continues to resist like me, you may not realize it now but you are ever so lucky to not have experienced the COVID-19 pandemic. A huge part of people’s lives was swiftly taken from them as the virus raged across the country. Who would have thought that the one week suspension we heard on the news last year would last until now.
Most of the time, it felt unreal how the entire thing was. It was as if my world stopped and I was confined to one of its corners. I can’t say for myself how terrible the experience was, just that it was. It brought out the worst in the society, in men; selfishness, greed, indifference and above all, fear. Fear was the biggest of the four. It influenced all the others to terrorize the hearts and minds of people.
The virus was very unpredictable for a long time. It is actually testing the technology to stave off the virus. It could appear anywhere, anytime without us knowing and it could’ve meant life or death.
Which means to say that the possibility of anyone we loved or us ourselves getting the virus was high and that could very well be the end of the line. I can’t stress enough how badly that fear affected the mental and emotional well-being of a lot of the people I knew. Personally, I never expected this pandemic would let social media affect my own thinking. The same goes with the mindset of the public with what and how they consume information online. The fact the fake news is everywhere, undeniably a lot of people became victims of it, even some members of my family - which is why it is really important how important it is to be a responsible user nowadays. It was evident that during the first few days, we were vigorously trying to find ways to take off the looming dread from that thought but it seems that no matter how far we ran, that thought kept close on our tails.
People spoke up about the stress this entire thing would cause on society. In particular, the working class and the poor were the most affected. A lot of them needed to work daily just to get paid and earn a living. They had to stop so that they could be safe and also to stop the number of infected people from increasing. There was nothing they could do. When they left, it seemed as if society had stopped as well. To be honest, our business was affected as well. Luckily, I was able to help my parents continue the business through the use of e-commerce using different platforms online but I know and it is sad that not everyone has the access and ability to move forward using the same resources we had. Only a few workers were allowed to be outside of their homes, they were the medical workers and frontliners like those who worked in groceries. A lot of medical workers lost their lives to the virus. How painful it must have been for their colleagues to watch as the people beside them fell ill and succumbed to death. A friend of mine shared to me how hard it was for them not to see her father personally after dying due to a virus. He ended his life fulfilling his duty as a Doctor. Saying the last words for her Dad through video call is different from the usual but again, what can we do? I can only imagine all the pain they carried during those days. How brave they all were, risking their own safety for the sake of others. They did not want to be part of that front and yet there they were.
This stress was also put on students. Universities decided to conduct online classes completely. I did not see the fairness in that. While it’s true that we students should give value to our time by spending it on education, we too felt the weight of the situation. A lot of us were still coping with the madness that seemed to take on the world. But what could we do? Over a year, we have been so hopeful that one day, we can still go back to the campus but despite all that, I am still grateful for the power of media and technology. Applications like Facebook allows us to keep in touch, Twitter and Instagram reminds us to be updated, Blackboard, Zoom, Discord and other articulations of social media allows us to continue pursuing our dreams despite all the limitations and challenges brought by the pandemic. We had no choice but to resign to our fate of finishing the academic year against our wishes.
During these days, the government seemed to be at its worst. It turned out that hospitals all over the country were underprepared because they were not funded properly. What’s worse was that the government deployed the police and troops to “ensure public safety”. Just like what we always see in different social media applications, police do not protect the public, instead the people behind all the shortcomings in the country. How ironic it was to see the military well-armed. It added nothing more than fear to the people. There were several incidents where the military unjustly shot people down for being suspicious or unruly. They did not even hesitate to point their guns! Good thing is, with the continuous innovation in terms of technology, there was much evidence online that would prove the blasphemy of the abusers of power.
It did not take long for people to realize that they would be stuck at home for so long. Everyone needed to stay home and so they needed as many supplies as possible. However, it came to a point where people got greedy and all they could think of was themselves. People tend to hoard whenever they see news about the possible shift of quarantine and this is actually a situation I can connect with the lesson about substantivism wherein technology has a capability to affect or mold the people and even the society. I understand the need to look for one’s own welfare, I understand the need to care for our loved ones but what I did not understand was why people had to cross the line towards being greedy and hoarding far more than they needed.
As far as man has evolved, its progress is still so little. In the midst of a global crisis, they found time to claw at each other’s throats by pointing fingers to pass the blame. It came to a point where Asian people were discriminated against as carriers of the disease. Perhaps the worst case was that of the American president calling COVID-19 the Chinese virus. I felt ashamed of these people. There were a lot of others trying to help build more unity and yet these people were insensitive enough to cause more divisions. I dream that such connectivity has been brought to us by the media, hopefully time will come it will also apply to the society, country even as one nation.
It was truly a terrible time. Imagine the reality of a global scale crisis paired dawning on you from behind and before you are the immoral choices made by the society you live in. It was one of the most vulnerable moments of my life. I felt crushed by the immense weight of the situation we were all in.
I missed the outdoors, I missed my friends, I missed school. I missed the joys that I could only experience outside of my home, I missed the fresh air, I missed the sunlight. realized that I took a lot of these for granted. We can only see our loved ones on our screens and it is heartbreaking that we can no longer do the things we are used to. It’s true what they say: you only realize the value of some things once they are gone or taken away from you.
All I could wonder then, was if life would ever be back to the way things were.
They say that during the direst of situations, the worst and best in man shows. I’ve had my fair share of seeing just how bad a man can get. Yet, there were times when man’s goodness prevailed. In fact, you’d be surprised just how many of them there are.
