#all that to say. no fucking clue what I’ll say tomorrow. bc I have had enough of being told off for shit that isn’t my fault
taardisblue · 2 years
#google how do I say ‘yes I’ll get the file done however there will be a 30 min delay due to me needing to cry in the bathroom about it’#but like in a professional way#I’m so fucking tired god bless#seeing my actual career manager tomorrow and I’m supposed to tell her about workload overloads but lol#A. it’s not like she’ll actually let me back out of her perimeter#which arguably isn’t the busiest one but Is supposed to be secondary#B. I’m already getting tackled by my actual managers#about how I ‘really shouldn’t be taking on too much work’#like. fuckers. you’re the ones giving me the work I have to do.#’oh yeah just tell us what we can help you with’ my dude I don’t even understand enough what I’m doing to know what I need help with#and the stuff I do understand and could delegate is stuff You Don’t Know How To Do#and it’s just. the solicitous bullshit gets on my goddamn nerves bc.#YOU decided to assign me to the additional perimeter!! so now you don’t get to be mad when I have to spend hours on said additional topic!!#not how this works!!! and being all disapproving about me working too much is just the opposite of helping fuck you#fuck you fuck you fuck this fuck you#.txt#all that to say. no fucking clue what I’ll say tomorrow. bc I have had enough of being told off for shit that isn’t my fault#but I also have had enough of having to be like :) yes I definitely don’t mind that this ‘short rush period’ had been going on for 7 weeks#ok complaining window over back to (the useless utterly meaningless) work#yk at the old job there was always the silver lining of ‘I can quit! I can do something else!’#but now…. I Am at the ‘doing something else’ job. i got nothing else.#ok whatever I do need to get back to work bc I will Also be complained at if I send the file to the client at ‘an unreasonable hour’#like fuck you man if you’d paid for the actual staffing you needed you wouldn’t be getting emails at 10 pm#‘tell us if you’re having a hard time’ oh yeah that’s gonna go great. hi Simon I can’t industrialize the tooling this morning.#why? well you see getting up in the morning has become a struggle equal to what it was when I was actively suic*dal. hope this helps.#anyway did you want to review the slide drafts before the touch point?#yeah. that will go. really well. god. fuck this.
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rebelpeas · 2 years
✨ 🎶 🎯 🤲 🤡
HI QWERTY thanks for the questions! i skipped two that i have already answered (✨ and 🤡) this time bc im sleeby tonight 😴
🎶 - Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
i cannot write without music LOL i make playlists for my long wips and try to only listen to those songs while i’m working on the wip, so it’s a sort of “sit down and focus” soundtrack. for oneshots i tend to loop just one song the whole time i’m writing. lately, i’ve been listening to fold i by motherfolk and chinese satellite by phoebe bridger!
🎯 - Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
shoutout to the mine theory truthers of devil town! i think at least one person had guessed every reveal, twist, or plot point in devil town by the time we got to the end, with the one exception of (SPOILERS) wilbur being involved in quackity’s dad’s death in any capacity, or, like. anything about karl. i did not see anybody guess that, which was kind of funny and i suspect is probably part of the reason chapter eleven ended up being the most memorable scene in that fic.
also. you with a certain character in footnotes LMAO but you know this
🤲 - Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
this is less of a snippet and more of An Entire Scene because i couldn’t decide which part to grab and just got. all of it. but here is a 500 word chunk from act two of pds 70b for you! warnings ahead for discussions of unreality and death.
“I think I’m going to die in this car,” Wilbur tells Tommy, who is sprawled out across a blanket with one arm over his eyes. It’s just shy of noon; the sun beats down above them, shielded only by the overhang of the building they’ve stopped at for the day. The teenager raises the corner of his lip in the tired approximation of a grossed-out sneer.
Wilbur thinks he was pretty obvious the first time. “I’m just gonna keep driving it around until it breaks. Then I’ll live out of it wherever it stops, and eventually I’ll die there. Gonna die in the car. Be buried in it. It’s my tomb, all decorated already and everything.”
This causes Tommy to lift his arm, blue eyes finding Wilbur’s with a scowl. “Has anyone ever told you, you’re fucking morbid?”
“I don’t know,” Wilbur says. “My memory’s bad. That’s insensitive.”
“Fuck you,” Tommy says without a bit of venom to it. He settles back down. “Stop talking about death and let me nap, would you?”
“Okay.” Wilbur puts his back against the wall. “What about you?”
Tommy heaves a sigh and Wilbur can hear the eyeroll that goes with it. “I’m never going to die, actually.”
“No,” Wilbur corrects. “What’ll you do when the car breaks?”
A silent pause hangs between them.
“Well,” Tomm starts, slowly. “I imagine it’ll still be a good while til that happens. Told you, Tubbo’s good with cars. A right mechanic. He’ll keep it moving, and we can go wherever. See who else we can find that’s still around. Oh, we could start a–what’s the word, for like, end of the world shit?”
“A community,” Tommy says. “With survivors. We can start farms.”
“I don’t think plants have been growing.”
“What? Oh.” Tommy frowns. “Well, maybe they just need different conditions. We can figure it out.” And after a moment, “How haven’t plants been growing? That doesn’t make any sense. They haven’t died.”
Wilbur shrugs. “You ask the apocalypse how it all works. I haven’t the slightest clue.”
Tommy covers his face again. “I’ll ask tomorrow. Goodnight, Wilbur.”
Wilbur lets him sleep this time. After a few moments, Tommy’s breathing slows into something slow, heavy, and even. He’s a quiet sleeper, whether that’s in the passenger seat of Wilbur’s car or on a blanket in an empty hotel’s lobby, just by the doors where an occasional breeze blows through. The breeze is louder than Tommy’s breathing sometimes.
It startles Wilbur the first time he mixes up the wind for someone breathing. Then it gets stuck in his head. He keeps looking over, half-expecting for Tommy to be gone and to be alone again. Even after the night spent driving together, and the morning spent together scrounging for supplies and finding a cool enough place to sleep, Wilbur still doesn’t quite believe that Tommy is real.
Doesn’t quite believe he’s going to stay.
Tommy is some sort of ghost, he’s pretty sure. Something like a sketchbook high above a canyon, or a name written on a calendar, or a wallet sitting on his dashboard, only a little more tangible. A little louder, when he’s awake, and a little more insistent about it.
So Tommy is the last dredges of Wilbur’s sanity trying to survive, one last-ditch effort to wake himself up and get back into the car and start driving, again, and again, and again. Maybe he isn’t even alive. Maybe it’d worked, back at the canyon–maybe this is just the hallucinated last moments of Wilbur’s life, played through in vivid detail.
Maybe nothing’s real. Maybe trees never fall if no one is there to see it go. Maybe it doesn’t matter.
Tommy is still asleep. One arm over his eyes; blonde hair spilled over maroon carpet. His chest continues to rise and fall. Real or otherwise.
Wilbur dozes off just behind him, and he dreams of something dark in between glittering lights and velvet fabric bundled up inside of his chest.
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lamphaunter · 1 year
Disorganized QSMP egg theory rant
Glad that the eggs arent dead but WHERE THE FUCK IS THE DRAGON??? 
Is that happening tomorrow? Is it happening later on? Did they cancel it????
The parents are logging off and the eggs are going to sleep so clearly the event must be over for the day.
Imo i think quackity/the QSMP team did not anticipate the players getting so attached to the eggs so they change their plans. I remember wilbur saying yesterday that he “may have reason to believe I’ll see tallulah again”, in like, a voice that made it sound like he was being serious. so i think some of the members of the server (if not all) where told by the admins that they wouldnt lose their eggs tomorrow, or that at the very least, their eggs weren’t completely *doomed*.
Obviously this still isnt the end of the egg drama bc there were still the hidden message about “the end is the key” and stuff. Also the eggs have CRACKS now, which has to mean something, like maybe they’ll hatch? Because after a little time they act healthy again and can wear armor once more. so the cracks might not mean injury. i think i heard tallulah say smth like “idk whats happening to my body/me” (but dont quote me on that!!! i need to go back to the vod and check)
also interesting detail, is that richarlson doesnt have any cracks like the others. maybe he’s younger than the other eggs? if the “the dragons are hatching” theory is to be believed. If its not growth, then why is richarlson unharmed like the others? Does the qsmp federation or whatever want the eggs dead/hurt or not? If they didnt want them dead why did they return them hurt????
i wonder if the team had technical difficulties with some things and maybe thats why nothing too crazy happened today.
this post is a fuckin mess so im not gonna tag it. will make a more organized theory thing later. and also will check the vods before i do that for more clues.
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seasonofthewicth · 3 years
Rowaelin Month - Day 3
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prompt: a secret relationship
extras: multiple povs
cw: one very brief mention of nsfw topics
word count: 3k
Fenrys knows his friends think of him as the joker of the group, and yeah he is hilarious, but there’s more to him than that. He can read the room, can pick up on the subtleties of whichever of his friends might need one of his jokes more than others on any given day. It’s a skill that makes him observant, watchful of people, and he notices things.
He’s not sure if Rowan and Aelin think they’re being subtle, and he’s not sure which of his other friends have picked up on the same things he has, but he’s pretty sure Aelin and Rowan are sleeping together.
He’s not completely sure, he doesn’t have any concrete evidence and they still act normally in the group, but he knows what he saw on the night of Elide’s birthday. He and Rowan have lived together for years and Aelin has crashed at theirs any number of times before but, until that night, she’d never emerged from Rowan’s bedroom the morning after wearing one of his t-shirts.
The material had completely drowned her. The short sleeves had hung to her elbows and the hem had been well down her thighs. She’d seemed somewhat… sneaky as she’d crept into their kitchen in search of coffee.
He knows not to read too much into things, friends share clothes all the time. He’s lost many hoodies to the collective wardrobe owned by their group of friends and he’s still pissed at Lorcan who he knows still has his The Cadre t-shirt from the gig they had attended a few years ago.
What Fenrys also knows is that friends don’t stand at the kitchen counter, holding the neckline of their friend’s shirt to their nose and grinning like an idiot.
He needs to speak to Aedion.
Elide has been friends with Aelin for years and that is more than long enough to know she’s almost always guaranteed to be late to their coffee dates. She’s not bothered, it gives her a few extra minutes to sip away at her own coffee reading her book with the general hum of the coffee shop lulling her into a comfortable rest.
It’s not long before her friend breezes into the coffee shop, the bell above the door ringing and signalling her entrance. It’s very Aelin, her entrance. The wind sweeps in fluffing her golden waves and her steps are full of purpose as she strides towards Elide.
“Sorry I’m late.” Aelin all but throws herself into the seat opposite Elide, smiling a bright smile for the relatively early morning they’re sharing.
“Don’t worry about it,” Elide says, finishing off her final swig of her first coffee. “Want me to go and get our drinks?”
“No, Ellie,” Aelin says, waving her hand. “First one’s on me. I was late, I’ll make it up to you.”
Aelin squeezes her hand before breezing back out of her seat.
She’s back only a couple of minutes later, finally relaxing into the large armchair she occupies. “So, what’s new with you?”
“Nothing much,” Elide shrugs. “Work is tough but nothing I didn’t expect.”
“I’m sure you’re smashing it,” Aelin says with a grin, then places her hand against her chest. “My little Elide, registered nurse taking the world by storm.”
Elide smiles, it feels good to hear those words, after all the sleepless nights and sweat and tears she’s finally where she wants to be.
Aelin continues, “You’re not pushing yourself too hard are you?”
“No,” she says and it’s the truth. “And even if I was, Lorcan is being wonderful.”
Aelin fake gags and Elide shoots her a mostly joking glare. “I find that hard to believe.”
“He is,” she says, thinking of the bath he had drawn her the night before and the massage he’d given her when she complained of her feet aching.
Aelin shifts in her seat as she nods along and the neck of her t-shirt slips down to reveal the ghost of a hickey on her friend’s collarbone. Elide raises an eyebrow.
Aelin looks down before grinning wickedly.
“Anything new with you?”
Aelin’s answer is interrupted by the arrival of their coffees in the hands of a handsome waiter.
“A large mocha,” he says and Elide raises a hand, “and a large cappuccino with cinnamon.”
Aelin raises her own hand. The waiter sets their drinks down, his eyes lingering on Aelin for a minute before he slowly backs away.
“Enjoy,” he says, his eyes still locked on Aelin. “Let me know if you need anything.”
He turns with a wink and Elide raises her other brow at her friend.
“Are you going to get his number?”
Aelin shakes her head. “Not today.”
Elide hums a response before leaning forward in her seat. “Why? You’d usually be all over someone like him, he’s exactly your type. Tall, muscular without being jacked, his curly brown hair, cheeky smile…”
She trails off when Aelin cracks a smile. “I guess I’m just not feeling it today.”
Elide wants to ask why again, she honestly might go over and get the guy’s number for her friend, when Aelin changes the subject rapidly.
“Are you going to Rowan and Fenrys’ later?”
Elide doesn’t process the change of topic until a little later on, once a couple more pieces have slotted into place. Eventually she’s pretty sure she’s worked out why Aelin didn’t want the cute coffee guy’s number.
She needs to speak to Lorcan.
Lorcan Salvaterre doesn’t like Aelin Galathynius.
He tolerates her at best for the sake of the rest of their friends but that said, he still probably wouldn’t want to see her hurt.
When Lysandra puts the message in the group chat-At the hospital with Aelin, dw they think it’s just a sprain-he reads it, absently thinks how he probably hopes she’s okay, and moves on with his day. He’s on his way to meet Rowan at the bar and if anything, Galathynius would want them to raise a toast in her honour.
What Lorcan doesn’t expect is the restless jittering of his best friend’s leg beneath the table, sloshing precious droplets of beer onto the table that his friend doesn’t even seem to notice.
“What’s the matter with you?” he asks as he slides onto his seat opposite the silver haired man.
“Nothing,” Rowan says quickly but his leg keeps up the restless pace.
Lorcan signals to the bartender for his own beer and turns back to Rowan. “Dude, chill out. There’s clearly something up with you and I’m not having you spill my pint.”
Rowan finally notices the state of their table and stills his leg. “Sorry,” Rowan says, using some of the beer mats scattered across their table to mop up the spill.
Now Lorcan really is confused. Usually Whitethorn would cuss him out over apologising. He doesn’t really know what to say.
His phone buzzes in his pocket and he ignores it as Rowan lurches for his own phone. He reads whatever’s on the screen then scowls and locks it again, placing it face up on the table. His knee begins bouncing again.
“You’re being weird,” Lorcan announces.
“Fuck off,” Rowan says and there’s the Whitethorn he knows and loves.
Lorcan opens his mouth to speak again but his phone buzzes and Rowan again lurches for his own. He chews at his lip as he reads whatever’s on the screen and so Lorcan bothers to dig his own phone out of his pocket.
It’s the group chat. He has a couple of unread messages, just Aedion and Elide expressing their concern for Galathynius as expected, nothing exciting. He locks his phone and places it on the table in front of him, watching Rowan for his next move. He’s definitely being weird and Lorcan has no fucking clue why.
His phone buzzes again and the screen lights up with the latest message. It’s Galathynius, he can tell from the stupid crown profile picture she has.
I’m alive, her message reads, just a sprain but I’m gutted bc I wanted a cast so you all could sign it.
