#all the godforsaken twitter screenshots….
cowardstiel · 1 year
i think it should be mandatory that everyone watch The Social Dilemma at least once every six months
#dear everyone saying that tumblr doesn't have an algorithm: yes it does oh my GOD.#i see people say this so often irt twitter and reddit migration#just because tumblr has a different feed system to facebook/inta/twitter doesn't mean the only things you see are exactly what you want#free of influence or coercion#simplest example is tumblr suggesting users and tags for u to follow. what do you think is informing its suggestions?#how does it know which blogs are similar? it's not by fucking chance#please i know we all clown on what a mess this website is and how poorly it delivers ads but let's not forget that that's a choice they mak#if tumblr wanted to deliver ads in the way other social media sites do they could. but it's part of the image they've created for themselve#hence why they feel they can offer a paid subscription to remove ads that has an off switch so u can still see their weird crazy zany ads#because they know how much we love to clown on their shit ads. they know users will screenshot and share ads if they're weird enough#and they want you to. they're not so incompetent that they can't get us classy ads lol. this is their brand. let's not forget that!#anyway this is all triggered by me sending someone (hi bunni <3) a post of misha collin's sfx make up in gotham knights that popped up as a#recommended post despite me never having watched it or searched for it etc. what triggered that post appearing was me searching/tagging spn#a couple times recently. and of course misha collins and spn are frequently cross tagged. anyway since then i have been bombarded with that#godforsaken show constantly on my dash#sorry to gotham knights enjoyers i get the appeal and i am a dc simp but it's just not for me ig#if u read all this i love u im kissing you sloppystyle and or giving u a firm and warm handshake and or a friendly nod like we're walking#past each other on a beautiful day <3#my post
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namorslutfanfiction · 2 years
girl I'm down bad for tenoch, like i havent been in a long time for a male celebrity. i am obsessed!! his birthday is tomorrow!
i have so much curiosity about him (as a person, you know), like does he believe in astrology? hes such an aquarius! and because of that, the answer could be yes or no hahah
I have been practicing my spanish more nowadays; i have read almost every single tweet this man has tweeted. im currently reading his book (which is amazing!! must read for people who want to know more about mexicos power dynamics, racism, colorism! very enlightening; as a latina myself, i could swap mexico to my countrys name and it would fit perfectly) (also he is very articulated, intelligent and funny! such an easy-going read besides the theme).
whats his favorite book? what kind of songs he listens to? share your spotify account with me tenoch!!
whats his comfort food? whats his WhatsApp profile picture? is it from a professional shoot or a selfie he took on his phone? did he cave in and bought an iphone? did he have pets growing up? whos taking care of his plants back home?
does he have a nickname? maybe 'Té', or 'Noche'? or is it something that has nothing in common with his name (my family nickname is completely different from my given name)?
and so on so on!! i need ANSWERS!! necesito tomarme un trago con el!! necesito pachequearme y hablar de la vida con este hombre!!!
Same. Like I literally found myself back on this godforsaken site after years because I needed to be able to vent about my love and obsession for this man.
Oh I would love to know his random opinions and his belief systems. I think he would find it amusing that we have looked up his astrological chart to the best of our abilities. Like he would definitely think "wow thats extensive" but he wouldn't make fun of it like some guys do.
So I know like very rudimentary Spanish that I learned because of my job. I got so often mistaken as some type of latin or hispanic person that it was easier to learn enough Spanish to get by and guests were always so understanding. "Oh she can understand us but it's hard for her to reply." I want to learn more Spanish but I don't have the time right now. I wish I could read his book but a translation isn't out yet.
As a filipino I feel like there will be a lot for me to relate to in the book considering the rampant colorism in all parts of Asia. Filipinos are often referred to as the 'Mexicans' of Asia. Which is weird but also fitting. What snippets of translation I've seen have been so interesting though.
I know he hates reggaeton with so much passion its kind of hysterical. I think I remember him mentioning one of his favorite books in an interview but I can't remember off the top of my head. I knoooow this man has all kinds of proud Latin music on his playlist. Also unabashed bangers like Selena.
He apparently has a screenshot from his whatsapp on his twitter somewhere and I think it's like a normal pic not anything professional.
Did you see that interview where he was mad hungry and eating the food the interviewer bought him? I wonder if he's one of those mexican dads who is willing to try a bunch of stuff or if he's the type to always choose latin food over anything else.