A lot of people held volunteer work that reached out to poor communities so that they could be given food and supplies. Some people hosted online charity events from their homes to raise funds to donate to the medical effort, online donations drive and they even use media as their means of communication for community pantry. It was those moments that gave me hope and reminded me of how morally good people can be. During those moments it felt like not everything was wrong with the world.
Those days really made me realize how difficult it was to really put a finger on what morality is. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that we may never really be completely good or bad. Sometimes, we’re a little bit of each other. Indeed, people are constantly changing, even technology and society. It’s unbelievable how new media changes our lives, our way of living and how we use these innovations although there’s always pros and cons. It’s hard to juggle that thought because we are so limited, so small compared to the universe we live in.
The message I leave with you now, dear reader, is to live. To live means to learn. To live means to see. To live means to understand, to appreciate, to feel, to live is everything. Get rid of the distractions caused by these changes. Concern yourself with the world so as not to be selfish but also devote time to yourself when you need it.
Soriano, P. N. (2021, August 31). Nueva Ecija records 14 new COVID-19 Delta variant cases. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/nation/covid-19-delta-variant-cases-nueva-ecija-august-27-2021?utm_medium=Social&utm_campaign=Echobox&utm_source=Facebook&fbclid=IwAR20YsXyEhuxFMu7Y4P5uWon2xRnYZ7tqpQWSCJxxaaCdpFsTKtasfe5zI8#Echobox=1630055399
Pangue, J. (2021, January 9). In 2021, communities can prove that fighting disinformation isn’t just media’s role. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/moveph/communities-prove-fighting-disinformation-not-just-media-role
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nicolewoo · 4 years
Talking in her sleep Part 2
Pairing: Joe Anaoi (Roman Reigns) X Reader
Warnings: PTSD flashbacks to severe parental abuse and attempted murder. Please don’t read if this may trigger you. You can read the rest of the series without this fic. Just imagine we go out for lunch and get to know each other better.
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“Can I buy you a cup of coffee? I want to talk about something.” Joe’s tone of voice sounded serious, so I agreed. He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the coffee shop next to the hotel.
After we’d ordered, we sat. I expected Joe to start talking, but he didn’t. It seemed like he was upset. “Did I do something to make you mad?” I asked tentatively.
“No,” he was quick to blurt out. “It’s nothing like that.” He looked into my eyes and prepared to say what was on his mind when the barista called his name. He signaled the barista who brought our coffee to our table.
Once he left, Joe turned his attention to me. “I’m not mad or anything. I just want to talk about something, and you may not want to talk about it.” His fingers nervously toyed with the handle of his cup as he added, “I’m kinda worried about you.”
My brain immediately split in two directions. One side panicked as it mulled over topics I wouldn’t want to talk about while the other side hoped that Joe was about to confess that he had feelings for me.
“Listen, we haven’t known each other for long, but I really feel close to you. Know what I mean?” He looked nervously at me.
As his words sank in, the part of me that wanted him leaped in joy, but I contained my reaction. Why would he say he was worried about me? I nodded slowly. “Yeah, I know.”
His hand reached out to take mine for a minute as his eyes held mine, trepidation visible. I decided this wasn’t about what I wanted it to be about, and resigned myself back into accepting just being his friend. I hoped my disappointment didn’t show. “Joe, you’re worrying me. Whatever it is, just tell me.”
“You... uh... you had a nightmare last night in the car.” I broke my eyes away from his stare and looked down, trying to draw my hand from his as I tried to shrink back and disappear, but he held my hand firmly enough that it stopped me. “Hold on. Before you freak out...” I gently tugged my hand again, and he let me pull it away this time. “We don’t have to talk about them.” He reassured me, and I looked back up at him trying desperately to fake being ok.
“Did I hit you?” I asked, afraid of the answer.
“No. You didn’t, but Becks had warned me you might, so I was ready.” He took my hand again. “She also told me that you wouldn’t talk about the dreams, and I’m ok with that.” He brushed my knuckles with his long, thin thumb, and I looked down at the gentle gesture as I tried to compose myself. “I just....” he stopped, trying to find the right words. “Are you ok?”
I’d heard his tone of voice before, countless times from police and EMTs and doctors and social workers...... It was the “I’m so sorry for you” voice, and I wanted to snap at him. To tell him I was fine and didn’t need his pity, but I composed myself even though the images started rushing through my head. The shower. Running down the stairs and out the door in nothing but a towel. The sight of my mother chasing me with a butcher’s knife. The look on the pastor’s face when I begged for asylum.
I focused on my last session with my psychiatrist. He had said that the nightmares would probably resume now that I’d reached another level of success in my career. I remembered my mother screaming that I was a useless piece of trash that wouldn’t amount to anything, and would probably end up a whore just to survive. Yes. I had to focus. I had to remember that her opinion of me didn’t matter. That she was broken, not me. That I was a survivor. I was strong.
“Joe, can I have a second to compose myself?” I looked at my coffee cup as a tear leaked out of my eye. He stood when I did and let me walk off to the bathroom.
Once inside, I dried my tear and steeled myself. So, now he knows I’m a freaking wreck. I shook my head at myself in the mirror. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and looked at the message the psychiatrist and I had written a few weeks ago.
“You were broken as a child, and you overcame. Your past is your past, and it cannot hurt you anymore. She cannot hurt you anymore. What she did was not your fault. Your future is what you make of it.”
Right. What I make of it. What I make of it. I choose to not be broken anymore. I will overcome. I will succeed. I will be a champion in the ring and in life, and fuck her for what she did.
