#all the while pushing the story further in a way that feels neither slow nor laborious
slyandthefamilybook · 4 months
Wolf 359 may not be horror but it is without a doubt the best example I've seen of how to pace a build-up and disseminate a mystery
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boytumms · 9 months
Okay don't mind me, I've just been reading too much about various sorts of mythology stuff and... old myths genuinely have a lot more weird pregnancy things than you'd expect (I still find the fact that Odin's eight-legged horse in Norse mytholohy is the son of Loki - whom Loki was pregnant wirh anf gave birth to, mind - way too funny, although that's completely beside the point), so... this isn't inspired directly by a specific myth, but reading random mythology stuff is kinda what put this into my mind
Anyway, I've been thinking of a boy who somehow manages to royally piss off a fertility god. Perhaps he defiles their shrine, or steal some sacred item or mess with their priest - or maybe him just refuses to do something the god wants him to do. And because gods are so well-known for never being spiteful and always giving proportionate and reasonable punishments (extreme sarcasm), the god curses the boy to become pregnant, but unable to give birth unless some extremely specific conditions are met. Maybe he can only give birth at one specific location, or has to eat some specific hard-to-aquire thing to induce labor, or it's one of those seemingly impossible and contradictory "neither at sea nor on land, neither at day nor at night, neither alone nor with other people" kind of conditions (i pulled that specific one out of my ass but you can find similar kind of contradictory and stupidly specific shit in mythology sometimes, you get my point), or some combination of the above, or some other stupidly specific and unintuitive condition, idk.
And the boy doesn't know the condition, of course. The first nine months he simply waits for the pregnancy to run its course, but as the months stretch on past the ninth, past the tenth, with no sign of the pregnancy coming to an end, he realizes he's not getting off the hook that easily. By then, of course, he's so heavily pregnant that everything is difficult - he can't walk very far at once at all, he needs ridiculous amounts of fabric to have clothes that fit, the baby - or babies, rather; he can't tell but he thinks he must have two or three in there - are restless and kick and writhe so he hardly has a moment's peace from them...
So he becomes searching for some solution, some way to birth the babies. First whatever conventional ways there are to induce labor. None of them do anything. He prays and makes sacrifices to the god, groveling and apologizing and begging for relief. No response. Then, he begins to seek out wise people, priests and oracles and shamans, first close by, then traveling further and further away to find someone who could tell him what to do.
It takes years, years of incredibly difficult travel, of weird looks from others and humiliation and yet often having to rely on the aid of other people to get to wherever he's going this time, because really he's in no state to travel except he doesn't have a choice. After the initial nine months, the babies do seem to grow slower than before that, but they do still grow little by little, making the burden quite literally heavier to bear, and they are restless in his womb, as though they too would know it is well past their time to be born already.
But finally, after years of searching, years of torment, the boy finds out the condition, and figures out a way to fulfill it. Once that is done, though, there's still the incredibly long and painful process of labor and giving birth to the babies, now much larger than his body ever was designed to give birth to...
I loooove perpetual pregnancies like this!!! It could even be similar to the Greek story abt Leto, so he’s in labor as he tries to figure out how to break his curse. Imagine him having to suffer through contractions, feeling his baby’s head sooo painfully low in his hips as he tries to push but the curse prevents it from coming out all while he’s in search of a way to give birth.
After years and years of searching, his babies become massive. Even with the slowed growth, they’d be the size of 2-3 year olds by the time he finally manages to fill the conditions to progress his labor. Maybe as he’s finally giving birth to his first baby, the god that cursed him decides to come down, just to torment him one last time before his punishment is over. There’s nothing the boy can do to get way from the god, belly pinning him to the ground with the weight of his writhing babies, unable to escape the wrathful god. Each time his baby comes to a crown, the god pushes it back in, making his scream is sob in agony, begging to be let go as it makes his tummy twist and writhe. He tries to kick and push the god away, but he’s too weak after carrying such a burden with him for so many years, completely helpless in the hands of his tormentor.
It goes on for days, weeks even, the god switching between pushing his babies back into his belly, then and painfully squeezing the swell to watch him thrash. Once they’re sure he’s learned his lesson, they let the last baby slip out between his trembling legs, leaving him exhausted, alone, surrounded by half a dozen massive babies as he’s finally allowed to pass out
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featherburnt · 2 years
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Title: Introductions Part #: 0 Pairing: Hawks x m!OC Word Count: N/A Tags: None, but I feel it necessary to outline my intentions for this fic as well as the themes that will be present and give a special shoutout.
Story Summary: For three years, the hero Hellhound has been hunting, infiltrating groups of villains and probing for information in his search for one named Sonata, the former hero Prisma. A U.A. graduate, he should know better. He should be protecting civilians, hunting down villains when ordered, but his heart lingers on the pains of old memories, the hot desire for retribution burning in his chest. On one fateful night, when the enemy is locked in his sights, a man with vermillion wings snuffs the flames seated in his palms, using his words to burrow under his skin like a fowl little bug. What will he do then? Will he continue his hunt, or will boiling blood finally cool?
Bloodfeather Chapter Masterlist
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    Hello, and welcome! I wanted to give this story the proper introduction it deserves instead of just an ordinary, boring character file without any context because I know that doesn’t do it any justice, nor does it necessarily appeal to anyone’s interest whatsoever. Neither will an introduction, but hey, at least there’ll be an understanding of what’s to come and of the nature of the story itself. So, without further ado…
    As corny as this sounds, the entirety of this story is an experiment meant to test and push the boundaries of my own writing. I’ll be playing around with and exploring a number of ideas in terms of both technique and actual content. The reason for that is over time, I’ve grown insecure, disappointed, and dissatisfied with my writing, and my stints in roleplay have only caused it to suffer. It’s a lot harder to structure a story as it should be because I’m so used to writing one character at a time and waiting for another person to reply so I can continue. That constant game of reply, wait, reply, wait, ideas don’t match up and thread suffers, reply, wait, over and over again gave me nothing to really strive for. Like being comfortable in a dead-end job. Granted, I do believe roleplay has its purpose and, every now and again, I still enjoy it, but that’s beside the point. This story is meant to help me get a grip on story-telling as a whole, to get used to telling a story from different perspectives, to continue a scene, to try new ways of transitioning and implementing different stylistic choices as well as expand on my vocabulary, description, action scenes, and more. I don’t want to keep getting stuck in the same loop because, if I do, I’ll never be able to write the books I want to write or get published. And that simply will not stand.
    I have dreams and I aim to make them come true one day, like everyone else, and sitting here, letting my ability to write crumble away, will not get me anywhere close to realizing that dream.
    Now, onto the meaty bits.
    For all intents and purposes, I love Hawks, just as I love my original characters, but the story isn’t technically about him. While it does include him to a substantial degree, even to the point of a slow-burn potential love interest, a friend, accomplice and partner, it’s not really about him. For about half the story, it’s about Saryn, who is a hero unto himself despite some of the mistakes he’s made. It’s about Saryn overcoming his guilt and sadness, as well as his anger; Truly, it’s about a grieving young man who simply just can’t let go of the things that’ve hurt him so, even the things he’s forced himself to forget. It’s about a man who needs, desperately, a lifeline he can follow back to shore when he’s lost at sea. It’s about a man who needs a friend, someone who won’t use and abuse him. It’s about a man who, against all odds, comes to trust the people around him, to open up and accept the help or affections offered to him, and through that, he becomes softer. Gentler. Less hideously agonized or enraged by the world. It’s about that man learning to accept his own faults, to accept that things change, to accept that he can’t change the past, to accept that killing himself over it won’t fix anything or absolve anyone or himself of sin. Saryn is a deeply broken and misunderstood individual, always coming off as bristly and hardheaded. He doesn’t trust anyone, nor does he have any hopes that he will ever be able to live up to his own expectations for what constitutes as a hero, and he struggles with even wanting to be one at all. And while his story is long and, insofar, scene-by-scene, and while it may include a number of difficult subjects, this story is by and large about him meeting new people, rekindling old friendships, and regaining his place in hero society as well as proving he was always a hero, and maybe he needed a little help to become one for himself.
    That being said, Hawks will not fall by the wayside here. In fact, he plays a dominant role throughout the entirety of the story and just because the first half isn’t necessarily about him, I’m not going to forget about his story. He exists sort of side-by-side with Saryn, though his primary focus in the beginning will be Saryn himself. I plan to slowly reveal bits and pieces about him, or hint at them at the very least, but because I do plan to work in the PLF and War arcs, I don’t want to reveal too much too soon. As Hawks and Saryn deepen their relationship, more details will come forth but they will be sparing, as my interpretation of Hawks is certainly outwardly playful, confident, and the like, but not necessarily forthcoming about personal details. In effect, he’ll be tight-lipped when it comes to himself, and he may even make mistakes, stupid and easily avoidable ones, but my biggest goal is actually to humanize him. Bring him a bit closer to earth. Not that I don’t think he’s a down-to-earth type, but it’s my way of honoring his character in the manga. As cocky and playful as he sometimes is, he knows when he needs to be serious and he knows how much he can get away with before he arouses suspicion or gets someone angry with him. I know he has a big heart and is working toward his own goal, changing ‘hero society’ and the attitudes toward it in Japan, and, trust, this too shall be included. I know how important it is to him as a character, as it is one of his biggest motivations throughout the manga and anime.
    Overall, the tone of the story is going to be incredibly serious and while it may sometimes have the feel (hopefully) of an episode of an anime, it’s going to lack a lot of the humor. There will be some humorous scenes, some levity, but that’s not the genre and will never be a dominating aspect of this story. The goal is to address guilt, survivor’s guilt, various mental health issues, darker content in the vein of torture, canon-typical violence, drug use and trafficking, manipulation, abuse, memory alteration, murder, assault, sexual assault, revenge, character growth, overcoming fear and properly battling one’s demons, and many more. As I’m a fan of darker content and the complications of life, the goal with using these themes is to more or less marry reality to the world of MHA and deepen my understanding of these themes as well as the world itself. Moreover, a number of these themes I have very unfortunate personal experience with, so, in a way, this story will serve as a means of dealing with them. As an example, I didn’t lose my mother, but I did lose my sister last year, and I’ve never really had parents. I’ve lost a number of friends and gone through a disturbing amount of bullshit of my own, and while I may project just a bit onto Saryn, everything has been twisted and exaggerated to such a degree of hyperbole, it’s unrecognizable from my own life struggles. With that, I ask you to please understand the twists and turns this story will take and to respect that it’s going to be tough to get through, should you decide to read it through.
    Additionally, if anything jumps out at you, confuses or frustrates you, or you read something you really like throughout the story, I encourage you to leave a comment and let me know. I’d love to hear your thoughts or suggestions, or even just plain commentary! Please, tell me your thoughts! Tell me everything. Tell me what you like, what you hate, what you want to see more of, less of, tell me which characters you’re rooting for, tell me if you think Saryn’s a whiny baby (because he is). Tell me if you think Nogitsune or Tarot is a bastard. Tell me everything! I want to know, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, what you think. Any and all feedback is welcome, so long as it’s respectfully given. It’s feedback that will help me push the story forward, fix certain things, find motivation to continue writing, and so on. While I may be writing this story largely for myself, I chose to share it here for a reason. So! If you see something that jumps out at you, give me a holler! It would be much appreciated.
    Lastly, I wanted to issue one of many more thank yous to the artist I commissioned for the artwork I use in some of my headers. @galair​ does fantastic work always and I aim to continue supporting them in their craft for as long as they continue to create art; They are truly wonderful to work with and they always bring to life exactly what I imagine, and I'm incredibly grateful I came upon their artwork when I did. If ever you, the readers, are looking for someone to commission, please consider them!
    In closing, I appreciate you for having stuck around to read this and the story that follows. I hope I’m able to accomplish the goals I’ve laid out and that you enjoy the story as it unfolds, even the painful parts. It would bring me nothing but joy to know that it brings comfort, excitement, intrigue, or whatever else to anyone who reads it. It’s not perfect and likely never will be, but I hope to bring to the table a story many others can enjoy and characters some might feel a sense of kinship with, characters you might feel for.
    Thank you for reading!
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DISCLAIMER: I claim no ownership of any established characters in My Hero Academia. I claim no ownership over My Hero Academia. My Hero Academia is rightfully owned by Horikoshi. I do, however, claim ownership over my own original characters used in this story, including Saryn, Tarot, Nogitsune, Crovita, Black Knight, Faith, Zenko, Hatsukawa Teiko, Violet A'larosa, Lightbringer, Prisma, Kioku Nusumi, Saboteur, Ripper, Jawbone, Garrett Nolan, Bianca Everette, Yami-itsu no Mae, La Pocalypse, and some as yet unnamed characters. Any differences from canon are purely based on personal headcanon and interpretation and, again, I claim no ownership whatsoever over My Hero Academia or its established canon and characters.
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switchyfox · 2 years
Eddie Munson x Male reader smut? Reader finds him hiding by the lake before the hawkins group does and knows a way to help him de stress.
Thank you for the request, loved this one as well! I just twisted it up a little bit; I feel like Eddie was way too traumatized to enjoy any kind of sexual activity when the Hawkins group found him, so this is happening after the group got to him and discussed what he saw. This is set somewhere between episode 3 and episode 5! Hope you’ll enjoy the story either way.
Eddie Munson x male!reader (destress - smut)
You can read it on Ao3 here.
3.3k words - 2nd person - reader uses he/him pronouns, no clear description of his body/genitalia
The sun was setting on Hawkins. Eddie had been stuck in the shithole that was Reefer Rick’s boathouse for days, constantly on his guard. It had been a relief to have Dustin and his friends’ full support, but he was all too aware that it did not mean he was safe. Far from it. If anything, the bad news they last brought him confirmed that he was well and truly fucked. He didn’t have a choice but to keep on hiding. 
When Eddie went missing after a student of Hawkins High was found dead in his uncle’s trailer, you were worried like crazy. You knew it meant nothing good for your friend. 
Dustin’s first idea had been to knock on your door. Check if you were hiding Eddie somewhere. When he realized you were not lying about having no clue on where he was, he started to show real concern. And so did you. Dustin knew that you were best friends and if he had not come to you, something really bad must have happened. Neither of you doubted Eddie’s innocence, but the other people… The concern on Dustin’s face only made you more anxious, and you both mutually agreed to keep each other updated in case you got any news from the Dungeon Master on the loose. 
The relief you felt when Dustin came banging on your door a day later, claiming they had found your friend safe and sound, was a real weight off your shoulders. You could finally breathe again. Dustin was nice enough to share Eddie’s current location with you (of course it had to be Reefer Rick’s), emphasizing the fact that no one else should get wind of it. If you visited him, you’d have to be extra careful. You reassured him that you would not be dumb enough to let someone follow you, and he gave in. Not that you would have obeyed him even if he had begged you to stay away from your best friend. You needed to see him. Make sure he was fine, and that he knew he had your full support as well. 
It was quite a long way from your house to Reefer Rick’s, but luckily you had your driver license and a car available. You did not park in front of the house; it would only attract suspicion if someone noticed a car newly waiting there. Instead, you drove a little further and took a turn on a path leading into the forest, deciding it was neither too far away for comfort nor too close to be dangerous. You turned the lights off, stopped the engine and got out of the car, headed to the back and opened the truck. You grabbed the travelling back that was lying there, taking it with you before locking the car. You didn’t want anyone to break in while you were away. 
The night air was chill and the quiet of the area cooled your nerves. You were worried for Eddie, but also very excited to see him again. You couldn’t help but start to jog down the road as you noticed the house in the distance, willing to reach it as fast as possible. 
After just a few minutes, you slowed your pace as you reached the metal cabin on the side. You took the time to knock on the door, which had been left ajar. You didn’t want to call his name in case someone else was snooping, so you just pushed the door open quietly. Nothing. 
“Anyone here?” 
Peaking inside, there seemed to be no sign of life. No noise, no movement, nothing. But the stack of empty bottles, bags of chips and other kinds of trash you spotted across the shack seemed to prove otherwise. You took a step inside, then another, placing the bag you had brought with you on the ground. 
“C’mon, it’s me y/n, I know you’re here.” 
You noticed the slightest movement coming from inside the boat hung above the water in the center of the cabin. You were starting to get a little freaked out by the lack of response, was it even him? Did someone else find him already? What kind of animal would hide in such a place? 
You approached the boat carefully. Trying to shake off the stress that was taking hold of your thoughts, you mumbled to yourself. 
“You better not be messing with me, I really miss you dude.” 
Just as you grabbed the hem of the tarp that was covering the boat, something jumped out of it and pushed you away, pinning your hands against the wall. You gasped in surprise, before recognizing your aggressor. Eddie. 
“What the hell is wrong with you dude? That’s how you thank me for bringing you all kind of treats and, most of all, for gracing you with my lovely company?” 
As you tried to relieve the tension, you noticed Eddie looked quite distressed. His eyebrows were furrowed, his lips and his hands were trembling, his eyes wide open searching for something. 
“Hey, Eddie, it’s me. Dustin told me where to find you. No one else is here. You’re safe.” 
The fugitive loosened his grasp on your wrists, hands hanging in the air for a second before he dived in for a hug. You gently wrapped your arms around him, petting his back in a comforting manner. 
“I’m sorry y/n, they told me how nasty things were looking for me and well... It’s hard to shake off the thought that everyone is after you and wants to throw you to the wolves, or worse, you know?” 
“Hey, I get it. Things aren’t looking pretty, but we’ll find a way to make everything right. Dustin and his team are working on it, and I’m here to help too. I promise we won't let you down.” 
“Thank you y/n. It means a lot.” 
When you felt that Eddie's shaking had stopped and that his breathing was back to a normal rhythm, you parted. He really is fine. What a relief. 
“By the way, I didn’t come here empty handed. I brought you some goodies.” 
“Thank god, I haven’t eaten all day.” 
Eddie followed intently your movements as you picked up the bag lying in the doorway and crossed the cabin to the table in the corner.  
“I’m sure food is not the only thing you’ve been missing.” 
You smiled proudly as you cleared the table to set the bag down onto it. You opened the zipper and fetched two bottles of beer from inside, handing one of them to your friend. 
“May I offer you a drink?” 
Eddie returned your smile, grabbing the bottle. 
“Is that even a question?” 
You pulled the bottle back toward you, keeping it out of his reach. 
“Ah-ah. I don’t think this is a suitable answer. I’m still a little hurt from how you manhandled me you know...” 
Eddie rolled his eyes, amused. 
“Pardon me your highness, I by no mean intended to hurt your feelings. I am oh so grateful for all the victuals you have brought to me tonight. Your name will be chanted through centuries, telling the tale of how you saved a poor, misjudged leper from his terrible fate.” 
You chuckled, handing the bottle to him again. 
“I think it’s safe to say you passed your speech check with a critical score.” 
He held your gaze as he bowed, grabbing the bottle from you with a cheeky grin. Back to his old self. What a dork. 
Eddie was thankful for the food and drinks, even more so for your presence. His nerves had calmed down for the first time in days, and he wasn’t stuck inside his own head anymore. Gone were the terrible events he had witnessed, now he could focus on regular, meaningless things. 
You had made yourselves as comfortable as possible in the cabin, sitting next to each other with your back against a wall. The floor was cold and hard, but sitting so close to one another kept you warm and cozy enough. You could see the reflection of the moon on the dark water of the lake to your right. You were drinking your way through the six-pack and the alcohol was working its magic, leaving you both comfortably tipsy. 
“It’s good to be able to enjoy some one-on-one time with you again. Even if I wish it was under different circumstances... I’m happy to be here.” 
You reached across Eddie’s lap to grab a new bag of chips when you realized how close you had been sitting next to each other. 
Eddie must have realized too, because as you were frozen in place, a hand on his thigh to support your weight, you locked eyes with him. Goddamn, these eyes of his… Now was not the time to make up poetry about big, gentle brown eyes. No, but what about these… lips… so pink and soft and shit, stop that. Was he staring too? God, he was staring too. Of course he was. 
“You alright y/n?” he asked, studying your face as intently as you had been studying his. 
“Yes, sorry, you’re just… I mean- I’m glad you’re fine. It was so lonely without you, and we were scared the worst had happened…” you mumbled an explanation for your behavior. This made him smile, and he placed a hand on top of yours. 
“Everything is fine for now. Don’t worry your pretty little head.” 
You returned his smile, finally took hold of the snacks you wanted and removed your hand from his thigh. 
You shared the chips in silence for a while, the breeze coming from the lake cooling your warm cheeks. You took a sip of beer. It wasn’t cold anymore, but at least the weather wasn’t hot enough to make it warm. 
Without giving it too much thought, you talked again, interrupting the loop of crunching noises. 
“This brand of beer always brings me back to these parties we were never invited to but always ended up crashing at. Or at least, until you began your little salesman side job. They always wanted you around after that.” 
Eddie hummed in recollection. 
“I don’t really miss those. It was easy money and free booze, but these guys were the worst. Actually, they still are.” 
“Right. But I feel thankful for them. Where else would we have had the chance to play spin the bottle?” 
Eddie perked up at that, throwing a curious glance at you. 
“You still think of that?” 
“Sure man. I mean, these were fun times, weren't they? I don’t know how you feel about them, but... for me, make-out sessions with you were the best I ever had. And I don’t mean just the ones at the parties...” 
You turned your head towards Eddie, second hand embarrassment crawling up your nape. Why did you spill this so casually? You noticed him staring at your lips before he moved his eyes up to yours again. 
“To be honest with you... I haven’t really had a better one since then, either.” 
A shy smile tugged at your lips. Your next sentence was but a whisper in the night. 
“You wanna go again?” 
Eddie seemed a little hesitant. 
“We haven’t done... this... in a long time. You’re sure you’re ok with it?” 
You guessed Eddie still wasn’t as carefree as he would usually be, so you gave him a little help. You were a little more than just ok with it. To prove it, you placed your hand back on his thigh and smoothly leaned in close to his face, leaving him space to meet you halfway or to pull away. 
“I’m the one who offered, aren’t I?” 
He licked his lips, a blush rising up his cheeks before he leaned in, his lips meeting yours. Soft. 
The kiss you shared was gentle and slow, and god it all felt even better than how you remembered it. When you parted, you stared at each other for a second, eyelids heavy. 
Eddie closed in again, going for a second, and you discarded the bag of chips. Eddie’s hand trailed up your arm all the way to your nape, resting there, pushing you in ever closer. You returned the kiss fervently, and when he pushed against your lips with his tongue, you parted them for him. You moved the hand that wasn’t supporting your weight to his chest, up his neck to gently rest along his jaw. You went at it for a while, alternating soft kisses and licking inside the other’s mouth, tongues intertwining, your teeth clashing every so often. Your eyes closed the more you lost yourself to the sensations. 