Rowan is on his own phone when Lorcan looks back up, he’s tapping away but Lorcan doesn’t see any messages from him in the group chat. His knee has stilled under the table and Lorcan swears there’s something that looks like relief on his face. Relief? As if there was ever any danger of Galathynius not being fine.
“Why the fuck are you so worried about Galathynius?”
Rowan’s eyes narrow and he carefully tucks his phone back into his pocket.
“I’m not,” he says but it sounds somewhat like a question and Lorcan isn’t convinced.
Until he decides he doesn’t give a shit enough to ask any more questions, Whitethorn seems back to normal and if Galathynius being fine is the reason for it he can think about it later.
And probably speak to Fenrys.
Aedion is drunk.
Like truly and utterly wasted.
So far a good night.
The rest of the group are somewhere dispersed around the bar but he’s happy here, tucked up in their booth, resting his head against the cushioned velvet while the room spins around him. He’s pretty sure Aelin is still in the booth with him and it might be Rowan with her but he’s too lazy to open his eyes to check.
He can hear the pounding base of a song he doesn’t recognise and he could fall asleep right here, somehow lulled to sleep by the beat and the volume of alcohol he’s consumed.
He doesn’t mean to listen to Aelin and Rowan’s conversation, even though he’s pretty sure it’s not intruding if they know he’s sat right there, but pieces of their conversation spike his attention.
“You don’t want me to stay at yours tonight?” he hears Aelin ask and Aedion is intrigued.
Lysandra is out tonight so Aelin has a safe ride home with her roommate and no need to crash at Rowan and Fenrys’ apartment.
“It’s not that I don’t want you to.” Rowan’s voice is low and hard to hear over the music. “But Fenrys is out with us and if I say I want to leave he’ll join me, then you know he’d ask questions.”
Aedion from tomorrow is screaming at him to pay attention to this conversation and so he keeps his eyes closed to try and listen in. He’s almost holding his breath to try and hear their voices over the noise of the bar.
They’re quiet for a moment and he’s so tempted to crack his eyes open.
“I know,” he finally hears Rowan say. “I’m sorry, Fireheart. We will.”
Hearing the term of endearment drop off Rowan’s lips is too much, it’s weird, he didn’t realise the two of them were close enough for Rowan to know about the nickname his cousin has. He risks opening one of his eyes to just a thin slit.
He’s not ready for what he sees.
Aelin is tucked under Rowan’s arm, resting her cheek on his chest. Rowan’s chin rests on the top of his cousin’s head before he softly presses his lips to her hair.
Aedion has many questions. He immediately closes his eye. He’s drunk, he can’t trust his eyes.
He hears rustling and then definitely his name from his cousin but it doesn’t sound like she’s talking to him.
Then, “Aedion.” Rowan’s voice has him blinking his eyes open and lifting his head from the booth.
They’re separated now, sitting with a couple of inches between them on the seat. Maybe he didn’t see them cuddled up a minute ago, he’s not sure.
“Drink this.” Rowan is holding out a glass of water, his tone leaving no room for protests.
“Hey,” he hears how slurred his voice is and catches Aelin’s laughter. “Thanks bro.”
Aelin puts her face in her hands. Rowan doesn’t crack, just waves the glass of water in front of him. He reaches out to grab it but he can see more than one of his hand reaching for the glass.
“Gods,” Aelin says, looking at Rowan. “Maybe you should take him home.”
“I will,” Rowan agrees quickly, looking at her softly and Aedion has about a million more questions. “I’ll get him to drink this first.”
Aelin nods and he finally manages to take a hold of the water and downs it in about a minute. Rowan slides out of the booth and holds a hand out to Aedion. He lets his friend tug him up and begins his stumble to the exit.
He feels Rowan pause behind him and catches the words, “meet you at yours afterwards.”
He manages to spin and see Aelin smiling as she leaves the booth too. He doesn’t bother to think about it, he probably won’t remember tomorrow.
He’ll ask Lysandra.
Aelin’s hand is clammy where she holds Rowan’s.
It’s the only sign of the nerves she feels, this conversation has been brewing for a while, and regardless of their friends’ reactions she’s happy with Rowan. Honestly, it’s only been about a month in total since that one night for Elide’s birthday that changed everything, but she thinks she might be falling for him.
She can’t believe she thought he was a dick when they first met. Well, she supposes he is a dick. One of the first things he ever said to her was that she was a spoiled brat but, in his defense, she’d just called him a stuck up bastard.
Now though she loves the thrill of his quick mind. Loves the way he can tease and taunt her until she’s trembling beneath him and about a second away from begging. She loves the soft kisses he presses to her hair when he knows she’s had a bad day, she loves when he comes back from work with a slice of chocolate hazelnut cake under his arm because he knows it will make her smile.
What she doesn’t love is keeping this a secret from all of their best friends. It started out as embarrassment, after they slept together on Elide’s birthday she didn’t know what it was, didn’t know if they’d just fucked everything up, didn’t know if their friendships were about to implode.
But then it happened again, and again and again, until it’s four am and she’s pressing her lips to his one last time so she can sneak out without Fenrys noticing and be home before Lysandra wakes up.
The sneaking around was hot at first. His hand over her mouth holding in her whimpers as he fucked her on the couch he shares with Fenrys, when he slid the pillow between her bedframe and the wall when Lysandra had texted asking if she could hear that weird banging noise, all the times they had cut it a little too close. But now, it’s exhausting.
She wants to be able to hold Rowan’s hand and kiss him without the wariness pooling in her stomach and she knows he feels the same.
“Guys,” she says loudly to the room filled with their friends. Rowan squeezes her hand where they’re hidden beneath a couch pillow. “We have something to tell you all.”
Five pairs of eves pivot to her and she swallows.
“Rowan and I are… dating,” she says slowly, as though she’s unsure of how the words will go down.
There’s a beat of silence before their friends erupt.
“I knew it!”
“I fucking told you they were.”
“Pay up you bastard.”
Lorcan scowls, pulling out his wallet and Aelin blinks. She did not expect this.
“Wait.” Lorcan holds up a hand. “Before I hand over any cash we need details. Dating or in a relationship? How long have you been dating? Who asked who? Who started this? Most importantly; when?”
She looks to Rowan who’s green eyes reflect her own bewilderment.
“Um,” he starts unsurely, “we’re in a relationship.” He punctuates this with another squeeze of her hand and she grins. The feeling of his fingers linked through her own spreads warmth up her arm before settling in her chest. “It started a few weeks ago.”
Her friends are all leaning forwards, still waiting.
“When exactly?” Lysandra asks. “Like what was the date?”
“Well, the first time was the night of Elide’s birthday.”
Fenrys launches himself out of his seat. “I fucking told all of you.” He holds his right hand out starkly in front of him. “Pay up all of you, I was right.”
There are complaints and grumbled protests but Fenrys ends up with a handful of twenties and Elide a couple of notes herself.
“Wait,” Aelin says, brushing a hand across her forehead as if this will somehow clear it up. “You guys bet on us?”
That seems to still the commotion coming from the other side of the room.
It’s Aedion who speaks. “Yeah,” he says in a way that sounds like duh. “You didn’t think you were subtle did you?”
“Kind of,” Rowan says eventually, leaning forwards to brace his elbows on his knees. “We weren’t obvious. And none of you ever seemed to let on.”
“Bro, are you serious?” Aedion laughs as Elide and Lysandra snicker.
“You seriously thought we never knew?” Lysandra sounds as baffled as Aelin feels. “All those texts I sent when I knew he was over? All the mysterious unnamed hook-ups on nights you and Rowan both disappeared together? All the times you’d think you were subtle but your lipstick would be on his neck? We have been waiting for this.”
She’s laughing and Aelin feels a bubble of laughter in her own throat. She can’t believe it. It had seemed to reach a point of obviousness but none of them had ever commented.
“I can’t believe you all knew,” she cries burying her face in her hands as Rowan slings an arm around her shoulders and pulls her in close. “Why did none of you say anything?”
“It was against the rules of the bet,” Fenrys says seriously and Rowan uses his other arm to dig his bicep, his laughter rumbling in his chest beneath her.
She smiles into the fabric of his shirt as the group erupts again, bickering over who knew first and who knew the most. Aelin doesn’t care, it’s gone better than she could have imagined and she has Rowan and her friends and she loves them.
A secret relationship no longer. It feels good.
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k3rm1e · 3 years
dadza & sbi
a continuation of yesterday’s ask-
hiiii i know i haz been lurk 🐮 Anoon for a good bitz but I haz an idea fro DadBoyHalo and Dadza(sepretz courze!!) havingz to take care of their very chaos childrenz(DadBoyHalo wif Sapnap + reader, Dadza with SBI + reader) ówò?
Thankz yuuuu!!!
-🐮 Anoon
🐮anon i am here with dadza! thank you for the patient waiting ;-;
i am referring to the samsung refrigerator as sam bc i have no clue what to address her as (゚ω゚;)
this also went off track but whatever lmao
cw: swearing
phil did not expect this when he decided to have kids. in the beginning, he was only planning on the one. wilbur was the sweetest kid ever when he was born. never caused any trouble, was peaceful. hell, the kid seemed like he would rather play music 24/7 before yelling at a single person. then again, his wife was always too caring.
when he traveled to the nether with sam, taking his son with him for the first time, he didn’t expect to acquire another kid. they were walking along an old path that had been made year before, when suddenly wilbur started shouting, pointing at a small pink figure.
the baby piglin was surrounded by bigger, larger piglins. they were trying to take his gold as he fearfully warded them off. sam, with her large heart, urged phil to go save the child as she protected wilbur. through a long fight with grunts and yells, he had saved the kid.
“hello, young one. are you alright?” the piglin regarded him suspiciously, not knowing if he would hurt him. phil, from the corner of his eye, saw the kid eyeing the gold on the ground. “you want your shit back, mate?” phil turned around and quickly picked up the goods. “here you go, kid.” and from there, he had suddenly acquired another ward.
within the next few years, tensions rose. the young piglin, who phil had named technoblade, was slowly learning english. he wanted to learn how to fight, to protect himself and not end up in a situation like the one phil had saved him from. sam did not approved of this, ever the passive refrigerator. phil and sam argued nearly all the time. wilbur and techno began spending more time together, out of the house.
“techno, it's not your fault. you know that right?” wilbur was walking with techno, his guitar on his back. the house was no longer a good place to hangout, so they walked into town.
“well of course its not, wil. i know that, at the very least. i’m just trying to protect myself, the same as phil does. in the future i could even win competitions, make us some extra money.” the two boys were walking and talking, when suddenly they ran into a loud blonde kid who was with someone else they couldn’t really see.
“hey! watch where you’re going, kid!” wilbur yelled a the shorter blonde, who knocked him over.
“oh, fuck off, will you? i didn’t mean to, you don’t have to be a prick about it.” wilbur looked flabergasted at this, a kid much younger than him having this type of mouth?
“hey! do not fucking speak to me that way, do you understand?” wilbur pointed at the two kids, looking like a so-called ‘karen’ in the internet compilations.
“oh come on, dude, you just swore and you look only a few years older than me! don’t be a fucking hypocrite.” you looked sternly at the brown-haired male, watching his mouth open and close, like a fish.
“wilbur, you know we both swore at that age. give them a break, will ya?” techno was smirking at the two of you, knowing he was pissing wilbur off.
“ugh, whatever techno. fuck off, mate.”
the two boys continued walking into town, done with the conversation. but your blonde friend, apparently, may not have been. “c’mon! let’s follow them!”
“uhh, why tommy? it’ll bring us nothing but trouble.” you were confused at what tommy was getting at, but you knew it was nothing good.
“and? trouble is my middle name, obviously.” he grabbed you hand and began dragging you in the direction the boys went.
when you arrived in town center, wilbur was seen talking to a shorter girl, while the piglin was arguing with a figure wearing green. tommy turned to you, “i’ll go talk to the cool one, you can go talk to the cunt who berated us for swearing.” knowing that once tommy made a decision he wouldn’t change his mind, you gave in.
walking over slowly, you noticed when you caught the boy’s attention. he looked over to you and his face darkened. “not you again… what do you want?”
“who’s this?” the girl he was talking to you looked over to you. you smiled at her and told her your name. “that’s a nice name. i’m niki.”
the two of you shook hands and she moved over for you to sit down. wilbur, begrudgingly, allowed you to sit and chat with them. for about three hours, you all sat talking. after a bit of pleading, wilbur had pulled out his guitar and was playing you a song.  that was, until tommy ran over with techno as they were being chased a boy with a smiling mask, a boy with a white headband, and one with strange glasses.
“techno! what the fuck did you do now!?” wilbur stood up and began yelling at the piglin.
instead of a response, he was met with tommy screaming, “STOP CHASING ME, YOU FUCKIN’ BITCH! THIS IS CHILD ABUSE, I AM A MINOR!!! A MINOR!!”
“god fucking damnit, tech!” wilbur jumped up and dragged you with him. now all three of you were running from the boys.
once you had arrived in the forest clearing, wilbur was immediately on technoblade and tommy’s asses about what had happened.
“what. did. you. do.” wilbur was staring at them, his hands on his hips.
techno tried to explain, before tommy cut in “wilbur, i have done nothing. i was simply being a respectful citizen-”
“those terrible cunts were being terrible bitches to us, wilbur! they were threatening the blade here, saying we couldn't fight. but i showed them!” tommy seemed incredibly proud of himself.
“techno, what did this demon child do?” wilbur was staring at nothing, looking dead inside.
“i am now participating in a duel with dream tomorrow, at 4:20 P.M.” wilbur looked extremely pale at this, like he was begging god for mercy.
the four of you walked back to phil’s house. wilbur felt too guilty to leave you guys in  town, especially when tommy had gotten into a fight with dream.
when you arrived at the house, phil immediately pulled you in, seeing that you guys were covered in cuts and bruises. when you went in, sam was nowhere to be seen.
“what the hell happened? why are there two very dirty children with you and why is techno smirking like that?”
after an explanation from the two of, phil began tending to your wounds. “wilbur, techno, go clear out the guest room for these two. we’ll talk more tonight. once you and tommy were nicely bandaged and clean, you were sent to the guest bedroom.
“you think we’ll be safe here, tommy?” you turned over to look at your friend who was in the bed across from yours. for years, you had been living on the streets, surviving off the bread the nice lady would provide you with.
“of course we will. we’re big men, you know that. besides, did you see techno over there? we’ll be just fine.”
“thanks tommy. love you, mate.” you smiled at tommy.
“night. love you too, big man."
in the morning, at the duel between technoblade and dream, it was suspenseful. even when you felt like he would lose hope, techno pulled through. even if sam had left and and was now in the dump, phil knew it would be okay. he acquired to new kids and would make sure they had a better life than the one they had before.
i hope you liked this one 🐮 anon! <3
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h2bakugou · 4 years
Hello dear friend~~May I ask what would be main 3+denki reaction to having a crush on a girl who never studies, and always does her homework in the morning before the class, and then when the results of their exams come out she's in the top5 and they just dont understand how she can have such good grades with how little she studies because she doesnt show that shes actually really smart? ☺️ (happened to me, everyone is shooketh when they found out my grades bc I have a rebel spirit about study?)
a/n: hi hun!! of course! i felt this, i never really studied unless i needed to, or i really didn’t understand something and i think i did pretty okay. but now i’m a drop out so- kjfhdjg i’m going to be doing online school soon though because i’d like to get my high school diploma.
headcanon: them with a crush on someone who never studies but excels in class
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: fluff, swearing
»»————- ★ ————-««
katsuki bakugou
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Bakugou doesn’t expect you to do very well. It’s the honest truth. 
