#all of u who gif live stages all the time are amazing to me n so talented xoxo
dalkyum · 2 years
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Running Through The Rain ‧₊˚✧。210828
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sugrhigh · 6 months
BACKSTAGE - ( m.s )
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summary- your best friend caught the eye of the bass player in a band local to boston, your hometown, so you’re invited to the second to last stop of their US tour. they can definitely put on a show, and all of them are very welcoming when you meet them backstage. then there’s the asshole grumpy drummer with the inflated ego, who can’t seem to stop staring.
warnings- cursing, smoking, drinking, ???
band au (triplets are in their mid 20s)
drummer!matt x fem!reader (this song ^^ inspired me and it’s good af so i’m including it)
a/n: this has been brewing for a while and i kinda forking love this concept, i hope i brought it to life well! hope u enjoy and as always my inbox is open for whateva #kisses ****part 2 to come
@fawnchives @55sturn @teapartyprincess4two @l9vesick @sturnlova @cupidsword @junnniiieee07 @mattnchrisworld @cherrypostsposts
“are you sure you want to do this?” you ask her as you two linger by the bar at the back of the venue.
people are clearing out, all happily chattering after an incredible concert. you have to admit that it was a great performance, and the sold out crowd helped.
they’re a pretty talented band. and the bass player really wants your best friend.
all it took to get him interested was a single comment on one of his recent posts. adelaide is undeniably gorgeous, and she’s also built a decent following through her recent modeling jobs.
she stands out in any comment section and in crowds like these, so it makes sense that he hit her up. that’s why you’re here anyways.
mister bass player had invited you guys to the first of two sold out shows in this place. it’s the last stop on the band’s US leg, in their hometown, which happens to be where you and adelaide live.
“yes dude, for the hundredth time, im sure. and he’s waiting on us, so stop stalling. i know you have more balls than that.” adelaide gives you a pointed look.
you can’t help but roll your eyes. “i promise you i don’t care enough about what these guys think to be scared.”
“now that sounds more like you.” she teases as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket.
the light from the screen illuminates her face, and you watch as she taps something out quickly.
“chris said someone is gonna come get us.”
“can’t wait.” you smile sarcastically as you respond.
addy doesn’t even get the chance to yell at you about your attitude before a big buff guy dressed in all black approaches the two of you, dark hair slicked against his skull. SECURITY is printed across his jacket in bold yellow letters.
“you ladies enjoy the show?” his voice is deep, which matches his huge stature perfectly.
“oh, it was amazing! i’m assuming you’re jason?” adelaide beams at him, pushing her dark curls out of her face.
he nods once. “that’s me. you guys ready to head backstage?”
“yup, just lead the way.”
the two of you follow jason back down toward the front of the stage, around the protective barricade to a door that almost blends right in with the venue’s dark walls.
he knocks on it three times. another tall man opens it for him and ushers the two of you inside before people start to pay too much attention.
“dressing rooms this way.” the new guy leads you through the backstage area, down a narrow hallway until he stops in front of one of the doors. there’s a little placard with their band name on it, which is cute.
this time nobody thinks to knock, because it’s already pretty loud. once the door swings open the sound is even more overwhelming.
you count seven people, all sitting around on the couches and vanity seats in the dim lighting. three of them are nearly identical, which surprises you. you thought there were only two brothers in the band.
several bottles of champagne crowd the coffee table already, and they’ve only been off the stage for ten minutes.
all of them are watching the two of you now, and it makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
“look who it is.” one of the twins (or apparently triplets) that’s sitting on the couch sets his glass down and gets up to greet you.
his brown hair is long, longer than the others, hidden slightly by a black boston hat. he’s dressed in a celtics jersey and baggy jeans, clearly happy to be representing his city tonight.
“good to see you, chris.” adelaide smiles into his chest as he pulls her into a tight embrace that lasts for a few seconds too long.
“i promise it’s better to see you.” he smirks as he finally pulls away, not even trying to hide his gaze as he admires the way her outfit hugs her body.
then he turns to you, and you suddenly feel like a spotlight is shining directly in your face.
“it’s nice to meet you too, y/n. addy tells me you’re even cooler than she is.” chris says, wrapping his arm around your friends shoulder lazily.
“can’t argue with that.” you shrug with a grin, impressed that he remembered your name without having to ask.
he looks around and clears his throat, and the others stop chatting. “everyone, this is adelaide and y/n. introduce yourselves.”
one of the clones that was sitting beside chris speaks up now. “shouldn’t they know who we are?”
he looks directly at you with an uninterested gaze that’s somehow still so intense you almost lose your breath. he’s in all black, fluffy hair styled a bit shorter than chris’s.
his harley davidson muscle tee is cut off right above his black pants, revealing just the smallest sliver of his stomach as he leans back against the cushions casually. so many tattoos, so many rings.
it’s annoying that you notice this, even despite how pissed off you are at his stupid question.
“i hate to burst your bubble, but i wouldn’t be able to guess your name even if someone put a gun to my head.” you bite back without thinking, and laughter erupts around you.
“that’s exactly what you deserve for a dickhead comment like that, matt.” another currently-unnamed guy says.
he’s on the other sofa with the last of the carbon-copy brothers, arm around the waist of the beautiful girl that’s perched on his lap. the couple smile at you and adelaide.
“feel free to ignore him. i’m nathan, lead guitar.” he introduces himself.
“i’m his girlfriend jen.” the dark-haired woman chimes in, offering you a friendly wave.
“im nick,” the triplet sitting next to them finally reveals his name, “i’m not in the band, i’m just their tour photographer. my brothers got the musical talent.”
“kids a genius with a camera though.” chris adds, still sidled up against adelaide.
“names sam. i’m the singer.” a blonde boy with hair cropped close to his skull says with a nod.
he’s sitting on one of the vanity chairs that’ve been set up in a half circle, tipping the rest of his champagne back after he speaks.
“and i’m just his older sister gabby.” the girl beside him sticks her hand out, and you take a step forward to shake it.
“dont say just. and i love your necklace.” you compliment the barbed wire chain around her throat, and she waves her free hand at you, flushing slightly.
“you’re sweet.”
“it’s nice to meet you all. the show was fantastic, we had a blast.” adelaide addresses everyone with that award-winning grin you know and love.
chris leads her over to the couch and they sit down, pressed against each other like they’re attached at the hip. you have to admit it’s a little cute. you take the open chair next to gabby, opting to avoid sitting next to matt just to be near your friend.
“are you both from boston too?” sam asks, reaching to refill his drink.
jen gets up from nate’s lap to grab two more glasses from one of the cabinets, which is a kind gesture that you weren’t really expecting.
“yeah. we met in college and ended up staying in the city together.” you answer as he moves to pour your champagne next.
“that makes you what, 22? i am about to serve you alcohol.”
you can’t help but laugh, so adelaide answers instead. “we’re 25, but i’ll take that as a compliment.”
he puts his hands up in apology as you grab your glass. “so not recent graduates then, my bad.”
you can still feel matt staring at you, and when you meet his gaze over the rim of your drink he doesn’t shy away. your own eyes narrow slightly, because you dont understand why he won’t fucking quit it.
“what do you do for work?” nathan questions, and you finally break out of your trance to look over.
“i was in publishing for a bit, but i mainly model now.” addy responds first.
chris’s hand goes to grip her thigh endearingly as she sips her champagne. “can’t you tell?”
“stop it.” she nudges him slightly, though you can see a faint blush appear beneath her bronzed skin.
nate rolls his eyes before looking your way. “and you?”
“i’m a media manager for a few different brands.”
“really? like who?”
it’s matt speaking, you know even before you turn your head to meet his cold eyes once more. he’s challenging you, inked arms crossed over his chest defensively as he waits for an answer.
“well for one, those pants you’re wearing? i work with that company.” you reply bluntly.
you’d recognize those cargos anywhere, the faded star patches are a dead giveaway. matt’s face drops in surprise, and nick snorts, giving you a nod of approval that doesn’t go unnoticed.
“i can’t believe you work for vamped. we all get like, half of our wardrobe from there.” he admits.
“raiding her closet is a real treat, trust me.” adelaide makes it sound like a joke, but she actually does love to come over and steal all your favorite pieces.
it would be annoying if you didn’t love her so much.
jen smiles, cuddled back up on her boyfriend’s knee as she looks between the two of you. “i like you girls already.”
“yeah, and i respect anyone who can humble matt that quickly.” sam nods along in agreement, and you recognize that he’s talking about you in particular.
“oh, so i take it he’s like this all the time then?” your question is directed at sam, but you’re looking at the subject himself as you ask it.
“pretty much.” chris nudges matt with a silly grin, and he scowls in return, though he’s still watching you.
you can’t decipher what he’s feeling, what he’s thinking, and you don’t like it one bit. to be fair, you don’t know him at all yet, but you know the type.
you’ve met enough high profile people through vamped to understand that this kid thinks he’s some kind of god, probably because his friends tell him so.
but you’re not his friend, and you don’t owe him any politeness if he can’t bother to reciprocate it. you keep your eyes on him as sam redirects the conversation away from the two of you, another challenge of your own, and he finally looks away a moment later.
you take it as a win.
a few rounds of drinks later you can feel the heat creeping up your cheeks, blissfully tipsy as you continue to swap stories about anything and everything with the rest of the group.
chris and adelaide are in their own little world, whispering shit back and forth to each other like school girls.
matt hasn’t said a single word to you since you name-dropped your highest paying client just to embarrass him. he watches the rest of you interact, though that burning gaze of his always seems to meet yours anyways.
its driving you crazy, and you’re itching for a quick pause from the socialization, as nice as (almost) everyone has been.
“i’m gonna go for a smoke.” you address the group, mainly adelaide, and you’re met with a couple nods.
“same.” matt replies gruffly, and your heart falters.
of fucking course.
he pushes himself to a standing position before you can protest, or say anything really. his shirt is even more cropped now that he’s stretched to his full height, and you’re staring straight at his exposed happy trail and v-line. you’re pretty sure you see the top of a small tattoo by his hip.
your mouth goes dry, and you busy yourself grabbing your little purse from the floor.
“hurry back, i wanna hear more about this PR box fiasco.” gabby points a finger at you as you get up next, and you smile even though you know it’s a weak attempt.
“i’ll be quick.” you promise her.
adelaide gives you a little wave goodbye, which doesn’t quell your nerves as you turn to follow matt, who doesn’t wait for you to catch up.
he just throws the dressing room door open carelessly, letting it swing back so you have to stop it with your hand before it hits you. you glare at the back of his head, though you follow him in silence because you don’t know the way outside.
another security guard stands in the hall, and matt greets him with a quick nod as he heads outside, once again neglecting to hold it for you.
you mutter a quick hello to the man before stepping onto the little back patio. it’s the end of summer, edging toward fall now, so there’s just a slight chill in the air.
he’s already leaned up against the brick wall, situated on one of the steps down to the gated parking lot. for the first time tonight, he’s actually not looking at you, and it’s somewhat of a relief.
you dig around in your bag to retrieve your crinkled carton of cigarettes, flipping the lid open to pull one out and stick it between your lips. you’re about to put them away when matt clears his throat.
“can i bum one?” he asks softly.
it’s the least aggressive he’s been all night, and it throws you so off guard you can’t find anything to say back so him. so you just nod slowly, grabbing another cigarette for him and passing it over.
“you got a light? couldn’t bring mine in.” you mutter, though your words slur because of the cig that’s between your teeth.
matt nods, ruffling his hair with one hand as the other slips into his back pocket. he pulls out a red disposable lighter and ignites it in one swift motion.
he holds it up to your mouth, burning the end of the thin roll of tobacco. he’s staring at your lips, thinking about how soft they look wrapped around that filter paper.
matt doesn’t want to be wondering what it would be like to feel them against his own, because you embarrassed him. he hates being embarrassed, especially by someone who walked right into his dressing room like she owned it.
you’re unlike any girl he’s ever met, and he’s fucking entranced.
you inhale, glancing to meet his blue eyes as the smoke fill your lungs, completely unaware of his thoughts. it’s familiar, and it calms you down a little bit.
you pull it from your mouth to exhale, watching as he lights his own before slipping the plastic device back into his pocket. he slumps back up against the wall, kicking one leg up to steady himself.
it’s silent again for a moment while you both enjoy the brief hits of nicotine, letting the clouds swirl up into the night. you both go to ash at the same time, and he breaks the tension first.
“so, what did you think of the show, sweetheart? your friend spoke for you, but i’m sure you have your own opinion.” he says, one side of his mouth tilted up.
you weigh up his statement, rewinding to an hour ago. you guys were in the upper wing, right by the stage in the front row. the view was great, and the energy was definitely there.
you remember matt, sweaty and focused as he banged on those fucking drums like his life depended on it. your eyes were drawn to him for a lot of the performance, to the intensity he brought to the stage.
that was before you knew about his superiority complex, though you should have been expecting it. he is, after all, a rising rock star.
“it was good.” you reply bluntly, shrugging as you bring your cigarette back to your lips.
he fully smiles now, though it’s not a warm one. then he follows your lead and takes another drag as well, his tattoos shifting as his muscles flex and relax due to the movement.
“don’t fucking humor me.” matt finally says seriously, and you narrow your eyes.
“i wasn’t, but it doesn’t matter either way. you think you’re the shit regardless.” you snap back.
matt softens a bit at your tone, but he’s also backed into a corner. you confuse him, because you’re impossible to read. that’s never happened to him before, and it’s annoyingly enticing.
“you don’t know a damn thing about me.”
“i know your type.” you argue sourly, sucking in another mouthful of smoke.
he turns his full attention to you now, shifting so he can look you right in the eyes. you wish it didn’t intimidate you so much, but the way he’s been leering at you all night makes you sweat.
“and what type would that be, hm?” matt goads.
you nudge at the concrete with the toe of your sneaker, pausing briefly to compose your answer.
“you’re arrogant, which either comes from the fame or the praise, or most likely both. in fact, you’re so cocky that you probably can’t be around anyone without patronizing them. i bet they all tell you how talented and badass you are, but you wanna know what i think?” you ask him, taking a hit of your cigarette for dramatic effect.
and it works. matt is hanging onto every word, waiting for you to deliver the final punch as you take a step closer, blowing the vapor toward him.
“i think that the whole time, they’re just waiting for you to shut the fuck up.”
for a second the world is still, and neither of you move an inch. he’s just studying you, eyes skipping across your face like he’s trying to commit it to memory.
“you want to know what i think?” he questions you quietly, and you can’t help but watch his lips as they move.
so pretty and pink, and you know he would taste like tobacco and sweat. you want to give in, but you won’t. one thing about you is that you’re stubborn, and you refuse to make the first move for this asshole.
“i think you like it.” matt finishes, so close to your lips now that he’s practically whispering his words against them.
just as you think he’s about to kiss you, to give you the power you crave, he tosses his cigarette to the ground and snuffs it out before stepping around you.
the only reminder that the moment was real is the door slamming shut behind him.
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sleepy-grav3 · 1 year
Parents - Uramichi x Reader
A/n: Random idea passed by and I couldn't make it go away, so uh yay
Summary: Uramichi, Kumao, Usao, and S/n (stage name) are made to go to a lovely mall event for father's day! Uramichi does a passionate speech about parents and growing up and Y/n couldn't help but tear up at what he had said, leading to an emotional bonding moment.
Tw: Angst (there is comfort), parent problems, swears, spoilers, depression, verbal abuse, some other stuff I might've ended up forgetting...
Also, your stage costume is a hip-hop dancer type with sunglasses. You always wear the sunglasses to hide your eyes that seem to always show your current mood (which isn't good for your job). Just a little thing.
And this is also not too romantic, but whatever.
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Y/n’s POV
“Y/n, I always see you with the sunglasses… They’re also really heavily tinted with a color and have different shapes. I doubt that Derekida actually buys those…”
I turned to look over at Usahara and smiled.
“Why do I wear these? Well people say that my eyes give away my current feelings! And since I work 2 jobs to keep living while having mandatory therapy to prevent me from going to a mental hospital, I don’t get sleep that often! So how do you think I feel every single god damn day?”
“U-um… Tired? Maybe?”
“Wow! You got it right! And what happens when you’re tired for such a reasoning every single fucking day?”
“You have heavy eye bags and get really angry really easily?”
“Ding ding ding! That must’ve been a hard question, Usao! I’m so glad the bunny learned yet another thing today!”
Usahara backed away, leaning over Kumatari’s shoulder.
“Is it just me or is Y/n sounding more and more like Uramichi as the days go on?”
“Please don’t talk to me.”
You mean the depressed 31-year old who’s having breakdowns about 10 times a day? Honey, I only break down to that point when nobody’s watching. This is nothing.
“You’re not a very good whisperer, Usao!”
To top it off, Uramichi entered the room with a blank stare and… what’s with the red balloon? He might as well be trying to cosplay Nicklewise with that balloon… but more depressed…
He turned his head to me with a more intense blank stare. I only tilted my head and gave him a more bright and sparkly smile. That seemed to make it worse as the stare became more… intense- how the hell is he doing that?!
“Hey, it’s Uramichi-san, good mor-”
“Morning. Want a balloon?”