As the session grew more heated, you started to bite at each other’s lips, soft groans echoing against the walls of the cabin. Eddie pulled at your hair and you moved a hand under his Hellfire t-shirt to scratch your nails against his chest. Both of you were breathing more heavily, and you were practically straddling him. You parted to take a breath, gazing at each other. You figured you really liked to see him disheveled, and from the look on his face, he felt the same about you. 
You dragged the hand that was still resting against his chest down his abdomen, teasing his skin with your fingertips. He exhaled. You kept your fingers moving past the waistband of his jeans, to his crotch. You gently caressed his crotch through the denim, shooting him a questioning look. He took in a shaky breath at the implication. 
“...You’re sure you want to take it further?” 
You nodded and placed a peck to the corner of his lips. 
“Yes. If you’re ok with it, of course. I missed this. Missed your dick, too.” 
His eyelids fluttered, his hand clawing at the back of your head. 
"C'mon Eddie, you don't have to do anything in return. You deserve a good time, and this is nothing we've never done before. Please, let me make you feel good...” 
Eddie whimpered, and against his best judgement, it was the sign he was caving in. He could never say no to you when you asked like that, you were just too good to him. He nodded. 
He leaned into the kiss when you brought your lips near his again, eyes fluttering close when you started to rub his stiffening dick through his tight jeans. His reaction to your ministration made you smirk, and your kiss moved down from his lips, to his chin, along his jaw, to his neck. Without even thinking about it, he angled his head to grant you better access, and you kissed him on that spot he had told you about, scrapping your teeth just above his Adam's apple. You felt his jaw tightening when he forced himself to hold in a moan. So, you kept abusing this spot, licking and kissing and biting, until he couldn't contain his sounds. His dick was definitely getting harder in your palm and he started to pull at your hair and your clothes, desperately trying to keep himself in check. 
"Just let go, Eddie. It's only us. I want to hear you." 
Eddie wasn’t always so pliant. But there was something about him being so vulnerable, so soft and needy; it always drove you insane. 
“Do you want me to take it out? Touch you properly?” 
He could barely croak an answer out, gasping. 
So you indulged him. You gently unbuckled his leather belt and unbuttoned his jeans, pushing them down to his ass with his underwear. Just low enough to be able to take his stiff cock out. While you were working with his bottoms, he took off both of his jackets, placing them down by his side. You didn’t waste a second and spit on your palm before closing your hand around his shaft. The angle you were sitting at was a bit tricky and you kneeled a little closer to his side, your other hand sneaking under his t-shirt again to caress his belly and chest. 
Eddie moaned when you started to move your warm hand, up and down, his head falling back. You took the opportunity to kiss at his neck again, gently taking the skin between your teeth in hopes of seeing a bruise or two blossom later. 
The pace you were moving at started to feel too slow for Eddie, who grunted and bucked his hips in frustration. He was all about teasing, but being teased not so much, and especially not after several days without a single opportunity at getting relief. In an attempt to make you change your ways, he placed a hand on top of yours to guide it, encouraging you to move faster. 
“Mh? Want me to pick up the pace?” 
“Yes, please, I... I really need it.” 
His breathing was labored, and you enjoyed every sound coming out of his mouth. You sped up your movement and added a little twist of your wrist every time you reached the bottom of his shaft. 
“Need anything else? Are you gonna come like this?” 
Eddie moaned, loud this time, unrestrained. 
“Just keep going, it feels so good- oh fuck y/n-” 
The hand that was still resting in your hair pulled at it again, bringing you in for another kiss. This one was sloppier, all tongue and teeth. You moaned when he bit at your lower lip, moving to the junction between your jaw and your neck, just under your ear. Just like you had done to him earlier, he abused the spot until your skin turned a nice shade of purple, making you lose your composure. You had been ignoring the hard-on growing inside your own pants, but the pressure was started to feel borderline agonizing. 
You pulled away from Eddie’s face to take a look at your handiwork, noticing all the precum dripping from the tip of his dick. You rubbed your thumb along his slit, spread the fluid to keep it pleasant and took a better grasp at his length. He could not hold his hips still anymore, thrusting into your motion in rhythm. 
“Look at you. You’re doing so good.” 
His breathing was loud in your ear, and you could feel his heart beating against your palm. 
“Fuck, I’m getting close.” 
You increased the speed of your hand, tightening your fist around his cock. You could feel it throbbing now. You moved the hand that had been resting on his torso down to his v-line, gently pressed the warmth of your fingers into his skin and looked his way again. 
“Let yourself go then. Come for me, Eddie.” 
He couldn’t hold back the sob that escaped his throat, head thrown back in pleasure, when he came in your hand. You couldn’t help but stare at him the whole time; the way his mouth formed a perfect O, his eyes closed tight and eyebrows furrowed in ecstasy, the pink tint of his cheeks from the exertion... He looked angelic in the most blasphemous way. You kept your hands on him as he rode out his orgasm, feeling the way his cock pulsed and the cum dripped along your fingers. 
Once he was all cleaned up, you tucked him back in and he pulled his underwear and pants up. Still feeling hot, you took a swig of your beer. That’s when he broke the silence. 
When he came back to his senses, you grabbed a tissue from your pocket and cleaned the mess he had made. Luckily, only a few drops had stained his jeans, it shouldn’t be too noticeable. You didn’t share a word, letting him enjoy his post-orgasmic daze. 
“That was even better than the other times, or was it just me?” 
You chuckled softly. 
“Well it was just you, but I can agree it was even better than in my memories.” 
Eddie looked down at your crotch, licking his lips. 
“Want me to return the favor?”
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boxesandrings · 3 years
Hello! Could I have some Shane/Farmer first time please, idc about the gender of the farmer. Thanks! 😊
It's DONE! Please Enjoy <3
Title: Can I get you guys anything? Some snacks? A condom?
Summary: Shane and his girlfriend have been dating for a few months now, and decide to take things to the next level.
Characters: SDV Shane, F!Farmer
Warnings: 18+ smut, general first time shenanigans, vaginal fingering, ding-dongs in love, a little bit of body insecurity
Word Count: 2550 (oops)
Story is under the cut (and also will be posted on my AO3!):
The Farmer’s back hit the mattress with a thud, and she laughed as her head made contact with the pillow. “Why do I feel like I’m in high school again?” Shane shrugged before laying on top of his girlfriend, planting sloppy kisses on her neck.
“Careful, we only have 20 minutes before my mom comes up with apple slices and a juice box,” he murmured into her ears. The Farmer laughed and slid her fingers through his hair as he began sucking on her earlobe.
Robin was working on the Farmer’s house today, frequently trekking in and out of every room while muttering quietly about old building codes, and Jas was out on a field trip. Marnie was Yoba-knows-where, most likely at her not-boyfriend’s house, so after the couple’s picnic in the Cindersap Forest, it only made sense to return to Marnie’s to continue the date. Shane had been surprised how his girlfriend had practically jumped on him the moment they were inside, kissing him between giggles and whispering sweet nothings into his ear.
Not that he was complaining. He had brought her to his bedroom, just on the off chance that Marnie or Jas came home early and spotted them making out on the couch. He had one arm propping himself up against her side now, his fingers tangled in her long, black hair, the other pawing at a breast over the Farmer’s shirt. His lips were on hers, occasionally his tongue slipping in. One of her hands was still entwined in his hair, the other cupping the side of his face.
The Farmer’s head tilted back slightly, and Shane jumped on the opportunity to kiss down her jaw, tongue circling her earlobe before gently pulling on it with his teeth. He heard a small sigh escape the Farmer’s lips and smiled, trailing kisses down her neck, his tongue now on her collarbone. He felt her hand leave his face and trail down his arm, coming to a rest on top of the hand he had placed on her breast.
“Well, now it really feels like high school.” Shane lifted his head and observed the coy look on his girlfriend’s face. She winked and leaned up, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. “Here.”
The Farmer, much stronger than she appeared, managed to roll the two of them over on the bed, Shane now below her, his own head against the mattress as she sat upright straddling his hips. The sudden change in position made him suddenly aware of the erection that was quickly growing, now that there was pressure almost directly on it.
The Farmer, upright, quickly pulled her shirt off and tossed it toward a nearby chair. Shane smiled up at her as she began to work on her bra, arms behind her as she fidgeted with the clasp. He sat up the best he could below her and reached his hands around, offering to aid in the effort: “Here.”
“My hero!” She laughed as he unhooked the bra and tossed it haphazardly across his room before wrapping her arms around his neck and bringing her face closer to his. Shane gave her a kiss on the cheek and winked.
“Eh, don’t sweat it. Nothing too difficult for a pro like me.” The Farmer rolled her eyes, but her smile remained.
“Oh, shut up.” She pulled his lips up to hers and kissed him, much rougher than the two had been before. Shane rocked slightly, trying to find their rhythm, before propping himself upright with one arm as he rolled a hard nipple between his fingers with the other. The Farmer let out a soft moan into his mouth; if Shane was only getting hard before, he was like a rock now.
She laid on top of him, kissing, biting, whispering sweet nothings into his ears, holding one of his arms pinned back above his head. Shane was using the other hand to try and grab at the breasts pressed against his own chest, or weave his fingers up through her hair. Finally, he struggled to push her back up into a seated position, her straddling him, head just above his own. As he looked up at her, her eyes dark and gazing back into his own, he couldn’t help but recognize that he loved her.
He really did! He knew that he had loved her, differently, before. As a friend, one who saved him from himself, who helped him through his recovery. When he kissed her at that game, almost three months ago, he had been so afraid of ruining the friendship entirely. Instead the Farmer just laughed and kissed him again, wrapping her hands around his neck to pull him in closer.
He was brought back to the present by the feeling of her lips against his. She kissed so slow and sweet before pulling just slightly away, the tips of their noses still touching.
“Hey.” Her voice was low, much lower than how she usually spoke. He felt his cock twitch, pressed just below her own hips and wasn’t sure whether to pray that she could feel it or not. They had touched each other before, sure, but had yet to go further than that. It had been a while since Shane had slept with anybody, even longer since he was sober, and neither he nor the Farmer had wanted to rush things.
“Hey.” He smiled back at her, their eyes meeting. He had wanted to tell her he loved her, truly, but was afraid it would seem disingenuous considering their current activity, and didn’t want her to think he was saying it just to get something. Not that he thought she would, but he was still afraid. A simple ‘hey’ would do for now.
They almost swayed back and forth for a second, drunk on each other as their lips moved closer and closer, before Shane decided to move in an opposite direction. He ducked his head down and began to kiss the Farmer’s neck, her chest, making his way down to her breasts with his tongue.
She rolled her head back as she let out a breathy whimper, which Shane took as an invitation to go harder. He bit and sucked at one nipple, manipulating the other with his hand, pinching and rolling it as she whispered a number of explicatives above him. He continued to tease as he felt the twitching in his pants again, before realizing the Farmer was grinding her hips into him, perhaps without realizing it.
It all became too much when he heard her moan his name, a quiet “Shane, fuck.” He released the nipple that had been in his mouth and laid flat on the bed, out of breath. Her eyes opened and she looked down, her mouth an O, concern in her eyes.
“Oh! Shane, babe, are you okay? I didn’t like, do something, did I?” Yoba, she was hot when she was concerned. Shane shook his head.
“No! I mean, yes, I mean…” He trailed off, rubbing a hand over his face. “I would just really like to, um, I just— I bought condoms. You know. If you want to.” He bit his lip and peeked out at the Farmer between his fingers. She was still on top of him, and he could practically see a buffering sign in her eyes as she processed his proposition. He pressed his eyes shut and moved both hands to the top of his head.
“I mean, we don’t have to but I— um, we’re gonna have to readjust or I might—” He hadn’t even finished his sentence when the Farmer’s lips were on his once more, her tongue slipping between his lips.
If he had thought her kisses were hungry before, they were ravenous now. She had one arm above his head, her fingers interlacing with his own. Her other hand was reaching down, pawing at the painful erection above the sweatpants before slipping her hand beneath the waistband and squeezing it. She elicited a sharp gasp from Shane as she slowly pulled her hand up along it as she kissed her way to his ear.
“Yeah, yes, I— yeah.” Her breath was hot against his ear and he could hear the smile in her voice. He had been surprised by the enthusiastic response, but now could only focus on the feeling of hot desire burning within him.
He roughly reached for her hand that had been in her pants and pulled it out, using the momentum to flip the Farmer onto her back. He held her arms up above her head with one hand pressed over her wrists, the other working quickly on the buttons of her jeans.
Once undone, he slipped his hand in, his fingers quickly slipping between the wet folds. She moaned into his mouth, shivering as he began to rub, waiting to hear the noise she made when he found the right spot. He felt her shoulders tense below him accompanied by a sharp inhale, and began to focus there. He tried to slide her jeans further with his wrist in a weird shaking motion that he knew probably wouldn’t work, but attempted anyway.
“Sh-shane—” He nodded, trying to reach a finger further back. “Shane.” His finger found the hole, and he circled it slowly once before barely slipping the finger in. The pants are gonna have to go, he thought. “Shane!”
He looked up when the Farmer yelled. He pulled his hand back out of her pants, unsure of her tone. She had a goofy smile, but obviously had stopped him for something.
“The condom?” Now he paused to think before jumping up and moving towards the closet, his erection embarrassingly visible in his sweatpants. He had hidden a box in a bag on the top shelf, far above where Jas could snoop. He found the package and pulled a condom out, kicked off his pants and rolled the condom on. His fingers reached for the bottom hem of his shirt, but he paused.
Had she seen him without a shirt before? He knew that she knew he was a bit… thicker, but being naked in front of her suddenly felt daunting. Would it be strange if he kept his shirt on? He turned slightly to look at his girlfriend who was seated on the edge of his bed, taking off her remaining sock. She turned to look at him, her expression brightening when she made eye contact with him. Her eyes flicked down to where Shane’s hands were fidgeting with his shirt and smiled when she met his gaze again.
“Whatever makes you comfortable, babe.” Yoba, he really loved her. She made him comfortable. He quickly removed his shirt and made his way back to the bed, the Farmer smiling and laughing as she reached for his face.
He sank into her when he found her mouth again, laying her back on the bed as he slowly climbed on top of her. His hand made its way back down her body, and Shane quickly slipped a finger inside. The Farmer let out a small gasp, but smiled and tilted her head back, enjoying the sensation.
She opened her eyes when he pulled his finger out, and watched Shane through her eyelashes as he lined himself up above her. Shane thrust, a groan escaping his lips as he felt her cunt so hot and tight around him. The Farmer lifted her legs up around his hips for a better angle, closing her eyes and breathing his name as he continued to rut against her.
Shane hooked an arm underneath one of her legs to try and angle her up even farther, hitting deeper within. She moaned out louder now, Shane’s focus alternating between the bouncing breasts below him and her face, beautifully twisted in ecstasy.
“Oh, shit, Shane, you feel so good.” The Farmer wasn’t usually one to swear so freely, and the need in her voice sent Shane closer to the edge. He began to thrust more aggressively, the sound of skin on skin growing louder as the Farmer whimpered below him.
The orgasm came quicker than Shane had hoped as he slammed into her, groaning as he came. He continued to thrust until it became almost unbearable and pulled out, flopping onto his back next to the Farmer. She rolled onto her side, her hands on his chest, his arms, his face, planting small kisses on his cheeks and cooing sweet nothing into his ears.
After his head cleared, he stood up and removed the condom and threw it in a nearby trash. He laid back down on the bed, and began to kiss his girlfriend. She giggled, leaning her head back.
“That was fun.” He opened his eyes, and could have sworn that the Farmer’s were sparkling (could it be the same love he felt?) as she regarded him. He smiled, and leaned in again.
“It’s not over yet.” He kissed her again, making his way to her neck as he climbed on top.
“What do you mean?” The Farmer was playing coy, and he knew it. Even as she was asking the question, she had wrapped her arms back around Shane’s neck and tilted her head to give him better access.
“You felt so amazing, babe, and I just need to make you feel that way too.” His speech was muffled, his lips pressed firmly against her breasts. She tried to laugh, but he could feel her squirming below him.
“Being close with you was treat enough.” Shane looked up from her chest, staring at the face above him. It looked like she truly meant it. He shook his head and smiled.
“Mmm… I don’t think that was the answer I was looking for, ma’am,” he said as he plunged two fingers inside of her, quickly pumping in and out. It took her by surprise and she gasped loudly and dug her fingernails into Shane’s scalp.
His fingers were quick, pumping in and out of her tight hole then teasing her clit while he listened to her whimper above him. She pulled up on his hair, drawing his attention from the hickey he was leaving on her breast.
“Sh-Shane… please come here.” He let out a small laugh as he tried to move his head up to hers while his fingers still reached her clit. She roughly pulled his face to hers, her kisses desperate as she moaned into his mouth.
He suddenly felt the walls around his fingers tense and pulse, a rush of liquid around them as she tilted her head back once more, letting out an almost pained moan as she came. He pulled his fingers out and rubbed at her clit, almost over stimulating her as she rode out the orgasm, her hips bucking below his hand.
When it ended, she kissed him again, deep and slow. Shane moved to lay flat on his back, and the Farmer curled into his side with her head on their chest, the couple breathing heavily. Finally, the Farmer stretched, her arms reaching above her head before wrapping them around Shane’s shoulder.
“I think I could really use that juice box and apple slices right now.” Shane shook his head, laughing.
Yeah, this was definitely love.
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Interrupted Road Trip
Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader x Loki Summary: You and Sam are on a road trip. Your car breaks down and you find a hotel in the middle of the forest. The receptionist doesn’t seem surprised you’re stumbling upon the hotel and a room has already been prepared for you. Will you enter? Warnings: smut (vaginal and anal, oral from and to m and f), dom/sub tendencies, restraints, one spank, choking Word count: 2532 A/N: This is my entry for @ambrosiase Hotel Indigo writing challenge. Congratulations on everything you achieved and thank you for hosting this challenge. I chose the characters Sam Wilson and Loki with the room "Darkest Desires" and a vacation, namely a road trip.
You were upset at your car breaking down but after a little trek you and Sam saw a Gothic manor in the middle of a clearing of the windswept and rainy forest. The gravel in front was devoid of cars or any other vehicles. Honestly, you would have expected carriages drawn by at least four horses each. Nowhere was any sign of what this building was or who inhabited it. Someone was probably there, because light shone through the windows left and right of the carved double door. A few windows in the upper stories were illuminated.
The double doors opened on their own as you and Sam approached. You entered the hotel lobby. Light came from a black chandelier, small lamps on side tables between velvet chairs and loveseats and black and dark red candles on the walls. The color pattern was accompanied by dark wooden furniture. No one seemed to be there but as soon as you stood in front of it, there stood a person. They didn’t seem to have moved from somewhere in the back or came from under the reception desk.
“Please follow me. Your room has been prepared for you” They said and walked up the stairs with a candleholder.
Sam looked at you and shrugged his shoulders.
After three flights of stairs the person stopped in front of a double door. It was carved wood, as dark as the rest of the wooden furniture of the manor. Carved in it were things like vines and leaves, berries, apples and snakes. Peculiarly (or deliberately), the snakes were always near the apples. Above eye level were two carved and painted golden letters.
“D. D.” You read aloud. “What does that stand for?”
“Darkest Desires” The person said and went down the hallway and the stairs again.
“What do you think about this? Should we go in?” Sam looked at you and squeezed your hand.
“Why not? The car will still be broken down when we get out of this forest and besides, this feels weirdly homey.”
“Homey. Right” Sam chuckled.
“Let’s do this?”
You walked in the room, the doors once again opened by themselves. The room obviously focused on the big four poster king size bed with a canopy. The canopy was made of thick fabric, almost as thick as the floor length curtains to the windows showing the rain picking up even more. Light came once again from tall dark candles in candleholders on the wall. To the left and right of the bed were bedside tables and besides each stood a velvet armchair. On the left side was an oriel with two chaise lounges of the same material and on the right side a door led into a dark luxurious bath. You couldn’t see much of it but somehow you knew it had floor heating, a whirlpool and a big shower with special settings. It was like intuition.
Sam walked ahead to the bed and pulled the canopy away. “Would you look at the bedding and all the cushions! Now I’m, feeling very lucky to have broken down near here.” Sam pulled you down to sit on the bed. He kissed your lips softly.
“So you are the two Midgardians who broke down” Someone said calmly from the direction of the arm chair.
“My fucking God!” Sam jerked away from you.
“While people still do worship me in Norway, I did not think you were one of them. The American” The same voice continued.
“This can’t be normal” You looked over to the person. The person who looked like Loki. Who spoke like Loki.
“Come now, you didn’t think this place was normal, did you?”
“Not exactly, but this is not what I expected. Can’t say what I expected though” Sam, now sitting upright and pulling you to him, said.
“Why exactly are you here? And how did you get here? Into this room?” You blurted out.
“I am here because I have been involved with this manor for some short time. If someone who enters tickles my fancy, I come down myself and today I am glad I did. As to how, constraints you humans have, I don’t have.”
“Wait. What do you mean ‘short time’?” Sam thought out loud. “What even is ‘short’ for you?”
“Decades, one or two centuries” Loki mused. “You saw the gravel path. Big enough for carriages.”
“O- kay.”
“When thoughts about time and space constraints are out of the question, I expect you two can think of why I’m here?”
“Sure we can” Sam said. “And you are…?”
Loki rose from the armchair and stood in front of the short side of the bed. With a flick of his wrist the canopies on the sides facing the room flew open. Sam looked at you. You looked at Sam.
“We did talk about this. You’re sure you want to do this with him?” Sam looked from you to Loki.
“Yeah. Are you?” You looked between the two.
“I thank you for the trust, Midgardians. Come here, pet” Loki beckoned you over to stand in front of the bed.
With deliberate slowness you walked over to him.
“I wouldn’t test myself, if I were you” He smirked.
“And what are you gonna do?” You challenged him.
Loki ignored you and spoke to Sam: “Is she always bratty?”
“Sometimes. She likes to test me. And, apparently, you. I can get her to behave. I’ll look forward to seeing how you’ll deal with her.”
You looked over at Sam in mock betrayal but couldn’t keep your grin full of memories of you and him and full with anticipation at what Loki would or could do completely off your face. You walked the last steps to stand directly before Loki. From behind, you felt Sam looking at you.
Loki took of your clothes one by one. Shirt, pants, socks, bra, at last your panties. He pushed you back until you laid flat on the bed. After another flick of his wrist, Sam and Loki were both naked. Both were already hard and standing proud. The contrast of Sam’s warmth to your left and Loki being colder than the average human sent a tingle down your spine.