He’s watched you every morning, scramble to finish your homework, and somehow manage to write legible answers with how fast your hand moves.
And before every test, he doesn’t see you study at all. It’s like you barely even keep notes.
In fact, he’s almost certain you don’t even keep notes at all. He was willing to bet that the notebook that rested on your desk during note time was promptly filled with doodles and random drawings, maybe even a to-do list or something.
But, all that aside, Bakugou has the fattest crush on you. This man is fucking smitten till the day he dies.
Everything about you astounds him, he’s never seen anyone like you.
And it goes to say that when you come out second in class, under him, he’s fucking confused and amazed at the same time.
He wants to ask you a million questions on how you did, ask if you cheated off of him somehow but he knows that’s not even remotely true.
His idea of trying to ask you out is getting you to study with him.
“Oi.” Bakugou approaches you after class, walking back toward your dorm.
“Oh, hey Bakugou.” You smile at him. You had a crush on him too, but neither side knew the other’s feelings.
“We’re studying together tomorrow. Meet me in the library and don’t be late.” Bakugou storms off, totally chad-like he’s thinking he’s just scored you and everything.
y/n.exe has stopped working.
You know he knows you don’t study.
You show up anyway and you can’t help but laugh because it’s certainly not studying that you two are doing in the library.
Somehow he’s managed to lead you to the library just to take you out on a date somewhere because there’s no book bag in sight, not even a book moved from the shelf.
“Alright let’s go.” Bakugou smirks.
“You could’ve just asked me out on a date in the first place.” You tease him.
“Shut up.” He huffs, smiling.
It’s a really good date.
»»————- ★ ————-««
izuku midoriya
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Midoriya has probably asked you to help him study once or twice. He knows you’re up pretty high in class, you have great grades, but he’;s confused as fuck when you turn him down.
“What?” He blinks at you, confused.
“It’s not that I don’t want to! I’d love to but I uh don’t really study.” You mumble, avoiding his gaze.
“But you have amazing grades-”
“And I finish all my worksheets right before class starts, it’s just how I do things.” You look back up at him and smile.
“I can try my hardest to help, but studying isn’t really my strong suit, I think I get lower grades when I study.”
from that point on, I think Midoriya probably finds you that much more fascinating.
He loves to learn more about you, and knowing that you can finish a big project the morning it’s due and make a top grade, he’s blown away.
He starts to realize he likes you when you start hanging around him more.
You help him as best you can when he comes to you for answers, you’re very smart, you just have a very different way of doing your work from him.
When he finally decides to make the move, he’s shitting bricks. He’s nervous, and totally freaking out because he doesn’t even know if you like him.
“Uh hey, (Y/n)?” Midoriya pulls you aside after class, stopping you before you leave the classroom.
“What is it Izu?” You ask, having given him the cute nickname after being on a first name basis with him.
“I was wondering, well if you’d like to go on a date with me.” Midoriya gained some confidence after the sentence came out, looking at you with determination and affection.
“Sure, when and where?” You smiled, feeling your face begin to heat up.
“Wherever you want, there’s a really nice restaurant that opened up nearby-”
“Sounds like fun.” You glance away and smile. You had butterflies in your stomach.
“Are you nervous?” Midoriya asked, watching as you seemed to be a little anxious yourself.
“A little. My crush just asked me out so...” You giggle.
“You’re nervous about me asking you out but not finishing a project the day it’s due?!”
“Those are two totally different things!”
»»————- ★ ————-««
shoto todoroki
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»»————- ★ ————-««
I feel like Todoroki knows from the get go that you don’t study. He never sees you in the study groups, or in the library. He always sees you doing some sort of paperwork in the morning, and he catches on rather quickly that it’s last night’s homework, or an assignment from earlier on in the week.
Still, he can’t jump to conclusions just yet.
He overhears Kirishima talking to Kaminari about you. He’s not trying to eavesdrop on their conversation but he’s curious nonetheless.
“Yeah, I don’t think they study at all.” Kirishima tells Kaminari.
Todoroki is pretty intrigued now.
Starts investigating to see if you actually study or not. And when he doesn’t find anything to say that you do, he just waits for the exam results to come back.
He knows you didn’t study, no one accounted for you at any study groups, and Sero even said you’d gone to bed after training that afternoon.
When the results come back, Todoroki is dumbfounded.
You did better than him. You landed a whole three spots above him. 
Todoroki makes it his goal to talk to you now. And you two become really good friends, and Todoroki develops this crush on you.
He’s not sure how it even happened, all he knows is he likes you and everything about you intrigues him.
So when you’re hanging out in his dorm room, just talking and chilling out, he asks if you want to study for the next quiz coming up.
“Oh I don’t actually study.” You giggle, looking at the half-and-half boy you had a crush on.
“You don’t?” Todoroki restates, finally confirming all his suspicions.
“Nope. It doesn’t really do much for me, I’ve never really studied.” 
From then on out, Todoroki enjoys when you accompany him while he studies. He studies alone just to be able to spend time with you.
Especially when he asks you out.
“(Y/n)?” Todoroki glances up from his work sheet and you look up from the book he’d lent you to read while he worked on his assignments.
“Yeah Sho?” You smile at him, closing the book, holding your spot with your thumb.
“Would you like to go on a date after school soon?” He asks, getting the question he’d been wanting to ask off his chest finally.
“Yes.” Your eyes lit up at his question and you could feel your face getting hotter by the second.
“You look hot.” Todoroki comments on your flustered face which only deepens at his comment.
“I didn’t mean- I mean you are very beautiful but your face looked hot as in temperature.” Todoroki’s own face begins to flush at his fumbled words as you begin to smile and laugh.
“You’re too cute.” You grin at him. He smiles back and returns to his work, ready to take you on that date.
»»————- ★ ————-««
denki kaminari
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»»————- ★ ————-««
Kaminari has no clue. He’s oblivious. I don’t think he’s as stupid as people make him seem but he certainly doesn’t catch on right away, it takes a bit of time.
And one loud mouthed explosive blonde haired friend of his to point it out.
“I was gonna ask them to study with us after class.” Kaminari states, telling the group about his first move to try and ask you out. He’s had a crush on you since he laid eyes on you, and he’s shooting his shot.
“You dumbass. They don’t study.” Bakugou groans, looking over at you, scrambling to finish your homework.
“That’s the homework from last night.” Bakugou points out to Kaminari and his eyes go wide.
“There’s no way they’re going to pass!” Kaminari exclaims.
“We have to go help them!” Kaminari is about to go rush over to you but Kirishima stops him and laughs.
“Just wait, you’ll see.” Kirishima reassures Kaminari.
And sure enough, when the homework gets returned, Kaminari watches as your paper returns with the highest marking. You passed. With a perfect score.
This doesn’t stop Kaminari from shooting said shot though. He’s trying even harder. He’s determined.
"So there’s that big test coming up.” Kaminari began talking to you about three weeks ago, you’ve become friends, and you both have mutual feelings for one another that the other doesn’t know about, but it’s pretty obvious to the surrounding friends in the Bakusquad.
He’s talking to you about the test coming up with all of the subjects you’ve covered so far, a bit of a mid-term if you will.
“I’m a little nervous about it if I’m being honest.” You admit, taking a bite of your lunch.
“Do you wanna study with us later tonight?” Kaminari asks, feeling volts coarse through his veins as he awaits your answer.
“Studying isn’t really my thing. It’s not that I don’t want too! Please don’t think I’m trying to avoid you guys.” You bite your lip and look away trying to come up with the right words to say.
“Studying crams my brain and I don’t really think fluidly when the test comes, I get worse grades when I study then when I don’t.”
“I’ll stop by after with snacks and drinks so you don’t feel left out then.” Kaminari grins, his amber eyes full of excitement.
And sure enough, he stops by, a few slices of pizza and some soda in hand.
“So I was thinking, me and you.” Kaminari starts. You’re playing some video games before lights out.
“Me and you?” You question, currently beating Kaminari in Mario Kart.
“Yeah like, would you wanna go out sometime?” He asks, smiling.
“Sure, that could be a lot of fun.” Your face begins to heat up, and you lose your spot to Kaminari as your mind begins to scream with excitement. You feel your heart beating faster.
“Wait really?” Kaminari turns to look at you pausing the game.
“Yes. I like you, and I want to go on ad ate with you.” You smile, setting the controller down.
“Oh this is awesome!” Kaminari hugs you.
The next day when the test is over, the Bakusquad stands dumbfounded as you pass the test with the highest score, even beating Bakugou.
Kaminari is proud.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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rk-xin · 3 years
I would tell u but I have zero clue, they slept on the same bed, I think? Idk maybe they fucked or maybe they just talked about boys (eachother) or maybe its maybelline
i hear you, i see you, i respect you. heres a drabble based on your dream bc why not! (for continuity purposes, this would probably take place somewhere in-between the events of chapters 8 and 9..... so not yet where we are in canon.) enjoy <3
「 prompt(?): astutia and carys room together on a school trip. and, as always, things get... interesting. 」
cw: they make out. uh. yeah. 👍
“And much to my own dismay,” the teacher sighs, “you will get to choose your roommates for the trip.” He completely ignores the burst of cheering that comes from the students piled into the lecture room before him. “You’ll be in pairs. Choose wisely, then come to me with your assignments.”
As he prattles on about the rules and regulations regarding the field trip, Dream feels a shiver run up his spine, almost like a sixth sense, before a voice whispers by his ear, “How ‘bout it, prez? You gonna share a room with me?”
He whips around, hand reaching up to cover the heat on his ears, to meet George’s smirk head-on. Tilting his head to the side and gazing into Dream’s eyes with feigned innocence, George laughs under his breath.
“What’re you blushin’ about?” he muses, raising a brow. “I do hope the school president’s not thinking about doing inappropriate things on a school trip.”
Dream narrows his eyes at him. “I wouldn’t dare.”
George hums. “Oh, but I would. You know that.”
For his own sanity, Dream ignores the comment. “Who says we have to room together?” he queries, clutching desperately at any opportunities to escape. He doesn’t think he can survive a night with George Carys.
“Well,” George drags out, glancing around at the students who fail to hide their staring at the hit-couple of the school, “I’d say this is as good an opportunity as ever to really solidify our relationship.” When he grins, his fangs gleam. “Don’t you?”
Dream curses himself in his head. If he argues, it’ll be for naught. It’ll be suspicious. So he sighs, pinches the bridge of his nose, and gets up. “Fine. I’ll go put our names down.”
Entirely happy with winning, George grins, leaning back into his chair with a satisfied sigh. “Attaboy.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
Carrying both his and George’s luggage, because of a bet gone wrong, Dream stands at the entrance of their room, completely flabbergasted at the sight. Meanwhile, George loses his shit right beside him, cackling laugh echoing throughout the probably-very-thin walls.
They’ve arrived in the hotel room they’re supposed to stay in for the night, assigned by the school, and Dream is staring at one bed. A singular bed. If you do the math - two people, one bed, George Carys - it doesn’t add up all that well.
The president (delicately) drops the bags on the floor, before pivoting on his heel. “I’m going to talk to Mr-”
“Oho, no, you don’t,” George cuts in, wrapping an arm around Dream’s waist and shoving him away from the door.
He stumbles on his feet, taking a few steps backwards to regain his balance. “Carys, what- are you supposing we share a bed?”
George scoffs, rolling his eyes and striding over. “I’ve had your tongue in my throat before, prez. Sharing a bed won’t be the worst thing you’ve done with me.”
The comment shocks Dream enough to have him avert his gaze and clear his throat. Sure, he and George have engaged in... activities before, but- Well. It might be because of those activities that he’s not too keen on sharing a bed with the man who might as well have spawned by the Devil’s side.
He’s keenly aware of the fact that George has closed the door, and per the itinerary, they’re stuck in their rooms until seven tomorrow morning. Which, unfortunately, leaves Dream to spend the next excruciatingly stuffy nine hours alone with George Carys.
God help him.
At an hour too dark to know the difference between night and dawn, Dream lays awake in the sheets. He can’t tell if the heat he’s feeling is coming from the slow ceiling fan, the heavy blanket, or the warmth of George’s body radiating from him in waves.
He tries to focus on anything other than the body behind him - switching from listening to the ticking of the clock, listening to the small indicators of nightlife outside the window, and counting his breaths.
Too many minutes have passed, of him simply trying to fall asleep. Maybe even hours.
And when he hears George stir, he knows there’s no denying it.
George isn’t going to let him sleep at all tonight.
There’s a hum, contemplative and low, and way too close to Dream’s neck for his own good. “How many people do you think are fucking right now, trying to keep quiet?”
“That’s none of our business,” Dream answers, wishing he was already asleep. “And stop being so crude.”
Really, he needs George to stop. Because any more snide remarks about fooling around might lead to Dream thinking about fooling around, and Dream thinking about fooling around might lead to him wanting to fool around.
And he can’t have that.
“Oh, come off it, sweetheart,” George laughs, low and gravelly in the otherwise silent hours of the night. Dream tries so, so hard not to let the petname register in his head. “You love my foul mouth.”
“I really don’t.” (He really does.)
Instead of words, Dream gets a response with a familiar hand winding its way across his waist; before he can react, his back is against the sheets, and there’s a shadow hovering above him.
The only light in the room comes from a streetlamp outside, behind their closed sheer curtains, basking Dream’s view in rays of dull gold. It catches on the studs and rings of George’s piercings; on the fang-toothed grin.
And Dream can’t decide whether to focus on how pretty George is in the moment, or to focus on the fact that he’s probably really truly undeniably fucked.
George cocks his head to the side, curls following the movement. “You do know that everyone expects this from us, right?”
“They do not-”
He’s interrupted by George’s snickering. “C’mon, sweetheart, you can’t be that oblivious.” Dream can't find it in himself to answer - not when he can feel the weight of George's legs on his own, pinning him down; not when he can feel those callused fingers trail a path up along his arm. “Everyone’s well aware that we’re together tonight - and they’re more than aware that we’re together. Successful plan and all that, right?”
Dream risks a glance away. “Even if we were actually together, we wouldn’t- I wouldn’t-” Having George above him, hearing his breath in his ear, feeling their chest press up against each other - it’s all way too distracting for his brain to work. “Most people have self-control, Carys.”
“I’m not most people, prez,” he answers, and Dream can just hear the grin in his voice. And once he lets his eyes focus in the dark, he can see it too. Just as devilish as ever; just as promising.
This was a really... really bad idea.
And Dream knows it - he's very aware of it.
But with Carys, anything bad ultimately turns... well, worth it. In some way or another. (And who is Dream to fight that?)
Focused eyes mean he can see every painfully beautiful detail of George's face as he leans in; leans closer; as his dark eyes flicker down to what Dream can't mistake as anything other than his lips.
"Carys," he breathes out when he feels chapped lips against his own, voice barely audible, "the walls, they-"
George smiles against Dream's lips, the warmth of his chuckle flooding the inside of Dream's mouth. "What about them? 'fraid people will hear?"
"Of course I am, you-"
"Guess you're gonna have to stay quiet then," George taunts.