I've seen some of his activist friends call him 'Noch' or 'Nochie' I also know that Diego Luna specifically calls him 'chiquitin'. And that makes me giggle because I think he smiles his stupid cute smile every time Diego calls him that.
LOL I have two first names and depending on who you are decides which one you call me. So I don't have any nicknames. Everyone would just get even more confused.
I wanna talk to him about everything, life, love, politics, bull shit, the things that make us happy, the things that make us sad. I wanna talk about our pasts, our futures, our dreams.
I want his advice. Like I bet he gives the best life advice.
thank you for the ask,
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raaorqtpbpdy · 2 years
Every time I see Twitter screenshots from “verified” accounts now all I can think of is “why’s this idiot only got one check mark? Guess they’re not really that important of an internet person, since they’ve only got one check mark.” Then I remember the check marks actually mean something on Twitter and it reaffirms my decision to never leave this godforsaken hellsite
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well, it finally happened.
i got my first hate comment from one of my former friends, who wasn't even really my friend at all, we just had a mutual friend. she of course brought up a situation from nearly three years ago so it's good to know she's hated me all along, just as much as i hated her.
and to top it all off, i blocked her but she somehow has access to my private twitter account and sent me screenshots of a post i made concerning the situation and accused me off saying i could out my former friend bc i had insider knowledge. i would never do that bc i know the pain of being outed, bc she herself outed me to all our friends years ago and made it some big whoopsy joke. i have plenty of other ammuniation to use against her, such as her and her brother's heavy drug use, or her engaging in lots of premarital sex which her parents would hate. she's very financially dependent on them in a way im not and telling them anything would ruin her life. but i wouldn't do that bc i'm trying, of i'm trying, to be the bigger person. it's hard.
how can i be the delusional, obsessed one when their tracking and stalking ME on social media? sending me hate and directly mentioning me online? she clearly has told them a made up version of what happened if this is the reaction. i can be content in knowing i was right and i did the right thing. there is no coming back from this and that makes me sad. and the fact that they constantly talk shit about each other to one another and still want to be friends makes me laugh. as long as they can laugh at me privately in their hateful groupchat, i'm good. hate me, love me, i don't really care.
as i said them, i'm just happy to no longer be friends with people who DO NOT LIKE ME. why are ya'll mad at me for taking myself out of that situation when it's clearly what you wanted. and then to LIE and say I owe you and your brother money???? for what????? you nickle and fucking dimed me on my way out of that godforsaken situation you have all the money you need. your poor financial decisions are none of my business and not my fucking problem. just say your broke babe. no wonder your boyfriend dumped your ass. literally good on him for recognizing his worth and leaving you in the dust. none of your friends liked him or were nice to him. ever. only me. and that was bc you begged me to do what i could to make the others see that he was cool.
you're a nasty little cunt who feeds off of other people's success, can't be happy for anyone else, puts other people down to make yourself feel better, shit's on other people constantly (even your own friends), questions and belittles other people over their sexuality, is ok with one of her friends SA'ing another friend and said it was her fault and she was asking for it, screams at me to the point of reducing me to tears/an autistic meltdown, is bitter as fuck over other people's happiness, has no concept of respectable boundaries, makes her problems everyone else's, shitted on me for spending my hard earned money bc it "made her feel bad" bc she wasn't in a place to do that, among so much else shit. this is what i've put up with for literal years. and i finally put my foot down and was ignored, so now i've simply taken myself out of the situation and they're mad at me over it. make it make sense.
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haml3t · 2 years
I read so much news I’m going to start writing to journalists both those whom I like and those who write stupid shit. Starting with the guy from Time who put out this
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motherfucking idiot
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lwalmart · 3 years
Reblogs in this godforsaken fandom (/lh)
You all have probably heard this a thousand times but hear me out because I'm gonna talk about something I haven't seen anyone talk about.
This fandom has a reblog problem. Specifically with things that aren't memes/funny things or art.
Now, I'm not a very popular blog, but I have had posts that have gotten over 1k notes. And for the most part, these posts are memes that I made in 5 minutes. And yes!! That's amazing!! It's great to see my posts get so many notes. But I spend way longer on theories and analysis and unless they're 1-2 sentences, they barely get notes.
I've talked to two other people about this and they've said something similar. When they post funny twitter screenshots or art, those posts get way more notes than actual fics or theories. And what we agreed on is that, unless someone famous happens to reblog it (which is rare) the posts barely get notes.