“Nope. For someone in your line of work, it’s amazing how little that look suits you…”
“I look like a kid enough with this get up. Do I need a balloon and backwards cap to top it off?”
“... yes.”
“No ♥️”
I pushed Uramichi off stage for a moment, seeing as he broke down after a single comment from a child. Wimp.
“Haha! That was so nice of you to say, Tak-kun! It hit his heart so hard that he couldn’t help but cry from joy! Let’s give Uramichi oniisan some to convert that joy into energy instead of tears! And I think I know just the way! Let’s all get up and have a dance session with S/n!”
I could already see some of the parents hesitating along with some of the older siblings chuckling. I’ll teach ‘em-
Some music started up and I started to guide them through it, making sure I called out each and everyone who laughed at our Uramichi ^v^
“Today, as a special treat, Uramichi Oniisan and his friends will draw pictures of their daddies too!”
That’s not on the script-
“...Huh?” Uramichi turned to the hostess. “That… wasn’t on the script.”
“Us too? For real?”
“Don’t you want to know what their daddies look like, boys and girls?”
The audience cheered, making me realize how often we use these kids to support our own ideas to cover for our faults. Huh…
“Gosh! I don’t know if I can draw my dad that well! Do you guys remember your dad’s faces?”
“I love my dad, hippety! No… well, I guess I remember it, but can I draw it? Maybe not..”
“Me too, grr! I just remembered I haven’t visited my folks since two years ago.”
“Wow, to think I get to show my dad off to the kids! I bet he’ll be so happy! Absolutely, but I'm not giving him this satisfaction. Make it up, that's what I'm doing.”
"That's actually really sad..." Usahara drooped his shoulders a bit.
I ignored everything else that happened, focusing on drawing some random man that would fit my character. What would fit my character? Maybe I should just make him have some normal clothes and make it up as I go? Nah, I’ll just make him another dancer.
I turned to see how the others were doing until I saw the fuck up the animals made.
“What the hell happened to your characters?” I questioned.
“Seriously, what happened to your characters?” Usamichi repeated.
That’s when they realized their fuck up. That didn’t work though, the kids still questioned it.
“H-hey, let’s take a look at the other two, hippety!”
I launched myself over to Usao, wrapping an arm around his shoulder with a hearty laugh.
“Man, I was wondering when I would be up! This is my dad! He’s another dancer like me! Showed me the ropes, you know? Ain’t he cool!”
“But I’m better, right!”
“WOOO! That’s the spirit! Let’s move onto our amazing oniisan! Whatcha got the-... there…?”
The drawing he made was rough but it was of a muscular man throwing a crying kid and holding another crying kid. I had to strain my smile to keep it up as he spoke about his father. I’m… I’m amazed that he didn’t draw someone different like I did…
There was definitely more to this man, but children were present and he isn’t actually that close to us at the moment, so I doubt we’ll really get much more out of him unless we see through the lines…
Those lines have a pretty big gap though, so it’s not like it’s that hard.
“Weren’t you sad having him as a daddy?”
“If he hadn’t been my dad, I wouldn’t be here talking to you today!”
Wouldn’t that be a good thing?
“We all have only 1 life to live. Sometimes we think we’ve made a mistake, even if we can’t be sure whether that’s true or not… But in the end, if something brings us even a little happiness, it wasn’t a mistake at all! Whether you can reverse the mistakes of your mommies or daddies… all depends on the lives you grow up to lead. Even if you can’t live for somebody else… if you can live without blaming somebody else, I think that’s wonderful.”
Before a tear fell, I quickly wiped it away and went over to Uramichi, giving him a small side hug and a rub on his back. He put a hand on my shoulder, gripping it a bit tight for comfort.
Man, nothing can get past this man.
I couldn’t really see through my tears anymore as I sat down and took off my sunglasses.
“Fuck man… you need to warn me when you do those speeches..”
“Holy shit- are you crying?” Usahara asked.
“Shut up, I’ll clear up in a moment. Just… fuck…”
I felt someone pulling me into an embrace, petting my head so I rested against his shoulder.
“It’s ok to cry in front of us, just let it out.”
~Flashback | 3rd person ~
“Stop crying! This isn’t something to cry about!” Y/n’s dad exclaimed.
“I-I ca-can’t!”
Y/n curled up in their seat at the dining table, pulling at their hair to relieve some stress.
“It’s just homework, why can’t you do something as simple as this?!”
Y/n flinched, eyes wide from their mistake as they looked up in fear. Their dad grabbed their face with a hand with a tight grip, making them look into his eyes.
“Look at me. Don’t yell. Just take a deep breath and get back to work. You can have your break after you’re done.”
This wasn’t the only memory that flew by the current Y/n’s head either.
“Mom, I can’t find my notebook!”
“So? C’mon, stop wasting my time.” She rolled her eyes.
“Huh? Can’t you help me look for it?”
“And why should I? You lost it.”
“And you lost your keys yesterday! Why do I have to help you look for your stuff when you lose it but when I lose stuff, you don’t help me?”
“Because that’s reality. People are unfair and you have to handle problems yourself.”
“But I helped you…”
“That’s your problem then.”
~ Flashback end | Still 3rd person ~
“It must’ve sucked having a dad like that, right?”
Uramichi didn’t respond, knowing they had more to say.
“My parents were always really strict with my academic grades. I never got break and their word was law. So I decided to do just what they wanted. Yeah, sure, it was more extreme but… that didn’t fucking matter. They got even more angry at me. ‘Why won’t you help me find my keys?’ Because you never helped me with anything. ‘Why don’t you just ask us for help?’ Because when I asked, you said that it was nothing and to get over it. ‘Why won’t you hang out with your friends?’ Because you said they’re useless! Nothing mattered! They were never happy with me! It’s to the point they changed everything for my sister yet still treated me the same!”
Kumatani and Usahara awkwardly looked at each other. They never really saw Y/n look so distraught before. In fact, they got more and more concerned as Y/n rambled on and on, words soon becoming incoherent. Uramichi only continued to hug them, feeling a strange sense of comfort holding them.
“That’s way too many expectations. It makes sense why you chose to do that.”
“And they still ask why I’m depressed. They gave me a therapist and right from the 3rd day, they asked why I’m not fixed? Is severe depression supposed to be something fixable like that? NO!”
“That’s actually very angering.”
“And that’s not even the worst of it- They say this whole job is stupid! That I have college degrees and should be doing something with my life! But I- I feel happy here! Even if this job is draining, I get to make some people happy! Why should I give that up?!”
Uramichi could only agree with most of what they said. And honestly, he really did agree with Y/n. Their parents were the type to think they were always in the right, even after having a group talk with their therapist. Now that’s a fixed mindset.
Eventually, Y/n took a quick breath, wiping away their tears and pulling away with a bright yet awkward smile.
“Well, that was a great vent! I think I should call my therapist for an earlier meeting- anyway- Thanks for listening. I hope to never do that again.”
“That’s a quick switch!” Usahara exclaimed.
Uramichi got up as well, putting his hands on their cheeks gently to make them look at his face, rubbing circles with his thumbs.
“What they did was wrong, you know that. Family shouldn’t be the only people you could depend on. Friends are a good thing to have. Hobbies, even if you drop them, are good too. As long as you find some happiness in what you do, it’s ok. So you don’t have to listen to them. Do what you want. Stay here as long as you want.”
“Seriously, please don’t leave me in this hell of a kids show-”
“Here, how about we go out for a drink? I know you don’t usually drink anything alcoholic, so maybe a cafe might be better?”
Y/n blinked owlishly, blushing slightly as they had started to lean forward into his touch. He couldn’t help but squish their cheeks together.
“Uh, sure… When? What time?”
“How about today right now?”
“Yeah, um, sure. Great. Ok, let’s uh… go then…”
“You still have to change out of your clothes.”
“Right! Uh- I’ll be right back!”
Y/n quickly left to the stalls and Usahara crouched down.
“I can’t believe it… Uramichi is actually going on a date…”
“What are you talking about?”
Usahara jumped up, grabbing the gym rat by his sweater and shaking him violently.
“You idiot! Don’t you realize that you just asked Y/n on a date! A DATE! AND THEY ACCEPTED!”
Uramichi’s eyes widened, face going bright red.
“Oh shit, I did-”
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A/N: Would ya look at that! I had enough motivation to type another thing! It's awful but whatever. I'll eventually get something actually romantic on here... hopefully... It's probably not what you expected, sorry... Anyway! Hope you have a good day!
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scmg11 · 3 years
hi!! love your writing, been following u on wattpad for a while! can u please write a florence x reader fic where reader is a singer and just released a love song and when asked in an interview if reader was in a relationship she was just like “lol no i wrote this about my celebrity crush” (florence) and then it blows up and florence finds out? idk what else you can take it from here hehe thanks :)
Florence Pugh x Reader
Mystery girl
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A/N: Thank you for your request! I hope I succeeded in satisfying what you asked! My requests are open so ask away! Don’t forget to tell me what you guys think about this story! Feedback is always nice! 🤓
Warnings: none, just pure fluff.
Word count: 4356 words.
Y/N was on her way to The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon’s theater to perform her new song and for her interview with Jimmy, smiling up while shaking her head when she heard the familiar melody on the radio. Her brand new love song became an hit in almost a week, gaining millions of streams in less than 24 hours. It’s been three weeks since the singer published the song and everyone on Instagram, Twitter and so on was trying to figure out who the brunette wrote the song to. Everyone knew the brown eyed girl was single, she told them on an Instagram live when a fan account asked if she was in a relationship with someone. So the world was curious to know who the current best love song in the industry was about.
The car stopped in front of the theater and the driver let Y/N out, who stopped in front of the awaiting fans, took a couple photos with them and signed a few photos they had with them. She loved her fans dearly, they were the reason she was there after all, so the girl did everything she could to make them feel important. Once inside, the singer was escorted in the changing room to get her ready for makeup and to her dress up. A crew guy told her her performance was scheduled in about 40 minutes so she warmed her voice while her team got her ready.
35 minutes later the brunette came out of the changing room, sporting a fancy suit with really high heels, her hair down in perfect waves and makeup highlighting her brown eyes, just in time for a crew member to put her earbuds in before she got called on stage to perform her song.
During the commercial break she got rid of the earbuds and her makeup artist touched up her lips gloss. She waited patiently her signal to walk out of the back stage, hearing Jimmy present her and then she walked through the red curtain with a big toothy smile on her face and waved at the eager audience standing up and clapping and screaming her name.
"Y/N Y/L/N EVERYBODY! Come sit! How are you?"
"I’m good! I was a bit anxious for my performance to be honest! But it went well, so I’m okay now."
"It went well? It was AMAZING, am I right?" Jimmy asked the crowd and they erupted in a mess of enthusiastic screams and fervent whistles that put a grateful smile on the girl’s face, thanking the people warmly. "See? So your new single, it’s a bop! Everyone loves it!"
"I have to admit I thought it would flop." Y/N told Jimmy earnestly with a grimace on her face and Jimmy fixed her with an incredulous look.
"What? Really?"
"Well yeah, I thought ‘no one is gonna like me gushing about my crush’, but here we are."
"The most streamed song in three weeks, Rolling Stone defined it one of the best love songs of all time and it already went two-times platinum! Only in three weeks!"
"Wait no, only one platinum, my agent told me the news last week, and I still can’t believe it!" Y/N clarified confused at Jimmy’s slip up, but when Jimmy didn’t say anything else and just smiled at her with his signature smile, Y/N gasped loudly and covered her mouth, her eyes watering when a man with her song’s cover framed with a sign reading her song went two-times platinum walked up to her and gave it to her, she couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
"Surprise!" Jimmy told her enthusiastically meanwhile the audience erupted in loud claps and whistles, congratulating her, spreading a warmth throughout the singer’s body.
"This is amazing, oh my god!" She used her pointer finger to wipe away a tear that escaped her left eye, "oh no! I promised to myself not to cry in television!" She quipped causing a laugh to bounce around the room.
"Not bad for thinking it would flop eh?" Jimmy teased her good-naturedly.
"Not bad at all." The singer replied incredulously, still staring at the gift, "I still can’t believe it!"
"We can’t believe you wrote the lyrics and the music all by yourself!"
"Yep! I… I was thinking about this song for a while and at one point I told myself to just let it all out, set my mind free and that’s what came out." She pointed to her song’s cover and smiled brightly.
"Let’s not forget about your perfect voice!" The audience cheered at that and Y/N faintly blushed at the warmth her fans were conveying.
"On a serious note tho, you said you didn’t think about people liking your song…" He trailed off tentatively.
"I did." Y/N answered with a nod.
"And you also said that the song is practically you gushing about your crush."
Y/N groaned covering her face embarrassed and leaning her head back on the couch, hearing Jimmy and the crowd laugh at her reaction, "I did!" She mumbled in her hands, pulling them away when she felt her face was blush free.
"So I have one more question for you… is it true that you wrote a love song about someone?"
"Yes… I mean aren’t the majority of the songs in the music industry about someone?" She tried to deflect the subject, already feeling her face getting warm all over again.
"So who is it about?"
"That wasn’t your question!" She smiled at him and attempted at cracking a joke to distract Jimmy from his probing, effectively making him laugh but he wasn’t relenting.
"Oh c’mon! Tell us!"
"I can’t! She’s probably watching our interview!"
"Oh yeah? Interesting!” Jimmy hummed while rubbing his chin conspiratorially with a small grin and Y/N groaned softly causing the host and the audience to laugh again, “just give us some hints! We want to know the lucky girl who has the privilege to have one of the best love songs talking about her!"
"That’s what I’m trying to avoid honestly." Y/N grimaced awkwardly, scratching the back of her head.
"Why?! You’re a real catch! Anyone would give everything they have to be that girl!" A ton of yelled yes and approving screams came from the crowd, Jimmy pointing at them with a wide smile to prove his point. "Is she someone I had on the show?"
Y/N contemplated her answer, not wanting to say too much about her big fat crush on Florence Pugh, fearing she would read about it and she would hate her. But a couple of innocent hints wouldn’t hurt right? "Yes, once."
"Mh, so I’m assuming you’re friends with her?"
Y/N let out a strained laugh, "I wish! I met her only once! I already considered her my celebrity crush before, but once I met her it became a real big crush!"
"Oh that’s a twist! If you don’t want to tell us who is it, then tell us a little bit about her. What does she look like? Is she in the music industry too? Is she younger or older than you?"
"I’m just sticking to the basics, I don’t want her to find out and hate me for writing a song about her." The crowd let out a loud ‘ow’, "anyway, we’re the same age, she sings but it’s not a singer, and the only thing about I’m gonna say on her looks is that she changed her hair color a few times but now she is blonde and that she has the most mesmerizing green eyes I’ve ever had the privilege to stare into abs the cutest accent." While she talked Y/N had a dreamy look in her eyes and a dumb smile on her lips and Jimmy and the audience stared at her in awe.
"Damn, she’s whipped! Mystery girl, if you’re watching this interview let me tell you, you’re so lucky, she’s a real catch!" Y/N blushed at his words and smiled down at her hands in her lap, playing around with her rings, then Jimmy focused on the next question.
The next day Y/N woke up to her phone buzzing frenetically on her nightstand, groaning at the annoying sound her device was emitting, before deciding to see who was interrupting her sleep. She squinted at the brightness of her display, letting her eyes adjust to the light before focusing on the thousands notifications from Twitter and Instagram. It seemed like her fans watched her interview on Jimmy Fallon and were trying to guess who her celebrity crush was. She chuckled and shook her head at her phone. Damn they’re wild!
She scrolled a bit on Instagram, the majority of the posts were clips of her talking about Florence and her fans guessing who the mystery girl is.
She opened Twitter and gasped, "holy shit! I’m trending!" She snickered while scrolling through her fans’ tweets making their guesses, when breath left her lungs completely at the tweet her eyes laid on, "fuck."
@florencepughswife: guys, it may be Florence! Think about it, everything she said screams Florence! @Florence_Pugh @Y/N.Y/L/N.
The tweet was 20 minutes ago and it already had 20k likes and 10k replies. Fuck, fuck, fuck, shit. She hastily locked her phone and threw the device on her bed like it burned her hands, collapsing on the mattress with a soft thud and groaning in her hands covering her face. If Florence finds out and hates me, I’m going to change my name and escape to Europe.
The day went by pretty quickly, she went in the studio to record a couple of songs for her upcoming album, satisfied with how it was going.
She collapsed on her couch with a contented hum and slid her phone from her back pocket, wanting to control her emails and notifications. She stayed holed up in the studio for hours, forgetting the world outside, so she neglected her phone and forgot all about the ‘guessing who the mystery girl is’ on Twitter, but the reality came crushing down on Y/N when she saw she had thousands of new notification, one of them standing out amongst the others, leaving out of breath and with her heart beating fast in her chest.
@Florence_Pugh: I had my phone buzzing with notifications all day. @Y/N.Y/L/N your fans are saying that I’m the mystery girl you wrote your song about. If it’s true I’m flattered. Hmu for a private show xx.
Y/N stared at her phone bewildered, blinking up at the device but not moving a muscle, afraid that if she moved she would wake up from this dream. Then her phone ringed with an incoming call, making her jump in fear and swear under her breath, then answering the call with a quiet voice, "hello?"
"Shhhh! Mila you just bursted my eardrum!"