"That's-" An all-too-familiar force pushed against him completely shuts the president up, setting off all his instincts. And, after that, he's nothing but a man with his hands cupped around a soft waist, and his gut twisting into knots.
He doesn't know how long he's stuck there, dancing around to George's whim, keeping all his heavy breaths and groans repressed in the back of his throat.
The students may already know what happens behind the closed door of the president and the delinquent, but Dream sure as hell isn't going to give them audible proof of it.
He has some respect.
But, apparently, zero shame - because when he feels a slender hand snake its way under his shirt, pressing the palm against his stomach, he does absolutely nothing to suppress the choked gasp that escapes his lips.
With the infinitesimal amount of mercy in his blood that he has, George pulls back for a brief moment, if only to laugh. "What ever happened to 'quiet', sweetheart?"
Dream squeezes his eyes closed, embarrassed to no end. Oh, he really hopes whoever is in the next room is dead asleep. "Shut up," he grumbles out.
Not even the shadow of an unlit room can hide the pure red blush forming across the president's cheeks and ears. George revels in the new information.
Dream covering half his face with his hand doesn't help to hide his flush, either, but George doesn't love a barrier. So he holds Dream's wrist in his grasp, pulling his arm down to rest that broad hand on his chest.
It would be romantic, Dream thinks, to be able to feel George's heartbeat.
In any other situation.
But the one that he's currently in leaves him with nothing but hazy thoughts and a steady beat against his palm, the pounding reverberating in his ears. He can't tell where his heartbeat ends, and where George's starts.
"Foul mouth," George hums, voice husky in an effort to remain in whispers. "Let's train that out of you, hm?"
Dream really should've roomed with someone else.
At breakfast, Dream raises a brow when Quackity - of all people - pulls a chair up at the table and sits down next to him.
"Hey, Dream." Well, Dream's not one to complain about making friends with peers.
"Good morning, Quackity," he replies. "Did you sleep well?"
Quackity's shoulders jump with his little 'hm' noise, something in-between a shrug and a hum. "Could've been better."
Before Dream can reply with some casual response of 'that's how it always is on school trips, isn't it?', Quackity is leaning into his space, like he has a secret to tell.
"Listen," he starts nonchalantly, voice quiet and meant for purely the two of them, "next time you and ol' Georgie over there wanna be hormonal teenagers, could you, like, keep the noise down?"
Dream chokes on his apple juice.
From beside him, George snorts.
[the end. lol.]
now, as much as i'd love to tell you they did the deed, it simply does not line up with the timeline of the fic. so, sorry to disappoint, but canonically they probably just made out here. but like. feel free to imagine smth else if you really want to lmao I'm not in charge here.
hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! (yes, I did use this as an excuse to procrastinate on chapter 7. sorry not sorry.)
thanks for sharing the brainrot, lime. hope this was as good as your dream lmao <3
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therealyaspen · 3 years
Possessed Legend Go Brr
You know I was gonna just post a snippet bc I stopped writing this like five months ago bUT HERE HAVE A MESSY, UNEDITED BUT COMPLETE THING I GUESS?? Any grammatical errors will probably be looked over tomorrow dfnsav
So. The Lost Woods were still creepy as hell. Good to know. A dense fog still covered the area, and crows still screamed their call-and-respond at random seemingly just to startle anyone not expecting it. The same old eerie lantern-light darted between the trees, the same poes laughed at the group as they got up and dusted themselves off.
Some things would never change, Legend supposed, no matter how often you came back.
"Looks like the Lost Woods," Time observed. "Do we know whose era we're in?"
"Mine," Legend said with a glance at the pedestal in the middle of the clearing, "The Sword looks just like I left it."
Sky sighed sadly. "This place is so... different," he said, then turned to Legend and asked, "Are you going to take it?"
Legend shook his head. "Better to leave it here for now, I think." In truth, he didn't want to hold the blade ever again. Too many memories involved his hand clenched tight around the azure hilt of the Master Sword until his knuckles turned white. Without another word on the matter, he started walking. "We should probably get going before that scaly bastard can put anymore distance between himself and us. Follow me and stick close--Hyrule, no wandering off."
And so began the journey through the woos. As the group of heroes left the Sword behind them, however, it became increasingly apparent that something was wrong with the Lost Woods. The further they went from the clearing, the more obvious the signs were. The plants were wilting and turning a sickly purple grey color, the crows got to be fewer and fewer. Wild was caught trying to grab mushrooms that even Legend hadn't seen before three times. Even the poes seemed to notice that something was amiss and were avoiding the rest of the forest as much as they could.
Hyrule was the first to say anything. "Something's not right. There's magic here, but it's... wrong. Like Dark Link's," he announced, reaching up to touch a grayed leaf and recoiling with a yelp when it crumbled to dust in his hand. It almost looked like it had burned the Traveler.
"Then all we can do is stay on our toes and trust Legend to get us out of here," Twilight replied, and Legend noted the way that his pelt almost looked like the fur on the back of an animal's neck, bristling and on high alert. He nodded.
"New rule--don't touch anything. Wild, for Din's sake, put the mushrooms down!"
Wild gave him a kicked puppy look over his armload of slimy, red-capped fungi. "They look like they might be good for cooking!" he protested.
Legend pinched the bridge of his nose. "They also might be poisonous, you--" the Veteran stopped mid-sentence, and not of his own volition. He felt his arms drop to his sides, his face go slack. What the hell...? What in the actual goddess-damned fuck?! He wanted to shout, to rip whatever was doing this to him a new asshole, but he couldn't.
This was... something else. Something other.
"...Legend? You okay?" Wild asked. "It's fine dude, I'll put them down." Gingerly, he set the mushrooms on the ground, then put his hands up when Legend--or rather, the thing that was controlling Legend--didn't look away or change its expression or do anything. Get the fuck out of me! I swear to Hylia, I'll kick your ass! Legend swore at whatever it was, trying to force even just a little twitch of his finger.
Four looked at him warily. "Is he... do you guys think he can even hear us? Legend?" he asked, tentatively walking over to him. Yes! Yes, I can, and I have no goddess-damned clue what the hell's going on! Hyrule's arm shot out to stop Four. His eyes were wide, never leaving Legend.
"Don't," he said, voice cracking a little. "Something... something's really wrong."
Whatever had taken Legend's body finally decided to speak. Its voice was raspy and quiet and most certainly not his own. It sounded almost like fallen leaves scraping against the bare earth in the fall. "Trespassers... leave..."
Then Legend felt himself be thrown forward in a leap towards Hyrule, sword out and ready to attack. Move! He screamed, but again, his mouth didn't so much as twitch. Four grabbed the other hero and pulled him down just barely in time to avoid getting sliced in half, but the sound of steel cutting through flesh was as clear as Hyrule's scream as the blade struck him. The Traveler had a massive gash in his side. legend's arm moved up to deal a death blow, and he was begging now, Please, don't do this! Don't kill him, don't kill any of them, they're all I have--
Legend would have cheered at the sound of his sword striking Wild's shield if he could. Wild pushed outwards with a shout, sending Legend stumbling back. Warriors and Time were on him before whatever had him could even think about getting up, though the thing was apparently much stronger than he was and was struggling violently in an attempt to throw both of them off. "What the hell are you doing?!" Warriors bellowed. The fury in his eyes almost physically burned, and Legend didn't really blame him. He'd probably react much the same.
"He's not himself," Time said. His voice was strained, and Legend could see that behind his neutral expression was a barrage of emotions. He couldn't imagine any of them were particularly pleasant. "Someone grab his sword!"
Twilight was just barely able to pry the weapon from his grip, which seemed to just further aggravate the thing inside him. Time and Warriors both ended up being thrown off. "Damn, that was... has he always been this strong?" Warriors muttered, getting up swiftly and moving to aid Sky in trying to grab Legend again.
It's probably whatever's causing him to act like this," Sky guessed. He blocked a punch aimed directly at his head and Legend silent-howled in pain as his fist connected with solid metal, but his body landed a blow to the Skyloftian's gut and a kick to Twilight's left knee.
He was sent downwards when Wind charged him and grabbed ahold of the back of his legs, then swore internally as his newly-retrieved sword tore through the Sailor's calf. "Fuck! I don't want to hurt him, but this asshole's sure not taking it easy on us!" the kid exclaimed.
Twilight was back on his feet quickly, though Legend noticed that he was favoring his injured knee just a little. He hoped to whoever would listen that this thing didn't see it too. Sky was a little slower to recover, but he got back up before Legend shook Wind off of him.
Legend's head snapped in the direction of the shout to see Warriors. The Captain looked jarringly unsure and a little surprised, as if he hadn't meant to yell. He shook his head and the surprise disappeared, though he was clearly still uncertain. Legend was barreling into him before he could start speaking, and he hardly had time to get his shield up. "Snap our of it, Legend! This isn't--I know you're still in there!"
The thing controlling Legend kicked at Warriors' ankles, sending him toppling down. Warriors went at Legend's own ankles, hard. Fucking ow, asshole. Legend didn't even have time to think before he was on his stomach, Warriors holding his left wrist firmly against the ground and rendering the sword he held useless. The Captain's knee was in his back, and his full weight was holding Legend down. The whatever-it-was struggled, thrashing to get free, but the others were quick to secure his other limbs.
There was a beat of silence, save for ragged breathing and the sounds of a frantic attempt to get free, before Warriors spoke. His weight shifted a bit. "Sorry, Legend. We'll figure this out, I promise."
Then there was a pain in the back of Legend's neck, and he was released into unfeeling darkness.
When Legend awoke, the first thing he noticed was the rope tying his hands together. The second was the very familiar bed, and the third...
"Oh, Mister Hero! You're awake!"
Legend groaned and gave Ravio the evil eye when he helped him sit up, but was relieved to find that he could move his body on his own now. "What the hell am I doing here, and where are the others."
Ravio gasped, placing a hand on his chest. "Oh, you wound me! And here I was, worried you wouldn't wake up yourself!"
"Fine, fine--but you did give me quite the scare, you know! Being carried in, unconscious and apparently possessed and all--"
The merchant put his hands on his hips. "Hold your horses, Mister Hero, I'm gettin' to it! Your family--" Ah. Yeah. He had called them that, hadn't he? "--didn't have time to say much at first. Mister Cape pulled out his sword--somehow, he had the actual Master Sword, what's up with that?!--and did this thing with it Something about purifying a corrupted forest spirit and getting it out of you? I dunno, that kinda went over my head if I'm being honest,... Anyways, the sword burned up his hands pretty bad, so I pointed him and a bunch of the others towards Kakariko so they could find a healer or something. Mister Scarf, Mister Armor, and Freckles headed to the castle to try and get an audience with Zelda for help, in case the whole sword thing didn't work."
Legend frowned, taking a moment to digest all that. So Sky had tried to use the Master Sword to exorcise him? And apparently it had worked? But he'd hurt himself. Now Fable might get involved, and not only would he get the ass-chewing of the century, but she'd be wasting her time she could be spending not worrying about a brother that was okay, really. Legend sighed. "I guess we're gonna have to wait until they get back, then," he said. "Think you can untie me? I'm guessing these were put here in case I woke up and was... not myself." Come to think of it, how had he stayed out that long? Had Hyrule used sleeping potions? That had to be it, there was no ay he would have been out for the entire trek from the Lost Woods to his house otherwise.
A mischievous light glinted in Ravio's eyes. "Hm... I'm not sure, how do I know you're not just that evil, corrupted spirit impersonating Link? Think you can prove you're not?"
"Fucker-- you know damn well I'm not!"
"Mmm, I dunno~"
Legend seethed. "Fine, when you started your 'rental shop' or whatever, the thing that pissed me off the most was that you moved my goddess-damned bed. That good?"
Ravio clapped his hands together, and Sheerow chirped from somewhere across the room. "It really is you, Mister Hero!" he exclaimed cheerfully, going to work at the knot holding Legend's hands together.
He would still be working at it when Time, Warriors, and Hyrule returned with Fable to the sound of Legend screaming at him to just cut the damn thing.
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lillian-nator · 4 years
Them being mixtapes are a great idea, what if after Tommy gets drunk initially, dream gets dared to steal them, so he does, then he forgets that he has them and when Tommy Wakes the next morning he's in a panic bc The Mixtapes!! - 💙
Yeah! Something like that could work. 
I have two ideas, one of them I came up with during Spanish class, and the second one I came up with right now. 
Idea A.
My original idea is based off of the fact that Tommy like a week after he is told not to hang out with Dream anymore, goes and sneaks out to hang out. 
So, about two weeks after the party Tommy gets a text from either Purpled (who’s parents have no clue about the party) or Dream saying that ‘the gang’ was going to be hanging out at this abandoned bridge Karl found a while ago when he was driving around the town. So, Tommy, being the dumb fucking teenager he is, sneaks out his window with just his phone and a really thin jacket, and heads to the fucking abandoned bridge. 
So, like, it’s really cool lets not lie here. Like its an abandoned bridge, and a bunch of teenagers ranging from 15 to 19, are just sitting on it, legs dangling and shit. Here comes Dream doing some whack-ass parkour, and Big Q walking on the edge. I mean - lets not lie here either, Tommy is doing some dumb-ass parkour shit too, hanging from ledges and shit (no wonder Wilbur wants Tommy to stay the fuck away from the Dteam they encourage Tommy’s dumb shit). 
Enter BIG Q the resident family pothead. (this is Big Q the character we are talking about - and more so Big Q the character in this specific au, even though Big Q the character is also probably a pothead, not Quackity the person k cool). Anyways, so while they are all busy endangering their lives atop this ginormous abandoned bridge, Big Q is just chilling, smoking a joint. It gets passed around a couple times, just cause they were chilling at like 2 am in the morning - and what can I say, they are sleep deprived teenagers, they are gonna do some stupid shit.
Anyways, during all of this, they are playing truth or dare, and half way through Tommy just passes out leaning on Dream - because they are like best friends pog. So, then Dream gets a dare to steal Tommy’s mixtapes, because George saw Tommy listening to them on the way here. All of the boys know how much the mixtape means to him, and they really just want to see his reaction, but when Tommy woke up like 30 minutes later, he just gets up and stumbles home because he is cold and tired and really fucking hungry. 
So Enter Thomas Innit. Coming home at 3am, just straight through the front door because he is high out of his mind, and having a great time. Phil - who is the one who caught him - doesn’t catch on straight away because he doesn’t know the symptoms of being high, and lets not lie here, Tommy is really good at getting out of shit. (flashback to that one time he convinced niki to drown instead of niki convincing Tommy not to). 
What Phil does notice though, is that Tommy is wearing someone else’s jacket. 
It’s SapNap’s varsity jacket. 
So Tommy starts getting a lecture about sneaking out at night and how he was not supposed to hang out with Dream or SapNap, or that group of boys, until he is ungrounded. (did I mention that Phil definitely grounded Tommy for going to that party). Not to mention that he left the house when he was grounded; like Tommy what the hell? 
But then Wilbur comes downstairs because he is an awfully light sleeper and hears the commotion downstairs. Tommy, who is already kind of angry because he was having a really good time with his friends, and he knows that Purpled isn’t getting this lecture - and that Tubbo is still asleep - not to mention he really just wants to fucking eat. 