But Joe? Seeing him look at me with pity was almost more than I could take. I had to let him know that I was strong. I was capable. I was... I am, and standing here in the bathroom isn’t something that showed my strength. Right. I was ready to face him again.
I walked back to the table with a new resolve. I will be the person I want to be, and she can’t stop me. I sat across from Joe again and he looked at me sadly, “I’m so sorry. I should have handled this another way. I didn’t mean to...”
I held up my hand to stop him. “Don’t worry about it. It was bound to come up someday. We might as well handle it now .” I tried to smile warmly at him.
“I apologize.” He was beating himself up over this, so I reached out and took his hand.
“It’s not your fault.” I said. It was my mom’s fault, and I wasn’t going to let her ruin this friendship. She’d taken enough from me. “Really, I was hoping by the time you found out, you’d already think I was strong. That’s what upset me. I don’t want pity.” I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles as he’d done to mine earlier.
“Pity?” He shook his head no. “No. I don’t pity you. I’m proud of you. All Becky said was that if you mentioned your mom I needed to wake you up immediately.”
“Oh. I was talking?” I asked. “Did I say her name?”
“Well, you said the word mom, so I tried to wake you a couple times. You wouldn’t wake up.” Ok. This conversation seemed to be easier on both of us now. “I finally convinced you that you were safe, and your dream stopped. Well, you stopped talking and thrashing around, so I assume the dream stopped.”
He’d managed to calm me down in a dream? How was that even possible? I shook the question off. That was a topic for another day. “So, now you know I had a bad childhood.” I said matter-of-factly.
“Honey, a bad childhood is not being able to afford things or being neglected. I get the impression your childhood was......” he paused looking for the right word. “Traumatic.”
I pondered the word and nodded as I agreed. “Ok. I had a traumatic childhood. Can we stop talking about it now?” I asked.
Joe leaned in closer to me, “I just wanted you to know I’m here for you. If you want to talk, if you don’t want to talk. If you want to laugh and forget. Even if you just have a nightmare in the middle of the night and don’t want to be alone. I’m here for you. That’s all I wanted to say.”
He really was the kindest man, and I smiled at him, “Ok. I promise if I need you, I’ll let you know.”
He smiled sadly now, “I’m really sorry for how I brought it up.”
“Then you can buy the coffee, and I’m hungry. Buy me some lunch too!” That was the confident, teasing, fun sounding person I wanted to be, and with Joe laughing at what I just said, I felt it was true.
“Deal.” He said and flagged down the barista to get menus.
The story continues with I Wanted Her
Tag list: Wow! I finally have  a tag list.... @mindofasagittaruis​, here’s your sequel!
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clansayeed · 4 years
Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ― Chapter 18: The Side Effects
PAIRING: Kamilah Sayeed x MC (Nadya Al Jamil) RATING: Mature
⥼ Bound by Destiny II, part 1 ⥽
While struggling with nightmares of lives she’s never lived, a shadow from the past looming over her city, and the proposed idea that her life may just be a little bit too weird to handle alone, Nadya makes sure to tell herself that everything is perfect just the way it is. If only. When the self-proclaimed King of Vampires (and Maker of her sometimes-girlfriend and always-boss, can’t forget that little tidbit) Gaius Augustine returns intent on claiming Manhattan as the throne that was promised, she and her friends find themselves forced into the task of saving the world. But with millennia-old vampires and an Order of hunters on their heels as well as allies hiding catastrophic secrets at their backs… it won’t be an easy task. Too bad destiny didn’t exactly ask for her input.
Bound by Destiny II and the rest of the Oblivion Bound series is an ongoing dramatic retelling project of the Bloodbound series and spin-off, Nightbound. Find out more [HERE].
*Let me know if you would like to be added to the Destiny II tag list!
⥼ Chapter Summary ⥽
These things take time; a lesson Nadya is learning the hard way as she continues her psychic training. Guilty consciences are eased, an old flame gains new fire, and a night out on the town doesn't go as planned.
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Six weeks later…
“Perhaps we shall make this our last trip for the night, ma chérie?”
There’s a hint of chiding in Serafine’s voice but it lacks real heart. That much is obvious by her amused little smile when Nadya throws a look back to her. It certainly doesn’t help the woman’s case that during these last few excursions into her halls of psychic memory she’s pretty much been given free reign. Like a kid in a candy store.
“If you’re saying that because you’re worried about me tiring myself out — I actually feel really good this time. So maybe, like, one more after this?”
Her enthusiasm gets a little laugh in return. “We shall see. It wouldn’t do to overexert yourself too soon. Now — come back closer please. We won’t be wandering aimlessly this time.”
She falls back in step at Serafine’s side; eyes widening in surprise. “Then why are we here?” A completely innocent question that by all accounts should have had an equally innocent answer.
But there isn’t one single instance in history when a stretched out and tense silence meant anything good. Well… she supposes she’ll find out soon enough.
There’s no doubt in Nadya’s mind that the real Hall of Mirrors in the real Palace of Versailles — only a metro ride away from their apartment — is still breathtakingly beautiful. She doesn’t even doubt that a connected woman like Serafine herself could get them into the Palace after hours for a real, physical tour of the place. But there’s a unique beauty to seeing it in its prime. Everything still fresh and new and dedicated to the Sun King rather than those who came after his reign.
There must be a hundred candles above and around them. But they are, for the purposes of this memory, a source of light rather than heat. Even when Nadya stands on tip-toe and brushes the flat of her palm through a steady orange flame she doesn’t feel so much as a tickle.
Just another oddity to hammer home Serafine’s first lesson.