“And now?” You grinned at them both.
Loki didn’t answer. Instead, he bent down and brushed his lips over yours. He sucked on your bottom lip and licked over your lips. You opened them and let Loki play with you further. Sam moved behind you and laid you between his legs.
Loki kissed his way down your body. You felt his lips on your body like they were everywhere. Everywhere except your neck. There, you felt Sam’s hand. He massaged and squeezed it. After a tighter squeeze you whimpered.
The God who seemed to have several pairs of lips looked up at you and smirked. “Look at you. Already whimpering and I didn’t even use seidr…”
Sam chuckled and stroked your cheek. “You wanted this. About that seidr of yours. Never saw you use it. What can you do with it?” He looked at Loki.
“I’m glad you asked, Samuel.”
After a glimmer, you were turned on your belly and felt your arms being pulled together behind your back. Your legs were spread and your mouth opened in an ‘O’ shape. You wriggled and tested your restraints.
Something cracked down on your butt. You hadn’t seen anything to do that with anywhere. And neither Loki’s nor Sam’s hands were near your butt. Loki had migrated to the head of the bed and stood near your head. Now and again he stroked your hair.
“Seeing her ass jiggle without anything in the way is incredible” Sam moaned.
You felt the familiar sting but with each second you still felt it, seemingly elongated by something or someone, you felt something else wrap around your legs, arms and torso.
“This is more than what would just achieve the goal” The tone of Sam’s voice told you, even while still locking eyes with Loki, that he was squeezing his cock.
“This is as much art as much as it is arousal.” Loki looked Sam up and down. His eyes stayed a little below Sam’s navel.
“I’ll take this as a compliment.”
“Oh, it is.”
With that, you heard a whoosh and there stood three duplicates of the Loki currently stroking your hair and spanking you but at the same time not. If that made sense. Then again, sense should be out the windows with the velvet curtains.
You turned your head and saw Sam being passionately kissed by the two Lokis that had just appeared. But you couldn’t enjoy the sight of Sam being pleasured, four hands caressing him and Sam seemingly not knowing where and who to touch and kiss, although technically they were the same person. Just double and that without any alcohol.
The Loki behind you pulled you to stand with your back to his chest. His colder lips traveled down your spine. He stood up again and pulled you closer to him. There was a smaller whoosh sound and two of the Lokis disappeared. One on your side and one on Sam’s side. The remaining God softly kissed down Sam’s back to America’s ass.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” You grinned.
“That it is” Loki spread the cheeks and asked Sam: “Wanna experience something new?”
“Not like I don’t already.”
“I’ll take that as a yes” Loki started to sink into Sam slowly.
“I’m not pre-“ Sam said.
“Do not worry. I know a way” He whispered into his ear. Sam closed his eyes with a moan when he was entered from behind.
Sam seemed to need no time to adjust, despite being allegedly not prepared, and was immediately lost to pleasure. Loki wrapped his arms around him, pressing his chest to Sam’s back. The Loki behind you mirrored his twin or whatever he was in his position. He nudged your back entrance with his cock.
“Do not forget your lady” The Loki behind you addressed Sam.
His eyes snapped open and he chuckled breathlessly. “Sorry. It’s just so good.”
“Thank you” Both Lokis said in unison. “Now, enter her.”
Sam nodded and put his cock to your pussy. He filled you slowly. Agonizingly so. But at the same time you felt Loki entering you from behind.
“H- how is this possible?” You wanted to know.
“God” He whispered simply into your ear.
Loki grabbed your hair and bent your head backwards to kiss you passionately. You felt Sam’s wet lips and tongue licking and sucking on your neck. You could hear Sam being kissed as well and opened your eyes to see only sleek black hair just above Sam’s shoulder.
Fairly quickly, the men had found a rhythm that didn’t allow you any reprieve from stimulation. When Loki pulled back, Sam and ‘his’ Loki pushed in. Sam kissed you messily and started rubbing your clit softly. He spread your juices on his fingers and pushed them into your mouth, all the way to your throat. Your whimper morphed into a gag. Loki squeezed the base of your neck and at the same time Sam pulled his fingers from your mouth and slapped your clit.
You saw stars behind your eyes. You mouth opened in a silent scream and you felt yourself clenching both on Sam and Loki. Both didn’t cease or falter in their movements, they just stroked you even more and whispered sweet nothings to you.
“Such a good, pretty girl” Sam whispered when you went lax in their arms.
“Samuel, pull out of your lady” Loki ordered.
“Do I have to? She’s so warm and wet…”
“Obey me. You won’t regret it. And you’ll still have me behind you.”
“How?” Sam asked and looked back at the Loki behind him who was identical to the one behind you.
“Wait. You can feel that?” You asked.
“Excuse me?” The Loki behind you, the original one, responded and applied a little pressure on the sides of your neck.
“That came out wrong. I meant, can you feel what your illusion is doing?”
“Yes, pet. Before any of you ask, it would be too hard to explain. And I’d rather use my mouth for something else.”
“No shit, Sherlock” You deadpanned.
Sam’s eyes went wide at what you’d just said.
Loki’s voice became dangerously quiet. “Talk back to me once more and see what happens.”
You nodded. Sam smiled at you. “My, aren’t you a good girl for him?” He kissed you messily until moans of him and you broke the kiss, because the Loki behind Sam had thrust into him.
Loki laid down on the bed and pulled Sam with him. ‘Your’ Loki pulled out of you as well but before you could do much more than pout, he pushed you to your knees and pressed your head to Sam’s cock.
He pushed your head down until you gagged on Sam. He whimpered at the feeling.
“You feel so good…” He moaned.
He was pushed into you, just as Loki kissed his way up your thighs. Loki licked across your lips before he spread them and suckled on the inner sides of them, now and again poking his tongue a little into you. Then He stopped.
Sam just whimpered and continued to thrust into your mouth, like he was possessed.
“Samuel, you will not come before your lady. You will come at the exact moment she comes. Understood?” Loki said sternly.
“Y- yes” He moaned.
As reward for that, the Loki behind Sam quickened his pace. You hollowed your cheeks and licked him. Loki started sucking on your clit and inserted two fingers in you. He found your G spot almost immediately. You were already moaning around Sam because of how Loki pleasured your clit. But apparently that wasn’t enough for Loki.
He went to town on your G spot and you could do nothing but take it, the almost overwhelming pleasure transforming into muffled whimpers around Sam. Sam in turn whimpered because of the added vibrations and the thrusts he received from his Loki.
“I want you to cum, my darling” Loki whispered into your ear and thrust into you.
You felt like you ascended to the heavens and stayed there. Faintly, probably down on Earth, you heard a mix of whimpers, moans and even fainter gulps.
When you were able to open your eyes again, you looked into Sam’s big brown, and dazed, eyes.
“There you two are” Loki chuckled.
You looked around and saw the last Loki illusion having vanished.
“When you can move, let us take advantage of the whirlpool.”
In the bathroom, that had indeed floor heating, so your intuition like feeling had been right, you stepped into the whirlpool with Sam. Loki sat down between you and pulled you both close to him.
“Stay as long as you like” Loki offered.
Your car would still be broken down if you didn’t get a mechanic to come all the way out here. And you didn’t have anywhere else to be. After all, you were on a road trip with Sam.
What were a few more days?
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roselarkiin · 3 years
Brettsey + 2
So... this one didn't really turn out all that fluffy, but I hope it's okay!
#2 "The thought of losing you scares me."
In hindsight, running into a burning building without turnout gear or back up probably isn't the best idea she's ever had.
But she honestly doesn't see how she had any other choice.
Sylvie and Violet have just dropped their patient off at Med. Nothing crazy - a kid with an ulna fracture. A damn near routine call considering some of the things they see.
They're driving down 14th Street, on their way back to the firehouse, when they notice the smoke billowing out of the apartment building ahead of them.
Eyes fill with alarm as Sylvie slows the ambo to a stop. It's dark, and it's late, and there aren't any people around. Which in this situation is strange.
Sylvie can't make out the telltale sound of sirens approaching. There aren't any residents milling around the evacuation point either, like she would expect with a fire already this involved.
It's all so disconcerting.
Sylvie unbuckles her seatbelt, steps out of the ambulance, instructs Violet to radio main and find out which companies are on their way, see if they require sixty-one to stay on the scene.
She steps toward the building. The fire is at the other end of the complex, but the heat coming off the structure is almost unbearable.
There's smoke escaping from a few second story windows, and she can make out the flickering of orange flames from further inside the apartment.
Violet approaches at a jog, and Sylvie turns to face her partner expectantly.
"They weren't aware of a fire at this location," Violet says, the corners of her mouth turn down into a frown at the sight of the building. "They're assigning someone now."
Sylvie nods. Her brow creases, and she furrows her bottom lip into her mouth.
There's something really wrong with this scene. There should be alarms going off, alerting everyone to the danger.
She's seen her fair share of apartment fires in her time on the job, and it's usually chaos. All noise and people everywhere. This is the exact opposite. Eerily quiet with no one about.
These apartments aren't deserted. Surely someone should have made it out by now.
It could be another five, ten minutes before help arrives on the scene. She knows from experience just how much every second counts in a situation like this.
She can't just stand idly by, waiting for someone to arrive. She needs to get as many people out as she can.
"Violet," Sylvie starts and turns her head to look at her partner. "I'm not going to ask you to-"
As if she can sense what Sylvie is about to say, Violet cuts her off. "No way," she says, with an adamant shake of her head. "I'm not letting you go in there alone!"
There's a look of determination on the younger paramedic's face. One that tells Sylvie there's nothing she can say to change Violet's mind.
So she doesn't bother to try.
They enter the building, using their sleeves to cover their face as best they can.
Violet follows her orders, realizes they don't have time to argue, and goes down the hallway Sylvie tells her to. The one with less smoke. Away from the fire.
Sylvie might not be able to stop Violet from following her into the building, but she's damn well going to do everything in her power to keep her partner out of harm's way.
The hallways are dark and filled with smoke. Sylvie can barely make anything out or get her bearings.
She manages to find a door, bangs her fist against it until someone answers. It's easier after that.
Knock on the door until she wakes whoever's in the apartment, follow the wall along to the next door, and repeat.
Most can get themselves out of the building. The ones that can't, family members or neighbors are happy to escort them. It helps, means she can get to more people faster, without having to run up and down and out again and again.
By her estimation, she's able to clear about half the floor before she needs to get out. Before the cough and the ache in her chest becomes too much to bear.
She follows the last family down the stairs, meets up with Violet on her way out. They exit the building together and cough and sputter as they gasp for air.
She's hunched over, hands on her knees as she tries to catch her breath.
"Brett!" She recognizes the voice instantly, stiffens as Matt grabs her shoulders. Her eyes are closed. She can't see him, but she can hear the concern in his voice.
"I'm fine," she rasps, her voice hoarse. Tries to reassure him. She doesn't need to see him to know it hasn't worked. She coughs again.
She tries to brush him off. He should be running the initial search. Not here with her.
She's fine, really. Tries to tell him again, but she can't get the words out. Her throat burns.
An open water bottle is shoved into her hands. From Gallo, she thinks. He's an angel.
She takes a few mouthfuls, swishes the water around in her mouth, spits it onto the ground before gulping the rest of the water down. Another full bottle quickly replaces the empty one.
"Are you insane?" Matt shouts. The concern turns to anger. His hands on her shoulders tighten, shakes her a little. "What the hell were you thinking, Sylvie? Why would you do something so incredibly stupid? You could have got yourself killed!"
The relief she felt, having Matt there when she exited the building, is replaced with irritation. And she gets it. He's afraid. She scared him; she understands that. But there's no reason for him to be so patronizing.
She probably understands more about what he's feeling right now than he does.
Because the emotions he experiences in this moment are exactly what she goes through every time she stands on the sidelines while she watches him run headlong into a burning building.
Whatever he's feeling, though, she is not some child to be scolded, and she doesn't appreciate him yelling at her like she is.
She knows her limits. She would never push herself past what she knows herself to be capable of.
She's vaguely aware of the orders he barks to the other members of eighty-one, but he makes no move to leave her side.
In any other situation, she might find it sweet, but in any other situation, he'd be leading his team in the search. Not standing here with her.
His grip softens on her arm, moves to her back. It does nothing to comfort her. In fact, it just makes her feel worse. Like she's being suffocated. Though that might be the smoke inhalation.
Her eyes narrow at him, her lips pressed into a thin line. She's furious with him. For talking down to her the way he did, in front of their friends and colleagues. For treating her like she's some child he's been tasked to deal with and not his girlfriend. His equal.
It's embarrassing.
She doesn't yell back at him, as much as she may want to. She doesn't have the energy for that. Even if she did, she doesn't think her throat could handle it. And this is not the right place for this conversation.
Instead, she looks at him, head cocked slightly to the side, a small, sad smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "You know, if this had been anyone else, you would not have spoken to them the way you just spoke to me," she says, with as much force as she can muster. It's not a lot, but it's surprisingly more than she thought possible at this moment. "You would have been singing their praises. Commending them for helping so many people, a job well done."
"Go. There are still people inside. You have a job to do, Casey."
He looks confused for a split second before composing himself. She doesn't have a chance to dwell on it. She's pulled away to be looked at by the medics from ambulance ninety.
Suddenly, everything shifts back to the way it always is. Sylvie, at the ambo, watching Matt anxiously, as he runs into a burning building.
... ... ...
One of these days, Matt thinks, Sylvie Brett is going to be the death of him.
Maybe he'd lost it a little back at the scene. Spoke to her in a way that he shouldn't.
When they'd arrived and found sixty-one already on scene, he didn't think too much of it. It wasn't all that uncommon for the ambo to beat them to the scene, especially when coming straight from another call.
But when they exited the truck and neither Sylvie nor Violet were anywhere to be seen, a resident informed them the paramedics in question were inside, helping to evacuate everyone.
Sylvie was inside the burning building.
He'd just been about to run in after her when she exited the building, coughing and sputtering, covered head to toe in black soot.
All the blood rushed from his face, and his heart pounded in his chest so hard he felt it might explode.
He saw nothing but her, rushed straight to her, not entirely in control of his actions. He'd shouted at her, and he shouldn't have.
She'd looked at him with hurt in her eyes and calmly told him that if it had been anyone else, he wouldn't have spoken to them that way.
He thinks that look hurt more than if she had just yelled back. Because he knows she's right. Fucking, of course, she is. She's always been able to see right through him.
Seeing her standing there, covered in ash, terrified him. He could have lost her.
He'd flashed back to a time years ago, the only other time he's seen her like that. The Arnow fire. Where they'd lost Otis. Where he'd almost lost her. Had lost her, for a time, though only temporarily.
Then she was dragged away, and he had a job to do. He needed to focus. His people could get hurt if the task at hand didn't have his total concentration.
He thinks Sylvie's been avoiding him - he doesn't blame her because the next time he sees her, it's almost the end of shift. Eighty-one had two more calls after the apartment fire. Sixty-one had five.
Sylvie and Violet refused to take Sixty-one out of service. And he had to bite his tongue. As hard as it was.
They always just seemed to be passing each other. Never in the same place at the same time. As if some invisible force was working to keep them apart. It's killing him.
He finds her by their lockers. Her shoulders tense when she senses his presence. Imperceptible to anyone else. But not to him. Never to him.
He's explored and learned every inch of her body these last three months. Even the slightest change does not go unnoticed.
He steps further into the locker room. By some miracle, they're alone.
"I'm sorry," he says, quiet and all sincere. It never should have taken him this long to say the words. This is their first fight. If he can even call it that.
He'd been an ass. He knows he's going to have to grovel to make it right again.
He sees her shoulders shift, relax slightly as the tension ebbs away. Sylvie turns, leans against the open door of her locker to look at him. She gives him that same sad smile again. Not unlike the look she gave him last night. His chest aches.
"I'm sorry," she says as well, and she means it. From the way she says it, he knows she's not apologizing for running into a burning building. No, he gives her a soft smile, she'll never apologize for that. He doesn't expect her to either. Instead, she's apologizing for the scare she gave him.
He closes the distance between them, reaches out, and pulls her to him. She lets him, allows herself to melt into him. Her head rests against his shoulder, her arms wrap around his waist.
He's got one hand on her back, pulls her as close as physically possible. The other weaves into her hair, twists the blonde locks between his fingers.
They stand there, alone, not saying anything, holding each other tight. The rhythmic rise and fall of her chest against his as she breathes is a reminder that she's here and she's safe; nothing happened to her. It comforts him.
Sylvie is the first to break the silence. "I'm not going to lie to you and tell you it won't ever happen again," she murmurs against his chest.
He huffs, lets out a quiet chuckle, strokes his hand through her hair again. "I know."
Selfishly, he'd love for her to tell him that. But given the chance, he knows she wouldn't change anything that happened on the call. And if it came down to it, she'd do it all over again, without giving it a second thought.
He's watched her do this job for years. She's always given so much of herself over to the job. He's always admired that about her. He wouldn't want that to change just because of him.
"It's just," he breathes, lips pressed into her hair, "the thought of losing you scares me." His voice is rough, shakier than he intends it to be.
Sylvie leans back to look him in the eye. Moving her hand up his side to his face, she caresses his cheek. He leans into her hand, closes his eyes.
"I know," she tells him. "Because that's exactly how I feel every time I have to watch you run into a fire."
"Sylvie, that's-"
"Don't." She cuts him off with a sharp shake of her head. "Don't say it's different. It's not. At least it doesn't feel like it is."
He stops, clamps his mouth shut. He's been on the job for so long now that it's really just become routine at this point. Stupidly, he's never really thought about it from Sylvie's perspective. That she might feel the same terror he did.
He takes her face between his hands, kisses her forehead, cheeks, peppers kisses everywhere until she laughs and smiles back at him. Then he stops, looks around the locker room, checking they're still alone, and captures her lips with his.
He wouldn't normally do this, not so out in the open at least. They try to keep their relationship strictly professional while they're in the common areas of the firehouse. But after the shift they've just had, he doesn't give a shit who sees.
Sylvie smiles, breathes a contented sigh against his lips, relaxes further into him. She breaks the kiss a second later.
"You're a bit needy, you know that," she says, with a teasing lilt, tries to break the tension.
It works. He laughs. A loud, genuine belly laugh. The first in hours. He plants another kiss against her lips, pulls her back against him.
"Can you blame me?"
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lnc2 · 4 years
this time next year
Summary: Marinette is worried about the future. Adrien wants to know where he fits into it.
A/N: This piece was written for the @mlwriterzine and I’m so excited to finally share this with you!  I hope you enjoy it and also go check out the zine because there are so many amazing stories/art pieces collected there.
The party was well underway by the time Adrien knocked on Nino’s door. Alya was the one who answered, half of her face obscured by gold tin foil pinned to a green beret.
“Speak of the devil,” she grinned, leaning heavily on the door frame.
Adrien bussed her cheek and passed over the bottle of rosé he’d swiped from his father’s wine cellar. “Sorry, Alya. The show ran late. You know how those things go.”
She waved him in, whistling at the bottle in her hands, and shook her head. “Thankfully I don’t. Everyone’s in the living room.”
Adrien followed her into the kitchen instead, eyes straying over the tipsy, crowded apartment. Back against the wall, where Nino’s faded and cracked leather couch usually sat, was a long table covered in gold plastic sheeting. Green and gold hats of various styles were littered across, as well as glitter, rhinestones, netting, feathers, and any other number of crafting materials.
He smiled. “I see you’ve all started without me.”
“Naturally,” Alya said, putting his gift in the fridge to chill. “You’re several drinks behind us now, Agreste. Pick your poison.” She gestured to the half-empty bottles of liquor scattered across the bar.
“No tequila?”
She snorted. “You’ll have to track down Marinette for that one. She ran off with the bottle half an hour ago.”
Something warm filled his chest. “A cup of ice and a lime then.”
“Good luck with that,” Alya said, bumping his shoulder as she passed him the glass. Adrien laughed as he followed her into the living room, his smile widening as he spotted Kagami fussing with the green flowers on her gold newspaper hat.
“I’m not sure how I feel about this.”
Alya batted her hand away. “It’s tradition!”
She pressed her lips together. “It’s archaic.”
“Boo,” a familiar voice called from behind him. Adrien’s heart stuttered as a familiar pair of arms slipped around his waist. “It’s just for fun. No one takes it seriously.”
Adrien thought back to earlier in the evening and Gabriel’s annual Saint Catherine’s Day gala and couldn’t agree. There was a stark difference between the frivolousness and whimsy of Nino’s house party and the staid sobriety of his father’s fashion show.
As if reading his thoughts, Marinette’s eyes sparkled up at him beneath gold netting. “At least no one here.”
“Speak for yourself,” Alya said. She adjusted her hat and threw an accusatory look towards Nino. “Tick tock, babe.”
“You won’t let me propose until you’re out of grad school,” he whined.
Adrien hid his grin as the familiar argument ensued. Instead, he tipped his cup of ice towards the half-empty bottle in Marinette’s hand.
“You’re one of the few people I’d share with,” she said, filling his glass. Adrien leaned down to whisper his gratitude only to be pushed from the other side, causing them to knock heads.
Marinette laughed waving off his apologies with a squeeze to his waist even as their assaulter continued to elbow into the group.
“I’m never getting married,” Alix announced from her position on the back of one of Alya’s coworkers. There was a crown on her head but no decorations. She gestured wildly with her free hand. “Just call me Queen Catherinette.”
“All hail,” Alya said, clinking her wine glass against a reluctant Kagami’s. Her glassy eyes strayed towards Marinette. “What about you, girl? It’s been a while since I’ve heard about Emma, Louis, and Hugo.”
Adrien tried not to sound too interested when he asked, “Who?”
Marinette laughed, her flushed cheeks flushing further. “I’m afraid that future is on hold, Al. I need to find a boyfriend first.”
She removed her arm from around his waist then and Adrien had to restrain himself from pulling her back to his side. Instead, he took a healthy swallow of tequila and let the conversation drift into less turbulent waters.
Now was hardly the time to volunteer his name to the top of her list. 
Adrien could think of two, maybe three very important conversations they needed to have before he could even approach that topic. The most pressing of which weighed heavy on his right hand and sparkled like precious gems on his lady’s ears.
He watched over the rim of his glass as Marinette giggled with the other women in their silly hats. One of them—Alix’s roommate, he thought—burst out with a jubilant, “For pity’s sake, give us a husband!” only for the others to raise their glasses with various tipsy rounds of, “Hear, hear!”