So, he pushes past Phil to get to the chip cabinet when Wilbur enters. He looks confused at first, but then spots the jacket. Wilbur is just getting ready to fucking kill someone when Phil pulls him aside and tells Wilbur that he had already given a lengthy lecture, and that he should lay off Tommy for the night. 
Wilbur begrudgingly agrees, only because he knows that lectures from Phil are the worst. So, he sits at the counter, and asks Tommy to hand him a bottle of water when he sees that his brother is snacking on the chips. Sure, Tommy takes a good minute to react, but Wilbur put that aside to sleepiness as it was 3am in the morning. 
As soon as Tommy turned around though, Wilbur’s anger shot through the roof. I mean, Wilbur could tell. He had spent enough time with Schlatt half-high trying to make out with Wilbur, to know what being high looked like - and that look was on his fucking 15-year-old brother. He could see it with the red-rimmed eyes, and the far off look, not to mention that Tommy had never been that relaxed in his life. 
He quickly stood up, almost knocking his stool to the ground, and grabbed Tommy by the chin to look at his face.
Phil: “Wilbur what are you doing? I already told you that I gave Tommy a lecture. Just let him eat -”  Wilbur: “Are you fucking high right now?” (I feel as though it is important to mention that Wilbur like growls this)  Phil: “What?” (you know how phil says this) Tommy: *like a moody teenager, gritting through his teeth* “No.”  Wilbur: “You’re fucking high.” He laughs, “Who the fuck gave you weed?” Tommy: “I don’t know. It was passed around! Can I have my chin back bro, I’m fucking hungry.”  Wilbur: “No you can’t ‘bro’. Why the fuck did you smoke weed?”  Tommy: “Why not? You hang with stoners.”  Wilbur: “Schlatt has smoked a couple times, I wouldn’t call him a stoner. And also, he’s fucking legal! He is 18 years old!”  Tommy: “Well Big Q is 18 too!” Wilbur: “So it was Quackity then? I’m gonna beat the shit out of him.” Wilbur goes to storm off, but Phil stops him.  Phil: “Both of you calm down!” Phil sighs rubbing his temple. “Tommy we are going to fucking talk about this in the morning. But, I’m not going to let you kill a Junior Wil. We will sort this out tomorrow. I know you aren’t happy, and I’m not either, but the kid is probably high out of his fucking mind right now, I’m not going to let you take advantage of that.”  Wilbur: He brushes Phil’s hand off of his shoulder, storming into the living room. “Fine. I’ll beat him up when he is sober. It’ll be funner anyways.” 
Tommy just storms up to his room, pissed that he didn’t get to finish his the rest of his chips, when his phone buzzes. 
It’s a text from Purpled asking if Tommy knows where he put his shoes. Tommy stifles a laugh, trying hard not to fucking wheeze - the weed wasn’t making this easy on him - but decides to throw his phone across the room, and faceplant onto the bed, hoping that tomorrow would never come. 
Let’s just say that Techno is mildly confused when he waked up the next morning to Wilbur pacing the room, and Phil tiredly drinking his third cup of coffee - chip bad thrown on the counter. 
And the mixtapes? Well, Tommy doesn’t know their missing. And Dream? He fucking forgets he has them. 
Idea B.
Dream steals the mixtapes on a dare the night of the party. 
Tommy doesn’t notice that he doesn’t have them the first few days. He is really, really just focused on the fact that he is upset at Wilbur. 
I mean, he tries hard not to be, because Wilbur came and picked him up from a party where he would’ve probably sat in just pure pain for the rest of night. He might’ve found safety in one of Dream’s guest bedrooms, or even in Dream’s loft bed - but he most likely would’ve crashed at Tubbo’s and he couldn’t deal with Eret’s rant right then. 
He loved Tubbo’s brother - sure, but he knew that if his own brothers saw the pain he was in, they would quit the lecturing for the night and just try to help him. 
He was right too. They helped him into the house, and stayed up with him when he threw up all night, and had a massive headache. They gave him Tylenol and tums, and dimmed all of the lights. Tommy wasn’t upset that he called his brothers no - but he wouldn’t be a teenage boy if he wasn’t irrationally angry at Phil for grounding him. 
He spent most of his time in his room, listening to music, or sneaking Tubbo through the window. Tubbo wasn’t fucking grounded - but then again, Tubbo barely had a few drinks of beer, and Tommy had uh - a few cans. 
In the long run, his brothers ended up being less angry with him and more angry at Dream for giving him the beer - which really didn’t make sense in Tommy’s mind due to the fact that he was the one who drank it, and he was the one who snuck out to the party in the first place. But, he guessed that it was the perks of being their baby brother, they could never really stay mad at him. 
But after a few days, he went to look for the tapes, and they were fucking gone. He didn’t know how to tell Wilbur - he couldn’t face Phil or Techno knowing that he lost his most prized possession. 
He came into Wilbur’s room bawling at like midnight one night, and Wilbur - who had no clue what was going on - just had to comfort his little brother. Through choked sobs Wilbur learnt that he had lost the tapes, and that he was ‘so, so, sorry wil. I don’t know how it happened, they were in my backpack when I got there.’ 
And what does Dream do with the disk? Well you’re gonna have to find out I guess. 
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koreanmadeingreece · 3 years
Why, why, why (7,8)
University student!Yuta x reader
Genre: slight enemies to lovers au, a bit of angst, a lot of fluff, and several mixups
Summary: You just got into uni and decided to move in with your childhood friend!Taeyong at the city where you are going to study. As you’re about to start your new, adult life, you meet his friends, and you realize that not everyone likes you. Nakamoto Yuta in particular almost seems like he hates you.
A/N: In this fic, Jonghyun from NU’EST appears for a while (just to avoid confusion). ALSO I’M AN IDIOT AND I DIDN’T POST AGAIN SOOOO HERE ARE TWO CHAPTERS AHAHAHH HELP.
Warnings: n/a (just a liiiittle bit of making out but seriously nothing, also several fu and shi words hahah)
Word count: 2.6K
Parts 7 and 8/11 (I think) First / Previous / Next
Taglist: @melitadala @chxotickpoptrash @aiforyuu @fineapplehoe (let me know if you’d like to be tagged!)
You had classes, and you also had work to do. You had to spend the next week or two studying for a bit, sometimes stealing some time to see Jonghyun, but other than that, you had developed the habit of going to your local coffee shop with Chan, BamBam, and Yugyeom to study. You spent most of your afternoons like that, as the professors had already started giving you more homework than you could handle. Sometimes you’d stop by Jonghyun’s work and he’d give you your favorite coffee, which you gladly accepted.
You still hadn’t seen Yuta after that night. Maybe you’d run across him at uni or you’d see him leaving your house at night when you came back, but nothing solid. Every time you’d see him, he’d wave at you, which was still progress, but you had to see him. You wanted to talk to him, and you had to make it happen. So, one day, you met him at the entrance of your apartment building.
“Oh, hey, you were with Taeyong?”
“Yeah, he wanted me to help him with some choreos he had to practice.” He answered.
“Oh god, poor neighbors!” you said with a dramatic voice and he laughed. “Good, you’re warming up to me!” you couldn’t help but say.
“Yeah, you can say that.” He said, but you could see he still felt kind of awkward.
“So, do you want to go out with me tomorrow?” you asked.
“Yeah, what time do you get off class?”
“Uh, around 6. Does that work for you?”
“Yeah, maybe I can come pick you up?” he asked. During the entire conversation, you couldn’t help but think how awkward he seemed. He wasn’t stiff or moody like when you’d first met him. He had warmed up to you, and you were happy to enjoy the progress you’d made. You couldn’t wait to tell Taeyong all about this.
“Yeah, that would be nice,” you said, and went for a bold move. Yes, you usually were a hugger, but with this one you could never know. So, you just went for it. He didn’t see it coming of course, and his entire body stiffened for a few seconds, until he finally let loose and hugged you back. It was only for a moment, but you felt close to him in a way. “Goodnight, Yuta.”
“Goodnight, Y/N.”
~ ☼ ~
As you went inside your apartment, you immediately started yelling to Taeyong. “Hey, you’re not going to believe what just happened. Where are you, I need to tell you what Yuta and I just said,” you shouted, when you saw the balcony door open, and someone enter. You saw Taeyong, but also that he wasn’t alone. He clearly gave you the shut-up look, which you didn’t understand at first, but soon realized it was necessary, as a second figure entered the apartment.
“Jonghyun, hi!” fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. “When did you get here?”
“Hi, Y/N. I got here a few minutes ago. You usually come back around this hour, so I thought I’d surprise you. If you’re too tired, I can always leave, but I knew you had a lot of work to do these days and I just wanted to cheer you up,” he said.
You paused, not knowing what to do. Had he seen everything that just went down between Yuta and you? “Oh my god, you’re so sweet! Yes, I’d love it if you stayed, if Taeyong doesn’t mind of course.”
“Don’t mind me, I was just going to stay and dance for a while anyway,” Taeyong reassured you, still giving you that intense look.
“Then, that’s great! Oh, and I saw Yuta too. He was here a few minutes ago. You barely missed him.”
“Oh, well, it’s alright. He’s usually with Taeyong so I can greet him another day,” you replied. “Why don’t you go to my room for a second and I’ll be right there.” He nodded and left the living room.
“Ok, what’s going on?” Taeyong asked you.
“That’s what I was coming to tell you!” you whispered. “I’ll go out with Yuta tomorrow to reconcile and I really don’t know how you guys didn’t see everything from the balcony. I lost my shit when I saw you there!”
“That’s why I’ve been looking at you like that! I saw everything! But he didn’t. He was sitting on the opposite side of the table, don’t worry. I kept talking to him so that he couldn’t hear anything either, but that means I had no clue what you said. I just saw him like that and then you hugged him and what in the absolute fuck is going on, Y/N?” you knew Taeyong was infuriated but also extremely confused, but you didn’t know what to tell him either.
“I don’t know, he was just so nice and accepting today. He even offered to pick me up tomorrow from uni! So, I just…hugged him? Does that make any sense?” you wondered.
“No, but we won’t talk about this right now. You have a man inside your room!”
Fuck. He was right. You left your stuff in the living room and went inside, only to find Jonghyun looking through stuff on your desk.
“I promise I wasn’t snooping,” he laughed.
“I know. There’s nothing to find anyway, really. I mean, besides some embarrassing photos of school parties I guess.” You joked around, not knowing what to do in a situation like this.
“Well, you’ll show me those one day.” He smirked. “Should we put some music on?”
“Yeah, feel free to put whatever you want.” He took out his phone and found a chill playlist. “You like Dean, I see.”
“You know him? Ah, none of my friends listen to him.” He exclaimed.
“Yeah, he’s one of my favorite singers.” You smiled. You couldn’t help but think how good he looked, awkwardly looking at the stuff in your room. This was your space, and he was fully aware of it. Sometimes you admired how much of a gentleman he was, but that night, you had to blow off some steam. Especially with the way he was dressed that night, you couldn’t resist. He was wearing a grey shirt with a black t-shirt underneath, and tight black pants. This classic but stunning look drove you crazy, and your desire to kiss him grew stronger. In the end, you approached him, pressing your lips against his, driving him closer to the bed.
“Agressive, aren’t we today?” he broke the kiss only for a second, then dove right back.
“Only for the right reasons,” you said, and gently pushed him onto the bed. You climbed on top of him, kissing him all over his neck. You didn’t know what had gotten into you that night, but he was more than eager to follow. He gently slided his hands below the hem of your shirt, slowly lifting it over your hands, revealing your bra. You knew where this was going, and with your emotional state at that moment you had no clue if it was the best time for it. You pushed away those thoughts and started unbuttoning his shirt, then took off his t-shirt as well, leaving him shirtless in your room. The sight of him was angelic, the way his body was pressed so close to you was euphoric, yet all you could think about was the demon inside your head – Yuta.  
You mentally slapped yourself and brought your mind back to the moment you were currently living, which was a shirtless Jonghyun right underneath you.
“Wait, Y/N, as much as I love seeing you shirtless, we have to stop,” he said. “We’ve known each other for a few weeks, and also, Taeyong is in the next room!” he laughed.
“You’re right,” you chuckled. You didn’t know if you wanted to ignore his comment and continue what you were doing or take this as an excuse to not do anything that night. You were confused as hell. You laid down next to him and wrapped your hand around his stomach, taking the time to relax and cuddle for a while until he had to go. He had class the next day, and so did you.
Well, for you it was more than just class. You had to mentally prepare yourself to spend the afternoon with Yuta.
When Jonghyun left, you were one hundred percent ready to text everything to Chan. You immediately took your phone and sat on the couch. It was already past 10:30, and Taeyong was feeling a bit tired, so he headed to bed.
You: HELP. I’m going out with Yuta tomorrow. Also I found Jonghyun here when I came back and right after I hugged Yuta at the entrance. He didn’t see it bc he was with Taeyong but after that we made out and all I could think about is tomorrow.
Chan: Wait.
Chan: Hold on.
Chan: I’ll just ignore the very sweet fact that Jonghyun came to surprise you and focus on the fact that you were making out with him and thinking about Yuta.
Chan: Y/N, what the fuck.
You: I have no clue.
You: I don’t know what’s going on. I think that in my effort to reconcile with him things got a bit…messy? Idk. Now I’m more interested in being in good terms with him rather than my own boyfriend? That doesn’t even make any sense.
Chan: You do realize this is seriously messed up, right?
You: Yeah, I mean
You: Wait, doorbell
Chan: Wait
Chan: No
Chan: Y/N you’d better come straight back and fill me in!
You looked through the peephole and saw Yuta again. What was he doing there that late? You opened the door and saw the flustered look on his face when he saw it was you.
“Hi. What’s going on?”
“Uh, I forgot my charger and I don’t have a second one and I’d be without a phone if I didn’t come get it. Sorry about that.”
“Oh, come in. Where did you leave it? I hope it’s not in Taeyong’s room because he’s already asleep,” you joked.
“No, it’s right here on the coffee table. Thanks.” He grabbed it and turned around to leave, but you had a different idea in mind. Not even knowing what had gotten into you, you immediately stopped him.
“Hey, um, if you don’t have an early class tomorrow morning, you can stay for a while. Taeyong’s asleep but we can hang out if you’re up for it,” you suggested.
Shocked at your suggestion, Yuta stood close to the door for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. “Are you sure?”
“I mean, I don’t have an early class tomorrow and I can’t sleep yet anyway. Only if you’re ok with it of course.” You were calmer than ever. You knew this could end up being very wrong, with either one of you getting brutally stabbed after a huge fight, but you were willing to take the risk. “But we should go outside if we don’t want to wake Taeyong up.”
You grabbed your phone and sent Chan a quick text.
You: Yuta’s here. We’re going to hang out. Crap. I’ll tell you later.
Chan: Wtf Y/N come back
Chan: No don’t leave me like this!
Chan: Fuck I need the details and you’re giving them to me tomorrow in class
You followed him outside and sat next to him, facing the road. You had to admit that Taeyong had found you a house with a great balcony view. You grabbed your jacket and brought him one of Taeyong’s, as it was late, and it had started getting cold.
“Thanks,” he said and put it on. It fit surprisingly well with his other clothes, a black tank top and grey sweatpants. He seemed oddly attractive even in this simple clothing that he probably didn’t even realize anyone would see when he left his house to come back to yours.
