#what else could I expect from Time tho 🙄
ripcupid · 10 months
Hey there, can I please request fluff or domestic headcanons for Captain Price, thank you in advance:)
Price headcanons
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first time with hcs so ntm on me
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While he’s away
he’ll try to give you daily updates during missions so yk he’s not dead (teehee) but yk bad service in Urzikstan or just international in general, it has you a little worried when he doesn’t text back for a while
Sending each other pictures throughout the day when he’s at the base and texts you when some trainee or anybody annoys him.
has a photo of you but keeps it very safe away from other people so no enemies know about you and you’re never in danger
if he was to get hurt, he’ll try and get someone to tell you asap
he always promises he’ll come back unharmed (as possible) and will buy you small gift as sorries for leaving especially if the mission took longer then expected
he hates it if he missed something important. like if y’all had kids and they lost their baby teeth or took their first steps he would be so pissed for missing it.
you’ve ever seen those bf who leave a bunch of letter for when they go away? yeah price would do that
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When he’s home
he has to sleep with you so impossibly close to him, he needs to feel the weight of you so he knows you’re there and safe.
idk shit about the special forces but let’s just say he has like ptsd (cause he be killin’ people) and he has like nightmares or insomnia and you’ll be his safe place when he needs to be reminded that he did what he did for a reason.
and speakin’ of insomnia i could see him staying in the living room to not bother you as you sleep but you quickly notice he’s not there and go to look for him.
now happier stuff, he’ll spend every moment he has with you while he’s home just doing random mundane things, like grocery shopping with you or walking the dog with you. whatever it is he wants to do it with you
early morning cuddles when he’s home especially the first day back like he wouldn’t let you out of bed cause like what else do you need to do? 🙄
his job always coming first causes some arguments but it’s mostly you’re worry about if he will come back (he always does)
he wants to be a dad, wants a have a little mini him that he can teach self defense stuff to but the idea of getting “injured” dying makes him hesitant
and if he has a daughter, he’ll be like one of those dads that end up in dresses having a tea party with her and her stuffed animals.
speaking of stuffed animal, imagine him buying you little new ones when he comes home because they reminded him of you
attached to you as soon as he gets home
would try to quit smoking for you and his health
he keeps his work life and personal life separate doesn’t want to talk about what he’s done on missions and even tho he wants to he doesn’t talk about you at work
I think I saw a video like this but I can’t stop think about Price cooking shirtless and you just standing back and watching his back muscles move.
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It was so hard not to make this smutty
Never dones these before, scared rn
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sothischickshe · 5 months
I was tagged by @bourbon-ontherocks (ty! 💛💛💛) to answer 20 questions for writers:
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
The only fandom I've ever published fic for is good girls
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Bringing down the neighbourhood
waiting for someone who needs me🧞
What a sight to see🧛🏻
(a) time to kill
yourself and others
I'm not sure the middle 3 would def be there were it not for the anon kudos bombing but w/e it's nice having some single chapter fics in the top 5 🤘
5. Do you respond to comments?
Yes! 🥺🥺🥺
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
A time to refrain (from embracing) methinks!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Both installments of the Are you afraid or is it true series are pretty fluffy. Maybe the second part (Through the park and by the tree) wins out? 🤔
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not generally. There was someone in the gg fandom leaving mean bookmark notes tho 🙄🗑️
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yes. What are the kinds? 👀
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't, and I don't imagine I would?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, not that I'm aware of. It could be interesting to see how it would go!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes actually, as kids me and a friend co-wrote a tortall 'verse crackfic.
14. What’s your all time favourite ship?
Ooof. Maybe spuffy? That met me at a very formative time of my life, and I didn't expect it to become so canon (as opposed to like under a spell etc) and I think that experience really reshaped my brain 🤯🤯🤯 but fundamentally faves questions are immoral thus this is a very rude question.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I hope I'll finish all of them, and do intend to! I'm not sure I'll ever write the hilarious abortion fic tho.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Mm, a love of language/interesting prose. A love of brevity/somewhat chiselled sentences. A love of editing/willingness to improve. Interesting stories. Dialogue, tho brio get little bc theyre annoying. Characterisation!
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Well I violently dislike plot. I don't feel super strong on creating original characters. I'm slow! I'd rather let things be confusing than beat readers over the head with info, which I think can be detrimental. I wouldnt say my descriptions are super strong, though I think they've improved a lil. Sometimes there's too much internal monologue at a go which breaks up the pacing of an eg dialogue scene (though again think that's improved somewhat). My love of planning and love of pantsing are at constant war lol, I get grumpiest abt stuff not having been established earlier and thus needing to state things which couldve been well demonstrated. Blocking, sometimes. I love short stories and oneshots but I'm apparently prone to writing long fics & continuing things into series which I consider a real weakness, lol.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm not against it in principle, I've read a lot of books which contain a lot of eg French or Spanish (often untranslated). We've got access to Google translate or w/e right? I do appreciate it when translations are provided bc lazy (and I think Ao3 does poss let you do hyperlinked superscript?). I feel the same way abt it in fic as in other media I think -- if you're happy for it to be a bonus to those that understand and everyone else needs to work to figure it out, I concur. If you think it needs to be understood, then providing translations (even if just as notes @ the end) makes sense.
But I also think pls don't write it via Google translate... If u don't speak the language/don't have someone who can help u translate it, don't write dodgy shite Spanish or w/e 🙈 not everything needs to be literal dialogue u can just say 'he explained to his grandmother abt the change in plans' or w/e I swear
...o wait I'm guessing the q meant me as a writer not reader 🤦 I don't think I've done much of it? Altho I do always seem to imply that every character speaks French, a language I don't really speak so who the hell knows 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Published for: good girls. Wrote for hmmm I guess tortall books maybe? 🧓🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Ooof, immoral question! Let's say upon your ignorance (and the gray despair) of your ugly life tho bc every time I remember I wrote a fic where rio & Dean swap bodies I giggle 😂 there's so much abt this fic which is very funny to specifically me teehee
Tagging🔖🔖🔖🔖🔖: @hereliesbb @nakedmonkey @nottonyharrison @inyoursheets @bensonstablers @blizabrth @delicatelingon & U right in the middle of your forehead if u wanna play 😚🎯
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aqueeracademic · 1 year
morse being queer (and other commentary) pt 17:
season 5, episode 1, “Muse”:
note: this episode deals with some really dark topics; i don’t really get into it in this post but be wary of the content
- okay season 5‼️‼️
- let’s get gay
- this guy seems a little young to be a professor
- oh he isn’t a professor he’s just some guy
- i want to live in a windmill tbh
- strange playing the trombone agenda!
- pause did morse not move to london?
- me when i have no clue what’s going on
- shit i guess he stayed
- living with strange! besties 4 lyfe
- these umbrellas are doing nothing to keep them dry
- the way debryn is giving his analysis directly to morse 🥰🥰🥰
- bro knows morse is the only one who’s gonna pay attention tbh
- about WHAT morse situation 🤨🤨🤨🤨
- i love frazil she’s always rooting for morse
- hello who tf is that
- george fancy
- i cant experience the george fancy story again.
- can’t handle it.
- “i’m used to working alone, sir.”
- no ur not morse u just miss jakes
- oh
- okay
- so they’re just not gonna move him 🙄
- made me panic for no good damn reason
- morse is so disrespectful to fancy and for what
- “what’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?” “my job.” 😐
- i forgot i also hated fancy for a long time
- morse was right ‼️
- “hard to get, eh?” why don’t you! shut your mouth!
- “you have no idea.” “i like a challenge.”
- WHY DONT YOU! shut up ❤️
- in fairness morse was really upfront with george about his expectations so after a certain point it’s george’s fault for being a dumbass and annoying him
- that’s just me tho!