You are not a participant in the world around you, here. You are merely a voyeur — there to observe and nothing more.
They reach the center of the long and glittering Hall. Serafine stops and gives her an expectant eye. “How are you feeling; has anything changed?”
“Nope — everything’s still crystal clear.” Even in her excitement Nadya knows the importance of these questions. This may look like a field trip on the outside but deep within it’s just another in a long string of exercises. And they’ve been working at them diligently; every night for over a month now.
Frankly it’s about time all her hard work started paying off.
Out of the corner of her eye Nadya sees a flicker in the normally steady light. The flames of half a dozen candles barely clinging to their candelabra’s moorings giving a little impromptu dance. Just a small wind, she tells herself; and chooses to ignore the contradicting stillness of the window drapes.
“Is something supposed to happen?” Is something happening already?
Serafine nods in reply. “Up until tonight, our focus has been on the first step — the crossing of the bridge between minds and memories. But memories aren’t portraits frozen in time. By their very nature they are alive and in an endless cycle.
“The task we’re undertaking won’t be one you can find in an abandoned landscape, Nadya. When the time comes you must be ready to bear witness.” If only the apology in the vampire’s furrowed brow wasn’t more unsettling than it was reassuring… “And I regret to say not everything you take in will be beautiful.”
The candles waver around them again. Casting long shadows and dewdrops of golden light across every shining mirror. Bitter experience has Nadya almost certain she does not want to look into one. Better to spare herself even a brief glimpse of any number of dark and horrific deeds.
That’s the thing about bad memories. They are far too easy to conjure up — no matter who they belong to.
“Perhaps we’re attempting this too soon.”
Concern catches in the woman’s normally carefree tone and drags Nadya’s attention back outward — makes her shake her head insistently.
“I’ve gotta do it sometime. We’re already here, so let’s try it.”
“Are you sure?”
“No pain, no gain.”
Whether the vampire believes her or not, she accepts it. The memory continues.
Sharp footsteps echo back in the direction they had come from. Serafine looks up with a strange resignation in her dark eyes; her normal soft-humored smile replaced with pursed lips turned down somber and stoic.
Nadya doesn’t have the chance to question her about it before Gaius waltzes through the open doors.
He’s not real — he’s not real—he’s not real. She repeats the mantra until the thought is all-consuming but that doesn’t make it any easier to see him. He looks exactly the same after all. As does the familiar cherubic face that skips happily away at his heels.
Every step Gaius takes is with purpose. His eyes are trained forward but from where she stands it’s like he’s looking right at her and even though her brain is a broken record screeching he’s not real he’s not real he’snotreal nothing can stop the noise she chokes out; the hasty one-two-three steps back she takes before he passes her right on by.
She breathes.
You aren’t a participant in this world. You’re just a voyeur.
Marcel’s face lights up and he takes off in a dash, calling out “Serafine, Serafine!” gleeful and grinning. Nadya turns just in time to see him leap into her arms. She swings him around in a full circle before setting him down. They exchange familiar kisses on either cheek.
All at once the child’s face goes sour. The delight of reunion now gone and replaced by something much more important. Nadya knows this because she can feel the trepidation rolling around her insides in that now-familiar phantom way. A feeling that only comes with memory.
“Tell me it isn’t true, Serafine,” he practically whines; throws an arm out behind him to gesture vaguely in Gaius’ direction where he hangs back from the pair politely, “please tell me it isn’t true!”
The two older vampires lock eyes. Serafine wars with the guilt creasing her brow. Her King, as ever, able to compose himself utterly porcelain.
“You know full well I wished to tell him myself.” Her dress billows out as she takes to her knees.
Gaius shrugs; clasps his hands together behind his back. “It happened to come up; in my defense I thought you had already told him.”
Child’s hands cup Serafine’s cheeks. Marcel’s lower lip wobbles.
“Why won’t you come with us?”
She covers one of his hands with her own. “My work here is not yet done, petit. Not while the Holy Knights still lurk in the Sun King’s shadows. Surely you of all people can understand that.”
“But where we’re going… there won’t be any Knights.”
“For your sake I would pray so.”
“Banner is coming; Kamilah too! I cannot bear the thought of leaving you behind!”
“And your love brings me unbounded joy, but —”
“How can you stay here Serafine,” he interrupts, “after everything they did to us? In the New World we can start a new life! One without having to worry about the Knights, or—or any of their silly human struggles.”
Serafine quirks an eyebrow up at Gaius. “I would dare say the struggles in a unfamiliar world would be far greater.”
The man inclines his head. “Steps have been taken to ensure we will be well-received.”
“How can you be certain?”
“Do you doubt me, Mademoiselle Dupont?”
There he is. The Gaius that Nadya recognizes, who she struggled to try and find under his powdered face and frilled collar. But she knew he couldn’t resist showing his true self for long. All this decoration is just another glamour. He’s still a monster beneath.
Quickly Serafine bows her head; speaks a low “Non, My King,” and is forced to wait until he silently accepts her apology to regard him again, “but I have seen the struggles of new nations before, as you have. What is to stop the Holy Knights from following you across the world? They have done so before; surely they would again.”
A shiver runs down Nadya’s spine as she watches Gaius’ eyes burn red. Dozens of flames reflected that give him an awe-ful power; something near godlike. Even though she knows firsthand he won’t see that kind of power for centuries to come it still leaves her frozen in fear.
The Vampire King smiles down at the pair cold; confident.
“I would hope they try. For then I will show them what happens to their kind in my Shadow Kingdom.”