“It looks good on you. You should steal it from Taeyong. He’ll probably let you have it anyway.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah, the man’s ready to do whatever you say. He really loves you, you know.” You reassured him.
“No, do you think I’m attractive?” he asked, and you honestly didn’t know what to say. He was attractive as hell, but it wasn’t really the best way to phrase it.
“Yeah, I do.” You paused and saw a smirk form on his lips, even though he tried to hide it. You liked the feeling of making him smile, so you decided to keep it up. “I think I’d have hit on you if we hadn’t been fighting when we first met.” It was kind of a bold move, and you knew it. But there wasn’t anything stopping you, since he knew you had a boyfriend, and you had already told him that you found him attractive.
“Wait, really?” He turned to you wide-eyed.
“Yeah, I think so.”
“And you’re saying this so casually?”  
“I guess so. I’m usually not that bold, but you were the one who asked.” You paused. “I could lie to you next time, maybe tell you that you’re barely noticeable. And you know it’s not true.”
“Well, if you put it that way,” he chuckled.
“And the jacket definitely helps. You should steal it. You put up with Taeyong’s craziness, so you deserve it.”
“That’s true. You can’t believe how nuts he was the first two years. Now he has more homework and more difficult practice sessions, so it’s not like he has the energy to be like he was when he first got here. Sometimes I thought he’d explode,” he said.
“I know exactly what you mean. You should’ve seen him in his last year of high school. He was barely manageable. His mom was going crazy, and my mom practically put everything away when he stayed over.”
“It sounds like you had a lot of fun though.”
“Yeah, those were quite memorable times. We were both very young though.” You smiled, as you had gotten nostalgic after bringing back all those memories.
“You’re still young. It’s your first year of uni, Y/N.” He laughed.
“True, but you’re only two years older than me. You’re not that much older.”
He was about to second guess you and get all defensive towards you, but at the last minute he just agreed. “You’re right.”
At about that point, both of you had stopped staring at the road and had started looking at each other. The conversation had dragged you both into a light-headed state that you couldn’t exactly describe, but it was a pleasant feeling that you didn’t want to let go.
After a few seconds of silence, you heard him say the words that would change everything. “Everyone deserves to be young and foolish every once in a while.”
With those words, you started leaning closer and closer to each other, unable to pull away. Your lips were merely a few centimeters apart from each other when the balcony door opened.
“What are you guys doing up so late?” Taeyong was barely awake, wrapped up in a blanket, but he was staring at you.
“Oh hi, Taeyong, I thought you had gone to bed!” you exclaimed.
“Yeah, I just wanted some water. I’ll go right back to sleep. You should sleep too, guys. It’s almost 12,” he said, and went right back in. You realized he hadn’t seen or heard whatever was going on between Yuta and you, which was definitely a relief, but now you had to face Yuta.
“Uh, he’s right. I have to go.” He immediately got up and grabbed his stuff, leaving you speechless on the balcony. After staying like that for a few minutes, you realized he had forgotten his charger again, and this time he was definitely not coming back to get it.
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hello everyone! i was tagged by the absolutely lovely @palimpsessed to take part in this, so here i go!
(ps i’m not gonna tag anyone, just say i tagged you if you see this and wanna take part ;p) ((pps i’m actually gonna tag @faeryphilia and @mostlymaudlin tho. my babes <3 my mutuals <3 my dears <3)) (((ppps you can still say i tagged you. muah have a nice day :3)))
How many works do you have on AO3?
21 works :) although, some of them are just rants and thank you letters, so i don’t think they all count :)
What’s your total AO3 word count?
about 60,082 words!! holy shit balls!! that’s crazy!!
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
one so far; which is carry on. i do plan to write for other fandoms tho ;p
What are your top five fics by kudos?
Cool Runnings and Sucking Cock {E}
Hey, Bartender? {E}
How Many? {E}
Vibrators, Breakfast, Goats, and More! They Got It All At The Copier Store! {E}
Monsters Under The Bed (And Outside Of It) {T}
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
of course yes! i absolutely love when i get interaction from my froglings!! 🐸 it’s a huge endorphin high anytime i get so much as a kudos! i love you all so much :D 🥰
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Well, Then You Burn {M}. It’s a major character death, so it’s pretty dang sad. it hurt me to write and i hope it hurts you to read :D
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
no, but i fear it constantly. i look back at some of my stuff and honestly? the shit i say to myself is already bad. i don’t think anyone could say something worse.
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
it’s practically all i write, bestie. i am a whore. a slutty frog, if you will. i’ll write pretty much anything, but i do prefer to have some d/s undertones or just straight up bdsm. i am an unholy frog, but i also like my sweet and fluffy making love sessions too.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i fucking hope i have. that’d be the biggest damn compliment. or the biggest insult. like, oh i’m so good someone stole from me haha 😎. or they thought i was so irrelevant they could get away with it 😞. yknow?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
not as far as i’m aware, but if so, let me know!
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
nope, but i’m totally down to work with anyone! i am going to be beta-ing for @angelsfalling16 tho, so that’s super cool! hit me up if you need absolutely anything to do with fics and i’ll try my best to be helpful! i’m sinful, but i’m a good mother frog 🐸 😌
What’s your all time favorite ship?
depends on what i’m obsessed with. rn it’s snowbaz, but it used to be hinny.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
yikes there’s so many. i have over 100 wips in progress rn but i’m too scared to talk about them bc i don’t want to ruin the surprise when i post, and my fic for the carry on too many aus fest is really kicking my ass. i have no idea how i’m going to get it out in time and i’m terrified i won’t be able to. IM NOT EVEN HALFWAY DONE AND POSTING IS TOMORROW WTF
What are your writing strengths?
no fucking clue. i mean, i THINK im good at dialogue? maybe?
What are your writing weaknesses?
fuck plot. i hate plot. plot can suck my ass. why can’t i just write dialogue and have people understand the picture in my head??? why am i so specific and picky about word count??? why do i hate simplicity???
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in fic?
i’ve done it before and will most likely do it again! i’m not fluent in anything other than english, though, so if i ever mess up, make sure to tell me!
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
so, that’s a good question. the first fandom i ever wrote for was dora the explorer. i’ve been writing fanfic for a LOOONG time. the first fandom i ever PUBLISHED for was carry on. i was sitting in the hospital, writing away, and i thought ‘huh. i should publish this.’ and that was that.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
i don’t have a favorite fic that’s published, but i sure as fuck have a favorite. it’s a long and grueling process and i’ve spent so much time with it, but i love it and i love the concept. it’s not even close to done, but i’m still excited.
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*with Luke* helping your sister and her fiance with making a wedding registry (register?) and Luke comes along and you're aksjdksksk bc Luke
You’re on a video call with your sister begging, she’s got her hands buried in her hair. “I don’t have the slightest fucking clue how to build a registry.”
You laugh, “And why are you asking me to help? I don’t know either.”
“Emotional support,” she counters, “Emotional support!”
“You do realize that’s why you have a fiancé?” 
“They went out of town for work. Please help. Please. Just one Friday with your sister. It ain’t that bad.” You sigh because you were supposed to spend the day with Luke. He had been in the studio late some nights. He made point to stay in during the mornings so you two could have breakfast. But still it wasn’t easy and you two hadn’t been able to spend a lot of time together. 
However, you still can’t leave your sister hanging. Especially now hearing that she’d be starting this process by herself. “I gotta make a call,” you say. “But sure.”
“Thank you! You’re the best sister around.”
“Please remember that at all major holidays with year.” The two of you laugh and she ends the call. You’re not sure if Luke’s gonna blow his top or not. You know he’d been working hard laying vocals so he could take the day with you and now here you were, having to cancel them. Luke didn’t get angry a lot at all--but right now there was pressure from the record label and you know that he needed to focus on that. You still wanted your time together. 
Things are just a mess. There’s no real sense in waiting either. Either way it’d be a mess. The phone rings in your ear and you’re trying to keep the shakes out of your hands. You don’t want to cancel the plans and you’re hoping today’s been good in the studio so that maybe you two and rearrange for just dinner out and bout rather than the whole day like previously determined. 
“Hey, babe,” Luke answers. 
You can’t tell from his voice if today’s bad or not. He sounds okay, possibly tired. “Hey. Is it a bad time?”
“No, no. Not a bad time. What’s up?”
“My sister called.” 
There’s a small pause but Luke hums. “Trouble in paradise or?”
“Not a bad kind of trouble. She needs help with her wedding registry and her fiance went out town for work and I think she wants to go to a few stores and talk to someone there. And she asked for my help.”
“Uh huh, why do you sound scared? Is that really what’s going on?”
“She wanted to go Friday.”
Another pause. Then he hums and you swear you can feel every ounce of blood thumping through your veins. “Got space for one more?”
Brows burrowed, you pull the phone away to make sure you’ve called the right person. “Huh?”
“If it’s a girls only thing, then, I get it. I’ll-I’ll just work until about 2 on Friday and then later in the afternoon we can hang out like we planned.”
“It’s-it’s not a girls only thing. I just, I know we made plans for Friday and I’m really sorry.”
“It’s your sister, babe. I’m not mad. A little annoyed I busted ass for vocals,” he laughs, “but I mean shit happens.”
“Thanks. For understanding,” you breathe. Your shoulders drop, the thumping in your veins slows. “And I’m sure you can tag along. I just don’t know why you’d want to?” The end lilts up, you’re not sure if he understands what the day’s going to entail.
“Practice,” he returns quickly. 
Your eyes widen. He did not just say what you think he said. “What? Practice?”
“You heard me. Let me know if your sister’s okay with me joining and we can go from there. Have you eaten yet today?”
You’re still staring at the call, looking at his name and the seconds ticking up. This man is not real, you think to yourself. He is not real. “Yeah, I did. Have you?”
“Lunch just got here. I’ll text you later. Unless you want to talk about something else.”
“No, no, that was all.”
“Love you.”
“I love you too,” you whisper watching the call end. “What the fuck was that?” When you text your sister that you’re all clear and that Luke wants to join, she has not issue. The evening rolls in deep and by the time the front door opens, the alarm system chirping at the opened door, you look up from your cuddle puddle with Petunia to see Luke, strutting over to you. 
He presses a kiss to your forehead and then Petunia. He looks tired and you know the days are adding up fast. “Dinner’s chilling in the oven if you’re hungry,” you offer, sitting up to brush your fingers over his cheek. 
“Ate earlier, but thank you. I’ll take some for lunch tomorrow.” He roots into your touch, still haven’t shrugged out of his denim jacket or his boots. His keys are still hanging around his finger. 
“You sure you want to come with us Friday? You could just take the day, sleep in.”
“No, I want to tag along. Get time with you. You get to see your sister. It’s a win all around.”
“I still can’t believe what you said. Practice. Why do you need to practice putting together a wedding registry?”
Luke softly exhales, kissing your palm. “Because, maybe,” he starts, his cheeks tinting pink. “One day we’ll put together one. If that’s something you’d like.”
The thumping blood comes back and you’re sure your chest is going to rattle loose with hw unsteady your breathing is. “This better not be a proposal.”
His laughter is sharp and a bit of a squeal. He falls into your chest, forehead rest right in the center. The weight reminds you how to breathe properly. “No, no, it’s not. I know I’m a goof and I probably would attempt to propose like that. But I would at the very least have the ring.”
You wrap your arms around his broad shoulders and fall into the cushions of the couch. “You are a goober. But that’s reassuring.” Silence settles, not even the TV seems to make noise for a moment. “But I’d be okay with that. I’d like it. Marrying you.”
Luke exhales into your skin--you feel it through the t-shirt. “Good.”
“Those mixing bowls are hideous,” your sister laughs as Luke holds up a set. He’s browsing for your kitchen and also to help your sister. Mostly, he’s out of his depth but he’s learning as he fails. So far, he’s managed to pick out a decent blender but he’s failed miserably at other kitchen items. 
“Oh c’mon, they’re kinda cute,” Luke defends. 
“It’s too bright. The lemons and the green of the leaves, it’s best to leave that here,” your sister teases. 
You laugh at them, eying a crystal cake dish. But you know you don’t need it. “Okay, on the real,” you start, turning to your sister. “You and your fiancé don’t even cook like that. So how much do you really want to have to deal with kitchenware you’re not going to use?”
She sighs. “Fair. But we do like to host.”
“I vote investing in some good serve ware but if you’re not doing the cooking, then we really ought to get out of here. I still think you two could ask for better traveling gear. The two of you are always bouncing around for work and you keep saying that the two of you are harsh on suitcases.”
Luke perks up. “I know a place close by that’s got really good traveling gear.”
“Does that belong on a wedding registry?” your sister asks. 
“Look it’s yours. You get to ask for whatever the fuck you want,” you return. 
“And what’s the harm in just looking?” Luke chimes in before holding up golden yellow dutch oven. He looks at you with puppy eyes. 
“We have a dutch oven,” you sigh. 
“But it’s not yellow.”
“We do not need two dutch ovens.” The three of you walk out of the store after completing some of the cookware and serve ware that your sister and her fiancé will need and Luke proudly carries the box of the yellow dutch oven to the car. You agreed that you could get the yellow one if he found a place to donate the other one. The color didn’t clash with the rest of the set thankfully. 
“Let this be known when we do create our wedding registry, I am not bringing you along for the kitchen stuff,” you sigh, opening the trunk for him. 
“But you love me.”
“I do. Sometimes unfortunately.”
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binniedeactivated · 4 years
That whole denying them bc of race or career issues is a really good angst prompt...just saying👀👀
a/n; this was way past due so I hope my precious bby forgives me <3 @crocsonkrocsjams (based on her)
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𝐁𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐨 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞. || 𝐡.𝐤
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─▸🖤 ❝ @[@𝐛𝐮𝐠𝐬𝐛𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠.. ]
✎𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐡𝐞𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐤𝐚𝐢 𝐱 𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧!𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥
✎ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐞, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭
✎ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭; 1.3k
𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐛𝐞? 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞? 𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐫?
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he rushed through the streets like a madman, coddling snacks in his hand while trying to shield his face. no, it wasn’t cold outside.
heuning kai just didn’t want to be seen.
it was already late in the night, he snuck out of the hotel rooms and who knew where the saesangs were hiding. they could’ve jumped out of a bush and snapped his picture in a heartbeat. but kai was determined to get to her house and he refused to deny the fact that he was thinking about her all day.
throughout the whole world tour even, He’d been anticipating touring the United States for this very reason. The goodnight and good morning texts, flirty messages and emojis just weren’t enough. He couldn’t wait to see her and he hasn’t seen her since the last time Tomorrow by Together toured the US.
and that was years ago.
he quickly fixed himself up a bit and made his way up her apartment stairs with his heart thumping obnoxiously in his chest. he didn’t wear anything too fancy, an oversized hoodie with baggy jeans and sneakers maybe, but that was just how their relationship was. they never had to dress up for one another.
finally making it to her door he knocks softly. kai’s mind ran wild. he was almost shaking with anticipation until she finally unlocks the door. his smile was wide and he hugged her gratefully. and she looked just as beautiful since he last saw her. deep sea green eyes, almond colored skin and gorgeous fluffed brown hair.  
hesitantly but surely she hugged him back. she couldn’t deny the fact that she was happy to see him.