- okay ew i did not need to see debryn pull that spike out of the dudes ear
- i am experiencing debilitating heart burn right now i think im gonna die
- anywho
- thursday just roasting the shit out of nero while morse stands there like 😮
- JOAN ‼️‼️‼️
- omg she’s back
- morse is so awkward 🙄
- morse is just… drinking milk. just a glass of milk. like 🥛. im disgusted
- ayo
- body took me by surprise to say the least
- morse is getting awfully comfortable looking at dead people
- i feel like fancy is already a lot like jakes and that’s what’s irritating morse
- he keeps asking questions the same way jakes did
- it’s different though because fancy is asking because hes ignorant, not because he’s challenging morse
- and morse is irritated because jakes was an intellectual challenge
- he had to be certain before presenting anything to jakes because jakes would ask questions to force him to prove it or think it through all the way
- fancy isn’t challenging him intellectually even though he’s taking jakes’ spot
- and morse doesn’t want a replacement he just wants jakes
- ykwim??????????????
- great!
- moving on
- “dipped his quill in any ink pot.”
- bro was a whore
- i’m also assuming he was a lil…. fruity
- but don’t ask me for proof! i operate on vibes and vibes alone
- the way i thought that glider was small 💀💀
- it was literally carrying around an entire human being
- “i don’t think she likes men.” “maybe it’s just you she doesn’t like.”
- morse is SO catty i love him
- he clocked that guy as a scumbag and just ran w it
- IM DYING at morse saying what shade the lipstick is and debryn instantly knowing the line it’s from
- that’s a little 💅
- i’m just saying
- for this time period?
- also the silence after he says it 💀
- and morse just carries on 💀
- i love debryn
- george is doing his best tho
- morse just misses jakes and doesn’t want someone else hanging around and i’m SICK OVER IT
- morse watched that entire strip show and for what 😐
- you could have just gone straight to the dressing room babes
- the way he doesn’t check her out ONCE when she stands up
- respect 😔✊
- i’m watching this on amazon and the amount of times the captioning has said [inaudible] is killing me
- AYO eve is gorgeous
- i know that’s the point but like goddam 😭
- “he’d seen me dancing.” “stripping.”
- morse ur being annoying
- they’re dancers whether or not they take clothes off and ur stripping them of their dignity by belittling their careers
- there’s 0 reason to slut shame them for dancing even if it is stripping
- don’t be a dick ‼️
- naur why was morse the one to uncover the body 🥺
- i literally hate him and then immediately feel terrible for him and love him again 🙄
- i’m weak what can i say
- the way morse looks at trewlove during the interrogation and she’s just like 😳
- girl didn’t want to know a singular thing about morse’s sex life
- straight up trapped
- i’m honestly confused how fancy forgot to get the contents booked
- like you went to do it right away
- did you just?? stop? doing it???
- and then morse just covers for him to thursday to keep him in everyone’s good graces
- he’s sooooooo
- ugh.
- if there’s an opportunity to be self sacrificing he’s gonna take it and i hate it
- because being self sacrificing IS the example he sets fancy
- and we all know how that ends up
- i love it when morse is alone in the nick and opera music is playing
- it makes me think that it’s playing in his mind
- like he is constantly hearing opera when he’s working even if it’s not playing
- he’s just hearing it
- i love it
- a touch of the tism perhaps…
- ^me projecting
- that student that morse keeps talking to about the life model? the one w the blonde fringe? yeah! he’s gay.
- once again, no proof. vibes and vibes alone!
- out ur husband as a con artist!
- werk
- ooo dr croxley is gay for sure
- i’m so low on actual queer content from this show rn i’m just assuming every single side character is gay
- “i beg your pardon?” “you can beg my fat ass!”
- get his ass
- thursday has absolutely zero reservations about this shit i love him
- this is reminding me of the riot club tbh
- idk if any of you have seen that movie but the group of men behave just like the riot club
- morse giving a theory out and then bright going “and the rest?” and him being like 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ is SO REAL
- some of these episodes have so many characters, and i am so bad with names, i’ll get to the like one hour mark and have no idea who anyone is talking about anymore
- joan and thursday speaking for the first time in like a year is… hmmm
- she used to be such a daddy’s girl and now she hates his guts i am WRECKED
- dhmu 😔💔
- “that was quick.” “you asked for it.” “you’re a good sergeant, jim. good man, too.”
- you tell him thursday!
- me when i’m a jim strange STAN
- i’m nervous why is the music so scary
- oh literally nothing happened
- she just invited him inside
- he’s gonna sleep w her huh? 🙄
- he’s a slut
- i read the books! i know!
- “save it for your clients. i’m immune.”
- first of all, morse, we ALL KNOW that that isn’t true 🤨 no need to lie 😐
- “you’ve got need coming off you like a junkie gouging for a spike, but you won’t do anything about it.”
- this line is ABSOLUTELY INSANE i’m going feral
- like why would you say that 😭😭😭😭
- oh my god his face while she’s offering herself to him is so 😧
- i can’t do this tonight ✋😁
- the way he backs away from her when he starts to figure her out
- he’s so scared
- all the time!
- i hate it here
- sidebar:
- this is literally the plot of the riot club
- like what happened to the women and how the men behave and the fact that the men were scholars and it’s an elite group and they all call each other by different names
- it’s literally the riot club
- a movie i HATED and did not finish btw
- this is open riot club slander that movie was terrible
- feel free to watch it if you don’t believe me tho!
- but anyways this feels like the aftermath of that movie
- these girls are right and should be allowed to get away with it tho
- morse should have just pretended to never figure it out and let her get away with it
- i erased this episode from my memory this shit is so hard to watch
- justice for ruth astor.
- i’m sobbing my eyes out right now! literally sobbing.
- morse slut shames these girls the entire episode and then feels terrible at the end as he fucking should
- i hate men.
- just throwing in the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at the end????
- like hello?
- idk if that’s supposed to feel random but it certainly does
- ok that episode traumatized me
- on to the next!
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Birb!!!! Once again, I'm so sorry BUT YOUR LASTS GoT POSTS GAVE ME A BLAST!!!!