He smiled as Marinette wrestled Kagami’s fidgeting hands away from her hat. It had only been a few weeks since their reveal but Adrien was struggling to see how he could have missed the woman he’d loved for a decade in his dear and wonderful friend.
“Some party, huh?”
Adrien coughed as Nino slapped him on the back just as he was swallowing. Nino laughed at his accusing glare. 
“Sorry man,” he said, grinning. “I thought you heard me coming but I guess you were distracted.”
Adrien ignored the teasing lilt in his friend’s voice.“It’s a good crowd,” he said instead. “I’m sorry I was so late.”
“No worries. Although if everything goes well hopefully this will be the last Saint Catherine’s party we’ll be hosting.”
Adrien laughed. “You think you’ll have worn Alya down by then?”
Nino shrugged. “Fingers crossed. I’ve had this ring burning a hole in my pocket for two months now.”
“Maybe you should be the one wearing the hat.” He grinned, only to receive a rough shove to his shoulder.
“You’re one to talk.”
Adrien pretended not to understand.
“Seriously, dude?” Nino shook his head. “You’re not that slick. If you like her you should just ask her out. I know for a fact she used to have a thing for you.”
And even though Adrien already knew that, even though Marinette told him so several years earlier when her crush was a thing of the past as she’d laughingly put it, hearing his heart’s desire put into words so matter-of-factly did things to him.
Things like make him want to punch a hole in the nearest wall or tear out his hair in frustration.
Because really, how was it fair that the one woman he’d spent years chasing had actually spent several years of her own chasing him right back?
It wasn’t.
Not when Adrien still found himself in the chase and she had apparently just … stopped.
“That was a long time ago, Nino.”
“I don’t know if I’d say that.”
“... Why?” Adrien stared, stomach clenching. “Did she say something? Did Alya say something?” 
His heart raced like hummingbirds wings in his throat as he tried to catch his friend’s gaze. 
Adrien grabbed his shoulder and shook. “Nino.”
“I can neither confirm nor deny anything.” He laughed, before hiding his smile behind his glass as they caught Alya’s attention across the room. Adrien met her suspicious frown with a wave even as his other hand tightened on Nino’s shoulder. 
“But …?”
“But … I wouldn’t count myself out just yet.”
Adrien’s hand fell to his side as all of his breath rushed out of him. “Oh.”
“Although, that may change if you don’t do something about it. Sooner rather than later if Kim’s roommate is anything to go by.”
Nino nodded towards the corner of the room where Marinette was chatting with a tall brunette. He was leaning towards her, his fingers playing at the edge of the netting on her hat as he whispered something in her ear that made her laugh. Adrien was already halfway across the room when Nino shouted, “Good luck!”
He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to do to break up their little tete-a-tete but he needn’t have worried. As soon as he was in her line of sight Marinette’s smile lit up like the Eiffel tower and there was little left for him to do other than introduce himself before the interloper tried his luck elsewhere.
“Come outside with me,” she said, tugging his arm. “I haven’t seen you all week.”
“Your fault,” Adrien said, happy to follow her anywhere. “You canceled patrol.”
Marinette rolled her eyes. “You know I had to finish up those pieces for your father’s show.”
“At least you weren’t forced to go.”
She laughed and leaned back against the balcony railing. It was cooler than usual tonight as fall slowly gave way to winter and they had the little patio all to themselves. “Perks of being a lowly intern.”
“Please,” he said, bumping her shoulder. “You’ll be a junior designer by next year.”
She hummed, taking a swig of tequila from the bottle only to cough as it hit the back of her throat.
“You can mix that with something you know?”
His lady winced and took another sip, smaller this time. “Who has time for that?”
“You if you’d just slow down.”
It was only half a joke. Lately, even before their Big Reveal, Adrien noticed something changing in Marinette. She was a little less scattered, a little more single-minded. There was almost a frenzied focus about her, like some great fear was nipping at her heels, spurring her forward.
It wasn’t until her timer ran out during an akuma attack that he began to understand why.
“It was ten years this September,” she murmured, turning out to face the cobbled streets below.
Adrien hesitated before wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her into his side.
“We’ll get him, bug. I promise.”
“But when, Chat?” She started to lean her head against his shoulder only for her hat to get in the way. Frustrated, she ripped the little masterpiece off her head and crushed it in her hands.
“Stupid holidays aside, I do want a life, Adrien.” She ripped lightly at the netting. “You said I’ll make junior designer by next year? I don’t see how that’s possible when I’m running out of work every other day because someone couldn’t control their emotions.”
Her voice caught on the last word and he was horrified to realize she was crying. “I want to run my own business someday. I want –– I want to fall in love and get married and have babies.” She looked up, teary gaze meeting his. “How can I do anything when I always have one foot out the window waiting for the next catastrophe? Who could put up with that?”
“You’re not someone a person has to put up with, my lady.”
“Yeah.” She sighed. “Right. Tell that to my exes.”
“I’m sorry,” he said, because really that’s all he could do.
“Don’t be.” She sniffed, giving him a sad, sad smile. “You can’t do anything about it any more than I can.”
That wasn’t entirely true though.
Adrien turned his attention towards the scrunched up hat in her hands. Marinette followed his gaze and gave a watery laugh.
“I want it all, Adrien,” she whispered.
“I know,” he whispered.
“Do you?” she asked, eyes wide and blue and wet and angry. “Do you really?”
Adrien pulled her to him then, giving her the hug her fears deserved. Marinette clutched at his back, her arms sliding beneath his coat to wrap around his waist, giving as good as she got.
“I don’t want to wait anymore.” 
Tears stung his eyes and words, the right words, stuck in the back of his throat as she gave voice to desires he’d never been brave enough to even dream. Not when Ladybug said no and not when Marinette said not anymore and not when they merged and became everything he’d ever wanted but feared he’d never have.
She wanted it all. 
Adrien closed his eyes and breathed in his lady’s perfume. Freesia and jasmine and something he’d never been able to name. Marinette’s arms loosened around his waist when it seemed like he would pull away, but Adrien only held her tighter.
“I––” He stopped. “You said you don’t want to slow down?”
Marinette nodded.
“Well … how—how would you feel about a chaser?”
She pulled away so she could see his face. “A chaser?” she repeated, frowning.
Adrien bit his lip, feeling heat rushing up his neck and ears. “Ah, yeah,” he said, doing his best to hold her gaze. “Like—like a partner. To your tequila, I mean.”
Adrien watched as confusion gave way to understanding in the form of a perfect little open-mouthed oh. His heart was pounding hard enough he was starting to suspect she could hear it when her eyes glistened up at him beneath the dim porch lights.
God help him but he couldn’t trust himself. He couldn’t trust the gentleness in her gaze or the way her body went soft against his or the purse of her lips as she watched him with that pleased little half-smile as realization gave way to something and that something could only be called wonderful as she ducked her head beneath his chin, pressed her lips against the open collar skin of his neck and finally, finally whispered in that small, hopeful impatient way of hers,
“Are you volunteering?”
And even though he knew she knew and even though the question really didn’t require an answer, Adrien tightened his hold on her until they were swaying together chest to chest and repeated the only thing he’d ever wanted to give her.
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sunjaesol · 3 years
Kiss prompt 19 Juke
19. One person stopping a kiss to ask “Do you want to do this?”, only to have the other person answer with a deeper, more passionate kiss.
(high school au)
In retrospect, the game ‘Seven Minutes In Heaven’ was a really bad idea. It could’ve really fucked them over had it not been the right time or place. It had been, thank God, but neither would risk it all again any time soon.
Julie was a mess. 
Carrie’s house parties were, as expected, completely out of control. The kitchen was filled to the brim with alcohol, music boomed from stereos that probably reached the other side of LA, drunkards jumped in the pool and drinking games were started on a whim. 
She’s avoided ‘Circle Of Death’, ‘Fuck The Dealer’, beer pong, flip cup, ‘Avalanche’ and whatever else existed. All she really wanted to do was dance and forget Luke had been flirting with Yasmine, a senior girl. 
God, she was such a cliché. Of course, she was in love with her best friend. It didn’t help he was a year older nor that it was uncommon for her to feel like a child. She knew that was stupid. They were completely on the same wavelength and were super close, but then she saw some of the girls he liked talking to… 
Yasmine was pretty and experienced and Julie was definitely not. Not in that way, at least. It wasn’t like she had a shot with Luke either, both strictly friends, but his interest in Yasmine didn’t help her self-esteem. 
In a moment of weakness, (a combination of too many White Claws, the buzz of dancing, the taste of teenage angst, the bitter fantasy of being with him) Flynn and Kayla managed to drag her to the den. It was slightly quieter here. A group of kids were sprawled over the many couches in a circle, Carrie standing in the middle like some warrior in glitter. 
Luke was there too. He saluted at her from the other side of the room as she sat down, amusement pulling on his lips.
“Alright,” Carrie declared. “Seven minutes in heaven! If you’re not into it, leave!”
A few left, Julie almost joining them in fright, when Flynn held her down. Her nails dug in her arm, a coy look crossing her hazy features.
“You either get over Luke, or you get with Luke.”
Julie shook her head. “No. This isn’t happening.”
“It is,” Kayla grinned. The girls high-fived each other. “You’re welcome.”
The game began. A suffering Julie watched on as Alex and Willie had no qualms pulling each other into the wall closet. They were lucky, basically already a couple with their very blatant flirting. She focused on talking to the girls or teasing the ones that were chosen, pointedly not looking in Luke’s direction. 
What if he saw it in her eyes? That she wanted him? She’d die of mortification. 
It was hard to not like Luke. He was the definition of effervescence. Every little thing he did had intention. Dialling his charm up to eleven, laughing harder than anyone else, encouraging her to chase all the dreams tucked in her dream-box with awed conviction. It was like he didn’t even have to try to be all-encompassing; he just was.
And she wasn’t the only who noticed. Ever since they’ve been friends - her a freshman and he a sophomore - she has seen girls come and go on his radar. Nothing ever stuck. Whenever Alex and Reggie called him out for it, he claimed he was too focused on music to care about that stuff. 
She didn’t know whether that should make her happy or not. 
Just as she was getting bored, leaning against Flynn while her friend recounted a story from her job, the bottle was handed to Luke. Instinctively, Julie straightened up. Her heart pounded in her throat, muscles straining and lungs constricting. This crush would kill her one day. 
It spun and spun and spun and slowed down and twisted precariously, lingered and then… landed undoubtedly on Julie.
Kayla gasped, cause of course she had to be unsubtle about it, while Flynn slapped her arm. Her friends were fucking wonderful. 
Their eyes met, hers nervous and his apprehensive. God, that hurt. They didn’t even have to do anything. 
“Chop chop,” Carrie smirked. Everyone knew they were best friends and a handful, like Carrie, picked up on Julie’s differing emotions. She was eating this up. “Go and make out!”
The crowd hollered as they stood up, this time with Luke rolling his at her, as if that would be comforting. She knew what he was trying to do, silently calling them idiots, but she just felt like the biggest idiot of all. 
The closet door slammed shut. Encased in the dark, Julie tried to even her breathing. 
“Huh,” Luke mused, so close she felt the words ghost her face. “Thought it would be bigger.”
She crossed her arms and leaned back as best as she could. “This is so lame.”
“Then why were you in the circle?”
“Why were you in the circle?” she retorted. Though usually a terrible liar, the obscurity helped her sell it. No way he saw her red cheeks and skittish gaze. 
Her body was burning. He was too near, every cell of her all too aware of where he was. The hairs on their skin brushed when they inhaled, their hands mere inches away. They didn’t need to move to kiss; only needed to tilt her head to kiss him.
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him. 
“Where were you, by the way?” he asked, faux-offended. “‘Toto’ was playing and I didn’t have my dance partner!” 
She laughed, the tension marginally eased. “Sorry. I was busy avoiding Flynn from pulling me into a drinking game.”
“Aha! So, this is also Flynn’s plan.”
She shrugged. “More or less.” And then- “Were you hoping for Yasmine?”
What the fuck. Why did she say that?! It sounded so jealous! If he could see her, he’d remark she was going green with envy. Her eyes shut in embarrassment, waiting for a bark of laughter and a coy confession that yes, he was hoping to get alone with her. 
Instead, she got a hesitant pause. “You- you think I wanna get with Yasmine?”
Swallowing back the pain, she uttered: “She’s pretty.”
“I guess.”
Another pause, more loaded with unsaid implications and rising temperatures. She felt him shifting on his feet, his arm swiping past hers and alighting her heart into a frenzy. 
Kiss him, kiss him, kiss him.  
“I want you.” Her eyes widened as she blurted out the double entendre. “To keep talking! I want you to keep talking.”
“Right,” he chuckled, a nervous edge to his tone. “Uh…”
Julie sighed, frustration building in her chest. “How long does seven minutes take?”
Luke scoffed. “Damn, Jules, it’s that bad to be in a closet with me?”
“No!” Gah! She was doing everything wrong! “That’s not… I didn’t mean it like that. I’m just-” Letting out a breath, she took a risk: “-nervous.”
All at once, she deflated with relief. It was out. No turning back. He could do whatever he wanted with that information.  
“Good or bad nervous?” he whispered.
And then she felt it again, his hand coming near, knuckles bumping against hers. It pricked and sparked and she was losing her mind a little. But they were so close to something and Julie was too curious - too dazed - to not see where it led to.  
“Good.” Her head tilted up, brave. “Very good.”
The quiet words lit a match, Luke surging forward as his hands slipped around her face and pressed an urgent kiss on her lips. It was so fast, so unexpectedly dizzying, that she didn’t have time to react. Right as she leaned in, he pulled away. 
His voice trembled, thumbs swiping her cheeks. “Do you wanna do this?”
An incredulous chuckle leapt from her mouth, a beat later crashing their lips back together with two years of hidden passion pouring out. He groaned, hands clenched around her jaw and waist as hers were gripping his neck. Her soul was on fire, adrenaline coursing through her bloodstream at a tempo she couldn’t keep up with. 
They deepened the kiss, tongues grazing past lips and teeth and eliciting pleasurable sighs and needy whimpers. Falling onto her side of the closet, Julie interrupted the kiss to giggle at his frantic rush. 
“Don’t laugh,” he giggled along, muffling the sound with another kiss as he crowded over her. 
It was intoxicating. The faint scent of his cologne, allowing her nails to trail his jaw, arching into him like he etched a space for her long ago. Kissing Luke was better than any drink she could get here.  
When his face shifted, lips dropping to her jaw and shrivelling any rational thought she might’ve had, she gasped out: “I take it you weren’t interested in Yas?”
“Never,” he mumbled. Having him so close, she saw the way his hooded eyes flicked up at her. “Is this real to you?”
The nod was fast and the kiss even faster, their incessant grins keeping them from tilting off their axis. This was the realest she’s ever been with him. This was the only way she could ever be with him; impossible to go back to friends after this. Every touch drove her further into her feelings, that delicious type of wild she’d been craving for so long. 
His hands snuck underneath her top, its warmth causing shivers up her spine and a pleased smile to curl his lips. The move made her push the beanie from his head and rake her fingers through the soft locks. It was the right call, their teasing game washing away any sense of doubt or fear. 
Or sense of time.
The door flung open. Instantly, everyone in the room started screaming and whistling at the sight of the pair’s compromising position. Flynn and Kayla were hugging each other as if their favourite artists just appeared in front of them. Alex and Reggie body-slammed in victory. 
Julie couldn’t be bothered to feel embarrassed. Luke and her were finally where they were supposed to be. Noting the cocky grin crawling up his face, he was thinking the same thing.  
Carrie was unfazed, a quirked brow assessing them.
“Had fun?”
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imagine-ikebukuro · 3 years
Izaya, shizuo and kida reaction to their crush confessing to them. They are just hanging out. They have a moment of peace and crush confesses while drinking a drink. Drinking it cuz they nervous. It keeps them from over reacting and saying anything else that is stupid. Outside they are calm straight faced, but inside they are screaming.
A/N: i’m sorry this request took me so long. life has been busy, as usual. i got carried away writing a one shot based on this request for izaya, i hope that’s fine!!! i’ll try to come up with something for shizuo and kida as well eventually.
“Oh?”, he asks, casually, his everlasting grin neither fading nor growing wider. It remains resting on his lips elegantly as if calculated with ease and practiced to perfection. Though his eyes tell a different story, the glimmer inside his brown orbs giving away the excitement.
They practically scream ‘I found your weakspot then, huh?’ and give away y/n’s doom.
“Is that so?” he chuckles and sets down his drink, his movements - again - nothing less than graceful and thought through. Amusement lingers in his tone, which also is not out of character for the mischievious informant, but hits different in this specific scenario.
He’s clearly dragging out the moment and enjoying their embarrassment. Then again, how could he not? It would be a shame to not get the most out of this. Considering how lovely they look with that particular shade of pink dusting their cheeks, dedicated to only him. How sweet they appear sitting next to him, eyes wandering off to the ground in a pathetic but charming attempt to avoid his gaze. How endearing they act with their nervous fingers clinging to the glass in their hand, their fingertips slightly tracing the rim in a shaking matter.
They struggle to find words as they are still shocked about their own sudden outburst. ‘I like you.’ how silly was that?
There are so many possibilities. So many ways to entice the utmost exciting reactions from them. They are so vulnerable for him right now, it’s ridiculous.
He knows he will regret getting impatient. Yet that does not stop him. Before their lips can even part to justify their confession, his hand reaches out to cup their face. Once the knuckle of his finger, accompanied by the cool touch of his metal ring, as well as his thumb gently but confidently take ahold of their chin, they forget whatever words they had struggled to come up with anyway. Tilting their face upwards, Izaya leans in closer.
In such a carefully slow manner, it must be on purpose to torture them further.
Once their noses touch and their breath gently brushes against each other, an ever so faint hint of the sweet alcoholic taste hovering in the small space left between their mouths…
he stops.
Whereas their gaze was focused on Izaya’s lips beforehand, it now travels across his features, setting on his half-lidded eyes. If the tension keeps up for another second, they’ll surely burst.
“I-Izaya, I’m-” the mumble shyly, but are cut off.
“Shh, now. There’s no need to say anything,” he whispers softly and his breath tickles their lips delicately.
Neither of the two make another movement. For a while, time freezes. At first, they grow more tense and uncomfortable, not knowing how to react to the raven’s shennanigans. Eventually though, they settle in this position, relaxing at the touch of his palm tracing their jawline and ultimately resting at their neck. His fingers barely run through their hair, just caressing their scalp and tucking a strand of hair behind their ear.
“I like you, too, Y/N,” he says. No smirk, no mocking voice, no sign of him acting like a trickster. It’s so unusual that it’s almost suspicious in itself. For a brief second, at least. “I thought you already knew. I do consider you as a dear friend, after all,” he adds with a chuckle and they slightly flinch.
They know he’s pulling their strings. He isn’t even trying to hide the fact that he wants them to repeat their words, wants them to explain the way they feel about him. To an extent, it’s cruel of him. But for the moment, they don’t mind being his toy. They’ve already given in.
"No, not in that way,” they mutter beneath their breath, fully aware that their voice would give out if they spoke up any louder.
"What do you mean, not in that way? I know exactly how you mean it,” Izaya snickers, thus confirming their suspicions. He’s reading their mind like an open book. “I’ve known all this time.”
They slightly purse their lips and attempt to free themselves from his grip, but Izaya crosses their intention by placing his lips on top of theirs. The kiss lasts for a solid while, alternating between slowly dragging skin against skin and experimentally pushing tongues against each other, before both pull away to catch some air.
“And I, too, like you… in every way possible.”
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outerbankswriting · 4 years
Could it Be? Chapter 13 (JJ x Reader)
JJ x Reader
CH.1 - CH.2 - CH.3 - CH.4 - CH.5 - CH.6 - CH.7 - CH.8 - CH.9 - CH.10 - CH.11 - CH.12
Description: She has a crush on JJ, but he has always seen her as another one of the “dudes”, or  at least that’s what she thinks so she just doesn’t even try anymore, until things start to shift between the two of them. (A/N: I’M NOT GOOD AT DESCRIPTIONS BUT THESE IS JUST WHAT I WOULD LOVE TO HAPPEN IN OUTER BANKS WITH JJ)
Warnings: drinking???
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You placed the empty can of beer on the table and noticed JJ’s glare set on you as you reached for your fourth drink.
“Can I help you with something?” You spat at him before drunkenly smirking at the blonde.
“I see you’re thirsty.” He grinned as he helped you open the bottle.
“I just want to loosen up and have some fun.” You replied, pouring yourself some tequila and mixing it with a soda.
“Fun means danger when it comes to you,” He winked and you rolled your eyes at him.
“That was one time.”
“Whatever,” he went on, “I’m not letting you get shit-wasted tonight.”
“Says the one who’s already had six beers,”
“I can handle my alcohol, unlike you.”
You teasingly raised your eyebrow at him as your eyes lit up with a mischievous idea, JJ immediately shaking his head at you but letting out an equally mischievous smile.
“Here,” you handed him a shot of tequila and poured one for yourself as well, “I’ll show you I can handle it.”
“I would like to see.”
You raised your tequila shots to each other before gulping down the strong alcohol, your throat burning as the liquid went down.
Time went by and Sarah and John B where nowhere to be found, but you and JJ were having too much fun drinking and talking about nonsense to notice the couple had gone to John B’s bedroom to do stuff you had no business knowing about.
You wrapped your arms around JJ’s neck and playfully slow danced with him, your legs were struggling to move correctly as the alcohol was taking over your system but JJ’s arms wrapped around your waist helped you remain steady.  
Both your faces were flustered form the alcohol and the heat from dancing around, the two of you were clearly drunk but not wasted thanks to JJ taking care of your drinking and not allowing you to mix your drinks.
You looked around the room to see if Sarah and John B were around, and when you didn’t see them anywhere near, you took the opportunity to press a quick kiss to JJ’s lips. He stared at your eyes in a loving and caring way as you burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” He asked.
“I just can’t believe we’re.. you know..” You struggled to find the words as you didn’t know what exactly was going on between you and JJ.
JJ’s eyes kept fixed on your, waiting patiently for you to complete your sentence but as he realised you were nowhere near to forming the words, he decided to help you.
“Dating?” He whispered and your eyes widened.
“So we are?” You muttered, a smile forming on your face.
“I mean,” he shrugged and bit his bottom lip, “if you want to, of course.”
You couldn’t help but smile wider at him, you knew JJ wasn’t one to easily express his feelings, let alone actually get involved in a relationship so this was a pretty big deal for the both of you, especially since this was all happening too fast yet it felt as if the two of you had waited ages for this to come true.