"Sorry!" The latina grimaced in regret, "but still!!!! She tweeted you!"
"I was just reading about it. So it wasn’t a dream?"
"It’s all real dumbass! It’s your moment! You have to reply to her!"
"Are you out of your mind?!?! No!" Y/N widened her eyes in fear, "I’m not going to tell the world I wrote that song for her and I’m not going to come clean to her!"
"Why not?! I mean I understand you don’t want to expose yourself to the world, but I think you should tell her. She may like you back."
Y/N snorted at that, "oh yeah, sure."
"I’m not joking. Besides… She asked you for a private show…" Camila trailed off with a mischievous tone, wiggling her eyebrows and even if the brunette couldn’t see her she could picture her doing just that.
"Don’t even start Mila."
"C’mon you’ve been pining for her for a year now! And now you have the opportunity to take her on a date!"
"Who said anything about a date?" Y/N asked making it look like she was still opposing to Camila’s idea, when in fact she was already relenting.
"I did, just now. Reply to her, for me." Y/N could see Camila jut her lip out in her infamous pout at her and rolled her eyes good-naturedly.
"Yess! I want to be your bridesmaid at your wedding!"
"Camila, you’re traveling with your imagination a little bit too far."
"You’ll see and you’ll thank me.” Camila stated confidently, making her friend laugh, “I want to know what she replies to you."
"Okay, bye Mila."
"Bye dummy."
Y/N sighed and opened Twitter, "okay, let’s do this." She clicked on the screen to reply to Florence’s tweet.
@Y/N.Y/L/N: @Florence_Pugh I’m sorry for the amount of notifications! I like being mysterious so I’m not going to anything else, but I’m totally okay for that private show 😉.
Y/N pressed the ‘tweet’ button before she could think about it too much, letting a breath she didn’t know she was holding when the tweet was published.
The tweet was liked, retweeted and replied to by thousands of people in mere seconds and she smirked at her fans freaking out at her replying to Florence.
Her smile dropped when she got a new notification, "holy shit!" She sat up from the bed and started pacing back and forth.
Florence DMed me! Y/N slapped herself to let out of her daze when she stopped her pacing to stare at the opened chat. You dumbass! Do not leave her on read, answer her!
Florence Pugh: Hey cryptic songwriter 😜
Y/N Y/L/N: Hi 🙃
Florence Pugh: Now it’s only the two of us, tell me who is the mystery girl you wrote the song about 😉
Y/N Y/L/N: Straight to the point I see!
Florence Pugh: Well you’ve piqued my curiosity, I want to know if I’m the mystery girl!
Y/N bit her lower lip and contemplated on telling her. I mean, I can tell her. What do I have to lose? If she hates me, we will never talk again and we will go on with our lives forgetting about it. But if she likes me too… no I will not go there and get my hopes up.
"Fuck it, I’m telling her." Y/N said out loud resolutely and started typing a new text.
Y/N Y/L/N: I’ll consider telling you who the mystery girl is after my private show that you so eagerly requested 🤓
Florence Pugh: Really?!?!
Y/N Y/L/N: Yes. If you want to, we can arrange something here in my house. I have a music studio where I can perform my song to you.
Florence Pugh: Like right now?!?!
Y/N Y/L/N: Eager are we?
Florence Pugh: Stop mocking me and answer me Y/L/N!
Y/N smirked and snickered while shaking her head amused, her butterflies going crazy in her stomach and her brain freaking out about the fact that she was texting with her crush.
Y/N Y/L/N: You’re so bossy!
Florence Pugh: I am not!!!
Y/N Y/L/N: You are!!! But I swear I’m not mocking you! Anyway, I just got home from the studio, you can come over whenever you want. Here’s my address, *insert address* 🤓
Florence Pugh: I’ll be there in 20 mins!
Y/N decided to not reply at the text and nodded at the phone, smiling brightly while rereading their convo for a few seconds before reality came crushing down on her. FLORENCE IS COMING HERE! Oh fuck!
Y/N put her nose under her armpit and smelled it, grimacing and running into the bathroom to take a quick shower, discarding clothes on her way to her ensuite. She came out of it 10 minutes later, running into her walk-in closet to choose what to wear. She opted for a pair of black jeans, a plain white t-shirt and a plaid shirt, her hair down in soft waves and wearing light makeup.
She tied her place up a bit and just when she threw her last underwear discarded on the floor in the laundry basket, she heard the doorbell ring, the sound echoing around the silent house.
She turned her head around to fix the door for a few seconds with her heartbeat pounding hard in her ribcage and echoing in her ears. Calm down, act cool and don’t make a fool out of yourself.
She gave herself a pep talk before walking towards the door and opening it, wanting to faint in front of the stunning beauty that was Florence Pugh. She was wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a yellow hoodie, her blonde hair down in perfect curled waves and light makeup. She had a smile that reached her mesmerizing green eyes that Y/N couldn’t help but mirror, "hi Y/N." Her deep voice caused chills to run down Y/N’s spine and she suppressed the shiver that was dangerously ready to come out and spread throughout her body, not wanting to act like a puppy in love. But you are.
"Hi Florence, come in." She stepped aside to let the girl walk in and closed the door, locking it. Y/N swallowed thickly before speaking up once again, "c’mon, my studio is upstairs."
She let Florence sit on the comfy couch in her music studio and started singing. During her performance she didn’t know where else fixing her eyes onto, so she opted on being a little courageous and stared directly into Florence’s eyes, who never let her eyes leave Y/N’s ones and listened intently with a small smile on her lips, tapping her index finger on her thigh to the beat of the song.
When she finished, she turned the speakers off and sat on the chair close to the mixing console.
“You sing really, really good. And your song is beautiful, it became one of my favorites.”
Y/N smiled shyly and thanked her. Y/N wanted to tell Florence so many things but she stayed quiet, not really knowing where to start, so silence engulfed them, but it wasn’t awkward.
“So, you wanna tell me who the mystery girl is now?”
“Mh…” Y/N pretended to think about it, before throwing a smug smirk at the blonde, “nope.”
The actress dropped her mouth open in disbelief, “what?! You promised you would have told me after your private show!”
“I never promised anything and in my text I said that I would have considered it.” Florence jutted her bottom lip out in her distinctive pout and Y/N just right about melted while freaking out at the cute sight she had in front of her.
“Please.” Florence pleaded with a baby voice and Y/N was sure her body combusted and re-assembled together at the same time.
That pout was quickly replaced by Florence Pugh’s million dollars smile and the actress waited patiently for the girl to tell her, hope settling at the base of her stomach. When Y/N just wrung her fingers without speaking up, Florence told her softly, “tell me, just rip it out.” This painful anticipation and the nervous state the brunette was in was giving her so much hope that the actress wanted to walk up to her and kiss her before she could tell her the truth.
“How about I show you?” Florence stared confused at the singer who got up and opened a drawer and pulled out a what the blonde deemed her songs journal, watched her taking a deep breath and walking towards her, then stretching her arm with the hand holding the journal out to her.
“What is this?”
“This is were I write down ideas for potential songs, some lyrics and what I want the song to be about or the melody I imagined in my mind. Go to the last 10 pages and they will satisfy your curiosity.”
With eagerness Florence opened the journal while she felt the girl sit beside her on the couch, their knees touching. With bated breath she flipped through the journal and skimmed her eyes through Y/N’s notes. In the first pages there was a list of her looks, eyes, hair, her dimples and so on, then her personality traits, some of the lyrics that made in the song, some that were new to her and her name scribbled everywhere in the pages with hearts draw beside it. She looked up from the pages and met the brunette’s anxious brown orbs, with their proximity she noticed she had some amber threads in them, making her glued to them.
“So…” Y/N let Florence out of her daze, the blonde’s eyes flicking to her lips briefly before refocusing on those mesmerizing brown hues. Did she just looked at my lips?
“So, I’m the mystery girl. I’m your crush you gushed about in your love song.” Florence spoke out, her voice lower than usual, wrapping her head around this new information while her stomach did somersaults at the implications of this news.
“Oh, you watched my interview.” Y/N looked down shyly, a hand on her chin tore her eyes from her hands playing on her lap and made her meet the actress deep green hues, full of determination.
“I pretty much watch, read and listen to everything you do.” Florence told Y/N earnestly and the singer felt her cheeks warm up at the words.
“Oh, so are you a fan?” Y/N quipped with a soft laugh, that died down in her throat when Florence leaned in just an inch, their faces just a breath apart.
“More like someone who has a crush on you.” Y/N gasped loud enough to be heard from Florence due to their proximity, who chuckled deeply at the reaction. “You don’t even know how over the moon I was when I watched your interview and received a bunch of notifications with your fans and my fans saying it was probably me you were talking about. It was like I was dreaming.”
“I felt the same when you mentioned me in your tweet. I couldn’t believe you didn’t hate at the thought of me writing a song about you. I was ready to change my name and fly out in Europe.”
“Well I don’t hate you, so you don’t need to do that.” Florence chuckled alongside Y/N, their noses touching just a second with the movements their head made while laughing, both hearing the other’s intake of breath at the sensations the touch triggered in their bodies, butterflies flying around their stomaches, shivers running down their spines, skin tingling with anticipation.
“We’re very close.”
“Great use of words darling!” Florence laughed hard and Y/N snorted at her poor use of words and delighting at the wonderful sound coming out of the blonde’s lips. “You seem just fine writing one of the best love songs in the music industry, but now it seems you don’t know how to talk anymore.”
“Well excuse me smarty pants but you being so close to me it’s making me feel my brain mushy and I pretty much think I forgot every word I know. I’m surprised I’m not essentially just mumbling a bunch of incomprensibile words.” Y/N told Florence seriously but the blonde chuckled at the singer freaking out in front of her.
“Just because I act so cool it doesn’t mean I’m not panicking inside my head.”
“Damn you and your acting skills.” Y/N quipped with an angry face, her eyebrows furrowed together and her nose scrunched up and Florence couldn’t resist herself, she kissed the tip of the singer’s nose, the brunette face falling instantly. “I-I-“
“Relax, darling. Breathe.”
“You can’t do that Pugh!”
“Why not?” Florence asked amused at the singer, repeating the gesture and hearing the girl gasp at the contact.
“Because my brain is short-circuiting!”
“So is mine, but I’m trying to act cool.”
“Ugh.” Y/N groaned and leaned their foreheads together.
“So are you going to kiss me or do I have to wait longer?” Florence asked boldly, covering up her blush with nuzzling their noses together to distract the singer.
Y/N perked up at that and smirked mischievously, “well miss Pugh, here’s the deal. I’ll kiss you, if you accept to go out with me on a date, like right now.”
Florence mirrored Y/N’s sly smirk and sneaked her hand on the singer’s nape, massaging her hair softly, hearing the singer humming in satisfaction, “I’ll say yes only if you kiss me.”
Y/N gasped at the brave request but she would punch herself if she denied her crush, especially after what she asked her to do, so with the last sliver of courage, she leaned in and kissed Florence, their lips meeting in a sweet kiss, mouths moving slowly and softly, savoring the other’s taste, both humming happily into the kiss.
They separated a while later to take a needed breath before diving in in a more passionate kiss, changing angle to let their lips touch more deeply, Y/N’s tongue tracing Florence’s lips to ask her to deepen the kiss, the blonde granting it immediately, both moaning softly into the other’s mouths when their tongues met halfway and sliding over each other in a passionate kiss and setting electric sparks throughout their bodies. Florence’s hand in Y/N’s hair gripped her scalp harder to pull the brunette impossibly closer, the other one caressing her cheeks gently - a stark contrast to what was happening in their mouths - while Y/N’s left hand caressed the blonde’s back up and down, the right one stoking slowly the back of her neck, feeling goosebumps appear at the touch and smiling at the feeling, their stomaches full of crazy butterflies flying around and their brains focusing only on the sensations the kiss was triggering within them.
They separated after what felt an eternity to catch their breaths, smiling shyly at the other, noticing their cheeks were flushing red due to the intensity of their kisses. “So it’s a yes? Are we going out on a date?”
“Yes, but it can wait a little bit longer.” Florence plainly said in a low and aroused voice before using her hand that was still in Y/N’s hair to pull her in and kiss her deeply again, Y/N not objecting Florence and meeting the actress halfway to interlock their lips once more.
431 notes · View notes
cocobeanncteez · 5 years
HENDERY- All I Want is You (One-shot)
Genre: Smut, fluff.
Words: 5K
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The luxury nightclub and bar was extremely packed today. People were watching the beautiful view from the 32nd floor of the hotel, drinking, smoking cigarettes and hookah, making out, grinding on each other, dancing the night away—the usual stuff you see at clubs like these. Saturday nights were your favorite because that's when you earned a lot of money.
Being a stripper in the biggest and most luxurious club in China had a lot of pros. You were the best and highest paid stripper at your club, and you loved your job cause you were able to make so much money easily. Your managers, Ten and Kun, were your best friends, so when you told them that you didn't want to do any private strip shows, they agreed. You were lucky that this club had strict rules and amazing security. Plus, they took such good care of all their strippers.
"Coco!" you heard Ten call out your stripper name. "You're up next so hurry up!" You nodded as you took three shots and quickly put on your black stilettos and eye-mask. You made your way to the stage, watching your colleague finish up. She gave you a high-five before you got on stage, hearing the crowd cheer for you over the loud music. You moved your body gracefully around the pole under the flashing red lights, losing yourself to the beats of the music. You first took off your lace top and then your denim shorts, leaving yourself only in your signature black dragon appliqué teddy and your stilettos-that was the maximum you were allowed to strip to. After a good twenty minutes of dancing, you got off the stage, catching your breath and panting.
"Y/N! You were amazing as always!" Kun said, pulling you into a brotherly hug. "Do you have some energy left?"
"A little," you answered, dabbing your sweat with a wet cloth. "Why? Do you want me to go up again?" you asked, secretly hoping he'd say no cause you wanted to go home and get some sleep.
"No, no," he said and you mentally sighed in relief. "I actually wanted you to do a... private show for someone," he said hesitantly, shifting his gaze away from you.
You raised an eyebrow. "You know I don't do private shows. Why don't you ask someone else?"
"Well, he specifically asked for you. Plus, he paid twenty thousand yuan for it so-"
"What?!" you cut him off, your eyes widening in shock. "Twenty thousand?!"
"Yeah, he's a really rich businessman and he's your age."
You gasp in disbelief. "He's only nineteen?!"
Kun nodded."Twenty, actually. Now, will you do it?"
You agreed to do it, not cause you were going to get paid a ton, but cause you were quite curious and interested to see who this young man was who was paying a fuck lot just to personally see you strip in a private room.
"Okay, but if he tries touching me or something-" you start while putting on your clothes, but Kun stops you mid-sentence. "Then you can kick him in the balls and come tell me so I can chuck him out of the club. Simple, Y/N."
You just nod. "Which room?" you ask, fixing your hair and makeup.
"Wong Hendery, VIP room 3," Kun says. "Of course it's the VIP room, why'd I even ask," you say, rolling your eyes, making Kun chuckle.
You made your way to the said room, feeling a little nervous. You've never done a private show for anyone before and you had no idea why this guy couldn't ask for another stripper. You took a deep breath before knocking on the door, and entering when you heard the young businessman yell out a "come in."
You closed the door and turned to approach him, stopping in your tracks at the sight of him.
He looked like a fucking Prince.
You had to blink thrice to make sure that you weren't dreaming and he was real and live in front of your eyes. His dark brown hair was parted to the side and he was dressed in a pair of black ripped jeans and a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket. Hendery kept his gaze on you as he took a sip of his alcohol, and you watched his Adam's apple bob as the liquid ran down his throat.
"Come sit," he said in a deep voice that made you get goosebumps. He patted the space beside him on the white leather sofa. You obeyed and sat next to him, keeping a short but good distance between you and him. "What can I do for you?" you ask, scanning his beautiful face curiously.
Hendery smirked, making your heart skip a beat. "Well, I'm not going to beat around the bush so I'll get straight to the point. I want you to be my girlfriend for a while. I'll pay you for it as well. It's cause my parents are forcing me to get married and won't stop until I have a girlfriend."
You choked on nothing in particular and your eyes widened. "U-Um, what?"
"Oh, did I startle you? My apologies, I shouldn't have been so straight forward," he mumbled politely, giving you a worried look while you just stared at him in disbelief.
"I... no, I'm sorry, you just caught me off guard," you say, mentally cursing yourself to try and get your shit together. "Why me, a stripper, when you could get pretty much any other decent girl to do that?"
"Cause there's something about you that has me so drawn to you, and besides, I know why you work as a stripper," he answers softly, taking a sip of his drink.
You freeze, processing his words. "You... know why I... work as a stripper...?" You were sure only Kun and Ten knew the reason.
He nods. "My mother owns the hospital your little sister is admitted in, Y/N. So yeah, I've seen you a couple of times there." You smile sadly at the mention of your beloved eleven year old sister who was currently battling leukemia. Your parents passed away a year ago when you were just eighteen. Your relatives didn't even want to have anything to do with you and your sister. You couldn't afford to go to college and pay for your ill sister's expensive treatment, so you had no choice but to become a stripper to get money faster.