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don't be sorry!! it's ok!!! i am so glad i can make u laugh!! MY SILLY JOKES HAVE FINALLY FOUND A PURPOSE ;A; sooo who do we have here....??? >:3c
1 - OH!! the lil girl!! mcdaughterburner's daughter!! u'll NEVER guess what happens to HER ;A; i referred to her as 'NOOO BABY NO!! ;A;' bc that's what i was saying in every scene she was in ;A; I KNEW THEY WOULD TAKE HER FROM ME ;A; didn't expect the fire tho, that was hard to listen to ;A;
2- ZOMBIE JOE'S BROTHER!!! aka uncle failson!!! he lost a fight with a fire poker or something, it was very sad 😔 i can't actually remember what happened to him tho?? i just,,,,lost track of him at some point?? so im going to assume he ended up at ned stark's castle where the remaining cast re-enacted the film 'dead snow' (2009 norwegian film about nazi zombies). if he WAS there he should have volunteered his services as a ladder for lydia mormon, the child warrior who somehow managed to be better and braver than any adult (except for BFF of course!! who could surpass SHE?? ;A;)
3- IT'S NOT-SAMWISE!!! he is almost a samwise gamgee!! but not quite!!! it's ok tho, nobody could ever REALLY compare to THE samwise gamgee. this lesser samwise is good enough!!! i liked how willing samwise was to adopt a random baby whose mother he met exactly ONCE, that was quite sweet of him. hope everything works out for him and jill or whatever and junior. good lot them 😌 (note: during the earlier seasons, i wanted him and redux jesus (then simply called ned stark's bastard) to MAYBE run away from snow gaol and kiss each other. but in the end samwise met jill and they seem very happy together!! pity about egret. maybe redux jesus should kiss that viking man instead. tormod ruadh or whatever. idk that's a viking name, right?? :P)
4- OH THIS GUY. ok i know. I KNOW WHO HE IS. i saw him in a film JUST THE OTHER DAY. it was a john wick film!! my mam LOVES the john wick films, she's in love with keanu reeves. uhhhh. his name is. it's. ok i don't actually KNOW his name but. BUT IN GOT, he played the role of MCDICK-IN-A-BOX!!! i called him mcdick-in-a-box bc, well, uh, u know 😳 am very glad captain ginger was able to rescue him from that snivelling lil shit, wannabe dexter. that clown was. extremely unpleasant. more unpleasant than any other character. not a fan of wannabe dexter. he took himself too seriously!! we get it, ur a serial murderer, cool story bro!! just MURDER then. don't be such a bitch about it. ur mad bc no one will kiss u (willingly), every day is a bad hair day, ur doggos won't talk to u if u don't feed them human flesh,,,, WE GET IT. he's what my father would call a 'langer' 🙄
poor mcdick-in-a-box. even when he's the photo u sent, i spend more time talking about somebody else. sadly typical for poor mcdick-in-a-box, smh 😔
hee hee, thank u for indulging my silliness 😄 i always appreciate the chance to make my dumb jokes 😊 hope i gave u a laugh or two! hope ur day or night goes well 💚💚💚
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sungbeam · 1 year
Me when serpent and dove: 👁️👄👁️⁉️🫣😱🫵😐💔🤯⁉️🤡
Like man just because you’re going through Jichang brain rot doesn’t mean that you have to give it to me too 👹/j
AND THANK YOU I KNEW YOU’D UNDERSTAND THE SUNSET LINE LIKE THERE WAS A REASON I HIGHLIGHTED IT 😭 but Ofc I’m insecure so I always downplay what I like so that no one else can make fun of it cause I already made fun of it myself #copingmechanisms #earlybirdgetstheworm 🥲 I’m glad you get it like I do tho 😔🫶
It’s so sad that you haven’t read for fun in a while tho 😭 BUT YOU’RE JUST LIKE ME FR CAUSE IDK THE QUALITY OF PRINTED LITERATURE THESE DAYS IS JUST BAD 😩 Like FR a double whammie smh you got the same boring plot and the same boring covers 😔💔 IT’S LIKE- WHY WOULD I PAY $20+ FOR A BOOK THAT I PROBABLY READ 3 TIMES BEFORE JUST WITH DIFFERENT NOUNS IF I COULD READ A BEAUTIFULLY WRITTEN ONESHOT BY SUNGBEAM HERSELF?? I hereby declare this tomfoolery yessir
AND YOU HAVENT WATCHED MIRROR MIRROR WITH THE STUNNING LILY COLLINS AKA MY FAV NEPOBABY??? I was actually gonna send the link for the opening scene but no one cared to post the opening scene on YouTube but they bothered to post the FULL MF MOVIE 💀💀💀
I would send the link but it seems that the paste thing timed out and I don’t want to leave the Tumblr app (rip mobile) again cause it will refresh everything (yes this is my second time writing this) so just look up mirror mirror opening scene on YouTube 😭
AND THANK YOU POOKIE I’M GLAD MY IDEAS WERE GOOD ACTUALLY LMAO 🤭 and nooo I haven’t watched rescuers even tho it does ring a bell 🤔
And ok??? Damn I was just making sure I had all bases covered just in case you were being a perv like smh idk your life 🙄☝️/jkjk SJFJEJR
Oh and I haven’t watched secret invasion but I kinda just thought abt it cause yk superheroes/marvel LMAO but have you watched ‘the boys’ on Amazon prime? It was actually pretty interesting (even tho TW it’s way more explicit in the blood, death, and sexual aspects and it did take a hot sec for me to get used to it 💀) but I actually would recommend it just be weary of those warnings 🫡 also you might’ve even seen a reaction vid from it since it got pretty popular on tiktok/twt 😭
Also also hopefully this isn’t overstepping or anything but I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone and I really related to your ‘scroll past this’ post :( it’s kind of hard not feeling that way and I do kind of get impostor syndrome too just cause I feel like I can never accomplish anything and I can never make it to people’s expectations of me but honestly I think I just need to be kinder to myself? And you should too! Something I do to remember that I have to be kinder to myself is by imagining my inner monologue being directed to the younger version of myself. I went through a lot when I was a kid and I just know that if I say what I say to myself/about myself to my younger self then it would completely destroy me. And if it would’ve destroyed me then, why wouldn’t it destroy me now? And it’s cause it does. It chips at me, albeit slowly. And then I’ll just absolutely break down one day. But we’re on this earth too short to be hurting and anxious and insecure all the time. When you feel overwhelmed it’s good to just… back away for a bit. Maybe cook, get some ice cream, take a walk in the park, just sit outside and breathe. Ground yourself and remind yourself that although you’re not perfect, no one is. You can always be a happier version of yourself though so just do what feels right at the moment and live in the moment :) I don’t want to downplay your pain at all but I really hope that I could provide at least a smidge of comfort since that’s what I do when I’m really feeling down (esp existential rip) :,)
- If you have breath you have purpose. You are an instrument, a testament, that these minutes can be survived. (Raquel Franco)
Love, 🌷 anon
LISTEN. serpent and dove has been hiding in my drafts folder since JUNE I HAVE BEEN EXERCISING A LOT OF SELF CONTROL OKAY :l
NO CUZ i do that too 😭😭😭 #copingmechanism frfr cuz if i already clown it then ur clownery will have no effect skfnkenff
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TEARS ! anyways,, , ahem yes i do appreciate that sunset line, it makes me feel something for once so thank u ma'am 😔 WAIT I JUST SAW THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM SKDNSKDM AHAHHAHAHA when the worm = dignity 💔💔💔
HELPPP DONT SAY THAT UR GONNA MAKE ME SEVERELY DELULU ABT MY WRITING ABILITIES 🤡🤡🤡 no but i FEEL u, like i find books that im intrigued by, but a lot of them are just copy paste of each other and they never intrigue me and r ALWAYS in some form WEIRD or PROBLEMATIC 😭😭 like why would i pay money for ur copy paste covers when i can find that for free on wattpad /hj tho there r some books w those kinds of covers that r like that lol emily henry i hear is pretty good and i can't wait to finally read her shit 😔 once i get my shit together skdnkenf
blr is going down hill and FR WHY DO THEY RESET FOR ASKS LIKE CAN I NOT DRAFT AN ASK IT TAKES COURAGE AND TIME AND CAREFUL CONSIDERATION— lmslmflenf LMAO 😭😭😭 OKAY I'LL LOOK IT UP LATER 🤡 AHHAHAHA when they said, if we're gonna pirate, we're gonna go all the way !!!
takes one to know one abt the perv life 🤨🤨🤨 ANYWAYS 😁🤸‍♀️
OMG I've seen clips of the boys and it's low-key like 😭😭😭 scary skfnkejfk i mean like, the main blonde hero dude is TERRIFYING and i mean that in the best possible way. i watched a video essay on how to make a terrifying villain, and they used the boys as an example, and i had to look away from some of the parts just cuz it was so violent, and his SMILE IS O_O FRIGHTENING.