“I’ll have to think about it.” You bit the inside of your cheek, noticing JJ’s grip tighten and his eyebrows raise in confusion.
“Yeah, sure, I mean,” he stuttered and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing again, his confusion growing stronger.
“Of course I want to, you idiot.” You cupped his face and sensed him relax on your touch.
The two of you shared a slow and sweet kiss, his movements carefully synching with yours as he pulled you in closer. You opened your mouth to let him explore it as the kiss became more passionate and hungrier, you placed your hands on the nape of his neck and tugged at his hair, gaining a soft moan from him.
“I think we should go home.” You said, your lips inches apart.
“I think I agree.”
Neither of you bothered on letting your friends know you were leaving as they were also busy doing their thing. You took JJ’s hand and walked side by side to your place, it was a long walk but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
As you arrived to your house, the two of you hurried upstairs to your room, the tension and urgency filling the air but neither of you daring to make a move.
You sat down on your bed as JJ locked the door even though only the two of you were home. You bit the bottom of your lip as you stared at him. His grey tank top loose enough to show his toned abs and his strong arms making your head spin with unholy thoughts about them.
He turned to face you and you felt your cheeks heat up. No matter how long the two of you had known each other or how close you’d gotten to each other, he never failed to make you get all flustered and nervous.
JJ smirked as soon as he saw the rose tint on your cheeks and your eyes scanning all his body. He slowly walked over to you, your heartbeat speeding up by every step he was taking. The grin on his face kept growing wider as he noticed the effect he was causing on you, enjoying every second of it.
Once he was completely standing in front of you, you looked up at his face and matched your grin with his. Your face was exactly in front of his abdomen, and a bit too close to his lower area, making his heartbeat speed up as well.
Your confidence and urgency to have him all for yourself made you slowly and carefully run your fingers through his abdomen and you tugged at his shirt to signal him to take it off. He didn’t think twice before the grey tank top hit the floor and his upper body was bare as your eyes kept processing every inch of him.
Your hands traced his toned stomach and you felt his body twitch at your touch. You smirked to yourself, feeling confident at the effect you were causing on him. Your hand softly made its way lower and you noticed his chest rise up and down quicker as you intentionally but slightly rubbed your palm on his growing bulge, pretending as if it was an accident.
You then played with the waistband of his shorts and pulled them down, leaving him on his trousers which you also teasingly played with the waistband of them and then pushed him further away from you, making him raise an eyebrow at you in confusion. You stood up in front of him and placed a hard but quick kiss on his lips before turning around him.
“Sit down,” you demanded, surprised by your sudden urge of dominance.
JJ smirked at you and took your place on the bed, softly wrapping his hands on your waist as you stood in front of him, letting him stare at you while you took your own shirt off, revealing the top of your red bikini.
Your shorts joined your shirt on the ground, leaving you with your red bikini top and bottom which matched the color of JJ’s cheeks. You sat on his lap, facing him as you wrapped your legs around his waist and felt his bulge rub against your entrance, which was still covered by the bottom of your bikini.
“Y/N,” JJ whispered once you started moving your hips against him.
“Mhm,” was all you could bring yourself to say as the friction between the two of you made a tingling sensation intensify between your legs.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked.
You stared at his blue eyes and felt his thumbs stroke your hips. He was genuinely concerned about this, especially after knowing about your past with Rafe and sex.
But this time you felt different. You were sure of JJ and you didn’t want to do this with anyone else but him. You trusted him and you loved him, even if you hadn’t verbally expressed it to him. You’d never felt as confident and safe with anyone else as you do now with JJ. You knew you wanted this and you knew you wouldn’t regret nor have second thoughts about this.
You gently rubbed his cheeks as you leaned forward to his face, softly placing a loving kiss on his lips.
“I’ve never been more sure JJ.” You whispered against his lips as you felt his hands press tighter on your hips.
A/N: we-
alright so I finally got the time to write and post ch.13!! hope you like it and PLS DO TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS!! 
I would also love to know if you guys want me to write the whole scenario *coughs* smut *coughs* or simply leave it like that and just write about them after it’s done and stuff... but well it’s all up to you since I know some of u are not comfortable reading smut.
I think I’m also going to start a new taglist since idk if some of you are still reading this story and I keep getting messages about new people wanting to be added on the taglist so I think next chapter will have a completely new taglist so pls do let me know if u wanna be added! 
taglist: @babygirlizz​ - @atabigail - @poguesrforlife​ - @behappyitsemmalie​ - @jane-dough - @yeeedolan - @dontjinx-it - @sofiaconlaz - @fangirlwithme​ - @outermaybank - @hueycat2004 - @nope-thanks - @weasleyswizarding-wheezes - @haleswale - @hungoverhellhound - @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch - @asapkyndall - @hailiemarieeee - @emmasjulixn - @spideyyeet - @rosenbug - @cassidyiscool  - @harrysbbby - @thatshiscigar  - @kiarascarreras - @uhuh-listenboy - @normatural - @goldenariana - @heyyimlaynna - @lukvv - @irontoadllamaclam - @allisjustok - @saturno007 - @pluckypete - @pennepasta82 - @howdyherron - @perfektionsmakel - @dylanpain - @tulzu - @voidsxnsets - @shadesofbarryallen - @rimbougrine - @dolanfivsosxox - @allisjustok - @stell-rosie - @spoopysidemen​ - @optimisticherolightpanda - @dolansbeanies - @arsejungle - @missenchanted27 - @ctrlyouthmendes  - @my-soul-is-the-moon - @hazelgirl355 - @sehunniehaechannie - @sweetwaterprincess - @ues-swiftie - @deadsunflower01 - @ghostlywombatnickelpeanut - @moadvx - @peachy-ness - @supersouthy - @howdyherron - @retro-mayfield - @cyxbv - @ydoesthesunsetbaby - @bellageorge03 - @thelittletank - @emmalvei-blog - @eaturveggiesbabe - @katiepego - @books-crushed-my-soul - @iamaunicorn4704 - @mrmaybaby - @sloanology - @wildest-dream- - @maplelattes22 - @disaster-rose - @5am-cigarette - @ravenclawmarvel - @peterbrokenparker - @pickeringshawnn - @thatshiscigar - @lovelydina - @sspidermanss - @lollypop-lam - @drunkwallows - @a-wari - @ajxlawley - @briiiimiranda - @oceantostars - @jordangdelacruz - @brightnss - @classywaves - @ironbuckley - @cilorawr - @the-beauty-queenn - @mileven-reddie- @blueegansey - @livingforbarnes - @angelnoirr - @fashionlive15 - @harrysbbby - @eb15​ - @lcil123 - @drunkwallows - @uhuh-listenboy - @caringparker - @tangledinsparkles - @wildflower-lrh - @lollypop-lam - @mxrvelistic - @jeffsbarbershop - @bananasundae13 - @llunarist - @nick-awwstin - @aftertaxte - @timotaychalabae - @we-are-all-lovely - @k-k0129 - @wwylmlive - @sunshinemadds - @hawkeyetrained - @cremextart - @sunflowerwhoever - @possiamo-andare​ - @mayakblack - @poguelifeee - @moon-bcw - @love-bean - @turtlee-says-rawr - @heydemonsitsyagirlgrace - @marauderskeeper  - @anescapefromtheworld  - @imsad05 
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duskholland · 4 years
Say Goodnight | Harrison Osterfield
Summary ↠ you and Harrison broke up before he left to chase his dreams in Hollywood. With 5,000 miles between you, you’re both struggling to adjust to life without the other; exes to lovers; prompt: “why did you call me at 2 in the morning?”
Warnings ↠ angst with a happy ending, a breakup, one curse word?
Word Count ↠ 2.7k
A/N ↠ I miss Harrison. A lot. And I haven’t written enough for him, so...here ya go! This is definitely inspired by Ariana Grande’s song goodnight n go, which never fails to hit me in the feels (listen to the version from her live album... it’s magic).
This is also my fic for @t-holland2080​‘s writing challenge! Thanks so much for hosting such a fun challenge Sammy - I hope you enjoy this :)
(a repost because tumblr decided to block me out the tags lmao)
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You didn’t think it was possible to cry this much.
Harrison’s standing in front of you, glistening tear tracks running down his rosy cheeks. His eyes shift over your face, guiltily running the lines and curves of your cheeks and your forehead, trying desperately to stay away from your eyes, because you both know that seeing the heartbreak reflected in his icy blue gaze will be too much. Your chest hurts and you’re shaking, but you know that everything he’s said is true. You know that breaking up is for the best.
But that doesn’t make it hurt any less.
“I still love you,” Harrison tells you quietly. He rocks back on his feet, his teeth grazing his lower lip before he adds, “I’ll always love you, Y/N. The timing just…”
“The timing isn’t right,” you finish. With shaky hands, you reach up behind your neck and your fingers fiddle with the clasp of the necklace Harrison had draped around you, all those months ago. He makes a small sound of objection as the chain falls heavily into your hands and you hold it out in front of you. “Keep it,” you urge. You finally let yourself meet his eyes, and you try to stay strong as you grab his hand and push the chain into his palm. “So you don’t forget about me whilst you’re off being a movie star.”
Harrison reluctantly pockets the chain, his eyes lingering on the solid curve of the H. “I could never forget about you, Y/N.”
It’s not fair. It’s not fair that the only way Harrison can pursue his dreams is 5,000 miles away, across the Atlantic in America. It’s even more unfair that you can’t go with him because you’re enrolled in university in London. But worst of all, neither of you signed up for a long-distance relationship when you first began dating, and now you’ve had to come to the mutual, heartbreaking decision that breaking up is going to be easier than stringing out a virtual relationship together. It doesn’t matter that you love Harrison more than you’ve ever loved another person, nor that he holds you so closely to his heart that he’s certain you’ve somehow intertwined yourself with his soul: long-distance is too much, and you both think you’ll be too busy to maintain your relationship. Neither of you want to sit by and watch your relationship break down.
So breaking up is simpler, supposedly.
“You should go,” you find yourself saying, swallowing down the lump in your throat. Your hand rests on your front door knob, the cool brass feeling icy against your warm skin. You use your other hand to sweep beneath your cheeks, trying to stop the endless flow of tears from your eyes. “Don’t want you to miss your flight, Haz.”
He runs his hand through his hair, a grimace spread across his face.
“I- Are you sure this is the right choice?” He asks, echoing the words you’ve both been saying for days.
You shrug helplessly. “I don’t know,” you admit. “But I know that I can’t stand here waiting for you to walk away any longer.” You release a deep breath. “Just go, Harrison. Please.”
And he looks like he really wants to stay. His feet twitch, as if he’s about to push his way back into your flat and throw himself down on the sofa like he’s done a thousand times before. But his eyes pass over your tearful, heart stricken face, and he finally sighs, slipping his hands into his back pockets as he manages a weak smile.
“Goodbye, Y/N,” he says softly, his lips curving around the words with ease. The way he says your name so fondly causes the pain in your chest to crack and expand.
“Bye, Harrison.”
And then he turns, slowly, and you watch as he drags his feet down the corridor. Harrison pauses when he reaches the staircase, one hand on the door as he casts his eyes back towards you. Your mouth twitches into a smile instinctively: the sight of his face, his loose blond curls, and his friendly smile never fails to make you feel warmer - even now, as he walks out of your life, taking a piece of your heart with him.
You raise your hand in a final wave, and then Harrison steels himself and walks through the door at the end of the corridor, leaving you standing alone in your doorway, a lump in your throat and a weight hanging so heavily in your heart that you know you won’t be forgetting him any time soon.
Life without Harrison is hard.
Before you’d started dating him a year ago, you hadn’t believed love could feel so fulfilling or right. But then you’d stumbled into him at Tom’s birthday party and you’d immediately hit it off, and everything had changed. You think it would be hard not to instantly fall in love with Harrison: he’s charming, witty, and he carries such a bright light in his eyes that he had you hook, line, and sinker within the first ten minutes of your conversation.
As you try to move on, you find Harrison haunting your every move. You open Instagram and you see his posts and stories staring you right in the face, broadcasting his life out in LA with his new friends and castmates, and it stings. When you strike out and find yourself in the pub with Sam, all you can think about is how you used to frequent the place with him, and your eyes find the corner booth you’d used to sit in, your figure usually curled up in Harrison’s lap. You can almost feel the presence of his slender, delicate fingers wrapped around your waist as you gaze longingly at the booth.
And the most frustrating part of it all? Harrison seems fine. He seems completely unbothered, which just serves to twist the knife further into your chest every time your thumb hovers over his contact photo, or you start writing out a lengthy, emotional text. You’ve heard nothing from him, and it makes you question everything you’d thought you’d had together.
Everything changes one Wednesday night, around six weeks after Harrison had left.
You’re woken up by the loud, shrill ringing of your phone. You try to ignore it at first, groaning as you roll over on your side and try to press your head into your pillows, but it just keeps going, and it seems to rattle louder against your skull the longer it prattles on. So, after releasing a stream of your best expletives, you roll over and snatch it off your bedside table, accepting the call before you’ve even had time to check the caller ID.
“Hello?” You croak, clearing your throat immediately as you hear the fatigue hanging heavy in your throat.
Suddenly you’re wide awake.
“Harrison?!” You exclaim, sitting bolt upright. You bring your knees to your chest as you pull the duvet around you, trying to hide beneath the warm sheets as if they’ll protect you from the way that hearing his voice unleashes an onslaught of painful emotions. “What’s going on?”
Harrison doesn’t reply for a few moments, but merely the sound of his level, familiar breathing is enough to bring tears to your eyes. You try to push them away as your heart races in your chest, so many emotions flying through your heart that it feels consuming.
“Uh, nothing,” he eventually says softly. “Sorry. It doesn’t matter.”
“Then why did you call me at 2 in the morning?”
The sound of his chuckle is forced, but it’s so lovely to hear him again that you can’t stop yourself from smiling. “Oh, I didn’t realise it was so late,” he says, “‘m sorry, love.”
“It’s okay. I missed your voice.” It slips out before you can really stop it.
“I missed your voice too,” Harrison admits, voice thick. “I miss you so much, Y/N.”
You swallow deeply, running your fingers over the crinkles of your duvet as you think. Your mind runs slowly, clouded with your fatigue and your emotions, and you really don’t know how to take this all, but you know that hearing his voice makes you happy - more happy than you’ve felt in weeks.
“I miss you too,” you mumble down the line. Your fingers ache from how tightly you’re gripping the phone. “How’s LA?”
Harrison chuckles, and you hear a noise in the background as if he’s climbing into a bed. You can almost imagine him: his lanky legs spreading out over the sheets, a low groan slipping past his lips as he stretches out his arms and back. That lazy pink smirk hanging freely from his perfect lips. The image burns into your eyelids.
“LA is mad,” he tells you honestly. “It’s a whole different world over here, Y/N. It’s… It’s exciting, but it’s so different to London. I wish it would all slow down.”
“You’re really busy then?”
He hums lightly. “Yeah. I’m either on-set or doing fittings or rehearsals.”
“Are you having fun?”
Harrison takes a while to ponder your question.
“Yes,” he says, bringing a swell of tears to the front of your eyes. “But I’d be so much happier if you were here too.”
You try to disguise your sniffles, but you’re almost certain he can hear them. “Well… I’m not,” you manage. “I’m glad it’s giving you everything you wanted.”
There’s a very awkward, very thick silence that envelops the line, and it makes you shift uncomfortably in your sheets.
“I should let you sleep,” Harrison says, guilt lacing his words. “I’m sorry for waking you up. I shouldn’t have called you.”
“Oh, okay.” Your free hand clenches into a hard fist as you try to stop your lower lip from wobbling. “Don’t worry about it, Haz. I’m always here if you want someone to talk to.” A small smile flicks out across your lips. “Doesn’t matter what time it is.” I love you - those three unspoken words hang between you. You can feel them, surrounding you, smothering you, and you can almost hear them on the tip of Harrison’s tongue, so you jump in to add, “Goodnight, Harrison,” because you really can’t bear to hear them.
You can feel his reluctance, but you release a deep breath as he says, begrudgingly, “Goodnight, Y/N.”
You hang up quickly, your fingers trembling as you toss the phone down the bed. The blank screen stares at you, taunting you, and you’re overcome with such a strong sense of regret that you almost reach out and call him back. Your body craves him - his soft, melodic voice, his gentle words, his love.
Your phone starts ringing, and you snatch it back up, eyes taking in the image of Harrison’s contact photo as he flashes over the screen. You accept it without a second thought.
“I don’t want to say goodnight yet,” Harrison says immediately, words falling into one another. “I don’t want to stop talking to you, Y/N. Can we please keep talking? Just for a bit.” He pauses, his voice breaking. “I miss you.”
The relieved smile on your face shows no sign of budging. “I don’t wanna say goodnight either, Haz.”
It’s a bad habit, but for the entire time Harrison is away, you end up on the phone with him each evening. The first few times had been fairly spontaneous, but soon it becomes a habit: every day, as Harrison finishes filming, he gives you a call and you have a long, rambling conversation. It breaks up your sleep, but you grow so used to it that you start setting an alarm at 1.50am just so you can grab a cup of tea and wake yourself up before he calls.
It’s definitely inadvisable to stay so connected to your ex-boyfriend, but it feels too good to quit. Harrison is your drug, and every time you hang up the phone, you’re left feeling sad and hollow inside. But it eases the pain of having him so far away, and maybe a part of you deludes yourself by reasoning that your calls are helping you get over him: cutting him out completely was too hard, but maybe sharing these phone calls will help you. Eventually he’ll stop calling, and you’ll be able to heal, because you’ll have practised saying goodbye so many times it’ll feel normal.
But Harrison doesn’t stop calling, and you don’t stop answering, and soon enough, he’s been away for six months, and he’s preparing to move back to London, his film complete.
You don’t really know where you stand with him, if you’re being completely honest. He’s still your ex - but you’re still helplessly in love with him, and you’re fairly sure that most exes don’t spend hours on the phone each day, chatting and laughing like you’re still together. You try to bring it up with him, but every time you start the conversation, your heart clenches in your chest and you wimp out.
You ignore the difficult conversation for as long as you can - which lasts until you hear a loud knock on your front door, and you know that it’s him.
It feels almost like a gravitational pull, drawing you back to his figure. You’ve spent all day pacing your flat, fussing over your hair and your outfit, but for the entire time you’ve spent waiting on his flight arriving, you haven’t been sure if you’d be able to open the door and face him. But now you know that he’s here, your heart seems to act of your own accord.
You wrench your door open, and immediately you’re pulled into a tight, crushing hug. It knocks the air out of your lungs and you wheeze as you feel that familiar set of curls brushing up against your neck, and you feel a few tears slip from your eyes as you take it all in. He’s back.
“Haz,” you exclaim, your voice choked with tears. His hands move over your back, clinging to you, drawing you as close as possible as his rich, earthy cologne invades your system. It doesn’t even matter that his jacket has a collection of chilly raindrops clinging to the leather, because it feels so fucking perfect to have him so near you again that you can’t focus on anything other than him.
“I missed you,” he whimpers, as he pulls away from your neck. His large hands fall on your shoulders as he stares at you intently, his focused eyes whipping the air from your lungs. He looks so cute that you can’t really stop yourself from shifting closer and pressing your lips to his. Immediately you relax, and he does too, and he kisses you back softly. Your mouths are tender at first, pressing together softly - testingly - but as you wrap your hands around his waist and bring him closer, it deepens. Your mind spins with dizzy, overwhelming happiness as you revel in the feeling of Harrison, enjoying him utterly, your heart thrumming happily against your ribs.
“I missed you so much,” you mumble against his lips, kissing him between each word. Your fingers drift into his hair, and you smile as he hums in agreement.
“We are so stupid,” he says, drawing a laugh from your lips. “Can’t believe we ever thought breaking up was for the best.” His mouth shifts up to press a lingering kiss to your forehead. “I love you so much, Y/N. Please, can we get back together?” His words are desperate, but they echo the things you’ve been feeling for months, and hearing them is such a relief that you simply have to kiss him again.
“Yes, yes, yes,” you whisper, moving to rest your forehead on his shoulder. Harrison brings you into a warm hug, and you let him hold you as you breathe him in. “I missed you. I love you.” You tilt your head back, meeting his eyes gleefully. “I’m so glad that you’re back.”
Harrison reaches down and pulls a familiar, glinting chain from his pocket. Your gaze softens as you pull away from him and tilt your head, letting him wrap the necklace back around your neck. The H pendant settles gently over your chest, and it feels like coming home.
“Perfect,” he comments, and you’re not sure if he’s talking about you or the necklace, but you’re willing to accept either.
With a warm smile on your face, you move aside and welcome him inside. “D’you want a cup of tea?” You offer.
Harrison steps across the threshold and presses a final, loving kiss to your lips. “There’s nothing I’d like more.”
send me some feedback?
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dignityneeded · 4 years
back roads, driver’s seat
not-summary: you and benny have been fighting for a bit, and you’re both acting like assholes. 
pairing: benny miller x reader
warnings: rough sex, light finger-gagging, unprotected sex, swearing, benny being a stubborn bull, 18+
tags: @phoenixhalliwell​ @de-profundis-ad-astra​ @mandoplease​ @briskywalker​ @johnc0nstantine​ 
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It was just drinks with the guys—you didn’t think anything of it. Every few weeks, the guys would meet up at one of their houses, and just talk. They’d drink like it was old times, catching up with one another and reconnecting. For the most part, you stayed in another room with Frankie’s wife, watching movies and gossiping until someone got hungry enough and ordered pizza. Then, you’d go out into the backyard to join the guys to hang out for a little while longer, listening to their laughter and stories as the stars twinkled above you. 
That didn’t happen. 
You were supposed to keep your sarcasm in check, even though you both knew that you would have enough comments to last the entire ride home. Ben was supposed to keep a level head. Of course, you both had failed miserably. It was no secret you and Ben had hit a rough patch in your relationship; it was pretty much routine to have one every once in a while. It was nowhere near your worst, or most serious fight, but this one wasn’t going away. Snide remarks and tense glances left an awkward blanket over the entire room for the night. Neither you, nor Ben could just relax and enjoy the night as it came, which is why a wave of shame crushed your chest when Frankie ended the night early.
What made it worse: you don’t even remember why you were fighting. It couldn’t have been over your jobs: you supported him in everything he did, and you made sure that he knew what he was walking into by your second date. At this point, you believed it was probably something dumb. For the last few weeks, there had only been fights and silence at the house, with dinners covered by a paper towel left on the counter by one of you, only it had gotten cold by the time the other got home. It felt like forever since you touched him on purpose, let alone let him relieve you of some stress.
