#all posts / kristine.
bee-can-art · 10 months
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I call this piece, "It's okay, qPhilza has two hands."
• Click for better quality (01/09/2023)
(Details/headcanons below vvv)
• His whole body is a skeleton existing/floating in a black goop. It's partially see through, allowing people to see the bones inside. It can move and bend in an inhuman way, but it mostly solid to the touch (similar to qSlime's slime body).
• The skeleton's mouth moves when he talks, along with the blue dots in his eyes changin to reflect his mood (seeing as he doesn't have eyebrows, then function like two in one).
• His scythe is more akin to a hand-made one, that anyone could have made. It is both a weapon, tool, and can also reap souls if he wants.
• Is still the literal Goddess of Death (design is consistent for both dsmp and qsmp (but doesn't mean they're the exact same character)).
• Has purple eye with white exes ('X') in them, due to her nature as death herself (this is a design I also use for revived characters).
• Crow skull and a feather from Phil's wing on her hat, alsong with withered rose flowers.
• Has a skull-like shadow/markings on her face, along with her hands and forearms also being the same.
• Her wings are meant to be like lookign into the night sky (i.e. A very dark colour, with speckles of starts through out them). This is only visible on her top set of wings.
• Unlike Missa, her scythe was gifted to her when she began existing. However, it can change it's appearence to however she sees fit. Currently, the handle is made out of Crimson wood, with the blade clamp having a hardcore heart on, and a bird skull opposite the blade.
There is also a piece of string with: red, yellow, and pink hearts intertwined. These are there to prepresent, Tommy, Wilbur, and Techno.
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Sometimes you just gotta shamelessly project on your parasocial best friends, ya know? 
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zirafail · 7 days
kochanski cosplay is coming along well! just need to get a vest, a watch (which i didn’t even realise she wore) and maybe some blue contacts and then i’m done!
also still waiting on the bazookoid to be sanded and painted, but here’s an update if anyone’s interested :D (with junkrat for size reference)
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i’ve also made a bazookoid license to clip onto my pants (cause i need to show i’m legally carrying ykyk)
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broadwaybohemians · 1 year
Enjoy the songs from Schmigadoon 2x03!
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crochetedcandy · 1 year
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OG gang's all here 🥲
I'm probably not gonna post another pic until I've made the other 2, (or 3, i keep hearing they're gonna add German streamers, i have no clue how I'm gonna make Richas shirt)
one of theses days I'll type up some notes on how I made their accessories, today is not that day. but rest asured when that day comes ill link it in every one of my mctyer plushie post
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biscuityskies · 11 months
by any means
"Deep breaths," Obi-Wan murmurs. "In through your nose, out gently through your mouth. Focus on the silence around you, on your body's location in the room, on what you can feel." "And then?" Cody prompts, eyes still closed at his general's request. "And then come find me. No peeking."
Here's my entry for @codywanweek day 1, featuring Cody with a lightsaber! This was perhaps the quickest thing I've ever written, because in true writer fashion I despised my first draft (which was totally different from this. literally not even slightly similar) and scrapped the whole thing. What can I say, I'm nothing if not a professional.
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dozydawn · 8 months
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Bride’s Magazine, 1997.
Model: Kristin Kahkonen.
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my final More Drabbles Monday drabble for the @thehauntedair Starless Sea drabble event <3333 its been real
Dorian and Zachary have made a delightful new discovery. 
A ship of smoke sails a sea of heads in a Harbour bar. Dorian takes another drag of his cigar, pleased with himself, as Zachary marvels at the details. Next he puffs out a galloping horse with two men riding, and Zachary smiles. 
Later that evening, though, they’re across the bar, engaged in different conversations. 
Dorian catches Zachary’s eye and blows him a kiss. The cigar smoke escapes his lips as many hearts, which float over to Zachary. 
When the smoke dissipates in his face, he beams. It smells like Dorian.  
🐝 🗝🗡
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fallingbyjuleecruise · 8 months
i think most art that tries to critique christianity, and specifically american charismatic christianity, is shallow and honestly corny unless it comes from someone who has experience w that institution
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My feelings on the finale in general are incredibly mixed because there were certain things I REALLY LOVED but probably a near equal amount of things that super put me off lol
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indiefox · 11 months
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gods vs mortals playing at being god
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mellophase · 2 years
I love spousal posting with Frank and Mikey because they're all so sweet it makes me sick. Every time Kristin posts about Mikey? I'm crying. Every time Mikey posts about her? Utterly devastated. When Frank posts about Jamia? I am on the floor and I cannot be reached. I'm just so happy to see them happy and with the people they love. They don't have to share things with us at all, but they choose to and it's so sweet watching them gush about the people they love.
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rubyvroom · 5 months
I feel like all my college study of appalachian folk ballads and weirdo gospel were secretly preparing me to discover this exact song in the year 2024 and I am RECEIVING it
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echoequinox · 10 months
I've been going through... such a weird journey of self-discovery lately, and it's been really weird. Nothing in my life is different, nothing is prompting it, really, other than maybe just, like, a yearning in my soul. But I'm still learning more and more and more about myself and realizing how much I didn't know before
And each thing I learn is less like... an addition on a house and more like a key opening the way to something that was already here, maybe I'd passed by and seen it before in passing, maybe I knew it was there but never touched it, but now I'm moving through places I haven't frequented before, dusting off the furniture, exploring them
And it never feels... new, really, not in a way that a new toy or piece of media feels, it's never glossy and fresh with that smell of new rubber or the feel of something untarnished by time. It's more like I've seen the whole of the thing and never quite understood it, never really dived into it, never dug into all of the little nooks and crannies and tiny details scribbled in the margins. Now that I am it's always been here. It's discovering the full map of the thing, the whole of my soul
It's... weird. Nice! But very weird. I have new thoughts and strange half-memories and a new sense of how I look at myself - when I see me in the mirror, she isn't the same me as she was a few weeks ago. Maybe she is and maybe I'm the one who's different now. A rebuild, a reconnection, a restructuring of files. I'm not sure really
I think I like who I'm becoming, though. And I think I'm glad to be discarding what I'm leaving behind.
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trenchcrows · 1 year
decided to sketch SBI from CHASM just cause (just now realised that the acronym and it actually kinda fits lmao) 
without masks:
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different version of tommy with the injury visible:
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with masks: 
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[link if you haven’t read CHASM yet]
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zuko · 2 years
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about last night ✱ 220715
something something loneliness and isolation and approaching grief in moments you catch yourself alone. and how the silence echoes.
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