GIRL IKIKIK THEY JUST POSTED TEASERS OF THE THREE CONCEPTS !!! ITS CALLED "PHANTASY" AND TBH I THOUGHT OF DANNY PHANTOM 💔💔💔 low-key if kev came back w the blonde hair he could totally pull off danny phantom, i don't make the rules— i think my favorite concept look so far is love letter !! but i think as more is posted i'll def change 💀 we'll see 💀 NO FR IST REALLY PULLING A FASTBALL ON US FOR THIS??? like HELLO?? they're literally supposed to cb in TWO WEEKS AND I NEED TIME TO SCREAM AND YELL AND MENTALLY PREPARE AND FIGURE OUT IF IM GONNA CAVE AND BUY AN ALBUM—
ahh thanks tulip 🥺 i really appreciate u saying all that, and ,, yeah,,, i never really thought abt like if i was speaking to my younger self like that and it really does put things into perspective. i've become the person who i despised yet was desperate to please when i was a kid, and that's ,, awful. it's awful esp since i can't run away from myself like i could those people from my past. im sorry u went thru shit as a kid :( ig we find our own ways to cope and grow and try to move on, and maybe we won't always make it out of the woods immediately. i used to think i had a pretty good view of myself, and then i realized it was all just a cover-up? like it was a mask on top of a mask and it was fake and it was just covering up all the truly damaged parts of me like a bandage over a bullet wound. yeah fsfs! i forced myself to step away that day. i actually went and cleaned my bedroom workspace up w like noise cancelling headphones on and it made me feel so much better. bro fr like,, when do we not feel existential atp, sometimes i feel like im not actually "go w the flow" but "i don't care enough anymore"
— Promise me not to hide yourself when you're in pain, it's unfair that we laughed together but you cried alone. (unknown) ❤️
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byuqi · 1 year
im back~ so school ended a couple days ago but BOY LEMME TELL YOU I GOT TEA. okay well i honestly don’t know the full story but tea is tea so lemme spill 😋
okay so basically my two friends who imma call 🦶and🫄 are best friends but 🫄 used to be my best friend until 🦶 stole her from me last year
so they’re like those friends where if 🦶is mad at someone then automatically 🫄has to be mad at that person too or else 🦶 will get mad at 🫄
AND FOR SOME REASON 🦶 GOT MAD AT ME⁉️⁉️ like imma be fr i dont even know why she’s mad at me bc the last time i talked to her was on May 19th and we were perfectly fine but then i sprained my ankle and didnt come back until like a week and a half later and then suddenly shes mad at me?
so the way i found out 🦶was mad at me was because i was tryna talk to her but she was just ignoring me so my other friend who imma call (N) was like “hey 🦶 bambi is tryna talk to you” and then 🦶 is just like “oh i know” LIKE TF⁉️⁉️ so then (N) and i just look at each other and shrug our shoulders cause we don’t know wtf is going on with 🦶
now fast forward like a week later i still dont know why 🦶 is mad at me and now 🫄 is ignoring me too and none of our other friends know why they’re mad at me. and even tho they’re mad at me they still hang out with me and the rest of our friends at lunch they just dont talk to me and then 🦶 offers some chips to (N) and our other friend (B) and she sees me looking because i was sitting next to (N) and she says “Y a que te mires?” which means “what are you looking at?” so i just said “nothing” and she rolled her eyes then called me a bitch 😭 AND WE HAVE THIRD PERIOD TOGETHER SO I HAD TO SEE HER THERE AND SHE KEPT GLARING AT ME DURING THE WHOLE CLASS LIKE⁉️⁉️ also whenever she gets mad she doesnt tell people why shes mad and just expects them to figure it out?? like shes done this before and i’ve had to apologize even tho i didnt do anything wrong
so now lets go to the last day of school so im hanging out with (N) and (B) again and ofc 🦶 and 🫄 are there too with our other friend (M). (M) and i have always been close so i was talking to (M) and she was standing next to 🦶 and then when im talking i hear 🦶 say “no vale verga” which is kinda like “i dont care” but in a mean way so then (M) just looks at me and is like “i dont know why she’s acting like that just ignore her” so i did and then when i get home i decide to check (B)’s location bc she was supposed to come over and i notice 🫄 turned off her location and she only does that when she doesnt want to be friends anymore so im like oh shit because even tho shes not my best friend anymore like we were still friends so yeah now 🫄 isnt friends with me anymore 🧍
anyway thats all and i’ll update if i find out anything else but thats all for now
well said!! tea is tea and if has to be spilled one way or another 🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
OMG NO BC I LITERALLY HAD THE SAME THING HAPPEN TO ME THIS YEAR WHAT. 💞 and i were bsfs bc 💞 was new in the school. then ☠️ came along and they became friends and 💞 left me like i was nothing. im talking like i was literally the person who made her who she is rn in the school like bffr girl🤨🤨🤨🤨
lets be real here? we all know stinky feet tryna be you fr🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄on a real note they’re both fucked up in the head. yes i get that thing of “if shes mad at you im mad at you” BUT ATLEAST HAVE A REASON TOO??? like it doesn’t make sense to me at all. shes a real bitch for ignoring you straight up like that and still saying “i know shes talking to me” BFFR?????? see me personally i would immediately remove myself from them two as soon as possible. you know why i think stinky feet is mad at you? bc she knows you could have ms preggo back whenever you wanted to bc you two were bsf. I SWEAR ITS ALSAYS LIKE THAT TELL ME IM WRONG🤣
but at the end of the day, remove yourself from them 2. fuck what they think and fuck what other people think, its your life and youre not gonna let 2 dumbass bitches ruin it for you bc they “dont like you” MAN STFU😭😭😭also FUCK MS PREGGO🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕
neways, thanks for the tea bambi😘😘😘i love listening (reading) drama!! ily and stay safe❤️
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haml3t · 2 years
I read so much news I’m going to start writing to journalists both those whom I like and those who write stupid shit. Starting with the guy from Time who put out this
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motherfucking idiot
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Dad! Atsumu and Dad! Bokuto:
Domestic Life with Their Partners
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Dad! Bokuto Kotaro x Male! Reader and Dad! Miya Atsumu x Male! Reader
Warnings: pure fluff
A/N: This is a request from Dragon Anon!
🏳️‍🌈 Please Like, Share, Comment to support my writing 🏳️‍🌈
Bokuto Kotaro
Bokuto will be one of the best, if not the best dads in the HQ world 🤚🏻
I said what I said 😤
Honestly, he's basically a child himself for like- what else would you expect?
He's totally the dad to just sit and stare at his sleeping baby, being like "I helped make that" 🥺
You and Bokuto have three kiddos *currently*
I say currently because Bokuto could never have enough
Whether you adopted, birthed your own or fostered, Bokuto is all about that life
Let's just say, you stay home with the kiddos
Bokuto is busy with training and you both decided you wanted one parent at home
Needless to say, by the end of the day you are exhausted
Raising three demon spawn is exhausting
I should know, I keep two alive on the daily 🤚🏻
"Dad, when is daddy coming home?"- your oldest asks you
"Soon my love, I hope VERY soon"- you, about to lose your last bit of patience
When you hear the door open, chaos ensues
Not from you or the kids, oh no
From the giant owl man on the other side 🤣
"DADDY'S HOME"- Kotaro screams as your kiddos rush to hug and jump all over him
Finally, YN some breathing time
Bokuto doesn't forget about you tho, oh no
On top of being an amazing dad, he's also an amazing partner
"Hey my wonderful husband"- Kotaro says giving you a sweet kiss 🥰
"Ko you are sweaty and gross. Go shower"- you say
Bokuto 👉🏻🥺 so you don't love me if I smell??
"I'll love you more if your clean"- you 😁
Bokuto 👉🏻🥲 pain
Bokuto runs to shower while you start dinner
This man will fully come out of the shower, in a towel and start playing with his kids
Because he's that amazing!