Now here you were, hate-fucking in the driver’s seat of Ben’s truck. 
Tiny drops of condensation covered the palm of your hand as you braced yourself against the car window. Moans overshadowed the faint rock music playing from the radio, and if there was any sound in the back roads Ben had abruptly turned into, you definitely wouldn’t have been able to hear it. You could see the tiny light from the backseat was still on from the corner of your eye, but your sudden attention to detail was halted by a particularly hard thrust in just the right place.
“Shit, shit, shit,” was all you managed to get out as Ben repeatedly hit the spot that made you squeal. Your hands darted around, desperately looking for something to grip as you got fucked into oblivion. From the window, to the back of the headrest, to the handle above the door, nothing could seem to satiate you until your hands found Ben’s chiseled back. 
Ben stopped, slipping out of you slightly, and you whimpered at the loss of him. He ran his hand through his hair with one hand, pushing your leg up until your knee touched your shoulder with the other, before slipping himself back inside and continuing to pound into you. His deep grunts and groans slipped from his pink, parted lips, and you watched as his head tipped back slightly. 
In all your time together, Ben had never been anything other than sweet, caring, and playful with you while you were having sex. Every once in a while, he would grip your hips a little tighter when he came, but that was nothing compared to this. The way he tore your clothes off, but only shoved his jeans down to his knees before pushing into you. The filthy way he grunted in your ear. The way his jaw tensed with his grip. You had never seen this look in his eyes before, and you loved it. 
One of his flush hands snaked up to your neck, using his thumb to hold your head in the exact place he wanted it. You never broke eye contact as you tilted your chin down, and took his entire thumb into your mouth. The limb curled slightly when you ran your tongue over the top, promptly earning you a rough snap of his hips. 
“Can’t get enough of me, darlin’?” He muttered. Ben pulled his thumb out of his mouth before clumsily replacing it with his middle and index fingers. Pure lust filled his darkening eyes, and you were sure it filled yours, too. 
His long, blonde locks slipped into his steely blue eyes when he used his body to pin you further into the seat. The sight alone was enough to push you over the edge, but combined with his thrusts, you had no chance of coming out on the other side in one, coherent piece. Black dots clouded your vision, and your legs began to quiver. All the tense energy that had contained in your shoulders and arms fizzled away as your entire body went limp in absolute pleasure. You’d definitely feel this tomorrow, but God, you felt it now, too. 
You weren’t absolutely sure how long you had been laying there with Ben’s teeth grazing up and down your neck, and his hard cock pressed against your thigh. He craned his neck so he could look at you in all your sexed-out glory, but his eyes lingered on your flushed face, to the point where you could feel his intense stare darting down your spine. 
“What are you looking at?” you snapped at him, the pointless anger toward him bubbling back to the surface. He didn’t respond. The hair tie on your wrist was suddenly the only thing you were wearing, and you attempted to reach into the back seat for your discarded clothes. 
You found your ripped top and threw it into the passenger seat, annoyed at the childish impulsivity that Benny always showed when he wanted you. Every feeling confused you, which wasn’t helped by the blanket of post-sex bliss that coated each one of your thoughts. He had his sweet, cuddly, caring moments, but Ben Miller was a rowdy, wild-west cowboy type, and didn’t play by any rules. If he listened just a bit more, then he wouldn’t have fucked you like this. Every time his hands touched your skin, it left you breathless, and this was no exception.
Before your thoughts could continue on an endless tirade, you felt a hand grab your bicep. Even though you were still pinned under him, you jumped slightly at the gentle contact. Your eyes followed the weak grip to Benny’s face, an expression that you had never seen painted across his face. 
“Please?” Ben whispered. His features weren’t contorted into his shit-eating, post-sex grin, but stretched into a The sweat had made his hair wet and brown, but his blue eyes still shone bright from behind his darkened locks. “Please…”
You weakly pushed yourself from between your boyfriend and the seat, placing your body on the middle console. He kept your gaze while he shifted himself into the driver’s seat, as if he was expecting you to disappear or run away at any moment. When he got himself situated, you leaned forward to plant a soft kiss onto his lips. It was different. Earlier, the only kiss you received from him was all teeth and tongue, all passion that your exhaustion prevented you from matching. Now, it was tentative, scared. His mouth moved slowly against yours. All flavors aside, you could taste the fear on his lips.
You slipped your tongue into the kiss at the same time you positioned your body on top of his. Only when you had a leg on either side of his body did Benny allow his hands to settle on your waist. Without allowing your lips to disconnect, you wrapped your arms around his neck and scooted up on his thighs, making him moan and throw his head back when your swollen clit grazed the tip of his cock. His hips violently bucked up into you once, before his eyes widened and a look filled his eyes. You tilted your head at him, cocking an eyebrow in confusion at him.
“Ben,” you started, attempting to choose your words carefully. It was harder than it seemed, though; it felt like tiptoeing out of a minefield of bad choices. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”
You reached up with one hand to run it through the hair in his face. He looked away. Without a response, you mentally panicked, wondering if it had something to do with you. Was it the way you looked? The way you smelled? A million thoughts that hadn’t crossed into your consciousness in years raced through your head as you desperately tried to find an answer for Ben’s behavior. 
“Hey, hey , hey,” you cooed, a quiet sniffle forcing you back to reality. “Ben, I need you to talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.”
He looked back up at you, trying to hide the obvious tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. Ben waited a few seconds before finally speaking, “P-Please...Please don’t leave me.” His voice started to crack at the end of his words. 
“Never.” you replied, leaning back into his body to allow your lips to meet once more. His heartbeat thumped against your chest, reconnecting the two of you in something so intimate, so delicate that it made your own heart race faster. Once his arms wrapped around your waist completely, you knew this is where you were meant to be. 
He bucked his hips a few times and let out a whine that was muffled by the kiss. You smiled, reaching around so you could slide his cock into your pussy. Once he bottomed out inside of you, he allowed his head to fall back and eyes to flutter closed. 
You’d never get tired of looking at Ben’s gorgeous features like this. 
“Darling, I need you to move,” he stumbled over his words a few times, enough to make you lean forward to place a soft kiss on his neck and dig your knees into the seat. You relished in the slow pace; Ben’s cock touched every sweet spot you had, and a few you had no idea about. He ran his calloused hands up and down your body as you rode him. 
Thin strings of curses alternated between the two of you, the pressure between your legs building up once again.
Ben must have felt you were close. He wrapped his arms around you and pulled your body to his. His thrusts weren’t much faster than the pace you had set, but each one made pushed you more towards your second orgasm of the night. With each time he pushed himself into you, your head grew more senseless and barren; the only thing that remained was your desperate need to release. 
Your vision grew blurry and dotted again, but you got a glimpse of Ben letting out every curse word he knew as he came. He snapped his hips twice more before letting his softening cock slip out of you, placing a lazy kiss to your temple as he did. You made a move to get up—Benny was burning hot, and you were still naked—but he reinforced his grip on your waist. 
“Stay a little.”
“We’re in the middle of nowhere and I’m naked and I’m hot, Ben,” you replied. You resumed what you had been doing earlier: looking for some scrap of clothing that you could put on while Ben drove you home. A light tap on your ass interrupted your actions, and your head turned towards Ben, only to see one of the biggest shit-eating grins cross his face.
“Darlin’, you know I wouldn’t mind you sitting next to me the whole ride home just like this.” He said, as he leaned down to place a wet kiss on your ass cheek.
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silma-words · 3 years
Hey please could you do one with#8 and #25 for Adrian x mc.Thanks
N/A: So, this one took a while (sorry!) and I’m not sure it’s any good. I really wanted Adrian and MC to have this chat at some point in their storyline, and these prompts seemed like the perfect opportunity for this (thank you so much Anon! 😊)… but I think I got a little carried away, and kept doubting and changing things around… so I'm not sure it makes much sense at all anymore, but I hope it’s not too bad and that you will like it! Thank you so much again for the ask! :)
Choices: Bloodbound
Pairing: Adrian Raines x MC (Ellie)
Rating: PG-13
Category: Hurt/Comfort
Warning: A few curses, and talks about jealousy and shared sexual partners
AU Chronology: Bloodbound AU (after book 1 – the events of book 2 never happened) – Before “The right thing to do”
Summary: A business meeting leads to an unexpected argument about jealousy and insecurities.
Inspired by prompts #8 and #25 from Prompt List #1:
8 - “Why are you so jealous?”,
25 - “You’re mine. I don’t share”.
Words: 4400
**Disclaimer: Characters and background plot are the property of Pixelberry.**
“Adrian! Can you slow down, please? I can’t keep up!”
Adrian was fuming, his jaw clenched and his teeth grinding, trying to breath in the warm summer night air to get rid of the tension that had been building inside him all night.
“Adrian!”. Her voice forced him to a stop, waiting silently for her to catch up with him before resuming his angry strides along the street. He could hear that she was struggling a little to match his pace at his side, but right now, all he wanted to do what get her away from there as soon as possible.
Ellie wasn’t saying anything either, clearly aware that he was mad about something. And she had a good idea about what. She knew that what just happened was kind of her fault, but back there she had let her guard down a little too long and was still not quite sure how the situation had slipped out of her control that way. Her curiosity had got the better out of her and had led her once more down a slippery slope. And she could feel that this time, it was very likely going to result in an argument. Their first real argument.
She finally broke the silence, panting as she was trying to keep up with him while making sure he could hear her. “Are you mad at me? About what happened with this guy?”.
Adrian exhaled loudly but did not answer, her words only re-igniting the emotions that had been boiling inside him just a few moments earlier in the club.
This was one of their usual working nights where they had to go downtown to meet with business partners, Ellie accompanying him to assist with the paperwork and protocol side of things to make sure nothing was amiss when deals were struck, or when projects had to be followed up to the next stages. Their last stop of the night had been at Priya’s, where Adrian has offered Ellie to take a break at the bar while waiting for him. The discussion he was meant to have was nothing concrete enough yet to require her to suffer through it.
She had been working with him for five months and was now perfectly accustomed to his world. Most people down at Priya’s were used to see her around with him, and they knew she was under his protection. However, there were sometimes some new souls or bold hotheads roaming around the club that would not know – or would not care – and that would unwisely risk approaching her too closely. And this had been one of these nights. And Adrian, stuck in one of the booths away from the bar with his potential new business partners, had felt the tension build quickly in the pit of his stomach when his attention had been drawn to her by her laugh, forcing him to witness the scene at a distance while trying to keep his poker-face on with his guests.
That man had been incredibly close to her, talking to her ear so that she could hear him over the music, his eyes roaming over her every time she was taking a sip of her cocktail or would smile at whatever he had said. Adrian’s knuckles had turned white under the table when he noticed the stranger eyeing insistently Ellie’s neck, knowing very well that this other vampire was drawn like a magnet to that oh-so-tempting pulsing artery that Adrian loved so much.
“Adrian?”. Ellie’s voice brought him back to the street where she was still racing beside him, anxiously waiting for an answer.
“No, I’m not mad at you…”, he finally responded with a sigh, his reply hanging in the air, unfinished.
“But?...” she pried, noticing the edge of his tone.
Adrian glanced down at her, taking in the concern in her eyes and the pink of her cheeks as she was rushing at his side to read his face despite the long strides he was forcing her to take. Finally realising that there was no point in trying to avoid talking about it, he slowed his pace to let her join him closer, settling for a more relaxed stride that would allow them both to talk more easily… while getting further away from that damn forsaken club.
“It’s just…. the way that man behaved, even after I joined you two at the bar...”, he finally admitted, his eyes still dark from remembering the smirk on that other vampire’s face. “I don't get it...”.
“He was a bit... hum... prying and insistent, that’s true” she chuckled with a shy smile, trying to lighten up the mood, but clearly quite uncomfortable herself at the thought of the awkwardness of that moment.
Her smile did not seem to ease any of Adrian's concerns, though. “No…” he continued, his eyes trained on an invisible point ahead of them. “What I didn’t get was not that guy's behaviour.... it was yours...”.
Ellie shivered upon hearing a sharpness in his voice that she did not recall ever hearing before. She had no clue about what to say. The situation had completely slipped out of her hands at the club, and although she was fully aware of where this had come from, she was not quite sure how to explain it to Adrian. She knew she had to. She knew that she wanted to. But her lips refused to move, her brain frozen by the icy tension that had settled between them as they kept on walking.
“Why did you keep playing his game?”, Adrian could not help but ask, his brow knitted with a mixture of irritation and sheer confusion. “It looked like it didn't bother you much…”.
Adrian’s tone sounded more accusing than he had intended it to be. He could see Ellie’s cheeks redden further, her lips curving up in an embarrassed grin, before she risked looking back up to him with a shy apologetic smile.
“Oh, come on Adrian! You know I’m really bad at telling people off, unless they are being way too inappropriate straight off”, she countered, defensively. “I know I need to learn to be more assertive in these situations, but I’m never really sure at first whether someone is simply being friendly or if they are going to be… flirty”.
Adrian could not help but to chuckle at this. “Ellie… it is Priya’s club. No one in there will approach someone alone at the bar only to be ‘friendly’!”.
She blushed at his remark, fully aware of how naïve she sounded. “Yeah I know… but hope keeps me going!”.
Her innocence and enthusiasm made him smile a little, until she continued, staring at the movement of their feet on the pavement. “It’s just so nice to have random conversations now and then with new people, get to know what else is going on around or outside the city…”.
That sentence made Adrian’s smile drop, stirring something deep in his stomach that he was not quite sure he wanted to acknowledge. Ignoring it to the best of his abilities, he let Ellie continue her attempt at an explanation.
“We only talked about random stuff for a while, really, but gradually… I guess I just got caught in the conversation...”. She could feel her throat tighten as she was trying to find the right words that would best explain how her encounter with that stranger suddenly got a lot more personal.
Her voice was low and uncertain when she finally admitted, “I got curious about his life story and didn't really realise when things started... drifting…”.
Risking a peek at Adrian’s reaction, she could see that he did not seem convinced at all by her justification. His jaw was clenched tight, his eyes fixed ahead of them.
The glimpses of conversation he had overheard at Priya’s were playing on-repeat in his head, and he could not chase these away. Nor make sense of why Ellie would be discussing this with a stranger, out of the blue, in the middle of a random conversation.
His silent reproaches were starting to get to her, and she needed him to respond. React. Shout. Anything. She knew that she had screwed up in there, but did not feel that she deserved the distance that Adrian was now putting between them. He had no idea what that silence was doing to her, while there was so much more to this incident that what appearances were leading him the believe.
They both had things to get out of their chests, but if he was not ready to throw her an olive branch, neither would she. She would take the offensive, pushing his buttons if she had to. Playing dumb if she had to. She had to find a way to make him talk to her, or she would never know if she could admit to him what had been troubling her for so long, and what had let to tonight’s incident.
Her voice brought him back from his silent brooding to their conversation once more, her tone this time more assertive and inquisitive. “I don’t understand why this… tonight... made you so angry though. It’s not like it’s the first time some guy comes to me during one of our nights out, and it’s not like anything even happened with any of them…”.
“I am fully aware of how many times this has happened over the past few months, thank you.”, he snapped coldly, still averting her gaze. “And I hate it every single time.”
His sharpness made her jump a little, but now that she had finally got a reaction from him, she had to keep him going. “And yet you are more pissed about it tonight than ever before. Why?”.
Adrian had to admit it. Tonight was particularly bad. It was her body language, observed from afar, that had bothered him the most. The way she had been smiling at him, laughing at his jokes, or the way she kept tucking her long strands of hair to her side and blushing wildly at times, exposing her neck casually like she would often do with him. And that damn conversation. What the hell was she thinking?
Ellie could nearly see the gears turning in Adrian's head. His fists balled at his sides, knuckles white from the tension that seemed to have pooled there. His buttons were pushed all right. But she was still not getting out of him what she needed to know.
“Why are you so jealous? Don’t you trust me?”, she insisted, stopping in the middle of the pavement to force him to a halt and answer her questions. “Or is it something else that bothers you?”.
Adrian reluctantly stopped, sighting deeply in an attempt at letting his frustration recede before answering her question. Her – of course – very valid question.
Although this was indeed the right question to ask him after this event, the way she was pushing him for a reaction was obvious, and it was starting to feel a little too odd to him. The way tonight's encounter had played was nothing like ordinary, and he was convinced that he had every right to be bothered about it. Yet, she was insisting on knowing the exact detail of what he felt about it. What the hell was this all about? Was she trying to hide something by turning the argument around?
“Of course I trust you...” he finally answered, struggling to sort out the thoughts in his head about this whole damn evening. “It's just... this guy was... you were...”. Adrian could not seem to find the words to express how he felt without risking sounding even more accusing than he had sounded earlier. He had to weigh his words carefully.
“If your previous conversation with him was not flirtatious then… why did he behave like this when I joined you?”, he finally asked bluntly, planting his eyes in hers to try to read into her reaction.
*Finally*, Ellie thought, relieved that he had finally opened the door for her to explain what had been going on in her head tonight. And many other nights before.
But now that she had to put words on it, she felt ridiculous about the whole thing once more. She had not planned any of it. It just happened, and seizing the opportunity had seemed like a good idea at the time. But now that the hurt and confusion in Adrian’s eyes were burning through hers, she felt plain silly. Young and silly. Young, inexperienced, and undoubtedly silly.
She felt her cheeks burn, dropping her eyes to the pavement beneath her feet, embarrassed and unsure anymore how to explain the whole thing. “I don’t know. We got talking a lot about his own experiences as a vampire, although he isn’t as old as you… and I got a little curious about a few things…”
“Things like?”, he encouraged her, still on edge but definitely eager to know the whole truth.
“Well, you’ve seen where that conversation led when you joined us, so you can probably guess…”
Adrian was getting even more confused, unsure if she was telling him that she had wanted to go home with that man – his stomach clenching at the thought -, or if there was actually more to this.
Guessing that this was not clear enough for him, she ventured, finally looking up at him again, with a little more assurance, and a hint of reproach in her voice, “It’s not like you happily talk about your past very much, Adrian… you are always so vague about the things you’ve done, the people you’ve met… the things you liked…”
Ellie’s voice broke into a whisper, obviously afraid to admit out loud what had been really on her mind. She was afraid that voicing her doubts and insecurities would make them even more real. Or worse. That voicing them would made Adrian realise about all the things that she could give him and all the things she could not.
She did not have much experience before Adrian, being only 22, and it had crossed her mind that over centuries, the vampire probably experienced things that were beyond her wildest dreams. Or nightmares. Actually, she kept replaying in her mind something he had once said, just after Lily’s turning, the night she had fallen for him. After telling her about Celia’s death, and how it had been a tipping point for him.
“Decadence… Indulgence… Every vice you can imagine… There were things even I couldn’t fathom before I experienced them”.
Brushing the thoughts away before she could lose the courage to tell him, she cleared her throat and finally let the words escape her wobbly lips, “I just wanted to understand what it was like for you lot, the way you experience and feel things after turning, the way your inhibitions might go away with time... so I thought I could ask a random guy that I’ll never see again to avoid making this awkward by asking Jax or Kamilah... or you”.
She let her words hang in the air, nervously fiddling with her fingers while waiting for Adrian’s reaction. She knew that he had finally pieced things together when she saw his eyes widen and mouth fall slightly open, with something that might have resembled a slight blush suddenly brightening his cheeks.
“Wait…” It was Adrian’s turn to clear his throat, his voice gone croaky from the surprise of this unexpected revelation. “Did you ask this guy for insights into… vampires’ sex life?”.
Ellie simply nodded with a coy smile, the blood rushing once more to her cheeks vividly. She realised how silly it must seem to him, her discussing intimacy like this with a stranger. Not to mention the odd turn their conversation had taken once her questions had got more specific.
Now that he could see the bigger picture, she could give him the last missing piece of this puzzle: “… one thing leading to another, I suppose that he probably read too much into my questions and got the wrong impression... and thought that I was interested in experiencing some of the things I discussed with him… thought that WE would be interested…. hence why he behaved with you... well, the way he did”.
Adrian let out a long sigh of relief, the events of the evening and the awkward turn things had taken finally making much more sense to him.
After quietly sulking from his secluded corner of the club for a good half-hour, watching Ellie casually chat and laugh with this smug stranger, Adrian had decided to intervene after seeing Ellie turn towards him with a shy smile, pointing his position to the other vampire with a trembling finger, which was met by a weirdly appreciative nod from the other vampire as he was eyeing Adrian from the bar. Not sure whether that was her cue for him to come and rescue her, he had quickly excused himself to join them.
But the way they had welcomed him into their conversation was not at all what he had been expecting. The man was nothing but friendly to him – to say the least -, casually carrying on with his very obvious – and pretty explicit – offers to Ellie, while gauging Adrian’s reactions as if expecting his approval. Adrian’s fists were solidly clenched in his pockets, ready to strike at any minute. And he was about to, especially when he realised that not only the stranger was shamelessly hitting on Ellie right in front of him, but that he also just had the audacity to invite Adrian to join them in further activities. The three of them to go back to his place. In that moment, Adrian wanted nothing more than to clear that seductive and mischievous smile of its teeth.
But what stopped him was Ellie’s behaviour during that entire exchange. She was not objecting. She was not trying to bail out. She did not try to step away from the man and signal Adrian to bring her home, as she usually did. No. She was just… blushing wildly, barely able to carry on with the conversation, as she was glancing back and forth between the two men, observing closely their interaction. Adrian could not tell she was embarrassed by the whole situation or… if she was actually flustered by it. The red of her cheeks was in clear contradiction with the pace of her heartbeat, and the excitement and curiosity he could read in her eyes and smell on her skin.
Adrian could not help but to laugh at the recollection of this, now that he was able to piece the events of the night back together, now knowing the context around them.
“Why didn’t you warn me, or interrupt the guy when you realised what he was about to ask of me?”
“I don’t know, I froze....!” Ellie blurted out, a little defensive but fidgeting around like a child, partly relieved at Adrian's reaction to her confession, but also somehow exasperated with herself and the way she had handled it.
Taking comfort in the softness that had now replaced the confusion in Adrian's gaze, she took a moment to take a deep breath and quiet her nerves. Now that he knew, it made it a little easier to admit the whole truth.
“I know I should have tried to stop him but...”, she couldn't help but to smile shyly at the recollection of Adrian's face-to-face encounter with the man, before finally admitting, “I guess I was also a little curious to see how you would react”.
“Did you expect me to react in any other way than punching his face?” Not that he did. But he surely very much wanted to.
“I don’t know, honestly”, Ellie finally answered.