The point I'm making is this fandom concentrates so much on reblogging art and people just naturally reblog shitposts more and it doesn't help the content that's not that. So many of those posts about reblogging talk about art specifically, and while artists do deserve that (they do! I love the art in this fandom!) it doesn't help the rest of us.
So please, for the love of god, reblog things that aren't art or shitposts. Reblog fics and theories and analysis. Don't center one or two parts of the fandom when there are so many others. Please, we're all in this hellhole together.
-Sincerely, a writer
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freakygirlie · 4 years
First of all, social media is much more than just Instagram and Twitter. Second, Jensen has said several positive things on the finale, do a little research. The only thing he was uneasy about, which fits all the things he has said in regard to supernatural before(being A: his dislike for d8stiel which doesn’t make him a homophobe and B: his love for the brothers and their relationship- I mean he’s bibro king for a reason) was the brothers not dying together(which tbh I wanted too). Third, Jensen isn’t a heller, he has so much against that godforsaken ship but I guess ignorance is really ingrained in all the hellers’s souls.  Fourth, despite all the c*kles and d8stiel stans saying he isn’t friends with Jared anymore, he’s been in contact with him(see his comments on Jared’s latest posts) and he’s not going to share every screenshot of his conversation with Jared on social media. He’s not even in Austin atm, probably in Toronto, so a meetup with Jared is impossible, which AGAIN doesn’t mean that he isn’t friends with him(seriously hellers, we know you were delusional from the start but??? this level of delusion is literally insane). Fifth, Destiel still isn’t canon get over it. Sixth, Jared is doing absolutely FANTASTIC. Seventh, Misha still doesn’t have a job. Eighth, your boycotts of the CW and petitions to remake the finale haven’t worked at all. Ninth, Jensen not saying anything on the finale is an absolutely amazing strategy, because if he does, it will be positive things(lmao he already has said them but like I said IGNORANCE). And if he says anything on twitter or insta, all the hellers who are ‘’supporting’’ him will instantly send hate, call him homophobic, trash him on every platform and turn on him(I mean look what you all did to Jim Beaver and Jared Padalecki). He’s staying away from the fandom’s negativity and good for him. Fricking King. Tenth, destiel has just gone not canon for the fourth time because no reciprocation from Dean’s part. Stay mad <3
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gamerszone2019-blog · 5 years
Prey 2 Audio Logs Reveal Where Tommy's Story Might Have Gone
New Post has been published on https://gamerszone.tn/prey-2-audio-logs-reveal-where-tommys-story-might-have-gone/
Prey 2 Audio Logs Reveal Where Tommy's Story Might Have Gone
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Newly released audio logs from the cancelled sequel to 2006’s Prey have shone light on the game that never was.Available to listen to here courtesy of digital games curator Andrew Borman, the logs are voiced by Prey 2’s
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lead character, Killian Samuels. It suggests he would have teamed up with the Tommy – the protagonist from the first game – to escape Exodus.
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“I’m not alone,” Samuels tells the log. “There’s another living human on this godforsaken rock. To tell the truth, I thought I was having another breakdown at first. He walked right up to me on the street, right onto the sea of alien faces and just held out his hand. ‘I’m Tommy,’ he said. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. Strange to hear real English again instead of the auto translator. I’d almost forgotten what it sounded like.”
The uploaded audio also reveal a second version of this log, which goes into more detail on how Tommy and Samuels would have met in the first place.
“We’re not alone. After all this time I found another human being on Exodus, or rather, he found me. Says his name is Tommy. I don’t know how the hell he got here. Says he’s been travelling a long time and he’s come here in search of the Sphere. I don’t know where the hell this guy’s been hiding.
“Slave ships stopped running shortly after I got here. None of the people they brought from Earth survived for more than a year except for me. That was – god that was decades ago. Tommy says he’s only been on Earth for a few hours. Clothes look brand new. Right now I don’t know what to think.”
Deathloop E3 2019 Reveal Screenshots
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Before Arkane’s reimagining of Prey in 2017, a sequel to the original game was on the cards. Prey 2 was originally in development at 3D Realms and then transferred to Human Head after Bethesda’s parent company, Zenimax Media, bought the rights to the series. However, in 2014 Bethesda formally swung its axe on the sequel, saying it didn’t meet its expectations.
Arkane’s reboot of the series kept nothing from the original game, meaning these audio logs are the only hint we have of how the loose ends in Tommy’s story would have been tied up.
To peek further behind the curtain of Bethesda’s development studios, check out this video of Wolfenstein and Dishonored’s developers playing each other’s games or scroll through the slideshow above to see stills from Arkane’s next game, Deathloop.