The world around her begins to blur at the edges much to Nadya’s relief. Pinpricks of flames growing brighter, whiter; until they swallow her and the three vampires whole. Until Gaius and Marcel are left in the past and that version of Serafine with them.
Then all she sees is the black void and flashes of nameless colors behind her closed eyes.
Nadya waits until the high-pitched ringing in her ears dies down; gives way to the sounds of the apartment and the strange life they’ve built within it. She knows from tragic experience that coming back to herself, to her own head and the present with it, so soon would only end in nausea and the occasional nosebleed. Funnily enough she’d rather avoid that this time around.
When Lily’s laughter from the other room is louder than the noises in her head, Nadya knows she’s in the clear.
It takes a few blinks for her eyes to adjust. She reaches blindly and feels a cool glass slide into her hand. Her thumb brushes over Adrian’s — he waits patiently until she has the strength to hold it on her own. Each gulp soothes the itching, burning rawness in her throat. A welcome relief.
“How do you feel?”
“Honestly? Kinda fuzzy.”
She regains full and clear sight just in time to catch the furrow in Adrian’s brow. “‘Fuzzy,’” he repeats; and he’s two seconds from scribbling the word down on a notepad before she stops him.
“It’s okay. I’m okay.”
“But you just said —”
“Yeah, well…” Nadya turns her head to look across the table; to Serafine and her (rightfully, absolutely justified, totally warranted) guilty expression. “I wasn’t exactly expecting to hang out with Gaius tonight, so fuzzy is better than the alternative.”
The woman grabs for her waiting glass of wine and sips. Tries—and fails—to be idle about it. At least she isn’t pretending like she didn’t throw Nadya for a loop.
“What the heck was that about?”
Serafine swallows after a moment. “It was not my intention to sneak the memory upon you, Nadya.”
“Could’ve fooled me.”
“You’ve been progressing so well, ma chérie. The decision was a spontaneous one; not to mention a success, do not forget.”
“Yeah, but…” Surely she gets why Nadya’s not the happiest camper! “Did it have to be him?”
“I was advised you work well under pressure and with little time to think.”
“By who?!”
She regrets it the second she asks. No, she knows the answer the second she asks. It’s pretty obvious after all; possibly even more than since Nadya isn’t alone as she and Adrian whirl around in their chairs to look through the doorway into the living room.
Jax is just a little too focused on his book to actually be reading it.
“Nadya —” Serafine drags her attention back with a hand over hers, lacking warmth but still just as soft; she still tries her best to keep that frown front and center, “— you did remarkably. Far better than I could have hoped. Ask yourself; do you feel any of your usual aches or side effects?”
Under the pair’s scrutiny Nadya does go through her mental checklist. However reluctantly. The ringing is all but gone and whatever stomachache she’s feeling is probably because she hasn’t eaten — for fear of the nausea she doesn’t feel either. Every physical followup she’s experienced since they began the painstaking process of dismantling her ‘psychic walls’ either isn’t there or is so faint it’s easily attributed to being human.
Her defeated sigh is met with smiles from both Serafine and Adrian — rude of them but… still. “No,” she reluctantly admits, “but that kind of pain usually only happened when the memories were being pushed at me, you know? It was all chaos and noise and crowds and stuff I couldn’t understand. But… that doesn’t make what you did okay.” Since Nadya really doesn’t know which was worse; the pain of being practically assaulted with vampire memories or the stress of having to even look at Gaius’ dumb face.
At least she gives Nadya that. “I apologize for my deception. But this is fantastic news. It means we can begin pushing your boundaries, seeking what we need; what all of this time has been for.”
All of this time, she says; like Nadya hasn’t been struggling with her self-imposed guilt every single day. Like she hasn’t been pushing herself — sometimes a little too far too quickly — because it’s been six whole freaking weeks.
Six weeks of psychic Karate Kid training.
Six weeks of (admittedly delicious) gut-wrenching French food and wine.
Six weeks of absolute radio silence from New York.
“We will begin plotting our course tomorrow evening.”
Serafine drags her attention back to reality as she stands; Adrian with her out of habit. She grabs her coat from the back of the chair and folds it over her arm. The last look she throws Nadya’s way is a proud one.
“May I walk you out?” Adrian asks and offers her his arm. It takes everything in Nadya’s power not to burst into knowing and maybe even childish giggles. Like he hasn’t walked her out every night since they started this?
But hey — with roommates as nosy as them she gets his want for even a little bit of privacy.
The woman takes his offer with warmth in her eyes. “I would be glad of the company,” she accepts. The pair exit the apartment with remarkable grace; especially seeing as their sharp vampires ears definitely hear their audience’s laughter the moment the door closes behind them.
When she’s gulped down enough water to hope the Gaius in her head is drowning, Nadya joins Lily on the couch with a box of leftover macarons. It’ll be sunrise soon; not enough time for them to get into any trouble worth the effort.
“Any-f’ing ah’ all?” Nadya asks around her mouthful of sugar; jerks her chin in the direction of the news station Lily must have settled on some time ago.
It’s no surprise when Lily shakes her head. Nadya doesn’t even know why she asks anymore.
Yes she does. Because she’s Nadya.
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“Are you sure you don’t wanna come with us?” But this is the third time she’s asked and by now the jig is up — Lily knows full-well she keeps turning back because it’s an excuse to try and inch her way away from the door. A way to try and find a reason to stay right along with him.
Judging by the wry amusement in Adrian’s little smile he’s pretty aware of it too.
“I’ve never really been a club kinda guy. But don’t worry about me — you guys go have fun and have a drink on my behalf.”