"Ko get dressed! Dinners almost done"- you shout
"Why can't I just eat like this?"- Bokuto
"Can I eat in my underwear too?"- your middle child shouts
You 👉🏻😐 that's why Ko
"Lets just all eat in our underwear!"- Bokuto yells
Everyone including Bokuto screams in excitement
You 👉🏻😐 absolutely not
"Baby- why??"- Kotaro 🥺
"Because I wad planning a trip to the park after dinner but if we are all in our underwear, how will we go?"- you
Bokuto and the kids all look at each other 👀
"Ok kids let's get dressed like dad said!!"- Bokuto shouts
A resounding "HEY HEY HEY" reverberates from down the hall
You just smile to yourself because your life is so perfect 🥰
Miya Atsumu
Atsumu is one of those dads who tells dad jokes all the time
Like the minute he becomes a dad, it's like a transformation
But he's also like the super hot dad
Like the dad that carries his babies in baby wraps
He also is that dad who will totally help with night feeds but he doesn't so diaper changes 🤚🏻
I stand by that ok
You and Atsumu have twin boys and man, is it a blast 🤣
I say that because Atsumu is finally understanding what it's like to raise a mini him and Osamu
You are at work one day when your husband calls
"Babe! The boys are driving me insane! One of them hit the other one with my volleyball and now they are both crying" he says as the boys scream in the background
"Sumu give them a treat and I promise they will stop crying"- you say
"Dear husband, I DID! I called Samu to come help and he's bringing onigiri. The boys can have that right?"- Atsumu
You 👉🏻😐🙄 yes darling
"Do I have to cut it up for them? Omg what if they choke??"- Atsumu says panicking
"Sumu chill out"- you say trying to keep your husband calm
"Omg YN how do you so this when I travel? How do you survive?"- Atsumu says
"Well- there's always booze"- you say shrugging and typing on your computer
"YN seriously"- Sumu says, his voice saying all that needs to be said
"Is that YN?"- Osamu says entering the house
"Yeah, omg where is the second one??"- Sumu says panicking
You 👉🏻🤨 the second one?
"They are identical YN!"- Sumu says running around
"Give me the phone ya idiot"- Osamu says ripping it from Sumu's hands
"Samu... is everything ok?"- You say
"Don't worry YN. I got this. I'll make sure they nap"- Osamu says
"Make sure Atsumu naps too"- you joke
"I DONT NEED A NAP"- Atsumu yells as you hear the twins yell "no nap, no nap"
Unsurprisingly, you come home to find Osamu cooking and Atsumu asleep with your twins on the couch
"The nap was a good call YN"- Osamu jokes
You smile as you get your phone out to take a picture
"Yeah yeah it was" 🥰
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sanzusbestie · 3 years
Can I request for ran, sanzu, kakucho and inupi reaction to their s/o that always loves to gave them pickup line or romantic poetry?
I hope you didn't stress so much, take care o(*°▽°*)o
♡ TR boys when you tell them a pickup line/give them a poem ♡ Part 1/Part 2/Part 3
Pairings : Hitto Kakucho x gn!reader, Sanzu Haruchiyo x gn!reader, Inui Seishu x gn!reader, Haitani Ran x gn! reader
Genre : Fluff
Warnings : Slightly suggestive
A/n : Hey youuuu ! Thank you for your concern ! Kakucho and Seishu actually deserve not just a poem but a collection of poetry. Thank you for requesting and have a nice day ♡
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He's used to it now but the first time you did it he was so embarrassed
But he did a good job hiding it
You both were waiting for your turn in the checkout line at the supermarket
And out of nowhere you said, like with no warnings
"My love for you is like diarrhea, I just can't hold it in."
You're shameless and have no class 🗿
A few people turned around to stare at you
He didn't blush or anything
Kakucho only closed his eyes, hoping he'd disappear
"Babe, did you hear me ? I said-"
"I heard you, Y/n, I heard you."
So yeah you kept doing this from time to time
But one day you entered in his office all shy
He waited for you to talk, he was expecting the corniet shit ever
But you recited a poem you had just written
You recited it so quickly and then you made your way out
He didn't let you tho, he gently grabbed you by the arm and made you sit on his lap
"Can you say it slower this time ?"
You did and he kept looking at you in the eyes the entire time
You were weak lol
When you were done, he leaned in and whispered
"I have an idea of something we could try in bed, do you think you'll be able to recite it again ?"
You got weaker.
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You were trying to be cute and you wrote him a poem
When he read it, he laughed 😶
"Wait no, babe don't be mad ! I'm high right now."
Like that's a valid excuse
You never tried this again, this mf only deserved the worst pickup lines that existed
You once went to the bathroom and called him
" 'sup ? You need help peeing or something ?"
Disappointed look +++
"I'm not even trying to pee- Anyway. Haru look at the toilet."
"Is something wrong with it ?"
"Look closely. Can't you see ?"
"See what ?"
"Your eyes are as blue as toilet water."
Haruchiyo had the audacity to return your disappointed look
"You still mad for the poem ?"
"No shit."
"Funny considering we're in the bathroom lol- stop looking at me like that."
He picked you up to carry you in his arms and walked to your bedroom
"Come on. I really didn't mean to laugh. Let me apologize and show you how much I care about you and love you, and if you're convinced read your poem to me. How does it sound ?"
You were convinced in the end
But did you have any strength left to do anything else ?
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It was a stressful busy day at the D.D shop
Knowing this, you went there to visit him late in the afternoon, when you knew it'd be quieter
"Hey you." he smiled when he saw you
"Hey ! So, uh, I got something for you ?"
Seeing you hesitating with a faint blush on your cheeks, he asked "What is it ?"
You looked for the envelope in your bad and handed it to him
As he was about to open it, you yelped
"What are you doing ? Don't open it right now !"
"Why not ? It's a gift from you so I wanna open it now so I can thank you."
And without waiting he opened it right under your eyes
But trust me, the embarrassment you felt was nothing compared to what he felt
Sheisu blushed hard
He didn't talk for a few moments, leaving you in agony
"I didn't know you could write poetry," he finally said
"I love it. Thank you, you really made my day."
He kissed you <3
"Not in my shop," Draken said
You showed him more of the things you wrote and he complimented you a lot
It boosted your confidence so you kept writing him poems
He still blushes, but not as much as he used to
Until one day you told him the cheesiest pickup line
His brain shut down.
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I think you already know what's going to happen with this mf 🙄🤚
But still
The very first time you tried to tell him a pickup line, he told you one in return
You saw the tip of his ears turning pink, you saw them
And it was so satisfying
But don't be fooled, it was a one time thing
So you wanted to try something else
This is how you found yourself trying to write a love poem all night
You both were still in afterglow when you recited it to him
He turned to look at you and you almost felt bad
You only did this to see him blush
But you didn't expect him to look at you with a tender smile and so much love in his eyes
"It's a nice change from your shitty pickup lines," he said
"Hey ! They're not shitty ! And for your greatness pleasure I have others in reserve."
"Go ahead, strike me."
"Are you a motorcycle ? Because I'd like to ride you all-"
"Alright then do it.".