Adrian frowned a little at this, realising that she probably had been thinking about this for a while but had never mentioned it. “So that was a ploy to find out whether I’d accept to invite another man into our bed?”
Ellie shook her head. “Not necessarily to know if you’d accept but... to know if it’d be something you’d like... something that you might have experienced before, and might be missing... that or other things…”.
There it was, that crimson red rushing back to her cheeks. And those doe eyes that were desperately searching in his to know if she had been right all along to worry about such things.
There was so much fragility in her admittance. So much insecurity. But also so much acceptance.
“Ellie...”’ he sighted, finally taking a step towards her to bring her closer, wrapping his arms around her but making sure that she could still read the sincerity of his words into his eyes.
“No matter what I have experienced before, what crazy kinks I have had and might have enjoyed in the past, I am perfectly content with what I have now... with what we have now... just us... please, never think that you are not enough”.
The power of his words made her feel like an invisible weight had been lifted of her chest. She might have floated away with the breeze if it were not for Adrian’s embrace grounding her to his side. Although there would still have more things to discuss to clear this whole mess up, she was so relieved to have finally told him about her insecurities. And so relieved that he seemed to understand why she made that foolish mistake tonight.
She could see the tension lift off Adrian’s shoulders as well, as they kept staring at each other in the middle of the street, slightly swaying in silence as they were taking the time necessary to gather their thoughts after that oh-so-confusing argument.
Not really wanting to break this moment with any more words, but not wanting to let go of her either, Adrian slowly brought one of his hands to her face, caressing the soft skin of her cheek with his thumb as if to dissipate the pink that was still colouring her features. A silent invitation to let go of her concerns, and leave whatever was left of her embarrassment behind.
Cupping her face with both hands carefully, he bent down to press a gentle kiss to her forehead, before slowly proceeding to do the same to her cheeks, methodically, one after the other. Ellie was leaning quietly into his touch, her eyes chasing his between each of his kisses, as if the sight of him was the only thing that could protect her from her doubts and fears. Time seemed to have stopped around them when he finally brushed his lips against hers, taking his sweet time to breath in and let the smell of her flush away the last drops of hurt and jealousy that had been poisoning his veins all night.
Feeling her fingertips dig into the fabric covering his chest in an attempt to get him closer, he finally laid his mouth onto hers completely, as softly as he could, gently capturing her lower lip first, before parting their lips to deepen the kiss and let the taste of each other soothe any lingering doubts in their minds. She was his. He was hers. Nothing else mattered.
They could have stayed like this forever, letting the warmth of their embrace melt their concerns and insecurities away, vaporizing into thin air to be blown away in the breeze.
If it weren’t for the passer-by that inevitably bumped into them while staring at his phone, oblivious to the intimate exchange that he had just interrupted. Adrian and Ellie exchanged a bashful but amused look as the disruption forced their lips to break apart, leaving them both panting and giggling lightly in the middle of the sidewalk.
Adrian reluctantly released his grip around her waist, only to immediately capture her hand in his. “Shall we keep going and head home?”, he offered with a tender smile.
“Yes, please!”, she nodded, her eyes shining with warmth under the streetlights.
Quietly resuming their walk back home hand-in-hand, it was only a few minutes later that Adrian broke the silence, as a thought crossed his mind. There was no more bitterness in his tone, only genuine curiosity – and perhaps a tinge of amusement.
“What would you have done, if I had responded to this guy’s outrageous flirt and had invited him to come home, with us...?”
Ellie gasped, taken aback by his sudden decision to return to the reason of their argument, but relaxing as soon as she saw the reassuring gleam in his eye and the teasing grin pursing his lips.
“I am not sure, really...” she admitted, as much to him and to herself. Although she had been thinking about this for a while, she had never really asked herself whether she would be comfortable with it or not. She had really jumped the gun tonight by letting that conversation slip so far with that stranger.
Adrian could not help but to continue to tease and pry a little, willing to show her that he was open to discuss things openly in the future, but also quite curious to know what she would have done.
“Were you secretly hoping that I would accept his offer?”, he asked, the corners of his mouth quirking up.
“Hell no!” she finally blurted out, chortling at the thought. “I... I probably would have freaked out!”.
Adrian laughed with her at this, taking in fondly the way the pink at returned so quickly to her cheeks at his question, and how her nose had wrinkled as she was trying to figure out what she would have done. He could not resist a final question:
“So… tonight was not a cunning manoeuvre to tell me that YOU wanted us to share our bed with others?”
She turned to him, eyes wide, before bursting into giggles, stopping instantly and blushing even more when she realised that although Adrian was teasing her, he very much wanted to know.
“Absolutely not”, she assured him, stopping him in the middle of the curb once more to press her body against his, her eyes riveted on his.
There was no hesitation in her voice, only sheer resolve and confidence, when she stated firmly: “I don’t want us to invite anyone else in our bed, Adrian Raines. You’re mine. I don’t share”.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tag list:
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salt-warrior · 3 years
Alright folks... it’s time for me to forever shame myself, because I’m publishing a crack fic. I’ve NEVER done that before because I usually just write crack fics for my own enjoyment, but this crack fic was inspired by a post that @impossiblesuitcase wrote. So thank you for that, lovely. Also thank you @cosmicnovaflare for pushing me to write this, I love you always. 
This crack fic is a crossover of three of my own fanfictions. So if you have not red Unsinkable, The Echo of Silence, and The Time it Takes to Fall, then literally none of this will make any sense. All three play vital roles in this story. Seriously, you’ll be in the dark so don’t read it unless you’ve read all of them.
Again, this is a crack fic so it’s even more wildly unrealistic than my other writing. And I am also going to pretend I never wrote it because I am ashamed. The original endings are the real endings in my mind. You have been warned. 
So without further ado, I present you with 6,249 words of crack fic that I wrote in one sitting yesterday instead of doing my homework. Enjoy.
Tags: @shellyseashell @cindersassasin @gingerale2017  @healing-winston-pratt @winterrhayle @just2bubbly @f-r-o-p @idkchatie (I’m only tagging the people who were really angry with Unsinkable because I think a lot of you have read all three of those stories? If not, then sorry for the tag, I love you guys<333)
Until Forever Ends
Before Kai’s father had passed away, he’d told Kai to pursue what he needed to find peace. He’d probably meant something along the lines of falling in love with another girl or switching up his career. Surely he hadn’t intended for his son to look into the mythical sisters of life and death.
It had been a long day, with him first going to his father's funeral, then to see Cinder's gravesite one last time. He hated leaving her there, but he had hope that when they would meet again, he would speak to her and not a marble headstone.
He'd mailed notes to all his friends that morning. To Scarlet and Wolf, Jacin and Winter, and Cress. He'd detailed an adventure across the world that he would be having. After all, his father had left everything he owned to Kai, and he wanted to make the most of living. Of course it was all a fantastic lie; he was traveling the world, and perhaps it would be an adventure, but it was more of a journey than anything else. And he didn't plan on ever coming home.
Because even if he found what he was looking for, he couldn't return to his friends. They wouldn't understand—they couldn't understand.
So he would travel to the ends of the Earth, and he would find her.
Kai sat on a sandy beach, the waves lapping up over his legs, his nostrils filling with the scent of salt. The sky was gray and the air cold, but he could not feel its bitter sting. His clothes were torn ragged and his hair grown long and shaggy. If one were to gaze upon him, they would believe him to be insane. But he did not care. He was on the hunt for the sisters of life and death— and he was close.
It had been months since his father’s funeral; months since he’d left Cinder’s grave back in Arizona. He’d flown across the sea and traveled to lands he hadn’t even known existed. He’d slept under the stars and beneath the blanket of darkness. He’d listened to stories of people who lived their lives over and over in search of love and those who had been played for fools. He’d seen much and learned even more.
He’d heard tales of the two sisters: one life and the other death. They began as whispered fairy tales, told to him by drunkards and fools. But as he investigated further, he discovered that the sisters were real.
They existed throughout all the lands of the world, always under different names. In some lands they were simply Life and Death, while in others they were Angel and Demon or creatures of the Earth. He simply knew them as Light and Darkness. He only hoped to call out to the sister of light and life, not the one of darkness and death.
Throughout all his travels, no one had ever been able to tell him how to call each sister, only that they came to the cries of the brokenhearted who claimed, and fervently meant, that they would do anything to bring their love back to them. It had to be a plea for love that consumed one’s entire soul— but his soul was filled with Cinder, and Cinder alone.
He watched the black sea as it foamed about him. There had been conflicting views as to where one had to be when summoning either of the sisters. Some claimed that the person had to be in the place of their lover’s birth, while others explained that you had to be in the exact place of their final breath. One woman had even claimed that without the body of his dead lover still warm in his arms, he could not bring her back. Kai had shivered at that proclamation, with Cinder dead and in the ground for well over a year.
But there had been one account that had remained etched in his mind. A scholar somewhere in Europe, who had quoted the lines of Edgar Allen Poe’s last poem to Kai.
“And neither the angels of Heaven above
Nor the demons down under the sea
Can ever dissever my soul from the soul
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.”
“The sea would be the best place to call one of the sisters to you,” the scholar had said. “For that is their home. With the Angel above and the Demon below, they will hear your cries.”
So Kai went to the sea.
Slowly the gray sky melded into black, allowing for the stars to dot the emptiness and the moon to shine across the waves with hints of white light. He knew he should have been cold, and perhaps he was, but there was nothing left in him but the aching wish to be with Cinder once more.
“Cinder,” he whispered her name through chapped lips. “My love. I would do anything–” his voice broke off with a sob, tears falling like the spray of the ocean. “Anything,” he reiterated. “To be with you again.”
The waves of the sea began to swirl about him, pulling him off the beach and out into the waves. He screamed as his head dipped below the water, but a bubble of air had formed around him, preventing any wetness from glancing across his skin.
Everything seemed to grow lighter, despite the darkness he had remembered seeing. The waves danced about him in hues of deep purple and foam green. Fish swam around him in a flurry, and even the stars in the sky appeared to stand in closer proximity to himself.
Then everything slowed, and Kai found himself thrown back upon the sandy beach shore. He laid upon the ground, staring at the moon in the sky, which seemed within arms reach. He lifted a hand as if to touch it.
A hand reached out to brush against his fingers, and Kai pulled back. Silhouetted against the moon was the most glorious woman that Kai had ever beheld. There was no beauty comparable to her own. Her skin was dark and lined with gold tracings that resembled the very waves of the sea. She wore a dress of crimson that covered her figure elegantly, and jewelry of gold lined her ears and neck.
“Oh my stars,” she gasped, jumping back from him as she gazed upon his face. “It’s you.”
Kai was too shocked to speak. He dropped his hand back upon his chest as he looked up at her. His eyes mapped the kindness in her face and the confusion in her eyes as she gawked at him. All that he could register was that he was in the presence of an otherworldly being.
At long last her words caught up to his thoughts and puzzlement of his own registered in his mind. “Do we know one another?”
The woman’s face softened, and she shook her head slowly. “No, I suppose we do not. Or at the very least, not in this lifetime; not in this world. I am Light, the sister of life and all things which make life beautiful. For what reason do you weep so?”
Kai’s heart skipped a beat at her words. He pushed himself up so he rested upon his knees before her, looking up at her glorious face. She glowed, as if she were the moon itself, rather than just having it shine behind her.
“My wife,” Kai explained, “Cinder, died. She is gone from this life, and I wish to be with her again. I… I just wish to be with her again.”
“You are a fool to call down a deity on purpose. You could have just as easily received my sister,” Light exclaimed, though there was a certain sorrow hidden behind her gaze. “But you have been shadowed with luck upon this day. I can sense your pain, and the both of us know that you could call upon me only if your very soul screamed for your love and your love alone.
“I do not often grant requests of such a sort, unlike my sister, who joys in tricking lovers to be her slaves for all eternity. I find that traveling into the next world is the best option— that waiting for Darkness to collect you and transfer your soul fresh and new into another world is the best way to go.” She stopped speaking, then fell to her knees so she and Kai were at eye-level with one another. “But I have met your soul in another world— one where it knew only pain. I have met many creatures of the Earth through my eons of serving them. I aid those in all the universes known alongside my sister. But in all that time I have never stumbled upon the same man twice.
“And it is for that reason that I shall grant you your request,” Light said, touching her fingers against Kai’s cheek. She winced as she wiped the tears from his face.
Kai couldn’t breath, unable to process the words she was speaking to him. He would be with Cinder once more— she would be returned to him. All would be right in the world once more.
“However, I cannot reunite you with the girl you knew in this world,” Light explained with a sigh. “With your love gone for over a year, that piece of her soul has already passed into a new universe— it has been wiped of all her joy and all her sorrows. That piece of Cinder now abides somewhere else.”
Within an instant, Kai felt his world crumble into a thousand pieces. He hated himself for believing that it had been possible— that he could be with Cinder once more. But he was too late; he had waited too long. Now he would have to live the rest of this wretched life without her and hope to meet her in another universe.
“Do not fret, dear child,” Light chided, smoothing the hair back from his face in a motherly fashion. “For there is hope yet.”
“There is?” Kai asked.
“Yes; for while that fraction of Cinder that you know has vanished into another world, her soul still resides in other universes. You see, the soul lives thousands of lives, all in different realities. For it is not one solid being, it is an entity that never ceases to exist, and can exist in more than one place at once. The only problem being that the more time it spends in one universe, the more corrupt and destroyed it becomes. If your soul could recall other realities, you would understand of what I speak, for this was the exact circumstance under which we last met.”
Kai nodded along, pretending that he had even the faintest idea of what she was speaking of. She let out a great exasperated sigh, shaking her head. Light dropped her hand from his face and got to her feet.
“Your mortal mind cannot begin to comprehend the meaning of eternity. For while you shall live forever, you will not know it. There is a block upon your soul to cause you to forget; that is why it pains man so much to try and imagine living for forever.
“But that does not matter now. For when you are dead, your soul shall endure cleansing once more and be whisked off into another life in which you shall live and love and die again. Exhausting, isn’t it?”
Kai stared blankly, completely at a loss for words.
Light looked down upon him, stars shining in her eyes. “Dear child, there is another world in which your dearest love lived with you, but you were taken from her. Her soul aches for you in the way that yours aches for hers. I have never before transferred a soul to a different reality without death occurring first, but I have also never stumbled upon the same soul twice. Yours is a soul filled with more love and loss than any other I have come to know. So upon this night I shall reunite you with your love.”
The ocean began to swirl about them once more, pulling Kai into its great depths, but this time he did not scream. Light began to rise into the air, her arms spread wide as if to cup the moon above her hair. The wind howled, twisting the coils of her black hair about her face and the crimson swathes of fabric about her body. She was a glorious arrayment of red and gold and shining light.
Above the wind, Light shouted in a tongue lost to mortals, for it was the language of the first of mankind, and it had been forgotten. The sea continued to spin around Kai, fish of every color swimming about him. He was in the eye of an oceanic tornado.
Still Light rose higher into the air, pulling her crashing waves about her as she ascended toward the moon. All that Kai could see were the many sea creatures and the luminous goddess above him, growing brighter every moment.
A high-pitched scream filled his ears, though it was not a human one. It blocked out the sound of the waves and the echoing chants of Light above him. It filled his very being as the blinding light penetrated his soul.
And just as he wondered if this would be the destruction of his very soul, everything went black.
Kai awoke to the roar of the ocean, and felt an instant rush of cold tear through his body. His mind flashed with the memories of calling Light to him and begging her to send him to a life in which Cinder lived. He could recall the overwhelming light that had surrounded him, and the screaming that blocked out all other thoughts as the goddess rose above him in a tornado of the sea.
He pushed himself up and stared out at the waves. It was bright— the middle of the day by his reckoning— and warm. People stood in the ocean waves wearing an odd assortment of clothes rather than bathing suits. Or at least, they weren’t the kind of bathing suits that Kai knew.
A few people stared at him with quizzical looks, though Kai couldn’t deny that he probably deserved them. He wasn’t sure how long he had been laying upon the beach, though he was almost certain it had been some time.
“Are you alright, mister?” A kid asked, looking down at Kai. His cheeks were pink from sunburn, though it wasn’t particularly hot out.
“Yeah,” Kai said, getting to his feet and dusting off his jeans. The boy watched him warily. “Hey kid, what day is it?”
“December second,” the boy replied.
“And,” Kai scratched behind his ear. "What’s the year?”
The boy gawked at him for a moment, as if he thought Kai were either very dumb or very strange. “1912,” he said the year slowly, his slightly syrupy accent not helping. “What year did you reckon it to be?”
“I don’t know.” Kai glanced around, trying to gauge the situation. He didn’t know much about 1912. Actually, he knew nothing about it other than it was a couple years before World War I broke out. “Hey kid, where are we?”
The child, who couldn’t have been older than ten gave him an incredulous stare, then glanced over his shoulder, as if to check for his mother. “Savannah, sir,” he said.
“Georgia, sir,” the kid said, taking a couple steps back from Kai.
“Okay.” Kai sucked in a breath between his teeth, trying to think of what to do next. He was beginning to panic, for he did not know where to find Cinder in this different time and place. He didn’t even know if her name was Cinder, or even Selene.
“Hey kid?” Kai asked, glancing back down to talk to the boy, but he was running toward a woman glaring daggers at Kai.
Releasing a sigh, Kai walked away from the beach and toward the bustling town. People shot glares at him as he walked down the streets. He wasn’t exactly dressed in the way a normal twenty-first century guy would be, but his jeans and shredded red t-shirt didn’t fit in with the people surrounding him either. But there wasn’t a thing he could do about it; he had no money and no connections. He was alone in a world that did not belong to him. He couldn’t even be certain that Georgia meant the same thing to these people as it did him.
He was beginning to wonder if perhaps this was all some ridiculous dream, and whether or not he would wake up soon. But he’d thought that a lot over the past year, praying to whatever being that saw over mankind that Cinder wasn’t dead— that he wasn’t alone. That he could be with his wife once more.
And then he saw her.
Her hair was longer than she’d ever worn it in his reality, nearly reaching her waist, and she wore a pale pink dress that fell well past her knees. But if those details were strange, it was nothing in comparison to the buggy she was pushing in front of her. Kai felt his stomach drop. Was she married to another man? Had she chosen Thorne in this reality instead of him?
Panic gripped him, but before he could run and hide in an alleyway, she glanced up and right at his face. Her eyes widened with shock, then joy, then fear. It was that last look that made his heart ache. He had known Cinder for seven years, but never had she looked at him in such a way.
She sunk to her knees, hands gripping the front of the stroller. “Kai,” she breathed, staring at him now with absolute horror. A tear traced down her cheek and fell to the concrete like a single drop of rain. The pain on her face ripped through his body— he could not stand to watch her suffer so.
He rushed to her side, kneeling down upon the ground beside her, much like Light had done with him the night before, or whenever it was that he had spoken with the goddess. She shook as he brushed her hair from her face and cupped her cheek with his hand. “Cinder,” he whispered, voice low. “I know that this is confusing and frightening, but I need to talk with you. I have things to explain.”
“But you’re dead,” she sobbed, turning her face away from his and shutting her eyes tight. “You didn’t make it off the ship alive. They told me you drowned. They told me you were dead. You’re dead. You’re just a figment of my imagination. You can’t be real.”
“Cinder,” Kai hushed, glancing around them. There were people walking past them, staring with curious eyes, but none of them looked nervous for Cinder’s sake. “Cinder, I know that I’m dead here. And I know that my explanation for my being here might not make any sense, but I need to speak with you in private. I can explain everything. I will explain everything. I just need for us to go somewhere where we can’t be overheard.”
She opened her eyes and the look of absolute shame in her eyes caused his heart to stop. Tears traced down her cheeks in abundance; Kai had never known Cinder to cry in such a way. He worried that she would say no— that she had moved on. That his coming here was a burden upon her. But slowly, she nodded her head.
They went to a park just down the street from the beach. It was run-down, with a sad swing set of splintering seats and an abandoned jungle gym. There were no children around, or even any people for that matter, a fact that Kai found almost strange. Though at his inquisitive look, Cinder simply looked away from him.
She led him to a park table that sat somewhat lopsided but was sturdy all the same. She parked the buggy beside her, drawing the cover up so it shielded whatever was inside.
Kai took a seat across from her, bouncing his legs with nerves as he watched her and she looked away. He didn’t understand why she was acting in such a way. He hadn’t had much time to think of how he expected her to react to him appearing to her out of nowhere, but it definitely hadn’t been this. Confusion, yes. But this show of shame was frightening.
“Cinder,” Kai said, tilting his head in an attempt to get her to look at him. “Cinder, what’s the matter?”
She inhaled deeply, a great shuddering breath. Then finally, she looked at him. Her eyes were red and her cheeks puffy. But despite the remorse coloring her features, she was still his Cinder. She was the girl that he had met at ASU his Junior year in college. She was the girl he had fallen in love with.
“They told me that you died,” she whispered. “I-I–”
“Alright,” Kai cut in, not wanting her to believe that she had insulted his memory in any way. After all, he was dead in this reality. He did not wish for her to believe that anything she had done after his death was wrong. “Sorry, love, I really don’t mean to cause you any harm. I just– I don’t know how to explain what I’m about to tell you.” Somehow his words came out slow and calm, though he felt rather as if he were about to explode. “But I need to tell you something, and I only ask that you listen to the entirety of my story because it might sound somewhat preposterous.”
She nodded her head slowly, tears wiping at her eyes.
Kai told their story, starting from the day he had met her back when she still lived with her step-sister. He explained that he had loved her for five years in silence before finally proclaiming his love for her when she’d explained that she’d never been in love before. He told her how they had gotten married only three months later and lived two years together happily before she’d died in a dreadful car accident.
She listened silently, her tears drying and her eyes hardening and he explained how Thorne had been in love with her and how Kai had gotten into a fight with both him and her father. She never once interrupted him, even as he explained his months of mourning, then his months of searching for a way to conjure one of the sisters of life and death.
It was only when he told her of how Light had appeared to him on the beach and brought him to her world through an oceanic tornado filled with moonlight that she chose to interrupt.
“What?” She hissed, tilting her head at him in that I-don’t-believe-a-single-word-coming-out-of-your-mouth sort of a way. If she had been the Cinder of his universe, he knew that she would have asked him how high he was.
“I know it sounds ridiculous,” Kai said, “but you have to believe me. I know that I don’t belong here— that I’m not meant to live in this world. But before you died you told me that you believe in soulmates. That you thought that every person had another half. You told me when we got together that you could feel that it was right— that it was a whisper in your ear that it was me. And I didn’t believe in soulmates then, but I do now. My soul loves your soul. It has loved it in universes that I don’t even know of, but it adored you all the same. My love for you will never die, no matter how many times I die myself. You are the only one that I will ever love. I cannot help it. My soul cannot think to love another so long as it knows you.”