“See?” Lily all but snaps. “We’ve practically got his permission to go!”
Jax can be seen through the open front door; waiting in the hall with arms crossed over his chest and foot tap-tapping in exasperation. “You can’t force her to go if she doesn’t want to go, Lily.”
Which is something even Nadya has a hard time believing. It’s like he’s never met her or something. Or maybe it’s because he has — because he knows trying to convince her that she isn’t the Grand Master on High in Control of Nadya’s Fate will only ensure their night out could only be stopped by a nuclear apocalypse.
Nadya wrenches her wrist out of Lily’s grip with no small amount of effort. If she bruises, someone’s sleeping on the couch. “Nadi’ I swear to God —”
“I’m coming, okay?! Yeesh just…” Her words trail off when she looks back to Adrian. All on his lonesome at the kitchen table normally shared by at least two others, staring at his laptop screen with his usual work-busy furrowed brow and his index finger curled over his chin in deep thought.
“Just gimme a minute, okay?”
Lily holds her hands up in mock surrender. “Fine, fine. You’ve got three minutes before I haul you out over my shoulder. And don’t think I won’t.”
“I know you too well.”
“Damn right.”
She closes the door behind her, separating them and leaving Nadya and Adrian actually and properly alone. When it’s clear he won’t be looking up from his screen of his own free will she huffs her way over to him, practically stomping in her heels by the time she gets there, and forces the lid closed with an open palm.
Adrian jumps back, startled. Even with superhuman senses he gets too lost in his work too often.
“Well hey there stranger,” sarcasm dripping from her drawl, “welcome back to reality.”
Adrian tries to frown but there really isn’t any heart in it. He’s barely frowned at all these last few weeks — not unless Psychic 101 ends up leaving her with a headache the size of the Eiffel Tower. It’s been refreshing to see; which is what makes seeing even the shadow of it now all the more frustrating.
“Please come with us?”
He takes her outstretched hand and squeezes it with his own. “I’m not kidding about the clubbing thing, Nadya. And I don’t want you to miss out on my account. Go, have fun, enjoy the real Paris for once. Serafine is right — you need a break. I think we all do in our own way.”
Nadya’s eyebrow almost becomes one with her hairline.
“You know this —” she circles her finger around the laptop, “— this is the exact opposite of taking a break.”
“Not for me.”
She’s probably winding down on her allotted time. When Nadya reaches out Adrian meets her halfway; both of their hands together swinging between them. He’s probably thinking the same thing, too, since he throws a look towards the door fully under the assumption Lily is about to storm her way right back through. Likely while using Jax headfirst as a battering ram.
Adrian brings her back to reality with a tiny squeeze. “You don’t have much time left to tell me why you’re really so hesitant. I’d use it wisely.”
Nadya whines; it comes out more petulant than anxious which definitely wasn’t her intention in the least. Luckily Adrian knows her pretty well already.
“Are we bad people for doing this?” She asks, and bites her bottom lip.
“What, going out?”
“Doing something fun.” Because Kamilah definitely isn’t having fun. Maricruz definitely isn’t having fun.
So by that logic they definitely shouldn’t be having fun. Right?
“Nadya… c’mere.”
And this, right here, is the reason she’s okay with not being able to double back to her apartment for her anxiety blanket. Adrian’s hugs are just as fulfilling; just as calming. She buries her face into his shoulder and squeezes so tight her arms start to prickle with pins and needles and he knows just the right amount of pressure to give back.
He pets her hair with a small sigh. “I don’t think I’m telling you anything new when I say this, but things… aren’t all that great right now.”
“Wow, really?”
“Really. But this may surprise you — things are still going to be not-so-great tomorrow. Or the day after, or the day after that. It’s terrible, I get it. Every night I wake up and my first thought is always the same; ‘this isn’t the day I’m going to fix things.’ And that eats me up inside. I’m sure you’ve seen it… because to me it feels like if I try and pretend I’m not battling those thoughts then I’m doing a disservice to everyone who stayed behind; especially to those who didn’t have a say in the matter.
“And there’s nothing wrong with feeling that way, or thinking negative thoughts. In fact, I think they can be great reminders for what we’re working towards, here. What everything is for.” Adrian eases her back, practically forcing her to look him in the eyes. He may be smiling more but in the end that doesn’t make up for the fact that Adrian likes to shoulder a lot of the world’s emotional guilt. Nadya does, too. It’s probably why they get along so well, huh? “But if you don’t step back and remember what makes the loss of something so sad to begin with, then you can get caught up in all that negativity way too easily.”
Nadya’s sigh is a heavy thing, but she feels the weight — the burden of it lessen like the oxygen in her lungs. Adrian’s right; they both know it. But how dare he use his years of experience and immortal wisdom against her like this.
How dare he make her feel so young.
“I know.”
He nods. “Kamilah stayed behind because that was the right thing to do. But I think we both know she’d be giving you the lecture of a lifetime if she knew you were spending all your time beating yourself up about it.”
Ugh, true. “Yeah, and when she would be done all the time for going out would have been used up.”
“Exactly.” He kisses her forehead and tries his level best to shift her hair back in place. He fails, of course, but nobody’s perfect.
“So go and enjoy yourself for tonight. You’ll feel less guilty tomorrow, I promise.”
“Promise me you won’t brood here all alone tonight, instead?” Which makes Adrian laugh and leaves Nadya more than a little confused. Less so when she catches his smile.
“Who said I’m going to be alone?” He glances at his watch. “Serafine should be here soon. And you guys were supposed to be long gone by now.”
Ew. He’s staying behind to get lucky.