"So, would you do me the honor, princess?" Hendery asks with a breathtaking smile. You thought about it for a second before nodding. You just have to act as his girlfriend right? What's the worse that could happen?
"So, Mr. Wong, you paid a fuck ton for half an hour, just to ask me to do you a favor?" you ask, raising an eyebrow.
"Yes," he chuckles before smirking. "You can call me Hendery, Y/N."
You just nodded. "Well, since we're here, I'll give you a little show."
"I know you don't do private shows. I don't mind one, but I really don't want you to feel uncomfortable," he says softly, making your heart swell at his thoughtfulness. He was such a gentleman.
"I insist," you say honestly with a smile. "I don't want to earn money like that without doing anything."
He just nods with a smile, watching you get up and walk over to the pole.
You start moving your body around the pole, getting higher up on it. You swayed your body a little more sexier than usual, taking off the first article of clothing slowly, revealing your cleavage. You glance at Hendery who was staring at you with hooded eyes. God, just the sight of him got you so wet. You took off your shorts, leaving yourself in your teddy. You made your way towards him, pulling him up to his feet from the sofa, and making him sit on a chair. You swayed your hips as you moved around him, stroking his arms from behind. You could tell that he works out from his hard flexed muscles. You let your hands roam from the visible curves of your lower ass, all the way to your hair, before squatting down and letting your legs open wide in front of him. You could see his hard bulge straining through his jeans. You touched your clothed core before standing up and straddling his lap, never breaking the eye contact. You dragged your hip along his thigh, grinding down hard on his crotch, causing both of you to moan at the friction. "Fuck, baby," Hendery grunted, throwing his head back. You took his hands and placed them on your ass as you continued grinding down on his length. A knock on the door interrupted you. "Time's up!" you heard Kun say through the door and you mentally pouted in disappoinment. Hendery chuckled and pulled you closer to him. "Do you wanna come over?" he asked sweetly. "Just to talk about everything, of course. I just want to know you better." You nodded eagerly, removing your eye-mask and going to collect your belongings from your locker in the changing rooms, before taking a shower and changing into a flowy dress. You said a quick goodbye to Ten and Kun before skipping to Hendery's side.
"Wow," you whispered, staring at the beautiful view of Beijing at night from Hendery's balcony on the last floor. You were surprised to find that he lived in the same apartment complex as you. There were eight apartment blocks; you lived in the 4th block and he lived in the 7th.
"Enjoying the view?" you heard Hendery ask from behind you. You turned around to look at him, fresh from the shower, wearing grey sweatpants and a black tank that clung to his toned body. God, he still looked amazing in something as simple as this.
"Yeah, the view is beautiful," you say, staring at him. He smiled and nodded, not noticing that the 'view' you referred to was actually him.
"I got some food from the club, let's eat," he said, getting plates and cutlery, setting them down on the small dining table.
You both ate in a comfortable silence, occasionally exchanging a few sentences here and there.
"Wine's okay with you?" he asked after you finished eating and you nodded with a smile. "Yeah, wine is my favorite."
You both sat on his sofa, drinking and talking about your pasts, how life is at present, and what you want to do in the future. He was so easy to get along with; he made you feel so comfortable. After an hour, you were giggling uncontrollably at pretty much everything he said, clearly drunk. Hendery, on the other hand, was sober enough. He had good alcohol tolerance, unlike you. At some point, you were in his arms, nearly passing out from how sleepy you were. You felt him lift you up bridal-style and carry you to a room, gently laying you down on the bed and putting a blanket over you. The last thing you heard him say was "goodnight, beautiful," before he switched off the lights.
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A month passed and you and Hendery were super close. He was really caring and considerate, and had such a wonderful personality. He had a great sense of humor as well. You learned that his father was the founder and CEO of Wong Enterprises Inc. and dealt with the main branch in Macau, while Hendery took care of the branch here in Beijing. 
You were on your way to his company's luxury building, excited to hear the news he was planning on telling you today. 
"Good morning, is Mr. Wong in his office?" you ask the receptionist.
"May I know your name?" she asked.
"Lin Y/N."
"Ah, Ms. Lin! He's currently in a meeting, but he told me to tell you to wait in his office once you arrive," she informed with a smile. "You can take the elevator to the 28th floor." You nod and thank her, before taking the elevator.
Hendery's private office was impressive, having floor to ceiling windows with a beautiful view of the Hai River. You took a seat on the black leather sofa, scrolling through your social media while you waited for him.
"Hey, I hope I didn't make you wait too long," Hendery said politely, placing his laptop on his desk. You noticed that he was pretty tired and stressed.
"Not long, I got here a while ago," you say, keeping your phone away. "Bad meeting?"
"Yeah, it was so difficult to deal with those people," he says with a sigh, taking off his blazer and loosening his tie. He laid down on the couch with his head on your lap. "They disagreed with almost everything my team and I said. So annoying!"
You ran your hands through his soft brown hair, knowing that it would calm him. After a few minutes, he suddenly sat up with a huge ear-to-ear grin on his face, forgetting that he was annoyed a moment ago. "I almost forgot! You're my date for the business ball tomorrow night, Y/N!" he said cheerfully like a child.
"A business ball? I've never been to one, of course. What do I have to do?" you ask, biting your lip nervously.
"You don't have to do anything," he chuckles, "You just have to stand beside me while I introduce you as my girlfriend to various people."
"Put these on," she said, handing you a gown, wedges, and some jewelry. After you wore the gown, you gasped. It was absolutely beautiful. It was an off-shoulder navy blue mermaid gown that hugged your curves perfectly.
"Wow," you whispered, staring at yourself in the mirror. Hendery hired a professional makeup artist to do your makeup and hair. She did a simple yet elegant look on you, and curled your hair.
"Mr. Wong had it custom made for you," she said with a smile, making you gasp and blush. "He did?"
"Yes," she chuckled before helping you wear the jewelry and making sure everything was in place.
You were meeting Hendery directly at the venue as he had an important meeting. As soon as you stepped out of the car he sent for you, you felt really nervous.
 But once you saw him standing at the top of stairs, looking like an absolute Prince in his black Louis Vuitton suit, you didn't feel nervous anymore. 
You made your way up to him, never breaking the eye contact. He took your hand and kissed the back of it. "You look stunning, Ms. Lin."
You blushed, feeling the butterflies go crazy in your stomach. "Thank you, you do too, Mr. Wong." He chuckled and took your hand, leading you inside.
Your eyes widened when you saw how big the hall was. There were a lot of people, certainly more than you expected. You noticed several people were looking at you, obviously wondering who you were. You started to feel a little insecure, wondering if you looked good enough next to Hendery. You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Hendery say, "Yeah, this is my girl. Y/N, this is Wong Lucas and his girlfriend, Song Yuqi."
"Hello," you say politely, shaking both of their hands. Lucas looked like as if he was perfectly sculpted by the Greek Gods, and so did Yuqi.
"Ah, I see finally my baby brother got some good taste. The previous one was seriously such a bitch," Lucas said, grinning from ear to ear. You chuckled at that, remembering how a drunk Hendery ranted about his materialistic ex-girlfriend.
"Baby brother?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah, we're cousins," Lucas said, making you mentally agree that they were seriously blessed with amazing genes. "I'm not surprised that he didn't tell you."
"I didn't cause I knew you would meet her today," Hendery said with a shrug.
After many more introductions and small conversations, some businessmen were talking to Hendery while you conversed with Yuqi and Lucas. Lucas even invited you for his birthday party next week. You excused yourself to go get a drink after you exchanged numbers with the couple.
You made small talk with two women at the bar while you sipped on delicious aged wine. You noticed Hendery was at the other side of the hall, talking to another girl. He looked like he was stuck and fed-up, so you immediately made your way towards him.
"Hey, love, I was searching for you," you say and peck his lips-for the very first time- right in front of the girl. Of course, sober you wouldn't do that as much as you wanted to.
Hendery was shocked, but he played it cool, masking his shock perfectly. "Hey, babe," he smiled, eyes sparkling.
"Hendery, who is she?" the girl asked, clearly annoyed, folding her hands over her chest and looking at you in disgust.
"I'm his girlfriend, are you blind?" you roll your eyes at her, intertwining your hand with his. The girl just gave you a sharp death glare and left, making Hendery chuckle.
"Thanks for saving me," he smirked, "You know, you're so cute when you're jealous."
"I'm not jealous," you lied.
"You are."
"Admit it."
"Okay, fine, a little," you say with a pout, immediately giggling after that.
Hendery could immediately make out that you were getting a little drunk. "How much did you drink, Y/N?"
"I don't know," you answer, "Maybe three or four glasses? The wine was amazing."
He shook his head, letting out a chuckle that sounded like music to your ears. "We're leaving now. I'm driving," he said, taking your hand and pulling you outside.
"Thanks for dropping me home, Hendery," you giggle, holding onto the bedroom door.
"We're actually in my apartment, but yeah, it's yours too," he said with a grin.
Your back pressed against the bedroom door, and you put your arms around his neck, pulling him close to you. He visibly gulped, making you smirk at the effect you had on him for something as small as this. "Have I have told you that you look like an absolute God?"
He laughed, amused at how different and random you are when drunk. "You did now."
"It's hard to believe that you exist," you giggle, caressing the soft skin of his cheek with the pad of your thumb. "You're ethereal, Hendery."
He chuckles, cheeks turning into a shade of pink. You loved seeing him get all flustered, knowing that you were the reason.
Your eyes scanned every inch of his perfect face before landing on his plump pink lips. You involuntarily licked your own lips, catching Hendery's attention. His eyes darted between your lips and your eyes.
You pulled him closer and finally crashed your lips onto his. Hendery kissed you back immediately, hands moving to your waist. Your hands were in his soft hair, tugging on it. You broke the kiss and moved your lips along his sharp jawline before settling on his neck, sucking and biting the soft skin, leaving a pretty purplish-red mark. Hendery's grip on your waist tightened as you brought your lips back onto his.
"Get me out of this," you whined against his lips, referring to your gown.
"As much as I'd love to, I can't do that today," Hendery said, leaning his forehead against yours.
You frown, slightly hurt from the rejection. "Why?"
"You're drunk," he stated softly, "I won't take advantage of you, baby."
"Okay," you whisper, feeling the butterflies go insane with that one simple word: baby.
"Let's get you to bed, yeah?" he said and kissed your forehead.
You woke up hungover and slightly startled at the fact that you were in Hendery's bed, clad with only your panties and his t-shirt. You downed the pills he left for you on his beside table before you made your way to his bathroom. You had a few of your toiletries here from all the sleepovers you've had at Hendery's apartment, despite living in the same area.
After you took a shower and finished your morning routine, you pulled on one of Hendery's hoodies, tying your hair into a messy bun. You went to the living room where Hendery was watching TV.
"Good morning," he said with his usual bright smile, looking at you from head to toe. He loved seeing you in his clothes. "Slept well?"
"Yeah," you said, sitting beside him on the couch. He handed you a granola bar after unwrapping it.
That's when you noticed the nice big mark on his neck.
"Who gave you that?" you asked, feeling quite hurt.
"What? Oh, this," he says, pointing to the hickey, "You, of course."
Your eyes widened. "What? Me...?" You felt the heat rise up to your cheeks.
"You don't remember what happened last night," Hendery stated with a playful smile.
"No..." you murmur, leaning back on the couch as Hendery came closer and closer to you until he was hovering over you.
"Well, let me show you," he smirks sexily, before crashing his lips onto yours.
You kissed him back immediately, your hands involuntarily moving around his neck, trying to pull him even closer to you.
After a minute, he broke the kiss and sat up, pulling you onto his lap.
"Do you remember now?" He whispered.
"No," you say, straddling his lap and pressing your lips to his. He was extremely shocked at your unexpected bold move, considering you were a hundred percent sober right now.
His hands slipped under his hoodie that you were wearing, feeling the bare skin of your abdomen, before smiling when he noticed that you had no bra on. He rolled your nipples with his thumbs, causing you to grind on his hard on. He moaned into the kiss, and you took that opportunity to slide your tongue into his mouth. His hands moved down your body to grab your ass as you continued grinding on him. You moaned when he started helping you move faster on him, loving the friction. He broke the kiss, squeezing your ass as his face scrunched up, releasing himself in his sweatpants with the sweetest sound you've ever heard.
His hands toyed with the waistband of your panties as he looked up at you for approval. You nod and he wastes no time in pushing them to the side, slipping a finger into your soaking core. You gasp when he adds another finger, feeling your walls immediately clench around it. He moves his fingers in and out of you, watching how you moan and scrunch your eyes at the feeling.
"I'm c-close," you moan out, grinding onto his fingers. He pumps faster and rubs your clit in circular motions, making you throw your head back, moaning loudly, as you cum all over his fingers.
He never broke the eye-contact as he slid his fingers out of you and put them in his mouth, licking them clean.
You hid your face in the crook of his neck, slightly embarrassed from what just took place. He chuckled as he kissed your head. "Stay here, I'm gonna go wash up."
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You were having dinner at a luxurious hotel, celebrating Xuxi's birthday. You noticed that Hendery was fidgeting around a lot. Of course, you knew why. 
The moment he saw you step out of Yuqi's room after she did your hair and makeup, wearing a short tight black dress that revealed a good amount of skin, you knew he was whipped and wanted to fuck you right there.
He was trying to be patient, but his patience was running out fast.
Finally, after everyone finished dinner and said their goodbyes, Hendery took your hand and pulled you to the elevator of the hotel to go to your room. Lucas had booked a room for you guys, saying that it was his birthday tradition to stay a night in a hotel. Hendery unlocked the door with the room key, closing it behind him and pushing you against it once you both took your respective footwear off.
"You drive me fucking crazy, princess. I want you so bad. Fuck, all I want is you."
"I'm all yours," you whisper, looking up at him through your long lashes. He took your hand and led you to the bed, settling in the middle and pulling you on top of him so that you were straddling his lap. He pulled you down to his level and crashed his lips onto yours. God, he was an amazing kisser. He sat up, never breaking the kiss, so that you could take off his leather jacket and his t-shirt. In one swift motion, he pulled your dress off, leaving you in just a pair of your thin lace panties. He broke the kiss to look at your almost naked body for the first time. "You're so beautiful," he whispers in amazement, eyes full of love. You loved how his eyes roamed all over your body.
"Can I touch you, Y/N?" he asks and you immediately approve. "Yes, please."
His hands cupped your boobs before one of them trailed to your dripping core. He moved his index finger over the wet patch of the thin lace, his eyes widened. "Fuck, baby, you're soaking wet for me," he says, pecking your lips.
"I want to ride you now," you say before unzipping his jeans and pulling it down with his briefs. He kicked them off and cursed when he felt your warm hands on his hard length, stroking him.
"Are you sure? I haven't prepped you."
"I'm alright."
"I don't have a condom on me, so I'm going to have to pull out. Is that okay with you, princess?" he asks and you nod before lining him up with your entrance and immediately sinking down on him. 
It had been so long since you had sex, so the stretch was a little painful. He grunted loudly, feeling your walls clench around him. "Fuck, you're so tight!" you smirked at his words as you slowly began to bounce on him, feeling the pain turn to pleasure. He loved the way your boobs bounced and the way you threw your head back, moaning his name. He grabbed your ass, helping you move faster and harder on him. "Fuck, baby, you take me so well!" 
He sat up, still moving you on him, until your boobs were right in front of his pretty face. He kissed the space between your breasts before taking one nipple in his mouth, sucking it gently and licking it, while rolling your other nipple, making you moan loudly. You fingers found your way to his hair, tugging on it. He left your nipples for your soft lips, kissing you hungrily. A particular thrust made you moan and he took that opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. His hands massaged your boobs, before he broke the kiss. 
"Come for me, babygirl," he says, rolling your clit in circular motions with his thumb. Your legs begin to shake and you feel yourself approaching your high. 
"Hendery! Fuck!" you yell, throwing your head back as you came all over Hendery's cock. He thrusted into you a few more times before he flipped you onto your back and pulled out, spilling his cum on your stomach. He pumped himself a few more times, milking himself dry before he collapsed on you. He looked up at you and smirked at your fucked-out expression. 
He leaned in to kiss you gently, stroking your cheeks with his thumb. "That was amazing," he says with a breathtaking smile, making the butterflies in your stomach turn wild. You hum in approval, running your hand through his messy hair.
"I'm taking you out on a date tomorrow. But for now, shower with me?" he asks cutely, and of course, you couldn't say no.
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kulabutterfly · 4 years
Joy Package: Cabin By The Lake (M) PJM
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Joy package are stories that consist of 3 main characters which are Seokjin, Jungkook and Jimin. They were in a band called Black Swan, Jimin as a vocalist, Seokjin as their guitarist and song-writer, Jungkook as their basist.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Fluff, Smut
Synopsis: It’s been a month since you dated Jimin and he invited you to join him and his band mates for a retreat.
A/N: Idek if people would actually read this or nah but this is kinda the first time I tried to write something and I’m soo sorry for all the mistakes. Also you can read: Joy Package: Toxic What?
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It’s been a month and a week since me and Jimin started dating. He was my first ever boyfriend and he was so sweet and every time I’m with him, it’s like, I’m in the cloud. I’m so happy I could die.