“kaia,”. he started, “you look so pretty”. he complimented while towering over her thick five foot five frame. she was wearing a black graphic band t-shirt and some simple spandex shorts. just something comfy for the night since she normally slept naked. but none of that would be happening while kai was around at least.
she mutters a small thank you while he takes his jacket off. 
“why are you acting so shy? you didn’t miss me?”. kai teases. 
“of course I missed you. How was the show?”. 
“it was nice you should’ve came”. 
she rolls her eyes playfully, “you know damn well I’m not getting caught up with you and your crazy fans”. 
kai laughs while swiping his thumb over her cheek softly. “aren’t you my fan too?”. 
she stifles a blush. in a way she hated how flirty kai was but loved it all at once. she smiles instead, “what snacks did you get us?”. 
“all of your favorites. I got those hot chips you like from the corner store down the street”. 
she furrows a brow, “corner store?”. 
“you went to the corner store by yourself at this time of night? why didn’t you tell me I would’ve came with you”. 
he pinches her doughy cheeks as if she were a child. “aw was my little baby worried sick? i’m a big boy I can handle a corner store at 2am”. 
“oh yeah? and what if someone tries to rob you? what’s your next move?”. 
kai sucks his teeth and walks to plop himself down on the living room couch.  “as long as they don’t rob me of your love!”. kai shouts in the cringiest voice possible. she laughs, “kai!”. 
“then I’m fine!”. he continues like the silly boy he was. “seriously if you don’t hurry over here I’m stealing your honeybun”. he threatens while digging through the white plastic bag for it. she rushes behind the couch to try and snatch it from his hands but nevertheless kai moves away from her instead. 
“kai you better not!”. she shrieks playfully and kai laugh hysterically, “oh! is this hot cheetos too?”. she makes her way to the other side of the couch to try and snatch it from his hands that way but no matter what he’d always raise the bag higher, away from her short arm’s reach. 
“come on kai give it back”. she reaches desperately, not realizing that kai had her right where he wanted her. 
“give me a kiss and I’ll give it back”. he grins. 
she laughs, “boy! give me my snacks back”. 
he puckers his lips while grabbing her body and wrestling her to the floor. “please kaia please please please give me a kiss!”. he whines into the crook of her neck. she yelps at the sudden shift in positions. 
“why am I on the floor?”.
“because you’re being mean to me”. 
“you’re the one holding my food hostage”.
he shadows his lips over hers suddenly making her heart thump. it isn’t like she hadn’t kissed him before but she always got the same spark whenever she did almost as if she first met him. 
“just one?”. he raises the intonation in a question like manner without really asking a question, he just went for it. 
he sparked the flame between them both layering his delicate lips on hers with his arms caging her body. as soon as she felt his lips she hated how she instantly thought about when he’d be going back. when it was time for him to leave and go back to korea leaving her lonely once again. so for that very reason she kisses him harder hoping it would be enough to suppress the emotions she felt in his absence.
kai raises her chin a little deepening the kiss loathing in the softness of her lips and the unyielding love that ran through his veins. if the boys found out where kai was he’d be a dead man. but it was anything for her. absolutely anything. he caresses her cheeks, unapologetically using his tongue whenever he got the chance. 
her stomach churned beneath him. she was nervous and kai was eager. sometimes she felt so out of place. what was kai doing being with someone like her? kissing her? loving her? 
was it worth it?
she falters. kai detaches his lips from hers slowly and carefully wondering what was wrong. he kind of already had an idea though. 
“you know I love you, right?”. 
she nods, “I know kai. and that’s the problem”.
“why is it a problem?”.
“was it a hassle to get here? don’t you ever get tired of hiding?”. 
kai shakes his head, “it’s not that I’m hiding it’s just--”. 
“you’re hiding me? right?”. 
“what are you talking about baby? where’s all this coming from?”. 
“I don’t want to be the one that ruins your career kai. i wouldn’t be able to live with myself”. 
“you’re not ruining my career. Idols date all the time so what?”. 
“yeah sure, idols date all the time. but they don’t date black or brown people kai”. 
“why are you making it about race? you know I don’t care about what color you are”.
“but the media does”. 
“so what do you think that means for you? you’ll get shitted on by the media, you’ll get lectured and in trouble by Bighit-- i don’t want any of that to happen”. 
kai sighs and intertwines his fingers with hers, kissing the back of her hand. 
“we’ll be fine I promise”. 
“but for how long? it’s only a matter of time before you get caught”. 
“why are you being like this? when we first started dating we talked about this and we both decided that we didn’t care about what anyone has to say about us”. 
“well I care now kai. your group is getting more known which only makes you a bigger target. you’re their maknae, the baby, the innocent boy who does no wrong. this type of shit can tear your image down beyond repair”. 
“i don’t care about any of that”.
“how? you worked hard to get where you are didn’t you? not every teenage boy with a passion for singing and dancing get to debut under one of the biggest companies in korea”. 
“why do you care so much? do you not want to be with me or something?”. 
“kai I love you but I’m not worth it. who am I? just a black/mexican girl living in this small town-no one knows my name, I’m not rich, I get lonely sometimes, I’m bigger than most girls---”. 
“i don’t care about that stuff so stop it. why are you belittling yourself like that?”. 
“because why do you even love me kai? what is it? am I ‘exotic’ to you? are you using me to make yourself seem more open minded? Am I one of many colored girls that you mess with while you’re touring?”. 
“stop fucking talking like that. you know none of that is true”. 
“I don’t think we should keep continuing this”.
kai could feel his heart shatter at the sound of her words. “what?”. 
“I don’t know about this relationship anymore”. 
he searches in her eyes desperately trying to find a clue. “what don’t you know about it? we love each other so we should be together no matter what anyone has to say”.
“not at the expense of your career. maybe, maybe someday we can make this work but definitely not now”. 
kai swallows the lump in his throat, “so that’s it? you’re not even going to fight for us? after everything?”. 
she shakes her head. “not right now kai. just not right now”. she mumbles meekly. kai could feel the fresh hot tears well into his eyes. he was angry and confused but most importantly he was blinded by love. he couldn’t believe she was willing to throw away everything they built just to protect his image. especially when he didn’t even care. 
he got up from the floor and slid his jacket back over his shoulders trying to hide his tears and frustration as best as he could. as bad as she felt in her heart she felt like it was the right thing to do. either this, or she was going to have to face the harsh treatment from the public when they found out their precious heuning kai was dating a brown girl. 
but even her own heart broke at the sight of kai’s tears. 
“I’m only trying to protect you kai”. 
halfway out of the door already he sniffled before he replied, “protect me or protect yourself?”. 
“kai i’m sorr--”. 
“no. I’m sorry for thinking that you loved me just as much as i loved you. thinking maybe you’d be fearless for me just as fearless as I am for you. you think I care that you’re black kaia? do you think that I care that you’re from a town in the middle of nowhere, that no one really knows who you are, that you’re thicker than most girls and look nothing like the girl idols you see on tv? I don’t care about any of that shit. you’re beautiful and you have a heart made of gold and that’s all that matters to me. you love me so perfectly. you love me how I want to be loved and that’s what I love about you. you think you’re just a worthless being but--
but I love you because you’re so much more than that”.
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Blushing Bride | myg
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a/n: sorry it’s so short and took so long. it seems my inspiration and motivation to write is still not at its fullest. hopefully i’ll get it back soon and i’ll come back and edit this. i also have only been to one wedding and that was like when i was 13 so i have no clue how they really go so sorry it’s not accurate lol.
pairing: min yoongi x reader
word count: 2.4k
genre: slight angst, fluff
warnings: doubts about marriage, implications of sex, fluff fluff fluffffff, marrying yoongi bc uwu
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Those six months passed by in a blur, and before you knew it, it was a week before your wedding. A week before you both state, “I do.” You could feel your nerves getting increasingly worse. Thoughts of whether Yoongi truly wanted to marry you were swirling around in your head. What if he was having doubts? If he didn’t want to have you as his wife anymore? Luckily, Yoongi was always there to get rid of those insecurities.
One night, as the two of you were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie, you voiced these insecurities, “Yoongi, are you sure you want to marry me?” He looked at you with confusion plastered on his face.
“Of course I do. I wouldn’t have asked you in the first place if I didn’t,” he mumbled, holding you closer to him. He didn’t know where these thoughts were coming from, didn’t know if you were the one starting to doubt it. 
Sighing, you placed your chin on his chest and gazed into his eyes, “I just- what if you regret proposing to me? What if later on you realize this was a mistake and want a divorce? That I’m not good enough for you? Not skinny or pretty enough? You always said you didn’t care for marriage." 
He could see the fear in your eyes and heard the way your voice started breaking. Yoongi felt his heart clench at the sight, and he pulled you into a chaste kiss, effectively cutting off your panicked rambling. 
"Hey, none of that. I’m in love with you so fucking much and I never want to lose you. I should be the one worried. You’re literally so perfect and deserve so much better,” Yoongi said calmly, his gaze locked with your own.
Pressing his forehead to yours he whispered “I will love you no matter how you look, baby. You’re perfect to me, even with all the flaws you think you have.” His sincere words had tears sliding down your cheeks as you leaned up to kiss him tenderly. 
“I love you too,” you muttered against his lips, sighing as he deepened the kiss and tugged you to lay on top of him.
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Shaking your head, you cleared your thoughts and focused back on the task at hand. It was now four days before the wedding, and tonight was your bachelorette party. Yoongi would be staying at the dorms while your friends came over to your shared apartment. There were drinks - lots of alcohol - and snacks on the table. A pile of movies was also arranged next to the refreshments. You’re making sure you have everything ready when you hear the doorbell. Walking over to your security system, you see the girls at your door, and you push the button to let them enter. 
“Y/n!!” Jinwoo shouted, pulling you into a hug. 
Chuckling, you pulled away from her “Hi, Jiwoon.” The others bring you into their own embraces, all stating how they’re ready for a night of fun. 
“I still don’t get why we weren’t allowed to hire a stripper,” Minsoo pouted as she crossed her arms. 
You giggled, leading the way to the living room where everything was, “Cause when Yoongi heard about it he got jealous and firmly stated there were to be no strippers." 
"We can still have fun without all of that, Minsoo,” Hana said, and you gave her a smile of gratitude.
If you were being honest, you didn’t even want an adult dancer. You were perfectly fine with a quiet night in. When the maknaes had told you they were bringing one to Yoongi’s bachelor party, you were the one to be jealous and put your foot down. So imagine your shock and anger when you receive a text from Jimin. 
Jimin: Sorry, Y/n. We couldn’t resist (; *image attached*
Inhaling a deep breath, you clicked on the message. A snort escaped you when you saw the picture. There Yoongi was, sitting on a chair with a bright red face. Someone was sitting on his lap with a flirtatious expression. It seems the ‘stripper’ they hired was actually Hoseok in short shorts and a crop top. 
“What are ya laughing at?” Jinwoo mumbled around the spoon in her mouth. There was chocolate sauce smeared across her lips and on her fingers. How the fuck did she already make a mess…?
You handed her your phone, allowing them to see the text “Apparently, Yoongi is getting a lap dance.” They all giggled, handing your phone back. The night went on, and you all had tons of fun.
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The night before your wedding you were a shaking mess, worried for the next day. Once again Yoongi was spending the night at the dorms while the girls stayed with you. They could all see you were nervous and they didn’t know what to do to calm you down.
“Y/n, are you okay?” Hana asked you, her voice quiet. You hummed, leg bouncing, only stopping when Jinwoo placed her hand on your thigh. 
Glancing at them, you could see their concerned looks, “I’m fine. Just worried and excited for tomorrow. What if I trip while walking down the aisle? What if he’s not even at the end waiting?” You worried your lip between your teeth, leg starting to bounce again.
“Please, Yoongi is so whipped for you, and so in love, he’ll definitely be there waiting for you,” Minsoo stated, distracting you as Hana pulled out her phone. 
Jinwoo grabbed your hand, “Yeah, you’re the love of his life, babes. I mean, c'mon, he’s literally getting married to you when he doesn’t care for an official marriage." 
Before you can say anything, Hana handed you her cellphone. When you gave her a perplexed expression she nodded to it. Looking down at it, you could see an ongoing call with Seokjin and brought it up to your ear.
"Hello?” you asked, not expecting Yoongi’s voice to come through. 
His voice is soft and full of love, “I hear you’re nervous? Is it for the same reasons, or is it something different?" 
"I’m just…scared I’m going to trip, or you won’t be there waiting for me…” you trailed off, knowing he wasn’t going to like your words.
Yoongi sighed, “Baby, I promise you, I will be there waiting because you mean the world to me. And if you trip, then I’ll be there to catch you. You don’t have to be scared, love." 
"Alright…I love you,” you breathed out, a small smile on your lips.
He chuckled, and you could tell he had a huge grin when he spoke, “I love you too, princess. I’ll see you tomorrow." 
You hung up and handed Hana her phone back, thanking her quietly for what she did.
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"Y/n, how do you feel?” Minsoo asked as she curled your hair. It was finally the day of your wedding, and your friends were helping you get dressed. 
You grinned, “I’m still anxious, but I think it’s more of an excited anxious.” She looked at you with happiness, glad you were feeling relaxed. 
“Oh, honey, you look so beautiful,” a soft feminine voice spoke. Glancing behind you in the mirror, you saw your mom and dad standing at the door. Minsoo backed up and allowed you to move around her. 
Quick to tug the two into a hug, you gave a soft greeting. “Hi mom, hi dad.” They returned the embrace, tears in their eyes as they took a closer look at you. 
“Oh, sweetie. You look so grown up. Yoongi is a lucky man,” your mom told you as she fluffed part of your skirt lightly. Your dad nodded, showing he agreed with his wife. 
A bashful smile appeared on your face, “I’m the lucky one.” Once you were dressed and ready to go, you all made your way to the doors you would be walking through. 
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As soon as the pianist started playing the wedding march, Yoongi could feel his hands become sweaty. He wasn’t having doubts, no, he was just afraid you wouldn’t be there, or that he would mess up his vows. He’s so caught up in his mind, that he doesn’t notice you making your way down the aisle with your dad. Only when Hoseok nudges him does he look up from the ground. 
His breath hitched in his throat and liquid gathered in his eyes when he saw you in your wedding dress with your makeup and hair done. You looked absolutely gorgeous, and he was so fortunate to be the one marrying you. His gaze was solely focused on you, and when your eyes met, he couldn’t stop the gummy smile that spread onto his face. 
When you saw Yoongi standing there in his black tuxedo with glassy eyes, you felt your heart beat faster. In just a few moments, you would permanently be his. You’d be Mrs. Min. Min Y/n. Yoongi’s wife. Your father handed you off to Yoongi once you reached the altar. Placing your hands in his, you gave him a shy smile. 
“You look so beautiful, princess,” Yoongi whispered so just the two of you could hear. 
A bright blush coated your cheeks, “Thank you, so do you.” He gave you his gummy grin and looked back to the priest as he started to speak. 
“Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Yoongi and Y/n in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”
Yoongi let out a loud sigh of relief when no one stood up or spoke. The guests laughed, causing him to blush with a shy smile. 
“From what I can understand, you two have your own vows you’d like to say?” the priest asked. 
Yoongi gulped, “I do- I mean yes, we wrote our own.”
Hoseok - his best man - laughed. Everyone could tell Yoongi was nervous, and you giggled, squeezing his hands. Once the priest gave him permission, your soon-to-be husband took a shaky breath in. God, please don’t let him mess up.