“Just… don’t forget to put something on the door,” after a quick ruffle to his hair for revenge, Nadya slings her purse over her shoulder and makes to scram, “your tie, a sock, something. I’ve seen enough things to scar me for this lifetime.”
“Not funny, Nady—!” She cuts him off with a closed door.
Jax heaves loudly. “Finally — can we go?”
With Lily’s arm looped in hers Nadya starts to walk rather than give him a verbal answer. “This side of you scares me, you know that?”
“Not me,” Lily chimes in, “after my banger I’m convinced you were a regular Travolta in your heyday.”
“White suit and all?”
“White suit and all.”
Their laughter follows behind Jax like a banner of shame all the way down the apartment stairwell.
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By the time they make it to Hip-Trendy Parisian Club Number Three, there’s nothing left for them to do but finally be honest with themselves.
None of them are really “club people,” and even if they were there’s something so fundamentally wrong with the sight of people partying, kicking back; enjoying their lives. Of course these random strangers don’t know any better; their lives are weird and complicated in their own unique ways but for Nadya, for Jax and Lily? All they see are blissfully ignorant victims dancing and grinding and drinking their way through the end of the world.
Not that they don’t nab a few of those drinks for themselves on the road to enlightenment.
Lily forces her way none-too-gently through the throngs of neon-clad pretty faces, finally arriving to their little standing table like she’s made it home from a decade-long war. Nine shot glasses scattered on the tray, more than half of them the same color purple as her locs, and they all grab one and raise the first drink in cheers the same way they had at the club before this, and the club before that.
“For Kamilah.”
“For Mari. Salud.”
“For the Shadow Den.”
In what is now a well-rehearsed choreography, the trio knock back their glasses with gusto. Is she following Adrian’s advice and trying not to wallow in guilt, yes. Does that mean they can’t take a drink for the things their hearts ache for, absolutely not.
Artificial lime flavoring does wonders for masking the alcohol’s burn all the way down to her stomach where it settles just about as well as every other weird flavor before it. When Nadya comes back up she sets the glass down a little too heavy-handed; lets her world spin for a moment in ways that have abso-tootly nothing to do with vampire memories or psychic visions.
Well, that’s what she thought, anyway.
Her brain has a different idea and has decided (without her permission, to be clear) that it’s totally okay to blur the lines between reality and memory. It wants her to see things that aren’t actually there.
Oh, he looks like he is. Sticking out like a sore thumb in his crisp but ill-fitting suit and a scowl that probably sealed in place when he was Turned. Among the party-goers and club kids he’s not easily missed and the fact that he isn’t even trying to blend in all but hammers home the fact that he can’t be real.
Much to her surprise Nadya doesn’t even have to think hard to place where she’s seen his face before. Then again all of the Baron’s goonies look the same at the end of the day; stock-cut henchmen out of a bad British spy flick.
One second he’s standing there, a literal sore thumb in the neon-colored chaos. Three blinks later he’s gone; retreated back into Nadya’s unconscious where she will, inevitably, replay the events of that night on the airstrip over and over and over again.
“Welp, it’s official,” Lily takes her remaining two and knocks them both back together, because why not apparently, “we are the biggest bummers to ever bum around Bummertown.”
It’s enough to bring Nadya out of her Bloodkeeper weirdness and back to the others. Jax, leaning over the table with his head sagging onto his palm, looks to her for translation. Not the first time tonight.
“We’re very sad, dear.”
“Oh, yeah. But that’s not a real place, right?”
“No, dear.”
He clicks his tongue and takes his time sipping something with edible glitter swirling around inside. Flecks shimmer in dazzling rainbow on his upper lip when he’s done, but she can’t muster more than a “heh-nheh” at the sight.
“That’s the double-edged sword of being a mosquito, you know?” Lily looks at them both like they should very much know what she’s talking about. They do not.
Nadya pushes her glasses up carefully. “Uh… pardonnez-moi?”
“You know…” flicking over one of the empty glasses, “on one hand, you can’t get drunk. No hangovers is literal nirvana. On the other hand, you can’t get drunk. And I think I’d give my left tit to be drunk right now.”
“You did always prefer your right one.”
“It’s better shaped.”
Twin looks make their way to Jax at the same time, and finally there’s something worth laughing at. He’s looking between them like they’ve burst into spontaneous French and he’s never heard the like in his life, and that’s pretty freakin’ hilarious. He doesn’t even let her try to translate in between bouts of laughter; just holds up his hand and looks away with a disgruntled “I don’t want to know, I really really don’t.
“But —” and doesn’t that make them snap back to attention, “— I’ll agree about the booze thing. It’s not hitting the spot, you know?”
Lily nods in solidarity. “Just what I was thinking.”
“We could always try somewhere else?” Nadya offers, and tries not to look as utterly offended as she feels by the mutual sympathy the vampires send her way.
“Not like that, it’s… Lily, you explain it.”
Subtle wink. “It doesn’t —” —subtle wink— “— hit —” —subtle wink— “— the spot, Nadi’.”
Not the way Jax would have done it but he did hand it off, so that’s on him. “Not like we were dining out every night at the Shadow Den, but sharing the rations on Raines’ plane between three vampires doesn’t even reach the bare minimum. D’you get it now?”
Yeah, she got it after the first wink, but thanks for hammering it home. And she feels pretty bad about not considering their plight earlier — choosing instead not to look when the day’s blood bag makes the rounds rather than make sure everyone was getting their fair share.