“Minjoo-ya, is it weird?” Minjoo was eating her cereal very slowly, daydreaming about I don’t know what.
“Bitch!” I called out for her again and she jolted.
“What?” She groaned annoyingly.
“It’s like a month since I dated Jimin, and we still haven’t kiss yet.” I pouted as I sat on the chair in front of her.
“No shit, I thought you guys have fuck?” She laughed, “You’ve been so annoying and act so lovey dovey. How are you guys still not kissing yet?”
“We’re shy. Also, I don’t know if he’s up to that.”
Minjoo pursed her lips awkwardly, and whispered even though no one’s there to listen, “run bitch.. run..”
“I love him for who he is!! It’s okay even if we won’t kiss.” But I wonder how Jimin tasted like…
“Whatever floats your boat, girl.” She stood up and took away her empty bowl of cereal to the sink.
I felt a vibrate on my hands, it was Jimin texting me. I automatically smile as I read his messages.
Jiminnie💓: Baby
Jiminnie💓: Me and jin hyung decided that we should go for a retreat for our band
Jiminnie💓: you know, like an MT
Jimminie💓: do you want to join us?
Jiminnie💓: pls say yes 🥺🥺🥺
Jiminnie💓: everyone’s bringing their girlfriends
Jiminnie💓: u should invite minjoo too
Jiminnie💓: cause jin hyung would be alone and i dont want him to disturb us
Jiminnie💓: baby where you attt?
Me: im hereeee
Me: sounds fun! I never went to an MT before
Me: okayy i’ll ask minjoo too when is it??
Jiminnie💓: this saturday
Jiminnie💓: pls say youre free 🥺🥺🥺🥺
Me: hahaha yes im free
Me: but idk abt minjoo
Me: i’ll ask her!
Jiminnie💓: okay baby! 
Jiminnie💓: imma go practice!
“Minjoo-ya” I turned to look at the kitchen sink and she wasn’t there so I stood up and looked around.
After wandering for a few minutes I saw Minjoo on the balcony talking on the phone so I guess I’ll just ask her later.
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“Ssup.” Minjoo says as she flopped on the couch beside me.
“Who’s calling you?” I asked, shove a grabful of popcorns inside my mouth.
“Taehyung.” She shrugged. “Ask me to follow him to somewhere.”
“Somewhere where?” 
“I don’t even know.” She answered short.
“Oh bish, Jimin invited us to join him for a retreat.” I turned to look at her, my eyes glowing.
She looked at me weirdly, frowning. “Me too? Because?”
“Because you’re my best friend and he doesn't want you to be alone on the weekend.”
She faked a smile, “aw what a thoughtful boyfriend you had.” And rolled her eyes. “Thank you for the offer, but I really don’t want to be a third wheeler.”
“Noooo you won’t be! Seokjin will be there too.” I pouted, “Minjoo pleaseee.” 
“More reasons for me to not go.”
“What? Bitch, it’s Seokjin. He’s single.”
“So what? No! He’s going to think I’m a freak.” She sighed, “also, I’ve promised Taehyung I’ll follow him.”
“What?? Nooo. Going where??”
“His bandmates rent this cabin by the lake or something.” She shrugged.
“Taehyung was in a band? Since when?”
“He just got accepted last month. As a drummer.” Minjoo says as she scrolls her phone. “Have fun with Jimin, bish.” She then smirked. “This is probably the time.”
“Bish…” I whined, “I can’t do this without you. I’m nervous. Cancel on Taehyung please? Come with me instead.”
“Bitch what the fuck? Don’t be disgusting and go find some cute undies!”
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Jiminnie💓: Baby, you ready?
Jiminnie💓: we’re outside now
Me: oh yeah I’m coming!
I grabbed my luggage and ran to the entrance door, “Minjoo!!!! I’m leaving! See you on Sunday!!”
As soon as I reached the lobby, my eyes wandering looking for Jimin’s car.
“Baby! Here!” 
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Oh my God. He’s so shining, I’m going to be blind. I jumped happily as I walked toward where he was.
“Good morning!” I said as soon as I saw him. He opened the door for me and we both sat on the back passenger’s seats.
“Morning, baby.” He said and kissed my cheek slightly, making me blush. It’s been like 5 weeks since our first date, we’re still on early stage so a simple action like a kiss on the cheek could still make my heart beat like crazy.
I noticed Jin sitting alone in the front and I whisper to Jimin, “Is it okay if we both sit at the back? How about Jin?”
“I wanna be with you now,” he pouted. “He won’t leave me alone when we reach the cabin later.”
“We’re going to the cabin?” I asked Jimin and he nodded.
“Yeah, Jin hyung’s cabin. It’s so pretty, baby. And it’s by the lake.”
“It’s Jin’s cabin?”
“I mean, it is his parents’ but they rented it out for whoever wants to chill there. Don’t worry. I’ll make sure we get to stay on their master.”
The journey to Jin’s cabin took about 2 hours. We don’t really say anything. Jimin fell asleep about an hour later, his head leaned on my shoulder. He was so cute and I can’t stop looking at his little pout as he slept.
Jin was quiet as usual. Sometimes he would yawn and sometimes he would sing very very quietly. To be honest, I don’t know why he’s single. Well, he’s not as hyper as Jimin but he’s very good looking and I could tell that he’s nice. Ugh, if only the blind date could work out between Minjoo and Seokjin. She’d be here with us now!
We arrived at the cabin about 2 hours later, and just like what Jimin said, it was so beautiful. The lake is so clear, the porch was so cozy, and the inside was absolutely amazing. It was very very spacious and Jimin managed to get us to stay in Jin's master bedroom. He was so fast, like, as soon as we arrived, he grabbed our luggages and just shoved everything inside the bedroom. Seokjin just rolled his eyes and put his luggage in the second bedroom, near the living room.
While waiting for Jimin’s other friends to arrive, me and Jimin chilled in the living room, watching some cartoons. Seokjin was sitting on the couch near the entrance door, probably writing some lyrics.
Spending time with Jimin makes me happy but at the same time, I was nervous cause this is the first time that I’ll be meeting Jimin’s friends. Well, other than Seokjin cause he was there during me and Jimin first meeting. Other than him, I don’t know anyone. What if they don’t like me? What if their girlfriends gang up and decided to just outcast me or something? Ugh, if only Minjoo and Seokjin liked each other!
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I heard someone coming from the porch and Seokjin went to get the door. After not less than 15 seconds later, I heard gasps and Jimin got up to see who it was.
“Wait, you guys know each other?”
I squinted to see clearly and what the fuck? “Minjoo?!” I gasped. “Bitch! What are you doing here? I thought you’re with Tae-” I turned to look at her side and saw Taehyung looking at me too. 
“Eh? Minjoo’s housemate?! You’re here too?” Taehyung said as he saw me. “Oh my God, you’re Jimin's new girlfriend?!”
“Shut up, Tae!” Jimin and Minjoo said simultaneously and Taehyung pursed his lips. 
“Bish, I’m glad you’re here.” I whined as I pulled Minjoo inside and hug her. “I didn’t know that Taehyung’s your boyfriend.” I say as we both flopped on the couch at the living room.
“He wasn’t! I told you, he wanted me to go with him cause all of his bandmates are going to bring their girlfriends along.” She rolled her eyes, “Where’s Seokjin’s girlfriend?” She whispered.
“Well,” I shrugged, “you were supposed to be his girlfriend, but oh well.”
“Bitch what the fuck he don’t even like me!”
“Minjoo, you don’t even know that.”
“Oh yeah? Then what makes you think you know that?” she raises both of her brows.
“Just a feeling.”
“Feeling my ass.”
As we were talking, Taehyung, Jimin and Seokjin were in the kitchen, preparing for lunch. Jimin told us to just sit and do nothing and that they would prepare for everything. We both heard a noise outside, and we figured that must be Jungkook. Minjoo walked to the entrance door upon hearing someone stepping on our porch and I followed her from the back.
“Jungkook’s here?” Taehyung asked out of nowhere and I nodded. He then proceeded to follow me from behind.
“Jungkook-ah, what takes you so long-”, Taehyung says as Minjoo open the door, “Miss B?” He frowned as soon as he laid eyes on Jungkook’s girlfriend. Minjoo and me were speechless as we just stared at the girl.
“What are you guys doing here?” Hyewon questioned us, she removed her sunglasses.
“You guys know each other?” Jungkook looked at us and Hyewon back and forth.
“Holy pineapple! Minjoo, I’m scared.” Taehyung tapped on Minjoo’s shoulder and she rolled her eyes.
“We’re roommates,” Minjoo says and Hyewon shrugs.
I finally came into my senses and pulled Hyewon into her embrace and hugged her, tightly! “Yay! We’re all here! Oh my God!!” She screamed. “This is the best MT ever!”
“Wait,” Hyewon pushed me away and looked at Taehyung, “What’s Miss B?”
Taehyung shrugged while pursing his lips, and quickly ran off to the kitchen making Hyewon roll her eyes.
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Most of us just sit around and chat. Me and the girls talked a lot while they guys were outside doing I don’t know what. It’s mostly Jimin forcing Taehyung and Jungkook out, playing badminton or volleyball. I don’t really care.
Seokjin was inside though, he’s at the kitchen, writing on his notes. Probably lyrics. 
“Minjoo, bish, why don’t you go and talk to him?” I move both of my eyebrows up and down, grinning.
“Why the fuck would I?” Minjoo says, rolling her eyes.
“Come on, Minjoo. He’s so hot and single.”
Hyewon scoffed, “Jin is hot and single. But he’s not available.” she shrugged.
“You know him that well?” I asked Hyewon and she nodded.
“I mean, I’ve known them for like 2 years? But damn, Jin was hard.” Hyewon says, “He has a lot of admirers but accepted none of them. I bet he’s a virgin.” She laughed.
“Jimin? Do you know how Jimin was before?” I asked and she nodded.
“Well, partly.” She shrugged. “I know that his ex-girlfriend cheated on him for some other guy.”
“Jimin’s a nice guy. Don’t worry. He may be a little bit too hyper so sometimes he’s kinda annoying, but oh well.” She shrugged again.
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Seokjin cooked us bolognese for dinner and it was so good. Reminds me of my hometown. We were all now chilling in the living room, 
“We brought beers.” Jimin says as he placed dozens of beers followed by Jungkook at the back with more beers.
“That’s a lot of beers…” Minjoo says under her breath, quietly.
“Everyone can have this except Minjoo.” Taehyung remarks and everyone was looking at him weirdly.
Oh yeah, remember when Minjoo got drunk and made Hyewon give me giant ass hickey? Gosh.
“Ya, why are you deciding for her? Minjoo, don’t listen to her, let’s just drink.” Jimin says and Minjoo smiled faintly.
“No, she can’t have any of this. She does weird things when she’s drunk!” Taehyung pouted and Minjoo kicked Taehyung’s waist to shut him up.
“I wonder what they are.” Hyewon smirks.
“I want to see what Minjoo will do when she’s drunk. Let her drink, hyung.” Jungkook says as well, also smirking.
“No” Taehyung insist.
“Hey Minjoo, don’t be lame.” Hyewon nudged Minjoo’s waist and Minjoo rolled her eyes.
“Whatever.” She says.
“No, Minjoo. I won’t let you-”
“Shut up, Tae.” Minjoo sighed. “Let’s just get over this.”
“Ooh! Let’s play truth or dare!” Jimin suggested and Taehyung screamed, “No!! We’re not playing that!”
“Mr Boyfriend, you can leave if you don’t want to play, just don’t ruin our fun.” Hyewon rolled her eyes.
“I told you, I’m not Minjoo’s boy-”
“Whatever.” Hyewon cut her off, showed her palm to Taehyung signalling her to stop talking.
“You’re Miss Bitchy.” Taehyung said back.
“Truth or dare it is!” Jimin squealed as he sipped on the beer.
“Okay, who’s going to start?” I asked and Jimin raised his hand.
“I’ll start. Hmm, I choose,” He paused, looked at me, and smiled. “Y/N. Truth or dare?”
“Uhh. truth.”
“Okay, hmm. Why are you so beautiful?” 
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“Ugh! Get a fucking room!” Taehyung groaned in annoyance.
“Answer the question or you’ll have to be punished.” Jimin smirk.
“Uhm.. I was born with it.” I blushed.
“Move on please, next!” Jungkook says.
“ I choose.. Hmm.. “ I paused for a few moments. “Seokjin!” He was shook upon hearing his name being called as he was just minding his own business. “Truth or dare?”
“I don’t want to play.”
“Hyung..” Jimin whined. “Truth or dare!”
Seokjin rolled his eyes. “Truth.”
“Okay! Are you a virgin?” He widened his eyes and the boys laughed at the question I asked. I mean, I was curious cause he was so good looking. And Hyewon says he is a virgin so I wanted to confirm. There is no way this hotie’s a virgin.
“Do I look like I am?” Seokjin asked me back and I stuttered, “N-no?”
“There you go.” He shrugged. 
“Okay, Jin hyung! Choose!”
“Hm, Jungkook.”
“Dare!” Jungkook screamed. “A man should always choose dare!”
“I dare you to stop touching Hyewon in front of us. It’s very disturbing.”
Everyone laughed except for Jungkook and Hyewon. “That’s not fair, hyung!”
“A man always chooses a dare.” Seokjin mocked him and Jungkook stomped his feet, angry.
“Anyway, I choose-” he paused, listening to Hyewon that was smirking and whispering at him.
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Okay, Minjoo.” He continued. “Truth or dare?”
“Okay, take a one shot of beer! The whole can.”
Ohh fuck.
“Whatever.” She say as sip on a whole can of beer,
“Jungkook-ah!” Taehyung yelled out annoyingly and Jungkook shrugged. Still smirking.
“My turn.” Minjoo says, rather calmly. “Hm.. Hyewon..”
“Truth or dare?”
“Why are you such a bitch?” She asked, her eyes slowly drifting out of focus.
“Minjoo and her damn repetitive questions!” Hyewon rolled her eyes. “Because this is who I am. Now it's my turn, Mr Boyfriend!”
“I’m not her boyfriend!” Taehyung groaned.
“I don’t care. Truth or dare?”
“Kiss Minjoo.”
“What the fuck Hyewon! Why are you always like this all the time!” Taehyung groaned.
Hyewon shrugged, “do it!”
Taehyung sighed as he went toward Minjoo, Minjoo was looking at him, emotionless. He kissed Minjoo on the forehead, earning an angry yell from Hyewon.
“You didn’t say where!” Taehyung pulled out a tongue at her and she rolled her eyes.
“I choose.. hmm Jimin.” Taehyung says, “Truth or dare?”
“Hm dare.”
“I dare you to spell Y/N’s name with your butt.”
“Taehyung-ah that’s so embarrassing.” He kicked Taehyung’s knees.
“A dare is a dare”
Jimin complained but still getting up, he was pouting as he looked at me and said sorry. Then, he did it. He spelled my name with his butt. I laughed. It was so cute.
The games go on quite innocently, to my surprised until I turned to look at Minjoo who’s already on her third can of beer and she looked tipsy as fuck.
It’s Hyewon turns again and fuck. I don’t know why, I’m scared whenever it’s her turn. She always… ask us to do weird things.
“Minjoo.” She said as she smirked. Damn this would be it. Minjoo looked at her, still emotionless. “Truth or dare?”
“You’re lame. Choose dare.”
“Fucking choose dare!”
“Ugh whatever.” Minjoo massaged her temple.
“Choose any guys of your choice, and give them hickey.” She smiled. “Any guys.”
“Am I included too?” Jungkook asked and Hyewon rolled her eyes, “yeah fucker.” And Jungkook smiled.
“Any guy?” She looked at Hyewon and Hyewon nodded.
“Well, except Mr. Boyfriend.” Hyewon laughed. “That would be lame.”
Oh Lord, I haven’t even given Jimin my love bites yet please don’t choose Jimin.
“Just walked to him without saying anything and just attack his neck and suck.” Hyewon added, still laughing.
Minjoo started to roam her eyes, looking at each guy carefully, but still, emotionlessly.
“Fast Minjoo. Do it.”
She looked at Jungkook who’s already looking at her while smirking and then she frowned and turned away to look at Jimin who’s sitting beside me. He was not even looking at her. And then she turned to her front and saw Taehyung on the floor. He was just sitting there, pursing his lips and she tilted her head. Probably thinking of something.
“I said except not Mr. Boyfriend!” Hyewon hissed.
“Who’s Mr. Boyfriend?” Minjoo ask her back, still confused. “I don’t have a boyfriend.”
“Kim Taehyung!” Jungkook answered for her, “Anyone except Kim Taehyung.”
“Oh.” she turned her head towards the end of the couch and saw Seokjin. He was looking at her, and she shifted her gaze towards his neck. 
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Minjoo's body then moved towards Seokjin and we all gasped. Seokjin blinks his eyes a few times and then she just- go to his neck, and peck a little before pulling away.
“A hickey Minjoo! Not touch it with your lips!” Hyewon groaned.
She pulled away, looking away from Seokjin who’s already red. “I- I don’t know how to do that..”
Taehyung went towards her as he tried to pull Minjoo away from Jin as well but Hyewon stopped him, “Leave her alone!” She yelled. “Minjoo, just fucking suck his neck until you taste blood.”