Alysia Judge is a freelance writer and presenter. Chat to her on Twitter @alysiajudge.
Source : IGN
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meghanmcguire · 7 years
the Meghan Ban
Last week, I got banned from Facebook. OK, I’m being dramatic. It was only for 24 hours. I could still see everything on Facebook, but I couldn’t post or comment or like or send messages. It was like a fancy piece of art. I could look, but I couldn’t touch. Except instead of being a work of art, it was a Russian Propaganda Machine Website that runs rampant with trolls and nazis. But, really, what’s the difference between that and Van Gogh’s “A Starry Night”?
It all started with a post. One of those fun posts that Facebook does where you can put it on a colorful background. So you can say anything and have it look beautiful. The post read in its entirety: “Stop being surprised that men are garbage, and start taking out the trash.” This is, of course, a play on words, and I do not advocate throwing anyone in dumpsters. This is not an episode of Glee circa 2009. I posted this in the midst of the neverending tsunami of accusations and allegations against many powerful men from Hollywood to Washington to the goddamn Public Broadcasting Company. Every time more allegations surfaced against another man, especially a man that we had admired, we spent so much time being like “ET TU, FRANKEN????” when we need to talk about dismantling the structures that allow these men to take power, do shitty things, and then remain in power without any repercussions for their actions. That’s the trash I want to take out.
After some likes and comments, the post was taken down by Facebook for “violating community guidelines.” I screenshotted the notification of my post being removed and then posted the screenshot on Facebook. Tempting fate, perhaps. But, to be honest, I thought it was bullshit that my post was taken down. Sure, the post may have offended some, but I have see much worse remain on Facebook.
Following my posting of this screenshot, I fielded many comments.
“That’s a little bit sexist.”
“Surely, Meghan, not ALL men are garbage. You have a father and two brothers. They cannot be garbage!”
“A little bit over the top.”
This screenshot of the post was then reported and removed 24 hours later. Since it was my second violation, I was put on probation. After the second post was removed, the brothers whom I had so egregiously offended (according to others’ input) reposted my post.
From there, my post was deemed:
“OK when a man says it.”
“Something something hate speech something something.”
And I just sat there and watched as people continued to discuss the merits and pitfalls of this joke I had made. Had I gone too far? Is it my responsibility to apologize and clarify my words to the couple of people whom this post had offended? Was I too harsh? And on and on. My friends and family and that troll I did a play with in high school continued to talk.
I had lost the ability to speak for myself. My voice was totally removed from the conversation that I had started. And yet, I knew of people on Facebook and Twitter who had reported posts from white supremacy groups that had not been taken down. I knew that over and over again, women have reported rape threats and death threats for merely speaking their minds, and Twitter and Facebook have done nothing. And yet my post about men being garbage could not live on. The army of trolls that lay siege to women’s voices on the internet stays intact, but - DON’T WORRY - no one will ever see my “sexist” post ever again.
Yes, I’m frustrated that my post was taken down. But it wasn’t just about a stupid post. Perhaps it made some blanket statements about Men, but I wasn’t attacking men. I was attacking a system that continues to hold up abusive men and apologize for them, while actively silencing women’s voices and stories. I’m not even mad about the comments storm. I’m mad that I was excluded. That my joke in the words of a man were OK. That other people were able to continue to speak on the subject and chastise me publicly, while I couldn’t even like a fucking cover photo, let alone speak for myself.
And that’s why I left Facebook.
JK JK. I’m still on the garbage-fire of a website. I was ready to throw in the virtual towel, but here’s the thing: I am in the midst of releasing a web series on which I have worked really hard. And Facebook is my primary source of promotion. And so often, that’s what it means to be a woman in comedy, or any other industry for that matter: to continue to support the institutions that silence or undervalue your voice in hopes that maybe someone will still hear you. We have to keep eating shit in hopes that someday someone will finally give us an actual chocolate cake.
And, look, I know that having my Facebook post taken down is not the worst thing that’s ever happened. In the grand scheme of things, it means very little. But also, it reminds that to have people hear my voice, I need to use my voice, and keep using my voice. And God forbid if that gets me kicked off Facebook and gives me back free time I haven’t had for the 10 years I’ve been on that godforsaken website. Until that inevitability, no matter who might try to report me, I’m not gonna shut up.
SOME men OFTEN dispaly garbage-LIKE tendencies. But that just doesn’t have the same oomph, does it?
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