As she sweeps a long look over the crowded club, though, it doesn’t seem like one or two people heading off for an hour or two would be all that noticeable. Right? The advantages of fast-paced urban crowding.
“If you guys need to, like, do the thing, I could be lookout?” she offers. Jax doesn’t miss a beat to laugh, like she’s suggested robbing a bank to meet a measly bar tab, but when he glances to Lily she isn’t joining in. In fact, she looks incredibly thoughtful.
The younger vampire whines and stops her foot against the concrete dance floor. “Come on… we’re careful! And it’s just once.”
“We haven’t scoped the territory, noted the exits… we’d be sitting ducks for that order of hunters.”
“I get that,” Nadya agrees in earnest, “but do you really think there’s enough of them to scope every club in Paris, or even all of Europe?”
“I think risking it is inviting trouble.” And maybe she’d be content to let the matter rest if he looked as sure as he sounded. But it isn’t a trick of the lights that have his eyes changing color; Lily’s either. Nadya recognizes the look and by now she’s been around vampires long enough to know when the hunger starts to hurt more than the reasons for it help.
All it takes is for Jax to look at the flicker of desperation Lily normally keeps hidden in her eyes. Maybe it’s easier for someone else to feel it, too. “Okay, okay,” he grunts out, immediately sliding into a different kind of leaning stance. One that reminds Nadya of a tiger; of the predators they actually are. “But we do this as carefully as possible, and we need to find someone who won’t think twice about what’s going on.”
Lily grins wickedly. “So someone high off their asses, got it.”
Anyone else — and perhaps even a version of Nadya in which none of the events of the last year-and-then-some have never happened, thus making her staggeringly normal — would—should—find this to be ‘too far.’ But that version of her doesn’t exist. The last year-and-then-some did happen and Nadya would rather her friends do what they can to keep themselves safe and strong and very much not easily beaten bloody. Despite all of that and with her compromised morals aside, though, she draws the line at actually helping them find someone. That’s a bit like asking a vegetarian which beef tenderloin looks the best, isn’t it?
The girl Lily and Jax finally agree on is ordinary. Well, ordinary in a hangs-out-in-French-clubs kind of way; so almost alarmingly pretty in ways Nadya doesn’t want to describe for the health of her own self-image. There’s a moment where she wants to question their choice only because she doesn’t… look like she’s on something. But when Jax goes over with his dark hair swept a bit over his eyes and the top three buttons of his shirt undone and does his thing — Nadya realizes she’s just a hilariously bad judge of sobriety.
Probably doesn’t help that she’s not too sober herself.
Could be minutes, could be ages, either way Jax finally gets the young woman to follow him out through the back door of the club. “He told her he had a motorcycle,” Lily tells her, making sure to lean in and keep both of their heads down as they abandon the rest of their drinks and follow soon after, “which actually isn’t that bad of an idea.”
“What a gentleman.”
“Actually you’d be surprised. He dresses like a bad boy but he’s pretty tame once you get to know him.” No matter how much she wants to doubt it, though, Lily would know wouldn’t she?
Abandoning the humid atmosphere of the club for the outside world is like traveling to a whole different planet. And it’s one Nadya isn’t sure they should be on; not when the abrupt shift in all her major senses acts as a big fat slap in the face to the fact she’s definitely had more than she thought. It’s like the lack of constant thrumming of bass in her veins throws her off-kilter; has Nadya reaching out for Lily’s arm to steady herself on something, well, steady.
“You sure you’re okay to be lookout?” She gives Nadya a once-over that’s just long enough to show she’s reconsidering. Which simply cannot do. So she pulls up her Big Human Girl Pants and practically shoves Lily away.
“I’m fine!”
Lily’s eyes narrow in suspicion. “I dunno… you’re reminding me of Easter again.”
“Hush, we promised never to speak of Easter.”
“Well at least you remember that.”
It’s the perfect place for this sort of thing; an alley only open at one and and with a large chunk of old wooden pallets stacked precariously against one wall and a dumpster pressed up against the other. The smell isn’t exactly what Nadya would call appetizing, and it can’t be much better for Lily’s hyper-senses, but the hunger wins out over bad smells just like it does over continuing to argue. She squints through the fingerprint smudges on her glasses, trying to catch a glimpse of Jax in the darkness, but all she can see are shadows. Can’t even tell if they’re moving or not.
“Is he back there?” Turns out sight isn’t what was needed, though. Nadya isn’t exactly familiar with dingy alley makeout sessions but she does know what intense kissing sounds like. “This is gonna scar me for life.”
Lily pecks her cheek; when she pulls back her eyes are bright and red and near-primal. “You’re the best B-F-F ever, you know that?”
“Yeah, yeah, go… slurp or whatever.”
She’s lookout, remember? No amount of money could get her to follow and watch.
With a couple (light) smacks to her cheeks and a big gulp of wintery air Nadya whirls around on her heel. The club back door is on her left, the mouth of the alley dead ahead — oh yeah, nobody’s gettin’ in here without her knowing about it.
Well… nobody except for the returning hallucination of Evil Henchman #1.
“Just ignore him, he’s not real…” Nadya mutters under her breath. The same thing Serafine had her say the first time this had happened, and every time after. Eventually her psyche will re-align itself or… re-build her defenses or… whatever technical term there was for the echo of her own memory going away on its own. “Or at least try and think of someone less ugly.”
The hallucination frowns; deep lines carving themselves into his face all the way up around his lumpy bald head.
Nadya’s halfway to pulling out her burner phone to beat Lily’s high score on ‘SNAKE’ when it dawns on her.
Hallucinations don’t react.
“Found you.”
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