“What?!” she looked at Hyewon in disgust. “Wouldn’t it be hurt for him?”
“No, it won’t”
“I don’t want to taste blood.” She whined.
“Well, suck to be you.”
“Ugh” she groaned, as she turned back to Seokjin. He was just there, not moving. Minjoo moved closer again to his neck, slowly, and pulled out her tongue and kitten-licked one part of his neck, and that’s when he- uhh- he started to breath sharply. After a few licks, she went in and sucked his neck slowly, and then after a few moments, she suddenly got on Seokjin’s lap and grabbed his neck and shoulder. Seokjin’s breath was getting heavier that one might mistake it for a moan. 
Minjoo was still, weirdly, on Seokjin’s neck when suddenly she was being pulled away by Taehyung. I guess she felt so mad at the loss of touch cause then she started to cry and struggled to escape from Taehyung’s arms.
“No! Let me go!” She cried and Taehyung hugged her, tightly, “enough Minjoo. You’re drunk. Let’s sleep.”
“No I want that! Let me go!” 
“Minjoo! Let’s go!” He yelled as he dragged her to their shared bedroom, “You guys continue.” He said.
“Minjoo is so drunk.” Jungkook says as Taehyung dragged Minjoo away to their room.
“Well, not as drunk as she was before.” Hyewon shrugged and started to kiss Jungkook's neck. “You’re disappointed that she didn’t choose you, baby?”
Jungkook  shrugged, “well, kinda. I mean, we all know I’m the hottest here.”
Jimin scoffed upon hearing what the maknae said, “obviously she didn’t think that.”
“Says the one who’s avoiding her cause you’re scared of your girlfriend.”
“Shut up, there's a difference between scared and love, okay?” 
I pursed my lips, and almost blushing when I heard Jimin said the “love” word.
“Whatever. Hyewon, let’s go.” Jungkook grabbed Hyewon’s wrist, “I know what else can we do other than this stupid game.” He smirked.
And they walked away.
Seokjin stood up and grabbed his notes and guitar, “I’ll be at the porch.”
“Y/N, do you want to shower first?” Jimin asked me and I shook my head.
“You can take shower first, Jimin. I need to call my mum.” I said and he nodded.
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“Y/N, you can shower now,” Jimin said as he entered our shared bathroom in a robe.
“O-okay.” I say, quickly ran out to the bathroom, leaving Jimin in a robe without looking back. Gosh he’s making me blushing, he’s so hot!
I was halfway showering when I realized I forgot my towel and underwear. I finishing shower and figured how the fuck would I reach to the bedroom without them.
I peek outside the bathroom, Jin is still outside, Jungkook and Hyewon in their room, same goes with Minjoo and Taehyung. Welp. Whatever I guess? I’ll just cover my body with my dirty clothes.
“So C-cold,” I managed to get out as I raced to the bedroom, stopping suddenly at the sight of Jimin, standing only in his briefs.
Jimin smiled as he spread open a giant towel. “Come here.”
I went to him gladly as he wrapped the towel around me, then grabbed another towel to put on my head. He moved me to the cushions he had spread out on the floor near the heater and couch.
“Oh my God, Jimin. I’m freezing.” I told him through huge shivers as he sat behind me and began rubbing my hair dry.
“Well.” He put his arms around me and leaned against me. “I’ll warm you up.”
I was amazed at the difference Jimin’s body heat made. He definitely warmed me up, but it took me another ten minutes before I could stop shaking long enough to properly dry myself. I then grabbed my fresh undercloth and went to the bathroom to put them on, quickly returning to the heater with a brush in my hand and began running it through my hair to try to make it dry. I gave up after half an hour. It was as dry as the humid air would allow.
I turned to see Jimin leaning against the sofa. He sat on the cushions he had taken from the sofa, spreading them out on the floor to mimic the size of a twin bed mattress. His eyes were on me as he sat inside a blanket, his only movement coming when he spread the blanket open in an invitation to join him. I went up to him after a moment of hesitation. I still felt cold. I reached over to him when he spread his legs, enabling me to sit between them, putting his arms on my stomach-clad T-shirt.
After a while, I don’t know how long we had been here, we both were relaxing and off into our own world when I suddenly felt the difference in the small of my back.
“What.. are you thinking about?” I asked him quietly.
He pulled my back against him, and I felt his hardness plainly against my back. He moved his hands beneath the blanket, warming my skin as they sent tingles through the areas he touched. My legs were warming as his fingers moved flatly over their tops, making me bend my knees and bring them up to satisfy his reach. His fingers that moved toward the inside of my thighs sent tingles through me before moving on. Jimin’s left hand moved up, beneath my T-shirt as his right hand moved to the elastic band of my underwear.
My breathing was cut short as my senses peaked, waiting silently to see what he would do next. I didn’t wait long because then, his left hand moved over my breast, my left nipple tightening upon contact. His right hand went lower, fingers taking pleasure in the softness of my mound as his legs moved over mine, going around them and spreading them apart. I was exposed to him now and he was taking full advantage of it, knowing just where to touch me and coax me into sparkling sensations.
With my head back against his shoulder, my hands moved over Jimin’s legs and arms, the only part of him I could reach without changing my position. God! How could this one man change me so quickly and so completely from a thinking, functioning human to a creature that’s totally lost to sensation with a deep need to be satisfied.
“Y/N.. You’re so beautiful..” Jimin breathed softly against my cheek.
I turned my face toward him, allowing him to meet me in a first kiss that was deep and encompassing. Oh, he tastes so good, just how I always imagined it would be. His tongue was teasing me, excites me as it touched my lips and tongue as he pulled back slightly before resuming the deepness of our kiss again.
I noticed the change in his breathing, becoming as strained as mine. His left hand moved from my breast to my thigh. It was pulling me back against him as his other hand worked with me, pressing my writhing hips against him. I could feel him behind me, his burning flesh now against my flesh. 
When he had lifted my shirt earlier, my wriggling had maneuvered his underwear lower. He was leaning forward with me now, his legs spreading further as he pressed against me. God, he was exciting me beyond belief. The only thing that my mind could grasp was that the extreme need to keep kissing Jimin in the highly erotic way he had begun.
I don’t even realize that I was arching back against him, again and again that spasms washed over me until I heard a sound. Was it possible that those noises were coming from me???
I was slow coming out of this one. My hands moved slowly over his arms until his hands met mine, entwining his fingers with mine until I became aware again. Jimin warmed me, prompting me to get to my knees to turn to him and then raise his knees as well behind me. 
“Shh. It’s okay.” His arm came around my waist as he took off my shirt and his other arm caged around my torso. He leaned forward against me, lowering my face onto the cushions.
He pressed me against the cushions as his mouth met my shoulders. Curiousness made me remain still under his touch, not knowing just what to expect next. He moved my hair off my back to give him greater access to my shoulder and back before sliding his palm sensuously over my shoulder and down my side, then resting on my waist. His mouth gave my neck kisses, moving lower until his hand caressed my firm bottom. His lips brushed along my spine and across my sides, making me clutch onto the cushions in response to the softness of his lips and tongue. But when his hand moved lower between my legs tried to get inside of my pants, I stiffened and tried to get up.
“Jimin! What are you doing?!”
He stopped his downward movement, hesitating a moment as if indecisive, then changed position until he was lying next to me. His hand stayed where he was, making my stomach knot again, making me feel more alive with each bursting sensation. His fingers played me like his well-tuned instrument.
“I hope this means you’re ready.. because I am..,” Jimin whispered against my neck.
There was a low fierceness in his voice as he pulled off my pants and panties simultaneously, but when he moved to lie above me and spread my legs, I stiffened again under his touch and tried to get up.
“Jimin! No! Don’t!”
“Shh..” His hand stroked my hair as he kissed the side of my mouth.
“No- please, Jimin, don’t!”
“Y/N..” he moved slightly so he could look at me more closely. “Baby, I wouldn’t hurt you.” His voice tried to soothe me, but I didn’t want any part of what I thought he was about to do. I had heard stories in school, and the thought filled me with fright.
“Baby.. you’re twenty years old now.. How could you remain so naive? You’ve got to know more than you let on..”
“I’m only twenty years old, Jimin! I’m not like your other girlfriends! Forgive me for not being as accomplished as they were! But I have no desire to fuck around with people! I wanted to do it with someone I truly love!”
I probably shouldn’t have brought it up. I mean, I wouldn’t have if he didn’t mention my age and the fact that I’m a virgin like it was so bad to be one. The anger in his face sent a chill through me as he moved over me once more. I felt his hand moving beneath my waist, jerking me up until I hanged like a rag doll out of his hand. He took a cushion and shoved it under my belly, then pulled me on my knees.
“Don’t bother about my ex-girlfriends. I’ll just fuck you better, so you could satisfy my needs later on.”
I felt his cock throbbing under me as I tried to dive away, but he was quick to lean over me and wrap his arm around my waist. His other arm also came around me, but his hands moved in different directions. One was cupping my breast and the other moved down to below my stomach.
“Jimin! Don’t!” I growled through clenched teeth.
“Don’t fight me, Y/N! Jesus Christ, did I ever hurt you before?!”
He held me against him, front to back as we both were on our knees. My breathing ragged from trying to escape. His mouth came down on my neck, gently kissing the sensitive area of my shoulder as his left hand caressed my breast, making me relax slightly. 
Jimin’s fingers slowly reached the softness below, moving lower to make me need him again as much as he needed me, continuing until I was pressed back against his chest and moved my hand over my shoulder to feel his face. At this point, I was beginning not to care how he took me as long as it would be complete. The intensity of his cock riding up between my thighs, sliding between them, was driving me nearly mad. My hips were moving under the guidance of his hand, making my own hands move to his hips and thighs as Jimin continued to send me to a point near fainting.
“Do something!” I was trying to say it in an irritated command, but it came out in a velvety moan.
“Is that an order?” His voice was very low and husky as he breathed into my ear.
Jimin didn’t hesitate. He slowly stood up, picked me up and gently laid me down on bed. I was mildly aware of his hands on my calves as he spread me open and I was so scared. I could feel my heart beating like crazy, I’m pretty sure I’d die.
Jimin spread my legs wider and guided himself toward my already moist entrance. I was expecting it to be a painful and shameful experience, but surprisingly there wasn’t any pain as he filled his cock inside me, slowly, sending a deep moan from me. It wasn’t what I had expected at all.
“Do you want me to stop? Am I hurting you?” His question brought another deep moan from me.
His hand cupped my chin and he kissed me with combined tenderness and passion as he let out a low groan and began to move back and forth in gentle thrust that soon became more and more urgent.
“Jimin..” I whispered, straining against him. 
“Y/N..” his voice broke as he quickened his pace, gathering me even more tightly against him. I started to feel something on my stomach when suddenly Jimin decided to pull his cock all the way out. My body constantly changed its mind and I feel empty and aching, which was very confusing to me.
“Jimin..” I whined. Unable to say anything but weirdly, Jimin understood, and pushed his cock inside me again, this time, fully, all in one stroke.
Nothing had ever felt this good.
The moan that came out of my mouth matched with his as he began moving inside me. I tried to remain still but then I lost myself and rolled my hips. Jimin said in a tortured voice, “Yes baby.. grind on me- fuck, Y/N! You feel so good.”
I fell back and adjusted my legs, trying to find a place to put them. Everything about him was big, even his hips and I was unsure of myself. Jimin seemed to understand my thoughts and lowered himself over my body, resting his weight on the forearm that pressed into the mattress on either side of my head. Then he hooked one of my legs around his waist and pushed deeper into me.
“Oooh oh oh!”
“Too much?”
I wrapped my other leg around him in answer.
“Dig your heels into my bottom” he commanded roughly. I did and it opened my legs wider and it changed the angle again.
“Yes!” I cried out with more enthusiasm than intended. “Jimin!”
He chuckled in response, and I felt so happy, I laughed too, breathless. Jimin’s mouth found mine and I accepted it, greedily kissing him back as he rocked into me steadily. A lock of dark, damp hair brushed across my face as he dipped his head to my neck, sucking and kissing. His shoulders bunched. I ran my hands through his chest, then skimmed around his sides, feeling every taut muscle in his torso, tight and hard and shifting beneath my exploring fingers as he moved.
I accidentally made strange noises but Jimin felt so good, I couldn’t make myself care anymore.
“Y/N, my God.” He whispered against my ear. “You feel like heaven. So perfect. Even better than I imagined.”
My pleasure was honed by his words, abruptly quickening. The slick muscles at my center wanted to clench and bear down on him, but he was too big for me. I cried out in frustration, feeling the urgency of what was coming, almost frightened by it. It was gathering within me with alarming speed.
The last time when Hyewon brought me to orgasm with a fucking vibrator, that was one thing. This was wholly different. Park Jimin was inside me. Sharing the same pleasure. Filling me. Surrounding me. I was humbled by the intensity of emotions that bloomed at the horizon and raced my thundering heart.
“God damn.” Jimin cursed appreciatively as my center tried to clench around him again.
“Jimin, oh my God. Please don’t stop!”
“I won’t, I won’t,” he said, pumping his hips with urgency. “Come for me, baby.”
I grasped his solid shoulders, slick with sweat. My breath caught as I tightened around him for a final time. Euphoric spasms pulsed through my center, bringing wave after wave of astonishing pleasure. I was shook. I whimpered and just when I began to fall back down to the Earth, Jimin pounded into me a handful of times with such intense strength, I opened my eyes to watch him.
Mouth slack and wide, he bucked, squinted his eyes closed, and bellowed out an extended cry that reverberated through me as he shuddered in my arms like a great, divine beast taken down by a single bullet.
Jimin then rolled to his side, taking me with him, and I heard his heartbeat pound in time with mine, slowing and heavy, I felt an unyielding sense of brutal possession and fuck. I am so fucking in love with Park Jimin. How could I have doubted him? I should have known that I was safe with him, that he wouldn’t hurt me. Jimin’s eyes were closed and his breath still irregular, but his hand moved until it found mine, gently grasping it.
“I told you I wouldn’t hurt you.”
“Yes. You did.”
“And you didn’t believe me.”
“I didn’t-“
“You didn’t know.” He chuckled and it warmed me.
“Thank you..”
“No, baby.. thank you..” he kissed my forehead as he pulled me closer to his embrace. “Now let’s sleep.”
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newcaptainofsquad9 · 5 years
Notice Me!~Kim Junmyeon/Suho x Black! R&B Star! Fem! Reader {2}
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Previous Parts: 1  2 3
Pairing: Suho x reader
Summary: With your support sent out to EXO as a fan and a potential collaborator, you awaken to a massive wave of support from your fans, along with fellow EXOls. However, a vocal majority of them aren’t too keen about you working with their bias band. All of this anxiety comes to a head as your supports push you towards the idea of a collaboration, including Suho himself.  
Warnings: Toxic fans, racist comments and negative thoughts. 
Writer’s Note: Here’s chapter 2, I hope you guys enjoy and let me know if you want any more EXO fics/series, requests are open! I also want to add that this is purely fictional, I don’t know Halsey (Ashley) personally, so if she acts a little odd I’m sorry. And another thing about this fic and others I write, the Kpop idols speak English, since I don’t want to butcher any translations or Korean words, since I do not speak the language. Maybe in the future, but not now! Thanks!  
Word Count: 1, 583
I could hardly sleep at the sound of my phone buzzing like a madman. Of course the sun peaking through my blinds didn’t help, along with Ashley’s bed hogging ass. Next time I’m taking the couch instead of sharing my bed, jeez. 
I shift over on my back to reach for my phone, it comes to life at my slight touch and overwhelms me with so many notifications I almost tumble from the bed. 
“Mmh,” Ashley groans, “quit moving.” 
She kicks my foot softly, but I don’t react at all, most of my attention is on my phone. 
My Twitter bell icon stays red with a swarm of notifications, messages, likes and retweets. I’m trending, right underneath with EXO and of course BTS. 
“Uh, Ash, look! Look!”
I nudge her a few times before she rolls over with hair stuck to her cheek and a scowl. 
“Y/N, I-I need at least one more hou—”
“Look!” I scold.
We both stay captivated by the tiny screen as Ashley’s finger scrolls down some of the comments. 
They read:
Um, SM we need a Empress Dee Dee/ EXO collab, stat!
Aw, Junmyeon was soo cute, I lowkey ship it!
Finally a Kpop band reaching out for a black artist, I wish someone would follow through too *cough, cough BTS
“Holy shit,” Ashley says, “they really love this idea, did your publicist call you about it yet? Y/N?”
Her voice is drowned out as more of the comments turn sour. 
A lot of them read:
Western Artist X Kpop Artist= trash
Black people should stay with their own music, it wouldn’t mix with EXO’s sound
Gross, please don’t tell me Junmyeon has a thing for that black girl, why not a Korean woman?
They continue to flood my feed, most of them turning more daunting than the rest. 
“Ok, enough Twitter for one morning,” Ashley says as she takes the phone. 
“You’re right,” I say, “I need some more sleep.”
Ashley frowns as I lay back against my pillow and yank the covers up and over my face. 
“Y/N, come on,” Ashley groans, “you seriously gonna let these assholes get under your skin?”
I nod against the sheets. 