“Here I stand in front of you, the love of my life, to show you that you mean the world to me. Ever since I first saw you that night at the convenience store, I knew you were the one for me. You were sitting there just slurping up ramen - quite messily if I do say so myself,“ Yoongi started, teasing you at the end, earning chuckles from the guests. 
He fondly smiled at you, "I never really thought I would get married, it wasn’t that important to me. That is until I met you. As we grew together and became closer throughout the years, I realized that I would go through with all of this if it meant I got to spend the rest of my life, and even after it, with you by my side.”
“Y/n, you may now say your vows,” the priest turned towards you.
You cleared your throat, “Yoongi, I love you with all my heart. You are my best friend. Today I will give myself to you in marriage. I promise to encourage and inspire you, to laugh with you, and to comfort you in times of sorrow and struggle.”
“I promise to love you in good times and in bad, when life seems easy and when it seems hard, when our love is simple, and when it is an effort. I promise to cherish you and to always hold you in the highest regard. I will always love you, no matter what, for the rest of our existence,” you said, unadulterated love in your gaze. 
A tear makes its way down your cheek and Yoongi raises his hand to gently wipe it away. You let out a teary giggle, sniffling as your thumb rubbed against the back of his hand.
“We will now have the exchanging of the rings,” the priest said as Hoseok holds out the rings.
Yoongi grabbed a your ring as the priest asked, “Do you take Y/n as your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?”
“I do,” Yoongi grins, placing the ring onto your ring finger. 
The priest looks to you, “Do you take Yoongi as your lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" 
"I do,” your voice is filled with happiness as you place the band on Yoongi’s ring finger. 
He smiled at the two of you, “You may now kiss the bride." 
Yoongi grinned, his eyes closing as he put his hands around your waist. tugging you into a passionate kiss. You kissed back, letting your mouth part when his tongue licks your bottom lip. The two of you are too caught up in each other to hear the sounds of clapping and the rest of the members shouting. 
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The reception after the ceremony was filled with laughter, jokes, and dancing. Yoongi and you had multiple people coming up to congratulate you on the marriage. All of the members were tipsy on the fancy champagne. Jungkook was busy stuffing his face with food, Taehyung and Jimin were drunkenly dancing on the dance floor. Namjoon and Seokjin were seeing who could take the most shots. Hoseok was discussing the honeymoon with your husband. God, it felt so nice and made you feel bubbly calling him that. 
You were so caught up in your head, that you didn’t notice Yoongi coming up behind you until he had his palms on your sides. He leaned down and whispered into your ear, "Hey, princess. Are you ready to head out? We have to catch our flight in an hour.”
“Yeah, yeah I am,” you said, voice breathy as you felt his warm breath on your neck. 
He placed an open-mouthed kiss on your throat, his voice in a growl, “I can’t wait to see this wedding dress on the floor of our hotel room, baby girl.”
“I guess we should go then, huh?” you gasped, tilting your head to give him more room.
Yoongi smirked, “Yeah, let’s go, baby.”
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hobeymakar · 4 years
Best Part | E. Pettersson Imagine
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This one is dedicated to my girl @petterssonsdoncic
A/N: This was based off the song Best Part by H.E.R. & Daniel Caesar (aka my future wedding song). This also takes place in a universe where COVID-19 never happened and I used the 2019-2020 schedule in this
Word Count: 1,766
Warnings: Explicit language and brief sexual content
You don’t know babe. When you hold me. And kiss me slowly. It’s the sweetest thing. And it don’t change. If I had it my way. You would know that you are
Gabbie wakes up to Elias sleeping peacefully beside her. The team is in the middle of a 6 game home stand, so she’s taking advantage of much needed time with Elias before he leaves for another road trip. Tomorrow is Valentine’s day and she’s excited for her 3rd Valentine’s day with Elias. Knowing him, he’s gonna surprise her with something extravagant like he has the last two years and she’s mentally preparing herself for that.
She goes to the kitchen and starts making breakfast, knowing that the smell will get him out of bed.
"Good morning, min kärlek. Did you sleep well?" he asks, kissing her forehead.
"I always sleep better when you’re home," she smiles.
"Good thing I'm here for another week then.Tomorrow I’m taking you out all day. I gotta make this Valentine’s Day better than last year’s," he informs her.
"Do I get at least a hint as to what we're doing?" she asks.
"No, not at all, babe," he replies.
"Asshole," she groans teasingly.
He smacks her ass hard, causing her to screech, "Elias!"
He laughs before running to their bedroom.
You’re the coffee that I need in the morning. You’re my sunshine in the rain when it’s pouring. Won’t you give yourself to me. Give it all, oh
Gabbie wakes up the next morning to see Elias gone. She knows that he doesn’t have practice today. She starts her daily routine and goes out to the kitchen to make breakfast. After a while, she notices he hasn't come back home and texts him.
To: Elias Bear 🥰
Baby, where are you?
From: Elias Bear 🥰
Get ready for your special surprise. The girls are coming to get you
To: Elias Bear 🥰
Oh, idk what you’re planning but I still love you
From: Elias Bear 🥰
I love you more
She gets ready and before she knows it the girls arrive at the condo with a message on a card that reads, “they say love at first sight exists, but I never knew it did until I laid eyes on you. Stop by the place we first met and you’ll get your next clue”.
“Seriously? A scavenger hunt?” she scoffs.
“Just follow along. He spent a lot of time and effort on it,” Holl urges her.
“Alright let’s go!” she sighs, shaking her head.
I just wanna see. I just wanna see how beautiful you are. You know that I see it. I know you’re a star. Where you go I’ll follow. No matter how far. If life is a movie. Oh you;re the best part, oh. Then you’re the best part, ooh. Best part
It’s been a few hours and Gabbie is growing restless. She’s been going all over Vancouver and she’s tired. She wishes the girls would just tell her where Eias is so she can get to the surprise already. Eventually, they arrive at the spot where Elias asked her to move in with him. They arrive at the Jericho Beach boardwalk, even though it’s freezing in early February.
She sees Bo Horvat and Gus, Bo and Holl’s dog. Gus walks over with an envelope in his mouth. She takes the envelope into her hands and opens it. She reads it and turns around. She sees Elias down on one knee.
“Gabbie Cortez, you’re the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so glad I met you at the BC Lions game. Will you make me the happiest guy on the planet and marry me?” he asks.
Gabbie has her hands over her mouth in shock and keeps gasping “oh my god!” and nodding.
“So is it a yes?” he asks nervously.
“Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!” she cries out, nodding and smiling.
She hears cheers all around them as Elias slides the ring on her finger. He then gets up and kisses her passionately. After a few passionate kisses, the couple breaks apart and she notices that the whole team, the WAGs, and her immediate family are there. She lifts her hand up and shows off the diamond ring, making everyone cheer again.
It’s this sunrise and those brown eyes, yes. You’re the one that I desire. When we wake up. And then we make love (Make love). It makes me feel so nice
Gabbie and Elias wake up early to Elias’ alarm going off for his 2pm matinee game against Anaheim. He notices the sunrise and looks into her brown eyes and thinks he couldn’t be more in love. 
“Babe, look at the sunrise,” he points out, kissing her forehead.
She turns her attention to the sun rising through her open window. They watch the sun rise peacefully before she straddles his waist.
“I’m not usually awake this early,” she informs him.
“I know you’re not. You’re only awake this early when you have 8am class, which you don’t anymore,” he teases, referring to her being a 3rd year film student at UBC.
He tries to get out of bed but she refuses to let her grip on him go.
“Babe, I’m gonna be late to the game and Green is gonna bench me,” his hand on her thighs gently.
“You’re not going anywhere without a kiss,” she teases.
He kisses her and she kisses back easily, not caring about morning breath. The kisses quickly become heated and the thought of being late quickly gets pushed to the back of his mind.
It’s not until after he comes down from his post-orgasm haze, that he realizes he’s gonna be late if he doesn’t leave the condo in less than 10 minutes.
He shows up to the locker room with a minute to spare before being late and mentally fistpumps the air. The guys chirp him for the fresh scratch marks all over his back. He chirps back that at least he’s getting laid unlike some of his loser teammates.
You’re the water when I’m stuck in the desert. You’re the Tylenol I take when my head hurts. You’re the sunshine on my life
Elias catches the flu on game day against Minnesota and is forced to be scratched. He blames Quinn for it somehow and Quinn tells him to fuck off and to get a better immune system. Luckily, Elias has Gabbie who takes care of him and fills him up with some weird Flipino herbal tea that her grandma makes, as well as some Filipino version of chicken noodle soup. She also puts rice on the bottoms of his coup bowl.
He doesn’t question it and just eats it up while thinking it’s the end of the world.
“Babe, I think I’m actually dying. It’s official! I’m dead!” he sighs dramatically.
“Shut up, you big baby. That’s why you have an incredible fiance to take care of you,” she assures him with a kiss to his forehead.
Four days later, Elias is over the flu, unfortunately he manages to give it to Gabbie.
“I’m sorry, babe,” he sighs, as she lays in bed miserably.
“It’s my fault for being all over you. I should’ve slept in the guest room,” she sighs miserably.
If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you say something? If you love me, won’t you? Love me, won’t you?
“Babe, I have a gift for you,” Gabbie informs him, as he comes into the room after practice.
“A gift?” he asks, curiously.
“Yeah, just something I think you would like,” she replies, handing him a box.
He opens the box and sees a stick that looks like a thermometer in there. He shoots her a quizzical look. 
“Just grab it and read the screen, babe,” she sighs, rolling her eyes at how dumb her fiance is.
“What is this? There’s two lines on this? What does that even mean?” he asks in confusion.
“Babe, what do girls take when they’re supposed to get their period and they don’t get it?” she asks in a duh tone.
“Wait is this a pregnancy test?” he asks.
“Yes, babe and on the box, it tells you what the lines mean,” she explains.
“Okay on the box it says two lines means pregnant and it has two lines,” he says, before pausing when he realizes what he just said. “You’re pregnant?”
“Isn’t that what it says?” she asks in an obvious tone.
“Is this fake?” he asks, sniffing the stick.
“Babe, I peed on that. That’s nasty!” she squeals, grabbing the stick from him.
“Wow, I can’t believe this!” he cries out in shock.
“So are you happy? Are you mad?” she asks, dying to know what he feels.
“Of course not babe! I would never get mad at you over something like this! I guess I gotta go call my mom,” he says, getting up.
“Babe, don’t tell anyone yet!” she cries out, stopping him in his tracks.
“Why not?” he asks suspiciously.
“Because I need to see my gyno first to confirm it and because I’m on my period,” she informs him, biting back the urge to laugh.
“Wait what?” he asks in confusion.
“It’s a prank, babe! I’m not actually pregnant. I got my period this morning. I just wanted to know how you would react if I really was pregnant. So congrats you passed the test!” she teases.
“That is not funny! You really scared me! I was actually starting to think about getting a bigger condo and all the shit we’d have to do and buy for a baby,” he groans, slightly ticked off.
“I’m sorry baby. It was just a harmless prank. You still love me right?” she asks, burying her face under his neck. 
“Of course I do babe, but I hope you know I’m getting you back for this,: he informs her.
“I wouldn’t expect anything else,” she smiles, kissing him.
She doesn’t know how she got so lucky to have Elias Pettersson, but she thanks the Lord for bringing them together at that BC Lions game a few years back.
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mfingenius · 5 years
Soooo this isn’t a request but it’s for @ilovechristopheralexandershaw bc I want to make her feel better and this is how I know how to <33333
“Right hand red.” Ron says.
Draco groans as he stretches out across the enlargened game mat; of course this had been stupid Granger’s idea. Honestly, just because they’d all liked Clue the weekend before, and the fact that Draco had owned three fourths of the board in Monopoly - which Harry nearly flipped the board over - or the time Ginny Weasley and Draco had nearly ended up killing each other over UNO had ended considerably well, it doesn’t mean that she can just introduce Twister to them.
Especially when she made it into a stupid Gryffindor-Slytherin competition. Nothing much is at stake, of course. Draco wouldn’t have even cared about it if Potter hadn’t smirked at him in that infuriating way he does lately - because fuck, Draco doesn’t know what happened, exactly, but Potter’s confident now, and he’s fit and handsome as fuck and Draco can’t deal with it - and said, interested in a bet, Malfoy?
Draco had agreed without a second thought. Loser has to do something for the winner, Potter had said with an eyebrow-wiggle. Draco’s entire face had gone red - much to Pansy’s amusement, the witch - and Potter had looked at him surprised.
I didn’t mean it like that, he’d said, but sure.
Draco had been mortified, but, like a true Slytherin, he didn’t back down.
Weasley, of course, had lost first. He has no sense of balance, and he’s as ungraceful as they come, so he’d been out quickly.
Then had been Pansy, then Lovegood, then Blaise, then the Weaslette, then Granger, and then Theo, and now it’s only him and Potter on the mat, and Draco is determined to win.
“Right hand yellow, Harry.” Weasley calls.
“Give up, Malfoy,” Potter huffs, leaning across him to place his right hand on yellow.
They’re in a very uncomfortable position. Draco’s stretched out with his left foot on green, his right foot and hand on red, and his left hand on yellow. He’s nearly doing the splits because they’d enlargened the mat to fit all of them. Potter’s right foot is on blue, left on yellow, and he’s leaning over Draco to place one of his hands on yellow and the other one twisted uncomfortably under it, resting on green.
“In your dreams, Potter,” Draco huffs, trying to ignore the feeling of Potter’s chest against his back. Fuck, but when did he get so fit?
“Right foot yellow, Malfoy,” Weasley calls, and Draco exhales, relieved, his legs aching from the stretch.
Draco’s a little too eager to get out of the position and away from Potter, lest he do something stupid, and so he stands up too quickly, momentarily forgetting Potter leaning over him.
Potter yelps when Draco pushes himself up, effectively making him lose his balance so that he falls, taking both of them down to the floor in an unceremonious topple. They both groan.
“Fuck,” Draco says, rubbing at his sore ribs.
“Merlin, Malfoy,” Potter groans, rolling off him. “That hurt.”
“Grow up Potter,” Draco scoffs, half-sitting, immediately freezing when he catches sight of Potter’s shit-eating grin. “What?”
“You lost,” Potter says, gleefully.
“I did not.” Draco says, horrified.
“You did!” Potter says. “Not only did you touch the ground first, but you’re the reason I fell, so you lost!”
Draco sees their friends - and fuck, when did the Gryffindors become his friends? - nodding along, and he huffs, rolling his eyes.
“Fine,” he says, resigned. “What do you want me to do?”
“Go on a date with me,” Potter says.
“What?” Draco asks.
“Hogsmeade,” Potter says. He stands and pulls Draco up, who’s too stunned to say or do anything. “Eight o’clock, tomorrow. I’ll pass by your dorm at seven thirty.”
“I-” Draco begins. He trails off, unsure of what to say.
“Great. See you,” And Potter kisses his forehead before walking off, both Weasley’s and Granger trailing behind him, snickering.
Draco gapes after them.
“Drooling much?” Blaise asks, resting his elbow on Draco’s shoulder.
“Shut up Blaise!”
Send me a Request :D
If you enjoyed this, please consider buying me a kofi <3
Masterlist: [1] [2]
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