Taglist : @erishaitto
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b0nten · 3 years
[SYNOPSIS] ˚⁀➷。 the boys with a short s/o
[NOTES] ˚⁀➷。 hakkai draken and baji being tall, me projecting because i’m short
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let's face it - it's almost impossible you're taller than hakkai.
ffs, he's 183?!?!
my 158 ass could never..
this smug, cheeky little bitch
he LOVES to take advantage of his height.
you can't reach the cereal? it's okay, hakkai the gentleman will be there to help you <3
yeah, no .
he will help you, that's for sure.
but don't expect him to do it just like that.
he'll swing whatever you want to have over your head to make you jump up
then he'll bend over you to stick out his tongue and taunt you.
again, he's an insolent little shit but he will give you your thing under one condition.
he wants a kith <33
as i mentioned in the hugging headcanons (don't mind the self plug😇😩), he loves and adores to carry you on his back.
piggy-back rides with hakkai are 💯/10 would definitely recommend.
i don't know if it's physically possible, but for the sake of this headcanon we'll pretend it is.
he's the type to grab you unannounced and then walk around with you as if you're a fucking shoulder bag.
he will hold you under his arm like a big plushie he just won at the arcade.
loves to crush your lungs & the air out of them but it's totally okay because he's cute and apologizez after leaving you (literally) breathless for twenty minutes.
uses this as punishment for when you don't give him his 'thank you' kith for 'helping' you get what you want off a shelf.
i'm not just gonna not mention this..
likes to come down to your height to kiss you.
or he lifts you up so hard you have the impression you're about to be catapulted into outer space.
he most likely calls you shorty or shawty or some other dumb shit he's heard in a song and googled its meaning on urban dictionary.
conclusion: he teases you a lot but sometimes he's cute 🙄
he's 185
im out 🧍‍♀️
why are they all so tall?
the difference between draken and hakkai is that draken is mostly RESPECTFUL
(hakkai better take notes smh.)
looks at you with heart eyes because you're so small and cute he could crush you just by stepping on you (in a cute way) and because of that he wants to protect & treasure you <333
doesn't tease you (unlike others) and if you can't reach something he'll simply give it to you and kiss your forehead.
you fit in his lap perfectly.
back to those hugging headcanons (no im not stopping with the self plug😇🥀), he rests his head on top of your's.
that's the only thing he does to tease you and even then, half of the time he's just really tired from balancing his head on that long ass neck.
why did i think that was funny.
cuteness overload draken will sometimes analyze your fingers and compare them to his .
once he got mad when you said his fingers look like very long McDonald's french fries.
he forgave you with a kiss tho😇
baji "only i get to make fun of your height because if someone else does, i'll tear their limbs off" keisuke likes to tease you about your height as well.
googled his height earlier today.
I'm walking myself out 🥳🚶‍♀️
i can't do this they’re way too tall.
baji doesn't tease you nearly as much as hakkai, but when he does, it's painful.
one time you and baji were sharing a crepe in Harajuku and this mf had the brilliant idea to start mocking you.
took the crepe and moved it from left to right above your head and when you tried jumping up, he had the audacity to lift his long ass tree-branch arm up.
he stopped when someone stepped in thinking he was bullying you.
you hoped that was the end of keisuke baji's torture, but nope😇🙏
this bitch
once you were hanging out with chifuyu and baji literally said 'i think you're so smol and little because you shrink every time you take a shower', and you had never wanted anything more than pull his hair out.
meanwhile chifuyu was out there almost choking on his yakisoba noodles because of laughter.
if someone you aren't too good of friends with dares comment on your height while he's around, he'll beat the shit out of them and probably call his homeboys to watch it as well.
one time he was walking you home from school and you ran into a classmate of your's.
baji liked how you two got along, because it's important to get along with your classmates, but all that happiness was gone when he (the classmate) made a comment on your height, which led to one about your body.
that's when he saw the sparkle in your eyes get dimmer and dimmer and they started to swell with tears, so keisuke said 'fuck it.'
he called his friends and told them he's 'about to beat a bitch up. a bitch, not a guy, because guys don't comment on one's insecurities and know how and when to stay in their lane.'
punched that bitch in the nose & took you home to cuddle <333
likes the feeling of holding your small frame in his arms so it's hard to convince him to let go if you're cuddling.
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adoresobs · 4 years
- grocery run! ( 𝐓.𝐂 )
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anons : Can I request a livestream imagine where the reader and Timmy are just like live-streaming while they get groceries or something I feel like that’d be cute / 26 !! i love your writing
prompt list : Brushing a kiss along the shell of the other person’s ear.
THIS FIC CONTAINS fluff and foul language
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timothée was almost like a kid in a candy store, roaming around the grocery store aisles with a soft grin on his face that only grew wider when he saw something he wanted or that reminded him of a good memory.
you’d been behind him, pushing along the cart. your phone’d been propped up in the place on the cart infants usually sat, your own instagram live displayed on the screen. laughing softly at your boyfriend who threw yet another item in the cart, you called out to him.
“you know we came for food and not chips, right?”
timothée finally looked back at you, the smile on his face never once leaving. “since when were chips not a part of the food category?” 
“real food.”
“same thing!” he shot back, reaching over to grab yet another bag. 
userone  u heard the man let him get his chips
usertwo  y/n,, it is two a.m 🙄
userthree  not me ruining my sleep schedule to watch this live
“in my defense, it’s only twelve a.m here!” you said, giggling at the comments that’d been flowing in. “and go to bed. losing sleep is not worth watching timothée refuse to get anything besides chips.” making sure to make your volume higher when you spoke so he could hear you, you looked up and met his eyes.
“and i’ll do it again.” timothée simply said, sending a playful eye roll your way which you happily returned.
“you man child.”
userfour  did we expect him to be like anything else in the store
you shook your head, picking up your phone and flipping the camera around. timothée was now shown and everyone could see him returning to the shopping cart you were pushing along with numerous items in his hands. 
“this, people, is a prime example of why we can’t bring him anywhere.” 
instead of him replying, he dropped the items into the cart and hung his head in mock embarrassment. “i did get real food this time, stop.” his ‘stop’ was stretched out before he walked behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
you’d just flipped the camera to face you both now when he nuzzled his face into your neck, letting out a content sigh.
userfive  wait cause omg 🥺
usersix  pain.
userseven  and where’s mine? 😔
letting out a hum, you’d moved your hand up to ruffle in his messy yet soft hair. “he’s tired now after his long journey up and down each of the aisles.” you joked.
timothée squeezed your sides with his hands that before, were resting in front of your stomach. “you suck!” he exclaimed with a laugh but his face hadn’t moved from your neck. 
usereight  lol hey god,, it’s me again
usernine  did u guys so live so i could cry at midnight over not having this? i’m not mad at it tho 🥰
userten  y/n’s living that y/n life-
“oh, hell no. he’s much nicer in the fan fictions.” you claimed which also got his attention. he looked up at you, brushing a kiss along the shell of your ear before attacking that side of your face with kisses. 
“is-” one kiss.
“this-” another kiss.
“nice-” another.
“enough-” yet another one.
“for-” one more.
“you?” he’d finished, placing a wet kiss on your cheek. you stuck out your tongue at the last one, nose scrunching up in fake disgust. 
“you’re nasty, tim, real nasty.”
usereleven  are we gonna ignore the fact that they know how he acts in the fan fictions
usertwelve  are they tryna tell us something
userthirteen  NOT Y/N READING FF
userfourteen  i see it’s time to delete my tumblr acc
eyes widening when you finally realized what you said, you quickly picked your phone back up. “nice seeing you all but i think it’s bedtime because you’re just making stuff up now, thank you and goodnight!” you attempted to laugh it off and quickly ended the live.
“i saw everything.” timothée spoke up and you elbowed him.