“Half of them are right Ash,” I say, “why would any of EXO collab with me? There are many other Kpop artists who are better anyway.”
“Um, but none of them are Empress Dee Dee, are they?” Ashley asks.
I shrug. 
“They aren’t black though, Ash,” I note. 
Ashley gives me an incredulous look. 
“That’s got nothing to do with it,” Ashley growls. 
Her words strike an unexpected nerve within me as I push the covers away and sit back up.
“Nothing?! “ I snap, “Ash, it’s everything to do with it! Racism still exists, even more prevalent now, especially with colorism still at an all time high!”  
Ashley frowns. 
“But I-”
I put a hand on Ashley’s own, the stark contrast of my brown skin and her pale one. 
“I know, I know who are Ashley, but it’s different for women like me, and darker skinned black women,” I say, “I just need you to understand that, please.”
Ashley nods. 
“I do,” she says, “but I need you to understand that it shouldn’t stop you! Don’t listen to what those assholes are saying!”
“You love music, don’t you?” she asks. 
Her question throws me off, yet I nod anyway. 
“Of course I do,” I say. 
“Then focus on making music, talk to your publicist and agent about that EXO collab!” she declares.
I watch Ashley in half awe, half amusement as she tosses the sheets onto the floor like the drama queen she’s being. Maybe she should shoot for the Academy Awards rather than Grammys next year. 
“You know you gotta pick that up right,” I deadpan while gesturing to the splayed mess of covers below us on the floor. 
Ashley turns her nose up, but softens as she comes around to my side of the bed, sitting next to me and taking my hand.
“Don’t worry about the fucking bed spread and listen to me,” she says. 
I stare at her eyes, there’s this hint of desperation in them, as if I was the one who insulted her. Maybe I was a bit too much in my feelings. She cares about my wellbeing so much that I forget this affects her as well. 
“Promise me that you’ll stay all right through all of this,” she says, gripping my hand skin tight. 
I think of another comeback but save it for later.
“I promise Ash,” I vow, “now can you pick up the damn covers?”
Ashley frowns but rises to gather up the covers anyway.
“There. I’m doing it, now could you please call your publicist?”
A heavy sigh escapes my lips as I reach for my phone on the nightstand. More notifications flood, a few missed calls from Daphne, my publicist and Todd, my agent. Great, now I have to deal with them. 
“I’m calling them back now, Ash,” I announce.
“Awesome,” she calls from the bathroom. 
I decide to go with Todd first, since he left the most missed calls. My heart beats heart against the insistent ring of the phone, it drawing out a bit longer than it usually should. 
“Hello, Y/N!” Todd calls. 
I gulp before speaking.
“Hi Todd, look I-I know I should have contacted Daph first about posting that tweet.”
Todd chuckles through the phone. 
“Y/N, that was a genius move! It seemed really genuine!” he exclaims.
I frown.
“Uh, I was completely genuine Todd, my heart was one hundred percent into it,” I say. 
“Oh, well that makes it even better, because I’ve already got in contact with the producers on the Ellen Show, and since EXO will be there promoting Obsession, we can finally have you both in talks for a collaboration!”
My stomach nearly drops. It’s exciting news, right? Getting to meet my bias band in front of me instead of a tiny computer screen, yet the circumstances got me worried. In front of all those people. Some of them could be any of those people spouting out hateful comments. 
“Er, Y/N,” Todd says, “you heard me, right?”
“I-I u-uh yeah!” I say, “j-just uh, fan girl nerves is all.”
Todd chuckles, but gets back to business as usual.
“No need to worry, it’s all scripted and Ellen has a way of making people calm, especially new guests,” he explains, “but this will really put you on the map! Considering you haven’t made a public appearance since your grammy snub and you’re gonna do it with one of the biggest kpop groups, ever! Don’t let those fangirl nerves get to you too much!”
I manage to cough up a tiny giggle. 
“Of course Todd, thank you.”
“Already have a flight set up for you in the morning, I told you that you’d skyrocket soon, didn’t I?” he asks. 
I roll my eyes but agree anyway.
“I know Todd, bye.”
“Get plenty of sleep, call me when you get there!” he urges before hanging up.
WIth him off the phone I can finally freak out in peace. Well until Ashley returns with her toothbrush a nosy look on her face. 
“Shit, by that face I’m assuming it didn’t go well, did it?” she asks. 
I shake my head and collapse backwards against the sheets. 
“I-It went unexpectedly well,” I admit, “EXO’s gonna be on Ellen for the first time, and I got a spot on there with them.” 
Ashley nearly jumps into the ceiling. 
“Are you fucking serious?!” she exclaims, “it hasn’t even been 24 hours yet!”
I nod against my pillow. 
“Right! God, I-I’m not ready for this,” I groan. 
Ashley shifts closer to wrap an arm around my shoulder.
“You got this sweetie,” she whispers, “I’m gonna take the shower first, that cool with you?”
I nod as she rises. 
“Oh and stay off Twitter,” she says as she goes back to the bathroom. 
Of course I don’t listen as I unlock my phone yet again. My eyes scan through all of the comments: good, bad, ugly and downright unnecessary. My finger stops at a previous V Live EXO recently did, or a clip at least. 
The caption of the video read:
Ya’ll Junmyeon is really out here caring about DeeDee, like a lot! When he gonna pull up 😂😂
I click it and there’s Suho, Baekhyun and Chen with soft looks, unlike the way they looked during their X-EXO concept stage. Beakhyun leans closer to the camera, scanning the comments I assume as Suho frowns. 
“Of course not!” Suho growls, “why would anyone say that?”
“What is it hyung?” Chen asks. 
Suho points at the screen. 
“Someone said that we thought DeeDee was ugly, why would you insult a beautiful woman like that?” he asks in disgust.
My breath gets hitched in my throat at his words. 
Baekhyun frowns this time.
“Aw, why are people making fun of DeeDee?” he groans, “don’t listen to them DeeDee! Stay strong! Keep smiling!!”
Chen nods sharply as Baekhyun continues to yell it obnoxiously.
Suho pushes him until he ceases and looks into the camera intensely. 
“The people who are saying this aren’t our fans, DeeDee,” he explains, “you’re amazing, stay all right, ok? Ok!”
Suho grins as he puts up his finger hearts as his smile widens.
The video ends, yet it doesn’t within my head. EXO actually stood up for me. This has got to be a dream. 
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rosesanthology · 4 years
And Yet... | Akaashi Keiji x F!Reader [musician!AU]
Violinist!Akaashi x Pianist!Reader (yes i saw that one Viria fanart)
Ive been feeling extremely bad these days but im managing to write some things for my emotional support hq boys (Akaashi and Kenma) so here u go even tho its probably a lil shitty 👁3👁 its all about them la la land type of vibes
Warning : i didn't proofread this, also it's VERY self indulgent
Songs : • city of stars from La La Land (but Dodie and Jon Cozart's cover)
• any of the songs in the fic but especially Bach's violin sonata in presto IT SLAPS
[Tags] : @raevaioli
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- You've always admired the way human life entertwines itself with art. The vicissitudes of a fleating existence finding a way to express themselves in external stimulations, the way someone could pour as much of their soul, as much as themselves in just one moment, one performance, one artwork.
- it is the main reason why you decided to become a pianist. The second one being that you could hardly put as much effort on anything else
- your mother would argue that it is but a mere childhood dream to do something as uncertain, sure.
- and yet, the first time your performed in front of an actual audience, even if it was just at your high school's theatre auditorium, still felt like the best
- you had registered in the student showcase program without your mother knowing, wearing not the dark blue dress you dreamed of but a hoodie, some jeans and sneakers
- in the moment it seemed fine even if you did look way underdressed than the other kids who registered for piano too
- but it all seemed to tie together with your whole personna as you sat on the stool making sure to put your tiny moomin plushie on top of the grand piano
- he helped a lot
- at that time you played Tanjirou no Uta because well....there's only so much you can expect from a high schooler who lacks confidence in their skills
- regardless of the song your fingers danced onto the heavy keys, the sound swirling with your own emotions as you tried to concentrate on the one thing you wanted the most,
- "Somebody, look at me."
- because there is such a big difference between only being seen by people and actually being looked, observed, analysed
- at the time you wanted someone to look at you and wonder if what they were feeling listening to your piece was flooding their brain the same way it flooded yours
- if the lingering sound of pressed keys made their heart and time stop in the same way it did yours so well whenever you played
- it mattered. In that moment, only that mattered, but sooner or later it had to end
- until then, the only person who was able to exactly tell the things you wanted to convey was your childhood best friend Akaashi Keiji
- he was of wealthier upbringing, his parents always so uptight and pressuring him into their perfect mold in which he seemed to fit so oddly well
- and yet, he always found time to be there for you and help you in your struggles, he was far more musically inclined than you because of his background but his eyes never lost their gentle glint as you would mess up the keys to a piece
- he'd always take his time to let you know how much he liked hearing you play even if you insisted that you weren't as good as him, his smile never wavered as he rested his chin on his palms and closed his eyes, listening to your fifth poor attempt at playing Clara Schumann's sonata in G minor
- that was your typical sunday afternoon in his living room, playing the day away intoxicated in the calmness of his scent of flowers and warm cotton
- when you finished, people didn't seem to mind the choice of the song nor the stuffed toy that added to your whole appearance, if anything you only heard encouragements, advices and heartfelt returns
- among them was Akaashi of course, ever so gentle but marking in his praise, making you feel like maybe you were worth standing on that stage
- it wasn't much compared to what the middle school kids who played Mozart got but, it gave you enough of a push to have the strength to call yourself a pianist today
- nothing really changed in your little world, you still had your moomin plush sitting on the piano everytime you performed and the same simple attitude, now you just knew your classics and could play something else than anime music even if you did manage to fit a little song once in a while
- what changed tho is that you and Akaashi had grown appart after he had left
- his parents had suddenly decided to register him in some fancy music college in Paris
- away from you
- at the time, you knew that no amount of tears and words could possibly matter in the final decision
- but it's not like you could ever control yourself when he held you in his arms like he did when he broke the news to you
- you were never that gracious at goodbyes
- but if it meant that he could get the life he deserved than you were willing to make that sacrifice, even if he wouldn't have the time to talk to you as much as before
- in the meantime you would continue to grow as a person and as an artist if not for you then for him
- and that's what you've been doing for the past four years
- and it is exactly what brought you to accept the offer to perform at another musician showcase tonight
- it was fancier than a high school show that's for sure. It was held in one of these candle lit restaurants, but not the impersonal ones where the tables are five meters away from each other
- it was one of these places where everybody seemed to know each other and relish in the warmth of sharing the same pleasant time while listening to live concerts
- after your own performance you sat back down with the other musicians, talking a bit with the pretty cellist Kiyoko Shimizu, who finished her own before yours
- when the lights dimmed and the next musician stepped on the stage your heart almost stopped
- there stood your dearly missed friend in flesh and bones, violin and bow in hand, or at least you thought so
- he started playing and you watched from the side, amazed, your heart achung with the resonance of the instrument as he gently swayed to such a hard piece as Bach's sonata No. 1 in presto
- the ground and the rest of the room seemed to dismantle around you as all you could think about was the man playing music off of your very heart strings, the man who you've known for a long time and who had been such a huge inspiration and motivation in your existence
- the man who always was so sensible and observant despite coming off as stoic to most people, the same one who was always gentle and motivating all the whilst excelling in what he did himself
- this was Akaashi Keiji.
- and right now he was playing such a fast piece with an unspoken surprising sadness to it as if he'd disappear into ashes the second he stopped, the second he relaxed
- but it eventually had to come to an end, the sound of the strings tearing you appart to reveal the most vulnerable parts of yourself to him like it always did on sunday afternoon practice
- the realization came crashing into you as he bowed to the audience and locked eyes with you, sending you a small smile before disappearing backstage
- naturally, you went after him your breath hitching and your whole being coming to a halt three meters away from him
- you had been way farther away from each other and yet, these three meters felt the worst
- he turned to you, and as casually as if he never left opened his arms for you to run into and that's just what you did
- his own heart was pounding as he caressed your hair, whispering phrases like "it's okay" or "im here now" as you sobbed into his chest
- he still smelled of wild flowers and cotton.
- "let's go catch up outside Y/N?" He said just for you to hear
- he brought you two outside on a bench overlooking the city and its lights but you couldn't help but keep your eyes on him by fear that he'd disappear again
- "w-why are you here ?" you stammered without thinking
- "why you don't want me here ?"
- "Yes- Well no- i mean yes i want you here and-"
- his laugh resonated even more than his violin if that was possible and you didn't have to wait long to feel your face heat up
- "first thing you do is laugh at me...." you said, playing with his fingers on your lap, a thing you did back then whenever he was nervous and started fiddling with his hands, even tho you were the nervous one now
- he sighed, the previous sadness from his playing as if blown away by that tiny impatient breath of air
- "i came back on my own. I missed you Y/N", he smiled again,
- "i missed you too...but what happened to your studies ? You always said you lived for music ?" you incquired, squeezing his hand maybe a little too hard in aprehention
- "i did...i did but i realized many things abroad"
- "like what ?"
- "im a little disappointed Y/N you used to be so good at guessing what i wanted to convey with my music" he said raising an eyebrow at you and laughing once more when seeing the confused look on your face
- "i may have said i lived for music yes and yet...i always knew that i live for you."
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msculper · 7 years
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Why I Love Seth Numrich and His Beautiful Acting Skills
Hi what’s up it’s me again and I’m here to talk about why Seth Numrich is my acting hero - told by two gifs from one awful amazing tv show.
1st Gif: Let’s talk about how he was 28 when he shot this and looks about a decade older. Part of that is the God awful wig but we don’t talk about that. He looks the most exhausted we’ve ever seen Seth’s Ben, and this is a relatively well-rested Ben who hasn’t seen actual battle in a relatively long time. And we see him literally swallow this realization he has about himself. He even tries to facially write off his shortcomings and the fact that Heather’s Anna just actually nailed him. Here he pulls what I like to call an ‘Enjolras.’ (In reference to the fact that you can’t just half-ass Enjolras in any capacity in any production of Les Mis, but his character rarely catches the eye of most critics, audiences, and reviewers as central to the musical. Just watch the 2012 film cast do One Day More, live.) This isn’t a ‘most talked about’ scene. This isn’t really a memorable scene, unless you’re closely following Ben’s arc or his relationships with his friends. It’s just a scene the writers put in to get Anna into New York, show her reluctance, and amp up Ben’s man pain. Yet Seth pulls this. He starts with his classic, probably trademarked slow blink, tightens up his jaw, and then he raises his eyebrows and draws up his lips in admittance. But. But! (And you’ll miss it if you blink,) he gives a little quarter-smile that Anna probably doesn’t even see. This smile is not only his signal that he’s moving on in the conversation and he’s uncomfortable, but it’s also very Ian Kahn, I think. The first time I caught it, I saw a tribute to Ian’s Washington. He’s figured something out. He’s a wreck and finally notices it and he lets himself smile - if even for less than a second - about it. So yes, lots of actors can pull this kind of complex facial range. But Seth did this for a three second camera shot in a minor scene. God, don’t even get me started on his closeup during the Battle of Monmouth.
2nd Gif: Thank God his hair is back! This is a specifically momentous scene. (The email hasn’t come out yet but I’ll be damned if this isn’t the ‘most talked about.’ Even my mom, who looks away at any even minutely scary music, said that this scene was the hardest to watch.) And he’s angry and disappointed and hurt, and that’s all well and good (Go watch Act 3, Scene 3 of Private Romeo holy GODDDD) but he does something I’ve only extensively done with psychopaths. He - again - smiles. This is his best friend and because he’s so livid, he tries to smile to appeal to him. I do this all the time. I’ll be mad at my brother and start laughing or smiling because I think he’ll finally listen to me. And Seth delivers it so briefly and understatedly that it feels so unbelievably real. Hell, I didn’t even pick up on it the first time I saw it. It’s a private smile, not matter its intent, that was only for Caleb. Had this been a stage show, Seth would’ve done the exact same thing, regardless of whether or not the audience could actually see all the nuances of his facial expressions. What terrifies me about this smile is that it gives that feeling of one of my favorite film tropes: when an innocent scene feels so intimate that you feel like an intruder for watching. (My favorite example is the communion scene in Flesh and the Devil.) And typically those scenes have undertones of passion or eroticism, take the communion scene, but this has an entire different kind of passion. Ben is enraged and resentful at his closest friend. This isn’t a fight he wants to be having in public. This is the kind of fight he wants behind closed doors. This isn’t a theatrical fight or a spiteful fight, this is personal. And we shouldn’t be seeing it.
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defcravings · 3 years
idol secrets - Got7 Jaebom
wc: 4k 
genre: suggestive, sexual mentions 
pairing: jb x reader 
synopsis: y/n and JB have been keeping their relationship from the public eye for some time, but at an award show they get caught in a situation that could blow it for them both?