“But this doesn’t make any sense,” Cinder whispered, her guards coming down. “Even if you were from another universe and you loved me there, I assure you that you would not care for me in this one. Not after what I’ve done to you.”
“Did you kill me?” Kai asked, half curious and half terrified.
Cinder let out a slight, hiccupping laugh. Kai did not feel at ease.
“Cinder,” Kai said, growing serious once more. “I don’t know what happened here— what happened to me— but I know that no matter where we are in the space-time continuum, my soul will always love yours. But if you wish me to leave you, I will.” His mouth went dry with the words, but he meant them. No matter how much it hurt to be parted from her, he would do what she asked of him.
“I’m married,” Cinder blurted out. “After you died, I married Carswell. We were engaged to be married before I eloped with you in London, but when I came back and you were dead, Kingsley thought that it would be the best option. That it would be better for everyone, especially the–”
She buried her face in her hands, but all Kai could think of was that she had married Carswell Thorne— her best friend in his world. The one who had told her that he was in love with her the day that she died. The Carswell that had fought with him at Scarlet and Wolf’s house. His blood boiled with rage, though not with Cinder. She had done what she had to to survive. But Thorne— he would have gladly hit him again.
Kai sucked in a breath and returned his thoughts to the more pressing matters. He had no clue what had happened to him in this life. For all he knew, Carswell Thorne had killed him and forced Cinder to be his bride. Maybe that’s how things had worked back then. Kai was no history major, but he knew that honor was often important to people. Perhaps there had even been a duel.
“What happened to me?” Kai asked, his voice soft. “How did I die in this life?”
Cinder drew her hands down from her face, but kept her eyes averted from him as she said, “You drowned. We were on the Titanic–”
“The Titanic?” Kai interjected, with a gasp. “Like Jack and Rose?”
“I– I don’t know,” Cinder said, furrowing her brow. “But we were sailing home and the ship– the ship sank. You forced me onto a lifeboat even though I said I wanted to stay with you.” She glared at him. “And you went down with the ship. You drowned. Or froze. I do not know, I wasn’t there with you when you passed from this life and onto the next. But you left me.”
“Oh,” Kai whispered. His body deflated. “I’m sorry.”
“You should be sorry,” Cinder sneered, then she shook her head. “No. No, you were just doing what you thought was the right thing. You saved me. And you saved–” She shut her eyes again, then finally reached out toward the buggy and pulled back the top to uncover what lay inside.
Oh course Kai knew what strollers were for, but before that moment he hadn’t really considered that there would be a child inside— at the very least, not her child. His child.
But it was his child. He could tell just by looking at the small infant that he was both Cinder and Kai mixed together. He was still young, but no longer a newborn. Great black tufts of hair rested on his head, and when he opened his eyes— Kai let out a gasp. They were exactly his own.
Cinder rocked the child back and forth, running his finger over its face in a soft, motherly way that made Kai’s very soul ache. They’d had a child together, and Kai hadn’t gotten to be there. It didn’t even particularly matter to him that it wasn’t exactly his child. He should have been there, but he wasn’t. He hadn’t been there for Cinder or their baby. He had abandoned them.
“I’m so sorry,” Kai blurted, devastation seeming to carve his heart out of his body. “Cinder,” Kai sobbed, his eyes stinging with tears. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I– I did abandon you. I’m so terribly sorry.”
“Shhh,” Cinder hushed, reaching a hand across the table and laying it over Kai’s. She looked startled. “Kai–” she started, then shook her head. “Kai, I’m mad at you, or him, or– I don’t even know. I’m mad that you saved me when you didn’t save yourself. But I will never be mad that you saved him.”
Kai stared down at her hand on his and saw the tracery of an old burn. It wasn’t as severe as the one she had had in his universe, but it was still there.
Cinder seemed to realize herself and pulled back. She bit her lip and stared down at the baby, brow furrowed.
“I named him after you,” she whispered after a time.
Kai opened his mouth as if to say something, but nothing came out.
“Kaito Rikan Prince,” Cinder continued, not looking at him. “I just– I saw him, and I knew who he was. It didn’t matter that my mother thought that he should have my grandfather’s name or that Kingsley thought he should be named after himself.” She made a face at that. “I knew that he should have the name of his father and his grandfather because they had helped to save his life.
“But now that you’re here, I– I don’t really know if that fits. It would be confusing to have two Kai’s around. But Rikan— I don’t know. I think that perhaps he could be a Rikan.”
“Uh-huh,” Kai breathed, still reeling.
Cinder looked up at him, her eyes softening. “I still don’t understand everything that happened, and in all honesty, I don’t believe you understand it all either.”
“But,” Cinder continued, closing one eye as if she were cringing at herself. “I know that every night for the past eight months I have cried for the pain of missing you so. I know that you have never left my thoughts for even an instant, both in waking and in sleep. I know that my soul loves yours, and while I do not know how long it has cared for you, I know that it always will.
“I know you’re not the you that I knew, but you also are. You’re my Kai, and not just because you look and sound like him. You watch me with that same careful way, and your laugh is the same. And strangest of all, you calm my very soul. It’s as if it knows that it’s you.
“I don’t know if you still want me,” Cinder swallowed, “after all that I’ve done. But please believe me when I say that I do not love Carswell— he is my dear friend and nothing more— and he does not love me in return. Not in this life.” She looked down at her child— their child— and smiled wistfully. “But if you do still wish to be with me, if your heart can still love me in spite of my most grievous offenses, then I will run away with you once more.” She grinned at this, the way one did when a happy memory was stirred in their conscience.
“You… You want me?” Kai asked, breathless.
Cinder looked up at him, her eyes wide. “I will always want you, Kai. No matter the time or place, I will always desire you to be by my side. Always.”
Kai watched her, his eyes searching hers for any falsities; he found none. Slowly, a smile spread across his face.
They were staring at one another, eyes that had not gazed upon the other in far too long. They were poisoned souls standing before their long sought-after cure. But now that they had found one another, neither knew what to do.
Hesitantly, Kai stood and walked over to the other side of the table. He sat close enough to touch her, though he did not. He simply stared at her, wordlessly, and she stared back.
“Kai,” Cinder whispered, breathless. She still held the infant in her arms, but he had fallen fast asleep. “Kai, I–”
“I know,” he chuckled, leaning in close to her. They were both inclining toward the other, as if through a magnetic pull. He could feel her breath as their faces rested inches apart. Neither moved in, both too scared of what would happen next.
Then Cinder muttered his name, and Kai closed the gap between them.
She let out a little gasp, as if surprised. But she kissed him back, and it was as if she had never left him— as if the past year had not happened, and they had been together all the while. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek, his fingers brushing back stray strands of hair.
They broke apart, both flushed but smiling all the same. Kai couldn’t stop staring at her, and reveling in the fact that he had found her. They were together once more. She wanted him.
After a time of shared smiles and conversations about the other’s universe, Cinder asked Kai if he wanted to hold the child, and he accepted happily. And when the baby rested in his arms, tears slipped from his eyes as love overtook his soul. He’d thought about him and Cinder having kids many times during their marriage, though they’d never quite been ready for it. It didn’t even matter that this child belonged to the Kai of this world and not to him— he loved him all the same.
They made plans for what they would do— how they would leave this place and start a new life together. Cinder would pack her belongings and they would take a train to the west. She had all her money from her dowry, and the Prince estates had been left in her name after the deaths of both Prince men.
When they parted, it was a sweet farewell, filled with promises to see the other soon, for they would never abandon the other again.
Kai leaned back into the couch, careful not to disturb baby Rikan as he slept. He adored the feeling of holding the small child in his arms and his small stirrings in his sleep. Even the little sounds he made caused for his heart to melt.
“Hey Kai,” Cinder called, walking into the room. He shushed her, nodding his head down toward the sleeping baby, though there wasn’t much worry. Rikan was a heavy sleeper. “Oh, sorry, Ri,” she whispered, tip-toeing over to the pair of them and settling herself down beside Kai.
She grabbed a quilt from beside the couch and laid it over hers and Kai’s laps. Then she settled her head on Kai’s shoulder. She reached her hand up to rest under Kai’s, smiling as she looked down at their baby.
They had left Georgia the same day that they had met one another there, randomly deciding to take the train to Colorado. It had been a somewhat frightening journey, with both of them worrying whether or not someone would come after them, but so far, no one had. They’d been settled into their apartment for over three weeks, happy and together at last.
There were still many things that they both didn’t understand, about one another and the situation. But at the end of the day, they were Cinder and Kai— even if Cinder was still confused about the fact that Kai’s last name was Crown and not Prince, though she did claim it was growing on her.
“I love this,” Cinder said, brushing the black tufts of Rikan’s hair. “It feels right, you know?”
“For so long I felt a dreadful emptiness within me, and while there’s still a sadness for what I’ve lost, it's not as great. It’s manageable.”
“I know what you mean.” Kai kissed the top of her head. “We’re different, but the same at the same time. It’s different, but it’s also… just us. We’re still us.”
“We’re still us,” Cinder echoed, letting out a sigh.
There were so many things in Kai’s life that didn’t make sense, but it had been that way even before he’d entered into an alternate universe. He hadn’t understood why Thorne had proclaimed his love for Cinder, or why Chandler Blackburn hadn’t been able to love his daughter. Even his own crushing grief had been confusing at times. And while this world was different in customs and manners and the ways in which society functioned, none of that mattered. For so long as he was with Cinder, all of it was okay.
“I love you,” Kai whispered.
“And I love you,” Cinder said. “And I’ll love you so long as my soul survives, for you’re the only one, Kai. You’re the only one I shall ever truly love.”
“And you are the only one for me as well.” Kai grinned. “And I will love you for forever and ever. No,"  Kai said, his eyes searching hers and seeing only Cinder. "I will love you until forever ends.”
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riversofmars · 3 years
Could you do a story where Thirteen bumps into the tenth doctor and Donna and thirteen pretends that she's not the doctor but then post-library river comes along and causes mischief please? Also I REALLY love your fics, especially The Oncoming Storm! Yours were the first fanfics I read and they're one of the few I like (I'm picky) so thanks for doing such brilliant stories!
Aww thank you so much, that’s very kind of you to say!! Sorry this took a little while longer, hope the wait was worth it! Turned out a bit longer than expected. Hope it sort of fits the brief lol! Really hope you like it!
Rating: G
Ship: Ten/River, Thirteen/River
Word count: 2400
Read on AO3 or below
River Song Has Been Saved
“Hang on a minute, Doctor.“ Donna walked back over to the TARDIS doors after the Doctor had closed them with a snap of his fingers. She thought she’d seen something, just as the doors had closed.
“What’s wrong?“ The Doctor frowned and followed her, both sticking their heads out.
“Oi, lady!“ Donna called stopping a young woman that had just strolled past the TARDIS and was heading back deeper into the Library. Everyone was supposed to be evacuated by now.
“Sorry?“ The woman looked around, blonde hair framing soft features and big eyes. She looked to them as if she hadn’t expected them to be there.
“You can’t go in there.“ The Doctor gestured to the door that lead further into the Library as they stepped out of the TARDIS again. Only a moment longer and they would have taken off and missed her sneaking in here.
“Ahh… so close. Just a bit too early, wasn’t I, hate it when I do that…“ The blonde said to herself more than anything else.
“Did you just come here? The planet has been sealed off for a hundred years, how did you…“ The Doctor frowned, confused as to how she’d got in.
“Yeah, been meaning to check it out.“ The woman grinned. “The hair is magnificent, isn’t it.“ She eyed the Doctor up who looked back at her utterly bewildered. There was something familiar about her.
“Do I know you?“ He asked.
“No absolutely not, never mind me, I’m sure you got important things to do, so.“ She gave a little wave, intend on heading off.
“You can’t go in there, we’re evacuating the planet.“ Donna backed up the Doctor.
“I know, you have a nice day now.“ The woman grinned.
“Sorry, I can’t let you do that.“ The Doctor was quick to overtake her and step in her way. “This place is gonna get swallowed up by flesh eating darkness soon, you might want to head out not in?“
“I got to check something out of the library, I’ll only be a minute.“ She waved off his warning and tried to push past him. “And like you say, the window of opportunity is closing, so, you should probably leave this place yourselves…“
“And you can’t find your book any other place?“ Donna asked dumbfounded.
“One of a kind, sorry, got to run.“ The blonde replied with a grin pushing past him.
“Alright, have a nice day as well.“ The Doctor let her pass.
“Thanks!“ She grinned and sprinted off.
“Doctor, you're not just gonna let her go, are you?“ Donna asked thoroughly confused watching her leave.
“Not a chance. Just giving her a head start.“ The Doctor winked and they headed after her, careful not to be spotted. They took cover behind some tables in the main area as the blonde headed straight for a computer terminal.
“That was close, stupid box, always with the timing…“  She was mumbling to herself. “Couldn’t have hung on two minutes…“ Without further ado, she started pulling some sort of electrical equipment from the pockets of her impressive coat. There were a lot of parts to it and Donna couldn’t believe it all somehow fit into her pockets. They watched her as she hooked up the equipment to the computer.
“What is she doing?“ Donna whispered to the Doctor who shrugged.
“I’m more concerned with who she is… whatever she is doing, that’s complicated tech…“ He mused, watching in fascination as she continued her work.
“Ouch… alright then.“ The blonde pulled her hands away as she seemed to have gotten an electric shock. She stood and engaged the computer terminal. “CAL, hi, sorry, I know, bit confusing, different face.“ She started talking to the computer and the Doctor and Donna exchanged concerned looks. How did she know about CAL? What she was saying was making very little sense to them without the second half of the conversation. They couldn’t make out what CAL responded. “Just popping in to get what’s mine, alright? Don’t freak out, it’s really me. Can you put her on?“ There was a moment of silence. Neither Donna nor the Doctor said anything but there were only very few people she should be looking to talk to on that computer. This was about to get even more investing than the whole experience had been already. “Hello Sweetie. Surprise! This is gonna be great, you’re gonna love this, had Dorium track it down for me, took a while but here we are.“ The woman sounded thoroughly excited. “Get you coat, honey, let’s see if it works.“ She took a step backwards and pulled something from her coat pocket, pointing it at the computer. Sparks flew and the mechanism engaged.
“Can’t have come cheap, that.“
“Dorium Maldovar is known drive a hard bargain, she must be a hacker or criminal of some kind to have those kinds of ties.“ The Doctor mused, trying to make sense of what they were picking up.
“Perhaps Dorium just owes her a favour…“
“Dorium doesn’t do favours.“ He huffed. It was a ridiculous notion.
“He will.“
“Doctor.“ Donna touched her hand to his arm.
“Shush, Donna, I don’t want to lose the element of surprise.“ He kept his eyes firmly on the woman in the middle of the room who was looking around now, apparently waiting to see if whatever she had tried to do had worked.
“Doctor.“ Donna repeated.
“How much longer until he notices, you think?“
“Doctor?!“ Donna grabbed the Doctor by the shoulder and pulled him around.
“Donna, what?!“ He growled but stopped dead in his tacks when he found River Song standing behind them. He had been having a conversation with her without even realising it. She was dressed in a white flowing dress, a stark contrast to the environmental suit he’d only seen her in, and a grinned spread across her beautiful features.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ She chuckled.
“Oh my God, River, what, how…“ The Doctor couldn’t find words.
“Well, Sweetie, what do you think?“ River grinned at the Doctor.
“Of what?“ He was still in shock. He had watched her die only hours ago, he had managed to somehow, miraculously save her consciousness and now suddenly she was here again? “How did you get out of the computer? What did she do?“
“Some sort of teleport I believe, but like a really clever 3D printer, materialise the body, download the consciousness, boom, brand new wife.“ River explained, enjoying the dumbfound expression on both their faces.
“River!!“ The blonde had finally spotted her and River waved to her.
“Speaking of wife…“ River smirked and the Doctor exclaimed:
“Wife?! I thought you and me, we…“ He looked around to the woman heading straight for them, feeling a wave of jealousy. He knew he’d technically only met River today but he knew how important she would become to him.
“We are.“ River chuckled giving his an amused smirk: “But you know, you can’t talk, all I’m gonna say is: Elizabeth I… so…“ She couldn’t carry on as the blonde rushed around the counter and threw herself at River who pulled her close and twirled her around.
“River.“ The mystery woman took her face in her hands, tears welling up in her eyes, clearly overcome with emotion.
“Hello, Sweetie.“ River smiled the softest of smiles and leaned in to kiss her.
“Sooo… how do you feel about this?“ Donna looked to the Doctor, feeling like they were intruding on a private moment. “You think we should go, or…“ She could tell from the annoyed expression on the Doctor’s face, however, that he had no intention of just leaving it be. He pulled himself up to full height and cleared his throat.
“Okay, so thank you for saving my future…“
“Wife.“ River helpfully supplied the word as they stopped kissing and just held each other close.
“Whatever she is. But who are you?“ He jabbed his finger at the blonde.
“You haven’t figured it out yet?“ The woman let go of River, seemingly reluctantly, and turned to face him. She kept her hand intertwined with River’s.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m really happy River isn’t dead but my future self spent a lot of time thinking about how to save her and then you just waltz in here having to do one better?“ The Doctor crossed his arms in front of his chest.
“Well, sadly, you’ll not remember that I came here.“ The woman replied.  
“What?“ Donna was utterly confused now.
“Why not?“ The Doctor demanded to know, unsure whether or not that was supposed to be a threat.
“God, you’re slow. Did I give you a concussion when I knocked you out?“ River raised her eyebrows playfully.
“Maybe it’s cause of the hair spray…“ The blonde mused.
“I don’t use…“ The Doctor was going to protest but River had already changed directions:
“Don’t tell me you’re not using hairspray now.“ She ran her hand through the other woman’s blonde bob.
“Naturally falls like that, thank you very much.“ She huffed in response. “Regeneration is a lottery as you should know by now.“
“Are you a timelord?!“ The Doctor exclaimed, not sure how to interpret the statement.
“Yes.“ The blonde replied in amusement.  
“But I thought I was the last…“ The Doctor stared back at her in shock.
“Yes, which makes me…“
“You can’t be.“ He shook his head.
“Yes I am the…“ The blonde started but the didn’t allow her to finish.
“You can’t be the Master, he…“
“So close.“ The mystery woman sighed hanging her head theatrically.
“It’s like watching one of those dumb and dumber movies, isn’t it.“ River chuckled to Donna who had long given up trying to follow.
“Hang on!“ The Doctor exclaimed as the penny dropped.
“Yes, crossing time streams, you won’t remember this because you are crossing your own time stream right now! I am you.“ The blonde Doctor sighed, she couldn’t believe she had to spell it out for him like that.
“Pretty boy and pretty girl.“ Donna found herself chuckling almost involuntarily.
“Aren’t they?“ River agreed with a smirk. “The mind races.“
“River. Shut up!“ The Doctor chanted in unison.
“But you’re short!“ The younger Doctor groaned in annoyance as he looked her up and down.
“I am actually rather average height, as it happens! Why does everyone call me small?!“ The older Doctor huffed. “Did I really use to be so obsessed with my height?!“
“Size isn’t everything, darling.“ River pipped up.
“Still not ginger then.“ The younger Doctor carried on.
“None of the next four, no.“ She replied with a shrug.  
“Four more regenerations and only now did you work out how to save her?“ He exclaimed looking to River.
“I actually gave her the screwdriver last time we met, thank you very much. One step at a time.“ The older Doctor huffed and turned to her wife: “I booked that suite on Darillium again, by the way, for a few nights, just, you know, if you haven’t got any other plans.“
“Well, this is going to be a whole new experience.“ River smirked looking her up and down. This was the first she was seeing of her spouse’s most recent regeneration and she was beyond intrigued.
“Like it?“ The blonde Doctor asked with a little smirk and River grinned:
“Love it.“
“I don’t like her. Do you like her?“ The younger Doctor turned to Donna, just as his future self pulled their wife in for another kiss.
“Are you jealous of yourself?“ Donna teased and he gave her a playful shove.
“So you’re really him? Just older?“ Donna turned to the future Doctor, still struggling to believe that they were the same person. She knew what regeneration meant but it wasn’t like she’d ever seen the result of one.
“Different face, same dumbass.“ The Doctor retorted with a grin.
“Well done for saving her, Doctor.“ Donna smiled as they looked to River who said her goodbyes to the younger Doctor at present. “She really needed you, this version of you.“ Donna thought back to how devastated River had been at the total lack of recognition on the Doctor’s part. She had missed her Doctor so very much.
“I know. I remember.“ The Doctor gave a sad sort of smile as she thought back to when she had first met River, remembering the pain and sorrow in her eyes. “Donna, I can’t know, you know. You can’t tell me, else I might not get here, details my change and a paradox will be created if I know River lived.“ The Doctor turned to her to explain and Donna nodded slowly, they had mentioned it on the way back to the TARDIS already. This Doctor’s TARDIS was parked right behind their’s where they hadn’t been able to spot it as they got out. “Just be there for him. He’s already struggling, even if he doesn’t show it, even if he doesn’t know her yet, he still knows what and who he’s lost.“ The Doctor tried her best to explain to her what was going on in her younger self’s head.
“How long as it been for you? Since she died. How long have had to carry that with you?“ Donna asked taking her hand comfortingly.
“Some questions are better left unanswered.“ The Doctor shook her head and smiled. “It was good to see you, Donna.“ She pulled her into a hug.
“It was good to meet you, this version of you.“ Donna smiled and let her go, just as River and the other Doctor joined them.
“Well done, Doctor.“ The younger Doctor smiled and extended his hand to her.
“You too, Doctor.“ The blonde smile in return and shook his hand.
“You sure you don’t want to come in for a cup of tea, or…“ River suggested pointing to the TARDIS:
“Down, girl.“ The older Doctor smirked and took her hand in hers.
“You’ll be seeing me again soon, Doctor.“ River smiled at the younger Doctor who grinned:
“I look forward to it.“
“No telling.“ The older Doctor reminded Donna who nodded and smiled:
“My lips are sealed.“
“Now about that suite.“ River smirked at her wife as they turned to their TARDIS.
“Think the TARDIS bedroom will do for now, don’t you?“ The Doctor chuckled as she unlocked the door.
“Bedroom, kitchen, console room, wardrobe hall…“ River smirked and pulled her inside.
“Good for you, Doctor, so you’re not an eternal virgin then.“ Donna teased pulling her Doctor along to their TARDIS before he could get any more jealous.
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