“no the hell you didn’t-”
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silkgonerough · 4 years
Astro Observations/rants #2 (mostly regarding sun signs and how men are trash🌞)
😑 Sagittarius men always seem to have personalities or like beliefs or are just assholes tbh that don’t fit and or stray away from other ppls ideals/moral codes where if anyone else did them they’d be looked down up yet they’re always given a green card and usually still loved and accepted despite it?? Like I swear a sag man could murder someone and still be supported and accepted by everyone...Oh wait... THAT ALREADY HAPPENED (Ted bundy🤪)
👯‍♂️on the opposite side tho.. a Gemini man.. could absolutely never😬 gemini guys are some of the most controversial ppl I know. Ppl either love or hate them to death and every action they make can change these feeling towards them at the drop of the hat and their actions are usually a fucking mess. They could be 100% innocent in a murder case and ppl would still be making theories on how their the killer (me included sns)
🥺This may just be me but I feel like the sign that I encounter/get to know the least are cancers? It’s weird tho bc I know a good amount of ppl from each sign but cancers are like so scarce in my life it’s sad! The ones I have met are rlly nice and usually super hot (there’s something about a cancer man🙏)
😍Going off of that let’s not lie everyone’s been a little bit of a slut for a Cancer or Capricorn man at one point or another (this includes fictional characters as well ppl👀) like I’ve seen a trend in guys who gain a lot of attention for their looks/overall demeanor (bc they’re usually rlly hot) being one of the two!! In my high school hands down two of the hottest guys to ever walk into that building were a Cancer and a Capricorn and their duality together was too powerful (they were besties😭🙏). I’ll never forget. Also to be clear here I’m just talking about them looks wise, personality of both is usually an absolute trainwreck :))
👑People love to label Leo’s as the queen bees but a Scorpio or Virgo could easily give them a run for their money. Both are usually super charming and ppl tend to get behind them pretty easily but get on their bad side and yikesss... expect everyone they come into contact with to know your business🤭
🤷‍♀️I’ve noticed a lot of Sagittarius sun and Aquarius sun girls have had a “I’m one of the boys” phase at one point or another? It’s never intentional either like both signs just seem to get along with the opposite sex pretty well in a platonic way. And like most of them have either had a lot of guy friends or hung out with a group of guys casually for a long period of time until things got super weird ofc but like it’s just easy for them to get along with males I guess?? This may be kind of a random observation but it’s something I’ve always noticed and I myself am a Sagittarius and have gotten a taste of how it felt to be “one of the boys” and I almost died of boredom.
🤭I don’t what you guys are talking about when saying Scorpios will take your secrets to the grave maybe for the other placements but the suns are not doing all that... every Scorpio sun I’ve been with has spilled everyone’s tea in the first 10 minutes of us talking but SOMEHOW EVERYONE KEEPS TELLING THEM STUFF
👰‍♀️Libra sun woman are usually quite diplomatic and stubborn in sticking to their moral highground but I’ve noticed that when it comes to relationships their kind of pushovers and they allow certain behaviors to slide that they wouldn’t in other ppl :/ I think it’s mostly because they see their partners in really high regards bc they specifically chose that person to be with (and that’s a big deal Libras are not an anybody type of bitch when it comes to actually settling) so they probably don’t want to come to terms that who they chose is not actually that great of a person,, also I think a lot of libras have a fear of being alone in general so it makes it harder for them to cut something off ;(
🙄Going off of that libra sun/moon men are usually not all their cracked up to be. Libra guys can have a very scary shift in who they present to the world vs who they really are.. I’ve experienced it myself and it was horrible to say the least, they’re charm really does help them get out of anything smh
🐟Last but not least Pisces, Virgo, and Gemini sun men YALL NEED TO EITHER STEP IT TF UP OR MOVE TF OUT OF THE WAY we’re tired😭😭😭😭
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jrueships · 3 years
about your latest kyle/demar/jimmy… i can 100% see kyle and jimmy bullying demar on both daily basis or yk the bedroom 😏😁
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what else is to be expected when demar gets with his two biggest haters !!! Thank you again to clutchpoints serving the gay agenda, unasked
BUT ALSO.........
you're So right op ... i think they're So funny. It's like they take turns being the one bullied like the healthy polycule they are! They remind me of that one stock photo compilation of these women bullying each other but like.. they would take turns being the one bullied?? Like in one pic the girl with the scarf would be the one getting her hair grabbed then the next pic SHES the one doing the hair grabbing ?? And people were captioning 'healthy elaborate polycule foreplay !! ' or 'the switch squad goin CRAAZY!!!' And it's like! Wow! It's very kyle/demar/jimmy
Like okay hmmm... like maybe kyle and jimmy are picking on deebo for idk always wanting to rp old movies LMAO like jimmy points at deebo mouthing the actors lines while he watches New Jack City and kyle does his evil little snort choke laugh and they clown on him in a duo. ' he think he Wesley snipes AAAHaa' 'he from Cali! The actor's dream is in his blood!' And deebos like 🙄 the copious stank yall be wafting through the vibes rn.... but then HE says smthin clever like 'if jimmy were an actor, he'd go every scene with some product placement in his hand' and kyle starts laughing at JIMMY now and jimmy like WOW. WOW! okay well at least i could fit on the screen without the camera needing to pan down everytime the crowd wants to see someone so Short' and kyle is like 🤣🤣🤣😐. That's not funny. So now deebo and JIMMY are laughing at kyle until kyle somehow turns it back onto deebo AND THE CYCLE CONTINUES !!!! like ! Idk!! Those three are just a bunch of little haters in love <3 i think they're just really funny, television worthy dynamic that flips All the time. They're similar but also Not, and it's Great. Also i Do be thinking about them cuddling together in bed <3 taking turns who sleeps in the middle. Jimmy is usually not allowed because he gets up really early and shakes the whole bed, but also he usually gets them all up in the morning with him even though they don't have to because he's insane planet fitness anyways. But yeah the idea of deebo sleeping in the middle of kyle and jimmy, buff arms around him at both sides, kyles leetle arms trying to hold both deebo And jimmy.. jimmy randomly holding kyles hand across demars chest.. demar waking up after a really bad dream that leaves him shaken and worrying about being alone, only to realize the two people he loves the most (besides his kids (and some stinky people too unfortunately bcus deebo is too nice)) are right there beside him and he kinda reaches his arms out behind them and pulls them closer, kisses their foreheads while they sleep <3. kyle doesn't sleep as often in the middle as youd Think he would because he moves alot in his sleep. Jimmy and demar wake up to kyle curled up on their legs like a cat under the covers LMAO. Also he probably hates jimmys coffee breath, even though jimmy smells like a God he Still finds Something to complain about. ALSO ALSO kyle probably still tries humping people LMFAO. Like they just be cuddling and suddenly deebo feels a dump truck repeatedly backing into his pelvis and jimmy feels something keep hitting his butt and deebo is like 'kahl. OK. Kahl- kahl, kahl. enough-' until jimmy goes 'LOWRY.' which gets kyle sent to the couch. Kyle probably sets the house on fire in the middle of the night and leaves lol (IM KIDDING
TO BE MORE SPICY ABOUT IT THO... LESS ON THE DOMESTICS UHHHHH... i think kyle and jimmy when they Bully deebo in the bedroom its kinda like... it basically feels like you're in hell getting 'tortured' by imps or whatever u know ???? like kyle is all 'you deserve a Break deebo, you deserve to Have this, you deserve So much.' And his stroking Demar's thigh getting closer and closer to where deebo wants his hand but won't until he has demar saying Please. Then there's jimmy behind demar muttering about how badly he wants to see him cry. Being more Crude with it. More rough, more demanding. Which is a pretty big accomplishment considering how bossy kyle can be. Which doesn't go away btw. Sometimes they don't always agree on what they wanna Do with deebo or want him to do or Want from him, not out of jealousy but out of 'EXCUSE ME??? im the sex SAVANT here get OUT B U M ' and deebo is just like. In heaven lol
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extraterracetrial · 2 years
hello fellow runners five/runner fives/idk, some of you seemed amused by my m36 post and i’m having fun and your :)s and shit are making me nervous so i thought i’d post some predictions/thoughts about the rest of s2 ranging from totally serious to not serious at all. i’m just gonna jot them down as they come to me and post this before i play m37. pls don’t say if they’re right or not tho
-8′s “dog bite” is actually a zombie bite and van ark gave her some experimental long term treatment for it. this one’s pretty serious but it’d also balance nicely with paula if she’s on his side purely because she believes in his cause so idk.
-alternately she volunteered for one of his experiments and her version turned out to be more stable and van arc’s and paula’s
-i think she might die? whether van ark lets her turn, she’s killed by the prisoners, 5 or another runner kill her in a fight, or something else, idk. i just kinda Have A Feeling. i hope not though, i am mad but i also think she’ll be a fun antagonist so i want her to hang around for a while.