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being in love was hard enough, especially when it was a secret. there were moments where you didn't mind it being a secret, it was almost nice that it was just shared between the two of you; other times it got to you. hearing rumours about JB with other idols, edited moments between him and others and vice versa. you'd both kept up this secret for 6 months, and boy was it hard. you and your group RO5EY hadn’t long debuted so you were hesitant about getting a bad rep so early on; hence the secret. you knew some idols were public about their relationship, but the girls had told you that it was best to keep it on the down low for now, especially because got7′s fans were mostly girls; you never wanted to offend them. you knew they were important to JB, so they were important to you. 
you and JB had met after you and the girls had featured on Weekly Idol; where you were all doing boy group dances. low and behold, got7 Lullaby came on, one of your favourite songs of their’s. you were all lucky enough to be allowed your own instagram pages, which is where JB found you. the moment his dm came through, quite frankly your heart fell out your ass. scared you’d offended them. ‘not bad, think I could do Without You, better though’ he wrote. it was enough knowing that he’d seen RO5EY’s debut single, let alone seen you dance to Lullaby. being from rival agencies mean it was a big no no to ever conversing outside of pleasantries at award shows and such; let alone texting. but that almost made it better, no one would ever expect it. a JYP idol that's been debuted for 7 years, and a YG newbie who's been around for less than a year. who would have guessed? 
from that dm you mostly FaceTimed, knowing that going out in public would be hard. luckily he didn’t live in the JYP dorm anymore, so occasionally you could sneak round to his apartment and spend some time with him. but him coming to the dorm you shared with 4 other girls was impossible; they were all cool with it, but if other trainees or press found out, it was game over. so typically you kept it to pleasantries at events, trying not to make too much eye contact, staying as far away from each other as possible. which was hard, believe me. you could both sometimes sneak out of his place at night and walk round or get some street food, but only really late at night, to avoid him being recognised.
it had been a crazy year, releasing your first album, being invited to award shows, shooting your reality YouTube series, life was a dream; but being nominated for ‘Best New Artist’ at Mnet Asian Music Awards was the biggest shock of the year. all the girls were so excited, and you couldn’t have been more proud. preparation for the show began early, rehearsals, costumes, award show outfits, it was a lot. you’d barely had time to see JB, but he’d still wait for you everyday outside YG and walk with you for a while; listening to you talk about rehearsals and how nervous you were. it was moments like this you loved, no one else about, just you two. 
finally the day came around, you didn't care about winning, it was always so exciting to see other performances and meet other groups you'd loved for so long. you'd arrived at the venue, emotionally and physically exhausted from preparing for your performance. there was a nervous buzz in the dressing room as stylists and makeup artists ran around trying to do everything in a very short space of time. you'd been thinking about jb all day, wondering what he was up to, had he arrived yet, how he was feeling. but to be safe, you'd not looked at your phone all day, knowing that if you messaged him; toxic news articles were only a few clicks away. and you didn’t need that kind of pressure today. the other members were chatting about who else was at the show tonight, when you suddenly heard his name. ear pricking to attention you looked up from the makeup chair to the mirror in front of you. seeing them behind you pulling a little smirk. you widened your eyes to hint to them to stop, knowing that if even the makeup artist heard, you and jb are dead meat to the public. they pressed their fingers to their lips with a chuckle, too close. 
finally you were all left alone to rehearse a little before the show, giving you guys a little privacy. ‘so, have you heard from him yet’ Ara said pulling your tired body down to the sofa. ‘I don't know, I’ve not been on my phone today’ you responded, cracking open a bottle of water. ‘what why?’ she responded. ‘too scared I guess’ you said after taking a big sip of water. ‘you don't need to be, everyone has been so supportive, I know hate scares you but Roses are showing more love than others are showing hate. honestly look’ she said handing you your phone with a smile. ‘you unlocked your phone and went straight to twitter, only to be greeted by a flood of love and support from everyone. as if one queue, a message from jb popped up at the top of the screen. 
j: just got here. sitting front row, I'll try to not stare too much. good luck y/n; jb x
a small smile appeared on your lips as you slid down to reply.
y/n: likewise. see u after x
keeping it low key, even in text. with that, a staff member burst into the room taking you all by surprise. ‘right ladies, time to go’ he said then promptly talking into his mic. you gathered yourselves before taking one last look in the mirror. amazing what 2 hours in a makeup chair can do, you thought. the walk down to the stage was always the worst, but somehow knowing jb was in the audience made you feel much better. or worse. it wasn't clear. 
you all made it to the side of the stage, doing a group hug before dispersing to your positions. you loved the song, the routine, the girls, your fans, your life had become a dream. but not being able to share it with jb publicly hurt. more than you thought it would. the music started, hearing the intro in your in-ears. the lights and music complimenting each other perfectly. being the first one to sing you felt the pressure, you set the tone for the performance. bad start, bad performance. as the lights lit up the stage you could see the faces staring back at you, moving to the music that filled the room. you almost didn’t want to see jb, thinking it would make it worse. but as luck would have it, there he was, as promised; front row. the rest of got7 all grooving with the music, reassuring. his gaze was low and sultry, as he did best. his eyes not moving off you the whole time, you'd look away to come back, only to find him still staring. 
as the song picked up and it came towards the dance break, you realised this was the first time jb had ever seen you do this live. and the choreography wasn’t exactly 100% PG, it was a liiiittle sexy one might say. but there was nothing that could be done about it now, you were already doing it. on the floor, running your hand up your tight then your side, you flicked your eyes up to see jb looking absolutely mesmerised by what he was watching. you could see him taking a sharp breath followed by a nod of approval. well done you. the lights dimmed and the audience roared with applause, the relief you felt was unmatched. you'd never get used to that feeling. you looked around to your band mates to see them all beaming from ear to ear, proud as ever. 
back in the dressing room you all made a quick change into your award looks and had your makeup touched up before going back out there. the energy in the room after a performance was something you never wanted to forget. the pride, the relief among a million other things. before long you were all ready to go and take you seats. a member of staff walked in front of you to escort you to the seats. as you kept travelling down the stairs you began to feel worried. they usually sit the more well known artists at the front, in camera view. while the newer and lesser known groups are further up. apparently not. you'd passed all the groups you thought you'd be sat with, giving them a polite wave as they smiled to you. now at the front row of seats the man gestured for you to sit down. front. row. it suddenly dawned on you, jb is front row. you flicked your head round to see where he was, having seen him on stage. you couldn't see him, but you did see Jackson smiling at you, which meant, he wasn’t far away. 
you all took your seats, you on the end. your head looking down, not wanting to lift it up in fear of seeing him. sheepishly, you lifted your gaze towards where you'd seen Jackson; now all of got7 were looking this way. they all gave a small applause and congratulated yourself and the rest of the girls on your performance. you thanked them and smiled, trying to keep it short and sweet. you didn’t look long enough to see jb. 
the outfit you were wearing was kinda short, making sitting down a little uncomfortable. with the knowledge that you were probably in camera view you were very wary of showing too much. tugging the skirt down wasn't helping. suddenly a tall figure loomed over you, quickly placing a blazer over your lap. you looked up to see jb making the same sultry smile at you. ‘better?’ he remarked. you nodded sheepishly, but not breaking eye contact. sheer panic set in, what would people’s reactions be? only to be followed by Jackson, mark, Bambam and Jinyoung doing the same for your other members as to not be suspicious to anyone. they really did care. the other members thanked them and the boys returned to their seats. jb staring for just a few seconds longer. the crowd cooed in approval, hearing whispers of them being ‘such gentlemen’ that of which they were. 
the rest of the show you were casting quick glances over to jb and you could feel him doing the same. never at the same time, obviously. the show nearing a close you all began to feel the nerves.. it wasn’t about winning, everyones love was enough. but you still couldn’t help but want the title, you'd all worked so hard for it. with that thought looming in your mind the host stood on the stage ready to announce the winners of each category. ‘Nominated for Best New Artist’ the words echoing round the room. you almost blacked out for the nominees, just doing an autopilot applause when everyone else did. ‘RO5EY’ you heard, casting a smile towards the camera that was looking directly at the group. then going back to the autopilot clap. ‘And the winner of Best New Artist 2021 is...’ the tension growing around you. ‘RO5EY’ the host said smiling. applause and cheer filled the room as you just sat stunned. what the actual fuck just happened. coerced out of your daze by Ara pulling you up out of your seat, you placed jb’s blazer on the chair as you came back to. the walk up to the stage felt like a blur, but you somehow managed to get up there without falling and breaking something. bowing to the host before he stepped aside for the group to make an acceptance speech. Ara did the honours, without a single complaint as you didn’t think you could string 2 words together at this point. 
looking out into the audience again you saw jb, smiling from ear to ear at you; the most comforting smile. ‘you did it’ he mouthed. knowing there were so many eyes on you at this point, all you could do was cast a small subtle smile. hoping he knew how much you cared. being honest Ara’s speech went in one ear and out the other until she mentioned Roses; snapping you back into reality as they cheered in the audience as you blew kisses to where the noise was coming from. with that, you made your way back to the seats, electrified with what had just happened. 
you all sat through the rest of the awards before all of the groups are invited on stage for the finale. clutching jbs jacket as you walked back up the stairs and stood as groups filled the space around you. the stage had an open top, and it wasn't as warm as it was when you'd performed; the cold breeze wrapping round your bare shoulders and legs. fireworks filled the sky as you all looked up applauding the beautiful lights that loomed above you. the hustle and bustle of artists congratulating each other and dancing around you made you feel less isolated. without warning a hand pulled the jacket out from your grasp and draped it over your shoulders, immediately eliminating the cold feeling and replacing it with a comforting warmth. you shot round to look who it was. jb was stood before you, hands still on your shoulder. panicked, you quickly thanked him, trying to make it look as casual of an interaction as possible. only to see that behind him, other members of got7 were doing the same for your members. wow they really did care enough to help make this look as non suspicious as possible. ‘I'm so proud of you’ jb said, smiling at you. ‘thank you, it feels like a fever dream to be honest’ you chuckled. ‘no, you deserve it. all of this’ he replied, dropping his hand from your shoulder and down your arm that faced the back of the stage so no one could see. then turning back to face the other members, knowing that even this short of an interaction was too long. 
you held out for the rest of the finale without looking his way, thanking other artists and making pleasantries with many; before you were all ushered off the stage and back to your dressing rooms. finally making it back to your dressing room, you realised you'd still got jb’s blazer around your shoulders. you needed to return it before anyone saw you leave with it; it was a good time to do so while all the makeup artists and stylists were gathering their things. blazer in hand you quietly searched the halls for got7′s dressing room. after a few minutes of searching you found it, already hearing a rumble of voices in there. you gently knocked on the door, preparing a story just in case a staff member opened the door. low and behold, and to your relief; Jackson opened the door. shouting you name which spurred on a loud cheer from the rest of the boys as he grabbed your arm and pulled you into the room. the boys all gathered round and engulfed you into some kind of got7 sandwich hug. not unwanted. finally letting you go, you looked over to the sofa to see jb sat there, lovingly gazing at you. ‘ill never get sick of that look’ you thought. his big brown eyes still make you nervous. ‘lets go into the hallway’ he said standing up, wrapping one arm around you waist. warranting an ‘ooo’ from the apparently “grown up” boys. 
closing the door behind him, you were backed up against the wall, his broad frame dangerously close to you. your breathing was sporadic, clearly under pressure here. ‘I just came to give you this back’ you said lifting the hand with his blazer clasped tightly. he looked at the blazer dismissively. ‘do you know how hard this is’ he said, never breaking the gaze. ‘I know’ you said, staring back up at him. ‘seriously, especially when you pull that shit on stage’ he mumbled in a low whisper. you frowned, not knowing what he meant. ‘new dance?’ he retorted, mockingly. you chuckled, realising he meant the dance break that wasn’t very parent friendly. ‘oh I see, yeah that's new’ you smirked. ‘I made a mistake sitting front row, far too close for someone who's trying to keep his hands off you’ he said leaning into your neck. his breath dancing across your now exposed shoulders. his hand following the trail, moving a piece of hair blocking his path before gently grasping your neck. you took a slow inhale, desperately trying to steady your breathing. his warm plush lips meeting the sweet spot of your neck, ruining your finally steady breathing again. ‘this is getting harder to hide’ you whispered with laboured breath. ‘I know, maybe we shouldn't’ he replied, lingering over the place he’d connected. you smiled both at the feeling and at his suggestion. ‘you know we can’t’ you replied running a hand up his chest. ‘we could, might have to quit music forever but we could’ he chuckled into your neck. ‘don't tempt me’ you replied tugging on his belt, pulling him in even closer. hearing footsteps down the hall snapped you both back to reality, quickly putting some distance between the two of you. pushing some hair back over your neck, to conceal any potential mark he'd left. 
a staff member holding a clip board and a bin bag emerged from around the corner, casting a small smile towards to two very awkward looking individuals that you were. ‘thanks for the jacket’ you said, desperately trying to sound casual. ‘no problem and well done tonight. i’ll see you round’ he said, hands in pockets. you watched the staff member make his way towards the next corner, almost out of sight. you spun round to walk away; knowing you'd been far too long. your heels echoing throughout the hallway, nearing the door you came though you turned around, curious is jb was still there. he was, leaning against where you'd just been pinned to, watching you walk away. you smiled before putting your hands on the door to push them apart. ‘it’s getting really hard you know’ he shouted to you, still leaning. ‘I know you are’ you retorted, smiling back at him. he leaned his head back onto the wall, knowing exactly what you meant. 
the relief you felt getting back to the dorm and getting into bed was amazing. the girls all chatted into the night, about what the schedule was for tomorrow, who they saw at the event. until the topic of apartments came up. ‘maybe we should look at getting our own place, for the 5 of us. its getting too cramped in here’ Ara said. the girls all agreed. ‘yeah then y/n can have jb over and wouldn’t have to sneak out every night’ Mina retorted. causing the room to fill with laughter. ‘ha ha very funny’ you mocked, not even looking up. ‘it wouldn’t kill us to look’ Ara said, picking up her phone and heading straight to apartment listings. ‘oh no’ she said, sounding far too serious for your liking. ‘um- don’t freak out. but you were spotted with jb tonight’ she said, clearly waiting for you to freak out. ‘what!?’ you yelled, running over to see what she was seeing. an article on twitter headlined ‘jb seen with rookie YG debut’ a literal nightmare. clicking on the article as 4 other head appeared around you to read at the same time. it wrote about the jacket and him putting it on you on stage, the finally being spotted outside his dressing room after the show. fuck. the comments were mixed, but mostly about you. how jb couldn't have any interest in someone so new. or how he wouldn’t be attracted to you. then the hate, ugly, untalented, ungrateful. separated by the his true fans, the real ahgase; who said they would be happy for him no matter what. and the Roses having your back. 
your heart sank. it was over. there's no way your companies would allow you to be in the same room as each other now. you picked up your phone, seeing you'd already got a message from jb. 
‘don’t panic. I know you are x’ he wrote, how did he see it before us.
 ‘I am, we should have been more careful’ you replied, tears filling up your eyes.
 ‘just let the company handle it, we’ve done nothing wrong’ he said, you could almost hear him saying it. that comforted you.
 ‘okay’ you responded, bluntly. 
‘its going to be okay, I love you’ he said, that was the first time he'd ever said that. 
it didn’t seem right considering your relationship was now in grave jeopardy; but you knew he was willing to risk it all for you. and you felt the same. 
‘I love you too’ you typed back, eyes full of tears now. 
Ara opened her arms for you to lean into, her comforting rub on your back sending your overly tired, stressed body into a deep sleep.
the morning was just a painful reminder of what had happened the night before. now more companies had picked up the story, more fans had heard about it, warranting more views for you to stress about. Yang Hyun-suk had called a meeting with the group upon hearing the news. and to be frank, you were shitting it. 
‘so firstly, congratulations ladies. Best New Artist, you should be very proud of yourselves. But we need to discuss this article.’ he said, now sounding very serious. ‘this is a very competitive world, anyone and everyone are willing to tear you down, for no reason. they will make stuff up, blow things way out of proportion as they have done here’ he continued. the feeling of total fear turned into confusion, does he think its not true? ‘you have to be very careful with who you associate with, especially boy groups. their fans are loyal, and don’t like it when they're seen with other females. you can understand that right’ he said beginning to sound more compassionate. a look of confusion clearly plastered all over your face as Ara steps on your foot to signal you to stop. ‘absolutely’ she responded. ‘you just have to keep interactions shorts, stick to the pleasantries, hello, thank you, goodbye. that's all.’ he continued. you nodded shyly, still trying to grasp what he meant. ‘I’ve worked in this industry for a long time, I know how these articles work. they take one interaction and make it a bigger deal than it is. ill release a statement squashing this, but you all need to be more careful’ he said, sitting back in his chair. ‘we will sir’ Mina chimed in, not giving anyone a chance to say anything. ‘good, don’t worry y/n I'll get this sorted’ he said finally, giving a caring smile, clearly seeing you looked distressed by the matter. Mina elbowing you to stand up and leave, still bewildered by what just happened the girls pulled you into a hug. which was very much so needed. ‘god that was close’ Ara laughed. tears filled your eyes as you bust into tears. ‘oh my god, what's the matter’ Mina said throwing an arm round your shoulder. ‘I thought it was over for us’ you cried, burying your head into her arm. ‘don’t worry! he said he would fix it, now go, I know you want to see him’ Ara said brushing the now wet hair from your face. 
if you guys would like a part 2 of this please let me know! also my requests are open if you want to have something personal written for you :)
all love x 
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