-i don’t think anything’s gonna happen with paula anytime soon, but i’m starting to lose faith in her. i mean, she didn’t have to go through with the sabotage, even if she wanted to rescue 5. she also could’ve escaped with them, if 5 had time to get away so did she. van ark wouldn’t have found out she didn’t do it until they were both long gone.
-whatever was on that ship 8 was on comes back to bite abel and new canton in the ass. i’ve been Anticipating this since that mission but idk. it looks like the prison is gonna be the whole final arc of the season so unless it’s near the ocean i’m not sure how it would. then again “a disaster happens at abel while you’re gone and can’t get back” seems very in line for this game. anyway, i’ll be surprised if nothing ever comes of that
-the informant is someone from that ship. i still don’t know what happened to them and this is another thing i’d be surprised if nothing ever came of. maybe the captain, he seemed extra shady.
-8 kills the informant to keep them quiet and pins it on 5. i’m almost sure she’s gonna kill them, i mean, why wouldn’t she? she has everything to gain and nothing to lose. i’m sure most of abel (except maybe sam) will believe her over 5, she’s been there longer so i’m sure they trust her more. and she’s the major’s favorite 🙄
-i don’t really trust the major either but i don’t have much to say about that i just don’t like powerful people who hide things and are willing to sacrifice kids
-8 tries to kill 5? whether directly or just abandoning them in the prison, again, why wouldn’t she? 5′s the only one who knows for sure she’s the traitor. it does seem like van ark wants 5 alive though but like, i could be wrong or she might do it anyway, she seems to be building up to loose cannon territory.
-i don’t think abel will fall two seasons in a row but i wasn’t expecting the first one either sooooo... i dunno, 7 comes back, loses control of his plane/gets shot out of the sky, and crashes into the township ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
-i do think 7 might come back at some point, but probably not this season
-“new canton gets rocket launchered by zombies” is too repetitive to happen but again, wasn’t expecting it the first time (i mean, i was expecting the rocket launchers to come back, but it was one of those super fun slow horrific realizations as it was happening). i wouldn’t be super surprised if it fell at some point though. it’d be pretty disastrous, there’s no way abel can take in every new canton resident.
-most likely though, i think 5 will end season 2 trapped in the prison or in van ark’s custody, with no way to contact abel. so no way to know if something happens to either town.
-also not a lot to say about this but i’m very excited to see what’s up with zombie len. obviously something’s different about him and i can’t wait to find out what it is
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doingitforbokuto · 4 years
Can I request headcannons on what it would be like to be in a relationship with miya atsumu while playing on the msby black jackles with him. (Also could u use gender neutral pronouns) ( sorry if this is super specific ) thank you!! I love your writing💜
thanks :)
Atsumu with a s/o who also plays for the MSBY Jackals
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I think Atsumu doesn‘t understand at first how much adjustment this situation will need
he thought that he could just carry on like he had before
when you first joined, he criticised you just like how he criticised everyone else
and while of course it is important to criticise your volleyball skills it is also important for him to understand that he can be very harsh sometimes
Atsumu wasn‘t as harsh with you normally so this was new for you and you didn‘t know how to handle it
for your boyfriend it wasn‘t hard to seperate what happened at practice from what happened in private but it wasn‘t as easy for you
maybe it was easier for him because he wasn‘t the one facing the criticism
but he notices how it affects you and starts working on it
it does take him some time though
first, it‘s hard for him to understand why his words upset you
and secondly, he needs to find a completely new way to criticise you
for someone who was so used to just saying what he thought, this was pretty hard
he had never done this for anyone before, so he didn‘t really knwo where to start
Osamu was a big help with this, actually
Atsumu also didn‘t realise at first just how much time you two would be spending together now
it can get a little overbearing sometimes
but you two make sure to give each other space
you train with other people sometimes or in different training groups
you give each other days to just keep to yourselves, even if you live together - time to yourself is always important
both of you just make sure to have as much fun while playing as possible
of course it is your job, but it‘s also your passion
having a s/o who challanges you and pushes you further can be very helpful
Atsumu knows that he expects a lot from his teammates but when he sees you being so set on doing better and better, with him pushing you foward, it just motivates him to get even better, too
and being able to support each other during a particularly rough match is everything
the two of you trust each other so much you work perfectly together, though that took some time
now, the two of you can pull off almost any trick and you‘re still searching for more
honestly, in terms of playing you‘re probably a trainer‘s dream come true
but sometimes you can also get annoying, for example:
Atsumu: You messed that up just like you mesed up the food yesterday!
You: well maybe if you would spend as much time training as you soend on your hair you could have set that better!
everyone else: 🙄
they love you guys tho 🤍
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wikiangela · 2 years
finally watching ls 3x17
and from the very beginning I'm getting emotional 😢
(damn, Gina Torres is so gorgeous 😩😍 and the guy playing Julius is cute af 😍)
whaaat is happening between Tommy and Julius 👀 there's definitely some tension 👀 (I kinda assumed the kiss wasn't a one time thing because why else have it lol but I'm curious)
omg Marjan and Nancy clearing out the trash 😂 (also, Nancy's "I deserve that" lmao that was so funny) - damn I could never - I gag when I throw out my own trash lmao this shit would be a nightmare 😂
fucking hell, thank God for Mateo - that was way too stressful 😂
I love the Ryders 😂 lmao Judd "multi-phase process" huh? and if that whole thing means we're gonna see more Wyatt, I can't wait 😍
aaah Nancy and Mateo??! I suspected that something might happen since that scene a few episodes ago but like, already?? why haven't we seen more?? not fair 🙄😂 loving it tho ❤️
oooh, I see where this is going... Mateo is gonna be insecure about Nancy being taller dude.... get your shit together 😂 (btw Nancy's so freaking hot wow 🔥)
Wyatt is freaking adorable (and it's lowkey relatable, I also don't know how to talk to people and keep eye contact)
Carlos!! I get just as excited when I see him as Mateo, except not forced to run away form a conversation 😂😂😂 but yaaay, Carlos!!!😍
aw the gang hanging out - I feel like we haven't seen that in a fucking while 😂
I mean, good for Nancy tbh, like, if you really don't wanna say anything yet, just tell her?? he assured her that he did want to, and then panicked each time it was brought up like, dude.
Julius has a nice voice 😍 and something will happen between him and Tommy, right? it has to lol, there's too much tension 😂
OMG I knew it!!! "I'm crazy too" 😲😍 I ship it tbh 😍
"hulk smash" 😂 god I love him
go Owen!!! 😍 loved that!!
honestly I expected that Wyatt's gonna be dressed up and everyone else will be all casual - I've seen enough movies and shows to know what to expect from a tech company - but it's still hilarious 😂 but also poor baby, I can feel his embarrassment and nerves 😂
oh yeah, the gang's gonna make Nance and Mateo get it together and talk!
"not position"... why 😂😂😂
aw Mateo's so sweet, here I thought he was insecure and really he just didn't want Nancy to get laughed at, he's so cute 😍😭
how do they not get what "coffee" means 😂 (I mean I do only because I've seen Luke Cage so who am I to talk 😂😂)
so Julius is leaving?? noooo
motherfucking hell what the fuck was that ending 😱😱😱😱
I just saw the promo, thank fuck Judd's fine (or at least alive) but I hope Owen is okay as well, I actually enjoyed him this season 😳
I just forgot everything that happened this episode, because that ending 🤯 I knew something bad was gonna happen when the security guard talked to the guy about a gas leak but that the whole building was gonna go down??? jesus fuck 🤯🤯🤯
that was insane lmao I really can't want for the next one hahah
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